Study and Comparison of Learning Strategies in Successful and Unsuccessful Students

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International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences

Volume 2 Issue 9 ǁ October 2017.

Study and Comparison of learning strategies in successful and

unsuccessful students

Farzaneh Motamedi Phd 1, Bagher Ghobari Bonab PhD, Manaz Kabodi MA

Introduction: The main purpose of the present research was to compare learning strategies used by successful
and unsuccessful students. Studying the relation between the learning strategies and academic achievement is
another purpose of this research.
Material and methods: 200 students girls (100 successful and 100 unsuccessful) in high school were selected
by cluster multistage sampling method. In this research, students in each of group were compared (using t-tests
and discriminate analysis) for their use of five learning strategies: rehearsal, elaboration, organization,
metacognition, and motivation. In order to match these two groups Raven's Progressive Matrices test have been
used for measuring intelligence and Learning Strategies Inventory which measures learning strategies. It has
been made by researchers.
Results: In each of groups, there were significant differences between the successful and unsuccessful students
in the use of learning strategies. In two groups, successful students relied more than unsuccessful students on
rehearsal, elaboration, motivation, and metacognition but there was no difference in the use of Organization.
Conclusions: Learning strategies make a difference for academic achievement. Therefore, we must familiarize
ourselves with a variety of learning strategies, learn them and teach them to our students.

Key words: Learning strategies, successful, unsuccessful students, academic achievement.

Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in exploring the role of learning strategies in student
learning (Lai, 2009; Macaro, 2001; Wen & Wang, 2004). Scarcella & Oxford (1992) define learning strategies
as “specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques used by students to enhance their own learning (Altunay,
The spectrum of learning strategies expands from simple repetition to internal motivation of learners. Weinstein
and Mayer (1986) classify them into five major groups. These groups include strategies of rehearsal,
elaboration, organization, metacognition, and motivation. The present study employed these five major groups
of strategies. Rehearsal strategies cover activities for identifying and repeating important segments of the given
material. Memorizing, loud-reading, listing concepts, highlighting, putting special marks, underlining, using
mnemonics, and taking personal notes are some examples of the strategies in this category. Elaboration goes
beyond the given content and extends it with additional information coming from the student. Using new words
in a sentence, paraphrasing information, summarizing, matching, applying analogies, generating metaphors,
making comparisons, writing questions, and forming mental images are some examples of elaboration
strategies. Organization includes activities of reviewing and restructuring the presented material. The student
finds the existing structure of the content inappropriate and produces alternative structure. Outlining, creating
tables, classifying, re-grouping, connecting pieces, generating concept maps, and listing differently are common
strategies in this category. Metacognition usually deals with self-awareness of a student about his/her own
capability in a particular learning area. The student evaluates his/her performance and tries to come up with
better ways of learning. Self-critique, taking responsibility, personal reflection, individual monitoring, and
changing study habits are some examples of metacognitive strategies. Motivational strategies contain the

1. Address for correspondence: farzaneh Motamedi, Psychology College, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]
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Study and Comparison of learning strategies in successful and unsuccessful students

student’s perceptions and conscious efforts to perform and feel better. Attention focusing, directing anxiety,
effective time management, reducing stress, developing interest, encouraging internal motivation, and setting
meaningful ideals are several examples of strategies in this category (Simsek, 2006; Simsek & Balaban 2010).
There are experimental studies examining the effects of strategies on learning.
Yusuf (2011) indicated the effects of self-efficacy beliefs, achievement motivation, and self learning
strategies on academic achievement. Mohammadi, Thaghinejad, Suhrabi and Tavan (2017) investigated the
relationship between learning study strategies and academic achievement of nursing students in 2013.
Considering positive and significant correlation between learning and study strategies with academic
achievement in nursing students, so, they suggested that students and teachers use these strategies to improve
academic achievement and reduce the academic loss of students. Braten and Olaussen (1998) investigated the
relationship between motivational beliefs and the use of learning strategies. They found that when students work
hard toward accomplishing a goal, they employ more and better strategies. McWhaw and Abrami (2001)
confirmed that students with high level of interest use more strategies than those with low level of interest in a
learning area. This is consistent with the result that students have more power or control over the use of
strategies than teachers (Eshel & Kohavi, 2003). Hezar Jaribi and Naghipour (2014); Ruffing and et al (2015)
showed that the students' learning styles according to academic performance and gender is different, but these
differences were not significant according to the grades of students.
Simsek and Balaban (2010) Yip (2013), Zhou (2016) examined the most commonly used learning strategies
of undergraduate students and how these strategies were related to their academic performance. The results
overall imply that certain strategies contribute to student performance more than other strategies, and majority
of university students are aware of this situation. The findings Ingrid and Reginald research (2015) supported
the need for teachers to be situational in their application of instructional strategies. First, they need to assess the
instructional needs of each student, then, align the appropriate strategy with the assessed needs. Nzesei (2015)
investigated the relationship between learning style and academic achievement among secondary school
students in Kenya’. This research showed strong positive and statistically significant relationship between
learning styles and academic Achievement. Result of Eskandari, Baloei & Zamani research showed (2015) that
with 95% confidence, it can be claimed that self-regulation learning strategies are effective on students’
academic achievement.
Within the context of the above results, this study examines whether successful students and unsuccessful
students at the high school use different learning strategies and to what extent their preferences are related to
their performance. More specifically, empirical answers to the following questions were investigated: (a) Do
successful students employ different strategies than unsuccessful students? (b) Is there a meaningful correlation
between students’ use of various strategies and their achievement?

