Name: Andi Fia Mutmainah ID: 1614442009 Class: Biology ICP Education

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Name : Andi Fia Mutmainah

ID : 1614442009

Class : Biology ICP Education

Task 1. Write the story based on the pictures (page 31)

One month ago, Hamid’s class having an examination. When the examination
running up, Hamid cheated. He looked into the book. At the examination the teacher came round
to check the student. Absolutely Hamid quickly shifted the book. But, teacher thought Hasan
cheated, it makes Hasan sent out of class. Erman saw what happened, and he told the teacher.
Finally the teacher scolded Hamid for being dishonest.

Task 2. The following words have different stresses when used as nouns, and when used as
verbs. Pronounce the words, stressing the syllables in bold (page 31).

Noun Verb
Contest Contest
Rebel Rebel
Refuse Refuse
Present Present
Contact Contract
Progress Progress
Suspect Suspect
Conduct Conduct
Desert Desert
digest digest
Contrast Contrast

Task 3. Sentence Pattern Drill. Read these sentences (page 32).

1. I am walking fast.
2. I am walking slowly.
3. I am walking hurriedly.
4. I am walking leisurely.
5. I am talking fast.
6. He is talking fast.
7. He is talking loudly.
8. He is talking softly.

Read these sentences (page 32).

1. I always walk there slowly.

2. I always walk there leisurely.
3. I always walk there quickly.
4. I always walk there rapidly.
5. I usually walk there slowly.
6. I seldom walk there slowly.
7. I never walk there slowly.
8. I often walk there slowly.

Task 5. Oral Practice. Read these sentences (page 33)

1. We rarely see him nowadays.

2. She came slowly down the stairs.
3. I never go to bed before ten.
4. You ae very lazy.
5. Amin comes here every day.
6. The girl is speaking too softly.
7. The baby cried loudly when it was hungry.
8. My sister and I usually clean the house on Sunday.
9. He is seldom punctual.
10. They have already taken their dinner.
11. The child is not old enough to go to school.
12. We often visit our grandparents.

Task 6. Rewrite the sentences, changing the bracketed words into adverbs (page 33).

1. Why is he looking at us so (angry) ?

Rewrite : Why is he looking at us angrily ?

2. I ran in (excited) to tell them the news.

Rewrite : I ran in excitedly to tell them the news.

3. She smiled (shy) when she met us.

Rewrite : She smiled shyly when she met us.

4. They whistled (cheerful) as they worked.

Rewrite : They whistled cheerfully as they worked.

5. The cat was sleeping (sound) under the bed.

Rewrite : The cat was sleeping soundly under the bed.

6. The soldier fought (brave), but he was killed.

Rewrite : The soldier fought bravely, but he was killed.

7. He asked us (polite) where we were going.

Rewrite : He asked politely where we were going.

8. The hungry boy finished the food (quick).

Rewrite : The hungry boy finished the food quickly.

9. I shall never forget they treated me (kind).

Rewrite : I shall never forget they treated me kind.

10. You behaved (foolish) at the party last night.

Rewrite : You behaved foolishly at the party last night.

11. We sat there (uncomfortable) while they stared at us.

Rewrite : We sat there uncomfortably while they stared at us.

12. He drove (careful) in the rain.

Rewrite : He drove carefully in the rain.

Task 7. Place the adverbs given at the end of the sentences (page 34)

1. Have you been to Hongkong ? (ever)

Rewrite : Have you ever been to Hongkong ?

2. She was not old to go out by herself. (enough)

Rewrite : She was not enough old to go out by herself.

3. We go there by bus. (usually)

Rewrite : We usually go there by bus.

4. They were surprised at the news. (very)

Rewrite : They were very surprised at the news.

5. He wrote in his book. (untidily)

Rewrite : He wrote untidily in his book.

6. She walked in her sleep. (last night)

Rewrite : She walked last night in her sleep.

7. I speak to them. (never)

Rewrite : I never speak to them.

8. You speak French. (fluently)

Rewrite : You speak fluently French.

9. He has left. (already)

Rewrite : He has already left.

10. They came a few days ago. (here)

Rewrite : They came here a few days ago.

11. They went to sleep last night. (early)

Rewrite : They went early to sleep last night.

12. It is late for that. (too)

Rewrite : It is too late for that.

Task 8. Exercise 18. Fill in the blanks with ‘some’ or ‘any’ (page 34).

1. Do you have ..... money with you ?

Answer : Do you have some money with you ?

2. Can you spare me...... flour ?

Answer : Can you spare me some flour ?

3. I found ..... empty bottles in the cupboard.

Answer : I found some empty bottles in the cupboard.

