Descriptive Text Describing People 5 638

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Read the following text.

This an exam pie of descriptive text


I have a lot of friends in my school, but Dinda has been my best friend sjnce junior high school. We

con't study in the same class, but Vie meet at school everyday during. recess and after school. I first met her

at junior high school or-ientation and we ve been friends ever since.

Dinda Is good~lookin9. sbe's not too tall, "lith fair skin and wavy blad< hair that she often puts in a
ponyt.ail. At school, she wears the un~orm. Other than that, she likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and

sneakers. Her favourite t-snjrts are those In bright colors like pink,. light green and orange. She is always
cheedul. She is also very friendly and likes to make friends \'/ith an}Une. Like many other girls, she is also

laikalive. She likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her Iriends. I fhink that's why many friends enjoy her

company. However. she can be a bit childish sometimes. For example. v/hen she doesn't get what she wants,

she acts like a child and slamps her feef.

Dinda loves drav/ing, especially the manga characters. She al\'/ays has a sketchbook v/Ith her
everywhere she goes. She \vould spend some time to drav1 the manga characters from her imagination. Her
sketches are amazingly greaf. I'm really glad to have a besf tnend like Dinda.

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