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Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

Catalytic steam reforming of bio-oils for the production

of hydrogen: effects of catalyst composition
Lucı́a Garcia1 , Richard French, Stefan Czernik∗ , Esteban Chornet
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO 80401, USA
Received 8 October 1999; received in revised form 5 January 2000; accepted 5 January 2000

Catalytic steam reforming of condensable vapors (i.e. bio-oils) derived from pyrolysis of biomass is a technically viable
process for hydrogen production. In this study the aqueous fraction of bio-oil, generated from fast pyrolysis, was catalyti-
cally steam reformed at 825 and 875◦ C, high space velocity (up to 126,000 h−1 ) and low residence time (26 ms). Using a
fixed-bed micro-reactor interfaced with a molecular beam mass spectrometer (MBMS), a variety of research and commercial
nickel-based catalysts were tested. The catalysts were prepared by impregnation of an ␣-Al2 O3 support with nickel and
additives. Since the main constraint in reforming bio-oils is catalyst deactivation caused by carbon deposition, two strategies
were applied to improve the performance of the catalysts. The first approach aimed at enhancing steam adsorption to facili-
tate the partial oxidation, i.e. gasification of coke precursors. The second one attempted to slow down the surface reactions
leading to the formation of the coke precursors due to cracking, deoxygenation, and dehydration of adsorbed intermediates.
Magnesium and lanthanum were used as support modifiers to enhance steam adsorption while cobalt and chromium additives
were applied to reduce coke formation reactions. The cobalt-promoted nickel and chromium-promoted nickel supported on
MgO-La2 O3 -␣-Al2 O3 catalysts showed the best results in the laboratory tests. At the reaction conditions progressive catalyst
deactivation was observed leading to a decrease in the yields of hydrogen and carbon dioxide and an increase in carbon
monoxide. The loss of activity also resulted in the formation of higher amounts of methane, benzene and other aromatic
compounds. Commercial catalysts that were developed for steam reforming of natural gas and crude oil fractions proved to
be more efficient for hydrogen production from bio-oil than most of the research catalysts mainly due to the higher water–gas
shift activity. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Nickel catalyst; Hydrogen production; Steam reforming; Biomass pyrolysis; Molecular beam mass spectrometry; Cobalt;
Chromium; Magnesium; Lanthanum; Catalyst deactivation

1. Introduction

Hydrogen is an important raw material for the

chemical industry and is a clean fuel that can be used
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-303-384-7703;
in fuel cells and internal combustion engines [1,2].
fax: +1-303-384-6363. The main process for hydrogen production is cur-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. Garcia),
stefan [email protected] (S. Czernik)
rently the catalytic steam reforming of methane, light
1 Present address: Chemical and Environmental Engineering hydrocarbons, and naphtha. Partial oxidation of heavy
Department, University of Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain. oil residues, and coal gasification are also alternative

0926-860X/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 6 - 8 6 0 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 4 4 0 - 3
226 L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

processes to produce hydrogen. Renewable lignocel- posed mainly of lignin-derived oligomers [14,15].
lulosic biomass can be used as an alternative feedstock One possible application of bio-oil being considered
for hydrogen production. Two possible technologies is the use pyrolytic lignin as a substitute for phe-
that have been explored in recent years are steam nol in phenol–formaldehyde resin formulations [16]
gasification [3–7] and catalytic steam reforming of while the aqueous, carbohydrate-derived fraction is
pyrolysis oils [8,9]. The latter route begins with fast converted to hydrogen by steam reforming [17].
pyrolysis of biomass to produce bio-oil, which (ei- Previous work on catalytic steam reforming of
ther as a whole or using specific fractions) can be biomass-derived liquids to produce hydrogen perfor-
converted to hydrogen via catalytic steam reforming med in our group included: mechanisms of reforming
followed by, if necessary, a shift conversion step. model compounds (acetic acid and hydroxyacetalde-
Fast pyrolysis has made significant advances in hyde) [18]; catalyst screening [8]; and bench scale
the past 20 years [10–13]. It requires rapid heat- fixed-bed and fluidized-bed reformer tests [9,19,20].
ing of biomass particles to temperatures between Commercial catalysts were mainly used in those
450 and 550◦ C and short residence times of the studies.
volatile vapors in the reaction zone. In such con- Table 1 presents a list of commercial catalysts de-
ditions the yield of the liquid product, bio-oil, can veloped for steam reforming of hydrocarbons. Nickel
reach 75 wt.% [14]. Bio-oil is a mixture of sim- is the main active component of the most of these cat-
ple aldehydes, alcohols, and acids as well as more alysts [8,21–23]. Nickel-based catalysts are also used
complex carbohydrate- and lignin-derived oligomeric for gasifying tarry compounds and for CO2 reforming
materials emulsified with water. By simply adding of natural gas [24–26]. Although noble metals (Ru,
water the bio-oil separates into: (a) a water-rich phase Rh) are more effective than Ni and less susceptible
containing mostly carbohydrate-derived compounds, to carbon formation, such catalysts are not common
and (b) a hydrophobic phase, pyrolytic lignin, com- in industrial applications because of their cost [27].

