Magazine: The Sound Engineering
Magazine: The Sound Engineering
Magazine: The Sound Engineering
52 50
Tektronix automat -
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Editor /Publisher
Larry Zide
Associate Publisher 24
Elaine Zide
European Editor
Associate Editor 41
Rita Wolcott
Technical Advisor
Technical Assistant
Sammy Caine
K&S Graphics
Typography 4
Spartan Phototype Co. NEW PRODUCTS
db the Sound Engineering Magazine (ISSN 0011-7145) is published monthly by Sagarnore Publishing Company. Inc
Entire contents copyright 1985 by Sagamore Publishing Co 1120 Old Country Road. Plainview. L I NY 11803
Telephone (516) 433 6530 db i5 published for those individuals and firms in professiona audio -recording broadcast
audio- visual sound reinforcement video recording film sound etc Application should be made on the
subscription form in the rear of each issue Subscriptions are 515 OO per year 52 00 per year outside U S Possessions.
516 00 per year Canada) in U S funds Single copies are 52 50 each Editorial Publishing and Sales Offices 1120 Old
Country Road. Plainview. New York 11803 Controlled circulation postage paid at Plainview NY 11803and an additional
mailing office G)
"Building Blocks"
2600 Letters Advertisers
Adam Smith 4
Agfa Gevaert Cover Ill
lock AIRS together Audio Technica 9
lock ATRs to video sync Barcus Berry 11
lock ATRs to projectors
lay back audio to video
Cetec Gauss 16
Crown 15
Eastman School 22
Electro-Voice 13
Fostex 17
Klark Teknik 8
LT Sound 5
Polyline 21
Selco 23
sweeten audio- for -video
add ATRs to video editing systems Studer Revox 2
synchronize to automated mixers Symetrix 12
slave VCRs for digital audio Tektronix Cover II, 1
3M 6 7
Wireworks 18
ours, yours or theirs'
our modular remote (to 500')
control panels
your computer, terminal or keyboard About
their' edit controllers or mixers WHY BOTHER?
CMX. Solid State Logic, Calaway, others
Mr. Blesser,
This letter is in response to your Cover
column in the September 1984 db
I guess why bother is that maybe
we can get the same fun out of This month's cover features the
establishing workable terms of Master Control Room of KABC -AM
FULL- FUNCTION A UDIO- reference as the pioneers of labora- Radio in Los Angeles, CA, featuring
FOR -VIDEO EDITING tory experimentation got out of a Pacific Recorders & Engineering
CONTROL SYSTEMS developing the ground work of audio BMX Series Console. The cart ma-
cueing, trimming. looping, displaying. technology. chines, as well as all the furniture,
jogging. rehearsing, recording, audio are also made by PR &E. The tape
event editing, and lots more
In the rare instance when someone
knows whereof they speak, there is a machine is an MCI 2 -track and the
mentally palpable transmission of monitors are JBL.
right view on a subject. It rings true.
This can happen even if the person is
speaking a language one does not
understand. What you get is a sanity
fix. As terms of reference are estab-
FOR DETAILS ABOUT lished to have common and identi-
SYSTEM 2600 BUILDING BLOCKS, fiable meaning, then we can come out
CALL. WRITE OR WIRE: of the foggy miasma of speculation
and bluff and start to deal with
ADAMSSMITH certainties.
34 Tower Street
Hudson, MA 07149 USA I find it very encouraging to learn
Tel.: 617- 562 -3801 in your articles that there is a concern
NYC.: 516- 352 -2341 for this issue, rather than just
TWX: 710- 347 -0096 letting dominant- though possibly
Circle 15 on Reader Service Card
Everyone Says They're Better
We Prove It!
. . RLVERfSs
LT Sound
We Make A Better Product
h it 11 it
gistered fraderr.ark of 3k1. Pc tographed at Soundworks Digital Audio ViCeo Studios. Ltd.. NYC.
For you, it's the sixth ses-
sion of the day. For them, it's
the biggest session of the
year. So you push yourself and
} °" h your board one more time. To
find the perfect mix between four
singers,14 musicians, and at least
as many opinions. To get all the
music you heard on to the one thing
they'll keep. The tape.
We know that the tape is the one
constant you have to be able to count
on. So we make mastering tapes of truly
world -class quality. Like Scotch 226, a
mix of Scotch virtuosity and the versatility
' to meet your LOW FREQUENCY
many master- 50
z -7o --
feels. And Scotch -
250-with the great- j 4-_I
est dynamic range ?-B0
They are just two of the tapes that make us...number
one in the world
of the pro.
errant -schools of thought fight for
control of the marketplace.
involved in digital technology. Con-
sidering the amount of bullsh -- with
you write it
I was grateful as well to find the which we are deluged in this field, we Many readers do not realize that
same careful concern in Richard (and I speak for a few others here) they can also be writers for db.
Ileyser's superbly written papers in appreciate the chance to read some We are always seeking meaning-
the AES Journals on the notions of information from the top. ful articles of any length. The
alternative valid frames of reference Thank you for writing "Why subject matter can cover almost
in modes of thought, perception, and Bother ?" anything of interest and value to
measurement. DAVID OWEN audio professionals.
When a sense of trust is possible in You don't have to be an expe-
the reader or listener then there is no rienced writer to be published.
need for nit picking or getting But you do need the ability to
bogged down on a particular point. express your idea fully, with ade-
That can come later in an instructive quate detail and information. Our
process as terms become understood
editors will polish the story for
in context. Primarily it is only
you. We suggest you first submit
necessary to keep reading or listen-
an outline so that we can work
ing to catch the drift of intelligence
with you in the development of
which is inherent in intelligently
the article.
written material.
You also don't have to be an
Of course there are no hard rules of
procedure but when new ways of artist, we'll re -do all drawings.
thinking are the issue then it is This means we do need sufficient
necessary to get oriented in the detail in your rough drawing or
stream of progression. schematic so that our artists will
I get the same kind of sensation understand what you want.
when for instance Louis Rukyser has It can be prestigious to be pub-
a particularly solid guest on Wall lished and it can be profitable
Street Week (PBS). too. All articles accepted for pub-
You seem to be operating from a lication are purchased. You won't
position worthy of trust for people retire on our scale, but it can
who are interested in the real issues make a nice extra sum for that
special occasion.
l \
Manufactured by Klark.Teknik Research Limited Klark-7)eknik Electronics Inc. Omnimedia Corporation Limited
Coppice Trading Estate, Kidderminster I)l' 11 7H.I, 262a Eastern Parkway, Farmingdale, 9653 Côte de Liesse/Dorval, Quelxc 119P 1A3,
England. Telephone: 10562) 741515 'l'eles: 339821 NV 11735, l ISA. Telephone: 1516) 249-3660 Canada. Telephone: 1514) 636 9971
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
You and your customers have sions but wider range and plugs on its own cable, with the elec-
wrestled with bulky microphones, directly into any surface-mount tronics module high up and out of
sagging stands, and awkward XLRF -type connector. No sag. sight. Or use the included adapter
cables long enough. Introducing No slip. No stand noise. on a floor or desk stand.
AudioTechnica UniPoint`" cardioid To top off a standard desk or floor The AT859 is a wand mike with
Fixed -Charge condenser micro- stand, our AT855 is ideal. A single a difference: the cardioid pattern.
phones. Perfect for the pulpit, fixed bend puts the microphone out About a foot long, it extends to 18"
podium, and a host of other applica- where it's needed. The cable is hid- when you need extra reach. For
tions. The slimmest cardioid micro- den inside the tube, exiting just interviews, talk shows, or to sneak
phones ever! Easy to mount, adjust, above the stand coupler for a neat, up close in a news conference.
and use. professional appearance. Because of their small diameter,
There are five basic UniPoint With its adjustable wire guide to all UniPoint microphones exhibit
models to cover almost every appli- set the angle, the AT853 makes a more uniform off-axis rejection than
cation. For the podium, our double - great overhead microphone for larger mikes. All can be powered
gooseneck AT837 adjusts to any choir or orchestra without showing from any 9 -52VDC phantom power
height or angle with just a touch. itself. Light in weight, cardioid in source, with a battery or an external
The AT857QM has similar dimen- pattern, and truly tiny, it suspends power source as options. The
AT853, AT855 and AT857QM also
"Klutzy" Cardioid!
Audio-Technica UniPoint cardioids
are elegant solutions to some of
your most common sound problems.
To find out more, write for literature
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1221 Commerce Dr., Stow, OH 44224
216/686 -2600
Scenes From Europe: JOHN BORWICK
I have just spent a day in the had built experimental designs, and period proved very productive from
world's first fully comprehensive by late 1981 there was a Neve the point of view of engineer and
digital studio, where I soon became prototype ready to show to potential client familiarisation. Neve engineers
convinced that I was "listening to the customers. almost lived and slept on the premises,
future." Except for the microphones The BBC, in fact, became the first completing the custom-design as-
and the final monitoring amplifiers purchasers, ordering a large console pects with direct feedback from the
and loudspeakers, the signals re- to be fitted in the world's first all - users.
mained in digital form throughout
to give that sealed -in quality which
- digital mobile recording vehicle (see
my story in the April 1984 issue).
During the Christmas 1984 vaca-
tion, the console was finally installed
seems proof against all the normal Peter Harris, the Managing Director in the control room and immediately
degradations of noise, interference, of CTS Studios, was very impressed put to work on a major session. This
saturation and phase slips which can by the DSP potential. In early 1982, involved the Royal Philharmonic
attack analogue signals. If the A/D with Compact Disc just on the Orchestra performing the sound-
derived numbers are still convertible horizon and digital recording already track music by Maurice Jarre for a
at the final D/A stage, the signals an accepted technique in the studios, new feature film "The Bride." The
have been processed perfectly. That's he decided to take the plunge. Helped balance engineer, Dick Lewzey,
how the theory goes. by a one -year interest-free loan of played part of this to me, (in between
Many readers will have heard £250,000 under a government scheme sample takes from a live jazz quartet
rumours about this installation of to encourage investment in British in the studio), and it made a very
Neve's revolutionary DSP (Digital microprocessor technology, he ordered convincing argument for the idea of
Signal Processing) console in the a DSP console at a quoted £310,000 (it processing and storing everything in
CTS Studios in London -and the would now cost £450,000 or more). the digital domain. Orchestral detail
considerable delays which have and began the long-haul of drawing was crystal clear, and the total
taken place in getting it on- stream. up detailed specifications and carry- absence of flutter, modulation noise,
Since the grapevine we use in the ing out pre -production trials. or any other kind of noise was
recording industry includes a number The console finally arrived at CTS fantastic.
of cynics and vested interests, such Studios in the late summer of 1984,
rumours /signals tend to be amplified where a great deal of anticipatory THE STUDIO
if not exactly distorted on the way
and so the world has gotten the idea
- work had been going on. The Sony
3324 24 -track digital recorder had
The CTS studio complex, also
known as The Music Centre, houses
that Neve's design was full of bugs been in regular use since July, 1983, four recording studios with suites for
and that a digital console is both over- and Studio 1 had been extensively film editing, digital editing and disc
expensive and over -complex. reconstructed by Eastlake to wel- cutting. Studio 1 is the largest and
Now that I have seen and heard the come the new console. Peter Harris can accommodate 130 musicians. It
finished system, I would say that it is had also shown that he can 'think big' has sourced a great many film scores
both beautiful and very desirable. by re-equipping the main studio at a for James Bond, Superman and Pink
total cost of around £600,000. Panther series and such award -
RECENT HISTORY The combination of all the new winners as "Gandhi," "1984" and "A
It all began as far back as 1978 ingredients made it quite impossible Passage to India." The Centre is also
when the Neve engineers, following to programme the software for the very successful in the pop charts,
their successful experiences with control system and keep up with the with hits like the No. 1 album from
computer -assisted mixing consoles booked studio sessions. Therefore the the Flying Pickets and the best-
(NECAM), began to look at the DSP console was temporarily moved selling LP of the new stage musical
possibility of handling all programme out of the main control room and run "Chess" with a huge line-up of stars
signals in the digital (PCM) domain. in parallel with the existing analogue that includes the male half of Abba.
o- They collaborated with the BBC, who Neve desk for several weeks. This As reconstructed by Eastlake, who
Ask for a hands -on demonstration.
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I.) 01
Sentry 100EL
with on -board
combines the superb audio reproduction itself? And because amplifier power is
of the Sentry 100A with an perfectly matched to the speaker
integral, 50-watt amplifier. system, there's no chance of damage
With speaker and from inadvertent signal overload.
amplifier in one compact, But convenience and trouble -free
dillrack- mountable package, this operation are only part of the package.
monitor system solves prob- Like all Sentry designs, the 100EL
lems like limited rack space, offers uncompromised accuracy. So you
equipment transport on can be certain of quality sound.
remotes or cramped spaces in The Sentry 100EL - with the power
video editing booths. to make your job easier. For more
Also, by requiring information, write Greg Silsby at
less hardware -fewer cables and Electro-Voice, Inc., 600 Cecil Street,
connectors -the 100EL keeps setup s mple Buchanan, MI 49107.
options. He could, for example, insert
his own disc to set up the entire
console automtically (in about 30
seconds) to the mix and assignment
scheme previously established for a
given session. Alternatively, he can
begin the process of assigning inputs
to channels. setting levels, introduc-
ing EQ, limiting, panning, etc. from
scratch. He is helped in this by
various display options which show
routing flow diagrams including
each of the processors (which he can
insert in each channel in any desired
The speed with which all this can
be accomplished, and the ability to
log complete set -ups on disc, enables
an engineer to build up a library of
console configurations. It also means
that the studio can be used more
intensively. Daytime and evening
bookings can follow one another with
little delay and be for entirely HERE'S TI IN YOUR EYE
different musical recordings, or
record /mixdown, etc. in the knowl- In any monitor, especially a near -field type. response will vary
edge that the console re- setting will from a 2 n (wall /soffit) to a 4 n (free field /console) environment.
be quick and fault -free. So it is not The better the performance, the more noticeable the phenomenon.
necessary to allow lengthy set -up In our case, with more than 20 international patents so far, this field
times, or lock up the control room for select switch was absolutely necessary.
fear of accidental knob twiddling in So that you could have the same flat response in either field or
the engineer's absence. both fields.
