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International Journal of Botany Studies

ISSN: 2455-541X
Volume 1; Issue 2; February 2016; Page No. 38-46

Cordia africana (Boraginaceae) in Ethiopia: A review on its taxonomy, distribution, ethnobotany and
conservation status
Getu Alemayehu, 2 Zemede Asfaw, 2 Ensermu Kelbessa
Jigjiga University, College of Natural Sciences, Department of Plant Biology, P.O. Box 1020, Jigjiga, Ethiopia.
Addis Ababa University, Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management and the National Herbarium, P.O. Box,
3434, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The purpose of the review paper is to review existing literature on ethnobotanical knowledge of Cordia africana to assist in the
proper utilization, management and conservation of the species. Cordia africana which belongs to the family of Boraginaceae is a
deciduous forest tree widely distributed from South Africa to Saudi Arabia and Yemen at altitudes between 550 - 2600 m.a.s.l. and
with an annual rainfall of 700 - 2000 mm. It occurs in primary or secondary forests and woodlands. In Ethiopia, it grows well in
the dry, moist and wet weyna dega agro-ecological zone. Cordia africana has various uses as medicine, fodder, food, fuelwood, for
making of juices and materials for culturale use. It is one of the most important indigenous tree species for making a variety of
items used by the communities. It provides very good mulch and can be used in other mixed cropping systems on cropland,
pastureland, to improve microclimatic conditions. Cordia africana is a forage tree for honeybees and flowers between March and
October. Beehives are often hung on Cordia africana tree. It is therefore good for beekeeping and honey production. Cordia
africana is also a source of excellent high-value timber that is suitable for furniture, mortars, windows and house doors. It is one of
the major timber species in Ethiopia that have been exploited commercially. It plays an important role in generating local
household income from the sale of products and conserving biodiversity. Business obtained from timber production severely
accelerated the high rate exploitation of Cordia africana. It is locally threatened and is given protection by proclamation
(Government of Ethiopia, Proclamation No. 94/1994). It is now managed by some farmers in their farmland as agroforestry tree,
such management and acquisition of economic benefits from the species might promote local peoples' interest in conservation.

Keywords: Cordia africana, Fodder, Fuelwood, Medicine, Timber

Introduction For this reason, this review is initiated to review existing

Cordia africana is an early colonizer in forest re-growth and literature on ethnobotanical knowledge of Cordia africana to
is often found along forest margins; it often regenerates in assist in the proper utilization, management and conservation
clearings and forest gaps [30, 36]. On average, it attains a height of the species.
between 14 and 21 m and a diameter at breast height (dbh)
between 0.60 and 0.90 cm and shows great morphological Taxonomy of Cordia africana
variation [29]. Flowers are complete and pollinated Cordia L. (generic name after Valeris Cordus, a German
predominantly by bees. The fruits are edible, and seed botanist) is a pantropical genus of about 250 species
dispersal is mainly carried out by mammals and birds. Cordia belonging to Boraginaceae Juss. [43], a plant family
africana is a fast-growing and highly valued timber tree in comprising about 100 genera and 2000 species that are
Ethiopia. It is moderately hard and durable wood makes it a characterized by flowers in helicoid cymes and by coarsely
valuable raw material for making high quality furniture and hairy herbage [24]. Cordia africana Lam. (Synonym: Cordia
household materials [44]. It is also the most important abyssinica R. Br.) is a tree (rarely shrubby) species. Its
multipurpose tree species widely occurring on croplands, English common names are East African Cordia or large-
grazing areas, homesteads and farm boundaries. For instance, leafed Cordia or Sudan teak [43]. There is still no one language
it is a good source of medicine (bark, root), food (fruit), that all the people of Ethiopia have in common. The species
firewood and bee forage [19, 36, 53]. has different vernacular names in different parts of Ethiopia;
The contribution of scattered trees of Cordia africana to it is locally known by different names.
improve soil fertility and its importance as a (coffee) shade
tree in traditional agroforestry systems has been documented Botanical description of Cordia africana
[66, 77]
. The current distribution, the habitats and the Crown umbrella-shaped/rounded, dense, much branched;
populations of Cordia africana are severely affected by twigs velvety hairy, becoming glabrous (Figure 1). Bole
deforestation, fragmentation and selective logging. Over- typically curved or crooked [74]. Bark surface smooth in young
harvesting can threaten the species. Without management trees, becoming cracked or longitudinally fissured with age,
intervention, it may lead to the extinction of a species and loss pale brown to dark brown, inner bark fibrous, whitish, turning
of associated indigenous knowledge on use and management. grayish to nearly blackish upon exposure; [21]. Leaves
leathery, simple, alternate, broadly ovate to egg-shaped, Flowers funnel-shaped, pure white, sweetly scented, produced
rough to feel, dull dark green, rounded to cordate at base, in quite large bunches. All the flowers on one tree open at the
rounded to acuminate at apex, margins entire to slightly same time giving a very decorative effect. Fruit circular, up to
toothed, pinnately veined with 5–7 pairs of lateral veins. Buds 1 cm in diameter, yellow when mature and single-seeded [61].
oval, stalkless, pleated open into flowers that are bisexual, The sweet sticky flesh is edible. Seeds ellipsoid to reniform,
white, sweet scented, shortly pedicelate or subsessile, massed dark brown to black [58]. The seed coat is tough, leathery and
in compact panicles covering the crown, with a white mass of waterproof. Seeding time is highly variable, but August-
attractive flowers; calyx less than 1 cm long, strongly ribbed, September appears to be the best season. Seeds remain viable
back of lobes covered with short, soft, brown hairs; corolla at least for one year. However, best germination occurs with
lobes crinkled, white, long-exerted, funnel shaped, about 2.5 fresh seed. Germination begins in two weeks, proceeding
cm long; cymes many flowered (Figure 1). unevenly for up to two or three months.

