What Is It? What Can It Be Used For?: Tool Name: Transect Walk

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A transect walk is a tool used to describe and show the location and distribution of resources along a given path. It can be used to identify problems and possibilities in an area as well as learn about local practices and technologies.

A transect walk is a method for describing and showing the location and distribution of resources, features, landscape, and main land uses along a given path. It can be used to identify cause-and-effect relationships in an area as well as for site selection and triangulating other collected data.

A transect walk provides information about natural resources, present land use, vegetation, changes over physical features and cropping systems in an area. It also provides information about public resources, land use patterns, social differentiation and mobility in urban communities.

Tool Name: Transect Walk

What is it? A transect walk is a tool for describing and showing the location and distribution
of resources, features, landscape, main land uses along a given transect.
What can it be used • identifying and explaining the cause and effect relationships among
for? topography, soils, natural vegetation, cultivation, and other production
activities and human settlement patterns
• identifying major problems and possibilities perceived by different groups of
local analysts in relation to features or areas along the transect
• learning about local technology and practices
• contributing as a tool for site selection
• triangulating data collected through other tools
What does it tell Natural resources, present land use, vegetation, changes in the physical
you? features and cropping systems, and so on in villages
Public resources, land use, social differentiation and mobility in urban
Complementary Community resource map, social mapping, time line, seasonal calendar
Key elements This simple tool is easily adopted and replicated at the community level.
It involves outdoor activities, on-field observation, discussions, and diagramming.
Data/information The transect walk is an information-gathering exercise; the only prior information
required is key informant advice on identifying the transect line routes and to
purposively select local analysts.
Time 2 to 3 hours
Skills Good participatory facilitation skills and knowledge
Supporting No software needed
Financial cost This tool will cost $30,000 to $100,000 as part of a participatory study,
depending on the number of communities sampled and the geographical scope
of the study.
Limitations This tool only takes into account the currently “observable” situation and
features, serving as an entry point for more in-depth analysis.
References and CARE. 2002. Household Livelihood Security Assessments: A Toolkit for
applications Practitioners.

FAO. The Forest Manager's Guide to Participatory Forest Management: Module

3. The Participatory Process in Forest Management. Forestry Policy and
Institutions Branch, Forestry Department.

de Zeeuw, H. and J. Wilbers. 2004. PRA Tools for Studying Urban Agriculture
and Gender. Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture and Forestry (RUAF).

Integrated Approaches to Participatory Development (IAPAD) website focuses

on sharing information on participatory mapping methodologies and processes:
www.iapad.org. Transect mapping: http://www.iapad.org/transect_mapping.htm.

Rock, F., ed. 2001. Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP) in Rural Cambodia.
Annex 11. Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
(MLMUPC), Cambodia.

Transect Walk and Diagramming: Procedures and Examples
Time, Materials, and Skills Needed
Two to three hours should be allowed to do a transect walk, produce and analyze a transect
diagram, and ensure that a full discussion occurs with local analysts. In large areas where a
transect walk would take longer to produce (for example, four or more hours), it might be
sensible to divide it up into smaller transect segments that can be combined later. Ask the
local analysts their views on this schedule.

Large sheets of paper and markers are required. Notebooks/paper and pens are needed to
make a copy of the diagram and also for the note-taker to record the discussion generated
during the diagram development. If the diagram is drawn on the ground, then a large area
will be needed, as well as a range of objects such as sticks, stone, leaves, seeds, and so on
that the analysts can use to represent features on the diagram.

The group will include a facilitator, observer/note-taker, and selected local analysts. The
facilitator and observer/note-taker should be experienced in both the principles behind the
use of participatory tools and methods in addition to their practical use.

Possible Approach
The following approach is a general example that can be adapted to suit the local context,
views of local analysts, and the research objectives.

Step 1: Select Local Analysts. Identify the groups of people to talk to about their
perceptions of their community and its resources. These decisions will be based on the
objectives and depth of information required for the research. For example, separate groups
of men and women might be useful because women and men might use different resources:
women will show the resources and features they think are important (such as water sources,
firewood sources, and so on) and men will show those they think are important (such as
grazing land, infrastructure, and so on). However, it might be necessary to break down the
population into further categories (such as ethnicity, well-being category, or caste). Groups
of five to ten local analysts should reflect any relevant and important social divisions.

