Arena Assessment

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November 24, 2017



PROJECT NO.: 171-12244


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TABLE OF 1  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................... 1 


Consultant Team ............................................................................... 1 

Summary .............................................................................................. 1 

1.3  Risks ....................................................................................................... 2 

1.4  Building History and Construction ........................................... 2 

2  BUILDING CONDITION ASSESSMENT .......................4 

2.1  METHODOLOGY ................................................................................ 4 

A  Shell ....................................................................................................... 5 

B  Interiors ................................................................................................ 9 

C  Services .............................................................................................. 13 

D  Site and Ancillary Work .............................................................. 20 

3  BUILDING CODE REVIEW .............................................. 21 

3.1  Building Classification ................................................................. 21 

3.2  Structural Requirements ............................................................ 21 

3.3  Limiting Distance ........................................................................... 21 

3.4  Calculated Occupant Load ........................................................ 22 

3.5  Exits .................................................................................................... 22 

3.6  Life Safety ......................................................................................... 23 

3.7  Barrier-Free Design....................................................................... 23 

3.8  Health Requirements .................................................................. 24 

3.9  Spatial Separation ........................................................................ 24 

Rothesay Arena Assessment WSP

Project No. 171-12244 November 2017
Town of Rothesay Page v
4  EFFICIENCY OF LAYOUT................................................ 25 




PROBABLE COST FOR UPGRADES.......................... 28 


WSP Canada Inc.
Matthew Rodgers, Senior Mechanical Engineer
Wade Enman, Senior Structural Engineer
Christophe Bourque, Electrical Engineer

Anna Sampson, Architect, Practice Leader Sports and Entertainment, Atlantic Region
Jim Wade, Senior Architectural Technologist

Hanscomb Limited
Raymond Murray, Vice President
Ryan Duncan, Cost Consultant

WSP and Architecture49 has a long history of conducting building condition assessments and producing
building condition reports. We understand that these studies aid communities to make the best financial
decisions regarding their facilities, and are critical in their ability to provide important recreation
programming to their communities.
In 2015 WSP and A49 carried out building condition assessments for seven recreation facilities in Miramichi,
New Brunswick and collaborated with a cost estimator to develop costs related to upgrade the condition and
function of these facilities.
In 2014 A49 assessed over 100 buildings at two penitentiary sites as a part of a standing offer for Public
Works and Government Services Canada. Under a similar standing offer A49 and WSP completed a building
condition report for the Wabush airport in 2012. Our history with building condition assessments is long
standing. For approximately 15 years, A49 has been responding to standing offer call-ups for the Halifax
Regional School Board and Nova Scotia Health Authority. These call-ups often include building condition
assessments. A49 has collaborated with WSP on 20 school building audits throughout HRM.

Our team has studied the condition of the Rothesay Arena to assess its potential for future use. We
completed a visual review of the building, testing system operations where necessary, and interviewed the
building operators. With the exception of some visible staining to the vapour barrier in areas noted later in
this report, there were no other indications of problems developing in hidden parts of the building (i.e.
inside the building envelope). We were able to access some areas not exposed by viewing above ceilings and
below the bleachers.

There are elements of the building which are in good and fair condition, components which have been
updated, and repaired, however a large portion of the building components are in poor condition. Some
building components are still functional and complete, but they are worn. The wear and tear is making
surfaces difficult to clean and to maintain. Some examples of functioning components with wear and tear
include doors, skate floor and wooden benches. The building has a list of barriers for people with limited
mobility, and therefore is not inclusive and welcoming to all. It would not meet fire safety, health

requirements, or exit requirements if tested against the most recent version of the National Building Code of
Canada (NBC).

Following our assessment we assembled a list of building components which we would recommend
replacing in a major upgrade of the arena with the purpose of operating until the year 2038. Some of these
items were judged to be in poor condition, or end-of-life. Others were in fair condition now, but would reach
the end of their designed service life within the next twenty years. The list also addresses life safety and
accessibility deficiencies and programmatic deficiencies. We have also included some action which we
believe would be desirable to carry out should a major renovation take place (i.e. painting the walls).

A cost estimation for each action is provided in Section 6 of this report. It is important to note that the cost
estimation in this stage is done in the absence of design work. As a result each item is estimated with an
additional 15% design and pricing allowance for more detailed design work, and unknown construction
costs which arise during renovations. All costs are estimated in early 2018 dollars.

There are a few small electrical items which could potentially be hazardous to the public and should be
remediated as soon as possible. They include receptacle coverplates which are broken or missing, broken
receptacles partially exposing the terminals, and in one instance, a frayed wire to a moveable receptacle
(receptacle is also burnt) in a player’s bench area.

Note that our building condition assessment did not include a hazardous materials assessment or any
environmental assessments which would identify the presence of hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead
or mould. Prior to any major renovations, alternations or demolition to this building, a Phase 1
Environmental Report should be completed to identify potential hazardous materials. If they are present, a
Phase 2 Environmental Report would locate and quantify those materials in order to inform any abatement
and safe removal. Environmental report fees and remediation costs have not been included in our estimate
for renovating the arena building.


The Rothesay Arena was constructed in 1972 with the same building footprint that exists today of
approximately 27,000 square feet. Since the opening there have been some renovations to accommodate
office space on the mezzanine level, to reconfigure storage space on the mezzanine level and to add team
storage space within the arena.

The building is a single storey, pre-engineered steel-framed structure. It has a low roof, one-storey service
room extension at the west end and a low roof entrance extension at the south-east corner. At the east end
of the building, a second level mezzanine with 2 stairways (one for access and one for exiting) provides
space for offices and a multi-purpose room.

The exterior walls consist of unreinforced concrete block masonry extending to approximately 10 feet from
grade, with vertical metal siding above. The roof is of galvanized metal deck. A standing seam metal roof
was added to the building in 1992.

The building foundation consists of reinforced concrete spread footings and columns with a reinforced
concrete perimeter wall extending to approximately 4'-6" below grade based on the original construction

The ice surface is currently in place for a season extending from September to mid-May. Though not year
round, the extension into mid-May is long enough to be impacted by warm weather. Once the ice is removed
the building is used for several events during the summer including an annual car show where the rink slab
is fully occupied by vehicles. This past year it was used to relocate Canada Day ceremonies due to rain. The
offices in the building and the community room are used year round.

The highest level of hockey played at the rink is High School. Staff noted no concerns regarding the capacity
for seating at the rink.


The building condition assessment was completed over two days. The methodology was modelled closely to
the approach the team used for the City of Miramichi’s Recreation Infrastructure Assessment study where
seven buildings were assessed and recommendations for condition and functional upgrades were made.

The consultant team visually analysed all of the visible building systems. The assessment broke the building
down into three main categories: Shell, Interiors and Services. Each of the categories has subcategories
including all components we reviewed. The Shell includes the building substructure, the building structure,
and the exterior enclosures. The Interiors include partitions and doors, finishes, fittings and equipment. The
Services include mechanical and electrical services for the building. Each subcategory is further broken
down into building systems and components.

Most of the items in the Shell and Services categories are systems which span more than one room. They
were reviewed as a whole system, noting any individual deficient parts. The majority of the components in
the building interiors were reviewed room by room. Images related to the text have been referenced in the
assessment narrative and can be found in Appendix A. Refer also to the matrix summarizing findings and
recommendations in Section 6.

The team prepared a written report of each of the building components. A draft of this report was reviewed
with Town and Arena staff for accuracy and clarity. Following this review the consultant team prepared a
matrix including all of the building components, noting which components were recommended for repair,
replacement or modification and suggested timing to complete this work. The matrix extracts the base
information from the narrative into a table format, and provides a clear association between action items
and their estimated cost.

This report provides a recorded review of the existing building conditions in order assess its potential for
future use.

The quality of the buildings that we assessed in this study is described using the following terminology:

A Good Acceptable for use in current condition.

B Fair Requires some maintenance.

C Outdated Functional but requires some cosmetic maintenance or replacement to make it visually

D Poor Requires significant maintenance, repair or replacement.

E End of Life Requires replacement.

The building was also assessed against the current version of the National Building Code of Canada -2015
(NBC). Note that buildings do not have to be upgraded to the latest version of the NBC unless they are
undergoing a change of use. Major renovations or additions may also trigger requirements to meet the latest
version of the NBC in part. Refer to Section 6 of this report for upgrades related to occupant safety and
accessibility which we would recommend in a major renovation of the Rothesay Arena. In addition to the
NBC, other Codes and Standards that the building was also assessed against include the National Fire Code,
Canadian Electrical Code, ASHRAE 62.1, CSA B52 – Mechanical Refrigeration Code and the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) standards.

This section includes a review of the building envelope including all of the elements of the outer shell that
maintain a dry, heated, or cooled indoor environment.



The existing foundation wall was exposed for approximately 75-100mm at the east end of the building and
up to 300mm on the west end of the building. The foundation wall appears to be generally in good
condition. There were various cracks visible in the foundation walls, but there does not appear to be any
current significant movement, or structural defects.

Existing foundation drawings were not provided as part of our assessment, but a previous structural report
references structural ties which consist of 3 - #11 bars that are placed below the floor slab and run from
column foundation to column foundation at each main frame. These ties are not visible for inspection, but
are an integral part of the building design. Should the rink slab be replaced, these ties should be reviewed at
that time for any potential corrosion. Any modifications or reconstruction must ensure that the structural
integrity of the ties are maintained to ensure proper stability of the foundations.

There does not appear to be positive drainage around the building. Particularly along the north side of the
building, surface water is draining towards the building foundation and likely ponding along the wall.
(Image S-006) This has caused vegetation growth along the foundation wall and along the north side of the
building, settlement of the interior slab was observed which could be indicative of freeze thaw cycles due to
water buildup and poor drainage around the building. (Image S-005).


All steel members were visually assessed from all potential access locations throughout the arena. This
included reviews from the ice slab level; a close up inspection of the main frames from the bleacher areas;
and visual reviews from the second floor mezzanine area. From these various locations, we were able to
assess the structural condition of the steel and noted that the steel coatings were intact; and there were no
significant areas of corrosion or distress in the members. From Estabrooks Engineering Inc.’s structural
condition report completed in 2013, we also note that an up close inspection of all members was completed
using specialized access. This inspection also did not find any significant structural material defects.

As part of the structural condition assessment of the building completed by Estabrooks Engineering Inc in
2013, a structural analysis of the structural steel framing was also completed. A structural analysis of the
building falls outside of the scope of our assignment, but we have completed a review of the report and their
findings. We are in agreeance that design codes and snow loading has evolved significantly since the 1970’s
and typically analysis of older structures indicate that they cannot support the design loads as per the
current National Building Code. The analysis indicates that the structural steel framing is significantly
overstressed and we agree that the structural system should be reinforced to provide increased resistance to
snow and wind loads.

The floor slabs throughout the building are reasonably level but there are areas, particularly along the north
side of the building that has cracking and some observed settlement. (Image S-003, S-004) This could be
caused by poor drainage along the foundation of the building which is causing settlement of the backfill
material and freeze thaw movements during the winter months.

