IeltsTrangBui Speaking

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IELTS test in India, Azerbaijan, Nepal and the UK – May 2014

Part I/ Interview

Lâu lâu rồi ko làm đề IELTS mới hỷ ^^ hôm nay chúng mình cùng xem qua đề IELTS speaking
task 1 topic photography nhóe ^^
- Do you like taking photos with your phone or camera?
Well, I guess like most young people today, I tend to take more pictures with my smart phone
than with a camera. This is because it is much more convenient to bring a phone with you all the
time than a professional camera. Yet, I do think that photos taken with a camera usually have
higher quality.

- What photos do you like to take?

I love taking pictures of interesting things that I see, which may include the places I travel to, the
people I meet and the food I eat. I know a lot of people nowadays are obsessed with taking
pictures of themselves to post on social networking sites. Although I don't do that very often, I
think it is pretty fun too.

- What will you do with these photos? Why?

After taking pictures, I will post them on facebook to share with my friends and family so they
can know what I'm up to. I personally think it is a great way to keep in touch with people.

- Would you like to do a course in photography?

Funny that you asked. I am thinking about taking a course in photography after I'm done with
the IELTS exam. I love looking at beautiful pictures because they are very inspiring, so I hope
that one day I'll be able to take professional photos myself.

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 October 8th, 2014
IELTS Speaking test in Canada and India - November 2013

Part I/ Walking
Đề về walking này được hỏi cả ở Canada và Ấn Độ đợt tháng 11 vừa qua, nên là chúng mình
cùng ngó qua tí nhé, chẳng may trúng tủ ^^ à các bạn nhớ thu thập đề thi gần đây ở tất cả các
nước có thể nhé vì khả năng quay vòng đề hơi bị cao ^^!

- Do you think walking in the countryside is better than in the city? Why?
I obviously think it is much better to have a walk in the countryside
than in the city because the air in the countryside is fresher and healthy to breathe, unlike that in
big cities which contains toxic chemicals. Also there is less traffic in the country so it is less
likely for one to get hit by a car while walking, which happens pretty often in cities, unfortunately.

- Do you walk?
I walk for a least 30 minutes everyday to my work place (school) and back because I live quite
close to it. Every once in a while I take a long walk after work (school) too.

- Why do you consider walking important (or why not)?

I personally think walking is an extremely important form of exercise to keep one fit and healthy.
As you may know, we are living in such a busy world that people don't even have time to eat or
relax properly, let alone go to gym. This has caused some devastating impacts on our health
and physique. Walking is a great way to improve the situation because it's cost-free and simple
enough for anyone to do anytime.

- What could be done to improve walking in the city?

Hmmm..., this is an interesting question to think about. I certainly think people in big cities
should be encouraged to walk more. In order for this to be done, they need to be ensured that
walking in the city is healthy and safe. Bigger and better sidewalks with walking times and
directions to various destinations should be considered by the relevant authorities.

- Do you think you will keep walking as a part of your routine in the future?
I will definitely continue to include walking in my daily routine. I have seen how this form of
exercise has helped me stay in good health and shape. Besides, I can save some money by
walking to places instead of using my motorbike. Equally important, it is good for the

Watching TV
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 October 8th, 2014
- What TV program do you watch regularly? Why?
To be honest I’m a huge fan of TV. Among all of the TV programs that I watch, the situation
comedies on Star World such as “How I met your mother” or “Friends with better lives” are
definitely my favorite. For the first thing, they are extremely entertaining and relaxing. Besides,
because all of the programs on Star World are in English, I’ve found it a fantastic way to
improve my listening as well as my speaking skills in order to prepare for this test.

- How often did you watch TV as a child?

Well, as I child, I actually didn’t watch TV a lot. You know how parents tend to think that TV only
has negative influences on the development of their children. I was only allowed to spend
around 1 hour at max watching TV daily. My parents expected me to use the freetime “more
productively” by helping with housework or playing sports. Apart from that, I think TV programs
back then weren’t as attractive as they are nowadays.

- Will you allow your children to watch TV?

I will most certainly let my kids enjoy watching TV. There are many educational programs on TV
that can teach children useful things that they never get to learn at school. I won’t expect them
to spend all of their freetime doing something productive like my parents did to me. Instead, my
children will be allowed to spend their freetime in whichever way they prefer, as long as they
don’t hurt themselves or anyone else.
Ielts Speaking Part 1 - TV- What TV program do you watch regularly? Why? To be honest I’m a
huge fan of TV. Among all of the TV programs that I watch, the situation comedies on Star
World such as “How I met your mother” or “Fr
Big city vs countryside
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 October 8th, 2014
- What type of people live in big city?
I guess people living in big cities are generally more work-driven and move at a faster pace.
They are also more open to new ideas. Besides, city dwellers enjoy more of a variety of
entertainment, culture, and food than rural people.

- Are people migrating to big cities in your country? Why?

Yes, definitely. For the past few years, big cities in my country have witnessed large-scale
migration from rural to urban areas. Especially, the population in Hanoi has been estimated to
reach 8 million, almost one-tenth of the country’s population.

- Do you think there are more problems in a big city compared to a small town?
I think it’s true that people living in big cities these days are likely to face more problems than
those living in small towns. While being thought to be less exciting, living in the countryside has
its own positive aspects, for example, better air conditions, less tress and friendlier

- What are these problems in your opinion?

The biggest problem that most big cities are facing now is overpopulation because of massive
rural-urban migration. This leads to other concerns including pollution, poor living conditions and
increasing crime rates.

- What can be done to solve them permanently?

A more subtle solution to put an end to those problems, in my opinion, would be for the
government to create more jobs in the countryside. This would hopefully make the idea of
leaving home and family to work in big cities less attractive, which means fewer burdens on big

museums & art galleries

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 October 8th, 2014
IELTS Speaking test at IDP, Hanoi - June 2014

Part I/ Interview

Topic: Museums and Art Galleries

- Do you like museums or art galleries I used to be fascinated about going to museums or art
galleries when I was a university student. I had more freetime back then. Unfortunately, now
that I have a job, I can no longer find time to do so as often as I should.- Tell about one you
went to as a child To be honest, as a child, I wasn’t brought to many museums or art galleries.
Both of my parents were extremely busy. Maybe it explains my fondness of museums and
galleries during my time as a student at university.- What do you like about museums and
galleriesTo me, it’s always interesting to visually learn about what happened in the past and
how they have affected our present. As for galleries, they are fun yet inspiring to visit. I have
learnt to appreciate the effort put into producing a piece of art.

Study & School

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 October 8th, 2014

- Full name
- Where are you from - Do you have a job or still study

I graduated university a while ago. I used to study IT at the University of Technology so now I’m
working for a computer company as a technician.- Why did you choose to study
there Actually it was not me who made the decision. My parents did. I mean I have always
loved technology but when it came to where I should study it, my parents knew better. The
University of Technology has a very good reputation and high ranking among top technological
universities nationwide.- How did you feel about your first day there As far as I remember, I
was slightly nervous on my first day at uni. Most of my high school friends went to other
universities so I barely knew anyone there. I was worried about making new friends and
adapting to this completely new environment.

House or apartment?
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 October 8th, 2014

There is a reason why I prefer a house to an apartment. Living in a house gives me a sense of
ownership, which means I can design the house in whatever way I want and make changes to it
whenever I wish to. On the other hand, there is not much one can do to an apartment. He is
most likely to deal with frustration when there is a problem with the place because even the
slightest change would mean asking for some people's permission and lots of waiting.

- Do you have plans of moving out soon?

To be honest, as much as I would love to, I don't see myself moving out of the current place any
time soon. I am renting an apartment with a friend from university. Although it is quite small, it is
comfortable enough and the most important thing is, it is quite close to where I study. If I can
find a good job after graduation and have some savings, I will consider the idea of getting my
own place.

Public transport vs personal transort

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 October 8th, 2014
I used to use public transports very often when I was a student to travel between home and
school. They were more affordable compared to using personal vehicles. However, I decided to
buy myself a bike after graduation because I thought it would be more convenient for my work.
So I barely use public transports now except when the weather is very bad, which makes riding
a bike uncomfortable.

- Do people use trains in your area? Why?

Trains is actually the most popular means of transportation in my country when it comes to
travelling long distances. I guess it is because, as fast and convenient as planes are, they are
way too expensive for many people. Another option is travelling by bus but it is not as safe while
costing more or less the same money.

- Do you prefer to use a train and not car? Why?

I personally prefer using car. It takes less time and more flexible than using a train.
Nevertheless, given how often car accidents happen here in Vietnam, I’m likely to take a train or
a plane when I travel long distances.

music & freetime

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 October 8th, 2014
IELTS Speaking test - September 2014 - Part I

Topic: Music
Hôm nay chúng ta cùng làm đề task 1 về chủ đề rất hấp dẫn là âm nhạc nhé ^^. Để nghe bài
ghi âm cũng như bản dịch của bài nói trên qua youtube, các bạn

- What kind of music do you like? The music that I find the most fascinating is definitely soul.
Basically, soul is a combination of American-African gospel music, blues and a bit of jazz. My
new favorite soul artist is Sam Smith, who has recently become a world’s phenomenon after
releasing his biggest hit, “Stay with me”.- Why do you like this kind of music? I guess the
reason I’m interested in this music genre is because it literally touches my soul. I can always
sing along or relate to the songs in some way. It helps to free my mind and relaxes me after
long hours at work.
- Do you listen to other kinds of music? As a matter of fact, I listen to all kinds of music. To
me, each of them is like a colour of the rainbow that one must see in order to be able to truly
appreciate the beautiful picture of life through songs. I usually pick the music to listen to based
on how I feel or how I would like to feel. For example, a hip-hop song would energize me in the
morning while, at the end of the day, slow music would make me sleep better.
- Did your taste in music change since you were younger? Absolutely. Back when I was a
teenager, I was more into the music with fancy beats and catchy melodies because I thought it
was cool. But now I tend to pay more attention to the singers’ voice as well as the meaning of
the words that they sing. Sometimes I find myself listening to music from the 80’s or 90’s and
enjoying it completely.
- What kind of benefits do you get from listening to music? I certainly think that we can
benefit from listening to music in several ways. Music has the ability to verbalize and express
our feelings better than any other medium. Therefore, it is therapeutic to listen to the right kind
of music to be in a better mood and soothe emotional distress. Also, knowing the associations
among songs and moods, we can choose what to feel by choosing what songs to listen to.
- Is there anything you would like to do if you had more free time? If I ever had more free
time, I would probably spend it with my family. I have to live away from home because of my job
but I miss them terribly. I wish we could see each other more often. I would also like to spend
more time reading and writing.
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 October 8th, 2014
IELTS Speaking - July 2014 - Part I - Languages

Sau đây là những câu hỏi về ngôn ngữ trong phần I vừa rồi thi. Các bạn chú ý cách mình
thường xuyên thay đổi cấu trúc câu để câu trả lời đa dạng và hấp dẫn hơn, và sử dụng trạng từ
cùng với mệnh đề phụ.

- What languages do you speak?

The language that I speak the most fluently is certainly Vietnamese, my mother tongue. I have
also been learning English since secondary school. Although my English is not as good as I
want it to be, I manage to make myself understood in most communication situations.

- Would you like to learn another language?

I would definitely like to be able to speak other languages than Vietnamese and English. There’s
a saying I really like, which goes like this, “To know a second language is to possess a second
soul”. By learning foreign languages, one exposes himself to different cultures, ideas and
- What language would it be? Why?
I’m interested in many languages but if I had to pick one, it would probably be Chinese
mandarin. Contrary to popular belief, Chinese instead of English is the language spoken by
most people in the world. I figured out it would be useful for me to understand the language
used by one sixth of the world’s population.

- Do you think it is difficult to learn English?

I think we are lucky that Vietnamese alphabet is a lot similar to English alphabet because both
of them originated from Latin alphabet. This fact makes it much simpler for Vietnamese to learn
to read and write in English. Nevertheless, many learners of this language including myself have
struggled with the pronunciation especially stress and intonation.

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 October 8th, 2014
IELTS Speaking test at IDP, Hanoi - June 2014

Part I/ Interview

Topic: Weather

- What kind of weather you like I’m an outdoor person who loves taking part in activities in the
nature. That’s why my favorite kind of weather is sunny weather. On a warm sunny day, I just
find it hard to resist the temptation of a picnic in the park.- Do you like talking about weather
with friends To be honest, here in Vietnam, weather isn’t really our favorite topic for small talks.
We do talk every now and then about how bad the weather is or how sick it has made people
feel though.
- You prefer to live in very cold or very hot weather I totally prefer living in very hot weather
than the opposite because at least in hot weather you can always do something to cool down
like going for a swim or drinking ice water. On the other hand, when it’s extremely cold, there
isn’t much you can do besides staying indoor and complaining about the weather.

work & taxi

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 October 8th, 2014
IELTS Speaking test - July 2014 - Part I - Topic: Work & Transport (taxis)

Hôm nay mình cùng làm phần 1 về công việc (ngày bận rộn và ngày nhàn rỗi) và phương tiện
đi lại mà cụ thể là taxi nhé ^^

- Which day of the week is the busiest at work?

I think Monday must be the busiest day of the week because work piles up during the weekend.
I often find myself almost drowning in e-mails, phone calls, and conference meetings on this
day. Also, it usually takes me quite a while to get back into the “work mode” after a fun-filled
weekend. - Which is the slowest? Why?
The slowest day of the week, in my opinion, is definitely Friday. This is the time when people
are getting into the “weekend mode”, dreaming of the precious two days of freedom ahead.
Most employees at my workplace would just sit around, waiting impatiently for the work day to
end. - Do you use taxis a lot?
To be honest, taxis has never been my favorite choice for getting around the city unless it is for
an important business meeting. Besides being the most costly transport, it is also difficult for a
taxi to get around such a heavy-traffic city as Hanoi. In fact, it would save money as well as time
to get a mortocycle taxi, or “xe om”, in case I can’t use my own vehicle. - When did you last
travel by taxi?
The last time I travelled in a taxi was two weeks ago, when I just returned to Hanoi from a
vacation. I took a taxi from the airport to get into the city because it seemed to be the safest
option to travel at 1 in the morning. It cost me around 15 bucks but the comfort was worth it. Có
thắc mắc về cách diễn đạt các bạn cứ comment nhé! Chúc các bạn học vui vẻ ^^

countryside vs city
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 October 8th, 2014
IELTS Speaking - July 2014 - Par III - Countryside vs cities

Hôm nay mình cùng tiếp tục làm về chủ đề nông thôn và thành phố trong phần 3 nhé. Mặc dù
chủ đề này đã làm khá nhiều nhưng vẫn luôn có những câu hỏi mới. Để tham khảo các câu hỏi
cùng chủ đề, các bạn vào trang web, mục speaking tìm lại nhé ^^

Part III/ Discussion

- Do you think it is better to live in the countryside or in the city?

As often as this question is raised, I believe it remains a tough decision to make when it comes
to choosing between living in the countryside and living in the city. Many people have been
attracted to live and work in big cities because of better employment opportunities and higher
living standards. This massive rural-to-urban migration has, however, led to increase in
environmental pollution, traffic and social issues in urban areas. It would be a better idea for
people to live in the suburb and travel into the city to work every day so that they can enjoy the
best of both worlds.
- What are the advantages of living in the countryside?
Living in the countryside can definitely benefit people in a number of ways. For one thing, living
in the countryside is better for one’s health condition thanks to significantly lower levels of
pollution. It is undeniable that, air quality in big cities is so bad that long-term exposure to it may
cause respiratory diseases and other health problems. Besides, the cost of living in rural areas
is likely to be lower than that in cities. Although people in the city tend to make more money
than people in the countryside do, they have to spend more on food, accommodation and
transportation. Therefore, one can actually save more money by living in the countryside without
working as hard.

- Do you think that people should have permission to build houses in the countryside?
I certainly think people should be encouraged to build houses in less developed areas. This is
because house prices in big cities have become unaffordable for the masses while it costs
much less to purchase land and build houses in the countryside. By making more land in the
countryside available for building on, the government can attract people to live and work in the
countryside, which will not only benefit the economy but also help to reduce burdens on big


food preferences
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 October 8th, 2014
Hôm nay chúng mình cùng làm 1 đề task 1 về chủ đề đồ ăn và sở thích liên quan đến đồ ăn
nhé ^^! Để nghe bài đọc của bài này luyện phát âm, các bạn vào website
phần pronunciation nhé!

- What are your routine eating habits?

I guess my eating habits are not as healthy as they are supposed to be. Normally I don’t have
enough time to make breakfast because my classes start early at 7am, so I just grab some
snacks on the way to school. For lunch, my friends and I usually eat fast food at school canteen.
Dinner is actually my biggest meal of the day.
- Do you eat fast food regularly?
I do eat Western fast food very often because it’s a quick way to fill up my stomach between
classes. I know people tend to have negative attitude towards fast food but they eat it anyway.
Not only does it taste good but it also helps me save time and energy for other things.
- What type of food do you like the most? Why?
My favorite kind of food is definitely Vietnamese traditional food such as pho – noodles or nem –
spring rolls. They are tasty and healthy at the same time because they are usually made with
plenty of vegetables, organic meat and flavored with fresh herbs and spices. Preparing those
dishes take time, though.
- Did your food preferences change since you were a child?
My food likes and dislikes have changed a lot since childhood. When I was a child, I was more
likely to eat fatty food, sweet-tasting snacks and beverages, which I’m no longer attracted to as
an adult. I also tend to base my preferences on the nutritional values of food now instead of
ignoring them like I did years ago.




