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[Shanthi et al.

, 3(4): April, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655

Impact Factor: 1.852

Implementation of Multimode Interleaver Address Generator for Wireless
II M.E VLSI Design, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Akshaya College of
Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
[email protected]
In this brief the Low-complexity and novel technique is developed to implement efficiently the address
generation circuitry of the interleaver used in the WiMAX and WLAN transreceiver. Wireless communication is one
of the most vibrant research areas in the communication field. WLAN and WiMAX are emerging standards for
wireless broadband communication system. The OFDM multiplexing technique used in above standards for reducing
the inter symbol interference over wireless channel. The various modulation schemes such as Binary phase shift keying
(BPSK), quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and 64-QAM can be
used to generate the address in interleaver structure. The channel interleaver employed in the communication system
for minimizing the effect of burst error and improving the performance of FEC codes in wireless channel. The complex
mathematical formulas can be replaced with optimized hardware structures. The modified structure to be used for both
applications. Due to this compact structure the circuit complexity and area can be reduced. The structure can be
implemented in FPGA using VHDL coding.


The main function of a communication Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
system is to transmit information from source to is a multiplexing technique used in above standards.
destination with sufficient reliability. The error OFDM has grown dramatically in the field of wireless
correction codes (ECC) play very important role in communication because of its robustness against
modern digital communication systems. High multipath delay spread. In OFDM the high rate data
processing speed, design flexibility and fast design stream (bandwidth W) is decomposed into N lower rate
Turnaround Time (TAT) is the important requirements data streams and then they are transmitted
of BWA. These requirements make the designers to simultaneously over a large number of subcarriers [2].
choose reconfigurable hardware platform like Field The overlapping of subcarriers is allowed because the
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). FPGA is an orthogonality ensures the separation of subcarriers at
emerging technology to implement wireless standards the receiver end. This approach results in a better
like WLAN and WiMAX. The FPGAs offer high spectral efficiency than that of FDMA systems where
flexibility which means that many functions can be no spectral overlap of carriers is allowed.
placed on the most efficient location in the logic flow WiMAX is an emerging standard for wireless
of the device rather than in peripheral hardware. A broadband networking. It is based on wireless
product implemented on FPGA can easily be upgraded metropolitan area networking (WMAN) standards. It
by making necessary changes in the Hardware offers a rich set of features with a lot of flexibility in
Description Language (HDL) code. Broadband terms of deployment options and potential service
wireless access (BWA) provides enhancement in offerings. The WiMAX physical layer (PHY) is based
multimedia data services and quality of service (QoS). on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing which
It support simultaneous voice, data and multimedia offers good resistance to multipath and allows
services to a large group of subscribers without the WiMAX to operate in Non-Line of Site (NLOS)
need for digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable modem. conditions whereas Wireless Local Area Network
WLAN and WiMAX are emerging standards for (WLAN) interconnects two or more communicating
wireless broadband communication system. devices using some wireless distribution method and
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[Shanthi et al., 3(4): April, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852
usually providing a connection through an access point of read address for interleaver memory. Block
(AP) to the wider internet [4]. WLANs can be used in interleaver uses two memory blocks out of which one
different user environments namely home, corporate memory block is written and the other is read based on