Table 1
Composition of commercial steam reforming catalysts [21]
Producer Catalyst Feedstock NiO Al2 O3 MgO MgAl2 O4 CaO SiO2 K2 O
BGC CRG B Naphtha 79 20–21 − − − − 0.75–3.3
ICI 46-1 Naphtha 22 26 11 − 13 16 7
ICIa 46-1 Naphtha 10–25 1.5
ICIb 46-1 P Naphtha 22 26 11 13 16 7
ICIa,c 46-4 C2 /C3 + + +
ICIb 57-3 Natural gas 12 78 − − 10 (0.1)
ICIa 25-4M Natural gas 15 70 13 1.5
Topsøe RKS-1 Natural gas 15 − − 85 − (0.1) <500 ppm
Topsøe R67 Natural gas/LPG 15 − − 85 − (0.1) <500 ppm
Topsøe RKNR Naphtha 34 12 54
UCI C-11-9 Natural gas 11–20
UCI G-56 Light hydrocarbons 15–25
UCI G-90 Light hydrocarbons 7–15
UCIa G-90C C3 +C4 hydrocarbons 15 70–76 5–8
UCIa G-90B C3 +C4 hydrocarbons 11 76–82 6–9
UCIa G-91 C3 +C4 hydrocarbons 11 76–82 6–9 Unknown
BASFa G1-25S Natural gas 15
BASFb G1-25/1 Naphtha 25 66 8 <0.2 1
BASFb G1-50 Naphtha 20 32 11 16 14 7
a [8].
b [22].
c ZrO is present in its composition.
L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239 227

Catalytic reforming of hydrocarbons is assumed The addition of lanthanum improves the stability
to proceed according to the following mechanism of the catalyst and decreases carbon formation [38].
[28]: (1) methane, or any other hydrocarbon, is dis- Bangala et al. [34] observed an important decrease of
sociatively adsorbed on the metal sites; (2) H2 O carbon deposits on the catalyst when they included
is also dissociatively adsorbed on the Al surface lanthanum in its formulation. This metal is also found
sites, hydroxylating the surface; (3) metal-catalyzed in several patented formulations on steam reforming
dehydrogenation takes place, creating adsorbed of hydrocarbons [40–42]. Cheng et al. [39] relate the
hydrocarbon-derived fragments; (4) the OH surface promotion effect of lanthanide oxide to its interaction
groups migrate to the metal sites, activated by the with nickel. Several other studies [43–45] also docu-
temperature, and they eventually form intermediates mented the decrease of carbon deposition in the pres-
leading to carbon oxides. An unwanted side effect ence of rare earth oxides.
of these reactions is the formation of carbon (coke) The main effect of chromium in co-precipitated
on the catalyst surface. There are different types of Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst is the improvement of cata-
carbon deposits: whisker-like, encapsulating film, and lyst stability rather than enhancement of the ac-
pyrolytic carbon. Fundamentals of carbon formation tivity [38]. Cr2 O3 is used as a promoter having
as well as strategies for its minimization have been hydrogenation–dehydrogenation and dehydrocycliza-
thoroughly discussed in the literature [27,29]. The tion activity [46]. According to Bangala et al. [34]
most significant factor is the ratio of carbon in the 5% seems to be the optimum Cr loading. Above this
feedstock to steam. It is also known that carbon for- level, the conversion decreases and the coke formation
mation increases with unsaturation, molecular weight, increases. In another study [47], a four-component
and aromaticity of the feed [27]. Ni-Mg-Cr-La catalyst showed high activity and se-
Two strategies can be employed to decrease carbon lectivity for partial oxidation and CO2 reforming
deposits on the catalyst. The first one is based on en- of methane to syngas as well as remarkable coking
hancing steam adsorption on the catalyst with the ob- resistance.
jective of gasifying any carbon or carbon precursors Cobalt-promoted Ni/Al2 O3 is significantly more re-
formed on the catalyst surface. The second strategy sistant to deactivation by carbon than nickel alone [48].
aims at modifying the surface reactions via the pres- The addition of Co to NiO-MgO catalysts has a ben-
ence of other metals. It is still uncertain whether the eficial effect by eliminating or significantly reducing
reduction of carbon formation is due to the effect of the formation of filamental carbon on the catalyst dur-
altering the crystallite size when several metals are ing CO2 reforming of methane [49].
present in the catalyst formulation or to the formation We studied the influence of magnesium, lanthanum,
of alloys that interfere with the process of carbon dis- chromium and cobalt on Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst used
solution in the nickel [27]. for steam reforming the carbohydrate-derived frac-
Magnesium significantly changes Ni/Al2 O3 cat- tion of bio-oil. The objective was to test a series of
alytic properties and its presence has been reported catalyst formulations having reasonably high activ-
in several commercial reforming catalysts [21,30,31] ity and stability for hydrogen production reactions.
as well as in research formulations [25,26,32–37]. The performances of the research formulations were
Magnesium enhances steam adsorption capability compared to those for commercial steam reforming
and solid solutions of NiO/MgO stabilize nickel catalysts tested under the same conditions. Reform-
and prevent catalyst sintering [35]. The formation ing tests were performed at space velocities signifi-
of magnesium aluminate spinel considerably in- cantly higher that those used for processing natural
creases mechanical strength of the catalyst [38]. gas; since we expected oxygenated organics to be
Wang and Lu [25], in a comparative study of nickel more reactive than hydrocarbons. This should allow a
catalysts aimed at CO2 reforming of methane us- high reactor throughput during hydrogen production
ing different supports, found that Ni/MgO showed from bio-oils. In addition, at high space velocities
long-term stability, which they attributed to low sin- differences in catalyst performance, deactivation pat-
tering of nickel crystallites, thus limiting carbon tern, and intermediates formation can be observed at
formation. shorter reaction times.
228 L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

