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Konsep Penataan Tanjung Priok

diakses tanggal 4 Maret 2018 pk 18.01

Latar Belakang Penataan Kawasan Kumuh di Tanjung Priok


diakses tanggal 4 Maret 2018 pk 17.55

Contoh rumah container di China dan speknya

diakses tanggal 4 Maret 2018 pk 17.22
Penggunaan panel surya pada atap rumah
diakses tanggal 4 Maret 2018 pk 17.15


diakses tgl 4 Maret 2018 pk. 17.07

Pengertian ttg sustainable house



diakses 4 Maret 2018 pk. 14.11

Sustainable house
It is fact, that now days households and other living areas in which people
live, or reside most of the time, contribute CO2 emission and green house effects
as much as global warming, which threatens to all humans and their health, as
well as natural resources which balance is disturbed a long time ago. Sustainable
house or Green house or Eco House is one of possible solutions, which with one
part can contribute in solving of this global burning issue.
There is a question, how this house, or what makes it good for living! That is
house which is energy efficient by itself, environmentally healthy, respectful for
the natural environment, comfortable for family life, in other words to be
sustainable designed, built of green or recycled materials, and this house should
use alternative energy resources.
In the broad context, sustainable architecture seeks to minimize the
negative environmental impact of buildings by enhancing efficiency and
moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space. Most simply,
the idea of sustainability, or ecological design, is to ensure that our actions and
decisions today do not inhibit the opportunities of future generations.This term
can be used to describe an energy and ecologically conscious approach to the
design of the built environment.

Sustainable homes have three key elements.

1. Environmental sustainability
The house is designed to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, save water and energy and reduce waste
during construction and the house’s lifetime.
2. Social sustainability / universal design
The house is designed to prevent injuries through built-in
safety features. It has security elements to reduce crime
and improve the occupants’ sense of security. Features
are also used to provide flexibility and comfort for people
of varying abilities and at different life stages, including
children and people with limited mobility.
3. Economic sustainability
The house is designed to save money during construction
and over the lifetime of the house. Careful planning avoids
the need for major future renovations and reduces costs
associated with energy use, water use and maintenance.

Building placement
One central and often ignored aspect of sustainable architecture is building
placement. Although many may envision the ideal environmental home or office
structure as an isolated place in the middle of the woods, this kind of placement is
often detrimental to the environment. First, such structures often serve as the
unknowing frontlines of suburban sprawl. Second, they usually increase
the energy consumption required for transportation and lead to unnecessary auto
emissions. Ideally, most building should avoid suburban sprawl in favor of the
kind of light urban development. Careful mixed use zoning can make commercial,
residential, and light industrial areas more accessible
Social sustainability in architecture
The building structure must also be considered. Cost/effectiveness is an
important issue in sustainable architecture projects, and one of the most efficient
designs herein is the Public housing approach. This approach lets everyone have
their own sleeping/recreation space, yet incorporate communal spaces eg. Mess
halls, Latrines, public showers...
Sustainable design can help to create a sustainable way of living within a
community. While the existing social constructs can be seen to influence
architecture, the opposite can also be true. An overtly socially sustainable
building, if successful, can help people to see the benefit of living sustainably. The
same can be said for environmentally sustainable design, in that architecture can
lead the way for the greater community.
Art can be a powerfully positive social force. It can help to reduce stress in
many situations, lowering the risk of stress-related health problems, both physical
and mental.
Sustainable energy

The passive house standard combines a variety of techniques and technologies to

achieve ultra-low energy use.
Energy efficiency over the entire life cycle of a building is the most important
single goal of sustainable architecture. Architects use many different techniques
to reduce the energy needs of buildings and increase their ability to capture or
generate their own energy.

