Cleanup Run Me First
Cleanup Run Me First
Cleanup Run Me First
The Circled numbers are the “Hits” experienced during your session.
6766, 6672, 6641, 6578, 2150, 2128, 2082, 2013, 2008, 2003,
2000,1850, 945, 854, 846, 830, 763, 676, 651, 524, 435, 275, 142
152 442 8146 751 1146 707 7766, 7764, 7762, 7760, 7344, 3672, 2720, 2050,
2008, 1947, 1674,1550, 1500.1234, 885, 880, 875, 800, 786, 728, 683, 512, 464,
440, 304, 7766, 7760
Dental Diseases
10000, 3176 7059, 5227, 981, 875, 835, 723, 626, 534, 436, 233, 222, 210, 183,
177, 142, 138
8768, 6618, 1920, 1920, 1032, 1013, 825, 787, 778, 776, 744, 738, 727, 669, 667,
663, 660, 465, 274, 253, 172, 105
PARASITES: Food and water are the most common sources of parasite
transmission. Since most of us eat three times a day and drink water frequently
throughout the day, our exposure to these sources is constant. Tap water has been
found to be contaminated with parasitic organisms. Both plant and animal foods
carry parasites, and cleaning and cooking methods often do not destroy them
before ingestion. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) cites food as the catalyst
behind 80 percent of the pathogenic outbreaks in the U.S. Most are linked to
restaurants and delis where less than sanitary conditions exist -- from food
preparation and storage to the utensils and servers' hands.
The young worms live in the upper part of the large intestine. When the females
are ready to lay eggs, they crawl down the rectum and out the intestinal opening
called the anus, usually at night. They lay eggs on the surrounding skin. This
movement causes skin swellings and severe itching. The eggs fall off onto the
bedding or clothing, or may be picked up under fingernails in scratching. If the
eggs are swallowed, they reach the intestine and become adult pinworms.
Pinworms are not very harmful unless they are present in large numbers. But their
eggs may infect other people or reinfect the original carrier. In some areas, 10 to 60
per cent of the children may have pinworms at some time. Doctors use drugs to
treat infection caused by pinworms.
If the bowel contains partially digested protein it can harbour a huge variety of
harmful bacteria and parasites. Intestinal worms outrank cancer as mankind's
deadliest enemy worldwide and 1 in 6 of us has one or more parasites.
They enter the body through contaminated food or water and it the intestinal flora
is imbalanced and the colon is dirty and pocketed it will become a breeding
ground, just as a waste dump is a perfect breeding ground for rats. Symptoms of
parasitic infection include:
• chronic fatigue
Parasites can damage the body in several ways. They destroy body cells faster than
they can be regenerated leading to perforation, ulceration and anaemia. They
secrete toxic substances which stimulate the immune system and can produce
allergic type reactions and cause pain and inflammation. Depending on their size
they can actually obstruct certain organs – particularly the intestine, pancreas and
bile ducts. In this instance, a liver flush using plenty of flax seed oil would be very
Encysted parasites can put pressure on the brain causing a wide range of emotional
and neurological symptoms. For example, pin worms in children can cause
irritability, insomnia, the inability to concentrate, mood swings, unruly behaviour,
impatience, impulsiveness, aggression and a short attention span – all provoked by
an allergic response to the parasite. In adults, personality changes have been noted
in those with chronic toxoplasmosis, exacerbated by the duration of the infection.
Strongyloides stercoralis is an unusual "parasite" in that it has
both free-living and parasitic life cycles. In the parasitic life
cycle, female worms are found in the superficial tissues of the
human small intestine; there are apparently no parasitic males.
The female worms produce larvae parthenogenically (without
fertilization), and the larvae are passed in the host's feces. The
presence of nematode larvae in a fecal sample is characteristic of
strongylodiasis. Once passed in the feces, some of the larvae develop into "free-
living" larvae, while others develop into "parasitic" larvae. The "free-living" larvae
will complete their development in the soil and mature into free-living males and
females. The free-living males and females mate, produce more larvae, and (as
above) some of these larvae will develop into "free-living" larvae, while other will
develop into "parasitic larvae." As one might imagine, this free-living life cycle
constitutes an important reservoir for human infections.
