Smartouch User Manual

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Life Force

Ground Board
Conduit Top Side
Feed Thru Connector
Block Heater On
Switch Heater
Heater Cover
Manifold LifeForce 1500 Series Control

your LifeSpas dealer for proper procedures.

Block Top Side
Contactor Heater On
Feed Thru Pressure
Ground Lug Switch

Sensors LifeForce 2500 Series Control

Page 27
Setting Temperature 5
The SET Key 5
Time Of Day TOD 6
Setting TOD 6
Primary Water Pump 7
*AUX 8
Spa Light 8
Summary of Device Functions 9
The TEMP key 10
The TIME key 11
The SET key 11
CoLD, OH, Hler 13
ToE – Time out error 13
Page 26 Page 3
Thank you for buying a spa equipped with a Life Force
Digital control system. Many years of experience
went into the design of this family of controls. You can
be assured your spa control system is quite advanced,
it is highly reliable and will serve you for many years
to come.

The control system has been designed with you, the

user in mind. It is very easy to operate and requires a
minimal effort on your part. You may use it just as it
comes to you and without any programming. Yet you
have the option of getting deeply involved in the inner
workings of the control if you so choose. You can
custom tailor it to fit your needs.
LC-1500 Control Board
Please take the time to read at least the first section
(next page) “IN A HURRY – READ THIS” portion of the
manual before starting to use your spa for the first
time. You can familiarize yourself with the rest of the
manual at your leisure.


Make it available for other spa users.
You should also have a spa user’s manual which
explains how to care for your spa. Please read and
follow all instructions in your spa user’s manual.
Maintaining the proper levels of pH and the sanitizer
will extend the life of your spa equipment. Improper
chemical levels in the spa are sure to cause
premature heater failure as well as failure of other
components in the system. Failures caused by
chemical imbalance are not covered by warranty.

LC-2500 Control Board

Page 4 Page 25
I N A H U R RY – R E A D T H I S

For those who don’t like to read manuals or would like to read the
manual later, please read at least the following section and all
safety & warning information from your spa owner’s manual.

LifeForce Digital comes to you with a universal set of

default settings. If you choose to keep these settings,
then you only need to remember 2 things: how to set
the spa temperature and to press the SET key
whenever you are done using the spa.
Setting Temperature
◆ Press and hold the TEMP key for 2 seconds. Release all keys.
The display will flash the current selected temperature.
◆ Using the TEMP and TIME keys (UP and DOWN arrows)
scroll to the desired temperature.
◆ Press the SET key to lock in the new selection.


LifeForce Digital typical view - exploded The SET Key

After using the spa, press the SET key to tell the micro controller you are
done using the spa. It will then take over the spa’s management,
including the different filtration cycles, heat maintenance, economy
modes and protection against freezing. The controller remembers when
you pressed the SET key and in anticipation of your next usage will
perform a 3 hour Auto Filtration cycle and heat if necessary before your
next spa use.

Upon entering this mode the FILTERING light is turned on and a post use
filtration cycle is executed – that is when the spa needs filtration the
most. The default system setting includes a 3 hour economy mode
(ECON) will be displayed, the pump will come on at most once every 3
hours to sample water temperature and heat if necessary.

LifeForce Digital is a family of intelligent, spa control systems. The rest

of this manual will explain the function of each of the keys on the control
panel. It will also explain all the error messages that you may encounter
Page 24 Page 5
LifeForce 240 Volts 4 Wire System 30/50/60 Amp 2 Pole Breaker


120 Volts 3 Wire System 20 Amp 1 Pole Breaker

LifeForce CAUTION: A new breaker must be used for a new spa installation. Do
not use an existing or used breaker.

GFCI: All spa installations must be protected by a GFCI. If your spa

(Optional) control box does not include an integrated GFCI then you must use a
GFCI breaker per National Electrical Code requirements.

120/240 Volt Conversion. All spas are shipped configured for 240
volt (3 or 4 wire systems). Please check the nameplate on the control
enclosure to identify the type of system in your spa. If the nameplate
indicates a 120/240 Volt type system, then it is possible to convert the
spa to 120 volt operation.