Fig 1: Vegetative and reproductive parts of Cordia africana Lam. A) Rounded crown B) Wood in transverse section C) Wood in transverse
section D) Wood in tangential section E) Leaf shape F) Flower G) Matured fruit (Source: [57]

Reproduction of Cordia africana Rain Forests, Undifferentiated Afromontane Forests (‘mixed

Cordia africana begins flowering when a tree is 3-5 years old Podocarpus forest’) and in riverine forests as well as in the
[43, 53]
. It is monocious species with complete flowers western lowlands [37]. Open places in moist montane forest,
(hermaphrodite) and is known to be pollinated predominantly forest edges, in forest remnants around churches and other
by bees [74]. In Sudan, flowering occurs in October to traditionally protected areas, as isolated trees in grassland and
December and fruiting from January to April; in Kenya, cultivated fields, in villages and public gardens of TU GD GJ
flowering is from April to June. It is repeated at intervals over WU SU AR IL GG SD BA and HA Flora regions [61]; Figure
several weeks and is evidently activate off by rain showers. 3). In West Africa, this species is said to be restricted to
After pollination by insects, fruit development takes a period montane and submontane habitats; it has limited distribution in
of almost 6 months. In Ethiopia, the tree can be found in the lowland habitats of the Democratic Republic of Congo [58].
flower or in fruit all the year round, but the main flowering Generally, the species grows in areas with altitudes between
period of the species is from October to March [36]. A 550 and 2600 m.a.s.l. and with annual rainfall of 700 to 2000
flowering tree is spectacular; all the flowers open within a mm [37]. It is an early colonizer in forest re-growth and is often
short time and give the tree a white snowy cover [22]. Fruits of found along forest margins; it often regenerates in clearings
Cordia africana, are eaten and their seeds dispersed by birds, and forest gaps [30, 36]. It has a light quality sensing mechanism
baboons, monkeys, apes and probably other animals [43]. that hinders it from germinating beneath leaves [78].
It occurs in primary or secondary forests and woodlands [53]. It
Natural Distribution and Habitat prefers regions with relatively high rainfall and sufficiently
Cordia africana is native to Angola, the Democratic Republic warm climate. It can also grow under drier climatic
of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, conditions, by minimizing its water consumption through
Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, shading its leaves or by closing its stomata [53, 40]. Cordia
Uganda, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia and Yemen [37, 74]; Figure africana has fast growth performance, is culturally accepted
2). In Ethiopia, it is widespread in Broadleaved Afromontane and widely used and is adapted to local conditions [31, 53, 42].