There are some areas of cracking in the floor slabs, but this is not unexpected given the age of the building
and are often located in areas that should have expansion joints such as under the bleachers.

Rink Slab: The size of the rink in the Arena is not an NHL sized rink. It measures approximately 190’ long and
85’ wide with radii of approximately 14’. New rinks are constructed to NHL or Olympic size depending on the
use. An NHL size rink measures 200’ long, 85’ wide with 28’ radii.

The rink slab is in poor condition. There have been a number of cracks, delaminations and leaks which have
resulted in partial removal of the slab and installation of a structural repair grout or concrete to control
leaks from the refrigeration pipes. (Image A-001) Numerous cracks have been epoxy injected to attempt to
control leaks, but this is a continuous maintenance issue that cannot be permanently repaired. (Image A-
002, S-001 and S-007) The large area that has been repaired has new signs of delamination and is in poor
condition. We were not able to observe below the slab but were told by staff that when demolition was
completed to address the leaks, there is no insulation below the rink slab. Insulation is installed in new rinks
to avoid the temperature of the ground impacting the slab in warmer months. We can speculate that some
of the damage to the slab may be due to the season being extended into warm months. Without insulation
below the slab, the temperature changing in the ground could impact the condition of the slab.


The mezzanine construction generally consists of structural steel columns and beams with a concrete deck
overlay. Most of the structural mezzanine components are covered over by architectural elements and were
not able to be inspected. The construction drawings for the mezzanine indicate a design loading of 100
pounds per square foot which is suitable for assembly, meeting and other common spaces.

Stairs: The Main Stairway used to access the second floor is closed to the bottom floor, but open to the
mezzanine level. (Image A-003) The stair has a rise and run of 8” x 10” respectively. The most recent NBC has
a maximum rise of 180mm (approximately 7”) and a minimum run of 280mm (approximately 11”), making
this a steep stair by today’s code requirements. The rubber treads are in fair condition with some minor
damage and groves which collect dirt and appear difficult to clean. (Image A-004) The stairs have a flat bar
railing which would not meet the most recent NBC requirements. The guard which surrounds the opening
to the stairwell is a partial height wall. Its cap is in poor condition with damage from scratches and
scratched words. (Image A-005)

Stairs to Minor Hockey Storage and the Figure Skating Room appear not to be original to the building. They
are in fair condition, but the stairs to Minor Hockey Storage are integrated perpendicular to the arena
stands, and do not meet any code requirements related to width. (Image A-006) Rubber treads on the Figure
Skating Room are lifting. There is one ladder which accompanies storage located above the Canteen. The
ladder bends at the bottom hinge when in use. (Image A-007) Exit stairs lead from the Community Room to
the exterior east side of the building. The stairs are in fair condition. The baluster paint is worn exposing
rust spots below and the treads have groves which have collected quite a bit of dirt and do not appear to be
easy to clean. (Image A-008)


Structural roof members were visually assessed from all potential access locations throughout the arena.
This included reviews from the ice slab level; a close up inspection of the main frames from the bleacher
areas; and visual reviews from the second floor mezzanine area. There was no significant movement or
other deficiencies identified in the structural roof members.

Previous work completed in 1999 by Eastern Designers recommended that the roof purlins be strengthened
to account for present day snow load requirements. It is understood that the purlin upgrades were
completed in all areas, except for the main entrance extension. (Image S-008) It is expected that the main
entrance purlins are inadequate for current snow loads and require strengthening.

When the new roof was constructed, the relationship between the insulation and the deck changed. The new
insulation was situated above the roof deck. This is a better detail because it avoids any thermal bridging
(passage of hot and cold though the building) from the building structure. Because the insulation was left
under the roof deck in some areas, the transitions between the new and old sections would be vulnerable to
thermal bridging.



Exterior walls are uninsulated 8” concrete block masonry on the lower portion, and metal building assembly
on the upper portion.

The concrete masonry is 14 courses high, 9’-4”, and is finished only by paint on the interior and exterior.
Due to porosity of the masonry, freeze/thaw cycles have created spalling on the exterior faces of the
masonry. In some areas this is causing splitting of the masonry units. (Image A-009) Areas of the exterior
masonry walls will require repair and/or replacement. At a minimum the masonry should receive a coating
designed to resist moisture penetration and allow the walls to dry. Ideally the walls would be covered with a
weather-proof siding layer. Care should be taken to avoid piling snow against the side of the building, as it
will accelerate the deterioration of the masonry. Snow accumulation, falling from the roof above, will have
the same affect.

The upper portion of the walls are metal siding on metal girts, with metal building insulation and vapour
barrier on the inside. The bottom of the metal siding connects to a wood 2x8 on top of the concrete
masonry. (Image S-009) Replacing the 2x8s with a horizontal steel girt should be considered if portions of
the masonry wall are replaced. Metal siding on the exterior is in fair condition with denting throughout the
perimeter of the building. (Image A-010) There is some damage to the vapour barrier on the interior. This
should be repaired with an appropriate patch.

It is worth noting the uninsulated exterior walls are satisfactory for an arena in colder weather, but it will be
difficult to maintain good ice conditions in shoulder seasons when the exterior temperatures are well above

A recommended solution for the exterior walls would be the removal of metal siding and insulation, and
installation of insulated metal panels over the entire exterior wall surface. This would provide a full height
insulated assembly as well as protecting the masonry from the elements. A fresh look on the exterior would
enhance the buildings image as well.


Main entrance doors are aluminum and are in reasonably good condition. Some signs of rust are showing on
the hinges. Some damage is evident on the door pulls and trims. Due to the heavy use of these doors, if a
replacement is anticipated, then full length hinges should be considered. (Image A-011)

Aluminum exterior windows in the office area function properly and are in in good condition. (Image A-012)


There are three roofs on the building. These are the main high roof over the building, the lower roof over
the main entry/lobby area, and the low roof over the mechanical and electrical rooms out back.

The high roof on the building was originally a standing seam metal roof with metal building insulation and
vapour barrier on the interior. Roughly 25 years ago a second roof was added over the existing roof system.
It is assumed this includes girts and insulation. The original insulation and vapour barrier on the inside face
was removed, leaving the original metal roof as the interior finish and vapour barrier. This has been an
effective system, and should continue to perform well. Arenas are prone to condensation, causing drips from
the ceiling that are often mistaken for leaks. The current system has mitigated that issue by providing a
solid vapour barrier and minimal thermal bridging that would typically be found in metal building systems.
Both metal roof panels on the interior and exterior are in good condition. (Image A-013) It would be a good
idea to replace the gasket/sealant between the bottom of roof panel and fascia trim. The gasket will be the
first part of the roofing system to fail, as evidenced on the back roof, and replacing it should extend the life
of the roof system. (Image A-014)

Metal roofing on the low roof over the main entry is reportedly original to the building. There have been
previous repairs to this roof. (Image A-015) Trims and seals on this roof are in poor condition. Leaks have
been reported. Replacement of this roof is recommended. Insulated metal roofing panels would be a good
option for this roof, however the roof structure may have to be upgraded to support potential additional
weight. A previous structural analysis has recommended structural upgrades to the roof system and the
upgrade design could also consider any additional weight from the insulated metal roofing panels.

Leaks have been reported on the low metal roof on the back of the building. One large leak over the
electrical entrance is bad enough to have caused staff to put protection over the electrical panels to redirect
the water away. Investigation in this area has identified that the connection between the bottom of the
roofing panels and the fascia trim was depressed causing water ponding, (Image A-016) which eventually
runs inward through failed joints and seams. At a minimum the seals and connections on this roof should be
refurbished. A replacement metal roof could be considered if a longer term solution was warranted.


There is a steel canopy over the main entrance area. Steel framing is supported by the interior columns. The
steel frame is rusted, and should be cleaned and repainted. Metal roofing panels on the canopy have
sustained damage and should be replaced. (Image A-017)

This section includes a review of the architectural components inside the building shell.



The building partitions are mostly block wall, with some framed walls, likely in wood based on some areas
where we saw wood framing in ceiling spaces. There is no indication of poor condition in the framed wall
partitions from their exterior faces. The block walls are in fair condition with some concentrations of poor
condition including damage and wear throughout the building.

Interior Borrowed Lights: There are interior borrowed lights located in the Community Room looking to the
arena, and in one of the secondary Office looking out into the arena, and to the lobby. The borrowed lights
in the Community Room are plexi-glass and are in poor condition, with many dents from pucks, and some
have been damaged with scratches and words written on them. (Image A-018) The secondary office’s
borrowed light looking into the lobby is wired glass. Wired glass is typically used in walls with fire resistance
ratings. It is not clear if this was a code requirement or a safety requirement.


Metal Doors: Metal doors in the Arena are in fair to poor condition. They are dented and some have
hardware in poor condition. (Image A-019, A-020) On the north side, one exit door has hardware showing
rust. Most exit doors to the exterior from the Arena were stiff and required a bit of an extra push to open.
Doors have been removed from the entry into the Washrooms but the frames remain and are in poor
condition at their base. The metal exit door at the base of the exit stair leading from the Community Room is
stiff to open, and is showing some rust at the base. (Image A-021) The Main Office has metal doors which
have been repurposed for this addition. They are in good condition.

Wood Doors: Wood doors in the Arena are in fair condition. They function properly but are outdated and
have visible damage. (Image A-022) Door hardware is damaged at the Figure Skating Room. The wood door
to the Janitor’s Room is in fair condition and appears to be readapted to suit this room including adding new
hardware. The wood doors at the Canteen are in fair condition, the main entry is worn at the base. (Image A-
023) Wood doors in the Locker Rooms are in fair condition. They are functional but are dented and damaged.
In some cases their hardware is not functioning properly. (Image A-024) The Secondary Office has a wood
door in good condition.

Overhead Doors: Overhead doors in the Arena, and Ice Resurfacer Room are in fair condition. The doors to
the exterior is exposed to pucks at the top and has dents throughout. (Image A-025) Staff indicated that the
doors open and close without difficulty. There is a small amount of rust showing at the bottom of the metal
exterior door frame where the paint has worn down.

