A Survey On Cloud Computing Security Issues, Threats and Solutions

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Author’s Accepted Manuscript

A Survey on Cloud Computing Security: Issues,

Threats, and Solutions

Saurabh Singh, Young-Sik Jeong, Jong Hyuk park


PII: S1084-8045(16)30199-0
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2016.09.002
Reference: YJNCA1714
To appear in: Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Received date: 12 April 2016
Revised date: 21 August 2016
Accepted date: 1 September 2016
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A Survey on Cloud Computing Security:
Issues, Threats, and Solutions
Saurabh Singh1, Young-Sik Jeong2, Jong Hyuk Park1*
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech),
Seoul 01811, Korea
Department of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul 04620, Korea
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Corresponding author: Jong Hyuk Park (SeoulTech, Korea)
Over the internet, the cloud computing reveals a remarkable potential to provide on-demand services to consumers with greater
flexibility in a cost effective manner. While moving towards the concept of on-demand service, resource pooling, shifting
everything on the distributive environment, security is the major obstacle for this new dreamed vision of computing capability.
This survey present a comprehensive overview of the security issues for different factors affecting cloud computing. Furthermore,
a detailed discussion on several key topics regarding embedded system, application, storage system, clustering related issues and
many more. This paper works on some public cloud and private cloud authorities as well as related security concerns.
Additionally, it encompasses the requirements for better security management and suggests 3-tier security architecture. Open
issues with discussion in which some new security concepts and recommendations are also provided.

Keyword—cloud computing, security, embedded system, resource pooling

1. Introduction

I N the first years of the 60s, computers needed large rooms and consumed large amounts of electricity, had expensive
electronic parts and produced very little processing output. However, smaller computers eventually replaced those room-
size computers. At the end of the last century, the magnitude of computing and infrastructure node organized to form a
distributed system, which provided an increase in efficiency [1]. In recent years, when the demand of data and online users
has vastly increased, the traditional computing infrastructure is becoming costlier and harder to manage. Traditional
computing is not suitable for accessing data anywhere and at any time. In order to do so, we need to save the data on an
external storage system. Additionally, the increase of online users on networking sites, online surfing, video conferencing,
and such cannot be handled by traditional computing [1]. This rapid increase in global internet usage needs new ways of
managing the volume, variety and availability of data, therefore, we are moving towards cloud computing.
Cloud computing is one of the hottest core technical topics in the modern era. It has emerged with broad ranging effects
across IT, businesses, software engineering and data storage. One of the main effects is the increase of their capability. This
increase in capability does not necessarily mean an increase in expenses in hardware, software, and training of personal to

mention a few. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) definition , “the cloud computing is
a model for enabling convenient, resource pooling, ubiquitous, on-demand access which can be easily delivered with
different types of service provider interaction” [5]. The cloud computing follows simple “pay as you go (PAYG) model,
where you pay for the services you’ve used [2]. One of the major benefits of PAYG model is that we can reduce our
expenditure by provisioning a certain amount of resources. The user can select processor, memory, hard disk, operating
system, networking, access control and any additional new software as required to their environment. The resources

provided on-demand to the customer or end users. It provides tremendous benefits to industry and home users and attracts
the attention of the research community [3].
Cloud computing implements virtualization technique is to provide resources efficiently to the end user. The
characteristics of cloud computing include manageability, scalability, and availability. In addition, cloud computing is also
economical, on-demand service, expedient, ubiquitous, multitenant, elasticity, and stability. Cloud computing offers mainly
three service delivery models; Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Services (PaaS) and Software as a Service
(SaaS) [4]. NIST defines four-development model of the cloud: public, private, hybrid and community. Cloud computing
uses cloud server stack where the client or user is on the front end and server on the back end. Services reside in middleware
of stack as shown in Fig.1. At the top level resides the application, which directly delivers the outsourced software to the
client and eliminates sophisticated software. Customers do no need to expend money to install software, only they pay for
their usage [26].

NIST is responsible for developing guidelines and standards to provide security in cloud environment. Here we define
the cloud architecture as a fourfold, which is composed of: (a) cloud computing concept and characteristics (b) cloud
deployed models (c) cloud service delivery models (d) cloud security concept. The details of the cloud architecture are given
Fig. 1. Cloud service stack

Fig. 2. Cloud computing framework

1.1. Cloud service delivery models

As internet technology and big data cloud computing grow, they raise a new concept of services. This new services are
able to interconnect the growing number of online activities. According to a survey from Cisco, the Internet of Things (IoT)
is progressively increasing the capabilities of the cloud [2]. After many researches, the major three delivery models are IaaS,
PaaS, and SaaS. Still many service models are available as per their functionality and service providing capabilities, which
have led to the creation of Anything-as-a–service ‘AaaS’ delivery models. In this section, we discuss the different types of
service models as shown figure 2.

 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) belongs to the bottom of the model. IaaS deals with computer hardware (network storage,
virtual server/machine, data center, processor, and memory) as a service. IaaS supports the revolution in the business
investment in IT infrastructure [35]. The elasticity of allocating physical or virtual resources helps providing the
infrastructure in an abstract manner. It also provides scalability and provisions (such as hypervisor) issues of infrastructure
without the need of spending huge amount of funds and time. IaaS also focuses on security areas like firewall, intrusion
detection, and prevention (IDS/IPS), virtual machine monitor [37]. However, IaaS has still many security issues. We will
explain those issues in chapter 2.
 Platform as a service (PaaS): It is in middleware of service model and it delivers the services in the form of development
tools, framework, architecture, programs, and Integrated Development Environments (IDE). In other words, the customers
are able to control the applications but do not have any means to manage the underlying infrastructure. It can be helpful in
situations where multiple developers located in different physical locations need to work together. A popular PaaS
provider is Google App Engine. It is a Software Development Kit (SDK) which provides an environment that supports
Python, Java, and Go programming languages. As it provides features that are ready for the customer, PaaS is more
extensible and more flexible than SaaS model. PaaS security can compromise in the runtime of application or in the
customer application deployment. It has some challenges like third party relationship, development of lifecycle, and
underlying infrastructure security [46].
 Software as a service (SaaS) is a collection of remote computing services. SaaS is at the top model among the delivery
models. It allows the applications to deploy remotely by third-party vendors. It allows the customer to use cloud service
provider’s application (CSP’s) running on cloud infrastructure via the internet. SaaS is the prevalent cloud market and still

keeps growing quickly. Google App and Salesforce are examples of SaaS providers, which is a collection of remote
computing services. When we talk about the security from the customer point of view, many errors that lead to
vulnerabilities are being discovered [7].
 Anything as a service (AaaS) is a collective term which combines a number of things as X as a service. X may be anything
or everything as a service. This service becomes interchangeable in cloud landscape. The cloud system are able to support
the large resource to specific, personal and granular requirements using Monitor as a Services (MaaS), Data as a Service
(DaaS), Communication as a Service (CaaS), Security as a Service (SecaaS), Routing as a Service (RaaS) [39].

1.2. Cloud deployed models

Cloud computing generally depends on shared resources by local servers or individual devices [51]. Therefore, it is able
to achieve consistency by taking the advantage of resource sharing. Deployed model tells what is the purpose and nature of
the cloud. By doing this, it reduces the power of servers, capital expenditure and control the operating cost. NIST defines
five types of deployed models:
 Private cloud: Cloud computing operates and manages within the data center of an organization is called a private cloud.
Many consumers of cloud infrastructure (eg, business units) have been including provision for exclusive use by a single
organization. In a private cloud, it is much easier to identify the customer and vendor relationship because the
infrastructure owned and operated by the same organization. Therefore, security risks are easier to detect.
 Public cloud: It is the true representation of cloud hosting where the customer and provider have a strong Service Level
Agreement (SLA) to maintain the trust between them. In this cloud infrastructure, open access to the public and
organization provided. Businesses, academics, or governmental organizations own public cloud environments. This means
multiple entities may own and operate a public cloud. This creates many issues, as we don’t know where the resources are
located or who owns them, increasing the difficulty of protecting them from attack [1].
 Community cloud: Cloud infrastructure of the organizations shared concerns (mission, security requirements, policy, and
compliance considerations) of consumers a special provision has been made for exclusive use by the community model. It
is owned, managed, and community organizations, a third party, or some combination of them is driven by one or more,
and that may be present on or off campus. In simple words, a community cloud is being shared and controlled by multiple
organizations [39]. It also reduces the security risk in the public cloud and reduces the cost of private cloud.
 Hybrid cloud: It is the combination of two or more clouds (public, private, community). Usually, the data and application
are bound together by standardized and propriety technology. Hybrid cloud offers the advantages of different clouds
deployment models. However, it is well organized and more secure than public cloud while accessing the entities over the
 Virtual private cloud: It is a semi-private cloud, which is fewer resources, and it consists of virtual private network (VPN).
It is on demand configurable pool of shared resources allocated within the cloud environment.

1.3. Cloud computing basic component

In this section, we will discuss the basic components on which cloud computing deployed. These components consist of a
wide range of services that we can use all over the internet. Here we discuss some important component:
 Virtualization: It plays an important role in deploying the cloud. It is the strategic component in the cloud, which allows
the physical resources by multiple consumers. It creates the virtual instance of resource or device such as operating system,
servers, network resources and storage devices wherein the framework utilize the resources into more than one execution
environment [2].
 Multi-tenancy: Multi-tenant environment can have multiple customers or users who does not see or share each other’s data
but can share resource or application in an execution environment, even if they may not belong to the same organization.
Multi-tenancy results the optimal utilization of hardware and data storage mechanism [47].
 Cloud storage: It is a component, which maintained, managed, and backed up remotely and it made available over the
network where the users can access data [53].
 The hypervisor: The So called virtual machine monitor or manager is a key module of virtualization. It allows multiple
Virtual Machines (VMs) to run on a single hardware host. It manages and monitors the various operating systems, which
run in a shared physical system [13].
 Cloud Network: It can operate more than one conventional data centers; a typical data center contains hundreds or
thousands of servers [40]. To efficiently build and manage the storages the cloud requires a secure network infrastructure
called cloud networking. It requires an internet connection and similar with a virtual private network which enables the
user to securely access printers, applications, files etc.