IELTS Speaking test at IDP Hanoi - June 2014 (kèm ghi âm)

Đây là đề ở IDP cuối tháng 6 vừa rồi. Chủ đề phần 1 là thời tiết, là 1 chủ đề rất quen thuộc mà
vẫn khó ^^, và chủ đề phần 3 là cách tiết kiệm tiền và thời gian. Trong bài ghi âm các bạn thực
hành 1 số âm khó nhé ^^

Part I/ Interview
- How many seasons are there in your country? Being a mainly tropical country, most parts
of Vietnam have 4 distinct seasons, each with very different weather patterns from the others. In
the North we have Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter with each season lasting for three
months and Spring being the first season of the year. Down South, there are typically a rainy
season from May to October and a dry season from November to April.

- What are the main activities do people often do in each season? Because summer in my
country is boiling hot, the most popular activity during that time is swimming. By contrast, in
winter, people tend to prefer staying indoor as it is too cold to go outside. Autumn and spring are
perfect times for having picnics with friends and family in parks.

By Trang Bui

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 October 8th, 2014
Gud morning các bạn ^^! Cùng chào sáng cuối tuần bằng một bài học nhẹ nhàng về thời tiết
nhé. Để nghe phát âm, học các cách diễn đạt và nghe bản dịch chi tiết của sample answer, các
bạn vào xem tại nhé ^^

- What kind of weather do you like?

I’m an outdoor person who loves taking part in activities in the nature. That’s why my favorite
kind of weather is sunny weather. On a warm sunny day, I just find it hard to resist the
temptation of a picnic in the park.
- Do you prefer to spend a vacation in a hot or a cold place?
I definitely prefer to spend my holiday in a hot place because when it is sunny, there is always
something fun to do like exploring the city or hanging out with new people. On the other hand,
when it’s cold, there isn’t much you can do besides staying indoor and complaining about the
- Do some weather conditions provoke certain feelings?
I certainly think weather can have a significant influence on how we feel. While warm and sunny
weather often makes people feel happy and energetic, cold and rainy weather can provoke
negative feelings such as frustration or depression.
- Do you discuss weather with your friends?
To be honest, here in Vietnam, weather isn’t really our favorite topic for small talks. We do talk
every now and then about how bad the weather is or how sick it has made people feel though.

traffic jams

Xin chào các bạn, hôm nay chúng mình sẽ làm đề task 1 về chủ đề tắc đường nha. Để nghe
phát âm, bài dịch và giải thích cách dùng từ các bạn
vào để xem nhé ^^!

- How does the increasing traffic congestion affect the environment?

It’s obvious that transport activities are among the most common causes contributing to
environmental problems. When a motor vehicle’s engine is running, several different types of
gasses and particles are emitted that can have destructive effects on the environment. The
more vehicles there are, the more emissions are released into the environment, lowering our air
- How can we reduce traffic jams?
I think, in order to combat traffic congestion, individuals should be encouraged to use public
transportation instead of their own vehicles. The problem is, public transportation system
appears to be unattractive to many people due to its inconvenience and low service quality.
Delays happen frequently and working staff on buses are often described as “unfriendly and
- Do you think they will get worse in the future?
Although traffic jams seem to be pretty bad, especially in major cities, I’m quite positive that the
situation will improve in the near future. The government has invested in researching on new
public transports which not only consume less fuel but also emit fewer harmful chemicals into
the atmosphere than existing ones. Besides, many people have chosen environmentally
friendlier ways to travel around the city such as cycling or using bus.
- What is the difference between commuting by bus and by car?
I think the major difference between the two vehicles lies in the flexibility they allow their users.
Bus users are not given as many options as those who travel by cars are when it comes to time
and destinations. Also, many people tend to feel uncomfortable sharing the space with others
on public transports. Cars, on the other hand, give them more privacy.
- What do you prefer? Why?
To be honest, I would prefer to travel by car because of its flexibility and privacy. But, in
crowded cities like Hanoi, finding a place to park a car could be a problem. Also, because the
roads are small and there are not separate lanes for different vehicles, driving around could be
a rather frustrating and time consuming experience.



IELTS Speaking test - September 2014 - Part I (kèm video phát âm trên Youtube)

Topic: Job

Chị sẽ cố gắng duy trì mỗi ngày 1 bài học phát âm trên Youtube. Hôm nay cùng xem xét cái đề
task 1 về nghề nghiệp nha. Bản dịch cùng các chủ điểm ngữ pháp + từ vựng quan trọng, xem
trong video nhé. Enjoy!!
- What do you do for a job?

I work as an account for an import-export company. I have been working for this company for
almost 2 years now. It wasn’t easy for me to get this job because it had very little to do with my
major back in university but, after a year long internship, I was officially hired.

- What are your responsibilities there?

As an accountant, my main responsibility is to keep track of the money in the company and
make sure that everyone gets paid on time. My job also involves doing books for different
departments and keeping the daily transactions into record. The busiest time in this job is
definitely at the end of the year when I’m usually drowned in paperwork.

- Are you happy with this job?

People tend to think that accounting is a boring career and people working in this job are often
portrayed as conservative and dull. But I guess it is pretty much like any other office profession
in a sense that people work with a computer and do paperwork most of the time. That being
said, I don’t think my job is exciting but I’m grateful that I have it.

- Explain why you are happy.

The fact that I have a job that pays well itself is worth being grateful for. Thanks to the job I can
afford a decent education for my children and family holidays abroad every now and then. I
know how hard it can be for some people to find a job these days just to keep a roof over their



7/9/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - September 2014 - Cue Card

Xin chào các bạn, lâu lâu rồi mình ko làm đề mới hỷ ^^ Hôm nay chúng mình cùng xem xét cái
đề về "một điều quan trọng bạn quên làm" nhé ^^
Talk about something important that you forgot to do recently. Please say
- What is it?
- Why did you forget it?
- What was the impact of it?
To be honest, my memory is not something I’m proud of. Sometimes I find myself struggling to
remember things, especially things that I’m not supposed to forget.

Last week, my friends and I planned to go to a music concert. We had purchased the tickets
weeks earlier because our favorite artist would perform in the show. They weren’t cheap at all!

Unfortunately, on the night right before the concert, I realized that I didn’t remember where I had
put my ticket. I went through all of my bags and pockets in a desperate attempt to find it. I even
called friends to check if, by any chance, one of them was having the ticket. Apparently they had
as little clue as I did.

Since I couldn’t afford another ticket, I had to spend the night at home doing homework while
my friends were having a great time at the concert. The worst part, however, was to listen to
them bragging about it the next day.


7/9/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - September 2014 - Cue card

Topic: A famous person

Chào các bạn, đầu tuần chúng ta cùng làm một đề về người nổi tiếng ^^ Để nghe ghi âm của
bài nói này, các bạn vào link:
like-to-meet. Giải thích các cách diễn đạt ở phía bên dưới sample answer nhé ^^

Describe a famous person that you would like to meet.

You should answer the following questions:
- Who that famous person is.
- Why you would like to meet that person.
- What you would do if you meet that person.

The celebrity whom I would like to meet in person is definitely David Bekham. David was a
professional English footballer who played for the world’s most renowned football clubs such as
Manchester United and Real Madrid. He was named in the list of 100 greatest living football
players of FIFA back in 2004.

Besides his career as a sportsman, David is also famous for his marriage to Victoria Beckham,
an equally successful model, singer and fashion designer, with four children. This has been
considered one of the happiest celebrity marriages and partnerships.

David Beckham is my biggest idol not only because of his legendary football skills but also
because he is very modest and kind as a person. He was seen offering a hand to a
photographer who fell while trying to photograph him. Also, according to his wife, David
Beckham is a devoted husband and father who always puts his family first.

If I ever had a chance, I would take David Beckham to my favorite restaurants in Hanoi and
introduce Vietnamese food to him. Of course I would take pictures with him too, to post on my
facebook wall but the most important thing would be for me to talk with him, learn from him and
be inspired by this man.
Các cách diễn đạt:
- Back in 2004: trở về hồi 2004, một cách diễn đạt về thời gian trong quá khứ
- Meet in person: gặp gỡ trực tiếp
- Put family first: đặt gia đình lên trên hết
- Modest and kind as a person: khiêm tốn và tốt bụng với tư cách một con người bình thường

Chủ điểm ngữ pháp:

- Câu điều kiện loại 2 (giả định một tình huống ít có khả năng xảy ra)
- Mệnh đề quan hệ tính ngữ: The celebrity whom I would like to meet in person is definitely
David Bekham; David was a professional English footballer who played for the world’s most
renowned football clubs such as Manchester United and Real Madrid; Also, according to his
wife, David Beckham is a devoted husband and father who always puts his family first.
- Câu bị động: He was named in the list of 100 greatest living football players of FIFA back in
2004; This has been considered one of the happiest celebrity marriages and partnerships; He
was seen offering a hand to a photographer who fell while trying to photograph him.


22/8/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - August 2014 - Cue Card

Good morning ^^ Chào buổi sáng bằng một topic khá kute nhé, một đồ vật mình mua mà ko xài
Hmm, những items bị mua và ko xài nhiều nhất là quần áo, dụng cụ làm bếp, sách, phiếu tập
gym, các deal muachung etc., vậy mình thử làm về 1 cái máy pha cafe nhé (sáng làm về cafe
cho tỉnh ngủ) ^^ Có thể xài giọng văn hài hước và informal 1 chút vì cái đề tài rất bình dân gần
gũi này ^^

Topic: Talk about an object you have bought recently, that you did not use. Please say
- What is it?
- When and where did you buy it?
- Why did you buy it?
- Explain why you did not use it.

I personally think this is such an interesting topic to talk about. As a matter of fact, I’m a chronic
buyer of items that I never use. Sometimes I purchase things without having any idea of what to
use them for. The last item I brought home but haven’t touched ever since is a kitchen gadget.

I went past this coffee maker when I was doing my grocery shopping in a small supermarket
near my house several weeks ago. Immediately an idea popped up in my head when I saw it. “I
love drinking coffee, so why not buy a coffee machine?” I could almost picture myself enjoying a
nice cup of home-made coffee on the balcony every morning before getting ready for work.

I even tried to make it more practical by telling myself that a little coffee machine could help
save lots of money. I would no longer have to buy takeaway coffee everyday, which means I
could probably save up to a hundred bucks per month. This would be enough for me to pay bills
or purchase something useful. It would also be nice to ask friends over and have some coffee
together at home.
However, like many other kitchen items of mine such as a food processor, a sandwich toaster or
a bread maker, the coffee maker has been sitting somewhere on the shelves, gathering dust
and not seeing daylight. I have just realized that I don’t have all that time and energy to get out
of bed early to make coffee. After all, takeaway coffee tastes better and there are many options
to choose from! ^^

14/8/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - August 2014

Part II/ Cue Card

Topic: A school subject

Hôm nay mình cùng làm 1 đề về một môn học ở trường nha. Chọn môn lịch sử nhé, vì môn này
học sinh thường có "nhiều cảm xúc" nhất ^^, mà tính xã hội của môn này cao (hay vị đưa ra
tranh cãi, mổ xẻ), nói chung có độ hot ^^

Describe a subject or a course that you have studied in school or college. Please say
- What was it?
- Did you like it? Why?
- How long did you study it for?
- Explain your feelings towards this subject.

Among all the subjects that we studied in school, history is undoubted my least favorite. This
shouldn’t come as a surprise at all because most of the school children I know do not like this
subject. I guess there are several reasons explaining the unpopularity of history as a school

To begin with, history is arguably one of the most difficult subjects to learn. The major part of it
involves remembering dry facts such as names, numbers and events that happened a long time
ago in an effort to get a good grade. Hardly can these attract interest from young people who
are more concerned about things that are going on and generally don’t see connections
between past events and the present.

Besides, as much as I appreciate people’s effort to teach history to children, I’ve got to admit
that history classes are very boring. There are not many activities that can be organized in a
history class. As a result, many history teachers find it challenging to make their lessons
interesting and engaging to students. Some schools allow teachers to take their students on
field trips, which are not only costly but also difficult to organize, in order to raise more interest in
the subject.

Here in Vietnam, history is a compulsory subject that we have to take from secondary school to
high school. I do hope that in the near future, students will enjoy learning this subject as much
as they do to English or science because of the undeniable importance of the subject. We can’t
move forward without a strong understanding of our past. History helps us learn the mistakes of
the past and avoid repeating them in the future.


5/8/2014 0 Comments
IELTS Speaking - July 2014 - Part II - A friend from school

Hôm nay mình cùng làm đề về 1 người bạn mình biết từ khi còn đi học nhé. Bài này cũng có
thể áp dụng cho đề miêu tả 1 người bạn thú vị, 1 người bạn thân hay 1 người bạn mình chơi
cùng, chỉ cần chú ý thay đổi thời hoặc các câu dẫn, câu kết là đc ^^
IELTS Speaking - July 2014 - Part II - A friend from school

Hôm nay mình cùng làm đề về 1 người bạn mình biết từ khi còn đi học nhé. Bài này cũng có
thể áp dụng cho đề miêu tả 1 người bạn thú vị, 1 người bạn thân hay 1 người bạn mình chơi
cùng, chỉ cần chú ý thay đổi thời hoặc các câu dẫn, câu kết là đc ^^

Describe a friend that you remember from school. Please say

- What was she/he like?
- Where and when did you first meet?
- Why do you still remember him/her?

One of the friends that I remember very well from school is Thao. We were in the same class at
high school back in Nam Dinh, our hometown, and somehow we ended up being in the same
class again at university.

To be honest, my first impression about this girl was not all that positive. She had always been
the smartest kid in the class, getting straight A’s in exams and being teachers’ favorite student.
Nevertheless, like most girls in the class, I thought she was boring. She would not hang out after
class or gossip about boys. Instead, she preferred spending her free-time either going over
lessons or watching TV.

When we went to university, however, we were randomly arranged to sit next to each other and
I started finding out about her other side. Besides being academically talented, she had an
extraordinarily good sense of humor. As far as I remember, she was the only person in the
whole school who got all of my jokes and I got hers too.

Another thing about Thao that fascinated me was her unique way of seeing things. She had the
tendency to focus only on the positive aspects of life, therefore she could remain calm in even
the most traumatic circumstances. Many people were inspired to do the same by her, including

Now that we are working in different cities, we don’t meet as regularly as we would like to. We
stay in close touch, though, by phone and email. Actually I’m looking forward to seeing her next
month when I can take some time off work to travel to her city.


2/8/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - July 2014 - Cue Card - Your favorite restaurant

Hôm nay chúng mình cùng làm đề về nhà hàng yêu thích nhé ^^ mình chọn đại cái Bobby
Chinn, ex của bạn siu mẫu Hà Anh ý ^^
Talk about your favourite restaurant. Please say
- What and where is it?
- What do you like there?
- Would you visit it again? Why?

One of my favorite restaurants in Hanoi is Restaurant Bobby Chinn. It was originally located in
the city centre on Ba Trieu street, overlooking Hoan Kiem lake. However, in February this year,
it was moved to Xuan Dieu, a more peaceful part of town.

To be honest, my first visit to Bobby Chinn’s some months ago was mainly out of curiosity.
Chinn is a celebrity chef, like Gordon Ramsay or Graham Elliot. Besides owning a number
restaurants and cooking for VIPs, Chinn also writes cookbooks and hosts a TV series about
Asian culinary on Discovery Network. Especially, his recent breakup with supermodel Ha Anh
has attracted much attention from the media.

Although I had decided to keep my expectations low as celebrity-owned restaurants tend to be

over-rated, the whole dining experience blew me away. The food is simply out of the world and
the service is excellent, attentive yet not intrusive. To top it off, Bobby Chinn’s offers a
sophisticated atmosphere with red and yellow silk draperies in each dining room.

I would like to visit the venue frequently if the prices were more affordable. It is a high-end
restaurant after all, but I will definitely keep coming back with my friends for a drink and enjoy
the magnificent sunset on West Lake from the balcony. It’s lucky for me, though, that I’m still a
huge fan of tasty and inexpensive street foods.
27/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - July 2014 - Part II - Topic: Favorite advertisement

Hôm nay chúng mình cùng thử làm đề về quảng cáo yêu thích nhé ^^ Lựa chọn của mình là
quảng cáo sữa 100% của vinamilk. Các bạn tham khảo từ vựng và cách triển khai ý nhé ^^
Describe one advertisement that you liked the most. Please say
- What was it about?
- When did you see it?
- Why did you like it?

In spite of the fact that most advertisements these days are dishonest and manipulative to some
extent, it wouldn’t be completely honest either, in my opinion, to deny the entertainment value of
such commercials. Let’s take the advertisement of vinamilk, my all-time favorite, as an excellent

Vinamilk is the number-one state enterprise in manufacturing dairy products, especially fresh
milk. In this particular commercial of them that I saw a couple of years ago for the first time,
there are many cute animated cows on a farm, supposedly where the milk is produced, dancing
and singing cheerfully. The song is basically about how happy and healthy the cows are, in
which the term “100%” is continuously repeated.

Immediately after its debut on TV, the advertisement went viral. It turned out to appeal to adults
as much as it did to children. This is one of the most successful advertising campaigns of the

My fondness for this commercial can be explained by its intentional appeal to consumers’
sentimental side, especially children’s, by associating the idea of drinking milk with the feeling of
being happy, whereas other fresh milk advertisements tend to emphasize the physical effects of
the products. Also, it encourages consumers to think that they are drinking milk from cheerful
cows instead of miserable domesticated cattle.