2. Experimental for the dilution of samples with helium to stabilize the

molecular beam and improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
2.1. Apparatus The MBMS application for studying thermal and
catalytic processes was described previously [50]. Its
The experiments have been carried out in a dual bed advantage is the rapid real-time sampling and mea-
quartz reactor to which a molecular beam mass spec- surement of volatile products in the presence of tars
trometer (MBMS) was interfaced to analyze the prod- and particulates. The hot gases exiting the reactor at
ucts. A schematic of this installation, similar to that ambient pressure are sampled through an orifice into a
used in a previous study [8,18], is shown in Fig. 1. low-pressure region of the MBMS to form the molec-
A tubular furnace with five independently controlled ular beam. Electron impact (EI) ionization of neutral
temperature zones enclosed the reactor comprising molecules is used to produce ions. The mass spectrum
two inner tubes surrounded by a large outer housing. of positive ions in the mass range of interest (m/z 1–3
The catalyst beds were placed in the inner tubes (diam- and 12–250) is obtained by a scanning mass spectro-
eter of 0.785 cm) while the outer flow was mainly used meter (an Extrel triple quadrupole mass analyzer)

Fig. 1. Schematic of the micro-reactor/molecular beam mass spectrometer system.

L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239 229

every 2 s. An IBM-compatible Pentium II® computer Table 2

Surface area of commercial and research catalysts
is used to control the instrument and acquire data
Catalyst Surface area (m2 /g)
with a Teknivent Vector Two® data system.
Carrier G-90 (␣-Al2 O3 ) 2.5
G-91 16.0
2.2. Catalysts ICI 46-1 12.8
ICI 46-4 11.8
2.2.1. Commercial catalysts C11-NK 17.7
The commercial catalysts used in this study were: Ni/Al2 O3 2.7
G-91 and C11-NK, from United Catalyst (UCI, Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 3.1
Louisville, KY) and 46-1 and 46-4, provided by ICI Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 3.6
Katalco (Cleveland, UK). Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 4.1
Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 4.9
MgO-Al2 O3 2.9
2.2.2. Research catalysts MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 3.1
The catalysts were prepared using the support im-
pregnation method. ␣-Al2 O3 support provided by
United Catalyst (G-90 Carrier) was ground and sieved with a H2 content of 41 vol.%. The reduction was
to select particles in the size range of 355–600 ␮m. carried out for 2 h at 700◦ C.
Different nitrate solutions (nickel nitrate hexahydrate,
magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, lanthanum nitrate 2.2.3. Characterization of the catalysts
hexahydrate, cobalt nitrate hexahydrate and chromium The catalysts (before reduction) and the sup-
nitrate non-ahydrate) were used for the support im- ports (before metal loading) were characterized by
pregnation. The catalyst preparation included drying single-point surface area measurement. A stream of
in an oven at 115◦ C overnight, then calcining in air. 30.4% N2 in helium was used to carry out these
In order to control more carefully the nitrate decom- tests in a FlowSorb II (Micromeritics) apparatus. The
position, the precursors were maintained at 300◦ C for results obtained are shown in Table 2.
3 h and then the Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst was calcined at All the catalysts had surface areas of less than
the final temperature of 850◦ C for 5 h. 18 m2 /g. Commercial catalysts’ surface areas were
Two catalysts, Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 and Ni/MgO-La2 O3 - greater than that of the ␣-Al2 O3 support and of the
Al2 O3 , were prepared to modify the support, follow- catalysts prepared in the laboratory. For the labora-
ing the procedure recommended by Cheng et al. [39]. tory preparations only a slight increase in the surface
The impregnation with magnesium nitrate or magne- area compared with the ␣-Al2 O3 support was seen
sium nitrate and lanthanum nitrate was carried out for Ni/Al2 O3 , MgO-Al2 O3 , Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 , and
prior to the impregnation with nickel nitrate. MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 but there were larger increases for
Cobalt and chromium were introduced to obtain Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 , Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3
Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 and Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 - and, especially, Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 .
Al2 O3 . The support preparation was similar to that Atomic composition of the catalyst surface was
for the Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 catalyst. The impreg- determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
nation of nickel and the promoter was carried out (XPS). XPS analyses were carried out using a Physical
in two steps: first, impregnation with nickel nitrate Electronics 5600 photoelectron spectrometer operat-
then impregnation with chromium nitrate or cobalt ing at a base pressure of 2×10−10 Torr. Photoelectrons
nitrate. After that the precursors were calcined at a were excited by monochromatic Al K␣ X-radiation
final temperature of 850◦ C for 2 h. (anode power of 300 W at 15 kV) then collected at
Catalyst compositions having a NiO content of 45◦ from the sample normal and resolved with a
15 wt.%, and mole ratios of Mg/Ni=1, Ni/La=8, hemispherical analyzer at a pass energy of 58.7 eV
Ni/Cr=3, and Ni/Co=3 were selected based on for narrow scans or 93.9 eV for survey spectra. A
known commercial and research formulations low-energy electron flood gun was used to compen-
[24,31,32,34,47,51]. Before reforming tests all the sate for sample charging. The results of XPS charac-
catalysts were reduced using hydrogen–helium flow terization showed that the surface Ni concentration in
230 L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

