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Abstract / 1
What subscribers want / 2
Subscriber freedom today: OTT VoD / 3

Evolving the residential services network / 5

Limitations of centralized BRAS architectures / 5
Requirements for the next-generation BNG / 6

Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR: Purpose-built IP services platform / 9

Industry-leading BNG capability / 9
Industry-leading performance / 10
Distributed service intelligence / 10
Flexible IPv4 extension/IPv6 migration / 11

Metering and fair-share use / 12

Application assurance and subscriber-friendly plans / 12

OTT Monetization / 14

Location freedom: Wi-Fi / 15

Enhanced services / 16
Enhanced IPTV / 16
Evolving video services and CDNs / 17

Conclusion / 18
Residential service providers today are at odds with the very subscribers they serve.
Along with the liberating experience of Over The Top VoD Video on Demand (OTT VoD)
services that cater to their unique needs, subscribers now want the freedom of a
broadband service without boundaries — one in which they can consume any content
or application, on any device, anytime, anywhere. Challenged by the negative impact of
OTT VoD traffic on network bandwidth and the perceived threat to their PayTV services,
service providers are responding with rigid caps on bandwidth utilization.

There is a better way. Rather than discourage the use of the very service they provide,
service providers can embrace subscriber demands for freedom and enhance their services
to thrive on higher bandwidth consumption. However, realizing these goals requires
change. Centralized Broadband Remote Access Server (BRAS) architectures lack the scale,
performance and service flexibility to thrive in this new VoD-dominated era. Service pro-
viders require a new approach to planning and building residential networks, an approach
that embraces more performance, distributed subscriber management and enhanced
feature capabilities to deliver higher quality, more personalized subscriber services.

Targeted to service providers as well as product marketing, network architecture and

network operations executives, this document provides an overview of changing subscriber
needs, the new service opportunities now open to service providers and the transformation
challenges they face. We explain how all of these challenges and opportunities are best
addressed with a distributed residential services architecture based on the Alcatel-Lucent
7750 Service Router (SR).

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

What subscribers want
Residential broadband networks are once again entering a period of major change —
and opportunity — driven by subscriber needs and expectations (see Figure 1). The
first-generation networks based on centralized BRAS routers were driven by subscriber
demand for an always-on High Speed Internet (HSI) service. The second generation,
powered by Ethernet-based Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) routers, was driven by
subscriber demand for a linear TV service (content broadcast at specific times) delivered
in conjunction with voice and HSI services.

Today’s increasingly sophisticated and Internet-savvy subscribers are raising the bar yet
again. They want to remove the boundaries and limitations imposed by today’s broadband
services and customer premises equipment to create a richer, personalized experience that
leverages all that the Internet and the consumer electronics industry have to offer.

Figure 1. Customer expectations driving residential broadband evolution




• IP forwarding • IPTV multicasting • VoD streaming

RESIDENTIAL EDGE • Single service • Service silos • Service blending
TECHNOLOGY FOCUS and personalization
• ATM • Ethernet
• IPv6, Wi-Fi


BRAS BRAS and Enhanced BNG

video edge

More specifically, subscribers want:

• Device freedom: The ability to consume, control and share content and the HSI
connection on any device — from PC to gaming console, to tablet to big-screen TV.
• Schedule freedom: The ability to consume content based on their schedule, whether
live, time shifted or on demand.
• Location freedom: The ability to replicate the home experience outside the home at
Wi-Fi hotspots in stadiums, coffee shops, shopping malls and airports.
• Plan freedom: The ability to attain optimal value through customized HSI plans that
reflect each subscriber’s unique application and content consumption needs.
• Content freedom: The flexibility to consume any content — whether cloud, premium,
live or user generated — at a resolution level that meets their changing needs and the
capabilities of the consuming device.
• Interactive freedom: The ability to transform content consumption into an interactive
experience, with sidebar content and suggestions, social media integration, and
interacting ads and content. The ability to consume networked applications such as
online gaming without the quality issues that diminish such online experiences today.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Subscribers also want the freedom to blend attributes of different residential services —
such as the high quality of linear TV , the flexibility of VoD and the interactivity of the
web — into a single, personalized service experience that fulfills their unique digital
lifestyle needs. For example, a subscriber may want to watch an on-demand video that
is not part of the premium linear TV lineup but has high video quality, fed directly to the
big-screen TV, while using a tablet device to interact with other viewers through social
networks and reviewing suggestions for related web and video content.