Just as multi -mic and multi -track These are Point Source reference monitors. Coaxial, and time
techniques have evolved to give the compensation adjusted in a true concentric design. Stereo imaging the
engineer maximum acoustic control way it happens in nature.
of the musical sounds, so have the They also take lots of power without distortion or complaint.
processes of sweetening and final They are stunning.
Audition the Near -Field Point Source Reference Monitors. From
mix -down necessitate numerous
Fostex. RM -765 (61/2" woofer) and RM -780 (8" woofer). Both with
passes from tape to tape. In every patented RP Technology. For flat response in both 2 n and 4 n
studio in the world but CTS Studio 1, environments.
this means working in the analogue
domain at least for part of the time
with the too familiar signal degrada-
tion that this implies. FOSTEX RP TECHNOLOGY
The CTS facility now avoids ana-
logue entirely- except where pres-
ent outboard reverb and other
processors have to be used. It also
supplies new degrees of remote
control, total memory and versatile
routing. This single console can be
programmed to perform in any one of
a host of different console configura-
tions, from controlling up to 72 line
inputs to handling complex over-
dubbing or film -score productions.
The console operates at the 48 kHz
sampling frequency recommended
by the AES /EBU. However, CTS
have a Studer sampling frequency
converter and so they can produce
CD masters on the recommended
Sony 1610 digital recorder at 44.1
kHz to provide an unbroken PCM
Pro Sound Division
digital line all the way from the mic FOSTEX CORPORATION OF AMERICA
amplifiers to the consumer's Compact 15431 Blackburn Avenue, Norwalk. CA 90650 1213) 9211112
saves so much time in the studio that
it actually saves money." Studio rates
are £150 per hour, compared with
£105 analogue, and clients have
already described this as very in-
expensive. As for the sound quality,
this has been praised all round. Even
when the digital master has had to be
dubbed to analogue for optical prints,
the cleaner, uncluttered sound can
,till be heard. As a final plus point,
users have said that their creativity
has been enhanced by the console's
novel facilities.
Neve's other on- stream customer
for DSP is also in London. The Tape
One studios have been operational
since May 1984 with a custom -
designed two -channel DSP console
for digital audio post -production
work. CD masters have been pro-
duced for numerous clients and to
suit the different encoding require-
Spacious Studio One during a musician's break at the CTS Studio Complex. ments of individual CD pressing
plants worldwide. The latest order to
reach Neve is from the National
diagnostic software automatically console is proof of its viability. The Sound Archive, part of the British
identifies problem areas to avoid composer Maurice Jarre, a regular Library. It will be used to provide the
expensive down -time. customer at CTS, is quoted as saying, best possible restoration of archive
The obvious pleasure with which "The new facilities of the digital sound material, as well as processing
CTS engineers and producers have studio mean an incredible improve- field recordings made on the Sony
welcomed this first-ever all -digital ment in technique. The DSP console F1 /Betamax system.
Federal Depository
Library Program
TEL: 201/686 7400 TWX: 710- 985 -4675 This piogiam is supported by The Advertising Council and is a
Listen To Us
ime Company
dress State Zip International, Inc.
Route 1, Rogers, AR 72756
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To discover the new Magnefax, send for the whole story and a demo cassette.
Figure 1. Exaggerated examples of nonlinearity transfer
curves: a) simple second order; b) gentle saturation;
c) periodic gain variation; d) cross -over error; e)hysteresis r
nonlinearity; f) gain bump.
may laugh but the old timers used order gentle saturation of vacuum y
their common sense correctly. They tubes. The important conclusion is
came to these conclusions based on that there was a consistent alignment
their listening experience with of three classes of issues: perceptual
current equipment. More to the experience, technical measure, and
physical origin.
point, however, they correctly ob-
served that an amplifier which had
3% harmonic distortion clearly
As life became more complex,
however, the alignment of the three
.F _
sounded worse than one with 1 %. classes broke down. Using common PROFESSIONAL QUALITY
Their scale of measured numbers sense, the old timers then tried to
had a clear relationship to their create new measures which would in 46 Stock Lengths
experience when listening. They work for the modulation noise of tape C -02 thru C -92
were using the measured numbers as recorders, amplifiers with complex In Cne Minute Per Side
a formal way of representing their feedback, and a large group of other
subjective experience. They had equipment. From this effort came
several interesting advantages com- such concepts as intermodulation
pared to us new timers. Their noise distortion. This stage in the evolution POLYSET DIV.
was always of the same type: gaussian of the field of degradation was less of
random noise originating from a successful. The numbers from such Polyline Corp.
statistical independent source. measures did not always predict the 1233 Rand Road
Similarly, their distortion was al- perceived quality and it was a Des Plaines, IL 60016
ways the simple second and third function of the type of mechanism (312) 298-3073
Circle 2, on Reader Service Card
which created the degradation. The curves of FIGURE 2, which amplifier ceptual manifestations. Will an
more difficult the problems became, is the best one? It is a bit like asking amplifier with 0.1 %TIM sound worse
the less effort was expended. which is worse -a defect in the than one with 0.01 %? Nobody has
muffler of a car or a leak in the roof? demonstrated a direct correlation
THE ORIGIN PROBLEM In a well defined situation we can ask between perception and measure-
I would now like to demonstrate the question. With trained listeners, ment. We can accept that TIM is a
the problem of comparing degrada- we can ask them for a particular measure of a particular type of
tions when we allow them to come piece of music, which sounds better. degradation. Being a devil's advocate,
from a vast variety of physical If the results are consistent we can I would like to introduce the Blesser
processes. In FIGURE 1, I have trust them. Notice however, that this distortion measure.
created, using an exaggerated scale, may not correlate to any measured It is defined by the following
several different types of non- linear- value of a particular meter. And we algorithm:
ities. These include the following: a may find that a given amplifier
simple second order gentle non - sounds better with one type of music E(v °- v, )4
(1) Blesser =
linearity, a saturation effect at a high than another. We may never again be Fv,4
level, a small periodic variation in in the position to rank order equip-
gain, a zero crossing non -linearity, a
hysteresis non- linearity, and a single
ment in terms of better and worse
regardless of the published speci-
- where v, is the input signal and v° is
the ouput signal. Presto, we have a
bump non -linearity. I would like to fications. distortion measure that is very good
ask you how can we compare the at finding a particular type of dis-
equivalence of these types of de- MATCHED MEASUREMENTS tortion. Would you like to use my
gradation? Furthermore, can you be For each of the types of non -linear new measure? If so I can sell you some
sure that each will have a subjective distortion, I can invent a particular test equipment which will allow you
manifestation with a given type of measurement method which is to evaluate your amplifiers in terms
program? The answer is that we maximally sensitive to that type. I of Blesser distortion. If you order a
cannot compare them, and we will could therefore have a set of meters dozen, I'll give you a good price! Now,
find that the subjective manifestation for: simple second order non-linearity, back to reality. The ability to use a
is unpredictable unless we know the third order saturation, periodic gain distortion measurement assumes
program. variations, etc. Being reasonably that we already know that it has an
If you do not believe me, then try smart, I could invent hundreds of important role. If we do not know
answering the following question: meters -each of which was designed that it plays such a role, we must first
Based on the harmonic distortion to extract a measure of some specific prove it.
type of degradation. Now my data
sheet would have 100 distortion PERCEPTION
numbers. What would the user do If you have no food, that is bad. One
SUMMER 1985 SESSIONS with such a set of numbers? In them- slice of bread is better than no food,
-4-tiii selves, they have no meaning other
than being technical measures. We
and a small sandwich is better than
one slice of bread. Here we have a
assume that the measuring equipment perceptual response to the amount of
works as described. food. We do not need to run an
To make this discussion less ab- experiment because it is obvious. To
Eastman School of Music stract, we should view TIM (transient somebody in the professional audio
of the University of Rochester intermodulation distortion) and its field, it is also obvious that an
cousins in this light. It does measure amplifier with 10% harmonic distor-
Analog /Digital Professional
something and this measure means tion will sound very bad and one with
Facilities that there is a certain amount of a 0.01% will sound very good. We know
Basic Recording Techniques certain type of degradation. However, this because we have BOTH measured
June 24 - August 3 it tells you nothing about its per- and listened to such devices. It is not
Advanced Recording Techniques
July 15 - August 3
instruction by leading audio engineer- (c)
ing professionals in: basic electronics
applied to audio digital technology;
acoustics; microphones; tape and
disc recording; studio, remote and
classical recording; signal process-
ing; maintenance; etc.
Labs, recording sessions, mixdowns.
Credit and non -credit.
Coordinator: Ros Ritchie, director of
Eastman Recording Services
For further information and applica-
tions write: Summer Session, Dept N,
Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs
St., Rochester, N.Y. 14604
Eastman School of Music of the University of
Rochester provides equal opportunity.
Figure 2. Examples of three different curves of harmonic
N distortion as a function of input signal level.
obvious that we can rank two ampli- degradation mechanism be below the Any attempt to rank order equip-
fiers which have 0.05% and 0.01% audible range for all listeners on all ment thus requires us to compare the
harmonic distortion when that dis- types of program material. Although non -linearity of a triode with the time
tortion is of the same type, such as this may be an admirable goal, it can dispersion of a brick -wall filter. This
simple second order. To demonstrate never be achieved. Any belief that a cannot be done.
this, we would need to do a very technology has achieved this, will be When a large group of degradations
careful experiment. Using the food demonstrated to be an illusion. have all been reduced to the same
analogy, it would not be obvious that Digital audio has been invented magnitude of perception, further
a forty course meal is better than a because of the well known degrada- improvement is very difficult be-
twenty course meal. It might be tions of certain types of analog cause all the degradations must be
worse because we could become sick. equipment; namely, tape recorders reduced. To further complicate the
Those of us who have personally and LP records. To this end, digital problem, the perceptual scale is non -
run perception experiments have audio has achieved the goal of linearly related to the physical scale.
come to have an intuitive under- reducing the set of gross degrada- Reducing the noise level from -85 dB
standing of what they mean. With tions to a much lower level. It only to -95 dB is 10 dB but this is not the
gross phenomena, the results are reduces a particular set of degrada- same perceptual 10 as a reduction
reliable and repeatable. A gross tion; but in exchange it also intro- from -95 dB to -110 dB.
experiment might mean the per- duces another set of new degradations. The intellectual burden of per-
ceptual difference with two ampli- Never before could we talk about formance evaluation is more difficult
fiers having 10% and 3% distortion. harmonic distortion as 0.002% when than simple electronic engineering
A difficult experiment might be recording music. with laboratory measuring equip-
one where we were comparing two However, we now add the follow- ment. Yet, very little effort is placed
A/D converters having similar speci- ing new degradations: quantization into the problem of evaluation. That
fications, but where the second from noise, aliasing error, image fre- has been the domain of magazines,
the MSB bit was significantly off. quency generation, clock jitter, phase marketing people and advertising
This kind of experiment is extremely distortion of filters, time dispersion, copywriters. They are not up to this
difficult to run. The experimenter limit cycle oscillations, bit errors, etc. very difficult task. The audio industry
has to design a training session to I am not saying that these degrada- should pay more attention to the
teach the listener how to "tune" into tions are large or significant; it only contradiction: If you do not know how
the particular issue. Generally, one means that we have a new group of good "good" is, how do you know
does that by producing a very gross measures which have to be evaluated. which efforts will make it better?
defect to teach the manifestation. As
the training session progresses, the
experimenter reduces the magnitude
of the effect. Only then can a true
experiment be run.
The reason for this difficulty is
that the human mind can selectively
pay attention to any of hundreds of
perceptual phenomena, but only one
at a time. Some people are much
better at teaching themselves how to
perceptually tune in the desired
effect. Because of my special training
in audio, I can detect certain kinds of WHATCHA-MA
digital defects easily, but I would not
be a good person to use in an
amplifier distortion experiment.
Some engineers who work with
What the heck's a COLLET? tightens from the front with a special brass
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Sound Reinforcement in
Southeast Asia
Engineer Ed Learned is back this month to recount details
of his second trip -this time to Southeast Asia as
sound system designer and operator for
Ronald Shannon Jackson and the Decoding Society.
Read on for an account of this new journey and learn even
more about sound engineering abroad.
DURING my eight year association as engineer tion at all venues larger than 1000 seats. This could either
for Eclipse Jazz, a student -run organization take the form of contracting a local sound firm (if there
that promotes jazz concerts at the University was one) or using the venue's house PA system (if any).
of Michigan, I most enjoyed working with With the cooperation of the group in balancing stage
groups featuring eclectic styles and musical influences. sound, I felt confident that we could handle the smaller
One group of this type that was consistently enjoyable was venues with the equipment we'd carry with us.