4. They do not have ..... clues to the mystery.

Answer : They do not have any clues to the mystery.

5. Did you meet ..... of your friends there ?

Answer : Did you meet some of friends there ?

6. He has ...... books on that subject.

Answer : He has some books on that subject

7. I refused to lend them ..... money.

Answer : I refused to lend them some money.

8. We have ...... friends in this town.

Answer : We have some friends in this town.

9. Don’t you have ....... interesting stories to tell us ?

Answer : Don’t you have any interesting stories to tell us ?

10. Can I drink ....... of this water ?

Answer : Can I drink some of this water ?

11. We could not think of ....... gift to buy.

Answer : We could not think of any gift to buy.

12. Please save ........ soup for us.

Answer : Please save some soup for us.

Task 9. Reading and Comprehension (page 35)

Once, a fisherman named Batara Guru Sahala lived in Batakland. One day, he caught a
fish. To his surprise, he found that the fish could talk! It begged Sahala to set it free. Sahala did

As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She was so beautiful that the
fisherman fell in love with her at once. He asked her to marry him. The woman agreed to marry
Sahala. However, she told him that he must never let out the secret that she was once a fish.
Sahala promised her that he would not tell anyone about it.

They were happily married, and had two daughters. Every morning, Sahala went out
fishing. His daughters would bring him his lunch. One day, however, instead of bringing the
food to their father, the girls ate it. When Sahala learnt what they had done with his meal, he got
very angry. He shouted at them, saying, “You behaved exactly like the daughters of a fish.”

The girls did not know what their father meant. They went home and asked mother about
it. When they told her what he said, she was very annoyed. Although Sahala apologized to her
late, she would not forgive him for breaking his promise.

Then, the earth began to tremble, and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked to form
a big hole. People said that this hole became Lake Toba.

1. Where did the fisherman live ?

Answer : The fisherman live in Batakland.

2. What did the fish ask him to do ?

Answer : The fish begged Sahala to set the fish free.

3. What happened when the fisherman freed the fish ?

Answer : When the fisherman freed the fish, suddenly the fish changed into a beautiful woman.

4. What did Sahala promise his wife ?

Answer : Sahala promise his wife that he would not tell anyone about his wife was a fish.

5. What happened when he broke his promise ?

Answer : When he broke his promise, his daughters told to their mother and their mother would
not forgive him for breaking his promise. Then, the earth began to tremble, and volcanoes started
to erupt. The earth cracked to form a big hole. People said that the hole became Lake Toba.

6. Sahala was a ....

a. Rubber-tapper
b. Fisherman
c. Tin-miner
d. Farmer
e. Hunter

Answer : b. Fisherman
7. Sahala and his wife had ....
a. A daughter and a son
b. Two son
c. Two daughters
d. No children
e. Two daughters and two sons.

Answer : c. Two daughters

8. Sahala was angry when his daughters ...

a. Ate his lunch
b. Did not come
c. Were lazy
d. Came late
e. Were rude to him

Answer : a. Ate his lunch

9. When Sahala broke his promise, his wife was very ....
a. Amused
b. Happy
c. Angry
d. Loving
e. Sad

Answer : c. Angry

10. Lake Toba was formed by ....

a. The trembling of the earth
b. The erupting of the volcanoes
c. The cracking of the earth
d. Sahala’s shouting at his daughters
e. The girls eating of the food

Answer : d. Sahala’s shouting at his daughters

Task 10. Picture Composition, Trumpets for Sale. Look at the picture carefully. Then, answer the
questions below in full (page 36).

1. What does the picture show ?

Answer : The picture show about a man that sell his trumpets.
2. What are the men selling ?

Answer : The man selling trumpets.

3. How are the wares displayed ?

Answer : The trumpets was made by cardboard, and the trumpets were in good condition. But,
there are many trumpets that sold by the man.

4. Can you think of some reasons why these men do not set up permanent stalls to sell their
wares in ?

Answer : the reason why these man do not set up permanent stalls to sell up their wares in are :
first, there is no place that these man can sell his trumpets. Second, there are too many trumpets
there but the shape of trumpets was so old and only have a shape of trumpets. Third, these man
not seems like sell his trumpets.

5. At what time of the year are such wares on sale ?

Answer : The wares on sale in the middle of December until earlier January, but many people
will buy the trumpets 1 day before new year.

6. In what ways are such wares significant to Indonesians ?

Answer : The way that such wares significant to Indonesians are : The first, find the place that
good for sell the wares. The second, make new shape of trumpets so people don’t boring when
see the trumpets. The third, sell the trumpets with logic price (not too expensive).