Subscriber freedom today: OTT VoD

OTT VoD providers were the first to identify and capitalize on this demand for freedom.
Innovators such as Netflix® and YouTube launched flexible VoD services that have
become household names and, in conjunction with VoD offerings from later entrants,
are expected to consume over 58 percent of Internet bandwidth by 2015. Google™ and
Apple® are taking these first-generation services to the next level by adding their cloud
infrastructure, consumer devices and operating systems into the mix to provide a richer
experience within the confines of their brand and ecosystem.

For service providers, this represents both a challenge and an opportunity (see Figure 2
and Figure 3). A challenge because a single unicast VoD session consumes the same
network bandwidth as a linear-TV flow delivered to thousands of subscribers through
multicast. A challenge because VoD streaming protocols and applications are relentless;
they adjust to changing network conditions, consuming new network capacity as soon
as it is made available.

The impact on service providers has been rapid, global and significant. In the United
States alone, approximately one third of ISP network capacity at peak times is now being
consumed by Netflix users who represent a small fraction of the total ISP subscriber
base. OTT VoD providers across the globe are creating similar challenges for service
providers in Canada (Netflix), the United Kingdom (BBC iPlayer) and China (Youku.com),
to name only a few.

Figure 2. The impact of VoD on IP network bandwidth


7 music One IPTV channel, One VoD movie,

downloads 1000 subscribers 1000 subscribers
14000 14000 14000

12000 12000 12000

10000 10000 10000

Kilobits per second

Kilobits per second

Kilobits per second

8000 8000 8000

6000 6000 6000

4000 4000 4000

2000 2000 2000

0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Time (seconds Time (seconds Time (seconds

1.07 Mb upload 24.40 Mb download 2.17 Mb upload 1.13 Gb download 2.17 Mb upload 1.13 Gb download

Controlled with P2P throttling Optimized with multicast No throttle, no multicast

Data: Caffeinated Bitstream, 2009

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Figure 3. The financial impact of OTT VoD on service providers



Source: Informa, 2011

Bandwidth per user




Source: Alcatel-Lucent, 2011 BBC iPlayer

2000 2005 2010 2015

Residential HSI profit Residential HSI bandwidth

Service providers have responded to the OTT VoD bandwidth challenge — and the shift
away from their own linear TV services — by introducing rigid bandwidth caps and
down-speed techniques that limit bandwidth consumption on their HSI services. While
this approach does provide short-term relief, it pits the service provider against their
customer — the subscriber — and damages this all-important relationship. It also reposi-
tions the OTT vendor who fulfills subscriber demands for freedom at the top of the value
chain and popularity polls. There is a better way.

Winning the battle for the subscriber

Rather than discourage the use of the very service they provide, service providers should
embrace the concept of subscriber freedom and leverage their core strengths to thrive on
increasing network usage (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Wining the battle for the subscriber

OTT content
and application
Service providers
Consumer electronics ecosystems provider

SP strength Opportunity
• Control network access • Ensure fair-share use with personalized subscriber
plans, monetize OTT apps/content, add Wi-Fi
• Premium linear TV service • Enrich with VoD and web content, add new app services
• Home ecosystem visibility • Use data to personalize subcriber experience, insert ads

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Because they control access to the subscriber, service providers are in a unique position
to free subscribers from OTT VoD service quality issues by providing a consistently high
quality of experience (QoE) that will always be outside of the OTT vendors’ scope of
control to deliver. They can monetize the OTT flows that travel through their network,
provide subscribers with optimal application-aware plans to free them from rigid usage
caps or offer Wi-Fi access to provide the freedom of a home experience off-the-wire.
They can work with OTT vendors to provide optimized application services that free
subscribers from best-effort quality limitations of OTT gaming, person-to-person (p2p)
video conferencing and other applications.

Service providers can also leverage their strong relationships with content providers.
They can enrich current linear TV services with VoD and web content to deliver the
blended broadband service experience their customers crave.

Finally, service providers can use their unique ability to gather performance and service
usage data to personalize services and insert personalized ads.

At stake in this battle for the subscriber is hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue
from content alone, and the service provider’s position in the value chain —whether as
a provider of commodity Internet access or as a conduit for value-added services. With
all the limitations of today’s legacy BRAS-based architectures still in place, many service
providers are ill equipped to win their share of the revenue pie.



Limitations of centralized BRAS architectures

Figure 5 shows some of the key limitations of today’s legacy broadband architectures.