Fig 2: Map of Africa showing countries where the species has been planted (Source: [58]

Fig 3: Natural distribution of Cordia africana in Ethiopian Flora regions (Source: [61]

Ethnobotanical uses authors for example, it helps to cure, Acute febrile [50];
Medicinal uses Wound [9]; Cough, toothache, stomach ache [60]; Fire burn,
Medicinal plants have important contributions in the Michi, diarrheal, jaundice, eye infection, tonsillitis [67]; Eye-
healthcare system of local communities as the main source of problem, anthrax of cattle [27]; Epilepsy [20]; Urination at night
medicine for the majority of the rural population. Plants have ; Jaundice, malaria [11]; Chest pain [70]; Skin rash, smell of
not only nutritional value but also, in the eyes of the local foot, scabies [34]; Tonsillitis [3]; Abdominal pain [13]; Evil eye
people, they have medicinal and ritual or magical values [2]. [49]
; Gastritis, sore [47]; Spider poison [10]; Fever and influenza [38].
The ethnomedicinal healing systems vary across cultures. In
Ethiopia, there is cultural diversity with various patterns of Uses as fodder trees
using the flora [5]. Cordia africana is one of the main sources Cordia africana plays an important role in animal production
of traditional medicines serving to cure different diseases for by providing fodder. Leaves of Cordia africana provide
human being and domestic animals. Several parts of the plant fodder for the dry season. According to [39], leaves are
are used in traditional medicine. In Ethiopia, the medicinal threshed, cut, or pitted and collected for livestock
uses of Cordia africana have been reported by different consumption. Cordia africana is left to grow sufficient wood
so that it serves as live fence around grazing units and Binding and Drum making
farmyards; the tree is lopped periodically for fodder and The main type of Ethiopian handwritten book is the codex,
sometimes fruits of the tree are consumed by cattle, goat, made of folded parchment leaves, which are collected in
sheep, donkey and mule [8]. gatherings, sewn together, and given covers. The codex
(mäshaf, branna) has dominated the local manuscript culture
Bee forage throughout its history. The main type of binding of the
Cordia africana has good attributes as fodder plant for Ethiopian codex is relatively simple. The front and back cover
honeybee [37]. It has sweetly scented flowers and it is known boards are commonly made of Cordia africana (wanza),
for its high quality honey production. It is attractive to though other kinds of wood are also used [55]. Figure 4). They
honeybees, and pollination is mainly effected by these insects are cut roughly with an adze and rarely have a perfectly
. The worker bees collect pollen and nectar from Cordia square form. In addition, the Asante-style drum is one of the
africana and manufacture honey that is harvested by the earliest known surviving African-American objects,
farmer [54]. originated in West Africa which is made of wood of Cordia
Cordia africana supplies abundant pollen and nectar for bees africana [26]. Figure 5).
which forage all day [36]. This is one of the major honey
sources of Ethiopia mainly in the western parts. It also often Source of food
contributes to mixed honeys in which its flavor predominates. Cordia africana is used as a source of food [50]. In Tigray, it is
The honey is very aromatic with a slow granulation and light collected and eaten by shepherds and children when found in
brown in color. Crushed seeds, dissolved in water, can be the wild, and collected, and eaten or sold by women and
used for feeding bees during dry periods [36]. According to [23], children when grown in farms or backyards [71]. Cordia
in Ethiopia beehives are often hung on Cordia trees when africana fruit is eaten by the local community during its
bees are swarming. In Maale community, South Omo, fruiting season of April to June. Generally, the fruit is eaten
beehives are made from Cordia africana [59]. fresh, however traditionally the fruit is also dried and kept for
use during off season [71]. The fruits are eaten by baboons and
Household tools humans [23].
The wood is light, yet durable, moderately soft, fairly
straight-grained, and relatively termite and fungus resistant. Making of juices/Fruits subjected to some form of home
Cordia africana is a fast growing and highly valued timber processing
tree used for high quality furniture, doors, widows, chairs, Mature fruits have a sweet, mucilaginous, edible pulp. The
beds, containers, cabinet-making, drums, interior ripe fruit are collected either from the ground or picked from
construction, beehives, mortars and pestles [21, 32, 43]. In the the tree and the pulps of fruits are eaten and seeds are
western part of the country as log-hives for bees and TEJ discarded. The ripe fruits are also grounded and mixed with
(honey-beer) barrels are made from hollowed out stems of water and used as juices in ancient times [39]. A juice of
Cordia africana [36]. Mixed planting and closer initial spacing Cordia africana is usually added to flavour local drinks
in plantations have been recommended to improve the growth prepared from other sources [72]. Cordia africana is processed
