Storage and Flow of Solids - Jenike A.W PDF

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The document discusses the gravity flow of bulk solids and provides a comprehensive study on the subject.

The main topic discussed is the gravity flow of bulk solids and the development of a yield function and mathematical modeling of the flow properties.

Mining, agriculture, and processing industries are mentioned to rely on gravity flow of bulk solids like ores, coal, cement, flour, etc.



Volume 52 October 1961 No. 29

Bulletin No. 108

of the




A. W. Jenike

Salt Lake City, Utah


There is hardly an industry in existence which does not use

solid materials in bulk form. Where the volume of the solids is

substantial, gravity is usually relied upon to cause the solids

to flow. Such materials as ores, coal, cement, flour, cocoa,

soil, to which the general term of bulk solids is applied, flow

by gravity or are expected to flow by gravity in thousands of

installations and by the billions of tons annually. Mining relies

on gravity flow in block-caving and in ore passes; subsidence is

a case of gravity flow of solids. Agriculture relies on gravity

flow of its products in storage silos, in feed plants and on the

farms. Every type of processing industry depends on gravity flow

of some solid, often of several solids.

Although vast quantities of bulk solids have been handled

for many years, the author believes that this is the first compre­

hensive study of the subject. The fact that this work appears

at this time is not accidental, but stems from the progress achieved

during the past fifteen years in the mathematical theory of plas­

ticity and in the techniques of numerical calculation. On the basis

of recently developed and refined principles of plasticity, the

problem of flow of bulk solids has been set up in mathematical terms.

A few years ago, this would not have been possible; just as a few years

ago the mathematically formulated problem would have been practically

insoluble because there were no computers to carry out the necessary


The careful reader of the author’s previous reports and papers on

the subject of flow of bulk solids will notice substantial modifica­

tions in the design formulae. No apology is offered for these seeming

inconsistencies; the author has always approached the subject from the

standpoint of the engineer who has had to provide definite recommenda­

tions on the basis of information at hand, at the time. Hence, as

the volume of experience increased, the theory was developed, and the

numerical data were computed, the design methods improved and changed -

at times, radically*

The work is presented in six parts. In Part I, the yield function

applicable to bulk solids is described, and the flow properties of

bulk solids are defined. The solids are assumed to be rigid-plastic,

isotropic, frictional, and cohesive. During incipient failure, the

solids expand (dilate), during steady state flow, they may expand or

contract. The yield function is consistent with the principle of

normality [7] which is specifically applied in incipient failure.

Part II contains the theory of steady state gravity flow of

solids in converging and vertical channels. The equations are first

derived in a general form, applicable to problems of extrusion as well

as gravity flow, in plane strain and in axial symmetry. Some of the

derivations are more general than they need to be for this work.

They will be referred to in other publications which are now in pre­

paration [22, 23]. It is shown that, provided the slopes of the walls

of a converging channel are sufficiently steep and mathematically

continuous, the stress pattern in the neighborhood of the vertex of

the channel is, primarily, a function of the slope and of the fric­

tional conditions of the walls at the vertex, with the influence of

the top boundary of the channel vanishing at the vertex . The parti­

cular stress field which develops at the vertex is called the radial

stress field, because it is the field which can lead to a radial

velocity field.

Since the radial stress field is closely approached in the

vicinity of the vertex, that field represents the stresses at the

outlet of a channel. The region of the outlet of a channel is most

important because it is there, that obstructions to flow originate.

The radial stress field thus provides a basis for a general solution

of flow in this important region of the channels.

In Part III, the conditions leading to incipient failure are

considered. General equations of stress are derived in plane strain

and in axial symmetry. The conditions following incipient failure

are discussed, and it is suggested that the velocity fields usually

computed for conditions of failure are meaningless and that only

initial acceleration fields can be computed. Two cases of incipient

failure are analyzed: doming across a flow channel, and piping (which

refers to a state of stress around a vertical, empty hole of circular


Part IV describes the flow criteria. The material developed in

the previous three parts is brought together to relate the slopes of

channels and the size of the outlets necessary to maintain the flow of
a solid of given flowability on walls of given frictional properties.

Part V describes the testing apparatus and the method which has

been developed to measure the flowability of solids, their density, and

the angle of friction between a solid and a wall.

Finally, Part VI contains the application of the theory to the

design of storage installations and flow channels, and discusses flow

promoting devices, feeders, segregation, blending, structural problems,

the flow of ore, as well as aspects of block-caving and miscellaneous

items related to the gravity flow of solids. All these topics are

approached from the standpoint of flow: their effect on flow and


The reader will soon realize that many of the bins now in opera­

tion have been designed to fill out an available space at a minimum

cost of the structure rather than to satisfy the conditions of flow.

The result has been a booming business for manufacturers of flow

promoting devices. While there are, and always will be, solids which

are not suitable for gravity flow, the vast majority of them will flow

if the bins and feeders are designed correctly. However, a correct

bin will usually be taller and more expensive. It is up to the

engineer to decide whether the additional cost of the correct bin

will be balanced by savings in operation.

This part is made as self-contained as possible to facilitate

its reading to the engineer who has neither time nor inclination to

study the theoretical parts.

The reader versed in soil mechanics should note that the magnitude

of the stresses discussed here is 100 to 1000 times smaller than that

encountered in soil mechanics. Hence, some phenomena which may not

even be observable in soil mechanics assume critical importance in

the gravity flow of solids. For instance, the curvature of the yield

loci (Mohr envelopes) in the ( cf , t ) coordinates is seldom detectable

in soil mechanics, but in gravity flow the curvature assumes an import­

ant role in the determination of the flowability of a solid. By the

terminology of soil mechanics, solids possessing a cohesion of 50 pounds

per square foot are cohesionless: standard soil mechanics tests do

not measure such low values. But a solid with that value of cohesion,

an angle of internal friction of 30°, and a weight of 100 pounds

per cubic foot can form a stable dome across a 3-foot-diameter channel

and prevent flow from starting. In gravity flow, it is of interest

to be able to predict whether or not flow will take place through a

6-inch-diameter orifice. This involves values of cohesion down to 8

pounds per square foot and even less for lighter solids.


The work described in this report has been carried out over a

period of some nine years, and during that time the author has become

indebted to a number of persons who have contributed of their time

and skills, and to a number of institutions which for the past five

years have given financial support to the project.

The author is particularly grateful to Dr. P. J. Elsey of the

Utah Engineering Experiment Station for his constant and sympathetic

interest in the project, and to Dr. Elsey and Professor R. H. Woolley

for their assistance in setting up the Bulk Solids Flow Laboratory

at the University of Utah; to Professor R. T. Shield of Brown Univer­

sity for the many long discussions of the topics of plasticity and

for his critical revues of the work at various stages of advancement.

The author is very much in debt to his students: Joseph L. Taylor,

who has contributed of his mathematical skill, and, especially, Jerry

R. Johanson, whose constant assistance in every facet of the work has

been most useful. Mr. Johanson, a Ph.D. candidate, also carried

out all of the numerical calculations which this work required.

The cost of this project has been substantial and the author

wishes to acknowledge the initial support which he received from

the American Institute of Mining Mineralogical and Petroleum Engineers,

whose Mineral Beneficiation and Research Committees promptly recommended

the author’s application for AIME sponsorship. This was followed by

a grant of money from Engineering Foundation and by the further support

from research funds of the Utah Engineering Experiment Station.

The AIME and the Engineering Foundation have remained sponsors of the


Sincere thanks are due to Dr. Carl J. Christensen, director of

the Utah Engineering Experiment Station, for his help in keeping the

project alive through times of financial difficulty.

The main support for the applied part of the project, entitled

"Bulk Solids Flow", has come from the American Iron and Steel Institute

to whom the author is most grateful.

The mathematical concepts described in this report, as well as

other work which is appearing separately, have been developed under

a 1959 grant from the National Science Foundation to a project entitled

"Flow of rigid-plastic solids in converging channels under the action

of body forces".

Andrew W. Jenike
October, 1961



Introduction 1
The coordinate system 5
Effective yield locus 9
Stresses and density during flow 10
Yield locus 15
Time yield locus 22
Stresses during failure 22
Flow-function 24
Flowfactor 26
Wall yield locus 28


General equations 35
Stress field 35
Velocity field 37
Superposition 40
Physical conditions 40
Grids, special lines and regions 42
Converging channels 57
Equations of stress 57
Radial stress field 59
Derivation 59
Solutions of the radial stress field 63
Resultant vertical force 68
Stresses at the walls 84
Influence of compressibility 84
General stress field 107
Proof of convergence to a radial
stress field at the vertex 107
Boundaries 114

Radial velocity field 119
Vertical channels 124
Stress field 128
Velocity field 132


General equations 135

Stress field 137
Initial acceleration field 138
Superposition 143
Physical conditions 143
Grids and special lines 143
Doming 145
Piping 148


Introduction 156
No-doming 156
Plane and axial symmetry 157
Plane asymmetry 158
Flowfactor plots 160
Influence of compressibility 160
No-piping 176


Apparatus 182
Testing 186
Continuous flow 186
(a) Representative specimen 186
(b) Uniform specimen 188
(c) Flow 190
(d) Shear 195
Example 198

. Time effect 202
Density 204
Plots of flow properties 204
Angle of friction ’ 206


Introduction 208
Flow properties of bulk solids 209
Limitations of the analysis 217
Types of flow 218
Mass flow 219
Hopper& with one vertical wall 228
P uig f low 230
Calculations of the dimensions of the outlet 231
(a) Doming 231
' (d ) Piping . 234
(c) Particle interlocking ' 236
Influence of dynamic over-pressures 236
- Flow devices 242
Examples of design for, flow 248
Feeders 268
Feeder Loads 272
Belt feeder 274
Side-discharge reciprocating feeder 278
Segregation and blending in flow 282
Flooding 286
Heat transfer 288
Gas counterflow 288
Structural problems 292
Stresses acting on hopper walls 292
Bin failures 292
Ore 294
. Broken rock 294

Coarse ore 301
Block-caving 304




' Introduction

In gravity flow of solids, as in soil mechanics, it is convenient

to assume pressures and compressive strain rates as positive, and

tensions and expansive strain rates as negative. This convention is

adopted throughout the work.

The solids which are considered in this work are rigid-plastic.

In the plastic regions, the solids are assumed to be isotropic, fric­

tional, cohesive and compressible. During incipient failure an element

of a solid expands, while during steady state flow, the element either

expands or contracts as does the pressure along the streamline.

While many problems of continuous plastic flow have been solved

for isotropic, non-work-hardening solids with a zero angle of friction

[e.g., 1,2,3,4,5], attempts to work out solutions of continuous

flow of solids, which exhibit an angle of friction greater than zero,

have not been successful. The cause of the difficulty has lain in

the yield function ascribed to these solids. The yield function was

a generalization of the criterium of either Tresca or von Mises into

a function dependent on the hydrostatic stress. In the principal

stress space such a generalization transformed the prism of Tresca

and the cylinder of von Mises into, respectively, a pyramid and a cone,

which were assumed to be of constant size and to extend without a bound

in the direction of the hydrostatic pressure. As a result, the princi­

ple of plastic potential [6 ], or normality [7], required the solid to

dilate continuously during flow while at the same time retaining its

strength properties. Continuous dilation is not supported by physical

observations. Dilation implies a reduction in density which in turn

causes a loss of strength and a shrinking of the yield surface.

There is ample evidence obtained from shear and triaxial tests

to the effect that a solid may flow without a change of density as

well as with an increase of density, and that during flow the yield

surface of an element of the solid at a generic point is remarkably

independent of the history of stress and strain [8 ].

In this work a yield surface recently proposed by Jenike and

Shield [9] is used, This surface is shown in Fig. 1, in principal

stress space. The abscissa a£v/2 = is in the cr^,c^-p lane and

bisects the angle between the a^c^-axes. This surface is the

Shield's pyramid [10] with three modifications: the pyramid is bounded

on the pressure side (after Drucker [11])by a flat hexagonal base

perpendicular to the octahedral axis; the size of the pyramid is a

function of the density, the time interval of consolidation at rest,

the temperature, and the moisture content of the solid; and the vertex

of the pyramid is rounded off.

During flow, the time interval of consolidation is zero, while

the temperature and moisture content are assumed constant; density is

variable and is assumed a function of the major pressure at a generic

Fig. 1

Yield surface

-3 -
point. In consequence, the size of the yield surface during flow is

a function of the major pressure only, while the change in the size

of the yield surface (and in density) of an element becomes a function

of the gradient of the major pressure along the path of that element.

A change of density is measured by the normal component of the

strain rate vector, which thus must be free to assume a positive or

a negative direction depending on the sign of the pressure gradient,

and independently of the state of stress at the generic point. The

adopted yield surface allows this freedom to the strain rate vector

because, during flow, the vector is located at a corner between the

side walls of the pyramid and its flat, hexagonal base, as shown in

Fig. 1. In the plane strain flow of an incompressible solid, normality

locates the stresses on a straight side of the hexagonal base off the

yield surface. In the plane strain flow of a compressible solid and

in axi-symmetric flow, which involve three dimensional deformations,

normality locates the stresses at a corner of the hexagonal base.

It will thus be observed that in axial symmetry the principles

of isotropy and plastic potential enforce the Haar and von Karman

hypothesis [12 ] for the adopted yield function, except possibly when

the principal stresses in the meridian plane are either both major

or both minor. However, the latter conditions exclude all fields

with body force*, hence are useless in this work. The Haar and

* Assume the meridian pressures to be both minor, then equations

(14) - (16) and (20) - (22) become

a = a = ct0 = a(l - sin 6), t =0, cr = a, = a( 1 + sin 6)

x y 2 xy (X 1

von Karman hypothesis states that in axial symmetry the circumferential

stress is equal to either the major of the minor stress of the meridian


The relationship between the size of the yield surface and the

major pressure during flow is described by the effective yield locus

[9]. The remarkable feature of this yield function is that not only

does it not complicate the analysis of the stress fields but for

steady state flow it leads to a pseudo-static system without pseudo­

cohesion even though the solid may be cohesive.

In the analysis of incipient failure, it will be necessary to

assume a constant yield surface throughout the plastic region. This

is not a serious limitation because the considered plastic regions are

of small size. The stresses of incipient failure are located on the

side of the yield pyramid, not on the base, and dilation accompanies


The coordinate systems

In order to handle problems of plane strain and of axial symmetry

with one set of equations, combined coordinates are introduced with a

and the solution of the equations of equilibrium (48) and (49), with
m = 1 , is of the form
2 sin S
„ _ / , \ 1-sin 6
T = 0 , a = a0 (y/y0) .

This requires the absence of body forces. Similar functions are

obtained for two major meridian pressures, and for the conditions
of incipient failure.

coefficient m to distinguish between the two systems. Coefficient

m — 0 (1)

applies to plane strain, and

m = 1 ( 2)
applies to axial symmetry.

Two systems of coordinates will be found useful: a plane-Cartesian/

polar-cylindrical system x, y, OC, and ,a polar/spherical system r, 6, Ct,

as shown in Fig. 2. Axis x is vertical and when the problems have

symmetry they are symmetric with respect to this axis. The circumfer­

ential coordinate OC appears only in the problems of axial symmetry and

by virtue of that symmetry all the derivatives with respect of OC are zero.

The positive directions of the stresses are shown in the Figure 2.

It will be noted that pressures are assumed positive. The direction of

the major pressure a^ with respect to the axis x is measured by

angle go.


co = e + t, ' (3)

where \|r is the angle between the directions of and of the ray r.

Two kinds of stresses are recognized:

Consolidating stresses which occur during steady state flow and

are denoted by letters a and t, and yield stresses which occur during

incipient failure and are denoted by letters a and x. In both cases

the principal pressures and and a act in the meridian plane

(x,y) or (r ,9), while the principal pressure a' (cL) is the circumfer-
Ct c*
ential pressure. The principal pressures are ordered as follows

-6 -
Fig. 2

Coordinate systems in plane strain

and in the meridian plane of axial symmetry


The assumed yield function is of the following general form


where T is the bulk density of the solid, t the time interval of

consolidation at rest, T its temperature, and H its surface moisture


It should be noted that the method by which a solid is consolidat­

ed to the given density T may affect the yield function. For instance,

a solid may be consolidated by vibration, or pounding; it may be

consolidated by the application of a hydrostatic pressure, as well as

by the application of pressures which are different in magnitude but

whose deviator components are insufficient to cause shear. Then,

and this is of main interest in our study, a solid may be consolidated

under a set of pressures which cause a continuous deformation of the

solid: this is the condition of flow. Finally, flow may be stopped

for an interval of time t with the consolidating pressures remaining

practically unchanged and with the solid undergoing additional con­

solidation at rest.

The bulk density of a solid is assumed to be a function of the

majore consolidating pressure o^, as well as of the time t, the temp­

erature T, and the moisture content H, thus

T = T(J15t,T,H). (6 )
Effective yield locus (EYL) [9]

During steady state flow, within the regions of non-zero velocity,

the solid deforms continuously without abrupt changes in bulk density,

and the plastic region is uniformly at yield with yield planes passing

through every point of the region. In these regions, the time interval

of consolidation at rest is zero, while the temperature and moisture

content can usually be assumed constant,

t = 0, T = constant, H = constant. (7)

Density then becomes a single-valued function of the major con­

solidating pressure while the yield function, eq. (5), reduces to

f (a1 5 a2) = FCap . (8)

Experimental data show that the ratio between the major and the

minor consolidating pressures during flow approaches a constant value*,

« 1 + sin 5 .
ct2 1 - sin 5 w

This function is called the effective yield locus (EYL), and 6 is

referred to as the effective angle of friction. In general, 5 is a

function of the temperature T and the moisture content H of the solid,

5 = S (T,H) , (10)

but, under conditions of flow and with relations (7) in force, 6 is


The equation of the effective yield locus (9) can also be expressed

by means of the stress components as follows

* See also reference [13], Fig. 1.2.2.

JV +


sin 5 = v ' * -------(11)J

+ a


p r -
v2 +
4t 2



In principal stress space, function (9) is represented by the

side OAB of Shield's pyramid [10] with its vertex at the origin, Fig. 3.

This pyramid is also of hexagonal cross-section but, unlike the yield

function, Fig. 1, extends into the direction of hydrostatic pressure

without a base. In the (cj,t) coordinates this function is represented

by two straight lines, EYL passing through the origin and inclined at

the angle S to the cr-axis, Fig. 4. These lines are envelopes of

Mohr stress circles determining the consolidating pressures and

1 ■ Stresses and density during flow '

It is convenient to introduce a mean pressure "

a .+ a „ a +a a +an ,
1 2 x y r Q
a- . (13)

The component stresses can now be expressed in the plane-Cartesian/

polar-cylindrical coordinates by

a = a(l + sin 8 cos 2oo) , (14)

a = a(l - sin 5 cos 2a>) , (15)

T = o sin & sin 2a>: (16)

xy ’ v '

Fig. 3

Effective yield surface

and in the polar/spherical coordinates by

cr^ = a(l + sin 6 cos , (17)

Oq = a(l - sin 6 cos 2v|/), (18)

T Q = o sin 8 sin . (19)


The principal pressures are

= a (1 + sin 5), (20)

a2 = o(l - sin 8 ), (21)

Oq, = a( 1 + k sin 8 ), (22)


k = + 1, (23)

for converging flow, locates the stresses on the edge OA of the pyramid,

Fig. 3, while

k = -1, (24)

for diverging flow, locates the stresses on the edge OB of the pyramid.

On the strength of the relations (6), (7) and (20), the bulk

density during flow becomes of the form

r = r(a) . (25)

This relation has been found experimentally to be well represented

by the equation

T = To(l + a)? (26)

where To and (3 are constant under conditions of flow. Tests show that

for a measured in pounds per square foot, (3 does not exceed,10. The

method of measuring g is described in reference [14] and the results of

Fig. 4

Effective yield locus

Fig. 5

Yield loci

tests for several solids for a range of major pressure cr^ from 150

to 2,500 pounds per square foot are shown in Table 1.

Table 1
* £ • - ........ i .... .

Solid P

Adipic acid .026

Soybean oil meal (dry) .010
Gocoa powder .096
Light soda ash .017
Foundry sand .009
Iron ore (6% H^O) .076
Taconite concentrate .029
Taconite concentrate .036
Copper concentrate (dry) .009
Copper concentrate (57o H?0) .055
Feed granules .017
Feed granules .020

Eq. (26) leads to awkward mathematical expressions and in parts of

the analysis will be replaced by

........... T “ T ocP, (27)

This is justified by the fact that, in many interesting parts of

a field, a is large compared to unity, and eq. (27) is practically

equivalent to eq. (26). It should be noted that with the assumption

of incompressibility, (3 - 0, and both equations (26) and (27) yield

T = To-

Yield locus (YL)

The yield function defined by conditions (7) and eq. (8) is repre­

sented by a family of yield loci in the ( ct , t ) coordinates. The major

consolidating pressure is the parameter of the family. In Fig. 5

two yield loci denoted YL* and YL" are shown; these yield loci were

generated by the major consolidating pressures and a^.

The properties of a yield locus, Fig. 6 , will now be discussed in

some detail. 1 The stresses acting in a cross-section of a solid are

described by a stress vector whose component are: the normal pressure

a and the shear stress t. The yield locus is the locus of the values

of (ct,t) at which permanent deformation, or yield, occurs. In plast­

icity, the equations of equilibrium are assumed satisfied, therefore,

the stresses described by the yield locus cannot be exceeded. This

implies that the yield locus is the envelope of the Mohr stress circles

at yield.

For any stress condition represented by a Mohr circle A, not

touching the yield locus, the solid is rigid (or elastic). When the

stress condition changes so that the corresponding Mohr circle A' comes

in contact with the yield locus, yield stresses, described by the

points B, develop in the two planes of the solid inclined at angles

-j- _
-(#,/4 - i/2) to the direction of the major pressure G^, and the solid

deforms. These two planes are called the slipplanes, and are represent­

ed by two slip lines in the principal, physical plane x-y, Fig. 7.

Angle i is the angle of friction of the.solid.

The strain rate which accompanies a yield stress is described by


Yield locus

Fig. 7


Unconfined yield pressure, f

the strain rate vector e , whose components are: the normal strain rate

e and the shear strain rate y„ If the coordinates (e,Y) are superimposed

over the coordinates (o,t), Figures 5 and 6 , then by the principle of

normality [?], the strain rate vector e is normal to the yield locus

at the point of contact with the Mohr stress circle. It is evident from

Fig. 6 that any point of contact, B, enforces a direction of the strain

rate vector which contains a negative, hence expansive, normal compo­

nent of strain rate and, therefore, implies dilation of the solid.

The only exception is point E, the terminus of the yield locus, at

which normality only restricts the direction of the strain rate vector

to within a sector <t>, - ff/2, shown in Fig. 5. When the Mohr circle is

tangential to the yield locus at point E, normality allows the solid

either to dilate, or to contract, or to deform without change of density.

This is the condition which occurs during steady flow.

It is observed that the angle, of friction <£> is not constant along

the yield locus but varies from a minimum at points E to Jt/2 at the

intercept with the cr-axis. The shape of the yield locus at low values

of a is important in this work because it affects the value of the major

pressure f which causes failure at a traction free surface. f is

,»< ....... c c
defined thus

°2 ~ O ’ CT1 = fc ”

f is called the unconfined yield pressure and is obtained by inscrib­

ing a Mohr yield circle through the origin 0, Fig. 8 .

The curvature of the yield locus at low values of a is not generally

recognized and lacking complete experimental verification, the following

Fig. 9

Unlikely shape of the yield locus

Fig. 10

Tensile (brittle) failure

arguments are offered in support of this concept:

(a) Direct shear tests at low values of pressure show a downward

curving of the yield locus.

(b) If the yield locus were to intersect the a-axis at an angle

other than »/2, as shown in Fig. 9, the solid would be stable under a

hydrostatic tension but would fail if the tensions were reduced to

those given by the Mohr circle. This appears unreasonable.

(c) The yield locus shown in Fig. 10 allows for both, tensile

(brittle) failure, and shearing failure of the solid. Namely, there

exists a limiting circle of a radius equal to the radius of curvature

of the yield locus at point (ao ,0) such that all stress conditions

represented by circles within the limiting circle approach the yield

locus at point (ao ,0), where the shear stress is zero, causing failure

in tension; all other stress conditions are represented by Mohr circles

which approach the yield locus at non-zero values of shear, causing

failure in shear.

(d) The failure of a dome over a cavity, Fig. 11, often proceeds

in successive stages which can be observed. The domes are usually

smooth and rounded off at the top. At the two abutments of a dome,

failure occurs in shear along slipines belonging to a different

family at each abutment. From observations it appears that these

sliplines merge at the top of the dome. Sliplines of different families

are inclined to each other at an angle of jt/2 - tfS. In order for these

sliplines to merge, the angle of friction at the point of mergence

must equal a/2. It seems that, at the top of the dome, failure does

-2 0 -
. Fig. 11

Failure of a dome

-2 1 -
occur in tension, and ^ = *t/2 .

It is evident that an accurate determination of the value of the

yield locus at point C, Fig. 8 , is necessary to obtain a reliable value

of f£ . A linear extrapolation of the yield locus from test values

obtained at pressures considerably higher than C would give erroneous


Time yield locus (TYL)

.• j If flow is stopped for an interval of time t, the consolidating

pressures remain practically unchanged and the solid undergoes further

consolidation at rest. This may cause an expansion of the yield loci

throughout the solid. The new yield loci are called time yield loci.

A typical time yield locus (TYL), together with a yield locus (YL), is

shown in Fig. 12.

It should be remembered that both, temperature and moisture

content, are parameters in the yield function (5 ) and, if either of

them should change during the time of consolidation, the position of

the time yield locus may be affected.

■ - ' I

Stresses during failure

In order to express the stresses during failure in a tractable

form, the yield locus of Fig. 6 is linearized as shown in Fig. 13.

In linearization, the value of f and the size and position of the

consolidating stress circle are left unchanged. The stresses can

now be expressed in the plane-Cartesian/cylindrical-polar coordinates

Fig. 12

Time yield locus


a = a(l + sin ^ cos 2cu) - f ^ s'i'- ^ (29)

x c 2 sin p

- . / n \ „ 1 - sin ^
a = o(l - sin <b cos 2d>) - f — — — — 7 ,
y c 2 sm p (30)

T = cr sin & sin 2co; (31)

xy ’
and in the polar/spherical coordinates, by

a = a(l + sin i cos 2\|/) - f —r^~p, (32)

r c 2 sm p

*= a(l - sin & cos 2t) ~ f — sin-7^ (33)

y c /. s m p

t ■- cr sin ^ sin 2ilr. (34)


The principal pressures are

an = a(l + sin $>) - f — — Sin^~, (35)

1 c 2 sin 0

a = a(l - sin ^) - f -- (36)

Z c Z ain p

cr = afl + k sin - f — -— (37)

O! ' c 2 sm p

In the above equations

- J1 °2 . 1 - sin <t> . .
0 = — — — — + f -----7— 1 , (38)
2 c 2 sm p

and k = + 1 for converging failure, and k = - 1 for diverging failure,

the same as for flow.


The concept of the flow-function is introduced as a measure of

the flowability of solids. This concept is obtained by substituting

relation (6) for y in eq. (5), and by placing the minor yield pressure

Fig. 13

Linearized yield locus

-2 5 -
a2 ~ 0. The corresponding value of the major pressure is the unconfined

yield pressure f , eq. (28). Eq„ (5) then assumed the form

fc = G(cr1 ,t,T,H), (39)

and this relation is called the flow-function of a solid. It is usually

plotted as

*C - W - <40)

Fig. 14, with t., T and H as parameters.