1.4. Cloud computing security concept

Nowadays, cyber warfare is arguably the most complex challenge in a distributed and multi- tenant environment. It is a
complex job within the client-server architecture. When the data transfer to the cloud services, the requirements of security
should be the most important. The European Network Information Security Agency (ENISA) enumerated the risks,
recommendations and benefits for cloud computing [82]. It also lists the infection on confidential document, loss of
governance, malicious insider, and insecure incomplete data. The Elastica 2015 shadow data report [163] it focuses on
unauthorized apps discovered in an organization. It examines which type of data typically found in sharing apps, riskiest
exposure, and what steps take to mitigate these security problems. The CSA and ElasticaQ2 2015 also examine how to build
an effective cloud app security architecture, which provides control, visibility, and remediation. In this section, we briefly
introduce about the major security concerns of cloud computing.
 Software security: It provides basic idea of software security come from the engineering software department that it
continues to function correctly under the malicious activities. To build a cloud environment a central and critical problem
is software security problem. It defects with security including implementation bugs, buffer overflow, designed flaws, error
handling promises and much more [46].
 Infrastructure security: The most common and fundamental challenges is to demonstrate that the virtual and physical
infrastructure of the cloud can be trusted. The attestation of the third party is not enough for the critical business process.
It’s absolutely essential for the organization to be able to verify business requirements that the underlying infrastructure is
 Storage security: In cloud storage system, end user stores the data in the cloud and no longer owns the data and where it's
stored. This always has been an important aspect of quality of service. It ensures the correctness of user’s data in the cloud
and by utilizing homomorphic token with distributed verification of erasure-coded data [59]. Storage security concerns
about data sanitization, cryptography, data-Remanence, data leakage, snooping of data availability and malware.
 Network security: In cloud computing, communication is via the internet and it is the backbone of the cloud environment.
Network security concerns about both internal and external attacks. These attacks in the network can either occur in the
virtual or physical network. Hanqian W., et al. [165] focuses on the virtual network in a Xen platform by discussing and
analyzing its security problems.
Flavio L., and Robert D. P., present a novel virtual network framework aimed to control intercommunications and
provide high-security level [37]. Some attacks like DoS or DDoS, DNS, ARP spoofing, IP spoofing phishing attack and
port scanning are aimed to gain access to the resources in a cloud network
We have discussed cloud computing and its characteristics, which are well understood, but still the security state of it is
still puzzling. Security is the biggest concerns for IT businesses who are considering to join the cloud computing. Currently,
security is one of biggest obstacles for cloud computing service adoption.
Security issues in the cloud environment are caused by its essential characteristics such as resource pooling, virtualized
nature, elasticity, and some measured services.
There was an increase of 70% Advance Persistence Threat (APT) attacks [167], 68% suspicious activities, and 56% brute
force attacks on a cloud environment in 2015. APT attack is network attack in which an unauthorized identity gain access to
a network and remain undetected for a long period. The International Data Center (IDC) is an analysis and research firm that
takes the opinion of companies’ chiefs on cloud challenges. The results show that security is most concerned topic for 87%
of respondents [41][87].
Some business organizations are reluctant to completely believing the third party service providers. Security in cloud
computing is managed through policy and Service Level Agreement (SLA) which is the foundation of expectation of service
between consumer and provider [169]. It is the common belief too many IT professional that cloud computing distributes the
data openly at much higher risk [39].
Many researchers have studied and discussed the security issues of cloud computing. Fernandes D., et al. [41] suggested
making comprehensive reviews on cloud security issue, it addresses many several key topics namely threats, vulnerability,
attacks proposing and taxonomy for their classification. Mazhar A., et al. [39] explained the security survey highlighted on
communication, architectural, contractual and legal aspects. It also discusses the countermeasure for communication issues,
it also surveys on the vulnerability of virtual machine like VM migration, VM image, hypervisor, and discusses security in
future direction. Flavio L., and Robert Di P., [37] gave the detailed knowledge on critical infrastructure for the secure cloud.
Moreover in Subashini and Kavitha [2] has emanated the security issue in service delivery models of cloud computing
system and provide some solution regarding these issues.
Saripalli P., et al. [48] surveyed the most relevant privacy and trust issue and analyzing privacy, security and trust threats
and provide solution a secure trustworthy and dependable cloud computing. This paper provides the security requirements
regarding effective governance, personal requirements, some better encryption techniques, disaster and backup recovery
management and good scheme for secure virtualization in the cloud system.
Yuhong L., et al. [162] surveyed critical privacy and security challenges in cloud computing, categorized diverse existing
solutions, compared their strengths and limitations, and envisioned future research directions
Zhaolong G., et al. [163] discussed recent developments in cloud computing, various security issues and challenges in
cloud computing environment, various existing approach and solutions provided for dealing with these security threats and
will deliver a comparative analysis of these approaches.
Zhifeng and Yang [164] provided a systematic review of security issues in clouds based on an attribute-driven
methodology. The attributes used were confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, and privacy-preservability. For
each attribute, a few threats were reviewed along with the corresponding defense solutions.
The security landscape concerning clouds is expansive and the previous works focus on specific areas, paying less
attention to the role that clouds play in IT and cyber security, though favoring sometimes the technical depth description of
the solutions to the problems. Table 1 compares the several existing works for different aspects, namely the topics they are
focused in, the incorporation of industry references, the description of recommendations and solutions to the problems.

Our survey describes the security issue from a technological and operational point of view and it differs significantly from
previous surveys. Our survey is different in terms of comprehensiveness, extensiveness and integrated discussion. In
addition, it emphasizes the latest security solutions.
As said, our study is different from previous works. Rather than focusing on specific issues, we concentrate on a broader
perspective of the state-of-the-art and high-level description. We discuss and provide various approaches proposed in the
literature to counterattack the issues. The aim is to achieve an efficient, secure, good privacy, trustworthy and cost effective
cloud system. Our paper is the only work that proposes taxonomy for the wide security landscape. Furthermore, an analysis
for open issues and a discussion are provided at the end of the article. The comprehensive studies presented in our paper help
to quickly understand basic concepts as well as review and understand the current security panorama of cloud systems. Our
survey paper also includes ongoing project in various countries that aim to facilitate cloud computing in their smart cities. In
addition, an analysis of the publications on the field throughout the years is presented in Table 1. The analysis of several
topics covered in this survey paper provides the means to, also discuss the open issues and challenges, and consider some
more factors for enhanced security in cloud. Moreover, it analyzes which security issues need to be addressed, and
consequently, the paper identifies opportunities for future research work.
The researches for cloud computing have considered the unique advantages of empowered computing system, and a wide
range of potential cloud applications have been recognized in the literature. One of the major drivers of cloud computing
acceptance is economies of scale. It provides a pay-per-use type of service, thus eliminating the upfront investment in many
Despite of all advantages, the lack of enthusiasm in other investigation topics shows that researchers are focused on the
first mitigating security risks in clouds instead of digging into their wide area of potential applications. Therefore, addressing
the security issues in cloud computing environments is of utmost importance. This would allow a better and more secure
deployment of clouds over the industry. Despite all security measures available nowadays to counterattack the many security
issues, one should always have in mind that no system is 100% secure. Previous security researches and events have proven
that, no matter what kind of new technology is invented, it may be flawed due to human error. This was the main motivation
of this survey.
The goal of this paper is to provide the major and important security concerns in a very efficient way. It also includes
some public and private cloud authorities and their security concerns. This paper provides the security requirements
regarding effective IT governance, personal requirements, some better encryption techniques, disaster and backup recovery
management. Additionally, it suggests proper model and open issue along with discussion for secure cloud system.
The paper also aim to contribute a comprehensive taxonomic survey on security in cloud computing. Unlike the existing
works, this survey paper effort is canalized to
Table 1. Contribution of our study related with existing surveys.
Security issue and Recommendations and
Research work Year Cloud overview Security projects Open issues
attacks solutions
[37] 2010 No Limited Limited No No
[2] 2011 Yes Yes No No Yes
[1] 2012 Yes Limited No No Yes
[164] 2013 Limited Yes Limited No Limited
[41] 2014 Yes Yes Yes No Yes
[39] 2015 Yes Yes Yes No Yes
[162] 2015 No Limited Yes No Yes
[163] 2016 Yes Yes Limited No Limited
This survey 2016 Yes Yes (in detail) Yes Yes Yes

provide more complete and thorough view of research literature. The paper also aims to include publication from both
industries and academia and it describe several key points of clouds.
The organization of the paper is as follows: Chapter 2 provides the architectural framework and classification in different
issues. Chapter 3 provides a detailed discussion and a survey on security attacks on cloud. It also presents security concerns
on public and private enterprises. The security requirements for cloud environments are illustrated in chapter 4. Chapter 5
proposes a 3-tier security architecture and discusses open issues. This paper ends with the main conclusion in chapter 6.

2. Cloud security issues and challenges

This chapter discusses the security state of cloud environments thoroughly by describing its security issues. Each section
of this chapter represents a category of cloud computing environment as shown in figure 3. Moreover, each section is further
divided to some topics that group security issues common in some property.
It elaborates the different security issues while developing on cloud computing environment. The classification discusses
embedded security issue in which property of virtual machine arises many security issues like Cross-VM attack
misconfiguration, in programmability single point failure. In addition, this chapter also focuses on application level issue.
The service with utility relies on web services and technology. There are many lines of code in software application and
many developing languages to create an interface, which can lead to many security vulnerabilities.
Data in rest or in communication has issues because of flaws in cryptographic techniques. Sometimes a problem arises
from client experience its authentication policy of customer relationship management. Clustering issue also affects the cloud,
some flaws in the physical cluster, and virtual cluster brings attack in the network cloud. There is much vulnerability in the
operating system of desktops, network servers and smartphones that are open to some serious attacks.

2.1. Embedded security issues

Security in cloud computing environment is a crucial concern in these days. The security in embedded systems has several
challenges that caused by the unique features of these systems. The advancement of embedded system is

because of improved tools working with them. The simple way to debug an embedded device is to connect it to a local
network. An embedded system related to the ubiquitous computing. The main security issues for cloud computing in
embedded systems are caused by virtualizations [5]. Different areas of security issues in embedded systems are as following;
 Virtual machine isolation: The primary benefit of virtualization is isolation. If it does not deploy correctly then it can be a
threat to the environment. The workload is separated amongst the VMs is one of the important issues in implementing the
cloud. It can lead to data leakage and cross-VMs attack. So the isolation process should be configured carefully while
deploying virtual machine in cloud infrastructure [37].
 VM Monitoring: In a virtual environment, the host machine considered as a control point and designed for monitoring the
application running on the VMs. In general, all the traffic data is passing through the monitor host. There are many
techniques that influence the host monitor machine, for example, the host can restart or shutdown the VMs, it cannot
monitor the traffic in this span of time. Another way is that the host itself can sniff, alter, change, copy or delete the
resources that are available in VMs [13].
 Programmability: In a cloud environment, commercial routers use advanced functionality (e.g., accounting, blocking,
anomaly detection, etc.) for programmable processor packet on each port. The key challenge of using this device in
network processor is to implement packet monitoring functionality for developing software. Many software environments
in network processing use a low level of abstraction to achieve high throughput performance [24].
 Electronic access control system: Information of client transmitted over the cloud network. EACS negotiates the
authentication system and perimeter security by providing the support of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). It
is a federation protocol, which contains authentication credentials [14]. SAML used to exchange the information related to
subject or authentication between the cooperating domains, and the request and response mapped in Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) relying on XML. However, by using signature-wrapping attack, it is possible to alter an eavesdropped
message despite being it digitally signed. That means an attacker allowed to execute random machine act as legitimate
users [33].
 SNMP Server: It is simple network management protocol, which designed to provide a low-overhead mechanism to
collect the data from network devices. There are some

Fig. 3. Classification of cloud security issue

concerns about the cryptographic part of SNMP when there is more variation in export control on cryptography software.
SNMP is still a developing tool and it is easy for an attacker to breach the confidentiality in the virtual environment.

2.2. Application issues

Security in a software application is the most vulnerable area. Most of the applications have a front end, back end,
different types of platforms, frameworks, parallelism, which have different types of vulnerabilities. The basic security issue
in a software application is that it has a million lines of programming code [45]. Different programmers in a different
language write the software and many of the programming languages have vulnerabilities. In this section, we will discuss
different varieties of application issues in cloud computing.