Aluminum Doors: The front entry accessing the Lobby through the Vestibule has two sets of three aluminum
fully glazed doors. There are also three aluminum fully glazed doors between the Lobby and the Arena.
These doors and hardware appear to be in good condition. The hardware is not designed for free exiting, or
to barrier free standards. (Image A-026)



Painted Concrete Floors: Floors in the Arena, Lobby, Vestibule, Janitor Room, Canteen Storage, and Arena
Service Rooms are painted concrete. In all areas the paint finish is in poor condition. Paint is worn down or
chipping off. (Image A-027) At the Vestibule there is a small entrance mat the size of two of the three doors
and the depth of about the depth of those doors. There is no grille to collect contaminants, and no drain for
excess water. Staff indicated that even with the carpets down in the winter, the Lobby floor gets very wet.
This issue is likely further emphasized by the size of the lobby and the number of people going through the
small area. It was built at a time when lobbies were meant solely for entrance and access to the arena, and
little space was designed for food lines, crush space, or social gathering. The paint finish on the Concrete
floors in the Workshop, and Mechanical Room is in poor condition with wear and stains. (Image A-028) The
Electrical Room and Ice Resurfacer Room have sealed concrete floors which have some cracking and
staining. (Image A-029)

Skate Floor: There is skate floor in parts of the Lobby, Arena, Washrooms, and in the Locker Rooms. The base
layer of the skate floor is in fair condition structurally, but the wear layer is at its end-of life and is damaged
from skates and at the tile edges. This has created areas where dirt can get into the tile, making the floor
difficult to clean. (Image A-030) In the Lobby the skate floor has been cut on an angle to allow a transition
between it and the painted concrete floor. Note that there are transitions manufactured for this purpose
which would make the transition less steep and consistent throughout. Consideration should be given to
more frequent replacement of the skate floor in the Washrooms, or using a skate floor which is less porous
at the top surface. Given their location next to toilets these floors require more frequent cleaning.

Carpet: There is a small amount of carpet in the building, located in the Figure Skating Room. It is worn and

Vinyl Sheet Flooring: Vinyl sheet flooring is located in the Canteen, Community Room, Offices, Mezzanine
Corridor, and Mezzanine Storage Rooms. In the Canteen it is in fair condition with some wear at the
equipment and where the floor transitions to other floor finishes. (Image A-031) Note that
canteens/kitchens in new buildings are typically specified with a safety flooring that allows a great slip
resistance to protect against slipping injuries due to spills. There is a small storage room off of the canteen
with old vinyl tile which is in poor condition. (Image A-032) The vinyl floor in the Community Room is in
good condition. (Image A-033) Its rubber based in fair condition, it is intact, but has quite a few impact
marks. In the Mezzanine Corridor and Mezzanine Storage Areas there is some wear in the flooring as a result
of moving storage boxes and bins, and around edges where some of the floor has been patched. (Image A-

Shower Floors: The shower floors in the Locker Rooms appear to be terrazzo. The floor is outdated, stained
and has been covered with a mat with greater slip resistance. (Image A-035)


Exposed Ceilings: There are some dents to the exposed roof deck within the Arena from pucks above either
end of the ice surface. The ceiling in the Lobby is exposed and the underside of the vapour barrier below the
insulation is visible. The vapour barrier is showing staining caused from water leaks in the roof at this area.
(Image A-036, A-037) Similarly, the ceiling in the arena service rooms including the Ice Resurfacer Room,
Mechanical Room, and Electrical Room is exposed with the underside of the vapour barrier in fair condition
with small rips throughout. (Image A-038) The exposed vapour barrier at the exit stairs leading from the
Community Room is in poor condition, with many tears and staining. (Image A-039)

Plywood Ceilings: The Janitor’s Room, Canteen, Locker Rooms, Washrooms, and Mezzanine Storage Room
have plywood ceilings which are in fair condition requiring some repair or maintenance. Note that painted
plywood is not a typical finish for a ceiling in modern construction as it absorbs no sound, and it is difficult
to provide with a good finish.

Tile Ceilings: The Canteen is partially covered with a tile ceiling which is painted and in fair condition. The
ceilings in the Community Room, Mezzanine Corridor, Offices, Small Mezzanine Storage Room and Main
Stairwell are acoustic tile ceiling in a t-bar structure. They are in fair condition with some minor damage to
the t-bar and some wear and tear on the panels where they were cut at sprinkler pipes. (Image A-040)


Block Walls: Interior block walls are in good, fair and poor condition throughout. In the Lobby, Locker
Rooms, and Janitor’s Room the surface of the block is worn and rough around the base, and appear to have
been painted multiple times. (Image A-041) There are a few areas where block walls are cracking or are
showing holes in the Workshop and Ice Resurfacer Room.

Plywood Walls: In the Arena, Lobby, and Canteen, plywood has been used as a finish for walls. Most of the
plywood is in fair condition, experiencing some inconsistent surfaces (warps and waves) and dents where
exposed to pucks. For the most part if trims are used between plywood panels or at corners, the trims are in
poor condition. Trims throughout are damaged, or in some cases, removed entirely. (Image A-042)

Exposed Envelope: In the Lobby, and Arena Service Rooms, the vapour barrier and insulation above the
block wall is exposed with some visible ripping. (Image A-043) The expose vapour barrier in the exit stair is
in poor condition.

Wood Paneling and Wall Covering: The walls of the Community Room, Main Stairwell, Mezzanine Corridor,
and Offices are lined with a wood paneling which is in good condition but is outdated. Above the paneling,
starting at approximately 4’ is a fabric wall covering which appears to be in good to fair condition. In some
places, patching has been done on the wall covering. The trim of the wood paneling is in fair to poor
condition with some damaged areas and portions which are lifting off of the wall. (Image A-044)



Spectator Stands: The spectator stands in the Arena include 6 tiers of wood bench seating accessed from the
main level of the rink and by stairs which extend up to each tier. The plenum below the stands is empty
other than vents and pipes (see mechanical section C12). Each tier is approximately 15.5” high, with the
exception of the bottom tier which is 2’ above the floor. Each seat is approximately 22.5” deep. Typically we
calculate the occupant load for bench seating based on the dimension given in the NBC of 450mm per
person. Given the shallow depth of the bleachers at the Rothesay Arena it is difficult to conceive that people
can sit comfortably behind one another on these bleachers. Therefore, we have assumed that for every
person in a seat, there is not a person on the seat in front of them, and the bleachers hold half of what a
modern bleacher section would hold. Bleacher sections in modern facilities are constructed at a range of
dimensions today to address viewplanes and meet building code requirements but typically have sections at
least 33” deep to allow for people to move behind others as they access their seat.

Note that in the most recent NBC a bleacher with a rise higher than 600mm 1’-11.8” requires a guard in front
of it. The first bleacher in this building is 2’ high.

The arena stands are outdated, have worn edges, and appear to have been painted multiple times. With the
exception of the outdated dimensions identified above, they are functional. (Image A-045)

The stairs within the bleachers are 54” wide with a railing in between which is an acceptable dimension by
the most recent NBC. A piece of 2x4 for a railing would not meet today’s NBC standards which requires non-
circular cross sections to have a diameter not more than 45mm (1.77”) in any direction.

Information Boards: The south wall of the Lobby is lined with information boards which are in poor
condition. They are scratched, marked up with writing, and the frame is broken in places. (Image A-046)

Shelving and Counters: Shelving is built-in using plywood and 2x4 studs in the Janitor’s Room. Most appears
functional, and is in fair condition. (Image A-047) The finishes of the shelving and Counters in the Canteen,
namely the plastic laminate is in poor condition. It is cracking and lifting throughout. Open wood shelves
are worn at the edges, closed shelves have doors which do not all close. (Image A-048) There are no counters
in the canteen built to an accessible height.

Vanities: Vanities in the Male and Female Washrooms are in good condition, but do not meet barrier free
requirements for clearance below the sinks as per the most recent NBC. (Image A-049)

Mirror: Mirrors in the Male and Female Washrooms are in good condition but appear that they may be too
high to meet the barrier free requirements for mirror height as per the most recent NBC.

Benches: Benches in the Locker Rooms are outdated. They are scratched, dented and have been painted
many times however they are functional. They are supported by posts which make the floor below them
more difficult to clean. (Image A-050) New benches would be built with steel wall mounted supports to clear
the space below them for that reason. In addition to being outdated they also do not provide enough seating
for a typical hockey team. The benches are all approximately 40’. A standard 30” per player only leaves
enough room to accommodate 16 players in a change room.


Dasher Boards: The rink boards in the Arena are original to the building. They are steel structure with wood
backing and HDPE rink board. They are in poor condition and frequently require repair. At the time of our
review one area at the gate of the east players bench was coming loose and was being repaired. Some of the
steel posts have been replaced and the wood backup to the HDPE panels is visibly worn at gates and
thresholds. The HDPE itself is scratched. Damage to the HDPE boards is evident at each undersized radius
where the ice resurfacer would have difficulty making a tight turn. (Image A-051)

The rink boards are structurally supported with 2”x3” HSS posts that are embedded into the concrete and
spaced at approximately 4’-0” c/c. The posts are painted black but there have been issues with corrosion of
the steel at the bottom of the posts at the concrete slab interface.

The boards are 48” high with 48” high glass at most of the perimeter, except the north side where the glass
drops down to about 24”. There is no glass at the players or penalty benches, but the timekeeper’s box is
glazed on the sides and ceiling. Netting is only in place above the glass on the south side of the rink at the
spectator stands. Netting is to the underside of the main roof trusses and is in good condition. (Image A-052)

The current rink setup has the building materials on either end of the rink hit by pucks, denting the finishes.
In our experience glass around the perimeter of a rink is minimum 4’ above minimum 42” dasher boards
except at the player’s benches where there is no glass. In recent community rink projects A49 has specified
6’ high glass above the boards at the two ends of the arena where shots are directed, and netting around the
perimeter with exception of the players, penalty and timekeeper boxes. The intent of the high glass and
consistent netting is to ensure that there are no areas where puck could come into contact with a spectator.
Rigid high glass at the ends takes the faster pucks impacts instead of more flexible netting.

Players and Penalty Boxes and Timekeeper’s Booth: The HDPE backing located in the players and penalty
boxes in the Arena is in poor condition. The benches are outdated. They are functional, but visually worn,
scratched and have been painted multiple times. (Image A-053) Modern players’ benches would have a back,
and coaches walk behind the benches. The boxes are all wood construction in fair condition. The
timekeeper’s box is in poor condition because it has been vandalized with names and notes scratched into
the desk and plexiglass. (Image A-054)

Scoreboard: There are two scoreboards on the west wall of the Arena. One was noted to be original to the
building and only shows scores, the time, and period. The newer scoreboard is more modern with the
addition of a sponsorship panel and penalties. Staff estimated this was approximately twenty years old and
does not always function properly. It is our understanding that after the date of our assessment the newer
scoreboard reached its end-of-life and a new scoreboard has been ordered.

Washroom Accessories: Baby change tables have recently been added to the Female and Male Washrooms.
They are currently mounted where there is little room to use them if others are using the washroom stalls
or urinals. (Image A-055) The remaining washroom accessories including toilet paper dispensers, soap
dispensers, coat hooks and waste receptacles appear in good condition. Sanitary napkin disposals are
notably absent.

Washrooms Partitions: Washroom Partitions are in good Condition in the Washrooms and fair condition in
the Locker Rooms where they have some damage, dents and in one case would not close properly. (Image A-

Televisions: There are televisions in the Lobby which appears to be in good condition.

Hooks: The locker rooms all have steel hooks mounted above the benches. They are in good condition. They
are mounted too high for barrier-free access/reach.

