Crane Hoistdutymotorscatalogue

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0.12kW to 1250kW

Crane & Hoist Duty Motors

Over the last 70 years, we have become a reflection of the strength and purpose that today represent
Indian Industry and its growing power internationally. Bharat Bijlee has evolved from a pioneer of electrical
engineering in India to one of the most trusted names in the industry. Our portfolio of products and services
includes Power Transformers, Projects, Motors, Drives & Automation and Magnet Technology Machines and
caters to a spectrum of industries and the builders of the nation's infrastructure: Power, Refineries, Steel,
Cement, Railways, Machinery, Construction and Textiles.
Our products must perform faultlessly and we must fulfill the most demanding delivery schedules.
We value innovation and are proud of the customer - centric outlook that enables us to develop specialised
solutions for a wide range of utility and industrial markets. Our plant near Mumbai & our extensive network
of Sales and Service offices are integrated by enterprise - wise management and information systems.
Technology and innovation coverage to offer our customers integrated solutions that meet their specific
needs. We are growing; expanding both our manufacturing range and capacities, venturing into related
diversifications and exploring new markets with new partners.

Transformers Projects

LT Motors MV Motors
0.12kW to 1250 kW, up to 690V 160kW to 1000kW, up to 6.6kV

Drives & Automation Magnet Technology Machines

Complete range of BBL moto
(0.12kW to 1250kW) suitable for all
motors from frame 56 to 450
or all applications across industries.

1. Crane Duty Motors..............................................................................................................................01

a. Technical Information
b. Performance Table
c. General Arrangement Drawing
2. Slipring Crane Duty Induction Motors .................................................................................................22
a. Technical Information
b. Performance Table
c. General Arrangement Drawing
3. Cane Unloader ...................................................................................................................................25
a. Technical Information
b. Performance Table
c. General Arrangement Drawing
4. Brake Motors ......................................................................................................................................28
a. Technical Information
b. Performance Table
c. General Arrangement Drawing

ANNEXURE ...................................................................................................................................................34
Bharat Bijlee manufactures a complete range of three phase squirrel cage induction motors.
Motor Type Frame Power (kW) Polarity
Standard Motors 63 to 355 0.18 to 315 2, 4, 6, 8
IE2 Motors 71 to 355 0.37 to 375 2,4,6
IE3 Motors 80 to 355 0.75 to 315 2,4,6
IE4 Motors 112 to 180 1.50 to 22 4
Large LT Motors(DCCA) 355 to 450 280 to 1250 2, 4, 6, 8

Standard Flame Proof Motors 80 to 315 0.37 to 200 2, 4, 6, 8

IE2 Flame Proof Motors 80 to 315 0.37 to 200 2, 4, 6

IE3 Flame Proof Motors 80 to 315 0.75 to 180 2, 4, 6

Non - Sparking Motors 63 to 400 0.12 to 560 2, 4, 6, 8

Increased Safety Motors 63 to 355 0.12 to 400 2, 4, 6, 8

Crane & Hoist Duty Motors 71 to 355 0.37 to 400 4, 6, 8

Brake Motors 71 to 132 0.25 to 9.3 2, 4, 6, 8

Slip ring Motors 100 to 160 1.10 to 10 4,6

Textile Motors - Ring Frame 100 to 160 1.1 to 15 4

Cane Unloader Motors 160 to 225 11 to 30 6

Marine Duty Motors 63 to 450 ---- ----

As per
Roller Table Motors ---- ----

As per
Railway Auxilliary Motors ---- ----

Medium Voltage Motors 355 to 450 160 to 1000 2,4,6,8


Bharat Bijlee make crane and hoist duty motors are Variation in Ambient & Altitude
ideally suitable for short time and intermittent Table 1
duties. These motors are specially designed for
Amb. Permissible Altitude Permissible
frequent starts/stops and reversals. output as
Temp. output as above
Major Application % of rated
(°C) % of rated sea level
These motors are widely used in following value
value (meters)
• Crane duty and Hoist duty application including ≤ 30 107 1000 100
LT & CT drives 30-45 100 1500 97
• Material Handling 50 96 2000 94
• Weirs and Sluices 55 92 2500 90
• Lift Duty 60 87 3000 86
• Auxiliary motors in rolling mills 3500 82
Product Range 4000 77
Frame Size kW Range Insulation
71 to 355L 0.37 to 400 The motors are provided with class F insulation
scheme with temperature rise limited to class B
Standards limits.
In general these motors conform to following
standards Winding
The stators are wound with modified polyester
IS/IEC 60034-1 Three Phase Induction Motors enamel covered (Temp class 155°C) copper wires as
"Rotating Electrical
Machines - Part 1
specification per IS 13730:3 and impregnated with class F
Rating & Performance"
varnish. However motors wound with dual coated
Dimensions of foot mounted copper wires and VPI can be provided on request.
IS : 1231
A.C induction motors All Motors in 315S frame & above are wound with
dual coated winding wire (thermal class 200°C) as
Dimensions of flange mounted
IS : 2223 per IS 13730:13 and are impregnated with VPI
A.C Induction motors
CE Marks Thermal Protection (for Winding & Bearing)
All motors have CE marking on the nameplate. PTC thermistors / thermostats/ RTDs etc. can be
ELECTRICAL FEATURES embedded in stator winding on request.
Operating Conditions In case of frame sizes 250M & above bearing
Supply conditions (Voltage & Frequency) temperature detectors (BTD) can be supplied on
Voltage : 415V ± 10% request.
Frequency : 50Hz ± 5% Earthing Terminals
Combined Variation : ± 10% Two earthing terminals are provided, one on the
*Other voltage / Frequency on request. body and other in the terminal box.
Ambient Anti- condensation Method
Motors are designed for ambient temperature of In order to avoid condensation of water inside the
45 C. motors they can be heated up by connecting
Altitude voltage 4% to 10% of rated voltage to the motor
Motors are designed for altitude up to 1000m terminals. Adequate heating is obtained with
above mean sea level. current equal to 20-25% of rated motor current.
Alternatively any method as indicated in IS: 900 for
Re-rating Factors heating the stator winding could be adopted.
The re-rating applicable under different conditions Motors can also be offered with built in space
of ambient and altitude are obtained by multiplying heaters in frame sizes 90S and above.
following factors.


Enclosures: (Material & T Box Location)
Table 2
Enclosure Terminal Box Location
Frame Size
Materials Standard Option available
71-80 Aluminum TOP ----
Aluminum TOP ----
Cast Iron RHS TOP & LHS
132S-132M Aluminum TOP -
132S-225M Cast Iron RHS TOP & LHS
250M-355L Cast Iron TOP RHS & LHS

Degree of Protection Table 3

All motors have IP55 degree of protection as per Bearing Nos. C3 Max
clearance Termin- Terminal No. & cond.
al Box size of
IS:4691. Higher degree of protection such as IP56, Frame Size Type/ Cable
DE NDE Location No. Size entries
IP66 can be offered on request. All flange mounted area2
(mm )
motors are additionally provided with oil tight shaft 71 6202 2Z gk030/
6202 2Z
3 4
protection on driving end side. 80 6004 2Z 6004 2Z
gk130/ M4
90S, 90L 6205 2Z 6205 2Z
3* 6
Note: For more details, refer to annexure II. 100L 6206 2Z 6205 2Z gk230/ 3*
112M 6206 2Z 6205 2Z TOP 6
Cooling 132S, 132M 6208 2Z 6208 2Z gk330/ 2 × 1”
TOP 6 M5
All motors are totally enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC). 160M, 160L 6309 2Z 6209 2Z gk330/ 16
The cooling is effected by self driven, bi-directional 180M, 180L 6310 2Z 6210 2Z gk430/ 6 M6
RHS 1/2”
centrifugal fan protected by fan cover. The Type of 200L 6312 2Z 6212 2Z TB225/
6 M8 70
cooling is IC411 as per IS: 6362. Motors with 225S, 225M 6313 6213 RHS
250M 6315 6215
natural ventilation(TENV) or with forced cooing 2P 6316 6316 TB280/
2 × 2”
280 4,6 6 M10 150
arrangement can be offered on request. S/M & 6317 6316
Minimum cooling distance as indicated in GA 8P
315S, 315M 2 × 2”
Drawing has to be provided for effective cooling of TB315/
6319 6319 6 M12 2×2 240
315L Top 1/2”
the motor. TB355/
355L 6322 6322 6 M16 2 × 3” 300
Note: For more details, refer to annexure I. Top

*3 Terminals up to and including 1.5kW & 6 terminals

Type of Construction
for higher outputs
Standards motors are designed for foot mounting
(B3). Motors up to frame 355 are also suitable for Special Design Features
B6, B7, B8, V5 and V6 mounting. • Increased air gap between stator and rotor
Motors can be supplied in Flange mounting (B5). • Special rotor design
Flange mounted motors up to frame 355 are also Types of Duties
suitable for V1 and V3 mounting. The various operating cycles of driven machines
can be classified into nine basic duties, ranging
from S1 to S8 They are as follows:
Table 4
S1 Continuous duty
S2 Short time duty
S3 Intermittent periodic duty
S4 Intermittent periodic duty with starting
S5 Intermittent periodic duty with starting
and electric braking
S6 Continuous duty with Intermittent
periodic loading
Continuous duty with starting and
electric braking
Continuous duty with periodic speed

Duties S2, S3, S4 and S5 explained with graphs


A) S2-Short Time Duty

This includes a period of operation at constant load
which are too short to attain thermal equilibrium,
followed by rest period of sufficient duration to re-
establish equality of temperature with cooling
medium in one cycle.



D) S5- Intermittent Periodic Duty with Starting and

N = Operation under rated conditions. Electrical Braking
R = At rest de-energized This includes a period of starting, a period of
0Max = Maximum temperature attained during operation at constant load, a period of electrical
the duty cycle. braking, and de-energized period which are too
short to attain thermal equilibrium during one duty
B) S3- Intermittent Periodic Duty cycle. It is understood that the starting affect
This includes a period of operation at constant load temperature rise, as in (c) above, and the stopping
and a de-energized period, which are too short to also affects temperature rise as braking is carried
attain thermal equilibrium during one cycle. The out electrically.
starting current does not significantly affect the
We also supply motors for special types of duties,
temperature rise for this type of duty.
on enquiry including multi-speed motors with
squirrel cage rotors.



C) S4- Intermittent Periodic Duty with Starting

This includes a period of starting, a period of
operation at constant load and a de-energized
period, which is too short to attain thermal
equilibrium during one cycle. The starting affects
temperature rise, as load GD is higher than rotor The common Cyclic Duration Factors (CDF) for
GD and/ or no. of start/hour is high, for this type of the above duties are 25%, 40% and 60%. We
duty. The motor is stopped after switching off either also supply, on enquiry, motors for other CDF's. The
by natural deceleration, or by a mechanical Brake, CDF calculations are shown in figures 1(a),
without additional heating of the windings 1(b), 1(c), 1(d).

Examples of typical Starting Duties = 0.5 for DC motors

Table 5
CDF = Cyclic duration factor
Starting Duties
Class Camb = Derating factor for ambient temperature
Complete No. of
Breaking as per table 1.
Duty St/hr Jogs/hr plug Starts/hr
reversal/hr thermal For an AC hoist motor, the specified full load hoist
Equivalent speed must be obtained at not more than rated
60 0 0 0
torque, therefore, the calculated full load kW must
S3 40 80 0 0 60
20 80 20 0 be multiplied by: (100 - rated slip%)
150 0 0 0 (100 total ohms at full speed%)
S4 150
100 200 0 0
80 0 80 0 Where sufficient information is not available
S5 65 130 65 0 150 values given in table 6 below for duty cycles, cyclic
30 160 30 30 duration factor & starting corresponding to
300 0 0 0
S4 300 mechanism class shall be used. The values given
200 400 0 0
160 0 180 0 are based on the following formula:
S5 130 260 130 0 300 Operating time X 100
60 320 60 60 CDF =
Operating time + Idle time
Refer above table for example of typical starting Recommended Cyclic Duration Factor & starting class:
duties and selection of starting class. Table given
Table 6
here are for load GD2 ≤ rotor GD2. For cases where
load GD² >rotor GD² the motor should be selected Duty cycle Starting
from the table with a higher no. of starts/hr. as Mechanism No. of Recommended class (c)
per the formula. Class cyclic class (c) CDF (%) Equivalent
Cycles/hr (%) starts/hr
No. of starts allowed =No. of starts as per table
M1 Up to 5 25 90
×2× GD² of rotor/ (GD² of rotor + GD² of load).
Cycles 25
Selection of motors for hoist motions M2 Up to 5 25 90
For hoisting motor, the power required shall not be Cycles 25
less than that computed from the following: M3 40 150
10 to 15
MVCvCDF 1 Cycles 40
kW = X
6.12E Camb M4 16 to 20 40 150
Cycles 40
Where, derating factor will be taken as 12%,
M5 21 to 30 60 300
kW = One hour power rating for DC motors &
Cycles 60
power rating at (S-40%) cyclic duration
factor for AC motors M6 31 to 40 60 300
Cycles 60
M = Mass of rated load on hook plus weight of
M7 41 to 50 100 600
hook block & wire ropes in tones
Cycles 100
V = Specified hoisting speed in m/min
M8 51 to 60 100 600
E = Combined efficiency of gears & sheaves Cycles 100
= (0.93)n × (0.98)m for sleeve bearings
= (0.95)n × (0.99)m for antifriction
= (0.985)n × (0.99)m for hardened profile
ground & oil splashed lubricator, where
n = Number of pairs of gears
m = Total number rotating sheaves passed
over by each part of the moving rope
attached to the drum
Cv = Service factor for vertical motion
depending on type of motors,
= 0.67 for AC motors,

Selection of Motors for Crane Travel or Trolley F = Overall friction factor

Traverse = 8kgf per tonne for wheel on anti friction
It is assumed that the drive mechanism from the bearing.
motor to the track wheels will use enclosed = 13 kgf per tonne for wheels on plane
gearings mounted on anti-friction bearings. The bearings
actual efficiency of the drive will be adopted in
making calculations. Where actual efficiency CDF = Cyclic duration factor
values are not available, the efficiency of the drive Rw = Load due to service wind acting horizontally,
shall be taken in the range of 0.85 to 0.9. which can be obtained by multiplying the
horizontal exposed area by the service
For the track wheel with anti-friction bearings the
wind by taking drag co-efficient into
rolling friction at these bearings plus the friction
between the track wheels with an average drive
efficiency of 0.875 will give an overall friction factor A = Average linear acceleration of the crane of
of 8.0 kgf per tonne of the mass moved for the trolley in cm/s2 till the mechanism
calculation of the motor horse power or torque. In reaches 90% of free running speed for the
the case of wheels with the plain bearings an value of average linear acceleration refer
overall friction of 13.0 kgf per tonne of the mass table 7
moved may be used. S = Service factor aimed at providing adequate
motor heat dissipation capacity as given in
Selection of Motors for Crane Travel or Trolley table 7
For bridge travel or trolley traverse the power of the Acceleration values
Table 7
motor required shall not be less than that
computed from the following: Speed Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration
to be in cm/s² in cm/s² for in cm/s² for
For indoor cranes reached Low & Moderate & High speed
MVSCDF (F+1100a) m/min Moderate High speed with High
kW = ×
6117T 981N speed with (Normal Acceleration
For outdoor cranes Long Travel Application)
MVSCDF (F+1100a) RwV
kW = × +
6117T 981N 6117T 240 - 50 67
where, 190 - 44 58
kW = One hour power rating for DC motors & 150 - 39 52
power rating at 40 percent cyclic duration 120 22 35 47
factor for AC motors.
100 19 32 43
M = Mass of crane or trolley plus mass of max
60 15 25 33
rated load in tonnes.
40 12 19 -
V = Specified free running speed m/min.
25 10 16 -
N = Mechanical efficiency of gearing. For spur &
15 8 - -
helical gears it can be taken as 0.95 per
reduction. 10 7 - -