Task 11. Oral English, Syllable Stress. Read these words carefully, the syllables that are
underlined are stressed (37)

Aeroplane Doctor Visit

Petroleum Family Recess
Calendar Pedestrian Public
Artist Electricity Library
Picture Eleven Magic
Reveal Holiday Magician
Candle Canteen Japanese
Canal Protect Japan

Task 12. Sentence Pattern Drill. Read these sentences (page 38).
1. He lies on the bed.
2. He sits on the bed.
3. He is standing on the bed.
4. He is standing beside the bed.
5. He is standing beside the door.
6. He is standing near the door.
7. They are playing near the door.
8. They are playing near the bushes.

Read these sentences.

1. He is afraid of animals.
2. He is afraid of his father.
3. He is afraid of the dark.
4. The child is afraid of the dark.
5. The child is afraid of animals.
6. The child is fond of animals.
7. Rina is fond of animals.
8. Rina is kind to animals.

Task 13. Oral Practice. Read these sentences (page 39).

1. My mother takes a nap during the day.

2. I don’t sleep in the afternoon.
3. We work until five o’clock.
4. The children watched television for one hour.
5. The children off the lights after midnight.
6. She usually prepares everything before he comeshome.
7. We have our lunch at noon.
8. I have been waiting here since seven o’clock.
9. The show is on from half past seven to eight o’clock.
10. We do our homework between seven and nine every night.

Task 14. Practice and Write, Exercise 19. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions (page 39).

1. He goes to work …… bus.

Answer : He goes to work with bus.

2. They are tired ……. reading.

Answer : They are tired to reading.

3. We swam ……… the river.

Answer : We swam at the river.

4. She lived …….. London ……… three years.

Answer : She lived in London for three years.

5. Who was present ………. the meeting ?

Answer : Who was present at the meeting ?

6. I saw him …… the crowd.

Answer : I saw him in the crowd.

7. She looked ……… herself …….. the mirror.

Answer : she looked at herself in the mirror.

8. She leaned …….. the wall and closed his eyes.

Answer : She leaned at the wall and closed his eyes.

9. You are very sure ……. yourself.

Answer : You are very sure at yourself.

10. He is bad ……. telling stories.

Answer : He is bad to telling stories.

11. They divided the food ……… themselves.

Answer : They divided the food for themselves.

12. The thief got ……… the house …….. the window.

Answer : The thief got in the house at the window.

Task 15. Exercise 20. Make sentences with these expressions (page 40).

1. Angry with

Answer : I was angry with my friends when they didn’t tell me to go to party with them.

2. Interested in
Answer : He was interested with drawing and computer.

3. Proud of

Answer : My father proud of my brother’s won last night.

4. Good at

Answer : I am not good at calculus and physics.

5. Sorry for

Answer : I am sorry for my mistake that I did last night.

6. Different from

Answer : My mother different from another mom, I love my mom.

7. Famous as

Answer : she is famous as an artist.

8. Worried about

Answer : I am worried about my collect especially in my schedule.

9. Keen on

Answer : I keen on my collect now as a candidate of biology teacher.

10. Sure of

Answer : I am sure of him because of many consideration.

11. Pleased with

Answer : My parents pleased with my boyfriend come to my house.

12. Ashamed of

Answer : He really ashamed of his mistake that he has done.

Task 16. Exercise 21. Fill in the blanks with ‘somebody’ or ‘anybody’ (page 40)

1. Was ……. in the house when you arrived ?

Answer : Was anybody in the house when you arrived ?

2. I saw ………. running out of the room.

Answer : I saw someone running out of the room.

3. ……… stole her pen.

Answer : somebody stole her pen.

4. Has ….. told you about the accident ?

Answer : Has anybody told you about the accident ?

5. …… left the tap on in the bathroom.

Answer : Somebody left the tap on in the bathroom.

6. Would ….. like some more coffee ?

Answer : Would anybody like some more coffee ?

7. Do not let …… into the house while I am away.

Answer : Do not let anybody into the house while I am away.

8. Will …… kindly help me to carry this box ?

Answer : Will anybody kindly help me to carry this box ?

9. She just stood there, waiting for …… to help her cross the road.

Answer : She just stood there, waiting for someone to help her cross the road.

10. Did …… see my cat ?

Answer : Did someone see my cat ?

11. They heard …… shouting for help.

Answer : They heard someone shouting for help.

12. Did you meet …… while you were coming here ?

Answer : Did you meet someone while you were coming here ?

Task 17. Reading Comprehension. Pigeon Trouble (page 40-41).