A flow-function measured without consolidation at rest (t = 0) is

referred to as the instantaneous flow-function, while a flow-function

measured with consolidation at rest (t i- 0) is referred to as the time


Low values of f indicate a high flowability of the solid, and

vice versa. In particular, a perfectly free flowing solid is one

whose f is zero for all values of the major consolidating pressure cr^.

In Fig. 14 such a flow-function line coincides with the cr^-axis.

Flowfactor ff

The concept of the flowfactor is introduced as a measure of the

flowability of channels. The flowfactor ff is defined as the ratio

ff = (41)

and represented by a straight line in the (a^,fc) coordinates, Fig. 15.

In the design for no-piping an instantaneous flowfactor and a time

flowfactor are used. The former applies to solids which are not

Fig. 14


Fig. 15


affected by consolidation at rest, while the latter applies to those

whose time flow-function exceeds the instantaneous flow-function by,

say, 20%.

Wall yield locus (WYL)

A side boundary between a region in a plastic state of stress

and a rigid (or elastic) stationary region is called a wall. In gen­

eral, there is a velocity discontinuity along a wall, the wall frictional

strength is fully mobilized, and the stresses acting on the wall lie

on a wall yield locus, which is represented by a line WYL in the (ct,t)

coordinates, Fig. 16. Since the solid is in a plastic state, the stresses

at the wall lie at one of the points of intersection W of the wall yield

locus with a Mohr stress circle tangential to the yield locus of the

solid,Y'L. During flow, the circle is tangential to the yield locus at

the points E and is also tangential to the effective yield locus (not

shown in Fig. 16).

The position of the wall yield locus depends on the frictional

conditions at the wall. These conditions may range from perfectly smooth

(in concept, at least) to the full strength of the flowing solid. In

the former case, the wall yield locus is represented by the positive

part of the cr-axis, the stresses at the wall are defined by one of the

points M, and the wall can transfer no shear stress. In the latter

case, the wall yield locus merges with the yield locus of the solid

and the stresses at the walls are given by one of the points E (or

points B in incipient failure)„ Such a wall will be referred to as a


Fig, 16

Wall yield locus

"rough wall". A rough wall is a slip line.

The wall yield locus shown by line WYL in Fig. 16 denotes a degree

of weakness of the wall as compared to a rough wall and such a wall

will be referred to as a "weak wall".

In this work, the stresses at the walls assume values which lie on

the arc E'ME", hence the stresses at a weak wall are represented

either by point W' or W"„

Observations of flow patterns in models and measurements of wall

yield loci indicate that the introduction of a wall made of an extran­

eous material, even a coarse material, causes a significant drop in the

cohesive and frictional forces at the wall. There seems to be no

practical way of gradually decreasing the weakness of a wall by, say,

increasing its coarseness until the wall yield locus merges with the

yield locus of the solid. Experiments indicate that for weak walls

the points W locate within the arc T'MT" of the Mohr stress circle,

and that the wall yield locus can be linearized without a significant

loss of accuracy. Since linearization reduces the amount of testing

necessary to define the wall yield locus, and greatly simplifies

the analysis, it will be adopted in this work. The position of a

wall yield locus becomes thus fully determined by the magnitude of

the angle of friction £$' between a solid and a wall.

In plane strain the channel may be asymmetric and the frictional

conditions at each wall may be different, as shown in Fig. 17. In

this case, the relations have to be developed separately for each wall.

The values relating to a point of a wall inclined at angle 9' to the

-3 0 -
Fig. 17

Wall conditions

x-axis are denoted by primes. The corresponding part of the Mohr stress

circle and the yield loci are shown in Fig. 18 (a), the wall yield locus

is determined by the angle of friction The relation between the

stresses at the wall are

^ 7 = tan <i>'. (42)

From the geometry of the Mohr circle it follows that

sin[2(\|r" + 0' - 0 ’) - - Jt] = ,

8 in o

and the significant solution for \|r' is

+ 0 ' _ Q« = £ + h p + Arc sin - - “ ), (43)

2. Z sin o

For rough walls, point W' merges with point. E' and it is evident from

Fig. 18 (a) that

\|r1 + 9 ' ~ 0 ’ = "Tit + (44)

or, noting that it is the period of angle \|r', eq. (44) can also be

written a|t1 + 6 1 - 0' = - it/4 + i/Z.

Similarly, the values relating to the wall inclined at angle -0"

to the x-axis are denoted by double-primes, and the corresponding part

of the Mohr stress circle and the yield loci are shown in Fig. 18 (b).

The wall yield locus is located by the angle of friction between

the solid and the wall. Relations (42) to (44) now become

•^77 = tan <6" (45)

+ 0" . 0" = £ _ + Arc sin 4 S-^) , (46)

l I sm o


Linearized wall yield loci



General equations

In this section the differential equations required for the

solution of the stress and velocity fields in steady state flow are

presented. The adopted yield function allows the stress equations to

be uncoupled from the velocity equations and to be solved first. The

solution of the stress field produces the direction of the major

pressure to(x,y) and the value of density T(x,y) throughout the field,

and suitable velocity fields can then be computed.

The boundary conditions have to be satisfied in both, the stress

and velocity fields and certain physical conditions imposed on the

stress and velocity fields have to be. met.

All the differential equations are hyperbolic and each field

requires the solution of a set of two partial differential equations

of first order. The equations are presented in a form suitable for

numberical calculations by the method of characteristics.

Stress field„

In the plane-Cartesian/cylindrical-polar coordinates x, y, 01,

Fig. 2, the equations of equilibrium are

These two equations together with the equation of the effective yield

locus (11) and the empirical relation for density (26) can be solved

for the four dependent variables (a , cr , t ,T) in plane strain.

r ■x y xy
In axial symmetry, the fifth dependent variable $ is taken care of

by the additional equation (22).

The equations of equilibrium are first expressed in terms of a

and 03 by means of equations (14) - (16) and (22), thus

fjn n "T ('y|^

(1 + sin 5 cos 2cd)~ + sin 5 sin 2cu - 2 ® sin 8 sin 2o> +
x y x

- 8 cr
+ 7.0 sin 8 cos 2ca = y0(l + cr)- - m — sin 8 sin 2cd,

sin 8 sin 2cd + (1 sin 8 cos 2to) + 2 0 sin 8 cos 2o) +

dx • ay ox

■ + 2o sin 8 sin 2cd = m ~ sin 8 (k + cos 2ao) .

Now the following abbreviation is introduced [15]

S = In (50)
^ Oo

where a0 is an arbitrary constant. The differential equations then

reduce to the following form


/-i , , S\ / , 5N , , , it , 8.
To ( 1 + o) s m ( a ) - + —) c o s ( a ) + - - —) + k c o s ( a ) -
A = - ' ' — r-- 1- m —-- ------ - ’
2 a s i n 5 cos(oc> + - —) 2 y cos(cd + — - —)

y + tj) + k cos(cd +
To ( 1 + c r)^ sin (o ) + -r - ~ ) c o s(c o - 7 - §)
B -----------------— V - V - m ------- -— ------ 7 5 — L • <52>
2o s m 8 cos(co - ^ + — ) 2 y cos(a) - — + — )

In the first characteristic direction,

dx = tan(“ + 4 “ 2^’ ^53)

the left hand side of eq.(a) is a total derivative

d (S + co)
= A. (54)

Similarly, in the second characteristic direction,

S = t 3 n ( “ " I + 2} 5 (55)

the left hand side of eq.(b) is a total derivative

d<s : m> - B. (56)


It will be observed that the two stress characteristics inter­

sect at an angle it/2 - 8 , and form angles + (^/4 - 8 /2) with the

direction of the major pressure.

Velocity field.

The velocity field is computed with the assumption of continuity

and isotropy. The equation, of continuity in steady flow can be

written as follows

I-(r u ym) + |^(r v ym) - 0, (57)

where u and v are the components of the velocity vector in the direc­

tions of the coordinate axes x and y, respectively, Fig. 19. Density

T is eliminated by means of eq. (26), yielding

[ ( 1 + cr)^uym ] + [ ( 1 + a)^vym ] = o,

which expands into


v , f3 ,dcr . da
+ r
e = m ---r g-gZ u t
T~r~<.>n + -5— v) . (59)
y 1+ a o x ay

The principle of isotropy states that the directions of the

principal strain rates coincide with the directions of the principal

stresses. The normal, compressive strain rates and e , and the

shear strain rate T a r e expressed in terms of the velocity com­

ponents as follows

C>U c*v cH l S v ,,
Ex ■ ' X " ey ’ - 3 F- Txy = ■ Ty ' S ’ (60)

The equation of isotropy then can be written

du _j_ dv
tan 20) = |2 — (61)
cSx By

In order to find the characteristic directions and the relations

which hold along the characteristics, equations (58) and (61), together

with the equations of the total derivatives

dx + ^ dy = du, ^ dx + ^ dy = dv,

are solved for du/dx to yield

3u dy + + e(fe - tan 2a,) . (c)

a x " ' dx [ £ - ta„(a, + f>] [ £ . t-O-f)]

The characteristic directions are

= tan(d) + -|) . (62)

Hence, the velocity characteristics are orthogonal and do not coincide

with the stress characteristics.

In the directions of the characteristics, the numerator of eq.(c)

is zero and, with the substitution of the appropriate expression (62)

for dy/dx, reduces to

= (63)
dy dx cos 2co

In both equations (62) and (63) the top sign applies along the first

characteristic and the bottom sign along the second characteristic.

Sometimes it is more convenient to have the velocity vector

expressed in terms of its projections v^ and v2 , Fig. 19, on the

directions of the characteristics. A substitution for

u = - v^ sin(co - it/4) + v^ sin(oo + fl/4),

v = v^ cos(o) - rt/4) - v^ cos (od + it/4)

in eq.(63) leads to the following relations:

along the 1st. characteristic: = tan (co + -^) , ' . (65)

dv., dcu m dy ft da ft da

+ V2 + 2? <V1 + V2 + TTCf^I W x+ 2W) ‘ °’ (66>

In the above equations, as well as in the two equations below, the

derivatives are taken in the direction of the 1st or the 2nd character­

istic as indicated by the subscript.

Along the 2nd characteristic: “ tan (co - —■) , (67


dv m dy 6 v.. da ft v
~a —
dy^ " v 1
i ~dy^
a — ' + T~
2y v1
i 1dx^
— + v2
0) - 2^1+u)
~ / i. a ~—
dx^ + T2(1+a)
T T w T ~dy^
r~ ~ °* (68

Superposition. Since both., the equation of continuity (58) and of

isotropy (61), are linear and homogeneous, a linear combination of two

(or more) solutions of a velocity field is also a solution. This

property of the velocity field is very convenient in the development

of physical solutions„

Physical conditions

The following conditions are imposed on the stress and velocity fields

on physical grounds: -

A. Stresses are positive (tension not allowed) and bounded.

B. Along a line of infinite shear strain rate, frictional and cohesive

forces are fully mobilized. This implies that stresses along such a

line lie either on the yield locus or on the wall yield locus, hence,

such a line, is either a slip line or a weak wall.

----- i**
y, v

X , u

Fig. 19

Projections of the velocity vector

on the characteristic directions

C. The velocity V of an element of a solid is bounded.

D„ The acceleration of an element,

dV dV - . v 2 - ....
’ d£ S + T " <69)

along the path of its travel, Fig. 20, is bounded. This implies that

dV/dt is bounded everywhere, and 1/p is bounded everywhere with the

*S .
exception of points at which V = 0.

E. Singularities in density are inadmissible.

Grids, special lines and regions

The solution of a stress field defines the function

cd = co(x,y) , (70)

where tan co = dy/dx is the direction of the major pressure Eq.(70)

thus is the differentia 1 equation of a grid of lines of action of

pressure o^, Fig. 21. While the solution of flow does not require the

determination of this grid, eq.(70) is used to locate the following

grids, special lines and regions.

1. Stress characteristics. The slope of the stress characteristics,

Fig. 22, is given by

cd t (jt/4 - 8/2) . (71)

The fields shown in Figures 22 to 24 assume that the walls are rough.

2. Velocity characteristics. The slope of these lines, Fig. 23, is

cut */4. * (72)

It will be ovserved that the velocity characteristics form two bunches

whose stalks are located at the vertex of the channel. The stalks are

-4 2 -
Fig. 20

V e l o c i t y along a streamline in (s,n) coordinates

w i t h i n the walls of the channel because the walls are rough. The stresses

at the wa l l s are given b y the points E, Fig. 18. If the walls were w e a k

in such a degree that the stresses at the walls were given b y the points

T (T = W ) , Fig. 18, then the w a l l on each side of the channel w o u l d aline

w i t h a v e l o c i t y characteristic. The stalks w o u l d be at the walls. If

the walls w e r e we a k e r yet, so that the stresses at the walls w e r e given

b y the points W, as shown in Fig. 18, the stalks of the velo c i t y c h a r a ­

cteristics w o u l d be cut off by the walls.

3. Lines of m a x i m u m shear strain rate. These lines are inclined

at angles "t rt/4 to the lines of the principal strain rates and, w i t h

the assumption of isotropy, also to the lines of the principal stresses.

Therefore, the slope, of these lines is 0) "t it/4 and they coincide w i t h

the v e l o c i t y characteristics, Fig. 23. The lines of m a x i m u m shear strain

rate are important because some of them can be observed through a

transparent w a l l of a model and thus provide an experimental check of

the analysis.

4. Slip lines. Under conditions of flow, the slip lines, Fig. 24,

do not coincide w i t h either the stress or the v e l o c i t y characteristics.

However, slip lines are significant because b y the p h y s i c a l condition

B a line of infinite shear strain rate across a solid can occur only

along a slipline. A slipline has the slope of either of the two angles

co t (it/4 - 412). (73)

F r o m Fig. 24, it is evident that the sliplines, like the v e l o c i t y c h a r a c ­

teristics, form two bunches w i t h stalks at the v e r t e x of the channel.

Since the walls are rough, they aline w i t h the sliplines and, therefore,

Fig. 2.1

Lines of action of the m a j o r pressure an

the stalks of the sliplines are at the walls. A n y weakness at the walls

w o u l d cut off the stalks of the sliplines*

, During flow, angle ^ is m e a s u r e d at the points E of the M o h r stress

circle, Fig. 5, At these points angle ^ is always smaller than 5; this

follows from the condition of convexity of the yield locus [7]. Angle

<i> is also greater than zero;; this can be demonstrated b y means of

models in w h i c h the lines of m a x i m u m shear strain rate can be observed

through a transparent front wall. If 6 were zero, then e q , (73) w o u l d

be identical w i t h eq,(72) and, in a channel w i t h tough walls, the walls

w o u l d coincide w i t h the lines of m a x i m u m shear strain rate. The stalks

of the latter lines w o u l d lie at the w a l l s while, in fact, these stalks

are observed in the positions shown in Fig. 23, Another illustration

of <i> > 0 is provided in the section "Flow in v e r t i c a l channels",

5, Streamlines, In steady state flow the paths of flowing eleme

of the solid are independent of time and are called streamlines.

Streamlines have the following two properties" they cannot have

cusps, (except at points where V = 0), and they cannot intersect each

other. The former follows from the phys i c a l condition D w h i c h requires

that 1/ pg be bounded. The latter is demonstrated from the consideration

of the equation of continuity in the orthogonal, curvilinear coordinates

(s,n), Fig, 20, This equation is of the form

S ( r V pn ym )
• ^ = 0,

and it follows that

T V p ym = f (n) ,
. n
It is easy to show that at the intersection of two streamlines p 0,

Fig. 22

Stress Characteristics

hence V-?*°°, w h i c h is not permi t t e d by the physical condition C „

6. Coincidence of a v e l o c i t y characteristic with a streamline.

Suppose the 1st velocity characteristic coincides w i t h a streamline,

then Vj = V and v^ - 0 in e q . (66), w h i c h integrates into

V 2 ym (1 + a)P = c. (74)

Since the constant c m a y be set equal to zero, v e l o c i t y m a y be zero

along such a line. In plane strain, velocity is either constant or,

allowing for compressibility, almost constant.

. 7. Velocity discontinuities. A n y line along w h i c h the shear

strain rate, is infinite w i l l b e referred to as a velo c i t y discontinuity.

This term thus covers both, jumps in the magnitude of v e l o c i t y and

infinitely large v e l o c i t y gradients.

Two conditions need to be satisfied along a line of discontinuity.

First, a velo c i t y discontinuity has to fallow either a slipline or a

w e a k wall:' this follows from the physical condition B. Second, a

v e l o c i t y discontinuity can occur only along a streamline. The latter

is demonstrated as follows: Along a line of infinite shear strain rate,

T*xy» ecl*(60), is infinite. In the (s,n) system of coordinates, Fig.

20, the strain rates are given by

&V V dv . V . , -v
e = - XT, e = - , r = " x: + ( 75‘)
s n P sn °n. p .
n s
and the relevant relation b e t w e e n these expressions and the strain rates

in the ( x , y ) , coordinates, equations (60), is

j 2 2 2
(e -e )' + r = (e -e ) + r
s n sn x y xy

Fig. 23

V e l o c i t y characteristics

In this equation

dV _ SV dn dV
SV _ dt dn dt dt
3s _ds “v ’

since ds/dt = V and dn/dt a 0. A l l the terms on the left hand side of

eq.(d) w i t h the exception of dV/cki are bounded by the physical conditions

C and D. Hence, along a line of v e l o c i t y discontinuity, it is neces s a r y

that S V / S n » » 5 w h i c h means that a v e l o c i t y discontinuity follows a


A v e l o c i t y discontinuity, though it is a line of infinite shear

strain rate, does not, in general, coincide w i t h a line of m a x i m u m

shear strain rate; the latter strain rate being bounded. A veloc i t y

d i s c o ntinuity separates two regions w h i c h m a y be b o t h plastic, b o t h

rigid (or elastic), or one plastic and the other rigid (or elastic).

A v e l o c i t y discontinuity often originates at the top b o u n d a r y of

a channel. In channels w i t h rough walls all the slip lines enter the

stalks at the vertex, and discontinuities can extend from the top to the

b o t t o m of the channel. In all pract i c a l channels w i t h w e a k walls the

wa l l s cut off the stalks of the slip lines. A v e l o c i t y d i s c ontinuity

cannot continue to an intersection w i t h a wall, since that w o u l d involve

an intersection of the streamline, w h i c h coincides with the discontinuity,

w i t h the w a l l j w h i c h itself is a streamline. A v e l o c i t y discontinuity

Fig. 24

Slip lines

cannot transfer from a slipline of one family to another slipline of

the other family bec a u s e that w o u l d imply a cusp in the streamline at

the transfer point. In channels w i t h w e a k walls a velo c i t y discontinuity

w h i c h originates at the top b o u n d a r y dampens out w i t h i n the field.

8. A straight v e l o c i t y characteristic in incompressible plane

Strain. Suppose that in plane strain a f i r s t 1v e l o c i t y characteristic

is straight and the solid is incompressible, it then follows from eq.

(66) that v^ is constant along that characteristic.

. 9. Walls. A w a l l separates a pla s t i c region from a stationary

rigid (or elastic) region.

Usually, there is a v e l o c i t y discontinuity along a wall. The

w a l l then coincides w i t h a streamline, and stresses along the w a l l are

defined b y either the yield locus or the w a l l yield locus. W h e n the

solid flows w i t h i n rough walls, the w a l l s coincide w i t h sliplines and

the stalks of the bunches of sliplines intersect the lower b o u n d a r y

of the channel. Therefore, any slipline w h i c h intersects the top

b o u n d a r y of the channel m a y form a wall. In consequence, the wa l l s can

shift read i l y in the upper part of the channel, adjusting to the top

boundary conditions.

In accordance w i t h eq„(3), at the walls, Fig. 17, there is

\|/' + 0' - 0)' and f " + 0" - co". (76)

For rough walls t' and V are eliminated b y means of equations (44) and

(47) leading to the following expressions for the slopes of the walls
It w i l l be noted that, since it is the period of angle co, eq.(77)

can also be w r i t t e n 0' = oo1 + Jt/4 - i/2.

W h e n the solid flows w i t h i n w e a k walls, the slopes of the w a l l s are

found from expressions (43) and (46) w i t h appropriate substitutions of

(76), thus


q" = co" . [-2 _ h i " + Arc sin S i n 'f ) ] . (80)

2 2 s in o

For straight w alls intersecting at the origin, 6' = O' and 6" = 0".

W h e n a v e l o c i t y characteristic coincides w i t h a w a l l along w h i c h

there is a v e l o c i t y discontinuity, the w a l l is w e a k to such a degree

that the w a l l yield locus passes through the point T of the M o h r circle.

For the linearized w a l l yield locus, Fig. 18 (a), this implies

tan i ' = sin 6. (81)

In this case, the v e l o c i t y d i s c o ntinuity also coincides w i t h a streamline

and that enforces the r e s t r iction on the magni t u d e of the v e l o c i t y along

the w a l l expressed b y eq.(74).

W h e n there is no velocity d i s c o ntinuity along a wall, the w a l l

need not be a streamline and the stresses along the w a l l need not lie

on a yield locus or on a w a l l yield locus. If such a w a l l coincides

w i t h a velo c i t y characteristic then the velo c i t y b o u n daries at the top

and at the b o t t o m of the channel have to be continuous at the w a l l s .

In practice, this is seldom attained and these conditions lead to n o n ­

steady flow. This is prevalent in axi-symmetric flow w i t h i n rough walls.

If such a w a l l does not coincide w i t h a v e l o c i t y characteristic then a

zero v e l o c i t y reg i o n is enforced. This is discussed below.

10. Zero v e l o c i t y regions w i t h i n a plastic field. This concept

is v e r y useful in the development of fields in channels w i t h sharp

changes in cross-section, as shown in Fig. 25, because it allows the

use of a continuous stress field. The stress characteristics of the 2nd

family have to intersect the w a l l at an angle of 40° (in this example) i

to satisfy the w a l l yield locus and allow a velo c i t y discontinuity along

the wall. The stress characteristics above point A and be l o w point

B do so satisfy the WYL, Bet w e e n the points A and B, the stress c h a r ­

acteristics bend in gradually and the stresses at the w a l l are b e l o w

yield values, hence no velocity discontinuity can o:cur along A B .

Since AB is not a v e l o c i t y characteristic, zero v e l o c i t y along AB

enforces a zero v e l o c i t y region ABC w h e r e C is the intersection of

two v e l o c i t y characteristics (heavy lines) through A and B, respectively.

Since, further, there can be no v e l o c i t y discontinuity along the line

AC B (not a slip line) that line is not a streamline. Streamlines develop

smoothly around ACB. Zero v e l o c i t y regions can be observed in a

mo d e l w i t h a transparent wall. Indeed, it was from observations of

models that this concept arose.

In a bin, zero velo c i t y regions occur at the transition from the

v e r t i c a l p o r t i o n to the hopper. They have the effect of narrowing down

the channel at the transition and explain the drop of the vertical

pres s u r e along the axis of symmetry. This drop was m e a s u r e d b y the

author several years ago, Fig, 26, and was reported in references

[16, 17].

2nd stress

velo c i t y
f x

Fig. 26

Drop of vertical pressure at a transition

11. Stress discontinuities m a y occur only along streamlines.

This follows from the fact that all real materials are compressible,

and a discontinuity in stress implies a discontinuity in density. An

element of solid flowing across a stress discontinuity w o u l d undergo

a discontinuity of density and, therefore, an infinite acceleration,

w h i c h is contrary to the physical condition D. Since the lines along

w h i c h stress discontinuities might be expected to arise usua l l y cross

the streamline field, the existence of discontinuities is unlikely.

12. Stress singularities are inadmissible, because they w o u l d

imply singularities in density w h i c h in a real solid are not acceptable

b y the physical condition E.

Converging channels

Equations of stress

In this section it w i l l be advantageous to use the polar/s p h e r i c a l

coordinates r, 0, OC. The equations of equilibrium in these coordinates


da , St „
H----- nT"-- 1---[o - oa + m ( a - a r/) + m t a cot 0] +
or r o0 r r 0 r OC' r0

+ T cos 0 = 0 , (82)

dr— + r ~ d d + 7 [ m ^a0 " U0t) cct 6 + (2 + m ^Tr 0 J - T sin 0 = 0.(83)

These equations are now transformed as follows: first, expressions

(17), (18), (19) and (20) (with k = +1), and their appropriate d e r i v a ­

tives are substituted for the component stresses; second, the substitution

o - = r r ( r , e ) s(r,0) . (84)

is made; third, the derivatives ds/d© and ds/c)r are separated, leading

to the two equations „

+ s f(r,0) + g(r,0) = 0, (85)

r ^ + s h(r,0) + j(r,0) = 0 , ' (86)

f(r,0) = 2 ( ^ + l)-2^” ^ sin 2^ + 2r ^ -S:Ll^--(sin 5 + cos 2f) +
cos 5 cos S

+ — + m -^— " ( 1 + sin 8) [sin 2\(r - cot 0 ( 1 + cos 2\|/) ], (8/

^ cos

, sin 6 . .... , „, N sin 0 /r>n\

g ( r ,0) = - --- s m ^0 -t 2\|/) - ------- — , (88)
cos 5 cos &

h(r,g) = 1 + 2(^g + 1) ™ - ^ ~ ( c o s 2^ - sin &) - 2r ^ S ^n ^ + |

cos S cos 8 I

+ ~ + m (1 + sin 8) (cot. 0 sin 2\|r + cos 2\|r - 1) , (89)

T cos &
j (r ,0) = - ™ 1-n“
2_5, cos(0 + 2\(r) + (90)
cos 5 cos 8

The converging channels under c o n s i deration w i l l be assumed to

possess a v e r t e x at w h i c h the extensions of the w a l l s intersect. It

w i l l be shown that, w i t h some continuity conditions satisfied, stress

fields in all converging channels, irrespective of their top b o u n d a r y |

and w a l l s away from the vertex, approach a unique and relati v e l y simple

stress field at the vertex. That unique stress field w i l l be called

the "radial stress field',1 b e c a u s e it is the stress field compatible

w i t h a radial v e l o c i t y field. The radial stress field is fully defined

b y the slopes of the tangents to the wa l l s at the ver t e x (S', -0") and

f '

the physical parameters of the solid and the walls (6,g$',^").

W h i l e a physical channel can never be brought to a vertex,

it is expected that the radial stress field is closely approached

w i t h i n a substantial region of the vertex, a region w h i c h w i l l u s u a l l y

include the outlet of the channel. Since the knowledge of the stress

field at the outlet of the channel is required in the d e r i v a t i o n of

flow criteria, the uniqueness and the simplicity of the radial stress

field are of a great, advantage in this derivation.

In the considerations which follow the origin of the c o o r d i n ­

ates w i l l be located at the ve r t e x of the channel.

R adial stress f i e l d .

