He holds office during good behavior and On the other hand, the
can only be deprived of it for misconduct LEGISLATURE, in the exercise of its
ascertained and declared by judgment of POLICE POWER may, however, enact laws
the Supreme Court after opportunity to regulating the practice of law to protect
be heard has been afforded him. The the public and promote the public
state cannot exclude an attorney from welfare. But the legislature MAY NOT
the practice of law in a manner or for pass a law that will control the SC in the
reasons that contravene the due process performance of its function to decide
or equal protection clause of the who may enjoy the privilege of
Constitution. practicing law and any law of that kind is
unconstitutional as an invalid exercise of
accordance with law [Sec. 33, Rule 1. Nature of the privilege and on the
138] confidential and trust relation
between attorney and client.
LIMITATIONS ON APPEARANCE OF NON- 2. A corporation cannot perform the
LAWYERS BEFORE THE COURTS conditions required for membership
1. He should confine his work to in the bar, such as the possession of
non-adversary contentions. He good moral character and other
should not undertake purely special disqualifications, the taking
legal work, such as the of an oath and becoming an officer
examination or cross- of the court, subject to its
examination of witnesses, or the discipline, suspension or removal.
presentation of evidence. 3. The relation of trust and confidence
2. Services should not be habitually cannot arise where the attorney is
rendered. employed by a corporation to
3. Should not charge or collect practice for it, his employer and he
attorney’s fees. [PAFLU vs. owing, at best, a secondary and
Binalbagan Isabela Sugar Co. 42 divided loyalty to the clientele of
SCRA 302] his corporate employer.
4. The intervention of the corporation
RIGHT OF PARTY TO REPRESENT is destructive of that confidential
HIMSELF and trust relation and is obnoxious
Civil Cases: An individual litigant has the to the law.
right to conduct his litigation personally.
Criminal Cases: Involving grave and less PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO REPRESENT
grave offenses, an accused who is a THE GOVERNMENT
layman must always appear by counsel; Any official or other person
he CANNOT conduct his own defense, as appointed or designated in accordance
his right to counsel may NOT be waived with law to appear for the government
without violating his right to due process of the Philippines or any of its officials
of law. shall have all the rights of a duly
By a Juridical Person: A juridical person authorized member of the bar to appear
must always appear in court by a duly in any case in which the government has
licensed member of the bar, except in an interest, direct or indirect, or in
the municipal trial court where it may which such official is charged in his
be represented by its agent or officer official capacity.
who need not be a lawyer.
In the formation of partnership for
the practice of law, no person should be PUBLIC OFFICIALS WHO CANNOT
admitted or held out as a practitioner or PRACTICE LAW IN THE PHILIPPINES
member who is not a member of the 1. Judges and other officials or
legal profession duly authorized to employees of the superior court
practice, and amenable to professional 2. Officials and employees of the
discipline. Office of the Solicitor General
3. Government Prosecutors
PRACTICE BY CORPORATION 4. Pr e s i d e n t , V i c e - Pr e s i d e n t ,
It is well settled that a members of the Cabinet, their
corporation CANNOT engage in the deputies and assistants
practice of law. It may, however, hire an 5. Chairmen and members of the
attorney to attend to and conduct its Constitutional Commissions
own legal business or affairs. But it 6. Ombudsman and his deputies
cannot practice law directly or indirectly 7. Governors, city and municipal
by employing a lawyer to practice for it mayors
or to appear for others for its benefit. 8. Those who, by special law are
Reasons: prohibited from engaging in the
practice of their legal profession
criminal action when the offended party year and maintains a regular
is entitled to indemnity and has not place of work or business in the
waived expressly, reserved or instituted city or province where the
the civil action for damages. He may commission is to be issued
prosecute the accused up to the end of 4. Must be a member of the
the trial even in the absence of the Philippine Bar in good standing
public prosecutor if authorized by the with clearances from the Office
chief of the prosecution office or the of the Bar Confidant of the
Regional State Prosecutor subject to the Supreme Court and the
approval of the court (Sec. 5, Rule 110; Integrated Bar of the Philippines
Rules of Court dated May 1, 2002). 5. Must not have been convicted in
the first instance of any crime
involving moral turpitude (Rule
III, Section 1)
I, ____________, do solemnly A notary public may perform
swear that I will maintain allegiance to notarial acts in any place within the
the Republic of the Philippines; I will territorial jurisdiction of the
support its Constitution and obey the commissioning court for a period of
laws as well as the legal orders of the two (2) years commencing on the 1st
duly constituted authorities therein; I day of January of the year in which
will do no falsehood, nor consent to the the commissioning is made UNLESS
doing of any in court; I will not wittingly earlier revoked or the notary public
or willingly promote or sue any has resigned according to these Rules
groundless, false or unlawful suit, nor and the Rules of Court (Rule III,
give aid nor consent to the same; I will Section 11).
