Manual Procedures

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Quality/Environmental Manual.........4

Documentation Requirements..........93

Control of Documents......................96

Control of Records.........................100

Management Review.......................103

Competence Awareness & Training.111

Control of Nonconforming Product. 116

Corrective and Preventive Action....120

Work Instructions..........................124

Work Instructions..........................127

Management Review FC-MR-5.6.....131

Page: 3

SOP 4.2.2

1. Scope


The Company is a design-responsible supplier of

(name your product here). Our products (name your
market here) and therefore the quality and
environmental management system adhere to the
current ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001 standards, and
The Company’s quality and environmental policies.

The Company has based the Quality Environmental

Management System described in this manual to
demonstrate our capability (see Section 5) to provide
products and services that meet customer and
applicable regulatory requirements, and to operate with
increased effectiveness and efficiency with the overall
aim of enhancing customer satisfaction consistently.

We developed Quality/Environmental Systems in

accordance with the following four additional types of
documents containing recommended automotive
industry practices, examples, illustrations, and
explanations, to smooth the progress of continual
improvement by emphasizing defect prevention and the
reduction of variation and waste:

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 International Automotive Task Force (IATF)
Guidance to ISO 9001 and all related documents

 Quality System Assessment Checklist to ISO

9001 and all related documents

 ISO/TS 16949 Automotive Certification Scheme-

Rules for Achieving IATF Recognition and all
related documents

 ISO 14001 Environmental Management

Systems Requirements and all related
 Customer-specific requirements and guidance

Company Background

The Company, established in XXXX, and the

headquarters is located at XXX Some Street, City,
State, zip.

The Company currently supplies to the following



Where possible we integrated the quality system and

the environmental management system to ensure that
operations are cost effective and environmentally
responsible. The Company’s’ Quality and
Environmental Policy are available upon request.

Page: 5

Our Quality/Environmental Systems comply with all

applicable requirements contained in ISO/TS
16949:2002, covers the design and provision of all
company products, and encompasses all operations at
both of our facilities. The following table identifies the
requirements not applicable to our organization and provides a
brief narrative justifying their exclusion from the scope of our
Quality/Environmental Systems:

Exclusion Table
Clause Exclusion Justification

2. Reference Documents

The following external documents contain

provisions, which, through reference in this manual,
constitute provisions of our Quality/Environmental

 ISO 9000:2005, Quality management

systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary
 ISO 9001:2000, Quality management
systems – Requirements
 ISO 9004:2000, Quality management
systems – Guidelines for performance

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 Customer Specific Requirements:

 ISO/TS 16949:2002, Quality management

systems – particular requirements for the
application of ISO 9001:2000 for
automotive production and relevant service
part organizations
 CSR-Ford, Ford Motor Company Customer-
Specific Requirements for Use with ISO/TS
 CSR-GM, General Motors Customer
Specific Requirements - ISO/TS 16949:2002
 CSR-DC, DaimlerChrysler (Chrysler Group)
Customer-Specific Requirements for Use
with ISO/TS 16949:2002

 Customer Reference Manuals:

 APQP-2, Advanced Product Quality

Planning & Control Plan (APQP)
 FMEA-3, Potential Failure Mode and
Effects Analysis (FMEA Third Edition)
 PPAP-4, Production Part Approval Process
(PPAP Fourth Edition)
 SPC-3, Statistical Process Control (SPC)

1. The SPC Reference Manual, Second

Edition, has an improved flow and
2. Reinforces the need for a systemic
approach to analysis of variation in data

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3. Addresses additional control chart
methods and tools
 MSA-3, Measurement Systems Analysis
 TS-QSA2, Quality System Assessment
Checklist, Checklist to ISO/TS 16949:2002
TS-GS, IATF Guidance to ISO/TS

3. Terms and Definitions

Our Quality/Environmental Systems uses the same

internationally recognized terms, vocabulary, and
definitions given in ISO 9000 as supplemented by
terms defined in ISO/TS 16949:2002, Section 3.
Acronyms, terms, vocabulary, and definitions
unique to our organization, customers, industry, and
region and referenced throughout our
Quality/Environmental Systems are contained in
Appendix A, Terms and Definitions.

4. Quality Management System

General Requirements

Top Management is responsible to define the

organization’s quality and environmental policy and
ensure that it is documented, communicated, and
understood throughout the organization.

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Management review meetings, include the Quality
and Environmental policies and objectives for
continuing suitability.

Our Quality/Environmental Systems is part of our

overall management system, which establishes
documents and implements our quality policy, and
related processes for providing products and
services, which meet or exceed customer
requirements, and satisfies Quality/ Environmental
Systems requirements of ISO9001/ 14001.

We have adopted the process approach advocated

by ISO 9000, by defining and managing:

 Process inputs, controls, and outputs to ensure

desired results are achieved, and

 Interfaces between interrelated processes to

ensure system effectiveness is achieved.

Specific responsibilities for and the sequence and

interaction of our key Quality/Environmental
Systems processes are detailed in the Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs), many of which
contain or reference deployment flow charts
depicting the process or procedure described in the
narrative SOP. Appendix A contains a List of Key
Quality/ Environmental Systems Documents,
including all SOPs and other key
Quality/Environmental Systems documents.

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General requirements – Supplemental

We also recognize the significant role that

subcontractors play in achieving desired results and
recognize that we must ensure proper control over
outsourced Quality/ Environmental Systems
processes (Section 7). Outsourced processes are
also depicted in our flowcharts; procedures
governing their management are described in
documents referenced in applicable SOPs.
Documentation requirements


The Management, through the Management Team,

is responsible to implement and maintain a quality
and environmental management system, and
continually improve its effectiveness.

Quality/Environmental Management System

processes, including their sequence and interaction
with other processes, have been identified and
documented in this Quality/ Environmental Manual,
and are managed in accordance with ISO and
customer requirements. Management reviews the
identified and documented indicators for
measurement and analysis to assure effectiveness
and efficiency.

The Management ensures that adequate resources

and information necessary to support the operation,
monitoring, measuring, and analysis of these

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processes is made available and actions necessary to
achieve planned results and support continuous

Each Department Manager is responsible for

evaluating and adjusting resource requirements to
efficiently execute assignments and accomplish
goals defined in the business plan, including the
implementation and control of the Environmental
Management System. Management gives
individuals total support and the necessary authority
to perform the assigned tasks.

The Company recognizes that control of any

outsourced processes is necessary in order to ensure
the product conforms to customer requirements.

Quality/Environmental Systems documents and data

may be in hard copy or electronic media. This
quality manual, SOPs, and other internal and
external documents and data needed to manage,
perform, or verify work affecting product quality.
We use SOPs and flow charts to document and
define the key Quality/Environmental Systems
processes. We also issue and control work
instructions, job descriptions, and other internal and
external documents and data as appropriate and
needed to manage our systems (Section 4).

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Quality manual

This manual is that part of our

Quality/Environmental Systems defines the scope
of our Quality/Environmental Systems and
documents the policy, procedures, and processes
needed to implement our quality policy and achieve
our quality objectives. This manual also shows our
justification for any exclusion from ISO/TS
16949:2002 requirements (Section 1) and defines
the overall sequence of between our key
Quality/Environmental Systems processes.

Control of documents

Quality/Environmental records represent

information that demonstrates conformity to
Quality/Environmental Systems requirements and
effective operation of The Company’s’ Quality and
Environmental system. Pertinent records from our
subcontractors are an element of this.

Each Process Owner is responsible for identifying

which records they consider quality/environmental
records and for collection, storage, protection,
retrieval, and the retention and disposition of these

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Quality/Environmental records are legible, readily
available and retained for a specified period in
Quality Record Matrix. Record retention must
satisfy both regulatory and customer requirements,
as well as ISO/TS requirements. Once retention
time is met, records should be disposed of

The information Quality Manager has overall

responsibility for ensuring that all
Quality/Environmental Systems documents, below
includes forms used to create controlled quality
records as detailed in procedure SOP 4.2.3:

a) Approve documents for adequacy prior to


b) Review, update as necessary, and re-approve


c) Identify the current revision status of


d) Ensure that relevant versions of applicable

documents are available at points of use.

e) Ensure that documents remain legible, readily

identifiable, and retrievable

f) Ensure that identified external documents

(including customer-engineering
standards/specifications) have controlled

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g) Prevent the unintended the use of obsolete
documents, and to apply suitable identification
to them if they are retained for any purpose.

Engineering specifications

The Program Manager oversees our process for

assuring the timely review, distribution, and
implementation of all customer-engineering
standards/ specifications and changes based on
customer-required schedule; The Company uses a
Product Data Management system to manage and
control engineering records and data (see SOP

The Company considers reviews timely if

performed within two working weeks of receipt.
When a change involves standards or specs that are
reference on design records, or they affect PPAP
documents, we submit an updated PPAP.
(Section 7)

Master Lists

Requirements for the establishment and

maintenance of Master Lists of internal and external
Quality/Environmental Systems documents are
defined in SOP 4.2.3.

Control of records

Quality/Environmental records represent

information that demonstrates conformity to

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Quality/Environmental Systems requirements and
effective operation of The Company’s’ Quality and
Environmental system. Pertinent Records from our
sub-contractors are an element of this. Records may
be in the form of hard copy or electronic media.
SOP 4.2.4 details procedures necessary to control
Quality/Environmental Systems records that, as a
minimum, are prepared to document:

a) Results of processes performed, including

identification of the individual performing the

b) Product/process evaluation/acceptance criteria

c) Procedures, drawings, or instructions used to

perform an activity, including revision or date of

d) Identification of material, parts, or equipment

used in the making of the product

e) Personnel, material or equipment qualifications

f) Pertinent technical records from sub-contractors

Records Retention

SOP 4.2.4 contains related procedures and

responsibilities to ensure:

 Record controls established satisfy all

regulatory and customer requirements.

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 Records controlled include customer-specified
 Disposition of records also includes their
 Management Responsibility
 Management commitment

The Managing Director, along with the management

team, is responsible to communicate the importance of
meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory
requirements. We provide evidence of commitment to
the development, implementation, and improvement of
our Quality/ Environmental Systems in very tangible

Our quality policy statement (Section 5) documents and

communicates the importance of meeting or exceeding
all applicable requirements (including customer,
regulatory and legal requirements) through continual
improvement of our processes, products, and services.

We ensure understanding, implementation, and

maintenance of our quality policy at all levels of the
organization through widespread printed distribution of
our quality policy statement, through periodic
management review of the quality policy statement, and
corporate level improvement objectives. We
communicate and deploy our quality policy and
objectives throughout the organization through
individual performance objectives established and

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reviewed during employee performance reviews
(Section 5 and 6).

 All managers demonstrate their commitment to

the development and improvement of the Quality/
Environmental Systems through the provision of
necessary resources (Section 6), through their
involvement in the internal audit process, and
through their proactive involvement in our
continual improvement activities (Section 8).
Emphasis is placed on improving both
effectiveness and efficiency of our key
Quality/Environmental Systems processes.

Process efficiency

Top management reviews product realization and

support processes to assure both effectiveness and
efficiency during management reviews (Section 5).

Customer focus

Customer requirements are determined during Quoting

and Contract review processes. Top Management
ensures that we meet these requirements with the aim of
enhancing Customer Satisfaction, through Customer
feedback and the following activities:

 The Company continually monitors and

measures customer complaints and other customer
input/ feedback to identify opportunities for
improvement (Section 8).

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 These customer focused communications and
interactions ultimately yield clear, explicit
customer requirements and expectations in the
form of a contractual agreement or customer
order; the Managing Director has overall
responsibility for ensuring that specified and
unspecified requirements are determined,
understood, and converted into requirements
(Section 7).

 Our quality policy statement indicates our

commitment and focuses on what is important to
us as an organization: achieving customer
satisfaction; and it prescribes the method by
which we accomplish this: by continually
improving processes, products, and services to
ensure they consistently meet or exceed
requirements. Moreover, our quality policy
statement acts as a compass in providing the
direction and a framework for establishing key
corporate level performance measures and related
improvement objectives. (Section 5)

 We ensure that our quality policy is

communicated and understood at all levels of the
organization through documented training, regular
communication, and reinforcement during annual
employee performance reviews (Section 6).

 Our quality policy statement is controlled by

inclusion in this manual, and along with all

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policies contained in this manual, is reviewed for
continuing suitability during management review
meetings (Section 5).

Quality/Environmental Policy

Management review meetings checks the Quality and

Environmental policies and objectives for continuing
Quality Objective

Our objective is to satisfy all of our customers with

quality products and services.