24/7/2014 0 Comments

Cue Card

Talk about a city you have recently visited. Please say

- Which city was it?
- When did you visit it?
- What did you do there?

I extremely enjoy travelling to different cities across the country because I find the vibrant life in
cities irresistible. Unfortunately, I haven’t been travelling as much as I would like to, yet the most
recent city that I visited totally blew me away.

My family and I travelled to Nha Trang last month when my dad decided to take some time off
work to take us all on vacation.

Basically, besides being the capital of Khanh Hoa province on the South Central Coast of
Vietnam, Nha Trang is an increasingly popular tourist city which offers a wide range of activities
for visitors. In fact, Nha Trang has been consistently listed as one of the most beautiful bays in
the world.

While my family were there, we spent most of our time swimming in the sky blue water or just
lying on the white sand beaches, relaxing and enjoying the views. We also went to some
famous tourist attractions of this city including Vinpearl Land, an exciting entertainment
complex, and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. Especially, the cable car ride across the sea from Nha
Trang city to Vinpear Land itself was definitely one of the most fascinating experiences I have
ever had.

Nha Trang charmed me not only with picturesque beaches and resorts but also with
mouthwatering seafood specialities as well as friendly smiles of its locals. I would absolutely
keep coming back to this vibrant seaside town.

22/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in India - December 2013:

Cue Card

Làm về 1 lá thư mà mình nhận đc nhé, h mà thư thì chỉ có thư từ các cơ quan, tổ chức hay
trường học, thư trúng tuyển đại học chẳng hạn, thư thông báo về học bổng, hoặc thư nhắc
đóng tiền net ^^
Describe a letter that you received and the reason it was important to you. Please say:
- Who sent this letter?
- When and where was it?
- How did you feel about it?

Living in this world of technology, I don't remember receiving many letters any more. However,
there is one letter that I received 8 years ago which changed my life drastically.

The letter was sent by the University of Languages and International Studies, where I had taken
an entrance exam a month ago.

You can imagine how nervous I was when I received the letter. My hands were literally shaking
and I actually had to ask my mom to open it for me. She did and congratulated me on getting
accepted by ULIS. It was one of the best days of my life.

The reason why receiving the letter meant a huge lot to me was because every friend of mine
was going to Hanoi and I didn't want to be the only one left behind. To be honest, at 18, like
many other teenagers, I couldn't wait to leave my parents and start living independently. So the
letter opened a new chapter of my life.

Besides, I was very grateful being accepted by such a prestigious university as ULIS. ULIS
belongs to Vietnam National University in Hanoi, one of the two largest national universities in
Vietnam. I was prepared for my future career in the best possible way during my 5 years
studying here.

21/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test at IDP, Ha Noi - June 2014

Part II/ Cue card

A good advise you received from other people

This is such an interesting topic to talk about. I have received many advises from other people,
most of which are quite helpful but there is one advice I’m most grateful for taking.

Ever since I was a small child, I had always been told that study was the only way to succeed,
so children should focus on studying instead of playing. I remember spending all of my freetime
doing homework and going to extra classes. I became very competitive. I got straight “A”s in
school and positive comments from teachers.

Going to university was a huge change in my life. I had to leave my family for my first time to
study in a big city. I was feeling very uncomfortable, being surrounded by unfamiliar people and
learning to adapt to this completely new environment all by myself. That was when I met Linh.

Linh was the most charismatic girl in the whole world who could inspire people and make them
feel happy. She told me that studying wasn’t the most important thing in life because success
wouldn’t mean anything if you were not happy. She made me read books and spend holidays

It turned out that I loved travelling, besides many other things Linh opened my eyes to. I finally
learnt that working hard was important, but enjoying life while doing so was even more
essential. Now that Linh is living and working in another country with her husband, we stay in
touch on the internet. I bet she has very little idea how her advise has turned my life around.

20/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - IDP Vietnam - June 2014

Part II/ Cue Card

Về 1 law tốt hoặc quan trọng thì có thể chọn luật bắt buộc đội mũ bảo hiểm, luật cấm biểu tình
^^! hay luật cấm mặc áo ngủ ra đường (à, có đấy) ^^
Hôm nay mình cùng làm đề về 1 good law/ important law nhé.Đề này có rất nhiều thí sinh thi
trong tháng 5 và tháng 6 vừa rồi gặp phải. Nhiều bạn cho rằng đề đã ra rồi thì sẽ ko ra nữa là
sai lầm đấy. Có thể vừa thi đề này tuần này, tuần sau thi lại vẫn có thể gặp đề này. Cảm ơn các
bạn đã chia sẻ đề. Các bạn vừa đi thi về có thể chia sẻ đề ở đây để mình cùng làm và cho các
bạn khác tham khảo nhóe ^^

Talk about a good law in your country. Please say

- What law is it?
- Why is it a good law?
- Who does the law affect?
- What would have happened without the law?

One of the laws in my country that most Vietnamese people including myself consider to be
highly effective is the mandatory motorcycle helmet law.

As you know, Vietnam has a high burden of road traffic injuries, being the country where
motorcycles are by far the primary mode of transport across the nation with thousands of new
motorcycles on the road each day, according to WHO. It has been estimated that more
accidents in Vietnam occur among motorcycle drivers and passengers than any other mode of

Therefore, back in 2007, the government released a resolution which made it mandatory for all
motorcycles and passengers to wear a helmet on every type of road. According to this
resolution, motorcycle drivers and passengers, if seen not wearing a helmet, can be stopped
and given financial penalties by police.

Obviously, since this law was introduced in Vietnam, it has faced quite many challenges
concerning the quality of helmets, the enforcement of it on children and people's lack of
awareness. However, it can't be denied that this law has made travelling by road in Vietnam
significantly safer. Researches from the government have shown that the number of road traffic
injuries and fatalities has winessed a decrease as helmets lower the frequency and severity of
head injuries resulting from traffic crashes.

20/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking Test in USA - January 2014

Part II/ Cue Card

Phần này làm về 1 cái vườn mình mới thăm, có thể miêu tả Botanical Garden ở Hà Nội hoặc
vườn trái cây bình thường ở quê. Mình chọn phương án 2 vì vừa về quê ăn Tết nên vẫn còn
dạt dào tình cảm ^^
Talk about a garden you have visited recently. Please say
- Where is it located?
- When did you visit this garden?
- What did you do there?
- What was the most interesting thing about this garden?

I always have a thing for gardens. I guess this is because I was born and raised in the
countryside where everyhouse has a garden. However, in big cities like Hanoi, it seems to me
that not many people can afford to have one in their house.

I still remember very clearly the last time I visited a garden. It was during the Tet festival last
month when I spent the long holiday travelling back to my hometown and visiting family. In my
grandparents' house, there is a big and beautiful garden in which, as a child, I used to hang
around with other kids in the neighborhood.

Whenever I visit my grandparents, they would take me to the garden because they know I love
it. My grandfather would show me around, pointing at the fruits that he thinks are ready and I
would help him pick them and put them in a basket for my grandmother to sell at a local market
the following day. Sometimes I also help them remove weed or water the flowers.

The thing that I find most fascinating about this garden is how it always makes me feel so
peaceful and relaxed. Living and working in Hanoi can be extremely stressful and there are
times when I find myself stuck in a rut. When it happens, I would simply take a bus to my
grandparents' house, sit quietly for a while in my childhood's garden, feeling in touch with
nature, listening to my grandmother singing her favorite lullabies and know that I will soon be
okay again.

20/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in Denmark - January 2014

Part II/ Cue Card

Đề này rất lạ và thú vị, về 1 diễn viên hài kịch nổi tiếng ở nước bạn. Well, giữa Trấn Thành,
Xuân Hinh, Hoài Linh, Thanh Bạch, Xuân Bắc, Tự Long, mình chọn ... Hoài Linh nhóe ^^
Talk about a comic actor popular in your country/area. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- Do you like his/her shows? Why?
- Why is he/she so popular?

This is definitely a very interesting topic to talk about. I am a huge fan of comedies. I can literally
spend the whole day watching them without getting bored at all. There are many talented
comedians in Vietnam, among whom my favorite is Hoai Linh.
Hoai Linh was born in 1969 in the central province of Khanh Hoa. In 1993, he followed his family
to move to California, USA where there is a large Vietnamese community. Being the most
popular comic actor today, Hoai Linh actually started his career as a singer and dancer. Not
until he moved to the US was his talent for making people laugh was accidentally discovered by
a friend, which got several entertainment companies such as Van Son and Thuy Nga Paris By
Night interested and brought him contracts. He quickly gained popularity not only among
Vietnamese communities in America but also in his home contry. Now he often travels between
the two countries to perform in sold-out shows.

I personally think Hoai Linh’s shows are extremely enjoyable because they are original. He is
such a multi-talented artist who has successfully combined comedies and singing. He creates
hilarious parodies of famous songs which get stuck in my head. Besides, Hoai Linh is one of the
very few comic actors who can speak different dialects in many parts of Vietnam, which is why
he has audiences everywhere. He also has an unique way of being sarcastic yet gentle and
funny at the same time, tickling people’s funny bone while communicating meaningful

Hoai Linh stands out from other artists because of his personality. As rich and famous as he is,
he doesn’t act like a superstar. It is not likely to see him wearing brand name clothes or driving
expensive cars. He doesn’t boast about his house or his family, unlike most celebrities. In fact,
he has tried to keep his personal life as private as he can. He makes people feel comfortable
around him.


17/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in Argentina - July 2014 (kèm ghi âm)

Hôm nay cùng làm đề về good experience (cũng là silly first love story nhóe ^^), bởi good
experience có thể là 1 kinh nghiệm vui vẻ như 1 chuyến đi, 1 bữa tiệc, 1 giải thưởng, cũng có
thể là 1 kinh nghiệm ko vui vẻ bằng nhưng sâu sắc và để lại bài học ^^ Cùng tham khảo bài bên
dưới nhé!
Part II/ Cue Card

Talk about a good experience that you had as a teenager. Please say
- What was it?
- Why was it good?
- Who was there with you?

I believe that every experience is good in a sense that we can always learn something from
them. So I would like to talk about this experience I had when I was a high school kid.

I had my eyes on a boy in my evening English class. He was smart, funny and handsome. It
was my first crush ever. I still remember blushing everytime our eyes accidentally met. My heart
skipped a beat whenever he came to talk to me. I thought he knew how I felt about him because
it showed.
So I decided to give him some chocolate on Valentines day with a silly note telling him that I
liked him and that I hoped he felt the same way about me. My hands were shaking terribly when
I gave them to him and I could barely look him in the eyes. After that, I ran away.
Several days later, when I saw him again, he told me that he was already having a girlfriend and
she was studying in the UK. He would join her after graduating high school.

As dramatic as I may sound, I was shattered. I ran home with tears in my eyes. I remember how
I sweared never to like boys again because they would only hurt my feelings. My mom found out
about her little daughter’s emotional adventure, and we had this very important conversation
that I would never forget.

She told me, just because people don’t like me the way I expect them to, it doesn’t necessarily
mean they don’t like me. It just happens in life that everyone has different stories in which things
are all about themselves, so no matter what happens, she said, never take things people do to
you personal.

I have always been grateful for that first amazing lesson about relationships. I came to the boy
to apologize for my childish behavior and turns out, we became great friends. Now that he’s
studying in the UK, we still keep in touch. I look forward to seeing him and his girlfriend when
they return to Vietnam.
IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Good Teenager ExperienceCue Card Talk about a good experience
that you had as a teenager. Please say - What was it? - Why was it good? - Who was there with
you? I believe that every experience is good in a sense that we c


17/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in Vietnam - October 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Bài này làm về 1 người nổi tiếng ở nước bạn, tại sao nổi tiếng và tại sao quan trọng với đất
nước mình. Định nói về Ngọc Trinh mà vướng câu cuối nên phải chuyển sang người khác. Nếu
làm theo style trầm trọng thì các bạn có thể chuyển sang viết về 1 chính trị gia nào đó (kiểu Hồ
Chí Minh or Võ Nguyên Giáp), nếu không thì ai cũng được, miễn nói được đóng góp của họ cho
đất nước là được (nhạc sỹ, ca sỹ, người mẫu). Mình chọn phong cách trẻ trung, nên sẽ viết về
bạn Huyen Chip, tuy ko nổi tiếng lắm so với nhiều nhân vật khác nhưng cũng có tiếng.
Describe a famous person in your country. Please say
- Who is this person?
- Why is she/he famous?
- Why is she/he became important to your country?

Among all the famous figures in Vietnam, there is one standing out as unique and controversial,
Huyen Chip, a backpacker and a book writer. This 20-year-old girl has been one of the most
talked-about topics in Vietnam for the last few months. Leaving her home in Nam Dinh in 2010,
Huyen Chip started travelling to many countries on her own with an initial budget of only 700
dollars. She saved money by sleeping at locals' houses for free through the network of
Couchsurfing and travelling by train and bus instead of airplane. When she came back to
Vietnam, she wrote 2 sequential books titled "Pack your bag and go" 1 & 2, which has caused
so much public controversy. Many people boycott the books because, according to them, Huyen
Chip wasn't being very honest in her books, making up some stories and covering some others.
However, people defending her argue that the books are inspiring and she had a the courage to
do what the vast majority wouldn't. Either way, it is undebiable that Huyen Chip has a huge
influence on young people in Vietnam. They have learnt from her to follow their heart and fear
nothing. Many of them have been inspired to start travelling on small budgets. Parents are
worried that their children will one day "pack their bag and go", so they have called for the books
to be banned.

20/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in Denmark - January 2014

Part II/ Cue Card

Đề này rất lạ và thú vị, về 1 diễn viên hài kịch nổi tiếng ở nước bạn. Well, giữa Trấn Thành,
Xuân Hinh, Hoài Linh, Thanh Bạch, Xuân Bắc, Tự Long, mình chọn ... Hoài Linh nhóe ^^
Talk about a comic actor popular in your country/area. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- Do you like his/her shows? Why?
- Why is he/she so popular?

This is definitely a very interesting topic to talk about. I am a huge fan of comedies. I can literally
spend the whole day watching them without getting bored at all. There are many talented
comedians in Vietnam, among whom my favorite is Hoai Linh.

Hoai Linh was born in 1969 in the central province of Khanh Hoa. In 1993, he followed his family
to move to California, USA where there is a large Vietnamese community. Being the most
popular comic actor today, Hoai Linh actually started his career as a singer and dancer. Not
until he moved to the US was his talent for making people laugh was accidentally discovered by
a friend, which got several entertainment companies such as Van Son and Thuy Nga Paris By
Night interested and brought him contracts. He quickly gained popularity not only among
Vietnamese communities in America but also in his home contry. Now he often travels between
the two countries to perform in sold-out shows.

I personally think Hoai Linh’s shows are extremely enjoyable because they are original. He is
such a multi-talented artist who has successfully combined comedies and singing. He creates
hilarious parodies of famous songs which get stuck in my head. Besides, Hoai Linh is one of the
very few comic actors who can speak different dialects in many parts of Vietnam, which is why
he has audiences everywhere. He also has an unique way of being sarcastic yet gentle and
funny at the same time, tickling people’s funny bone while communicating meaningful

Hoai Linh stands out from other artists because of his personality. As rich and famous as he is,
he doesn’t act like a superstar. It is not likely to see him wearing brand name clothes or driving
expensive cars. He doesn’t boast about his house or his family, unlike most celebrities. In fact,
he has tried to keep his personal life as private as he can. He makes people feel comfortable
around him.


16/7/2014 0 Comments
IELTS Speaking test in Japan and Australia - November 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Đề này làm về một ngoại ngữ mà mình học nhé, vì ở Việt Nam trước có hỏi câu này nhưng còn
thêm vào câu hỏi là trừ tiếng Anh ra, nên mình cùng làm 1 ngôn ngữ ngoài tiếng Anh nhé
Talk about a foreign language that you know well. Please say

- What language is it?

- How well do you know it?
- When and where did you learn it?

One of the languages besides English I've taken interest in recently is Korean. Korean is
officially spoken in two countries namely South Korea and North Korean.

Before the 15th century, Korean hadn't come up with their own writing system yet, so they
adapted Chinese characters instead, which didn't make it easy to read and write this language.
Then Sejong the Great introduced a much simpler system called Hangul, which is now
considered the nation's official writing system.

Basically, Korean consists of more or less 40 vowels and consonants, each representing an
unique sound. Therefore, it is a piece of cake to learn how to pronounce Korean words without
necessarily knowing their meaning. It took me about 2 weeks of self-study to be able to read out
loud signs in Korean fast enough.

I started learning Korean because I am a huge fan of Korean music bands and their reality
shows. I think Korean singers are extremely gorgeous and talented who can not only sing but
also dance well. Besides, they are stylish, adorable yet friendly. They have inspired me to
explore their culture and study the language. I hope that by the time I can afford a trip to Korea,
I will have picked up enough vocabulary to use during the visit.

15/7/2014 0 Comments

Speaking Sample (kèm ghi âm)

Part II : Special gift

Last year my mother bought me a Dell Laptop from America because my brother is studying
there and, when it comes to computers, he is an expert.
It is the best present I have ever had, because I can use it for my studies and practice speaking
English on skype also. I have installed Microsoft Word on my laptop too, which is so good to do
my homework with. It has 8 gigabytes of ram on it and 500 gigabytes of storage, which makes it
quite fast and a great place to store photos and documents. While my iphone is very handy
because I can take it wherever I go, the laptop has many superior features and a large screen
making it ideal, for all tasks at hand.