30/50 Amp Conversion. Some homes may have limited power service. It
is possible to operate a 240 volt spa system using a 30 amp breaker.
Connect 240 volt power to the system as previously described (talk to
your dealer or service technician regarding conversion), then set it to
operate in the low power mode.

LifeForce Note: Only experienced service personnel should perform

conversions. Improper modifications may cause damage to the
control system and/or the attached heater and pump motors.

Page 6 Page 23

NOTICE: All spa electrical wiring must be performed by a The control panel is normally installed on the lip of the spa for easy and
qualified licensed electrician and must meet all NEC (National convenient access. Within the panel housing is a 4 digit LED display
Electrical Code) and state and local codes and requirements. used to communicate to the user spa temperature, TOD, elapsed user
time, programming, status – diagnostic and error codes and messages.
DANGER – RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK There are 2 different size panels. They are interchangeable. The TS2010
Series panel can have up to 7 keys, the TS1010 Series panel will have at
1. The lines carrying power to the spa must be dedicated to the most 6 keys. These are membrane type switches which when
spa and should not be shared with any other appliance(s). depressed generate a signal the the microprocessor will interpret and
act upon. The switches are labeled and have specific functions. They
2. All electrical wiring lines must originate from the electrical are divided into 2 groups:
panel and terminate, hard wired, into the electrical wiring
compartment. The use of extension cords or plug type Device Control Group: Pump(s), AUX & Light.
termination is expressly prohibited and voids the warranty. Status Control Group: Up & Down Keys & the Set Key.

3. Do not use aluminum wiring. Use only copper wiring. Note: If any of the keys is pressed and held closed for
longer than 20 seconds, that key will be disabled and
4. Wire gauge must be in accordance with NEC requirements for becomes non-functional. After releasing the key, it will be
the distance from current source to spa and the current rating reactivated after 20 seconds. This is to prevent a collapsed
as stated on the ID label that is attached to the control or defective key from locking up the system.

5. All wiring must be shielded by a grounded metal conduit. The

conduit must terminate at the electrical access compartment DEVICE CONTROL KEYS
either from the bottom of the spa or through a hole in the side
paneling of the spa. There are up to 4 device keys, PUMP 1, *AUX, *AUX II & LIGHT.
Your spa will have at least one water pump. Optionally your spa
6. For a 120 volt system the line wire (black) is connected to the may have an air blower, a second pump and a spa light. It may
terminal block lug labeled LINE1. The neutral wire (white) is also have an optional L.E.D. light setup. If your spa does not have
connected to the center lug labeled NEUT, and the ground wire a specific device please disregard the function of that device.
(green) is connected to the ground lug labeled G or GROUND. The duration for every device when activated is 20 minutes.
7. For a 240 volt 4 wire system, connect Line1, Neutral and
Ground wires as in #6 above. The fourth wire is the Line2 wire Primary Water Pump
(red) and it is connected to the lug labeled LINE2.
Each spa should have at least one primary water pump which is
8. For a 240 volt 3 wire system, if applicable, connect black line usually a dual speed pump. The low speed is used to filter the
wire to LINE1 terminal, connect red line wire to LINE2 terminal spa. Also while the spa is being heated or there is an error
and the green wire to the ground lug. There is no neutral. condition, the low speed circulates the water and you will not be
able to turn it off.
Page 22 Page 7
The PUMP I key (switch) on the control panel is a 3 position switch: Low Msg Min Def Max Detail
Pump, High Pump and Off. Each time the key is pressed, the next
function is executed. If your primary pump is a single speed pump then CALB 194 204 218 This is not a time element. It is one of
only the high pump will be activated. 2 LED indicators, LO & HI inform the distinctive features of the LifeForce
you which speed is on. Control System. The number is internal
and in indicative of what the processor
Note: If your spa is equipped with a (optional) circulating sees as temperature. It is used to calibrate
pump it will be used for filtration and heating instead of the the temperature reading. Increase this
low speed pump. value by 1 to decrease the displayed
temperature by 1⁄2 a degree. Decrease this
*AUX number by 1 to increase displayed
temperature by 1⁄2 a degree. For example
If your spa is equipped with an (optional) air blower (bubbler), it is
the controller is displaying a temperature 2
activated by the *AUX key. This is an ON/OFF key. An LED will indicate degrees lower than real temperature
when the optional air blower is on. increase the number by 4 to get a correct
*AUX/Auxiliary Pump(s) reading. The total range of this parameter
is 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Before doing a
Your spa may be equipped with 1 or 2 more pumps. If you have an calibration Please read warning note at
(optional) second pump, it could be a single speed or a dual speed. end of this page.