T = Factor introduced by the permissible motor

torque during acceleration exceeding the
motor rated torque. As a general guidance
value of T may be taken as 1.7 for motor
having pull out torque of 275 percent full
load torque. Lower value of T should be
taken for corresponding lower value of pull
out torque.
= 1.3 of d.c motor pull out torque *100
= 1.6 for a.c motor 160*full load torque


VFD Crane Duty Motors can be offered in frame sizes MJ80, MJ 90, MJ 100,
The growing need for energy saving and accurate MJ 112 and MJ 132. for enquiry please refer to our
control has resulted in increased demand for VFD sales office.
operated Crane Duty Motors. It has advantage over Enquiries
traditional Slipring Motor on speed range with low When making an enquiry or placing an order for
maintenance leading to reduced Life Cycle Cost. crane duty motor, please furnish the following
Current control of VFD Driven motors are better information. This will enable us to supply most
than Standard TEFC SCR Motors. Crane / Hoist Duty suitable motor for your cranes and hoists.
Motors call for the Constant Torque application and
1. Details of Crane:
the speed range varies from 10% to 100% of the
a. Class of crane
synchronous speed.
b. Type of crane
Bharat Bijlee Inverter Duty Crane and Hoist Motors c. Tonnage of crane
are provided with special insulation system suitable d. Operating speed
to withstand voltage spikes when run on VFD. The e. Type of motion: Hoisting, Travelling or Traversing
selection of frame size for various duty type and
2. Electrical Features:
starts shall be as per the selection table enclosed.
a. Motor Outpt (kW) and Polarity
These motors have following special features:
b. Supply voltage and frequency with variations
• Dual Coated Winding Wire
c. Type of Rotor: Squirrel Cage / Slipring
• Vacuum Pressure Impregnation
d. Class of Insulation and ambient temperature
For selection of motors suitable to work with VFD e. Method of starting
supply, please contact works. f. Requirement of starting torque, pull out torque,
Standard Features: starting current
g. Load torque of the driven equipment
Voltage: 220 to 690 Volts
h. In case of Slipring motors rotor voltage and rotor
Frequency: 50 / 60 Hz
current is to be specified
Ambient: 450C
Altitude: 1000 meters above mean sea level. 3. Operational Details:
Insulation: Class F / H (Temperature rise limited a. Duty type : S2,S3,S4 or S5
to class B or F as per demand) b. Duty cycle details preferably with a sketch if
Bharat Bijlee Motors are suitable for the following different from S2, S3, S4 or S5.
IGBT Drive output c. No. of starts per hour
• High Frequency in the range of 3kHz – 6kHz d. Method of braking: plugging, DC injection/
• Voltage rise time > 0.1 sec mechanical brake
• Voltage spikes up to 1600V and rise time of 0.1 e. No. of reversals per hour
sec f. Cyclic duration factor (CDF)
• THD < 3% g. Load inertia referred to motor speed (GD²)
Bharat Bijlee motors from 315 frame and above are 4. Mechanical Features:
inherently suitable for VFD operation. a. Enclosure
Optional: Insulated bearing (Recommended for b. Degree of protection
250 Frame onwards) Thermister /RTD / BTD. c. Mounting
Motors with Integral Brakes d. Fixing dimensions
These motors can be supplied with integral fail safe (If Bharat Bijlee standard motor fixing dimensions
D.C. brake in frame sizes up to 132, with built in are not applicable, please let us know your specific
rectifiers (so that no separate DC supply is required requirements, preferably with a drawing)
for brake part).For more details refer brake motors e. Shaft extension: Requirement of shaft extension
section of the catalogue. if any, needs to be mentioned
Flame-proof Crane Duty Motors f. Any other relevant data
Motors suitable for intermittent duty operation



Motor Terminal Voltage Transients 2. Cable Length
Modem controls use power transistors that switch In general, longer cable will increase the value of
at very high rates. To achieve this, the devices have the peak voltage at the motor's terminals. With
very fast turn on times that result in voltage pulses modern IGBT drives, the peak voltage begins to
with high dv/dt. When such a drive is used with a occur with a cable length of a few meters and can
squirrel cage induction motor, the pulses, in reach 2 times the control DC bus voltage at a length
combination with the cable and motor impedence, less than 20 meters. In some cases, however, very
generate high peak voltages at motor terminals. long cables (in excess of 130 meters, for example)
These peak voltages are repetitive. They occur can result in a situation where the peak voltage
continuously and can reduce motor insulation does not decay quickly enough. In this case, the
system life. peak voltage can be more than 2 times the control
Due to space & surface charge creation within the DC bus voltage.
insulation components, the electric stress is not 3. Minimum Time between Pulses and Minimum
only defined by the instantaneous voltage itself but Pulse Duration
also by the peak voltages that have been stressing An adjustable frequency drive creates average
the insulation previously. Generally, it has been voltage changes by varying the width of the pulses it
shown by experience that, within certain limits valid produces and the time between them. The peak
for drive systems, the stressing parameter is the voltage is potentially at its worst when time
peak/ peak voltage. between pulses is at the minimum for drive and the
In order to guarantee a normal service life, one length of the pulse duration is at the minimum. The
must be sure that these peak voltages do not minimum time between pulses is most likely to
exceed the maximum repetitive voltage rating of occur at high output voltage and during transient
the motor. conditions, such as acceleration & deceleration.
As per NEMA MG1 Part 31, definite purpose, Minimum pulse width is most likely to occur
inverter fed motors are designed to withstand at low output voltages. If the time between
maximum repetitive voltage peaks at motor pulses or the minimum pulse duration is less than
terminals equal to 3.1 times the motor's rated RMS three times the resonant period of the cable (0.2 to
voltage with a rise time not less than 0.1 µs. For 415 2 µs for industrial cable), higher peak voltage will
volt motor, these peaks will be of the order of 415 × occur. The only way to be sure this condition does
3.1 = 1286.5 volts. not exist in any particular drive is by measuring
the pulses directly or by contacting the
Fundamental Contributors to Peak Voltages manufacturer of the drive.
Stressing Motor Insulation
It is difficult to determine if a particular drive & 4. Transition Type
cable will cause peak voltage in excess of the Each of a drive's three output phases is capable of
motor's insulation capability. There are six being switched. Generally, only one of the three
fundamental issues that determine the amount of phases is switched at any given instant. This
peak voltage that will exist at the motor's terminals: situation is called a single transition. Some drives
pulse rise time, cable length, minimum time will switch two phases simultaneously. This is
between pulse, minimum pulse duration, referred to, as a double transition. The result is a
transition type (single or double), & the use line-to-line polarity reversal with twice
of multiple motors. the voltage excursion as that of single transition.
This causes higher peak voltage at the motor's
1. Pulse Rise Time terminals. Some drives perform double transitions
A certain amount of time is required for the voltage only during transient conditions such as
at the drive terminals for transition from low to acceleration and deceleration. Double transitions
high. This is called the rise time. A shorter rise time are generally found in old drives and are not
will cause the peak voltage at the motor's terminals widely used today. The only way to be sure a drive
to reach a higher value for a given cable length does not perform double transitions is by
between the motor and the drive. measuring the pulses directly or by contacting the
manufacturer of the drive.


5. Multiple Motors 1.0

If more than one motor is connected to a drive,
there can be higher peak voltage due to reflections 0.9
from each motor. The situation is made worse when
there is a long length of cable between the drive and

the common connection of motor. This length of 0.8
lead acts to decouple the motor from the drive.
As a result, reflection which would normally be
absorbed by the drive's low impedence can be
carried to another motor and add to the peak
voltage at its terminals. 0.6
6. Switching Frequency
Many PWM drives provide for convenient user
adjustment of the switching frequency. This
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
frequency can be adjusted over a range as broad as
500 Hz to 20 kHz. The choice of switching frequency HARMONIC VOLTAGE FACTOR (HVF)
is significant because it defines the number of peak
voltages that will be occurring at the motor in a Another way of keeping the temperature rise within
certain amount of time. The higher the switching limit is to provide independent cooling system
frequency, the greater the number of peak voltage (separate ventilation) to the motor.
and their magnitude that will be stressing the If one uses sine wave filter after converter, the
motor's insulation system. additional temperature rise gets reduced to about
(Reference: From NEMA - Application guide for AC 50C, but, usually, the user avoids to put the filter for
adjustable Speed Drive Systems) cost considerations.

Proper care must be taken to limit the peak voltages

to the limits of insulation scheme used in the motor.
This includes provision of suitable chokes / filters at
converter output voltage.

Temperature Rise of the Motor

Converter output voltage is not sinusoidal, but it
contains higher order harmonics. These harmonics
create additional losses in core, stator winding and
rotor of the motor. This in turn, results in higher
temperature rise of the motor, crossing the normal
class B limits at rated load. The increase in
temperature rise is of the order 15 to 200C
In order to keep the temperature rise of the motor
within acceptable limits, torque de-rating of the
motor is essential.
NEMA MG1 - Part 30 considers a de-rating factor
(torque de-ration) to avoid excessive overheating
of a general purpose motor fed by converter,
compensating for the circulation of harmonic
currents and the additional heat generated due to
the PWM voltage harmonic content.
Following figure provides the de-ration factor based
on the Harmonic Voltage Factor (HVF).


Temperature Rise of the Windings for Variable Torque Applications

When motor speed is reduced in variable torque application (generally parabolic torque speed curve
characteristic), ventilation due to fan reduces. But motor losses also reduce drastically.
To limit the winding temperature rise to class B limits at rated output with converter supply, permissible
rated output must be reduced to 85% of the motor nameplate output on sinusoidal supply.
Temperature Rise of the Windings for Constant Torque Applications
When motor speed is reduced in constant torque application, ventilation due to fan reduces. Motor losses
remain practically constant in this application but ventilation reduces considerably. Hence, in addition to
harmonics effect, the temperature rise is additionally increased due to reduced speed of the cooling fan.
Providing independent cooling system (separate ventilation) to the motor in this case is very effective in
keeping the temperature rise within acceptable limits.
Bearing Currents
Voltage is generated at shaft ends due to high switching frequency of converter and the excess length of
cable between converter and motor. This results in currents flowing through bearings and results in
bearing failure. One remedy is to use the insulated bearing on non drive end side.
Accoustic Noise
In case of motors fed by converter supply, the electromagnetically excited noise can be significantly
higher owing to the harmonic contents of the converter supply voltage.
Higher switching frequencies tend to reduce the magnetically excited noise of the motor.
Motor Applications for VFD
• Constant Torque - Crane, Hoist, Reciprocating Compressor etc.
• Variable Torque - Centrifugal Pump, Fan, Blowers etc.
• Constant Power - Metal cutting, Lathes, Coiler / Decoiler Machines etc.
• Custom built to suit customer's specific requirements.
Motors for Constant Torque application suitable for speed range of 1:10, 1:5, 1:2 etc can be provided.
Depending on the speed range, motors can be offered with forced cooling (IC 416) or in higher frame sizes.
Please check with our Sales Office for motors to be operated beyond the speed given in Table A.
Table A
Frame 2 Pole 4 Pole 6 Pole
112 5200 3600 2400
132 4500 2700 2400
160 4500 2700 2400
180 4500 2700 2400
200 4500 2300 2400
225 3600 2300 1800
250 3600 2300 1800
280 3600 2300 1800
315 3600 2300 1800

These are maximum safe operating speeds of a direct coupled motor, as per IS 15880:2009.


Special Features of Bharat Bijlee Motors for Running on Converter Supply

Bharat Bijlee motors are provided with special impregnation system / Vacuum Pressure Impregnation,
special slot insulation paper, special phase insulation paper and dual coated winding wire to take care of the
stresses. This insulation scheme is as per the requirement of IEC 60034-18-41. For voltages higher than
500V, please refer to our sales office.
Shaft induced voltage occurs due to the use of VFD. This causes flow of currents through bearing which
can lead to premature bearing failure. Insulated bearings can be provided in frames
from 132 onwards on request. In closed loop system operations, speed feedback is obtained through
encoder mounted on the shaft of the motor. We provide encoder mounting arrangements
on non drive end side shaft of the motor on request. We require Encoder Mounting Details to check the
suitability of mounting the same on our motor (Hollow Shaft Type Encoder recommended).
As explained above, motors which are required to operate with VFD supply need special design
considerations. Please refer such requirements to our sales office with load details and speed range.
We are giving herewith standard service conditions for BBL motors working on VFD supply. If the properties
/characteristics of VFD are different than those specified here, please contact sales office for necessary
selection at our end.

Checklist For Motors To Be Run On VFD Supply
Motor Parameters BBL Standard Specification
Base voltage and Base Voltage: 415V
Customer to specify
kWrating at 50Hz kW Rating: As per Customer requirement
Four point rating
As per customer requirement Customer to specify
as per IS 15881
Duty Details ( Torque
at different speeds and As per customer requirement Customer to specify
time d uration)
Time duration for
which motor is running As per customer requirement Customer to specify
at minimum speed
Application: Constant Forced cooling arrangement for speeds 30% or below
Torque Customer to specify
For other speeds, refer to works
Application: Variable 10% to 100% speed variation with temperature rise F to F
Customer to specify
Torque (Pump or Fan) For temperature rise to be limited to Class B, refer to Sales Office
Base Speed ( Polarity
As per customer requirement Customer to specify
of motor)
Speed Range 10% to 100% with forced cooling arrangement for
Customer to specify
(frequency variation) constant torque application
Maximum safe _
As per IS 15880 : 2009 (Table A)
operating speed
Operation above
Constant Power Customer to agree
base speed
Insulation class / F to F at 100% load (VFD supply)
Temperature rise F to B at 85% load (VFD supply) Customer to agree
(F to F / F to B) F to B at 100% load (grid supply)
Hazardous area zone 1 Combined testing at rated torque is a statutory Customer to pay
or zone 2 requirement to determine temperature class extra charges
Encoder NDE side extension for enco der mounting on request Customer to specify
Thermisters /RTD/ BTD On request Customer to specify
Bearing insulation On request, recommended from 315 frame Customer to agree
VFD parameters
Up to 3% THD, dera-tion not required
THD of the drive For 5% THD, de-ration factor is 0.95
Customer to specify
output voltage For 10% THD de-ration factor is 0.80
For THD higher than 10%, contact sales office
Required for speed below 33% of rated speed
Voltage boost Customer to note
(for constant torque application)
Carrier or switching
Max 5.0kHz Customer to specify

Rise time 0.1µsec or more Customer to specify

Individual drive or multi

Individual drive Customer to specify
motor drive
Voltage at motor
terminals from drive
(if less than permissible
variation of rated voltage, Rated voltage required at motor terminals Customer to specify
then de-ration factor to
be considered while
arriving at motor kW)

Minimum time
6 µsec or more Customer to agree
between pulses
Minimum pulse duration 6 µsec or more Customer to agree

Installation requirements

Earthing Special high frequency earthing (at customer’s end) Customer to provide

Type of power cable Shielded cables recommended Customer to provide

Generally <13m
For higher length, customer or his system integrator
has to ensure by using sine filters / dv/dt filters / chokes/
lower switching frequencies such that:

Cable length between a) For VFD motors having rated voltage up to 500V,
drive and motor, the peak to peak phase voltage is not exceeding 1.56 kV
Customer to agree
along with peak voltage at motor terminals
limit for motor insulation b) For VFD motors with rated voltage up to 690V, peak to
peak phase voltage is not exceeding 2.15 kV at motor
terminals. Above voltage values are as per IEC 60034 -25
c) For standard motor the peak voltage at motor terminals
should not exceed 800V

dv/dt filters or sine Mandatory for high switching frequency Customer to agree
wave filter (5kHz or more) and higher cable lengths (>5m)

Motor power factor Not to be used Customer to note

correction capacitors
1) Efficiency class is not applicable for VFD driven motors. For further information refer to sales office.
2) For rated voltage above 500 volts, please refer enquiry to sales office.