Besides, I have made a lot of new friends through using social networking sites such as
facebook or twitter. The laptop also enables me to stay in close touch with distant family
members and friends. Not only can I chat with them on a regular basis but I can also keep
posted about their activities.


15/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in Australia - June 2014 (kèm ghi âm)

Part II/ Cue card

Cùng làm về chủ đề "favorite sport" nhé ^^ mỗi xuống dòng là 1 ý nhỏ, mình chia ra cho các
bạn dễ follow, và như mình luôn nói đấy, học cách khai triển ý tốt hơn là học thuộc lòng ^^
Talk about your favourite sport. Please say
- What is it?
- Explain the rules of this sport.
- What clothing and equipment are needed for it?
- Why do you like it so much?

Of all the sports that I more or less know how to play, swimming is the one that I find most
fascinating. I learnt to swim when I was a small child because my parents believed that it would
be useful for me.

Unlike other sports, there are no rules to follow when you swim. Basically, swimming is just the
combination of arm and leg motions and the natural floatation of the body.

In order to swim, there must be a swimming pool or a body of water large enough. Most pools,
however, would require individuals to wear swimming costume in order to be able to use the
pool. Some swimmers find it also useful to wear goggles and swim cap to keep water out of
their eyes and their hair for fear that swimming pool water contains many harmful chemicals.

Swimming as an exercise is popular as an all-around body developer and is particularly useful

in therapy and as exercise for physically handicapped persons. It is also taught for lifesaving

The main thing that fascinates me about this sport is the weightless freedom and liberation I feel
when I swim. It feels just like flying. One of my favorite quotes is, “I cannot fly, but swimming is
the next best thing. The water is my sky."


14/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test at IDP , Hanoi, Vietnam - July 2014 (kèm ghi âm)

Đây là đề part II về giúp đỡ người khác, rất nhiều bạn thi trong tháng 7 vừa rồi gặp, mình cùng
thử làm nhé ^^

Part II/ Cue Card

Describe something you do to help others. You should say:

• what you do
• how often you do this
• who you help
and explain why you do this.

I have been volunteering at a shelter for disadvantaged children called Mai Am 19-5 since I was
a university student. It was part of SJ’s effort aiming at better quality of life for young children in
Hanoi. SJ is basically an international volunteer organization which, through its regular
workcamps, provides help for individuals and charities as well as promotes cultural exchange
between international volunteers and locals.

Shelter 19-5 is a primary school for poor children in the area of Phuc Xa, Long Bien, Hanoi.
Most of the students here come from extremely impoverished families where there is only one
parent or both parents go to jail for drug trafficking. The school has but one classroom for all of
its classes taught by two full-time volunteer teachers. There is a nurse to help with cooking and
taking care of the kids who don’t have a home to return to after school.

Most of the time I teach the kids English and Math, the two very important subjects which can
be useful for them in their later life. There are other volunteers from different NGOs to teach with
me too. Sometimes we bring food for the kids, other times books and toys. On special
occasions, we organize social activities for them to go out and interact with children from
“normal” families. This is necessary so that the kids from Mai Am can gain certain level of self-
confidence and won’t be too shy growing up.

Volunteering at Mai Am is one of the life changing experiences that have made me who I am
today. Before I met the children here, I had very little idea how lucky I was to have two loving
parents and a place to call home. I have also learnt the importance of giving instead of taking
and how it can drastically change people’s lives including my own.

20/5/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test – Sample answer (kèm ghi âm)

Part II/ Building

Describe the most interesting building in your country:

Where is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

I definitely think Tháp Rùa, meaning "Turtle Tower", is one of the most important historic
buildings in Vietnam. It is on Jade island of Hồ Gươm lake, "Lake of the Returned Sword,"
which is located in Old Quarter, the very central part of Ha Noi.
"Turtle Tower" was built in the late 1800's where “Ta Vong" an earlier temple, had stood. The
temple was built to honour a famous warrior Le Loi, who fought foreign invaders. Legend has it
that this lake is where the Dragon King reclaimed the sword he had given Le Loi, to free the
Vietnamese people from enemies from the North.

Today, there are large soft shell turtles in the lake, where the golden turtle which was "Kim Qui"
came to the surface and asked Lợi, for his golden sword back, to give to the Dragon King. Every
once in a while, people visiting the lake can take pictures of hundred-year-old turtles surfacing,
which has long been considered as a sign of good fortune by locals.

The words inscribed on the sword are said to say "The Will of Heaven", meaning it’s heaven’s
will that this country and its people should be free and independent. This tower I believe, a
tourist attraction now, has a huge significance in Vietnamese history as well as culture.

6/5/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test - Sample answer

Part II/ Cue Card

Bài này làm về 1 quyển sách thú vị nhé ^^
Describe a book that you have recently read. Please say
- What was the name of the book?
- What was the book about?
- Do you think it was interesting? Why?

Admittedly, for the past few months, I haven’t been reading as much as I should because of my
new projects at work. It’s a shame, because reading is, without a doubt, the best way to learn as
well as to relax. The last book that I read, “A still forest pool”, is also the one that has had the
most significant impact on me.

Basically, “A still forest pool” is a book about meditation written by Ajahn Chah, a Buddhist
master in Thailand. Ajahn had spent years meditating in forest monasteries, which are not as
easy to be found as they were several decades ago. Being among the most influential and
respected teacher of Buddhism in his own country, he has been known as a man of great
wisdom who people seek advice from.

“A still forest pool” is such a remarkable book which reflects the author’s simple yet powerful
message about Buddhist practice of “everyday mindfulness”. Not only does it describe the
importance of staying fully awake in everyday life, but it also shows people how to start living
mindfully. The book has profound insights, especially for the West, where Buddhism has
recently become more popular.

This is definitely the most interesting book that I have ever read. It helps me realize how
important it is to live fully in the present instead of the past or the future. I would recommend it to
everyone who is in search for inspiration, motivation or simply a change in attitude in order to
live more meaningfully.
3/3/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in India - February 2014

Part II/ Cue Card

Alrite, bài này làm về 1 món đồ mình phải tiết kiệm tiền để mua. Nhân ngày phụ nữ, làm về 1
món quà tặng mẹ nhé. Có thể xài cho 1 số đề khác nhau. Bài dưới đây có sử dụng nhiều cách
diễn đạt slang, nên có chỗ nào ko hiểu các bạn cứ hỏi nhé ^^
Talk about a situation when you saved some money to buy a special item. Please say
- What was the reason?
- How long did it take to save the money?
- How did you feel later?

I still remember the time I had to save money to buy my mom a gift. It was three years ago,
when I was still in college. Her birthday was coming and I wanted to get her something really
special. Back then, I was only a student who worked part-time in a small café near our school
and the salary could barely cover my basic expenses like food or rent. Of course my parents
took care of my tuition fee but I wanted to be independent so I managed to live by my modest
salary working as a waitress.

Nevertheless, I made up my mind to buy my mom a pair of high heels which I saw in a
showroom. I fell in love with those ocean blue open toe shoes at the first sight and I knew
immediately that my mom would love them too because, when it comes to fashion, we share
pretty much the same taste. The shoes, however, were costly, which means I had to not only
spend all of my savings but also work for extra hours in a month to have enough money to buy

I felt extremely proud of myself because up until then, I had never really bought anything
expensive using my own money. I had never had a proper financial plan either. So this was a
huge deal for me. I learnt a whole lot about making money, saving it and spending it wisely. It
gave me a sense of responsibility.

More importantly, when I saw that smile on my mother’s face when she opened the gift, I knew it
was totally worth it. She was moved not because of the shoes which, of course, she loved, but
because she knew how hard it must have been for me to be able to get her those shoes. Later
she told me that it was the best gift ever and it made her feel special. It wasn’t about shoes. It
was all about letting people I love know how much I love them.


19/2/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test

Part II/ Cue card

Describe a competition that you would like to take part in or watch

You should say:

what competition it would be

what happens in such a competition

what preparations you would need to make for this competition

and explain why you would like to take part in this competition.

Có bạn hỏi mình cách triển khai ý cho đề này. Về cơ bản đề này hỏi về 1 cuộc thi mà mình
muốn tham gia (hoặc xem). Thứ nhất, không nhất thiết là thể thao đâu nhé, nấu ăn, hát hò này.
Ai có nguyện vọng thi Idol hay X Factor thì nói thoải mái. Thứ hai, lưu ý là tham gia hoặc xem,
nhiều bạn bị ám ảnh bởi chữ tham gia nên quên mất mình còn 1 sự lựa chọn nhẹ nhàng hơn là
xem thôi . Mà mình thấy hồi trước đã làm 1 đề về 1 chương trình TV yêu thích là Master Chef,
vừa hay đây lại là 1 cuộc thi nấu ăn nên có thể xài ^^ thật là nhất cử đại tiện ^^ , tuy nhiên mình
sẽ làm theo hướng tham gia chứ ko phải xem để đề phòng sau này lỡ có vào còn biết mà trả lời

Recently I've become fascinated about a reality cooking competition called "MasterChef". I
haven't missed a single episode. If I had a chance, I would definitely like to sign up for this

Basically, this is a cooking competition between home cooks who are passionate about the art
of cooking. They have to go through several rounds in which they are asked to cook with
ingredients appointed by a panel of judges. In each round, a few cooks are eliminated until the
Master Chef is found.

I guess there would be several things I should take into consideration if I want to join this reality
show. First of all, I should certainly spend more time in the kitchen making not only delicious
foods but also beautiful ones. Besides, it is inevitable that I would have to ask for at least a few
months off work. Many home cooks even decided to quit their job in order to follow their dream
of becoming the best chef.

I am very interested in this cooking competition because it has drastically changed my attitude
towards cooking. I used to think that cooking is a boring chore which I tried to avoid whenever I
could. However, now I see it as an art in which the people who cook can use their imagination
and creativity to create breathtaking dishes. I have been inspired to spend more time in kitchen
with my family. To me, cooking is no longer a task to be done, it is one way of showing my
family and friends how much I love them.
15/7/2014 0 Comments

IELTS Speaking test in the UK - June 2014 (kèm ghi âm)

Part II/ Cue card
Describe the first mobile phone that you have got. Please say
- When and where did you get it?
- What did you mostly use it for?
- What difference did it make to your life? Why?

I still remember having my very first mobile phone as a reward from my mom when I passed the
university entrance exam. I know nowadays kids start using mobile phone pretty soon like in
secondary school and many high school students own one. However, my parents didn’t want
me to have one before I got into university because they were afraid that it could distract me
from my study. So, you can imagine how excited I was when I was given the phone.
Actually, it wasn’t a cool phone with touch screen or camera. Instead, it was just a very basic
phone which allowed me to make calls and send text messages only. I used it to keep in touch
with my family and friends because I had to study away from home. Of course sometimes I used
it to entertain as well by listening to the radio or playing games.
Although it was a simple phone, it meant a lot to me. Going to university was the biggest change
in my life. I had to leave my little home town, my family and the life that I had been familiar with,
to live in a big city. It took me several months to get over my homesickness and I can’t imagine
how I could have made it without my phone. I called my mom at least twice a day. She
comforted me and gave me useful advices. Now that I have graduated and found myself a job in
this city, I can afford to buy much fancier phones but I still keep this phone as a reminder of my
family’s love and support.




IELTS Speaking test in Vietnam - February

Part II/ Cue card

Describe an activity that you like to do with older people!

Có bạn hỏi mình đề này bạn ấy vừa thi và cảm thấy khó, mình sẽ làm 1 sample để tham khảo nhé ^^

Một hoạt động với người lớn tuổi hơn? Well, nó hơn mình 1 tuổi cũng tính là hơn, mà có thể hơn đến cả dăm bảy
chục tuổi, đối với các bạn chỉ hơn mình ít tuổi thì hầu như làm cái gì cùng nhau cũng đc, nhưng với các trường hợp
bô lão thì rủ đi ăn, đi chơi hay đi shopping thấy hơi kỳ, nên để an toàn và đỡ phải chia trường hợp, mình lấy hoạt
động: talking ^^, vừa nice, không mất sức, mà lại có ý support: kinh nghiệm.

Làm thử nhé:

Living in an extended family, I usually find myself in the company of people who are older than me, for example, my
grandparents, aunts and uncles. As strange as it may sound, I quite enjoy spending time with my older family
members, even more than I do with my friends sometimes. My favorite activity is definitely talking with them.

We talk very often when we watch a movie, prepare a family dinner or whenever we can manage to spend time with
each other.

Normally people would assume that there are not many things to talk about between family members, especially
those from different generations, and that most of the conversations are either awkward or boring.

However, in my family, we talk about everything from school to relationships. I feel extrememly comfortable telling my
older family members about my personal problems. Their stories fascinate me as well.

I think one of the reasons why I love talking with older people is because they have many interesting and useful life
experiences which I can learn from. Somehow they always have solutions to my problems. Their pieces of advice
have proved to be helpful. After talking with them, I often feel inspired by their wisdom and positive attitude.

Another thing about older people which attracts me is the fact that they seem to be very good listeners. They don't
interrupt or try to finish my sentences. My grandparents just wait patiently until they are sure that I've told them
everything that's on my mind. I guess this is because they have been in my situation many times before, so they
know exactly what it's like to be heard.

I believe some people don't grow old. They simply grow up as long as they are willing to learn and share.




IELTS Speaking in Vietnam - January 2014

Part II/ Cue card

Đề này làm về 1 người thông minh mà mình biết. Có bạn muốn làm về Ngô Bảo Châu. Vấn đề là thế này, khi người
nước ngoài nó bảo "someone you know" thì thường nghĩa là người mình biết ngoài đời, quen biết chứ không phải chỉ
biết đó là ai.

Ví dụ, sẽ là không chính xác nếu mình nói "I know Britney Spears" mà phải nói "I know who BS is", tức là mình chỉ
biết nó là ai chứ không biết nó chứ ko phải biết theo cái kiểu hôm qua nó vừa rủ mình đi ăn bún đậu mắm tôm ^^ nên
trong câu hỏi nhỏ có câu when did you meet him. Tuy nhiên, mình vẫn làm về Bảo Châu nhưng với tư cách người
quen, để mà cho tiện, có thể dùng trong nhiều đề khác nhau: người nổi tiếng, người mình ngưỡng mộ, người mình
thích etc.

Describe an intelligent person you know.

You should say:
who this person is
when and where you first met them
what kind of person they are
and explain why you think this person is intelligent.

Among all the people that I know (and don’t ^^), Ngo Bao Chau is definitely the most intelligent man. Chau is 42
years old, a dual citizen of Vietnam and France and currently teaching mathematics at the University of Chicago in
the US.

Well, I have always been grateful for the fact that I actually know Ngo Bao Chau as a person. We are neighbors. In
fact, he and my father were good friends back when they were teenagers. They lost touch, however, after Chau went
to France to study after high school and decided to settle down there. In 2005, “Uncle” Chau (as I’m supposed to
address him) , returned to Vietnam. Every once in a while when he visits his family in Hanoi, I get to see him and
even talk to him.

Chau has been considered a mathematical genius ever since high school, when he became the first Vietnamese
student to win two International Mathematical Olympiad gold medals in grades 11 and 12. At the age of 33, he
received the title of professor in Vietnam, becoming our country’s youngest-ever professor. Nonetheless, not until
Bao Chau won the prestigious Fields Medal in 2010 for succeeding in finding the proof for a fundamental lemma did
the world learn his name.

I like Ngo Bao Chau for not only his mathematical talent but also his personality. Despite being a super rich and
famous person, he is very friendly and humble. I can’t remember hearing him boasting about his achievements. With
a smile on his face, he makes people feel comfortable yet inspired at the same time. I do think that no one can make
a better role model for Vietnamese young generations than him.




IELTS Speaking test in Zimbabwe - December 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Bài này yêu cầu nói về 1 trang web yêu thích. Theo như bây h thì thấy có vẻ nhiều người thích facebook huh, vậy
nên làm về facebook nhé ^^

Talk about an internet website you like the most. Please say

- What is the website?

- What do you find interesting about it? Why?
- What are the advantages of using it?

Well, it can't be denied that internet is one of the greatest inventions in human's history. We have benefited from it in
many ways. Among all the websites that I visit most frequently, is definitely my favorite.

Basically, facebook is an online social networking service. It was founded back in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and
some of his fellow students at Havard University. Interestingly, the website was only limitted to Havard students at
that time. However, as the page became more popular, Mark decided to expand it to any one aged 13 and over.

At the moment, facebook is considered to be the most used social networking service with one billion active users,
making Mark one of the youngest billionaires and Facebook Inc. rank among the most successful brands.

I personally find facebook fascinating because it enables users to share photos, notes and update their status in the
most efficient way so that people in their friend list can see what they are up to anytime, anywhere.

Obviously, facebook is a great way of staying in touch with friends and family. By spending just a couple of minutes
on facebook, one can literally see what's going on with his people. He can also post on his friends' wall or poke them.
He is also notified when someone tags him in a picture. Of course, he can also choose to block or unfriend a person
he doesn't like or simply make himself invisible to them.

One thing that I have found quite amusing about the mentality of facebook users is that, they tend to avoid accepting
friend requests from people in their own family or real-life connections because they feel uncomfortable letting their
relations at home or work know how they actually feel. It has been predicted that, once parents get more involved in
facebook, the number of facebook users will significantly decrease as children move to other networking services
such as twitter or instagram.



IELTS Speaking test in Iran - December 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Đề này hỏi về 1 chương trình TV mình xem gần đây, làm về Master Chef nhé ^^

Talk about a TV program that you watched recently. Please say

- What was it about?
- Did you like it or not? Why?

