Value Engineering Application in Highway Projects
Value Engineering Application in Highway Projects
Value Engineering Application in Highway Projects
Abstract: Problem statement: Each year, a major part of revenues spent on Investing in sector
development plans and State infrastructures filled with clear reduce costs and done on time Projects
leading to high savings budget plans executive and will be return on Investment. Approach: On
transportation projects, Value Engineering (VE) teamwork by involving construction, design and
maintenance staff review the construction project features and look for ways to improve quality,
control costs and time. Also this study briefly described VE and quality, cost schedule planning,
application of VE, cost parameters, relationship of value, function, cost and worth. Results: VE,
highway construction was survived and opportunities for better, less expensive means of completing
the construction projects were analyzed. The intention is to progress project quality and productivity,
foster innovation, optimize design elements, also ensure overall economical costs. Conclusion: This
study achieved to the model Value Engineering in Highway Construction (VEHC) which cause
decrease time, decrease cost and increase quality in highway it has been.
Improving the value engineering process: VE is a The scheme with the highest value or value index
structured problem solving process based on function should be selected as the optimal scheme. The general
analysis to improve the value of a system. Value is programs applying value engineering to evaluate the
defined by a ratio of function to cost and consequently schemes include identifying research object, object
it can be increased by either improving the function or functions analysis, object cost analysis, scheme
reducing the cost. The VE study is normally conducted evaluation and analysis (Jiayou and Yanxin, 2009).
by team of members of multi-disciplinary experience
and expertise. First, the VE team establishes the Relating quality and value: Relating qualities to value
functional relationships in a system through a “how- judgments the industry needs clear definitions of
why” questioning technique. Then, the VE team qualities, quality, value and values. It has been
develops a matrix of the various functions of the system suggested here that values should follow Kohler’s
against their associated costs. The value of the system is definition, i.e., they are the beliefs of the project team,
maximized by an optimal tradeoff between the whilst qualities should represent physical or functional
functions and their associated costs. In the context of product attributes.
construction, the objective of the VE study is to achieve Quality should be treated as an objective
the necessary functions with the lowest project life assessment of the qualities in relation to the project’s
cycle cost. This may be done through the use of new values. Value, if treated subjectively, is a judgment by
material, creative design, simplified construction an individual about a product or a service, framed by
process, innovative construction method, reduced their values. An objective assessment requires the
construction cost and time, improved construction evaluation and comparison of benefits and sacrifices,
quality and safety, and minimal environmental impacts. with appropriate units of measurement. The specific
A VE study includes three sessions, pre-workshop, content of the assessment expression depends in the
workshop and Post-workshop. Each session in turn has circumstances of the value assessment.
some phases. For example, the workshop session
includes three phases: information and function analysis Defining value: Four fields were reviewed to develop
phase, creativity phase and evaluation phase. It is an understanding of value that would be useful in
generally recognized that the creative phase of the construction:
workshop is the most critical phase that determines the
success or failure of a VE study because it is in this • Theory and philosophy of value
phase that creativity techniques are applied to generate • Manufacturing and product design practices such
innovative ideas for enhanced project functions and as value analysis, value engineering and lean
reduced project costs (Zhang et al., 2009). manufacturing
Not all studies required a quantification of • The recently emerged field of customer value
construction highway. The authors of some studies did management
not intend to establish the relationship between the • Construction management theory
explanatory variables and the dependent variable (cost,
time and quality) (Yung and Yip, 2010). The manufacturing sector has adopted an objective
view of value for many years. Value analysis, for
Principle of value engineering: Value engineering example, involves the testing of functions required by
focuses on function analysis of research objects and customers as design objectives. This approach
strives to achieve the required function reliably at the substitutes for the direct engagement of customers (to
lowest life cycle cost to gain the best integrated identify their values to which the design must respond)
benefits. The basic formula for it is: recognizing that its success in doing so will be judged
subjectively by these customers (Thomson et al., 2003).