 User front end: The security of front end should be like an onion structure but there is the very high probability of an
authorized access and deficient configuration in the software application. A programmer needs to know the security aspects
of the web developing language like HTML/CSS/PHP/JS. Subhasini and Kavita [84] stated that the isolation barrier can
breach by loophole or injection masked code. Suppose that if an intruder has already compromised the database, there
should be a proper front end to prevent the error.
 User back end: SQL injection attack takes advantage of backend application weaknesses.
<script>alert(document.cookie)</script> and visit the post, we will find that the script gets injected and executed [41].
OWASP project aimed for backend security and it focuses on three fields like development, hardening, and testing.
However, in these three fields have already many security issues, which need to be concerned.
 Platform: It is important to discuss what kinds of security issues are present while deploying the platform as service model
such as windows Azure. The shared environment includes some unique challenges involving authentication, authorization,
and access control. Isolation, rapid elasticity, and resource accounting are also big challenges in a multi-tenant cloud
environment [33]. To isolate the running programs, java implements sandbox bytecode to check the integrity and
cryptography for secure communication APIs. Still, this is not secure enough and it does not prevent information leakage.

 Framework: The major security issue in cloud computing is found on the framework. IBM cloud framework proposed the
strength and weakness of security functionalities. IBM defined five functional security subsystems that are: audit &
compliance, access control, flow control, identity management and solution integrity [21]. The framework has designed in
java and .net for isolation and resource accounting but they failed with thread termination. Multitasking Virtual Machine
(MVM) provided generic API.
 License: While moving in the cloud, the major issue is the licensing of the applications. It is a very complex problem and
vendors still have not found a proper solution. The Copy, Sell, Sharing or Distribution of software illegally is called
software piracy. Dynamically change the number of servers hosting a variety of application demand uptime, elastic scaling,
reliability, performance, and stability. Even today, in the world of personal computer users use 57 % pirated software, this
is a big issue from a security point of view. There are many possible attacks on this unauthorized pirated software [25].
 Service Availability: Technically, there are so many ways to achieve high availability in the cloud. Cloud services
categorized as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Because of the fluctuation in the cloud environment, application and infrastructure
level need high availability and scalability. On the contrary, there is a chance of availability attack like DoS or Botnet
DDoS [69]. Subhashini S. et al. [84] discussed multi-tier architecture to adopt and providing ‘security as a service’
 Parallel application: Parallel application improved the performance of the system, but there are some challenges while
deploying it. While executing many applications parallel there is a problem of mutual authentication among them and due
to this vulnerability some attacks are possible. Due to high non-uniform data distribution, the parallel algorithm is troubled
by catastrophic load imbalances [80].

2.3. Web Application

Hashizume K., et. al [4] stated that the cloud computing influences many technologies like SOA, Virtualization, web 2.0
which also inherit the security issue and identify the vulnerabilities in this kind system. It may create the flaws in SaaS
application; an attacker can compromise the slave computers and perform the malicious activities [10]. Web application
issues are very much similar with the internet services security issues which have a lot of inherent problems like a man in the
middle attack, port scanning, IP spoofing, social engineering injection flaws and much more.

 Web server and technology: Sudhir N. D.,et al. [81] discussed that the biggest issue in web technology is attack on
integrity. When a web server is compromised via eavesdropping, injecting and forged XML, which broke the
authentication from the web server, is a big threat as for as cloud environment is concerned. As the increase of people
connecting online via chat server and the devices on the web, the black hacker tries to focus on this attack vector. The
common mistake is a direct object reference that means an internal object like the one a confidential file, database, or
authorized signature key is exposed to the user is a threat when an attacker can provide these references. The experienced
hacker gets the privilege to access the database, operating system via breaching the service side scripting [44].
 Protocol and standard: The TCP/IP protocol model or Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is the basis of only
communicating over the internet and it has much vulnerability to be attacked. Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP),
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Wireless Markup Language (WML), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is well
known vulnerable protocols [41]. Domain Name Server spoofing (DNS), DNS-cache poisoning, Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) attack that also based on cross multi-tenants attack.
 Proxy server: Security of proxy server is depends on the specific types of proxy attacks. One popular attacks is DoS, in
which the slaves or compromised computer are used as a proxy. An attacker uses an open proxy for unauthorized access to
cover their connection while injecting different sites. Some of the major security problems are created while using the
proxies’ X-Forward-For, rpaf, 400 error and Obfuscation [32].

2.4. Trust and Conviction

For considering trust, we measured it as the belief that utilizes the experience of the employer, which gives contribution in
the trustworthy decision. In addition to cloud stakeholders, storage hardware, virtualization, web-based access, the
computational algorithm related to trust. The evaluation of trust is a multi-phased and multifaceted phenomenon depends on
the multidimensional factor. Deyan C., et al. [22] in security transparency the next frontier presented the TCP concepts,
which aim to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data undertaken by the service provider. Security program in TCP
detects whether data has been altered or tampered or not.
 Human factor: To explain the role of the human in the context of security in the cloud, first it well known that human is the
root of creating all problems as well as it can solve all the problems. We cannot judge or firewall the human nature. People
from a different level of system access working in IT department, non-IT employee or customer, some of them are at
administrator level can play a critical role in maintaining and damaging system security. Saving, remembering and
encrypting the password on every single node might be hard or even impossible some cases [38]. Moreover, another big
problem is social engineering, which only executed by humans. Some of the social engineering attacks are pretexting,
phishing, baiting, quid pro quo, tailgating.
 Forensic value: As the increasing use of online network application and the digital crime is also increasing in the same
manner. Digital forensics plays a vital role in an organization and system. Digital forensics becomes more popular and

important to investigate cyber crime and computer-assisted crime [135]. Forensic majorly concerns in the area of data
seizing, locality of data, data disclosure and compromising confidential data. In addition, the Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) concept brings more difficulties to the investigator. Table 2 shows the security challenges involving in each phase
of digital forensic cloud [71].

Table 2. Issues to digital forensics in cloud environments.

Phase Action provides Security issues
Identifying criminal
Identification Lack of agendas
Software tools Lack of specialist tools
Sufficient storage
virtualized and volatile
Data stored in multiple
Preservation Legal authority jurisdictions and limited
access to physical media
Write a blocking force or
lack of persistence
Data integrity
mechanism for cloud
services and data
Privacy regulations,
Software tools and
Lack of tested, certified
Analysis recovery of deleted
tools, and implementation
Documentation of Integration of multiple
evidence evidence sources in record

 Reputation: The rapid development of cloud computing has attracted a lot of attention. In cloud computing environment,
several logical virtual machines installed on the same machine and they shares the same hardware. The customer behavior
and activities affect each other known as reputation isolation, which is an issue. Some customer abusing the service such as
SPAM, DDoS, and the customer regarding that service could prosecute through an investigation. User behavior keeps
under control and mainly the customers of most companies, however, business interests and reputation may be affected
within the cloud [45].
 Governance: The fact is that organizations building cloud environments don’t understand about the governance in the new
world of IaaS. This issue brings up of losing the administrative operational, and access and security control. Outsourcing
the infrastructure of the inter-connected cloud may cause issues to data synchronization if we have improper governance. It
affects the financial capabilities of the cloud provider, time management to recovery, disaster recovery, liabilities of data
breaches, service termination, and business termination [41].
 Trusted third party (TTP): Cloud users are concerned about how their data is used as data center owners can abuse this
data. TTP can authenticate, audit, authorized the confidential data, and it provides the reliability protection from
unauthorized hackers. Anyhow, if the third party is compromised, there is a big threat to the cloud environment; many
security attributes will be compromised. The user does not know the exact location of data and neither does not know the
resource location from where the data is collectively stored. These data can find from public cloud services that have
minimal security concerns. Ushadevi and Rajmani [31] provided a private key mechanism on which trust overlay network
over multiple data centers to establish trust and for this data coloring and watermarking technique used to protect shared
data [33].
 Lack of consumer trust: A survey on European citizen about their attitude on data protection. In this survey less than one
third phone companies, mobile companies and internet service providers (33%), only one –fifth percentage trust in internet
search engine companies, email services, and social networking companies (22%). Furthermore, 70% of European citizen
are concerned with their personal data, which is distributed over cloud industries. Recently one survey conducted on cloud
industry, result how people trust in online providers— Reputation (28%), trusted a third party (26%), trial experience
(21%), contractual (19%), others (6%) [34] [44].

2.5. Client management issue

In cloud computing, the management of client is one of the major concerns for the security point of view. In a simple way,
it is as like as protecting the president in the crowd on street verses in president house, similarly data in public cloud verse
data in client organization system. In this section, we will discuss the issues about the client experiences, its authentication
system, identity, and centric-privacy, their service level management, contractor background [114].
 Client experience (CX): The experience of customer plays a vital role in a cloud. As time is going the cloud-based
customer gets lots of growth in service market experience. In the recent, 74 % of respondents said that improving cross-
channel customer experience [72]. Some of the cloud provider companies are struggling because they have not yet
deployed cloud-based solution as expected from the client side. Those customers who are lacking the experience in
security areas will suffer to choose a secure cloud provider companies.
 Client authentication: A strong user authentication, which restricts the illegal access to the cloud services provider, is a
paramount requirement to secure cloud. Sumitra B., et al. [102] has discussed a variety of authentication attacks on a cloud

in and provides the solution approaches. User prefers to access their application from a different location with different
devices like cell phone, laptop, PDA, smartphones etc. It is mandatory to cloud service providers to ensure the only
legitimate user can access their services [41]. Some of the authentication attacks are Eavesdropping, password discovery
attacks, wrapping attack, cookie poisoning, Man in the middle attacks and so many.
 Client centric privacy: Now a day’s many organizations are moving to focus their business on the customer. A recent
survey in 2015, an independent specialist in market research, 675 IT decision makers interviewed over five countries (UK,
USA, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore) and the result is that they targeted to the customer-centric cloud. They are
concerning their service requirements, security, privacy, trust and maintain CRM-Customer relationship management
policy [22].
 Service level management: It is the process of setting the benchmark for service level, measuring performance and
compliance with our service goals and customer expectations. It manages analysis and report on performance metrics.
Some questions are arriving in it- can security is adequately expressed in the context of service level agreement. Some
security issues in service level management such as incorrect installed Windows NT, administrator unintentionally turnoff
the auditing of security events, while monitoring of critical vendor sometimes the response alert may not occur [3].
2.6. Cloud data storage