To be honest, I am a big fan of TV. I can literally spend the whole day in front of a TV without feeling bored at all.
There are just so many exciting programs to watch.

Recently I've become fascinated about a cooking program called "MasterChef US" on Star World. I haven't missed a
single episode.

Basically, this is a cooking competition between home cooks who are passionate about the art of cooking. They have
to go through several rounds in which they are asked to cook with ingredients appointed by a panel of judges
including Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich and Graham Elliot. In each round, a few cooks are eliminated until the
Master Chef is found.

There are many cooking shows on TV these days but I find "MasterChef US" the most interesting one because of the
judges. They can be as strict as school teachers when it comes to judging, but they are also humorous and inspiring.
They can see the passion for cooking in candidates and know it is exactly what it takes to become a great cook. Not
only do they train amateurs to cook, but they also motivate them.

Besides, watching this show has drastically changed my attitude towards cooking. I used to think that cooking is a
boring chore which I tried to avoid whenever I could. However, now I see it as an art in which the people who cook
can use their imagination and creativity to create breathtakingly beautiful and delicious dishes. I have been inspired to
spend more time in kitchen with my family. To me, cooking is no longer a task to be done, it is one way of showing
my family and friends how much I love them.




IELTS Speaking test in Iran - December 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Đề này làm về 1 hoạt động ngoài trời mà mình chưa làm và muốn làm, rất thú vị, có thể kể đến lướt ván, nhảy dù,
nhảy cầu (có dây an toàn chứ ko phải kiểu nhảy cầu Chương Dương nhé), đua thuyền etc, làm thử trò nhảy dù
parachuting nhé ^^

Describe an outdoor activity that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future. Please say

- What activity is it?

- When and where would you like to do it?
- What special skills or equipment would you need?
I am quite an adventurous girl who would like to try as many things, especially outdoor activities, as possible,
including extreme sports. However, extreme sports are not very popular in Vietnam partly due to the lack of training
centers and high costs.

One of the activities that I definitely want to do in the future is parachuting. Until now I haven't heard of a parachuting
center in Vietnam, but I am going to visit a relative in Indonesia next month and we will check a site out.

Basically, this sport involves jumping from an airplane/craft/helicopter/balloon at the height of 1000-4000 meter, of
course with a parachuting kit on the back. Because of gravity, the person will free fall for approximately one minute.
After that, the parachute will be opened and the person can choose where to land.

The reason why I find this activity so fascinating is because I love the feeling of being in the sky. I once tried para
sailing in Nha Trang. I was up in the air, being tied to a balloon and a boat, which pulled me across the water.
Although it was pretty awesome, it wasn't enough for me. I would like to free fall in the sky, not being tied to anything.
I bet it would be a mind-blowing experience!!




IELTS Speaking test in Spain - November 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Đề này làm về 1 câu chuyện mình được kể cho nghe lúc nhỏ, Tấm Cám, cây tre trăm đốt hay Ông Gióng chẳng hạn.
Luôn luôn ghi nhớ rằng đây là bài kiểm tra tiếng anh, người ta ko quan tâm đến nội dung câu truyện nhé, nên khi kể
mình thường kể khúc đầu khúc cuối còn khúc giữa thì chiết khấu nhé.

Nhiều tình tiết rắc rối sẽ làm bài nói của mình khó follow, nên hãy lược hết và kể kiểu: anh này sinh ra trong 1 gia
đình nghèo, chị này sinh gia trong 1 gia đình giàu, họ gặp nhau ở 1 cái WC công cộng và ngay lập tức fall in love, tuy
nhiên 2 gia đình ngăn cản, trải qua rất nhiều sóng gió cuối cùng họ cũng đến đc vs nhau nhưng rất tiếc anh phát hiện
ra mình bị trĩ giai đoạn cuối ^^ . Thế chẳng hạn. Dùng ngôn ngữ giản dị, giản dị hóa câu truyện. Chủ yếu nêu đc ý
nghĩa của câu truyện: dạy tôi lòng dũng cảm, khoan dung, làm người tốt vì gieo gió gặt bão, nhân quả, cách chữa trĩ
etc. Làm thử nhé

Talk about a story that you were told as a child. Please say
- Who told you this story?
- What happened in the story?
- Did you like it or not? Why?

My grandmother is the best storyteller in the world. When I was a kid, she told me a story everynight so that I could
sleep. Of all the wonderful stories she told me, the one that I enjoyed the most was "Snow White and the Seven

Snow White was an extrememly beautiful princess whose mother passed away shortly after giving birth to her. Her
father, the King, decided to remarry. The stepmother was, unfortunately, a wicked witch who was so obssessed with
her own beauty that everyday shes had to ask a magic mirrow who the fairest of them was. Only when the answer
was the Queen herself was she satisfied. One day the answer changed. The mirrow told the Queen that princess
Snow White was then the fairest of them all, which made the stepmother crazy. She decided to have a huntsman kill
the princess. However, after learning that the princess had a warm and kind heart, the hunstman couldn't kill her and
told her about the Queen's evil plan. Snow White, being terrified, ran deep into the jungle where she meet the seven
dwarfs. They let her stay with them in their tiny house and treated her as a friend. The Queen soon found out that the
princess was still alive, so she decided to take the matter into her own hand. She went into the jungle, disguised as
an old lady. When the seven dwarfs weren't home, she knocked on the door and offered the naive Snow White an
apple. Not knowing the apple was poinsonous, Snow White had a bite and immediately fell to the floor. When the
seven dwarfs were going to bury their beloved princess, a prince on a white horse passed by. He kissed the princess
and a magic happened. Snow White came back to life. Like many other happy ending fairy tales, the wicked witch
died. The prince and the princess got married and lived happily ever after.




IELTS Speaking test in India - November 2013

Part II/ Cue card

Đề này làm về mùa yêu thích nè ^^ , chọn mùa xuân thì có thể nói nó là mùa đầu tiên của năm, tượng trưng cho sự
bắt đầu, hy vọng, có nhiều lễ hội, thời tiết mát mẻ ko nóng ko lạnh; mùa hè thì thích mặt trời, đi biển, bơi, tắm nắng,
các hoạt động ngoài trời; mùa thu vì ấm áp, lãng mạn, lá chuyển màu, thích hợp đi dạo bộ; mùa đông thì thích diện
các loại quần áo đẹp, lãng mạn đi dạo tay trong tay với gấu, ăn các món nướng cay, có kỳ nghỉ giáng sinh và năm
mới dài, cảm thấy thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi. Nói chung với mỗi ý thì tìm câu support.

Talk about a season or time of the year that you enjoy the most. Please say

- What do you do during this season?

- Describe what the weather is like.
- Why do you like it more than other seasons?

My favorite season of the year is definitely summer. As you may have noticed, the north of Vietnam has 4
distinguishing seasons, cool spring with drizzlings, hot summer with heavy rains, warm autumn with leaves changing
colors and cold winter with fog. I love all the seasons, nevertheless, I find summer the most fascinating and exciting.

Many people complain that summer in the north is just too hot. Sometimes it can get above 40 degree C. I must admit
that it can be a little bit uncomfortable to have to walk somewhere under the boiling sun. And then come the sudden
rains which can spoil outdoor parties. However, once you get used to it, you can completely plan your activities to
avoid the heat and still enjoy summertime.

There is a bunch of reasons why this season is my favorite. First thing first, I love swimming. Of course I can also
swim in other seasons at indoor pools but it just doesn't feel the same. I love lying on a chair under the sun after
coming out of the water, feeling the sun on my body, listening to some good music. It is so relaxing, which,
unfortunately, I can only do in about 4 months of the year. Besides, I am an outdoor person who enjoy outdoor
activities. In other seasons I often find myself stuck at home looking out of the window feeling miserable. The sight of
the sun does cheer me up. I always feel like it's forever to wait for summer to return. What's more, we students have
a long summer break from school which can last for 2 months. This means I can travel or take part in projects which I
simply don't find time for at other times. This long holiday is really necessary for me to refesh myself and get ready for
a new semester. I seriously have thought about keep moving to places where it is summer once I can afford it.



IELTS Speaking test in Vietnam - November 2013

Đề này mới thi ở Hà Nội tháng vừa rồi và khá nhiều bạn phàn nàn về việc bí ý. Vậy thử làm xem nhóe ^^

Part II/ Cue Card

Talk about a family business that you would like to start. Please say:

- What business would it be?

- Where would it be located?
- Who would be your clients? Why?

Câu hỏi này khó ở chỗ ít bạn đã từng nghĩ tới việc mở 1 business riêng chứ đừng nói đến 1 family business - 1 công
việc kinh doanh gia đình, nghĩa là bao gồm 1 vài thành viên trong gia đình mình cùng quản lý. Đơn giản thì có thể
nghĩ ra việc mở 1 quán cafe hay quán ăn nhẹ tại nhà, mẹ nâu nướng, pha chế, bố quản lý tài chính, con làm phục vụ
bàn, có thể nói nó gần trường học hay bệnh viện và hướng tới các đối tượng trên cho dễ. Mở cửa hàng sách thì bảo
nó gần trường đại học. Nên có 1 sự liên quan ko nhẹ ^^ giữa việc kinh doanh đó và niềm đam mê của bản thân để
bài nói có thêm tính personal và thuyết phục.

This is an interesting question. Recently I have been thinking about what to do after graduation and this idea has
come to my mind that I should probably start a small home-based business like a book cafe with my parents' support.

Since our house is located next to the two biggest universities in Hanoi which are Hanoi Foreign Trade University and
Hanoi University of Law, it is ideal to open a cafe that allows people to read something in a relaxing atmostphere.

My mom is an excellent cook so I'm sure her snacks will get positive feedbacks from our clients. I myself will sign up
for a six-month course of bartending. I have some experience already having worked part-time at the school's
canteen. I will also involve my dad in the business because he is good at managing and organizing things.

Obviously we will target at students who go to the two above universities and also the teaching staff. They will want a
nice break between stressful classes, having conversations over a cup of coffee and filling their empty stomach with
some quick fingure foods. For those who can't afford to spend their precious time doing nothing, there will be a wide
range of books for them to choose from. The menu will be designed to meet the budget of students. I'm pretty sure
our business will be a success and who knows, maybe it can get really big ^^




IELTS Speaking test in India - November 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Bài hôm nay làm về một dịp mình có khách đến nhà chơi nghen, nghe hơi lạ nhỉ, phần 3 thì nó hỏi về việc trong nền
văn hóa mình khách đến chơi thường làm gì. Ở các nước phương Tây thường theo phong cách tiệc tùng, nó sẽ
uống hay ăn bỏng ngô, xem TV, chơi game, nhảy nhót còn ở VN mình thì ko hay có kiểu mời 1 đám bạn đến nhà
như vậy, nên chắc mình miêu tả 1 bữa tiệc sinh nhật theo phong cách Việt Nam nhé, chú trọng đến phần ăn và phần
nói chuyện ^^

Talk about a celebration when a number of guests came to your place. Please say
- How did you entertain them?
- What was special about it?
- How did you feel about it later?

To be honest, I don't usually have many guests over to my place because I'm living with my parents. We usually hang
out somewhere. However, I still remember my last birthday when I made up my mind to throw a small party at my
house and invited about 30 friends. Of course I had to ask for my parents' permission first and they were cool with the

I don't usually have guests but when I do, I always make sure they enjoy themselves. Everyone knows that my
mother is an excellent cook, so she helped me prepare a fabulous dinner with both Asian and Western dishes, which
got tons of compliments from participants. After the meal, I was surprised by this giant birthday cake with my name on
it, which my friends had secretly ordered for me. Although drinking is not my thing, we were allowed to have some
beers later and turned out our favorite party songs. People seemed to be having a good time.

When the party was over, I regretted having it in the first place because now I had to clean a huge mess and the
hungover was not very pleasant. Just kidding ^^ . I was so glad I had the party so I could catch up with some friends I
hadn't been able to see for a while. It made me feel good to see people happy and smily. Having my birthday with
family and friends around was very special to me and I won't forget this occasion for a long time.

to throw a party: đứng ra tổ chức 1 buổi tiệc

to be cool with something: ok với cái gì, ko bất mãn, cáu giận, buồn phiền với cái gì
drinking is not my thing: tôi ko giỏi uống hay tôi ko thích uống




IELTS Speaking test in Australia - November 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Bài này hỏi về 1 tác phẩm nghệ thuật, có thể là âm nhạc, văn chương hay 1 bức tranh, 1 tác phẩm điêu khắc. Làm
về Mona Lisa nhé ^^

Describe a piece of art that you know about. Please say

- What is it?
- How do know about it?
- Do you like it? Why?

One of the most popular pieces of art worldwide is the "Mona Lisa" painting by an Italian artist, Leonardo Da Vinci.
Actually, as far as I know, this is "the most recognized, the most talked about, the most visited" artwork in the history
of art.

The painting is so famous that I personally think there is hardly anyone who hasn't heard about or seen copies of it. It
was originally thought to be the half-length portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, painted
between 1503 and 1506. That is why it is also called "La Joconde" in French. However, whose poitrait it actually is
remains a controversal question. Some say that Da Vinci just painted himself in a female version. Another belief is
Mona Lisa is the artist's own mother, which explains the likeness between the poitrait and its creator.
I'm very interested in the work of art, mostly because of its history and mysteries. The painting has been stolen for
several times. There was a time people even thought that it would never be found again. Fortunately, it was.
However, there have been so many genious copies of the painting that nobody can be quite sure where the original
one really is. It is even bullet proof so that less demage will be made to it. One of the most curious things about the
picture is Mona Lisa's smile, or half smile, to be precise. It has been said that whether it is a happy smile or sad one
depends on the mood of the observer. What is the meaning of the smile or what truth is hiden behind it has been
discussed by the most renowned experts but I personally think Da Vince took the secret with him six feet under and
no one would ever know the answers.




IELTS Speaking test in Columbia - November 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Đề này hỏi về 1 chuyến viếng thăm của ai đó đến nhà mình. Chọn ai, dịp nào thì phải phụ thuộc vào việc có nói đc là
tại sao thích sự thăm viếng đó không. Nói chung chọn con bạn thân thì kêu là có 1 khoảng thời gian vui vẻ, giảm
stress, chọn 1 người họ hàng xa thì bảo lâu chưa gặp người ta, rất yêu quý/ngưỡng mộ/ấn tượng người ta etc. Làm
thử nhé

Talk about a visit that you received in your home. Please say
- Who was visiting you?
- When was it?
- What did you do?
- Did you enjoy that visit? Why?

Last weekend one of my friends from university dropped by my place. She was my best friend back at uni. We
haven't seen each other since graduation because both of our jobs are extrememely busy and she has to travel a lot

When we were at university, she used to cook for me because she is one of the best cooks ever. Of course I helped
her with cleaning and washing up after. So last weekend when she visited, we decided that she would cook an
extravagant meal and I would ask several old friends that we both know to come over and eat with us. We went to the
market nearby together to get the ingredients. Because of all the travelling, she can cook many exotic dishes. When
our friends arrived, we had a blast.

I thoroughly enjoyed her visit because it was a precious chance for me to catch up with old friends. It has been 2
years since we graduated from university, and, although most of us stay and work in Hanoi, we don't often manage to
find time to hang out like in the good old days. Besides, we had a really good time together which definitely helped
me relax and temporarily forget the stress from work. Suddenly I realized that I had been wearing myself out by
working too hard without enough rest, so I have made up my mind to work less and spend more time seeing friends

Drop by: ghé thăm

Come over: qua chơi

Extravagant: xa hoa, xa xỉ (ý nói bữa ăn nhiều món cầu kỳ)

Blast: bữa tiệc

Catch up with someone: cập nhật tin tức với ai đó, biết tình hình hiện tại của người ta

Hang out: đi chơi

Wear myself out: tự làm mình kiệt sức

Make up my mind: quyết định




Từ vựng và ideas cho chủ đề "festival in your country": nếu các bạn muốn miêu tả về dịp Tết của Việt Nam, bài viết
dưới đây rất có ích về cả mặt từ vựng (đơn giản, ko cầu kỳ, gần gũi) và ý tưởng. Các bạn tập lấy những từ vựng và
rút bớt idea ngắn lại để tạo ra 1 bài IELTS speaking task 2 hoàn chỉnh chủ đề "festival in your country" nhé:

Tet Festival in Vietnam

Before The New Year

Preparations begin about a week before the new year. Homes are cleaned out in the hopes of getting rid of the past
year's bad luck, and some families go so far as to repaint their house's exterior. It also is believed to be lucky to buy
new clothes and get a fresh haircut. At midnight on New Year's Eve, Vietnamese families conduct the ritual Le Tru
Tich, which involves gongs, firecrackers and other noisy items to chase out the old year and ring in the new.

New Year's Day Traditions

On New Year's Day, most families meet to exchange gifts and have a traditional meal, and also perform a ceremony
to appease the kitchen god. Homes are decorated with the hoa mai flower and all thoughts of sadness are supposed
to be avoided. Children are encouraged not to fight or cry and anyone in mourning is shunned because it is bad luck
to be associated with death on New Year's Day. Many families plant a new year's tree in front of the house and wrap
it with lucky red paper. The tree is removed at the end of the first week of the new year. After the family meal, many
Vietnamese attend the local pagoda to worship ancestors.

In The Cities
In major cities, such as Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, Tet celebrations are more similar to new year celebrations in western
countries. People attend events in dance clubs and bars. This is a time of enjoyment and there is a lot of eating and
drinking involved in the celebrations. Fireworks are set off to scare away the evil spirit. Stores and neighborhoods
decorate with colored lights and red banners.

