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Dr. Vinita Tiwari

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Ayurceuticals: Recent Development and Future

Perspectives of Ayurveda
Vinita, 1Morya, G.C.K.,
P.G. Department of Dravyaguna
L.H.S.P.G. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Pilibhit (U.P.), India
[email protected]

Abstract: Ayurceuticals may be the quite new term for the world of Ayurveda and is a combination of Ayurveda and
Nutraceuticals. Ayurvedic dietetics and nutrition are novel approach to the world. It evolved with various methods and
processes as well as nutritional benefits of herbs. Rasayana is the best example of this kind; it nourishes as well as improves
immunity and keep away from the diseases. So Rasayana preparations are the primitive and broad approach in the field of
Neutraceuticals. The phytochemicals present in plants are bioactive compound and which are responsible for preventing
disease and promoting health. In recent years these have been taken much attention in field of health care system. Many
studies have been still going on for identification and isolation of the chemical components, establishment of their biological
potency both by in vitro and in vivo studies. Till now study’s findings suggest that phytochemicals may reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease, detoxify body and neutralize free radicals, the prevention and treatment of diabetes, high blood
pressure, and macular degeneration. Classical preparations Rasayana have all benefits which are promising today in
phytochemicals. Present review study aims to highlight the Ayurvedic potential by the name of Ayurceuticals.

Keywords: Ayurceuticals, Rasayana, Phytochemicals, Neutraceuticals.

The term Ayurceuticals suggested that the combination of Ayurveda and Nutraceuticals. It may be the quite new term for
the world of Ayurveda. As a holistic system of medicine, Ayurveda promotes health, wellness and longevity by its nutritional
potential such as Rasayana (promoting longevity and vitality), Jeevaniye (promoting vitality), Brihaniye (promoting over
nutrition), Vayahsthapaniye (promoting longevity) and Balya (promoting strength to the body)1. The fundamental principle of
nutrition in Ayurveda is based upon the Panchmahabhautika theory, Tridosha siddhanta and Samanya-Visesha siddhanta. These
three theories constitute the basis of sustenance of life through diet and medicine. Ahara (diet) Nidra (sleep) and Brahmacarya
(abstinence) are recognized as the three Upasthambhas (sub pillars) essential for the life2. Ahara is considered as the best
sustainer of life (Annam Vrittikaranam Sreshtam)3 and also Mahabhaisajya4. A balanced diet in Ayurveda is planned in relation
to the specific known Panchabhautik composition and their Tridoshik impacts in the living body. Acharya Charaka said that
body is the product of Food and Food is harbinger of happiness and suffering. Food, diet and dietetics have given much
attention among all classical text. Food sustains the life of all living beings; and complexion, clarity, good voice, longevity,
genius, happiness, satisfaction, nourishment strength and intellect are all conditioned by the food.

Ayurveda and Nutrition:

The Panchmahabhuta theory explains the evolution of microcosm as well macrocosm. Whole universe and its components are
composed of Panchmahabhuta. Sushruta described that body as well as food are mainly constituted by five Mahabhutas. These
Mahabhutas have dynamic exchange properties and it is the only way to nourishing as well therapeutic factors for the body.
All the dietary articles are composed of Panchamahabhutas and their biological derivatives and representatives in the body are
Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). After consuming the food and their digestion with the help of Jatharagni (digestive fire) and
then Bhutagni nourishes their respective Panchamahabhutik constituents in the body.

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A novel concept about Pathya Aahar (wholesome diet- nutrients suitable for an individual are called Pathyas) are delineated
in Ayurveda. Lolimbaraja said that “If one eats the right kind of food, what is the need of medicine. If one doesn’t eat the
right kind of food, then no need of medicine”5. There is also a minute attention to the Viruddha aahara (dietary
compatibilities). There are much more considerations about the diet and nutrition in Ayurveda than other systems.
Development of Ayurceuticals:

Ayurvedic dietetics and nutrition are novel approach to the world. It evolved with various methods and processes as well as
nutritional benefits of herbs. All classical text described the kritanna varga. Food (Ahara) and lifestyle (Vihara) significantly
affect one’s overall health and the upsurgence of metabolic and degenerative diseases are the result of adaptation of modern
life style. Most of the incurable diseases are produced due to improper food. Intelligent and self-controlled person should
consume conductive food in right quantity and at right time to prevent diseases. In this series the concept of Rasayana had
been evolved to promote longevity and wellness.