Quality Policy

Our Objective Will Be Accomplished Through

Customer Satisfaction by Providing:

1. Make statement
2. Make another statement

Quality objectives

The Managing Director and Operations Manager

ensures (established at relevant functions and levels
within the organization) that quality and environmental
objectives and measures are documented in a business
plan, including those needed to meet product

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The Company’s Management Team annually reviews
business plan and revises, as appropriate, to encourage
customer satisfaction and overall growth of the
organization. The business plan includes short and
long-term goals relating to quality and environmental
policy objectives, and defines timeframes to achieve
each goal. We also have methods to track update and
revise fall under the Continuous Improvement Process.

The quality manual documents the necessary processes

that define the planning process for
quality/environmental management system and

The Company benchmarks trends in quality;

productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness are, as
information is available. We accomplished
Benchmarking formally and informally via trade shows,
reading material, customer feedback, and charting of
performance measures (Section 6).

Objectives may include the following possible

measures (Section 5):

 Customer Satisfaction: Managing Director

(Section 8)

 Supplier Performance: Materials Manage

(Section 7)

 Quality/Environmental Systems Effectiveness: ISO

Management Representative. (Section 8)

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 Overall Operational Efficiency and Manufacturing
Process Efficiency (Section 5 and 6)

 Training Effectiveness and Employee Awareness:

Human Resource Director (HRD) with input from
the Training Manager. (Section 6)

 Product Performance: Program Manager. (Section


 Effectiveness of Manufacturing Processes:

Production Manager (Section 7)

 Product Quality: Quality Manager (Section 8)

Quality objectives – Supplemental: Top management

utilizes the management review process (Section 5) to
define quality objectives and measurements to include
in our Business Plan and used to deploy our quality
policy. We base specific measurable objectives on
achievable performance within a specified period,
driven by the following objectives we strive to achieve
as a Full Service Supplier (FSS) to the automotive

a) Achievement of Zero Defects and 100% on time

delivery performance. (Section 7 and 8)

b) Manage and control facilities, processes, quality

systems and personnel to consistently and cost
effectively produce products and furnish services
that meet customer needs (Section 7).

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c) Develop and implement Advanced Product
Quality Planning (APQP) practices and
procedures in accordance with ISO/TS
16949:2002, including the AIAG “Advanced
Product Quality Planning and Control Plan”
reference manual, APQP-2, and associated
customer specific requirements documents.
(Section 7)

d) Provide objective evidence that all supplied

products and services satisfy all AIAG Production
Part Approval Process (PPAP) requirements,
PPAP-4¸ (Section 7) as required including
acceptable process capabilities for all
Special/Control Characteristics that have been
established. Note: In the absence of any specific
instructions, we will default to a level 3 PPAP
submission. (Section 7)

e) Utilize appropriate statistical techniques for on-

going process control and improvement as
established in the AIAG “Statistical Process
Control (SPC)” reference manual, SPC-3, and
associated customer specific requirements
documents. (Section 8)

f) Be committed to continuous process improvement

by emphasising reduction of part-to-part variation
and the elimination of all waste. (Section 8)

g) Conduct operations in conformance with, or to

exceed, all applicable environmental laws and

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regulations of the jurisdictions in which we do
business (Section 6).

h) Meet customer requirements by controlling and

using returnable packaging, of. (Section 7).

Quality management system planning

The Quality/Environmental Systems planning process

involves the establishment and communication of our
quality policy and objectives through issuance of this
manual and its associated procedures, and through the
provision of resources needed for its effective
implementation. This manual constitutes our overall
plan for establishing, maintaining, and improving

Our management review process and internal audit

process ensure the integrity of our System is maintained
when significant changes are planned and implemented
that affect our key Systems. (Sections 5, 6, and 8)

The Quality Manager develops appropriate quality

planning documents for specific products, projects, or
contracts whenever customer requirements exceed the
capability or intent of the product/service realization
and support processes described in our
Quality/Environmental Systems (Section 7).

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Responsibility, authority, and communication

Responsibility and authority

The Managing Director (MD), with the help of

department managers, sets direction and ensures the
success of our business through the clear definition and
communication of Quality/Environmental Systems
responsibilities and authorities. Other members of Top
Management include:

 The Operations Managing and

 The Human Resource Director

The interrelationship of Top Management and other key

personnel is depicted our Organization Chart.

Responsibility for quality

Overall Quality/Environmental Systems responsibility

and authority is as follows:

Top Management

Members of Top Management are ultimately

responsible for the quality of The Company’s’
products and services since they control the systems
and processes accomplished work. Top Management is
responsible for Business Planning, development and
communication of our quality policy,
Quality/Environmental Systems Planning including the
establishment and deployment of objectives (Section 5),

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the provision of resources needed to implement and
improve Quality/Environmental Systems and
management reviews (Sections 5 and 6).


All managers are responsible for execution of the

Business Plan and implementation of the policy,
processes, and systems described in this manual. All
managers are responsible for planning and controlling
Quality/ Environmental Systems processes within their
area(s) of responsibility, including the establishment
and deployment of operational level objectives (Section
5), and the provision of resources needed to implement
and improve these processes. Managers also conduct
employee performance reviews (Section 6).
Management with responsibility and authority for
corrective action promptly notifies employees of non-
conformities (Section 8). Management ensures the
staffing of all production shifts with personnel in charge
of, or delegated responsibility for product quality
(Section 7).


All employees are responsible for the quality of their

work and implementation of the policy and procedures
applicable to processes they perform. Personnel
responsible for product quality have the authority to
stop production to correct quality problems (Section 8).

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Detailed responsibilities and authorities for Quality/
Environmental Systems implementation and
improvement are contained in lower level documents
referenced throughout this manual and other
Quality/Environmental Systems documents including
procedures, flow charts, job descriptions, work
instructions, etc.

Management representative

The Company has appointed Quality and

Environmental Management representatives for each
system. The management representatives have the
responsibility and authority to:

 Ensuring that the ISO/TS 16949:2002 processes

needed for quality and environmental
management systems are established,
implemented, and maintained in accordance with
their respective standards
(Section 5).

 Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer

and environmental requirements throughout the
organization (Section 5)

 The Environmental Management Representative

is responsible for documenting and responding to
relevant communication from external parties.

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Customer representative

The Program Manager will ensure and address

customer requirements and will represent the needs of
the customer internal functions, from contract review
through production

Internal communication

The Company uses a variety of tools, including but not

limited to workplace meetings, memos, bulletins, new
employee orientation, and specific training sessions to
communicate internal information about the
effectiveness of our quality and environmental
management system, and its policies, objectives and
significant environmental aspects.

We communicate information regarding Quality/

Environmental Systems processes and their
effectiveness through documented training (Section 6),
the internal audit process (Section 8), continual
improvement, and corrective/ preventive action
processes (Section 8), and regular formal and informal
communications as follows:

 The ISO Management Representative posts

information on quality bulletin boards throughout
the facility to convey information regarding
customer requirements, and the status and
importance of quality activities.

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 The Company uses internal audits (Section 8) to
reinforce or communicate appropriate information
to employees.

The Operations Manager posts information on safety

bulletin boards throughout the facility to convey
information regarding the status of the Safety and
Environmental Management Program, and related
statutory/regulatory requirements. The Human
Resources Department posts information on employee
bulletin boards throughout the facility to convey
information regarding employee benefits, programs,
involvement opportunities, and applicable
statutory/regulatory requirements.

All managers and supervisors, are responsible for

establishing internal communications as needed to
convey to their employees the relevance and
importance of their activities; typically this information
is conveyed through production team meetings and
cross-functional improvement projects (Section 8).
Communications regarding how employees contribute
to the achievement of objectives, which we convey and
reinforce during employee performance, reviews
(Section 6).

Management review

Top Management conducts formal review meetings at

least quarterly to ensure the continuing suitability,
adequacy, and effectiveness of our
Quality/Environmental Systems in accordance with

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procedures detailed in SOP 5.6. The Managing Director
or designee chairs the corporate reviews and top
management from all relevant functions attends.
(Section 8)

The Company record review results provide at a

minimum, evidence of achievement of
quality/environmental objectives and customer
satisfaction. We retain meeting records.
(Section 5)

The Quality Manager ensures that review includes

analysis of actual and potential field failure and their
impact on quality, safety, and environment. The
primary output of management review meetings are
management actions taken (Section 8) to make changes
or improvements to our Quality/Environmental Systems
and the provision of resources needed to implement
these actions.

The Company holds review meetings at least monthly

to review plant specific data and process effectiveness
indicators, identifying opportunities for improvement
and corrective and preventative actions.

Quality system performance

Each management review includes all requirements of

the Quality/Environmental Systems including
monitoring of quality objectives (Section 5), regular
evaluation of the cost of poor quality (Section 8) , and
an assessment of the suitability and effective of support

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processes (i.e. plant, facility and equipment, Section 6)
as an essential part of our continual improvement
process (Section 8).

At a minimum, we use these results to demonstrate

achievement of the quality objectives in our Business
Plan and customer satisfaction with supplied product.

Review input

The management review meeting includes a review of

our quality policy (Section 5), all applicable
requirements of the QEMS, related performance trends,
and opportunities for improvement, follow-up actions
from earlier management reviews, results of self-
assessments (Section 8), and strategic or operational
changes that could affect the QEMS.

At a minimum, corporate level, effectiveness and/or

efficiency improvement objectives (Section 5)
documented in prior management reviews (and/or
specified in our Business Plan) and reviewed for status
and continuing suitability.
Review input – Supplemental.

In addition, The Program Manager provides an analysis

of actual and potential field-failures and their impact on
quality, safety or the environment as an input to the
management review process.

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Review output

At a minimum, outputs from management review

meetings include new/revised corporate level
improvement objectives and any related actions
required for improvement of the Quality/Environmental
Systems and its processes, improvement of product
related to customer requirements, and provision of
resource needs. Per SOP 5.6, we record the results of
management review meetings and the ISO Management
Representative maintains the records.

5. Resource Management

Provision of resources

The Company, through the Management team,

determines its resource needs and provides the
resources to implement and maintain the quality
management system and continually improve its
effectiveness, and to enhance customer satisfaction
by meeting customer requirements.

Resource requirements identified during the

Business Plan Process, Quoting process, and
advanced Quality/ Environmental Planning. We
accomplish verification of work through budget
comparisons, capital expenditure review,
performance measurements, as well as through the
results of internal audits of the quality and
environmental provided through our budgeting and
other business management processes including:

Page: 31

 Quality/Environmental Planning
 Business Planning
 Human Resource Planning
 Plant, Facility, Equipment and other
Infrastructure Planning
 Contingency Planning
 Work Environment, and Safety Planning
 Product Quality Planning (including
Advance Product Quality Planning)
 Planning of Customer-related Processes
 Product and Manufacturing Process Design
and Development Planning
 Planning of Purchased Product (Materials,
Services and Vendors)
 Production, and Service Provision Planning
 Measurement Systems Planning (including
the conduct of MSA)
 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement
Planning (including the use of SPC)
 Organizational Continual Improvement
 Manufacturing Process Continual
 Improvement Planning

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The MD, with input from other responsible managers,
monitors and measures overall operational efficiency
(including the cost of poor quality) and provides related
input and recommendations that may affect Quality/
Environmental Systems effectiveness to Top
Management for review and action (Section 5).

Human resources


The Company ensures that all employees who perform

activities that may affect product quality or have
significant impact on the environment have the
appropriate training, skills, experience and competence.
We utilize a “mentor” system for the first of four phases
with an experienced operator working with a new
person and the work instructions of the particular
process. In the second phase, the experienced person or
member of management continues to observe the new
person. In the third phase, we deem the new person
“competent” to work on his or her own. Some persons
may move on to the fourth stage and we deem them an
“expert” allowing them to train others or assume other

Competence, Awareness, and Training

The Company maintains a Training/Competence

Matrix for personnel by job description. It is a four-
quadrant system. It is which visually displays the
capabilities of the person according to which of the

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quadrants have been achieved. This Competency
Matrix is available to persons assigning work. All
personnel understand the importance of their activities
and their contribution to the achievement of the quality
and environmental objectives. (SOP 6)

Need Determination

Department managers and supervisors are responsible

to identify required training and competency for
personnel in their respective areas and to coordinate
training and follow through with evaluations for
competencies. Our Training Coordinator is responsible
to analyze effectiveness of training and competence,
and update of hourly employee Training/Competence
Matrix records.

The Human Resource Department, with input from

responsible managers, evaluates and qualifies
applicants for specific job openings based on
documented or demonstrated competencies. Where
possible, we help existing employees qualify for
new/changed jobs through the provision of appropriate
education and training, including on-the-job-training
(OJT). At a minimum, these include:

Product design skills

The Program Manager ensures that personnel with

product or manufacturing process design responsibility
(Section 7) are competent to achieve design

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requirements and are skilled in design methods (Section
7) needed to achieve desired results.


Responsible managers identify training needs for their

employees and achieve competence of all personnel
performing activities affecting product quality.
Personnel performing specific assigned tasks are
qualified, as required, with particular attention to the
satisfaction of customer requirements (application of
digitized mathematically based data, e.g.).