Ronald Shannon Jackson and the Decoding Society. Besides added power, the Decoding Society also
Shannon was one of the driving forces in Ornette required greater mixing facilities. The band for this tour
Coleman's electric "dance" bands of the late 70's, and consisted of Ronald Shannon Jackson, drums; Bruce A.
further expanded the melodic concept with the Decoding Johnson Jr., fretless electric bass; Vernon Reid, electric
Society: a band which "decodes" music from the morass of guitars, guitar synthesizer, and banjo; Henry Scott,
the programmed and categorized. Their influences trumpet and flugelhorn; and Zane Massey, soprano, alto,
included the full gamut of improvised music, as well as and tenor saxes. All instruments were amplified on stage,
the melodies and rhythms of many cultures, often multi - the horns via clip -on Sony condenser mics, and then run
layered. The range of sound created by this band was through a plethora of pedals and other outboard signal
always a treat for the inquisitive ear, so I always looked processing devices. In addition, the horns themselves
forward to working with them. In the summer of 1983, were mic'ed; the different combinations of "dry" and
the Decoding Society was selected to represent the US as "wet" horn sounds created varied tonal and harmonic
musical ambassadors on a fall trip to Southeast Asia, textures. These combinations, along with the sounds
sponsored by the United States Information Agency created by the other electric instruments, gave the
(USIA). Due to the recommendation of the band's Decoding Society the broad sonic palate that it was
management and my prior international experience, I known for. To reproduce it would require an increase in
was tapped as sound designer and engineer for the tour. console inputs, as well as mics, mic stands (especially
From September 13 to October 22 we were to give booms), and cables.
performances in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,
Malaysia, Hong Kong. Taiwan, and Burma. AERIAL ENTERPRISES
To provide the PA equipment, I again turned to Aerial
PA POWER HANDLING VS. SIZE? Enterprises, Inc., of Whitmore Lake, Michigan. I'd used
My most immediate concern in planning for the an Aerial sound system on my previous USIA -sponsored
Decoding Society tour was the PA power handling vs. size tour with the Chico Freeman Quintet (see db, January/
question. As on my prior USIA -sponsored tour, there was February/1985), and had been extremely pleased with its
a size and weight restriction on the PA. And, as before, performance on several levels. Not only had the system
the band was to play a wide variety of venues, from an provided the smooth, uncolored response and flexible
American school courtyard to a 2500 seat open -air coverage I'd demanded, but its ability to weather abuse
theatre. The Decoding Society played very powerful was outstanding. This last factor was perhaps the most
2 music, ELECTRIC in every sense of the word! When I'd important, as the abuse delivered during foreign touring
worked for them in the past, a great deal of equipment is quite severe. Many roads in Asia are below par;
gain at key frequencies, specifically low end. The bottom first performance was scheduled for Friday, September
two cabinets in the stack were placed woofer -to-woofer, 16. By shipping a full week before, there would be enough
yielding an increase in bass response required for proper lead time to (hopefully) avoid the problems of the last
presentation of bass drum, tom -toms, and electric bass; I tour, where the gear barely arrived in time. The band's
needed all the help I could get. The top monitor was stage equipment, at 11 pieces and 700 lbs., would be
placed woofer up, so as to get more direct sound into shipped via Pan American air freight from New York to
balconies (if any), or provide unobstructed main floor Singapore on Tuesday, September 13, aboard the same
coverage (see diagram). I planned on paralleling the flight that we were to be on. With the final shipping
three cabinets on each side, creating an input impedance arrangements out of the way. I then flew to NY to enjoy
of 2.6 ohms. myself for a night or two before attending a briefing
By using this speaker configuration, the overall power session, involving the band, myself, and the USIA escort
of the house system could be increased without using any officer, on Sunday, September 11.
extra amplifiers, thus saving valuable weight. My
amplifier compliment, as before, was two Crown DC- THE BRIEFING
300A's in an Aerial double DCA rack, which features Mel Rizzie, the agency escort, ran the briefing. Mel,
transformer -isolated inputs and forced -air cooling. like most escort officers, was a retired foreign service
DC -300As will operate into a 2.6 ohm load, but they eat officer who had traveled the pertinent parts of the world
AC and get real warm. The rack's two 4 %s -in. Pamotor extensively. As a group, we broke the proposed schedule
fans, sealed enclosure, and limited exhaust provided down, day by day, discussing potential problems,
efficient forced -air cooling, drawing air over the questions, and answers. We discussed all related
amplifiers' heatsinks. A.C. current draw for both amps at performance and production details, such as sound check
this impedance would be no greater than 14 amps. With times and equipment transportation. Mel then gave us an
my stepdown transformer output fused at 20 amps, and a idea of what to expect in each country, with respect to
28 amp, 240 volt input capacity, there was plenty of food, customs, climate and culture. All transportation,
current available. I also split the house PA load between lodging, and customs details were to be handled by Mel,
the two amps: Channel 1 of the top and bottom amps each so we could concentrate on producing the show. After the
powered one side of the house PA. Channel 2 of each amp briefing, Mel, Vernon Reid, myself, and Roger Cramer,
powered one monitor mix, with two floor monitors per one of the band's managers, went to pick up the band's
mix. With neither amp required to handle more than one equipment and deliver it to Kennedy airport. Once there,
side of 2.6 ohms, the amps delivered around 400 watts. we checked in the gear, and received a nasty surprise: It
And there was more headroom when the monitors were weighed 940 lbs., well over what had been claimed!
run at a lower level, as Channel 1 of the amplifier could Fortunately, Mel had blank air freight bills of lading, so
then hit the amplifier's power transformer a little harder. the corrected weight was written in. At that point, we
To handle the extra mic assigments, it would be were excused until Tuesday, September 13, when we
necessary to add more inputs to the CAE XPC -2 mixing were to meet at the airport around 8:00 am. I whiled away
console. The console has no mainframe; modules stack the time visiting old friends and sampling NY's many
and attach sideways to each other, so the board can be any jazz clubs and restaurants.
size from one to forty eight inputs. By taking only as many
inputs as needed (plus a spare), valuable weight could be WE'RE ON OUR WAY!
saved. To insert modules, an endplate was removed, Tuesday, despite being somewhat groggy due to the
exposing the chassis guide holes and buss pins. The extra hour, I managed to fight for a cab and make it to Kennedy
input modules were then added, carefully matching by 8:15. I was concerned about being late -until I realized
guide posts and buss pins. The corners of the modules I was the first one there! The next guy I saw was Vern, and
were screwed together, and the end plate replaced. This he was closely followed by Mel. Everyone else showed up
entire operation took only about five minutes, yielding a by 9:00, and we were soon all checked in; Mel asked about
16X2 console. I also ran a quick check on the console, the band gear, and found that it had been loaded on the
checking complete buss continuity and confirming full plane. We took off at 10:00 to begin our epic flight to
operation of the new input modules. I've made it a habit to Singapore. This flight was scheduled to make two stops,
check consoles immediately after working on them; I hate in San Francisco and Hong Kong respectively, before
surprises at the gig. arriving in Singapore around 12:15 am Thursday.
The house electronics, power distribution, and snake Mercifully, I don't remember too much about the flight,
package were identical to the previous tour. I increased except that I did wake up in time to see us flying over and
the mic compliment, using two Crown PZM -31Ss, seven landing in Hong Kong at night -an incredibly beautiful
Electro -Voice DS-35s, four AKG D- 200Es, and an sight. But, after 20 hours of traveling, I was quite glad to
Electro -Voice 670 that I planned on using for talkback or, get off the plane in Singapore. We were met by officials
in a pinch, as a spare. I also included two Aerial direct from the Singapore Jazz Festival, for whom we were to
boxes, which include both instrument and speaker level play on two consecutive evenings, and whisked through
inputs. I increased the number of mic stands, packing customs to our hotel.
extra booms and baby booms. Speaker and mic cables Mel and I went over to the local USIA office late
also proliferated at an astonishing rate. Fortunately, with Thursday morning to discuss the Singapore performances
judicious packing, all the mics and cables still fit in the and chase down our equipment. We had one very big
same case as before. The final system consisted of 13 problem -no band gear! It wasn't on our flight when we
pieces, and weighed around 1800 lbs. arrived in Singapore, and Pan Am was trying to trace it
back: at this point we knew it had been off-loaded in San
GETTING READY Francisco due to the weight of baggage added in
I made arrangements to air freight the sound system California. Our PA had arrived earlier in the morning,
from Detroit's Metro airport to Singapore, where our and was being trucked over to the Dewan Persidangan
to facilitate easy customs processing for Sunday's flight to
Jakarta, Indonesia. We all slept a little easier Thursday.
Our Friday sound check was scheduled for 1:00 pm, so I
caught a cab over to the hall around 11:00 am. Upon
arrival, I was introduced to Barry, Yamaha's head
technician. We discussed my layout and stage needs
before he began sound checks for the Singapore
Broadcasting Company (SBC) Orchestra and the Richard
Ortega Quintet, both scheduled to appear before the
Decoding Society on the evening's program. Staging
changes took an inordinately long time, and there were
problems such as mispatching of snake assignments and
lots of feedback, especially during Richard Ortega's
sound check. I observed the chaos, and phoned Mel to tell
him that sound check was going to be at least an hour late.
I also spent a good deal of time sitting at various points
around the hall, checking out PA coverage. The
auditorium seated 1024, most in floor seating, with a
large rear seating area that resembled a giant concrete
bleacher. The hall sounded quite nice, with a manageable
reverb time. There was plenty of 220 volt, 50 cycle power
in stage pockets, containing 15 amp, new UK -type
receptacles with functional equipment grounds, on the
sides and rear of the large stage. The house PA system
was all Yamaha: one S6115H, one A4115H, and one
S5115H per side, powered by Yamaha 2200 and 2100
amps. That's two 15 -in. woofers, two midrange horns (one
a radial) and a tweeter per side. Stage monitors were
Yamaha S2115H monitors (a 15 -in. cone and a metal
radial horn), powered by 2200 amps with a PM -1000 16
input console and Yamaha graphic equalizers providing
processing. The house console was a 32 input PM -2000,
with Yamaha '/3- octave graphic equalizers, crossovers,
and DDL. There also was an AKG BX -10 reverb. Mics
were AKG, Sennheiser, and Electro- Voice, with some of
the better condenser miss provided by the SBC, which
was recording the festival via split off the stage mics.
The group showed up at 2:45, and an hour later were set
up and mic'ed. I raided my PA case (stashed in a back
room) to get two PZM's, which I used as drum overhead
mics. Once sound check began, the monitors either
couldn't be heard or squeaked. I spent a good 15 minutes
onstage with the band going over the three mixes we'd
asked for, and finally making them work right. I had the
impression that the sound crew lacked experience, so I
tried to keep things as basic as possible, without a lot of
added variables. Once this was accomplished the group
Figure 1. Diagram of one side of PA stack. Note the played 45 minutes, giving them a good rehearsal and
placement used to increase bass response. giving me a chance to hear some of the newer material. I
was concerned about volume, as we were on a bill with a
Singapura, the site of the jazz festival. After bringing big band and an acoustic quintet. Using Barry's SPL
Shannon up to date on developments via phone, we talked meter, the sound pressure registered 105 dB peak at the
to representatives from the jazz festival about production. mix point (behind all floor seats, left center), and 115 dB
The Yamaha Music Company of Singapore was providing peak on stage directly in front of a stack. Barry informed
all equipment for the festival, including full PA for the me this was 10 dB hotter than any other group so far, but
venue, so I wouldn't have to use any of our sound gear. I still within acceptable limits. The band was finally
also asked the Yamaha people to provide instrument comfortable with the borrowed equipment and the stage
amplifiers and a drum set with cymbals, in case ours did sound, so we returned to the hotel to relax before the show.
not show up in time. I then took Mel's advice: when the
going gets tough, the tough go shopping. When Mel and I AN ASIAN REACTION
returned to the hotel, there was a message waiting We were all a little concerned about the first show,
concerning the missing stage equipment. The gear had because of the new gear, new surroundings, and new
gone from San Francisco to Honolulu to Tokyo; it was audience. How would Asian audiences react to the music?
scheduled for shipping to Singapore, via Hong Kong, on We caught part of the SBC Orchestra and most of the
Saturday -but it would not arrive in time to be used for Richard Ortega sets, which all ran overtime. We tried to
the performance. At least we were covered, thanks to the assist by setting up fast; I double -checked mic placement
N Yamaha people, and the gear would be held at the airport and patching to insure accuracy. The guys then settled
into a great 45 minute set. The initial reaction of the were greeted by a wild standing ovation -it seemed most
audience to the music was shock, but when the groove people loved it! The volume situation was interesting,
took hold they got over it fast -applauding loud and long because I'd actually mixed softer. The difference was that
after each number. The group received a standing tonight we opened the show, whereas the night before we
ovation, and praise from the other musicians present. I went on last, so people were already acclimated to
got complimented as well: Barry mentioned that he really amplified sound. Dealing with criticism is implicit in
liked the band sound, and there were no complaints about being a live sound engineer: you can always count on
volume. Saturday's set up was at 3:30 pm, as the Decoding being second -guessed. A thick skin helps, but one should
Society was opening the evening's show, and once in place always be open to constructive criticism. My bruised
we could stay that way until after our set. That morning, spirits greatly improved back in the dressing room,
Mel called and asked me to meet with him in Shannon's where the group thanked me for not emasculating the
room. We had a major transportation problem. For the music, and I got compliments on my mix from some of the
rest of the trip, all equipment was to fly as accompanied other musicians present. I supervised loading out my
excess baggage, to insure that it stayed with us and to sound gear from the storage room, and returned to the
facilitate customs processing. Excess baggage tickets hotel to pack for Sunday's flight to Jakharta.
had been written for 2600 lbs. of gear. However, as the I was at the airport early on the 18th to help Mel collect
and process the equipment, which at last was together in
one place. Our flight took a little over an hour, and the
broken cover offered an opportunity to see numerous
islands in the Indonesian chain. We were met at the
airport by Carl Fritz, a local USIA official.
Once at our hotel, Carl gave us a quick briefing on
Indonesia, and we discussed our schedule. The PA
augment that I'd requested was arranged for our two
Jakarta performances, which were to be held in a large
open -air theatre. At a reception for the group that
evening, we met many Indonesian cultural, press, and
music people who were quite excited about our upcoming
Monday morning, I left the hotel at 9:00 am to set up at
the Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) Amphitheatre. The
extra PA was already in place: four Altec 15 -in. woofers
in Perkins -type enclosures and two Altec multicell horns
with Altec drivers per side, powered with SAE 200 and
TIM Amphitheater in Jakarta Indonesia during setup BGW 750 power amps. I needed all the extra power: the
TIM was a covered stage playing to an open -air, tiered
concrete seating area, capacity 2500. The power drop was
band gear had been underweighed, we had 2740 lbs.
and the baggage tickets could not be changed or reissued.
- stage right, but there was no single 220 volt line -at this
facility, all receptacles were wired with two 110 volt hots
Some equipment would have to be sent home. Shannon to derive 220. As I couldn't tie the two hots together, I
explained that he'd cut band gear down to the bare elected to go with a single 110 volt line; it turned out to be
minimum, and couldn't send anything else back. I was about 135, and fluctuating wildly. I rewired my
already concerned about being underpowered, and the transformer input to the 120 volt tap, and ran my own
only significant saving I could offer would be in speakers equipment ground to a water pipe stage right. I set up and
or mic stands. By cutting stage monitors from four to two checked in about two and one half hours, enjoying the
and cutting out two mic stands, I could save 210 lbs., perfect weather all the while. The augment and my PA
bringing us within limits again. The group and I worked sounded good together; I had plenty of power for the
out a stage layout that allowed Shannon to go without a venue. Carl gave me a lift back to the hotel; I returned at
drum monitor, and the horns to share one instead of two. 4:30 pm with the band for set up and sound check.