performance of the species and minimize problems posed by into refreshing juice either by boiling or by adding lukewarm
big branches on the quality of the wood [48]. Thus, the demand or cold water [72]. Fruits of Cordia africana are brewed either
for wood of Cordia africana by users of its timber and timber with the addition of leaves of Rhamnus prinides to give the
products is enormous. local alcoholic drinks, “tela” and “tej” or without it to give
the local alcoholic drink “Beerz”. The juice of Cordia
Farm implements africana is sometimes diluted with water and sugar or honey
The agricultural implements including plough, yoke, axe and may be added.
digger are made from several plant parts supplemented with
locally made metal instruments. For instance, plough is made Fuelwood
from cut and curved woody-stem of Cordia africana Women tend to dominate the fuel wood supply chain. The
estimated to be 2½ m in length [6]. The second part connected wood is transported by the producers to local markets on
to a plough is a yoke (QANBARRII) made from stem cuttings either their own backs or on a donkey. An average fuelwood
of Cordia africana [6]. Stem part (2-3 m in length, 2 m in collector sells between 0.5 m3 and 1 m3 each market day.
width) is cut, bark removed and open container is made by Cordia africana is used for fuel in Sidama Zone of Southern
handsaw for feed service of livestock's [6]. Ethiopia [5]. A number of protected indigenous trees, including
Cordia africana, often find their way into fuelwood bundles in
Construction materials many market places [17]. The projected sustainable fuelwood
Cordia africana has tough wood, which is used in hut supply is estimated to reach 8.6 million m³ in 2030 [17].
building [1]. The wall of rural houses in Ethiopia is
constructed by planting woody stems of Cordia africana. The Environmental use
roof consists of two layers; the inner layer is attached from Cultivation of coffee involves planting of young coffee plants
vertically laid woody stems of Cordia africana and the outer in the understorey of a remaining native tree cover, which
is covered by a bunch of grass species. In Chaffa area the principally includes Cordia africana [66]. Further, in
majority of rural houses have single door made from the southwestern Ethiopia, natural forests are also common where
timber of Cordia africana [65]. Coffea arabica grows as understorey plant [41]. Cordia
africana is favoured as a shade tree for coffee because of its
short bole. Cordia africana often found in cropland where it
is managed for shade. It provides very good mulch and can be when buttaa celebration takes place, especially in the Raaba
used in other mixed cropping systems on cropland, stage, the specific duty of abbaa kormaa is to guide the bull
pastureland, or rangeland to improve microclimatic at the head of the two lines of patriots (patriots of the Raaba).
conditions [66]. Generally the tree, provides shade and mulch During the festival, those who have completed their eight-
for the integrated enset-coffee systems resulting in control of year initiation periods, slaughter animals, especially bulls
soil erosion, regulation of soil moisture and temperature, (korma), and they hold a rod known as woddeessa (Cordia
improved soil nutrition, eventually creating favorable africana). The woddeessa as part of ritual performance
conditions for crop growth [5]. represents great success and honour, [33]. Cordia africana
Trees on croplands have been reported to improve soil provides shade as well as suitable places for conducting
fertility due to their organic inputs with nutrient recycling ceremonies and get-togethers for the villagers during social
through mineralization [40, 51, 52, 81]. Comparison of soils from gatherings and religious holidays where coffee and snacks (of
under tree canopy and areas away from the influence of the roasted grains) and bread may be served [64].
trees has been used to study the influence of trees on soils [56,
77, 81]
. Trees usually become centers of variation in soil Commercial importance
properties or ‘islands of fertility’ [82]. This variation is mainly Cordia africana is one of the most important indigenous
caused by in situ processes (litter fall, root activities, nutrient timber trees of Ethiopia. It is used as a source of high-quality
cycling, etc. [77]. Even though many other external factors may timber [19, 36]. It is one of the major timber species in Ethiopia
also contribute to this variation (bird/wildlife droppings, that have been exploited commercially [4]. The income
weeds, cow dung, urine, etc.), [16, 56, 73]. generated from the sale of its products and the timber itself is
Farmers in southern Ethiopia retain Cordia africana for one of the mechanisms of making a livelihood for many rural
maintaining soil fertility in enset-coffee based agroforestry poor people [76].
. Cordia africana is one of the common shade trees of Cordia africana is an economically important and marketable
coffee in Ethiopia [66]. It enriches soil fertility and species. It is the most preferred timber species and the timber