Derivation. If it is assumed that

t = Ke) (91)


Y = const. (92)

Then the coefficients of the equations (85) and (86) assume the sim­

plified form

f(6) = 2(^- + 1) —— sin 2\|r +

cos 5

+ m (1 + sin S)[ sin 2\j/ - cot 6(1 + cos 2^r)] , (93)

cos 6

sin 6 . , „,x sin 6 ,„,s

g (6) = - --- 2” s i n (0 + 2^) - --- (94)
cos S cos 5

h(0) = 1 + 2(~^ + 1) S,:i'n 0'~ (cos 2\|r - sin &) +
cos o

+ m S'*‘
n 2^(1 + sin 8) (cot & sin 2^ + cos 2\jr - 1) , (95)
cos 6 .

j(6) = - ~ - n-2- cos(0 + 2\|r) + -°-^e-. (96)

cos 5 cos 5

Equations (85) and (86) now become

£ + s f(0) + g (0) = 0, (a)

r | + s h(0) + j(0) = 0, (b)

and integrate into

. - / f(0)d0 -/f(0)d0 / f(0)d0

s = c(r) e - e /g(0) e d0,

s = k(0) r"h
r - h(0). (c)

H ence

. . -/f(0)d0 / f(0)d0
= e /g(0) e , (d)

and there are two alternatives: either

k(0) ~ c(r) = 0, (e)


k(0) = e , and c(r) = r .

C onsider the latter case. E v i d e n t l y h = const. ^ 0. Eq. (d)

is differentiated, thus

g(0) h = f(0) j(0) + (f)

N o w d i f f e rentiation of eq.(96) yields

In this equation and in eq. (93), the derivative d\|//d0 is eliminated

by means of eq.(95) to yield

_ 9
dj _ sin(0 + 2^) |(h - l)cos 5 - sin 5(cos 2\|i - sin 5)1 sin 0
d0 ~ 2C , ' 2*
cos 6(cos 2\||r - sin 6) cos 6

sin S(1 + sin 5) sin (0 + 2\[/) (cot 0 sin 2\|/ + cos 2\|r - 1)
m 2
cos 6 (cos 2\|r - sin 6)


sin 5 [ s i n 2^ - cot 0(1 + cos 2^)]

cos 2t - sin 6

These expressions and expressions (94) and (96) are now s u b s t i t u t ­

ed for the appropriate functions in eq.(f), w h i c h after transformations


h = 1 + m £ sin S[cos 2i|f + cos 2(0 + 2\|f) ] - sin (0 + 2\|r) +
t) r\
- cos 2(0 + \|/) - cos 0 j- /cos 5 [cos 2(0 + i|/) - cos 2i|f], (g)

In plane strain h = 1 and eq.(95) yields d\|r/d0 = -1. This implies

an elementary field w i t h rectilinear characteristics, w h i c h enforce a

constant v e l o c i t y throughout the channel. This does not p r o v i d e a

solution to converging flow.

In axial symmetry, it follows from eq.(95) that, at the axis, for

0 = 0, \jr equals either 0 or rt/2. A n y other value w o u l d enforce d\|//d0 =

at the axis, and that is inadmissible since it w o u l d imply an unbounded

strain rate. Consider the initial condi t i o n 0 = 0, \)r = tc/2. For these

values, the numerator and denominator of e q . (g) van i s h and the limit i
established b y twice applying l'Hospital's rule, yielding

h . , , MnS 31(^ )012 * 4(^ )0+ 1

* 1 + sin 6 2(i i }o + x ’
2 2
because, from eq,(95), d \Jr/d0 is bounded except, possibly, for

cos 2\|r - sin6 = 0. Eq.(95) at the axis of symmetry evaluates at

h - 1 - *1 - s m 5c 1[(§
S l n
d0 )° + 1).
. S

E l i m i n a t i o n of h yields a quadratic in d\)r/d0, w h o s e roots are b o t h


A ° = _i and /itn o = _ 5 ± .3 Bin_b

Cde; 1 and (.d0; H + 5 sin 6*

This produces two parti c l a r solutions. These solutions have b e e n checked

out n u m e r i c a l l y and found not to lead to useful b o u n d a r y conditions.

The solution to radial flow is then provi d e d b y the first a l t e r n a ­

tive, eq.(e) w h i c h reduces eq.(c) to

5 - s(e) ■ - w r <97)

Equations (a) and (b) now become

+ s f(e) + g (e) « o, (98)

s h(e) + j(e) - o. (99)

T h e y are solved for the derivatives

dl = F ( 6 ’* ’ s) =

= - 1 - [ m s sin 6 ( 1 + sin 6 ) ( c o t 0 sin + cos 2a)/ - 1) + cos 0 +

- sin 6 cos(0 + 2\|r) + s cos 6]/2 s sin S(cos 2i|r - sin 5), (h)

§ - F<e,*,s) -

s sin 2jf + sin (0 + 2\jf) + m s sin S[cot 8(1 + cos 2\|/) -sin2jj] ,.
cos 2'Jr - sin 5 " 1

These equations are equivalent to the integral equations

t(0) = T|r(0°) + J° F[t,i|r(t),s(t)] dt, (100)

s(0) = s (0°) + /e QG [ t , ^ ( t ) , s ( t ) ] dt, (101)


w hich are solved for a given set of boun d a r y conditions, \|r° = ^(0°)

and s° = s(0° ). a m a y then be determined from the eq,(84) w h i c h now

reduces to

a = r r s (0) . (102)

Solutions of the radial stress f i e l d . One conclusion w h i c h is

evident from the eq.(102) is that a radial stress field cannot extend

upward to a traction-free top boundary. In gravity flow, the top

boundary is usu a l l y traction-free and, therefore, the actual field in

the upper part of a channel deviates significantly from a radial stress

field. The radial stress fields are computed from the equations (100)

and (101). It will be observed that these equations contain boun d a r y

conditions given along a single ray 0 = 0 ° . In a physical channel the

b oundary conditions are different, they are given by the slopes of the

wall 0 1 and 0" ( 0 1 = 9 ' and 9" = 0" in a radial stress field, since the

walls are straight and pass through the origin) and b y the angles of

friction 6' and betw e e n the solid and the walls { 6 1 = 6" = b for

rough walls). It follows from Fig. 18 that two angles; \|r1 and \|/j,

m easured at the points W' and W|, respectively, correspond to one value

of . Thus, mathematically, the b o u n d a r y conditions are not uniqu e l y

defined. The location of these points is shown in Fig. 27, in the

(0,^) coordinates for plane strain. In axial symmetry, 9' — - 0" and

\|r1 = ?t - i|f", while \Jr^ = - i)/”, and the b o u n d a r y points are located s y m ­

m e t r i c a l l y relative to either the point (0,it/2) or (0,0), Fig. 28.

In the (0,\j/) coordinates, a solution is expressed b y a line

= \|/(0) which connects two boun d a r y points. It is easy to show that

a solution = \|/(0) cannot cross a line cos 2\|; - sin 6 = 0. This follows

from the analysis of equations (h.) and (i) . Along that line, the deriva-
2 2
tive d0/d\|/ is zero, w h i l e the second derivative d^S/d^ ' 0. Hence the

inverse function Q = 0(\|/) reaches an extre m u m w h e n passing the line

cos 2i|r -■ sin 5 = 0 and the field backtracks into the sanje phys i c a l

region. Thus, only solutions connecting either the point ( 0 !,a|/') w i t h

(-0",\|r")a or the point (0*,\!/p w i t h ( - 0 " , ^ ) are p h y s i c a l l y acceptable.

Further, also on physical grounds, solutions connecting the points

( 0 ' 3^|) w i t h (~0",\|/'p are rejected bec a u s e they are not. observed in


Thus, only solutions connecting the points ( 0 f,\|f!) and (-0",^")

w i l l be considered in this work. In axial and in p l a n e symmetry these

b o u n d a r y values imply \|/ = Jt/2 at the axis, i.e. for 0 = 0.

There is no direct w a y of finding a solution connecting two b o u n d a r y

points. The me thod adopted in this w o r k is to compute a sufficient

number of randomly spaced solutions from a b o u n d a r y 9° = 0, \|/°, s° and

to interpolate the required functions. To assist in the interpolation,

contours of constant values of s are drawn in the (0,\|/) coordinates,

Fig. 27

Solutions of the radial stress field in plane strain

for the five values of 5: 30°, 40°, 50# , 60° and 70°. The solutions

for symmetric plane strain are shown in Figures 29 to 33, for axial

symmetry in Figures 34 to 38, and three cases of asymmetric plane

strain at 8 = 50° are shown in Figures 39 to 41 for 4* m 20°, 30° and 40°.

In axial symmetry mathematical solutions are also available with a

discontinuity in \|r at the axis of symmetry. However, these solutions

imply s ■ 0 at the axis. This is physically unlikely to occur and,

therefore, these solutions are not computed.

While no formal proof of uniqueness of solution for boundaries

(0',^') and (-0",^") is submitted, the large number of numerical cal­

culations which has been carried out seems to indicate that, within the

range of application to the physical problems under consideration, the

radial flow solutions obtained by the above method are unique.

In the discussion of Boundaries it will be indicated that in gravity

flow the fields are unlikely to extend outside of the j ■ 0 lines.

Therefore, all the plots in plane strain are bounded by the lines ] » 0

and cos - sin 6 ■0. In axial symmetry the available solutions

cover more restricted regions in the (0,^) coordinates and do not reach

the above specificied lines. Indeed, in axial symmetry, for solutions

with velocity discontinuities at the walls to exist, the walls must be


sufficiently weak. For instance, it is most unlikely that axi-symmetric

converging flow can occur withih sliplines. However, flow without

velocity discontinuity is possible within rough walls. In such flow,

the walls are velocity characteristics, which means that i|r1 “ 3rt/4 and

\|/" ■ n/4. A value oft* - 90° ■ 45° cuts across the regions of solution
Fig. 28

Solutions of the radial stress field in axial symmetry

and indicates the largest possible value of S' w i t h i n rough walls.

T hese values of Q r are listed in Table 2 as a function of 5.

T ab 1e 2

5 30° 40° 50° 60°
Max. S' 15° 8 „ 1° 4.4° 2.2° .5°

Especially, for the larger values of 5, an axi-symmetric channel can

open out but v e r y little. In addition, this type of flow implies a

continuous veloc i t y profile at the top and at the b o t t o m of the channel

and is, in practice difficult to attain. As a result, this type of

flow, if it occurs, is usually unsteady.

Resultant v e r t i c a l f o r c e . It is of practical interest to know the

resultant vert i c a l force Q acting at a horizontal cross-section of a

channel. A n expression for this force w i l l now be derived. The h o r i ­

zontal c r o s s -section is of w i d t h B = 2 y ', and is elevated a distance

-x0 above the wertex, Fig. 42.

T h e vertical pressure a is found from e q .(14) w i t h substitutions

(3) and (102) for to and a , thus

a = r y s [1 + sin 5 cos 2(\|r + 0)] „


The total vertical force is

. „ m _ 1-m rV1 m ,
Q = 2rt L F ay dy, (j)
\J X

w h e r e L is the length of the channel in plane strain. To compute Q

it is neces s a r y to express y as a function of x Q and the angles 8 and \|f.

Function s, 8 = 30°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 6 ' 70

Fig. 30

Function s, 6 = 40°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)


i|r'- 90°







0 E
20 30 60 6' 70

Fig. 31

Function s, 6 = 50°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)


— 50


— 30
X 10

— 20


Fig. 32

Function s, 5 =• 60°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Function s, S = 70°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 01 70
Fig. 34

Function s, S = 30°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig. 35

Function s, 5 = 40°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)





Fig. 36

Function s, 8 = 50°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig 37

Function s , 8 = 60*

Axial symmetry (conical flow)


' - 90°

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 70
Fig. 38

Function s } S = 70°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig. 39

Function s, 5 = 50°, = 20°

Plane asymmetry (Plane flow - one vertical wall)

t'- 90

F i g . 40

Function s, 5 = 50°, = 30°

Plane asymmetry (Plane flow - one vertical wall)

Fig. 41

Function s, 5 = 50°, = 40°

Plane asymmetry (Plane flow - one vertical wall)

The relations between the (x,y) and (r,0 ) coordinates are, (Fig. 2),

x = - r cos
} (k)
y = - r sin

The total derivatives are:

dx = -cos 0 dr + r sin 0 d 0 ,

dy = - sin 6 dr - r cos 0 d 0 .

For x 0 constant, dx = 0 and elimination of dr between the above

two equations leads to

, r d0
dy " ' ^ T e - (1)

From conditions at the wall, Fig. 42, there is

x 0 = y 1 cot 6 1.

Within the channel

, r = - X° '

or, eliminating x 0 ,
y'cot 0'
r =

Hence expression (1) for dy becomes

dy _= y' cot o . _ d 0 _
cos 0

Elimination of r in the second of equations (k) yields

y = y r cos 0' tan 0.

Substitutions for a , r, y and dy in eq.(j) transform it into


Q = q r L 1_m B 2 + m , (103)


, 2+m 0 1 m
q = 2itm (-°-- ■■
) / s— [1 + sin S cos 2(0 + i|r) ] d 0 . (104)
° cos 0

Fig. 42

Resultant vertical force

Lines of constant values of q are plotted in Figures 43 to 48 for

5 = 30°, 40° and 50° in symmetric plane strain and in axial symmetry.

Stresses at the w a l l s . The normal and shearing stresses a' and t'

w h i c h act between a flowing solid and the walls are computed from e q u a ­

tions (18) and (19): a' = Oq and t ' = - ,r e s p e c t i v e l y . In these

equations, a is replaced b y expression (102) w i t h

r =
2 sin 0 ’

in accordance w i t h Fig. 49, leading to

___ _______ ,1 - sin 5 cos 2\|f'

T B r B 2 sin 0' ’ U }

, sin S sin 2\lr1

r B r B 2 sin 0' •

These equations apply in plane and axial symmetry.

Lines of constant values of 0 !/Y b and t '/Y B are plotted in figures

50 to 61 for plane strain and axial symmetry in (0',o') coordinates

for 6 = 30°, 40° and 50°.

Influence of c o m p r e s s i b i l i t y . The influence of compressibility

on the solutions of ra d i a l flow can be estimated by using the expression (27)

Y = YoC^
w i t h a eliminated b y means of eq.(102) to yield
Y = (rf3YoSP ) 1"P , (107)

and the derivatives

1 dr _ P 1 ds r SY= P nnR*
Y c*0 1 ■P s d 0 ’ T^r 1 - p' U ;

W i t h these substitutions, and = \|/(0) for the radial field, the

coefficients (87) to (90) of the differential equations (85) and (86)


Fig. 43 -

Vertical force q, 6 = 30°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Fig. 44

Vertical force q, 5 = 40°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

70 50

- 90°


- 40


- 30

s 30

— 20


— 10

0 E
30 40 60 O' 70

Fig. 45

Vertical force q, 5 = 50°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

20 30 40 50

Fig. 46

Vertical force q, 8 = 30°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)



— 10

Fig. 47

Vertical force q, 5 = 40°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

- 40

h- 30

— 20

- 10

Fig. 48

Vertical force q, 5 = 50°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

F i g . 49

Stresses at the walls


Fig. 50

Function cr'/V B, 5 = 30°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

- 1

10 20 30 40 50 60 e' 70

Fig. 51

Function j '/T B, 5 = 40°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Function ff'/V B, 5 = 50°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 53

Function a'/T B, 6 » 30°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig. 54

Function cr'/Y B, 8 = 40°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig. 55

Function cr'/T B, 5 = 50°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)





20 30 40 50

Fig. 56

Function t '/t B, 8 = 30°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Fig. 57

Function t'/T B, 5 = 40°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)


- 90°









20 30 40 50

Fig. 58

Function t '/t B, 5 = 50°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Fig. 59

Function t'/tB, & = 30°

Axial.symmetry (conical flow)

- 101 -
Fig. 60

Function x'/T B, S = 40°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

- 102 -
Fig. 61

Function t '/t B, 5 = 50°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)


f(0) = (1 - P){2 (^| + D ^ ~ sin 2* +

cos 5

+ m (1 + sin 5) [sin 2\Jr - cot 0(1 + cos 2\|/) ]"| , (109)

* J

g(0) = - (1 - sin(0 + 2t) + ^ ^ 1 , (110)

cos S cos S

h(0) = 'Y~7~b + 2 (d0 + D (cos " sin 6)""n2“ +

cos 5

+ m ^ (1 + sin 5) (cot 0 sin 2\|r + cos 2^ - 1) , (111)

cos 5

j(0) = - cos(0 + 2\|r) + C° S20 » (112)

cos 5 cos 6

and the differential equations reduce to the form (98) and (99) as for

an incompressible solid. Equations (98) and (99) with the above coeffi­

cients are now solved for the derivatives

H J = $(0,t,s) =

* - 1 - | m s sin 8(1 + sin 8) (cot 0 sin 2i|r + cos 2\J/ - 1) + cos 0 +

- sin 8 cos(0 + 2\|f) 4- s cos^S/(l -|3)|/2s sin 8(cos 2\|r - sin B)? (m)

4§ - r ( 0 , t , s ) =

f s sin 2f , . \ ,
=| i _ (3 s m ( 0 + 2i|/) +

+ m s sin 5 [cot 0 (1 + cos 2\|/) - sin 2\|rj) 0 .^--- I— r1 (n)

Y Y JJ co s 2tJt - s rn 8

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Q' 70

Fig. 62

Function s, P =* 0.10, 6 = 50°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 6' 70

Fig. 63

Function s, (3 = 0.10, 5 = 50°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

The above equations are equivalent to the integral equations

\|r(0 ) = \|r(e°) + f 6 ® [ t , t ( t ) , s ( t ) ]dt, (113)

s(0) = s(0°) + f [t,t(t),s(t) ]dt, (114)

from which the functions i|r and s are computed in the same way as for

incompressible solids.

In order to estimate the quantitative effect of compressibility,

several numerical calculations were carried out for £3 = .10, which is a

rather extreme value. Function s(0) is plotted in Figures 62 and 63 for

symmetric plane strain and for axial symmetry with 5 = 50°. A compar­

ison with the corresponding values fox- an incompressible solid, Figures

31 and 36, shows that the influence of compressibility is small.

It should be noted that these equations apply at some distance

from the vertex where cr[ lb per sq ft] » 1„ For (3 = 0, these equations

reduce to the form obtained for incompressible solids.

General stress field

Proof of convergence to a radial stress field at the vertex. The

significance of the radial stress field is greatly enhanced by the fact

that all useful stress fields converge to radial stress fields at the

vertex. This statement will now be proved under the assumption that \|/, T

and their first derivatives are continuous in a sufficiently small

neighborhood of the vertex. This assures the continuity of f, g, h, and

j, equations (87) - (90).

Eq. (85) is integrated to yield

-/p0f (r,t)dt -/qo f (r,t)dt /Lf(r,u)du

s(r,0) = s(r,0°)e -e /0Og(r,t)e dt. (115)

These integrals are bounded over a field satisfying the above conditions

of continuity. Therefore,

|s (r ,0) j < Js (r ,0°) | + M2

for some constants and . Hence, if there is one angle 0° for which

js(r,0°) | < °°,


|s (r ,0) | < °°

for all values of 0 within that field.

Eq„ (86) is now integrated, yielding

-,-r _fr M M > dt r . ./

:(r,8) - s(r0,0)e r" C -e r° 1 / J % ^ e r° t
r. t - dt- <U 6 >

where r0 > r.

The value of this function will now be analyzed in the limit as

r o. It will be observed that the signs of lim h and lim j play an

r^ o r o
important role in the analysis, and the following two cases are distin-

gulshed: _; r h(t.e)

1. Lim h < 0, lim ] f 0. In this case lim e r° C =0, the

r^s-o r^o r^-o

first term of eq. (116) vanishes, while in the second term

rt h(u,0) ,
fr i(t,e) r„ u u
lim / ’— ° dt = “ . The second term is evaluated by using
rQ t
L'Hospital’s rule, yielding

,r M u ^ l du
j j (t;9) e r0 u dt

lim s (r,0) = lim - t ----------- = lim ' h ^ f f (117)

r+o r*o J h(t,0)^ r*o
r0 u

It will be noted that the boundary value s(ro ,0) does not affect lim s(r,0),

and that, in this case, no condition is imposed on the value at the


_;r M ^ l dt
x ^
2. Lim h > 0, lim j f 0. Now lim e ° = °° and, for a
r->o r^o r*o

useful solution to exist, it is necessary that the boundary value

satisfy the condition

ft h(u,0)
* ( p) \ J du
s(ro ,0) = lim / ^ ?— e r° U dt, (118)
r»o r„

then, as in the case 1, the application of L'Hospital's rule yields

lim s(r,0) - lim -

r*o r-so ’

The satisfaction of the condition (118) implies s(ro,0) ^ 0, i. e. no

traction-free boundary, within the region of 0 in which lim h > 0.


If the condition (118) is not satisfied, then lim s(r,0) = <». While

a mathematical solution may exist in the neightborhood of the vertex,

the large values of s and, in turn, the relatively large values of

pressure a in the region of the outlet of the channel would consolidate

a real solid to a degree likely to cause the development of a stable dome,

and flow would fail to develop. Hence, it is expected that in physical

channels condition (118) is satisfied.

The physically acceptable solutions are further restricted by the

condition that the solid does not transfer tensions, hence, s(r,0) > 0 .
i(r O')
This implies lim - — 2— r > 0 and requires: in case 1, lim h < 0,
r*o ’ r-*-o

lim j > 0; in case 2, lim h > 0, lim j < 0. To conform with this condi-
r*o r»o r*o

tion, the change of sign of lim h and lim j must occur along the same
r-yo r^o

ray 0. It is easy to show that the latter is also necessary for a

bounded solution to exist along that ray,

^ M £ t 0ldt
27 t -
because for lim h = 0 , lim e is finite and non-zero, while
r*o r*o

,fc h(u,0) ,
r i(t 0) ^ro””V ”
lim / 3— e ° dt = 00 and, hence, lim s(r,0) = °°, unless lim j = 0
r>o r° ' r-»o r-»o

The significance of the direction established by lim j = 0 will be

further discussed in the next section on Boundaries.

It has thus been shown that the useful solutions of the equations (85)

and (86) approach the form (117) in the neighborhood of the vertex.

It will now be shown that lim s(r,0) of eq.(117), is the same as s (0),
eq.(97), obtained for the radial stress field.

In view of the relation (117), eq.(86) may be written

s h(r,0) + j (r,0) = e 19

lim e ^ = 0 .

Equations (85) and (86) are now solved for d\j//d0 and ds/d0:

e^cos^S- cos^S ~ 2rs ^ ( s i n & + cos 2\|r) sin 8 (o)

F( ,!/,&) 2 s sin 5 (cos 2if - sin 8)

x 2rs 'nt: sin 8 + e, sin 2if - s sin 2f — ^r—

ds _ _/r. N s dr 66______________ 1______ ___________ r or , s
d0 G(e,^,s) - r - cog 2i)f _ sin 5 > (p)

where F (0 ,i|/,s) and G(0,i|/,s) are given by equations (h) and (i) . It

will now be shown that the remainders of the right hand sides of equa­

tions (o) and fpj approach zero as r -*• 0. Since the walls of a channel

at most follow a slipline and ^ < 8 , nowhere within the field does

cos 2\|; - sin 8 -> 0. Therefore, all the terms of the remainders approach
1 dr
zero for r -» 0, including — . The latter is shown as follows: eq. (25),

with the substitution (84) for a, is differentiated with respect to 0 ,


30 - r
,/ vM . , ST dr ,
- r ' t o l r ^ a + r r 5 l,

and from it

1. d r _______r d 0
r de ~ i
r'(o) ~ r 3
1 St
since ds/d0 is bounded, lim — ^r— = 0 ,
’ r d0

Equations (o) and (p) can now be written

= F(0,^,s) + e 2 (q )

= G(0,t,s) + e3 (r)

where lim = lim 6 = 0.

r^o r^-o

The equivelant integral equations are:

0 0
t(r,e) = t(r,0°) + /0OF[t,\|r(r,t) , s (r,t) ]dt + JQOe 2 (r,t) dt, (s)
e e
s(r,0) = s(r,0°) + /g0G[ t ,\|r(r,t) ,s (r,t) ]dt + JQO e3 (r,t)dt. (t)

now as r+o, \|/(r,0 °) and s(r,0°) approach limits \|r(0 °) and s(0 °).

Equations (100) and (101) give the radial flow solution corresponding

to these boundary conditions. Equations (100) and (101) are now sub­

tracted from eq.(s) and (t) yielding:

\|r(r,0) - = ^ ( r , 0 ° ) - \K0°) +
0 6
+ /e o^F[t,\|r,(r,t),s (r,t) ] - F[t,\|/(t), s(t)]|dt + IQo&2 (r,t) dt,

s(r,0) - s(0) = s(r,0°) - s(0°) +

0 . 0
+ (r,t), s (r,t) ] - G[t,t(t) ,s(t) dt + /@ oe 3 (r,t)dt.

In axial symmetry, f(0,\|r,s) is not Lipschitz in in any region about

the axis of symmetry. This is due to the term containing cot 0. However,

in plane strain or in axial symmetry, if the axis of symmetry is avoided,

F and G are Lipschitz in both \|r and s. Then:

|f [t ,\[r(r,t) ,s (r,t) ] - F[ t (t) ,s (t) ] j ^ J^lr(r,t) - \|r(t) | +

+ L2 |s(r,t) - s(t)|,

|G[t,\|r (r,t) ,s(r,t) ] - G[ t ,t (t) ,s (t) ] | ^ L |t(r,t) - \|f(t)| +

+ I7J s (r,t) - s (t) |,

and therefore

|\|r(r,0) - Hr(0)1 ^ |^(r,0°) - ^ (0°) | +

0 0
+ ■^0°[L1 |\lf(r,t) - \Jr(t) | + L2 js(r,t) - s(t)|]|dt| + JQt> |e2 (r,t) ||dt |,

|s(r,0) - s(0)| |s(r,0°) - s(0°) | +

0 0
+ /0O[L3 |t(r,t) - i(r(t) | + L4 |s(r,t) - s(t) |] |dt| + / 0 o |e3 (r, t) | jdt j „

These inequalities are now added, yielding:

°Kr,0) <C L /0Oar(r,t) Jdt I + |3(r,0,0u), (u)


a(r,0) = |^(r,0) - \|r(0) | + |s(r,0) - s(0)|,

P(r,0 ,0°) = | i|r(r,0°) - 1^(0°) | + |s(r,0°)- s(0°)| +

+ /go[|e2 (r,t)I + |e3 (r,t)j ] |dt j

and L = m a x ^ L p L^, J.

The method of successive approximations, used on (u) yields:

a (r,0) ^ P(r,0 ,0°) e L l9 + 8 ' L (v)

But lim (3(r,0,0°) = 0 and, therefore, lim CC(r,0) = 0, or

r->o r-^o

lim i|r(r,0) = ilr(0) , (w)


lim s(r,0) = s(0). (x)


The significance is this:

Given a converging stress field satisfying the conditions stated

in this proof, and a ray 0 = 0° along which \(r(r,0o) and s(r,0°) approach

limits \K0°) and s(0°) as r-»o, there is a radial stress field given by

i|/(8) and s(0) from eqs.(lOO) and (101), with boundary conditions i|/(0°) and s(0

such that throughout the field ty(r,0) ->i|r(0) and s(r,0)-»s(0) as r_^o. Althou

the proof, as given, does not hold if 0 and 0° are separated by 0 = 0 in

axial symmetry, the axi-symmetric field is completely determined if it is

known on only one side of 0 = 0. Hence the axis, 0 = 0 , need not be


Boundaries. A general problem satisfying equations (85) and (86)

is defined by the specification of adequate boundary conditions. Such

conditions are ilr0 = \|/o(0) and s0 = so(0) } at the top boundary, and

i|r' = \|r1(0) , \|r" = t"(6), at the walls, Fig. 64. The stress field is

then defined down to the stress characteristics passing through the end

points of the walls. Hence, the stresses at these two points are inde­

pendent of the bottom boundary conditions, and, as has been shown in the

previous section, approach the magnitude of the appropriate radial stress

field. This is important, because these two stresses are used in the

derivation of the flow criteria which are, therefore, independent of

the top boundary. This justifies the development of the design criteria

on the basis of the radial stress fields and eliminates the need for a

large number of particular solutions of general fields. Several general

fields are discussed in a separate publication [15].