Ayurceuticals and Rasayana:

The term Ayurceutical is a combination of Ayurveda and Neutraceuticals. Ayurveda described the Anna for nutrition (Rasa
pradhan) and Ausadha for therapeutics (Virya Pradhan) but it is the physician skills that he can use Anna for therapeutics and
Ausadh for nutrition. Rasayana is the best example of this kind; it nourishes as well as improves immunity and keep away
from the diseases. So Rasayana preparations are the primitive and broad approach in the field of Neutraceuticals. The word
Rasayana is composed of two words Rasa and Ayana. Rasa means Rasa Dhatu (nutritional plasma) and Ayana means pathway
(microcirculatory channels in the body6. Rasayana is one of the branches of Ashtanga Ayurveda (eight clinical specialities)
which is not only a drug therapy but is a specialized procedure practiced in the form of rejuvenative recipes, dietary regimen
and special health promoting conduct and behavior. Rasayana is the way for attaining longevity, memory, intelligence,
freedom from disorder, youthfulness, excellence of lusture, complexion and voice, optimum level of physical strength and
sense organs. Rasayana drugs act on work at Dhatu level which reflects its sub-cellular activity. It can be collectively compared
with antioxidant, regenerative, immuno-modulatory and adaptogenic. Rasayana are not only helps in treating a disease but
can also be helpful in preventing a disease7

VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1, JAN/2018 78 http://iaetsdjaras.org/


Ayurceuticals and Phytochemicals:

Table 1- Bioactive phytochemicals in medicinal plants8
S.N. Classification Main groups of compounds Biological function
NSA (Non-starchy Cellulose, hemicellulose, gums, Water absorbing capacity, delay
Polysaccharides.) mucilages, pectins, lignins in nutrient absorption, binding
toxins and bile acids
Antibacterial & Terpenoids, alkaloids, phenolics Inhibits micro-organisms, reduce
Antifungal the risk of fungal infection

Antioxidants Polyphenolic compounds, free radical quenching, inhibition

flavonoids, carotenoids, of
tocopherols, ascorbic acid lipid peroxidation
Anticancer Carotenoids, polyphenols, Inhibits tumor formation,
curcumine, Flavonoids inhibited development of lung
cancer, anti-metastatic activity
Detoxifying Reductive acids, indoles, Inhibits pro-carcinogen
Agents tocopherols, phenols, aromatic activation, inducers of drug
isothiocyanates, coumarins, binding of carcinogens,
flavones, carotenoids,retinoids, inhibitors of tumourogenesis
cyanates, phytosterols
Others Alkaloids, terpenoids, volatile Neuropharmacological agents,
flavor compounds, biogenic amines anti-oxidants, cancer

Table 2: List of some Rasayana preparations

Preparations Benefits
Chyavanprasha General health and prevention of respiratory disorders
Brahma Rasayana Protection from mental stress
Narasimha Rasayana Vigor and vitality
Phala Ghrita Reproductive health
Arjuna Kshirapaka Cardio protection
Rasona Kshirapaka Cardio protection
Shilajatu Rasayana Diabetes mellitus
Vachadi ghrit Improves memory and speech in children
Brahmi ghrit Improves memory in young and old

The phytochemicals present in plants are bioactive compound and which are responsible for preventing disease and
promoting health. In recent years these have been taken much attention in field of health care system. There are many studies
have been still going on for identification and isolation of the chemical components, establishment of their biological potency
both by in vitro and in vivo studies. Further more experimental animals, epidemiological and clinical-case control studies in
man have been also carried on pharmaceutical scale. Till now study findings suggest that phytochemicals may reduce the
risk of coronary heart disease by preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, reducing the
synthesis or absorption of cholesterol, normalizing blood pressure and clotting and improving arterial elasticity9-10.
Phytochemicals may detoxify body, neutralize free radicals, inhibit enzymes that activate carcinogens and activate enzymes
that detoxify carcinogens.

VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1, JAN/2018 79 http://iaetsdjaras.org/


Phytochemicals have also been reported for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure, and macular
degeneration11. Classical preparations Rasayana have all benefits which are promising today in phytochemicals. It is well
understood that in primitive time technologies was not developed. So our Acharya have concentrated on specialized diseased
conditions to develop a special Rasayana recipe. Chyawanprash Rasayana for complete wellness, Brahmi Rasayana in mental
illness and dementia, Shatavari kalpa for galactogogues, Ashagandha for general debility, Shilajatu Rasayana for diabetes, Vyaghri
haritki awaleha in respiratory disease and many more are in listed.

Phytochemicals are derived from plants source of and are the secondary bioactive compounds in the medicinal herbs. These
are unknown in primitive time and only be expressed in the way of active potentials. Extract of medicinal herbs serve as
secondary metabolites and have been used for many Rasayana preparations since Samhita period. Now gradually development
in the field of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals industries, phytochemicals have been the prime choice and actively used
in the nutraceuticals products. So it is the high time and need of the hour, that to save our potential of Ayurveda and
Ayurceuticals. There is an urgent need of attention and requirement for the development of Ayurceuticals.
Ontent/ETO_5_3X_Phytochemicals, June 2000.

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