The "parasitic" larvae infect the human host by penetrating the skin The larvae
migrate to the lungs, via the circulatory system, penetrate the alveoli into the small
bronchioles, and they are "coughed up" and swallowed. Once they return to the
small intestine, the larvae mature into parasitic females.
Ascaris suum is found in pigs. Its life cycle is identical to that of A. lumbricoides.
If a human ingests eggs of A. suum the larvae will migrate to the lungs and die.
This can cause a particularly serious form of "ascaris pneumonia." Adult worms of
this species do not develop in the human's intestine.
There is no specific treatment for infectious mononucleosis, other than treating the
symptoms. No antiviral drugs or vaccines are available. Some physicians have
prescribed a 5-day course of steroids to control the swelling of the throat and
tonsils. The use of steroids has also been reported to decrease the overall length
and severity of illness, but these reports have not been published.
#Run this program once a month September through February to prevent colds
#In the United States an average of 110 cases of botulism are reported each year.
Of these, approximately 25% are foodborne, 72% are infant botulism, and the rest
are wound botulism. Outbreaks of foodborne botulism involving two or more
persons occur most years and usually caused by eating contaminated home-canned
foods. The number of cases of foodborne and infant botulism has changed little in
recent years, but wound botulism has increased because of the use of black-tar
heroin, especially in California.
#The classic symptoms of botulism include double vision, blurred vision, drooping
eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness.
Infants with botulism appear lethargic, feed poorly, are constipated, and have a
weak cry and poor muscle tone. These are all symptoms of the muscle paralysis
caused by the bacterial toxin. If untreated, these symptoms may progress to cause
paralysis of the arms, legs, trunk and respiratory muscles. In foodborne botulism,
symptoms generally begin 18 to 36 hours after eating a contaminated food, but
they can occur as early as 6 hours or as late as 10 days.
#The Virus and the Vaccine is the true story of a cancer-causing monkey virus,
contaminated polio vaccine, and the millions of Americans exposed.
#In the age of AIDS, SARS, Avian Flu, and Ebola, here is a real-life, riveting
account of a carcinogenic monkey virus that contaminated America’s most revered
vaccine and the cancers it is causing today.
#Jonas Salk's polio vaccine has taken on legendary quality as a medical miracle,
for it largely eradicated one of the most feared diseases of the twentieth century.
But the story of the vaccine has a dark side, one that has never been fully told
before. In one of modern medicine’s biggest blunders, between 1954 and 1963, 98
million Americans received polio vaccinations widely contaminated with a
carcinogenic monkey virus, known as simian virus 40, or SV40. A concerted
government effort downplayed the incident, and it was generally accepted that
although oncogenic to laboratory animals, SV40 was harmless to humans.
#But now SV40 is showing up in a variety of human lung, brain, bone, and
lymphatic cancers in adults. It is also appearing in the cancers of some children too
young to have received the contaminated Salk vaccine.
#The organism is pleomorphic (has many forms) and I have identified the
frequencies in the F100 program below. Even a healthy infected person can use
these frequencies for 45 minutes. With a moderately suppressed immune system,
several hours may be required. A severly suppressed immune system may require
10 hours.
#Infected people may notice a profound effect from the frequencies in the program
below. It will improve the functioning of the immune system by at least a factor of
# This bacterium is suspected to have a cancer connection.
#Thirteen studies fulfilled the criteria for the investigation of primary brain cancers
(661 tumors and 482 control samples). Specimens from patients with brain tumors
were almost four times more likely to have evidence of SV40 infection than were
those from controls (odds ratio [OR] = 3.9; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.6 to
5.8). The association was even stronger for mesothelioma (OR = 17; 95% CI: 10 to
28; based on 15 studies with 528 mesothelioma samples and 468 control samples)
and for bone cancer (OR = 25; 95% CI: 6.8 to 88; based on four studies with 303
cancers and 121 control samples). SV40 DNA was also more frequent in samples
from patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (OR = 5.4; 95% CI: 3.1 to 9.3; based
on three studies with 301 cases and 578 control samples) than from controls.