Responsible managers ensure on the job training (OJT)

is provided for personnel in any new or modified job
affecting product quality, including agency or contract
employees. Responsible managers ensure that
employees are aware of the relevance and importance
of their activities and contributions to the achievement
of our objectives.

Employee motivation and empowerment

The management team is responsible to motivate

employees to achieve quality objectives, to make
continual improvements and to create an environment
to promote innovation.

Page: 35
The Company carries out periodic audits with
employees to determine their awareness of the
relevance and importance of their activities and
contribute to the achievement of the quality and
environmental objectives.

We conduct Annual employee reviews to give one on

one interaction of communication employee with The
Company Management.


We utilize the “employee performance review process”

to motivate employees to achieve individual or
functional performance objectives that support
achievement of our corporate objectives (Section 5).
We use employee performance reviews and the internal
audit process (Section 8) to promote and assess the
extent of quality and technological awareness
throughout our organization. Responsible managers,
officers, and supervisors re-evaluate employee
competencies and evaluate employee performance
against established objectives through our employee
performance review process.


The Company evaluates the effectiveness of all actions

taken to meet competency needs. We evaluate provided
training through immediate feedback from the
employee and the manager, or supervisor who
identified the training requirement.

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The responsible manager collects the documents for
each training event. Responsible managers monitor and
measure the overall training effectiveness and to meet
competency needs and provides related
recommendations to Top Management for review and
action (Section 5).

Employee Awareness

Through their activities and contributions, we ensure

that our employees are aware of customer requirements
(Section 5 and Section 5), the relevance, and
importance achieving our quality policy (Section 5) and
objectives (Section 5). This is accomplished through
awareness training, employee performance reviews
(Section 6), and employee participation in our internal
audit (Section 8) and improvement (Section 8)


We maintain appropriate records of education, training,

skills, and experience in accordance with provision of
Section 4. Employee qualification/competency review
records and annual performance review results are
maintained by the Human Resources Department. The
Training Manager maintains records of all training


The Company provides and maintains the

infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to product

Page: 37
requirements, including buildings, workspace and
associated utilities; process equipment (hardware and
software as necessary); and any supporting services that
are needed, such as transportation or communication.

We use a multi-disciplinary approach to develop plant,

facility, processes, and equipment. In addition, we
detail methods to evaluate and monitor the
effectiveness of existing operations in SOP and
SOP 5.6.

The Company prepared contingency plans to satisfy

customer requirements in event of an emergency such
as utility interruptions, labor shortages, and key
equipment failure and quality issues. (SOP 6.3.2)

The Plant Supervisor has overall responsibility for

managing our Facilities and Equipment Maintenance
programs in accordance with SOP 6.3; these programs

 Facilities management, maintenance and repair

 Housekeeping/custodial services management

 Process equipment management, maintenance and


 Production tooling management, and

 Transportation and material handling equipment

management, maintenance, and repair

Page: 38
Plant, facility, and equipment planning

The MD uses a multidisciplinary approach for

developing plant, facility, and equipment plans. The
Program Manager ensures plant layouts are designed
and continually evaluated through the application of
lean manufacturing principles (state your approach
here) to minimize material travel, handling and value-
added use of floor space and facilitate synchronous
material flow.

The Plant Supervisor develops and implements an

effective preventive maintenance program utilizing
predictive maintenance methods (Section 7) as
appropriate. The Information Systems Manager has
overall responsibility for managing our automated data
processing and communications systems. Management
reviews the effectiveness of these efforts during
management review meetings (Section 5).

Contingency plans. The Quality Manager, in

conjunction with the Information Systems Manager and
other appropriate managers, ensures contingency plans
are documented in the Business Plan and implemented
as needed to satisfy customer requirements in the event
of an emergency such as utility interruptions, labor
shortages, and key equipment failure and field returns.

Work environment

We provide employee benefits, job and schedule

flexibility, interesting work, and involvement of our

Page: 39
employees in an empowered environment of continual
improvement (Section 6). We engender total
participation by involving employees in internal audit
(Section 8) and improvement (Section 8) activities. The
Human Resources Department has overall
responsibility for identifying, implementing, and
maintaining effective employee benefit and workforce
involvement programs.

The Operations Manager has overall responsibility for

identifying, implementing, and maintaining safety and
environmental management systems, processes and
controls needed to ensure product conformance and
meet customer, statutory or regulatory requirements.
We monitor and improve workplace safety, health, and
ergonomics by following proper manufacturing
practices, and through safety team meetings and
training (Section 6).

Personnel safety to achieve product quality: We design

and carry out production processes to ensure product
safety and minimize potential risks to employees as
may be identified during development of design
FMEAs (Section 7) and/or process FMEAs (Section 7)
and documented in work instructions located in process
areas (Section 7).

Cleanliness of premises

We provide and maintain a work environment in a state

of order, cleanliness, and repair consistent with the
product and manufacturing process needs (Section 6)

Page: 40
6. Product Realization

Planning of product realization

1. The Company has implemented a Quality and

Environmental-planning process to define and
document how the respective requirements will be
met (See SOP 7.1 & SOP 7.2). This planning
process is consistent with the requirements of the
ISO/ TS16949 standard and sets the framework for
all Company processes of the
quality/environmental management systems.

2. For new projects, a cross functional team plans the

processes with consideration given to, but not
limited to, the following:

a. The quality/environmental objectives and

requirements for the product

b. Environmental aspects/impacts

c. Product special characteristics, including safety


d. Error proofing for processes, facilities,

equipment, and tooling

e. The identification of any controls, processes,

equipment (including inspection and test
equipment), documentation, fixtures, training
and skills needed to achieve the required quality

Page: 41
and environmental objectives and targets,
including the prevention of pollution

f. Identification of required verification,

monitoring, measuring, inspection and test

g. Records are identified and kept as evidence that

the realization processes and resulting product
meet company and customer requirements per
the quality and environmental plans

h. Customer requirements and references to

technical specifications are to be included in the
quality plan

3. The Company uses the methods in the APQP, SPC

PFMEA, PPAP, MSA, and Control Plan manuals as

4. The quality plan and relevant work instructions,

clearly define acceptance criteria and approved by
the customer.

5. We maintain customer confidentiality for all

products and projects under development, and
related product information, including electronic

6. The Company assesses product and manufacturing

process changes that affect product realization. We
confirm defined activities to ensure compliance
with customer requirements. When we receive the

Page: 42
approval for any changes affecting customer
requirements, we notify the customer and validate
changes before implementation.

Planning of product realization – Supplemental

We review proprietary designs, impact use with the

customer.. (Section 7)

Our APQP/PPAP process, as detailed in SOP 7.1

provides a consistent advanced product quality planning
process acceptable to all of our customers. The APQP
Team uses the APQP process:
 Develop a control plan
 Develop/review failure modes and effects analysis
 Setup actions to reduce potential failure modes
with high risk
 Report required deliverables (i.e. Tooling,
Fixtures, PFMEA, Control Plans, PPAP, Run @
Rate, etc.)

Special Characteristics for inclusion in the control plan

comply with customer specifications (including
drawings, FMEAs, operator instructions, etc.) that
affect product characteristics and process parameters.

Page: 43
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) (Section 7).
The APQP Team Leader implements the PPAP
recognized by our customers, PPAP-4; see SOP 7.1) in
the absence of any specific instructions, we will default
to a level 3 PPAP submission. PPAP approval is
obtained prior to the first production shipment of
product (unless specifically waived by the customer).

The APQP Team Leader ensures:

 Submissions for part approval prior to the
implementation of changes, to determine the type
of quality re-certification required (PPAP
 Production following any change in process or
method of manufacture
 Change of source for subcontracted parts,
materials, or services (e.g. heat treating or plating)
 Product re-released after the tooling has been
inactive from volume production for twelve
months or more.

Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria is approved by the customer, where

required. For attribute data sampling, the acceptance
level is zero defects (Section 8).

Page: 44

We ensure the confidentiality of customer-contracted

products and projects under development and related
product information (Section 7).

Change control

The Quality Manager obtains necessary customer

approval of quality plans, acceptance criteria, product,
and/or manufacturing process, and all related changes
that may affect product realization. For propriety
designs, impact of form, fit, and function (including
performance and durability) are reviewed with the
customer, so all effects can be properly. When required
by the customer, additional verification and
identification requirements are performed, such as
required for new product introduction, validation, and
SOP 7.1. (Section 7)

Customer-related processes

Achieving our quality policy “to meet or exceed

customer requirements” requires that we determine,
understand, and consistently meet or exceed our
customers’ requirements and expectations, and that we
establish effective communication systems with our
customers with regards to product information,
inquiries, contract or order handling and related
changes, and customer feedback, including complaints.
(Section 8)

Page: 45
Determination of requirements related to the

The Company maintains documented procedures for

quoting and contract review and the coordination of
these activities. When a request for quote is received, it
is processed according to the Quoting Process to ensure
that quality and environmental requirements adequately
define and document considerations for recycling,
environmental impact, and identified characteristics
(Section 7).

Requirements include those specified by the customer

(including delivery and post delivery requirements);
requirements not stated by customer but are necessary
for specified or intended use; applicable statutory,
government, safety and environmental regulations and
requirements; and any additional requirements
determined by the Company.

The Company conforms to customer requirements for

designation, documentation, and control of special
characteristics that are indentified during the planning

All applicable government, safety, and environmental

regulations applied to the acquisition, storage, handling,
recycling, elimination, or disposal of materials.

Review of requirements related to the product

During Quoting and Contract Review, requirements

related to the product are reviewed to ensure that

Page: 46
product requirements are defined, contract or order
requirements differing from those previously expressed
are resolved, and The Company can meet the defined
This review is conducted before the purchase contract is
accepted, unless customer waives review requirement.
During Quoting, feasibility reviews and risk analysis
are carried out and documented to determine the
manufacturing feasibility of the product. Records of
feasibility reviews are maintained as in noted in the
Quality and Environmental Records.
Organization manufacturing feasibility

The Program Manager confirms and documents the

manufacturing feasibility of proposed automotive
products, including risk analysis, and product design
input and manufacturing process design input in
accordance with customer-specific requirements
governing the APQP/PPAP process detailed in SOP 7.1
in accordance with APQP. (Section 7).

Where product requirements are changed, we ensure

relevant documents are amended and relevant personnel
are made aware of the changed requirements (SOP

Customer communication

During the design and development planning the

following are determined and controlled: the design and
development stages, review, verification, and validation
that are appropriate to each design and development

Page: 47
stage and the responsibilities and authorities for design
and development.

To prepare for product realization, activities are carried

out using a multidisciplinary approach including
identification and monitoring of special characteristics,
development, and review of FMEAs and control plans.

Customer communication – Supplemental

The Information Systems Manager

establishes/maintains an ability to communicate
necessary information, including data, in a customer
specified language and format, including but not limited
to computer-aided design (CAD) data and electronic
data interchange (EDI).

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

The Company believes that the most effective and
efficient way to communicate throughout our supply
chain is to utilize a common industry practice for EDI.
The Company and our customers require EDI methods
to be employed by all partner suppliers throughout the
supply chain. All of our EDI initiatives, policies, and
transaction sets comply with the guidelines set forth by
the AIAG and our key suppliers are mandated to have
the capability to interface with us electronically.

Design and development

Design and development processes for tooling is

employed by The Company to transform customer

Page: 48
requirements into specifications, products, processes, or
systems. The Program Manager maintains a list of
products for which The Company has design
responsibility, i.e. the authority to establish a new, or
change an existing, tooling specification; this
responsibility includes testing and verification of design
performance within customer specified applications.
The Program Manager has overall responsibility for
managing tooling design and development activities in
accordance with SOP 7.3.

The Quality Manager has overall responsibility for

managing manufacturing process design and
development activities (for automotive products) in
accordance with our APQP/PPAP process detailed in
SOP 7.1 in accordance with customer specific
requirements (see APQP and serves as the overall
APQP Team Leader (as referenced throughout this
section). (Section 7)

Design planning

The Program Manager serves as Design Team Leader

for tooling design projects for new/changed non-
automotive products; The Quality Manager assigns a
qualified Quality Engineer to service as APQP Team
Leader for design projects involving new/changed
automotive products and related manufacturing
processes. The Design (or APQP) Team Leader uses
project management planning tools (available software
etc.) to establish a Design Plan that identifies design

Page: 49
stages, fixed design reviews, scheduled verification and
validation activities.

