Apache Spark & Scala Course Content

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WEEK 1:SCALA (Object Oriented and Functional Programming)

 Getting started With Scala.
 
 Scala Background, Scala Vs Java and Basics.
 
 Interactive Scala – REPL, data types, variables, expressions, simple functions.
 
 Running the program with Scala Compiler.
 
 Explore the type lattice and use type inference
 
Define Methodsand Pattern Matching.
Scala Environment Set up.

 
Scala set up on Windows.
 
Scala set up on UNIX.
Functional Programming.

 
What is Functional Programming.
 
 Differences between OOPS and FPP.
Collections (Very Important for Spark)

 
Iterating, mapping, filtering and counting
 
 Regular expressions and matching with them.
 
 Maps, Sets, group By, Options, flatten, flat Map
 
Word count, IO operations,file access, flatMap

Object Oriented Programming.

 Classes and Properties.
 
 Objects, Packaging and Imports.
 
 Traits.
 
Objects, classes, inheritance, Lists with multiple related types, apply


 What is SBT?
 
 Integration of Scala in Eclipse IDE.
 
Integration of SBT with Eclipse.


 Batch versus real-time data processing
 
 Introduction to Spark, Spark versus Hadoop
 
 Architecture of Spark.
High-level Architecture

Workers,Cluster Managers,Driver Programs,Executors,Tasks

H.NO: 46/B, I V Reddy Hospital, SR Nagar, Hyderabad-500038.
PH: 040-48540745, +91-9704249988 EMAIL: [email protected] www.online.elancersoft.com

 Coding Spark jobs in Scala
Data Sources
 
 Exploring the Spark shell -> Creating Spark Context.
 
 RDD Programming
 
Operations on RDD.

 
Lazy Operations

 Caching
 
 RDD Caching Methods,RDD Caching Is Fault Tolerant,Cache Memory Management
 
 Spark Jobs
 
 Shared Variables,Broadcast Variables,Accumulators
 
 Configuring and running the Spark cluster.
 
 Exploring to Multi Node Spark Cluster.
 
 Cluster management
 
 Submitting Spark jobs and running in the cluster mode.
 
 Developing Spark applications in Eclipse
 
 Tuning and Debugging Spark.
 
Two Projects using Core Spark


 Introduction of Spark Streaming.
 
 Architecture of Spark Streaming.
 
 Processing Distributed Log Files in Real Time
 
Introducing Spark Streaming

Application Programming Interface (API)
 StreamingContext
Basic Structure of a Spark Streaming
 Application Discretized Stream (DStream)
Creating a DStream
Processing a Data Stream
Output Operations
Window Operation

 Discretized streams RDD.
 
 Applying Transformations and Actions on Streaming Data
 
 Integration with Flume and Kafka.
 
 Integration with Cassandra.
 
 Monitoring streaming jobs.
 
Use case with spark core and spark Streaming

H.NO: 46/B, I V Reddy Hospital, SR Nagar, Hyderabad-500038.
PH: 040-48540745, +91-9704249988 EMAIL: [email protected] www.online.elancersoft.com

 Introduction to Apache Spark SQL
 
 Understanding the Catalyst optimizer
How it works…,Analysis, Logical plan optimization,Physical planning,Code generation

 Creating HiveContext
 
 Inferring schema using case classes
 
 Programmatically specifying the schema
 
 The SQL context
 
 Importing and saving data
 
 Processing the Text files,JSON and Parquet Files
 
 Data Frames
 
 Using Hive
 
 Application Programming Interface (API)
Key Abstractions,Creating DataFrames,Processing Data Programmatically with SQL/HiveQL

 Processing Data with the DataFrame API
 
 Saving a DataFrame

 Built-in Functions

 UDFs and UDAFs
 
 Interactive Analysis Example
 
 Interactive Analysis with Spark SQL JDBC Server
 
 Local Hive Metastore server
 
 Loading and saving data using the Parquet format
 
 Loading and saving data using the JSON format
 
 Loading and saving data from relational databases
 
 Loading and saving data from an arbitrary source
 
 Integrating With Hive
 
Integrating With MySQl.


 Introduction to Machine Learning
 
 Types of Machine Learning.
 
 Introduction to Apache Spark MLLib Algorithms.
 
 Machine Learning Data Types and working with MLLib.
 
 Regression and Classification Algorithms.
 
 Decision Trees in depth.
 
 Classification with SVM, Naïve Bayes
 
 Clustering with K-Means
 
 Getting Started with Machine Learning Using MLlib
 
 Creating vectors
 
 Creating a labeled point
 
 Calculating summary statistics
 
 Calculating correlation
 
 Doing hypothesis testing
 
 Creating machine learning pipelines using ML
 
Supervised Learning with MLlib – Regression

H.NO: 46/B, I V Reddy Hospital, SR Nagar, Hyderabad-500038.
PH: 040-48540745, +91-9704249988 EMAIL: [email protected] www.online.elancersoft.com

 Using linear regression
 
 Supervised Learning with MLlib – Classification
 
 Doing classification using logistic regression
 
 Doing classification using decision trees
 
 Doing classification using Random Forests
 
 Doing classification using Gradient Boosted Trees
 
 Doing classification with Naïve Bayes
 
 Unsupervised Learning with MLlib
 
 Clustering using k-means
 
 Dimensionality reduction with principal component analysis
 
Building the Spark server


 Introducing Graphs
 
 Introducing GraphX
 
 Graph Processing with Spark
 
 Undirected Graphs,Directed Graphs,Directed Multigraphs,Property Graphs
 
 Introducing GraphX
 
 GraphX API
 
 Data Abstractions
 
 Creating a Graph,Graph Properties,Graph Operators
 
 Cluster Managers
 
 Standalone Cluster Manager
 
 Architecture
 
 Setting Up a Standalone Cluster
 
 Running a Spark Application on a Standalone Cluster
 
 Apache Mesos
 
 Architecture
 
 Setting Up a Mesos Cluster
 
 Running a Spark Application on a Mesos Cluster
 
 
 Architecture
 
Running a Spark Application on a YARN Cluster


 Learning Cassandra
 
 Getting started with architecture
 
 Installing Cassandra.
 
 Communicating with Cassandra.
 
 Creating a database.
 
 Create a table
 
 Inserting Data
 
 Modelling Data.
 
Creating an Application with Web.

H.NO: 46/B, I V Reddy Hospital, SR Nagar, Hyderabad-500038.
PH: 040-48540745, +91-9704249988 EMAIL: [email protected] www.online.elancersoft.com
 
Updating and Deleting Data.


 Introduction to Spark and Cassandra Connectors.
 
 Spark With Cassandra -> Set up.
 
 Creating Spark Context to connect the Cassandra.
 
 Creating Spark RDD on the Cassandra Data base.
 
 Performing Transformation and Actions on the Cassandra RDD.
 
 Running Spark Application in Eclipse to access the data in the Cassandra.
 
 Introduction to Amazon Web Services.
 
 Building 4 Node Spark Multi Node Cluster in Amazon Web Services.
 
Deploying in Production with Mesos and YARN.

 
Two REAL TIME PROJECTS Covering all the above concepts.

H.NO: 46/B, I V Reddy Hospital, SR Nagar, Hyderabad-500038.
PH: 040-48540745, +91-9704249988 EMAIL: [email protected] www.online.elancersoft.com

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