Figure 5. Traditional centralized BRAS architectures

Pay TV Video
(big-screen TV) service edge


CDN or
Fixed access Aggregation cache

VoD streams traverse entire network

High-speed Internet BRAS


Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Overlay model limitations
Residential services today are delivered on separate IP service platforms; HSI service is
delivered through the BRAS router while video service is delivered through a separate
video edge router. Each service connects to a different device at the home (TV or PC),
often provisioned with a different IP address. This “wall” between services and lack
of unified subscriber treatment makes it difficult to deliver the blended, personalized
experience that subscribers want and is at odds with the demand for convergence
within the home.

An overlay architecture is also very expensive to deploy and maintain. Multiple IP service
platforms quickly deplete capital budgets, and the service overlays they spawn result in
complex provisioning and capacity planning in the access and aggregation networks.

Centralized architecture limitations

The HSI service that contains all the unicast video flows from Internet-based OTT providers is
delivered to subscribers from centralized BRAS routers deep within the service provider’s
network. Each time a subscriber starts a VoD session, a new video stream is created between
the servers/caches that contain the content and the subscriber. The resulting traffic crosses
the service provider’s entire network, from the peering point or transparent cache behind
the BRAS router all the way to the subscriber’s residence.

As more and more users shift to VoD content consumption, transport costs for video
skyrocket, and the resulting network and server congestion lowers performance and
service availability. With video taking center stage as the killer app for residential use,
central content injection and a central BRAS no longer make sense.

BRAS legacy obsolescence issues

BRAS routers may have impressive subscriber density for yesterday’s Internet traffic mix
but, with Internet video in the picture, they lack the performance and capacity to keep
up. Actual subscriber density quickly drops as more and more users stream video, and
the economies of scale of a centralized BRAS architecture quickly crumble.

IPv6 migration is also an area of concern for service providers because so many legacy
BRAS routers lack the performance and scale of a carrier-grade network address translation
(NAT) capability to enable flexible IPv4-to-IPv6 migration. And because a BRAS is a
single-service delivery platform (HSI), it lacks the capability to delivery new features or
services beyond basic HSI or reap the operational and cost benefits of service convergence.

Requirements for the next-generation BNG

A new, distributed architecture optimized for video growth and service convergence is
required to capitalize on the delivery of subscriber freedom(see Figure 6). This architecture
is based on a BNG platform with the attributes that follow.

Massive scale and performance

The BNG must sustain high throughput and be capable of 100G+ speeds — with services
— to support the rapid growth and monetization of video. This massive scale also enables
convergence: the ability to deliver all residential services from a common delivery platform
in the IP edge. Convergence enables a unified view of each subscriber with consistent
treatment of all the subscriber’s traffic across all services used. This enhances a service
provider’s ability to deliver a blended, high-quality service experience that is personalized
for each subscriber and eases the task of capacity planning across the different services.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Convergence also simplifies provisioning by removing the need for multiple service
overlays in the access and aggregation networks and the need for multiple IP addresses
per subscriber.

Figure 6. Distributed architecture based on a high-performance, enhanced BNG

IP services edge

More bandwidth and
fewer users per GE port Monetized Video
content cache servers

Blended, personalized, External

high-QoE service CDN or

Fixed access Wi-Fi access

Distributed service intelligence

The BNG must contain IP over Ethernet/Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (IPoE/DHCP)
subscriber management capabilities for multiservice support while remaining backwards
compatible with legacy Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). Service intelligence
to help simplify provisioning and authentication and to ensure high availability is a
baseline requirement. Multiple queues per subscriber with flexible allocation are required
to ensure quality of service (QoS) for multiple services and applications.

In a distributed architecture, subscriber management, content caches and high-touch

processing capabilities move to the edge of the network, closer to the customer. By
distributing service intelligence to the edge, service providers can provision more band-
width and fewer subscribers per Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) port to accommodate the growth
of video and other high-bandwidth services. VoD flows are limited to high-bandwidth
access networks and no longer traverse the entire IP network. This has the dual benefit
of enabling long-term scale and lowering cost per bit for video transport. Because VoD
content delivered by the service provider has a much shorter distance to travel compared
to content from the OTT VoD cloud, service providers can also offer significantly higher
service quality and performance than OTT offerings.

Service providers looking for a future-safe approach to delivering truly differentiated

residential services need to consider the benefits of introducing enhanced capabilities
such as high-touch processing to the common platform. High-touch processing enables
extension of IPv4-based services, OTT monetization and new types of service bundles
and service personalization for residential subscribers. The ability to distribute application
monitoring and policy enforcement capabilities — right to the edge of the network —
ensures the highest quality of service for residential customers. Along with the universal
gateway capability described in the next section, this enhanced ability to truly monetize
subscriber freedom is the value of the enhanced BNG ( eBNG).