Multidisciplinary approach

The Design (or APQP) Team Leader forms a Design

(or APQP) Team composed of design, manufacturing,
engineering, quality, production and other appropriate
qualified personnel to prepare for product realization,
 Development/finalization and monitoring of special
 Development and review of Potential Failure Mode
Effects Analysis (FMEA) including actions to
reduce potential risks per customer guidance,
FMEA, and requirements
 Development and review of control plans

Design inputs

The Product Engineer or Program Manager is

responsible for ensuring that all applicable design
inputs are identified, documented and reviewed for
adequacy. These inputs include functional and
performance requirements; applicable statutory and
regulatory requirements and other requirements
essential for design and development. (See APQP
Workbook Master) (Section 7).

The Product Engineer or Program Manager is

responsible for ensuring that all valid design inputs are

Page: 50
identified, documented and reviewed. These inputs
include functional performance requirements,
applicable legal and regulatory requirements and other
requirements essential for design and development.

As designs and processes are developed, a document

for lessons learned is maintained which documents
information derived from previous similar designs. This
information is also reviewed as an input to new designs,
where applicable.

Incomplete, unclear, or conflicting requirements are

resolved prior to the release of the final design.

Product design inputs are identified, documented, and

reviewed, including:

a. Customer requirements such as special

characteristics, identification, traceability and

b. Information from similar product experience

including field data and internal input and
Competitor Analysis

c. Targets for product quality, life reliability,

durability, maintainability, timing and cost

Process design inputs are identified, documented, and

reviewed including:

a. Product design output data (i.e., DFMEA)

Page: 51
b. Targets for productivity, process capability and

c. Customer requirements

d. Process design includes the use of error-proofing

Advanced Product Quality Planning is used to indentify

Customer product and process special characteristics
and symbols to be included on FMEAS, Control Plans,
and other process documents as appropriate.

Design outputs

The Design (or APQP) Team Leader ensures that

design outputs comply with the design input
requirements; include information needed for
production and service provision; include or reference
acceptance criteria; indicate design characteristics
critical to the safe and proper operation of the product;
and are approved before issuance:

Product Design Outputs – Supplemental

Product design requirements outputs can be verified

and validated against product design input using:

 Design FMEAs and reliability results

 Product special characteristics and specifications;

 Product error-proofing

Page: 52
 Product definition including drawings or
mathematically based data

 Product design review results; and diagnostic

Manufacturing Process Design Output

Manufacturing process design outputs expressed in

terms that can be verified against manufacturing
process design input requirements and validated
(Section 7), including:

 Methods of rapid detection and feedback of

product/mfg process nonconformities

 Manufacturing process flow chart/layout

 Process approval acceptance criteria

 Maintainability and Measurability

 Results of error-proofing activities

 Control plans; work instructions

 Manufacturing process FMEAs

 Specifications and drawings

 Tool designs

Page: 53
Design review

During the evolution of each design project, the Design

(or APQP) Team Leader conducts design reviews as
planned and records results and any necessary actions.
The Design (or APQP) Team Leader uses input from
those involved in the review to propose a remedy for
each identified problem.


The Design (or APQP) Team Leader monitors the

design project by defining, analyzing and recording
measurements at specified stages of design and reports
summary results as an input to management review
(Section 5). Measurements may include quality risks,
costs, lead-times, and critical paths.

Design verification

Design verification is conducted to ensure that the

design and development outputs have met the specified
input requirements. Records of verification results and
any necessary actions are recorded on the DVP & R and
Program Open Issues.

Design Validation includes a review of field reports for

similar products, if applicable. Wherever practicable,
validation is completed prior to the delivery or
implementation of the product. Validation records and
any necessary actions are documented and maintained
per Quality Record.

Page: 54
Final validation testing is conducted to validate the final
product, design, and process. Validation is performed in
accordance with customer requirements, including
program timing, Production Part Approval Process
(PPAP) for customers requiring this program or other
sample submission programs as required.

Product approval is submitted after process verification.

It is the responsibility of the Program Manager in
cooperation with the Quality Manager to ensure The
Company submissions meet functional, material, and
appearance specifications as required by the customer.
Suppliers are required to follow The Company product
and manufacturing process approval procedures and

Design validation is performed on products that have

been produced from production equipment and tooling
wherever and to the extent possible. Records of
required tests are kept in the APQP documentation by
the Program Manager. If there needs to be corrective
actions, these are documented as changes and kept in
the ECN documentation.

Design validation

The Design (or APQP) Team Leader ensures design

validation is carried out as planned (per the Design
Plan) and records results and any necessary actions.
Design validation is performed to ensure the product or
service resulting from design efforts performs as
intended for all specified or known uses/applications.

Page: 55
As applicable, the Design (or APQP) Team Leader
plans and carries out or oversees design validation to
ensure it is performed in accordance with customer
requirements, including program timing.

Product Approval Process

Detailed in SOP 7.1, per PPAP, through the APQP

Team Leader, to ensure all customer engineering design
record and specification requirements are properly
understood and that the process has the potential to
produce product consistently meeting these
requirements during an actual production run at the
quoted production rate. Note: In the absence of any
specific instructions, we will default to a level 3 PPAP
submission (Section 7).

Control of design changes

Design changes throughout the life of the program are

reviewed, verified, validated, and approved, as
appropriate, by Engineering, Sales, and Manufacturing
before their implementation.

The review of a change includes an evaluation of the

effect of the changes on component parts and product
already delivered.

The customer will authorize design changes before

implementation. Records of the review and any
necessary actions are maintained. An internal work
order is distributed for changes as is detailed in the
Design Release and Change Procedure. The Company

Page: 56
will validate all production-engineering changes to
PPAP requirements.


We work in partnership with our suppliers to ensure

that purchased products and services meet all applicable
requirements. The processes applicable to the planning,
acquisition and verification of all products and services
that affect customer requirements (such as sub-
assembly, sequencing, sorting, and rework and
calibration services) are defined in accordance with the
policies outlined in this section.

Purchasing process

The type and extent of control applied to our suppliers

and purchased product is dependent upon the effect on
subsequent realization processes and their output, as
well as consideration of other characteristics including
the type of product; the potential impact of the product
on our processes, products, or services; the results of
supplier evaluations; and past performance.

Purchased products are verified (Section 7 and 8) to

ensure conformity to specified purchase requirements.

Regulatory conformity

Purchased products or materials are also verified to

ensure conformity to applicable regulatory

Page: 57
Purchasing, Quality Control, and Engineering work
together to ensure purchased products and /or services
conform to all specified requirements, including those
from the customer. Purchasing procedures are

Supplier Quality Management System Development

Essentially, the same requirements imposed on The

Company are cascaded down to our supply base. In
order to ensure the quality of the parts shipped by The
Company, we have established systems to manage the
parts and materials received from our supply base and
initiate supplier development based on importance of
the supplied product and supplier quality performance
in accordance with supplier expectations and
monitoring procedures defined in SOP 7.4.1.

Customer-approved sources

Where specified (by contract, customer engineering

drawing, or specification) we purchase products,
materials, or services from customer-approved sources.

A master list of approved suppliers is maintained to

ensure we only purchase product from The Company
qualified sources or customer-approved sources. The
results of evaluations and follow/up actions are

The Materials Manager monitors Supplier performance

per SOP 7.4.1 through one or more of the following
indicators: delivered product quality; customer

Page: 58
disruptions including field returns; delivery schedule
performance (including incidents of premium freight);
and special status customer notifications related to
quality or delivery issues.

Purchasing information

The Materials Planning and Logistics ensure the

adequacy of specified purchase requirements prior to
communication to the supplier per procedures defined
in SOP 7.4.2 and the following policies. Purchasing
information communicated to our suppliers contains the
appropriate data needed to clearly and fully describe
requirements for purchased materials and services;
including, where appropriate, requirements for
approval/qualification of product, procedures,
processes/systems, equipment; qualification of
personnel; and quality management system

Verification of purchased product

The Quality Manager ensures that purchased product is

verified prior to use or release in accordance with
provision of this section.

Incoming Product Quality

Quality Control is responsible for conducting

verification inspections to ensure incoming materials
meet customer specifications. Inspection procedures are
documented in the Receiving Inspection Process and on
Incoming Inspection Form.

Page: 59
The Quality Manager plans and implements appropriate
sampling plans and other statistical techniques to verify
purchased product per Section 8. As applicable, the
Quality Manager documents and communicates the
intended verification arrangements and method of
product release related to verification activities
performed at our suppliers’ premises.

Production and service provision

Control of production and service provision

We use a process-focused approach to plan and control

operations and support services related to production
and service provision. Our initial focus is to assure the
quality of process inputs - that is, employees, material,
facilities and equipment, and methods. Employees must
be equipped to perform the process properly through
appropriate education, training, and certification.
Material must meet specified requirements and be
properly identified, stored, and issued. Equipment and
facilities must be adequate, accurate, available, and
properly utilized The suitability of the fundamental
process inputs must be assured, and processes must be
measured, monitored, and controlled to assure
effectiveness and/or to identify opportunities for

Page: 60
Control plan

The Quality Manager develops control plans at the

system, subsystem, component, and material level for
the product supplied, including processes producing
bulk materials, as well as parts. (Section 7):
 For pre-launch and production that takes into
account the design FMEA and manufacturing
process FMEA outputs
 Ensures that productions across all shifts are staffed
with personnel in charge of, or delegated
responsibility for product quality
 Tooling Management: The Company personnel
maintain control over any work that is outsourced.
This is responsibility if Program Manager.
The Quality Manager further ensures that control plans:
 List the controls used for manufacturing process
 Include methods for monitoring of control exercised
over special characteristics defined by both The
Company and the customer
 Include customer-required information, if any
 Initiate the specified reaction plan when the process
becomes unstable or not statistically capable
 Are reviewed and updated when any change occurs
affecting product, manufacturing process,
measurement logistics, supply sources or FMEA

Page: 61
Work instructions
The Production Manager prepares appropriate work
instructions for all employees having responsibility for
processes that impact product quality and employee
safety (Section 6). The instructions are derived from
sources such as the control plan and the product
realization process and are accessible to the work areas
where they are needed.

Verification of job set-ups

Job set ups are verified prior to commencing each new

production runs and when process changes are made.
(Section 8). Work instructions governing set ups and
related verifications are developed and available, and
use statistical methods of verification where applicable.

Preventive and predictive maintenance

Per Section 6, the Plant Supervisor identifies key

process equipment, provides resources for their
maintenance, and develops an effective total preventive
maintenance system that at a minimum includes:

 Planned maintenance activities

 Packaging and preservation of equipment, tooling,

and gauging,

 Availability of replacement parts for key

manufacturing equipment

Page: 62
 Documenting, evaluating, and improving
maintenance objectives.
Management of production tooling
As part of manufacturing process design, (Section 7),
the Program Manager provides resources and oversees
efforts related to tool and gauge design, fabrication, and
verification activities. The Production Manager
establishes and implements a system for production
tooling management (or monitors these activities if any
work is outsourced), including:

 Setup

 Storage and recovery

 Maintenance and repair facilities and personnel

 Tool changing programs for perishable tools

 Tool design modification documentation, including

engineering change level

 Tool identification, defining the status, such as

production, repair, or disposal
Production scheduling

The Production Manager schedules production to meet

customer requirements and our goal to achieve 100%
on-time delivery performance through a just in-time
production control.

Page: 63
Feedback on information from services

The Managing Director collects and communicates

servicing concerns to Engineering, Manufacturing and
other appropriate personnel for the purpose of initiating
appropriate corrective, preventive or other improvement
action.(Section 8)

Service Agreements with customer

If there is a service agreement with the customer, the

Quality Manager will establish and implement a plan to
verify the effectiveness

The Production Manager ensures that production and

service jobs are planned, scheduled, and carried out in
accordance with procedures detailed in SOP 7.


Information inputs to the process include both product

characteristics and appropriate work instructions
containing specific work methods and other pertinent
information, including process monitoring and
verification instructions and criteria developed during
product quality planning and manufacturing process
development (Section 7).

The Production Manager ensures that all appropriate

information including final product specifications, raw
material characteristics and the required product
parameters, is provided to production personnel
throughout the product and service provision process.

Page: 64
Such information is provided through job schedules,
plans, team meetings, work instructions posted in areas
where they are needed, and through job specific
information included in individual job packs.

Work Instructions

The need for work instructions is dependent upon the

knowledge, skills, and abilities of our employees and
the complexity of the work process they are assigned to
perform. Engineering, Quality and other technical
personnel identify critical production and service work
will provide process sheets included in the job pack or
other information included in work instructions posted
in areas where they are needed.