productivity through litter fall that decomposes readily [69]. fetche as high price at local market [14]. The wood is also sold
Studies by [56, 77] reported positive influence of Cordia to wood processing and furniture factories in towns and thus
africana on various soil fertility parameters. it contributes to income generation [5]. In general, income
Cordia africana trees scattered on crop fields and farmlands derived from the sale of wild plant species is of particular
improved some soil properties in West Shewa [77] and Badessa importance to the poorer households who must supplement
under their canopy as compared to the adjacent open plots. food production with cash in order to meet basic needs [14].
Due to its light canopy [42] and N-fixing ability [53], Cordia
africana is popular in the southern region of Ethiopia [42, 45]. Effect of growing space on growth and branching habit of
Available P content of subsurface soil was improved under Cordia africana trees
Cordia africana [40]. Cordia africana trees planted at wider spacing grew faster
The leaves provide very good mulch and can be used in other than those grown at narrow spacing. Therefore, planting
mixed cropping systems on cropland, pastureland, or Cordia africana trees at wider spacing on dry marginal lands
rangeland to improve microclimatic conditions. Leaf fall in could be beneficial in terms of growth; it avoids competition
the dry season is heavy, and the leaves make good mulch, and for soil moisture, light and nutrients in dry regions [46].
it is not only serve as mulch but also contribute to nutrient However, growing Cordia africana trees at wider spacing
cycling through decomposition [53, 68]. Cordia africana has could be disadvantageous in terms of stem quality. Trees at
good attributes for soil conservation [77]. wider spacing had bigger branches or knots than those at
On farms, it keeps soil nutrient high via protection against narrow spacing and bigger branches or knots are factors that
leaching, translocation of nutrients from deeper to the surface degrade the value and quality of its logs [28]. Therefore, it is
layer and accumulation of litter, which creates a temporary necessary to minimize the effects of these factors to increase
nutrient pool in the surface soils under its canopies [40]. the quality and value of wood from Cordia africana trees. To
Indigenous timber species, for instance, Cordia africana, is improve stem quality and enhance growth of Cordia africana
further appreciated for its soil improvement roles amongst trees, various studies suggest the establishment of closely
other functions such as water catchment protection and spaced plantations followed by thinning as soon as the water
certain cultural values [25]. Generally, tree species of Cordia and nutrient requirements of the planted trees increase.
africana play a great role in maintaining soil fertility and
providing various products and services to the farmers [77]. Conservation status of Cordia africana
However, the performance of the native tree species Cordia The current distribution, the habitats and the populations of
africana in south central highlands of Ethiopia in relation to Cordia africana are severely affected by deforestation,
understory species diversity in general, was found to be fragmentation and selective logging [30]. Severe natural forest
intermediate [63]. It appears that, it is the overstory species destruction in Ethiopia particularly in the northern part of the
physical characteristics (crown size and density, clear bole country has forced the tree to have scattered occurrences in
length, tree height etc.), root competition and its influence on patchy natural forest, on farmlands, in graveyards and church
soil biological and chemical activities, which affects compounds [75]. Cordia africana is the most preferred plant by
understory species composition [78]. local people for various uses and is the most threatened,
which is evidently shown by its scarce distribution in Goma
Social use Wereda, Jima Zone of Oromia Region, except in some
Plants can be used for different social purposes including protected coffee forests [34]. This scarcity of Cordia africana
ritual, religious or spiritual ceremonies. In Oromo culture is due to over harvesting for not only medicinal but also for
other uses particularly for timber production ([34]. Business enormous. This high demand has caused a rapid declining of
obtained from timber production severely accelerated the high the species, and the tree is now proclaimed as one of the most
rate exploitation of Cordia africana because it is the threatened species of Ethiopia in its natural habitat. Cordia
commercially important indigenous tree species [17]. africana is now managed by some farmers in their farmland
Thus, the demand for wood of Cordia africana by users of its as agroforestry tree and/or garden tree. This shows that such
timber and timber products is enormous. However, supply is management of, and acquisition of economic benefits from
not keeping pace with the demand. Because this high demand species might promote local peoples' interest in conservation
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