This decided, we made the necessary arrangements with
Sound check went smoothly, although early on I noticed Now that we had our own equipment with us, we were
an intermittent "fuzziness" in the house left stack. Upon able to settle into a routine as far as the stage layout was
closer investigation, I discovered that the driver on the concerned. This stage plot, illustrating what was done to
radial was inoperative; the fuzziness I'd heard was the compensate for the loss of the two monitors, was used for
driver trying desperately to work. I pointed this out to the the remainder of the tour.
sound crew, who hadn't even noticed. There was no spare, Ronald Shannon Jackson, composer and bandleader,
so I unplugged the horn to prevent it from gurgling. I played Sonor drums and Paiste cymbals. I mic'ed the bass
ended the sound check reading 102 dB peak SPL at the drum with a PZM placed directly in front of the drum on
mix point, and was quite proud of myself for reducing the the floor. Not only did this yield a great kick sound, but
volume even further. I shouldn't have bothered -as soon also added "meat" to the toms as well. I was also able to
as the band started to play that evening, I had a steady send a mic stand home for weight savings. The snare was
stream of complainers, plus shouts of "turn down" from close -mic'ed with an Electro -Voice DS -35, placed just
some members of the audience during Shannon's slightly over the rim of the drum. The Paiste Rude hi -hats
announcements. Even one of the festival organizers came used an AKG-200E, which I placed over the top of the
up to complain -it was a nasty situation. The band played cymbals, and pointed down at the top about halfway in
right through the complaints, completed the set, and from the edge. I've found these cymbals to be very bright, V
Kick = PZM 31 -S
Snare = DS -35
Hi -Hat= D -200E
Rack toms = D -200E
Floor toms = D -200E
L. overhead = PZM 31-S
R. overhead = D -200E
Saxes Brass
DS -35 DS 35
DS -35
Figure 2. Stage plot used for most of the Decoding Society's Southeast Asia tour.
and this mic'ing helped keep things from getting too mic'ed with Electro -Voice DS -35s, placed tight to the
edgy. The two rack toms and the floor tom were mic'ed grills, with the null points of the mics pointed towards the
with 2 AKG- D200Es, the racks sharing one mic. I tried to drums. I mic'ed the Peavey's speaker a littleoff- center, to
keep these at least 4 -in. away from the drums, as this avoid having the brass amp sound too bright. Both guys
provided a more even sound. A PZM mounted on a boom shared a monitor, which received mostly "dry" horns with
stand was used for the left overhead (ride cymbal side of enough of the "wet" sound added so the effects could be
the kit), and another AKG -200E was used for the right heard. On larger stages, I'd add the guitars as well.
overhead. I didn't need a whole lot of EQ, as the drums Vernon Reid played Gibson Les Paul and Steinberger
themselves sounded great. I'd usually turn up the kick electric guitars, Roland guitar synthesizer, and 6- string
PZM and the overheads to an appropriate level, then add banjo, equipped with a Barcus -Barry transducer. These
whatever else I needed. all ran into a maze of pedals and effects devices, then into
I mic'ed the horns with DS -35s: Henry played his a Yamaha G -100 amp. I close-mic'ed the amp with an
trumpet and flugelhorn directly into his mic; Zane used Electro -Voice DS -35, and also took a direct line off the
his as a bell mic for alto and tenor, a pad mic for soprano. guitar synthesizer for better clarity. The mic was
Zane usually preferred to have a little top end rolled off positioned near the center of the speaker for extra
his alto to smooth it out. Sony clip -on condenser mics were brilliance. I would often roll a bit of low end off the mic to
added to the horns for amplification. These were run into get the guitar sounds to blend better. And WHAT sounds
effects devices, and then to the respective amplifiers. they were! I could look forward to something amazing
Zane used an Ibanez multi -effects box, Henry used an from Vern every night. Working with such an inventive
MXR digital delay and a wah -wah pedal. The horn amps musician was a real pleasure, only accentuated by his
were stacked, with the Peavey Special (brass) on top of the easy-going attitude.
Yamaha G -212 (saxes). This stack was angled towards Bruce Johnson played a Kramer fretless electric bass
Shannon, so he could hear the amp sound. The amps were into a Polytone bass amp. I used a direct box, instrument
level input, on the bass; I'd tried a speaker level input, but stage secure from the audience. To compensate for the lost
couldn't get the clarity I wanted. I had Bruce run the gain mic, I decided to eliminate the right overhead, moving
on his bass fairly high, so I could get a nice hot signal. This that AKG D-200E to the trumpet amp.
was particularly effective for Bruce's playing style, Wednesday, September 21, was a free day for the
which featured lots of slides, double -stops, and pops. The group, but a travel day for me. We were scheduled to
bass played an important role in the Decoding Society, perform in Surabaya on Thursday and Friday. Garuda
providing a shifting pulse of undeniable strength. Airlines were concerned about the weight of excess
As on the other side of the stage, both the guitar and baggage, so it was decided that I would accompany the
bass amps were angled towards Shannon, enabling him gear on a flight today. Mel and the band would follow
to better hear the guitars and bass. The remaining tomorrow, as originally scheduled. Carl picked me up and
monitor was placed stage right and shared by Vern and drove me to the airport, giving a rolling tour of Jakarta as
Bruce. This mix contained guitar amp, guitar synthe- we went. Traveling by car in Jakarta can be very
sizer, and a little bass, which enabled Vern and Bruce to interesting -traffic is usually quite heavy, and people
hear themselves despite their angled amps. Horns were drive like maniacs. The city is probably the car exhaust
also added, as they were on the opposite side of the stage. capital of the world: it hangs in the air like fog, especially
There was never any need for drums in the mixes: At the in the morning. You see many motorcyclists (a popular
level Shannon played, hearing the drums was never a means of transportation) with bandanas over their faces
problem. like cowboys, trying to beat the fumes. Upon arrival at the
The band used the sound check to rehearse "Satin Doll" airport, I found that the gear had already been delivered
and "When The Saints Go Marching In," as they'd been and checked in, so I waited in the television -equipped
requested to add standards to the program by USIA departure area (showing Western rock videos), as the
cultural officials. It was hoped that by adding familiar flight was one half hour late. The flight was enjoyable;
songs to the band's repertoire, there would be a frame of from my seat I viewed some of Indonesia's rain forest and
reference for people who had only been exposed to more two volcanoes before landing. I was met by Nick Mele,
traditional forms of jazz. Zane and Vern worked out some head of the branch USIA office here. He'd been
clever arrangements of these songs, "decoded" in the style instrumental in pushing for the Decoding Society to be
of the band. sent to Southeast Asia, and was determined to see that
The evening's show went very well: we had no we enjoyed ourselves. The gear was collected and sent
equipment or sound problems. The crowd numbered to the office for safekeeping; I was sent to the Hyatt Bumi
around 900, and quickly warmed to the music. Weather Hotel, where we were to play our Thursday concert.
conditions were perfect: 70's, clear sky. The group played Once checked in, hotel officials, Nick, and I went to the
one and three quarter hours straight through (we'd Mahkota Ballroom to check it out. There was a portable
agreed to always play a continuous program), and stage available, in modular 4x4 feet sections. After
handled the new material with aplomb. Zane played a dictating stage size and placement, I investigated the
beautiful solo on "Satin Doll " -Johnny Hodges meets Ben A.C.; there were wall outlets, containing new UK -type
Webster. After the show, I had to completely tear down 220 volt five amp receptacles, with functional equipment
and lock the gear in a back storeroom, as security was grounds. I arranged for the house electrician to supply a
non -existent. 15 amp receptacle of this type, and place it next to the
We set up again on Tuesday morning around 10:00 am; stage to supply my transformer. I noticed that the voltage
everybody remembered what to do so it didn't take long. was the most stable I'd seen in Indonesia; the hotel had not
Monday's concert had received rave revues in the local only voltage stabilizers but a backup generator. For our
press, so that evening our audience expanded to 1600, performance, the hall would seat about 400, so a lot of
mostly young people who were very demonstrative: They sound reinforcement would not be necessary. Nick also
went nuts at the end of most tunes! Several of them spoke arranged for stage lighting to be brought in, as the hotel's
excellent English and dropped by to chat with me before track lighting was inadequate for this purpose.
the set. It seemed that the word was out about the band; as The gear was delivered to the hotel by 1:30 pm
one guy put it "we didn't expect this group to be so heavy." Thursday, about the same time the group wandered in
They were all musicans in a hotel lounge band, who had from the airport. We had a late afternoon sound check; the
come with a friend that attended last night's show. They room proved to be very live, so careful balancing of the
also told me that Kool and the Gang were scheduled to stage sound paid dividends. About 300 people attended
play in town three days after we left, also at the TIM. I the evening's concert, a very mixed crowd in terms of age
hope they got the same great response we did. and status. Nick mentioned that the Jakarta reviews
would be in Friday's papers, so he expected a better
LACK OF SECURITY crowd tomorrow.
After the show, many people swarmed up on stage to Friday's set up was 10:00 am at the Perhimpunam
get autographs and talk to the band. As there was no Persahabatan Indonesia-Amerika (PPIA). The PPIA
security to prevent this, I hurriedly packed my house gear was a library /classroom complex with a center
and rushed up to the stage to get my mics -too late. courtyard, where we were to play on a small portable
Someone had pinched one of my DS -35s. To say I was stage. Setup went fast, but dealing with power proved to
angry was an understatement: Vern told me later there be a real headache. As at the TIM, power was a pair of 110
was steam coming out of my ears. While I packed, I had a volt lines, with a neutral that carried a good 20 volts.
talk about the lack of security with Carl Fritz. He made There was no equipment ground, and no place to get one. I
arrangements to send a cable, requesting added security rewired my transformer input to the 120 volt tap, and ran
for stage and dressing rooms, to all the other USIA posts my ground to a copper pipe that we drove into the earth
that we were to visit. We established a new policy: The next to the stage; I grounded the neutral here as well. The
band would be brought to the edge of the stage after the voltage fluctuated wildly, with drops of eight volts
performance to sign autographs and chat, keeping the sometimes. Vern saw my "ground" at sound check, and
remarked that he didn't even want to know what my day AUALC. This required the use of the damaged speaker
was like. The courtyard seated about 450, and, being for our up- country trip, but Zane and Henry informed me
open -air yet intimate, sounded great. Our evening's that they could live with it. I also requested another DS -35
performance went great -the place was packed, with to replace the one that had been ripped off.
standing room tickets being sold. The crowd was almost Monday was a free day in Bangkok. I was treated to
entirely young people, who loved the music and the band. modern Bangkok's greatest problem: flooding. Some
Henry brought the house down on "Saints" with some streets contained water as high as four feet, swallowing
unaccompanied electronic trumpet, featuring flanged cars and innundating shops and homes. Incredible traffic
slurs and wah -wah laughter. After loadout, we returned jams occurred as vehicles tried to negotiate the waters, or
to the hotel, where Vern, Bruce, Zane and I ate and hung detour around them. As Bangkok grew, many of the old
out with some young Indonesian musicians who had canals the city was famous for were paved over for
attended our show. They played us a cassette of their roads -resulting in less drainage. The land itself is
group, a "fusion" band that combined Indonesian sinking, due to the overuse of artesian water fields under
Gamelan instruments with Western instruments to the city. In a few more years, the problem will be critical.
create original jazz, in the style of Weather Report. It was So a word to the wise: Always allow extra transportation
nice to see the music expanded by combination with time in Bangkok during the rainy season. You'll need it.
another culture; both parties gained from our evening Tuesday found the group, Larry, and all our gear
together. aboard a large bus, traveling the eight hours to Khon
Saturday was another travel day, and started early. We Kaen, located in the northeast of Thailand. The drive
were to fly from Surabaya to Jakarta, and then on to offered a chance to see some of the country at close range.
Bangkok, Thailand, via Singapore. There would be a five The first part of the trip featured lush green forests and
hour layover in Jakarta between flights. Nick, bless his tall hills, some spotted with Buddha figures and spirit
heart, got the gear out on the earliest flight to Jakarta houses. Further north were rice paddies, stretching as far
that morning, to avoid having to split the shipment. Carl as the eye could see. During our lunch break in Korat, I
and the Jakarta team would receive and process the again eagerly ate the Thai food, much to the delight of the
equipment for us; we followed on a later flight. Carl met locals and Larry, who was impressed by my tolerance. We
us, and took us to his house to while away our layover. arrived in Khon Kaen around 5:00 pm, and were treated
Customs processing again went smoothly, and we were to an evening dinner /reception hosted by the rector of
finally boarded on our flight to Bangkok at 4:30 pm. We Khon Kaen University, where we were to play tomorrow
arrived that evening in the middle of an absolute night.
downpour- welcome to the rainy season. Larry Daks, the I was taken to the University for setup on Wednesday
USIA official who met us, told us that the hard rain fell morning. The grounds were quite extensive and very
only in spurts; I hope so. The gear was claimed and pretty. Enrollment was 5,000, but over 10,000 people
processed, and we were quickly transported to our hotel were housed, including students, faculty, maintenance,
to rest and relax. and government people. The venue turned out to be a
I was picked up at 10:00 am Sunday, the 25th, to set up protected stage playing to a concrete -floored pavillion
at the American University Alumni Language Center seating area, all covered by a roof, but with open sides.