Some towns face the problem of floods; some, that of volcanic eruption; some, earthquake;
and others, droughts. Have you heard of the town which had pigeon trouble ?

Galena, in the state of Illinois in the United States of America, is that town. Galena is
famous for having supplied lead, for making bullets, to the Union army during the United States
Civil War. Nine generals lived in Galena during that time, including Ulysses S. Grant. It is quite
a popular tourist spot. More than four hundred thousand visitors go there every year.

The mayor of Galena was therefore worried that those nuisance pigeons would run this
profitable tourist-trade. The birds perched on rooftops and dirtied the main street with their
droppings. The pigeons chose as their roosting headquarters the hundred-and-twenty-year-old
Coatsworth Building. This structure is significant to the town because that building was where
Grant used to help his father in his leather-shop. Moreover, the Health Department declared that
these pigeon were disease-carriers. It said that diseases could spread from the birds’ droppings.

The mayor decided to get rid of the pigeons. He suggested poisoning them by feeding them
corn mixed with strychnine, a strong poison. However, when the mayor announced his plans, he
received many letters of complaint and protestation. These letters came from pigeon-lovers in
other places in the United States, in Canada and even from as far away as Yugoslavia.

Thus, the mayor had to change his plans. Instead of having the birds poisoned, he hired a
professional to get them out of the town alive.

1. What problem did the town of Galena face ?

Answer : the problem from the town of Galena is those nuisance pigeons would run this
profitable tourist-trade.

2. What is Galena famous for ?

Answer : For attrachted the tourist to the tourist spot in Galena and make visitors increase.

3. How did the pigeons cause trouble ?

Answer : The birds perched on rooftops and dirtied the main street with their droppings. The
pigeons chose as their roosting headquarters the hundred-and-twenty-year-old Coatsworth

4. How did the mayor suggest killing the pigeon at first ?

Answer : at first, the mayor sugges killing the pigeon use poison by feeding them corn mixed
with strychnine, a strong poison.

5. How did the mayor finally get rid of the birds ?

Answer : The mayor had to change his plans. Instead of having the birds poisoned, he hired a
professional to get them out of the town alive.

6. Galena is in the state of …..

a. The United States of America
b. Illinois
c. Yugoslavia
d. Canada
e. Galena

Answer : a. The United States of America

7. The Coatsworth Building is….

a. Where the Health Department is
b. Where the mayor lives
c. Where lead was made into bullets
d. Where Ulysses S. Grant once worked
e. Where tourist in Galena stay

Answer : Where lead was made into bullets

8. The Health Department said the pigeons were ….

a. A symbol of peace
b. A tourist attraction
c. Disease-carriers
d. Trouble-makers
e. Good pets

Answer : c. Disease-carriers

9. Sytrychnine is ….
a. A kind of poison
b. A kind of bird-food
c. A pill for putting pigeons to sleep
d. A kind of corn
e. A vitamin pill

Answer : a. A kind of poison

10. The mayor received letters from ….

a. Supporters of his plans
b. People who praised his intended actions
c. Resident of Galena
d. All over the country, protesting against his plans
e. The Unites States and other countries, protesting against his plans.

Answer : d. All over the country, protesting against his plans

Task 18. Picture Composition, A Swimming-Competition. Study the picture, then answer the
questions below in full.

1. What kind of contest is going on ?

Answer : That is the Swimming Competition.

2. Where are the contestant ? are they ready ?

Answer : They are on the cube that there is number at the cube.

3. When will they dive into the water ?

Answer : They will dive into water when there is govern from referee or when whistle is blown
from referee.

4. Are there many people watching the competition ?

Answer : yes, there are many people watching the competition.

5. Where do the spectators sit ?

Answer : At the place that prepared for spectators seat.

6. In what place do you think this competition is held ?

Answer : In a building that special for Swimming competition, that there is a big swimming pool.

7. Have you been to or taken part in such a competition ? describe how such a competition is
conducted ?

Answer : No, I haven’t been to or taken part in such a competition.

Task 19. Oral English. Reading Practice (page 43).

Some towns face the problem of floods; some, that of volcanic eruption; some, earthquake; and
others, droughts. Have you heard of the town which had pigeon trouble ?

Galena, in the state of Illinois in the United States of America, is that town. Galena is
famous for having supplied lead, for making bullets, to the Union army during the United States
Civil War. Nine generals lived in Galena during that time, including Ulysses S. Grant. It is quite
a popular tourist spot. More than four hundred thousand visitors go there every year.
The mayor of Galena was therefore worried that those nuisance pigeons would run this
profitable tourist-trade. The birds perched on rooftops and dirtied the main street with their
droppings. The pigeons chose as their roosting headquarters the hundred-and-twenty-year-old
Coatsworth Building. This structure is significant to the town because that building was where
Grant used to help his father in his leather-shop. Moreover, the Health Department declared that
these pigeon were disease-carriers. It said that diseases could spread from the birds’ droppings.