Performance table for 4-Pole motors

TEFC 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors Crane & Hoist duty with DOL Starting Fr. 71 to 355L
Voltage : 415V ± 10% Ambient : 45 C Ins. Class : F
Frequency : 50Hz ± 5% Duty : S3 / S4 Temp. Rise : B
Combined Variation : ± 10% Protection : IP55

1500 rpm ( 4-Pole)

60 Starts/ hr. 150 Starts/ hr. 300 Starts/ hr. With DOL Starting
40 % CDF 60 % CDF 40 % CDF 60 % CDF 40 % CDF 60 % CDF Pullout Net
Frame Type Ref. Starting Starting Torque Rotor Wt.
size B3 Rated Current Torque to Rated GD² B3
IEC Construction Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed to Rated to Rated Torque kgm² Const.
kW Current Torque kW Current Torque kW Current Torque Current Torque Current Torque Current Torque RPM Current Torque Ratio kg
kW kW kW Ratio
Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Ratio

71 MC071433 0.55 1.56 0.41 0.55 1.56 0.41 0.55 1.56 0.41 0.55 1.56 0.41 0.55 1.56 0.41 0.55 1.56 0.41 1310 3.7 2.25 2.75 0.0033 7
80 MC080413 0.75 1.8 0.55 0.75 1.8 0.55 0.75 1.8 0.55 0.75 1.8 0.55 0.75 1.8 0.55 0.75 1.8 0.55 1340 4.5 2.30 2.75 0.0061 10
80 MC080433 1.1 3.1 0.80 1.1 3.1 0.80 1.1 3.1 0.80 1.1 3.1 0.80 1.1 3.1 0.80 1.1 3.1 0.80 1365 5.0 2.30 2.80 0.0072 11
90S MC09S433 1.5 3.9 1.1 1.5 3.9 1.1 1.5 3.9 1.1 1.5 3.9 1.1 1.5 3.9 1.1 1.5 3.9 1.1 1385 5.0 2.25 2.75 0.0120 14
90L MC09L453 2.2 5 1.6 2.2 5 1.6 2.2 5 1.6 2.2 5 1.6 2.2 5 1.6 2.2 5 1.6 1380 4.8 2.30 2.80 0.0160 17
100L MC10L453 3.7 8 2.6 3.7 8 2.6 3.7 8 2.6 3.7 8 2.6 3.7 8 2.6 3.7 8 2.6 1380 6.0 2.30 3.00 0.0260 27
112M MC11M453 5.5 12.4 3.8 5.5 12.4 3.8 5.5 12.4 3.8 5.5 12.4 3.8 5.5 12.4 3.8 5.5 12.4 3.8 1400 6.0 2.50 2.80 0.058 35
132S MC13S4G3 7.5 14.8 5.1 7.5 14.8 5.1 7.5 14.8 5.1 7.5 14.8 5.1 7.5 14.8 5.1 7.5 14.8 5.1 1440 6.5 2.25 2.90 0.127 56
132M MC13M4P3 9.3 18.1 6.3 9.3 18.1 6.3 9.3 18.1 6.3 9.3 18.1 6.3 9.3 18.1 6.3 9.3 18.1 6.3 1440 6.5 2.30 2.90 0.143 68
160M MC16M4A3 11 22 7.4 11 22 7.4 11 22 7.4 11 22 7.4 11 22 7.4 11 22 7.4 1440 6.5 2.25 2.80 0.141 93
160M MC16M4C3 13.2 25 8.9 12.1 23 8.2 13.2 25 8.9 12.1 23 8.2 13.2 25 8.9 12.1 23 8.2 1440 6.5 2.25 2.80 0.177 103
160M MC16M4F3 15 30 10.1 15 30 10.1 15 30 10.1 15 30 10.1 13.8 27 9.3 13.8 27 9.3 1440 6.5 2.25 2.80 0.193 107
160L MC16L4P3 18.5 36 12.5 18.5 36 12.5 18.5 36 12.5 18.5 36 12.5 17 33 11.5 17 33 11.5 1445 6.5 2.10 2.50 0.265 132
180L MC18L473 22 39 14.7 22 39 14.7 22 39 14.7 22 39 14.7 22 39 14.7 20 35.5 13.3 1460 6.5 2.40 2.60 0.540 188
200L MC20L433 30 52 19.9 30 52 19.9 30 52 19.9 30 52 19.9 28 49 18.6 26 45 17.3 1465 6.5 2.60 2.60 0.860 270
225S MC22S413 37 64 24.5 37 64 24.5 37 64 24.5 34 59 22.5 32 57 21.2 30 54 19.9 1470 6.5 2.50 2.60 1.32 328
225M MC22M433 45 78 29.8 45 78 29.8 45 78 29.8 40 69 26.5 37 66 24.5 34 61 22.5 1470 6.5 2.50 2.50 1.60 362
250M MC25M413 55 97 36.3 55 97 36.3 55 97 36.3 52 92 34.3 48 84 31.7 45 78 29.7 1475 6.5 2.50 2.60 2.83 475
280S MC28S413 75 130 49.4 75 130 49.4 75 130 49.4 70 121 46 67 116 44.1 65 112 42.8 1480 6.5 2.30 2.60 5.00 653
280M MC28M433 90 156 59.2 90 156 59.2 90 156 59.2 84 146 55.3 80 139 52.6 75 130 49.4 1480 6.5 2.30 2.60 6.00 713
315S MC31S413 110 190 72.1 110 190 72.1 110 190 72.1 102 176 67 95 164 62.3 90 155 59.0 1485 6.5 2.30 2.60 8.7 902
315M MC31M433 132 225 86.5 132 225 86.5 132 225 86.5 125 213 81.9 115 196 75.4 110 188 72.1 1486 6.5 2.30 2.60 10.2 1010
315L MC31L453 160 270 104.8 160 270 104.8 160 270 104.8 150 253 98.3 138 233 90.4 132 223 86.5 1487 6.5 2.30 2.60 12.2 1185
315L MC31L463 180 305 117.9 180 305 117.9 180 305 117.9 168 285 110.0 158 268 103.5 150 254 98.3 1487 6.5 2.30 2.60 13.4 1262
315L MC31L473 200 342 131.0 200 342 131.0 200 342 131.0 185 316 121.2 180 308 117.9 175 299 114.6 1487 6.5 2.30 2.60 14.6 1305
355L MC35L413 250 410 163.6 250 410 163.6 250 410 163.6 232 380 151.9 220 361 144.0 210 344 137.5 1488 6.5 2.25 2.60 17.76 1290
355L MC35L433 315 517 206.2 315 517 206.2 315 517 206.2 295 484 193.1 280 460 183.3 270 443 176.7 1488 6.5 2.25 2.60 32.70 1855
355L MC35L453 355 586 232.8 355 586 232.8 355 586 232.4 330 545 216.0 310 512 202.9 300 495 196.4 1488 6.5 2.20 2.50 38.20 2050

Note: 1. Above ratings are suitable for S3, S4 (intermittent) duties and not for S1 (continuous) duty
2. For thermal test of motor,
· motors will be run on S2 - 60 min duty at nameplate rating and temperature rise will be limited to F class.
· motors will be run on S2 - 30 min duty at nameplate rating and temperature rise will be limited to B class.
Performance table for 6-Pole motors
TEFC 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors Crane & Hoist duty with DOL Starting Fr. 71 to 355L
Voltage : 415V ± 10% Ambient : 450C Ins. Class : F
Frequency : 50Hz ± 5% Duty : S3 / S4 Temp. Rise : B
Combined Variation : ± 10% Protection : IP55

1000 rpm ( 6-Pole)

150 Starts/ hr. 300 Starts/ hr. With DOL Starting

40 % CDF 60 % CDF 40 % CDF 60 % CDF Starting Pullout Net

Starting Rotor
Frame Type Ref. Rated Current Torque Wt.
Torque GD²
size B3 Speed to Rated B3
to Rated to Rated kgm²
IEC Construction Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated RPM Torque Const.
kW kW kW kW Current Torque
Current Torque Current Torque Current Torque Current Torque Ratio kg
Ratio Ratio
Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m

71 MC071633 0.37 1.43 0.45 0.37 1.43 0.45 0.37 1.43 0.45 0.37 1.43 0.45 800 3.0 1.70 1.90 0.0038 7
80 MC080613 0.55 2 0.65 0.55 2 0.65 0.55 2 0.65 0.55 2 0.65 830 3.5 1.90 2.20 0.0060 10
80 MC080633 0.75 2.7 0.85 0.75 2.7 0.85 0.75 2.7 0.85 0.75 2.7 0.85 860 3.5 2.25 2.50 0.0084 11
90L MC09L6A3 1.1 3 1.2 1.1 3 1.2 1.1 3 1.2 1.1 3 1.2 900 4.0 2.30 2.60 0.0160 17
90L MC09L653 1.5 4.2 1.6 1.5 4.2 1.6 1.5 4.2 1.6 1.5 4.2 1.62 900 4.0 2.30 2.75 0.0160 17
100L MC10L653 2.2 6.5 2.3 2.2 6.5 2.3 2.2 6.5 2.3 2.2 6.5 2.3 920 4.5 2.25 2.75 0.029 27
112M MC11M653 3.7 9.1 3.9 3.7 9.1 3.9 3.7 9.1 3.9 3.7 9.1 3.92 920 5.0 2.25 2.75 0.065 33
132S MC13S6G3 5.5 13.5 5.7 5.5 13.5 5.7 5.5 13.5 5.7 5.5 13.5 5.73 935 5.5 2.30 2.75 0.130 52
132M MC13M6T3 7.5 18.8 7.8 7.5 18.8 7.8 6.5 16.3 6.8 6.5 16.3 6.8 935 5.5 2.30 2.75 0.193 71
160M MC16M633 9.3 21 9.7 8 18 8.3 9.3 21 9.7 8 18.1 8.3 935 6.0 2.30 2.75 0.276 103
160L MC16L663 11 24 11.5 10.2 22.3 10.6 11 24 11.5 10.2 22.3 10.6 935 6.0 2.30 2.75 0.34 113
160L MC16L673 13 29 13.5 12 27 12.5 13 29 13.5 12 27 12.5 935 6.0 2.25 2.75 0.40 123
180L MC18L633 17 35 17.2 16 33 16.2 16 33 16.2 15 31 15.2 960 6.0 2.30 2.60 0.82 190
200L MC20L633 22 42 22.1 20 38 20.1 20 38 20.1 18.5 35.1 18.6 970 6.0 2.30 2.50 1.20 254
225M MC22M623 30 55 30.1 28 51 30.1 28 51.3 28.1 26 47.7 26.1 970 6.0 2.30 2.50 2.10 336
250M MC25M603 37 66 37.0 34 60 34.0 34 60.2 34.0 30 53.1 30.0 975 6.0 2.30 2.50 3.51 458
280S MC28S613 45 82 45.0 40 73 40.0 40 70.2 40.0 37 65.0 37.0 975 6.0 2.30 2.50 5.11 573
280M MC28M633 52 93 51.7 48 86 47.7 48 85.5 47.7 45 80 44.7 980 6.0 2.30 2.50 6.16 620
315S MC31S613 70 123 69.2 65 114 64.3 65 115 64.3 60 106 59.3 985 6.0 2.30 2.50 10.7 830
315M MC31M633 85 151 84.1 80 142 79.1 80 142 79.1 75 133 74.2 985 6.0 2.30 2.50 12.4 912
315M MC31M653 102 178 100.6 95 166 93.7 95 166 93.7 90 157 88.7 988 6.0 2.30 2.50 15.5 1010
315L MC31L673 125 217 123.2 120 208 118.3 120 208 118.3 110 191 108.4 988 6.0 2.30 2.50 18.0 1175
315L MA31L693 150 260 147.9 142 246 140.0 142 246 140.0 132 229 130.1 988 6.0 2.30 2.50 21.5 1231
355L MC35L6A3 168 294 165.3 160 280 157.4 160 280 157.4 150 263 147.6 990 6.0 2.20 2.50 28.7 1670
355L MC35L613 185 326 182.0 175 308 172.2 175 308 172.2 160 282 157.4 990 6.0 2.20 2.50 28.7 1670
355L MC35L633 235 414 231.2 225 396 221.4 225 396 221.4 210 370 206.6 990 6.0 2.20 2.50 35.5 1780
355L MC35L653 280 493 275.5 265 466 260.7 265 466 260.7 240 422 236.1 990 6.0 2.20 2.50 43.3 2000
Note: 1. Above ratings are suitable for S3, S4 (intermittent) duties and not for S1 (continuous) duty
2. For thermal test of motor,
· motors will be run on S2 - 60 min duty at nameplate rating and temperature rise will be limited to F class.
· motors will be run on S2 - 30 min duty at nameplate rating and temperature rise will be limited to B class.