Operable Wall: There is a sliding operable wall in the Community Room. The wall is in fair condition, with
some staining and wear at the bottom. (Image A-057) The Wall doesn’t appear to be very effective, and staff
indicated it was not useful. It does not, and cannot span the full width of the room (if it did it would require
a door to pass through to the exit) and therefore it has no acoustic benefit. It also does not collapse into a
pocket, so it remains an impediment to the open room.

Canteen Equipment: The aluminum sliding grille in the Canteen is in good condition. The old wooden hatch
is old, heavy and difficult to operate. The canteen does not have any equipment which can be used for
cooking. The remaining canteen equipment and accessories appear to be in good condition or outdated but
in working order.

Furniture: There is furniture located in the Offices, Mechanical Room and Janitor’s Room including chairs,
desks and filing cabinets. It is in good and fair condition but is outdated.

This section includes a review of the building’s mechanical, electrical, communication and fire protection
systems. These are the parts of the building which make them comfortable, functional, and safe.



The facility’ plumbing system is served by a 2” diameter service connected to the Town’s water system
(Image M-001). The water entrance includes a meter and backflow preventer and is located in the former
skate sharpening room. The backflow preventer is tested annually and is currently due for testing. There is

a 2” branch downstream of the backflow preventer that extends to a hose connection in the arena, which is
used each fall when staff are making the ice.

The facility includes plumbing fixtures serving two public washrooms, one women’s and one men’s, which
include lavatories (Image M-002), water closets (Image M-003) and urinals (Image M-004) in the men’s
washroom. These fixtures appear to be in good condition. A drinking fountain in the main lobby appears to
be in good condition. The canteen includes a sink (Image M-005) and a plumbed coffee machine. Each of the
six (6) dressing rooms includes a sink (Image M-006), water closet (Image M-007) and shower (Image M-008).
Some rust is showing on locker room sink drains. These lavs are approaching their end of life. However, the
water closets and showers are in fair condition. There are utility sinks in the former skate sharpening room,
the Zamboni Room and the Janitor’s Closet (Image M-009). The fixtures all appear to work adequately,
however, they are all outdated. No water efficiency measures, such as 6L or dual flush water closets or low
flow faucets, are included.

A sink mounted eyewash is included on the utility sink in the Zamboni Room (Image M-010). This eyewash
is not firmly supported and one of the eyewash covers is missing. There is no eyewash system serving the
Refrigeration Room. The eyewash is in poor condition.

There are non-freeze wall hydrants (NFWH) on the exterior walls on the East, South and West faces (Image
M-011). The cover is missing on the NFWH on the South facing wall. The NFWH are in fair condition.

The facility includes a number of hot water tanks. There are three 60 gallon electric hot water tanks located
in the storage closet on the mezzanine level (Image M-012), which provide hot water for the washrooms and
locker rooms. Two of these tanks were installed in 1997, while the other was installed in 2001. The expected
life of electric hot water heaters is in the 10 year range, so these tanks are outdated and due for

There is a 40 gallon electric hot water heater in the closet of the Canteen, which serves the Canteen (Image
M-013). The tank was installed in 2006, so is outdated and due for replacement.

Zamboni hot water is provided by three 120gallon electric hot water heaters located in the Zamboni room
(Image M-014). These hot water heaters were installed in 2010 and appear to be in good condition. Zamboni
water is preheated by two 114 gallon Therma-Stor tanks, which utilize waste heat from the refrigeration
process to pre-heat the hot water (Image M-015). These tanks were installed in 2010 and appear to be in
good condition.

The building’s sanitary drainage system ties into the Town’s sanitary system. Facility staff noted that the
floor drains in the dressing rooms drain extremely slowly. As well, there is a cleanout sump adjacent to the
player’s bench (Image M-016). Staff have advised that sewage has backed up and flooded this sump on
occasion. This indicates that that either there is a blockage in the drain pipe, or the pipes are undersized.

Much of the plumbing piping is original to the facility. Domestic water piping is typically copper. Due to the
age of construction there may be a presence of lead in the piping. The Town of Rothesay should consider
having testing conducted to confirm this.


The arena is served by a dry sprinkler system. The system appears to have been added after original
construction because the piping is generally exposed below the finished ceilings. However, the installation
of the sprinkler system predates the former Rink Manager, Ron Robert’s, time working with the Town.

The sprinkler system includes a 6” diameter entrance in the former skate sharpening room (Image M-017).
The sprinkler entrance includes a backflow preventer and the zone valve. The entrance was upgraded in
2010 and appears in good condition. The compressor serving the sprinkler system was also upgraded at this
time and is also in good condition. The system includes a Siamese connection and gong on the exterior wall,
which both appear to be in good condition.

The sprinkler pipe distribution system is aged and has had some leaks in recent years. The Town has
replaced sections of pipes when necessary, including some recent replacements above the player’s bench
and above the bleachers (Image M-018). The sprinkler system is approaching the end of life and as the
system continues to age it will be prone to more leaks and potentially system failure. A fire protection
system is required for this facility to comply with the National Building Code. The building would not be
permitted to be occupied if this system were to fail. The sprinkler pipe distribution system should be

There is currently no sprinkler system serving the space below the wooden bleachers. The current edition
of NFPA 13 requires sprinkler coverage for this space. NFPA is an acronym for National Fire Protection
Association, which is the organization that provides a series of standards for the fire protection industry.
The NFPA standards are referenced in the National Building Code and the National Fire Code.

Fire extinguishers are located throughout the facility and appear to be located in accordance with NFPA
requirements. These extinguishers are inspected regularly and appear in good condition.


Heating: All heaters serving the Arena are electric heaters. Administration spaces typically include
baseboard heaters (Image M-019). The canteen, storage closet, women’s washroom, offices, workshop,
skating club space and community room each include baseboard heaters. These baseboard heaters are
typically in fair to good condition, and with cleaning and painting required in some locations.

Electric unit heaters are located in the main lobby, dressing rooms, Zamboni Room, refrigeration room,
former skate sharpening room and canteen (Image M-020). These unit heaters are each operational.
However, the units all appear outdated and should be cleaned.

Electric forced flow heaters serve the Men’s washroom (Image M-021) and the Workshop (former Referee’s
Room). These units appear to be in good condition.

Ventilation: A destratification fan is hung from the ceiling in the main lobby (Image M-022). This fan is in
poor condition as it is “wobbly” and should be rebalanced, if the intent is to continue operating it. There is a
transfer grille between the Main Lobby and the Secondary office. We expect that the intent of this grille was
to enable air to circulate into the Secondary office. However, this only allows air from the lobby space into
the office and not fresh air. Although there is a unit heater in the lobby, the air might be relatively cold due
to infiltration through the door into the arena. We noted that there is a portable electric heater in this
office, which indicates that the electric baseboard heater is unable to maintain a comfortable space

Other than this Secondary office is not ventilated. The Main office also is not ventilated by a permanent
mechanical system. This office is on an exterior wall, which includes operable windows. A portable air
conditioning system is currently being used (Image M-023).

The canteen includes an exhaust system which is operated by a switch (Image M-024). The exhaust system
should be cleaned. The fan has a rattle and is heavily corroded. This system is outdated and due for

The washrooms are served by a common ventilation system, which operates continuously. This system is
operational, but the fan is heavily corroded and is approaching the end of life (Image M-025).

The janitor’s closet, minor hockey office and storage room are not ventilated. However, cleaning supplies
are stored in both the janitor’s closet and storage room. ASHRAE 62.1 is the standard for air quality for
normally occupied buildings. To comply with ASHRAE 62.1 standard these spaces should include exhaust
systems to exhaust potentially hazardous fumes resulting from cleaning supplies.

Air is exhausted through grilles in the shower, washroom and change area of each of the dressing rooms.
Wall exhausters operated by toggle switches in the dressing rooms are used to operate these fans, which
each serve a pair of dressing rooms. These fans are operational, but are outdated and due for an upgrade.

Two wall exhausters provide ventilation for the Community Room. These fans are operational, but are
outdated and due for replacement (Image M-026).

The Workshop (former Ref’s Room) includes an exhaust fan, which is operational. However, if this space is
repurposed to include skate sharpening and function as a workshop, ventilation systems suitable for these
functions should be installed.

Similarly, the former skate sharpening space includes a wall grille remaining from the former skate
sharpening system, which should be removed (Image M-027). However, this space does not include other
ventilation systems and is currently being used for grinding, painting and storing paint. A ventilation
system suitable for this purpose should be installed.

A small exhaust fan serves the electrical room. This fan appears small to provide air exchange required to
remove heat generated from the transformers located in the electrical room totaling 180kVa in capacity.
This fan should be replaced with a new fan sized accordingly.

A vehicle exhaust hose is included in the Zamboni room (Image M-028). This hose is duct to the exterior. A
wall exhauster connected to a 36” x 36” grille is included on the end wall of the arena. This fan is
operational, but is due for replacement. There are grilles on the exterior wall and at the base of the
bleachers to allow for air circulation below the wooden bleachers.

Some observations noted during our review:

— Ventilation does not meet ASHRAE 62.1 standard in many spaces. ASHRAE 62.1 defines ventilation
requirements for various spaces. Spaces including offices, dressing rooms, janitor’s closets and
workshops either are not ventilated or not ventilated adequately to satisfy ASHRAE 62.1 requirements.
— Ventilation systems do not include means of heat recovery.
— Administration spaces are not air conditioned.

These items would be included with upgrades to existing ventilation systems.

Dehumidification units are located at a corner at each end of the arena (Image M-029). The Cimco
dehumidifiers were installed in the 1990’s and are in good condition.

Ice Plant: The refrigeration system is ammonia based and includes three compressors (Image M-030). Two
compressors operate, while the third is backup. Compressor #1 is original to the facility, compressor #2 is 15
years old and compressor #3 is 20+ years old. Although the compressors are aged, Cimco has been
refurbishing them on two year intervals, so the compressors are in good condition.

The brine pumps were noted to be in good working condition, although a stain on the floor leading from
beneath one of the pumps is indication that leakage had occurred from this pump (Image M-031). The
pumps are maintained by Cimco, who confirmed that the pumps are in good condition.

The heat exchanger/evaporator system was installed in 2010 and is in good condition (Image M-032). Staff
noted that the efficiency of the ice plant improved greatly with the installation of this system.

The cooling tower/condenser is located on a stand at the back of the facility (Image M-033). Staff noted that
the system works well, but has required additional maintenance in recent years. This would be considered
to be in fair condition.

Piping within the refrigeration room and between the compressors and cooling tower appears to be in good
condition. The primary brine loop extending from the evaporator through the pipe trench includes 6"
diameter plastic headers, which appear to be in good condition. The secondary loops include 1” diameter
pipes on 4” centers (Image M-034). Pipe leaks are evident from staining and cracks in the slab. Leaks have
been patched as a temporary fix. These loops should be replaced with the slab.


A controls system is included for the refrigeration system. This includes Cimco control panels, which were
installed in 2010 (Image M-035). The controls system includes a workstation with system graphics, which
allows the plant operator to observe and adjust system parameters (Image M-036). New controls technology
would enable operators to observe and adjust parameters remotely. However, the current system is
adequate and appears to be in good condition.