#These results establish that SV40 is associated significantly with brain tumors,
bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Studies are
needed to assess current prevalence of SV40 infections.
#Nanobacterium 2
#New frequencies have been found for another strain of nanobacteria. Anyone who
has used the previous set needs to use the new set as well. The effects are dramatic
if you are infected with it.
#Recently, while working with a blood sample of lymphocytes that were not
functioning properly, I tested the leukocyte to find out why it was sitting there fat,
dumb, and happy, when it should have been eating pathogens. The cell appeared to
be in perfect condition. The environment around the cell was fine. The culprit was
the little organism in the cell wall pointed to by the arrow in the picture. This
appears to be a nanobacteria and it had completely shut down the functioning of an
otherwise healthy leukocyte.
#Nanobacteria sanguineum is an extremely nasty organism that severely
compromises your immune system. Most people I have tested are infected with it.
Almost anyone who has been vaccinated has it because the cow serum used to
make vaccines has been contaminated. It will pass through the placenta so you
have it if your mother was infected. Antibiotics are useless, with the exception of
tetracycline. However, because of its ability to surround itself with a calcium shell
when attacked, even tetracyline can't get at most of it.
#The organism is pleomorphic (has many forms) and I have identified the
frequencies in the F100 program below. Even a healthy infected person can use
these frequencies for 45 minutes. With a moderately suppressed immune system,
several hours are required. A severly suppressed immune system may require 10
#Infected people may notice a profound effect from the frequencies in the
programs below. It will improve the functioning of the immune system by at least a
factor of four.
#Some people who have suggested that cholesterol buildup in the arteries is the
result of nanobacteria. It may be that cholesterol is a response to the inflammation
of the arteries now known to create problems is caused by nanobacteria, as well as
other pathogens. It would explain why chelation therapy seems to work because
the EDTA clears out calcium in the arteries that may be deposits from shells
formed by nanobacteria. My tests indicate it would be wise to take oral EDTA
capsules when using these frequencies.
#If nanobacteria is distroyed does arterial plaque buildup go away? This is left as a
research project for the reader. Followup and lab tests are essential to prove this
one way or the other. What has definitely been experienced by infected people
using these frequencies is an enhanced immune system, an increase in energy, and
decreased need for sleep. In one case they turned a teenager whose long term
survival was at stake into a normal energetic teenager overnight.
Bacillus Lichenformis
#The first step in dealing with cancer electronically must be to eliminate all
Bacillus Lichenformis from the body as it appears to be both a tumor promoter and
a mutagen. Tumors will tend to grow or recur with this organism present. Also, any
significant infection with this organism depresses the immune system and severely
drains energy from the body, possibly one of the main reasons that newly
diagnosed cancer patients often deteriorate so rapidly. Most people with a
depressed immune system are infected with nanobacteria and that must be
eliminated also.
#Infected individuals should run this F100 program weekly for as long and as often
as it takes to eliminate any detectable Bacillus Licheniformis. Multiple treatments
will be required as this is a very persistence organism.
#CMV is a common virus that infects most people at some time during their lives
but rarely causes obvious illness. It is a member of the herpes virus family. Other
members of the herpes virus family cause chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis,
fever blisters (herpes I) and genital herpes (herpes II) . Like other herpes viruses,
CMV infection can become dormant for a while and may reactivate at a later time.
The virus is carried by people and is not associated with food, water or animals.
#Most children and adults who are infected with CMV do not develop symptoms.
Those who develop symptoms may experience an illness resembling infectious
mononucleosis and have fever, swollen glands and feel tired. People with a
compromised immune system (such as AIDS patients or those receiving
chemotherapy) may experience more serious illness involving fever, pneumonia
and other symptoms.