delay no man for money or malice and
will conduct myself as a lawyer POWERS AND LIMITATIONS OF NOTARIES
according to the best of my knowledge PUBLIC
and discretion with all good fidelity as POWERS
well to the courts as to my clients; and I ☞ A notary public is empowered to do
impose upon myself this voluntary the following acts: (JAOSAC)
obligation without any mental 1. Acknowledgments;
reservation or purpose of evasion. So 2. Oaths and affirmations;
help me God. 3. Jurats;
4. Signature witnessings;
5. Copy certifications; and
NOTARY PUBLIC 6. Any other act authorized by
these Rules.
A person appointed by the court ☞ A notary public is authorized to
whose duty is to attest to the certify the affixing of a signature by
genuineness of any deed or writing thumb or other mark on an
inorder to render them available as instrument or document presented
evidence of facts stated therein and who for notarization if:
is authorized by the statute to 1. The thumb or other mark is
administer various oaths. affixed in the presence of
the notary public and of two
(2) disinterested and
A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC: Rules on unaffected witnesses to the
Notarial Practice of 2004 instrument or document;
(August 1, 2004) 2. Both witnesses sign their
own names in addition to the
1.Must be citizen of the Philippines 3. The notary public writes
2. Must be over twenty-one (21) below the thumb or other
years of age mark: “Thumb or Other Mark
3. Must be a resident in the affixed by (name of
Philippines for at least one (1) signatory by mark) in the
e. 4 hours – writing and oral 2. Those who have retired from law
advocacy practice with the approval of the
f. 2 hours – international law and IBP Board of Governors
international conventions
g. 6 hours – such other subjects as Good Cause for Exemption from or
may be prescribed by the modification of requirement
Committee on MCLE A member may file a verified
request setting forth good cause for
Parties Exempted from the MCLE exemption (such as physical disability,
1. The President, Vice-President, illness, post-graduate study abroad,
and the Secretaries and proven expertise in law) from
Undersecretaries of executive compliance with or modification of any
departments; of the requirements, including an
2. Senators and Members of the extension of time for compliance, in
House of Representatives; accordance with procedure to be
3. The Chief Justice and Associate established by the committee on MCLE.
Justices of the SC, incumbent
and retired justices of the Proof of exemption: Applications for
judiciary, incumbent members of exemption from or modification of the
the Judicial and Bar Council and MCLE requirement shall be under oath
incumbent court lawyers covered and supported by documents.
b y t h e Ph i l i p p i n e J u d i c i a l
Academy Program of continuing Consequences of Non-Compliance
legal education; 1. A member who fails to comply
4. The Chief State Counsel, Chief with the requirements after the
State Prosecutor and Assistant 60-day period shall be listed as
Secretaries of the Department of delinquent member by the IBP
Justice; Board of Governors upon
5. The Solicitor-General and the recommendation of the
Assistant Solicitor-General; Committee on MCLE.
6. The Government Corporate 2. The listing as a delinquent
Counsel, Deputy and Assistant member is administrative in
Government Corporate Counsel; nature but shall be made with
7. The Chairman and Members of notice and hearing by the
the Constitutional Commissions; Committee on MCLE.
8. The Ombudsman, the Overall
Deputy Ombudsman, the Deputy CANON 6: APPLICABILITY OF THE CPR
Ombudsman and the Special TO LAWYERS IN THE GOVERNMENT
Prosecutor of the Office of the SERVICE
9. Heads of government agencies Restriction Against Using Public Office
exercising quasi-judicial to Promote Private Interest
functions; Public officials and employees during
10. Incumbent deans, bar reviewers their incumbency shall NOT:
and professors of law who have 1. Own, control, manage or accept
teaching experience for at least e m p l o y m e n t a s o f f i c e r,
10 years in accredited law employee, consultant, counsel,
schools; b r o k e r, a g e n t , t r u s t e e o r
11. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor nominee in any private
and members of the Corps of enterprise regulated, supervised
Professional Lecturers of the or licensed by their office unless
Philippine Judicial Academy; and expressly allowed by law
12. Governors and Mayors 2. Engage in the private practice of
their profession unless
Other Exempted Parties authorized by the constitution or
1. Those who are not in law law, provided that such practice
practice, private or public will not conflict or tend to
conflict with their official
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads),
Jennifer Ang(VC- Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-
Logistics). Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation
Law), Mark David Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou
Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law
2. Express − when the terms and own opinion regarding the guilt
conditions including the amount of said person.