In gravity flow, the slopes of the walls in the neighborhood of the

vertex seem to satisfy the condition lim j > 0. There is a physical


meaning to this bound, namely the horizontal component cs^ of the stress

vector acting on the solid from a wall, Fig. 65, is given by

Fig. 64

Boundary conditions of a general stress field

a, = a cos 0 + t sin Q .
h e re

With sibstitutions (18) and (19), the inequality cr^ > 0 yields

_ * 1 “- osin
JL lll 5 Ucos
U U S 2jr' i -t r\\
tan 0' < ---- g 0";"7, (119)
- sin 5 sin 2V

and is identical with the condition lim j > 0. The latter then implies

a positive direction of the horizontal component of the stress vector

at the wall. In a channel with a straight wall, Fig. 66, it is apparent

that, if the above condition is not satisfied, the top boundary cannot be

traction-free, but requires stresses which have a resultant force con­

taining a positive horizontal component. This follows from the considera­

tion of the equilibrium of the horizontal forces acting on the flowing

mass between the wall and a vertical plane through the vertex. The
pressure across the vertical wall cannot be balanced by H = Jo cos 6 'dr

if 0 , hence the requirement for the positive horizontal component

at the top boundary.

While such top boundary conditions are possible, they are unlikely

to occur in gravity flow, and cannot occur with a traction-free boundary.

Observations of flow in physical channels confirm this conclusion: they

indicate that inequality (119) is satisfied.

The above argument tallies with the results of the analysis of the

previous section which indicated that for case 1, lim h < 0 , lim j > 0 ,
r>o r*-o

a bounded solution lim s(r,0) = lim - (j/h) is obtained for all top
r»o r^o

boundary values s(ro,0); but for Case 2, lim h > 0, lim j < 0, a b o u n d e d
r^-o r-f-o

Fig. 65

Stress vector at a wall

Fig. 66

Equilibrium of a flowing mass

solution requires the satisfaction of the condition (118) for the top

boundary stress.

There thus seems to be sufficient reason to limit the considera­

tion of the radial stress fields (which occur in the neighborhood of

r->o) to regions in which j > 0 .

The substitution of expression (44) with 9' = 0 ' in inequality

(119) yields

0' < | - </>' . (120)

For a rough wall, similarly,

9' < | - )6 .

These bounds for 9' apply only in plane strain. In axial symmetry,

the acceptable solutions of the radial stress fields occur within

regions of (9,10 which are more restricted than the bound j = 0 ,

cos 2i\r - sin 5 = 0.

The shape of the walls, r' = r'(0) and r" = r"(9), away from the

vertex, is a function of the shape of the top boundary, r0 = rQ(9),

and the functions = ^ 0 (9), s0 = s0(9) along the top boundary. In

gravity flow, the top boundary usually varies within wide limits

and,therefore, the shape of the walls should vary accordingly. How­

ever, this is possible only when a solid flows within itself and forms

its own rough walls. Even then, the free adjustment of the shape of

the walls is inhibited by the fact that a solid develops cohesion at

different rates in the plastic and in the rigid regions . In the

rigid regions, the time effect comes into play and, after a while

the rigid regions may, in effect, behave as if they were made of a

different solid and a plane which is weak with respect to the

rigid solid may develop along the walls.

When the channel is built of weak walls, the solid will flow along

the walls, provided the walls are sufficiently steep and do not contain

sharp corners. Typical shapes of channels are discussed in Chapter VI.„

Radial velocity fieltj.

As was shown in the previous section, radial stress fields are

approached in all channels in the vicinity of the vertex. A radial

velocity field is compatible with a radial stress field. It should be

emphasized that there is no unique velocity field which corresponds to

a given stress field and that there are other velocity solutions

compatible with a radial stress field. Indeed, radial velocity fields,

which include the lines \|r = Jt/4 and \|r = 3Jt/4, are physically unacceptable

because these fields require velocity to be zero along these lines and,

in some cases, also require a velocity discontinuity along these lines,

which is impossible since they are not sliplines. However, for wall

conditions \Jr' < 3n/4 and \|r" > rt/4, the radial velocity fields closely

represent the fields observed in physical channels. Since velocity

fields are subject to superposition, the radial field provides one

readily obtainable solution which can be combined with other fields to

satisfy the required boundary conditions.

It will again be convenient to use polar/spherical coordinates. The

equation of continuity in steady state flow is

!^[yurr(r sin 0)m ] + -^[rUgCr sin 0)™] = 0 , (121)

where u and u are the two components of the velocity vector, Fig. 67.
r U
The equation of isotropy is

“ 2*<'-e> ■ a f ur al <122>
_r _r __0
dr r rdO

In radial flow

ur = V, uQ = 0, (123)

and the above two equations reduce to

r I? + (1 + m+ y = °>

|| + (- r || + V) tan 2f = 0.

Elimination ofcSV/dr in the last equation leads to

|^ + (2 + m + |^) V tan 2\|/ = 0. (z)

— is now eliminated in equations (y) and (z) by means of the second

expression (108) yielding

r i + <1 + " + r ^ p > v - ° -

|| + (2 + m + - ) V tan 2^ = 0.

Integration of these equations produces

V » £(e) r ' < 1 + m+ r r p ) ,

V - g(r) e" <2 + m + 2t d8

To satisfy the differential equatiorB it is necessary that

- 120-
Fig. 67

Velocity components in polar-spherical coordinates

f(0) - e' <2 + " + I?p)/tan 2* dlS and

t \ - (1 + m + t%t)
g(r) = r 1-p ,

which enforce

^ = ^(6) ,

as was assumed by the eq.(91) in the radial stress field.

The expression for the velocity is

o 1 + m + - (2 + m + T^r)/fl0 tan 2^ d0. (124)

V = V° (— ) 1_P e 1_P 6 *

It will be noticed that along the rays xjr= 3it/4 and i|f = it/4, tan = °°?

and V = 0. The derivative 3V/S0 along one of these rays, e. g.

\|f = it/4, will now be determined. Eliminate V in eq. (z) to obtain

|| - F(r) tan 2* e‘(2 + ” + 2* d0.

It is necessary to find the limit of cOV/bO as 0 approaches the value at

which \|/(0) = it/4. The function is rewritten as follows

6 Q
|| - F(r) tan 2* e'(2 + m + T ^ e ° tan 2* d6 e‘(2 + n + T ^ e ^ " 1 2t d®

where 0^ is a constant, while 0 - 0^ is arbitrarily small. The first

exponential is constant and the function can further be transformed into

Q AQ I ^
Tji/ \ j_ 0 . -(2 + m + T o ) [j?o';\ ] /. tan 2i|/ d (2\|r)
^ = c F(r) tan 2i|r e 1-P d(2\j/)J v Y ,
where d0/d (2>Jr) is evaluated in the interval \|r^ - i|r. Then, through


n + — + .ft- ir— ^ ' i

Sv s . ,cos 2i|r 2 2 ( 1-B) dilr "
Se C F(r) t m ^ (cos 2*'>

r -j + JB 4- — ft i (— 'f _ i
= c !F(r)sin 2\(/(cos 2^) 2 2(l-f3) dvjr .

In the limit

dV f m P ,d0 i ,
m °°» f°r t1 + 2 + I 7 F i y ]# ' 1 < 0 ’

Lim§|->0, for [1 + f + 2 ^ 1 ) ] ^ “ 1 > °*

For incompressible solids, (3 = 0, and the limits are tabulated


Table 3

Limit Plane Axial

strain symmetry

di > 3

00 de 2
= di . 3
^ < i
de 0 de de 2
— - .

It should be noted that the above expressions for P > 0 apply only

at some distance from the vertex of the channel where a[ lb. per sq.ft.] » 1.

Typical radial flow profiles are shown in Fig. 68 for the two Sv/Se

limits. In both cases velocity is zero along the two rays i|r = 3n/4 and

\|r = Jt/4. These two rays coincide with velocity characteristics and, of

course, are streamlines. The profiles shown in the figure are physically

acceptable only within the internal region, that is for channels with

weak walls whose wall yield loci intersect the Mohr stress circle within

the arc T'MT".

Lines of constant velocity in the internal regions for f3 = 0 are

shown in Figures 69 and 70 for plane strain and axial symmetry for

5 = 50°. These lines show ratios V/V° along an arc r = r° and, therefore,

in accordance with eq. (124) present the function

| o = e~(2 + m H tan de. (125)

Vertical channels

Vertical channels are a limiting condition of converging channels.

However, the relations derived for flow in converging channels are not

suitable for application to vertical channels, hence the latter will

now be considered separately.

The radial stress and velocity fields of the converging channels

go over to fields independent of the vertical coordinate x in vertical

channels. The solutions to such fields in vertical channels are obtain­

ed in closed form. There is one major difference between converging

and vertical channels. In the former there is no doubt as to the

value of the circumferential pressure: that pressure is major. In

the latter, assuming complete independence of the vertical coordinate,

there is no basis for the selection of either the major or the minor

value for the circumferential pressure. The physical consequence of

this uncertainty appears in the erratic and unsteady flow pattern which

is observed in tall vertical channels.

Some conclusions can be drawn, however, on the basis of compress­

ibility if even a slight gradient of pressure exists in the vertical

Fig. 68

Radial velocity profiles


- 40

- 30


— 10

Fig. 69

Sanction V/V°, 5 = 50°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Fig. 70

Function V/V°, 6 = 50°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

direction. If pressure increases downward then the solid consolidates

as it flows and flow has to be divergent (k = -1) to keep each horizontal

cross-section filled out. This condition is expected to exist in the

upper part of a channel from a stress-free top surface down. In fact,

this condition seems to prevail in most channels.

It was shown in the analysis of the radial stress fields in axial

symmetry that fields with a velocity discontinuity at the walls can be

generated only within walls of a sufficient degree of weakness. This

limitation carries over to the vertical axi-symmetric channel with the

assumption of convergence (k = +1). Hence, it would seem that diver­

gence more likely represents the actual stress conditions in a vertical

channel of moderate height, while the erratic flow, when it is observed,

may be explained by shifts of the circumferential pressure between

minor and maj or.

Stress field.

The purpose of this analysis is twofold: first, to derive an

expression for the mean pressure a, second, to find the ratio y"/ye ,

where y" is the half width of the channel, and y^ the distance from the

axis of symmetry to the line of co = Jt/4. Along this line, as will be

shown in the analysis of the velocity field, rapid non-steady velocity

changes may occur and are, indeed, observed in full size channels. In

models with transparent walls this ratio can be observed, measured, and

compared with the computed values.

Plane-Cartesian/cylindrical-polar coordinates will be used. Pressure

is found from eq.(48) which in this case reduces to

dT T
+ m - s - r
dy y

and, with the constant of integration evaluated at the axis y = 0 ,

t = 0 , integrates to

r = X-3~.
xy 1+m

T is now eliminated by means of eq. (16), yielding

° (1+m) sin 5 sin 2(jd’ (126)

The ratio jy"/y

j e will now be determined. Plane strain flow is

considered first. Eq.(49) now applies in the fonn dcr^/dy = 0, hence cr^

is constant. The elimination of o between eq.(126), with m = 0, and

eq. (15) yields

\ sin 5 sin 2cb--

y r 1 - sin 6 cos 2cd k u

For cjd = tc/4, this becomes

while for od” = it/4 - <4/2, it is

ii _ —H sin 5 cos
^ ylr-sinSsinjJ’

Hence, in plane strain, the ratio is

y" ______ cos <j>

ye 1 - sin 6 sin <{>'

In axially symmetric flow, m = 1, and the equation of equilibrium

(49) is of the form

The substitution of expression (126) for o (with m = 1) in equations (15)

and (22) yields

1 - sin S cos 2co

a — y v — —-— — — -— —
y 2 sin S sin 2co ’

a = r . 1 + k sin 5
y 2 sin 5 sin 2co

These expressions and the appropriate derivative are now substituted

in the equation of equilibrium yielding, after transformations,

dy _ (cos 2co - sin S) d(2co)________

y (1 - k sin 5 - 2 sin 5 cos 2co) sin 2co’

which integrates into

/■., o\A,-, . ,B ,1 - k sin 5 „ ,C r>\

y = c(l + cos 2co) (1 - cos 2co) i.— y ~ T n ~ 5— “ cos ^cu) > (129)

where the exponents A ? B , C are as presented below in Table 4.

Table 4

Converging Diverging

1 - sin 5
A - 1/2
2(3 sin 5 - 1 )

1 + sin 6
B 1/2
2(3 sin 5 + 1 )

2 sin 5 - 1 2 sin 5 + 1
3 sin 5 - 1 3 sin 5 + 1

Within the field, including the boundary oj = co", the observed fields

are of the type dcu/dy ^ 0. Since, at the axis of symmetry for y = 0,

there is 0) = it/2 , this implies

1 - k sin 8 - 2 sin 8 cos 2cd ^ 0 ,

1 - k sin 8
cos 2cd.<;
N 2 sin 8

For diverging flow this condition is always satisfied, but for converging


1 , 1 - sin 8 „ 1 , 1 - sin 8
— Arc cos — -- :— r- 03 ^ it — Arc cos — z-- :-- r— ,
2 2 sin 8 N 2 2 sin o

The bounds for 0) are

Table 5



8 30° 50°


0)" 30.00° 3 6 .9 4 ° 40.61° 42.75° 4 4 .0 9 °

0)' 1 5 0 .0 0 ° 1 4 3.06 ° 139.3 9 ° 1 3 7 .2 5 ° 1 3 5 .5 1°

It will be observed that these bounds match the values of 1 for 0-^-0

plotted for the radial fields in converging channels, Figures 34 to 38.

At the wall, y = y " , for a solid flowing on a rough wall, 2a>" = rt/2 - fa.

From this relation it is possible to determine the maximum values of fa

which will allow the formation of a vertical, converging field within

rough walls

fa ^ Jt/2 - 20)"

This is given in Table 6

Table 6


8 30° 50° 60°


fa 30.00° 16.12° 4.50° 1.82°

These values of jf> are small for 6 > 40°, hence it would appear that this

field is unlikely to develop in most solids.

The ratio y"/y& is now computed for axially symmetric flow, as

follows: for co = Jt/4

,1 - k sin 5,
ye ' C<" 2 sin 8 > >

while for co" = Jt/4 - 6/2

ii /-I i i /\^ 1 . /nB /l - k s m 5 . /\C

y = c(i + sin 6) (1 - s m 6) (— --- :-- -— - s m 6) ,
I sm o

and the ratio becomes

V . /\A ,, . /nB 2 sin 5 s m 6 nC

■*— = (1 + s m (6) (1 - s m <6) (1 - — ----:----- :----- )
y 1 - k sm 5

Velocity field

The velocity field is also computed with the assumption of independence

of the vertical coordinate. The equations of continuity and isotropy

(57) and (61) reduce to

T v y = c,


du + dv tan 2<d = 0 .

Since the constant of integration c evaluates at zero for y = y", at the

wall, v = 0 throughout the field. From the second equation it now

follows that u = V is constant, except possibly for co = Jt/4 and co = 3rt/4,

where the velocity field allows velocity discontinuities in V, However,

these lines are not sliplines and, therefore, steady state velocity

discontinuities do not occur along these lines. Unsteady slips are observed-

This flow pattern is shown on the photograph, Fig. 71. Since

unsteady effects cannot be. reproduced on a still photograph the steady

velocity discontinuities at the walls, where oo" = 3it/4 + 6/2 and

cd" = jt/4 - S/2, and the unsteady slips along the lines co = rt/4 and

co = 3it/4 appear identical. The measured ratio y"/y = 1.6. While the

flow pattern of this model was almost perfectly of the plane strain

type, the front and back glass walls obviously prevent a plane strain

stress field from developing. The actual stress field deviates somewhat

from plane strain toward the axi-symmetric.

Ratio y"/ye is now computed for the plane strain stress field

from eq.(128), and for the axially symmetric, diverging stress field

from eq.(130). Tests of flowability of the solid indicate that

6 = 55°, i> = 50° .

For plane strain


For axial symmetry

^ = 1.766"'5x ,234‘263x .310- ’762 = 1.25


The observed value of 1.6 falls between these two bounds.

Fig. 71

Observed flow pattern in a vertical channel



General equations

The derivation of the differential equations for incipient failure

follows the pattern described for steady state flow with the following

differences: First, during steady flow the stresses are governed by

the effective yield pyramid, and are located at the edge of the base

of the pyramid. The latter implies that normality provides only a

cone within which the direction of the strain rate vector has to lie.

During incipient failure the stresses are govered by the yield pyramid,

and are located either on a face or on a side edge of the pyramid,

away from its base. Here, normality imposes either a unique direction

of the strain rate vector or a plane sector within which the vector has

to lie.

Second, in steady state flow, the solid is flowing and a velocity

field is computed. In incipient failure, velocities are zero, and an

initial acceleration field is calculated.

In earlier work [e.g. 8 , 19, 20, 21] attempts have been made to

compute the velocity fields which follow incipient failure. In these

computations it has been assumed that the yield surface remains constant

as failure progresses, and that the stress field also remains essentially

constant. With the concurrent assumption of normality this enforced

continuous expansion of the solid. Since continuous expansion could

never be verified experimentally, a serious doubt was cast on the

validity of the principle of normality. This doubt appears unjustified,

the error seems to lie not. in normality but in the assumption of a

constant yield surface. The size of the yield surface certainly is a

function of density, and changes as the solid expands. In fact, as will

be shown presently, these computations produced not velocity fields

but initial acceleration fields.

The process of failure is complicated: failure seldom takes place

simultaneously throughout a stress field, usually failure occurs along

some active sliplines while regions of material bounded by those slip­

lines remain rigid (or elastic). The mass becomes non-homogeneous and

unisotropic, the yield function varies across the mass with discontinui­

ties along the active sliplines. The moment the first active slipline

has developed, the incipient stress field does not apply any more and

neither does the initial acceleration field. The value of the accelera­

tion field associated with a stress field lies in showing that failure

can start under the prescribed boundary condition. No attempt will be

made in this work to determine how failure proceeds and how steady

state flow is ultimately approached.

The adopted yield function allows the stress equations to be solved

independently of acceleration. The solution produces the function

o>(x,y) throughout the field and the acceleration field can then be

computed. It is shown that, at zero velocity, the direction of the

strain rate vector coincides with the direction of the time derivative

of that vector, so that normality and isotropy provide the necessary

relations for the solution of the acceleration field.

Stress field

The equations are derived in plane-Cartesian/cylindrical- polar

coordinates. The two equations of equilibrium (48) and (49), together

with the equations (29) - (31), which contain the condition of

plasticity, provide a solution for the three variables (cr ,a ) in

v x y xy
plane strain. In axial symmetry, the fourth variable Oq, is taken care

of by the additional equation (37). In these considerations, the yield

locus given by <b and f^, is assumed constant throughout the plastic

field. The equations of equilibrium are expressed in terms of cr and

CD as follows

(1 + sin <£> cos 2co) + sin <t> sin 2o) - 2a sin <b sin 2o> +

+ 2 a sin <{> cos 2cd = T - m ~ sin sin 2cd, (131)

sin sin 2co + (1 - sin <b cos 2oo)|^ + 2a sin 6 cos 2ca +

+ 2cr sin i sin 2co = m — sin i> (k + cos 2co) . (132)

dy y '

Now the following abbrevation is introduced

S = — -— In •=- , (133)
^ U0

where a0 is an arbitrary constant. The differential equations then

reduce to the form

c)(S + cn) , d(S + ffl) . , , « v

Sx + v sn
ay * * tan(“ + 74 "- f)
-dUVUJ T 2; = A > (*>

d(S - CD) , d(S - cn) , it , v

iSi + 3y tan.(ai - 4 + 2> ' B ~ (b)


In the first characteristic direction,

= tan (oj + - |) , (136)

the left hand side of eq.(a) is a total derivative

d(S + co) _ A

Similarly, in the second characteristic direction,

dx tan (co - - + -), (138)

li ■ t m - 1 + 1

the left hand side of eq. (b) is a total derivative,

d('S ~ ^ = B. (139)

The two stress characteristics intersect at an angle rt/2 - (6,

and form angles "t (jt/4 - {5/2) with the direction of the major pressure.

In incipient failure the stress characteristics coincide with the sliplines.

Initital acceleration field

The equations of the acceleration field are derived on the basis of

isotropy, eq.(61), and the conditions imposed by normality on the

direction of the strain rate vector. The three principal strain rates

are ordered e. > 0 , e < 0, m k e > 0.

J. Z '-*»

Following Shield's reasoning [10], normality requires

e » X,(l - sin fa) , = -(A. + M-)(1 + sin fa) , m ea = p.(1 + k sin fa) ,

where ^ and |_i are positive scalars, whose elimination yields

e - e2 + (e^ - e p sin + m e^(l + k sin fa) = 0 .

The principal strain rates are now replaced by

e1 + e 2 - EK + £ y - - S - | >

£1 - e2 ■ [<£x - v 2 + 4 1% ■ [(t - ! )2 + (| +

which, with the use of the equation of isotropy (61), reduces to

Bu civ
_ 5x dy
€ 1 " €2 “ " cos 20) ’
£0! y

leading to

^ ( c o s 2o) + sin fa) + -^(cos 2ca - sin fa) + m ^(1 + k sin fa) cos 2oi = 0 . (c)

It is now easy to show that the velocities u and v are proportional

to the initial accelerations u and v and, since the equation (c) as well

as the equation of isotropy are homogeneous, the velocities can be

replaced by the accelerations. The total derivative of the velocity

component u,

du . , 5u . c>u
d i ■ u + X u + a^ v>

is integrated and, upon application of the mean value theorem, becomes

(d)'t+ ( | U + | , ) ' ,

evidently u = a t and, similarly, v = b t, where a and b are bounded
functions, therefore, the second term on the right hand side contains t

and becomes insignificant as t — > 0 , hence

lim u = u t, similarly, lim v = v t.

t — >o t — 3.0

Since t is independent of the coordinates (x,y), the expressions for

the strain rates become

. cki 3u . Su _ Su

t-*o t-»o }

. . dv Sv ^ , . c)v dv
lim = ■*:— t, lim n— ■ = -=7 - t.
ox ox dy dy
t-»o t-»o

Substitution of these expressions for the strain rates in equations

(c) and (61) produces

'N• j® •
n^(cos 2cd + sin <b) + -^(cos 2cjd - sin ^) + m -^(1 + k sin ^) cos 2cd = 0, (d)

Si . 5u Sv 5v ^ . . , s
■n ~ tan 2cd - -=r- - ^r— - tan 2oo = 0. (e)
ox oy ox oy

The above two equations, together with the equations of the total deriva­

tives ,

di = ^ dx + I? dy’ = ^ dx + % dy’
are solved for Su/Sx, yielding

= 4 ^ C (4^ + (sin <b - cos 2cd) - m — (1 + k sin <0(4^ cos 2cd - sin 2o>)J
dx dx ^ dx dx y dx

/[■£ “ tan(cD + 4 " 2> ][dJ " tan(“ " I + 2 y] ■ (£>

The directions of the characteristics are

---- T-**
y, v

jt/4 - (zS/2

jt/4 - j>/2

x, u

Fig. 72

Projections of the acceleration components

on the characteristic directions

= tan[o) + (~ - -|)] , (140)

Along the characteristics, the numerator of eq.(f) is zero, With the

substitution of the ^bove expressions for dy/dx in the numerator of (f)

that equation becomes

du 1,- —--
dv ,b m —v — —1 +
— k ----
sin --
fa- -— = 0.

—-- \141)
J dx y ,
J sin or„N-i-
2[u) T (— - — ) ]

In both equations (140) and (141) the top sign applies along the first

characteristic and the bottom sign along the second characteristic.

For the purpose of numerical calculation, it is often more

convenient to express these equations not by the u and v components but

by their projections v^ and v^ on the characteristic directions, Fig. 72.

The relations are

”V ^ sin((D " f + f ) + sin(o) + - -j)

u = -- — — — — --- -— —-- — — -— ------ -— — ,

cos fa

■ co s (a)
V^ / - — +, —)
fa\ - V•- co s (co
/' +. - fa\
- —)
V = — -— -— — -------------7 — ■— — --- -— ------— •
cos fa

The transformation leads to:

along the first characteristic: = tan (to + — - ~) , (142)

QX ^ Z

^V 1 , V2 v do> , v(l + k sin fa) „ /n/nN

-— - (v 1 tan fa - — — -t) — + m --- 11— - ' •= 0. (143)
dy 1 cos fa dy „ . , . rt p,
y y 2y sm(a) + - - |)

along the second characteristic: ^ = tan(o> - jr + ^) , (144)

dv v .,
-— 2 - (
1 t - v. tan
. fa) —da),+ m — -—
v ( l-—
+ k--
s i-n « $’y-
) _
= 0 (145)\
dy cos fa 2 dy . it fa \ '
2y sm(co - - + j)

It will be noted that the acceleration characteristics, as well as

the stress characteristics, coincide with the slip lines.

Superposition. Since both, the equation of continuity (d) and

isotropy (e), are linear and homogeneous, a linear combination of two

(or more) solutions of an initial acceleration field is also a solution.

Physical conditions.

The physical conditions which need to be applied to incipient

failure are less restrictive than they were for steady state flow.

A. Some, small, tensile (negative) stresses are permissible.

B. A line of infinite shear strain rate may occur along a slip line

or a weak wall.

C. The velocity V of an element of a solid is zero.

D. The acceleration of an element,

dV dV - , V2 -
dt dt S p n’
along the path of its travel, Fig. 18, is bounded. This implies that

dV/dt is bounded but 1/n need not be bounded since V = 0.


E. Singularities in density are inadmissible.

Grids and special lines.

There is a great deal of similarity between the grids and special

lines of steady state flow and incipient failure. The differences will

be particularly emphasized here. As before, the solution of the stress

field contains the direction of the major pressure a in the differential

form oo = co(x,y) .

1. Sliplines, stress and acceleration characteristics. These three

grids coincide in incipient failure. They form lines inclined at angles

to "t (rt/4 - 6/2) .

2. Lines of maximum shear strain rate. These lines are, of course,

inclined at co "t jt/4 but they are of little significance in incipient

failure since they are not observed.

3. Trajectories. Failure is a time dependent process and, therefore,

paths of travel of the elements will be referred to as trajectories. The

trajectories may have cusps at the initial points, since velocity starts

from zero at those points. This is important, because the stress field

may be bounded by a stress envelope and incipient failure may occur along

a slipline merging into the envelope. This slipline may have a cusp

at the envelope yet become a trajectory.

4. Acceleration discontinuities. A line of acceleration discontinuitj

develops into a line of velocity discontinuity. Such a line has to be

a trajectory (or a streamline) and has to follow a slipline or a weak

wall. It separates two regions which may be both plastic, both rigid

(or elastic), or one plastic and the other rigid (or elastic).