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Universal gateway
An enhanced BNG has the ability to bring other services and access methods to the
common platform. Service providers can integrate community Wi-Fi access to provide
exciting new service bundles that enrich the residential subscriber experience. They
can converge residential, business and mobile IP services on a single IP services edge
platform to reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and provide universal access to any
content/application from any device, anywhere.

Service transformation: roadmap for success

With OTT VoD providers disrupting service provider business models and BRAS routers
lacking the performance and scale to support cost-effective video delivery and flexible
IPv6 migration, the time to begin broadband network transformation is now. Once
they’ve deployed a high performance BNG at the IP edge of their residential network and
moved towards a more distributed architecture for subscriber management, service pro-
viders can truly start to capitalize on new revenue opportunities in the video-dominated
era of residential services (see Figure 7).

Figure 7. Flexible service transformation and new revenue opportunities


Legacy migration

• Business intelligence • OTT app zero rating

gathering • HTTP error redirection
• Application- and content- • Networked application
aware metering services (such as gaming)
• Personalized
Metering and fair plans OTT monetization
share use • High scale and
• IPv6, ESM flexibility
• eBNG platform

• Enhanced IPTV
• VoD and content • Real Wi-Fi
delivery network • Wholesale Wi-Fi
Enhanced Wi-Fi integration
• Evolution to blended • Wi-Fi data offload
video services
video services for 3G/4G

Service providers can start by monetizing OTT applications, enforcing fair-share access
through personalized plans, offering Wi-Fi access or even enhancing existing video and
application services: the starting point will vary with each service provider. For example,
a service provider with existing linear TV services forming the bulk of their revenue may
choose to begin with enriching their video services through an on-net content delivery
network (CDN), while a service provider with no content experience may start by
optimizing their HSI service with application-based metering to create personalized plans.

Because each service transformation journey is likely to take many twists and turns as
subscriber needs, legislative constraints and even a service provider’s financial position
change, it is of paramount importance that service providers invest in a platform with
the flexibility to accommodate change.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

To assist providers in their service transformation journey, Alcatel-Lucent has integrated
all the industry-leading capabilities of a high-performance BNG described in the previous
sections and all the value-added enhancements required to generate new service revenue
in the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR. Customers have the flexibility of installing a new 7750
SR chassis configured with this new functionality or upgrading deployed 7750 SRs and
Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switches (ESSs). (The 7450 ESSs currently perform
access aggregation or IPTV multicast delivery). The remainder of this paper discusses the
new service capabilities — and the enhanced feature set that enables them — of the 7750
SR as outlined in Figure 7.


The first step in the residential service transformation outlined in the previous section is
to replace the centralized BRAS architecture with a high-performance BNG to enable IPv6
migration, VoD (unicast traffic) scale and new service enablement. The Alcatel-Lucent
7750 SR addresses legacy platform issues by providing the features, performance and
scale lacking in BRAS routers.

Industry-leading BNG capability

Alcatel-Lucent has a long track record as a key force shaping the direction of residential
broadband networks. The BNG capability of the 7750 SR draws from this experience and
expertise to lead the BNG market in flexibility, scale and robustness:
• A robust subscriber management implementation that converges legacy PPPoE access
with IPoE to enable video and other new service capabilities
• Multivendor support for RADIUS authentication, with built-in DHCP-RADIUS proxy
functions to leverage existing authentication infrastructure
• Flexible IP address management by DHCP relay or integrated DHCP servers
• PPPoE-based retail and wholesale support with Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol location
area code support
• Support for time- and volume-based accounting with RADIUS- or Diameter-based
credit control to support pre-paid and other new services
• Automated provisioning of logical access interfaces through a managed Services
Access Point concept to minimize operational costs and reduce time-to-market
• 8 ingress and 8 egress queues per subscriber (using high-speed Media Dependent
Adapter[HS-MDA]) to support multiple services or service personalization (through
QoS per application)
• Flexible use of network infrastructure: can act as a BNG or an Ethernet Aggregation
Node (EAN) simultaneously or extend subscriber management functionality across
an access network through pseudo-wires
• Highest levels of BNG redundancy in the market to ensure a high-quality, always-on
service experience (through Subscriber Router Redundancy Protocol, multi-chassis
link aggregation, and pseudo-wires and VPLS link redundancy).