of fees, are explicitly stipulated 3. He shall not decline, except for
in a written document which serious and sufficient cause like
may be a private or public (1) if he is not in a position to
document. Written contract of carry out effectively or
attorney’s fees is the law competently; (2) if he labors
between the lawyer and the under a conflict of interest
client. between him and the
3. Implied – when there is no prospective client or between a
agreement, whether oral or present and prospective client.
written, but the client allowed
the lawyer to render legal Reasons: IBP Guidelines, Art.1, Sec. 1.
services not intended to be Public Service:
gratuitous without objection, 1. Legal aid is not a matter of charity
and the client is benefited by but a public responsibility.
reason thereof. 2. It is a means for correction of
social imbalance.
Note: While a written agreement for 3. Legal aid offices must be so
professional services is the best evidence organized as to give maximum
to show the relation, formality is not an possible assistance to indigent and
essential element of the employment of deserving members of the
an attorney. The absence of a written community and to forestall
contract will not preclude a finding that injustice.
there is a professional relationship.
Documentary formalism is not an DUTY TO DECLINE EMPLOYMENT
essential element in the employment of A lawyer should decline
an attorney; the contract may be professional employment even though
express or implied. how attractive the fee offered may be if
its acceptance will involve:
ADVANTAGES OF A WRITTEN CONTRACT 1. A violation of any of the rules of
BETWEEN THE LAWYER AND THE the legal profession.
CLIENT: 2. Nullification of a contract which
1.It is conclusive as to the amount of he prepared.
compensation. 3. Advocacy in any matter in which
2. In case of unjustified dismissal he had intervened while in the
of an attorney, he shall be government service.
entitled to recover from the 4. Employment, the nature of
client full compensation which might easily be used as a
stipulated in the contract [RA means of advertising his
636]. professional services or his skill.
5. Employment with a collection
CANON 14: NOT TO REFUSE HIS agency which solicits business to
SERVICES TO THE NEEDY collect claims.
6. Any matter in which he knows or
RIGHT TO DECLINE EMPLOYMENT; has reason to believe that he or
EXCEPTIONS his partner will be an essential
☑General Rule: A lawyer is not obliged witness for the prospective
to act as legal counsel for any person client.
who may wish to become his client. He
has the right to decline employment. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN TAKING A
☑Exceptions: BAD CASE
1. A lawyer shall not refuse his In a Criminal Case: A lawyer may accept
services to the needy. a losing criminal case because every
2. He shall not decline to represent accused is presumed innocent and is
a person solely on account of the entitled to counsel.
latter’s race, sex, creed or
status of life or because of his
In a Civil Case: The rules and ethics of It is the duty of a lawyer at the
the profession enjoin a lawyer from time of retainer to disclose to the client
taking a bad case. all circumstances of his relations to the
parties and any interest in connection
with the controversy, which might
Reasons: influence the client in the selection of
1. The attorney’s signature in every counsel.
pleading constitutes a certificate It is unprofessional to represent
by him that there is good cause conflicting interests, except by express
to support it and that it is not consent of all concerned given after a
interposed for delay, and willful full disclosure of facts. Within the
violation of such rule shall meaning of this Canon, a lawyer
subject him to disciplinary represents conflicting interests when, in
action. behalf of one client it is his duty to
2. It is the attorney’s duty to contend for that which duty to another
“counsel or maintain such client requires him to oppose.