The Plant Supervisor ensures the suitability and

availability of all equipment, facilities and tooling used
for production and service operations-(Section 6)

Monitoring and Measurement Devices

The Quality Manager ensures that monitoring and

measurement devices capable of meeting requirements
are available for use during production and service
provision (Section 7)

Monitoring Activities

The Production Manager, through Production Shift

Supervisors, ensures that production personnel monitor

Page: 65
the quality of the work and that employees understand
the procedures for reporting related problems and
suspected nonconforming conditions.( SOP 7.5.1) The
Quality Manager is responsible for planning and
implementing in-process inspections needed to ensure
process control and product quality. (Section 8)

Release, Delivery, and Post-Delivery Processes

Release of product is dependent on its compliance with

all specifications and its ability to meet customer
requirements including packaging, shipping, and
delivery, as identified in the contract. (Section 7)

The Managing Director periodically reviews

operational data and progress towards achieving of
corporate level performance objectives and provides
recommendations for review by Top Management.
(Section 5)

Validation of processes for production and service


The Company defines processes in which results cannot

be verified by subsequent monitoring or measurement
as “Special Processes”; this includes any processes
where deficiencies may become apparent only after the
product is in use or the service has been delivered. The
Program Manager has overall responsibility for
ensuring ‘Special Processes” are validated in
accordance with procedures detailed in SOP 7.5.2. As
applicable, arrangements are established:

Page: 66
 Defining criteria for review and approval of the

 Approval of equipment and qualification of


 Requirements for records; and revalidation

 Use of specific methods and procedures

Validation of process for production and service

provision – Supplemental

Process validation applies to all processes for

production and service provision (Section 7) related to
our products. The APQP Team Leader uses a
production part approval process acceptable to our
customer to validate that product realization processes
are capable of achieving desired results in accordance
with the APQP/ PPAP process detailed in SOP 7.1.

Identification and traceability

The Program Manager has overall responsibility for

establishing and maintaining product identification
throughout all stages of design, production, installation,
and delivery in accord with procedures defined in SOP
7.5.3. Where product traceability is a customer-specified
requirement, appropriate controls and records are

Page: 67
Identification and traceability – Supplemental

The identification and status of product is established

and maintained during all product and service
provision processes.

The Company identifies the product by suitable means

throughout product realization, including inspection and
testing activities.

Incoming material is assigned a part number. Incoming

material is received with labels indicating the assigned
part numbers. Incoming product received without part
numbers is tagged or labeled in Receiving. QC
Receiving personnel are responsible for verifying
incoming material part numbers and date coding as
detailed in the Receiving and Inspection Process.

Where contractually required, the Quality Manager

plans for, establishes, and maintains appropriate
traceability records in accordance with customer
requirements. (Section 7)

Customer property

Customer property includes customer-owned material,

tools (including returnable packaging), tooling
(including test/inspection tooling and equipment), and
intellectual property. The Company identifies, verifies,
protects, and maintains customer property provided for
use or incorporation into the product, by applying the
same process controls as we do to purchased product.
(Section 7)

Page: 68
Customer-owned production tooling

All customer-owned production tooling is permanently

marked so the ownership of each item is visible and can
be determined. The Quality Manager ensures that lost,
damaged, or unsuitable customer property is recorded
and immediately reported to the customer. (Section 8)

Preservation of product

The Plant Supervisor is responsible for preserving the

conformity of the product during internal processing
and delivery to the intended destination including
identification, handling, packaging, storage, and
protection. Designated storage areas are designed to
prevent damage, deterioration, and preservation of
product pending use or delivery.

A FIFO inventory system is used and regular tracking

of inventory turns is reported at the management
meeting. Inventory turns and levels are goals defined
within the business plan.

Obsolete product is treated the same as nonconforming

product and is appropriately identified and segregated
to avoid using it for production.

Storage and inventory

In order to detect deterioration, the condition of stock

is periodically assessed. The Company uses an
automated inventory management system to optimize
inventory turns over time and assure stock rotation on a

Page: 69
‘first-in-first-out’ (FIFO) basis. Further, obsolete
product (including expired age dated material, e.g.) is
controlled as nonconforming product. (Section 8)

Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN)

The Company utilizes an ASN to facilitate the

electronic transfer of data utilized by our customers to:

 Determine and confirm goods in transit.

 Verify and receive products into their system.
 Create an electronic invoice that will generate
Control of monitoring and measuring devices

We determine the measurements to be made and the

accuracy required to assure conformity of our product
to specified requirements. We identify and select
monitoring and measuring devices and verify their
capability of meeting such requirements prior to use. In
addition, the Program Manager documents the method
for confirming the ability of software to satisfy the
intended application (Section 7)

We define the processes employed for the on-going

calibration, control, and maintenance of monitoring and
measuring devices including their identification,
location, frequency/method of checks, uses/acceptance
criteria and the action to be taken when results are

Page: 70
All monitoring and measuring devices that can affect
product quality are identified and calibrated at
prescribed intervals against certified equipment having
a known valid relationship to internationally or
nationally known standards.

When monitoring and measuring devices are found to

be out of calibration (or when calibration status is not
known), they are adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary
and the validity of previous measuring results is
documented; actions taken are documented, including
appropriate corrective actions to remedy the situation
and preclude its recurrence. (Section 8)

Appropriate calibration records are maintained to

document results of calibration activities and suitable
indicators are used to show current calibration status. A
number or other identifier is used to provide traceability
to the device calibration record. (Section 4 & 7)

Measurement systems analysis

The Quality Manager is responsible for selecting

appropriate analytical methods and acceptance criteria
which conform to the Measurement Systems Analysis
manual, such as gage R & R studies.

Calibration/verification records

Records of the calibration verification activity for all

gauges, measuring, and test equipment needed to
provide evidence of product conformity to determined

Page: 71
requirements, including employee and customer owned
equipment, include:

 Equipment identification, including the

measurement standard against which the
equipment is calibrated

 Revisions following engineering changes

 Statements of conformance to specification after


Laboratory Requirements – Internal Laboratory

The Company does not have an internal laboratory.

External Laboratory

The Quality Manager ensures external laboratories used

for inspection, test, or calibration services are either
acceptable to the customer or accredited to ISO 17025.
(See SOP 7.6 for calibration laboratories)
7. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement


These sections describes how we define, plan, and

implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis, and
improvement activities needed to assure product and
Quality/Environmental Systems conformity and achieve
continual Quality/Environmental Systems
improvement. These activities include assessment of
customer satisfaction, conduct of internal audits,

Page: 72
process monitoring and measurement, and product
monitoring and measurement.

Identification of Statistical Tools

The Quality Manager ensures that statistical tools used

to monitor Quality/ Environmental Systems processes
are identified during quality planning and included
control plans, as applicable. Statistical techniques for
on-going process control and improvement are
established per SOP 8.1 and the AIAG “Statistical
Process Control” (SPC) reference manual, SPC.
(Section 7)

Knowledge of Basic Statistical Concepts

Employees using statistical tools to manage, verify, or

perform work will attend a Basic Statistics course
containing an overview on basic concepts such as
variation, control (stability) process capability. Over-
adjustments will be understood and utilized throughout
the organization. (Section 6)

Monitoring and measurement

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the reason we exist. This drives

our quality policy “to meet or exceed customer
requirements”. The Managing Director has overall
responsibility for identifying and reviewing customer
requirements (Section 7) and for monitoring and

Page: 73
measuring customer satisfaction per procedures
contained in SOP 8.2.1:

Customer Satisfaction – Supplemental

Customer Satisfaction is a critical measurement of the

performance of the quality management system.
Measurements of customer satisfaction include
evaluation of Customer feedback such as complaints,
returned goods, warranty reviews, customer
performance ratings and delivered part quality.

Customer satisfaction data is analyzed and reported in

management review meetings. See Management
Review Process.

Manufacturing process performance is monitored to

demonstrate compliance with customer requirements
for product quality and efficiency of the process. The
Managing Director periodically reviews customer
satisfaction survey data and other customer feedback
(including complaints), as well as progress towards
achievement of corporate level customer satisfaction
improvement objectives (Section 5) and provides
related recommendations for review by Top
Management. (Section 5)

Internal audit

The Company’s internal audit results are critical inputs

to aid in assessing the effectiveness of our QEMS, in
identifying any opportunity for improvement, and in

Page: 74
promoting awareness of customer requirements and
effectiveness of the Quality/ Environmental Systems.

Quality/Environmental Management System Audit

The Company conducts system audits. The propose of

these audits is to verify that the quality/environmental
system conforms to product realization arrangements
and to the requirements of ISO/TS16949, ISO 14001.

Manufacturing process audit

Audits of our key product realization processes are

conducted annually to determine their effectiveness and
performance and to identify opportunities for
improvement (Section 8)

Product audit

Product audits are conducted at appropriate stages of

production and delivery to verify conformance to all
specified requirements contained in the control plan
(Section 8).

Internal Audit Plans

Each of our key Quality/Environmental Systems

processes, with a special emphasis on our ‘core’
customer oriented processes and our unique product
realization processes, and is reviewed at least once
annually to determine effectiveness. (Section 8)

The Quality/Environmental Systems process, function,

or quality system element under review is effective if it

Page: 75
is achieving the desired results or established
objectives. Responsible managers may also request that
the audit be used to gather “value added” data serving
as input to aid in monitoring, measurement, and
improvement of Quality/Environmental Systems
processes and systems. (Section 8)

SOP 8.2.2 defines the criteria, scope, frequency and

methods used for internal audits and define the
responsibilities and requirements for planning and
conducting audits, and for reporting results and
maintaining records.

Auditor qualification

Internal auditors are qualified to audit to ISO/TS

16949:2002 requirements (Section 6). Qualified
personnel who do not have direct responsibility for the
activity being audited carry out audits. Audit checklists
are prepared and used to aid in ensuring audit
consistency and comprehensiveness.

Management is responsible for the area audited

implement and timely corrective action to eliminate
detected non-conformances and their causes, and
initiate other appropriate action in response to
opportunities for improvement identified by process
participants or managers. Follow-ups are conducted to
verify timely and effective implementation of the
proposed action.

Page: 76
The ISO Management Representative maintains all
internal audit records, including internal auditor
training records, results of internal audits and related
follow-ups; periodically reviews internal audit results as
well as progress towards achievement of corporate level
objectives aimed at improving overall
Quality/Environmental Systems effectiveness and
provides related recommendations for review by Top
Management. (Section 5)

Monitoring and measurement of processes

We apply suitable methods for monitoring and

measuring all Quality/Environmental Systems
processes. Quality/Environmental Systems processes
are documented measured, controlled and evaluated
(Section 8) to ensure they are effective and efficient
(i.e. achieve desired results) and to identify
opportunities for improvement. At a minimum,
managers with overall responsibility for carrying out a
Quality/Environmental Systems process, analyzes
process performance (Section 8) and takes appropriate
improvement, corrective or preventive action (Section

Process audits (Section 8) are carried out to monitor

and, where applicable, measure the quality and
environmental management system process. Corrective
action is taken, as appropriate, when planned results are
not achieved. In addition, we monitor and measure-
manufacturing processes to ensure to ensure continuing

Page: 77
process capability and suitable performance as specified
by the customer part approval process (PPAP)
requirements (Section 7).

Monitoring and measurement of manufacturing


As part of manufacturing process design, the Program

Manager, through our APQP/PPAP process, ensures
process studies are performed on all new product
realization processes to verify process capability and
provide additional input for process control. Process
capability study results, where applicable, and
specifications (including methods of production,
measurement and test, and maintenance instructions)
are documented. Acceptance criteria (as well as
objectives for process capability, reliability,
maintainability and availability) and appropriate
reaction plans are included in control plans and/or job
packs. For attribute data sampling, the acceptance level
shall be Zero Defects. (Section 7)

Process Monitoring

Processes are monitored by process operators per

applicable instructions. Control plans and process flow
diagrams are implemented to ensure adherence to the
specified measurement techniques, sampling plans,
acceptance criteria, and reaction plans when acceptance
criteria is not met. (Section 7 and 8)

Page: 78
Production personnel follow documented reaction plans
when processes become unstable or no longer capable.
The Quality Manager then initiates a corrective action
plan indicating the timing and assigned responsibilities
to assure the process becomes stable and capable. The
corrective action plan is reviewed with and approved by
the customer, and requires application of a customer
recognized or approved problem-solving approach
(Section 8).

Monitoring and measurement of product

The Company has overall responsibility for planning

and implementing inspection and test activities needed
to verify product requirements are met at appropriate
stages of the product realization process in accordance
with the applicable control plan. When selecting
product parameters to monitor compliance to internal
and external requirements, product characteristics are
determined leading to the types of measurement,
suitable measurement means, and the required
capability and inspection/test skills needed. (Section 7)

The scope of our product monitoring and measurement

system (SOP 8.2.4) includes receiving inspection, job
set up verification, in-process inspection, final
inspection and test, layout inspection and functional
test, and special consideration regarding monitoring and
measurement of appearance items.

Page: 79
Receiving Inspection

Incoming product is not used or processed until it has

been inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to
specified requirements in accordance with the control
plan and/or documented procedures. Methods used to
verify incoming product from the supplier; such as
receiving inspection or (SOP 8.2.4), evaluation by
accredited laboratories; or source inspections. (Section

Job Set Up Verification

Job set ups are verified per SOP 8.2.4 prior to

commencing each new production run and/or when
process changes are made.