the commercial catalysts ranged from 4.6 to 7.6% and of the two tubes of the dual reactor, while the other
the Ni/Al ratio varied from 0.2 to 0.3. The additives tube contained the catalyst tested.
detected were Ca (G-91), Ca and K (ICI 46-4), Ca, Methanol (28% aqueous solution) and the aqueous
Mg, and Si (C11-NK), and Ca, Mg, Si, and K (ICI fraction of bio-oil were catalytically steam reformed
46-1). The Ni concentration in the research catalysts in the micro-reactor. The mixture of methanol and
prepared for this study varied from 10 to 14% and the water of similar carbon weight content as the aqueous
Ni/Al ratio ranged from 0.6 to 1.5. The highest Ni/Al fraction of bio-oil was always used at the beginning
ratio corresponded to Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 and of each test to check the catalyst performance.
Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 . It was also determined The liquids were fed continuously by a syringe
that the presence of lanthanum in the catalyst caused a pump (SAGE model 355) through the side ports of
significant decrease in the surface magnesium content. the reactor using a needle injector. A small flow rate
of argon helped transport the liquid to a preheated
2.3. Bio-oil: carbohydrate-derived aqueous fraction helium stream that was introduced in the inner tube.
The feeding rate of liquids was about 150 mg/min and
Bio-oil was generated from poplar wood using the feed-catalyst contact time was 0.026 s (calculated
the NREL fast pyrolysis vortex reactor system [12]. as the voidage volume of catalyst bed (0.4) divided by
Its elemental composition comprised 46.8% carbon, the total volumetric flow of input gases at the reaction
7.4% hydrogen, and 45.8% oxygen, with water con- temperature and at ambient pressure).
tent of 19.0 wt.%. It was separated into an aqueous Helium, argon, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and car-
(predominantly carbohydrate-derived) and an organic bon monoxide, at purity >99.99%, were obtained from
(lignin-derived) fraction by adding water to the oil commercial suppliers.
at a weight ratio of 2:1. The final aqueous solution Most of the experiments were performed at 825◦ C
(55% of the whole oil) contained 22.9% organics and a steam-to-carbon ratio (S/C, mole steam/mole
(CH1.34 O0.81 ) and 77.1% water. Though less complex carbon in feed) of 4.92. Several tests were carried out
than the whole bio-oil, the aqueous extract contains at a higher temperature, 875◦ C, or higher S/C ratio
over 100 compounds. The most abundant (at the (close to 11) to study the influence of these variables
level of several percent) are acetic and formic acids, on the process performance. In the latter experiments,
hydroxyacetaldehyde, acetol, and levoglucosan [14]. in order to maintain similar residence times and space
Aromatic compounds (phenols, guaiacols, syringols) velocities, the aqueous fraction was diluted with water
account for approximately 5% of the organic ma- and the catalyst bed height and the feeding rate of
terial. About 25% of the solutes (mostly mono and liquids were adjusted accordingly.
oligosaccharides) are non-volatile. These non-volatile
materials are difficult to reform because they tend 2.5. Quantitative and semi-quantitative analysis
to pyrolyze to carbonaceous material which gasifies using MBMS
slowly and, when transported to the catalyst, blocks
the surface of the catalyst, thus deactivating it. A quantitative analysis of H2 , CO2 and CO was