Food is an important part of the Tet celebrations. The Vietnamese believe that what a person does on New Year's
Day dictates the course of the rest of the year, and eating a lot represents the hope that no one will go hungry in the
coming year. In the days leading up to the holiday, the Vietnamese traditionally give gifts of food to family members
and friends. The traditional meal includes foods such as bang, a bamboo and pork soup; bang chung, a sticky rice
cake filled with pork and beans; and orange sticky rice. Even the ancestors are given food gifts. Families leave a five
fruit tray at the altar.

Things To Know
With the exception of the hospitality industry, most businesses close down for the entire week of Tet celebrations.
Because the holiday is an important time for Vietnamese families to spend time together, travel in Vietnam is as
hectic as Christmas travel is in many other parts of the world. Any travel plans within the country must be arranged
well in advance. Since most of the celebration takes place in the homes of friends and family, visitors might feel left
out for most of the week unless they have close friends or family in Vietnam.


IELTS Speaking test in Australia - October 2013

Part II/ Cue Card: Historic event

Đề này hơi khoai chút, làm về sự kiện lịch sử thì thường chúng mình chỉ nhớ mang máng chung chung, ko rõ ngày
tháng con số lắm, nếu có thể chém được kiểu "10/6/1987 là ngày sáng lập hội chém gió VN với con số hội viên ban
đầu là -100009" chẳng hạn thì ko nói làm gì, nếu ko thì chỉ có cách chuẩn bị trước đối vs những đề này, chịu khó tìm
đề và tư duy ý trước ở nhà ^^^^
Bài này mình làm về ngày 2/9 nhóe ^^, ít số liệu lại giàu ý nghĩa, còn giề tiện hơn ^^ từ vựng thì hơi khó chút

Talk about a historic event that you remember well. Please say
- What is the event?
- When and where did it take place?
- Why did you remember it?

One of the historic events that not only me but millions of other Vietnamese would never forget is September 2nd,
1945 when Ho Chi Minh read the "Declaration of Independence", giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
At the famous Ba Dinh Square, thousands of patriotic demonstrators broke to tears when Uncle Ho officially declared
the country's independence and freedom.

There are many reasons why this event holds such great significance in the history of Vietnam. Not only did it mark
the birth of our country but it also represented the victory of the national solidarity over powerful yet malicious forces.
Although Vietnam was only a small and poor country in the Far East which hadn't been officially recognized before,
we stunned the world by defeating the most powerful colonies. Since that day, the world has known and admired

This event is celebrated annually all over the country. 2/9 is a national holiday when people take a day off to bring
their family to public celebratory events. This is an invaluable occasion to remind young generations of the sacrifice of
their forefathers and to value the freedom and independence they are enjoying.




IELTS Speaking test in Japan - October 2013

Một ngôi nhà mình mới chuyển đến hoặc 1 công việc mới, làm công việc nhóe ^^ sự sáng tạo, mới mẻ được khuyến
khích, suy nghĩ hiện đại và hài hước 1 chút để làm bài nói hấp dẫn. Lưu ý: bài nói dưới ko lấy để đi thi đc đâu nhé,
dựa vào bố cục thôi ^^

Part II/ Cue Card

Talk about a new home you moved into or a new job you started recently. Please say
- When did you move/start working?
- Where did you move/start working?
- Why did you move/start working?

Đoạn đầu nói công việc gì, làm ở đâu, bắt đầu công việc khi nào, một chút về quá trình xin việc nếu có gì thú vị và
nổi bật
Recently I started working as a personal assistant of the most famous and influential man in the US, Mr. President
Barck Obama. I was offered the position 2 months ago when his wife, Michelle, got busy with her new fashion
projects and the kids, Malia and Natasha, told their dad that they felt neglected. I guess the parents figured out that
they needed to hire someone to make sure Obama can be a great president and an understanding father at the same
feel neglected: cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi, thờ ơ
figure out that: tính toán rằng, suy tính rằng
I guess: tôi đoán rằng, tập dùng thay cho I think nhé, nghe văn phong nói hơn, tự nhiên hơn

Đoạn tiếp theo miêu tả về công việc, hãy tư duy ý rõ ràng, bạn sẽ nói về mấy nhiệm vụ chính, mỗi nhiệm vụ có
support không, ví dụ nhiệm vụ 1 là trả lời email, nhiệm vụ 2 là đăng tin quản cáo. Nếu 1 có support thì 2 cũng cần
support. 1 có thể support bằng việc mình thường trao đổi thư với ai, về vấn đề gì và có bận ko chẳng hạn, thì câu 2
support bằng việc đăng tin quảng cáo nội dung gì, lên đâu và có hiệu quả ko v.v.. Tính logic là một trong những cái
quan trọng hàng đầu, giúp người ta có ấn tượng mình tư duy rõ ràng, sáng sủa, só thể diễn đạt bản thân bằng tiếng
Anh hiệu quả.
Basically my new job involves taking care of Obama's personal matters. I'm in charge of his nutrition plans, so
literally, I am the one who decides what he eats and what he doesn't. I remind him of his appoitments with celebrities,
doctors, detists, personal trainners and stylists. Obama has to count on me to arrange some time for his own family
everyday. I have to travel back and forth in this job, running errands and making the president and his family happy.
Basically: đại khái là, cơ bản là
in charge of something: chịu trách nhiệm về cái gì
literally: theo nghĩa đen, đây là 1 cách nói rất hay ví dụ, khi mình nói that girl is on fire, literally nghĩa là, con bé ấy rực
lửa, theo nghĩa đen đấy (nó đang bị bốc cháy)
count on somebody to do something: nhờ cậy ai việc gì
travel back and forth: đi đi lại lại
run errands: chạy việc vặt

Đoạn cuối thường mình nói tại sao mình làm việc này hay tại sao mình thích nó. Cũng chia ra mấy lý do và tùy xem
có support ko. Đoạn dưới mình chia 3 ý nhưng ko sử dụng các từ nối (besides, furthermore) nhưng các bạn dùng
các từ ấy được thì nhớ dùng nhé, để chia ý rõ ràng. Ko dùng thì tạo đc ấn tượng mình nói tự nhiên, ko theo format
nhưng nếu ko cẩn thận lại làm rối bài, người ta ko nhìn ra đc bố cục
Most people would say the job I'm doing is a dream job. Well, in a sense, it is. I get to see not only Mr. President
everyday, but also other important politicans like Hillary Clinton or Colin Powell. Every once in a while, I accompany
the Obama family to the most amazing events. For example, last week we went to Ellen DeGeneres's birthday party.
She is my all time idol so you can imagine how excited I was. Being Barack Obama's personal assistant also means I
can enjoy an extremely comfortable life with good food, maids, non-stop parties and, most importantly, security for
in a sense: theo một nghĩa nào đó
every once in a while: thi thoảng




IELTS Speaking test in Pakistan - October 2013

Part II/ Cue Card

Describe a shopping street that you know well and like visiting. Please say
- Where is it situated?
- How frequently do you go there?
- Why do you like it there?

Cùng phân tích đề trên nhé:

Câu giới thiệu: Con phố mua sắm yêu thích và luôn muốn quay trở lại là abc (paraphrase chỗ know well thành yêu
thích, like visiting thành muốn quay trở lại)
Ở đâu: Chỉ ra 1 khu cụ thể kiểu quận Đống Đa và support bằng 1 câu kiểu đây là quận đông đúc nhất hay quận này
nối tiếng với các khu mua sắm lớn.
Ví dụ nhé: Nó tọa lạc ở khu trung tâm thành phố Hà Nội, ngay bên cạnh Hồ Gươm. Nó trải dài trên nhiều con phố
liền kề nhau và được biết đến với cái tên “phố đi bộ” với các du khách.
Đi thường xuyên thế nào: Có thể nói tôi đi mây tuần/tháng 1 lần và support bằng cách giải thích tại sao: bận học hay
bận làm việc.
Ví dụ: Tôi thường xuyên dành cuối tuần để khám phá con phố mua sắm này. Mặc dù đã đến đây nhiều lần, tôi vẫn
nhận thấy có nhiều món đồ mới hay những deal tốt.
Tại sao mình thích: thích khu mua sắm thì thường là hang hóa phong phú (support bằng 1 câu kiểu mọi mặt hàng và
nhãn hiệu đều có thể tìm thấy ở đây) và giá cả hợp lý (có thể thoải mái mặc cả)
Ví dụ: Một trong những lý do khiến tôi thích chỗ này là vì sự đa dạng của các mặt hang. Bạn có thể tìm thấy mọi thứ
mà bạn có thể cần tại đây, từ mỹ phẩm, quần áo đến đồ ăn và dụng cụ học tập. Bên cạnh đó, giá cả các mặt hang ở
đây được cho là hợp lý nhất ở Hà Nội. Bạn cũng có thể mặc cả thoải mái mà ko lo làm phật long người bán.
Câu kết: Nếu được, hãy đến thử 1 lần và bạn sẽ nhanh chóng hiểu tại sao chỗ này lại thu hút nhiều khách thế.
Các bạn có thể tập dịch (them thắt cho câu dài ra) hoặc khai triển câu trả lời theo cách khác trước khi nhìn vào
sample answer nhóe ^^
One of my favorite outdoor shopping places in Hanoi that I keep visiting is the famous “Night Market”. It is located in
the downtown area, right next to Hoan Kiem lake, stretching on several continuous streets popularly known to tourists
as the “walking street”. Every once in a while I spend my weekend exploring the market. Although I have been here
many times before, I can still always find some new items or good deals that I can recommend to family and friends
later. There are a bunch of reasons why one can’t help but falling in love with this market. First of all, it offers such a
wide range of products that can hardly be found elsewhere in Hanoi. People visit the market to buy anything from
cosmetics, clothes to foods or stationery. Besides, I have found in this market the same items being sold at many
other places but at much lower prices. Plus, here I can bargain without worrying about offending the sellers. If you
had a chance to give this place a try, you would certainly understand why it attracts so many shopping lovers.




IELTS Speaking test in Bangladesh - October 2013

Bài hôm nay miêu tả về một ngôi nhà mình đã đến thăm và ưa thích. Hình dung trong đầu 1 căn nhà ấn tượng mà
mình đã từng đến hặc tưởng tượng ra căn nhà ưa thích của mình và chém gió, phải nghĩ ra được lý do mình thích
nó trước rồi dựa vào đấy mà miêu tả nó, nếu không thì bài sẽ lôm côm, ko ăn khớp.

Ví dụ thích sự yên tĩnh thì miêu tả cái nhà nhỏ bé thanh bình, thích sự rộng rãi thì miêu tả cái nhà có vườn cây ao cá.
Nếu miêu tả nhớ theo đúng trình tự logic, ngoài vào trong, tầng 1 tầng 2 tầng 3, đừng miêu tả theo trật tự lộn xộn mơ
hồ làm confuse người nghe. Làm thử nhé ^^
Part II/ Cue Card

Describe a house that you liked while visiting. Please say

- When and where was it?
- What did the house look like?
- Why did you like it so much?
Of all the houses I have been visiting, I find the one my sister and brother-in-law are living in the most fascinating.
Maybe that is why I pay them a visit every once in a while. The house is located in the famous Old Quarter area, on a
crowded street popularly known to tourists as the walking street. From the outside, the house looks old and small, just
like all the other houses in the area. It is a yellow there-storey house with a lovely balcony overlooking the Hoan Kiem
lake, decorated with beautiful flower pots. This was a typical house architecture back in the 20s, 30s and it often
reminds people of the old hanoi which was not as crowded and noisy as it is today. Inside, the house is not spacy,
certainly, but there is enough room for the couple and their hobbies. The first floor is decorated with colorful paintings
of Hanoi which my brother-in-law has collected for years. This is also the sitting room. If you are a book lover, you will
surely find the second floor pleasant. There are hundreds of books varying from cooking, sewing to love novels in
many different languages. The kitchen is on this floor so the books will keep you entertained while waiting for the
meals to be ready. The third floor is like a tiny cafe where you can relax, sipping a cup of coffee and looking at the
lake. This is certainly my favourite house because I always learn something new here. Besides, it separates itself
from the buzz of Hanoi, so I can forget the daily life stress, make myself a cup of coffee and just enjoy.




IELTS Speaking test in Vietnam - September 2013

Describe a seaside place you like

Cue card:
- Where is it?
- What can you do there?
- Why would you like to go there?

I have a very strong passion for the ocean and one of the seaside places that I usually go to on vacations is Nha
Trang, a small lovely beach town in the central of Vietnam. There are always many activities for tourists to do in Nha

If you are a fan of extreme sports, you can do either windsurfing or paragliding. In case you want to discover the
nature, there are some amazing island cruises and snorkeling tours. Nha Trang is also a paradise for seafood lovers
with fresh, delicious, diverse and inexpensive dishes.

To me, Nha Trang is such a vibrant town where there is always something going on. The local people are so friendly
and they make me feel welcome here. Most importantly, Nha Trang has a breathtakingly stunning beach which has
been recognized as one of the top beaches in the world.




Describe a festival that is important in your country. Please say:

- When does the festival start?
- What do you do during the festival?
- What do you like or dislike about it?
- Why is this festival important?

One of the most important festivals in my country as well as other Asian countries is Tet, the Lunar New Year
Festival. This festival celebrates the beginning of a new year according to lunar calendar, which is around late
January or early February.

There are three main stages in this festival. Before the New Year's Eve, family members clean and decorate their
house with kumquat and peach trees. They also shop for new clothes to wear on the occasion as well as a lot of food
for family gatherings.

On New Year's Eve, a big meal is prepared to welcome the very first moments of another year with family and
friends. People eat, drink and sing cheerfully until the morning. It is our tradition that on the first three days, people
visit their relatives and teachers. This is my favorite festival because it is the only occasion when all of my family
members gather after a busy year. Besides, during Tet, I can completely relax and forget all about the troubles of the
previous year.

Lunar New Year has such significance in my country because we believe that, whatever happens during the first days
will be repeated throughout the year. So, in order to have a new year full of good lucks, we have to prepare carefully
for the most enjoyable festival.




IELTS Speaking test in UAE Octorber 2013 - Part II

Talk about something important that you have learnt from someone. Please say
- What was it?
- Whom did you learn it from?
- How do you think it has benefited you?

Một điều mà mình học được từ một ai đó, có thể là bài học về sự kiên nhẫn, sự tha thứ, sự quyết tâm v.v.. giống
style "súp gà cho tâm hồn". Cố gắng kể câu chuyện giản dị, ngắn gọn, ý nghĩa với thông điệp rõ ràng. Nếu lấy được
chất liệu từ cuộc sống thật thì tốt, ví dụ mẹ tôi, con bé gần nhà, đứa bạn thân etc., make up hoàn toàn cũng được
nhưng chém được như thế là cả 1 nghệ thuật, cần thực hành nhiều. Nhưng tốt nhất, về lâu về dài, nên sử dụng các
chất liệu thật để các bài nói được thống nhất, bài nói có chiều sâu. Xét cho cùng, trong cuộc sống chắc là mình cũng
đã được (bị) ai đó dạy cho 1 bài học rồi chứ nhỉ ^^

Nếu không dạt dào tình cảm được thì có thể trả lời kiểu: em học được cách sửa máy tính và từ đó có thể tự sửa máy
hoặc sửa cho bạn bè, hoặc thậm chí đã được truyền cảm hứng để mở cửa hàng sửa máy tính kiếm cơm ^^

Thế nào cũng được ấy mà, chỉ là kỳ thi tiếng Anh thôi.

Các bạn để ý cách triển khai ý và cấu trúc nhé:

I have learnt some of the most important lessons in my life from my mother, one of which is the lesson on patience. I
used to be a very impatient person who was ready to quit anything anytime. Of course I was extremely frustrated
because I could never achieve anything, always giving up halfway. Fortunately, my mother was there the whole time,
giving me the support that I needed, pushing me to take another step, not allowing me to quit. She taught me
difficulties and challenges were not impossible to overcome and in the end, it would be worth it. That lesson has
changed my life drastically. From a self-doubter, I am now full of confidence in myself and energy to pursue my goals.
In stead of developing negative thoughts every time a problem arises, I actively look for solutions, sometimes from
my dear mother. With patience, I have accomplished certain things in my life which I didn't dream of before. The way I
see life now is so much brighter than in the past. I am absolutely proud of my progress and so is my mother.

Bài nói trên hơi khó vì sử dụng các ý hơi trừu tượng, sau đây là các cách diễn đạt các bạn có thể tham khảo:
- lesson on/in something: bài học về cái gì
- used to V: một thói quen trong quá khứ, đặc biệt hay dùng khi so sánh quá khứ với hiện tại, hầu như ai cũng biết
nhưng ít khi dùng.
- S + V, Ving: 2 clause chung chủ ngữ có thể lược 1 chủ ngữ và chuyển động từ của chủ ngữ đó thành Ving, đặc biệt
hay dùng khi mệnh đề sau bổ sung hay làm rõ chi tiết cho mệnh đề trước. Ví dụ: He always annoys me, calling me
"silly" (anh ta luôn làm phiền tôi (bằng cách) gọi tôi là ngốc)
- it is worth it: bõ công, xứng đáng để làm cái gì
- self-doubter: người nghi ngờ bản thân
- develop negative thoughts: có các suy nghĩ tiêu cực, từ develop dùng rất hay trong các trường hợp bệnh tật, tình
yêu, đam mê etc.
- the way i see life: cái cách tôi nhìn cuộc sống
Chú ý dùng các cấu trúc câu đa dạng đã học, dùng nhiều trạng từ thêm 1 chút để làm động từ thêm cụ thể và sinh
động (actively look for solutions, my life changed drastically etc.), thường xuyên học các cách diễn đạt tự nhiên của
người bản xứ. Chúc mọi người học vui vẻ ^^
Task 3



IELTS Speaking test - September 2014 - Part III

Topic: Friendship

Xin chào các bạn, hôm nay chúng ta cũng làm đề về "Friendship" phần 3 nhé ^^! Để nghe phát âm, học các cách
diễn đạt và nghe bản dịch chi tiết của sample answer, các bạn vào xem

- What should the qualities of a friend be?