Data storage is also one of the most important components of cloud computing. As the growing of many online
application and internet devices, the storage of data and its security over the distributed computing is the big issue. In this
section, we discuss the security issue regarding cloud storage such as the location of data warehouses, anonymity,
availability, integrity management, data loss and leakage, cryptography, unreliable data, sanitization, maintenance, and
location protection of metadata, etc [168].
 Data warehouse: Data warehouses are very large system and surveying different user communities along with their
security needs. For the deploying of DWH, security is an important requirement for implementation and maintenance.
Cong W. et al. [149] said that storage security has always been an important aspect of the QoS (Quality of Service). Data
warehouse pretenses the three basic securities issue i.e. confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
 Anonymity: A particular technique or process to obscure the published data and key information preventing the associated
identity of the owner of data. In the cloud enterprises it is increasing to have anonymity without proper privacy measure
which causes de-anonymity attack [53]. Data anonymity has different vulnerability like hidden identity of adversary
threats, loopholes in the procedure of re-identification or de-anonymity.
 Availability: The main goal of cloud service is also to provide high availability to the client. It focuses that user can get
information anywhere anytime. Availability not only refers the software, data but it also provides hardware as demand
from authorized users. In a multi-tier architecture, which is supported by load balancing and running on many servers will
approach network based attack such as DoS or DDoS attack [52]. Sometimes cloud storage lacks in availability attribute
because of flooding attack in the network. Insider malicious in storage is also a big issue for it.
 Data loss and leakage: Data breaches are the result of is an intrusive action and data loss may occur when disk drive dies
without creating any backup. It is the loss of privacy, trust and direct effect the SLA policy, which are the main concerns of
cloud users. The data leakage affects the web application and attacker took advantage of configured permission in cloud
implementations [108].
 Cryptography: Many times in cryptographic mechanisms seem to fail when the security measure applied. In cloud
cryptography applied to overcome the loopholes in security areas but same time, it has many challenges still yet to
overcome. Prime factorization of large numbers in RSA and discrete logarithmic problem in ECC failed for bad password
and faulty implementation causes brute force attack. Poor key management, computation efficiency, verifiable data are also
other issues related to cloud cryptography [83].
 Integrity and confidentiality issues: The three basic challenges for cloud storage are integrity, confidentiality, and
availability (CIA), availability we discussed earlier, we discuss the issue related to integrity and confidentiality. As we
know integrity is the most critical element in information system to protect the data from unauthorized modification,
deletion or altering data [30]. Cloud data should follow ACID property to ensure the integrity and confidentiality. The
security issue arises when malicious incorrectly defined security parameter or incorrectly configured VMs and hypervisor.
Because of multi-tenant nature of cloud may result in the violation of integrity and confidentiality, even the increasing the
number of users may enhance the security risk [27]. Man in the middle (MIM) attack, session hijacking, data diddling
attack are a well-known attack in integrity and phishing, password, packet sniffing social engineering attacks affects the
confidentiality of information [49].
 Malware and worm: Smart cybercriminal involves e-crime attack start to inject malware into cloud storage, turning them
into ‘zombies’ aiming of adding larger network servers’ computer called Botnets. According to the websense report [150]
in 2013 50% of malware download as droppers in the first 60s and it can disable the local security. In 2014 cyber, threats
combined new technique with old resulting evasive attack and it is the age called malware-as-a-service. In 2014 99.3%
malicious file with additional payload used command and control (CnC) to become the part of botnet [15].
 Inference: Inference is a database system technique used to attack databases where malicious users infer sensitive
information from complex databases at a high level. In basic terms, inference is a data mining technique used to find
information hidden from normal users.

An inference attack may endanger the integrity of an entire database. The more complex the database is, the greater the
security implemented in association with it should be. If inference problems are not solved efficiently, sensitive
information may be leaked to outsiders.

2.7. Metadata

Metadata means ‘data about data’, the security professional knows it contains confidential and sensitive information. It
may extract by an attacker faulty accounting and implementation of metadata security. In Metadata, spoofing attack the
adversary alters or modifies the service’s Web Service Description Language (WSDL) [26]. The sensitive detail that is kept
in Metadata from having unintended leakage can pose many risks to the organization. In this section, we discuss the issue
related to metadata like data sanitization, its maintenance issue, Metadata separation, and location protection.
 Data sanitization: Sanitization is the irreversible process of deliberately cleaning, removing and destroying permanently
the piece of data stored on hardware memory device such as hard disk drives, CDs, USB etc. The instance of data, which is
under metadata, in Google while destructing metadata store in physically wreck hard drives, may result sometimes data
loss and data disclosure because maybe it is not fully wiped out or other tenants might still use them. Therefore, the issue
related with data sanitization is the deficient implementation of destruction policy, non-wiped, multitenant use the hard
disk and irreversible resources [26].
 Data separation: Due to multi-tenant nature of cloud, many users avoid public cloud so business address separation of
data but not full, which it is a partial separation of data. Data separation ensures that user can access the data in his domain
and it cannot see the data in other domain. During separation of data, there is leakage or loss of sensitive information is
possible which increase high risk in security. In a physical separation, it increases the cost to purchase the storage arrays.
The problem of geo-location of data increases complexity in the cloud. To solve the issues of we can use cryptographic
separation of data and follow the policy of SLA [97].
 Data location: Due to elastic and high mobility feature of cloud computing the VMs can be easily moved along with data
from one location to another location, causes a high degree of mobility. The user does not know always the location of data
and it is very difficult for copying and cloning of data repeatedly [71]. Moving of sensitive data from metadata increases
the error and loss of sensitive information. Multi-location of servers for backup of data is rather dangerous in the cloud.
Some researchers reconnoitered the man-in-the-middle attack on VMware while mitigating the VMs online.
 Data maintenance: Maintaining the cloud metadata while enabling the rich application is a challenging task and risky also.
Issue related to maintenance is not updating the software security patches. Sometimes the error is coming while updating,
processing, and handling and transmission of metadata [39].

2.8. Clustering computing

Cluster computing utilizes many computers, virtual machine, servers and they set to be loosely or tightly connected that
work together that they can view as a single system is called computer cluster. Basic use of clustering in the cloud is for
implementing the parallel processing application in enterprises [68]. But it brings many challenges while increasing the
nodes per cluster for the system administrator. In this section, we discuss the different cluster security issues in physical,
virtual, multi and hierarchal clusters.
 Physical cluster: cluster computing requires many virtual machines, servers, interconnected computers and servers to have
a high bandwidth connection, extensive computational power, and massive storage capacity. Because of high bandwidth
connection, a large data set transfer in and out of the cluster, which would be attractive to the attacker and it can leverage
them for launching DoS attack. In the context of computational power, it involves dictionary type or brute force attack
[68]. Because of parallel computing, the traditional cracking tool of password is runs on the compromised cluster to
decrypt the stolen password file. An attacker would be attracted towards massive cloud storage to attack for use in creating
a repository of stolen copyrighted software and multimedia files [67].
 Virtual cluster: It can be either physical or virtual machine and runs on different operating system on the same physical
node. Misconfiguring automatic physical server and managing firmware, online patches, and driver updates may be key to
fixing Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machine (VMware and Citrix Xen server [41]) clustering problem [21].
 Multi-cluster: In the IBM knowledge center, we may not able to see the Platform Symphony Management Console (PMC)
or multi-cluster Management Console in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 because of the default setting in IE and some
problem in the console. Sometime misconfiguration or disable the setting of active scripting creates the clustering issue in
internet explorer version 10.
 Data-intensive applications: Data-intensive computing utilizes parallel computing and processes large volume of big data
typically in terabytes or petabytes. It utilizes computing cluster to achieve high scalability availability and high
performance. Challenges in big data analysis include data inconsistency, incompleteness, and timeliness. While utilizing
parallel computing we encounter of mutual authentication problems and the possibility of brute force attacks.

2.9. Operating system

Cloud computing utilizes many virtual machines, different kind of servers in a different inter and intra network, different
kind of operating system working together brought many security challenges. According to a survey of National

Vulnerability Database (NVD) in 2014 an average 19 vulnerability per day were reported in this year [14]. Much
exploitation is available on Windows, Linux, BSD, iOS. Attacks on OS like stack buffer overflow attack, GNU Bash
Common Vulnerability and Exposure CVE-2014-6271 with high severity and serious threat and this GNU Bash could be
lead to code execution remotely. In this section, we discuss different security issue and vulnerability on different operating
systems used in cloud computing [159].
 Desktop OS: On cloud computing environment, desktop virtualization is software that separates desktop environment and
associated application from a physical client. In the cloud, client/server computing is implemented by remote desktop
virtualization. This approach involves multiple desktops operating systems is on a server hardware platform called VMM
or hypervisor. In CVE-2014-6271 is remote code execution vulnerability, this bug allows a remote unauthenticated attacker
to run an arbitrary code by sending RDP packets. The compromised OS can cause DoS attack. According to the NAD
report in 2014 the total vulnerability found in Microsoft Windows7 was 36, in version 8 36, in 8.1 36, in the Linux kernel,
119 vulnerability found [156].
 Server OS: Recently Microsoft discloses a serious vulnerability (MS 15-034) on IIS web server that allows
unauthenticated DoS attack on unpatched windows servers. Remote Code Execution (RCE) used to execute any command
on the target machine for a remote location, bypassing security mechanism. There are many vulnerabilities in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux Long Life 5.6 server, Sun Solaris 11, IBM HTTP Server 6.0.2, Cisco TelePresence Video
Communication Server (VCS) 0. In CVE-2015-7031 Web Service component in Apple OS X Server before 5.0.15 omits
an unspecified HTTP header configuration, which allows remote attackers to bypass envisioned access restrictions via
anonymous vectors [154].

Table 3. Summary of the cloud security issues and respective studies.

Category Topic Issues References
Virtual machine isolation Data leakage, cross VM-attack [4], [12], [18]
VM monitoring Untrusted VMM, single point failure, configuration [16], [37]
Programmability Setting wrapping attack, identity, physical [24], [41]
Electronic access control Confidentiality [14]
SNMP Server Insecure setting, vendor patch [39]
User front end. Masked Injection, reverse. engineering, loopholes, SQL [45], [48], [55]
User back end injection, authentication, [55]
Platform Access control, [52], [33]
Framework Flow control, thread termination, [21]
License Pirated software, [25],
Service availability Botnet DoS attack, mutual authentication, MIM, [5], [23], [69]
Parallel application IP spoofing DNS spoofing, proxy injection, [80]
Web application ARP attack, XSS attack [91], [89], [10]
Human factor Password sharing, phishing, bating. [17], [43], [38]
Forensic value Data seizing, data disclosure, compromising data, [98], [135],
Reputation customer behavior and repudiation isolation. [1], [2], [45], [102]
Disaster recovery, service, vendor lock-in, price [47],[73],[67]
Trust and
Governance increases.
Location of data, termination, [46], [62], [79]
Trusted third party Reliability protection.
data sharing, [28],[43], [100]
Lack of consumer trust trust, privacy
Client experience Identity, authentication, privacy. [114]
Client authentication Cookie poisoning, eavesdropping. [88],[94], [41]
Client centric privacy CRM policy, trust. [121]
Service level management Installation, auditing and monitoring failure. [2], [3], [135]
Data ware house Loss of control, data locality, authentication, de- [111], [57],
Anonymity anonymity attack, hidden identity. [65]
DoS/DDoS attack, flooding attack, cloud outages, multi- [52], [53],
Availability location. [52], [87],[88]
Cryptography Poor key management, faulty crypto algorithm,
trust, privacy, disk drives die without backup [83]
Cloud data
Data loss and leakage Session hijacking, phishing, data diddling attack, packet
sniffing. [61],[119]
Integrity and Malware botnet attack, signature-based malware,
confidentiality injection and side channel attack, authentication. [6], [105], [107] [114]
Management Wrongly implementation of destruction policy, [15],[ 19], [36]
Malware and worm non-wiped, [90]
Metadata Data leakage, MIM [1], [2], [26]
Physical cluster DoS attack, brute force. [68]
Clustering Virtual cluster Misconfiguration, patch updating. [21], [136],
computing Multi-cluster The default setting, parallel application. [49]
Data intensive app Having mutual authentication issue. [50]
Desktop OS Desktop virtualization, remote code execution. [12], [14]
Unpatched windows server, DoS/ DDoS attack, HTTP
Operating Server OS Header configuration, [63], [41],
system Snipping, spoofing, unpatched network device, memory [25], [42], [88]
consumption or device crash, [81],[87], [93],
Network OS Protocol implementation in ipv6 stack. [21],[20]