performed based on the intensities of selected mass
2.4. Steam reforming tests spectrum lines. Due to the linearity of the response
of these gases, only one concentration level, close to
A 3 cm high catalyst bed was placed in the quartz that generated by steam reforming, was used for cali-
reactor between quartz wool layers. In some tests the bration that was performed each experimental day. A
catalyst was diluted with quartz chips. A K-type ther- 30 mlSTP /min flow of argon (m/z 40) was used as an
mocouple was placed inside the catalyst bed to moni- internal standard. For the quantitative analysis of H2
tor its temperature. The experiments were essentially (m/z 2), CO2 (m/z 44), and CO (m/z 28) the signal
isothermal at 825 or 875◦ C, though a small temper- response was calculated subtracting the background.
ature drop of about 3◦ C was observed when feeding The ionization energy (EI) of 33.5 eV was used in the
started. The Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst was used in each ex- mass range of m/z 1–3 to obtain more reliable H2 re-
periment as a reference. It was always placed in one sponse, while in the mass range of m/z 12–250 it was
L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239 231

25 eV in order to decrease interference. The accuracy Therefore, the overall process can be represented as
of the analysis was estimated to be ±5%. More de- follows:
tailed information about the quantitative analysis can
be found in Wang et al. [18]. Cn Hm Ok + (2n − k)H2 O
The relative amounts of methane (m/z 16), methanol = nCO2 + 2n + − k H2 (3)
(fragment ion m/z 31), benzene (m/z 78), toluene (m/z 2
92), and naphthalene (m/z 128) in the product gas Initial steam reforming experiments were carried out
were calculated as a ratio of the intensity of the res- at 825◦ C and an S/C ratio of 4.92 using Ni/Al2 O3 cat-
pective spectrum line (decreased by the intensity of alyst, which served as a reference for comparison with
this line in the background) to the intensity for the in- the commercial and research catalysts. Even at a very
ternal standard (argon). These values are considered high space velocity of 126,000 h−1 (GC1 HSV defined
semi-quantitative. as C1 equivalent volume of feed per hour per unit vol-
ume of catalyst), total conversion of methanol (100%
carbon conversion to CO and CO2 ) was achieved. The
3. Results and discussion amounts of H2 , CO, and CO2 were close to the equilib-
rium values, which correspond to 0.583 mol of CO2 ,
3.1. Initial experiments 0.413 mol of CO, and 2.583 mol of hydrogen per mol
of methanol. In equilibrium, hydrogen yield would be
The steam reforming of any oxygenated or- 86.1% of that possible for the stoichiometric conver-
ganic compound proceed according to the following sion according to Eq. (3). When an inert bed (quartz
reaction: chips) was used at the same conditions instead of the
 m  catalyst, less than 56% of the carbon from methanol
Cn Hm Ok + (n − k)H2 O = nCO + n + − k H2 reacted to produce CO and CO2 , and hydrogen yield
(1) was only 40% of the stoichiometric potential. Also
signals of m/z 15, 31 and 32 were observed, which
This reaction is followed by the water–gas shift indicated an incomplete conversion of methanol.
reaction: The production of H2 , CO2 and CO from the bio-oil
fraction at the above process conditions is shown in
nCO + nH2 O = nCO2 + nH2 (2) Fig. 2. H2 yield is expressed as the percentage of the