Performance table for 8-Pole motors

TEFC 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors Crane & Hoist Duty with DOL Starting Fr. 90S to 355L
Voltage : 415V ± 10% Ambient : 450C Ins. Class : F
Frequency : 50Hz ± 5% Duty : S3 / S4 Temp. Rise : B
Combined Variation : ± 10% Protection : IP55

750 rpm ( 8-Pole)

150 Starts/ hr. 300 Starts/ hr. With DOL Starting

Type Pullout Net
Frame 40 % CDF 60 % CDF 40 % CDF 60 % CDF Rated Starting Starting Rotor Wt.
size Ref. Speed Current Torque to Rated GD² B3
IEC B3 RPM to Rated to Rated Const.
Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Rated Torque kgm²
Construction Current Torque kg
kW Current Torque kW Current Torque kW Current Torque kW Current Torque Ratio
Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Amps. kg.m Ratio Ratio

90S MC09S8A3 0.37 1.43 0.5 0.37 1.43 0.5 0.37 1.43 0.5 0.37 1.43 0.5 700 3.0 2.00 2.30 0.011 13
90S MC09S813 0.55 2.15 0.8 0.45 1.76 0.6 0.55 2.15 0.8 0.45 1.76 0.6 680 3.0 1.80 2.10 0.011 13
90L MC09L853 0.75 2.76 1.1 0.75 2.76 1.1 0.75 2.76 1.1 0.65 2.39 0.9 680 3.0 2.00 2.40 0.014 14
100L MC10L813 1.1 3.4 1.6 1.1 3.4 1.6 1.1 3.4 1.6 0.9 2.78 1.3 655 3.5 1.80 2.00 0.023 18
100L MC10L833 1.5 4.95 2.1 1.5 4.95 2.1 1.5 4.95 2.1 1.1 3.63 1.6 680 3.5 2.00 2.30 0.027 22
112M MC11M833 2.2 6.8 3.1 2.2 6.8 3.1 2.2 6.8 3.1 1.5 4.64 2.1 700 4.0 2.00 2.30 0.06 32
132S MC13S8G3 3.7 8.8 5.1 3.7 8.8 5.1 3.7 8.8 5.1 3 7.14 4.1 710 4.0 2.00 2.30 0.133 69
160M MC16M833 5.5 12 7.5 5.5 12 7.5 5.5 12 7.5 4.5 9.82 6.2 710 5.0 2.10 2.40 0.299 106
160L MC16L873 7.5 16 10.3 6.5 13.9 8.9 6.5 13.9 8.9 6 12.8 8.2 710 5.5 2.25 2.50 0.40 119
180M MC18M813 9.3 20 12.8 8.5 18.5 11.7 8.5 18.5 11.7 7.5 16.5 10.3 710 5.5 2.25 2.50 0.62 177
180L MC18L833 11 23 15.1 9.3 19.4 12.8 9.3 19.5 12.8 8.5 17.8 11.7 710 5.5 2.25 2.50 0.72 182
200L MC20L833 15 28.8 20.3 13 25 17.6 13 25.0 17.6 11 21.1 14.9 720 5.5 2.30 2.30 1.32 282
225S MC22S813 18.5 37.5 25.0 17 34.5 23.0 17 34.5 23.0 15 30.4 20.3 720 5.5 2.25 2.50 1.95 329
225M MC22M833 22 44.5 29.8 20 40.5 27.1 20 40.5 27.1 18.5 37.4 25.0 720 5.5 2.25 2.50 2.41 369
250M MC25M813 30 56 40.0 26 48.5 34.7 26 48.5 34.7 22 41.1 29.4 730 5.5 2.30 2.50 3.72 472
280S MC28S823 37 71 49.4 34 65.2 45.4 34 65.0 45.4 30 57.6 40.0 730 5.5 2.25 2.40 5.83 615
280M MC28M853 45 86 60.0 40 76.4 53.4 40 76 53.4 37 71 49.4 730 5.5 2.25 2.40 6.86 665
315S MC31S813 55 108 72.9 50 98.2 66.3 50 98 66.3 45 88 59.6 735 6.0 2.25 2.40 10.7 833
315M MC31M833 75 148 99.4 67 132 88.8 67 132 88.8 60 118 79.5 735 6.0 2.25 2.40 12.4 912
315M MC31M853 90 175 119.3 80 156 106.0 80 156 106.0 75 146 99.4 735 6.0 2.25 2.40 15.5 1010
315L MC31L873 110 214 145.8 100 195 132.5 100 195 132.5 90 175 119.3 735 6.0 2.25 2.40 18.0 1170
315L MC31L893 132 257 174.9 125 243 165.6 125 244 165.6 115 224 152.4 735 6.0 2.25 2.40 21.5 1340
355L MC35L813 160 300 210.6 150 281 197.4 150 281 197.4 140 263 184.3 740 6.0 2.00 2.30 28.7 1670
355L MC35L8B3 180 337 236.9 170 318 223.8 170 318 223.8 155 290 204.0 740 6.0 2.20 2.40 35.5 1780
355L MC35L833 185 347 243.5 175 328 230.3 175 328 230.3 160 300 210.6 740 6.0 2.00 2.30 35.5 1780
355L MC35L853 210 394 276.4 200 375 263.2 200 375 263.2 180 338 236.9 740 6.0 2.00 2.30 41.5 1880

Note: 1. Above ratings are suitable for S3, S4 (intermittent) duties and not for S1 (continuous) duty
2. For thermal test of motor,
· motors will be run on S2 - 60 min duty at nameplate rating and temperature rise will be limited to F class.
· motors will be run on S2 - 30 min duty at nameplate rating and temperature rise will be limited to B class.


Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.


Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.

Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.


Application The values of rated current and voltage required for

Slipring induction motors are used for systems selecting the starting resistors are listed in the
specifying limitations on starting current, for high performance table of Slipring motors.
inertia drives and for frequent starting. The motors For reduced load, the rotor current reduces and is
are eminently suitable for high mechanical and given by rated current × (reduced load/rated load)
electrical stresses encountered under heavy duty The rotor current while starting is proportional to
conditions such as excavating machines, stone the motor torque and determines the size of the
crushers, main and auxiliary drives in rolling mills starting resistance.
etc. These motors are well suited for smooth
starting by using the resistance bank. These Fine speed variation is possible by inserting
motors can also be used for variable speed drives, resistance in the rotor circuit calculated per
particularly for short periods and within a small phase as:
speed range. Vr × (Ns -N) × Mn
Rc = - Rr
3 × Ir × Ns × M
The motors are provided with class F insulation
scheme with temperature rise for stator windings Where Vr, Ir and Rr are the open circuit voltage, rated
limited to class B limits and rotor winding limited current and resistance of the rotor, Mn and M are
to class F limits. the rated and required torque values, and Ns
Enclosures: (Material & T-Box Location) and N are the synchronous and required speed
Terminals Box
Frame Enclosure Location Since the cooling is reduced at lower speed, torque
Size Materials Options and output must be reduced as per the following
Standards table, otherwise a larger motor should be selected.
100 to 160 Cast Iron Top ---- Speed % 100 90 80 70 60 50
Torque % 100 96 91 85 80 72
Output % 100 86 73 60 48 36
Degree of Protection
All motors have IP55 degree of protection as per At lower speeds the torque speed characteristic is
IS/IEC 60034-5. Higher degree of protection such as such that the speed varies inversely with the load.
IP 56, IP 65 and IP 66 can be offered on request. All Below 50% rated speed, satisfactory operating
flange mounted motors are additionally provided characteristics may not be obtained even if the
with oil tight shaft protection on driving end side. load torque remains constant.
If sufficiently ventilated by using a separate fan etc.
Note: For more details, refer to Annexure II.
the motor can provide the full load torque at
Mounting reduced speed.
Standard mounting is B3. In case B5 mounting is
required, please refer to our sales office.
Additional Mechanical Features
The Slipring's at the drive end are accessible
through hinged brushes on the top after opening
the T-Box cover. The brush block assembly can
hence easily be replaced as a whole unit without
dismantling the motor. Terminals box of the motor
contains 3 terminals for stator and 3 for rotor and 2
cable entries.
Starting and Speed Control
The maximum torque (which is approx. the pull-out
torque) can be obtained for starting by correct
selection of the resistance of the controller. By
appropriately switching the resistance as the
motor picks up speed, the mean torque during
starting can be as high as 2.25 times the rated full
load torque.
TEFC 3 Phase Slip-ring Induction Motors Crane & Hoist Duty Fr. 100L To 160L

Voltage : 415V+/-10% Ambient : 45°C Ins.Class Stator/Rotor : F/F

Frequency : 50Hz+/-5% Duty : S3/S4/S5 Temp. Rise Stator/Rotor : B/F
Combined Variation : +/-10% Protection : IP55

1000 rpm ( 6-Pole)

Frame Type 25 % CDF 40 % CDF 60 % CDF
size Ref. Kw RPM Pullout Line Amps Kw RPM Pullout Line Amps Kw RPM Pullout Line Amps GD2 Kgm2 Wt.
Torque Torque Torque Rotor Of
to Rated to Rated to Rated O.C.V motor

IEC Torque Torque Torque Kg.


Construction Ratio Ratio Ratio

100L MP10L613 1.3 800 1.75 3.8 15.4 1.1 850 2.2 3.5 13.0 1.0 870 2.5 3.4 11.8 65 0.034 0.09 37

100L MP10L623 1.9 785 2.0 5.4 16.5 1.5 870 2.8 5.0 13.0 1.3 890 3.3 4.7 11.3 80 0.038 0.1 40

112M MP11M623 2.6 820 2.0 9.8 22.0 2.4 840 2.2 6.4 20.3 2.1 870 2.7 6.0 17.8 90 0.068 0.17 58

112M MP11M643 3.8 830 2.0 9.6 23.8 3.3 850 2.3 8.6 20.6 2.8 880 2.8 8.2 17.5 115 0.076 0.19 61

132M MP13M613 4.8 860 2.1 12.5 30.5 4.0 890 2.6 11.0 25.4 3.4 910 3.0 9.7 21.6 110 0.153 0.38 90

132M MP13M663 6.6 870 1.9 16 30.6 5.5 895 2.5 13.3 25.5 4.8 915 2.9 12.4 22.2 140 0.18 0.45 94

60 starts per hour

160M MP16L613 8.0 900 2.0 18.1 33.1 7.0 920 2.1 15.8 29.0 6.5 930 2.5 14.7 26.9 206 0.31 0.77 129

160L MP16L653 11.5 890 1.6 25.3 33.9 10.0 915 1.8 21.0 29.5 9.0 920 2.1 19.8 26.5 240 0.378 0.94 139

100L MP10L613 1.3 800 1.75 3.8 15.4 1.1 850 2.2 3.5 13.0 1.0 870 2.5 3.4 11.8 65 0.034 0.09 37

100L MP10L623 1.8 810 2.2 5.3 15.6 1.5 870 2.8 5.0 13.0 1.3 890 3.3 4.7 11.3 80 0.038 0.1 40

112M MP11M623 2.6 820 2.0 6.8 22.0 2.3 850 2.4 6.2 19.5 2.0 875 2.8 5.9 17.0 90 0.068 0.17 58

112M MP11M643 3.8 830 2.0 9.6 23.8 3.2 855 2.4 8.5 20.0 2.7 885 3.0 8.1 16.9 115 0.076 0.19 61

132M MP13M613 4.5 865 2.2 11.9 28.6 3.7 895 2.8 10.4 23.5 3.2 915 3.3 9.4 20.3 110 0.153 0.38 90

132M MP13M663 6.5 870 2.0 15.1 30.1 5.4 895 2.7 13.2 25.0 4.6 920 3.0 12.0 21.3 140 0.18 0.45 94

150 starts per hour

160L MP16L613 8.0 900 2.0 18.1 33.1 7.0 920 2.3 15.8 29.0 6.0 930 2.7 13.4 24.9 206 0.31 0.77 129

160L MP16L653 10.5 900 1.8 23.1 30.9 9.5 915 1.9 21.0 28.0 8.6 930 2.25 18.5 25.3 240 0.378 0.94 139

100L MP10L613 1.3 800 1.75 3.8 15.4 1.1 850 2.2 3.5 13.0 0.9 890 2.8 3.3 10.6 65 0.034 0.09 37

100L MP10L623 1.8 810 2.2 5.3 15.6 1.5 870 2.8 5.0 13.0 1.3 890 3.3 4.7 11.3 80 0.038 0.1 40

112M MP11M623 2.6 820 2.0 6.8 22.0 2.3 850 2.4 6.2 19.5 1.9 880 3.0 5.7 16.1 90 0.068 0.17 58

112M MP11M643 3.6 840 2.1 9.2 22.5 3.0 870 2.6 8.3 18.8 2.6 890 3.1 8.0 16.3 115 0.076 0.19 61

132M MP13M613 4.0 890 2.6 11.0 25.4 3.4 905 3.0 9.7 21.6 3.0 920 3.5 9.0 19.1 110 0.153 0.38 90

160M MP13M663 6.1 875 2.2 14.6 28.2 5.1 900 2.7 12.5 23.6 4.4 930 3.2 11.5 20.4 140 0.18 0.45 94

300 starts per hour

160L MP16L613 6.7 920 2.4 15.2 27.8 5.5 940 2.9 12.3 22.8 5.0 945 3.2 11.2 20.7 206 0.31 0.77 129

160L MP16L653 9.0 920 2.1 19.8 26.5 8.0 935 2.4 17.4 23.6 7.5 940 2.5 16.5 22.1 240 0.378 0.94 139


Dimensional Details: Slip Ring Motor Type MP Foot Mounted (B3) TEFC Frame 100L-160 M/L

Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.

Bharat Bijlee has developed a special series of Cane Product Range

un-loader motors for unloading cane at sugar mills. Frame Size kW range
These motors are designed after thorough study
160L to 225M 11 to 30
of the Cane un-loader application in sugar mills.
Application Electrical Features
These motors are primarily crane duty motors Operating Conditions:
suitable for very high no. of switching per hour. Supply Voltage : 415V ± 10%
These motors can be used for lifting applications Frequency  : 50Hz ± 5%
where high switching frequencies lead to Combined Variation : ± 10%
overheating and burnouts. These motors are Duty   : S5, 50% CDF, 900 Switching
developed with specially designed squirrel cage per hour.
rotor and they readily replace Slipring induction
motors. Ambient
Salient Features Motors are designed for ambient temperature of
Ÿ Very high no. of switching: These motors are 45°C.
suitable for very high no. of switching i.e. 900 Altitude
starts/stop per hour which includes inching Motor are designed for altitude up to 1000m above
and plugging. mean sea level.
Ÿ Special winding & impregnation: The stators
are wound with dual coated (DC) winding wires The motors are provided with class F insulation
as per IS13730 part 13 and winding is scheme with temperature limited to class B limits.
impregnated with VPI process. This improves
the thermal withstand capacity of the motor. Mechanical Features
Ÿ Robust construction: Shaft material is given Construction:
special heat treatment to withstand high TEFC Horizontal foot mounting (B3) as per IS 1231.
intermittent load. These motors have special TEFC Horizontal flange mounting (B5) as per
squirrel cage die cast rotors which ensure IS 2223.
minimum maintenance and trouble free Terminals Box Location
operation. As standard practice terminal box will be located on
Ÿ Forced cooling: This ensures continuous cooling RHS when viewed from DE side. However motors
of the motor. can be offered with Terminal Box location on LHS
Ÿ Built in thermal protection: Built in thermal when viewed from DE side or top on request.
protection is provided by embedding
thermostats in the winding. This ensures
protection of the motor against failure due to
excessive heating caused by severe starting
duty, single phasing, overloading, low voltage
Ÿ Compact design: Compact in size as the auxiliary
fan motor used for forced Cooling is an integral
part of the main motor.

Operating Characteristic at Starting Starting Pullout

Rated Output Net
Rated output Current torque torque
Frame Type Ref. B3 Rotor Weight B3
Rated Rated Rated to rated to rated to rated
Size IEC Construction GD² Constrn.
kW HP Speed Current Torque current Torque torque 2
kgm kg
RPM Amps kg.m Ratio Ratio Ratio
11 15 160L MF16L673 965 21.6 11.1 5.5 2.25 2.30 0.4 140
15 20 180M MF18L613 940 29 15.5 5.5 2.25 2.30 0.68 190
18.5 25 180L MF18L633 950 36.9 19.0 5.5 2.25 2.30 0.82 220
22 30 200L MF20L633 955 43 22.4 5.5 2.25 2.30 1.2 260
30 40 225M MF22M643 975 54 30.0 5.5 2.25 2.30 2.42 395


Dimensional Details: Cane Unloader Motor Type MF Foot Mounted (B3) TEFC Frame 160L-225M

Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.

Dimensional Details: Cane Unloader Motor Type MF Flange Mounted (B5) TEFC Frame 160L-225M

Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.


