The Following Text Is For Questions Number 1 To 3: "Pancake"

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The following text is for questions number 1 to 3


Ingredients :

 2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted before measuring

 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder
 ½ teaspoons salt
 1 egg, slightly beaten
 1 ½ cup milk
 2 tablespoons melted butter

Stir together the flour, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl, combine egg and milk. Then,
add to flour mixture, stirring only until smooth. After that, blend in melted butter. Cook on a hot,
greased griddle, using about ¼ cup of batter for each pancake. Cook until brown on one side and
around edge; turn and brown the other side. Recipe for pancake serves 4.

1. The goal the text above is to tell us…

a. the process of making cakes d. a description of pancake
b. ingredients needed to make pancakes e. how to make pancakes
c. how to serve pancakes

2. The last paragraph is called…

a. tools
b. a set of steps
c. goal
d. ingredients
e. description

3. The melted butter is mixed together into…

a. the mixture of flour, egg and milk
b. the mixture of milk and baking powder
c. the mixture of egg and flour
d. the mixture of baking powder, salt and egg
e. the mixture of egg, flour and salt

The following text is for questions number 4 to 6

The Basic Operation Digital Camera

You need :
 a digital camera
 an object (a friend/classmate or something interesting, you can find around the classroom
or school yard)

Follow the steps below to take picture :

 Hold up the camera and centre the object in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
 More closer or use the zoom control for the result you want
 When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter half way. It is very important, so
the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations.
 A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go
 Press shutter all the way down. It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and used the view
finder when there is more extreme sunlight to conserve battery. Glare from the LCD does
not work well with more bright light.

4. It may be necessary … the LCD and used the view finder when there is moe extreme
a. Switch off
b. Turn
c. Close
d. Open
e. Shut

5. What will happen to the LCD whe there is more extreme sunlight?
a. The glare is broken
b. The glare is works well
c. The glare is unbroken
d. The glare runs very well
e. The glare does not work well

6. What is the purpose of this kind of text?

a. To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining
b. To present two point of view about an issue
c. To amuse or entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different way
d. To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps
e. To describe a peculiar person, place, or things
The following text is for questions number 7 to 9


Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money.

Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply. It is often found on the surface of the
earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom of rivers. The gold
is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for
this type of gold.
It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below
the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed
modern process for removing gold from rocks.
Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for
making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and

7. The following are associated with gold, EXCEPT …..

a. useful
b. precious
c. beautiful
d. expensive
e. unnecessary
8. The text above is mainly intended to …. about gold.
b. classify
c. describe
d. elaborate
e. document

9. “It will be priced forever because….” (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word means ……
a. valuable
b. worthless
c. interesting
d. wonderful
e. eye catching

The following text is for questions number 10 to 12

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia,
although it has a smaller relative, called wallaby, which lives
on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New
Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short
front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and a tail.
These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward
jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run
at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.
The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow
to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.
Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on
the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this
pouch where it spends its first five months of life.
10. Kangaroo’s smaller relative is found …..
a. not only in Australia island
b. only in Australia
c. only in Australian island
d. only in Irian island
e. only in Tasmania

11. “ Kangaroos are marsupials” (paragraph-4) The word ’marsupials’ means …..
a. an animal which can make forward jump
b. an animal which has front and back legs to jump
c. an animal which eats grass and plants
d. an animal which has an external pouch in front
e. an animal which spends its first five months of life

12. “These they use for sitting up on and for jumping.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to ……
a. legs c. plants e. fences
b. Kangoroos d. marsupials
The following text is for questions number 13 to 15

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow

White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents
had died.
One day, she heard her uncle and aunt talking about
leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to
go to America and they didn't have money to take Snow White
with them.
Snow White didn't want her uncle and aunt to do this, so
she decided to run away. The next day she ran away from home
when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods. She was very tired
and hungry. Then, she saw a little cottage. She knocked out but no one answered. So, she want
inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they
found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs Doc, one of
the dwarfs asked, “What is your name?” Snow White answered “My name is Snow White.”
The dwarf said, “if you wish, you may live here with us” Snow White said, “Oh, could
I? Thank you.” Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story about her. Snow White and the
seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