I suppose there are several qualities that people usually look for when making friends. For example, a friend should
be supportive. Instead of making you feel less of yourself like other people, a friend is supposed to get your back and
encourage you to accomplish whatever you set yourself up for. Friends are also expected to be honest by telling you
what you need to hear, not what you want to, even if it can hurt your feelings. They do it because they really care
about you.

- Is it better to have few close friends than many just friends?

It can be nice to be popular and have many friends just to hang out with, but it’s definitely more important to have
some close friends who really know who you are and get your back. Good times can be shared with anyone but,
when things go wrong, it’s true friends that you turn to.

- What is more important, friends or family?

I think it’s simply inappropriate to make this comparison because, at a certain point in our life, a certain relationship
seems to matter more than the others. Without parents, we wouldn’t be having this life but without friends, we
wouldn’t be enjoying it.

- Should parents interfere in choosing their children’s friends?

Personally, parents should only interfere with their children’s relationships when they are certain that those
relationships are bad influences on their kids. Although parents have more experience in relationships, there is a big
generation gap so sometimes it’s hard for parents to know what is good for their children.

- If a friend confessed to you something illegal that he/she has done, what would you do?
If a friend told me about a crime that he committed, he would be putting me in such a dilemma where I would have to
choose between being a good citizen and being a good friend. As a citizen, I’m legally obligated to report a criminal
offence to the police. I would try to convince my friend to turn himself in because he should be responsible for what
he did.

- How can you keep a long term friendship?

I think, in order to maintain a long lasting friendship, friends should stay true to each other. Relationships worth
keeping are usually built on mutual trust and respect. Another thing for long term friends to do is to invest time and
effort in the relationship in order to keep it alive.




IELTS Speaking test - September 2014 - Part III/ Discussion

Topic: Working and Studying abroad

Chào các bạn, do bận việc nên tuần vừa rồi chúng ta ko có bài mới, tuần này học bù nhiều nhiều nha ^^!! Hôm nay
cùng xem qua một số câu hỏi trong phần part III về chủ đề học tập và làm việc ở nước ngoài nào!

Topic: Working and Studying abroad

- Why do you think young people move to other countries to study or work?
I guess there are several reasons why young people these days find the idea of studying and working overseas
attractive. To begin with, exposing oneself to different cultures seems to be a great way to widen one’s personal as
well as professional horizons. Besides, people tend to believe that adding an international element to their education
background will enhance their career prospects. Better environments and higher incomes are also important factors
contributing to the increase in the number of foreign students and workers.

- What do you think the government should do to minimise this development?

In my opinion, in oder to attract young people to study and work in their home country instead of going abroad, it is
critical for the government to create more employment opportunities and to improve the salary scale so that educated
people won’t have to leave the country for jobs. Social developments like health services, education opportunities,
transport and communication should also be paid more attention to. Another action that the government should take
as well is to create strict restrictions regarding labor mobility.

Các điểm lưu ý:

+ Paraphrasing: thay thế các từ/cụm từ bằng từ đồng nghĩa hoặc cách diễn đạt tương đương để tránh nhàm chán,
mang lại cho bài nói sự đa dạng từ vựng.
Move to other countries to study or work = studying and working overseas = exposing oneself to different cultures =
adding an international element to their education background

+ Các cấu trúc và cách diễn đạt:

Find + Noun + Adj: Nhận thấy cái gì làm sao
Expose oneself to something: Tiếp cận với cái gì
Chủ ngữ giả (It is + Adj + V)


IELTS Speaking test - August 2014 - Discussion - Computer

Hôm nay mình cùng làm 1 đề về máy tính nhé ^^, có khá nhiều câu hỏi dở hơi và hại não như câu "bạn nhìn thấy cái
máy tính lần đầu tiên vào lúc nào?", tất nhiên mình ko thể hỏi lại nó là "thế mày nhìn thấy cái hamburger đầu tiên vào
lúc nào" hehe, nên tốt nhất là có chuẩn bị trước cho những trường hợp như vậy.

Bên cạnh đó, với những cái đề cụ thể kiểu này, sẽ xảy ra trường hợp bị trùng ý câu trả lời, mình vừa trả lời ý đó bên
trên mà bên dưới vẫn bị hỏi. Ví dụ, bên trên nó hỏi mình "máy tính quan trọng với bạn như thế nào" thì thường mình
sẽ bảo là rất quan trọng để giải trí và làm việc, nhưng bên dưới nó lại hỏi "mày dùng máy tính để làm gì", mình cũng
ko thể bảo "xin hãy xem lại câu trả lời bên trên để biết thêm chi tiết" Gặp trường hợp đó thì hoặc trả lời thêm ý hoặc
lặp lại ý cũ nhưng paraphrase đi.

Cùng tham khảo nhé ^^

- When did you see a computer for the first time?

I believe for many people, especially young people like me, it isn’t easy to find the answer to this question, no matter
how simple it may appear to be. We were born in the age of technology and have found ourselves being surrounded
by technological devices ever since. Although I can’t tell when I first saw a computer, I can clearly recall my first time
using one. It was back in secondary school when my best friend took me to an internet café to send an email to her
sister who was working away from home.

- Do you have a computer at home?

Actually I have three computers at home, as far as I remember. The oldest one is the desktop which my parents
bought me as a gift when I passed the university entrance exam. I no longer use this one any more although I think it
still works properly. The other two laptops which I bought with my own money, one in the second year and one
recently, are much more convenient for me to work with and bring to places.

- How is it important for you? Why?

My computers are so important to me that I literally can’t imagine what my life would be like without them. Not only do
they make it possible for me to keep in touch with distant family members and friends but I have also found many
long lost friends through using social networking websites. In other words, computer has drastically improved my
social life.

- When do you use a computer and for what purpose?

As much as I try not to, I use my computers very often. As a student, I have to work a lot on computer for various
assignments and projects. Even when I do have some free time, I still stick around my laptop to see what’s going on
with family and friends on facebook or play games to relax.




IELTS Speaking test - August 2014 - Part III Discussion

Topic: Transportation & Travelling

Cùng làm thêm mấy câu hỏi phần 3 về 2 chủ đề lớn là phương tiện vận tải và du lịch nhé ^^

- Do you think people like to travel far away from home? Why?
I do think that, at one point or another, most people would appreciate the idea of travelling away from home because,
as simple as it may sound, a short break from the daily routine can benefit us in a number of ways. Not only is it a
great chance for people to engage in new activities in new places but travelling can also expand our awareness and
introduce us to different cultures as well as greater diversity of life.
- What’s the difference of travel today compared to the past?
I suppose travelling, just like any other aspects of life, has been facing with many changes, most of which were
inspired by technology. It is undeniable that these days people are offered more diverse and comfortable ways of
getting to new places such as cars, express trains and airplanes. Besides, we tend to travel more regularly than
people did in the past when it was thought to be exclusively for the rich. Nowadays, with a much wider range of
options available, almost everyone can have chance to discover new places, either through a travel agency or on
their own.

- What means of transportation do people prefer while travelling? Why?

When it comes to the means of transportation that people use the most for travelling, I think it definitely is trains.
Although airplanes are very fast, they cost much more than trains do, so many people don’t mind spending a couple
of hours on trains probably sleeping or making new friends instead of wasting several dozen dollars on airplanes.
Travelling by bus is another budget option; however, this is usually considered to be the most unsafe of all.

- Do you think new trains are more environmentally friendly compared to the older models? Why?
As far as I have been told, new trains are more eco-friendly and sustainable than the older ones. This is because they
are lighter than the previous models, so they consume significantly less energy. Also, new trains can travel much
faster, which means large amounts of fuel are saved while less exhaust is emitted into the environment. Especially, in
some countries, people have switched from diesel powered trains to electric modes, reducing negative effects on our
atmosphere as well as health.

- Some people like to stay in the same place all their life. Why?
As strange as it may sound, a lot of people don’t find the idea of travelling to new places interesting. It is usually the
case that those people feel uncomfortable about changes and are slow to adapt to unfamiliar environments and
situations. Let’s take my mother for example. She has hardly ever left her hometown, except for going to Hanoi to
visit my brother and I. Well, as a famous person put it, the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one




Ielts speaking test - July 2014 - Part III/ Discussion - Topic: Advertisements vs Shopping

Sáng nay chúng ta cùng làm một đề nói task 3 về chủ đề quảng cáo và mua sắm nhé. Các bạn lưu ý những cách
paraphrase để tránh lặp lại từ và cách support để câu trả lời vừa dài vừa học thuật nhé ^^

- Do you think advertisements make people spend more? Why?

As much as some people try to ignore commercials and as little as some others believe their impact on the decisions
they make is, this is usually not the case. Obviously the main purpose of this multi billion dollar industry is to increase
companies' sales by making people aware of their products and appealing to consumers' sentimental side.

- Do you buy products online?

Although I don't deny that online shopping is a great way to help people save time by allowing them to shop from
home, I seldom order things from the internet. Nowadays shops tend to overphotoshop their products so that they
look more appealing on the websites. This, however, can cause disappointment and frustration in customers. In order
to avoid those negative experiences, I'd rather see the products myself before making decisions.

- Who do you think spend more, women or men? Why?

Many people think that women' shopping more than men is just another stereotype but to me, it makes sense. In
most societies around the world, women are the primary caregivers whose responsibilities are taking care of children,
the elderly and other family members. In order to do so, they need to do more shopping on behalf of the whole family
and thus, spend more.


Ielts Speaking test in India - July 2014

Part III/ Discussion

Đêm khuya cày IELTS nào ^^. Cùng làm một đề part III về communication nhé ^^

Topic: Communication

- What does ‘effective communication’ mean to you?

Living in this age of information, everyday we have to send, receive and process a huge amount of information. To
me, effective communication is much more than just exchanging information. It's about understanding the hidden
message behind it so that trust and respect can be built. Unfortunately, many of the messages we try to communicate
to others are misinterpreted and, thus, misunderstood, which can ultimately lead to negative outcomes.

- What do you think about the use of pictures in communication?

I think using pictures can significantly enhance the quality of communication. It has been proven by scientists that
what we see has a profound effect on what we do, how we feel and who we are. Besides, words and images are
processed differently in the brain. While words generally go to the short-term memory, images go directly to the long-
term memory. Therefore, we can remember what we see much longer than what we are told.

- How will communication change in the future?

Looking at how drastically communication has changed for the past few decades, I don't think it's possible for me to
predict the future of communication. Nevertheless, I do believe that technological innovations will continue to define
the ways people communicate with each other. This, unfortunately, doesn't mean that they will do so more effectively
or satisfactorily.




IELTS Speaking test - Sample answer

Part 3/ Discussion

Topic: Gifts and Presents

Thử làm mấy câu task 3 về chủ đề quà tặng nhóe ^^! Các bạn hãy chú ý rằng rất nhiều câu hỏi ở IELTS nhấn mạnh
sự so sánh (giữa quá khứ và hiện tại, phương Đông và phương Tây), và câu hỏi về văn hóa tặng quà này cũng ko
ngoại lệ. Hãy nghĩ tới điều này khi trả lời câu hỏi, vì ngay cả khi bạn ko so sánh trực tiếp trong câu trả lời thì nội dung
câu trả lời nên đậm đà bản sắc dân tộc và nêu bật được sự khác biệt. Việc này cũng giúp bạn tìm ý cho câu trả lời

- What kind of gifts do people often give each other in your country?
In my country, people most usually choose to give each other money as a gift because of its practicality. It is not
always easy to guess what people want so sometimes you may spend lots of money on something that is not going
to be used at all. In order to avoid this from happening, Vietnamese prefer giving each other money so that the
receivers can get themselves whatever they want.

- On what occasions do people in your country give gifts?

There are many occasions on which people in my country give presents such as Birthday, Women's day or
Valentines. As a matter of fact, exchanging gifts is not our traditional practice. However, for the last few decades, this
has become extremely popular, especially among young generations. On special occasions, people give gifts as a
way to express affection to or show gratitude for family members and friends.




IELTS Speaking test - IDP Vietnam - June 2014

Part III/ Discussion

Topic: Law và police. Đây chính là phần 3 của bài nói về good law mà mình làm hôm qua nhé. Vì đề hơi khoai nên
một số bạn yêu cầu mình làm, vậy các bạn tham khảo nhé ^^

- Talk about the role of a police officer in your country.

I guess police officers play an extrememly important role in any society. They maintain law and order, protect
members of the public and their property, prevent crime, reduce the fear of crime and improve the quality of life for all
citizens in the communities that they serve.

- What is the criteria to be a good police officer?

This is such an interesting question to think about. I think a police officer should, above all, be brave because his job
may require him to get into dangerous situations which can even threaten his own life in order to protect others'. Also,
it takes an educated, kind hearted and motivated person to be a good police officer, in my opinion.

- How about a lawyer?

Lawyers are similar to police officers in a sense that their work is also to maintain peace and order in communities.
However, in order to become a good lawyer, one may need different qualities from those of a police officer, for
example, public speaking skills as his job involves delivering speeches in front of large crowds. Analytical skills and
creativity are among the most important qualities of a good lawyer as well.

- What job is more popular in your country, a policeman or a lawyer? Why?

To be honest, when it comes to comparing the popularity of those two occupations, I have a rather vague idea. I
mean, lawyer should probably be more popular because lawyers are supposed to work in an office, which is a lot
safer than dealing directly with criminals and life-threatening situations like police do. On the other hand, police are
believed to make much more money and enjoy better welfare policies.

- Do most people in your country abide the law?

It should depend on which part of the country we are talking about. As far as I know, in big cities like Hanoi where
there is bigger police presence than in other parts, most people abide the law to some extent so that they don't have
anything to do with police or the government. In less developed regions, however, people tend to ignore many laws
due to the lack of police monitoring.

- Do you think the law should be broken sometimes? If so, under what circumstances?
Most people would like to consider themselves law-abiding citizens. Yet, in some special cases where breaking a law
can help save more lives and property than obeying it, it should definitely be broken. Also, sometimes people break
law just to have the experience without doing any harm to their community, which I personally think is acceptable.


Part III/ Discussion
- What do you think are good ways to save money?

Saving money is obviously an easier-said-than-done task. The best ways to help people spend less are believed to
include having clear and achievable saving goals, keeping a record of their expenses and opening a savings account
in a bank. Using credit cards , on the other hand, encourages people to shop more, so it should be stopped.

- What do you think are good ways to save time?

In my opinion, among all the time-saving tips found everywhere on the internet, planning ahead seems to be the most
important one. By planning things ahead, people don’t have to waste time thinking what they are going to do next.
Besides, people should also keep something that can tell time with them like a watch or a phone so that they can
keep track of the time.




IELTS Speaking test in Australia - June 2014 (kèm ghi âm)

Bài này mình cùng làm về bảo tồn các ngôi nhà cũ (có cả đề writing về cái này). so sánh nhà cũ nhà mới, nhà to nhà
bé nhé ^^. Đây là phần 3 nên câu trả lời hơi dài ^^

Part III/ Discussion

- Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

In my opinion, conserving old buildings is undoubtedly of great importance because of their both practical and cultural
values. Some old buildings were built with extremely high-quality materials and by different standards that have
helped them to last for a long period of time. Obviously a century-old building is a better long-term bet than its brand-
new counterpart. Besides, old buildings are reminders’ of a country’s culture as well as history. By looking at historic
buildings, visitors and young generations can learn a lot about the country’s development. A country needs old
buildings to maintain a sense of permanency and heritage.

- What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?
I think there is quite much dissimilarity between houses built a long time ago and those recently built. To begin with,
modern houses are made with completely different materials such as fire-retardant, sound and noise proof etc. in
order to make life of people living in them safer and more comfortable. Besides, the architecture of houses in the past
is a lot different from that of modern houses. Admittedly, old houses look more picturesque, having their own
character, while those built recently appear to be dull. They, however, have the modern conveniences so necessary

- What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?

Houses nowadays are certainly smaller than they used to be. This is partly because of the ever-growing population,
making it much more expensive to own a large piece of land. Besides, the size of the average family in most parts of
the world is decreasing as people tend to have fewer children, which also explains why they prefer living in smaller
houses. Finally, unlike in the past when several generations shared a house, today children move out as soon as
they can afford to have their own place.

- Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

I know a lot of people, when asked this question, would go for a spacious house but, to be honest, I think it is much
more practical to live in a small house. Instead of spending hours to do the cleaning, it would just take about half an
hour to clean a small house. It is also much cheaper to buy a small house so I wouldn’t need to spend all of my
savings on it or borrow money from the bank. Most importantly, a smaller home results in more social interaction
among the members of the family.



IELTS Speaking test in Australia - November 2013

Part III/ Discussion

Làm tiếp về đề nghệ thuật từ hôm qua nhé, part II hỏi về 1 tác phẩm nghệ thuật, part III hỏi tiếp như này:

- Do you think younger generation is still interested in art?