Brake motors are offered for various application Special Features

requiring almost instantaneous stopping if driven a) Being simple and rugged in construction these
with load. These motors are offered in frame size motors need very little maintenance.
71 to 132. Their operation is of “fail safe” type, i.e., b) No separate DC supply is necessary for brake coil
the brake applied when, power to the motor is energisation, because a rectifier unit is provided.
switched off, or, if power failure occurs. c) Special brake liner is used, which ensures that,
Enclosures: (Material & T-Box location) the braking torque value remains quite stable
throughout the use. Compensation for liner wear
Terminal Box Location is done by advancing the position of the fan by
Frame Sizes Option tightening the castle nut at the non-drive end.
Materials Standard
Available The design of brake motor facilitates a very easy
71-80 Aluminum Top --- replacement of armature disc and brake liner
LHS assembly.
90S-132M Cast Iron RHS
TOP d) Since the fan serves as a braking surface (unlike
some other designs), it also serves to cool the
brake coil and the motor. These brake motors
A Brake motor is an integral combination of an
being fan-cooled are available in smaller
A.C induction motor and a disc type, fail safe,
frame size than other Brake motors which are
electromagnetic Brake unit. It consists of following:
surface cooled. Therefore, these motor are more
I) A.C. induction motor. compact and economical for a given application.
II) Encapsulated brake coil housed in the non e) For Crane and Hoist duty application Brake
driving side end-cover. motors are offered with special rotors to suit
III) Brake liner attached to the armature disc at its their respective duties. These rotors are specially
interface with the cooling fan. suited for S3 and S4 duty normally encountered
IV) Cooling fan. in Crane and Hoist application.
V) The rectifier unit is provided inside the terminal
f) Mechanical manual release of the brake as an
box. It converts A.C. supply into D.C. supply for
optional feature is available from 90 to 132
the brake coil.
frames. In case of power failure, the brake can be
Operation released manually with a lever.
Under no power condition brake springs keep the g) The working of the rectifier unit has been
brake liner pressed against the cooling fan. This successfully type tested for one million
prevents rotor shaft rotation, because, the fan is operations.
keyed to it. When power is switched on, the brake
coil gets energized through the Rectifier unit. It
instantly attracts the armature disc by overcoming
the spring force. This action results in releasing of
the fan allowing the rotor to rotate freely.
When the power fails or when it is switched off, the
brake coil gets de-energized. This results in the
springs pressing the brake liner against cooling fan,
i.e. returning armature disc to its original position.
This causes almost instantaneous braking of rotor.
Fail safe condition is thus ensured.
For applications, where total load stopping time is
not very critical, A.C. side interruption can be used.
However for application where faster braking is
required, D.C. side interruption should be used.
An additional contactor interlocked with main
contactor should be used.


Bearing Details Enquiry Details

Bearing Nos. C3 Clearance When placing an enquiry kindly furnish the following
Frame Size information.
1. Application details
71 6202 2Z 6203 2Z
2. Output and speed
80 6004 2Z 6204 2Z 3. Duty cycle with number of starts/stops per hour
90S, 90L 6205 2Z 6305 2Z 4. Ambient temperature and special environmental
100L 6206 2Z 6307 2Z factors likely to affect the motor, if any
5. Method of mounting
112M 6206 2Z 6308 2Z
6. Load GD² referred to motor shaft *
132S, 132M 6208 2Z 6308 2Z 7. Braking torque required *
8. Maximum permissible stopping time
9. Any other special features required
Brake Motors are used for numerous applications.
A few of them are listed below: * These are inter-related parameters and related
• Textile Machinery by following formula:
• Machine Tools GD² × N
• Printing Machine Total Stopping time Ts = + tapp
• Crane and Hoists 375 × T
• Material Handling Equipments Where
• Leather Processing Machines T = Braking torque in kgm
• Geared Motors GD2 = load GD2 + rotor GD2
• Cable Reeling Drums N = Speed of rotation in r.p.m.
• Rolling Mills tapp = brake application time

Operating Parameters
Voltage : 415V ± 10% Ambient : 50°C Ins. Class : F
Frequency : 50Hz ± 5% Duty : S1 Temp. Rise : B
Combined Variation : ± 10% Protection : Ip55
Performance Table - For Brake Part
*Brake **Brake Application time
Outputs (kW) Braking
Frame release (ms)
Size time (ms) AC Side DC Side
2P 4P 6P 8P (kgm)
Interruption Interruption
71 0.37 0.25 0.25 - 50 135 25 0.5
0.55 0.37 - - 50 135 25 0.5
80 0.75 0.55 0.37 - 55 225 45 1.0
1.1 0.75 0.55 - 55 225 45 1.0
90S 1.5 1.1 0.75 0.37 100 260 50 2.0
90L 2.2 1.5 1.1 0.55 100 260 50 2.0
100L 3.7 2.2 1.5 0.75 135 270 50 4.0
- - 1.1 135 270 50 4.0
112M - 3.7 2.2 1.5 145 290 60 5.0
132S 5.5,7.5 5.5 3.7 2.2 145 270 60 5.0
132M 9.3 7.5 5.5 - 145 270 60 5.0
1. Other Braking torque values up to 20% higher can be given for special applications.
2. Other output can be offered on request where feasible.
*Brake release time: The time interval between the instant the supply to the brake coil is switched on, to
the instant the brake is released.
**Brake application time: The time interval between the instant the supply to the brake coil is interrupted
to the instant the brake is applied.
The value depends on whether the circuit is interrupted on AC side or DC side.
For performance details of motor parts, please refer Industrial Motor section of this catalogue.
3. If the break motor is used for hoisting application, please ensure that the braking torque is 2.0 times of the
motor full load torque.


Brake Coil Connections


Dimensional Details: Brake Motors Type MB Foot Mounted (B3) TEFC Series Frame 71-132M

Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.


Dimensional Details: Brake Motors Type MB Flange Mounted (B5) TEFC Series Frame 71-132M

Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.
Dimensional Details: Brake Motors Type MB Face Mounted (B14) TEFC Series Frame 71-132M

Note: For non-standard motors, these dimensions may change. Please contact sales office for details.

Methods of Cooling
Designation system concerning methods of cooling refers to standard IEC 60034-6.
Explanation of the product code
IC – International Cooling
1st Character 2nd Character 3rd Character 4th Character 5th Character

Circuit Arrangement Primary Coolant Method of Secondary Method of

Movement of Coolant Movement of
Primary Coolant Secondary Cooling
For Totally Enclosed Three-Phase Induction Motors in BBL, following are the applicable codes
Example Frame Coolant is air. Self Circulation Coolant is air. Different methods
surface Usually omitted in Usually omitted in of movement of
cooled nomenclature nomenclature secondary coolant
411 4 - 1 - 1 – Self
Totally Enclosed Circulation
Fan Cooled
416 4 - 1 - 6 – Machine
Totally Enclosed mounted
Forced Cooled independent
410 4 - 1 - 0 – Free
Totally Enclosed
Surface Cooled

Enclosure IP 21 - IP 23
IC 01 (type G...)
Self-ventilated with integral fan cooling (DP)
Cooling air is blown through the motor by a fan mounted on the shaft.
Enclosure IP 21 - IP 23
(type G...I)
IC 06 Separate ventilation with radial fitted fan unit (FV)
Cooling air is blown through the motor by a separately excited fan
motor. The inlet side may be equipped with an air filter.
Enclosure IP 21 - IP 23
(type G..)
Single pipe ventilated (FV)
IC 17 Cooling air is blown across the motor through the pipe connection
with a separate customer provided external blower fan and
discharges on the other side to open space.

Enclosure IP 44 - IP 55
(type G..Z)
IC 410 Totally-enclosed non ventilated (TENV)
Cooling without using a fan, only by nature ventilation and radiation
on the totally enclosed motor surface.

Enclosure IP 44 - IP 55
(type G..ZE)
IC 411 Totally-enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC)
Cooling air is blown over the totally enclosed motor surface by a fan
mounted an the shaft.
Enclosure IP 44 - IP 55
(type G..ZO)
IC 416 External surface cooling (TEFV)
Cooling air is blown over the totally enclosed motor surface by an
separately excited fan motor.

Enclosure IP 44 - IP 55
(type G..Z)
Double pipe ventilated (TEPV)
IC 37 Cooling air is blown across the motor through a pipe connecting by
means of a separate customer provided external blower fan and
discharges on the other side’s pipe connecting.

Degree of Protection
Degree of protection for rotating machines are indicated according to IS/IEC 60034-5 using the
characteristic letters ‘IP’ followed by two characteristic numerals for the degree of protection.
The first numeral indicates protection against contact and ingress of foreign bodies.
The second numeral indicates protection against ingress of water.
First characteristic numeral
IP2X Protected against solid objects greater than 12mm
IP5X Dust protected motors, Ingress of dust is not fully protected ,but dust can not enter in an amount
sufficient to interface with satisfactory operations of the motor.
Second characteristic numeral
IPX3 Protected against spraying water, sprayed up to angle of 60⁰ from vertical shall have no harmful
IPX5 Protected against water, jets by a nozzle from any direction shall have no harmful effect.
IPX6 Protected against heavy seas, powerful jets from all direction shall have no harmful effect.

Degree of protection Schematic

Acceptance Condi ons
1st Numeric Protec on
as per IEC 60034-5 : 2006
0 No protec on No Test Required

1 Protected against solid The protec on is sa sfactory if 50mm diameter

objects greater than 50mm sphere does not pass through any opening and
(e.g. hand) adequate clearance is maintained to parts which
are normally live in service or moving parts inside
the machine.

2 Protected against solid The protec on is sa sfactory if 12.5mm diameter

objects greater than 12.5mm sphere does not pass through any opening and
(e.g. figure) adequate clearance is maintained to live or moving
parts inside the machine.

3 Protected against solid The protec on is sa sfactory if wire or rod of

objects greater than 2.5mm 2.5mm diameter cannot enter enclosure.
(e.g. tools, wires)

4 Protected against solid The protec on is sa sfactory if wire or rod of

object greater than 1mm 1.0mm diameter cannot enter enclosure.
(e.g. wire or strips)

5 Ingress of dust is not totally TEST: The test is carried out in a closed test
protected, but does not chamber. Talcum powder is used to check if the
enter in sufficient quan es enclosure is protected against entry of fine
to harm equipment par cles inside the enclosure. Talcum powder is
sucked inside the motor enclosure by appropriate

ACCEPTANCE: The protec on is sa sfactory if, on

inspec on, talcum powder has not accumulated in
a quan ty or loca on such that, it could interfere
with the sa sfactory opera on of the machine.
No dust should deposit where it could lead to
tracking along the creepage distances (e.g.
terminal Plate).

6 No ingress of dust The teat is carried out as described above.

The protec on is sa sfactory if, on inspec on,

there is no ingress of talcum powder.

Acceptance Condi ons
2nd Numeric Protec on
as per IEC 60034-5 : 2006
0 No protec on No Test Required

1 Dripping water shall have no A er the Test in accordance with Table 5 of IS/IEC
harmful effect. 60034-5 : 2000 has been carried out, the machine
shall be inspected for ingress of water and subject
to the following verifica on & Tests.
2 Protected against dripping water
a) The amount of water which has entered
when enclosure is lled 15°
the machine shall not be capable of
interfering with its sa sfactory opera on.
The windings and live parts (not designed
to operate when wet) shall not be wet &
no accumula on of water which could
reach them shall occur inside the machine.
3 Protected against spraying water
This indicates that, water can get
up to 60°
accumulated at bo om most por on of
stator body, however quan ty of water
should be such that it does no
winding / overhang.
It is permissible for the blades of fans
4 Water splashed from any inside rota ng machines to be wet and
direc on shall have no harmful leakage along sha is allowed if provision
effect. is made for drainage of this water.
b) In case of this test on a machine not
running, the machine shall be operated
under no-load condi ons at rated voltage
for 15Min, and then high-voltage test is
5 Water hosed against the
carried out, with test voltage being 50% of
enclosure shall have no harmful
the test voltage for a new machine (But
effect(water jets)
not less than 125% of the rated voltage).
For a motor with rated voltage upto 415V,
6 Water from powerful jets of this voltage limit works out to 915V.
heavy seas shall have no harmful The Test is deemed sa sfactory if above
effects checks show no failure.

Tolerances (Reference IS/IEC 60034-1)
Unless stated otherwise, tolerances on declared values are applicable as given in the table below:
Schedule of tolerances on values of quan es
Quan ty Tolerance
Efficiency ŋ
-Machines up to and including 150 kW (or kVA) -15 % of (1 - ŋ)
-Machines above 150 kW (or kVA) -10 % of (1 - ŋ)
Power-factor, cosΦ, for induc on machines -1/6 (1 -cosΦ)
Minimum absolute value 0.02
Maximum absolute value 0.07
Slip of induc on motors (at full load
and at working temperature)
PN < 1 kW ± 30 % of the slip
PN 1 kW ± 20 % of the slip
Locked rotor current of cage induc on motors +20 % of the current
with any specified star ng apparatus
Locked rotor torque of cage induc on motors +25 -15 % of the torque.
(+25 % may be exceeded by agreement)
Breakdown torque of induc on motors -10% of the torque except that a er allowing for this
tolerance the torque shall be not less than 1.6 or 1.5
mes the rated torque
36 Note: When tolerance is stated in only one direc on, the value is not limited in the other direc on.

Limi ng Mean Sound Power Level Lw in dB(A) for Airborne Noise Emi ed by Rota ng Electrical Machines
IS: 12065
Protec ve Enclosure IP22 IP44 IP22 IP44 IP22 IP44 IP22 IP44 IP22 IP44 IP22 IP44
Rated Speed (rpm)
Ra ng kW( or kVA)
960 and below 961 to 1320 1321 to 1900 1901 to 2360 2361 to 3150 3151 to 3750
Above Up to Sound Power Level dB(A)
- 1.1 - 76 - 79 - 80 - 83 - 84 - 88
1.1 2.2 - 79 - 80 - 83 - 87 - 89 - 91
2.2 5.5 - 82 - 84 - 87 - 92 - 93 - 95
5.5 11 82 85 85 88 88 91 91 96 94 97 97 100
11 22 86 89 89 93 92 96 94 98 97 101 100 103
22 37 89 91 92 95 94 97 96 100 99 103 102 105
37 55 90 92 94 97 97 99 99 103 101 105 104 107
55 110 94 96 97 101 100 104 102 105 104 107 106 109
110 220 98 100 100 104 103 106 105 108 107 110 108 112
220 630 100 102 104 106 106 109 107 111 108 112 110 114
630 1100 102 104 106 107 107 111 108 111 108 112 110 114
1100 2500 105 107 109 110 109 113 109 113 109 113 110 114
2500 6300 106 108 110 112 111 115 111 115 111 115 111 115
6300 16000 108 110 111 113 113 116 113 116 113 116 113 116
Note 1: IP22 corresponds generally to drip-proof, ven lated and similar enclosures.
IP44 corresponds generally to totally enclosed fan-cooled, closed air circuit air-cooled, and similar enclosures (See IS: 4691-1985*).
Note 2: No posi ve tolerance is allowed on the above sound power levels.


Storage and Handling of motors

Receipt and Handling of motors
Receipt of motors
• Inspect the condition of packaging immediately upon receipt for any damages during transportation.
Unpack motor carefully and inspect for any hidden damage or missing parts (not visible before
unpacking) before storage. A complete visual inspection of the motor must be performed after
removing the package.
All damages must be immediately photographed, documented and reported to the transporter within
24 hours, and to the insurance company and to BBL local office, (through whom the motor is
purchased), within 48 hours. This is required to maintain the time limits for filing claims. Failure to
comply with this procedure will void the product warranty.
• While reporting damage, please mention motor serial number.
• In this case, installation must not be started, till the problem is solved.
• Check if the delivery of the order is complete. (Spare parts, documents etc.)
• Check the nameplate data corresponds with the application for which, the motor will be used.
Make a special point of checking voltage and connection (delta or star)
• Rotate the shaft by hand to check free rotation.
Handling of motors
Steel cables and hoisting equipment must have capacity to bear the motor weight.
Failure to follow the following instructions, may result in the motor falling over, or slipping in the lifting
tackle. The result can be death, serious damage, or material breakage.
• When lifting the motor, the correct hoisting points, the weight of the motor and the operating capacity
of the hoisting crane must be matched. Motors packed in wooden crates must always be lifted by
their own eyebolts/lifting lugs or by a proper forklift, and must not be lifted by its wooden crates.
• For lifting the motor, only the lifting eye-bolts provided with motor, are to be used. The eyebolts are
designed for the motor weight only. Never use the eyebolts to lift the motor with additional loads, such as
pumps, gear boxes, fans or any other driven equipment.
• Use all lifting eye-boltstogether, that are provided, for sharing the load. (If motor is provided with two
eye-bolts, use both eye-bolts and not one). Ensure that the eyebolts are fully tightened upto their
supporting surface, before lifting.
• The packing (wooden crate with motor) must not be dropped. It is to be carefully placed on the floor
without impact to avoid the damage to the bearing. Jerks and jolts must be avoided.
• Do not use any other part of the motor for lifting including shaft.
• Do not use shaft projections for dragging the motor.
• Do not roll or drag the motor on the floor.
• Motors must not be kept in vertical position with external fan cowls as base.
• In vertical lifting, uncontrolled rotation of the motor must be prevented. Do not lift other equipments
with motor lifting points only.
• During movement of the motor from one place to other place, the shaft must be locked with the locking
device supplied with the motor (if any). The shaft locking device to be removed just before the
installation of the motor.
Storage instruc ons for motors
• If the motor is not installed immediately after receipt, it must remain inside its packing and stored in
a storeroom.
• For practical purposes, motor is considered to be in storage not only when it is in the storeroom but
also when:
• it has been delivered to the jobsite and is a waiting installation;
• or, It has been installed but regular operation is delayed / pending completion of plant construction;
• or, there are long, idle periods between operating cycles;
• or, the plant or department is shutdown.