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Industry-leading performance
Based on current subscriber trends, Tier 1 and Tier 2 central offices (COs) will require
dozens of new 100GigE ports to handle unicast video growth over the next few years.
To meet this demand, Alcatel-Lucent recently delivered their third-generation network
processor (NP) for the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR, the FP3.

Supporting packet throughput of 400Gb/s, the FP3 provides the performance and high-
bandwidth port density to accommodate this video surge. All features are supported
at line rate so that network operators can create, monitor and control new feature-rich
services without impacting performance. Feature continuity with previous FP generations
enables FP3-enabled equipment to remain backwards-compatible while benefiting from
the latest performance enhancements.

Enabled by FP technology, the 7750 SR has the bandwidth and feature processing scale to
support service convergence and service blending, the benefits of which were described
in the section Market Trends and Challenges. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers can
be supported per chassis simultaneously to access multiple residential (VoD, HSI and
IPTV) or business (Ethernet VPN, IP VPN and business Internet) services.

Distributed service intelligence

Distributed service intelligence on the 7750 SR is enabled by the Multi-Service Integrated
Service Adapter (MS-ISA); (see Figure 8). The MS-ISA provides the embedded high-touch
processing required to differentiate services, optimize network operations and enable
long-term scale:
• Specialized service capability can be embedded anywhere it is needed in the 7750 SR
network so that new services can be turned on quickly and efficiently.
• High-touch video software enables revenue-generating enhancements to video
services, including fast channel change, enhanced video quality, monetization through
ad insertion and VoD services. Long-term scale for VoD growth is enabled through
support for integrated caching. These enhancements are discussed in more detail in the
Enhanced Video Services section.
• Specialized DPI software allows service providers to lower operational costs and
maximize service revenue through application-level intelligence for capacity planning,
intelligent metering for managing subscriber bandwidth, carrier-grade NAT for flexible
IPv6 migration capabilities and integrated security to protect both the network and
• A high level of programmability ensures new high-touch feature development to
enable new services as opportunities materialize.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Figure 8. Distributed service intelligence with the MS-ISA


• Industry’s fastest channel change • Application-to-subscriber

• Retransmit on error for high QoE monitoring and control
• PerfectStream video conditioning • Metering and fair-share usage
• Video-quality monitoring • Service personalization and

• Content caching/delivery


• Carrier-grade NAT • Distributed Denial of Service

• Multiple tunneling and IPv6 (DDoS) attack mitigation
migration capabilities • IPSec
Services Adapter

Flexible IPv4 extension/IPv6 migration

The reality of IPv4 address exhaustion is hitting home as consumer electronics vendors
churn out more and more IP-capable devices. The result is that service providers can no
longer defer IPv6 migration strategies. With so much at stake as revenue-generating net-
works undergo IPv6 transition, one size definitely does not fit all. The 7750 SR provides
service providers with the flexibility to extend IPv4 lifespan, migrate specific services or
networks to IPv6, or dive right into a full-scale IPv4/IPv6 implementation (see Figure 9):

Figure 9. Flexible IPv6 migration

IPv4 subscriber (Router or bridge)

Extend IPv4 investment

• Carrier-grade NAT: 60 million
entries per chassis IPv4 IPv4
• Works with routed or bridged
home gateways
IPv4 subscriber

Migrate access and service

• Carrier-grade NAT
• IPv4 transport in CGNAT IPv4
IPv6 softwires

Dual stack subscriber

Complete migration
• Carrier-grade NAT
Dual stack CGNAT Dual stack
• Dual stack everywhere


Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Extend use of IPv4 as long as possible
Adress overloading is avoided by embedding Carrier-Grade NAT (CG-NAT) capabilities
in the network with the MS-ISA hardware. With over 60 million entries per chassis,
the 7750 SR provides the most scalable integrated and carrier-grade NAT solution in
the industry. Extensions such as Layer 2-aware NAT provide even more flexibility and
operational savings by enabling IP-agnostic address translation.

Deploy dual stack in network only

The 7750 SR supports industry standards for softwires that tunnel subscriber IPv4
packets through the service provider’s IPv6 network to an IPv4 Internet.

Adopt network-wide dual stack capability

(Broadband Forum in WT-177 for IPoE and in WT-187 for PPPoE)
The 7750 SR supports wire-rate, dual-stack routing and large-scale, dual-stack subscriber
management (256,000 subscribers per chassis) to support dual-stack transition.