If you have a (optional) third pump then both the second and third SEND This menu message has no numerical
pumps must be single speed. The function of the *AUX II key changes value. Pressing SET while it is displayed
with the number and type of auxiliary pumps used. Please consult with records and saves all changes made to all
the table on the following page for the proper sequence of activation. parameters.
If pump and *AUX II pumps exceed 12 AMPS each, with 50 AMP
breaker, heater shuts off with both pumps running. You must use a 60 CANC This menu message also has no value.
Pressing SET while it is displayed
AMP breaker to run heater at the same time or heater will shut off.
discards all changes made to all
Spa Light parameters and restores last saved or
previous values.
The LIGHT key can also be a multifunction key. In its simplest
configuration the LIGHT key is a simple on/off switch. It turns the spa
light and the accessory, if one is attached, on/off together at the same The recommended maximum temperature of a spa is
time. Alternatively the LIGHT key may be programmed as a 3 function 104°F. The absolute maximum beyond which no person
key. Pressing it once will turn the spa light on. Pressing it a second time should ever be exposed to is 108°F. When you calibrate the
will turn on the attached accessory, while the light is still on. Press it a spa temperature you are doing so at your own risk. Obtain
third time and both spa light and accessory will go off. an accurate medical thermometer to check against. Please
The table on page 9 summarizes all the possible device key contact your LifeSpas dealer for proper procedure or if you
combinations. Please note that your spa may not necessarily have all do not feel confident.
these devices attached.
Page 8 Page 21
Msg Min Def Max Detail
CLDN 30 60 180 Cool Down cycle in seconds. Whenever Key Device 1 2 3 4
the heater is turned off the pump keeps
running the extra seconds to even the Single speed pump ON OFF
temperature of the heater element and
the surrounding water to prevent scale PUMP 1 Dual speed pump LOW HIGH OFF
build up and premature heater failure. *Dual speed with Circ pump LOW HIGH OFF
*Circ pump is independent
ECL 60 180 240 Economy Cycle Length. Time in minutes
to specify the intervals between spa *AUX *Single speed air blower ON OFF
temperature sampling when the spa is
not in use. During this period the spa is *One single Speed pump ON OFF
in economy mode. Temperature is
sampled at the end of the period. Press *AUX II *One dual Speed pump LOW HIGH OFF
any key to cancel this mode.
*Two Single speed pumps P1 P1&2 P2 ALL OFF
CHCL 0 60 180 Channel Clear. Time in seconds to clear
the air channel and the secondary *Spa light ON OFF
pump(s) plumbing if the spa has not
been used for a period of 24 hours. This LIGHT *Spa Light & Accessory ON ON
prevents water stagnation in the
plumbing. *Spa Light & Accessory ON OFF
3 Function OFF OFF
UTO 10 20 60 User Time Out. The time in minutes from *Optional Feature
starting any device, after which all
devices will be turned off, and the spa Table 1 – Device keys summary of functions
put in “not in use mode”. If you should
leave the spa with a pump or light The four device keys, PUMP 1, *AUX, *AUX II and LIGHT are
running, it will be turned off after the exclusive, when one is pressed, no other key may be pressed
specified time.
simultaneously. You must release the pressed key before you
PUF 60 120 180 Post Use Filtration. Time in minutes to may press another key. Also these keys do not repeat.
perform Post Use Filtration this is the
optimal time to filter the spa. When you If you press and hold a key for more than 20 seconds, that key
have finished using the spa. When you will be considered defective (collapsed) and will be deactivated
have finished using the spa, that is when and ignored by the system. When released, the key will stay
it needs filtration the most. Press the
SET key to turn everything off and start inactive for 20 seconds before it is recognized and activated.
this cycle. This cycle is performed only
once and after pressing the SET key. It is *Optional Feature
in addition to the standard filtration
cycles. Pressing any other device key
will cancel this function.
Page 20 Page 9
Press momentarily the “SET” & “DOWN ARROW” keys at the
The keys in this group are used to communicate to the controller same time to access the following options.
system settings and option selection(s). There are 3 keys in this
group and 3 functions that are combinations of these keys: Msg Min Def Max Detail
Key Press Function FP1 12:00 Start time of filtration period 1
FP2 12:00 Start time of filtration period 2
TEMP (up arrow) Prog Temp, + or Next FP3 12:00 Start time of filtration period 3
FP4 12:00 Start time of filtration period 4
TIME (down arrow) Prog TOD, - or Previous
SET key Select or Accept, Enter Note : If filtration periods overlap,
the most recent period (last) is in
the effect.
SET & TEMP Invert display
SIL 12:00 Start time of the silence period.
Table 2 – Status Control Keys Summary. This is a period which nothing will
run. It overrides all filtrations, the
The TEMP key, which is also the UP ARROW key, is a repeat key economy cycle, and temperature
if held down. Think of this key as “+ or next.” Use it to: sampling. Except if temperature
drops below 40 degrees. A spa may
be installed near a bedroom and
◆ Press and hold for 2 seconds then release it to start desired
need not come on at specific times.
temperature selection.
◆ During temperature setting press TEMP to increase selected FP1d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP1 timer will run.
temperature. FP2d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP2 timer will run.
◆ When doing system programming press TEMP to scroll to the FP3d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP3 timer will run.
next message. FP4d 0 0 240 Duration in minutes FP4 timer will run.
◆ After message selection, the system displays the associated
value, press TEMP to increase that value. SILd 0 0 12 Duration in hours the Silence Timer
runs. Only a user may override the
Note: When the display is inverted, you will be able silence timer.
to read the display from inside the spa; the keys will
retain their functions and will not be inverted. The UP Note : Keep the value of any time to 0 to keep
ARROW will still function as the UP ARROW, even it from running. Filtration timers must be programmed
first one first. If the FP1d (first) timer has a duration of
though, when you look at it from within the spa, it
0, Auto Filtration will be in effect and all 4 programmed
appears to be the DOWN ARROW. The same also timers will be disabled.
applies to the rest of the keys.