Vi=Fi/Ci (1)
V i = Value or value index of the i scheme
F i = The function or function coefficient of the i Multiple Regression model (MR): Regression
scheme estimation models are well established and widely
C i = Cost or cost coefficient of the i scheme used in cost estimation. They are effective due to a
well-defined mathematical, as well as being able to
A higher value or value coefficient illuminates the explain the significance of each variable and
required function is achieved at a lower life cycle cost. relationship between independent variables.
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 3 (4): 699-703, 2010
Table 1: Use of value engineering techniques with method brain storming in construct highways
Year Total offers Total admission Acceptance (%) Saving ($) Offer quality (savings unit−1)
1997 - 333 - 31,069,777 93,303
1998 376 329 87.50 38,400,000 116,717
1999 335 286 85.37 35,020,000 122,448
2000 354 269 75.99 40,655,000 151,134
2001 359 299 83.29 66,305,000 221,756
2002 416 347 83.41 61,101,000 176,084
2003 330 288 87.27 54,140,000 187,986
2004 310 255 82.26 40,129,000 157,369
Sum 2408 2406 - 366,819,777 -
Average 354 296 83.59 45,852,472 153,349
Source: FHWA, 2002
Basically, regression models are intended to find the Multiple linear regression method: The results of
linear combination of independent variables which best analysis are obtained as shown in following. Analysis,
correlates with independent variables. The regression the value engineering prediction model for main road
equation is expressed as follows: construction according following equation:
Y = C + b1X1 + b2X3 + …+ bk Xk (2) VEHC = 4.125- 0.231T-3.297e-06C+ 0. 2615 Q (2)
C = Regression constant Time = T
b1,b2,…,bk = Regression estimates
X1,…,Xk = Independent variables C = Cost
Y = Dependent variable
Q = Quality
The variables descriptions are mentioned in Table 1
for Poland and Thailand. The goal was to estimate The model has an R-square of 0.72, which means
regression coefficients of Eq. 2. Software “R” statistical that 72% of the variation in the number of VE has been
tool was employed to perform regression analysis. The explained the regression line. The T-test also indicates
adjusted R-square value (R2) is equal 0.72. Which for that the model is significant and can be used for the
test significance of model ANOVA (F test) was prediction of the number of VE in main road
performed (Sodikov, 2005). construction. This study developed model value
engineering in highway construction which might bring
Data collection: The data for this research were about a decrease in construction cost and time and an
gathered through highway which constructed in Iran increase in project quality. But the other variable cannot
country to number 40 projects from year 2003 until be included in the model.
2009 and base total project for length Kilometer (KM)
and for time Month (M) optioned. Also the RESULTS
questionnaire includes Value Engineering and quality
that by consultant and employer and contractor to Figure 1 the relationship between value
them answered. All this data will be stored and engineering and cost shows that with reducing costs
analyzed by using software’s”. The main purpose of Value Engineering increased and Considering the linear
using “R” to analyze the data is to create a result for equation Y = -0.000004X+4.892 shown that with
achieve to model VE. After fitting a multiple reducing the costs value construction in projects linear
regression model on data which VE as a dependent form of increased and in Fig. 2 relationship between
(response) variable and the dependent (explanatory) Value Engineering and time shows that with reducing
variables includes time, cost, quality the regression time, Value Engineering increased also in Fig. 3 VE
model is significance at the level of 95% with the P- versus Time equal: Y= -1.2802X+6.8729 Shown that
value = 4.671e-10. The multiple R-square for this with Reducing the time value construction in projects
model is = 0.72which means 72% of variance of value increased. And in Fig. 2 shows that with increase
explained by this variable. The parameters which can quality, Value Engineering increased and this equation
be included in the model with the significance level of Y = 0.4482X+2.1806 Confirming. Meaning in per KM
95 and p-value = 4.671e-10<0.05. Therefore final reduces cost and time in according previously
model achieved in following shown. research (Table 1) more than twenty studies studied.
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