With a distributed architecture and a high performance BNG at the IP edge, service
providers can start to capitalize on new revenue opportunities. One of the first areas
of focus for most service providers will be metering and fair-share use.

As discussed in the section Market Trends and Challenges, consumers are dissatisfied
with current attempts by service providers to limit OTT VoD consumption, and they
feel HSI plans today are primarily designed solely to protect the service providers, not
to benefit the subscriber. Current HSI plans are perceived as:
• Rigid: all or nothing, lacking personalization
• Confusing: subscriber guesses at data consumption rates, suffers bill shock
• Punitive: link down-speed, automatic fees
• Non-transparent

Service providers are faced with a dual challenge: dissatisfied customers and the inability to
push their own applications with bandwidth caps in place. With the 7750 SR as their BNG,
service providers attain a subscriber-friendly alternative to rigid use caps — personalized
plans that let the subscriber make the trade-offs and get optimal value from their share
of bandwidth.

Application assurance and subscriber-friendly plans

Personalized plans are enabled by the unique ability of the application assurance (AA)
software on the MS-ISA module to fulfill each subscriber’s application- and session-level
needs. With AA, service providers can see into their network down to the application
level and limit, boost and re-prioritize that traffic on a per-subscriber, per-session or
per-application basis (see Figure 10).

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Figure 10. Per subscriber/session/application monitoring and control

n E
Per session policy and control ig


Per session monitoring
Subscribers and reporting M
o n ito r

Voice VoIP
Video Video

Wi-Fi Unified:
Internet Streaming P2P Boosted App • Service management
Web AIM • Network management
AA • Policy management
File transfer Netflix
• Reporting and analytics

Voice VPN access YouTube • OSS and billing
Video Gaming

Fixed access Internet Email

Subscribers Services Application Applications


Before embarking on a personalized plan offering, service providers need to leverage AA

and get detailed business intelligence on their subscribers and their subscribers’ online
habits. Service providers can get answers to the types of questions that follow.

Who are my top users?
What applications are they consuming?
How much bandwidth is required per application?
What is their usage profile per app?

Which apps are flowing through my peering points?
How much bandwidth do they consume?
Who are the top users of peering bandwidth?

How do applications flow in my network?
Which applications use the most bandwidth, when?
How do applications perform over time?
What percentage of traffic is OTT?

Armed with this information, service providers can begin offering personalized plans to
ensure fair-share usage in a manner that satisfies each of their subscriber’s unique needs.
An example of a specialized plan is shown in Figure 11.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Figure 11. Fair-share use and subscriber freedom: personalized plans

= + + + +
Basic plan Flexible Specialty app Anywhere Anywhere
(volume/speed) recharge options package Pay TV content access

Pay TV content

Unlimited Gaming, TV guide Voice

Facebook Video

Unlimited (off-peak)

Metered (at peak)

HD “turbo” (on-demand, unmetered)

Premium content is blended into the Internet service so that the subscriber can access
it from any device in the home or through a community broadband link. The service
provider offers this feature as an add-on to a basic metering plan. All content related
traffic — including the content itself, the television guide and any related side-bar
content — is identified by its application signature and is zero-rated (that is, not applied
against the subscriber’s cap).

Other selected applications, such as Facebook, are zero-rated for a nominal fee or
provided as a promotional incentive. OTT video applications such as Netflix are identi-
fied by their application signature and are metered.

Add-on features, such as unlimited Netflix off-peak, volume Netflix packages on-peak
or guaranteed high-quality boost for a period of time, are used to either minimize OTT
traffic concurrency at peak times or to monetize the flows.

In the previous section, the AA capability of the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR allowed popular
OTT applications such as Facebook and Netflix to be monetized or used for promotional
purposes through specialized metering, billing and QoS arrangements. This is only a first
step in changing subscriber perception of the service provider as the provider of commodity
bandwidth to a provider of value-added services.

Service providers can extend the concepts and 7750 SR tools used to achieve personal-
ized plans to develop a whole range of new application services. Service providers can
work with content providers, advertising providers, application providers and retailers
to set up specialized monitoring and control of their applications and services in a way
that adds value to subscribers. New revenue can be generated through revenue-sharing
arrangements with OTT vendors.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

Examples include increasing the QoE for specialty OTT online applications or monetizing
HTTP error redirection. With specialty OTT applications, the BNG can be used to identify,
zero-rate or apply special treatment to traffic flows as they traverse the IP network.
Subscribers can enjoy the freedom of high-quality p2p video or gaming without the
timing glitches that frustrate play today. In HTTP error redirection, AA can be used to
identify and intercept erroneous page references in a URL issued by a subscriber. The
reference is forwarded to an advertising partner — who provides an alternative suggestion
for a fee — and is then forwarded to the subscriber.