In-process Inspection

Formal in-process inspections are performed by

Quality Control personnel in accordance with the
control plan and SOP 8.2.4. Production personnel in
accordance with the applicable control plan perform
manufacturing process monitoring (Section 7 and 8).

Final Inspection and Test:

All finished products and completed services are

verified by final inspections/tests specified in the
control plan and SOP 8.2.4.

Page: 80

Products are not released for further processing or

delivery until we have objective evidence that all
requirements have been met.

Evidence of Conformity

Test and inspection records are maintained for a

minimum of three years. These records include final
inspection authority, identify, and confirm that all
critical parameters are in accordance with established
requirements and specifications. Additionally, product
samples are stored for a minimum of 3 years.

Product Release and Delivery:

Product is not normally released or delivered until all

planned inspections and tests have been completed, and
records have been maintained providing evidence of
conformity with acceptance criteria and identifying the
person(s) authorizing release. Nonconforming (or
suspect) product is identified and controlled to prevent
its inadvertent use. (Section 8)

Layout inspection and functional testing

Layout Inspection and Functional Testing is the

responsibility of the Test Technician and Submissions
Coordinator and is conducted according to customer
requirements, the applicable control plan and design
records (i.e. drawings). (SOP 8.2.4) Results are retained
and available for customer review.

Page: 81
Appearance Items

For parts designated by the customer as “appearance

items” The Company provides; appropriate resources,
including lighting, are provided for evaluation areas for
appearance items. Masters for color, gloss, grain, &
texture and evaluation equipment are maintained in the
QC laboratory. Personnel responsible for making
appearance evaluations are qualified and competent to
do so, including performance of color eyesight testing.
(Section 6)

Control of nonconforming product

The Company procures raw materials and manufacture

products that are defect free. Documented procedures
are available for the control of non-conforming
materials and product, including suspect products, so
that they are not used or delivered to the customer (SOP
8.3). Suspect product, which is product with
unidentified status, is considered non-conforming
product until status can be confirmed.


Identification of nonconforming product originates

from inspection, internal testing, product audits or
customer complaints. Employees clearly mark or
otherwise identify nonconforming product or suspect

Page: 82

The Quality Manager or authorized Quality Control

personnel enter the nonconformance into the corrective
action system identifying the nonconforming product
and lot number if applicable, description of
nonconformance, and location where the
nonconforming product is being held pending further
review or disposition. (Section 8)


Nonconforming product is segregated pending

evaluation and disposition.


The Quality Manager through authorized Quality

Control personnel, perform the initial evaluation of
nonconforming product in accordance with approved
test and inspection procedures. Where needed,
Engineering, Production and other technical personnel
may become involved in the evaluation and
recommendation for disposition.


The results of the evaluation and resultant disposition

determinations are documented. Dispositions resulting
from the evaluation of nonconforming product may
include rework to meet specified requirements; re-grade
for an alternative application; use as is (under customer
concession or other required approval authority); obtain

Page: 83
(from relevant authority) a waiver of or deviation from
requirements; return to supplier; scrap or other disposal.

Suspect or rejected material is either clearly identified

with yellow Quality Hold tape or is stored in clearly
marked designated areas, depending on the
nonconformity. The Quality Control Manager is
responsible to ensure disposition of all suspect or
nonconforming material is made within an appropriate

Product Recall

In the event nonconforming product is detected after

delivery or use has started, the Quality Manager notifies
the customer and initiates action appropriate to the
effects, or potential effects, of the nonconformity.
Where appropriate, product recall is initiated based on
trace and recall data and records (Section 7)

Nonconformance Reporting

Records of the nature of nonconformities and any

subsequent actions taken, including concessions
obtained, is maintained in accordance with SOP
applicable inspection and test procedures, and Section

Control of nonconforming product – Supplemental

Product with unidentified (Section 7) or suspect status

is classified and processed as nonconforming. Any
material or product that is suspect or does not conform

Page: 84
to the appropriate specifications will be reworked or
segregated, and disposed of as is detailed in the
Nonconforming Product Procedure. Because
rework/repair is only performed for minor defect
problems, the operations are a repetition of one or more
original production processes. Therefore, original
process instructions are used and reworked material is
verified by the verification activities specified on the
control plan.

Customer Information

It is the responsibility of the Quality Control Manager

to ensure that the customer is promptly informed in the
event that nonconforming product has been shipped.

Customer Waiver

According to the production Part Approval Process

(PPAP) manual, prior written customer approval is
obtained whenever the product or process is different
from that which is currently approved. Engineering
Approved Product Authorization (EAPA) records
would be maintained, including expiration date or
quantity authorized, and authorization is labeled on the
carton of such parts. The original or superseding specs
and requirements are complied with when the
authorization expires.

Non-conformance reports requested by the customer

(usually if/when a customer receives material or service
that fails to conform to applicable quality and delivery

Page: 85
specifications) are processed per customer requirements
and the procedures defined in SOP 8.3.

If placed on “containment status” (due to continued

poor performance and/or failure to achieve goals and
objectives), The Company will take all actions required
by the customer, and guidelines contained in SOP 8.3.

Analysis of data

Data from quality and environmental system processes

is collected and analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness
of the quality/environmental management system, and
to find opportunities for continual improvement of the
effectiveness of the quality/environmental management
Analysis of this data provides information relating to
customer satisfaction, product conformity;
characteristics and trends of processes and products,
and suppliers.
During Business Planning and Management Review
processes, trends in data and information is reported
and compared with progress towards the overall
business objectives. This information is used to develop
priorities for prompt solutions to customer-related
problems, support status review, decision-making, and
longer term planning, and is compared with competitors
and/or appropriate benchmarks. When negative trends
are noticed during data analysis, corrective/preventative
action may be initiated.

Page: 86
Computerized information systems are implemented for
timely reporting of data related to product usage.
(Section 5).
Analysis and Use of Data: Trends in quality and
operational performance are compared with progress
toward objectives and related recommendations for
improvement are developed and are presented to Top
Management for review and action during management
reviews. (Section 5)

Continual improvement

Continual Improvement is implemented with the goal

of continually improving the quality/environmental
management system using the quality policy, quality
and environmental objectives, customer feedback, audit
results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive
actions and management review.

Management Action Requests (MARs), Form 8.5-1, is

used to document improvement, corrective and
preventive actions. All management actions are
prioritized and implemented on the basis of data
analysis (Section 8) and perform cost/ benefit analyses
to identify and prioritize improvement actions.

Our Management Review Process assesses the overall

effectiveness of continual improvement program.
(Section 5)

Page: 87
Essentially, such actions are effective if the problems
corrected do not reoccur, potential problems identified
do not occur, and other improvement actions
accomplish the desired results or objectives. Inputs to
the management review process are used to establish
new or changed improvement objectives and to
initiate/prioritize additional improvement actions.
(Section 5)

Manufacturing process improvement

The Program Manager plans and implements continual

improvement of manufacturing processes that are
capable and stable, or where product characteristics are
predictable and meet customer requirements. We
identify such opportunities through analysis of
manufacturing process monitoring, product monitoring
and measurement activities (Section 8), and process-
oriented audits (Section 8) of key manufacturing
processes at least once annually. The overall objective
of manufacturing process improvement is to reduce
part-to-part variation and eliminate all waste. As
warranted, improved controls and/or to methods to
reduce variation in product characteristics and
manufacturing process parameters are instituted using
the same methodology as prescribed for manufacturing
process design and validation (Section 7). The Program
Manager summarizes and reports results of
manufacturing process improvement activities to
Management for review.
(Section 5).

Page: 88
The Quality Manager has overall responsibility for
establishing and implementing an effective continual
improvement system (SOP 8.5) which includes
improvement actions and corrective and preventive
actions as outlined in Section 8.

Corrective action

It is the policy of The Company to strive to prevent

problems before they occur. The Company maintains a
corrective action system that provides for the
identification, analysis, and elimination of the cause of
quality and environmental problems in order to prevent

The corrective/preventive action system utilizes

documented procedures, which define requirements for
the review and handling of customer complaints; non-
conforming material from suppliers; internal, customer
or third Party Audit non-conformities; returned
products; internally recognized product or process non-
conformities or potential non-conformities; and
environmental non-conformities, including external
party communications. See SOP 8.5.2 which describes
the 8D methodology we use internally. If a customer
requires another format, we do as they wish.

The procedures also define requirements for


 The causes of non-conformities and potential non-


Page: 89
 Evaluating the need for action to prevent
occurrence or recurrence

 Determining and implementing action needed,

including error proofing

 Documenting results of action taken and

reviewing action taken SOP 8.5.2.

Non-conformities relating to customer returns from

assembly plants, engineering facilities, and dealerships
are analyzed in a timely manner and the results are.
These records are available to the customer upon
request. Corrective action procedures are followed to
prevent recurrence.

The size and effects of the nonconformities are

considered when corrective/preventative actions are

There is a defined problem-solving process used in all

plants. When external non-conformances occur, The
Company responds in the problem-solving format
prescribed by the customer.

Corrective actions and controls are applied to similar

processes and products, when appropriate. When a
process change is implemented, procedures, policies,
and work instructions are changed as appropriate.

Follow-ups are conducted (through the internal audit

process (Section 8) to ensure that effective corrective
action is taken appropriate to the impact of the problem

Page: 90
encountered. Results of this analysis and related
recommendations are presented to Top Management for
review and action during management reviews.
(Section 5)

Preventive action

Data from internal audits, customer feedback, employee

suggestions, and other appropriate data is collected and
analyzed (Section 8) to identify the actions needed to
eliminate the causes of potential problems and thereby
prevent their occurrence. Investigating and eliminating
the root cause of potential failures is a critical part of
our continual improvement process. The preventive
action system is considered effective if potential losses
were avoided. Results of this analysis and related
recommendations are presented to Top Management for
review and action during management reviews.
(Section 5)

8. Environmental Management System

Environmental Aspects
The Company has identified the environmental aspects
of its activities, products and services that it can control
and influence and has determined those that have, or
could have, a significant environmental impact. These
significant environmental aspects and their associated
impacts were identified during the Initial
Environmental Aspects Review.

Page: 91
Ongoing determination of environmental aspects and
impacts is conducted during Advanced Quality/
Environmental Planning
The Company considers these significant
environmental impacts and aspects when establishing
environmental objectives as described in Environmental
Objectives, Targets, and Action Plans.
Legal and Other Requirements

The Company has identified, and has access to, legal

and other voluntary equirements that are applicable to
its activities, products, and services.
A list of applicable Environmental Requirements has
been developed and is maintained by the EMS
Department. The Environmental Laws and Regulations
are maintained by the Corporate EMS Coordinator thru
periodic contact with local, state, and federal agencies
and review of environmental publications. Customer
environmental requirements are identified during the
Quoting Process and are documented in specific
contracts, associated work instructions, and production
Objectives/Targets and Environmental Management

The Company identifies environmental objectives and

targets, and establishes action plans and programs for
achieving these objectives, as described in the
Objectives, targets and action plans are established at
each relevant function and level within the

Page: 92
The Company considers it’s legal and other voluntary
requirements, its significant environmental aspects, its
technological options and its financial, operational, and
business requirements, as well as the views of
interested parties, when establishing its environmental
objectives and targets.
Environmental objectives and targets are consistent
with The Company environmental policy, including its
commitment to the prevention of pollution.
Environmental Operational Control

The Company has identified those operations and

activities that are associated with the identified
significant environmental aspects in line with its policy,
objectives, and targets.
The Company has also established procedures related
to the identifiable significant environmental aspects of
the goods and services used by the company, and
communicates relevant procedures and requirements to
suppliers and contractors. See Procedure The Company
Supplier Manual located on The Company website.
The Company shall document procedures to cover
situations where the absence of such procedures could
adversely affect quality or have a significant
environmental impact.
Emergency Response

When appropriate, specific emergency response

instructions are prepared to allow rapid and effective
response to environmental incidents. Procedures
provide general guidelines to follow in the event of an

Page: 93
environmental accident or incident and references
appropriate emergency response instructions, where
they exist.
Emergency response drills are conducted, as a
minimum, annually. Procedures and instructions are
reviewed and revised after drills and after the
occurrence of accidents or emergencies.
Monitoring and Measurement

The Company shall establish and maintain documented

procedures to monitor and measure, on a regular basis,
the key characteristics of the operations and activities
that can have significant impact on the environment.
This will include the recording of information to track
performance, relevant operations controls, and
conformance with objectives and targets.

Page: 94
This booklet contains sample procedures. They are very
generic in nature and would need to be added to or
changed for a real company.

Page: 95

SOP 4.2
1.0 Purpose

This procedure addresses the maintenance of

quality documents pertaining to customer
requirements. Quality receives, prepares, revises,
reviews, approves, and systematically issues
documents in a controlled manner.