Weak server side control, client side injection, broken [53], [103],
cryptography, [71]
Smartphone OS TCP implementation in windows mobile, android [66], [90], [130]
malware like trojan, backdoor, spyware [83], [41], [43]

 Network OS (NOS): In cloud computing environment, NOS includes some special function to connect and operates the
computer and devices (router, switches, firewall etc.) in a LAN, MAN, or WAN. The example of NOS is Artisoft's,
LANtastic, Novell Netware, Cisco IOS, RouterOS, Microsoft Windows Server, ExtremeXOS, and Windows NT [156].
The common vulnerability in NOS is weak default installation setting, unpatched devices. Wide open access control causes
snipping, spoofing, session hijacking, DoS. In the given example, all NOS have vulnerability in a local network of cloud
the Neighbor Discovery (ND) protocol implementation in IPv6 stack in Cisco IOS 15.3(3) S0.1 on ASR-5000 series

mishandles internal tables, which allows remote attackers to cause a DoS (memory consumption or device crash) via flood
of crafted ND messages, aka Bug ID CSCup28217 [155].
 Smartphone OS: The use of smartphones by cloud users with cloud application is exponentially increasing and it brings the
high availability of application, games, vehicle guidance, and navigator. The increasing popularity of smartphone attracted
the malware developers, increasing the attacks on its OS. However, many android malware apps have produced in these
few years. The top-10 mobile vulnerabilities are listed in Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) [157]. Some
of the issues are insecure data storage, weak server side control, client side injection, broken cryptography, security
decision via untrusted inputs This section discusses the different types of smartphone (e.g., windows, android, iPhone)
based on their operating system and vulnerabilities in it.

a) Windows mobile: The latest Window Phone 8 runs on Windows NT Kernel. It has CVE-2008-4609 vulnerability in the
TCP implementation in LINUX, BSD Unix, and Windows, and in cisco products allow a remote attacker to cause a DoS via
multiple vectors which alter the TCP stable table [154].
b) Android smartphone has more than 80% of the total market share of smartphones and this has attracted the attraction of
malware developers. Google Play Store have a million apps which are not manually checked either it is malicious apps or
not. Some of the android malware threat perceptions are Trojan, Backdoor, Worm, Botnet, Spyware, Aggressive adware,
Ransomware, which causes privilege escalation attack, colluding attack, DoS. The vulnerability CVE-2011- 4276 [9] in
which Bluetooth service of the mobile phone allows a remote attacker who is within the Bluetooth range to obtain the
contact data. The information disclosure is present in the kernel with CVE number- 2015-6642 with high severity [155].
c) iPhone iOS: iPhones have more vulnerability than windows and android phones. According to CVE data and NVD, the
iOS have 210 vulnerabilities. In 2015, Apple iOS having severity and score is 10 CVE-2015-7113 allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary code in privilege or cause of DoS attack in 2015 there is 222 vulnerabilities found [158].
Table 3 summarizes the cloud security concerns at the different field of cloud environment. The issues and the works
identified in the tables typically ordered according to the textual descriptions, to enable one to find the discussion on each
one of the topics easily. Nevertheless, the issues are, grouped per study references, whenever applicable on a certain sub-
category. The Table also includes studies of the academia, which discussed in the respective section.

3. Security threats in cloud computing

Many researchers have studied and discussed the security issues of cloud computing. Fernandes et al. [41] suggested
making comprehensive reviews on cloud security issue, it addresses many several key topics namely threats, vulnerability,
attacks proposing and taxonomy for their classification. Mazhar A., et al. [39] explained the security survey highlighted the
communication, architectural, contractual and legal aspects. It also discussed the countermeasure for communication issues,
it also surveyed on the vulnerability of virtual machine like VM migration, VM image, hypervisor, and discusses security in
future direction. Flavio Lombardi et al. [37] gave the detailed knowledge on critical infrastructure for the secure cloud.
Moreover, Subashini S., et al. [2] emanated the security issue in service delivery models of cloud computing system and
provide solution to counter these issues.
Saripalli P., et al. [48] surveyed the most relevant privacy and trust issue and analyzing privacy, security and trust
threats. The author provide solution in the paper to achieve a secure trustworthy and dependable cloud computing. This
paper provides the security requirements for effective governance, personal requirements, some better encryption techniques,
disaster and backup recovery management and scheme for secure virtualization in the cloud system.

3.1. Threats and compromised attribute

The cloud computing is the set of services and resources and it is viewed a “computing as utility”. Even though cloud is
becoming more ubiquitous in a commercial setting, there are still many misconceptions and myths that may cause confusion

regarding security like all cloud app is created equal and we can rely on cloud service provider to protect our business that
have strong authentication mechanism. This confusion help to attack developer to launch malicious activity on cloud system
[11] .There are several security risk is adopted by the new paradigm of cloud computing. To cops the risk challenges we
have to classify the attack with security attribute means, which challenge or attack affecting which security attribute and
what are the opinion of research work regarding that attack challenges.
According to the report of CSA, the top nine security threats in 2013 are arising from the sharing of common resources.
In 2014 and 2015 there is a tremendous increase in threats activity such as data loss, DDoS, account hijacking, insecure
interface, malicious insider and more [25].
This study aims to identify the popular security threats in cloud computing that will enable both end users and vendors to
be aware of the significant security threats associated with cloud computing. Table 4 has summarized about the different
challenges along with a description and compromised attribute. It contains many research work related to well-known

3.2. Security concerns in private cloud providers

Popular service vendors for 2015 said that cloud security platform helps organizations mitigate the risk using cloud-based
services. The group of vendors provides strong data protection, encryption, and good access management. Others have good
monitor based cloud system for suspicious activity that provides reporting and alerting, and policy enforcement [29]. Mr.
Gray Hall, the chairman, and CEO of Alert Logic is a SaaS-based platform organization that concerns about log
management, vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection and monitoring via managed service provider partner. Many major
vendors and small cloud providers have a private cloud offering that are available for on-premises deployment or available
as a secure hosted offering [2].
In this section, we will overview the security concerns in a private enterprise cloud computing service provider. Like as,
the security of Amazon EC2 by configuring firewall setting which controls network access between users and amazon S3 is
done with SSL encryption. Google app uses java virtual machine (JVM) combined with java bytecode and python interpreter
in a secure “sandbox” to isolate the

Table 4. Cloud computing threats, description, compromised attributes and related study.
Threats Description Compromised attributes References

Elevation of An attacker able to penetrates all system defenses to Confidentiality, Trust [85], [86], [87]
Privilege join the trusted system itself. Authorization, Identity
Repudiation The risk of user performs a criminal operation in a Auditability, Trust [8], [61], [49] [79],
system that lacks the ability to trace it. Privacy, Cryptography [102]
An adversary gains control of a tenant’s VM, and Resource Availability, [27], [34], [43], [54],
Denial of Service
makes another’s web server inaccessible Privacy, [49],[60], [64], [129],
Injection and XSS To aim at injecting a malicious service implementation Availability, Trust, [34],[36], [71], [88],
Attack or virtual machine into the Cloud system. Authentication [89], [90], [91]
Wrapping attack The risk of by using XML Signature for authentication Integrity, Authentication [3], [12], [33], [61],
or integrity protection. [62], [81], [82], [83]
Self-adaptive Monitoring information in a dedicated circuit , to enable Integrity, Confidentiality, [47],[54], [63],
storage resource the automatic management and optimize the dynamic Privacy [93],[94],[95], [96],
management control for large-scale data transmission for the [97]
prediction performance of the remote storage service
Consumers might face problems that occur from vendor Availability, Confidentiality , [4], [33],[36], [45],
Weak Service Level lock-in, data unavailability, hidden costs, non- Deferment [62], [98], [99], [100],
Agreements (SLAs) transparent infrastructure, and insufficient security [101]
Attack computer is replaced by its IP address for the Confidentiality, Trust, [7], [36], [40], [42],
TCP/ Session credit of the client and the server will continue to Integrity, Auditability, [107], [108], [109],
Hijacking believe in communication with a trusted client, Accountability, Weak [110], [111],
conversation. Registration system and [112],[113]
Service availability
When the data owner updated the data to the new Availability, Usability, [6],[42], [ 53], [103],
Roll back attack
version malicious service provider provides a still Integrity [104], [105], [106]
earlier version to the user.
Data loss or A provider may fraudulently retain additional copies of Privacy protection, [45], [47], [50],
Leakage the data in order to retail it to interested third parties. Availability, System and [53],[57], [118], [119],
Network auditing [120], [121], [122]
This involves data insertion, modification and data Availability, Integrity, [55], [114], [115], [116]
Data manipulation
deletion Auditability
The vendor needs to ensure that all the sensitive Availability, Reliability [4],[24], [59], [123],
Backup enterprise data is regularly backed up to facilitate quick [124], [125], [126]
recovery in the case of disasters happening.

application and security. Microsoft Windows Azure adopts firewall, filtering routers, security patch management of
software, physical security, cryptography algorithm for encryption of data, SSL-128 bit encryption. Force.com uses SAML
for authentication on login, session security, and auditing. It also provides security at various levels like logical network, host
security, database security, and communication security. Meanwhile Rackspace protects against spam and gives SSL
security. Rightscale and Apple cloud have security monitoring technique and key chain technique for password and
authentication respectively [1].
Table 5 summarizes the well-known service providers and offers the services in the different environment of cloud
computing. The security is the biggest issue of these providers; this table also consists of some security concerns along with
website address.

3.3. Cloud service project used by public authorities

Government cloud services strategy include cloud-based project management tools, which are popular with business
enterprises. A non-profit industry has blazed a trail in cloud adoption, but the public sector is catching up fast. Since the
Implementation of a "cloud first" migration strategy in 2010, the US government has already moved to a leading 50 world-
class agency services to the cloud, and the cloud of the government sector, and save billions of dollars.
According to the NITS in 2015 GIDC (Government Integrated Data Center) announced 143 e- government system adopt
cloud in this year. GIDC renovates its security system based on uncooperative cloud computing to all 143 e- government
system up to the end of 2015 [29]. GIDC is the management in charge of 1312 units of 44 organization of Korean
government system. Government cloud project expected to picking up of adopting the cloud project. In 2014, 260 e-
government systems have adopted the cloud project concerning security also and in 2015, it increases up to 403. They are
expecting it will increase to the extent of 760 by 2017. To gain the significant cost saving, the governments are planning to
develop the cloud technology and increase the performance, quality, innovation and security considerations in the services
they provide to the citizens. Some of the cloud projects of government are in Table 6.