(AUALC) Auditorium, seating 800, about 200 in a The grass around the pavillion was covered by tents to
balcony. There were power receptacles, old UK type 220 increase the protected seating area. There was power
volt 15 amp, stage right, but none had functional stage left, with European -type, 220 volt 15 amp, round
equipment grounds. I improvised one to a dressing room pin receptacles, and no equipment ground. I ran an
toilet pipe. During our afternoon sound check, I equipment ground to a water pipe at the rear of the stage;
discovered that one of the 12 -in. cones in the house left I tied the neutral here too, as it carried eight volts. Set up
stack was "rubbing," Most noticeably at lower fre- went quickly, thanks to abundant student labor. The
quencies. I swapped this cabinet with the horn mix stage pavillion seating area had a nasty resonance, which I
monitor, as it required the least bass, and made a mental cleaned up by attenuating the PA slightly at 500 Hz. The
note to try and arrange for a replacement. school provided a PA augment for the tented seating area,
Larry had stressed moderation to the band during which proved to be four locally -built speakers along the
sound check, as he expected the crowd to be a society lines of a giant Shure Vocal Master column. Their plastic
crowd. For this type of audience, he felt standards and grills were not removable, so I couldn't see what was
low volume should be the order of the day. The hall was inside. There was also a local power amp, purportedly
very live, and seemed to reinforce high end considerably
I rolled some highs out of the PA, and had the band watch
- delivering 400 watts. The whole thing sounded ratty even
at marginal volume, but as it was the only equipment
their treble on stage. With careful stage balancing, I felt available I tried to run it as low as possible and still get
that volume was in hand. The evening turned out to be some usable coverage. Larry then treated me to lunch at a
quite a surprise: The place was sold out, and the crowd local food stall- restaurant, where I caused quite a
was much younger and hipper than we'd expected. I sensation: Larry told me they'd never seen anyone as tall
mixed conservatively for two tunes, then decided to go for as me before!
it, as the size of the audience had improved the hall sound.
The audience loved it; the response was overwhelming, OUR LARGEST CROWD
culminating in a standing ovation. As an encore, the band That night we played to our biggest audience in
played a "decoded" Elvis Presley version of "Love Me Thailand-the rector estimated there were over 3,000
Tender." Great stuff! After teardown, I returned to the people in attendance, the largest crowd for any musical
hotel and called Aerial, requesting that a new 12 -in. event in the University's twenty year history. The
woofer be priority air-freighted to Bangkok immediately; primarily student crowd loved the band, showing their
hopefully, it would arrive in time for our second Bangkok appreciation loudly and often. Vern was the crowd
8 performance on Friday, September 30th, also held at the favorite, and got the crowd to clap along in accompani-
ment to several of his guitar solos. Everyone was
justifiably elated, and continued the celebration back at
the hotel.
We left !Gaon Kaen for Korat late Thursday morning.
We arrived early in the afternoon, and, after another Thai
lunch, I went over to the hall. The venue was an old
provincial hall, seating about 500, and had the acoustics
of a giant handball court: Reverb time was about three
seconds. Power was upstage right-a European -type, 220
volt 15 amp, round pin receptacle with no equipment
ground. I fashioned an equipment ground to a water pipe,
outside the building in the rear. I also earthed the neutral
here, as it was carrying fifteen volts. USIA had never
presented any music programming in Korat, so we were
an experiment, so to speak. The place was completely full
(admission was free), but by the middle of the second
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number half the audience had walked out! The sound was
a disaster-it was a constant struggle to get definition, let
alone good tones. Those people who did stay for the whole The Decoding Society on stage in Bangkok for TV taping.
performance proved to be an excellent audience, as
demonstrative as any in Thailand. Afterwards, we
quickly packed and returned to the hotel in the pouring wards, we were treated to a Thai feast at the home of
rain: it was a frustrating evening for all of us. Larry and his wife, then returned to the hotel to prepare
We were back in Bangkok on Friday after another bus for tomorrow's journey.
ride, ready for our second performance in the familiar
AUALC auditorium. During my set up, Larry arrived OFF TO MALAYSIA
with a package; my parts had arrived from the States! Monday, October 3rd, was our travel day to Malaysia.
Even the embassy people were impressed -the package With Larry's help, we breezed through customs, and
had arrived on Wednesday evening, in record time from enjoyed a leisurely flight to Penang, one of the resort spots
Detroit. I replaced the rubbing 12 -in., and got the new of Malaysia. We were met by Cathy Gunning of USIA -
DS -35 into the rotation. Once again, we had a sellout Kuala Lumpur, who'd flown up to meet us with
crowd, this time with standing room. It was a younger performance permits. Customs here proved to be
crowd, primed for the Decoding Society. And the band difficult, as special permission was required when
was ready to cut loose after last night's debacle. It was a entering the country for performance purposes. Even
magical combination, and our most successful concert of with the help of Cathy and Sharifah, the USIA cultural
the tour. As an encore, the band played a "decoded" attache, it took a while to sort out the red tape. Our gear
version of a song composed by the King of Thailand, was collected and processed, but I found we were missing
"Hungry Man Blues," much to the delight of the audience. two speaker cabinets. The airline people started a tracer
This song had been played to close the set on our trip on it, and agreed to leave word at the hotel when the gear
up- country, and was always a hit. After teardown, we was located. We adjourned to the hotel, where the band
returned to the hotel through the usual downpour and did held a press conference, and afterwards were taken to the
some serious celebrating. Saturday was a day off before local jazz club for a reception and jam session. Zane sat in
our scheduled TV taping Sunday. on tenor with the house band and tore up, bringing the
Bruce and I arose early on Saturday to take a personal evening to a rousing climax.
guided tour of Bangkok, visiting several of the more Early Tuesday, Cathy and I went over to the Dewan Sri
famous Wats (Buddhist temples). The rain held off all Pinang to set up. The hall seated 1,300, in sloped theatre -
morning, so we enjoyed the incredible sights: One Wat type seating. The room was quite large, with a very high
featured a five ton solid gold Buddha figure! Later, Mel, ceiling, yet it sounded quite nice -except that it just ate
Larry and I went over to Bangkok's Channel 7 to check all the low end. There was a house PA, set high in the
out facilities for Sunday's taping. As their audio facilities proscenium arch, but it didn't have any real bass
were not extensive, we agreed that I should provide an response, so I was going to have to improvise. Power was
audio feed for the taping, using my mics and mixing available on both sides of the stage, with old UK -type 220
equipment. Power was a US-type Edison receptacle, but volt 15 amp receptacles, containing good equipment
grounds. When I returned to the hotel, I received a
supplied 220 volt 15 amps with no equipment ground. The
station electrician agreed to procure a ground, so having message: The speakers had been located in Singapore
and would be flown in and delivered to the hall by truck,
taken care of the arrangements, we returned to the hotel
to enjoy a dinner /reception in our honor. in time for our afternoon sound check. Vern and I took
I was over at the station early on Sunday to prepare for advantage of some free hours to dally on the beach, which
the taping. I set my mixer in an adjacent studio to try and was incredibly beautiful and inviting.
get some isolation, and mixed using headphones. We ran As promised, the gear was delivered to the hall and,
through a couple of takes, and after each Shannon and I after hooking it in, we sound checked; I had Bruce run his
would run up to the control room to check sound and bass amp more bottom -heavy to try and get extra bass
camera angles. Once satisfied, we cut about six tunes, into the room. We had only about half a house for the
including "Hungry Man Blues," which Shannon evening show, which went smoothly except for Vern's
dedicated to the King. Our performance was scheduled to guitar synthesizer, which made a horrible crackling
be broadcast on the King's birthday, so he'd be able to every time he played it -he finally stopped using it. We w
enjoy this "decoded" arrangement of his song. After- checked his rig after the show, and the "problem" turned
out to be a frayed cord -isn't it always the case? The gear I'd decided to get an early start Friday, so at 9:00 am
was being trucked for the rest of the inter- Malaysian Cathy and I were at the civic auditorium, in a large multi-
jumps, as our flights were in smaller prop planes that purpose room that was usually the site of badminton
couldn't handle the weight of our equipment. tournaments. It was long and rectangular, with wood
Wednesday's flight to Ipoh, aboard a prop job, gave us a floors and concrete walls. The stage was placed at the long
good opportunity to see the countryside due to the low end of the room, which helped create a disastrous three
flight altitude. The land was a verdant green, criss- and one half second reverb time. In about 50%of the seats,
crossed with the patterns of irrigation canals for rice echo was so bad that direct sound was overwhelmed by
paddies and palm oil plantations. After crossing a tree - mush. There was power on the wall behind the stage:
covered mountain range, the land became blotched with plenty of new UK -type 220 volt 13 amp receptacles, with
colored ponds and brown, barren areas. This was tin functional equipment grounds. Checking the system
mining country -and Ipoh was the center of the mining confirmed my worst fears; it would be very difficult to
area. Upon arrival, I was taken directly to the hall for set maintain clarity in the hall. I pointed this out to the
up; the gear was already there when I arrived. The organizers, who added more seats to the front sections.
Wisma Chin Woo was a rectangular room, seating about The Bose people finally showed up, and added their PA;
900, with a tile floor and plaster walls -very live eight Bose 800s per side in groups of two, elevated with
tripod support systems, and powered by Bose amplifiers.
The "console" was three small boards wired together.
This caused an immediate headache, as signal routing
was screwed up and there was a nasty ground loop. Out
,./y, '.
came the soldering irons, and after a few hours things
started to sort out. There were continued problems with
stage setups, monitors, and mic patching assignments all
afternoon. It wasn't until 5:00 pm that we sound
checked -I had the band's stage volume the softest it had
ever been, and mixed extremely conservatively, anything
. , to keep the volume as low as I could. The show started late,
. and kept getting later, but the audience didn't seem to
mind that much; the crowd of around 2,500 was vibrant,
. ~d 1h . i
and always appreciative of the music. We got through the
set change with everything working, and the band played
a strong 90 minute set. Room reverb was still troublesome,
but the size of the crowd helped just enough to pull it off.
About halfway through the set, which had been a smash
Ronald Shannon Jackson on drums at the AUALC so far, much of the crowd got up and left! We found out
Auditorium in Bangkok. why after the show: the busses in K.L. stop running at 1:00
am, and, due to the hour, there wasn't much time left. I
had lots of help for the loadout, and after a brief stop at the
acoustically. The power was in pockets downstage center: hotel Zane, Bruce, Vern, and I went to the Country Inn,
new UK-type 220 volt 15 amp receptacles, with functional where the music went on until 4:00 am. Many of the
equipment grounds. The Ipoh Y.M.C.A., our local festival musicians participated in a floating jam session,
sponsor, provided plenty of labor, so I had an easy time. At with the loudest applause reserved for the three
sound check, careful balancing of the stage sound helped "decoders" whenever they played.
maintain good sonic definition. The performance was I enjoyed the 8th and 9th as days off, although I did
almost sold out, and the crowd definitely helped the room attend the band's Saturday workshop out of curiosity.
sound smooth out, although in the back things sounded Shannon talked a bit about the music and answered a few
mushy due to the long reverb time. After the set, the band general questions, then everyone split off into individual
was presented gifts by the sponsors; when I was called up instrument groups: Zane with the saxophonists, Shannon
for mine the crowd gave me a standing ovation, the only the drummers, etc. I was spotted and cornered by several
time I can ever remember THAT happening! of the aspiring sound and tech people; I ended up
Thursday found us traveling to Kuala Lumpur, where answering questions for about two hours. Several were
we were to play the first ever Malaysian Jazz Festival, already working as club soundmen or were employed by a
sponsored by the Country Inn Jazz Club, Malaysia's group. From the interest and facility I observed at the
oldest operating jazz club, in conjunction with the workshop among the musicians and tech people, modern
Malaysian Ministry of Culture. I met with festival Malaysian music will be a force to be reckoned with. My
officials at the Country Inn that afternoon, and got all evenings were spent at the Country Inn with assorted
related planning out of the way. Bose of Malaysia was to band members, enjoying the ongoing jam sessions and the
provide full sound reinforcement, featuring a Bose 800 friendliness of the Malaysian people.
speaker system for mains and monitors. For our group, I
elected to also use our cabinets, as I'd never been fond of
the Bose low end. I planned to use my console so I could OFF TO HONG KONG
retain my soundcheck main and monitor settings, On Monday we traveled to Hong Kong. We enjoyed a
needing only to repatch into the snake during set change. beautiful view of Hong Kong from the air, and
This was the first Jazz Festival presented by the Country experienced a Hong Kong landing, which is not
Inn, and there were bound to be the usual first time recommended for the easily frightened. We were the
errors. I wanted to make my set up as fail -safe as possible, guests of the Hong Kong Arts Center, where our concert
N my set change as fast as possible. was scheduled for tomorrow night. A representative of
the center met us and started collecting the gear. I was Taiwan. The auditorium seated 1,800, with 600 of these in
told that customs inspection and processing would take a single balcony, and the acoustics were excellent. I
twenty four hours, and the gear would then be delivered returned at 5:00 to set up, and also supervised the
to the theatre for afternoon set up. placement of my augment, supplied by a local sound
Tuesday was perhaps our smoothest day. The stage company. Their stacks were 15 -in. cones in folded horns.
crew at the Arts Centre was excellent, and the Shouson 12 -in. in a horn- loaded cabinet, and radial horns with JBL
Theater had all modern conveniences. Power was compression drivers. The band sound checked at 6:45
available stage left, new UK -type 220 volt 15 amp while the crowd was held out. I was pleased with the
receptacles on a power board, with functional equipment overall sound of the combined PAs, but I couldn't get the
grounds. The hall itself was quite small, seating only 450 horns to sound smooth, just edgy and harsh. As the
on a steep slant. It was wider than deep; the back wall augment consisted entirely of horn components. I decided
was only 45 feet from the stage. I positioned my house to put the rhythm section only through the augment, and
stacks to cover straight away, and positioned my top the horns only through my Aerial cabinets, as they were
speaker, woofer down this time, angled towards the front loaded. This solved the problem, while still
center of the hall around 45 degrees. When the band maintaining good coverage. We had about 1.200 attend
sound checked, it became obvious that the mix for the the show, and the Taiwanese definitely dug the music. At
evening would be comprised primarily of stage sound. loudout, the gear was loaded onto a truck. as all inter -
Most of our time was spent balancing the stage level to Taiwan travel would be by road.