• The recommendations given here apply to conditions commonly found in indoor storage. Personnel
responsible for care of the equipment should use good discretion in adapting these recommendations
to the particular situation. Common sense and sound safety rules need to be followed.
Indoor storage
Wholly controlled atmosphere or partially controlled atmosphere
• Storage room must be clean, dust free and dry. The room must be properly covered and closed.
• Maintain temperature in the range 20 deg to 50 deg in the storage room
• Maintain uniform temperature throughout the room (Temperature variations causes condensation
of moisture).
• Relative humidity to be 50% or less
• Ensure absence of harmful fumes and vapors, gases such as chlorine, sulfur dioxide and corrosive
• Vibration free area to avoid bearing damage.
• Space heater must be energized if temperature falls below 10˚C or humidity is more than 50% to
prevent harmful effects of moisture condensation.
• Ensure that no water dips on motor and no water accumulates under the motor.
• Ensure that all plugs originally provided are in place. (e.g. cable entry hole plugs, drain plugs and plug
in fan cowl for greasing. If plugs are missing, all the openings to be covered with an adhesive plastic cloth.
• The enclosing structure should be designed to protect the motor from flying debris or other damage
from high winds.
• Cover the motor completely in a strong, transparent plastic bag to exclude dirt, dust, moisture, and
other foreign materials. Before sealing this bag, small bags of silica-gel desiccant should be put inside
the bag, around the motor.
• Rodents, insects and other animals, like to house inside motors in search of warm surroundings or food.
Some of them attack the insulating materials. Their access to the motor must be avoided.
• Do not remove the corrosion protection from the machined surfaces like shaft and flange. These
protections must remain in place until the final assembly.
• Any damage to the painting or to the rust protections on the machined surfaces must be corrected.

Outdoor storage
• Dry climate (Conditions usually found) - Dust, sand, heat from the sun, and occasional rain or snow
• Humid climate (Conditions usually found) - Dust, rain and snow, organic (fungus) growth
• Salty and industrial atmospheres (Conditions usually found) - Moisture impregnated with salts or other
acidic / alkaline chemicals, salty dust, sand, rain or snow, fungus growth, fumes, coal and chemical
dust soot.
All precautions indicated in indoor storage to be taken. The storage location to be safe from flooding water
and mud. Also, repair all damages to the packaging before storing the motor.
Place the motor on platform or foundations to protect it against ground humidity and from sinking into the
soil. Free air circulation beneath the motor must be assured.
In addition, after the unit is covered as explained in those instructions, a shed should be erected to protect it
from direct rain, snow, and excessive direct sun heat. At a bare minimum, a heavy water- proofed cover
should be slipped over it. This cover must not be in direct contact with the motor surface. In order to ensure
free air circulation between the motor and cover, use wooden block as spacers.
Extended storage
When the motor is stored for long duration (two months to two years), before operation, it is subjected to
different atmospheric conditions, such as ambient temperature variations, moisture, corrosive vapors etc.
Empty spaces inside the motor are exposed to humidity and corrosive agents. The winding insulation
resistance may drop below acceptable value. Grease in the bearings, loses its lubricating properties. It
becomes highly risky, to start the motor after such extended storage.

All preventive measures described below including storage, maintenance, packaging, periodical
inspections, must be followed and recorded. This is must for having product warranty. This is applicable,
even when an operating motor is idle for two or more months.

Storage Location
In order to ensure the best storage conditions for the motor during long duration, the storage location must
strictly meet the following conditions.

Indoor storage
All precautions as per clause 3.3.1 to be followed. In addition, following points to be observed.
• The environment must present an air - filtered ventilation system.
• Protection against dirt and dust accumulation.
• Fire detection system to be available.
• The location must have power supply to the space heaters.

In case the storage location does not meet any of these requirements, BBL recommends to have additional
protections in the motor packaging during the storage period , as follows:
• Closed wooden crates or similar with proper electrical installation, providing power to the space heaters.
• If there is risk of infestation and fungus growth, the package must be protected on the site by spraying or
painting it, with proper chemical agents.
• Package proportion must be carefully executed by experienced personnel.

Outdoor storage
Outdoor storage is not recommended. In the case outdoor storage is unavoidable, follow all the steps
mentioned above at various places. Here, the motor is to be covered with water proof cover and also a shed
to be constructed to protect the motor.
In case the motor is stored for long duration and/or idle period, it is must to inspect it regularly as per plan
given in clause.

Space heaters
The space heaters provided with the motor must be kept on during storage to avoid moisture condensation
within the motor, and to keep winding insulation resistance within acceptable limits. If motor is not having
space heater, the motor has to be wrapped with an air-tight bag including sufficient amount of desiccant,
keeping the enclosed volume dry.
Space heaters must be on when ambient temperature falls below 10 deg C or relative humidity is
more than 50%.
Insulation resistance
During the storage period , motor winding insulation resistance must be measured and recorded every
month, before the motor is installed. Any drop in the insulation resistance must be investigated immediately

Exposed machined surfaces

• All exposed machined surface (e.g. shaft end and flanges) are protected with a coat of rust inhibitor when
despatched from works, which should not be taken off during normal storage periods.
• Periodic inspection of this coating is must during long duration storage. This protection film must be
reapplied at least twice a year or when removed and/or damaged.
• Protective coatcan be easily taken off by using paraffin or other petroleum solvents.

Grease lubricated bearings

• The bearings are filled with grease at the factory, for proper lubrication.
• Special precautions need to be taken when the machine is idle for considerable period to avoid corrosion
of the bearings and loss of grease.


• During the storage period, every week, the shaft lock must be removed and the shaft must be rotated
(@30 rpm for minimum 15 sec.) and always finishing in a different position, in order to distribute grease
inside the bearing (grease has tendency to settle at the bottom of the housing.) and to maintain good
bearings conditions.
• After two months, the bearing covers should be removed and grease in the housing pressed with thumbs
between the races of the bearing. If any deterioration of grease is apparent, the old grease should be
removed and new grease pressed in the bearing housings.
• After 4 months of storage and before operating the motor, the old grease to be removed completely and
the bearings must be filled with fresh grease again.
• If the motor remains stored for 18 months or more, the bearings must be disassembled, cleaned,
inspected, and lubricated.
• Spare bearings (if in stock) to be given a coat of light oil or grease and packed in polythene bags for
protection against moisture.

Terminal box
When the insulation resistance of the motor winding is measured, the main and auxiliary terminal boxes
must also be inspected, considering the following points:
• The inside of terminal box must be dry, clean, and free of any dust accumulation.
• The contact elements cannot be corroded.
• The sealing must remain under appropriate conditions.
• The cable inlets must be correctly sealed.
• No insect, rodents inside the terminal box.
• If any of these items is not correct, the parts must be cleaned or replaced.

Complete motor:
When storage may last over one year, repaint all surfaces previously painted, before putting motor into

Inspections and records during storage

Stored motors must be periodically inspected and inspection records must be filled.
The following points must be inspected:
• Physical damage.
• Cleanliness.
• Signs of water condensation.
• Protective coating condition.
• Paint condition.
• Signs of vermin or insect activity.
• Satisfactory operation of space heaters.
• Record ambient temperature and air relative humidity around the motor, insulation resistance.
• The storage location must also be inspected to assert its compliance with the criteria described
in the clause


Maintenance plan during storage:

During the storage period, motor maintenance must be performed and recorded in accordance with
the plan described in the following table.
Monthly 2 months 6 months 2 years opera ng
Storage Loca on
Inspect cleanliness condi ons X X
Inspect humidity and temperature condi ons X
Check for signs of insect infesta on X
Measure vibra on levels X
Inspect physical damages X
Inspect the rela ve humidity inside the motor X
Replace dehumidifier in the package (if any)1 X
Space heater
Check opera on condi ons X
Complet e motor
Perform external cleaning X X
Check paint condi ons X
Check oxida on inhibitor on exposed machined parts X
Replace the oxida on inhibitor X
Measure the insula on resistance X X
Measure the polariza on index X X
Terminal box and grounding terminals
Clean the boxes’ inner parts X X
Inspect seals and sealing X X
Grease lubricated bearings
Rotate the sha X
Relubricate the bearing X X
Disassemble and clean the bearing X

Recommended Maintenance Schedule
1.1 Examine visually earth connections. Check motor leads and cable connections are fully tight
and not loose.
1.2 Check motor windings for overheating (the permissible maximum temperature is above that
which can be comfortably felt by hand).
1.3 Examine control equipments.
1.4 Check body and bearing temperature
1.5 Check voltage and current in all three phases. Check voltage variation and unbalance.
1.6 Check vibrations at bearings.
1.7 Check if motor rotation is free and measure speed.
1.8 Check for any abnormal noise.
Note: In order to avoid opening up motors, a good indication is to observe the shell temperature under
normal working conditions. Any increase not accounted for, for example by seasonal increase in
ambient temperature, should be suspected.
2.1 Check belt tension. In cases where this is excessive, it should immediately be reduced. Check motor
pulley seat location. Pulley has to rest on shaft shoulder.
2.2 Check coupling condition.
2.3 Blow out windings of protected type motors situated in dusty locations. Check for any accumulation
of dirt, sand or fine dust.
2.4 Examine starting equipment for burnt contacts where motor is started and stopped frequently.
2.5 For outdoor motors, check if canopy is at proper place.
3.1 Overhaul Controllers.
3.2 Inspect and clean oil circuit breakers.
3.3 Wipe brush holders and check bedding of brushes of slip-ring motors.
4.1 Clean windings of motors subjected to corrosive or other elements; also bake and varnish, if necessary.
4.2 In the case of slip-ring motors, check sliprings for grooving or unusual wear.
4.3 Check grease in ball and roller bearings and make it up where necessary taking care to avoid
5.1 Check all high speed bearings and renew, if necessary.
5.2 Blow out all motor winding thoroughly with clean dry air. Make sure that the pressure is not so high
as to damage the insulation.
5.3 Clean and varnish dirty and oily windings.
5.4 Overhaul motors which have been subjected to severe operating conditions.
5.5 Renew switch and fuse contacts, if damaged. Check oil.
5.6 There can be cement dust / saw dust / rock dust / coal dust / grain dust on motor body. Blow out
compressed air over motor body to clean this accumulated dust at the time of monthly
maintenance. See to it that all ventilation paths are absolutely free.
5.7 Paint the motor if required.
5.8 Check insulation resistance to earth and between phases of motor winding, control
gear and wiring.
5.9 Check resistance of earth connections.
5.10 Check air gaps.
5.11 Test the motor overload relays and breakers.
6.1 Maintain a register giving one or more pages for each motor and record therein all important
inspection and maintenance works carried out from time to time. These records should show past
performance, normal insulation resistance level, air gap measurements, nature of repairs and time
between previous repairs and other important information which would be of help for good
performance and maintenance. Sample format is attached. 43
Trouble Shoo ng
Properly installed and maintained motors, operated within the nameplate ratings and specifications, will run
trouble free for many years. Problems and premature failures often indicate input power system troubles,
poor or deteriorating mechanical installations, or malfunctions in the driven machinery. Therefore, motor
troubleshooting involves the entire system, not just the motor.
Dangerous voltages are present in the motor components which can cause serious injury, electrocution and
equipment damage. To avoid serious injury and/or equipment damage - before any adjustments, servicing,
wiring, parts replacement or any other act requiring physical contact with the electrical or mechanical
working components of this equipment is performed, all equipment must be de-energized, disconnected
and isolated to prevent accidental contact with live or rotating parts.
The success and safe operation of motors is dependent upon proper handling, installation, operation and
maintenance, as well as upon proper design and manufacture. Failure to follow certain fundamental
installation and maintenance requirements may lead to personal injury and the failure and loss of the motor
as well as damage to other property.
Only qualified personnel should be involved in the inspection, maintenance and repair procedure and all
plant safety procedures must be observed.
A qualified person is one who is familiar with the installation, construction and operation of the equipment,
and the hazards involved. In addition, he has the following qualifications:
a. By reason of education level, training, experience, instruction, and knowledge of the relevant, product
and safety standards, regulations, accident prevention rules and knowledge of working conditions, is
authorized to perform the appropriate activities required, and therefore is able to recognize and
prevent potentially dangerous situations.
b. Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground, and tag circuits and equipment in
accordance with established safety practices.
c. Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment such as rubber gloves, hard hat, safety
glasses or face shields, flash clothing, etc., in accordance with established safety practices.
d. Is trained in rendering first aid procedures and has knowledge of local rescue organizations.

Diagnosis of common motor troubles and their remedies

Properly installed and maintained motors, operated within the nameplate ratings and specifications, will run
trouble free for many years. Problems and premature failures often indicate input power system troubles,
poor or deteriorating mechanical installations, or malfunctions in the driven machinery. Therefore, motor
troubleshooting involves the entire system, not just the motor.

Allow only qualified personnel to perform troubleshooting and maintenance of motors.
Be sure such technicians observe standard safety precautions.

Steps for effective troubleshooting

Determine answers for the following questions:
(1) What are the troubles and when did they first occur?
(2) If new, did the installation ever run properly? How long?
(3) If an established installation, is the trouble new or has it been occurring for years?
What changes, even if minor, occurred in the operation or maintenance of the equipment before
the trouble started?
(4) Do you have accurate meter readings of current and voltage for all three phases of the input circuit?
Such readings are needed to correctly determine the cause of most electrical troubles.

High voltage can kill
(1) Internal parts of the motor may be at line potential even when it is not rotating.
(2) When troubleshooting requires that measurements be taken with the input power on, the input
power should be turned on only when necessary and extreme caution should be taken to avoid
electric shock.
(3) Isolate your body from ground and do not touch electrically hot components. Wear dry insulating
(4) Disconnect all input power to the drive and motor before performing any maintenance.

!!Warning !!
Moving parts can injure
(1) Do not operate the motor at speeds above the motor maximum safe speeds.
(2) Operating the motor, above maximum safe speed may cause parts to be ejected resulting in
body injury.
(3) All motor driven components must be designed by the machine builder to operate safely at the motor
maximum safe speed, listed on the motor nameplate
Information in regard to some of the common motor faults, their causes and remedies is given in the following
tables. It is recommended that a chart giving this information is kept readily available for assistance to the
maintenance staff.