HVAC systems throughout the facility are basic and include manual controls, which leave room for human
error and demand attention of staff. Manual controls for arena lighting are located at the entrance door to
the rink. HVAC systems in modern facilities would include a building management and controls system,
which would function to maintain space conditions and would be programmed to optimize energy usage.



Main incoming service: The building is serviced by a 600V, three-phase 600A electrical service, fed from a
series of pole-mounted transformers located just outside the building’s main electrical room (Image E-001).
The main service conductors enter the building underground and terminate into a main 600A disconnect
switch (Image E-003). This switch, along with the associated CT/PT cabinet and meter, have been replaced
recently and are in good condition.

Based on load information provided by the client for the last 31 months, this size service appears to be less
than 50% loaded, and is sufficient for the type of building.

The remaining distribution equipment appears to be from the original building construction in the early
1970’s. There is one 600A, 600V rated panel which feeds most of the 600V loads throughout the building and
four transformers, all located in the main electrical room (Image E-004). These transformers feed the
various 208V loads, which includes a number of panels. There are also three panels located in one of the
offices on the mezzanine level, one is a 600V, 225A unit, one is a 208V, 225A unit, and the third is a 208V
100A load centre.

This equipment is in good to fair condition, except for a few missing components as noted below:

— Main 600V panel is missing one filler plate;

— Mezzanine 600V panel is missing 2 filler plates;

— Mezzanine 208V 225A panel is missing one filler plate (Images E-006 and E-007);

— One wall mounted 10kVA transformer and one floor mounted 30kVA transformer both show signs of
corrosion due to water leakage into the electrical room directly onto the equipment (Image E-002). The

corrosion appears to be minor and could simply be cleaned up, however the transformers should have
drip hoods installed and have their internals verified for any water damage;

— One 208V panel next to the main 600V panel is missing one breaker filler plate;

— Multiple panels are missing fasteners, and their covers can be pulled away easily from the panel box;

— Most of the disconnect switches and other equipment are labelled, but these are fading and becoming
difficult to read. Panels should have updated panel legends and identifying lamicoids installed, and
lamicoids installed on all other equipment denoting the load they control (Image E-005).

If all of the above noted deficiencies relating to the original electrical equipment are corrected, the entire
system will be in good operating condition. However, if any renovations take place, it is recommended to
replace all original panels throughout the space, as they are all past their typical designed service life of 30-
40 years. Even though most electrical distribution equipment is capable of operating correctly and safely
well past their designed service life, replacement parts may become more difficult to source and as a result,
maintenance costs can potentially far outweigh the cost of replacement. Furthermore, as with any older
pieces of equipment, their reliability decreases as time passes, and the likelihood of failures increases,
especially if some components have been stressed at any point in their lifetime, such as being overloaded or
have overheated, or been exposed to environmental conditions causing issues such as corrosion.


Wiring Devices and Small Power Distribution: Generally, the systems appear in fair to good condition, with
the following exceptions:

— One receptacle located below the storage room located near the main electrical room has a corroded
conduit where it enters the slab;

— One quad receptacle with a moveable cord has its cord’s insulation damaged where it enters the wall
due to years of constant use (Image E-009). One of the receptacles also appears to have been damaged
due to overheating or shorting;

— One run of AC90 is broken where it enters its junction box in the scorekeeper’s box (Image E-010);

— There are junction boxes with missing plugs or filler plates in multiple areas, notably the corridor along
the southeast end of the building and the maintenance shop at the west end of the building (Image E-

— There are multiple receptacles with broken or missing coverplates. These were mostly observed in the
entrance lobby, community room (where one receptacle is actually broken) (Image E-015);

— In the southeast corridor, there is an EMT conduit which is improperly fastened to the wall (Image E-
012); as a result, it has been pulled away from the wall and bent;

— In the maintenance shop at the west end of the building, there is a toggle switch which is suspended by
its wiring, from a conduit which is improperly fastened to the wall, and also missing its coverplate
(Image E-013);

— There is one receptacle located below the platform just outside the maintenance shop at the west end of
the building, which is not fastened to anything (Image E-014);

Lighting: The ice surface area is illuminated with high-bay ceiling mounted metal halide luminaires
controlled via a series of 8 toggle switches in an electrical enclosure located at the ice surface entrance

corridor (Image E-017). These luminaires appear to be in good condition and operating properly.
Consideration should be given to upgrading these to LED luminaires for energy reduction.

The remaining areas of the building are illuminated by fluorescent luminaires (Image E-016). The utility
entrance lobby areas have suspended plug-in strip luminaires, and the remaining spaces have either surface
mounted or recessed 1’x4’ luminaires. Overall, they appeared to be in fair to good condition throughout,
except where some lenses are missing or broken (Images E-018, E-019 and E-020). These areas include the
community room and its exit stairwell, top floor storage, canteen area and some of the locker rooms.

One luminaire in the maintenance shop at the west end of the building is suspended by the electrical wiring.

The exterior lighting is provided via both building mounted wall packs and pole mounted lighting around
the perimeter, as well as one vapour-tight CFL luminaire at the main entrance (Image E-021). The building
mounted lighting appears to be in good condition, except for the finish on some, however this does not
affect their operation. The quantity of lighting appears to be lacking, as some areas would be quite dark,
notably the fire route along the northeast side of the building. The exterior lighting appears to be controlled
via timeclock and photocell.


Fire Alarm: The fire alarm system consists of one main panel at the main entrance vestibule, along with
bells, pull stations and smoke detectors throughout the space (Image E-022). The panel appears to have been
replaced recently, and is a Simplex 4010. Based on information provided by the maintenance staff, the
devices are all from the original construction. Like most other electrical equipment, fire alarm devices have
a service life of 30-40 years. However, since these devices are tested regularly due to requirements from
various authorities such as the fire marshal’s office, there is less of an issue with maintenance of these
devices, as any failures or defects would typically be picked up during inspection and testing, and
recommended repairs be noted at that time. If a major renovation were to take place, it would then be a
good idea to replace all devices in the renovation area instead of reinstalling old devices.

The fire alarm system appears to be in good condition and tested/verified regularly as required.

There were only two issues noted with the fire alarm system. One is the lack of conduits for many of the
bells; the wiring is run exposed from the ceiling into the device (Image E-023). The second is an open
junction box in the maintenance shop where the sprinkler main is located, which exposes the fire alarm
supervisory device wiring (Image E-024).

Exit Lighting: Generally, there appears to be a sufficient quantity of exit signs throughout the building,
except for a couple locations. They appear to be in good condition and operating correctly, however they
are of the older red ‘EXIT’ style (Image E-025). The building code now requires the newer green, pictogram
‘running-man’ style for new constructions or renovations.

The only locations where a sign appeared to be lacking is the exit stairwell from the community room to the
exterior, and the exit doors in the ice machine room.

Emergency Lighting: Generally, there appears to be a sufficient quantity of emergency lighting units
throughout the building (Image E-026). The majority of the battery packs appear to have been replaced since
their original construction. They appear to be in good condition and operating correctly.

A site review was not included in the formal scope of work for this assessment, however, a visual review of
the site by the consultants indicates that at the north side of the building, rain appears to be directed back at
the building from the ground, causing water damage and moss growth at the base of the block wall. The
parking surface and driveways to the south and east side of the building are in poor condition. Loose chunks
of asphalt and gravel are found throughout.

Our team has assessed how the existing Rothesay Arena would meet the current National Building Code of
Canada (2015). Note that the province of New Brunswick has not yet adopted the 2015 National Building
Code, but has adopted model national codes in the past. We are following the 2015 version for best practices,
and because we believe it is likely that at the time of building permit the province will have adopted the
2015 code.

The following is a building code assessment which we have completed based on the present Rothesay arena,
against a code meant for new construction at the present date.


Major Occupancy: A3 Assembly
Subsidiary Occupancy: n/a
Storeys in Building Height: One
Mezzanines: Yes
Sprinklered: Yes
Appropriate Article:
Building Area: 2475 sm (26,640 ft²)
Type of Construction: Combustible/Non-Combustible

Notes: It appears that this building was designed as a one storey building with a mezzanine, however the
enclosed portion of the space above the mezzanine must be maximum 10% of the floor area. The current
configuration, including the skating and minor hockey storage rooms added after the building was
completed, is between 11% and 12%. This means that if this were a new building built to the most recent NBC
standard it would be considered a two storey building. The building would require fire resistance ratings of 1
hour for floors and mezzanines, and any structure supporting the floors and mezzanines. The alternate
option, and one that falls in line with some of the programming deficiencies, is to increase the floor area on
the ground floor reducing the mezzanine area to 10% of the floor area.


Floor Assemblies: No rating
Mezzanines: No rating
Supporting Assemblies: No rating
Roof Assemblies: No rating

Notes: There was no indication in our review that the building has fire resistance ratings on the floor
assemblies, mezzanines, or supporting assemblies.


The Rothesay Arena is sprinklered, has very few unprotected openings (i.e windows, doors, mechanical
louvres) and is located with distance on all sides of the building to the property line. There are no issues
with the current building form and limiting distance as it relates to the most recent version of the NBC.

Notes: Should an addition be considered which will expand the building toward a property line, limiting
distance must be considered to determine the wall construction and the allowable size of openings.


Community Room @ .95 m²/person 214
Offices @ 9.3m²/person 5
Minor Hockey Storage @ 46.0m²/person 1
Figure Skating @ 9.3m²/person 1
Storage Room @ 46.0m²/person 1
Subtotal Mezzanine 222

Lobby @ 3.7m²/person 17

Rink @ 3.7m²/person (for exhibition purposes) 405

Locker Rooms n/a because users are accounted for in other spaces
Canteen @ 9.3m²/person 5
Janitor/Office @ 9.3m²/person 1
Workshop @ 9.3m²/person 3
Storage @ 46.0m²/person 1
Ice Resurfacer Room @ 4.6m²/person 6
Subtotal 1 Floor

Required exit width at mezzanine: 1776mm
Exit width provided from the mezzanine: 1830mm
Occupants accommodated: 228 occupants
Required exit width for Ground Floor: 3367mm (includes width for half of mezzanine occupants)
Exit width provided from Ground Floor: 8229mm
Occupants accommodated: 1028 occupants
Fire rating of exit stairs: 1 hour
Fire rating of stair doors: 45 min
Greatest travel distance provided: approximately 35m
Greatest travel distance permitted: 45m

Notes: There are no issues complying with exit widths and travel distances in the current building
configuration as compared to the most recent version of the NBC.

Sprinklered: Yes
Fire Suppression NFPA96: No (not applicable)
Fire extinguishers: Yes
Fire Alarm System: Yes
Emergency Lighting: Yes
Exit Lights: Yes, but not meeting current NBC standards


Parking: Yes
Walkways: n/a
Entrances: Required (not in place)
Ramps: n/a
Elevator: Required (not in place)
Washrooms: Required (not in place)
Signage: Required (not in place)

Notes: The Rothesay Arena is not designed to be barrier-free. There have been small attempts to
accommodate accessibility in the building, but they are not in line with the standards of inclusivity and
accessibility mandated by the most recent NBC, and in some communities CAN/CSA B651-15 Accessible
Design for the Built Environment.