Fig. 2. Gas production during catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction using Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst, H2 (䊏), CO2 (䊊), and CO
(䉱). T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92, and GC1 HSV=126,000 h−1 .
232 L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

stoichiometric potential (conversion of feed to H2 and With the catalyst deactivation an increase in the pro-
CO2 ), while the amounts of CO2 and CO correspond duction of CH4 (m/z 16), methanol (fragment ion m/z
to the conversion of carbon in the feed to these com- 31), benzene (m/z 78), toluene (m/z 92), and naphtha-
pounds. The changes in product gas composition dur- lene (m/z 128) was observed. The amounts of these
ing the reforming of the aqueous fraction of bio-oil components measured as signal intensity versus time
were observed after 10 min of the experiment per- is shown in Fig. 3. We estimate that the amount of ben-
formed at GC1 HSV of 80,000 h−1 , and after 3 min of zene in the product gas was less than 1%. It can be seen
the experiment at GC1 HSV of 126,000 h−1 . H2 and that the production of these components stabilized af-
CO2 production decreased and CO increased as a re- ter 15 min of feeding at a significantly lower level, ex-
sult of the catalyst deactivation. cept for CH4 , than that observed for the non-catalytic
The hydrogen yield calculated from the thermo- process, in which other components such as phenol,
dynamic equilibrium at the reaction temperature of styrene, xylene, cresol, and methylnaphthalene were
825◦ C and the S/C ratio of 4.92 is 83.8% of the sto- also detected.
ichiometric (Eq. (3)), with 69.9% of the carbon con- These results indicate that under the conditions used
verted to CO2 and 30.1% to CO. These values are close for processing methanol and the bio-oil fraction both
to the results obtained at the beginning of the experi- thermal decomposition and catalytic reaction occur.
ment when approximately 90% of the carbon from the Though the rate of the latter is significantly greater,
bio-oil fraction was converted to CO and CO2 , while thermal decomposition cannot be avoided. Carbon is
the remaining 10% formed methane and carbon de- formed via both pathways. For volatile compounds
posits. this is due to gas-phase reactions. The non-volatile
As shown in Fig. 2, after 25 min of feeding the material present in the bio-oil pyrolyzes in the hot
bio-oil fraction the H2 yield decreased to 30% of the reactor producing carbonaceous material that, when
stoichiometric potential, with only 8% of the feed car- transported to the catalyst blocks access to the surface,
bon converted to CO2 and 68% to CO. The com- deactivating the catalyst. The enhancement of water
parison of these values with those obtained for the (steam) adsorption on the catalyst surface may favor
non-catalytic reforming shows that the catalyst still the gasification of carbon and thus improve the overall
has some activity. reforming process.

Fig. 3. Minor products observed during catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction using Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst, methane (m/z 16)
(䊐), methanol (m/z 31) (䉬), benzene (m/z 78) (䊉), toluene (m/z 92) (䊊) and naphthalene (m/z 128) (䉫). T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92, and
GC1 HSV=126,000 h−1 .
L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239 233

Fig. 4. Hydrogen yield obtained by catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction, (a and b) the reference catalyst, Ni/Al2 O3 (×,
two experiments), (a) commercial catalysts, G-91 (䉬), 46-1 (䊏), 46-4 (䉱) C11-NK (䊉), (b) research catalysts, Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 (䉫),
Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊐), Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (1, two experiments), and Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊊). T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92,
and GC1 HSV of about 126,000 h−1 .

3.2. Commercial catalysts was observed for the Ni/Al2 O3 reference. CO2 yields
paralleled those of H2 , for commercial catalysts after
All commercial catalysts, G-91, ICI 46-1, ICI 46-4, 25 min on stream they were about 48% of the value for
and C11-NK, were tested at 825◦ C and a GC1 HSV of the stoichiometric conversion and significantly less for
approximately 126,000 h−1 . About 0.08 g of catalyst the Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst. At the beginning of the exper-
was mixed in the bed with 1.69 g of quartz chips. The iments the amounts of carbon converted to CO were
nominal gas residence time in the bed was 0.026 s and similar for both commercial and the reference cata-
the molar S/C ratio was 4.92. Fig. 4a shows hydrogen lysts. However, after 25 min on stream CO production
yield as a function of time for all commercial cata- increased slowly to around 0.3 mol CO/mol C fed us-
lysts and for the reference catalyst (Ni/Al2 O3 ). At the ing commercial catalysts. The increase was greater for
beginning of the experiment, H2 yields for the com- the reference Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst.
mercial and for the reference catalysts were almost Fig. 5a presents the conversion of carbon in the
the same. However, commercial catalysts performed bio-oil fraction to CO and CO2 . Commercial cat-
better (higher H2 yield) than the reference catalyst at alysts and the Ni/Al2 O3 reference show similar
longer times on stream. After 25 min the H2 yields performances with a decrease in carbon to gas con-
were approximately 65% of the stoichiometric poten- version from approximately 90–80% after 25 min
tial for commercial catalysts while a decrease to 35% on stream. In light of the higher hydrogen yields
234 L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

