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Maceda vs. Macaraig Digest

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ERNESTO M. MACEDA vs. HON. CATALINO imports. On July 30, 1977, P.D.

1177 was issued as it was to

MACARAIG, JR. and HON. VICENTE JAYME, ETC., ET formulate and implement a National Budget that is an
AL. instrument of national development. Further, it decreed that all
units of government, including government-owned or
Ernesto Maceda questions the legality of NPC's indirect controlled corporations, shall pay income taxes, customs
tax exemption. On November 3, 1936, Commonwealth Act No. duties and other taxes and fees are imposed under revenues
120 was enacted creating the National Power Corporation, a laws. On July 11, 1984, P.D. No. 1931 was issued to expressly
public corporation. The main source of funds for the NPC was repeal the grant of tax privileges to any government-owned or
the flotation of bonds in the capital markets and these bonds controlled corporation and all other units of government. Sec
shall be exempt from the payment of all taxes by the 2 of the decree provides that The President of the Philippines
Commonwealth of the Philippines. and/or the Minister of Finance, upon the recommendation of
the Fiscal Incentives Review Board created under Presidential
On June 24, 1938, C.A. No. 344 was enacted increasing to Decree No. 776, is empowered to restore, partially or totally,
P550,000.00 the funds of the NPC. The provision on tax the exemptions withdrawn.
exemption in relation to bonds was neither amended nor
deleted. On June 4, 1949, Republic Act No. 357 was enacted Petitioner contends that P.D. No. 938 repealed the indirect tax
authorizing the President of the Philippines to guarantee all NPC exemption of NPC.
loans. Any such loan or loans shall be exempt from taxes. R.A.
No. 358 was enacted authorizing the NPC, to incur other types of Issues:
indebtedness, as to taxes, the NPC was still excempt. On June
2, 1954, R.A. No. 987 was enacted specifically to withdraw Whether or not the NPC is tax exempt based on the history
NPC's tax exemption for real estate taxes. On June 18, 1960, of statutes granting it tax exempt privileges.
R.A. No 2641 was enacted converting the NPC from a public
corporation into a stock corporation. No tax exemption was If there are taxes to be paid, who shall pay for the taxes?
incorporated in said Act. On September 10, 1971, R.A. No. 6395
revised the charter of the NPC. Section 4 of C.A. No. 120, was Ruling:
renumbered as Section 8, which provides that ,the bonds issued
and loans, credits, indebtedness shall be exempt from the The court ruled that the NPC must be tax excempt based
payment of all taxes. Section 13, R.A. No. 6395, declares the on the history of statutes granting it the privilege of tax
non-profit character of NPC and excempts it from payment of excemption. One common theme in all these laws is that the NPC
all taxes. On January 22, 1974, P.D. No. 380 was issued. The must be enable to pay its indebtedness which, as of P.D. No. 938,
decree provided that the NPC shall be exempt from all direct and was P12 Billion in total domestic indebtedness, at any one time,
indirect taxes. On May 27, 1976 P.D. No. 938 was issued. and U$4 Billion in total foreign loans at any one time. The NPC
must be and has to be exempt from all forms of taxes if this goal is
On January 30, 1976, P.D. No. 882 was issued to be achieved.
withdrawing the tax exemption of NPC with regard to
The NPC tax privileges withdrawn by Section 1. P.D. No. 1931,
were the same NPC tax exemption privileges withdrawn by
Section 23, P.D. No. 1177. Under P.D. No. 1931, the NPC may ask
for a total restoration of its tax exemption privileges, which, it did,
and the same were granted under FIRB Resolutions Nos. 10-85
and 1-86 as approved by the Minister of Finance.

The question on who will pay for the taxes is now moot and
academic when E.O 195 was issued, by virtue of which, ad
valorem tax on oil bunkers was reduced to zero.

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