The following areas would need to be addressed to meet the most recent NBC as it relates to barrier-free

1 The building would require an elevator or lift to access the mezzanine level.

2 The washrooms would require at least one larger barrier free stall designed with washroom accessories
(i.e. grab bars, shelf, low mounted hook). They also require more space between this stall and the
lavatory. The lavatory requires open space below designed as per the most recent NBC to allow an
approach and use by a person in a wheelchair. At least one barrier free urinal would be required in each
men’s washroom equipped with grab bars and the required space for approach. Recreation facilities
often include at least one separate universal washroom on each floor. Beyond meeting the building code
for an accessible washroom this also aids in creating a more inclusive facility as it provides a safe, non-
gender specific washroom and change space.

3 Door hardware would need to be revised so that they are easy to grasp and operate.

4 The front entrance would require a power door operator.

5 The arena bleachers would require between 5 and 7 wheel chair designated spaces, with a minimum of
two spaces side by side.

6 Barrier free facilities (elevator, washrooms, entrances, etc.) would all have signs to indicate that they
are barrier free.

7 The water fountain would require the same clearance below as the lavatory.

8 Locker room showers would require no curb to enter into the shower and would meet the dimensions
required as per the most recent NBC.

9 The counter at the canteen would include a section that would be at the lower barrier free level
required by the most recent NBC with the space below for a wheel chair approach.

10 All doors would have at minimum 600mm clear space on the pull side and 300mm clear space on the
push side for maneuvering with a wheelchair.


Based on Table

Fixture count based on 838 persons, this is 332 female and 332 male. Note that the Water Closets and
Lavatories included in the locker rooms have been split for analysis so that half are assumed male and half
are assumed female.


Female Male Total Female Male Total
Required: 8 5 13 11 6 17
Provided: 5 5 10 6 7 13

Notes: The current building if assessed against the current version of the NBC would be short 5 female water
closets and 3 female lavatories. It has enough male water closets and lavatories to meet the code.


Main Electrical Entrance: 1 hour (not in place)
Mechanical Room: 1 hour (not in place)
Janitor Rooms: 0 hour (not in place)
Ice Resurfacer: 1.5 hour (not in place)

The doors at each of these rooms provide no certainty that they have the appropriate rating. At the
electrical room it appears that the door does have a label which would indicate a rating, however the label
has been painted over. The presence of a label does not give us confidence as the door to the main office on
the mezzanine level have a visible fire resistant rating label, but staff noted that they were repurposed
doors. Though the block portion of the wall assembly appears to meet the rating, it is not clear that any
penetrations have been sealed with fire stopping or that the wall assembly above the block meets the
required rating. This is of particular concern for the separation of the Mechanical Room due to hazards
associated with the ammonia gas used in the refrigeration system. The space includes gas monitors, but if
the space isn’t well sealed ammonia could potentially seep to adjacent spaces in the event of a leak.
Typically, the intent is to have the ability to contain these hazardous gases should a leak occur.

The current arena design is typical to the early 1970’s. At that time it met the functional requirements to
provide a surface for ice sports and recreation, with a small spectator capacity, community space, storage,
and building services. Today, arenas are typically built in combination with other recreation facilities, be it
larger facilities such as aquatic centres and gymnasiums or smaller facilities such as fitness centres, youth
and senior programming, and community meeting rooms. They take advantage of cross-programming
opportunities between recreation spaces. They draw interest in new programs by capturing those who are
there for other programs, or accompanying family members or friends. New arenas often include food
services and provide a space for eating, which also becomes a place for informal social meetings, capitalizing
on different forms of bringing health in a community.

The current layout has spatial shortfalls related to its capacity for cross-programming between multiple
recreation spaces (the only additional program space is the community room), and informal social space. As
a standalone arena it also has some programmatic deficiencies.

The locker rooms are too small for hockey teams. Players have adapted by placing hockey bags outside of
the room once they are done with them as they continue to use the space to change. This is not only
inconvenient for players, but the hockey bags occupy the circulation space within the arena. The locker
rooms have no visual screening upon entry so the opening and closing of doors exposes the public to those
changing inside. Modern facilities allow barriers upon entering a locker room to remove any sightlines into
the space.

The building is not addressing the needs of community members with limited mobility. This limits the
building’s comfort and accessibility for people in your community who are equally deserving of recreation,
spectator, and social opportunities. There is no elevator or lift accessing the second floor, and a variety of
barriers outlined in section 3 of this report.

The building lobby is small, providing minimal crush space for those exiting the arena, going to the
washrooms, exiting from the second floor, and waiting for food from the canteen. There is no reception desk
for staff. A building today would have a lobby which provides area for all of these functions. They are open
books showcasing what they contain, simplifying security and wayfinding.

There are currently few washrooms, in particular if the locker rooms are not available for use. There are no
barrier free washrooms. It is clear to us that any adaptation of this building to be used for recreation
purposes would require an addition to include more washrooms, and accessible washrooms.

The original building had a storage deficiency which was addressed by adding small storage rooms within
the ice arena. These each have their own access related challenges. There is no room for recreation ice
equipment such as temporary boards or small nets. Tables for the multipurpose room are being stored in an
exit stair. By the NBC, storage rooms are not to be incorporated in, or located off of a required exit stair.

We are recommending that any upgrades or changes include a replacement of the arena slab and refrigerant
piping. This is an expensive replacement item and therefore we do not recommend it be replaced in a
building that may not house the future arena for the Town of Rothesay. There is also a significant amount of
the building envelope that we would recommend replacing should the building continue to function as a
recreation facility for the Town of Rothesay over the next twenty years or longer.

The structural analysis completed by Estabrooks Engineering in 2013 indicated that some structural
members are overstressed by up to 100%. We recommend reinforcing to provide increased resistance to
snow and wind loads to meet design loads stated in the current building code, which has evolved
significantly since the building was constructed in the 1970’s. In addition, the report recommended
structural upgrades to the bracing systems to account for current seismic loading requirements which
should also be completed.

The height of the arena limits its ability to be repurposed as a gymnasium/fieldhouse for some sports. The
height to the underside of the building frame at the centre of the ice is approximately 21’. The height at the
underside of the building frames at the sides is approximately 15’. The minimum height for volleyball play
by Volleyball Canada standards is 23’ (7m) and for new buildings 29’-6” (9m). Badminton has similar height
requirements. The games can be played in a building of the current height, but for recreation only and with
some limitations and modifications made to game play.

On average, a new arena will cost a minimum of $10M construction costs. This would not include spectator
space, or additional program, and would be a very simple form of construction. Some arenas today cost less
than $10M but they are constructed to minimum construction standards, and may leave owners with high
operational costs over their lifetime. We would recommend that a new arena would at least meet its current
spectator capacity, include a robust and well-insulated envelope, efficient mechanical and electrical
systems, and some small recreation spaces such as multipurpose rooms, youth centre, community meetings
rooms, and a lobby to be used for social gathering, food services, and programming. We estimate an arena
such as this would cost in the range of $12M to $15M today, program depending. A new high school size
gymnasium (double gymnasium) would cost approximately in the range of $2.5M and $3.5M, and a
fieldhouse twice that size would be double this cost. All estimates noted here are based on estimated square
footage costs based on other Atlantic Canadian facilities.

We understand that should the Town rebuild the arena, the expected contributions from all three levels of
government is $15M. The Town could also pursue a capital campaign for fundraising.

There are several paths forward which we believe are options for the Town to reflect upon, with or without
the existing building:

1 Refit existing arena to serve the Town for the next twenty years at a minimum. Address required
structural steel upgrades. Address accessibility and life safety deficiencies. Address no layout
inefficiencies, or items in good or fair condition. Only address items in poor condition.

2 Demolish current single purpose arena and build new arena which includes some other program spaces
and addresses the layout inefficiencies of the current arena.

3 Refit existing arena to meet all code requirements of the day, and replace all items not in good
condition, address layout inefficiencies with additions. If budget allows, and recreation needs are met,
build a gymnasium or field house attached to this arena. This option means that the arena would not be
operational for year.

4 Build new arena and repurpose existing arena for other recreation purposes, with some limitations.
Combine facilities. Renovation of existing arena would be extensive to bring condition on par with new
construction, but would not require full upgrade to meet today’s building code, however the Town
should consider at a minimum meeting life safety concerns and today’s barrier-free requirements in the

5 Demolish current arena and build new recreation multiplex which serves the current recreation needs
for the Town of Rothesay.

Options 4 & 5 will likely cost more than the $15M of potential funding. Given previous studies and concept
design work, we deduce that the aspirations of the Town will not be met by Option 1. Option 2 is viable, but
does not include a gymnasium sports component. For the purposes of this study we have done a cost
estimate to upgrade the existing arena as described in Option 3, as that is the unknown variable in this
decision making process. The recommended upgrades are outlined in Section 6.

This ASSESSMENT is intended to provide a realistic allocation of direct and indirect construction costs for
renovation work at the Rothesay Arena, located in Rothesay New Brunswick, with exceptions of items listed
in 6.4 below. Estimates of probable costs were allowed for some items which are in fair condition now, but
which are likely to reach their end of service life in the next twenty years. This is not meant to replace
regular maintenance budgets which would include annual maintenance and repairs.

From the documentation and information provided, quantities of all major elements were assessed or
measured where possible and priced at rates considered competitive for a project of this type under a
stipulated sum form of contract in Greenwood, Nova Scotia.

Pricing shown reflects probable construction costs obtainable in the Rothesay, New Brunswick area on the
effective date of this report. This estimate is a determination of fair market value for the construction of this
project. It is not a prediction of low bid. Pricing assumes competitive bidding for every portion of the work.

For building components and systems where specifications and design details are not available, quality
standards have been established based on discussions with the design team.

This Assessment does not provide costs for the following if required; except to the extent specified in the
estimate if applicable.
- Cost of Design Exclusions, Omissions, & Errors
- Professional Fees and Expenses
- Location Premiums
- Escalation Allowance
- Preventative Maintenance Contracts
- Permits (Building, Plumbing, Access, etc)
- Legal Fees and Expenses
- Value Added Taxes (GST, HST, QST, etc.)
- Financing Fee’s & Carrying Costs
- Fund Raising Requirements
- Owner’s Staff and Associated Management
- Owner Furnished Material or Associated Labour
- Removal of Asbestos or Mitigation of any Hazardous Material
- Mitigation of Water Conditions
- Winter Conditions Affecting the Work
- Salvage Costs from Demolition Work

All of the drawings used for this estimate were received from the owner and was supplemented with
information gathered in meeting(s) and telephone conversations with the design team, as applicable.