5. A straight acceleration characteristic in plane strain enforces

a constant projection of the acceleration vector on that characteristic.

This is evident from, say, eq. (143).

6. Walls. A wall separates a plastic region from a stationary

rigid (or elastic) region. Usually, there is a velocity discontinuity

along a wall: the wall then is a streamline and stresses along it are

defined either by the yield locus, for a rough wall, or by the wall yield

locus, for a weak wall. When the solid fails along a rough wall, the

wall is a slipline and a stress and acceleration characteristic. The

coincidence of an acceleration characteristic with a streamline leads to

the relation

V2 ym (l + k sin Cj (146)

along the wall. This relation is readily obtained from, say, eq. (143)

with v^ = V, v2 = V sin */>. Evidently V can be zero along such a wall,

which means that a field can develop without an acceleration discontinuity

along the rough wall.

When the solid fails along a weak wall, equations (79) and (80)

apply along the wall with substituted for 5 , and an acceleration

discontinuity is mandatory since a zero acceleration along the wall

would enforce a zero acceleration within a region of the plastic field.

7. A stress discontinuity may occur only along a trajectory for the

reason given in steady state flow, point 11.

8. Stress singularities are inadmissible for the reason given in

steady state flow, point. 12.


Consider the pressures acting in a dome which has formed across a

channel of width B, Fig. 73. It is assumed that the dome will fail if

the bottom layer of the dome fails. The bottom layer is taken of a

unit thickness, measured in the vertical direction. Evidently, the

pressures in the layer are at a minimum when the surface of the dome is

smooth and regular and, barring the possibility of tensions, when the

mass above does not bear down on the layer. The latter implies zero

stress between the layer and the mass above. Under these conditions the

layer can be thought of as a self-supporting dome, geometrically and

stress-wise independent of the vertical coordinate. The major pressure

acts in the plane of the dome.

If the vertical axis of the dome is drawn through its highest point,

then at a distance y from the axis

- 2 Tv
O- sin 2,to = -— ■
— L.
1 1+ m

For failure to occur ^ fc, or

2y ^ (1 + m) ^ sin 2a>. (g)
For symmetrie channeIs, 2y = B and the largest dome occurs for

cd' = 3^/4 a.nd co" = Jt/4. For such a dome to fail, it is necessary that
B > (1 + m) y . (147)

For asymmetric plane strain with one wall vertical, 0*= 0, eq.(g)

gives different relations for each abutment. The conditions on the

sloping wall, 0 = 0 ' , will be denoted by a prime, while the conditions

at the vertical wall will be denoted by the superscript v. The rela­

tions for failure at the two abutments are

f 1 sin 2co1 fV sin 2u)V

B - a > - ~~f-f-- -— and a > — — — -- (148)

The above formulas (147) and (148) assume that the wall is sufficiently

strong to support the major stress at an angle = n/4, for the symmetric

dome, and at angles and tu" for asymmetric plane strain. In view of

the uncertainty of the value of <t>' in incipient failure, these assump­

tions appear reasonable and on the safe side.


The conditions leading to the incipient failure of a solid around

a vertical, circular hole, or pipe is analysed in this section. The

unconfined yield pressure f and the angle of friction are assumed

constant throughout the failing region. The stress field is assumed

axi-symmetric with a traction-free inner boundary of constant diameter

D, Fig. 74.

These assumptions imply independence of the vertical coordinate x

as well as the circumferential coordinate Ci. A relation will be derived

between the yield properties of the solid (fc ,^) and the smallest

diameter D at which a bounded plastic field can develop.

The equations of equilibrium (48) and (49) now reduce to

T da a cr.
+ = 0.
dy y



is introduced and the equations of equilibrium transform to

(a) Bounded field

Fig. 74


da a - a
_J£ +
+ ^ L_
-*r---^ = 0.
dn 2n

The substitution of expressions (30) , (31) , (37) (with k = +1),

and their appropriate derivatives yields

■4^ + 2 cot 2co dto - —^7— -jv- dn = 0 ,

a 2n(n-l) 5

^■=(1 - sin 5 cos 2co) + 2 sin sin 2oo dco - 4^ sin ^(1 + cos 2co) = 0.
a zn

a is now eliminated between these two equations and, after transforma­

tion, the following differential equation is obtained.

dm _ JL ___sin 2co ,1 - sin j> cos 2oo 1 + sin Msn'i

dn 2. cos 2,60 - sin 6 ' n - 1 2n ‘

The solution of this equation produces a family of curves co = cd(n)

Fig. 75, passing through the point (n - 1, 00 = 0). Two types of solutions

are distinguished: (a) bounded fields. The bound of the plastic field

is provided by an envelope of the second family of characteristics.

The envelope occurs for 0) = ic/4 - i/2, and along it dco/dn-*■«*. (b) Un­

bounded fields, for which the term within brackets, and with it dco/dn,

change sign for to less than rt/4 - 6/2. The physical field extends

without bound as n increases.

Since the plastic field is independent of the vertical coordinate^

a field (b), unbounded in the horizontal direction, is unbounded in all

directions. Such a field does not represent a real situation and, hence,

only the bounded fields (a) are accepted as solution to piping. The

question is now posed: What is the smallest diameter D at which incipient


jt/4-^/2 (a) bounded fields * (b) unbounded fields

0 1 2 3 n n

Fig. 75

Function cd ■ co(n)


failure will occur in a bounded field? To answer this question (dco/dn)

is taken as the parameter of the family co = co(n) , and a relation is found

between this parameter and the diameter D. E q „(h) is integrated

= D n ~ ^
V ' r 4n % ‘

Expression (31) is substituted for TXy> leading to

i _

_ 4n a sin j sin 2co

. r(n - 1) ’

In the limit as n-»l, co-?0, a^>0, and, in accordance with e q .

(38), 2a sin $-»fc . The expression for the diameter becomes

f . „
„ . . „ c , . s m 2co
D = 2 — lim ------7 .
T . n - 1

The application of l'Hospital's rule yields

f ,
n , c ,do\
° 4 r dn n = l " (151)

It is now evident that the required smallest diameter D is determined

by the smallest value of the parameter (dco/dn)n_^ which causes a bounded

field. The corresponding curve co = co(n) is shown in Fig. 75. The curve

intersects the line co = Jt/4 - i /2

for a value of n = n , hence, the
outer diameter of the plastic field is Dn .
The ratio n is obtained directly by placing co = rt/4 - i /2 in the

expression within brackets of e q . (150), and equating the expression to


n^ = (2 sin i - (152)

This relation is plotted in Fig, 76; n^ increases rapidly as <

t> decreases

Fig. 76

Function n^ = f( 8)

30 40 50 60 i 70

Fig. 77

Function (do) dn) , = g( 6 )

n= 1

toward 30° . For fa = 30° , = °°.

Solids whose angle fa approaches the low value of 30° also have low

values of f and stable piping is not observed in these solids. Hence,

the analysis loses its practical value as that value of fa is approached.

However, it is of interest to note that, for values of fa > 19.5°

(sin fa = 1/3), both types of fields, (a) and (b) , exist. For fa < 19.5°,

only type (a) remains, because the expression within brackets of e q .

(150) does not change sign and dco/dn is positive for all values of n > 1.

Values of (dco/dn) , for the smallest diameter D at which incipient

n— 1

failure must occur in a bounded field have been computed numerically and

are plotted in Fig. 77. The diameter D is then obtained for any material

of known ratio f /T from eq.(151).


It is interesting to note that investigations of slope stability in

axial symmetry [22 ] lead to profiles which all converge to a vertical

hole, Fig. 78. Within the accuracy of numerical calculations, the

diameter of that hole seems to be independent of the starting diameter at

the surface and seems to equal D, the diameter computed above for the

smallest bounded field independent of the vertical coordinate.

An acceleration field for piping is given in reference [22].

F i g . .78

Slope stability in axial symmetry




The flow of a solid in a converging channel is subject to two

typical obstructions: doming and piping. The flow criteria are based

on the assumption that the solid consolidates under the pressures

prevailing during steady state flow, develops an unconfined yield

pressure f ^ , in accordance with its flow-function, and flows if the

unconfined yield pressure is insufficient to support a stable dome or

a stable pipe.

Thus, the flow criteria relate the major consolidating pressure

of steady state flow with the pressures of incipient failure,

defining minimum ratios a-^/£ ~ called critical flow-f actors,

which the solid must exceed for flow to start and to continue.


Doming usually originates at the outlet of a channel where a

radial stress field is closely approached during flow, and that field

is assumed in the derivation of the flow criteria. The dome formulas

(147) and (148) contain the unconfined yield pressure f at the abutments

of the dome, i.e. at the end points of the walls. The major consolidating

pressure is given by e q . (20) . With substitution (102) for cr in

radial flow, the major pressure at a wall is

cr| = r x s(0')(l + sin 5).

a| is eliminated by means of the flowfactor ff, eq,(41) thus

ff = r s ( 0 ') (1 + sin 5) . (a)


Plane and axial symmetry, A channel, Fig. 79 (a), is symmetric

for the purpose of this analysis if its walls are symmetric with respect

to the vertical axis in the neighborhood of the vertex, hence, -0" = 0 ' ,

Then, from the figure, r = B/2 sin 0' and eq.(a) becomes

_ _ B _ j s (01)(1 + sin S)
it ” r o • r 1 *
f 2 sin 0

Substitution for B y/f^ from the eq.(147) produces the following value

of the critical flowfactor

ff (153)
2 sin 0

This is the no-doming formula for symmetric channels.

For the particular case of vertical chanels, 0' = 0" = 0, an

expression for the flowfactor is obtained in a closed form by substitut­

ing expression (126) for a in e q .(20), thus

a = .. r y (1 + sin 5) ^
1 (1 + m) sin 5 sin 2CO

is eliminated by means of eq,(41) and, since at a wall y = y 1 = -B/2,

the expression for the flowfactor becomes

B x ________ 1 + sin 5_____________

ff =
f 2(1 + m) sin 6 sin (2co' - rt)

Substitution for By/f from the eq.(147) yields

££ _ ______1 + sin S . (154)
2 sin 6 sin (2031 - it)

Plane asymmetry. This channel, Fig. 79(b), has one wall sloping

at an angle 0' and the other wall vertical,0" = 0. Here the conditions

at each wall are different, and are considered separately. At the slop­

ing wall r 1 = B sin 0' and eq.(a) becomes

ffi - B T s ( 0 ')(1 + sin 5)

“ f' sin 0' ‘

Substitution for y f^ from the first of equations (148) yields

B sin 2co' s(0')(l + sin 5) , s

ff = " B^a 2 sin 0' * (c)

At the vertical wall rV = B cot 0' + b - c, eq„(a) becomes

ffv «. (B cot 0' + b - c)r s(0V )(l + sin 5)

fV ’

and substitution for y f^ from the second of equations (148) produces

r f~v B cot 0' + b - c sin 2coV ,„vv ,, . . ^

f f = ------------------ — ----- s (0 ;(1 + sin 8). (d)
a I

From equilibrium it follows that the assumed dome has the shape

of the parabola
b (a + y) / \
x = — ----- (e)
(B - a)

The parameters a, b, c and the functions sin 2o>' and sin 203V in

equation (c) and (d) are now replaced by tan 03' and tan 03V , leading to

ff i _ tan coV - tan Q)1 - tan Q31 s (0 ') (1 + sin 5)

f ,,sv , 2 , sin 0' ’ K
tan 03 1 + tan 03'



Fig. 79

Outlet conditions for no doming

ff (tan co 1 - tan cov ) ( 2 cot 0 ' tan co' tan
„„v = ---------------------------------------- - tan ojV - tan c o ' )Sc
oov --------------------
2 tan os'(1 + tan co )

x s (0V ) (1 + sin 5). (156)

The acceptable range for angle (jo' is 3fl/4 < co' < i t . Within this range

dffV/cko' > 0, while c i f f ' / c k o ' < 0, and there is one value of co' for

which ffV = ff' = ff. This value of the flowfactor is maximized with
respect to co , yielding the critical flowfactor.

Flowfactor p l o t s . Contours of constant values of the critical

flowfactors are plotted for 6 = 30°, 40°, 50°, 60° and 70° for plane

symmetry in Figures 80 to 84, and for axial symmetry in Figures 85

to 89. For plane asymmetry, the flowfactor is plotted in Figures 90

to 92 for 5 = 50° and for an angle of friction at the vertical wall

0V = 20°, 30°, and 40°.

Influence of compressibility. Figures 93 and 94 show a comparison

of the flowfactors for a compressible solid with P = 0.10, with those

of an incompressible solid. The plots are for 5 = 50°. Figure 93

shows symmetric plane strain, and Figure 94 axial symmetry. The contin­

uous lines are for the compressible solid, and the dashed lines for

the incompressible solid. The latter are copied from Figures 82 and 87.

It is evident that even the large degree of compressibility corresp­

onding to (3 = 0.10 does not appreciably affect the no-doming criterium.

Hence, the compressibility of the solids may be neglected.




20 30 40 50 60 d1 70

Fig . 80

Critical flowfactor ff, S = 30°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 &' 70

Fig. 81

Critical flowfactor ff, 8 = 40°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

70 50

. 90°






- 20

— 10

0 E

Fig. 82

Critical flowfactor ff, 5 = 50°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)


— 50


— 30

— 20

— 10

30 40

Fig. 83

Critical flowfactor ff, S = 60°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Critical flowfactor ff, 6 = 70°

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Fig. 85

Critical flowfactor ff, 5 * 30°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)







10 20 30 40 50 60 0' 70
Fig. 86

Critical flowfactor ff, 8 = 40°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

- 40


- 30

— 20

- 10

30 40
Fig. 87

Critical flowfactor ff, S = 50°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig. 88

Critical flowfactor ff, 6 = 60°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig. 89

Critical flowfactor ff, 5 = 70°

Axial symmetry (conical flow)

Fig. 90

Critical flowfactor ff, 5 = 50°, = 20°

Plane asymmetry (plane flow-one vertical wall)

Fig. 91

Critical flowfactor ff, 5 = 50°, 6V = 30°

Plane asymmetry (plane flow-one vertical wall)

Fig. 92

Critical flowfactor ff, 8 = 50°, = 40°

Plane asymmetry (plane flow-one vertical wall)

10 20 30 40 50 60 0' 70

Fig. 93

Critical flowfactor ff, 5 = 50°, p = 0.10

Plane symmetry (symmetric plane flow)

Fig. 94

Critical flowfactor ff, 5 <* 50°, p = 0.10

Axial symmetry (conical flow)


A tendency for piping exists in all channels in which the solid flows

within rough walls. It was shown in the analysis of axi-symmetric radial

stress fields that such channels are very steep or, indeed, vertical. It

is observed in experiments that these channels circumscribe the outlet

and, hence, that the largest dimension of the outlet defines the diameter

of the channel.

In the derivation of the formula for no-piping it is assumed that the

values of the unconfined yield pressure fc> and of the angle of friction </

are constant throughout the plastic region, Fig. 74 (a). The values dev­

eloped at the inner surface of the pipe are assumed to prevail throughout

the region. These assumptions are reasonable, because the plastic region
is quite thin (see ratio n*, Fig. 76) for the solids with large angles

of friction, i.e. for the solids which have the greatest tendency to

pipe. In selecting the value of f it is necessary to use the time flow-

function because, while the solid is flowing within the pipe, outside

the pipe the solid is consolidating at rest. The angle of friction <
t> -

which exists at a traction-free, inner surface, is measured at the point

of tangency of the time yield locus with the f circle, Fig. 95.

The unconfined yield pressure f at the inner surface of the pipe

is assumed to be generated by the major pressure a"^ due to steady state

flow in a vertical channel of diameter D. This pressure is given by eq.(20)

with substitution (126) for a, and with y = D/2, go = to", thus

n" = D r(l + sin 5) m

1 4 sin 5 sin 2co"' v ;

Fig. 95

Angle of friction $ for no-piping

The value of to" in the above formula likely varies between it/4

and jt/4 - fa/2 If the axi-symmetric analysis for converging channels

is adopted, then flow w ithin rough walls requires \|r" = it/4. Since 0"

is small, or zero, to" as \|/" = rt/4. Further, it is likely that as the

solid flows within the rough walls, the surface of the walls soon b e ­

comes smoother and a degree of weakness develops along them. This also

would tend to shift to" toward the value of rt/4. Hence, the latter

value is assumed in the analysis, and the consolidating pressure,

e q . (f), becomes

cr” is now eliminated by means of the flowfactor ff, e q „ (41) thus

Df 1 + sin S
4f sin 5

Elimination of D V/4f by means of e q . (151) yields the critical flow­

factor for no-piping

©dn (157)
sin 5

It will be noted that (dto/dn)n_^. Fig. 77, is a function of the

angle of friction 6 = $ . Hence ff in eq„(157) is a function of both

angles, 5 and $ . Contours of constant values of ff are plotted in

Fig. 96.

When the effect of time of consolidation is negligible, i.e. when

the time flow-function is about the same as the instantaneous flow-

function, then a relation between 5 and 6 exists in accordance, with the

linearized yield locus, Fig. 13, and the critical flowfactor can be

30 40 50 60 3>r 70

Fig. 96

Critical flowfactor for no-piping

computed as a function of angle 5 only. In this case

a, = a, and a = a + f (1 - sin i ) !2 sin &.

I I c

From equation (20) and (35)

cr, a + f (1 - sin {6)/2 sin 6
I , - 1 c
0 = T~T— : S' a n d a = -------- --------t— t— ~ — ---------------- ------- ,
1 + sm o 1 + sin ®

Elimination of a and a by means of the above equations, and of the ratio

cr^/fc by means of the flowfactor ff, in accordance with eq„(41), yields

• r _ 2 ff sin <h + 1 - sin <

Sin 2 ff - 1 + sin £ ° (g)

Elimination of sin 5 in eq„(157) produces

_ 1 + sin j dax 1 - sin

sin 6 dn . 2 sin & °
n= 1

ff is computed as a function of <

j> from this equation, then 5 is computed

as a function of & from eq„(g). Angle 6 is eliminated, yielding the

function ff(S) which is plotted in Fig. 97. It is noticed that piping

does not occur in solids which are not affected by consolidation at rest,

and whose 5 < 54.5°.

A comparison of the flowfactor values for no-doming and no-piping

shows that piping is much more apt to occur and more difficult to avoid

than doming. In fact, solids which gain a significant amount of

strength with consolidation at rest invariably tend to pipe.

Fig „ 97

Critical flowfactor for no-piping for

solids not affected by consolidation at rest




The solids considered in this work include soils. Since the field ..

of soil mechanics was well developed at the time when this study-

originated (1952), it was natural first to investigate the applicability

of the soil mechanics testing apparatus to the measurement of the flow

properties of bulk solids.

Standard direct shear apparatus and unconfined compression apparatus

were tried. The results obtained with shear apparatus were not satis­

factory, primarily, because the range of values of cohesion for which

the soil test machines were designed was outside the useful range for

bulk solids. By the terminology of soil mechanics, bulk solids can be

considered cohesionless, and cohesive soils under their usual degree of

consolidation would not flow by gravity in any storage system. Un­

confined compression apparatus was found unsuitable because of the

impossibility of applying a known, uniform consolidation, and because

the stresses due to the weight of the sample were in the range of the

measured yield stresses. These samples often disintegrated during

handling. The application of a triaxial compression apparatus was con­

sidered and rejected as impractical because of the considerable time

required to obtain results by this method. It was decided to develop

a machine especially for testing bulk solids.

A direct shear test machine was designed and built in 1953. It has

since undergone many refinements; the type now in use in the USA and in

England is shown in Fig. 98. It is equipped with a shear cell, a gravity

vertical loading system, and an electric-pneumatic shearing force device.

The shearing force device has a constant strain-rate of 0.036 in. per min.

The shearing force necessary to maintain the strain-rate is continuously

recorded on a pneumatic recorder. This arrangement produces a permanent

record of the stress-strain relations for each test. A test cell is

shown in Fig. 99. It is composed of a base located on the frame of the

machine, a ring resting on top of the base, and a cover. The bottom

of the cover and the inside of the base are roughened to increase

adhesion of the tested solid. The base and the ring are filled with

the tested solid. The vertical compressive force V is applied to the

cover. The horizontal shearing force S is applied by means of a stem

which acts on a bracket attached to the cover. The stem acts in the plane

of contact between the ring and the base. A part of the shearing force

is tranferred from the bracket to the ring through a loading pin.

The difference between the inside diameter of the ring and the outside

diameter of the cover is 0.04 in.

Shear cells are used in two sizes: 2.5 and 3.75 inches inside

diameter. The smaller cell is used for heavy solids like ores, while

the larger cell is preferred for light solids. The machine is capable

of applying a vertical force up to 100 lb and a shearing force up to

60 lb.

The shear test machine is used in conjunction with a six cell con­

solidating bench in which the whole cells are placed for the time of

consolidation at rest, Fig. 100.

Fig. 98

Direct shear apparatus

Fig. 99

Shear test cell


The purpose of the tests is to measure the flow properties of a

solid (5 and flow-function), its density, and the angle of friction <t>'

between the solid and a sample of the wall. The flow properties are

measured for two consolidating conditions: the condition of continuous

flow, and the time effect of consolidation at rest after flow has stopped

and material is left under pressure. Density and the angle of friction

<t>' are measured for continuous flow only.

The tests give significant results provided the procedure is such

as to assure: (a) a representative specimen, (b) a uniform specimen,

and provided that the stresses occurring during (c) flow, and (d)

shear are known with sufficient accuracy. While these requirements sound

commonplace, they are by no means easy to satisfy. Both the apparatus

and the procedure described herein are the result of extensive

experimentation. It is believed that the described method has brought

the errors of tests within the range of scatter inherent in bulk

solids flowing in a channel.

Continuous flow

(a) Representative specimen. In general, the yield locus of a

solid for a given consolidating pressure and given strain-rate is

affected by the water content, temperature, and particle size distribu­

tion of the specimen. The tests are conducted on solids containing water

below the point of saturation. In view of the considerable influence

which water content has on the yield loci of many materials it is

Fig. 100

Consolidating bench

necessary to reproduce the required content in the specimen accurately

and to handle the specimen rapidly so as to minimize errors through


When temperature is a significant factor, the solid and the con­

solidating bench are placed in a heated chamber, Fig. 101. The tests

are carried out when the solid has reached the required temperature.

The particle size distribution is not as perplexing as it might

appear at first sight. In the flow of bulk solids, the interest lies

in the conditions that lead to stoppages of flow, which it is necessary

to avoid. Stoppages occur when the solid reaches a sufficiently high

yield strength. Thus, the critical conditions to be considered are

those of highest strength. During the flow of a mass of mixed particle

sizes, the large particles move bodily while the material shears across

the fines. Therefore, the yield strength of the mass depends on the

properties of the fines. The coarse particles are a passive agent

and like aggregate in concrete they do not develop yield strength

without fines to bind them. Experience shows that screened out coarse

ores in bulk are invariably free flowing; they do not develop any

cohesion. To determine the yield loci of a mixed material, the fines

are screened out through an arbitrarily chosen No. 20 mesh (0.033 in.

aperture) sieve and tested.

(b) Uniform specimen. The consolidation of the sample is carried

out in two stages. The purpose of the first stage is the preconsolida­

tion of a uniform specimen. With the cover off the test cell, a packing

mold is placed on top of the ring and both the mold and the ring are

placed in an offset position on the base, as shown in F i g . 102. A

specimen of the tested solid is then placed in the cell. One layer after

another is slightly packed with the fingers, up to the top of the mold.

The excess material is scraped off level with the top of the mold. A

twisting top is placed over the specimen. The top is essentially like the

cover of Fig. 99 but with a smooth bottom surface and without the bracket.

A vertical force V is applied to the top by means of the system of lever

and weight shown in Fig. 98. Force V causes a vertical pressure cr^ in

the material. By means of a special wrench, an oscillating twist is

now applied to the cover. This preconsolidates the solid and assures

a uniform specimen.

(e) Flow. Consolidation is completed by causing the specimen to

flow under given stresses until a steady state is closely approached.

This is attained in the following way: Load V is released, the twisting

top and the mold are removed, the excess material is scraped off level

with the top of the ringy and the test cover is placed on the material.

Load V is now replaced and a shearing force S is applied to the bracket,

Fig. 103, by means of the electric-pneumatic shearing device. The shear­

ing force is distributed between the cover and the ring.

This method of applying the shearing force seems to assure a fairly

uniform distribution of the stresses across the specimen, Prior to the

adoption of this method, the shearing force used to be applied directly

to the ring. This would cause distinct stress concentration at the

loaded edges of the ring and of the base. Material in. the ring would

Fig, 102

Preconsolidation of a specimen


Fig. 103

Beginning of flow

pack against the loaded half of the ring, causing an empty gap to appear

along the unloaded half of the ring. Furthermore, the unloaded side of

the ring would often rise off the base, exposing the sheared specimen

and weakening it significantly. It will be noted from Fig. 99 that the

loading pin bears against the ring at its mid-height point; this reduces

the tendency of the ring to rise off the base. As an additional safe­

guard against the rising of the ring, it is sometimes pressed down with

the fingers, at intervals, during the process of flow.

As the strain proceeds, a condition is reached when a layer of

material across the whole specimen is caused to flow plastically; the

recorded shearing force reaches a steady value. The stresses which occur

in the specimen during this stage of consolidation can be visualized

as follows: the process starts with only the vertical pressure cr = V/A,

where A is the area of the horizontal cross-section of the specimen,

Fig. 103(a), cr is then the major stress and the corresponding Mohr

semicircle is shown in Fig. 103(b) together with some yield locus which

was developed during the twists of preconsolidation. The Mohr semi­

circle is below the yield locus and no flow occurs at this stage. Now

the. shearing stress = S/A is applied. As increases, the direction

of the major stress rotates away from the vertical until a steady

state is reached for which the direction of is shown, in Fig. 104(a).

For a steady state, there is no change of density, the strain rate vector

e acts in the direction of axis r/2, and the center of the Mohr semi­

circle of strain rates, Fig. 104(b), is located at the origin of the

system of coordinates (e, t /2 ) . For this state the compressive strain

rate, normal to the plane of greatest shear (plane r ). is equal
to z e r o .

If the specimen were perfectly restricted in the cell, the height

of the specimen would remain constant and the plane of greatest shear

(y ) would be forced to coincide with the plane of shear of the cell,


The principal strain rates and e^, which are inclined at 45° to

the plane of greatest shear, would be inclined at the same angle to

the plane of shear of the cell. Assuming isotropy, the directions

of the principal pressures and cr coincide with the directions of the

principal strain rates and e and would also be inclined at 45°

to the plane of shear of the cell. The vertical pressure would

then be inclined at 45° to the principal pressures. The measured

stresses (cr ,tv ) would determine point T at the top of the Mohr semi­

circle, Fig. 104(c), [See ref. 3, pages 2.94-297].

On the other hand, if the specimen were quite unrestricted, one

can speculate that one of the slip planes of the specimen would coincide

with the plane of shear of the cell. The major pressure is inclined

at an angle 45° - <t>!2 to the slip planes. This would locate the direction

of the major pressure at 45° + <t>/2 from the vertical pressure a

and the recorded shearing stress -r would now lie at point E, the terminus

of the yield locus, Fig. 10i(d).

