Permutation Vs Combination
Permutation Vs Combination
1. Comparison Chart
2. Definition
3. Key Differences
4. Example
5. Conclusion
Comparison Chart
Definition of Permutation
We define permutation as different ways of arranging some or all the members of
a set in a specific order. It implies all the possible arrangement or rearrangement
of the given set, into distinguishable order.
By taking all three at a time are xyz, xzy, yxz, yzx, zxy, zyx.
By taking two at a time are xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy.
Definition of Combination
When three out of three letters are to be selected, then the only
combination is mno
When two out of three letters are to be selected, then the possible
combinations are mn, no, om.
Suppose, there is a situation where you have to find out the total number of
possible samples of two out of three objects A, B, C. In this question, first of all,
you need to understand, whether the question is related to permutation or
combination and the only way to find this out is to check whether the order is
important or not.
If the order is irrelevant, then the question is related to the combination, and the
possible samples will be AB, BC and CA.
With the above discussion, it is clear that permutation and combination are
different terms, which are used in mathematics, statistics, research and our day
to day life. A point to remember, regarding these two concepts is that, for a given
set of objects, permutation will always be higher than its combination.