Type of Troubles
1 : Motor burnt out. 5: Troubles related to bearings
2: Troubles related to surrounding atmosphere 6: Troubles related to noise and vibrations
3: Troubles related to starting of the motor 7: Troubles related to input power circuit
4: Troubles related to running of the motor 8: Troubles related to motor operation with VFDs

Sec on 1 : Motor burnt out.

Trouble Probable cause Possible remedy
Motor burnt out. (Indicated by burning Input power troubles, star ng troubles, Install a new motor. Always determine the
odour or smoke before the motor troubles while running, or excessive noise failure cause as indicated in following
stopped, and / or bubbled or burnt paint) or vibra ons, physical damage to the sec ons. Otherwise, the replacement
bearings, or bad bearings. motor, may also fail before it delivers a
full life expectancy.

Sec on 2: Troubles related to surrounding atmosphere

Trouble Probable cause Possible remedy
Motor dirty Ven la on blocked, dirt accumulated over Remove the accumulated dust on motor
cooling ribs, end windings filled with fine body. Dismantle en re motor. Clean fan
dust or lint (dust may be cement, saw and fan cowl. Clean all windings. Clean
dust, rock dust, grain dust, coal dust etc.) motor will run 10 to 30 deg.C cooler.
Rotor winding clogged Clean and grind slip rings.
Clean and treat windings with good
insula ng varnish.
Bearing and end shields Clean and wash with cleaning solvent.
Motor wet Subjected to dripping Wipe motor and dry by circula ng hot air
over motor.
Install canopy type cover over motor for
protec on.
Submerged in flood water Dismantle and clean the parts.
Bake windings in oven at 90 deg.C for 24
hours or un l insula on resistance is
minimum 10 mega ohms.

Sec on 3: Troubles related to star ng of the motor

Trouble Probable cause Possible remedy

Motor connected but does not start Faulty star ng apparatus (Motor controller Check for proper func oning of the
(No hum or hea ng) will not operate) star ng apparatus. Replace the defec ve
Note: Reset the overload relays, if controller.
tripped. Then try to restart the motor.

No supply voltage (Main supply Check main switch.

switched off) Check fuse and switch contacts and test
lines for con nuity.
Check voltage in all three phases at the
motor terminals. If there is no input
voltage, locate and correct the problem in
the input side.

Motor connected but does not start a) One phase open due to blown fuse, Check main switch.
(Just hum and heats up) faulty switch contact or broken Check fuse and switch contacts and test
Note: Immediately switch off the power to lead.(Motor input side single phased i.e. lines for con nuity.
prevent motor burning. The overload No voltage in one or two phases, can be
a temporary condi on) Check voltage in all three phases at the
relays may trip.
motor terminals. If single phase condi on
b) Voltage too low than rated voltage of exists, correct the problem.
the motor

Rotor control gear defec ve. a) Examine each step of the control gear
Bad bedding of carbon brushes for bad contacts or open circuit; and
b) make sure, that brushes are making
good contact with the slip rings.
c) Check for con nuity between rotor
leads and starter.

Star ng torque required for load too high a) For squirrel cage motor with
autotransformer star ng, change to a
higher tap.
b) For slip ring motor, lower the star ng
Rotor defec ve Look for broken bars and/or rings. New
rotor may be required as repairs are
usually temporary

Poor stator coil connec ons. Interturn Remove endshields and locate the loose
short in stator coil. connec ons with test lamp. For interturn
short, use surge tester.

Mechanical locking in bearing or at air gap Dismantle and repair.

Clean air gap if choked.

Wrong connec ons Check with connec on diagram supplied

by manufacturer. See that connec ons
are right.

Motor may be overloaded. Disconnect the motor from driven load,

to see if motor starts and achieves full
(Rotor and driven load is locked)
speed in uncoupled condi on. If so, then
the trouble is with the load. Reduce
star ng load or install larger motor. If
auto transformer is used, try higher


Motor does not come upto speed Wrong selec on / supply Consult supplier for proper type

Voltage too low at motor terminals Check voltage at motor terminals.

because of line drop. Use higher voltage tap on transformer
terminals or reduce load.
If slip ring motor, improper opera on of Correct secondary controlgear.
secondary control gear resistance.
Star ng load too high Check the load, motor is supposed to
carry at start.

Poor / no contact between brush and slip Check that all brushes are riding on slip
ring (brushes res ng loose on slip rings) rings for all three phases. (Appropriate
spring pressure required)
Check secondary connec ons thoroughly
and ghten the connec ons.

Poor secondary connec ons Check all secondary connec ons. Leave
no leads poorly connected.
Broken rotor bars Look for cracks near the rings. Replace
the rotor
New rotor may be required as repairs are
usually temporary.
Open primary circuit Locate fault with tes ng device and repair.

Motor stalls Wrong applica on Change type or size and consult

Overloaded motor Reduce load.
Incorrect control resistance of slip ring Check control sequence.
rotor Replace broken resistors.
Repair open circuits.

Low motor voltage See that nameplate voltage is

maintained/ available at motor terminals..
Open circuit Replace fuse, check overload relays,
starter and push bu on.

Mechanical locking in bearing or at air gap Dismantle and repair.

Clean air gap if choked.
Poor contact at cable connec ons Check supply cable connec ons at both
Motor runs and then dies down Power failure Check for loose connec ons to line, to
fuses and to controlgear.

Overload a) Examine if overload relay trips and see

that they are set correctly to
approximately 100% full load current.
b) See that the dash-pots are filled with
correct quan ty and grade of oil.

Motor takes too long me to accelerate Excessive star ng load or high iner a a) Reduce load / iner a or allow ample
(10 or more seconds upto 180 frame, loading me for accelera on at low voltage.
12 or more second for 200 to 250 b) Install a larger motor.
frame, 15 seconds or more for 280 and c) If motor is driving a heavy load, or is
above frames) star ng up a long line of sha ing, start
more slowly, allow me for accelera on.

Applied voltage too low.(Excessive Use higher voltage tap on transformer

voltage drop-running more than 2-3 % terminals.
below line voltage)

Inadequate motor star ng torque when a) Reduce the star ng load or use a
using a reduced voltage star ng system larger motor.
(star-delta, part winding or auto
b) Use a star ng system which develops
transformer star ng)
higher star ng torque (VFD or slip ring
motor or fluid coupling)


Poor rotor resistance circuit. Check for high external rotor resistance.

Defec ve squirrel cage rotor. Replace with new rotor.

Improper connec ons of motor leads to Correct connec ons.

supply lines.
Over current relay trips during star ng Motor overloaded Reduce star ng load or install larger motor

Starter operated too quickly (Slip ring Start more slowly to allow current to fall
starter) as much as possible in each step.
Time se ng too low Readjust me lag and fill with correct
quan ty of suitable oil, if it is oil filled type.

Mains voltage lower than rated voltage of Check mains voltage. Ensure that rated
the motor (resul ng high star ng me) voltage of motor is same as main voltage.
Overload relays undersized Use the relay size suitable to motor
nameplate current.

Sec on 4: Troubles related to running of the motor

Trouble Probable cause Possible remedy

Wrong rota on Wrong sequence of phases Reverse two phase connec ons at
switchboard or at motor.

Unbalanced line currents drawn by the Unbalanced terminal voltage at motor Check loads and connec ons
motor terminals

Single phase opera ons Check for open contacts

Poor rotor contacts in external resistance Check control devices
of slip ring motor
Brushes not in proper posi on in slip ring See that brushes are properly seated and
motor flexible shunts are in good condi on.

Motor overheats while running under Motor overloaded. This can be confirmed Reduce load. See that current drawn by
load. by measuring input current in all three the motor does not exceed nameplate
phases. value of the current. Use larger ra ng

Poor ven la on.Air intake area in fan Clean the clogged suc on area meant for
cowl may be clogged with dirt, dust or ven la on.
co on fluff.. Keep sufficient space for fan to suck the air.
Very less space for fan to suck the air. Verify that cooling air is flowing freely
over the motor.

Higher ambient temperature Install motor designed for specific

ambient condi ons.
Motor may have one phase open Check to make sure that all three phases
are well connected.
Earthed coil Locate the fault and repair.
Unbalanced terminal voltage Check for faulty leads, connec ons and
Shorted stator coil Repair and then check wa -meter
Voltage too high or too low Check motor terminal voltage.
Rotor rubs stator bore. Replace worn out bearings.
Switching too frequent. Use specially designed motor to suit
Too many intermi ent overloads during frequent star ng.
the opera ng cycle. Reduce the number of starts, the number
of intermi ent overloads, the size of
overload peaks, or install a larger motor.


Motor sparking at slip rings Motor may be overloaded Reduce the load
Brushes may not be of correct quality and Use brushes of the grade recommended
may be sticking in the holders. by the manufacturer.
Brush pressure may be too light or too high. Adjust the brush pressure correctly.

Slip rings may be rough, dirty or oily. Clean the slip rings and maintain them
smooth, glossy and free from oil and dirt.
Slip rings may be ridged or eccentric. Turn and grind the slip rings in a lathe to
a smooth finish.

Sec on 5: Troubles related to bearings

Trouble Probable cause Possible remedy
Hot bearings (general) Bent or sprung sha Straighten or replace the sha
Excessive belt pull Decrease belt tension
Pulleys too far away from sha shoulder Move pulley closer to bearing
Pulley diameter too small Use larger pulley
Misalignment Correct by realignment of drive
Hot bearings (ball or roller) Insufficient / no grease Maintain proper quan ty of grease in
Deteriora on of grease or lubricant Remove old grease, wash bearings
contaminated (dirt and foreign ma ers in thoroughly in petrol (to which a few drops
the bearing grease) of oil have been added) and replace with
new grease.
Excess grease Reduce quan ty of grease. (Bearings
should not be more than half filled)
Heat from hot motor or external source Protect bearings by reducing motor
Overloaded bearings Check alignment with driven equipment,
excessive belt tension and / or end thrust.
Reduce the load on the bearings.
Broken ball or rough races Replace bearings. Clean the housing
Incorrect assembly Ensure bearings assembled squarely on
the sha .

1. Body with stator winding
2. Endshield Drive End
3. Bearing Washer
4. Preloading Wavy Washer
5. Deep-Groove Ball Bearing
6. Inner Brg. Cover (225 Fr. onwards)
7. Endsheild Non-Drive
8. Deep-Grove Ball Bearing
9. Inner Brg. Cover (132 Fr. onwards)
10. Rotor
11. Terminal Box Cover
12. Rubber Packing
13. Terminal Block Assembly
14. Terminal Box
15. Rubber Packing
16. Conduit Plug
17. Fan
18. Circlip
19. Fan Cowl
20. Feather Key for Transmission Element
21. Feather Key for Fan
22. Eye Bolt
23. Connec ng Link
24. Outer Brg.Cover (315 Fr. onwards)
25. Outer Brg.Cover (315 Fr. onwards)
26. V-Seal
27. M. S. Cap


Sec on 6: Troubles related to noise and vibra ons

Note: The troubles like vibration, mechanical noise and bearing noise are mostly caused by poor or deteriorating installation of the motor
base, motor, driven load, sheaves or coupling. The motor and driven load must be mounted firmly and solidly with precise alignment or
vibration will develop leading to mechanical failures. Foundations must be secure and stable. Shims must be as few in number as possible
to insure that all motor feet are mounted in the same geometrical plane. Consider tapered shims, if necessary.
These are common failures. If motors and driven load are properly mounted, these failures can be virtually eliminated.

Trouble Probable cause Possible remedy

Motor vibrates during running and / or Motor sha and driven equipment sha Check the alignment between the motor
mechanical noise (It may originate in the misaligned, in close coupled applica on. sha and driven load. Realign the motor
driven load, coupling, or motor) and driven equipment.
Note: Loosening one motor foot at a me
and listening may iden fy stresses
caused by an improper moun ng.

Weak founda on Strengthen the motor founda on.

Poor or loosened motor or driven load Ensure that the founda ons for the motor
moun ng and the driven load are rigid. Moun ng
bolts are ght. Check any grou ng for
Unlevelled motor feet with founda on Make proper leveling with the base.
Ensure that the feet are properly
shimmed and in the same plane.
Unbalance in driven equipment Disconnect the motor from the load and
restart. If the noise and vibra on are
vanished, the problem is in the load.
Balance the driven equipment

Unbalance in coupling / pulleys Remove the coupling / pulley. Secure a

half key in the motor sha keyway and
restart the motor. If the vibra on and
noise is vanished, the trouble is in the
coupling / pulley. Balance the motor
coupling / pulleys

Motor out of balance If the problem persists a er disconnec ng

coupling / pulley, recheck the motor
moun ng. If the moun ng is OK, the
problem may be bad bearings, or a bent
sha ., or unbalanced rotor.

Defec ve ball or roller bearings Replace the bearings

Bent sha Replace the motor. Always determine the
root cause of the bent sha to prevent
recurrence of the problem.

Rotor balancing weights shi ed Rebalance the rotor.

Slip ring rotor rewound / coils replaced Rebalance the rotor.
Three phase motor running on two phases. Check for open circuit.

Motor out of balance If the problem persists a er

disconnec ng coupling / pulley, recheck
the motor moun ng. If the moun ng is
OK, the problem may be bad bearings,
or a bent sha ., or unbalanced rotor.

Defec ve ball or roller bearings Replace the bearings

Bent sha Replace the motor. Always determine the
root cause of the bent sha to prevent
recurrence of the problem.

Rotor balancing weights shi ed Rebalance the rotor.


Slip ring rotor rewound / coils replaced Rebalance the rotor.

Three phase motor running on two phases. Check for open circuit.

Excessive end play Dismantle motor and add

thrust washers between
bearing and endshield.

Breaking of rotor bars / rings in case of built up Replace the bars / rings and
copper rotor rebalance the rotor.
Scrapping or mechanical noise Fan rubbing air guide (SPDP motors) Remove interference
Fan rubbing endshields / fan cowls (TEFC

Normal motor noise amplified by resonant Tighten holding bolts. Cushion

moun ng. Motor loose on bedplate. the moun ng or dampen the
source of the resonance
Dirt in air gap Irregular noise. Dismantle and
clean the motor.
Loose accessories on motor Check and re ghten such
loose accessories parts.
Magne c noise Air gap not uniform Check and correct bracket fits
or bearing

Loose bearings / worn bearings Correct or replace bearings

Rotor unbalance Rebalance the rotor,
dynamically. Sha straightness
to be checked and corrected, if
System single phased. Motor may overheat and Switch off the power and let
trip the overload relays. motor come to rest, then again
switch on. If the motor hums
and heats, but does not start,
single phasing exists.

A certain amount of magne c noise is

inherent in some low speed designs and
should not be cause of alarm.

Bearing noise Poorly fit or damaged bearings Listen to each bearing for the
following sounds:
1) Smooth mid range hum-
normal fit, bearing OK.
2) High whine- ght internal fit.
Replace the bearing and check
the fit.
3) Low rumble: Loose internal
fit. Replace the bearing and
check the fit
4) Rough cla er-Bearing
destroyed. Replace the bearing.
Always determine the root
cause of the bearing failure or
the trouble may reoccur.
5) Check bearing condi on by
SPM. Replace the bearings if
damage confirmed.

Dirty bearings Wash out with turpe n ne,

repack with grease and refit.
If used for a long period
beyond rated life, please
replace bearings.


Note: For long bearing life, avoid the following.

Poor or loose mountings, misalignment, excessive vibrations and high belt tension.
Over greasing: More damage is done by excessive grease and contaminants introduced during greasing than by lack of greasing. Do not
grease more than recommended by the motor manufacturer.
Water, dirt, or chemicals entering the motor. Consider totally enclosed motors when such contaminants exists.
Mixing of different types / makes of greases in the bearing.