actions or proceedings only as
appear to him to be just and Tests to Determine Conflicting
only such defenses as he believes Interests
to be honestly debatable under 1. W i l l t h e a t t o r n e y b e
the law.” required to contest for that
3. A lawyer is not to encourage which his duty to another
either the commencement or the client requires him to
continuance of an action or oppose? (Conflicting
proceeding, or delay any man’s duties)
cause, for any corrupt motive or 2. Will the acceptance of a
interest. new relation invite
4. A lawyer must decline to conduct suspicion and/or actually
a civil cause or to make a lead to unfaithfulness or
defense when convinced that it double-dealing towards
is intended merely to harass or another client? (Invitation
injure the opposite party or to of suspicion)
work oppression or wrong. 3. Will the attorney be called
However, a lawyer may accept a upon in his new relation to
losing civil case provided that, in so use against his first client
doing, he must not engage in dilatory any knowledge acquired in
tactics and must advise his client about the previous employment?
the prospects and advantage of settling (Use of prior knowledge
the case through a compromise. obtained)
with no impediment to marry each other Tuazon, Admin. Case No. 396, July 31,
voluntarily cohabited and had two 1964].
children, is neither so corrupt as to
constitute a criminal act nor so Quantum of Evidence Required: clear,
unprincipled as to warrant disbarment or convincing and satisfactory evidence
disciplinary action against the man as a Burden of Proof: rests on the
member of the bar. complainant, the one who instituted
the suit
d. Conv iction of a crime
involving moral turpitude
(Examples: estafa, bribery,
murder, bigamy, seduction,
abduction, concubinage,
smuggling, falsification of
public document, violation
e. Violation of oath of office Breach of Duties to Court
f. Willful disobedience of any 1. Obstructing Administration of
lawful order of a superior justice − constitutes misconduct
court and justifies disciplinary action
g. C o r r u p t l y o r w i l l f u l l y against him and contempt of
appearing as an attorney for a court. (Example: Forum
party to a case without shopping)
authority to do so. 2. Misleading court− knowingly
making false allegation in
2. Acquisition of an interest in the pleadings, misquoting text of
subject matter of the litigation, documents, suppressing material
either though purchase or facts
assignment [Art. 1491, Civil 3. Preferring false charges − filing
or prosecuting false charges
against another for his action is
3. Breach of professional duty,
violative of duty to do falsehood
inexcusable negligence, or
nor consent to doing of any in
ignorance, or for the revelation
court, nor wittingly or willingly
of the client’s secrets [Art.
promote or sue any false,
208, Revised Penal Code]
groundless, unlawful suit.
4. Re p r e s e n t i n g c o n f l i c t i n g
a. Charges are fake
interests [Art. 209, Revised
b. Lawyer knows them to be so
Penal Code]
4. Introducing False Evidence− it
Grounds for disbarment NOT is a violation of oath to do no
EXCLUSIVE: falsehood nor consent to doing
The statutory enumeration of the of any in court. When false
grounds for disbarment or suspension is testimony is material to inquiry
not to be taken as a limitation on the or relevant to issue, it requires
general power of courts to suspend or suspension or disbarment. On
disbar a lawyer. The inherent power of the other hand, when the
court over its officers cannot be testimony is immaterial or
restricted. [Quingwa vs. Puno, Admin. irrelevant and does not cause
Case No 398, Feb. 28, 1967] The substantial prejudice, it only
Supreme Court has disbarred or warrants lesser sanction, such as
suspended lawyers for reasons not found warning or reprimand
in the statute as when their acts are 5. Willfully disobeying court
contrary to honesty or good morals or do orders − lawyer may be
not approximate the highest degree of punished for contempt and
morality and integrity expected of the disciplined as officer of court.
members of the bar. [Sta. Maria vs.
☑General Rule: Lawyer may not be This rule does not apply to impeachable
suspended or disbarred for misconduct in officials like SC Justices, Members of the
his non-professional or private capacity. Constitutional Commission and
☑Exception: Where such is so Ombudsman because they can be
removed only by impeachment.
GROSS to show him to be morally unfit
for office or unworthy of privilege, court
may be justified in suspending or
removing him from the roll of attorneys.
By applying for having himself
commissioned as notary public, lawyer
assumes duties in dual capacity, the non-
performance of which be may be a
ground for discipline as member of bar.