2.0 Application

To maintain designated secured locations for

original policy, procedure, and instruction
elements, drawings, and specifications.

3.0 Definitions

Not applicable

4.0 Responsibility

The Process Owners/Area Managers are

responsible for controlling issuance and
maintenance of quality/and environmental-related
policies, procedures, and operator instructions.

One level above the author will be an approver for

reviewing and approving company wide policies,
procedures, and operator instructions for original
release and the release of changes.

Page: 96
The Program Manager and/or designee are
responsible for controlling issuance and
maintenance of drawings.

Department/Plant Supervisor are responsible for

controlling issuance and maintenance of
associated manuals and data within their area of
responsibility as required, Reference 6.0.

The responsible Department ensures that

designated personnel receive approval, initial
issue, and amendments of all documents and data
relating to the requirements of the quality system,
and for the recall of obsolete documents. The
responsible Department ensures availability of
appropriate documents at all locations where the
performance of operations affect the quality

The Administrator will maintain a master list of

quality-related documents.

5.0 Associated Materials

SOP 4.2.3 Document Control

SOP4.2.4 Control of Quality/Environmental


FO 4.2.3 Quality Manual Change Request

Department Specific Manuals

Page: 97
6.0 Procedure

Any member of staff, through their department

manager, may request document changes. If a
Quality System procedure needs to be changed,
send a Quality Manual Change Request Form to
the Quality Manager describing the proposed
change. The changes become part of the revision
history. If not approved, the request form gives an
explanation and a copy returned to the originator.
The Quality Department files original form.

Where practical, the revision history identifies the


The quality department distributes a copy of the

new or revised policy, procedure, or instruction
according to the Quality Policy Manual,
Procedure Manual, and Operator Instructions
Distribution List. Upon receipt of the new or
revised policy, procedure, or instruction, the
recipient updates the manual.

All documents used during, or forms generated

before the revision process shall be considered
‘grandfathered’, acceptable to use ‘as is’ due to
unavailability of revised forms or unacceptable
costs which would be incurred by disposing of
unused forms.

Revision History

Page: 98
Page: 99

SOP 4.2.3

1. Purpose

This procedure describes the responsibilities for

receipt, review, and distribution of drawings and
documents, including documents of external

2. Application

This procedure applies to statutory & regulatory

requirements the drawings specifications and
documents that explain the engineering
requirements, manufacturing processes, assembly
methods, test procedures, work instructions and
inspection instructions related to deliverable
goods and our processes.

3. Definitions

 Quality Manager is the Document Control

 Controlled Customer owned product related
prints & specifications are located on the “X”
drive and are available to Engineering Quality
&Manufacturing personnel
 AIAG – Automotive Industry Action Group

Page: 100
4.0 Responsibility

The Department Managers are responsible for

ensuring that the Quality System Procedures have
the appropriate controls in place to ensure that
current issues are available in all locations as

The Quality Manager and/or designee is

responsible for retaining master copies and
assuring current revision level of the AIAG
reference manuals:

 Advanced Product Quality Planning &

Control Plan

 Fundamental Statistical Process Control

 Measurement Systems Analysis

 Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

 Product Part Approval Process

 Quality System Requirements TS 16949

 Environmental Mgmt. System, ISO 14001

The Program Manager is responsible for a timely

review of customer drawings and specifications.
The PM has 10 business days of receipt to
document the receipt of drawings and maintain
the engineering standards according to the

Page: 101
Drawing Control Procedure and Engineering
Change Process.

The Program Manager is responsible for

receiving, reviewing and retaining CAD/ Math
data, Instructions and Test Procedures are

The Plant Supervisor is responsible for ensuring

current instructions are available at all work

Department Managers are responsible for

creating, approving, and maintaining their
individual department work instructions.

All Department Managers listed above are also

responsible for making sure distributed and or
obsolete copies are retrieved and replaced with the
latest revision. Both the person receiving a copy
of a new or revised document and the person
distributing the document are responsible for
ensuring that obsolete copies are identified and/or
disposed of.

The Plant Supervisor is responsible for ensuring

records of Total Preventive Maintenance activities
are maintained.

The Program Manager is responsible for ensuring

all levels of documents and subordinate
documents (such as control plan, first piece, and

Page: 102
in-process and operator instructions) are in

Department Managers are responsible for

reviewing all of their applicable documents
within their departments at a minimum of
annually to insure relevance and conformance.

5.0 Associated Materials

SOP 4.2.4 Control of Quality Records


SOP 7.3 Advanced Quality Planning


WI 4.2.3 Documentation – Writing Procedures

and Work Instructions

Revision History

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SOP 4.2.4

1.0 Purpose

This procedure provides a method of maintaining

quality records consisting of identification,
collection, indexing, filing, storage, and disposal.

2.0 Application

This procedure applies to all departments

responsible for the maintenance of quality

3.0 Definitions


4.0 Responsibility

Each Department Manager is responsible for

records their department creates and for their
maintenance, protection, availability, and

The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring

the proper retention of production part approvals,
quality performance records, internal quality
system audits, and management review.

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The Program Manager and/or designee is
responsible for ensuring the proper retention of
appropriate tooling records. This is inclusive of all

Accounting department and the Materials

Manager are responsible for ensuring the proper
retention of subcontractor purchase orders and

The Materials Manager and Accounting

department are responsible for ensuring the proper
retention of customer related purchase orders and

5.0 Associated Materials

AIAG APQP Advanced Product Quality

Planning Manual

AIAG FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis


AIAG MSA Measurement Systems

Analysis Manual

AIAG SPC Statistical Process Control


AIAG PPAP Production Part Approval


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SOP 5.6 Management Review

SOP 7.2 Contract Review Procedure

SOP 8.2.2 Internal Audit Procedure

FO 4.2.4 DD Destroyed Documents List

FO 4.2.4 QR Quality Records List

6.0 Procedure

The responsible personnel and/or departments

ensures the validity and completeness, and
determines the filing and storage method (for
retrievability and preventing damage) and the
retention duration (conforming to TS-16949
requirements) for quality records. The retention
duration listed is a minimum retention. The
records may be retained longer for reference at
the discretion of the responsible party. The
status of archived records is determined and
appropriate records are disposed of annually.

The Quality Department retains superseded part

documents used for new part qualification.

The Quality Department ensures quality records

are available for evaluation by the customer for
the stated period.

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Obsolete documents, other than production part
approvals, tooling records, purchase orders and
amendments, shall be maintained for the length
of time established by the corresponding
Department Manager and in accordance with
minimum customer requirements.

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SOP 5.6
1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to provide for a

system and instructions, and to assign
responsibilities for scheduling, conducting, and
recording management reviews of the quality
management system.

2.0 Application

This procedure applies to all activities comprising

the quality system, and in particular those named
in Section 4, Review Input, of this procedure.

3.0 Definitions


4.0 Procedure

Frequency and Scheduling

Quality performance and the quality management

system are reviewed at least once a year. The
annual review is conducted in March.

For the first two years (i.e., through the

maturation phase of the quality system),
management reviews are conducted twice a year.
The additional review is conducted in September.

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In response to changing or special conditions and
events, the Operations Manager may call for
unscheduled extraordinary reviews.

Management reviews are chaired by the Quality

Manager and are attended by Management,
Engineering, Production, and Purchasing.

Those managers who are unable to attend shall

receive minutes of the review meeting and, after
reviewing the minutes, may submit their input and
comments to the Quality Manager. No more than
one manager may be absent from the meeting.
The Operations Manager and Quality Manager
must always attend.


The agenda for management review meetings

covers at least all items listed in Section 4 of this
procedure. The agenda is documented on the
cover page of the Management Review Report.

Management review input

At a minimum, the following information and

data are presented for review:
Follow-up actions from previous reviews

Quality reports on the status of action items from

the previous meetings. Actions which are not

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completed may be extended with a new due date,
reassigned to another person/function, changed, or
abandoned. Reasons for the failure to implement
the action and any decisions regarding
continuation of the action are recorded in the
Management Review Report.
Process performance and product conformity

Quality presents quality performance data. This

includes rates of process and product
nonconformities, on-time delivery performance,
supplier quality performance, and productivity

Edit the scope of the quality performance data as

appropriate, and coordinate with ISO/TS 16949
Element 8.4- Analysis of Data.
Corrective and preventive actions:

Quality presents the most important corrective

and preventive actions implemented through the
period, and the status of pending actions.
Customer feedback and complaints

Customer Service presents summaries of customer

feedback and customer complaints, including
analysis of trends.
Internal quality audits

Quality presents results of internal quality system

audits. This includes summaries of results for the

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cycle, the frequency of audit findings against
particular elements of the quality system and
discussion of significant findings.
Changes and quality system planning

Quality highlights any product, process, capacity,

or other operational or organizational changes that
affect the quality system and proposes specific
actions to update or modify the system in
response to these changing circumstances.
Recommendations for improvement

Quality concludes the input phase of the review

with recommendations for improvement.

In addition to the topics listed above, the

management review may also consider such
issues as cost of quality and non-quality;
integration of the quality system with other
operations and activities; market and customer
response to the quality effort; and any other such
issues related to the quality management system.
Following each presentation, the participants
discuss the issues, compare their status and
performance with preceding periods, and identify
areas where improvement is required.
5.0 Quality objectives and quality policy

An important role of management reviews is to

establish quality objectives and to review progress

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toward achieving the objectives and fulfilling the
quality policy. Quality objectives are established
to improve performance and/or the quality system
and thus fulfill the quality policy and other
organizational goals and aspirations.

At the end of the meeting, Quality presents the

status of quality objectives established by the
previous review (those objectives are documented
on the title page of the Management Review
Report); and records their status in the Status Next
Management Review column.

When an objective is not achieved, the

participants decide whether to drop the objective,
reduce its target value, or extend the target due
date. Objectives that have been achieved may be
discontinued or be retained with a higher target

Any quality objectives that are carried on into the

next period and any new objectives established by
the review meeting are documented in the Quality
Objectives Matrix on the title page of the
Management Review Report.

The principal quality policy is reviewed to ensure

its continuing suitability. The policy is changed
when the goals expressed in the policy have been
achieved, or when changes within or outside the
company render the policy inadequate or

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6.0 Management review output

 Improvement of the quality management

 Improvement of quality performance, and
 Improvement of products and/or services to
better meet customer requirements and increase
customer satisfaction

These improvement actions are defined implemented


Management review actions

Documented in the Management Review Report

(FO-MRR-5.6.1) in the Actions, Assigned to, and
Due Date columns. This type of action is most
suitable for minor improvements that can be
quickly implemented, and which are not directly
related to product or process conformity.

Corrective or preventive actions

Documented in the Corrective Action Request

(CAR) form (FO-NCCAR-8.2.3) and processed in
accordance with procedure SOP 8.5.2, Corrective
and Preventive Actions. CARs are normally used
for improvements related to specific actual or
potential product or process nonconformities.

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Quality objectives

Documented on the title page of the Management

Review Report (refer to Section 6 of this
procedure). This method is most suitable for
implementing long-term improvement goals.

Resource needs for implementing improvement

actions are identified. These include assignment
of responsibility, time frame, and allocation of
human, equipment, technical knowledge, and
other necessary resources.
7.0 Records

Management review records must be as

comprehensive as possible. They will be the sole
evidence that the agenda of the review was
completely covered, and that the review was
concluded with appropriate decisions and actions.

Management review output is documented in the

Management Review Report based on form MRR
5.6.1. The report is prepared by the Quality
Manager and is distributed to the attending and, if
any, absent participants. The location and
retention period for management review records
are specified in Operational Procedure SOP 4.2.4,
Control of Records.
8.0 Referenced Documents

5.6.1 Management Review Report Form

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SOP 4.2.4 Operational Procedure, Control of

SOP 8.5.2 Operational Procedure, Corrective and

Preventive Action
9.0 Associated Records

Management Review Report: Record of the

management review meeting, to include presented
and discussed topics and issues; conclusions,
policies and changes; and any actions initiated to
implement the conclusions and policies.
Documented using form FO-MRR-5.6.1,
Management Review Report.

Quality Objectives Matrix: Record of established

quality objectives. Documented on the title page
of the Management Review Report (MRR 5.6).
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SOP 6.2.2

1.0 Purpose

The system described in this section is used to

ensure that all personnel performing activities
affecting quality shall have their training needs
identified and, as appropriate, the training

2.0 Application

The scope of this procedure incorporates the

training of all employees performing quality
related activities.

3.0 Definitions

Not applicable

4.0 Responsibility

Job Description

Each position has a written job description

maintained by the Human Resources Department.
Each job description identifies the competence
level/ education, skills appropriate required for the

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Training Records

Hourly Employees: Records of hourly training

needs and training received by active employees
performing activities affecting quality shall be
maintained by the Human Resource Department.
Each hourly employee has an individual training
record, which is maintained by the Human
Resource Department. These records include, but
are not limited to, training matrices and copies of
training certificates.