appropriate levels -I added the slightest hint of drums, Saturday, we were off to Taichung, where we
and boosted solos slightly. We'd been told that Hong Kong performed at the Nantou Cultural Center. This hall
audiences were tough to please, but the sellout crowd seated 900 in severely sloped theater seating. The power
responded immediately to the music. Shannon played drop was located stage right, 110 volt 20 amp outlets with
exceptionally, including a three -part drum solo featuring functional equipment grounds. Carpeting and acoustical
mallets, brushes, and sticks. The group received a tile made for nice acoustics. USIA rarely programmed
standing ovation, and after the encore many stayed to talk here. yet the place was sold out. In the middle of the
with the band. It seems many music fans here had been performance, Vern's guitar amp began acting up,
aware of the band for some time: tickets had quickly sold crackling and buzzing. He tried to get it under control,
out. Their excitement and enjoyment made it a great but couldn't. At the end of the song. Shannon got on the
evening for all of us. Loadout went even more smoothly announce mic and asked me what to do. I told him to play
than the in, and I was quickly back at the hotel to continue a drum solo while we investigated. The amp was
our celebration. definitely malfunctioning, so I moved the guitar mic to
the bass and removed the D.I., instructing Vern to play
A TOUGH TIME WITH CUSTOMS direct and use the monitor system as an amplifier. To
Wednesday, October 12th, was departure day. Things totally change setup in the middle of a concert is
were NOT smooth at the airport: Our gear was all there, everyone's nightmare, especially for Vern, who was
but customs inspection was hell. For the first time on the dependent on his amp for effects like sustain and
trip, I had to open every case! In addition. each piece of controlled feedback. However, he handled the situation
luggage was individually x- rayed, so it was a long time calmly, like a total professional, flashing hand signals
before we boarded our flight for Taipei, Taiwan. We until he had what he needed. He told me later that he'd
arrived in the pouring rain and were taken immediately been incredibly nervous, but when he stood in front of the
to our hotel while the gear was processed and taken to the PA and heard how cool it sounded he loosened up. Despite
American Cultural Center. At a reception for us that these problems, the show was a great success.
evening, we received momentous news: Our trip was Sunday, after a short drive, we arrived in Kaohsiung.
being cut short. A group of South Korean dignitaries where we played that evening at the Kaohsiung Chung
visiting Rangoon, Burma, had been hit by a terrorist Cheng Cultural Center. The hall was very beautiful and
bombing. Some were killed, and many were seriously quite large, seating 2,000 -900 in a single balcony. Power
injured. Communist and North Korean elements were was available stage right or left. Both 110 and 220 volt 60
being linked to the attack. The Decoding Society, as cycle AC were available, on 15 and 20 amp receptacles
representatives of the US, might also become a target due with functional equipment grounds. There was a house
to the friendship between South Korea and the US. As our sound system, on the facing above the stage, and after
concerts in Rangoon were to be held in an open -air dumping a bit of 500 Hz I was able to blend it effectively
amphitheater, Burmese cultural officials feared for our with mine. We had another sellout crowd for our last show
safety, and recommended cancellation. Thursday, our of the tour, and the band played with a lot of heat.
free day, was now spent sorting out the new improvised determined to go out with a bang. I never really was
travel arrangements, although I did go to the Palace happy with the bass level in the house, but other than that
Museum with Vern and Shannon. This museum contains I ended on a positive note as well.
the most complete collection of Chinese art and artifacts
in the world, and is an experience to behold. COMING HOME
I was over at the Taipei City Hall early on Friday ready Monday. October 17th was a travel day, as we drove
to set up, but received a nasty surprise: The hall was back up the island to Taipei, where we spent the evening
booked for the day. It wouldn't be available until 5:00 pm, before going our separate ways on Tuesday. The group
two hours before our scheduled performance, so we were flew from Taipei to Tokyo to LA, where the band was
going to have to work fast. I was able to run my snake. scheduled to being a US West coast tour in late October.
uncrate all my speakers, and check out AC. There was a Mel and I went Taipei-Tokyo-Chicago, where I continued
power drop stage right, with 110 volt 60 cycle power. I on to Detroit, Mel to Washington, D.C. Then it took me a
fashioned tails so I could tie a fused Edison AC strip to the good three days to figure out what time zone I was
drop -this would function as my power distribution for in! 111
THE RECORDING INDUSTRY in Israel is a thriving come back to work here. Lately some British engineers
business these days and the following is a com- have also been coming over to work in Israel.
plete rundown on what's happening right now The work being done in Israeli studios is generally done
in Israeli studios. After traveling to Tel Aviv by local artists for the Israeli public along with a little
from my home in the north of Israel (Rosh Ha Nikrah), I exporting being done to Jewish communities in the US
managed to collect some information on studios in the and Europe. In addition, within the last few years video
area. Researching this subject was of great interest to me has become quite popular. As a result, many of the studios
since a good deal of my free time is spent in satisfying the are equipped to meet this growing demand.
populace of my kibbutz (agricultural community) and
Western Galilee in sound reinforcement productions. KOLINOR STUDIOS
One major problem in Israel is the fact that things are Kolinor did the live remote of the Simon and Garfunkel
quite expensive. Imported electronics definitely fall into concert with two Studer A80 VU MkIII's for the TV
this category. The import duty runs between 100 and 200 simulcast hoping for quality and a chance for similar
percent. One problem with this is that the government effects (visual and sound) for the movie "S &G Live In
sees no difference between a pair of speakers for a home Central Park." They accomplished this by using Studer
stereo and studio monitor speakers. Thus, all of the equipment during a live performance and SMPTE time
hardware and software for recording studios are code for post sync and editing for video. The signal was
extremely expensive in Israel. Many manufacturers of taken directly from the stage, then split, and sent directly
pro sound equipment have local Israeli representatives. to a Harrison Console for mix to the two Studer 24 -track
These include: Studer; Soundcraft; Harrison; Audio tape machines. The recording was done by overlapping
Kinetics; Yamaha; Valley People; JBL; MXR; dbx; Shure; simultaneous recordings. All post -production work was
Electro- Voice; Sennheiser; Ampex; AKG; and Klark- completed in the States. For the major undertaking, Emil
Teknik. Even with such a large representation there are Bar of Kolinor took most of his equipment to a remote site
some studio owners who still find it worth their while to for the recording.
travel to the manufacturer and buy directly from them. Another major production of Kolinor's was a Christmas
You might be wondering how expensive it is to record special with Perry Como. Como recorded with his choir
in Israel these days. Well, the average price right now in a along with an Israeli artist, Ilanit. The session went so
24 -track studio is $40 per hour (US currency). well that it was done in one take. The engineer and crew
Most of the staffs in the studios are Israelis who have said that Como was both a pleasant person to get along
been to Europe and the States to learn the ropes and have with as well as a great artist.
Kolinor Studios was the first in Israel, founded in 1964
by Emil Bar and Amnon Roberman. It's still the largest
in studio space. They have six full time employees.
Ronald Altman works in sound reinforcement
on a kibbutz in Rosh Ha Nikrah and has collected STUDIO A
a great amount of information on Israeli studios This is the oldest and the largest of the three studios. It
A in his free time. has 200 square meters of floor space and seats 65
The two studios have an average work rate of 150 to 200
hours a week. This includes radio jingles, TV jingles,
movie musical tracks, rock, jazz, pop, new wave, classical
albums and singles (specializing in Israeli content). From
acoustical layout of the studio, the artists have the
possibility of heavy live to heavy dry sound. The studio
runs parallel to American standards with floating floors
and multi -layered walls with a center insulation of sand.
The artist also has the option of using the studio
equipment for making a live remote recording, through
mobile services supplied by the studio.
Future plans of the studio include ongoing expansion
and modernization. Tommy Friedman is presently in
Taiwan working on a new 24 -track mixing console (using
his vast knowledge and experience in the sound industry).
The console should be operational by the time this article
is published. The studio also plans to purchase video
Amnon Roberman at custom designed console in synchronization equipment and a new 24-track tape
Studio B at Kolinor Studios. machine.
musicians for classical recording. The control room is also Tommy Friedman is the founder and designer of Triton
quite large with 54 square meters of floor space. Studios. He is presently in Taiwan working on the
practical application of a certain number of his
STUDIO B inventions. These include certain audio facilities for
The smallest of the studios has 33 square meters of recording studios and automobile stereo systems. These
studio space and 30 square meters in the control room. inventions have been patented and mass produced for the
The control room is set up for video post productions and international market. His plans are to return to Triton
overdubs. The console is equipped with a dual monitor when his present business commitments in Taiwan are
system which allows the engineer to make two separate concluded.
set -ups for recording and playback. The console is also Guy Jaffe, present manager of Triton Studios, studied
equipped with a custom expander and compressor system at the Institute of Audio Research in NY. Having received
which is incorporated into the automation system and
video synchronization (post production).
Studio C is the newest of the three, just completed
within the last year. It is an acoustically designed
LEDE" by Bar for desired effects. The studio was built
with the recording of both pop and rock music in mind.
The control room is 40 square meters and the studio is 42
square meters.
There are various goings on at Kolinor which includes
classical music to rock to the audio dubbing of the Israeli
version of Sesame Street. Of course, you have the usual
radio and TV jingles plus many Israeli artists.
Emil is waiting for the industry to decide on the
acceptable standard for digital recording. Until then, the
t/1 L"
signal to noise ratio of over 80 db is sufficient with the
Studer equipment at 30 ips using high density tapes. He is
also planning for a video /audio van for on- location music
.. ... ,..... .
B), one cutting room, an editing room, a repair room, a TRITON STUDIO A
technical lab, and personal amenities (kitchen, eating This is the larger of the two studios having 200 square
facilities, wash room, shower). meters of floor space in the studio and 40 square meters in N
Menachem Olesh and Haim Dor founded Harold
Studios in April, 1983. They both have worked in studios
in Israel and overseas including, for example, RCC
Studios and Park 8 in England, BJ in Orlando, Dumian
and Aquarium Studios in Paris. Having both practical
experience and financial backing, they figured it would
be best to invest in a 24 -track facility.
Menachem started off as a musician, beginning with
the piano, advancing to the drums, moving from behind
the mic to behind the mixing console and then to behind
his present desk in the office of Harold's Studios. He
studied at the Technical Institute of Sound in London, and
worked at various studios in the London area. Within the
last two years he returned to Israel.
Haim Dor is always behind the mixing console.
Triton Studios manager Guy Jaffe at the customized Neve
console in Studio B.
Starting off at the bottom in one of the Israeli studios, he
decided to learn the profession seriously and travelled to
the US. In the States he attended a seminar at Full Sail
the control room. The studio can easily contain 50 Recording Workshop in Orlando. On his return trip to
musicians with their various instruments. Israel he stopped over in Paris and worked there for a
short time at the Dumian Studios. In Israel, after his stint
TRITON STUDIO B overseas, he started working in his 8 -track home studio
Studio B is the smaller of the two studios. The studio is making demos. At that time, Haim began working on
75 sq. meters and the control room is 25 sq. meters. The plans for the present studio. He then got together with
console is a custom modified Neve Console. It has an on Menachem and founded Harold Studios.
board 16 band shelving equalizer and four echo sends. Until now, Harold has only worked with Israeli artists.
Another interesting factor on the board is that there are The management hopes with all the advantages they have
two cue sends and two stereo cue sends. to offer, such as highly professional facilities, a lovely
Mediterranean atmosphere, and relatively low prices,
The Ruli Studios were designed and built by Gilad
Keren in conjunction with Amos Shoohat. Ruli was
originally founded by an Israeli folklore group,
Ambassador, its principle aim being commercial. At this
time, the studio will have been in operation for
approximately two years.
Ruli's technical design and layout was planned by two
Israelis who are now the principal recording engineers.
Work was initially started in June of '82 with an
investment of approximately $350,000 (inclusive of
equipment). The studio is situated in the basement of a
four story building, with offices located on the first floor.
Due to the relatively small size of the studio, the acoustic
treatment has been limited to a dry sounding environ-
ment, both in the studio and in the control room. The
environment consists basically of a plaster ceiling and
buffered walls with acoustical absorbing material. The
control room houses a 24 -track system and a LinnDrum
machine. Gilad Keren did his early work at Triton
Studios. There he received practical working experience
with Tommy Friedman. Gilad is an electronical
technician who learned the basics of electronics as an
Army technician in the Israeli Defense Forces. His
present activities include the producing of an Israeli rock
group. The studio operates twenty hours a day, seven days
a week, and due to its popularity, it is heavily booked. The
work staff consists of one manager, three recording
engineers, three assistant engineers, one maintenance
engineer and one secretary. At the present time, due to
the heavy work load, the studio mainly does LP work.