Heating, Ventilation and Cooling System Efficiency

The most important and cost effective element of an efficient heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning system is a well insulated building. A more
efficient building requires less heat generating or dissipating power, but may
require more ventilation capacity to expel polluted indoor air.
Significant amounts of energy are flushed out of buildings in the water, air
and compost streams. Off the shelf, on-site energy recycling technologies can
effectively recapture energy from waste hot water and stale air and transfer that
energy into incoming fresh cold water or fresh air. Recapture of energy for uses
other than gardening from compost leaving buildings requires
centralized anaerobic digesters.
Site and building orientation have some major effects on a building's
Passive solar building design allows buildings to harness the energy of the
sun efficiently without the use of any active solar mechanisms such
as photovoltaic cells or solar hot water panels. Typically passive solar building
designs incorporate materials with high thermal mass that retain heat effectively
and strong insulation that works to prevent heat escape. Low energy designs also
requires the use of solar shading, by means of awnings, blinds or shutters, to
relieve the solar heat gain in summer and to reduce the need for artificial cooling.
In addition, low energy buildings typically have a very low surface area to volume
ratio to minimize heat loss. This means that sprawling multi-winged building
designs (often thought to look more "organic") are often avoided in favor of more
centralized structures.
Windows are placed to maximize the input of heat-creating light while
minimizing the loss of heat through glass, a poor insulator. In the northern
hemisphere this usually involves installing a large number of south-facing
windows to collect direct sun and severely restricting the number of north-facing
windows. Certain window types, such as double or triple glazed insulated
windows with gas filled spaces, provide much better insulation than single-pane
glass windows. Preventing excess solar gain by means of solar shading devices in
the summer months is important to reduce cooling needs. Deciduous trees are
often planted in front of windows to block excessive sun in summer with their
leaves but allow light through in winter when their leaves fall off. Light shelves are
installed to allow the sunlight in during the winter (when the sun is lower in the
sky) and keep it out in the summer (when the sun is high in the sky). Evergreen
plants are often planted to the northbuildings to shield against cold north winds.
In colder climates, heating systems are a primary focus for sustainable
architecture because they are typically one of the largest single energy drains in
In warmer climates where cooling is a primary concern, passive solar designs
can also be very effective. Masonry building materials with high thermal mass are
very valuable for retaining the cool temperatures of night throughout the day. In
addition builders often opt for sprawling single story structures in order to
maximize surface area and heat loss. Buildings are often designed to capture and
channel existing winds, particularly the especially cool winds coming from
nearby bodies of water. Many of these valuable strategies are employed in some
way by the traditional architecture of warm regions, such as south-western
mission buildings.
In climates with four seasons, an integrated energy system will increase in
efficiency: when the building is well insulated, when it is sited to work with
the forces of nature, when heat is recaptured (to be used immediately or stored),
when the heat plant relying on fossil fuels or electricity is greater than 100%
efficient, and when renewable energyis utilized.
Alternative energy Systems
Solar Panels
Active solar devices such as photovoltaic solar panels help to provide
sustainable electricity for any use. Electrical output of a solar panel is dependent
on orientation, efficiency, latitude, and climate— solar gain varies even at same
latitude. Typical efficiencies for commercially available PV panels range from 4%
to 28%. The low efficiency of certain photovoltaic panels can significantly effect
the payback period of their installation.Roofs are often angled toward the sun to
allow photovoltaic panels to collect at maximum efficiency. For any solar panel, a
true-south facing orientation maximizes yield. If true-south is not possible, solar
panels can produce adequate energy if aligned within 30° of south. However, at
higher latitudes, winter energy yield will be significantly reduced for non-south
To maximize efficiency in winter, the collector should be angled above
horizontal Latitude + 15°. To maximize efficiency in summer, the angle should be
Latitude - 15°. However, for an annual maximum production, the angle of the
panel above horizontal should be equal to its latitude.



Wind Turbines

Wind turbine systems for homes are one of the more cost effective forms of
generating electricity from a renewable energy source if you have the right site.
Wind turbines begin operating when winds reach 8 mph, achieve energy
production capacity at speeds of 32-37 mph, and shut off to avoid damage at
speeds exceeding 55 mph. The energy potential of a wind turbine is proportional
to the square of the length of its blades and to the cube of the speed at which its
blades spin. Though wind turbines are available that can supplement power for a
single building, because of these factors, the efficiency of the wind turbine
depends much upon the wind conditions at the building site. For these reasons,
for wind turbines to be at all efficient, they must be installed at locations that are
known to receive a constant amount of wind (with average wind speeds of more
than 15mph), rather than locations that receive wind sporadically. A small wind
turbine can be installed on a roof. Installation issues then include the strength of
the roof, vibration, and the turbulence caused by the roof ledge. Small-scale
rooftop wind turbines have been known to be able to generate power from 10%
to up to 25% of the electricity required of a regular domestic household dwelling.
Turbines for residential scale use are available. They are usually approximately 7
feet (2 m) to 25 feet (8 m) in diameter and produce electricity at a rate of 900
watts to 10,000 watts at their tested wind speed. It is possible to have a system
which only gets it power from wind, however, many people combine getting
power from a wind turbine with getting power from a solar electric system. The
two technologies are often complimentary: when there's little sun (e.g. during the
winter or when it's overcast), there's often more wind and vice versa.

Typical Wind turbine for installaion on houses www.wsmweather.co.uk/?p=1375


Solar Water Heating

Solar water heaters—also called solar domestic hot water systems—can be
a cost-effective way to generate hot water for your home. They can be used in
any climate, and the fuel they use—sunshine—is free .
There are two types of solar water systems- active and passive.There are
also two types of circulation, direct circulation systems and indirect circulation
systems. Direct circulation systems loop the domestic water through the panels.
They should not be used in climates with temperatures below freezing. Indirect
circulation loops glycol or some other fluid through the solar panels and uses a
heat exchanger to heat up the domestic water.
The two most common types of collector panels are Flat-Plate and
Evacuated-tube. The two work similarly except that evacuated tubes do not
convectively lose heat, which greatly improves their efficiency (5%-25% more
efficient). With these higher efficiencies, Evacuated-tube solar collectors can also
produce higher-temperature space heating, and even higher temperatures for
absorption cooling systems.
Electric-resistance water heaters that are common in homes today have an
electrical demand around 4500 KWh/year. With the use of solar collectors, the
energy use is cut in half. The up-front cost of installing solar collectors is high, but
with the annual energy savings, payback periods are relatively short.




Home Solar Water

Heating www.urbansprout.co.za/article/ethical_consume


diakses tanggal 4 Maret 2018 jam 17.00

Cocacola Ekocenter toko dari kontainer

lengkap dengan panel surya
Di toko Ekocenter akan menyediakan air, listrik, menjual makanan dan minuman Cocacola
untuk kebutuhan toko dan tamu. Ekocenter akan dibuat antara 1500-2000 unit di 20 negara.
Dari Afrika, Asia, Amerika Utara dan Amerika Latin.

Bangunan dibuat dengan kontainer berukuran 20 feet. Terdapat panel surya diatasnya untuk
sumber listrik. Satu unit filter dapat mendaur ulang air menjadi air minum. Slingshot mampu
memurnikan dari dengan kapasitas 300 ribu liter pertahun. Cukup untuk melayani 300 tamu
setiap hari. Kebutuhan power Slingshot mengunakan power listrik 1kW dan dapat diambil dari
sumber listrik biasa maupun panel surya.

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