Fig. 5. Carbon conversion to CO and CO2 for catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction, (a and b) the reference catalyst,
Ni/Al2 O3 (×, two experiments), (a) commercial catalysts, G-91 (䉬), 46-1 (䊏), 46-4 (䉱) and C11-NK (䊉), (b) research catalysts,
Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 (䉫), Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊐), Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (1, two experiments) and Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊊).
T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92, and GC1 HSV of about 126,000 h−1 .

obtained using the commercial catalysts it is clear that 3.3. Research catalysts
the commercial preparations catalyzed the water–gas
shift reaction more effectively than did the reference In addition to the reference Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst, four
catalyst. other catalysts (Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 , Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -
The evolution of methane, methanol, benzene, Al2 O3 , Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 and Ni-Cr/MgO-
toluene, and naphthalene during steam reforming of La2 O3 -Al2 O3 ) were tested for the efficiency of steam
the bio-oil fraction was very similar for all commercial reforming the aqueous bio-oil fraction at 825◦ C,
catalysts. Fig. 6a shows the data obtained using G-91 GC1 HSV of about 126,000 h−1 , and S/C molar ratio
commercial catalyst. A slight increase in methane in- of 4.92.
tensity and a larger increase in benzene intensity (up The hydrogen yield as a function of time for the
to values of 0.0036 after 25 min) were observed. The laboratory catalysts is shown in Fig. 4b. Compared
other components were detected at even lower levels. to the reference catalyst, the Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 catalyst
A comparison of Figs. 3 and 6a shows that although performed better (higher hydrogen yield and slower
initial amounts of hydrocarbons generated are similar deactivation). Even more improvement was observed
for all the catalysts, they increase much faster for for the Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 catalyst for which the
the reference catalyst than for the commercial ones. hydrogen yield was approximately 55% of the sto-
This is consistent with the slower deactivation of ichiometric potential after 25 min on stream. Addition
commercial catalysts shown by the hydrogen yields. of cobalt or chromium to this catalyst further
L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239 235

Fig. 6. Minor products observed during catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction using (a) G-91 commercial catalyst or (b)
Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 research catalyst, methane (m/z 16) (䊐), methanol (m/z 31) (䉬), benzene (m/z 78) (䊉), toluene (m/z 92) (䊊),
and naphthalene (m/z 128) (䉫). T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92, and GC1 HSV=124,000 h−1 .

improved its performance and also changed the shape in Fig. 5b. The decrease from about 90 to 80% after
of the deactivation curve for these catalysts — for 25 min on stream was observed for all the catalysts.
about 12 min on stream the hydrogen yield was main- As for the commercial catalysts, methane and
tained at the initial level and then started decreasing. benzene were the most important minor compounds
A slightly higher hydrogen yield was observed for observed in the reforming product gas. Figs. 7 and 8
the Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 preparation than for present the evolution of methane and benzene (in ar-
the Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 catalyst, though the bitrary units) during reforming of the bio-oil fraction
difference was within the precision of the analyti- using the research catalysts. Lower methane produc-
cal method used. The changes in CO2 yields during tion was observed for Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 than for the
steam reforming tests using these catalysts showed Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst. It decreased even more signifi-
a tendency similar to that observed for H2 while cantly in the presence of lanthanum in the catalysts
the carbon conversion to CO increased during the (Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 , Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3
tests. Additions of magnesium, lanthanum, cobalt, and Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 ). Although reform-
and chromium resulted in less CO production than ing using the Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 catalyst generated less
that obtained using the reference catalyst. The carbon benzene than Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 at short times
conversion to gas (CO and CO2 ) versus time using on stream (less than 10 min), at longer times the ad-
the research and the reference catalysts is presented dition of lanthanum proved beneficial. The lowest
236 L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

Fig. 7. Methane produced using research catalysts for catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction, Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 (䉫),
Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊐), Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (1, two experiments), Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊊) and the reference catalyst,
Ni/Al2 O3 (×, two experiments). T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92, and GC1 HSV of about 126,000 h−1 .