Given their high level of portability, it is no surprise that 30 percent of tablet usage (for
example, Apple® iPAD™) is now nomadic: it’s done at shopping malls, stadiums, hotels,
train stations and other congregation points. Customers with these portable computing
devices are now looking to replicate the home experience — transparent access to all that
their residential provider has to offer — outside the home.

For those with mobile subscriptions, the limited bandwidth of today’s 3G data plans are
far too punitive and restrictive to satisfy their needs, and there is no link to their residen-
tial services and content. While Wi-Fi hot-spots are popular alternatives, they come with
many problems and limitations, including:
• No simple access: The customer needs to select access from a list of cryptic service set
• No QoS guarantees: Performance is variable with video quality that is often
• No strong security: Lack of security opens up the device to security threats.
• No service bundling: Wi-Fi hotspots are an added expense for the customer and a
missed opportunity for the service provider.
• No unified billing: This adds complexity for customer.
• No “my service everywhere”: Wi-Fi is a not an extension of the residential

The WLAN capability on an Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR allows residential broadband providers

to bundle Wi-Fi access as a revenue-generating option to residential service plans. The
WLAN gateway aggregates the Wi-Fi access points at Wi-Fi hotspots and transparently
forwards their connection requests to all the residential and business services offered on
the BNG.

Residential subscribers within range of their service provider’s Wi-Fi hotspots can trans-
parently connect to their service provider as if they were at home — simply, securely, with
access to all their services and content and with a familiar QoE. Transparent Wi-Fi access
allows residential broadband providers to offer subscribers freedom in the truest sense.

For service providers with both mobile and residential business units, the Wi-Fi access
infrastructure and WLAN gateway on the 7750 SR can also be used to transparently hand
off mobile data connections to the mobile data network. Mobile business units can realize
significant reductions in radio network costs and operational complexity by transparently
moving data connections off the radio network to the Wi-Fi aggregation network whenever
a mobile handset is within range of a Wi-Fi hotspot. For the consumer, unlimited data
access through Wi-Fi encourages usage off the radio network and breeds customer loyalty.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

For service providers without a mobile business unit, excess capacity of the Wi-Fi aggre-
gation network can also be sold wholesale to mobile virtual network operators and other
mobile providers with a small radio footprint. The WLAN capabilities on the 7750 SR
are summarized in Figure 12.

Figure 12. New retail and wholesale revenue opportunities with Wi-Fi

business unit


IP services edge


Wireline IP backbone
Hot spots eBNG



Network and policy management



Enhanced IPTV
For many service providers, the first step in enhanced video services with enhanced
BNG capabilities will start with IPTV. The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR supports multiple new
features that allow service providers to monetize and increase the quality of the IPTV
viewing experience:
• PerfectStream video conditioning: The BNG sends two copies of the IPTV stream and
uses information from both to reconstruct a perfect stream with the highest possible
quality in cases of data loss or corruption.
• Industry’s fastest channel change: IPTV content is copied onto a running cache on
the BNG and forwarded to the subscriber when the channel is changed. This ensures
that the screen is not empty in the several seconds it may take to switch channels
when using the latest video compression formats.
• Retransmit on error for high QoE: The information in the above cache is used to
reconstruct the multicast stream in case of error. This process ensures high video
stream integrity.
• IGMP-based intelligence gathering: Requests for video content are redirected and
stored to augment business intelligence. This allows service providers to better
monetize and tailor their services and advertising campaigns to subscribers.

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

• IGMP redirect with QoS adjust: Specific requests for video content can be redirected
to provide higher levels of service and increased QoS for higher-end subscribers.
• Multiscreen IPTV: Providers can leverage the BNG to deliver their IPTV content
through multicast to the big-screen TV (through the set-top box) and through unicast
to any other device (through a home router). While this does not address unicast scale
issues, it is an excellent transitional step for service providers looking to provide device
freedom for their subscribers as they plan their CDN strategy.

Providers with IPTV services can leverage these 7750 SR features to continue generating
revenue and enhancing their offerings while preparing for a blended video experience
that brings in VoD and Internet content.