1. Supreme Court
2. Integrated Bar of the Philippines
Grossly Immoral Conduct – one so
(IBP) through its Commission on
corrupt and false as to constitute
Bar Discipline or authorized
criminal act or so unprincipled or
disgraceful as to be reprehensible to a
3. Office of the Solicitor General
high degree. Cohabitation per se is not
grossly immoral, it depends on
circumstances and it is not necessary
that there be prior conviction for offense GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE:
before lawyer may be disciplined for DISBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND
gross immorality. If the evidence is not DISCIPLINE OF ATTORNEYS (Rule
sufficient to hold the lawyer liable for
gross immorality, he may still be 139-B)
reprimanded where evidence shows ☞ Proceedings for the disbarment,
failure on his part to comply with suspension and discipline of
rigorous standards of conduct required attorneys may be taken:
from lawyers. 1. by the Supreme Court motu
proprio, or,
MORAL TURPITUDE verified complaint of any
All crimes of which fraud or deceit is an person
element or those inherently contrary to ☞ The IBP Board of Governors may
rules of right conduct, honesty or initiate and prosecute proper
morality in civilized community charges against erring attorneys
including those in government:
4. PROMOTING TO VIOLATE OR 1. motu propio or
VIOLATING PENAL LAWS 2. upon referral by the SC or
3. by a Chapter Board of
5. MISCONDUCT IN DISCHARGE OF Officers or at the instance
OFFICIAL DUTIES of any person.
A lawyer who holds a government ☞ The complaint must be:
office may not be disciplined as a 1. verified;
member of the bar for misconduct in the 2. state clearly and concisely
discharge of his duties as a government the facts complained of;
official. If the misconduct, however, is in 3. supported by affidavits of
violation of the Code of Professional persons having personal
Responsibility or of his oath as a lawyer knowledge of the facts
or is of such a character as to affect his therein alleged, or by such
qualifications as a lawyer, he may be documents as may
subject to disciplinary action such as substantiate it;
disbarment (Collantes vs. Renomeron).
witness to a document and who Civil Code]. Ownership does not pass to
explained to the party waiving his right the donee. Money or property donated is
of redemption over the mortgaged recoverable by the donor, his heirs or
properties and the consequences thereof creditors.
does not engage himself in the practice
of law. Loans Prohibited Under the
GIFTS, BEQUEST OR LOANS loan, guarantee or other form of
☑General Rule: (1) Judges and financial accommodation for any
members of their families, as well as (2) business purpose may be granted
court staff or others subject to their directly or indirectly by any government-
influence, direction or authority, shall owned or controlled bank or financial
neither ask for, nor accept, any gift, institution to xxx members of the
bequest, loan or favor in relation to Supreme Court xxx during their tenure.”
anything done or to be done or omitted
to be done by him or her in connection Taking or Receiv ing Loans From
with the performance of judicial duties. Litigants
(Sec. 13 and 14) It is a serious misconduct for a
☑Exception: Subject to law and to any judge to receive money from a litigant in
legal requirements of public disclosure, the form of loans which he never
judges may receive a token, gift, award intended to pay back. Even if the judge
or benefit as appropriate to the occasion intends to pay, it is an act of impropriety
on which it is made provided that such to take a loan from a party-litigant. The
gift, award or benefit might not judge could not be wholly free from bias
reasonably be perceived as intended to in deciding a case where his lender is a
influence the judge in the performance party. A judge should always strive to be
of judicial duties or otherwise give rise free from suspicion and all forms of
to an appearance of partiality.(Sec. 15) improprieties.
Lee, A.M. No. MTJ-04-1518. January 15, considered the failure of a judge to
2004) decide a case within the reglementary
Judges shall maintain order and period as GROSS INEFFICIENCY and
decorum in all proceedings before the imposed either fine or suspension from
court and be patient, dignified and service without pay for such. The fines
courteous in relation to litigants, imposed vary in each case, depending
witnesses, lawyers and others with chiefly on the number of cases not
whom the judge deals in an official decided within the reglementary period
capacity. Judges shall require similar and other factors to wit: the presence of
conduct of legal representatives, court aggravating circumstances – the damage
staff and others subject to their suffered by the parties as a result of the
influence, direction or control. (Sec. 6) delay, the health and age of the judge,
A judge is criminally liable for causing justice. ( Ocenar vs. Judge Mabutin,
an undue injury to a person or giving any A.M. No. MTJ-05-1582, February 28,
private party an unwarranted benefit, 2005 )
advantage or preference in the discharge
of his official function through manifest GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINE OF JUDGES
partiality, evident bad faith and gross [Section 1, Rule 140, Revised Rules of
inexcusable negligence. [Section 3(e), Court]
R.A. 3019] 1. Serious Misconduct
2. Inefficiency