Page 10 Page 19
Example: program filtration period 2 to start at 5:45 PM The TIME key, which is also the DOWN ARROW key, is also a repeat key.
Think of it as “- or previous.” Use it to:
Press Display Explanation
◆ Press and hold for 2 seconds then release it to start
SET & DOWN FP1 Start programming the display first setting the real time clock (TOD).
message is Filtration Period 1. ◆ During time setting press TIME to decrease the hours or
minutes value that is being set.
UP FP2 Scroll up to Filtration Period 2. ◆ When doing system programming press TIME to scroll to the
SET 12:00 Select FP2. The display shows the current
previous message.
FP2 start time with the hour position flashing.
◆ After selecting a message, the system displays the associated
UP 1:00 Increase the hour value by 1. value, press TIME to decrease that value.
UP 5:00 Press UP key 4 more times or press and
hold for auto repeat. The SET key is equivalent to Select or Accept. It functions as an Enter
SET 5:00 The hour is set, the minute portion flashes. key of a personal computer, it is the proverbial “hit any key to continue”.
DOWN 5:45 Press UP 15 times or press and hold for auto Press the SET key to:
SET FP2 FP2 set to 5:45 PM & the current message is ◆ After using the spa, press the SET key to tell the
displayed again. controller to take over the management of the spa.
DOWN FP1 Scroll to previous message. ◆ During temperature setting, press the SET key to lock in a
DOWN CANC Previous message - if you press SET when new selected temperature.
CANC is displayed all changes will be ◆ During time of day programming press the SET key to lock
in the hour and the minutes.
DOWN SEND Previous - save changes.
SET Temp Changes saved. ◆ When a “HLer” error message is displayed, press the SET
Exit programming mode. key to clear the error (if the cause has been corrected).
Display current spa temperature, time or Pressing the SET key, the user acknowledges that the
operating message. cause of the hi limit error has been or will be corrected.