4. Requirements and literature solutions

Cloud computing offers both unique advantage and challenges to private and government users. Advantages include
greater efficiency, flexibility, and economy, which can help enterprises to meet rapidly changing computing needs, and
cheaply while being environmentally friendly. Among the many challenges, security is the commonly cited concerns in
moving mission-critical services or sensitive information to the cloud. Considering the security issues
Table 5. Security concerns attribute of cloud service provider
Service provider Cloud offering Security concerns attribute
It provides half dozen service including amazon elastic Multifactor authentication, EC2 security,
Amazone web service
compute cloud (amazon EC2/S3), amazon secure server, virtual and networking, Secure fault tolerance
computing environment and on-demand storage for the internet design,

Browsing security, HTTPs availability,

Provides a set of online productivity tools including customer
Google apps Digital certificate security,
e-mail, clambering, web security services, Google app engine,
[PaaS], [SaaS] Usenix enigma focuses on security,
Google docs
privacy, electronic crime and novel attack

Identity and access, penetration testing,

Microsoft azure / sky
Platform consisting of operating system, store organize, encryption key management AES-256,
developer service to build and enhance web host application, security center (MSRC, MMPC),
[Waas] [Saas]
monitoring, logging, reporting
Two forms of user authentication
It is enterprise cloud that is leading the social enterprise helping delegated authentication and security
companies connect to the customer (CRM tools), including assertion markup language (SAML), focus
Salesforce [PaaS]
automation, marketing, and social network tools, building a on session security data auditing,
web application and hosting on sales force infrastructure. programmatic security like SOAP API,
security token- using O- AUTH
Managed security, cloud threat protection,
It also is known as “most” which consist of three service: a
vulnerability assessment, reduce DoS
Rackspace cloud platform for building cloud website, cloud files a storage
attack, data protection solution and
[Iaas], [PaaS] service and cloud servers that provide access to virtualized
payment card industry data security
server instance.
It support to maintain choice of vendors, offers self-service Security monitoring, multi-cloud identity
Right scale
provisioning, automate routine task, it helps customer builds management, employing security
and clone virtual servers for cloud automation

Offers device cloud with device-centric cloud storage, it also Secure boot chain, touch ID security,
offers iCloud drive, cloud photo library, icloud backup. It keychain and key bags data protection and
Apple iCloud
automatically and securely stores our content so it’s always access control. Security certification like
available to our iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC. FIPS 140-2, ISO 15408, app code signing

Table 6. Description of public cloud business project.

It is a European project of cloud computing, which is developing a breakthrough system and service technologies.
This project serves as IaaS and talking about virtualization in order to allow efficient migration of resources,
exploitation and minimizing their utilization costs. The goal of this project to support the development of Service-
Oriented Computing (SOC) as a new computing paradigm
This Federal Cloud Computing Strategy is designed to considerations, articulate the benefits, and trade-offs of
cloud computing. The basic two points are as follow:

United states (federal - Highlight cloud computing implementation resources.

cloud computing - Provides a decision framework and case samples to support organizations in migrating towards cloud computing.
The Federal Government, cloud computing holds tremendous potential to deliver public value by increasing
operational efficiency and responds faster to constituent needs. An estimated $20 billion of the Federal
Government’s $80 billion in IT spending is a potential target for migration to cloud computing solutions.
The Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education has collaborated with the European Commission and industry to
develop the KC Class program. KC Class brings together institutions that deal with cloud computing in the
Slovenia kc-class
country and has broad industry support. It currently employs researchers and developers from six small
businesses, four middle-sized enterprises, and seven research organizations, who work to develop local solutions,
services, and products in the field of cloud computing.
The Australian Government Cloud Computing Policy Version 3.0 October 2014 (the Policy) supersedes all
previous versions of the Australian Government Cloud Computing Policy. The Policy is mandatory for non-
Australian corporate commonwealth entities subject to the Public Governance, Performance, and Accountability Act 2013
government cloud (PGPA Act), and reflects The Coalition’s Policy for E-Government and the Digital Economy to accelerate the
computing policy adoption of cloud services. The Australian Government is looking to the benefits of cloud services as a way of
reducing redundancy and duplication across agencies, and seeking to realize economic savings and improved
business outcomes.
In South Korea, the government is adopting cloud technology for the provision of government services, such as in
the fields of tax payment, business licensing, vehicle registration and education. For example, in the field of
education, it plans to develop a cloud-computing network, where students can store digital textbooks that they can
U cities’ (South access from their laptops or smartphones. One major part of the South Korean government’s plans for the
Korea) development of cloud computing in the public sector is its promotion of ubiquitous cities, or ‘u-cities’. The city
has recruited the help of Cisco and Korean Telecom to deliver cloud-based city services to mobile devices. These
‘Smart+Connected Community’ (S+CC) services, which will be covered areas such as urban mobility, energy
management, distance learning, and security.
here in the chapter we discuss and provide various approaches proposed in the literature to counter the better security
solution and to achieve efficient, secure, good privacy, trustworthy and cost effective cloud system [28].

4.1. Personal security requirements

Organizations are able to manage dozens to thousands of employees and users who can access their cloud applications and
services, each with varying roles and privileges. Cloud service providers must allow the cloud consumer to assign and
manage the roles and allied levels of authorization for each of their users in accordance with their security policies. For
example, a cloud consumer, according to our security policies, an employee whose role is to permit them to be to generate a
purchase request, but in a different role and powers of the authority to approve the request of another employee is to be
responsible for.

4.2. Effective governance and risk analysis

Most organizations, which have established security, compliance policies and procedures, protect their intellectual
property and corporate assets used exclusively in IT space. These policies and procedures for the organization to consider the
impact of these assets compromising on basis of risk analysis are developed. A controls framework and further procedures
established to mitigate risk and serve as a standard for the execution and validation of compliance. These principles and
policies, enterprise security planning improves the quality of the process surrounding enterprise security governance, risk
management, and compliance represents models.
In Liu B., et al. [19], a risk framework presents security risks in terms of six key categories for security objectives (i.e.,
confidentiality, integrity, audibility, multiparty trust, mutual auditability and usability) in a cloud platform. The advantage of
this approach of risk assessment is that it allows customers, vendors, and regulation agencies to assess comparatively the
relative robustness of different cloud vendors with their offerings in a defensible manner.
Afghan et. al. [153] shows that the information security principles of integrity, confidentiality and availability are most
relevant to the cloud related scenarios. The information risk ratings performed shows the loss of confidentiality rated as the
highest level of risk followed by availability and integrity. For each of the threat categories the common research issues
identified are:

 Scalable fine granular access control and data confidentiality in cloud computing scenarios.
 Using an intrusion detection system (Identification of user behavior) to prevent data leakage at infrastructure provider

 Detection of malware on virtual machines, from the hypervisor level by performing the static and dynamic analysis.
 Identification of vulnerabilities at the hypervisor when giving API level access to the introspective layer of the
hypervisor to the programs.
 Security architecture for a hypervisor using the Usage control model.
4.3. Backup and disaster recovery management

Disaster recovery is a determined problem in IT platforms. This problem is more crucial in cloud computing because CSPs
have to provide the services to their customers even though the data center is down, because of disaster. A disaster is an
unpredicted event in a system lifetime. There are three types of DR levels described in Table 7. It can be made by nature
(like the tsunami and earthquake), hardware/software failures (e.g., VMs' failure of Heroku hosted on Amazon EC2 on 2011)
or even human (human error or sabotage). The approach of Cloud-based DR solution is an increasing development because
of its ability to bear disasters and to achieve the reliability and fast availability.

Table 7. Disaster recovery at different level.

DR level Description
Data level Security of application data
Application level Application continuity
System level Reducing recovery time as short as

For an efficient performance, DR mechanisms must follow the five basic requirements:
 Have to minimize RPO and RTO
 Have a minimal effect on the normal system operation
 Must be geographically separated
 Application must be restored to a consistent state
 Must guarantee privacy and confidentiality

In Nakajima Y., et al. [152], a management engine introduced for carrier networks. In the instance of a large-scale natural
disaster (e.g., earthquakes), system uses a DR scenario by scrambling up resources for the high-priority services (e.g., voice
communication) and scaling down allocated resources up to low-priority service (e.g., video-on-demand).
Mohammad Ali K., et al. [151] aims to gain both the performance of an asynchronous replication and the consistency of
sync replication. It is not possible to continue the processing in synchronization replication until replication is completely
finished at the backup site. In contrast, in an asynchronous replication, the processing will start after storing data in the local
storage. The result for the customer may ask, and then writes a backup site in age repeated. Pipelined replication and
replication processes in parallel as in the following scenario. Secure-Distributed Data Backup (SDDB): It is an innovative
technique presented in to protect data in the event of a disaster. The data protection technique has six stages:

 The data encryption: Data has to encrypt after receiving into a data center.
 Spatial scrambling: A spatial scrambling algorithm changes the order of data files.
 Fragmentation, duplication: According to the policy of SLAs, the data files that divided into some fragments must be
follow the duplication process on the data.
 Encryption: A secret key encrypts the small fragments again.
 Shuffling & Distribution: At a very last stage, the fragments distributed using a shuffling method into unused memory

To Transfer the Metadata to a backup server it includes encryption keys, shuffling, fragmentation and distribute
information is sent to a supervisory server. If a disaster occurs, the supervisory server will gather all the information from
distributed devices and decryption (2nd), and sort and merge, inversion scrambling and decryption (1st) spatial respectively.

4.4. Exception handling and fault tolerance

The system determines that exception has occurred while the executing of distributed cloud application. The serial
exception has occurred when a computer system determines the exception has occurred and translates during the execution
of distributed environment.
Zhenyu and Paul Watson [58] Proposed a technique to handle the dynamic exception for partitioned workflow on
federated clouds. The technique handles when cloud fails and it selects the best way re-partitions the flow and to meet the
security requirements. It evaluates the implementation utilizing a central tool for e-science: a portable, high-level clouds
Platform workflow application creation and deployment of the set of Electronic Science and monitors the central instance.
The state of each running instance of e-science center system they handle exceptions that occur at run time.
Prasenjit K. P., et al. [77] presents a better understanding of fault tolerance in cloud system and compares the existing
model on various parameters. Fault tolerance caused by error processing having two phases first one is effective error

processing which aimed to bring the error to the “latent state” and second aimed that the error does not become again

4.5. Cryptographic algorithm

The popularity of cloud computing is exponential increasing in growing internet technology, resulting the threats
developer attracted and causes many difficulties in the security areas of cloud. For countermeasure of these problems, one of
the one of the common method is the cryptographic approach. Which types of encryption implemented in a cloud
environment to ensure the security attributes and it should be cost effective? In this section, we recommend good
cryptographic proposed scheme, which fulfills the flaws in cloud security. Table 8 summarizes the cryptographic proposed
scheme along with basic theory and security attributes.
Ning C., et al. [143] proposed a Multi-key word Ranked search Scheme over Encrypted (MRSE) cloud data to provide
better privacy preserving. MRSE utilizes coordinating matching among various multi-key word semantics it again utilizes
secure inner product computation and then give two significantly improve MRSE MRSE_I: Privacy-Preserving Scheme in
Known Ciphertext Model and MRSE_II: Privacy-Preserving Scheme in Known Background Model to achieve various
rigorous privacy requirements. This paper through analysis investigating privacy and efficiency guarantees the proposed
Qin L., et al [144] proposed the time based proxy-re encryption for data sharing in a cloud environment. The aim of this
scheme is to encrypt the data before outsourced it. Key generation, Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE), attribute-based encryption,
the bilinear map is used to demonstrate to provide fine-grained access control on encrypted data, scalable user revocation,
authentication and confidentiality of cloud data. To enhance the security mechanism of identity and access management in
the cloud proposed in reference [145]. The author combines the Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) technology for low-
key size but high-security level with robust nature and Identity-Based Cryptography (IBC) to reduce key management
complexity using trusted cloud. The enhance IAM mechanism provide a high level of authentication, robustness less cost
and efficient revocation management. The ECC implemented with a 160-bit key size that offers same security level against
1024-bit key size of RSA cryptosystem that makes IAM more efficient.
Jin L., et al. [146] presented a technique of identity-based encryption that simplifies public key management and
certificate in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which is alternative to public key encryption. The basic theory in this paper
public key generator, key service procedure in which key issue and update processing technique were utilized and two
cryptographic background techniques Bilinear map and decision bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem is proposed in IBE. The
paper also provides the computational-experimental result to determine the cost and time efficiency of proposed model.
Sandeep K.S., et al. [147] gave the idea of combined approach to ensure the data security in the cloud that focuses on the
basic security attribute such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authentication and provide user identity and
password. The concept followed to secure the data 128-bit and 256-bit SSL encryption and MAC for integrity check and
double authentication of user one by the owner of data and another is by cloud. This paper proposes model divided into two
phases that deal with data transmission and secure data storage in the first phase. In the second phase provides the retrieval
of data request of data access, double authentication, integrity check, and verification of digital signature and prevent data
leakage for availability.
For the better enhancement for cloud data security using digital signature concept with Diffie-Hellman key exchange and
AES encryption is proposed in [148]. The proposed architecture utilizes ECDH that generates the key for key exchange and
then digital signature is used to authenticate the data after that AES algorithm is used for encryption/decryption by session
key to avoiding MIM attack and maintain the integrity of data [168].