Evolving video services and CDNs

While linear TV will continue to grow in the foreseeable future, subscribers are flocking
to an on-demand (VoD) consumption model in greater numbers. Because VoD content is
delivered separately to each user, it cannot benefit from the efficiencies of multicasting,
pushing the bandwidth requirements at centralized BRAS/video home office (VHO) sites
to dozens of 100GigE ports by 2015. Service providers are faced with the dual challenge
of how to accommodate the unicast bandwidth onslaught and how to deliver a unified
service that blends in IPTV and OTT VoD experiences and content.

A distributed architecture (see Figure 13) with a high-performance BNG accomplishes

this in two ways:
• It provides the massive scale and performance necessary to accommodate VoD
bandwidth and enable IPTV/VoD convergence (see Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR section).
• It allows Velocix CDN caching to be deployed at the edge of the network to optimize
VoD delivery and eliminate QoS issues.

Figure 13. Video service fusion and optimized VoD delivery with distributed caching

CDN or

IP services edge Internet


Linear TV
and VoD


Peer Content partner

eBNG caches origin servers
Fixed access Wi-Fi access

The introduction of a CDN moves the video streaming origin point — and associated
bandwidth load — from centralized video servers to distributed caches in BNGs located
in Tier 1 and Tier 2 COs. The decision of what content to cache is based on dynamic
demand, with stale content flushed as demand popularity declines over time. The

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

distributed caches with the BNG are cost-optimized for delivery of popular content
while caches deeper in the network are cost-optimized to support a deep content
library of less frequently watched content for a large audience.

Studies show that a distributed caching model based on a Velocix CDN results in a
70-90 percent bandwidth reduction between centralized video storage and distributed
caches during peak times. And because the content travels a shorter distance to the
subscriber, the QoE is far beyond anything an OTT provider can provide through their
Internet-based streaming servers.

Even though a distributed architecture greatly reduces the burden on the streaming origin
points, traffic at Tier-1 and Tier-2 COs is still expected to consume dozens of 100GigE
ports as these routers are tasked with pushing the content to individual subscribers
through the residential access network. 100GigE+ with features is far beyond the capacity
of many BNG routers in the marketplace today but well within the range of an FP3-based
Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR.

The CDN delivery model can be used in a complementary role to the IPTV delivery
infrastructure to support both live broadcast and on-demand content requirements while
meeting user expectations for quality, availability and reliability. Service providers can
enhance their linear IPTV service with broader content choices and evolve the traditional
IPTV experience to an on-demand TV model as viewing habits evolve. Content can
be acquired by extending private content peering arrangements with a broad range of
content providers or through content federations.

To best meet subscriber demands for a broadband experience without boundaries while
achieving long-term network scale, service providers require a distributed residential
network and a new high-performance BNG. The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR is uniquely
qualified for this role by combining high-performance and industry-leading subscriber
management with a range of enhanced capabilities that allow service providers to truly
monetize subscriber freedom:
• Industry-leading enhanced subscriber management: Resolves BRAS obsolescence
issues with the industry’s most flexible, feature rich and robust subscriber
management platform.
• Massive scale and performance: Delivers the sustained high throughput required to
support VoD growth and a converged residential IP edge that enables service blending
flexibility and lower network TCO.
• Distributed service intelligence: Enhanced BNG capabilities based on integrated high-
touch processing enable long-term scale and lower cost per bit for video transport, a
higher-quality and personalized experience for subscribers, and the ability to quickly
leverage new service opportunities.
• Universal gateway: A truly unified Service Routing Operating System (SROS) enables
the 7750 SR to bring in additional services and service access networks to a BNG
platform. This opens up additional opportunities for service providers to monetize
subscriber freedom through retail or wholesale Wi-Fi access or to reap the benefits of
convergence through a unified IP services edge for residential, business and wireless
services (see Figure 14).

Billions of dollars in revenue and the service providers’ position in the services value

Evolution of the Broadband Network Gateway

chain at stake. With today’s centralized BRAS infrastructures requiring a major upgrade
to resolve end-of-life issues and accommodate IPv6 migration, the time to migrate to the
7750 SR is now.

Figure 14. Extending freedom, service uniformity, simplified operations and platform re-use across
residential, mobile and business customers.


Enterprise or consumer 7750 SR IP services edge

Small Cells LTE VoD

7750 SR WEB

Fixed access Wi-Fi access VPN AND

• Freedom of broadband • Evolved BNG (eBNG)
without borders • Cloud-optimized VPN and
• Freedom from cloud business Internet services
threats and opacity • Universal wireless data
• Freedom to access any services gateway
content, anywhere

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Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented
is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright © 2012 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. M2012032515 (April)

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