II. Material and methods

Using the cross-sectional method, learning strategies were studied in successful and unsuccessful girl
students in third grade high school. In order to match these two groups Raven's Progressive Matrices test has
been used to measuring intelligence. Criteria for choosing successful students was 1-score IQ test more than of
110 and 2- GPA for two semester more than 17. The population of focus in this project consisted of all girl
students in third grade of high school. Of this population, 200 students girls (100 successful and 100
unsuccessful) in high school were selected by cluster multistage sampling method.

III. Learning Strategies Inventory

In order to study learning strategies, the”Learning Strategies Inventory” was administered. It is based
on the cognitive learning theory of Weinstein and Mayer (1986) and developed by researcher. This inventory
contains 33 items which measure learning strategies that use a 5-level Likert response scale (always, usually,
sometimes, seldom, never). The reliability of this inventory was calculated by determining Cronbach’s α and
found to be good: 0.78 (current research).

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Study and Comparison of learning strategies in successful and unsuccessful students

IV. Results

Table1.Comparison of learning strategies used by successful and unsuccessful students

Learning strategies group Mean Sd S2 SE t p

Rehearsal successful 3/52 0/30 0/55 0/08 3/73 0/00*
unsuccessful 3/21 0/30 0/55 0/08
Organization successful 3/37 0/89 0/94 0/08 2/31 0/02
unsuccessful 3/08 0/83 0/91 0/08
Elaboration successful 3/61 0/89 0/94 0/09 4/61 0/00*
unsuccessful 3/01 0/87 0/93 0/09
Motivation successful 3/30 0/69 0/83 0/07 2/74 0/007*
unsuccessful 3/00 0/82 0/91 0/83
Metacognition successful 4/28 0/87 0/93 0/08 4/64 0/00*
unsuccessful 3/62 1/11 1/05 0/11

Table 2: Discriminate Analysis by the Wilks lambada

Learning strategies Mean of successful Mean of Wilks f p

unsuccessful lambada
Rehearsal 3/54 3/21 0/92 15/29 0/000*
Organization 3/39 3/13 0/97 4/01 0/047
Elaboration 3/63 3/05 0/90 19/59 0/000*
Motivation 3/30 3/04 0/97 5/07 0/026*
Metacognition 4/48 4/03 0/94 10/41 0/001*

Table3: Analysis steps

Analysis Learning strategies Mean of Mean of Wilks f p

steps successful unsuccessful lambada
group group
1 Elaboration 3/63 3/05 0/900 19/598 0/000
2 Motivation 3/30 3/04 0/920 19/147 0/000
Correlation coefficient = 29/39

Based on the result: two learning strategies Elaboration and Motivation are Discriminative strategies between
successful and unsuccessful students. In fact, this research show successful students more than unsuccessful
student use from these strategies.

V. Conclusions and Discussion

Learning strategies have long been an important issue in the field of education. It is generally accepted that
instructional practices should assess and accommodate learning strategies of individual students. This study
examined learning strategies used by successful and unsuccessful students. Studying the relation between the
learning strategies and academic achievement is another purpose of this research. Given the research results it
can be seen how learning strategies significantly correlated with students’ performance This is similar with the
results of Renzulli (2015); Muelas & Navarro (2014); Nzesei (2015); Mohammadi and et al (2017) indicated
that when students employ more strategies, they are likely to be more successful. In this study determined that
successful students used more learning strategies than unsuccessful students. This is consistent with the existing
literature (Fathi-Ashtiani, Hasani, Nabipoor-Ashrafi, Ejei, & Azadfallah (2007); Simsek & Balaban (2010);
HezarJaribi1& Naghipour (2014); McWhaw and Abrami (2001); Ruffing & et al (2015);
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Study and Comparison of learning strategies in successful and unsuccessful students

Yip (2013) and Zhou (2016).

Considering the results of the present study, further research is needed in several areas. First, preferred
strategies of elementary and secondary students should be studied based on the fact that those students are not as
capable as high school students in deciding and employing proper learning strategies. Secondly, the effects of
various strategies on learning of different types of contents should be examined under experimental conditions;
such studies may reveal interactions between strategies and types of contents. Third, new studies should focus
on why and to what extent successful students use different strategies than unsuccessful students. Fourth,
possible links between students’ use of preferred strategies and basic elements of an educational system should
be explored. Fifth, future research should examine what really happens if all students go through strategy
training as early as possible in their educational experiences. Finally, more experimental research is needed on
the role of learning strategies on both cognitive and affective outcomes in technology-based learning
environments. The results of the recommended studies may have great influences and serious implications both
for educational researchers and practitioners.

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