In fact, the specimen is partially restricted and the recorded point

R falls on the Mohr semicircle between E and T, Fig, 104(e), The degree

of restriction varies within certain limits between one test and another;

therefore, the position of point R on the Mohr semicircle also varies

somewhat. The determination of the yield locus requires the measurement

of at least two and usually more points (a ,t ) on the locus. For each
n n

point, the specimen is first consolidated and then sheared. It is

necessary to reproduce the same degree of consolidation each time. To

attain this goal, the shearing strain during consolidation is not con­

tinued to the steady state but is interrupted when the shearing force

reaches a given value chosen at about 95 per cent of the expected

steady value, (A preliminary test is run first to determine the

approximate steady value of the shearing force.) This assures an

acceptable scatter of the (an JTn ) points. The amount of the offset

of the ring over the base is so adjusted that by the time this desired

degree of consolidation is reached, the ring is in a central position.

(d) S h e a r . W h e n consolidation is completed, the stem of the

shearing force device is retracted. The vertical compacting load V

is replaced by a smaller load N, such that pressure Un = N/A, Fig. 104(e),

will locate, a useful point of the yield locus. The shearing force is

now applied until a failure plane has developed, That fact is indicated

on the recorder by the force passing a maximum value. After shearing,

the plane of failure of the specimen is checked. It should coincide

with the plane of shear of the cell as shown in Fig, 105. If the planes

do not coincide it means that the measured point (a ) does not lie
r n n

on the yield locus and the test is repeated. Tests are begun with the

lowest required normal pressure a . After each successful test, pressure

is stepped up until a sufficient number of points is obtained to

(b) Strain rate Mohr circle

Fig. 104

Steady state flow

Steady state flow

determine the yield locus. Experience shows chat the largest value of

a for which a coincidence of the plane of failure with the. plane of


shear of the cell can be expected equals about 3/4 of a . When the yield

locus has been determined, the major consolidating pressure is found

by extrapolating the locus toward the higher values of a and by drawing

a Mohr semicircle through point tangentially to the yield locus.

The point of intersection of the semicircle with the a-axis determines

the value of the major pressure o^.

Example. A recorder chart of the tests of a lead concentrate is

shown in Fig. 106. The curves are numbered and represent the following


1. Preliminary test to determine the value of the steady flow

shearing stress corresponding to a vertical pressure a .

2. Consolidation of a test specimen under the same pressure cr

and a shearing stress equal co about 95 per cent of the steady value.

The jogs in the recorded lines occurred when the ring was pressed down

with the fingers.

3. The consolidated sample is sheared under a normal pressure

giving a shearing stress Tn at failure.

4. Same as (2).

5. Same as (3) but cr^ is stepped up and a higher value of Tn is


6. Same as (2) .

7. Same as (5) but an is again stepped up and a still higher value

of t is obtained,

Fig. 105

Plane of failure of a specimen

The results of the tests are tabulated below.


Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

V, lb 11.1 11.1 •• • • 11.1 • • 9 0 11.1 O • • 9

a , lb per
sq f t . •• • ■ 326 ....9 * * 0 326 •• • •

N, lb . . . . • a • a 1.1 •0 • 0 3.1 o . . . 6.1

a , lb per
sq . f t . . . . . 32 . 9 . 0 91 . . . . 179

Chart read­

ing 18.1 17.0 5.1 17.0 9.3 17.0 13.4

S, lb. 9.1 8.6 2.7 8.6 4.7 8.6 6.8
T , lb per
v r
s q . ft. 267 252 . . . . 252 . . . . 252 . . . .

T , lb per
s q . ft. . . . . . . . . 79 . . . . 138 . . . . 199

Points (a,t ) obtained in tests 2 3 5 and 7 are plotted in F i g . 1

A smooth curve is drawn through points 3, 5, and 7, and extended toward

point 2. A Mohr semicircle is drawn through point 2 tangentially to

the curve. The. point of tangency determines the terminus E of the

yield locus and the point of intersection of che circle with axis a (out­

side the figure) defines the major consolidating pressure cr^ = 590 lb

per sq. ft. Another Mohr semicircle is drawn through, the origin and

tangentially to the yield locus. The point of intersection of this

circle with axis a determines the value of the unconfined yield pressure

f = 210 lb per sq ft. The first approximation of the effective yield

Typical recorder chart

locus angle is obtained by drawing a straight line through the origin

tangentially to the Mohr semicircle which passes through point E; 5 = 49°.

Time effect

When the flow of a solid in a channel is stopped for an interval

of time, the solid remains under the action of static pressure and

consolidates with time. Since consolidation at rest significantly

increases the strength of some solids and, thus, reduces their flow-

ability, it is necessary to measure this time effect in order to know

whether or not the flow of a solid can be resumed.

In the tests, the time effect is reproduced by first consolidating

a specimen of the solid in shear cells under conditions described above

in stages (a), (b) and (c) for continuous flow, and then placing the

cells on the consolidating bench under a static load for the prescribed

interval of time. No shearing force is applied on the consolidating

bench and the vertical force is = A cr^, where A is the cross-sectional

area of the cell and is the major consolidating pressure obtained from

the yield locus of continuous flow, Fig. 107. This load is selected

on the assumption that the static pressures in a channel are the same

as the pressures which prevailed during flow.

After the lapse of the prescribed interval of time, one at a time,

the cells are placed on the shear apparatus and sheared as described

above in stage (d). The yield locus is plotted through the points

(a ) and the value of the unconfined yield pressure f is obtained

n n J r c

in the usual way.

Construction of a yield locus

During the static compaction it is necessary to preserve the mois­

ture content of the specimen. This is down by covering the shear cells

with plastic cups shown in Fig. 100; the bases of the cups are sealed

b y baths of a sealing liquid. When the tests are to be carried out at

an elevated temperature, the consolidating bench is placed in a heated,

thermostatically controlled chamber, Fig. 101.


Since the analysis shows that the influence of the compressibility

of a solid (change of density with consolidating pressure) on the process

of flow is negligible, it is not necessary to obtain a very accurate

function of density versus pressure. However, the density of a solid at

the outlet of a channel, or at the inner surface of a pipe enters the

flow formulas and, hence, needs to be obtained.

The easiest w a y to measure the density is to weigh the whole cell

after it has been sheared (section (d) above), subtract the weight of

the cell itself and divide the net weight by the volume of the cell.

Plots of the flow properties

For design purposes, f^, y, and 5 are plotted as a function of the

major consolidating pressure cr^, as shown in Fig. 108. As will be shown in

Part VI, these plots are very convenient in determining the actual value

of angle 5 and density y which occur at the outlet of a channel or the

inner surface of a pipe.

V = a A lb

Fig. 108

Plots of flow properties

V = a A lb

Fig. 108

Plots of flow properties

Angle of friction j.1

The angle of friction o' between a solid and a material of the wall

is measured on the direct shear apparatus, Fig. 98, The arrangement of

the cell is shown in Fig. 109. In this case, the base is replaced by

a filler covered with a specimen of the material of the wall, the ring

is placed over it, filled with the solid, and enclosed with the cover.

All the tests necessary to determine angle ' are now run without

replacing the solid. The procedure is as follows: the smallest vertical

load V is placed and the shear foce S is applied until a steady reading

is obtained. The stem is then retracted, the load V is increased and

the force S is again applied until a steady value is reached. This

precess is repeated for the required range of loads V. After the highest

load V has been run, some solid is added to the cell so that the level

of the solid in the ring is flush with the cop of the ring, This is

done without disturbing the consolidated solid in the ring. The tests

are now repeated by decreasing the steps of the vertical force V. The

unloading (return) branch of the relation S(V) is used in the determina­

tion of the angle 1.

It should be noted that, angle i ' may be very much affected by

contamination of the wall material with other solids. It is better to

use a fresh wall material specimen for each solid.


Fig. 109

Measurement of the angle i>'




The first significant studies of problems related to the handling

and storage of bulk solids were reported at the end of the nineteenth

century. That work originated from the necessity to store large

quantities of grain and was concerned mainly with pressures affecting

the structural design of silos and bins. The Janssen formula (about

1898) and the work of Ketchum [24] form the highlights of that period.

In more recent years^ automation, increasing plant capacities, and rising

costs of labor have focused the attention of engineers on the problem

of gravity flow of solids. A great deal of work has been done with

models, and flow patterns obtained in small scale bins have been

described in several publications [for example, 25, 26].

The problem of gravity flow of a bulk solid is the reverse of

the usual structural problem. In a structural problem, design is

directed toward assuring the stability and permanence of a structure

under the action of loads. In solids flow, design is aimed at the

failure of a consolidated mass of a solid under the action of its own

weight and of applied external forces.

This part of the work reports the development of a quantitative

method of design for flow of bulk solids in storage plants and flow

channels. In order to make this part as self-contained as possible,

some of the basic concepts will be restated.

Flow properties of bulk solids

In the technical language, the word :flows is more often associated

with fluids than with solids, and when the ’flow of solids' is mentioned,

it is often assumed by association that the solid will behave much

like a fluid. Such an assumption is incorrect and has lead to serious

errors of design which have impaired plant efficiency and disrupted

production schedules. The major mechanical difference between a fluid

and a solid is that, under static conditionss a fluid cannot transfer

any shear stressess while a solid can. An illustration is provided

by the water in a lake which, at rest, assumes a smooth, horizontal

surface, while the solids around the lake form dunes and mountains.

The ability to transfer shear stresses at rest is a characteristic of

all solids, even the quite free flowing ones, like dry sand.

The magnitude of the shear stress t , at which a material shears

(yields) along a certain plane, depends on the. normal pressure a

acting in that, plane, and is represented graphically in the ( cj,t )

coordinates by a line called the yield locus (YL). They yield locus

of a perfectly free flowing bulk solid is a straight line. Fig. 110,

inclined at an angle i to the ff-axis and passing through the origin.

i is the angle of internal friction of the material. Since fluids do

not transfer any shear (under static loading), the angle of internal

friction for fluids is zero. For bulk solids, is greater than zero

and, if a stress (°'e 3Te) lying below the yield locus is applied in

some plane of a solid, the solid does not shear but only undergoes an

elastic deformation; this reflects the fact that a solid can transfer

a shear stress without yielding.

The bulk solids of real life deviate more or less from the perfectly

free flowing solid. In the (cj,t ) coordinates, Fig, 111, this deviation

shows up in four ways: (1) the yield locus is not a straight line

but is convex upward [7]; (2) the position of the yield locus is a

function of the degree of consolidation of the solid, hence, one solid

has an infinite number of yield loci; (3) each yield locus terminates

at some point E; (4) each yield locus intercepts the T~axis at some

value c greater than zero, c is called cohesion. All the flow proper­

ties of a solid are based on the concept of the yield locus.

The purpose of the analysis is to relate the flow properties of

solids with the shape and frictional properties of channels with a

view to determining the conditions which assure flow.

It is first assumed that the solid is flowing in the channel.

During flow? the stresses in the deforming (plastic) regions of a solid

are continuously located at the points E„ This defines a line called

the effective yield locus (EYL), and angle 5, Fig, 111. Angle 5 enters

the analysis of flow under the name of effective angle of friction. In

general, angle 5 differs from the angle of friction The two are equal

only in perfectly free flowing solids. In real solids, during flow,

5 > i . The analysis of flow provides a field of the major consolidat­

ing pressure cr^ within the channel. This pressure causes a consolidation

of the solid and generates a yield locus. Since the pressure varies

from point to point within the channel, so does the yield locus.

Fig. 110

The yield locus of a perfectly free-flowing solid

Fig. Ill

The family of yield loci of a real solid

Now obstructions to flow are considered. It is postulated that,

if the flowing solid develops enough strength to support its own weight

in some stable structure over or about the outlet of the channel, then

that structure will form and flow will not occur. The two typical

structures which form obstructions to flow are: a dome across the

channel, and a vertical (or almost vertical), circular, empty pipe

circumscribing the outlet. For flow to prevail, the stresses in these

structures must exceed the strength of the solid so that the structures

fail. Since failure usually originates in a thin layer at the surface

of an obstruction, the stresses which act at some point of the surface

and the yield strength which the solid develops at that point of the

surface are critical.

The stresses which act at the surface of a dome, (a,) , , and of

1 dome

a pipe, (a,) . have been determined in the analysis of incipient

r r 1 pipe

failure. The yield strength which a solid develops at an exposed

(traction-free) surface is called the unconfined yield pressure, f ,

and is assumed to have been generated by the major consolidating pressure

of flow, hence

f = f (aj. (a)
c c 1

In the calculations it is more convenient to operate with forces

(V.). = A(a ) (V ) . = A(a.) . ,

1 dome 1 dome, 1 pipe 1 pipe

V, = A a.. and F = A f ,
1 1 c c

where A is the area of the cross-section of the shear cell used to

measure the flow properties (Part V ) . Relation (a) then transforms into


F i g . 112


The flow, no-flow condition


and is plotted in Fig. 112. For a dome to be unstable

or, dividing both sides of the inequality by V^,

l V d o Be >


----- ff
o 1n dome

is called the critical flowfactor for no-doming, and inequality (c)

is rewritten

The relation (d) is shown graphically in Fig. 113? in which the

critical flowfactor ff and the flow-function of the solid are plotted.

The inequality is satisfied in those regions of the channel in which

the force = A exceeds the value at the point of intersection.

It was shown in the analysis of steady state flow}eq.(102), that

pressures in a solid increase with the distance from the vertex of the

channel. Hence the point of intersection in Fig. 113 defines a minimum

dimension of the outlet of the channel necessary to assure flow.

The analysis of the condition for no-piping also leads to a

condition (d), but the values of the critical flowfactor for no-piping

are, of course, different. In oblong outlets, which have two principal

dimensions, the minor dimension is determined from the condition of

no;-doming and the major dimension from the condition of no-piping.

In view of the fact that a pipe circumscribes the outlet, the major

dimension of an outlet is its largest dimension, e.g., the diagonal

of a rectangle.

It is useful to introduce a rough guide to the flowability of

solids by classifying them in accordance with the value of the ratio

•V-jVF of the flow-function. Namely,

10 < V^/F - free-flowing,

4 < <10 - easy-flowing,

1.6 < V /F < 4 - cohesive,

1 c

V^/F^ < 1.6 - very cohesive and non-flowing.

W h e n a solid is flowing, the yield locus of an element of the .

solid and the value of F which the locus defines are functions of the

moisture content of the solid H, its temperature T, and the major

consolidating pressure = V^/A acting on the element. For given H

and T, the relation F^ = F (V^) , plotted in Fig. 112,is called the

instantaneous flow-function of the solid and, together with angle 5, ..

determines the flowability of the solid under conditions of continuous


If flow in a channel is stopped and the solid is left at rest for

an interval of time t, say hours or days, it is assumed that the pressures

within the solid remain essentially unchanged, the solid keeps consolidat­

ing with time, and may gain strength. The relation F ^ = F c (V^,t)

obtained under these conditions is referred to as the time flow-function.

In Fig. 112, the latter usually lies above the instantaneous flow-

function, indicating a gain in strength with the time interval of

consolidation at rest. This gain may be caused by any one or a

combination of the following factors:

1. Eascape of entrained air with corresonding increase of

density and strength of the solid.

^ 2. ^External vibrations due to operating machinery, railroads, -- ---

or wind which cause a rearrangement of particles and an

increase in the consolidation of the solid.

3. Evaporation of free water with concurrent precipitation of

dissolved salts which cement the particles.

4. Break-up or softening of particles or crystals under pressure,

causing an increase in cohesion.

5. Chemical changes in the surface of particles, e.g., fermentation.

Particle S i z e . As a general rule, solids which do not contain

particles smaller than, say, 0.01 inch are free-flowing. There are

exceptions to this rule. For instance, grain ferments under adverse

moisture and atmospheric conditions and can develop sufficient strength

to cease being free-flowing. Soybean meal contains oil which under

conditions of high moisture and temperature binds the particles into

a non-flowing mass. Flaky or stringy materials, like wood shavings,

mica, asbestos, interlock and also form obstructions to flow. Most

ores, however, come under the general rule.

The flowability of a solid containing a range of sieve sizes, which

includes both, fine and coarse particles, is invariably governed by the

flow properties of the fine fraction. This is explained by the fact

that during flow the shearing takes place across the fines. The coarse

particles are a passive agent in this process. However, the size of

the coarse particles will affect the tendency to interlock at the

outlet, and the impact of the heavy, coarse particles charged into

a container may cause compaction of the solid along the trajectory

of the falling stream. ...

Limitations of the analysis

In the discussion of the yield stresses, the solid has been assumed

at rest, that means, the influence of the velocities and accelerations

on the stresses has been neglected. To understand the implications of

these simplifications it is necessary to consider the effect of velocity

and acceleration. A n element of a solid flowing down a channel under­

goes a change of pressure which changes the bulk volume of the element

and, hence, the volume of voids within the element. Unless the solid

is in a vacuum, changes in the volume of voids set up gas pressure

gradients in the mass. Since these gradients are not included in the

analysis, they must be negligible, hence, the velocities of flow must

be low.

In the analysis of the stress fields, the equations of equilibrium

have been used. For these equations to be applicable, the dynamic

forces must be negligible, compared to the gravitational forces, Hence,

the accelerations of the particles must also be low.

These restrictions on the velocity and acceleration are not too

serious. The analysis applies to most cases of flow controlled by

means of feeders. However, the work may not apply to cases of free

fall out of a hopper, and does not apply to free fall through any

channel of constant cross-section, like a straight spout. Some of

these problems are now under study. The present work does not give any

absolute values of velocities. Where velocities are mentioned, the

values are only relative to some asigned value; e.g., the velocity

profiles, Figures 68, 69 and 70, have a unit yelocity at the axis

of the channels and give the relative values at other points of a

cross-section of the channel.

For controlled flow, this work prescribes the dimensions, shapes,

and wall properties of channels necessary to assure a given type of

flow to a solid of given flow properties.

Types of flow

A solid may flow in a channel made of an extraneous material,

like steel, concrete, wood, or it may form a channel within itself.

In both cases, the boundaries between the flowing mass and the station­

ary, confining material will be called walls. Walls made of an

extraneous material will be referred to as weak walls, and walls formed

within the solid itself will be referred to as rough walls. The

frictional and cohesive strength of a rough wall is usually the same as

that of the flowing solid and, hence, is described by the flow propert­

ies of the solid (angle S and flow-function). A weak wall introduces

a degree of weakness, compared to a rough wall; the strength of a weak

wall depends on both, the flowing solid and the material of the wall,

and is measured by the angle of friction S' under conditions of sliding.

Mass flow is said to occur within a channel made of an extraneous

material when the solid flows everywhere along the weak walls of the

channel. For complete mass flow to occur, the walls must be sufficiently

steep and smooth (weak), and the channel must not have any sharp corners,

abrupt transitions, or discontinuities in the frictional properties of

the walls. Any one of the last three conditions will enforce a dead

region in its vicinity, though mass flow may prevail in the remainder

of the channel.

Mass flow is characterized by uniform and comparatively low

velocities, because the flow pattern is steady and flow takes place

across the whole section of the channel. This type of flow is partic­

ularly advantageous when an even rate of draw is required or when the

solid is to provide a seal against gas counter-flow. Mass flow is well

suited to fine solids which have a tendency to flood upon aeration.

Mass flow can assure a first-in, first-out flow sequence which is vital

when the flowing solid is subject to deterioration with time, or when

the solid segregates while charged into the container. While this flow

pattern does not prevent segregation during charging it can cause

remixing during flow.

The containers which lead to mass flow have also disadvantages:

they are tall for a given capacity, they require extensive forming to

provide a smooth channel, the walls wear out as the solid continuously

slides on them. These things add to the expense. Mass flow containers

for coarse solids should not have steep walls, because large rocks

carry a great deal of momentum when charged into a container and when

they hit the mass deposited in a steep hopper they tend to wedge the

solid within the walls and cause it to dome across the channel.

Typical mass flow containers are shown in Figures 114. Containers

(a), (c) and (d) have no sharp corners and give perfect mass flow.
i ...

The other containers will have dead regions as shown by dashed lines.

A dead region at a transition contains a core (area ABC in Fig. 25)

within which the solid is not flowing at all, and approaches, above

and below the core, in which flow is very slow. If the solid develops

strength with the time of consolidation at rest, the dead regions gain

strength and may provide substantial abutments which constrict the

channel and may lead to doming at the transition. This phenomenon is

frequently observed and can be corrected by filling in the sharp

corners to provide the effect of the smooth transition shown in Fig.

114 (c). The filling material should be the same as the material of

the walls, and the radius of curvature of the smooth transition

should be sufficiently large. The work on what constitutes a 'suff­

iciently large' radius is now in progress. At this stage, it is

recommended that the radius of the transition be equal to one half

the width of the vertical portion of the channel.

The selection of the hopper slopes for mass flow is done on the

basis of the effective angle of friction of the solid 5, and the angle

of friction between the solid and the wall The values of these

-220- .
two angles are obtained from the tests described in Part V.

For conical, circular hoppers, Fig. 114 (a) and for conical

hoppers with a smooth transition, Fig, 114 (c) the selection is based

on the charts given in Figures 85 to 89. These charts have been computed

for axially symmetric radial flow and represent quite closely the

conditions whi c h occur in conical hoppers. The abscissa in the charts

is 0', the slope of the hopper walls measured from the vertical;

the ordinate, which is of interest in this part of the work, is the

angle It will be noticed that the regions within which solutions

are available are bounded. If a wall described by same pair

is selected outside of such a region, flow along the wall will not

occur, though flow may occur across the solid in a vertical, or

almost vertical, pipe circumscribing the outlet. There is no in-

between stage, if flow occurs, it occurs either along the weak walls

or in a pipe. This means that, for a given angle of friction 6',

a maximum slope angle 0' is prescribed by the charts.

In measuring angle f ' , there is usually some scatter and a range

of values is obtained. For the purpose of design it is safe to use an

upper value of the range. The charts are plotted for five values of 5:

30°, 40°, 50°, 60°, 70°. Since the actual value of 5 will usually lie

in between two of these values, the maximum value of 0' is obtained by

interpolation between the values obtained from the appropriate charts.

For design, the interpolated value of 0 1 is reduced by 3° to 5°. It

can then be said with a high degree of certainty that mass flow will

occur in the channel for practically all levels of the solid in the


Containers with conical hoppers have advantages: the shells are

light and require no lateral reinforcement, because they do not

transfer any bending stresses; their shape is regular, hence they are

easy to design and to fabricate; the hoppers can often be brought to

quite small outlets which require but small feeders or valves.

However, conical hoppers have a serious disadvantage in the comparatively

high headroom which they need for a given capacity. High headroom is

expensive since it requires a high structure, a high elevation of the

solid, often a high building.

The height of a container can frequently be reduced by providing

a hopper with an oblong outlet rather than a circular one. In such

a hopper, Figures 114 (e), (f), (g), the slope of the end walls is

either vertical or as described above for the circular hoppers, but

the slope of the side walls can be considerably less. A mathematical

determination of the flow criteria in hoppers of these shapes is not

feasible at this time. From observation, it appears, however, that

in the central part of an oblong cross-section flow closely approaches

a pattern of plane flow (referred to as plane strain in the previous

parts of this work). Plane flow is the type which would occur in

the container, Fig. 114 (g), if the dimension L were infinite and flow

were uniform along the whole length L. Plane flow has been analyzed

mathematically. In particular, plane radial flow, which is approached

in straight hoppers, has been analyzed and the selection charts are

presented in Figures 80 to 84 for symmetric channels, for 6 = 30°,

L ) r
- 2 22-
(f) (g)

Fig. 114 ,

Mass-flow containers

40°, 50°, 60°, and 70°. In addition., selection charts for asymmetric

channels with one vertical weak wall and the. other wall sloping at an

angle 0 1 are given in Figures 90 to 92 for 6 = 50°, and for three

frictional values of the vertical walls = 20°, 30°, and 40°.

As is seen from these charts, the regions of Q' ,j>' for which

solutions are available in plane radial flow are much larger than the

corresponding regions in conical flow. This means that plane radial

flow can occur m.thin less steep and rougher walls. Indeed, in plane

flow, 0* = 90° - 0' at the bounds. H o wever » these, very high values

of 0' are practically unattainable nor: only because plane radial flow

is never actually reached in channels of oblong cross-section but also

because plane radial flow is not approached from the top of the

channel until a sufficiently high pressure has been developed in the

solid. Consider a case of plane flow in a wedge-shaped channel, Fig. 115.

The magnitude of the major pressure a. which acts within the solid

along the wall of the channel is plotted in the figure with a continu­

ous line. The pressure required for plane radial flow is given by

eq.(102), and is plotted with a dashed line. At some height h above

the outlet the two lines separate and this causes the flow channel to

break away from the walls and approach the vertical. The shaded

regions of the solid may remain stationary for some time and then

slide down like rigid bodies. Having gained strength during the con­

solidation at r e s t , the shaded regions may cause an obstruction to flow

as they descend bodily toward the narrower section of the hopper.

Thus, to ensure plane mass flow, the channel should either be very

Plane flow in a wedge-shaped channel

steep, for instance, as prescribed by conical flow, or should have a

vertical portion, which is normally operated with a sufficient head of

material, and a smooth transition of a sufficiently large radius.

If the transition is sharp, it will generate a dead region in its

vicinity. The size of that region is a function of the angles 6 and

but, primarily, of the angle 6' of the hopper at the transition.

As that angle is increased, Fig. 116, the size of the dead regions

increases. For a sufficiently large angle S', flow along the walls

ceases completely and only flow in a vertical pipe through the solid

may take place (see Plug flow). The study of these relations is now

in progress. In the meantime, it is recommended that 0' does not

r & 7 max
exceed the values plotted in Fig. 117 as a function of the angle 5.

Since a sufficient head of the solid and a smooth transition are

required to induce perfect mass flow in a channel, it is of interest to

consider an example of the flow pattern which may develop as the

level of the solid drops in a bin with a sharp transition, Fig. 118.

From stage 1 to stage 2, the solid within the vertical portion of the

channel flows bodily, like a rigid mass. Approaching stage 3, flow at

the sides slows down and stops, as shown in the figure, the channel

breaks away from the walls, stage 4, and the width of the channel

narrows down to about 2/3 of the height of the vertical portion.

The solid flows into the channel from the top, as in plug flow (see

below). As the level of the solid keeps dropping, the channel keeps

narrowing, stage 5.

Fig. 116

Dead regions generated by a sharp transition

Fig. 117

Recommended maximum values of the hopper

slope angle 9 ' in plane flow.....

It should be stressed that square and rectangular bins, shown in

Fig. 119 (a) and (b), do not produce mass flow. The sharp corners

fill out with packed solid and flow along the walls cannot occur.

Mass flow may be approached if the corners are sufficiently rounded

off, Fig. 119 (c), but no specific design recommendations can be made

at this time without experimentation.

Hoppers with one vertical wall. The influence of the asymmetry

of a hopper on the critical flowfactor has been analyzed for plane flow

for the angle 6 = 50°, and for three angles of friction <t? between

the solid and the vertical wall, Figures 90 to 92. A comparison of

these values of the flowfactors with those plotted in Fig. 82 for the

corresponding symmetrical channel shows that the minimum values are

not affected by asymmetry, but the trough of minimum values is shifted

by asymmetry toward the larger values 0',^'. For walls of a given

frictional value and a given critical flow-factor the allowable included

angle is, in general, greater in symmetry than in asymmetry. For

instance, for <b' = = 40°, ff = 1.3, in symmetry 20' = 40°, in

asymmetry 0' = 35°. A channel with one vertical wall may have an

advantage if mass flow fails to develop, because a break along a

rough wall (01 = 0 ) occurs at lower values of the flowfactor in the

asymmetric channel. For instance, for 0' = 0, $ = 40°, fa ' « 6 =50°

(rough vertical wall), ff = 1.8 in symmetry, but only 1.36 in asymmetry.