The table on the following page is a list of all menu items, their Note: UP is synonymous with TEMP and DOWN is the same
minimum, default and maximum values and an explanation of the key as TIME. These are used interchangeably and mean the
function of each parameter. same thing. Scrolling means pushing either the UP or the
DOWN key to go to the next or previous item or value.
Note : Time parameters have two components, the hours and the
minutes. When programming a time element , first the hour portion is
programmed (flashing). When the hours are set press the SET key to
program the minutes portion.

Page 18 Page 11
LifeForce Digital comes with factory settings. Programming the
There are 9 error messages that a Life Force may generate. Here
LifeForce is optional. The following options are necessary only if
is a list of these messages and what they indicate:
you have certain requirements or you need to custom program
the filtration and heating cycles.
CoLd Temperature in the spa heater housing is below 40°
Fahrenheit. Because spa temperature should never get this low,
the status of the heater element is unknown. Therefore the low
Parameter Programming is a means by which the spa
owner / user can change the various timing elements and
speed pump or circulation pump will run continuously until the
calibrate temperature. The process is simple and intuitive. Only 3
temperature rises above 45°
keys are used: UP, DOWN, and SET. To program one or more
parameters follow the outlined this procedure:
OH OverHeat. The spa is at a temperature that is above 108°F.
LifeForce will not accept temperature settings above 104°F. If for 1. Press SET and DOWN keys together. The first message
some reason spa temperature rises over the maximum level, Life in the menu, FP1 will be displayed.
Force will display a flashing 105°F to 108°F. The spa is still
operational but hotter than any person should be subjected to. 2. Use the UP & DOWN keys to scroll thru the messages in
Please do not use your spa when the temperature is flashing or the menu.
the OH message is displayed. 3. Press the SET key to display the current value
associated with the current message.
In the summer and especially in warm regions, ambient
temperature may be high enough to overheat the spa naturally. 4. Use UP or DOWN keys to increase or decrease the value.
Spas are usually well insulated and can store a lot of heat in the
equipment compartment. 5. Press SET to lock in the new value and return to menu.
6. If another item needs programming go to number 2 above.
HLer Hi Limit Over Heat. LifeForce has a backup water
temperature sensor called the HiLimit. If the sensor is 7. To Save changes scroll to message SEND and press SET.
disconnected or shorted or if the spa temperature should reach
above 112°F, the HiLimit protection circuitry will force all spa 8. To discard changes and restore previous values scroll
functions off and will flash the HLer message on the display. It is to message CANC and press SET.
not possible to use the spa when this error is in effect. When the
error has been corrected, you must press the SET key to The menu of the parameters is circular. Scrolling is from first to
acknowledge that you, the spa user, are aware of the error last or from last to first.
condition and should have the proper repairs done.
When in programming mode please note that this mode will be
cancelled if there is no key activity for a period of 60 consecutive
seconds. Programming mode is aborted and all changes will be
restored to previous values.

On the following page is an example of how to program a

filtration period. When in programming mode you may program
as many parameters as needed.

Page 12 Page 17
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SEoP Sensor Open or disconnected and LifeForce cannot
determine the spa temperature. The heater is disabled but the
spa is operational. The sensor must be replaced or reconnected
for this message to go away.
WARNING SESH Sensor Short. The sensor is shorted and is non
functional. Temperature cannot be determined, the heater is
1. To reduce the risk of injury, do not permit children to use this disabled, but the spa is still operational. Sensor must be
product unless they are closely supervised at all times. replaced to get rid of this message.