Future plans are to expand the very confined control
room. At present, Ruli is the most popular Israeli rock
studio, producing ten LPs in its first year of existence (all
of the cutting was carried out in London). Their success is Floor plan of Harold Recording Studios.
greatly due to the human factor, when compared to less
8 successful studios with more extensive equipment.
they will be able to attract big name artists. You will find
their studio open 24 hours a day and average a work load
of 20 hours daily. Due to such a heavy work load, Harold
has one full-time recording engineer, Eytan Levine, who
has worked at Kolinor. Besides Eytan, both Menachem
and Haim will put in daily time to make sure all is well
with the equipment. The physical size of Harold is small
by international standards. The control booth is a mere 25
sq. meters and the studio space is approximately 55 sq.
meters. Along with miscellaneous areas (office, wash
rooms, tech lab), the area totals 115 sq. meters. The studio
is in the basement of a four story building and is built on a
solid concrete base with rock wool and plaster plating
being used for acoustical isolation. One of the more
pleasant particulars of Harold's is Yomit Gafny. She acts
as financial secretary and handles all promotion. Once
you come to Harold's it will cost you $45 an hour which is
all inclusive, save for recording tape. If you plan a lot of
session time you can get an eleven for ten deal. That is, you Galley console at Sigma Studios. Note the 'log cabin'
pay $450 for eleven hours of studio time. The work being atmosphere in the studio.
done there includes your usual jingles, TV ads, rock, pop.
new wave and folk. On the list of outboard equipment you
will note the name COBE. It's probably most unknown to A SPECIAL PROFILE
the work market. COBE equipment is both designed and Graeme Jackson is a very pioneering engineer in Israel.
built by an Israeli named Dror Harel (see db Studios). At The first thing that comes to mind (and he will remind
Harold's they are especially happy with the COBE you if it doesn't) is that he is the only engineer in Israel
equipment as Dror will custom build to their exact who has an "Ampex Golden Reel Award." Graeme
requirements. Harold's is also generally happy with the received this coveted award while still in England for
Soundcraft system. It is good for the needs of the studio, work on "Video Killed the Radio Star" by the Buggies.
and the local Soundcraft representative offers excellent You might ask yourself, "What is such a top rate
service backup. recording engineer doing in Israel ?" I asked Graeme the
Some of the things Harold's sees in its future are video same question, as within four years he advanced from
post- production facilities. Then they will install a digital trainee tape operator to senior engineer. He explains that
mixdown complex, and finally, as there is more room for he did not see much room for advancement in the English
expansion next door, they hope to add more studio space. studios. The second reason Graeme mentions is that while
on holiday in Israel he was made so many good offers he
GAL KOL decided it would be worth his while. You have to
Three years ago Shmuel Abovav took over the first floor remember that by staying in Israel to work he took a good
of an apartment building and turned it into a full 24 -track cut in salary, but Graeme figured it would be a challenge
recording studio. Shmuel is not only an engineer sound and maybe he could put Israel in its rightful place among
wise, but also acoustically and technically. He literally the recording nations of the World.
built the studio with his own two hands including the Graeme sees in Gal Kol a studio looking to the future
wiring, carpentry. layout and finish. One of his hobbies is today with the full computerization through the Trident
computer programming and he now does his own book- board, digital computer, and Drumulator and Emulator
keeping via a computer program he wrote himself. computer systems. Graeme also enjoys a very close
Shmuel is an electronical engineer by profession, having working relationship with Shmuel so that the work is
studied and worked in the trade. He also worked for six conducted between friends, and is not necessarily the
years as sound engineer with the Army radio station. usual boss/engineer relationship. In the one and a half
Upon completing his work with army radio he took some years that Graeme has been in Israel, he has been very
to travel around Europe and the US to get an idea of productive and even more successful. At Gal Kol he
what's happening in the recording industry. Upon engineered and co-produced four number one hits, one of
returning to Israel, he began to work on Gal Kol. Gal Kol which entered the ranks of Israeli classics.
was originally established as a 16 -track studio and now Graeme feels that not enough people appreciate the
Shmuel has invested in a totally new 24 -track Trident vast scope of the Israeli music business. He hopes that
system. within the near future he will see more artists coming to
Taking care of the business side of the studio is Israel, not just to perform, but also to take advantage of
Shmuel's wife. Gal Kol, like most of the Israeli recording both modern recording studios and cheap studio time.
studios, operates a full day with average booking being Graeme is the first non -Israeli engineer to live and work
approximately twenty hours a day. The studio records full time in Israel.
rock, pop, folklore, jingles for both TV and radio, and
music recordings for TV. It has no dubbing facilities. SIGMA STUDIOS
Shmuel now has plans of expansion for the future. The Meir and Yehuda own Sigma Studios. Meir does the
aspects of the studio that Shmuel is most proud of and that administrative work and Yehuda works more on the
also set Gal Kol aside from the rest of the Israeli Studios, professional side, being both a recording and a technical
are his Emulator and Drumulator computers. Besides engineer. Sigma started out as an 8 -track studio seven
office work, his Digital Rainbow Computer is also used in years ago, and they have grown to be a full fledged 16- w
conjunction with the Emulator and Drumulator. track studio. Yehuda studied at the Institute of Audio V
larger diameter voice coils. The larger the voice coil
degrees Celsius (520 degrees Fahrenheit). Under this diameter (assuming that axial length remains constant)
extreme condition, the voice coil resistance will have the lower the resistance per unit length of the voice
doubled. for a given DC resistance of the coil. Lower resistance
FIGURE 1 shows the cumulative effect of sweeping
a 380
woofer with 200 watts input. Each frequency means lower temperature rise. And of course the larger
mm (15 in)
voice coil will have more area for more effective
sweep was spaced by 20 minutes, and the total of eleven sinking. Ferrofluids have been successfully used in the
sweeps took 100 minutes. What we see is the effect of small tweeters from
high fidelity industry to protect
cumulative heating of the voice coil-magnet assembly and
burn -out. Such materials are not applicable in high -
the final stabilizing of the resistance rise as thermal power professional work because the temperature rises
equilibrium was reached. The total observed compres- which are common in professional applications would
ten -
sion here is some four dB; but if we compared, say, a
watt sweep with a woofer at room temperature with this, result in deterioration of the ferrofluid.
FIGURE 3 shows the amount of dynamic compression
we might easily see another 1.5 dB on top of this.
observed with a 100 mm (4 in) voice coil with 1 -watt and
The observed reduction in output comes from two
100 -watt sweeps. FIGURE 4 shows a similar transducer
things: the first is the reduction in transducer efficiency, with a 67 mm (2.5 in) voice coil. Both transducers are
and the second is the impedance mismatch with the
380 mm (15 in) in diameter. The difference in dynamic
About the only good thing that we can say about this compression is obvious and is a clear demonstration of the
benefit of a larger voice coil.
state of affairs is that it represents the woofer's internal
attempt to avoid destruction. CONCLUSIONS
In addition to taking much of the "punch" out of the
The phenomenon of dynamic compression is unavoid-
music, dynamic compression produces another effect
able. At the present time, the most economical design
which we should note. FIGURE 2 shows a simulated
approach which minimizes it is a large voice coil. If you
change in loudspeaker low-frequency alignment in a want to be sure about just what the voice coil diameter of a
ported enclosure as a function of temperature rise. In
woofer is, don't believe what you see when you casually
addition to the reduction in mid -band sensitivity, there is look at the dust dome. Most manufacturers
of smaller
a clear shift in frequency balance. The system tends to will use a larger dust dome to conceal
voice coil products
exhibit a peak at the transducer's resonance frequency. that fact. Look underneath the cone at the point where the
While this may look subtle in the graph, it is anything but That is where
cone is cemented to the inner suspension.
that. Critical engineers and producers will easily hear the voice coil former is, and that will give you an accurate
this imbalance and be disturbed by it. idea of the real diameter.
NOTE: Graphs shown in Figures 1, 3 and 4 are measured
The culprit is inadequate heat sinking from the at 1 meter. Transducers mounted in 280 liter
transducer's voice coil, and the obvious solution is to use with large flat baffle.
3.16 E
50 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K
Frequency (Hz)
to sell your equipment in -
classified or display
200 500 1K 2K
3 16 E
advertisements! Call us today
for an advertising rate
Frequency (Hz)
At long th9 questions you aver
last, ad
asked.. all tte problems you ever grappled
with...are answer?d clearly and definitively!
Microphone .bhn Eargle
In 256 fact -filled pages, liberally sprinkled
with over 500 Illuminating photographs, r
drawings and diagrams, John Eargie covers
virtually every practical aspect of micro-
phone design and usage.
noted author, lecturer and audio expert, is vice -president,
market planning for James B. Lansing Sound. He has also
served as chief engineer with Mercury Records. and is a
member of SMPTE. IEEE and AES, for which he served as
president in 1974 -75 Listed in Engineers of Distinction.
Outside U.S.A. add S2.00 for postage. Checks must be
he has over 30 published articles and i ecord reviews to in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank.
his credit, and is the author of another important book, If you aren't completely satisfied, you may return your copy
Sound Recording. In good condition within 15 days for full refund or credit.
The former contains 16 -track recording, a Baldwin baby
grand, and equally sophisticated electronics. Studio C is
even larger, carved out of the barn's huge loft. It's a
lavish soundstage in itself, built exclusively for the
Rolling Stones, and measures over 175 feet in length, with
a cathedral ceiling, catwalks and camera dollies. It'll
hold an audience of up to 350 people. There's also every
conceivable musical instrument on hand and every
imaginable electronic recording device to satisfy even
the most discriminating artist.
Markle has made this amazing electronic meta-
morphosis without sacrificing the charm that is one of
Long View Farm's major selling points. It's not unusual
to see an elaborate and futuristic -looking control board,
with enough dials, switches and lights to make the jump
into hyperspace, resting on a beautifully burnished
mahogany table with a vase of freshly cut flowers.
Scattered throughout the farm there are also wood -
burning stoves, revolving ceiling fans, countless hanging
plants and bird cages, wood everywhere you turn,
stuffed animal heads and a country -sized kitchen with
pots and pans dangling from the walls and from over-
head. And there's a staff of ten to cook the food and keep
the complex spotless and running smoothly.
Although Markle will not be pinned down as to ex-
actly how much it costs to create this impressive music
emporium, he does mention that it takes well over
$350,000 a year to keep the operation running smoothly. Long View's Studio C sound stage built specifically
"The cost of buying and renting the equipment, plus the for the Rolling Stones.
technical and support staff, runs about $1,000 a day,"
says Markle. And where does the money come from? S.E. Music, Inc., which is involved in publishing and
"Most of the money comes in from the rental of the record manufacturing, and is the name of the record
studios," he explains. label used by Long View.
Let's say you've got a band and you want to cut an But the linkage doesn't end there. There's also Chart -
album among the horses, cows and chickens at Long Air Inc., which will put either a twin -engine Cessna 402
View Farm. The J. Geils Band, Aerosmith, Dan Fogel- (complete with telephone and fully-stocked bar) or a
berg and Arlo Guthrie have all recorded there.) If you'd Piper Navajo at your beck and call. And Myles Travel
like, you can rent Studio A for $160 an hour (certified Inc., one of the largest travel agencies in Central Massa-
check or cash, please). Included are one in -house engi- chusetts, according to Markle, is available so you can
neer, plus food and drink. On second thought, maybe figure out just where you want to go. Another company
Studio B, a mere $100 an hour with the same amenities, that's tied in (and the only one that Markle doesn't own)
would be better. Should you decide to stay over a couple is Symmetry Management, which belongs to Randall
of days, it should be noted that one-day price, including Barbera and his brother Tom, who work out of New York.
three meals and the run of the place, can cost around Markle uses Symmetry as a consulting service.
$2,000 for a group with up to eight members. It's possible, therefore, for S.E. Music to write you a
The prices at Long View Farm are not etched in song, for Long View to put you in a studio and produce a
granite, though, and Randall Barbera, spokesman for record; for Symmetry Management to chart its distri-
Markle, says that there is something to fit every budget. bution; for ChartAir to pick up that studio musician you
Markle has been known to lower his rates considerably need and fly him or her to Worcester and for Myles
to give little -known and under -budgeted local bands a Travel to figure out, if necessary, how to first get that
place to record. Some have even recorded on Long View musician to a place a plane can land. Of course, Myles
Farm's own record label. and ChartAir also serve non -music customers. Only
American Leadership Study Groups, Inc. seems to be
THE MARKLE EMPIRE autonomous of the music operation -unless somebody
Always the entrepreneur, Markle, 44, presides over a in a band has a kid who wants a tour of Europe. This year,
sprawling array of independent companies, some of says Markle, ALSG is setting up tours for more than
which he uses to expand the services offered by Long 10,000 students.
View Farm, his pride and joy. The rise of Gilbert Scott Markle is almost as amazing
The name of the company that operates Long View's as Long View Farm itself. Born to Gilbert Markle, an
recording studios has seldom been seen in print. It's NBC sound engineer, and Connie Gates, a singer with
called: This Is Something Else Inc. Something Else, the Tommy Dorsey Band, Markle always had an infatua-
through Long View, can provide you with a package tion with recording equipment and became quite adept
like this: ten hours of studio time and 1,000 singles for at playing several instruments while growing up in the
$2,000. If you want them to push your record for six affluent N.J. suburb of Tenafly, New Jersey. He attended
weeks, be prepared to pay another $1,800. Then there's college at Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, and even-
tually his academic career led him to Clark University, place, but not everybody likes that," Morse notes. "Some
where he taught philosophy from 1967 to 1974. He's groups need the excitement of the big city to feed off of
been married one time (and divorced) and has two and get them going."
children by Nancy Wilcox, a free -lance photographer. Markle, however, believes that the picturesque rural
He has a home on Cape Cod and vacations frequently on setting of Long View Farm is the perfect soothing elixir
the island of Tobago in the Caribbean. He's gracious for those in the harried, unpredictable world of rock
and affable. Although it's been said his tastes are ex- music. "They come because the equipment is state -of-
pensive, his clothes are strictly downhome- mostly the -art, it's relaxing, has aesthetically pleasing surround-
running shoes and jeans. ings and there's no parking tickets, no getting mugged
Both Long View Farm and Markle refuse to sit still as and no having to send out for food."
technology unfolds rapidly. Equipment is constantly
being updated, as new concepts are always being de- SOME OF LONG VIEW'S EXTENSIVE AUDIO
EXPANDING INTO VIDEOS MCI-528, Soundworkshop 3432 Automated, Aengus
One of the areas in which Long View Farm is expand- 1608: Otari MTR 90 II, Sony PCM, MCI JH114,
ing is in the field of videos -an absolute must in a visually 3M -M79, Studer A80 -VU Studer A80 -RCs and
A80 -VU '/2", Scully 280S, Stellavox, Revox, Iawa,
Nakamichi, Uher and Tascam tape recorders;
Bryston, Crown, BGW, McIntosh and HH power
amps; UREI 813A and 813B, Altec 604, JBL 100,
4311, 4411, 4320, Yamaha NS10M, Electro Voice
Sentry 100A and Auratone monitors: acoustic live
chamber, EMT, AKG 8X10 and 8X20 reverbs;
Tektronix, Teletronix, ADR, Lexicon, Roger
Mayer, API, Ashley, Aphex, MAP, Pultec, Orban
Parasound, Eventide, Publison DMH85, DeltaLab,
Loft, EXR, Dolby and DBX outboard gear; Neumann,
AKG, Sony, Sennheiser, Electro Voice, Shure,
Beyer, RCA, Shoeps and Crown PZM mics; Fender
Rhodes, Baldwin, Steinway, Elka, ARP, Prophet V,
Ovation and Roland keyboards and synthesizers.
Sony BVU -800s, JVC CR 6600U, 8250U, Adda,
Crosspoint Latch, Leader, Dynair, Thomson-CSF
Owner Gil Markle at the MCI 528 console in the large Broadcast, Grass Valley, Auditronics, Gerrold,
control room of Studio A.