and public environment etc. WLANs are used to the value of select (sel) signal. Interleaving is
connect wireless users to a fixed LAN in corporate frequently used in digital communication to improve
environments. A major WLAN application used in the performance of forward error correcting codes.
public sectors where WLAN can be used to connect a Many communication channels are not memory less:
user to the backbone network. Airports, hotels, high- errors typically occur in bursts rather than
rising offices, city centers will be target area for such independently. If the number of errors within a code
public WLAN usage [5]. word exceeds the error-correcting code's capability, it
he organization of the rest of this brief is as fails to recover the original code word. Interleaving
follows: Section II explains the interleaving technique ameliorates this problem by shuffling source symbols
of the wireless system. In Section III, proposes the key across several code words, thereby creating a more
difference between WiMAX and WLAN. The uniform distribution of errors. Therefore, interleaving
simulation result shown in Section IV. Finally, this is widely used for burst error correction.
brief is concluded with the FPGA implementation A. FORWARD ERROR CORRECTION CODE
result in section V. In telecommunication, information theory, and
coding theory, forward error correction (FEC) or
Interleaving in Wireless System channel coding is a technique used for controlling
Interleaving is a technique that can be used in errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy
digital communications systems to enhance the error communication channels. The central idea is the
correcting capabilities of block codes. Interleaving is sender encodes their message in a redundant way by
an important and powerful technique to combat burst using an error-correcting code (ECC).The redundancy
of errors for FEC coded signal. This technique is allows the receiver to detect a limited number of errors
traditionally used to reduce bit error rate (BER) of that may occur anywhere in the message, and often to
digital transmission over a burst channel. The correct these errors without retransmission. FEC gives
interleaver subsystem rearranges the encoded symbols the receiver the ability to correct errors without
over multiple code blocks. This effectively spreads out needing a reverse channel to request retransmission of
long burst noise sequences so they appear to the data. FEC is therefore applied in situations where
decoder as independent random symbol errors which retransmissions are costly or impossible, such as one-
are manageable burst errors. The interleaver depth way communication links and when transmitting to
varies with modulation scheme. The interleaver is multiple receivers in multicast. FEC information is
defined by a two-step permutation. usually added to mass storage devices to enable
1) The adjacent coded bits are mapped to non-adjacent recovery of corrupted data, and is widely used in
subcarriers. modems. FEC processing in a receiver may be applied
2) Adjacent coded bits are mapped alternately to less to a digital bit stream or in the demodulation of a
and digitally modulated carrier. For the latter, FEC is an
more significant bits of the constellation to avoid integral part of the initial analog-to-digital conversion
long run in the receiver.
of lowly reliable bits. Many FEC coders can also generate a bit-error-rate
The interleaver structure is shown in (BER) signal which can be used as feedback to fine-
fig.1.interleaver consists of two sections: address tune the analog receiving electronics. The maximum
generator and interleaver memory. fractions of errors or of missing bits that can be
corrected is determined by the design of the FEC code,
so different forward error correcting codes are suitable
for different conditions.
The address generator circuit is used to
generate (1) write addresses (2) read addresses (3) sel
signals. The complete circuit is shown in Fig. 2. The
Fig. 1. Interleaver structure circuit consists of stages of multiplexers which
The address generator is basically the implement equal or unequal increments for various
simultaneous implementation of (1) and (2) which is modulation schemes as shown in Table 1. The design
the write address along with provision for generation concept contains three levels of multiplexer (MUX).