4.6. Digital forensics tools and technique

As the increasing use of cloud application and devices, the digital crime is also increasing in the same manner. Digital
forensics plays a vital role in an organization and system. The digital forensic toolkit helps to analyze the text indexing, file
interpretation, and analysis of log records and network. Now a day’s digital forensics becomes more popular and important
to investigate cyber crime and computer-assisted crime. It is associated with people’s

Table 8. Existing cryptographic techniques for cloud security.

Ref. Existing scheme Basic theory Security attribute Other features
Privacy preserving multi-key Multi -keyword
143 word ranked search in cloud semantics, coordinating Privacy, integrity Yes Usability,
data matching
Time-based proxy re- Key generation, Big key size,
encryption scheme proxy re-encryption, correctness, no global time,
144 scalability, Yes
ABE, Fined grained access control
Bilinear map and data sharing
Enhancing the security of IAM IAM Lifecycle, ECC, Access control,
in cloud trusted cloud, IBC, Authentication,
145 federated identities and authorization, -------
single sign-on robustness, privacy
security reporting
Identity-based encryption with Public key Authentication Less time and cost,
146 Yes
outsourced revocation in cloud infrastructure, key issue Efficient revocation
and update processing, management,
PKG, bilinear and
DBDH Problem
A combined approach to SSL 128 and 256-bit Confidentiality,
ensure data security in cloud encryption, SSL integrity, Provide user identity and
147 Yes
computing certificate, MAC availability, password, keyword search,
Digital signature and key ECDH, AES, Confidentiality, Provide session encryption
148 exchange and AES encryption Trusted computing, authentication, ------- key,
scheme integrity

mind primarily with the investigation of crime. In this section, we discuss the tools and techniques of digital forensics
regarding each level of digital forensics lifecycle. It seems as the arrival of forensic community with several other devices
for examining digital evidence barely Disk images, logs, a network capture, memory dumps, mobile phones and so on.
Security based company likes access data and softer guidance with their own evidence storage format.
Table 9. Comparative analysis of digital forensics toolkit.
Indexing Digital
Binary File system Network
Tools and
intellection consideration
search analysis
Encase Yes Yes No No Yes
FTK Yes Yes Yes No No
Sleuthkit Yes Yes Yes No No
PyFlag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
OCFA Yes No No No No

Table 9 shows the digital forensic tool analysis with the different level of a framework like indexing, binary abstraction, File
system consideration, Digital Log Analysis and Network analysis. Toolkit Encase is a popular multipurpose tool that covers
several areas of digital forensics. This tool quickly gathers various data from various devices. It is very good in indexing and
data abstraction. Whereas FTK, which is a commercial toolkit is
also efficient in file system considerations and not so much fit for log and network analysis.
The Sleuthkit [160] is exported the result to the browser interface (Autopsy) as HTML output. Cohen M. I., et al. [161]
extended the functionality of Sleuthkit and developed the Pyflag framework that can operate on forensic images, memory
dumps, logs and network captures. Open Computer Forensics Architecture (OCFA) is another most popular digital forensic
tool, which built in Linux platform developed by Dutch National Policy Agency (DNPA).
The efficient scheme to check the integrity of hard disk in digital forensics proposes by author Junbin F., et al. in [131].
For this, it utilizes the efficient hashing with combinational group testing to calculate the hash value of all sector of the hard
disk as an integrity proof. The proposed scheme carried out experimental result proves that scheme significantly decreases
the hash value and execution time comparing to existing approach. It also decreases the storage overhead for example for
250 GB hard disk only .5MB is required.
Zhao-Hui Q., et al. [132] presented evidence protection model by utilizing the basic theory of batch verifying and public
verifiability for the computer forensics. The author analyzes the relationship between digital evidence and intrusion process
it defines the witness model and protects generated evidence on time by the two basic theories. It is three-party authenticated
protocol which provides efficient integrity assurance and non-repudiation procedure in cloud forensics.
Josiah D., et al. [135] explored and evaluated the tool and techniques to acquire the digital forensic from IaaS cloud
service provider. It explores the trust issue during acquiring forensic evidence in IaaS and analyzes some strategies for these
challenges. For cloud forensic examination first proposes a model of a layer of trust for potential acquisition technique for
each layer in the cloud and the second investigator chooses at what layer of cloud in the forensic process will be executed.
Then discuss the acquisition tool including Guidance EnCase and Access Data FTK extracting from Amazon EC2. The
author discusses the other solution for acquisition such as management plane, forensic-as-a service legal solution that has
less trust but more cooperated with cloud service provider.
Chu-Hsing L., et al. [133] presented an improved novel scheme that makes sure the security for sealing and storing the
digital evidence in the cloud. For privacy and verification of evidence it improved the security model and for better
efficiency by applying RSA signature in our scheme and to reduce the overloading of computing cost. Luis Fillip C. et al.
[136] proposed document clustering for forensics analysis to improve the computer inspection. The proposed approach
carrying out the extensive experimention with good clustering algorithm like K-means, K-medois, and
Table 10. Existing schemes to provide better forensic level
Ref. Existing scheme Basic theory Integrity Efficiency Other features
A scheme for hard disk integrity Hashing and Low computational
Yes Yes
[131] checks in digital forensics combinatorial group testing time, trust
Three parties
[132] Digital evidence protection model Batch and public verifiability Yes Yes authenticated, non-
Cloud-aided RSA Signature Scheme Cryptography, RSA, signature Privacy, low
[133] Yes Yes
for sealing and storing digital evidence algorithm computational time

Packet capturing Trust, law
Acquiring forensics evidence from
[135] introspection, Yes No enforcement, legal
forensics tools solution
Document Clustering for Forensic Portioning algorithm High computational
[136] Yes ----
Analysis K-means and K-medoids cost, accurate

Single link, Complete Link, Average Link and CSPA applied to five real-world data sets obtained from a computer seized in
real-world investigations. Table 10 is the summary of the recent existing research work on forensic.

4.7. Secures virtualization

In this section, we explain some efficient proposed scheme in virtualization as far as security is a concerned.
Virtualization is the important key component of cloud technology. It makes more efficient the system for a user who is
sitting at a remote location.
According to the CSA recommendations against the vulnerability in virtualization is as follow:
 Securing each virtualized OS running on guest VMs
 That Virtual machine which is at rest should be encrypted.
 Evaluating risk associated with virtual technologies
 Securing all element of the virtual machine and restrict and protect the administrator to the virtual machine.
 Awareness of security tools and techniques while deploying virtualization in cloud computing.
 Configuration, installation should be carefully planned while deploying it.
 Evaluate the hypervisor technologies and harden the hypervisor (VMM) and another component.
 Evaluate the virtual network security feature and recognize dynamic nature of VMs.

Nelson G., et al. [138] considered the virtualization is the key element in future. The paper shows a lack of data control
mechanism, hypervisor vulnerability, and the isolation solution virtual cloud environment. The author provides most popular
isolated virtual machine is Xen, KVM, and VMware aiming to verify their security concern and availability solution.
The privacy, encryption, and integrity check has been used to provide secured VMS runtime environment in the cloud
[139]. The author proposed a scheme named a hardware-software framework in short Hyper Coffer which focuses integrity
and privacy to tenant’s VMs. Hyper Coffer

retains the transparency between existing virtual machine and it can only trust the processor chip and assume no security in
any external devices. Hyper Coffer architecture protects cache data, memory data, and CPU context when execution
transfers from VM to the hypervisor. It also protects EPT- Extended page table of VMs and VM table for multiplexing. It
introduces VM-Shim that runs between guest machine and hypervisor. For secure processor design, two techniques were
reviewed AISE- based encryption and Bonsai Markely tree. Both used for encryption and integrity respectively.
Danevl B., et al. [140] considered the complications of enabling a secure VM-vTPM migration protocol in a private
cloud. The author used trusted computing technology to secure intra-cloud migration of VMs. It ensures data integrity,
privacy, the freshness of data and secure mitigating information to the communication channel. Virtual trusted platform
module vTPM key structure combined with the virtual machine to certify the integrity of VMs. Literature implements to
evaluate the feasibility of proposed scheme on Xen Hypervisor and it is successful and securely migrated to the existing
A novel security solution of virtualization, which provides a widespread protection to the virtual environment, proposed
in [142]. The author combines basically three technologies: first is Mandatory Acess Control (MAC)- access of resource is
controlled and determined by administrator by the help of reference monitor, access enforcement hook, and access policy.
Second one, Linux Security Module (LSM) – gives a function hooks which can place within kernel and run as kernel module
without causing any compatibility issue with the main Linux kernel. The third one is SELinux developed by NSA and works
alongside DAC to provide fine–grained access of resources. The proposed solution also protects against guest VMs and
hypervisor attack.
Live migration is an indispensable feature of a virtual machine that allows the movement the VMs from one physical host
to another without halting the VMs. A framework is proposed in [141] for secure live migration in virtualization in cloud
computing. The approach uses four next doors level of privilege covers starting, stopping , pausing, executing, or getting
information status information of VM. L4 defines end users who have no authority to access VMs command. The framework
protects against
Table 11. Existing scheme for secure virtualization
Ref. Existing scheme Basic theory integrity privacy Other feature
Secure runtime Cryptography,
[138] Yes Yes Availability and low scalability
environment for VM Access control

Hyper Coffer, Secure Decoupling of security and VM
[139] runtime environment for management tasks, Yes Yes Security against VM rollback
VM trusted computing, cryptography

Trusted computing,
Protocol for vTPM based
[140] Remote-auditing, and tunneled Yes Yes Data freshness
VM migration
communication channel
Framework for secure live Trusted computing,
Security against VM hopping and
[141] VM role-based access control, Yes Yes
Useless migrations
migration cryptography
Virtualization Security Mandatory access control,
Comprehensive protection and
[142] Combining Mandatory SELinux architecture, Yes No
system security
Access Control Linux security model

unauthorized access, breach of confidentiality, the integrity of live migrated data and network attack. In Table 11, the
proposed scheme provided with the basic theory and it summarizes the security attribute provided by the scheme.