Design changes and/or additions made subsequent to this issuance of the documentation noted above have
not been incorporated in this report.


All costs are estimated on the basis of competitive bids (a minimum of 5 general contractor bids and at least
3 subcontractor bids for each trade) being received in November 2017 from general contractors and all
major subcontractors and suppliers based on a stipulated sum form of contract.

No allowance has been made for construction cost escalation that may occur between November 2017 and
the anticipated bid date of the project. Escalation during the construction period for tendered work is
included in the unit rates used in the estimate. Unit rates used for any change orders are not included and
may be subject to escalation.

An allowance of 15% has been included to cover design and pricing unknowns. This allowance is not
intended to cover any program space modifications but rather to provide some flexibility for the designers
and cost planners during the remaining contract document stages.

An allowance of 7.0% has been made to cover construction (post contract) unknowns to mitigate potential
change order conditions.


The unit rates in the preparation of this Assessment include labour and material, equipment,
subcontractor’s overheads and profits. It is recommended that the Owner/Project Manager make an
allowance for post contract changes in the overall project budget.

No provision has been made for any value added taxes (GST, HST, PST, QST, etc.). It is recommended that the
owner make separate provision for Tax Requirements in the project budget as applicable.

Hanscomb has no control over the cost of labour and materials, the contractor’s method of determining
prices, or competitive bidding and market conditions. This opinion of probable cost of construction is made
on the basis of experience, qualifications and best judgment of the professional consultant familiar with the
construction industry. Hanscomb cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual construction
costs will not vary from this or subsequent cost estimates.

Hanscomb has prepared this estimate in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices.
Hanscomb’s staff is available to discuss its contents with any interested party.


Hanscomb recommends that the Owner and design team carefully review this document, including line item
description, unit prices, clarifications, exclusions, inclusions and assumptions, contingencies, escalation and
mark-ups. If the project is over budget, or if there are unresolved budgeting issues, alternative
systems/schemes should be evaluated before proceeding into the next design phase. Requests for
modifications of any apparent errors or omissions to this document must be made to Hanscomb within ten
(10) days of receipt of this estimate. Otherwise, it will be understood that the contents have been concurred
with and accepted.

It is recommended that a final update estimate be produced by Hanscomb using Bid Documents to
determine overall cost changes that may have occurred since the preparation of this estimate. The final
updated estimate will address changes and additions to the documents, as well as addenda issued during the
bidding process. Hanscomb cannot reconcile bid results to any estimate not produced from bid documents
including all addenda.


Replacement is noted for items which will exceed their anticipated service life over the next 20 years. Items noted
at this time for repair are those which require repair now, and we recommend be addressed during a major arena
renovation. Future repairs are not accounted for in this cost estimation and must be carried under the Town's
regular annual maintenance budgets.

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
A Shell
A1 Substructure
A1.1 Foundations Foundation Wall Good/Fair No Action n/a
A2 Structure
Replace with new rink slab at
same size (we are not suggesting
to extend to an NHL rink because
the impact extending the existing
rink would include major
Lowest Floor structural changes or moving
A2.1 Rink Slab End of Life 2018 $242,000
Construction major mechanical/ refrigeration
equipment) as existing. Include
heating lines, under slab extruded
insulation, rink pipe chairs, rink
refrigeration pipes, rebar, wire
mesh, concrete and densifiers.

Structural Upgrade Bracing for Current

Outdated 2018 $40,000
Bracing Seismic Loading

Demolish ladder - see lobby

Upper Floor Ladder/Stair in
A2.2 Poor addition item 4 under 2018 See E4
Construction canteen
recommended code upgrades.
Roof structure does not meet
Roof Structural current building code design
A2.3 Outdated 2018 $400,000
Construction Framing loading criteria. Strengthen main
structural building frame.
A3 Exterior Enclosure
Demolish exterior metal siding
and backup assembly. Replace
Walls Above Poor/ with insulated metal panels on
A3.1 Exterior Walls 2018 $235,000
Grade End of Life girts at entire envelope. Carry
down past block at exterior. Trim
all doors and window openings.
Add horizontal steel girt at top of
Support at Top Outdated 2018 $40,000
masonry wall.
of Block Wall
Windows and Exterior
A3.2 Good No Action. n/a -
Entrances Windows
A3.3 Roof Covering Roof over Arena Good No Action. n/a -

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
Replace roof - see lobby addition
Roof over Lobby Poor item 4 under recommended code 2018 $17,000
Roof over
Poor Repair approximately 1000sf. 2018 $15,000
Service Rooms
Replace gasket/sealant between
Poor the bottom of roof panel and 2018 $15,000
fascia trim.
Demolish canopy to be replaced as
a part of the lobby expansion
A3.4 Projections Front Canopy Poor 2018 $2,500
noted in recommended code
upgrades below.
Subtotal $ 1,006,500
B Interiors
B1 Partitions and Doors
B1.1 Partitions Block Walls Fair No Action. n/a -
Second Floor
B1.2 Doors Good No Action. n/a -
Metal Doors
Exterior Exit Replace 4 now, the rest are to be 2018 $12,000
Doors replaced in next 10 years. 2028 $6,800
Replace with new hollow metal
Locker Room
Fair/Poor doors. Include hardware and 48" 2018 $5,400
high kickplates.
First Floor Replace with new wood doors,
Fair/Poor 2018 $11,400
Wood Doors hardware, and kick plates.
Mechanical / Replace with hollow metal doors
Fair 2018 $8,000
Electrical Doors that include ULC rating.
Repair/Touch-up dents and rust
on frame. Replace overhead door
in ice resurfacer room with rated
Overhead Doors Fair 2018 $25,000
fireshutter to meet new fire
resistance ratings recommended
in code upgrades.
Aluminum doors and hardware to
Aluminum be replaced as a part of the lobby
Good 2018 See E4
Doors expansion noted in recommended
code upgrades below.

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
B2 Finishes
Replace all skate floor in Locker
Rooms, Arena, Washrooms and
Lobby access to Washrooms with
10mm skate floor. Include
transitions. Increase extents in 2018 $30,000
B2.1 Floor Finishes Skate Floor End of Life
arena to walls and include access 2028 $37,200
to all rink gates. Usable life of
skate floor is 10-15 years and will
require full replacement within 20
year projection.
Second Floor
Replace rubber base where wood
Vinyl Rubber Fair 2018 $1000
paneling is being replaced.
Floor does not need to be replaced
Second Floor now, but can be expected to
Good/Fair 2028 $28,500
Vinyl Flooring require replacement over next 20
Concrete Floor
Install new non-slip epoxy floor
in Lobby/ Poor 2018 $9,000
Replace treads with new vinyl slip
Stair Treads Poor resistant tread which is easier to 2018 $5,000
Vestibule Add recessed mat and drain in
Poor 2018 See E4
Concrete new vestibule.
Concrete Floor
Clean and repair cracks, paint
in Services Poor 2018 $4,500
with non-slip paint.
No Action (recommending
Carpet Outdated demolishing and replacing this n/a -
Replace with non-slip epoxy
flooring - included in lobby
Canteen Vinyl
Fair/Poor addition and renovation, item 4 2018 $19,500
under recommended code
Paint structure of ceiling once
B2.2 Lobby Ceiling Poor exposed following roof 2018 $4,000

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
Replace with suspended acoustic
tile ceilings in canteen (clean tile).
Replace with abuse
Outdated resistant/moisture resistant 2018 $13,000
gypsum wall board ceilings in
locker rooms, washrooms, and
rooms with janitorial storage.
Repair damaged T-bar and
Acoustic Tile acoustic tiles (assume 5%) in
Fair 2018 $1,500
Ceilings Community Room and Mezzanine
B2.3 Wall Finishes Painted Walls All walls to be painted. 2018 $23,000
Demolish plywood wall finish and
Plywood trims. Replace plywood walls in
Fair 2018 $7,500
Painted lobby and canteen with abuse
resistant gypsum board.
Exposed Vapour No Action (will be demolished as
Poor n/a -
Barrier part of envelope replacement).
Replace in Community Room and
Wall Paneling
Mezzanine Corridor with abuse
and Wall Outdated 2018 $8,000
resistant gypsum board. Include
chair rail.
B3 Fittings and Equipment
Fittings and Replace with railings that have a
B3.1 Stair Railings Fair 2018 $2,500
Fixtures profile which meet the code.
Replace wood cap with new wood
Stair Guard Poor 2018 $1,500
Rebuild to incorporate barrier
free seating at lower levels and
appropriate bleacher width for
people to walk behind people
Bleachers Outdated 2018 $120,000
seated (800mm min). Rebuild with
metal bleacher system and
backless seats. Reconfigure
sprinkler system below.
Outdated Replace with round profile railing. 2018 bleachers
Poor Replace. 2018 $950
Shelving and Replace all millwork in canteen as
Fair/Poor 2018 $8,500
Counters part of lobby reconfiguration.

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
Replace with built-in vanity which
Vanities Fair allows for barrier-free clearance 2018 $1,600
Mirror, Paper
Good Move down to barrier-free height. 2018 $50
Dispenser, Soap
Locker Room Replace with HDPE benches. Use
Outdated 2018 $3,000
Benches existing steel supports.
Replace dasherboards with new
42" aluminum frame dasher
boards. Glass at 6' on long sides
Dasher Boards
B3.2 Equipment Poor and 8' at radius and ends. Add 2018 $190,000
and Glass
new players’ benches and
timekeeper bench at north side to
extend to back of envelope.
Add more rink netting around full
Rink Netting Good extent of perimeter except 2018 $15,000
players’ benches.
No Action (we understand a new
Scoreboard Poor scoreboard has been ordered n/a -
since our visit in 2017)
Washroom Replace 3 damaged washroom
Good/Fair 2018 $7,000
Partitions partitions in locker rooms.
Washroom Add sanitary napkin disposals in
Good 2018 $85
Accessories Female Washroom.
Television Good No Action. n/a -
Hooks Good Lower hooks. 2018 $100
Operable Wall Fair Demolish, patch and trim. 2018 $2,500
Sliding Grille Good No Action. n/a -
Sliding Grille to be replaced as a
part of the lobby expansion noted
Overhead Hatch Poor 2018 $6,500
in recommended code upgrades
Good No Action. n/a -
Furniture Outdated Replace two office chairs. 2018 $500
Subtotal $618,985

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
C Services
C1 Mechanical
Plumbing and
C1.1 Water Entrance Good No Action. n/a -
Note that pipe is original to the Test
Plumbing building. Town of Rothesay in
Good $80,000
Piping should test to confirm pipe is lead 2017/
free. Allow for pipe replacement. 18
Good No Action. n/a -
Canteen fixtures
and drinking Good No Action. n/a -
Plumbing in showers and water
closets are in fair condition. Lavs
Locker Room are showing rust on drains.
Fair/Poor 2018 $15,000
Fixtures Replace lavatories, provide
allowance for other fixtures
requiring updating.
Utility sinks in
Jan Closet,
Zamboni Room
and former Outdated Replace with new. 2018 $4,500

Eyewash Poor Replace with new. 2018 $2,000

Wall Hydrants Fair Add cover. 2018 $1,200

Domestic Hot
Outdated Replace with new. 2018 $15,000
Water Tanks
Zamboni Hot
Good No Action. n/a -
Sanitary The drains serving the dressing
Drainage Fair room drain slowly. Add drains to 2018 $10,000
System extended locker rooms.
Fire Sprinkler
C1.2 Good No Action. n/a -
Protection Entrance

Compressor Good No Action. n/a -

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
Town of Rothesay has had to
replace failed sections of piping
Sprinkler Piping Outdated recently. This could become a 2018 $62,000
safety concern. Replace sprinkler
Good No Action. n/a -
Good working condition. Clean
C1.3 HVAC Heaters Serving Fair 2018 $2,000
and paint in all locations.
Admin Areas
Unit Heaters Outdated Replace with New. 2018 $20,000
Electric Forced
Good No Action. n/a -
Flow Heaters
A number of fans are outdated
Ventilation and some heavily corroded. 2018 $40,000
Replace all fans.
Wall Grille in
Former Skate Poor Remove grille and patch wall. 2018 $800
sharpening room
Electrical Room Ventilation system is undersized
Poor 2018 $3,000
Ventilation and should be replaced.
Outdated Replace with new. 2018 $90,000
Good No Action. n/a -
Compressors are aged, but Cimco
is refurbishing them on two year
C1.4 Refrigeration Compressors Good 2028 $200,000
intervals. Due to age, plan to
replace these in ten years.