The mayor decided to get rid of the pigeons. He suggested poisoning them by feeding them
corn mixed with strychnine, a strong poison. However, when the mayor announced his plans, he
received many letters of complaint and protestation. These letters came from pigeon-lovers in
other places in the United States, in Canada and even from as far away as Yugoslavia.

Thus, the mayor had to change his plans. Instead of having the birds poisoned, he hired a
professional to get them out of the town alive.

Task 20. Oral English. Reading the sentences (page 45).

1. You can either read or watch television.

2. I went there, but I didn’t see her.
3. He speaks English and Dutch.
4. Neither Harto nor his brother wanted to go.
5. We can’t stop work until he tells us to.
6. He could not move the rock although he was very strong.
7. The man talked while the women prepared dinner.
8. We did not go out as it was raining.
9. The box was so heavy that four men were needed to carry it.
10. Since she was busy, we did not disturb her.
11. Not only was the night dark but also cold.
12. I will take it if nobody else wants it.

Task 21. Practice and Write. Exercise 22. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions (page 45).

1. I did not buy it ..... it was too expensive.

2. We shall come ....... we are free.
3. He could not sleep ....... she swtiched off the light.
4. The shirt was ....... tight ...... he could not button it.
5. ......... she knew the answer, she could not tell the others.
6. They could ...... wait for the bus ...... run home in the rain.
7. He is hardworking, .......his brother is very lazy.
8. They waited for us......we changed our clothes.
9. The gate was locked, .....he had to climb over it.
10. He did not see us...... it wascrowded in the shop.
11. ........ was she quick ....accurate.
12. She was ........ angry ......... she tore up the letters.
Answer (the answer is underlined) :

1. I did not buy it because it was too expensive.

2. We shall come if we are free.
3. He could not sleep because she switched off the light.
4. The shirt was so tight and he could not button it.
5. Since she knew the answer, she could not tell the others.
6. They could if wait for the bus or run home in the rain.
7. He is hardworking while his brother is very lazy.
8. They waited for us when we changed our clothes.
9. The gate was locked, but he had to climb over it.
10. He did not see us and it was crowded in the shop.
11. Not only was she quick but accurate.
12. She was very angry and she tore up the letter.

Task 22. Exercise 23. Join these pairs of sentences with these conjunctions : and, but, or, so,
when, neither, nor.

1. It was raining. They cancelled the picnic.

2. Did they win? Did they lose?
3. I ran very fast. I could not catch up with him.
4. She went to sleep early. She was very tires.
5. Minah did not meet him. Mimi did not meet him.
6. I thought it might rain. I brought along an umbrella.
7. He parked the car. He got out.
8. I will call you. It is time to leave.
9. Helen is not fat. She is not thin.
10. He could not finish the food. We gave it to the beggar.
11. He saw the money. He did not take it.
12. The girl is young. She is very capable
Answer :

1. It was raining so they cancelled the picnic.

2. Did they win or lose ?
3. I ran very fast but I could not catch up with him.
4. She went to sleep early when she was very tired.
5. Minah and Mimi did not meet him.
6. I thought it might rain so I brought along an umbrella.
7. He parked the car when he go out.
8. I will call you when it is time to leave.
9. Helen is not fat and not thin.
10. We would not finish the food so we gave it to the beggar.
11. He saw the money but he did not take it.
12. The girl is young and she is very capable.

Task 23. Revisionary Practice, To Be. Exercise 24. Fill in the correct form of ‘to be’ (page 46)

1. These shoes....very comfortable.

2. He........busy at the moment.
3. She..........very fat when I last saw her.
4. This book.....quite interesting.
5. I thought the the garden.
6. The box .... empty.
7. I ......sure they will come.
8. I wish I ..... rich and famous.
9. You ........ a naughty child!
10. Time.......precious; don’t waste it.
11. His parents.......out when he came home.
12. This......the last time I’ll evers speak to him!
Answer :

1. These shoes are very comfortable.

2. He is busy at the moment.
3. She was very fat when I last saw her.
4. This book is quite interesting,
5. I thought the children are in the garden.
6. The box is empty.
7. I am sure they will come.
8. I wish I am rich and famous.
9. You are a naughty child!
10. Time is precious; don’t waste it.
11. His parents were out when he came home.
12. This is the last time I’ll ever speak to him!

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