13. Snow White ran from house ...

a. At night
b. At midday
c. At midnight
d. In the evening
e. In the morning

14. The third paragraph describes in detail ...

a. Where Snow White’s aunt and uncle had breakfast
b. What Snow White did after hearing her uncle’s plan
c. How Snow White went into the cottage
d. Whom Snow White met in the woods
e. With whom Snow White ran away into the woods

15. The dwarf said, “ If you wish, you may live here with us.” What did the dwarf mean with
the words underlined?
a. He asked Snow White for a permission to stay with her
b. He offered Snow White to stay with them
c. He showed his interest in Snow White
d. He agrred to stay with Snow White
e. He wishes to stay with Snow White

For questions number 16 to 18, choose the correct word to complete the text below

Long ago, a rich man wanted the very best education for his son, and so he sent him abroad
to learn other languages. A few years later when the young man returned home, the only language
he had learnt was the dog's language. The father was so indignant that he drove his son out of the
house, and said that he wished to have nothing further to do with him. The young man (16).... his
house with his broken heart.

After a great deal of wandering, the young man arrived in a village which was terrorized
by a group of fierce dogs. Although everybody had advised him not to wander there, the young
man insisted on going into the wood where dogs lived, and, too much amazement, he returned
without even a (17).... He said that the dogs has spoken to him, explaining they were (18)....
because they were compelled by a spell to keep guard all the time over a rich treasure chest buried
in the woods.The young man solved all the problems by digging up the chest for himself, so the
dogs troubled the villagers no further and were free to wander.

16. a. saw

b. left

c. took
d. visited

e. destroyed

17. a. fight

b. bark

c. pack

d. crack

e. stracth

18. a. sad

b. tame

c. greedy

d. fierce

e. disappointed

The following text is for questions number 19 to 21

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress,

fashion designer and business woman. She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She
became famous in the 1990's with the pop group "The Spice Girl" and was known as Posh Spice.
In 1999, she married the Manchester United and England footballer, David Beckham. They have
four children, three sons and a daughter.
After The Spice Girl split up, she pursued a solo singer career, but also started her own
fashion range called dVb Style. Since this initial foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has
brought out her own range of sunglasses and fragrance, entitled "Intimately Beckham"and
arrange of handbags and jewelry.
In addition she had written two best-selling books: one her autobiography and the other, a
fashion guide.
19. What did Victoria do before being a solo singer?
a. Married to David Beckham
b. Worked as fashion designer
c. Joined The Spice Girl
d. Created fashion style
e. Wrote many books

20. We found in the text that ....

a. Victoria named her fragrance by dVb style
b. Beckham is Victoria's autobiography
c. Beckham is Victoria's brand for her fragrance
d. Posh Spice is the title of her new album
e. Spice Girls is Victoria's label for her wardrobe

21. Based on the text, what do we know about Victoria?

a. She is an ordinary woman
b. She is a multi-talented woman
c. She designed The Spice Girls
d. She married to an ordinary person
e. She arranged many songs for The Spice Girls

The following text is for questions number 22 to 24



Born into a family of doctors in Kampung Ketapang, Kwitang Barat, Jakarta, Abdulrachman
Saleh also became a doctor. After finishing MULO, he studied at STOVIA. While still a student,
he was appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology. Graduating from STOVIA,
Abdulrachman Saleh continued his work at the lab while having his own medical practice.
Abdulrachman Saleh’s role in medicine was significant. He became a lecturer in Jakarta,
Surabaya, Malang, and Klaten. For his meritorious service in medicine, specifically in physiology,
in 1958, the University of Indonesia bestowed him the title of Bapak Ilmu Faal(Father of
Abdulrachman Saleh was a man of many interests. He was involved in youth organizations
like Boy Scouts and Indonesia Muda. He was also a member of Aeroclub, and co-founded
theVerenigde Oosterse Radio Omroep (VORO), an organization of broadcasters. It was he who
established the Voice of Free Indonesia, the radio station which spread the proclamation of
Indonesia’s independence to the world.

22. Abdulrachman Saleh was bestowed the title Father of Physiology because ....
a. he was a lecturer in the Medical faculty of the University of Indonesia
b. he was a lecturer as well as a doctor
c. he had significant contribution in physiology
d. he was a lecturer in many parts of Indonesia
e. he was a professor in physiology

23. The main idea of the first paragraph is that Abdulrachman Saleh ...
a. had his own medical practice.
b. studied at the medical school in STOVIA.
c. became a doctor because of his family.
d. was appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology.
e. started his career as a doctor in STOVIA.