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[Shanthi et al., 3(4): April, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852
The design concept contains three multiplexers position and there after transits to the desired states in
(muxs): mux-1 and mux-2 implements the unequal response of new value in mod_typ. The read addresses
increments required in 16-QAM and 64-QAM are linear in nature and are generated using a nine bit
whereas mux-3 routes the outputs received from mux- up counter as shown in Fig. 2. The counter is reset
1 and mux-2 along with equal increments of BPSK and whenever it reaches to the terminal count for a desired
QPSK. The select input of mux-1 is driven by a T-flip- modulation scheme. The sel generator is basically a T-
flop named qam16_sel whereas that of mux-2 is flip-flop used to generate the select (sel) signal and is
controlled by a mod-3 counter, qam64_sel. The two initialized to zero using clr input.
lines of mod type (modulation type) are used as select Table I Interleaver Write Address For Modulation
input of mux-3. The 6-bit output from the mux-3 acts Schemes
as one input of the 9-bit
adder after zero padding. The other input of the adder
comes from accumulator, which holds the previous
address. After addition a new address is written in the


The structure of interleaver memory is shown
in fig 3.The function of interleaver memory is as
follows the interleaver memory block comprises of
Fig. 2. Structure of address generator two memory modules (RAM-1 and RAM-2), three
The preset logic is a hierarchical FSM whose muxs and an inverter as shown in Fig.3. In block
principal function is to generate the correct beginning interleaving when one memory block is being written
addresses for all subsequent iterations. This block the other one is read and vice-versa. Each memory
contains a 4-bit counter keeping track of end of states module receives either write address or read address
during the iteration. The FSM enters into the first state with the help of the mux connected to their address
(SF) with clr = 1. Based on the value in mod_typ it inputs (A) and sel line. RAM-1 at the beginning
makes transition to one of the four possible next states receives the read address and RAM-2 gets the write
(SMT0, SMT1, SMT2 or SMT3). Each state in this address with write enable (WE) signal of RAM-2
level represents one of the possible modulation active. After a particular memory block is read /
schemes. The FSM thereafter makes transition to the written up to the desired location, the status of sel
next level of states (e.g. S000, S001and so on) based changes and the operation is reversed. The mux at the
on the value in the accumulator. When the FSM at this output of the memory modules routes the interleaved
level reaches to the terminal value of that iteration it data stream from the read memory block to the output.
makes transition to a state (e.g. S000) in which it loads
the accumulator with the initial value (e.g. preset=1)
of the next iteration. This process continues till all the
interleaver addresses are generated for the selected
mod_typ. If no changes take place in the values of
mod_typ, the FSM will follow the same route of
transition and the same set of interleaver addresses
will be continually be generated. Any change in
mod_typ value causes the interleaver to follow a
different path. In order to facilitate the address
generator the circuit to respond to clr input followed
by mod_typ inputs at any stage of the FSM. With clr=1
it comes back to SF state irrespective of its current
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[Shanthi et al., 3(4): April, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852
he remains connected. Some key differences between
WLANs and WMANs supported by Wi-Fi and
WiMAX products:
 It's possible to use WMAN technology
indoors, but 802.16 protocols are optimized
for outdoor operation. It's possible to use
WLAN technology outside, but 802.11
protocols were primarily designed for indoor
 Larger WLANs can be constructed using
many densely-spaced Wi-Fi APs, but to
blanket miles of territory with wireless, you
really want to create a WMAN technology.
 On the other hand, using WiMAX products
for communication between PCs inside the
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of interleaver memory same building would be pricey and
impractical -- that's precisely what WLAN
WIMAX Vs WLAN technologies were created for.
Wireless Local Area Network, also known as  Most office and home WLANs are composed
WLAN or Wi-Fi, is the alternative to cabled LAN. It of Wi-Fi products operating in unlicensed
provides users mobility to move from one location to spectrum -- channels freely available for use
another without thinking about the wires. It has grown by anyone. WiMAX products most often
in popularity along with the rise of laptop computers operate in spectrum licensed to wireless
and low cost netbooks that made mobile computing carriers who use them to deliver commercial
within reach for most people. WiMax stands for BWA services.
worldwide interoperabiliy for Microwave Access and
it provides high speed internet access to areas the Simulation Result
WLAN cannot reach. WiMax is a new technology that
is still not very popular but is gaining widespread
attention due to the niche it serves. WiMax equipment
provides services that are in between high speed, low
range WLAN and low speed, high range 3G and 2G
technologies. WLAN can provide high speeds since its
hardware is not meant to transmit or receive signals
from far away and it does not have to deal with the
substantial attenuation that comes with long distances.
The 50km range of WiMax and its superior ability to
pass through obstructions makes it ideal for certain
applications as a last mile connectivity replacement to
cables for DSL lines. The speed that can be achieved
with WiMax isn’t constant though, it is conversely
proportional to the distance between the base station
and the subscriber.
The two technologies also differ in the type of
Fig. 4. Simulation result for address generator
Media Access Controller or MAC that they utilize.
In BPSK modulation scheme (mod_typ=00)
Wi-Fi uses one that is contention based. This means
have been chosen where first 16bits of raw data input
that all clients who use the same access point are
(data_in) are held high. The effect of interleaver is
competing for bandwidth with the closest user getting
visible as the consecutive 1’s are dispersed by 3 bits
the highest priority. WiMax uses a MAC with a
position in the data output (data_out) line. This is
scheduling algorithm that ensures each client gets
because the write address sequence in BPSK
assigned a certain time span to communicate with the
modulation scheme is 0, 3, 6, 9,….47. Similar results
access point. The time span allocated to each client can
are also obtained for other modulation schemes. The
be reduced or expanded depending on the needs of the
VHDL program developed for the proposed WiMAX
client but it cannot be used by other clients as long as
deinterleaver address generator is downloaded on the
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[Shanthi et al., 3(4): April, 2014] ISSN: 2277-9655
Impact Factor: 1.852
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Impact Factor: 1.852
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