To be honest, I don't think there are many young people today who are interested in art, especially traditional art. This
is because the more civilized our society has become, the more practical children are taught to be. In our modern
world, materials are being given higher values than works of art which represent abstract ideas and don't directly
contribute to the economic growth of a nation. Besides, there is a sad fact that people who study art find it quite
chalenging to find a job. Even if they do, they still can't expect to earn their living from it.

- What kind of art forms are popular these days in your opinion?
It is obvious that some forms of art are being increasingly more popular than the rest. For example, music and movie
products have billions of fans worldwide when paintings and sculptures attract much more humble attention. I guess
this can be explained by the fact that songs and movies have been considered to be fashionable and easy to
understand. They can clearly reach a much larger audience than the other forms of art, which, more often than not,
take people with certain expertise to appreciate them.




IELTS Speaking test in Thailand - March 2014

Part III/ Discussion

Đề phần 3 này hỏi về topic khá là unfamiliar, đó là công dụng của nước và mặt trời. Các câu trả lời dưới đây của
mình các bạn có thể lược bớt ý nếu tốc độ nói chậm và lược bớt các từ khó cũng được, chỉ cần cách diễn đạt và
phần khung ngữ pháp là đc. Chúc mọi người học vui vẻ ^^

- What is the major use of water in your country?

Although Vietnam counts as one of the countries with highest annual rainfall in the world, irrigation still accounts for a
significantly large proportion of water use here. This is due to the uneven distribution of rainwater regarding space
and time. Some regions in my country, especially the lowlands, receive more rain than the others. Also it rains much
more during certain months of the year. Besides agriculture, water is used for other purposes including power
generating, manufacturing and recreational activities as well.

- Is it important to conserve water?

I certainly think it is of extreme importance to conserve water. It is a fact that population, household size as well as
living standards are all increasing, which inevitably means a rise in water consumption worldwide. Unfortunately,
water resources have been polluted because of human’s activities. Unless people start learning to manage water use
more wisely, many countries in the world will soon face a water crisis in the future.

- Why should scientists focus on space exploration rather than exploring water?
To be honest, I have very little idea when it comes to scientific subjects like this one. Yet, I think it makes sense that
exploring the universe attracts much interest from scientists. Like I said previously, the world’s population is growing
when the size of the world itself isn’t. It will soon come to a point where humans need more space preferably on
another planet with unexploited resources.

- What is the importance of sunlight?

Sunlight is essential to the existence of human on earth in several senses. To begin with, the sun keeps the world
warm and therefore, makes life possible. It also maintains the rotation of day and night, which provides a natural
timing mechanism crucial for many living creatures including people. Moreover, sunlight is believed to be good for our
health. Regular exposure to sunlight plays an important role in bones development and prevention of some popular
diseases like cancer.

- What will happen if there will be no sunlight?

It is really challenging to imagine what life would be like without sunlight. I think it is quite safe to assume that there
wouldn’t be any life at all. Scientists have long concluded that if there were no sunlight, the planet that we call Earth
would be too cold for any form of life. Sunlight provides vital mechanism as well as chemicals without which, life
would simply be impossible.

- How long for are you exposed to sunlight daily?

I love spending time outdoor in sunlight not only as a hobby but also as a way to stay healthy. Sunlight is the main
source of Vitamin D, which has long been known for numerous positive health effects. However, long-term exposure
to sunlight can lead to skin cancer, deterioration of the immune system and eye diseases. Therefore, I limit my daily
exposure to the sun to one to two hours. It also depends on the weather. I tend to enjoy more outdoor activities in
sunny weather than in other kinds of weather.



IELTS Speaking test sample answer (kèm ghi âm)

Part III/ Green space, parks

- Do you think more places on earth should be green? Why?

I certainly think we don’t just need to, but must, have more green space on earth. Our planet is facing serious
environmental problems that are directly connected to the massive loss of forests. If actions are not taken over the
next few decades, it will be a challenge for future generations to survive on a planet where little or no green space to
be found.

- Do you think gardens are destroyed for the purpose of building new apartments?

In my opinion, there are several factors leading to the fact that natural gardens are disappearing, one of which is the
growing demand for living spaces. Especially in big cities, where job opportunities and living standards are believed
to be better than in the countryside, there is a severe lack of space. As a result, new apartments have been built
because they take up less space and accommodate more people than houses do.

- Do you go to nature parks a lot?

As a matter of fact, going to a green park is my favorite thing to do in the freetime. Unfortunately, there are not many
nature parks left in Hanoi. I guess this is not very surprising, considering the fact that this city has the second largest
population of 8 million people while not being particularly big in size. Nevertheless, there is a big park downtown that I
visit every weekend with my friends and family.

- Why do you do it?

The main reason why I enjoy going to nature parks immensely is because it relaxes me. Studying and living in such a
big city as Hanoi can really stress me out sometimes, especially when exams are coming. At those times, I find it
helpful to turn to the nature for inspiration. I have found sitting under the warm sun, feeling cool breezes blowing
through my hair and listening to birds singing therapeutic and joyful




IELTS Speaking test - December 2013

Part III/ Discussion

Phần 3 này làm về quảng cáo và tin tức nhé

- Is advertising a good thing or not? Why?

- Whether advertising is an advantageous thing or not has been a controversial subject. It can’t be denied that
manufactures, media companies and consumers have significantly benefited from advertisements. They help
products reach more potential customers and therefore, increase sales. Buyers are also able to save a great deal of
time getting information about their desired products. However, it is also true that advertisements tend to be
exaggerating and misleading. Because manufacturers want their products to appear more appealing to customers,
they are likely to be dishonest about some features of their products, which, in some cases, can result in severe

- Should advertising be regulated?

- I definitely think advertising should be better regulated by relevant authorities. Information about products should be
checked before being allowed to appear on media. In this way, manufacturers will have to be more honest about their
products and customers can avoid disappointment and other negative feelings towards the products. Also, when and
where should a certain advertisement be shown is an important issue to be addressed. Many people have claimed
about their children’s being exposed to advertisements containing inappropriate content.

- Why are international channels becoming more popular?

- There are several reasons for the popularity of international channels. To begin with, thanks to the advanced
technologies, people nowadays are enabled to watch channels broadcasted from other countries. Producers have
realized that they can reach a much broader audience from overseas. Therefore, no longer are TV programs only
targeted at a certain group of audience within a country. In addition, because of globalization, people tend to become
more and more interested in other countries’ cultures, including TV programs. As a results, TV programs have been
used as a great way to promote a nation’s image to others. Designing friendly and international programs helps
countries to attract more tourists.

- Is it good to have a 24 hours international news channel?

- I am in favor of the idea that there should be 24 hour news channel broadcasted internationally. Living in this
modern world, people have found it extremely helpful to be time flexible. No longer do people set a fixed time to
watch news. Instead, they tend to catch up with the latest news whenever it suits them like during meals or after
work, which can be night-shift, day-shift or mixed. Besides, people have also paid more attention to global issues and
world events as a result of globalization. Therefore, news channels in English and other major languages have
allowed people from all over the world to update with what is going on in the world.



IELTS Speaking test

Part III/ Topic: Friends

Đây là 1 câu hỏi phần 3 chủ đề bạn bè, mình cùng thử trả lời nhóe ^^

Do you think we different have kinds of friends at different stages of our lives?
I certainly think we experience different kinds of friendship throughout our life. This is because, obviously, we tend to
make friends with people whom we communicate with the most and, depending on different life stages, the groups
we communicate with change. For example, a student is likely to make friends with other students going to the same
school, while most of an employee's friends are his colleagues whom he meets often at work.

In what ways are these types of friend different?

It seems that we share different activities with different groups of friend, depending on the things we have in common
with each group. When we hang out with friends from childhood, we have intimate conversations about our personal
life and issues. Meanwhile, we mostly talk about work, our boss and the next pay raise with people from work.


IELTS Speaking in Vietnam - October 2013
Part III/ Discussion

- Why do people like to travel to other countries?

I suppose people travel to other countries for several reasons. For example, they can visit the world's famous tourist
attractions. Besides, they can taste delicious dishes, of which flavors vary from this region to another. Last but not
least, traveling is also a great way to discover exotic cultures around the world which differ from their own.

- What do people like to do when traveling abroad?

The thing most tourists want to do when they are abroad is certainly to explore the local cultures and experience life
of the natives. For example, home-stay service has become more popular so that foreigners can be arranged to live
in the same place with local families for a certain period of time. Another thing travelers do is to take pictures of the
places they visit and the people they meet. That way they can keep the memory of the journeys and show their
friends later.

- Does tourism bring benefits to the city or the country?

Definitely. The city or the country benefits from the tourists in two ways. It is undeniable that tourism plays an
important role in the development of the local economy. The residents make lots of money from offering services as
well as products for tourists. Besides, tourism is also one of the most effective ways to encourage culture exchanges
between locals and foreigners. People living in the city or the country have the chance to get to know the cultural
diversity without even leaving their hometown.

- Does tourism have any disadvantages?

Obviously tourism has some dark sides. To begin with, this industry has caused more environmental issues than
most people believe. Despite being called "non-smoke industry", waste from touristic activities without proper
treatment has seriously destroyed many famous tourist attractions. Furthermore, many people are worried that
tourism is the main cause of the loss of native cultures. Tourists often bring with them some culture from their own
countries including food, clothes and customs. The young generations are specially sensitive to those and, therefore,
pay less attention to their own traditional values.



IELTS Speaking test in Nigeria - October 2013

Ở đây mình làm mẫu 1 bài speaking test part 3 nhé, đây là phần discuss giữa mình và giám khảo. Phần này đánh
giá tư duy trừ tượng bằng tiếng Anh của mình, nên đòi hỏi vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh rộng và sâu hơn 2 phần trên rất
nhiều. 2 câu dưới đây về farming nếu bị hỏi trong phòng thi mình cũng sẽ cảm thấy lúng túng, không phải vì không
biết nói tiếng Anh mà vì không biết gì để nói về đề tài đó, nên nếu may mắn chuẩn bị trước ở nhà rồi trúng tủ là tốt

Để đảm bảo trúng tủ thì đề nào cũng phải ôn, topic nào cũng phải tư duy ý trước ^^ Những câu trả lời gợi ý bên dưới
mình phải google để kiếm ý mãi mới xong ^^
Part III/


- What can be done to make farming interesting?

Admittedly, many people, especial young people, find working as a farmer the least appealing job. This is partly
because the job involves repetitive tasks, planting, weeding, harvesting, waiting, repeating the process all over again
and again. Besides, another thing that doesn't encourage people to work on a farm is the "image". This is considered
to be one of the most "uncool" jobs and people tend to be embarrassed when introducing themselves as farmers to
others. In order to improve the attitude toward the work, young people should be encouraged to get to know it better,
including the tasks, the machines, the technologies and the significance. There should be programmers allowing
people to become farmers for a short period. That way they will find out that the job has its own merits.

- What problems are farmers usually facing?

Farmers today are facing with many problems, among which is the agriculture input costs having been rocketing
while the price of farming products tends to be unstable so farming is actually a quite risky business. Besides, global
climate change has drastically affected farmers' harvests. Floods, droughts and other related phenomena occur more
frequently these days and in more unpredictable ways, which makes farming a less desirable work.

- Do you go to the park?

I love going to parks because there is always lots of space for everyone and after spending long hours in the office, I
need to go to a park to stretch, breathe some fresh air and even see some friends. Luckily we have many parks in
Hanoi and some are just a few minutes' walk from my work place.

- Do you think there will be more parks in the future?

I definitely hope so. I think people nowadays understand the importance of green space, especially in urban areas.
Also the demand for spaces where children can play and adults can socialize or relax has been noticeably growing. I
am positive that we will see many more parks in the future.


1 Comment

IELTS Speaking test in Australia - October 2013

Part III/ Discussion

Nào, mình kết thúc nốt bài của Úc nhé, hôm nay đã xong part I và II, part III này là khoai sắn nhất đây vì câu hỏi đòi
hỏi phải tư duy trừ tượng và có chính kiến nhất định về vấn đề được hỏi. Các tốt nhất để làm quen là luyện tập nhiều
vào, cái gì làm nhiều cũng thành kỹ năng, kể cả chém gió trong IELTS. Học cách sắp xếp các ý trả lời này, học các
cách nói tự nhiên này. Trước khi đọc câu trả lời mẫu của mình thì tự đặt bản thân vào trường hợp thí sinh xem sẽ
xoay sở thế nào đã nhé. Cùng làm thử nào!

- Do you think that school teachers should give advice to help students make decisions?
Giáo viên có nên đưa lời khuyên giúp học sinh quyết định các vấn đề ko nhi? Mình nên cẩn thận với các câu trả lời
"không", thứ nhất, vì mình không nên tỏ ra là người cực đoan, tư duy tiêu cực, bảo thủ, thứ 2, các câu hỏi IELTS rất
biện chứng, nó đã có một cái lý do nào đấy nó mới đưa ra 1 câu hỏi chứ không bao h đưa ra các câu hỏi chỉ mang
tính chất giải trí kiểu "đi giày có nên thắt dây ko" nên mình cứ tư duy nửa này nửa kia được thì tốt, kiểu giúp thì có
giúp nhưng trong 1 số trường hợp thì ko nên ^^ kiểu 3 phải í ^^
I certainly think teachers should play a very active part in helping students make up their mind. As a matter of fact,
children nowadays tend to spend more time with their teachers and friends than with their own family because both of
the parents have to work. As a result, they understand the kids much better and can give them useful advice.
Besides, one of the main roles of teachers is to guide their students. In other words, providing support when needed
is part of the job.
Chú ý cách dùng các từ nối, không phải để khoe từ đâu, mà là để thể hiện độ hiểu sâu của mình đối với cái vấn đề
mình đang nói. Thể hiện là mình hiểu mối quan hệ giữa các câu nói của mình vs nhau.
- play a very active part in st: đóng một vai trò rất tích cực trong việc gì
- tend to do something: có xu hướng làm gì, cùng giống như thường xuyên làm gì thôi nhưng dùng tend to nó học
thuật hơn ^^
- in other words: nói cách khác

- Do you have any advice for teenagers on how to make the right decisions?
Có lời khuyên nào để các bạn trẻ có những quyết định đúng đắn ko? Thật là khó nghĩ khi mà hầu hết các bạn đi thi
đều là các bạn trẻ. Trả lời theo phong cách kinh điển thì là: nên hỏi ý kiến bố mẹ thầy cô bạn bè 2 bên nội ngoại
trước khi quyết đinh. Trả lời theo kiểu cá tính thì: hầu như ko thể tránh mắc lỗi khi quyết định nhưng sai lầm thì mới
học được những bài học có giá trị. Cũng có thể đông tây kết hợp. Làm thử:
Having been a teenager, I know how hard it is sometimes to make the right decision, especially when you are young
and inexperienced. However, it is not impossible to make less wrong decisions. I suggest before making an important
decision, teenagers should consult their parents and teachers who are experienced and know what is the best for
their children. Nonetheless, making wrong decisions is just part of growing up. People learn best from their own
mistakes, so I believe it is not such a bad thing for teenagers to make bad decisions.
- Chịu khó dùng chủ ngữ giả (how hard it is to make right desicions, it is not impossible to..., it is not such a bad thing
- to know what is the best for someone: biết cái gì là tốt nhất cho ai.
- to be (a) part of something: là 1 phần của cái gì (mắc lỗi lầm là 1 phần của quá trình trưởng thành)

- Do you face any difficulties making decisions?

Có gặp khó khăn khi đưa ra quyết định không? tất nhiên rầu, khó quá chứ lại, khi mà mình không biết cái gì là tốt cho
mình hoặc khi mà quả tym và bộ óc chúng nó bất đồng ý kiến. Làm nào.
I think anyone, at one point or another, finds making the right decisions the most challenging thing to do. Sometimes I
can't decide what is the best for me. For example, my parents expect me to work in a state company because it is
more stable but I want to be part of a more dynamic environment although I know I may have to risk losing my job at
any time. I can't really convince myself which is a better choice. Sometimes my heart says one thing and my mind
says another I don't know I should follow which.
- At one point or another: vào lúc này hay lúc khác
- find something + adj: nhận thấy cái gì làm sao (nhận thấy việc quyết định đúng đắn là điều khó khăn nhất)
- risk Ving: đối mặt với nguy cơ gì
- my heart says one thing and my mind says another: tym nói 1 đằng óc nói 1 nẻo

- What kind of decisions should teenagers make in their life?

Lũ trẻ thì nên quyết định mục tiêu cuộc sống
I think there is one kind of decision teenagers should make, which is what their life goals are. Being able to set the
goals at early ages, teenagers will have more time to achieve them. I have known many people who wasted their
youth having fun without planning for the future and now they are struggling to find their goals. I can tell those are not
successful and happy people.
- I can tell: tôi có thể nói rằng, nghĩa giống như its obvious that

- Do you ask your parents for advice before making decisions?

It depends on what kind of decision I'm making. If it a life decision such as whether or not to go to university, I will
certainly have to ask them for advice, and permission in some cases ^^ But if it is something trivial or personal like
should I change my hair or not, I would rather turn to my friends ^^
-to turn to someone: tìm đến ai khi khó khăn hay cần giúp đỡ

- Do you think it will help you? Why?

Having advice from people with experience is often a good thing. Besides, I guess my parents know what is the best
for me because they understand me so well and they care about me. I often take their advice although, to be honest,
every now and then I do so only half-heartedly.
-every now and then: đôi khi
-half-heartedly: miễn cưỡng

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