Further, a symmetric hopper with a vertical partition, Fig. 120, permits

a somewhat larger included angle than a similar hopper without the

partition. However, it should be observed that to obtain a controlled

Fig. 118

Usual sequence in plane flow

effect the partition must be sufficiently strong to stand up to the

difference between the pressures on each side. Should one side dome

and the other empty out, the resultant pressure may be substantial.

Plug flew occurs when a channel either has no weak walls (storage

pile, flat bottom bin) or the walls are not sufficiently steep and

smooth for mass flow to develop. The solid then forms a channel

within itself and flows within rough walls.

Conical flow within rough walls narrows down to values of 0 1 which

are at most as given in Table 2, page 68. More often, 0' is zero and

the channel is vertical: flow takes place in a vertical pipe. The

diameter of such a channel approaches the largest dimension D of the

outlet, That dimension is the diameter of a circular outlet, the

diagonal of a square or rectangular outlet, etc. The transition from

the shape of the outlet to the circular pipe occurs within a height of

one to two diameters of the pipe. The transition is explained by the

fact that, at the sides of an oblong outlet or of a square, outlet, the

condition of plane radial flow is approached and, hence, the angle 0'

Fig. 121, is larger at the sides than at the ends or corners of the

outlet where conical flow is approached.

As the solid flows along a rough wall, a degree of weakness

develops along it. It is not practical to try to measure that weak­

ness, nor does the effort seem to be justified. It is sufficient to

estimate the value of the angle <£>' by taking an average value# between

# That value of &' is probably approached from an original

corresponding to \|r1 - 90° = 45°, at which flow starts without a velocity
discontinuity along the wall. As flew continues, a weakness develops.
If ratio °f the solid permits, flow may start along a slip line

& and the value of </>' corresponding to i|rr ~ 90° = 45° „ E. g„ for = 50°,

Fig. 82°, 4>' = %(50 + 38) = 44°. •

Calculation of the dimensions of the outlet

The dimensions of the outlet of a channel should be sufficient to

prevent: (a) doming, (b) piping, (c) particle interlocking, and to

provide the required rate of draw.

(a) D o m i n g . The critical value of the flowfactor ff is read from

the appropriate chart, Figures 80 to 92, for the selected wall conditions

(0 1 , 6 ' ) . In order that a solid does not dome at the outlet, the ratio

V../F at the outlet must exceed the value of the critical flowfactor ff.
1 c

The flowfactor is plotted together with the appropriate flow-function

and the critical value of F^ is read at the point of irt ersection,

Fig. 113. For circular outlets the diameter is then computed from the


B > 2Fc/A r, (158)

for square outlets, the side of the square is found from

• B ^ 1.8 F c/A r, (159)

and for oblong outlets of ratio length to width in excess of 2.5 the

width is found from

B >>. F c/A y. " (160)

The flow-function to be used in this analysis depends on the

operation. For continuous operation, the instantaneous flow-function

should be used; for intermittent operation, the time flow-function

measured for the time interval of the stoppages should be used.

'with a velocity discontinuity occurring from the beginning.

Fig. 119
Square and rectangular bins


Fig. 120

Plane-flow hopper with a vertical partition

Fig. 121

Plug flow

The latter will sometimes call for an impractieally large dimension.

If, concurrently, the instantaneous flow-function gives a reasonable

dimension, then the latter should be selected and a flow promoting

device should be applied. Flow promoting devices are very effective

in starting the flow of solids which pack when at rest but flow well

under continuous operation.

For many solids, this analysis does not produce any minimum

dimension of B, because the flow-function curve lies completely below

the critical flowfactor line. On the other hand, the flow-function

curve may be completely above the critical flowfactor line; this would

indicate that the solid will not flow by gravity.

(b) Piping. This analysis applies to channels in which plug

flow is expected. In plug flow, Fig. 121, as the solid is drawn out

of the bin and the channel empties out, some height h of the vertical

pipe may become exposed before a layer of the solid outside the pipe

fails and slides into the channel. The height h at which the pipe

fails depends on the diameter of the channel. For a given value of

strength of the solid, the channel becomes less stable with an increase

in diameter D. The channel is least stable when the diameter is

infinite, which occurs in plane flow. The height of an exposed pipe

should not be excessive because the failure and the drop of a deep

layer of the solid creates considerable impact and may pack the solid

within the pipe and cause doming. On the other hand, if the solid

contains fines and is prone to aeration, such a drop may cause a

flooding of the feeder. A large value of h may also lead to a significant

reduction in the live storage capacity. In an extreme case the empty

pipe may extend through the full height of the bin, silo or pile.

Since the pipe circumscribes the outlet, the largest dimension

of the outlet determines the diameter of the pipe. The largest dimen­

sion D is the diagonal of a square or rectangular outlet, or the diameter

of a circular outlet. While the solid flows within the pipe, the

solid outside the pipe is at rest and undergoes consolidation with

time. Hence, the effect of time is of considerable importance in t h i s ..

analysis, and the time flow-function should be used in this part of the


Contours of critical flowfactor values are plotted in Fig. 96 as

a function of the effective angle of friction 5 and the angle of

internal friction obtained from the time yield locus in the manner

shown in Fig. 95. The applicable value of the flowfactor ff is now

superposed over the appropriate time flow-function, Fig. 113, and the

critical value of is obtained at the point of intersection of the

two lines. The required dimension D is found from the formula

Ay v
dn nB l <1 6 1 >

The factor 4(dco/dn)n_^ is plotted as a function of $ in Fig. 122, line a.

For solids which are not affected by consolidation at rest, i.e.

for solids whose time flow-function differs little (say, by less than

10%) from the instantaneous flow-function, a simpler analysis is

offered. The value of the flowfactor is read off Fig. 97 for the

appropriate value of the angle 5. Then the critical value of F^ is

obtained, as above, and the dimension D is found from eq. (161) with

the factor 4(dco/dn)n_^ taken from Fig. 122, line b for the given value

of the angle 5. It will be noticed that in these solids piping is

unlikely to occur for 5 < 54.5°.

If the flow-function lies completely below the critical flowfactor,

the solid will not pipe; on the other hand, if the flow-function lies

completely above the critical flowfactor, or the point of inter­

section indicates an impractically large dimension D, piping will

occur about the outlet unless the container is designed for mass flow.

(c) Particle interlocking. Solids which do not contain fines

are usually free flowing and the size of the outlet needs to be only

large enough to assure the required rate of flow without interlocking

of the particles. It is not possible to specify outlet dimensions

which will apply to all solids under all circumstances. The guide

shown in Fig. 123 applies to particles of uniform shape, but not to

chips, flakes and fibres. d is the intermediate dimension of the

largest particles; the area A and the dimension B of the outlet

should exceed the plotted values.

Influence of dynamic over-pressures

So far, the developed flow criteria have neglected all pressures

due the acceleration or deceleration of the flowing particles. It is

of course inherent in the theory of plasticity, which is the basis for

this work, to neglect the velocity terms and to apply the equations of

equilibrium instead of the equation of momentum in the development of

30 40 50 60 # 70

Fig. 122

Factor 4(dco/dn) ..
n® I

of the stress field. This implies that the velocities throughout the

mass are low so that the accelerations which exist in steady state flow

be negligible. Steady state flow is an ideal which is approached

by a suitably design of the channel and of the feeder but which is

For one thing, flow has to be started

and stopped, and that involves acceleration and deceleration.

Non-steady flow is also prevalent in vertical channels. Hence,

it is prevalent under most conditions of plug flow. Another condition

leading to non-steady mass flow can be inferred from the plots of the

conical fields. These fields extend only within well defined regions

in the coordinates. Outside of these regions steady state flow

cannot occur. If the slope of the wall 0' and the frictional conditions

at the wall are such that point (0',^') lies close to the bound of

the field, then it can be expected that a slight momentary change in

<i>' may move the point over the bound, thus momentarily stopping flow.

Many solids exhibit a slip-stiek effect: their angles of friction vary

over wide limits. These solids have a strong tendency for non-steady

pulsating flow.

The accelerations and decelerations superimpose dynamic pressures

over the consolidating pressures of steady state flow, causing an

additional consolidation of the solid and developing additional strength

in it. These dynamic pressures become more pronounced as the velocities

of the particles increase. For a given rate of flow of a solid through

a channel, the velocities increase with the reduction of the cross­

sectional area of the channel. Hence, as the area decreases toward

Fig. 123

Dimensions of outlets to avoid particle interlocking

the outlet, the dynamic pressures increase while, simultaneously, the

pressures due to steady flow decrease (see eq„102). The relative

influence of the dynamic effect thus mounts rapidly with the approach

to the outlet of the channel.

This explains w h y flow through smalljsquare or round orifices

is often erratic and unreliable. These conditions often lead to free

fall and the development of excessive velocities. It also explains

why the scaling down of a channel exaggerates the disturbances of flow

and why the flow criteria cannot be determined by small scale models.

On the other hand, if a channel is equipped with an adequate feeder and

the velocities are low, non-steady flow will produce but negligible

dynamic over-pressures.

A quantitative estimate of the influence of the velocity of flow

is provided by assuming that a solid flowing at the outlet with an

average velocity u is stopped in a time interval t, at a uniform rate

of deceleration. Assuming that the vertical component of the velocity

closely approaches u, the total vertical body force is

T( 1 + u/gt) -

The consolidating pressure is increased by a factor of

1 + u/gt (162)

and the critical flowfactors should also be increased in that ratio.

Since the duration of these effects is brief, these increased flow­

factors should be used in conjunction with the instantaneous flow-


Impact and v i b ration. Beside the pressures of steady flow, a solid

-240- ?
may undergo consolidation as a result of impact pressures which occur

during the charging of the solid into a container. This can be p a r ­

ticularly critical when charging the solid into an empty bin, and

when the falling solid hits the outlet area directly. In cohesive

solids, these conditions should not be allowed to occur. Even in

easy-flowing solids it is advisable to design the trajectory so that

direct hits in the outlet area do not take place and to provide a

shelf in the stream of the falling solid to distribute the impact

over a wide area of the container. This consolidation can be esp­

ecially severe if the solid contains coarse particles which carry

high momentum and exert severe localized consolidating pressures at

the point of impact. Since the duration of impact pressures is brief,

the instantaneous flow-function should be used in estimating their

e f fe c t .

Continuous v ibration of a container will often lead to flow

difficulties because vibration tends to rearrange the particles of

the solid and increase its density and its strength. So far as

possible, containers should not be supported from structures which

also carry heavy vibrating equipment. The use of vibrators to provide

flow is discussed in the next section.

Flow promoting devices

Since this work is on the subject of gravity flow of solids,

devices such as extruders, used to cause the flow of solids which are

inherently unsuited for gravity flow, will not be discussed. A

solid is not suitable for gravity flow if its instantaneous flow-

function lies above the minimum critical flowfactor applicable to

the solid. For instance, a solid of 6 = 50° has a minimum flow­

factor of about 1.035 in plane flow for <b' = 20°, Fig. 82. If the

ratio V,/F of the instantaneous flow-function of the solid is less

1 c
than this value for the practical range of pressure a ^ = V^/A, then

the given solid is not suitable for gravity flow. If the instantaneous

flow-function lies below the minimum critical flowfactor then the solid

is suitable for gravity flow even though its time flow-function may

lie above the flowfactor. In the latter case, the application of a

flow promoting device is in order.

It is not proposed to discuss the respective merits of all the

available devices but to describe those combinations of hoppers and

flow promoting devices which seem particularly well suited to handle

certain classes of solids. Mass flow and plug flow will be considered


In a mass-flow bin, the solid slides along the walls and the

introduction into the hopper of any device, like an air pad, pulsating

panel, planetary arch breaker, would destroy the flow pattern and is

not acceptable. Flow in such a bin can be effectively promoted by the

application of either a vibrator or an air (or other gas) pressure

gradient. Since, by assumptipn, the discussed solids need promotion

only at the start of flow, these devices are not used as flow is

proceeding. A vibrator is particularly effective in plane-flow,

asymmetric hoppers when applied to the vertical wall. It readily

causes the failure of the dome along a vertical plane through the solid,

Fig. 124, after which the solid slides down along the inclined wall.

In a symmetric,plane-flow hopper with a vertical partition, Fig. 120,

vibrators can be mounted within tfie partition. The effect will be the

same a^ described above for the asymmetric hopper.

If the top of the bin can be made air-tight for the starting of

flow, then air under pressure can be applied at the top of the bin.

Air will flow down through the solid causing an air pressure gradient

which adds to the forces of gravity and promotes the failure and flow

of the doming mass. Since the required pressure is usually comparativ­

ely low (a few pounds per squ$i?e inch), the £ir density can be consider­

ed constant and the following simple analysis indicates the effective­

ness of this method and provides a way to calculate the required

pressure and consumption of air.

Consider the conical bin shown in Fig, 125. The gradient of

pressure in the hopper is

t ’ h <*>

where k is a constant. At the bottom of the dome, x « h, the pressure

is atomospheric, p = p q . The pressure at the transition, x h^, is

obtained by integration

P1 ’ po + k(h - h ^ - S

In the vertical portion, the gradient, of pressure is

p2 ' P 1 k_

and the gage pressure applied at the top of the bin is obtained by

the elimination of p^

1 ^2 ” ^1
P 2 ' p o ' k(h + ~2--- >■ (g)

The pressure gradient, eq.(e), at the bottom of the dome, x = h, is

now expressed as a multiple, OC, of the bulk weight T of the solid, thus

a T= > (h)
. h .

and k is eliminated in the expression (g), yielding

h - h
p2 " Po = “ T h(1 + ~ 2 ~ ^ h) • (163)

In the design of the hopper, the critical flowfactor ff is divided

by a factor of 1 + Oi. (X must be sufficiently large so that

- V
ff „ 1 -
1+ a ^ f ^ ^

for all values of h within the hopper, The air pressure gradient is

very effective. For instance, for h.^ = h^, h = 6 ft., r = 50 pcf, the

gage pressure at the top of the bin necessary to obtain (X = 1 is

computed from eq.(163) at P2 ~ PQ = 300 psf = 2.08 psi„ This small

gage pressure justifies the assumption of a constant air density and

Vibrator at a vertical wall of a plane flow hopper

' Fig. 125

Air pressure gradient applied to promote flow

the resultant relation (e).

The rate of flow of air V[cfm], necessary to sustain the required

pressure p^ at the top of the bin, depends on the resistance p[lb min ft”^]

of the solid to the flow of air [27, 28, 29]. The relation is

where A is the cross-section of the channel at which there is a pressure

gradient dp/dx. Consider the vertical portion of the bin. From

eq.(f), the pressure gradient is

dp k
dx “ r
Eliminate k by means of eq.(h) to obtain

i2 = a r(h-)2
dx U r('hi; 5

and the rate of flow, eq.(i) becomes

V=- a T(r“)2 . (165)


In this equation A[ft ] is the area of the horizontal cross-section

of the vertical portion of the bin. The resistance to flow p varies

within wide limits from solid to solid. For powders, the resistance

is high, the rate of flow is small, and the method of the air gradient

is quite attractive.

An ingenious method of increasing the effective width B of a

screw feeder is to place the screw in a trough which is independent

of the hopper and connected to the hopper by means of short flexible

walls, and to vibrate the trough with the screw. The vibrations promote

the flow of the solid at the outlet without consolidating the solid

in the bin.

In plug-flow bins, any means that will break up a doming or piping

solid and start flow are acceptable [30]„ The usual methods are:

air pads, air jets, pulsating panels, knockers, vibrators, arch

breakers in the shape of stars, paddles, or planetary arms. In

view of the irregularity of plug flow, the selection and application

of these devices is likely to remain an art. Vibrators are effective

in these bins when used for final clearance. They are also effective in

starting flow, if installed in a vertical partition, but they should

only be used briefly, especially, if the instantaneous flow-function of

the solid is close to the critical flowfactor; otherwise, vibration

will tend to pack the solid.

Examples of design for flow

1. A fine solid whose flow properties are given in Fig. 126 is

to be stored in a quantity of 100,000 lb. The instantaneous flow-

function curve, F£(V^), lies below a flowfactor of 2.5; the time curve,

F^CVpt), lies higher. A mass flow bin with a conical hopper is

selected. From both, Figures 86 and 87, 0' = 20° for = 25°.
Select 0' = 15°, then the flowfactors at point 0' = 15°, £' = 25°

are respectively, 1.26 and 1.13 for 5 = 40° and 50°. For 5 = 48°^

interpolation gives ff = 1.16. In eq,(158) A = 1/13 sq ft and the

diameter of the outlet B > 2 x 1.25 x 13/19.2 = 1.7 ft.

The point of intersection of the flow-function with the critical

flowfactor lies at some distance from the lower test point of the flow-

function, hence, there is some uncertainty about the shape of the curve

at the point of intersection and about the exact value of F . It is,

therefore, advisable to increase the opening to, say, B = 2.0 ft.

The selected bin is shown in Fig. 127.

2. Another fine solid with flow properties given in Fig. 128

is to be stored in a quantity of 1Q0,000 lb. Here 5 ~ 40°. The time

flow-function is a straight line and coincides with a critical flow­

factor of 1.4. A mass flow bin with a conical hopper is selected.

For 5 = 40°, Fig. 86 applies. Since 4>' = 19°, the solid will flow within

a range of hopper slopes 0' from 8° to 28°. For 0' = 0, ff = 1.65,

hence, the solid is likely to dome across a vertical channel. The bin

should have either no vertical portion, or only a short vertical portion,

as shown in Fig. 129, otherwise doming will occur from the transition up.

- 2 48-
Angle 0' is selected at 23°. This analysis does not determine any

minimum, for the diameter of the outlet: if the solid flows at all,

it flows through any orifice, but, of course, the orifice has to be

sufficient to provide the required rate of flow, prevent interlocking

and allow for dynamic effects. Hence it, probably, should not be less

than 6 inches.

3. A micron size, fine solid of flow properties given in Fig. 130

is to be stored in a quantity of 30,000 A . In view of the high value

of the angle $ 1, the maximum 9 ' in a conical hopper would be only •

about 5°, hence a slot outlet is selected with side slopes 8' = 15°.

The critical flowfactor,- then are: 1,14 for 5 = 50° and 1.04 for

5 = 60°, Figures 82 and 83 respectively. At. the origin of the flow-

function, 5 is estimated at 54° and the value of the flowfactor for

that 5 is interpolated at. ff = .1..10. The analysis does not define a

width B . A bin of the type presented in Fig, 1X4 (e) is selected and

the dimensions are shown in Fig, 13'.'.. The volume of the bin is

computed on the assumption that, at: the time of charging into the bin,

the density of the solid is 10 pcf, i.e. one half of what, it is in a

consolidated state. This allows for a rapid charging of the fully

aerated solid. The. dimensions of the outlet are determined by the

required rate of flow.

4. A minus 1/2 inch ore to be stored with a minimum of size

segregation. The flow properties are given in Fig, 132 and the capacity

of the bin is to be 200 tons = 400,000 lb. The angle of friction

between the solid and the wall, {4' i; taken with an allowance of 5° for

possible rusting, so that <t>' = 35° + 5° = 40°. A mass flow bin with

an oblong outlet is selected. The side walls are taken from Fig. 117

at 0 1 = 25°. For the point 0' = 25°, = 40°, the values of the flow­

factor are, respectively, 1.40 and 1.24 for 5 = 50° and 60°. For

5 = 56.5°, the interpolated value is ff = 1.34. Since the ore will be

subject to impact, a safety factor of 157, is added to the flowfactor,

thus, ff = 1.34 x 1.15 = 1.54. The minimum width of the slot is

obtained from eq. (156): B = 10.8 x 13/141 = 1.0 ft. The ends of the

hopper are taken vertical, because at i 1 = 40°, 0' ~ 0 in Figures

87 and 88. The bin is of the chisel type, Fig. 114 (f).

In order to minimize segregation, the level of the ore in the bin

is allowed to fluctuate only within the top 16 feet shown in Fig. 133, and

only that part of the mass is used in the calculation of the storage


5. A metal concentrate is to be stored in a large quantity.

Segregation is not a problem. The flow properties are given in Fig. 134.

A storage pile with a short hopper and a rectangular outlet is selected,

Fig. 135. The end walls are vertical, the side walls are chosen at

0' = 25°. Allowing 5° over the measured angle of friction, <f>' = 43°.

From Fig. 83, the flowfactor is ff = 1.35 and the width of the outlet is

computed at B = 6.0 x 13/137 = .57 ft. The hopper is extended a height of

5 ft, so that the width at the top is B = 5.23 ft. For that width, the

value of F is 5.23 x 140/13 = 56.3. The point of intersection of this

value of F^ with the flow-function is outside the figure, but it is estimated

that, at the point of intersection, ff > 4. Above the hopper the solid flows

within rough walls. The angle of friction j>1 along the rough walls

is not known accurately but it is certain that, as the solid flows

along the walls, the walls become somewhat smoother. Angle is est­

imated by taking the. average value between & and the value of <t>1 for

i|r1 - 90° = 45°. This yields - 44° and 50° for 5 = 50° and 60°,

respectively. For these values of <i>1 a flow-factor in excess of 4

allows a maximum value of 6 1, which is between 40° and 46° depending

on the exact value of 5. !

The analysis for no-piping gives a maximum dimension for the

channel. This dimension determines the diagonal of the channel at

the top of the hopper since mass flow is assumed within the hopper.

The critical flowfactor is read from Fig. 96 for 6 = 60°, <5 = 45°

at ff * 2.3. This determines F^ = 27.8 and the diagonal is computed

fr'om eq. (161) in which 4(d^/dn)n_^ = 4.3 from Fig, 122, line a,

thus: D= 27.8 x 4.3 x 13/142 = 11.0 ft. Hence the length of the

hopper and of the slot is: L = \f 1 1 .02 - 5.23^' = 9.7 ft. The stable

slope of the dead solid is estimated, at some height above the

hopper, at 50° - 5/2 = 50° - 20° = 30°. •

6. Storage of minus 8 inch unscreened coarse ore. The flow

properties are given in Fig. 136. The selected design is shown in

Fig. 137. The ore is stored in a flat bottom pile with continuous

slot outlets and short hoppers. The angle of friction of the hoppers

is increased by 5° to allow for rusting, h e n c e , i>' = 35° + 5° * 40°.

The slope of the hoppers is taken at 6' = 30°, therefore, ff = 1.6,

from Fig. 82. The width of the slot at the outlet is B = 30 x 13/137 *= 2.85 ft


T pcf

20 ■ E»
V =; 19.2

10 70


s =


F lb
c /


T■n£». C

Fc =1. 2 5

*• = 2 5°

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 126

Example 1, Flow properties

Fig. 127

Example 1, Selected bin

V1 lb

Fig. 128

Example 2, Flow properties

Fig. 129

Example 2, Selected bin

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; 10

Fig. 130

Example 3, Flow properties

Example 3, Selected bin

V1 lb

Fig 132

Example 4, Flow properties

F i g . 133

Example 4, Selected bin

vl lb

F i g „ 134

E x a m p l e 5, Flow properties

- 260-
Fig. 135

Example 5, Selected hopper

V 1 lb

F i g „ 136

Example 6, Flow properties

- 2 6 2-
Fig. 137

Example 6, Selected hopper

V lb

F i g „ 138

Example 7, F l o w p r o p e r t i e s

- 2 6 4-
Fig. 139

Example 7, Selected bin

F 1.4 4.0 6.5 9.0 11.5
V./F .61 .77 .90 1. 02 1. 13
1 c
1 + a 1. 85 1. 47 1,25 1.11 1.00

a .85 .47 .25 .11 .00

r 37.0 37.4 37.8 38.3 39.0

B .98 2.78 4.47 6.11 7. 67

h 1.83 5.19 8.34 11.40 14.30

1 - . 0048h .991 .975 .960 .945


.40 .62 .53 .31 .00


■ ,—_ —-------

Fig. 140

Example 7, Calculation of air pressure at top of bin

-2 66-
Above the hopper the ore flows on itself, i.e. within rough walls.

At the rough walls the angle </>' is again computed by taking the average

value between 5 = 50° and the value of <t>' corresponding to 1 - 90° - 45°.

This yields = 44°. The hopper walls are extended upwards until a

width B is reached at which ff = 3.5. This permits a maximum value

of 6 ' ss 46° at the base of the rough walls. That width is B = 71 x

x 13/148 = 6.23 ft. Above the base, the stable slope of the pile is

likely to be about 50° - S/2, or assuming 5 = 44° in that region,

50 - 22 = 28°. With the exception of the angle within the hopper,

no safety allowance has been made in these calculations, because the

use of the long, continuous slot makes it unlikely that a complete

obstruction will occur.

7. A feed product has flow properties shown in Fig. 138. For

8 = 50°, = 26°, the minimum critical flowfactor is ff = 1.13 in

conical flow. The time flow-function lies above that flowfactor up

to a value F c = 11.5. Thus, the minimum hopper outlet for unassisted

flow is B = 2 x 11.5 x 13/39 = 7.67 ft. A bin with a conical hopper,

6' = 15°, and an outlet B = 1.0 ft, shown in Fig. 139, is selected.

Since the instantaneous flow-function lies well below the flowfactor,

Fig. 138, the one-foot outlet is ample, once flow has started. To

start flow, air pressure w ill be applied at the top of the bin. The

values of V,/F are read off Fig. 138 for four values of F . In the
I c c

table of Fig. 140, the values of OC are computed from eq. (164) for ?

these four points; B is then computed at these points, and then

h = B/2 tan 0'. Then, in accordance with e q . (163), ~ P Q = Q!Yh(l-0.0048h

/144 psi. The gage pressure is plotted in the figure and shows a maximum

of 0.62 psi in the vicinity of h = 5.19 ft.

The resistance to the flow of air of this solid, p = 1.2 lb min ft

The rate of flow is found from e q . (165) for h = 5.19 ft, thus

V = A a r(h/h }2/p = it x 36 x .47 x 37.4(5.19/22.4)2 /1.2 = 89 cfm.


In this section it is not proposed to discuss the merits of the.....

various designs of feeders but to point out those features of design

which particularly affect flow, to describe the loads acting on the . .

feeders, and to report on two feeders which seem especially well

suited for certain materials and applications but have not received

the attention of industry which they deserve.

In a previous section, the method of calculating the dimensions

B and D of an outlet was described. It is now necessary to select

a feeder which will draw the solid through the whole specified cross­

section B x D of the outlet. It will be realized chat many feeders act­

ivate only a part of the area of the outlet, while the rest of the

outlet remains inactive (dead). Such is the case, Fig. 141, with

screw feeders of constant diameter and pitch, which draw only at the

back end of the outlet; with belt feeders, which can draw either at

the back or at the front, depending on the friction between the solid

and the belt, and switch from front to back as the friction changes

with changes of the moisture content in the solid; with rotary table

feeders, which tend to draw the solid only over the plow.

A feeder will draw along a length L, or a circumference itD in a

rotary table feeder, provided the capacity of the feeder increases

at a sufficient rate in the direction of travel. To obtain such an

increasing rate the designs shown in Fig. 142 should be used: the

screw should be tapered and/or of increasing pitch; the hoppers should

be raised above the belt or table feeder to permit sidewise out-flow.

In the latter cases, sealing skirts can be provided on the outside of

the hoppers as shown in the figure.