Blonder -Tongue, ESM, Avcom, Ikegami 350s,
JVC KY1900CH, BTX Shadow, BTX Cypher, Sony
Beta, JVC VHS, Sony, Pro-Feel, Videotek, Sony
oriented world where teenagers (the majority of record Projection. House sync and SMPTE code. Corn -
buyers) seem to be driven with a desire to "see the music." plete audio, video and RF tie lines. Cable -grade
In its brochure, the studio attracts videophiles by offer- satellite earth station on premises.
ing "video recording sets and props, including colorful
recreational areas, assorted barnyard animals, children
and large Disney -like vistas." This past year, ALSG
created "Easy Come, Easy Go," a travel video show-
casing young Americans studying abroad. The 30- minute
film was beamed into 42 markets and reached nearly 20 LONG VIEW FARM'S CLIENT LIST
million Americans in March, according to company
literature. All post- production work and the background INCLUDES:
score was completed at Long View Farm. Markle pro- The Rolling Stones, The J. Geils Band, Stevie
duced the film. Wonder, John Belushi, Pat Metheny, Tim Curry,
What propels musicians to leave the big cities, where Dan Fogelberg, Tom Chapin, Don McLean, Larry
studio back -up artists are so easily accessible? (Even Coryell, Clifford T. Ward, Arlo Guthrie, Pete
Markle admits that availability can sometime be a Seeger, Cat Stevens, Oregon, Motley Crue, Gary
problem.) What makes heavy -metal groups like Motley Wright, Head East, Jay Ferguson, Paul Winter
Crue and Aerosmith trek out to the wilderness to play Consort, Johnny Winter, Aerosmith, Stuff, Rupert
their hellfire, hard -pumping, knock -down-the -walls Holmes, Lynsey DePaul, John Butcher Axis, Gary
brand of rock -n -roll? Burton, Melanie. Max Roach, David Darling, David
"It's a chance to get out of the city, away from the Sandborn, Steve Gadd, Arthur Baker, Chris
media and the limelight," says Steve Morse, rock critic Kimsey, Justin deVilleneuve, The David Reid
for the BOSTON GLOBE. "I know the (Boston based) Band, Gallagher & Lyle, Cherry Vanilla, Liberty
J. Geils Band enjoys it because it's state -of- the -art in DeVito, Van McCoy, Chuck Levall, Ian McLagan,
their own backyard. The Rolling Stones wouldn't go Karla DeVito, John Fannon, Ric Ocasek, Peter
back there, but that's only because they don't rehearse Erskine, Walter Becker, Michael Kamen, Bill
in the same place twice. But they had no complaints." Graham, Bob Tischler, Herb Lovelle, Face to Face,
So why isn't there a very long line forming to book this Zonkaraz, James Coburn.
apparent rock -n -roll utopia? "It's a mellow, peaceful
Scoring One For the Gipper
By providing microphones for the Kansas City Presidential
Debate of 1984, E-V called on a tradition of service
that stretches back to the very origins of public address systems.
under the stage in the Music Hall of the Kansas City
Municipal Auditorium was inducing a "very heavy"
Memrallex grille screen
electromagnetic field into the microphones. High density Acousuloam windscreen
Enter Electro- Voice. Schutz called Hy Badler, CBS Silicon oil-filled impact damping pad
Nonmetallic mount support
Vice -President of Operations in Washington, D.C. Badler
steered him to Jim Hargreaves, CBS Manager of Audio Twisted Leads
Systems in D.C., who reached Greg Silsby, Marketing Variable.o port grille screen
trailer in Kansas City? "Of course," Silsby replied.
An emergency request was nothing new to Silsby. Nor
was he surprised to hear of the RE18's remarkable
performance. Like a number of Electro-Voice Variable-De
microphones preferred by professionals in the broad- Butyl rubber rear shock
New Products
Applied Research & Technology,
Inc. recently introduced the new
digital reverberation system -DR2.
The DR2 is a true digital signal
processor and is microcomputer
controlled. This allows simple user
commands to produce complex
changes in the digital processing
necessary to create reverberation.
The system features a wide variety of
user adjustable parameters. These
include user presets, multiple room
choices (plate, medium sized room,
large hall), various pre -delay settings
(0, 25msec, 50msec, and 75msec),
adjustable high frequency damping, output facilities, the DR2 has a mono Mfr: Applied Research & Technology,
different room positions and multiple mixed output with a front panel Inc.
settings of decay time per room. It reverb level control. The unit is Price: $1,095.
also features a front panel 'kill' which packaged in a sturdy single high rack
mutes the units output. In addition to and includes a one year limited
the balanced mono input and stereo warranty. Circle 35 on Reader Service Card
The Control Room Monitor by
Acoustical Physics Laboratories of
Atlanta, GA is a high accuracy, high
output loudspeaker system designed
for critical digital and analog control
room monitoring applications. New
advances in high power direct radi-
ator drivers utilizing polypropylene
cone materials combined with ac-
curate crossover/driver alignments
and lead dampened acoustic suspen-
sion enclosures have been incorpo-
rated into the Control Room Monitor.
Each monitor is tri- amplified and
incorporates four 12 -inch poly-
propylene woofers, an 8 -in. poly-
propylene midrange, a 2 -in. upper
midrange soft dome, and a 1 -in. soft
dome tweeter. The unequalized first
arrival frequency response is from
20Hz-20kHz, ±2 dB. Peak SPL
output is 135 dB. Crossover fre-
quencies are at 100Hz, 1200Hz, and
5kHz. Power requirements for tri-
amplification are 600 watts per
channel into 2 ohms (20Hz- 100Hz),
400 watts per channel into 4 ohms
(100Hz- 1,200Hz), and 250 watts per
channel into 8 ohms (5kHz- 20kHz).
State of the art FFT and analog
Bruel & Kjaer instrumentation using
the Bruel & Kjaer 4133 microphone
is used to align all driver, cross-
over network and amplification
parameters. An analysis of first
arrival spectral accuracy, phase
response, group delay, the room
integrated response, and a three
dimensional FFT reverberation
mapping of the room is performed.
The Control Room Monitor by Acous- monitor comes complete with elec- Mir: Acoustical Physics Laboratories
tical Physics Laboratories is 48 -in. by tronic crossover networks, on-site Price: $9.500.
32 -in. by 24 -in. and is designed for installation, setup, alignment and
performance certification. Circle 42 on Reader Service Card
recessed front wall installation. The
TecPro Inc., the new U.S. sub-
sidiary of Technical Products Ltd.
(U.K.), has announced availability of
their MJS401D Audio Test/Measure-
ment System. The microprocessor
controlled test set features one button
set-up, and "intelligent" interlock-
ing for speed and accuracy. An IEEE
buss allows for optional computer
control. Single or twin output plug-in
oscillators, which employ 6802 mi-
croprocessors to interface with the Price: Basic system, $3,999.
micro-based MFS401D are available Single and twin oscillators,
as accessories. $962.50 and $1,181.25
(respectively) Circle 43 on Reader Service Card
tO Mir: TecPro Inc.
People, Places
Dolby Laboratories Inc. also Roger Powell, best known for his Frank K. Sterns has been ap-
announced the appointment of James talents as a performing musician, pointed Acoustat director of market-
Fitzpatrick as film applications composer, synthesist and instrument ing and sales. Previously, for two
engineer. Fitzpatrick will assume designer has joined the Cherry Lane years, Sterns was the national
responsibilities of technical support to Technologies team as director of marketing coordinator of the David
the motion picture division, and product development. Powell, well - Hafler Company based in Penn-
technical liaison with film studios, schooled as a keyboardist, first sauken, NY. Before joining The
distribution and production com- gained attention in the music business David Hafler Company, he held
panies. Fitzpatrick possesses an exten- when he engineered Joe South's hit similar positions with AMP Market-
sive technical and management back- single "Games People Play" in 1969. ing Systems and A &M Records, as
ground in audio /video studio record- With his dual proficiency in synthe- well as being an Audio Consultant for
ing, most recently as Chief Engineer/ sizers and electronics, Powell joined Leo's Stereo. A member of the Audio
General Manager of Westlake Audio, the fledgling ARP Company in 1970 Engineering Society, Sterns isa SAC
Inc. in Los Angeles. to design and promote new instru- certified audio and video consultant.
ments. After release of his first solo
album "Cosmic Furnace" in 1973, he
Robert R. Boatman, former head left ARP to pursue a solo career. Alpha Audio Corporation of
of retail advertising of Heath Com- Then came a call from Todd Rund- Richmond, Va, has appointed David
pany, has been named director of gren's UTOPIA to join the group as a Walker to the newly created post of
advertising and promotion for keyboardist /synthesist -a position director of operations and develop-
Electro- Voice, Inc., a supplier of he's held for over ten years. Powell ment. In this capacity he will oversee
high technology mics, speakers, and also toured and recorded with David the marketing and development of
electronics to professional and con- Bowie in 1978, and in the same year new products and product lines for
sumer markets worldwide. Boatman's released his second solo album Air Alpha's various divisions.
retail advertising responsibilities at Pocket. In 1979, Powell hand -built
Heath Co. included the recent re- his own computer and synthesizer
positioning of Heath retail stores in interface, and followed by develop- Gregory A. Green has been
the US and Canada. He also super- ing several utility programs useful named North American sales man-
vised the national and international for music production. He designed ager for the professional products
publicity surrounding Heath's highly two custom keyboard instruments as division of dbx Inc., the audio
successful HERO I, the world's first well: the PROBE, one of the earliest electronics and signal processing
affordable educational robot and was strap -on, remote keyboard con- firm. Prior to joining dbx, Green
involved with corporate advertising trollers, and the DATABOY, adigital spent four years as the director of
and public relations efforts for both "sit- down" keyboard which was sales and marketing at Ashly Audio
Heath Company and Heath Inter- actually comprised of a music key- in Rochester, NY, where he was
national. Electro -Voice has main board, standard computer and a responsible for all foreign and
offices in Buchanan, Michigan, and digital oscillator card. Cherry Lane domestic sales as well as for setting
factories in the US and Europe. EV is Technologies is a division of CHERRY up the firm's financial control and
a subsidiary of Gulton Industries, LANE MUSIC CO., INC., a leading sales tracking systems. His diverse
Inc., a New York Stock Exchange publisher of sheet music and music background includes training as a
Company with corporate head- books, pictorial biographies, record- musician and experience in retail
quarters in Princeton, NJ. ings, and music magazines. sales.
JBL Incorporated has hired four 1983/84 chairman of the Audio engineer for JBL. Appollonio was the
engineers to work on the design and Engineering Society's Los Angeles sole engineer for Genesis Physics
development of new professional Section. After 20 years in the loud- Corporation and its subsidiary Avid
sound products at the Northridge, speaker industry, Roy Cizek joins in Newington, New Hampshire.
California plant. Drew Daniels has JBL as senior engineer. Cizek pos-
been hired as the applications engi- sesses an expertise in cabinet design
neer for JBL and UREI. Daniels which includes V- Groove and stan-
previously worked at JBL for several dard veneer enclosure design. Pre- Andrew A. Brakhan has been
years as a senior research lab tech- vious to JBL, Cizek was a design appointed President and Chief Ex-
nician where he gained experience engineer with Altec Lansing Cor- ecutive Officer of Sennheiser Elec-
with laser interferometry and tech- poration, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. tronic Corporation. Sennheiser
nical photography, time -energy As a new senior engineer at JBL, Electronic Corp. in NY is the exclu-
measurements and acoustical testing Henry Martin is involved in loud- sive US representative of Senn -
methods. After leaving JBL, he speaker system design and the heiser, West Germany, manufacturer
worked at the Tascam division of implementation of advanced testing of condenser and dynamic mics,
Teac Corporation of America, Monte- methods. Additionally, Martin is wireless mic systems, stereo head-
bello, California and CBS' Fender engineering manager for JBL Pro- phones and boom sets, infrared trans-
musical instrument division, Fuller- fessional Products. Paul Apollonio mitters and receivers, as well as test
ton, California. He also served as the has been hired as an acoustical and measurement equipment.
I Classified
PROFESSIONAL Audio Equipment (used). AMPEX 351 -2, 354 -2, 601 -2, AND SCULLY
Mics, Synthesizers, Vocoder, Tape Rec., 280B TRANSPORTS: PROTECH 4CH.
etc., etc. Call (212) 595 -7822 Weekdays REMOTE; DUKANE 50 WATT AMPS:
3 -7 pm. PHILLIPS 212 & REK -O -KUT B12H TURN- Closing date is the
OVAN, ST. LOUIS SCIENCE CENTER, fifteenth of the second
Crown Microtech, Nakamichi, Electro- 5050 OAKLAND AVE., ST. LOUIS, MO
Voice, professional services: BEST 63110. (314) 652 -5500. month preceding the
PRICES. AmeriSound Sales, Inc., east
coast: (904) 262 -4000; west coast: (818)
date of issue.
243 -1168.
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: NEOTEK Series Rates are $1.00 per
Ill; 28x24 with 16 Busses, 6 echo returns
Studer A80 Mark III 24 track with auto - custom "pre- return" submaster fader, word with $25.00
locator. Ampex MM1200 16 track with
autolocator. Soundcraft 1624 fully loaded.
extra patch bay, producer's desk, leg set,
patch cords, spare parts, excellent con-
minimum. Boxed ads
All equipment absolutely new condition. dition; $25K. WHITE 32 -band EQ's $550 ea. are $40.00 per
Firm, serious inquiries only, please. E -V Sentry Ill's $600. (312) 864 -4460.
SoundTech, 20 Mount View Lane, Unit C, column inch. db Box
Colorado Springs, CO 80907. (303)
528 -8388. Numbers are $8.50 for
ALTEC Incremental Amplifier and Center
Cluster: Purchased new in 1980 for a wording "Dept. xx"
2000+ auditorium. Entire system includ-
ing amplifier, horns, drivers and bass plus $1.50 for postage
THE MOST COMPLETE bins will be sold in part or as a whole. and handling.
SELECTION OF Contact Randall Bretz (402) 483 -4541.
System includes eight amp cards, main-
frame, eleven horns, four bass bins. Discounts: 6x -15%,
Series, 56 modules/112 input. Automated
with newest SSL software, keyboard and MUST BE PREPAID.
TAPES dual disc drive. Excellent condition.
(213) 657 -6750.
Send copies to:
All formats including cassettes
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Agfa Magnetite 12 cassette duplicating tape delivers true master quality sound. Outstanding
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