Section 7: Troubles related to input power circuit

Note: These troubles as well as motor overloads are best identified by making following checks. Completing the entire process is also
recommended even when the problem appears to be solved with an early step. It is to be noted that, the troubles can be intermittent and
will not necessarily be identified during these checks. Knowing the history of recurring problems is crucial to arrive at final solution.

Step 1: Reset the overload relays, (if tripped) and start the motor.
Step 2: Measure the current in all three phases with the motor operating under load. If there is more than 5% deviation between phases,
immediately switch off the power. See the remedies against “unbalance currents”. If the currents are balanced, and overload relay is
tripping, then the motor is probably overloaded. Go to step 3. To confirm an overload, note the current values with respect to the
nameplate full load current value and proceed to step 4.
Step 3: Measure the voltage in all three phases with the motor off and with the motor running. Take the meter readings at the supply side
and motor side of the controller and in the motor terminal box. If the voltage is 10% (or more) above or below the motor nameplate
voltage with the motor both stopped and running, see the remedies against “ high current in all three phases”.
Step 4: Disconnect the motor from the load start the motor and measure the no load current in all three phases. If the no load current
matches the value given by motor manufacturer, but the full load current is high, the motor is overloaded.

Trouble Probable cause Possible remedy

High current in all three phases Line voltage 10% (or more) above or Adjust the transformer tap to get correct
below the motor nameplate voltage. nameplate voltage.
Replace the motor with correct voltage
ra ng.
Motor overloaded (Voltage OK and load Reduce the load or install a larger motor.
current high confirmed by normal no load
Unbalance currents in the phases (5% Unbalanced line voltage, measured at the Locate and correct the cause of
or more devia on between phases motor terminals, caused by the following: unbalance (power line or motor).
from the average current) Unbalanced power supply
(Unequal transformer tap se ngs)
Unbalanced system loading
High resistance connec on
Capacitor bank faulty
Defec ve motor (Uneven air gap, wrong
Damaged supply cable.
Poor connec ons at various stages.

Note: A small voltage unbalance will cause a large current unbalance. Depending upon the magnitude of the unbalance and size of the
driven load, the current in one or two phases may exceed the rated motor current.

Sec on 8: Troubles related to motor opera on with VFDs

Excessive electrical noise High voltage boost Use correct volts/hertz ra o.
(humming and buzzing) and motor
overhea ng. Occurs below half speed.
Excessive mechanical noise Unstable current loop Check for loose encoder coupling.
(sounds like stones in the air gap)

Excessive mechanical noise Noise in opera ng frequency range Programme the drive to skip the
(grinding and clanking) frequencies where noise occurs.

Motor overheats If the motor has external fan, air is Single phase blower motors-check for
blowing in the wrong direc on for cooling correct wiring of run capacitor.
Three phase blower motors-interchange
any two phase connec ons.
Motor will not start with drive in the Volts/hertz curve does not match to the Confirm volts/hertz as per nameplate.
across the line start mode motor



Serial No. kW Type
Speed Volts Amperes Phase Frequency
Insula on Class Temperature Rise °C Frame Size
Connec on Diagram-Rotor Stator
Owner Order No. Item No. Date Purchased


Bearings Sha Extension

- Horizontal
- Ver cal - Ball Size :
- Totally-Enclosed - Roller Drive End
- Explosion-Proof -Sleeve Non Drive End

Date Installed Loca on Applica on Dist. kept for cooling

Date Repaired or Repaired Total

Repairs or Parts Replaced Fault
Replaced by Cost

Name of Part No. Manufacturer's Date Qty. Cost Date Qty. Cost Date Qty. Cost
Per No. Repl. Repl. Repl.

Stator Coils

Bearing, DE

Cooling fan

Lubrica on
Excess Heat
Excess Noise
Voltage in 3 ph
Voltage Varia on
Voltage Unbalance
Current in 3 ph
Current Varia on
Current Unbalance
Insula on Resistance
Clean & clear air
Vibra on
Body Temp.
Abnormal noise

Table 8 Limits of Vibration Severity in Rotating Electrical Machines Measured in
State of Free Suspension (Velocity Mode) IS 12075 : 2008
Shaft Height 56 < H ≤132 132 < H ≤225 225 < H ≤400 H > 400
> 1500
Range of > 1500 and 500 to > 1500 and > 1500 and
i 500 to 1500 500 to 1500 500 to 1500 and up to
Speed, rpm up to 3000 1500 up to 3000 up to 3000
rms value of vibration velocity in mm/s for the shaft height H in mm
ii N(Normal) 1.8 18 1.8 2.8 2.8 4.5 2.8 4.5
iii R(Reduced) 0.71 0.71 0.71 1.12 1.8 2.8 ---- ----
iv S(Special) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.71 1.12 1.8 ---- ----

Table 9 Derived Values of Limits of Vibration Severity in Rotating Electrical Machines Measured in
State of Free Suspension (Displacement Mode)
Height 56 < H ≤132 132 < H ≤225 225 < H ≤400 H > 400
Speed, rpm 500 600 750 1000 1500 3000 500 600 750 1000 1500 3000 500 600 750 1000 1500 3000 500 600 750 1000 1500 3000
Vibration limit in maximum displacement amplitude, in µm
N(Normal) 96 80 64 48 32 16 96 80 64 48 32 25 150 125 100 75 50 42 150 125 100 75 50 40
R(Reduced) 36 30 24 18 12 6 36 30 24 18 12 10 96 80 64 48 32 26 --- --- --- --- --- ---
S(Special) 24 20 16 12 8 4 24 20 16 12 8 6 50 60 40 30 20 17 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Note: For the purpose of Table 9 f is assumed as frequency corresponding to rotor rpm. But for evaluation the dominant frequency should
be determined by spectrum analysis and only that frequency should be used for calculation.



The general supply of electricity in this country is Most supply companies make no surcharge if the
being standardized to alternating current. With total power factor is not less than 0.95. The
alternating current, the flow of electricity is not efficiency and power factor of motors at various
steady like gas or water through a pipe, but consists loads may be obtained from the manufacturers.
of a series of waves following each other in rapid The average power factor may be obtained from the
succession. meters employed by the supply company when a
The frequency of these waves is usually 50 c/s and rate including surcharge for low power factor is in
therefore, it is referred to as a 50 cycles supply. The force.
power of this supply depends upon two factors:
The power factor is expressed by the ratio:
a) Voltage and True Power
b) Amperes (or current). Apparent Power

Either of the two factors mentioned above might be True power is the reading given by a wattmeter.
represented individually by its own set of waves. If Apparent power is the product of volts and ampere
these waves coincide entirely, which means that (multiplied, in the case of a three-phase system,
they are in step with each other, the whole of the by 3 or 1.732). Most supply companies use a three-
current in the circuits is doing useful work. phase integrating watthour meter for measuring
the true power and an integrating sine meter for
If however, the two sets of waves are out of step, measuring the wattless component in which case
only a part of the current flowing through the lines the ratio:
can be usefully employed. There is, therefore, a
Wattless kVA Hours
ratio between the true power doing useful work
and the apparent power of the supply system. This kW Hours
ratio is called the power factor. In a circuit in which is equal to the tangent of the angle of lag and the
both voltage and current are in step, the power equivalent cosine may readily be found from
factor is 100 percent or unity. For certain technical mathematical tables. The cosine of the angle thus
reasons, such as the inductive effect of a motor or found is the power factor of the circuit.
other apparatus, the current may lag behind the
voltage. Then, as stated above, only a part of the Table 10 shows the factor by which the load in kW
current becomes available for doing useful work, has to be multiplied to obtain the reactive capacity,
and it is referred to as the lagging power factor. For as given below, kVA to improve the existing power
example, if only 75 percent current does useful factor to the proposed corrected one:
work the true power is 75 percent of the apparent
power, and in this instance the-power factor is said Reactive kVA = Load in kW x Factor
to be 0.75. The remaining 25 percent of current in
the circuit is termed watt loss or idle current. It does
not do useful work, but tends to heat up the cables.
This current, which is virtually wasted, has to be
paid for. Many supply authorities, therefore, either
penalize the consumer for a bad power factor, or
give a rebate for a satisfactory power factor which
allows a better employment of their distribution


Table 10: Factors for obtaining Reactive Capacity from Load

Existing Proposed Power Factor
factor 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 unity
0.40 1.537 1.668 1.805 1.959 2.288
0.41 1.474 1.605 1.742 1.896 2.225
0.42 1.413 1.544 1.681 1.836 2.164
0.43 1.356 1.487 1.624 1.778 2.107
0.44 1.290 1.421 1.558 1.712 2.041

0.45 1.230 1.360 1.501 1.659 1.988

0.46 1.179 1.309 1.446 1.600 1.929
0.47 1.130 1.260 1.397 1.532 1.881
0.48 1.076 1.206 1.343 1.497 1.826
0.49 1.030 1.160 1.297 1.453 1.782

0.50 0.982 1.112 1.248 1.403 1.732

0.51 0.936 1.066 1.202 1.357 1.686
0.52 0.894 1.024 1.160 1.315 1.644
0.53 0.850 0.980 1.116 1.271 1.600
0.54 0.809 0.939 1.075 1.230 1.559

0.55 0.769 0.899 1.035 1.190 1.519

0.56 0.730 0.860 0.996 1.151 1.480
0.57 0.692 0.822 0.958 1.113 1.442
0.58 0.655 0.785 0.921 1.076 1.405
0.59 0.618 0.748 0.884 1.039 1.368

0.60 0.584 0.714 0.849 1.005 1.334

0.61 0.549 0.679 0.815 0.970 1.299
0.62 0.515 0.645 0.781 0.936 1.265
0.63 0.483 0.613 0.749 0.904 1.233
0.64 0.450 0.580 0.716 0.871 1.200

0.65 0.419 0.549 0.685 0.840 1.169

0.66 0.388 0.518 0.654 0.809 1.138
0.67 0.358 0.488 0.624 0.779 1.108
0.68 0.329 0.459 0.595 0.750 1.079
0.69 0.209 0.429 0.565 0.720 1.049

0.70 0.270 0.400 0.536 0.691 1.020

0.71 0.242 0.372 0.508 0.663 0.992
0.72 0.213 0.343 0.479 0.634 0.963
0.73 0.186 0.316 0.452 0.607 0.936
0.74 0.159 0.289 0.425 0.580 0.909

0.75 0.132 0.262 0.398 0.553 0.882

0.76 0.105 0.235 0.371 0.526 0.855
0.77 0.079 0.209 0.345 0.500 0.829
0.78 0.053 0.183 0.319 0.474 0.803
0.79 0.026 0.156 0.292 0.447 0.776

0.80 - 0.130 0.266 0.421 0.750

0.81 - 0.104 0.240 0.395 0.724
0.82 - 0.078 0.214 0.369 0.698
0.83 - 0.052 0.188 0.343 0.672
0.84 - 0.026 0.162 0.317 0.645

0.85 - - 0.136 0.291 0.620

0.86 - - 0.109 0.264 0.593
0.87 - - 0.083 0.238 0.567
0.88 - - 0.054 0.209 0.538
0.89 - - 0.028 0.183 0.512

0.90 - - - 0.155 0.484

0.91 - - - 0.124 0.453
0.92 - - - 0.097 0.426
0.93 - - - 0.066 0.395
0.94 - - - 0.034 0.363

0.95 - - - - 0.329
0.96 - - - - 0.292
0.97 - - - - 0.250
0.98 - - - - 0.203
0.99 - - - - 0.143



Correction Devices TO S
There are two practical methods of power factor SUPPLY
correction as given below:

a) By means of shunt capacitors, and CAPACITOR

b) By means of synchronous motors or Condensors. 1 B The switch 'S' which controls the motor,
simultaneously also switches the capacitor ON or
The method synchronous motors or condensors OFF
are mainly applicable to large installations and is
consequently beyond the scope of this code.
Attention is, therefore, confined to the first method TO S
only. CS

Best results are obtained by connecting the
capacitor as close as possible to the motor or other 1 C Aseparate switch ‘CS’ is provided for the
apparatus which requires power factor correction. capacitor. This refers to a case where the corrected
In practice, however, this is not always possible. In power factor exceeds 0.95
cases where one capacitor has to correct the power
factor of several motors, the capacitor should be SS
connected across the LT side of the mains, and SUPPLY
always on the load side of the supply meter.

Correction CAPACITOR
Group correction is often advisable, especially
when the total average load represents only a part 1 D No separate capacitor switch is shown. Where
of the installed motor rating and is fairly constant. If, isolator ‘IS’ and ‘SS’ are in existence, the capacitor is
however, the existing power factor is as low as, says, connected to a point between these switches
0.60 or less, and the load not constant, skilled
attendence for the switching operation may be FIG. 1 Individual Connections
required. In such cases the human element may be
eliminated by adopting individual correction which Where a capacitor is connected across the
is also recommended where motors are being terminals of an induction motor, care should be
added to an existing installation. taken that the current taken by the capacitor does
However, each case has to be treated on its merits. not exceed the motor magnetizing current as
otherwise dangerous over-voltages may be setup
Details of connections are illustrated in Fig. 1 when the motor is switched off due to the self
excillation effect, values of magnitising current can
be obtained from the manufacturer.


1 A Shows connections of capacitors to three phase

motor. The capacitors are delta-connected, which is
standard practice on three-phase supply

1st Floor, 7-B Rajindra Park, Pusa Road, New Delhi 110060 411, 4th Floor, Shapath V, Besides Shapath IV
T: +91 11 2581 6931 / 6932 / 6933 Opp. Karnavati Club, S.G.Highway,
Ahmedabad – 380 015
LUDHIANA T: +91 079 66049200
SCO-146, 3rd Floor, Feroz Gandhi Market, Ludhiana 141 001
T: +91 161 2775 692 / 93
206 1st Floor, Shalimar Complex, Church Road, Jaipur 302001 204-207, Ramanashree Chambers, 2nd Floor,
T: +91 141 2377 223 37 Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore 560 001
T: +91 80 2559 2646 / 2137 / 2681
M-78 Trade Centre, 18 South Tukoganj, Indore 452 001 CHENNAI
T: +91 731 2524 474 /2514 486 No 35, Rishikesh, No 75 (Old No.38) G N Chetty Road,
T Nagar, Chennai 600 017
T: +91 44 2815 4794 / 4793
Siddha Fifth Avenue, Flat no.101, LBR House
Space No 3B, 3rd Floor, 179 Anandapur, Kolkata 700 107 Picket Main Road, Secunderabad 500026.
T: +91 033 2443-2368 / 2382/2383 T: +91 40 2780 1791, 2781 4512

WESTERN REGION 112 A, Chenny's Chamber, 1st Floor, Dr. Nanjappa Road,
MUMBAI Coimbatore 641 018
501- 502, Swastik Chambers, 5th floor, Sion Trombay Road, T: + 91 422 326 8881
Chembur (East), Mumbai 400071
T: +91 22 6145 7200

PUNE Write to us at
Flat no 1, Sai Sankalp CHS, Opposite Jog Hospital, Paud Road,
Kothrud, Pune 411038 [email protected]
T: 020-65600478/77/76/80

Electric Mansion, 6th Floor, Appasaheb Marathe Marg,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025
T: +91 22 2430 6237 / 6375
CIN: L31300MH1946PL005017

No. 2, MIDC Thane-Belapur Road, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 400 708
T: +91 22 2763 7200 / +91 22 2760 0401

Due to continuous process of product development/upgradation, specifications in this booklet may change without prior notice. For latest information, please contact our Sales Offices.

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