Step 2: Provide Introductions and Explanations. When working with each group, the
facilitator and observer/note-taker should begin by introducing themselves and explaining
carefully and clearly the objectives of the walk and discussion. Check that the local analysts
understand and feel comfortable with what will be discussed.

Step 3: Do a Transect Walk and Producing a Transect Diagram. Discuss with the
local analysts the route they would like to follow on the walk. This decision could be based
on the community resource map if one has already been produced. Ask the analysts to think
carefully and plan a route that covers the main variations in topography and other features
they want to see and show during the walk. Explain that the route does not have to be
straight, but can meander if necessary.

With the local analysts, start at the edge of the area and begin the walk. As the walk
progresses, stop at key features or borders of a new zone (such as residential, topographic,
land usage, and so forth) and record the distance from the last zone. As an alternative, stop
every 100 paces (or another suitable interval).

Ask the local analysts to discuss and describe everything encountered or noticed and to
explain the key characteristics of areas/features they see. Facilitate this discussion by asking
questions about the details (along the same lines as the community resource map) and by
making observations. Observe and record the details that the local analysts encounter. Make
notes of all vital information gathered and draw sketches where necessary.

It is not necessary to stick to the original planned route. Deviate when useful or interesting,
or even at random, to observe the surrounding area and to gather relevant and useful
information. Walk slowly with the local analysts and try to understand the physical features
in the village from different perspectives. Interview people met along the way to obtain local
perspectives from people who might not have been able, or felt able, to join the original local
analysts (these interviews might provide interesting perspectives from people usually
marginalized during formal activities).

After the transect walk has finished, sit down in a suitable place with the local analysts to
discuss and record the information and data collected. Prepare an illustrative diagram of the
transect walk using the information. Where more than one transect walk has been completed,
prepare a combined chart and compare results.

The diagrams can be prepared on a large sheet of paper (or on the ground). On the top line,
illustrate the different zones that the local analysts visited. Down the side, list headings of the
areas of interest (plants, land use, problems, drainage system, and so on) and then fill in the
details of what was observed in each zone.

Step 4: Analyze a Transect Diagram. It might be useful to have a list of key questions
to guide a discussion about the information gathered during the transect walk. Key questions
might include the following examples:
• What resources are abundant or scarce?
• How do these resources change through the area?
• Which resources have the most problems?
• Where do people obtain water and firewood?
• Where do livestock graze?
• What constraints or problems are in the different areas?
• What possibilities or opportunities are in the different areas?
• How will a proposed policy change or implementation affect the features and
characteristics of different areas?
• Where do different population sub-groups live? Are they segregated or mixed? Do the
poorest households live in certain areas (such as on the edge of an area/community)?

If local analysts have sufficient time, it might be useful to ask them to draw a series of
diagrams to illustrate changes over time.

If there are several different groups, ask each group to present its diagram to the others for
their reactions and comments. Are there serious disagreements? If so, note these and if a
consensus is or is not reached.

Step 5: Conclude the Activity. Check again that the analysts know how the information
will be used. Ask the analysts to reflect on the advantages, disadvantages, and the analytical
potential of the tool. Thank the local analysts for their time and effort.

Points to Remember
Good facilitation skills are key. The approach outlined above is a general guide; be flexible
and adapt the tool and approach to local contexts and needs.

Case Study Example: Transect Diagram in Bangladesh

The transect diagram in figure 1 illustrates the resources, usage, problems, and
recommendations in various zones of the area (such as road, homestead, home-garden, crop
field, pond embankment, and pond) in a household’s area.

Figure 1. Transect Diagram from a Household Livelihood Security Assessment in

Bangladesh, 2002

Source: CARE 2002.

Case Study Example: Transect Diagram in Philippines

Figure 2 shows a diagram produced from a transect walk led by female local analysts in Mt.
Pulag National Park, Benguet, Philippines in 1997. This transect map shows land use, soil

color and texture, plants, animals, slope elevation, problems, and opportunities in three zones
of the barangay (village).

Figure 2. Transect Map of Barangay Bashoy, Kabayan, Benguet

Source: IAPAD n.d.

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