Pumps are aged, but Cimco is

maintaining them regularly. Due
Pumps Good 2028 $40,000
to age, plan to replace these in ten

Evaporator Good No Action. n/a -

Working well, but has required

Cooling Tower Fair maintenance in recent years. 2023 $100,000
Plan to upgrade in 5 years.
Piping Within
the Refrigeration
Good No Action. n/a -
Room and Brine

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
Brine piping Notable leaks on slab. Replace
Poor 2018 See A2.1
loops below slab piping. Refer also to A2.1.
C1.4 Controls Cimco Controls Good No Action. n/a -
No Action. Note that these are
manual controls. The building
HVAC Controls Good n/a -
does not include a building
management and control system.
C2 Electrical
C2.1 Service and Main service No action.
Good n/a -
Distribution entrance
Relocate existing electrical
easement to allow for expansion
to north side of building. Extra
Easement Good over - Unforeseen changes to 2018 $75,000
incoming utility service cabling &
equipment to accommodate new
Distribution panels are
Distribution operational and in fair condition,
End of life 2018 $36,000
panels but past their service life. These
should be replaced.
2 of the transformers in the
electrical room have external
water damage and need to be
Transformers verified for internal damage; 2018 $7,000
these also need drip hoods
installed. The remaining units are
in good condition
Most of the disconnect switches
throughout the space are from
Fair the original construction and 2018 $20,000
should be replaced and relabeled
as to what they feed.
The lighting for the ice surface
Ice surface area is in good condition but
Outdated 2023 $210,000
lighting would benefit from an upgrade to
The lighting is in fair condition
Lighting in overall except for a number with
Included in
community damaged or missing lens.
Fair/Poor 2023 ice surface
room, lockers, Recommend replacement of all
canteen lighting in the building with LED
in the next 5-10 years.

Action Recommended Estimated
Component Specific Items Condition Year
(Replace*/Repair*/No Action) Cost
Exterior lighting appears to be in
good to fair condition and
Exterior lighting Good/Fair 2023 $20,000
operating properly but would
benefit from an upgrade to LED.
C2.3 Systems and No action. Continue annual
Fire alarm panel Good n/a -
Ancillaries testing.
Devices are in good condition.
Fire alarm
Good Wiring should be run in conduit 2018 $10,000
in all locations.
Exit signs are in good condition
but out of date. No replacement
Exit lighting Outdated n/a -
required unless a renovation
takes place.
Emergency No action.
Good n/a -
Subtotal $1,065,500
D Functional Upgrades
Combine existing locker rooms to create 3 locker rooms. Add three new locker rooms
1 2018 $325,000
to north side of rink (700sf each). Allow 25% gross-up for circulation and services.
2 Add rooms to accommodate storage deficiencies in building. 2018 See E3
Subtotal $325,000
E Recommended Code Related Upgrades
1 Add barrier free door opener at entrance. 2018 $3,500
2 Extend female washroom to include 5 additional water closets and 3 new lavatories. 2018 $80,000
Demolish storage rooms for Minor Hockey, High School Hockey and Figure Skating
located in arena space. Add new rooms at ground level large enough to accommodate
3 2018 $61,000
storage deficiencies in building. Allow for 150sm also to include additional storage
rooms to address deficiencies in the building.
Extend lobby by 50sm. Add barrier-free lift to second floor to enter at end of
4 2018 $150,000
mezzanine corridor. Reconfigure Canteen.
5 Add barrier free signage. 2018 $4,500
Provide 1 hour fire rating at electrical room and mechanical room. Include
6 2018 $7,000
Provide 1.5 hour fire rating at Ice Resurfacer Room. Replace overhead door with fire
7 2018 $21,600
rated shutter.
Strengthen structural framing to resist current
8 building code design criteria for snow and wind 2018 see roof
Subtotal $327,600

Net Building Costs $3,343,600
General Requirements and Fee (18%) $601,900
Design and Pricing Contingency (15%) $591,900
Construction Contingency (7%) $317,600
TOTAL Construction Estimate (excluding HST) $4,855,000

The above estimate is for Construction only over a 20 year timeframe. Total project costs will include soft
costs including items related to the project but not directly related to the construction of the building. Some
examples of soft costs are professional fees, furniture, fixtures, and equipment, signage, legal fees,
insurance, cost of studies, and cost of Town staff time dedicated to infrastructure projects. A rule of thumb
for estimating soft costs on a construction project is to allow 20-25% of total project costs for soft costs. This
rule of thumb applied would give a probable estimate of approximately $6.5M in project costs.

Estimation of Probable Costs By Year

2018 2023 2028
Net Building Costs $2,702,200 $330,000 $311,400
General Requirements and Fee (18%) $486,400 $59,400 $56,100
Design and Pricing Contingency (15%) $478,300 $58,400 $55,100
Construction Contingency (7%) $256,700 $31,400 $29,600
TOTAL Construction Estimate
$3,923,600 $479,200 $452,200
(excluding HST)



Corrosion of Exterior Frame for Mechanical
Areas of Crack Repair in Slab


Cracking and Settlement of Floor Slab along Cracking in Slab on North Side of Rink due to
North Exterior Wall Floor Settlement

Appendix A
Moss and Vegetation on Concrete Foundation North Side of Rink with Drainage Towards
Wall Building

Reinforced Roof Purlins

Patched Ice Slab

Appendix A
Top of Exterior Block Wall Unsupported

Typical Rink Board Post

Typical Roof Framing

Typical Structural Steel Framing

Appendix A

Filled cracking in rink slab

Repair to rink slab

Main stair open to above

Stair rubber treads

Appendix A
Scratches in railing cap Stairs to minor hockey storage


Ladder to ceiling storage above canteen Exit stair

Appendix A
Spalling in concrete masonry

Appendix A
Exterior metal siding

Exterior hardware


Exterior windows Metal roof panel

Appendix A
Bottom of roof panel and fascia trim Previous repairs to roof

Metal roofing on canopy

Ponding on roof

Appendix A
Plexiglass in community room

Metal exit doors


Damage at exit door Door frame at exit stair

Appendix A
Visible damage to wood doors

Wood door at canteen storage


Wood door to locker room Overhead door

Appendix A
Aluminum doors Painted concrete floor at lobby


Painted concrete floor in mechanical room Sealed concrete floor in electrical room

Appendix A
Vinyl floor transitions

Skate floor

Vinyl floor in community room

Vinyl floor in canteen storage

Appendix A
Patched vinyl floor

Shower floors


Water infiltration above vapour barrier Water infiltration above vapour barrier

Appendix A
Rips in vapour barrier in ice resurfacer room Stained vapour barrier at exit stair

Worn block wall at lobby

Tile ceilings

Appendix A
Rips in vapour barrier at lobby

Damaged trim

Damaged trim

Arena stands

Appendix A
Damaged information boards

Janitor Shelving

Canteen shelving

Vanity in washroom

Appendix A
Locker room benches Damage to dasherboard radius

Players benches

Arena netting

Appendix A
Damage in timekeeper’s box

Baby change table


Washroom partition Operable wall

Appendix A


Water Entrance Washroom Vanity C/W Lavs


Washroom Water Closet Urinals

Appendix A
Canteen Sink Dressing Room Lav


Dressing Room Water Closet Dressing Room Shower

Appendix A
Janitor’s Sink Zamboni Room Utility Sink with Eyewash


Non-Freeze Wall Hydrant Hot Water Heaters

Appendix A
Hot Water Heater – Canteen Zamboni Hot Water Heaters


Thermastor Tanks Cleanout Sump Cover

Appendix A
Sprinkler Entrance Recently Replaced Sprinkler Pipe


Typical Baseboard Heater Typical Unit Heater

Appendix A
Electric Forced Flow Heater Destract Fan and Transfer Grille


HVAC for Ryan and Charlie’s Office Canteen Exhauster

Appendix A
Washroom exhaust Fan Canteen, Dressing Room and Community Room
Exhaust Fan


Grille in Former Skate Sharpening Room Zamboni Exhaust Hose

Appendix A


Brine Pumps Evaporator

Appendix A
Cooling Tower Brine Header and Loop Branches


Cimco Control Panel Cimco Control Panel

Appendix A

IMAGE E-001 10kVA wall mounted transformer showing
Utility pole with service to building corrosion from water infiltration


Main service entrance Main 600V distribution panel with missing filler
plate and fasteners

Appendix A
208V Sylvania load centre with missing filler
IMAGE E-005 plate
Typical labelling with masking tape

Mezzanine panels with missing filler plates

Appendix A
Worn insulation on moveable receptacle cord
behind players’ bench IMAGE E-010
Damaged AC90

Junction box with missing filler plug
Improperly fastened EMT conduit


Toggle switch in workshop missing its Receptacle at platform not fastened to any
coverplate, hanging by its wires and conduit surface
improperly fastened

Appendix A
Typical fluorescent luminaire with disconnect
IMAGE E-015 plug (entrance vestibule shown, others similar)
Damaged receptacle in community room

Metal halide lighting in ice surface area

IMAGES E-018, E-019 AND E-020

Damaged, missing or misaligned lenses on luminaires in change rooms (canteen, community and
storage rooms similar)

Appendix A
Typical exterior building mounted lighting

Main fire alarm control panel

Fire alarm bell with wiring not run in conduit IMAGE E-024
(community room shown, typical for all areas) Open junction box at sprinkler system
supervisory device wiring

Appendix A
Typical exit sign with wire guard
Typical emergency lighting battery pack

Appendix A

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