The Governing Vessel 'Sea of Yang Meridians': Start Download For PDF

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2/11/2018 Governing Vessel

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'Sea of Yang Meridians'
Email ”The Conception vessel and the Governing
vessel are like midnight and midday, they are
the polar axis of the body ... there is one
source and two branches, one goes to the
Subscribe front and the other to the back of the body ...
When we try to divide these, we see that yin
and yang are inseparable. When we try to see
them as one, we see that it is an indivisible

Li Shi-zhen

The Governing Vessel Meridian Flow

The Governing and Conception Vessels are two branches of the same source, and inseparable
Download Yin-and-Yang, front-and-back duality.

For PDF These vessels connect the uterus with the kidneys, heart, and brain.

Regulating the Governing and Conception Vessels is a priority in Medical Qigong practice.

Along these vessels, the Yang Fire and Yin Essence flow up and down the body, fusing the
Water and Fire energies together (Five Elements Healing).

This fusion facilitates a Yin and Yang balance throughout the body.

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Download Here The Governing Vessel Meridian is yang in
nature and starts from the uterus, runs down
to the central region of the pelvis around the
genitals and into the external orifice of the
urethra in women and around the penis in

It passes by the anus, moves upward from

inside the coccyx and sacrum and enters the

The external portion runs to the lower end of

the nose bridge and ends at the gum.

Governing Vessel Meridian Branches:

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* The first branch runs side by side with the
kidney meridian, enters the spine from the 1/5
2/11/2018 Governing Vessel
coccyx and sacrum region and links with the

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* The second branch runs side by side with the bladder meridian, ascends from the corner of
the eye, reaches the vertex (upper most part of the head) and links with the brain. Then it
runs downward the neck beside the spine.

* The third branch arises directly from the uterus and through the umbilicus, then passes
through the heart, enters the throat, comes to the mandible, runs around the lips and ends
below the eyes.

Governing Vessel Acu-Points Chart

Body Meridians - Meridian Flows and Meridian Acu-Point

A handy little book!

All the Meridian flows and Acu-points...

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For $2.50, you will receive a 60 page pdf file.

Governing Vessel Meridian Acu-Points

GV1 - Changqiang - Constipation, hemorrhoids, prolaps of rectum,

depressive or manic psychosis, epilepsy, rigid and arched back, pain
in the coccyx and sacrum area.

GV2 - Yaoshu - Stiffness and pain in the loins and spine, irregular
menstruation, hemorrhoids, epilepsy.

GV3 - Yaoyangguan - Pain in the loins and sacral region, irregular

menstruation, impotence.

GV4 - Mingmen - Stiffness and pain in the loins and spine, irregular
menstruation, morning diarrhea, impotence. 2/5
2/11/2018 Governing Vessel

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GV5 - Xuanshu - Local point for low back pain,

diarrhea, indigestion, poor assimilation (undigested food
in stools), panic attacks, abdominal pain, indigestion,

GV6 - Jizhong - Hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum,

stiffnes and pain in the loins and spine, epilepsy,
diarrhea, jaundice.

GV7 - Zhongshu - Local point for back pain. Epigastric

pain, abdominal pain and/or bloating, poor appetite,

GV8 - Jinsuo - Stiffness of spine, depression, epilepsy,

stomachache, jaundice.

GV9 - Zhiyang - Distending pain in the chest and

hypochondria, jaundice, caugh, stiffness of the spine and

GV10 - Lingtai - Cough, asthma, stiffness of spine and


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GV11 - Shendao - Angina pectoris, palpitations, amnesia, insomnia, cough, asthma, stiffness
of spine and back.

GV12 - Shenzhu - Cough, asthma, epilepsy, pain and stiffness in the spine and back.

GV13 - Taodao - Headache, stiff neck, stiffness of the spine, aversion to cold, fever, cough,
asthma, epilepsy and malaria.

GV14 - Dazhui - Headache, stiffness of neck, cough, asthma, night sweating, epilepsy, febrile
disease and malaria.

GV15 - Yamen - Sudden loss of voice, headache, stiff

neck depressive psychosis, epilepsy.

GV16 - Fengfu - Epilepsy, stiff neck, headache,

dizziness, sore throat and loss of voice.

GV17 - Naohu - Headache, dizziness, loss of voice,

stiff neck, manic and depressive psychosis.

GV18 - Qiangjian - Headache, vertigo, facial

distortion, stiff neck, epilepsy and insomnia.

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GV19 - Houding - Headache, vertigo, stiffness and pain in neck, manic and depressive
psychosis, epilepsy and insomnia. 3/5
2/11/2018 Governing Vessel
GV20 - Baihui - Headache, vertigo, wind stroke, insomnia, prolonged diarrhea.

GV21 - Qianding - Headache, vertigo, sinusitis, redness, swelling and pain of eyes, epilepsy.

GV22 - Xinhui - Headache, vertigo, sinusitis, nasal polyp, redness, swelling and pain of eyes,

GV23 - Shangxing - Nasal obstruction, sinusitis, headache, vertigo, pain of eyes, epilepsy and

GV24 - Shenting - Headache, vertigo, sinusitis, cataract, insomnia.

GV25 - Suliao - Sinusitis, nasal polyp, running nose,

unconsciousness, convulsion and suffocation.

GV26 - Shuigou - Unconsciousness, depressive and manic psychosis,

epilepsy, infantile convulsion, facial distortion, toothache, lockjaw,
nasal obstruction, stiff neck.

GV27 - Dui Duan - Problems of the mouth and sinuses - tongue

ulcers, bad breath (halitosis), pain and/or swelling of the gums, 192
nosebleed, nasal congestion, manic depression, epilepsy.

GV28 - Yinjiao - Swelling and pain of the gums, oral sore,


Acupressure (Quickstudy:

Related Pages


* Meridian Overview

* The Meridian Clock

* Five Elements Healing

* Meridian Flushing and Tracing

* Acupressure Points

The Meridians

* Stomach Meridian

* Spleen Meridian

* Heart Meridian

* The Small Intestine Meridian

* The Bladder Meridian

* Kidney Meridian

* Pericardium Meridian

* Triple Warmer Meridian

* Gallbladder Meridian 4/5
2/11/2018 Governing Vessel
* Liver Meridian

* Lung Meridian

* Large Intestine Meridian

* Conception Vessel

More related Topics

* Sound and Resonance

* Light and Color

* Body Frequencies

* Consciousness and Intent

* Chakra Colors

* Chakra Balancing - MP3

* Shaman Music

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