24. Besides medicine, Abdulrachman also had a special interest in ....

a. laboratorium assistance
b. student organizations
c. aeroplane designing
d. broadcasting
e. politics
The following text is for questions number 25 to 27

The Road Not Taken

by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

25. Based on the poem, the poet stood at the intersection of?
a. A wood painted yellow
b. An auntumn forest
c. Trees with infected flowers
d. Woods which yellow in color
e. Trees with yellow flower

26. The poet regrets that…

a. He could not travel on boath the roads simultaneously
b. He has become old
c. The roads are covered with thick undergrowth
d. The paths are not clerly visible
e. He could travel on plane the roads simultaneously

27. In the poem, “…way leads on to way” (line 3) means…

a. These are many roads ahead
b. It is an uphill road
c. One road joins another road ahead
d. It is an downhill road
e. None of these
The following text is for questions number 28 to 30

A Thousand Years

by Christina Perri

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died every day
waiting for you
Darlin' don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

Time stands still

beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything
Take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath,
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day
Waiting for you
Darlin' don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

And all along I believed

I would find you
Time has brought
Your heart to me
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more
One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day

Waiting for you
Darlin' don't be afraid,
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

And all along I believed

I would find you
Time has brought
Your heart to me
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

28. This song is a soundtrack from film…

a. Titanic
b. Cinderella
c. Twilight Saga
d. Harry Potter
e. Romeo and Juliet

29. “I will be brave…” Antonym of the underline word is…

a. Courageous
b. Scared
c. Audacious
d. Daring
e. Bold

30. What is the implied meaning of the song?

a. A woman who loves a man in a briefly time

b. A man who loves a girl in briefly time
c. A man who hates a girl forever
d. A woman who loves a man forever
e. A woman who hates a man forever

The following text is for questions number 31 to 33

Global Warming

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are several
things that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as
possible. It of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course means,
the amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other region. Therefore, by
buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced.
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore, fresh
food or groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no electricity is needed
and saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and money.
31. So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global warming.
The text gives us information about …
a. The ways to minimize global warning
b. The ways to increase global warning
c. The effects of global warning
d. The importance of consuming local groceries
e. The importance of knowing global warning

32. To reduce the global warming we should …

a. buy import product
b. buy expensive clothes
c. consume frozen foods
d. consume fresh foods
e. not use electricity efficiently

33. We are helping reduce the amount of global warming” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word can be replaced by …
a. increase
b. decrease
c. improve
d. add
e. maximize
The following text is for questions number 34 to 36

School Uniform, Another Good Lesson

School uniform is special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The uniform
of a school may differ from others. Why should schools use uniforms? Below are some reasons.
First of all, Notre Dame’s Department of Sociology produced a study in 1998 concerning
school uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students showed that uniforms have no direct
effect on “substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” It also claimed a negative effect
on student achievements for those students considered ‘pro-school’.
Strong sense school ethos and a sense of belonging to a particular community. As such it
promotes discipline and helps to drive up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often
adopted by schools which are being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing.
Finally, uniform acts as a social leveler, under which all students are equal in the eyes of
the school and of each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive and
worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without expensive
designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or stigmatized as being from
poor backgrounds. For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save them money on
buying clothes for school wear. Considering the findings, schools should implement the uniform
as their identity. The government should also publish some kind of rule which makes uniform
compulsory for schools.
34. What is the text about?
a. The school rules
b. The school identity
c. What we should wear at school
d. The importance of school uniform
e. The equally among students

35. In institutions without uniform students, one will be regarded poor because he/she…
a. Does not wear a school uniform
b. Cannot afford to buy a school uniform
c. Wears no expensive designer clothes
d. Posses a bad academic record
e. Has a bad attitude at school

36. “… Substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” (Paragraph 2)

The antonym of the underlined word is…
a. Arrival
b. Come up
c. Appearance
d. Presence
e. Absence
Answer Key

1. E 13. E 25. B
2. B 14. C 26. A
3. A 15. B 27. C
4. A 16. B 28. C
5. E 17. A 29. B
6. D 18. E 30. D
7. E 19. C 31. A
8. C 20. C 32. D
9. A 21. B 33. B
10. A 22. C 34. D
11. D 23. E 35. C
12. A 24. B 36. D

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