benzene concentrations in the reforming gas were similar for all the catalysts. Carbon conversion to CO
observed when Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 and Ni-Cr/ and CO2 was less than 100% mostly due to the forma-
MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 catalysts were employed. tion of coke and char, but also because of the reactions
Comparing the efficiency of the research and the leading to methane, benzene, and other aromatic hy-
commercial catalysts it can be seen that the hydrogen drocarbons. Coke deposits have been observed on the
yield obtained using the former was lower than that catalyst surface during steam reforming of even such
observed for the latter after 25 min on stream. How- a simple compound as acetic acid [18]. At reaction
ever, the carbon conversion to CO and CO2 was very temperatures thermal decomposition of the organics

Fig. 8. Benzene produced using research catalysts for catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction, Ni/MgO-Al2 O3 (䉫),
Ni/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊐), Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (1, two experiments), Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 (䊊), and the reference catalyst
(×, two experiments), Ni/Al2 O3 . T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92, and GC1 HSV of about 126,000 h−1 .
L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239 237

present in the aqueous fraction of bio-oil could occur alysts, however, provided similar performances with
before the feed reached the catalyst bed. Some of lower surface nickel concentrations and Ni/Al ratios
the oxygenated products derived from the carbohy- than the research formulations.
drate component of biomass, especially anhydrosug-
ars, are known to dehydrate rapidly and form char 3.4. Influence of temperature, steam-to-carbon ratio,
[52]. and space velocity
The improvement in performance of the research
preparations and the commercial catalysts compared The commercial and research catalysts tested at a
to the reference nickel catalyst were shown as higher higher temperature, 875◦ C, or at a steam-to-carbon ra-
hydrogen and CO2 yields and lower CO yield. It seems tio of about 11, surprisingly did not show a significant
that the main difference in the catalyst effectiveness increase in the hydrogen production. The changes in
was related to the water–gas shift reaction. We ob- these two variables, temperature and S/C ratio, were
served increased water (m/z 18) in the product gas at expected to decrease the catalyst deactivation and to
longer catalyst times on stream. Possible reasons for extend the duration of its stable performance. Higher
the higher efficiency of the commercial catalysts could S/C ratio ought to improve coke gasification and fa-
be their surface area (four to six times greater than vorably shift the water–gas shift equilibrium. Higher
that for the research formulations) as well as the lower temperatures should favor the former but negatively
surface Ni/Al ratio. Either of these could enhance affect the latter. The reason for the insignificant effects
steam adsorption on the surface, thus favoring carbon is not clear at this time yet.
oxidation reactions. In addition to the water–gas shift, A significant increase in hydrogen production and
the best laboratory (Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 and an improvement in catalyst stability were observed
Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 ) and commercial catalysts when the laboratory catalyst, Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -
more efficiently prevented the formation of methane Al2 O3 , was tested at lower space velocity. Fig. 9
and benzene than the reference Ni/Al2 O3 catalyst. The shows H2 , CO2 and CO production as a function of
XPS analysis showed that Ni-Cr/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 time during the steam reforming of the bio-oil aque-
and Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 , which produced the ous fraction at 825◦ C, GC1 HSV of 62,300 h−1 , and
highest amounts of hydrogen and the lowest ben- S/C ratio of 4.92. H2 , CO and CO2 yields remained
zene from reforming the bio-oil fraction, had also constant for more than 22 min. Benzene and toluene
the greatest surface Ni/Al ratio. The commercial cat- were detected only after 20 min of the experiment and

Fig. 9. Gas production during catalytic steam reforming of bio-oil aqueous fraction using Ni-Co/MgO-La2 O3 -Al2 O3 research catalyst, H2
(䊏), CO2 (䊊), and CO (䉱). T=825◦ C, S/C=4.92, and GC1 HSV=62,300 h−1 .
238 L. Garcia et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 201 (2000) 225–239

at much lower levels than those measured at higher Acknowledgements

space velocity.
The authors are grateful to Mr. Neil Rossmeissl and
Ms. Catherine Grégoire-Padró, the managers of the
4. Conclusions U.S. DOE Hydrogen Program, for financial support of
this research. The acknowledgement is also extended
We have demonstrated that high space velocities to the Secretarı́a de Estado de Universidades, Investi-
(up to 126,000 h−1 ) and low residence times (26 ms) gación y Desarrollo (Spain) for a postdoctoral fellow-
can be used when reforming bio-oils (825–875◦ C, ship awarded to Lucı́a Garcia that made possible her
4.9–11.0 molar steam/carbon ratio). participation in this project.
Gradual deactivation of the catalysts was observed
as a function of time on stream. This resulted in
a decrease of H2 and CO2 and an increase of the
CO production. Total carbon conversion to CO and
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