These arrangements are necessary if the recommendations of the

previous sections are to apply. Beside allowing a quantitative

approach to the design for flow, these arrangements will also sub­

stantially reduce the feeder loads, and thus allow the installation

of lighter feeders as well as produce savings in power and in main­

tenance. In many cases, most of the power of a feeder goes not on

drawing the solid out of the hopper but on overcoming the resistance

imposed by the sliding of a hard packed, dead solid and heavily loaded

skirts over the moving surface of the feeder. When the whole outlet,

is live, all the solid is flowing, there is no packing and no sliding.

The sealing skirts, placed outside of the main flow channel, are only

lightly loaded and cause little resistance to the motion of the feeder.

From the standpoint of feeder economy, the area of the outlet

should be as small as possible because the vertical load Q acting

on a feeder increases as the 3/2 power of the area of the outlet. The

weight, the horsepower and the cost of a feeder increase rapidly with

the size of the outlet.

Fig, 141

Unsatisfactory feeders

F i g . 142

Satisfactory feeders
The shape of the selected outlet will determine the type

of the feeder. In mass flow bins, the conditions of flow specify

only the minor dimension of the outlet. In plug flow bins^and in

storage piles for solids which do not pipe^because they are not

affected by consolidation at rest and their angle 8 is less than,

say, 50°, also only the minor dimension is specified. In those

bins the choice is open between a circular (or square) and an oblong
S j
shape of the outlet. The required diameter of a circular outlet

will usually be about twice the width of the oblong outlet but

other factors, like the cost of the bin, available headroom, plant

layout, conformity with other equipment in the plant, will bear

decisively on the selection of the type of feeder. Similarly,

for solids, whose flowability does not define a minimum dimension

and for which the dimensions of the outlet are determined from

considerations of particle interlocking or rate of flow, the choice

is open between a circular and an oblong outlet.

In plug flow bins and storage piles, for which both dimensions,

B and D, are specified by the conditions of flow, the dimension D is

always several times greater than B and an oblong outlet, or a slot,

is always more economical than a circular or square outlet.

Feeder loads. The vertical force Q which a flowing solid exerts

on a feeder can be estimated from e q . (103), in which m = 0 for plane

flow, m = 1 for conical flow; and the parameter q is read off the

appropriate chart, Figures 43 to 48. Only the values of 6 = 30°, 40°

and 50° have been plotted. For solids, whose 8 is larger than 5 0 ° J
, the

computed-force is quite small and for them it is safer to use 5 = 50°.

For oblong outlets it is safe to use the plane-flow formula.

As an example: assume a hopper with conical walls inclined at an

angle 9' = 12°, angles 6' = 28°, 5 = 44°, T = 80 pcf, and an outlet

of diameter D = 1.5 feet. It is safe to use the chart for the lower

value of 8 = 40°, Fig. 47; the point (12°, 28°) specifies q = 0.20,

and e q . (.103) ,• with m = 1, yields Q = 0.20 x 80 x 1.5^ = 54 lb.

And another example: a hopper with a rectangular outlet 1 ft x 3 ft.,

side hopper slopes 9' = 25°, angles = 30°, 6 = 60°, and T = 110 pcf.

From Fig. 45, q = 0.35 and Q = 0.35 x 110 x 3 x l2 = 116 lb.

One conclusion is immediately apparent: these forces are very

small. They have been computed on the assumption that the feeder is

perfectly efficient, that no sliding of packed solid occurs. These

forces do not allow for the weight of the solid which would collect

in the pockets outside the hopper, Fig. 142, for the confining pressures

from the skirts, and for starting loads.

The starting loads on a feeder may be several times (a factor of

ten has been measured [31]) as much as the running loads. The reasons

are as follows: the low pressure w hich a solid exerts on a feeder :

during flow is due to the arching effect which develops within the

flowing solid and which causes most of its weight to be transferred

directly to the hopper walls. This occurs whenever the feeder is in

motion and the solid is flowing. When a solid is charged into an ;

empty bin while the feeder is at rest, there is no flow, arching at the

outlet of the hopper does not develop, a higher column of the solid

bears down on the feeder, and pressure is much higher. This situation

is often aggravated by the fact that, as the solid is charged into a

bin, its total weight increases, and the bin structure deflects. If

the feeder support is rigid and the feeder does not deflect in unison

with the bin, the feeder may take up a considerable part of the weight

of the bin and of the stored solid. Of course, as soon as the feeder

has started and flow in the bin has caused arching to develop, the

vertical force drops, but the initial force on the feeder may b e. .. .

very large. The peak loads are particularly detrimental to belt

feeders which rely on pre-tension for traction. In order to assure

traction during the peak loads, the pretension must be high, much

higher than is required during normal flow. This high tension contrib­

utes to the loss of horsepower and to the wear of the feeder. These

starting peak loads can be eliminated by running the feeder whenever

the bin is being filled or, more positively, by providing a flexible

support for the feeder, for instance, a spring support.

' Belt feeder . The belt feeder, either flat or troughed, either

sliding on a plate (slide-belt feeder) or supported on idlers, provides

a simple and economical method of controlling the flow of solids from

slot outlets.

The belt feeder is especially well suited to solids which are fine

but do not aerate and flood (for instance, when charged into an empty

bin), and do not contain particles over 3/4" size. For these solids,

the hopper can be raised off the belt, a height of at least two largest

particle diameters and not less than 1/12 of the width of the outlet,

to provide a fully live outlet. Such a feeder will work satisfactorily

for outlet ratios L/B of 16 or more. A seal can be provided by outside


The slide-belt feeder, Fig. 143, is low in first cost, reliable

and easy to maintain. The even surface of the belt, obtained by the

continuous support from the slide plate, tends to minimize the pressures

from the flowing solid and allows a tight seal at the skirts. Eq.(103)

is adapted to these feeders as follows

Q - 2q r L B(B + 0.2) (166)

B and L are measured in feet. The coefficient 2 is an overall safety

factor: it allows for the deviations of the actual flow pattern from

plane flow; which is used to calculate q (Figures 43 to 45), and for

the weight of the solid in the side pockets; whereas 0.2 specifically

allows for friction due to increased pressure as the solid flows side­

wise under the hopper walls. This formula has been obtained from tests

run at the Flow of Bulk Solids Laboratory at the University of Utah.

If the outlet is tapered, an average width B provides sufficient


The component H of the belt tension necessary to draw the solid

is computed from the formula j

H = .45Q. . (167)

The frictional drag on the belt due to the slide plate, or rollers,

etc. must be added to H to obtain the net belt tension.

In order to relieve the peak loads on the feeder, the feeder

is supported on air or steel, springs which are computed as follows.

Fig. 143

Siide-belt feeder

Springs supporting a feeder

The total vertical load due to the feeder W is

W = Q + Wd + W , , (168)

where is the dead weight of the feeder and W g is the weight of the

stream of the solid over the length L , outside the outlet. The total

spring constant (all springs in parallel) should be

C = 4Q lb/i n 9 (169)

.as shown in Fig. 144. The springs should be contracted under the

load W and locked so they can contract but cannot expand. In this

manner, the feeder will not start, deflecting until the load Q is

exceeded, and, under a peak load 2Q, the feeder will deflect 1/4 of

an inch. Laboratory tests show that a very small deflection, a few

hundredths of an i n c h s is usually sufficient to relieve the peak

loads. The feeder should be supported by links or guides in the

horizontal plane to prevent sway and to transfer the horizontal driving

force into the solid.

Laboratory measurements carried out on sand, gravel and iron ore

have shown that the velocity of the belt, within the tested range of

up to 80 feet per minute, does not appreciably affect the loads which

act on the feeder belt from the flowing solid.

Side-discharge reciprocating feeder. Reciprocating plate feeders

are well known and have been used over many years under square and

rectangular outlets. The ratio L/B of the outlets has been limited,

because the capacity of these feeders does not increase in the direction

of travel. An increase of the ratio L/B above 1.5 does not p er­

ceptibly widen the flow channel but greatly raises wear and power


B y changing the design of these feeders, they can be made especially

suitable for the feeding of unscreened coarse ore from storage p i l e s .

Such ore is cohesive when moist, is often subject to changes of tempera­

ture and to freezing„ As a result, it pipes around the outlets,

gradually packs in the non-flowing regions, and tends to dome. An

analysis of the flowability of such an ore usually gives some acceptable

value for the width of the outlet B, but the required diagonal of the

slot D, necessary to prevent piping, is very large and calls for a

continuous slot, running the full width (or length) of the storage

pile. The side-discharge reciprocating feeder is the most suitable

feeder for such a slot.

To the writer's knowledge there are no such feeders at present in

existence, therefore, the. description which follows anticipates their

application. A possible installation is shown in Figures 145 and 146.

The slot runs the full length of the storage pile. A gathering belt

conveyor runs in a tunnel alongside the slot. The slot is spanned

by cross-beams spaced at a distance t of 8 or 12 feet. Under each

length t there is a reciprocating feeder which discharges onto the

belt conveyor. The feeders can be suspended from above, as shown in

the figures, or supported from below. A flexible suspension is shown

to relieve the peak loads and to provide for impact. Vertical

walls separate the feeders so that each feeder can run independently

of the o t h e r s .

The motion of the feeders must be coordinated with the speed of

.. -279-
« *• » < I • * --------------------» -

* * * K ._

Fig. 145

Layout of a side-discharge rsciprocating feeder under a pile


Section A - A

Fig. 146

Details of a side-discharge reciprocating feeder

the gathering belt. If n consecutive feeders spaced at t feet are

operating at a cycle of f strokes per minute, then the speed of the

belt v should be

v = f n £ ft/min, (170)

to obtain a fully loaded belt.

Another layout, which would be used to feed spearate mills, has

the slots and the gathering belt conveyors laid out across the pile,

as shown in Fig. 147.

Segregation and blending in flow

During the storage and handling operations, a bulk solid tends to

segregate (separate) according to the particle size, shape and density.

Since segregation is usually detrimental to the further processing and

merchandizing of the solid, the conditions leading to segregation,

means of minimizing segregation, and tnethods of remixing during flow

will now be described.

Most of the segregation takes place in the following two situations

when a solid flows in a freely falling stream which has a horizontal

component of velocity, and when the stream hits an inclined slope of

deposited solid. In free fall, each particle is acted upon by two

forces: its weight, and air resistance to motion. The former is

equal to the product of the size and the density of the particle, and

acts vertically down; the latter is a function of the size and shape

of the particle and of its velocity, and acts in the direction opposite

to the velocity. In vertical free fall, both these forces are vertical
T' !T n

u ! ij M


Fig. 147

Mill-feed storage with side-discharge reciprocating feeders

and, while the terminal velocities of the various particles may vary,

their trajectories do not, hence there is no significant segregation.

When a solid is discharged over a conveyor pulley or spouted through

an inclined chute aninitital horizontal component of velocity is

introduced, the two forces are not aligned any longer and, as their

ratios differ for the various particles, so do the trajectories of

the particles.

Whenever a stream hits a sloping surface, the particles roll down

the slope: the large, heavy, and more nearly spherical particles tend

to roll farther than the fine, light, and flaky particles which tend to

remain at the point of impact of the stream. As a pile of the solid

builds up, the fines congregate in a column which has the shape of the

trajectory; the size of the particles gradually increases with the

distance from the column, and the lumps collect at the periphery of

the pile or at the walls of the container. If the outlet of a pile

or of a plug-flow bin is located directly beneath the trajectory, the

draw will be heavily segregated: an excess of fines will be drawn

every.time the feeder is started after charging the solid while the

feeder was at rest. When the container has several outlets, the outlet

located under the trajectory will consistently draw an excess of fines.

This phenomenon can be exploited when some size separation is desired,

otherwise the outlets should be located away from the trajectory.

The aforesaid indicates that segregation is a dynamic effect and

occurs inevitably when the solid is in free fall. It also indicates

methods of minimizing segreation, which are: reducing the velocity of

the particles by shortening the height of free fall, reducing the hori­

zontal component of velocity, and limiting the size of the slopes

along which the particles roll. The last method calls either for

narrow bins or for means to spread the stream over the top surface of

the container. Spreading can be accomplished either by placing a shelf

in the stream or by moving the point of discharge and the trajectory

of the stream. A combination of the two can be very effective in

minimizing segregation.

The degree to which a given solid will segregate under given condi­

tions cannot yet be predicted quantitatively. Jenike [32] made a

preliminary study of the problem and suggests that a classification of

the solids^possibly, can be developed on the basis of simple tests which

would measure a ratio W/K, where W is the weight of a particle and K

is its resistance to motion through the air. He suggests that; parti­

cles of the same ratio W/K will have little tendency to separate

from each other, and that the tendency will increase with a spread in

the values of the ratio. It would seem that the development of a quant­

itative approach to the problem of segregation might benefit thiose who,

like the feed processors, handle and produce a variety of complex blends.
When segregation in storage is to be avoided, a mass flow bin

should be used and the bin should be operated as explained in the 4th

'Example of design for flow1. Under these conditions first-in, first-

out flow obtains; while the solid segregates in charging, it remixes

within the hopper and, as a result, the blend of the draw is essentially

£he same as the blend of the charge.

. -285-
In slot-outlet bins charged by means of a tripper-conveyor, segre­

gation is much smaller if the slots are perpendicular, Fig. 1.48(a),

than if they are parallel to the conveyor, (b), because in the former

case the slot draws a cross-section of the segregated solid which is

remixed on the feeder

In a multiple-out let bin, segregation is reduced by drawing

simultaneously through all the outlets and blending the draw.

A bin can be used for the blending of a solid by recirculating the

solid in a closed circuit, about the bin, provided the following con­

ditions are satisfied: (a) the solid is non-segregating, e.g. it

is composed of uniform size, shape and density particles, or of very

small size particles; (b) a mass flow bin is used, so that there, are

no dead regions of the solid within the bin; (c) there is a substantial

velocity gradient in every horizontal cross-section of the channel, so

that first-in, first-out flow does not occur.

The above points (b) and (c) imply a bin with a short vertical

portion, whose height does not exceed one half the diameter of the cylin­

der, Fig. 129, or no vertical portion at all. A higher vertical portion

would induce first-in, first-out flow and may cause dead-regions at the


A series of bins can be used to even out the grade of a run-of-mine

ore, Fig. 149, by charging the bins in sequence and drawing them '



Fine solids which aerate readily should be stored in mass-flow bins

• -286-
-Charging conveyor

n FI II n
ii II

(a) Perpendicular layout

-Charging conveyor


(b) Parallel layout

Fig. 148

Layout of slot-outlet bins

in order to prevent flooding. In a plug-flow bin, flow is non-steady,

thick layers of the solid break away all at once, fall down the height

of the channel and aerate as they break up. Unless the feeder is

completely air-tight, flooding occurs.

Heat transfer

When flow of heat is to occur across the walls of a channel, the

channel should be of the mass-flow type, otherwise, the stationary

solid at the walls will act as an insulator between the flowing mass

and the walls. The channel should also be very steep so that the

velocity profile, defined in Fig. 68, and plotted, as an example, in

Figures 69 and 70 for & = 50°, be fairly uniform. If the velocity

is much higher at the center of the channel than at the walls, the outer

layers of the solid will undergo much more heating or cooling, as the
case may be, than the core. To obtain a more uniform transfer of heat,

it is advisable to use a conical hopper with a pipe located at the

center of the channel and to use the pipe as well as the walls for the

transfer of heat. In general, the channels described in this work

are not efficient as heat exchanger because of the laminar flow patterns

of the solid.

Gas counterflow

In channels which serve as chemical reactors, a gas flows upwards

as the solid flows down by gravity. To cause the flow of the gas, a

pressure gradient is applied to it. This gradient opposes the forces

Blending by means of bins

of gravity and buoys the solid. In a converging channel, the pressure

gradient is greatest in the narrowest part of the channel, i.e. at the

outlet. The maximum pressure gradient which can be applied without

stopping the gravity flow of the solid is about 70% of the bulk weight

of the solid. / ,- ,
/ i S . ' '
It is impoTrtant- that the gas pressure at the outlet be maintained ..

at a uniform level without sudden changes, either up or down. When the

process is steady, the consolidating pressures in the solid are reduced

by the gas pressure gradient in the same ratio as the pressures of !

failure, and gravity flow is not affected. If gas pressure fluctuates,

the solid may consolidate under the pressures of gravity when the gas

gradient is low, and dome when the pressures of failure are decreased

as the gas gradient becomes high. If the process is intermittent,

then during the stoppages of flow the gas pressure gradient vanishes

and the solid consolidates under the full pressures of gravity. If

the gas gradient, is then applied prior to the re-establishment of

gravity flow,, .thej'gas gradient reduces the pressure of failure and flow

may not start. It is better to start gravity flow first, and then

gradually apply the gas pressure.,

Since the gravity flow of a solid in a vertical channel is unsteady

and erratic, vertical channels should not be used as reactors. Vertical

spouts connecting sections of a reactor, as shown in Fig. 150, should

have by-pass pipes for the gas, otherwise doming in the spouts may



Gas by-pass

F i g . 150

Gas by-passes of spouts

Fig. 151

Stresses acting from a flowing solid on hopper walls

Structural problems

Stresses acting on hopper w a l l s . The normal pressure a' and the

shearing stress -r' which a flowing solid exerts on the wall of a hopper,

Fig. 151, have been computed for symmetric hoppers in plane and conical

flow. Contours of constant values of these stresses are plotted in

Figures 50 to 61 for the values of 5 = 30°, 40°, and 50°. The stresses

for 5 > 50° are less than those for 6 = 50°.

It will be observed that these stresses are very low. For instance

in plane flow, 5 = 40°, 0' = 15°, i 1 = 23°, V = 100 pcf, B = 2 ft., from

Fig. 51, a' = 1.01 x 100 x 2 = 202 psf, which is equivalent to a static

head of the solid of 2.04 ft, or just about the width of the hopper.

In conical flow, these stresses are less yet; for instance, for the

same 0', 4>' , X and B, from Fig. 54, a' = .50 x 100 x 2 = 100 psf.

For easy, and free-flowing, fine solids the above values are

acceptable for design purposes. For cohesive solids, which can dome

and impose large impact loads upon failure, and for solids containing

large particles, a safety factor needs to be used over the computed


It should be remembered that these values have been derived for

mass flow and in cases of plug flow can only be used as a guide. The

stresses on the hopper will also be higher in the vicinity of the

transition to the vertical portion. x

Bin failures. Failures of bin structures can be divided into two

categories. In the first category belong those failures which are due

to recognized structural causes, such as: foundation failure, uneven

settlement of footings of a multi-column bin, wind loads,, earthquakes.

In the second category are the failures caused by irregularities in

the flow pattern of the stored solid. Only the latter are of interest

in this work.

The most dangerous failures occur when a stored solid domes at or

above the transition between the vertical portion of a bin and the

hopper while the hopper empties out. A large void then forms under the

doming solid. If the whole mass happens to break away simultaneously,

it acts like a piston, compresses the air in the hopper^ and either splits

the hopper open or tears it off its supports. Lives have been lost

in such accidents. Solids whose time flow-functions approach a straight

line, are most likely to dome at or above the transition,, Bins for

such solids (many agricultural products belong here) should be built

with rounded, smooth transitions. Similar hang-ups have been known

to burst large holes in the sides of agricultural concrete silos.

While a break-away of a large doming mass develops a high pressure

in the hopper, it also develops a vacuum at the top of an enclosed

bin and, unless the top is vented, the roof of the bin may be sucked in.

A vent may be closed by a diaphragm to keep the dust in, the diaphragm

being designed to fail if the pressure differential exceeds a safe

value. Such vents are also recommended to safeguard against dust

explosions [33].

Less dangerous failures occur typically in bins of circular

horizontal cross-section. In a circular cross-section the hoop

stresses are tensile and the walls require no bending reinforcement,

-2 93 -
provided the stresses acting on the walls from the solid are uniform

all-around. This condition is satisfied if the solid is charged and

drawn at the center of the bin. Therefore, the hopper, if any, must

be circular and symmetric with respect to the vertical axis: only one

outlet is permitted. If the hopper is offset to one side, Fig. 152, the

pressures from the solid on the vertical side are decreased and the

hoop stresses in the hopper may pull that side in. Bending reinforce­

ment is required to retain the shape of this hopper.

In a cylindrical, flat-bottom bin with two (or more) outlets, Fig.

153, the solid empties out of two craters centered at the outlets and

the pressures on the walls at points A fall to zero while, simultaneously,

at B the solid presses against the walls. As a result, the walls at

A are pulled in. To counteract this effect, the cylinder should be

reinforced by rings between the A and B levels.


Broken rock. From the stand point of flow, the main character­

istic of these solids is the large size of the rocks compared to the

cross-section of the channels through which the rock has to flow. In

most ore passes, chutes, and ore pocket outlets, the dimensions of the

apertures are well below those plotted in Fig. 123, hence the probability

of interlocking is substantial. However, experience shows that flow is

sufficiently reliable provided the smaller dimension of the aperture, a^is

a > 2d, . (171)

where d is the intermediate dimension of the largest rocks, Fig. 154.

It is interesting to note that the largest dimension of the rocks does

not enter into this formula. This is explained by the fact that, when­

ever a solid flows in an even slightly converging channel, the velocity

profile is as shown in Fig. 155. If a rock of length t happens to be

positioned as shown at A, its velocity v^ at one end is greater than

v^ at the other end, and the rock rotates as it flows, until it has

aligned in the direction of flow, as shown at B.

From the standpoint of flow, an ore pass should be converging and

not straight. Flow in a converging channel is more steady, the pressures

in the solid are lower and, hence, the consolidation and the tendency

for doming is less.

In a straight channel, flow is non-steady, therefore pressures

are higher, the solid does not converge but flows like a rigid plug and,

even though it flows, it undergoes consolidation at rest under these

higher pressures, resulting in increased tendency for doming. Beside

that, flow in a straight channel causes more wear at the walls. This

can be illustrated by the consideration of the energy of a flowing

mass. As the solid flows down, it dissipates by friction the potential

energy due to the gravitational field. In a straight channel, the

solid flows like a rigid plug and all the energy is dissipated at the

walls, wearing out the wall surfaces. In converging flow, the shape of

the flowing mass is continuously changed, and a part of the work is

done within the solid itself, reducing the energy spent at the walls.

The pattern of flow in an ore pass is governed by its shape at the

outlet and the method of controlling the draw. The principle of the

W V /A \^

Fig. 154

Cross-section of an ore pass

active outlet, discussed in the section on feeders, applies to ore

passes as well as to the other channels. An insight into the behavior

of ore in ore pass has been obtained from a study of flow in models.

The study was carried out on behalf of the Iron Ore Company of Canada

in the process of analyzing 800 foot high and 30 foot diameter ore

passes for the Carol Project in Labrador. In order to ensure against

obstructions to flow, and to provide storage capacity, it is necessary

that the ore flows across the whole horizontal section of the ore

pass without piping.

An ore pass with an orthodox outlet is shown in Fig. 156 (a).

The vertical channel bends, and flow is controlled, say, by means of

chains. At a bend, a channel always tends to narrow down with a

narrow pipe extending upward, as shown in the figure. To widen out the

channel above the bend, it is necessary to cut a converging channel as

shown in Fig. 156 (b). Whether this theoretical shape is practically

attainable and can be preserved as ore flows and wears away the walls

is another matter. A more positive solution is provided by the split-

stream layout, shown in Fig. 157. Here, the ore is drawn along two

sides of the channel, two pipes tend to develop and that is sufficient

to enforce flow across the w.hole channel. If one side of the split

stream is stopped, Fig, 158, a pipe extends up the ore pass. In the

experiment, the ore emptied out of the pipe which remained stable. A

white material was fed into the empty pipe to show its extent on the


In ore pockets, there is a problem of rapid convergence of a

Fig. 155

Alignment of rocks in an ore pass

Orthodox shape ...... . .. .. Preferred shape.

Fig. 156

Outlets of an ore pass

channel toward and within a feeder, as shown in Fig. 159. In this case,

a successful operation requires that, at any particular cross-section

of the channel, convergence by in one plane only. The walls and the

skirts of the ore pocket are so shaped that^within its upper part^

flow converges only in plane z - x, in the intermediate part, only

in plane y - z, and at the outlet, only in plane x - y. Since the

pocket is to handle rock up to a 5 foot intermediate dimension onto

a 7 foot apron feeder, it is important that one side wall slopes all

the way down to the feeder. This brings the narrow part of the hopper

to within the range of action of the feeder and allows it to disturb

any large boulders which may tend to interlock.#

Coarse ore (minus 8 inch) which contains fines and a high moisture

content is difficult to store and to feed. The difficulties are

aggravated when frozen ore is charged into storage and, even more so

during fall and spring, when the charged ore is partly thawed out during

the day and refreezes in storage at night.

Under these conditions the best solution is to keep as much of

the ore as possible in a live, flowing state. The velocities of flow

need not be high to prevent the ore from freezing and from consolidation

at rest. This solution will be obtained most economically by providing

long, active slot-outlets with side-discharge reciprocating feeders,

Figures 145 to 147.

# The author is indebted to the engineers at Carol who built a

model of such an ore pocket, proportioned it for best flow, and demon­
strated its advantages. The mining operation is due to start in the
summer of 1962.

Fig. 157

Model of a split-stream ore pass drawing at both sides

Fig. 158

Piping in a split-stream ore pass drawing on one side only

It should be remembered that, as a coarse ore is charged into

storage, the large lumps hit the deposited mass with considerable impact

and pack it severely along the trajectory of the falling stream. Unless

the ore is free flowing, it is advisable to spread the stream and to

distribute the impact over a wide area. ‘

A n alternative solution is available when the ore can be screened

into a coarse and a fine (say, below 1/2") fraction. The two fractions

are then handled separately. The coarse fraction is free flowing and

can be stored in flat bottom bins or storage piles and drawn from

storage by means of standard reciprocating feeders, apron feeders,

or fed directly onto belt conveyors. The fine fraction can be stored

in mass flow bins with slot outlets and belt feeders.


In the mining operation of block-caving, a number of draw points

is located in tunnels beneath the ore body and a sufficient volume of

the ore above the draw points is shattered to cause the whole body

to break-up and flow by gravity into the draw points. The ideal flow

pattern, which is aimed at, is a uniform drop of the whole ore body

without piping. The flow pattern is governed by the location of the

draw points, the shape of the crater of the initial shatter, and the

sequence of draw.

Considering the flow channel above a draw point, it is evident that

the most favorable crater would be a circular cone which would produce

a regular channel with w e a k walls and of an included angle 20',


Fig. 159

An ore pocket

appropriate for the effective angle of friction 8 of the broken ore.

If too much ore is shattered initially, plug flow will develop with

inevitable piping. Once a channel has been established, it may be

impossible to alter it. Thus, the first blasts in a block-caving

operation may decide of its success. If the conical channels have

formed above the draw points, the channels will jo£n up at some level

w ithin the ore body and uniform flow may obtain above that level.

The spacing of the draw points and the included angle 26' of the

channels will determine the level at which the channels join up.

Since every fault in the ore body is a potential weak plane for a

channel, it is necessary to consider and exploit the faults in deciding

on the most economical location and spacing of the draw points, and

on the slope of the channels.

It is suggested that the analysis presented in this work shows

promise of the development of an analytical method of design of block-

caving operations. At this time, it may not yet be possible to prescribe'

an optimum layout, but it is already possible to warn of certain layouts

and methods which cannot be successful. '


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