5. Security suggestion and discussion

In this chapter, we suggest 3–tier security architecture as shown in figure 4, where security is interdependent on each
other. The proposed security classification is consists of three levels: application level, cloud-service middle level, and
infrastructure level. Organizations that are keen to use cloud computing to run their in-house applications need to review and
potentially modify their software development approach. The organizations should concern about the key points that help to
design programming standards, and adopt multi-tenancy and most important the security capabilities. Here we will discuss
the security issues on each level of the cloud security architecture.

Fig. 4. 3-Tire security level architecture

The organization is eager to move their in-house developed application of cloud to save money, increase efficiency and
application level security, and counter the challenges in cloud environment. So a proper security methodology should be
adopted. There are many application level threats such as SQL Injection attack, Cross-site scripting [XSS], Cookie
Poisoning, Hidden field manipulation, Backdoor and debug options. To counter

these threats we have to consider the following factors illustrated in section A.

In public cloud architecture, the data moves to or from the organization, and ensures confidentiality and integrity. In
Middleware, tools can present huge vulnerabilities such as host vulnerability, object vulnerability issues in access control.
The risks of the vulnerabilities are classified depending on what they affect: data confidentiality, availability or integrity.
Because of these vulnerabilities, many security attacks on middleware level exist like Eavesdropping, side channel attack,
cross-tenant side channel attack, attack on data sharing, and Man-in-the-middle attack. To deal with the challenges, attacks
and threats, we should also consider the factors illustrated in section B.
The flexibility and scalability of cloud computing system can offer significant benefits to governments and the private
industry. Until IaaS doesn’t offer hardware roots of trust, it will remain challenging for organizations to ensure security
within the equipment, networks and virtual machines against attacks. The difficulty comes from the limited visibility into
these levels, making actual conditions hard to verify. The attacks at IaaS level are Software Define Networking (SDN)
attack, VM attack through HV, VM migration attack, Disk injection to live VM attack. To counter these attacks and
challenges, we should consider the factors illustrated in section C.

5.1. Application level

It resides on the top level where it directly delivers the outsourced software to the client. Customers don’t need to expend
the money to install software, only they have to pay for their usages. The security concerns for this level is end- to-end.
Concern examples include client side scripting like XSS attack, API security, monitoring of data in the network, user
authentication, some exception handling, interface cryptography and reputation of the service provider and authentication of
the broker, as shown in Fig. 5.
Application level is also concerned with the need of an end-to-end security of data. Cloud systems need to have common
security to achieve an end-to-end visibility and control over data, identities and application in cloud system. Intel and
MacAfee enable end-to-end visibility to reduce the complexity of security and administration. However, in application level,
enterprises data, along with another organization data, is stored at the SaaS provider data center. In addition, the cloud
providers might be replicating the data across multiple locations in the world to maintain high availability. Cloud vendors
such as Google App, Amazon and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) require administrators to use their individual cryptographic
algorithm with strong Secure Shell (SSH) to access the hosts. A malicious programmer can exploit the vulnerabilities in data
security model for unauthorized access. The assessments on application level like cookie manipulation, access control
weakness, broker authentication, failure to restrict URL access, and insecure configuration.

Fig. 5. Factors affecting on application level

5.2. Service middleware level

From the database servers, computer software provides services to application software. Middleware can be described as
glue software that makes it easier to the software developer to perform communication in a cloud environment. Nowadays,
as the importance of middleware increases, the security challenges also increase. Some of the issues include protocol
standard security, user authentication and conceptualization, middleware trust, service credibility and regulations,
cryptographic solution, spam snooping and sniffing.
To secure our cloud system, we use one of the best anti-spam sniffing tools, Heluna plus and Heluna standard, which
block 99% of spam message with approximately zero false positive rates. We also use a protocol and standard called Cloud
Trust Protocol (CTP) for establishing digital trust between end-users and providers. User and service authentication is
verified through the login process. The cloud customers of USA or Canada follow the service regulations very securely and
trustful to follow the confidential property. Legal requirements and regulations create a new relationship between
information of the organization and the third party, which describe how the information needs to be handled and stored by
the cloud providers. For the middleware trust and service credibility, many approaches have been recently proposed. These
approaches provide the trust management in cloud environments; still, not much attention has been given to determine the
credibility of trust feedbacks. Credibility service checking is responsible for user credibility verification. It authorizes a
device by providing a user interface that is the only single legal entry point.
Regarding protocol standards, the TCP/IP protocol model or WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) are the most common
ways of communication over the internet. Nevertheless, they have much vulnerability to be exploited. Dynamic Host Control
Protocol (DHCP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Wireless Markup Language (WML), and Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP) are well-known vulnerable protocols also used in the cloud. Therefore, the security of protocols is
necessary to secure Middleware level. In addition to the cryptographic solution we already discussed in chapter IV, to secure
middleware level we should develop good authentication scheme between user and middleware, improve data sharing
security and improve better spam management.

Fig. 6. Factors affecting on middleware level

5.3. Infrastructure level

Cloud infrastructure abstracts the hardware (virtual machines, server, network components, and storage system) into a
pool of computing. It provides a standard virtualized server to the consumer to take responsibility for configuration of the
guest operating system. Cloud infrastructure can manage the computer capabilities such as performance, bandwidth and
storage access. In this section, we consider the security concerns in infrastructure levels like kernel independence, network
management, cloud authentication, connecting protocol and standard, device reliability, and machine
Cloud service provider, in that data integrity, commonly uses security in web service. The confidentiality is fulfilled by
XML encryption that endorses X.509 certificate and Kerberos. At the infrastructure level, the kernel acts as timer and system
lock handling, descriptor and process manager. It also supports the network communication. In file system level, the kernel
handles file blocking, I/O buffer management and pathname directories. Therefore, we need to isolate and make the OS
kernel independent to avoid interferences on it. A secure and efficient Cloud authentication process and user abstraction
should be provided in infrastructure level. All virtual machines working together should be mutually authenticated and good
machine availability management should also be available, as shown in Fig. 7. The security risks to the cloud systems while
facilitating Virtual Private Network (VPN) are on-demand resource availability and machine-to-machine performance

Fig. 7. Factors affecting on infrastructure level

5.4. Open issues and discussion

The adoption of cloud computing to provision the platform, infrastructure, and services for multitenant is growing
exponentially during these years. In previous chapters, we have discussed in detail security issues and covered all important
security aspects. In our paper, all the issues arise in the application level, Embedded, clustering computing, enterprises, data
warehouse, kernel level are novel issue. However, orthodox issues become more critical and sensitive, for example, dealing
with data without any administration management or configuring of a virtual machine without any hypervisor. Despite
global and widespread adoption of cloud technology, researchers and analysts have been continuously reporting about the
challenges and issues of the cloud. Summary Table 3 of chapter II has shown the academia and research work about novel
security issues on factor affecting the cloud deploying elements. When writing a paper, researchers need to consider what
security issues and interests have not been reviewed on the past five years. The following discussion will focus on a brief
summary of all section learned from this work and provide some trustworthy and comprehensive security solutions.
The security attacks on cloud computing are obvious as their popularity keep increasing. Table 4 summarizes important
attacks such as elevation of privilege, repudiation, wrapping attack, session hijacking, rollback attack etc., it also includes
compromised security attributes, and related research works. Still there are some attacks on trust like social engineering;
some insider attack in cloud storage like losing control over servers, lack of auditing management, misconfiguration of a
security tool; compromised guest operating systems are also creating issues.
Logon Abuse, for example, refers to authorized users accessing a higher level of security that would normally be
restricted to them. Similar to network intrusion, this type of abuse focuses primarily on legitimate user of different systems
who have a lower security access.
Cloud service providers adopt good security measures and cover the security attributes according to the demand of the
multitenant users. The government cloud projects developed their modules according to the situation of infrastructure needed
like smart city, smart home, IoT etc. Moreover, only a few cloud projects act as mediator between other cloud environments
and technologies because of interoperability issues. Avoidance of vendor lock-in is the most common motivation for inter-
cloud projects because the users are vulnerable to rises in prices.
The legal challenges the cloud computing industry is facing are not specific to the online world. Many of the issues are
similar to any outsourcing service, in particular to cross-border outsourcing. This means that the challenges arising from the
development of cloud computing can be tackled by laying a sound legal foundation to protect privacy and data.
Many security solutions and research techniques have been discussed in chapter 4 consider personal security,
cryptography techniques, disaster recovery management, vitalization solutions, digital forensics tools and technique for the
forensic cloud. Virtualization needs more attention for effective and comprehensive strategy because VMMs are large and
complex system. This complexity comes from VMMs having thousands of lines of code that may include vulnerabilities.
VMMs should isolate the running components to achieve good efficiency and throughput, by defining the virtualized
network and providing a route to the virtual device.
Multi-tenancy is the essential characteristic of the cloud and it is applied for the utilization of resources; however it poses
many threats. Trust, security and privacy for the multitenant user are great challenges in the cloud. Currently, there is not
much work for solving security in multi-tenancy. But some work is been done to try to develop security solutions to deal
with such challenges. To avoid unauthorized access to the shared pool resources, a trustworthy access control system is
required. Because of the dynamic nature of the resources and the heterogeneity nature of the services, developing an access
control is complex task. For the Future effort to integrate and mitigate the assurance and auditing tools to ensure the policy
of involving entities needed directly.
Legal issues in the cloud should be surveyed and focus on laws and regulations across different regions and jurisdictions.
Policies on how data is stored, processed and used should be surveyed too. In addition, various regulations in the disclosure
of general specific data like financial data, health insurance records need to be examined. As used in the context the clouds,
it is a particular problem with the new domain to the use of such a high-speed rail service cloud. Clouds spread system when
integrated with sensor networks and grid-computing Furthermore, research on cloud privacy and security is a highlighted
At last, it is a fortune to mention the security solution and proposing security module to cover all remains points provide
the advantage to user and providers. The efficiency, cost overhead, and time management are also introduced. The inherent
business model allows the organization to utilize their business process in a cost effective manner. We hope our work helps
the user to analyze, quantify, and make a better decision of this research work.

6. Conclusion

The hype of cloud paradigm is changing the IT industry; it brings many benefits to companies, organizations and even
countries. Despite bringing several advantages, the cloud still is vulnerable to many security challenges. This is why security
is the major challenge in the adoption of the cloud. The customer and vendors are well aware of security threats.
This research attempted to show various security challenges, vulnerabilities, attacks and threats that hamper the adoption
of cloud computing. Our paper provided a state-of–art survey on cloud security issues and challenges that arise from unique
characteristics of the cloud like the sharing and virtualization of resources, resource pooling and the public nature of the
cloud. We explored various cloud services and what they provide as well as analyzed the security concern on each provider.
In addition, governments are also planning to develop the cloud technology to increase the performance, quality, innovation
and security in the services they provide to the citizens. Subsequently, we have surveyed existing schemes that counter the
security issues in an efficient, and cost saving manner. We have proposed the 3-tier security architecture for better security
enhancement of cloud security. The model discussed the three level of cloud service system and important security
considerations of each level. To conclude, we also discussed open issues and suggested future work.

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government
(MSIP) (No. 2016R1A2B4011069).

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