2. A wire connector is provided on this unit to connect a PSoC, PSoL, PSoH Pressure Switch Open with Circulating,
minimum 8 AWG (8.4MM2) solid copper conductor, between Low or High pump(s). The pressure switch is a device sensitive
this unit and any metal equipment, metal enclosures of to pressure inside the heater manifold. Pressure in the heater
electrical equipment, metal water pipe, or conduit within 5 manifold is generated by a pump pushing water through the
feet (1.5m) of the unit. manifold. If one pump is running and the pressure switch does
not sense any pressure then there is an indication of no water
3. WARNING: For indoor use only. This unit is not intended for flow. To prevent the heater from being turned on when there is
outdoor use. no water running through, the heater is turned off and one of
these messages will be displayed indicating which pump is
SPA OR HOT TUB. A pressure switch error may also be indicated if there is an air
lock in the pump. An air lock may happen whenever the spa is
CANADA drained and refilled with water, or if the water level in the spa is
5. Attention: Maintenir une distance minimale, mesuree dans un so low as to permit air to be sucked in by the pump. To bleed an
plan horizontal., de 1M entre la cuve de relaxation et les air lock; switch off power, loosen one of the pump fittings a
appareils et commandes. quarter of a turn. You will hear the sound of escaping air, then
water will start dripping. Re-tighten the fitting.
6. Only a licensed electrician can install power to the spa.
ToE Time Out Error. It is not likely that you will ever see this
7. Spa power supply installation must include a properly rated error. It indicates that the system’s heartbeat is out of control, all
GFCI/Circuit Breaker, as per label on control box enclosure.
devices will be shut down and the spa is unusable. This message
will rarely ever occur, if it does, please contact your Life Spas
8. Supply lines must be properly sized as per National Electric
Code. Dealer.

PSSH Pressure switch closed (shorted). P/S closed while

pump is turned OFF, indicating static water pressure is closing
P/S. P/S needs adjustment.

Page 16 Page 13
9. A quick disconnect marked OFF must be readily accessible to
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS the tub occupant, installed at least 5 feet (1m) from the tub.
NOTICE: All electrical wiring must be performed by a 10. All electrical wiring lines must originate from the main
qualified, licensed electrician in order to meet NEC, (National
electrical panel and terminate, hard wired, into the electrical
Electrical Code) state and local codes.
wiring compartment. The use of extension cords, or plug type
termination is expressly prohibited and voids the warranty.
11. Minimum supply conductor ampacity must be 125 percent of
1. The lines carrying power to the spa must be dedicated to the
the current rating stated on the ID label affixed to, equipment
spa and should not be shared with any other appliance(s).
control enclosure.
2. All wiring must be shielded by a grounded metal conduit. The
conduit must terminate at the electrical access compartment
either from the bottom of the spa or through a hole in the side
paneling of the spa.
3. For a 120 volt system the line wire (black) is connected to the
terminal block lug labeled LINE1. The neutral wire (white) is
connected to the lug labeled NEUT, and the ground wire
(green) is connected to the ground lug labeled G or GROUND.
4. For a 240 volt 4 wire system, connect Line1, Neutral and
Ground wires as in #6 above. The fourth wire is the Line2 wire
and it is connected to the lug labeled LINE2.
5. This unit is a “Permanently Connected Equipment Assembly
with Pump(s), Heater, Blower and Control”.
6. The lines carrying the power to the spa must be dedicated and
should not be shared with other appliances. Use copper
wiring only. Use #6 AWG conductors.
7. A pressure wire connector is provided on this unit to connect
a minimum 8 AWG (8.4 mm2) solid copper conductor between
this unit and any metal equipment, metal enclosures of
electrical equipment, metal pipe, or conduit within 5 feet
(1.5m) of the unit.
8. The electrical supply for this unit must include a suitably rated
GFCI/CIRCUIT BREAKER to open all ungrounded supply
conductors to comply with Section 422-20 of the National
Electric Code. GFCI is available and may be purchased with
the spa.
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