Salary Employees: Records of salary training

needs and training received by active employees
performing activities affecting quality shall be
maintained by the Human Resource Department.
Each salary employee has an individual training
record, which is maintained by the Human
Resource Department. These records include, but
are not limited to, training matrices and copies of
training certificates.
Evaluating Training Needs

All employees (salaried and hourly) must

complete the specific orientation program
administered by the Human Resource
Department. Personnel whose work affects quality
are informed about the consequences to the
customer of nonconformity to quality
requirements. All employees have training in
awareness, relevance, and importance of their

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activities and how they contribute to the
achievement of our overall quality objectives. The
employee’s manager/supervisor in the
performance review process determines individual
training needs.
Safety Training

All employees receive safety training

Specialized Training

Employees requiring specialized training in

areas affecting quality shall receive the training
needed per job description.
Evaluating Training

The training courses offered internally are

continually assessed by the Human Resource
Department. The content of the courses are
evaluated through a training feedback and
evaluation form, and an assessment test (if
applicable) is given upon completion of the

It is the responsibility of the Manufacturing

Supervisor to inform personnel whose work
affect quality of the consequences to the
customer of nonconformity to quality

It is the responsibility of the TS-16949

Management Representative to measure the extent

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to which our personnel are aware of the relevance
and importance of their activities and how they
contribute to the achievement of the quality

5.0 Associated Materials

Orientation Manual

Job Descriptions

6.0 Procedure
Identify training needs.

The Company employees and their

manager/supervisor shall review the employees
training status to determine training needs. This
review occurs concurrently with the employee’s
performance evaluation or upon need.

Provide Training

One or more of the following provides formal


 Identified The Company Trainers

 Professional / Industry Organizations or


 Local Community and Trade Schools

 College and University Sponsored Classes

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 On-The-Job training is provided for all
personnel, including contract or service
personnel, in any new or modified job.
Determine Effectiveness of Training

One or more of the following determines training


 Review of Salaried and Hourly Evaluations

 Post-training tests, when applicable

 Employee on the job performance

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SOP 8.3

1.0 Purpose

This procedure provides a method to control

nonconforming material at any location in the S
Group and to eliminate its potential for
unintended use or delivery.

2.0 Application

This procedure applies to, but is not limited to,

unidentified or suspect material, in-house
rejections, customer rejection / returns or
material received from a supplier.

3.0 Definitions

Nonconforming Product: Material (e.g., resin,

purchased components, work-in-progress, etc.)
that does not meet established parameters (e.g.,
melt flow, dimensions, visual, etc.)

Suspect Product: All material having the same

lot number as known nonconforming product.

4.0 Responsibility

The Production Supervision and Quality

Department are responsible for following

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documented procedures and work instructions
for product which does not conform to specified
requirements. It is clearly (visually) identified
and quarantined or segregated to prevent
inadvertent use or installation. Material is
reviewed and disposition is determined by
management and quality. The Quality
Department is responsible for maintaining and
analyzing data from NC material activities.

The Program Manager/Production is responsible

for managing the customer authorization of
products or processes and the procurement of a
deviation or concession, including materials and
services provided by vendors, that differ from
those currently approved according to the
Production Part Approval Process Manual. This
managing includes the procurement of a
deviation or concession from the customer if
changes to the product differ.

4.3 The Quality Manager is responsible for

notifying the customer if non-conforming
material is detected after shipment has been
made or use has started. Actions will be taken
such as stock returns and replacement, sorting or
even sending a company representative to their
site to protect their interests.

5.0 Associated Materials

FO 8.3 NCMRMaterial Concern Report

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SOP 8.5.2 Corrective/Preventive Action
FO 8.3 Quarantine Area Record
FO 8.3 Scrap Log

6.0 Procedure

When material is found to be nonconforming, the

container(s) is identified by a Quality
representative or production supervisor with an
initial Material Concern Report. (If material is
part of an accumulation, a Material Concern
Report will be issued at the time of occurrence)

The non-conforming material is moved to the

Quarantine Area and a member of the quality
department or Production Supervision, up to the
disposition section, completes the Quarantine
Area Record.

The Production Supervision and Quality Manager

determine the disposition of the non-conforming
material and record it on the Quarantine Area
Record. Production personnel complete sort or
rework. Quality or a member of management will
provide written instructions to the employee
conducting these activities. There are four
possible determinations of inspected product:

 Acceptable Product – green check mark

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 Acceptable Product - some rework
necessary with written instructions &
 Unacceptable Product (placed in red
“SCRAP” container / on rack)
 Questionable Product (QA disposition

Quality disposes of questionable product and

records the final counts and outcomes. No rework
shall be visible on the exterior of the product.

A Quality representative records the results of the

inspection and rework on the Material Concern
Report listing the method of rework, number of
acceptable/ unacceptable parts, date, employee
responsible for reprocessing, etc.

The material is re-inspected by the designated

Quality Representative. Conforming materials are
removed from the container and returned to
production flow. Nonconforming materials are
scrapped or reworked accordingly. Scrapped
material is recorded in the Scrap Log and the
Material Concern Report.

All material shipped under a customer concession

or deviation will be identified as required by the
customer. Records of the quantity and expiration
date shall be maintained.

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SOP 8.5.2/8.5.3

1.0 Purpose

This procedure provides a systematic means in

which quality problems will be eliminated.

2.0 Application

This procedure applies to all quality problems,

including internal rejections, problems from
subcontractors and customer complaints.

3.0 Definitions

Not applicable

4.0 Responsibility

The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring

that the corrective/preventative action is managed
effectively. The format utilized will be an 8D,
unless otherwise directed by the customer.

The Top Management Team is responsible for

analysis of customer rejected material.

5.0 Associated Materials

FOCAR 8.5.2 Concern Report (MCR)
FOMCRLOG Material Concern Report
Tracking Log

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SOP 8.3 Control of Nonconforming
Product Procedure
FOPARLOG Preventative Action Log
6.0 Procedure

An immediate (possibly temporary) fix is

developed and implemented with documentation,
within twenty-four hours of the receipt of the
notice of concern.

All suspect parts are inspected and inventoried.

The quantity checked, the quantity defective, and
disposition of stock are determined and recorded.-

If future shipments are to be certified a method

and duration must be established by
Manufacturing, Quality, and the customer (if

The root cause of the problem is established and

documented after the initial write up.

Corrective/Preventative action reports must be

complete through interim corrective action within
three days of issuance. Permanent corrective
action is to be determined by the team within 7
days of issuance. The time frame to verify the
effectiveness of the corrective action is to be
determined by the corrective action team. The
team will utilize mistake-proofing methodology to
the degree appropriate to the magnitude of the

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problems and commensurate with the risks

The corrective action is monitored for thirty days

to assure that the action taken has been successful.
Statistical methods (i.e. diagrams, x-bar and r
charts, etc.) are used when applicable. All
corrective actions are to be reviewed during
management review meeting.

If the action is successful, appropriate documents

(procedures, work instructions, etc.) are updated
to permanently implement the changes required
by the corrective or preventive action.

All forms used in the corrective and preventive

action procedure are retained for active life of the
product for reference to prevent reoccurrence.

Analysis of customer returned rejects will begin

upon receipt of the defective material. Records of
the analysis will be made available upon request.
If a corrective action is initiated because of the
analysis will be tracked through the corrective
action format.

Preventive Actions may be initiated because of,

TPM activities, lessons learned follow up, the
APQP process, Lean activities or technology
changes. Preventive actions will be tracked on the
Preventive Action Log.

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Preventive actions will be reviewed during regular
management review meetings.
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Work Instructions
This booklet contains sample Work Instructions. They
are very generic in nature and would need to be added
to or changed for a real company.

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Important General Safety Notes


 Safety glasses
 Gloves
Important General Notes

Setup includes:

 Press
 Carpet Cutter
 Over Bend fixture
 Check Fixture
 Final Pack Container
Stage Material for production:

1. Material handler brings material to conveyor and

setup in proper position for conveyor load

2. Material handler brings carpet to the press to be

loaded onto carpet cutter

3. Provide shipping container

4. Two frames are required

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1. The material is automatically loaded onto conveyor

and into oven while the operator prepares the carpet
for insertion into the press

2. The operator uses the controls to roll out the carpet

long enough to place the tenor frames on the carpet

3. Attach both tenor frames to the carpet and cut the

carpet between them

4. Raise carpet to the cutter and cut the carpet just

above the tenor frames

5. Place the both tenor frames central over the cavities

(one tenor frame per two cavities)

6. The operator cycles the press by pressing the two

black palm buttons simultaneously

7. When the press finishes its’ cycle, the operator

removes the parts and the left over material

8. The operator then places the part on over bend

fixture and the waste material into the compactor
and presses the green palm buttons simultaneously

9. The quality inspector performs 1st piece inspection,

at beginning of shift, and after the removal of the
part from the over bend fixture

10. The operator then places the finished parts into a

shipping container

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11. When the container is full, the operator calls the
material handler to remove the container and bring
an empty one

12. The material handler puts a shipping label on

container and moves the container to the inspection
holding area

13. Part inspection

14. Pack and label

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General Safety Notes


 Safety Glasses

 Kevlar Gloves

 Kevlar Sleeves

 Knife
General Notes

Setup includes:

 Press (See Setup Sheet)

 Check Fixture

 Burnishing Table

 Final Pack Container

Material Needed:

 Carpet – Milliken -62 ” roll

Stage Material for production:
The team leader ensures that the proper tenor
frames are available at the beginning of the shift
and will check throughout the shift.

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The material handler:

 Brings carpet to the press and helps the

operator to load the carpet onto carpet feeder

 Provides shipping containers as required

during the shift

1. The operator uses pre-cut carpet and the operator

attaches the tenor frame to the carpet

2. The operator raises the carpet to the cutter and cuts

the carpet just above the tenor frame

3. The operator then places the tenor frame central

over the tool

4. The operator cycles the press by pressing the two

black palm buttons simultaneously

5. When the press finishes its’ cycle, the operator

removes the parts and the left over material

6. The operator then places the waste material into the


7. The operator inspects the part to verify 15 holes,

one slot, and 3 additional cutouts are clean with no
slugs or fabric strings or debris. If holes, slots, or
cutouts are not punched clean, follow Rework

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8. The operator burnishes the part edges of extra fuzz
(if necessary).

9. The quality inspector performs 1st piece inspection

at beginning of shift (If needed follow SOP 8.3 –
Nonconforming product), and records the

10. The operator then places the finished parts into a

shipping container to packaging specifications

11. When the container is full, the operator has the

material handler to remove the container and bring
an empty one as needed

12. The material handler puts a shipping label on

container and moves the container to the inspection
holding area

13. The quality inspector performs part inspection and

looks for (see boundary sample):

 Correct Color
 No Forming Flaws (I.E., Excess Carpet,
Carpet Wrinkles)
 Clean Trim Edge – No Fuzz Or Debris
 Hole Clean – No Slugs
 Slots and additional cutouts are cut or punched
 Overall Appearance Good

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14. The quality inspector records the findings (If
needed follow SOP 8.3 – Nonconforming product)

15. The quality inspector also checks for container

quantity and correct label

Rework Instructions:

If the tool in the press does not punch the required

holes in the S197 Deck Lid remove the part to
designated rework area.

Rework the part by manually punching the holes

using correct size punch 3/16 for the two holes on
each side of the release trunk slot and 5/16 for the
remaining holes.
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Assess Overall Monitor Objedctives

System and Operations

Significant Impact on
Plan & Schedule
Managament Review

Analyze Results & Trends

Issue Management Prepare Management

Review Agenda Review Inputs

Issue Management Review Inputs & Develop

Rewview Minutes Outputs

Action to improve Effectiveness

of the System & its processes
Monitor Actionss to improve products
Implementation of Actions to provide nedded
Actions Resulting resources
from Management
New or revised improment of

Assess Process for


Page: 137
Status reports on actions from previous
Management Reveiws
Identification of any stratigic or operations changes
that could affect the System
Identification of any policy issues requiring review
Status reports on progress towards meeting specific
improvement objectives:
 Customer Satisfaction
 Supplier Performance
 Overall System effectiveness including evidence
of repeat audit findings or other repeat problems
 Overall operational effedciency including an
evaluation of the cost of poor quality
 Manufacturing process effectivness and
efficiency including performance against
customer specified (or other targets for
productivity, process capability and cost
 Overall product performance including an
analysis of actual and potential field failures and
their impacton on quality, safety, or the
 Oerall product qualtiy including performance
against customer spcified (or other) targets
related to product quality
 Overall effectiveness of training completed including
skills training, on-the-job training, and employee
awareness and effectiveness of employee motivation
 Recommendations for improvement and plans

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