Developing Composites From Waste Plastic and Sawdust

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A Project Report

Presented to the

Department of Materials Engineering

College of Engineering

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and

Technology, Kumasi



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

MPhil, Materials Engineering

June, 2015

I hereby declare that this submission is my own work towards the MPhil and that, to

the best of my knowledge, it contains no material previously published by another

person nor material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree of the

University, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Joyce Koranteng …………………………...… ………………………

(20256577) Signature Date

Student Name & ID

Certified by:

Dr. A.A. Adjaottor …………………………...… ………………………

Supervisor Name Signature Date

Certified by:

Prof. S. Kwofie …………………………...… ………………………

Head of Dept. Name Signature Date


The project proposes a key measure to prevent indiscriminate disposal of waste

plastic sachet by investigation into the formulation of composite materials from the
waste plastic using coconut oil as coupling agent and sawdust as filler. Composites
were made by melting the plastics and the sawdust added. Hot-press mouldings of
the composites with varying formulations of plastic: sawdust: coupling agent was
made. The physical and mechanical properties of the composites were investigated.
Porosity (24 h immersion), density (displacement method) as well as three-point
flexural yield were examined. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with JEOL
JSM-6390LV was performed on the fractured sample surfaces after flexural strength
tests had been carried out. This work demonstrates that formulating composite using
LDPE plastic with Ceiba pentandra sawdust and coconut oil produces composites
with good physical and mechanical properties. Blending LDPE plastic with wood
dust at 50:50 ratios and particle size 90-355 µm with coconut oil forming 10 wt %
gives good formulation. The flexural strength was found to increase from 6.11 MPa
to 3.94 MPa with increasing plastic loading of 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 wt %. Increasing
fiber content of 60 wt % and 30 wt % plastic improved the stiffness of the
composites Water absorption increased with increasing fiber content and particle
size. The SEM analysis revealed that, samples with 10wt % coconut oil had
comparatively no sign of fiber pullout and fewer voids. There were small
discontinuities and a reasonably uniform distribution of saw dust particles in the
LDPE matrix with samples containing 90-355 µm particles. Increasing plastic
loading in the composite showed increase in compatibility and lesser voids as
percentage of plastic loading increases. Therefore, composite based on formulating
LPDE plastic and sawdust could have potential to use as construction panel for
partitioning rooms.


The author would like to show her sincere appreciation to her supervisor Dr Albert

A. Adjaottor Senior Lecturer, and Professor S. Kwofie Head of Materials

Engineering Department, all of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and

Technology for their extremely useful, guidance and contributions.

In addition, the author is equally grateful to Dr. William Owusu Oduro, Research

Scientist, Mr. Kofi Ampomah-Benefo, Research Scientist and Mr. Herbert Obiri

Director of the same Institute, CSIR IIR for encouragement and support. The author

would also like to thank the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for

providing financial support and laboratory equipment.

Finally, the author would like to express her gratitude to her husband Mr. Joseph. Y

Koranteng and two daughters Stephanie and Elsie whose constant patience, support

and understanding have helped me to complete the study.


DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES AND ILLUSTRATIONS ..........................................................ix

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................... 1

1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of problem. ............................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objective ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Justification /Significance ......................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................... 5

2.0 Literature Review.................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Cellulose fibers for reinforced composites ............................................................... 5
2.1.1 Pineapple leaf (Palf) .............................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Rice husk ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Coconut fiber (Coir) .............................................................................................. 6
2.1.4 Sugar cane fiber (Bagasse) .................................................................................... 7
2.1.5 Saw dust from ceiba pentandra ............................................................................. 7
2.2 Plastics ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Polyethylene ........................................................................................................ 10
2.2.2 Polystyrene .......................................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Polyethylene terephthalate .................................................................................. 16
2.2.4 Polyamides (Nylon) ............................................................................................ 16
2.3 Coupling agent ........................................................................................................ 17
2.3.1 Coconut oil as coupling agent in composites. ..................................................... 18
2.4 Cellulose fiber-reinforced plastic waste composites. .............................................. 20
2.4.1 Mechanical properties of cellulose fiber-plastic composites .............................. 21
2.4.2 Sawdust-polyethylene composite ........................................................................ 22
2.4.3 Coir reinforced polyethylene composite ............................................................. 24

CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................... 26
3.0 Experiments ........................................................................................................... 26
3.1 Materials ................................................................................................................ 26
3.1.1 Determination of plastic and oil melting temperatures ....................................... 26
3.1.2 Sieve analysis of saw dust ................................................................................... 26
3.1.3 Preparation of plastics. ........................................................................................ 27
3.1.4 Preparation of the composite material................................................................. 27
3.1.5 Determination of sawdust particle density .......................................................... 27
3.1.6 Determination of moisture content ..................................................................... 28
3.1.7 Determination of volatile matter ......................................................................... 29
3.1.8 Determination of ash content. ............................................................................. 29
3.1.9 Selection of oil quantity ...................................................................................... 30
3.1.10 Selection of sieve size ....................................................................................... 30
3.2 Selection of Plastic loading to sawdust ratio........................................................... 31
3.2.1 Flexural strength determination .......................................................................... 31
3.2.2 Density ................................................................................................................ 32
3.2.3 Porosity ............................................................................................................... 32
3.2.4 Microscopic studies............................................................................................. 33
3.2.5 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) ............................................................... 34

CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................... 35

4.1 Plastic and coconut oil (coupling agent) interaction ............................................... 35
4.2 Sieve analysis of sawdust ........................................................................................ 36
4.3 Physical properties of the composites: porosity and density .................................. 38
4.3.1 The effect of coconut oil concentration on porosity of composite samples ........ 38
4.3.2 Porosity of composite prepared with wood dust of different particle sizes ........ 39
4.3.3 Effect of plastic loading on porosity. .................................................................. 40
4.3.4 Density of composites at different coconut oil composition............................... 41
4.3.5 Density of composite prepared with wood dust of different particle sizes ......... 42
4.3.6 Effect of plastic loading on density of composite ............................................... 43
4.4 Mechanical property of the composites .................................................................. 44
4.4.1 Flexural strength.................................................................................................. 44
4.5 Microstructures characterization ............................................................................. 47
4.5.1 SEM of composite fractured surface ................................................................... 47

CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................... 51
5.0 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 51
5.1 Recommendation for future work ........................................................................... 52

REFERENCE .............................................................................................................. 53


Table 2.1: Properties of LDPE ................................................................................... 13

Table 2.2 Chemical Composition of coconut oil ....................................................... 19
Table 3.1 Sample formulations for varying coconut oil content. ............................... 30
Table 3.2 Sample formulation for sieve size selection .............................................. 31
Table 3. 3 Sample formulations for variable plastic loading. .................................... 31


Figure 2.1: A schematic representation of a high density polyethylene structure

showing few branching leading to closer packing and denser structure .................... 11
Figure 2.2: A schematic representation of the chemical structure of a low density
polyethylene polymer showing a more extended branching leading to low density
property ...................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.3: A schematic representation of a linear low density polyethylene structure
.................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.5: Schematic representation of the coupling effect of a triglyceride molecule
with cellulose fiber and plastic matrix ....................................................................... 19
Figure 3.1: Representation of three-point bend test from (ASTM) D 79-03 ............. 32
Figure 4.1: Melting temperature changes of plastic with varying coconut oil content
.................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure4.2: Micrograph of melted plastic with and without coconut oil at 40x
magnification for (a)0 (b)10% oil (c) 20%oil (d) 30% oil € 40% oil (f) 50%oil. ...... 36
Figure 4.3: Size distribution of wood dust from a typical sawmill ............................ 37
Figure 4.4: Micrograph of the saw dust particles at 40x magnification for (a) < 63µm
(b) 63µm-90 (c) 90µm-355 (d) 355µm-500 (e) 500µm-630 (f) >630µm. ................. 38
Figure 4.5: Effect of varying coconut oil concentration on porosity of composite at
plastic to wood ratio of 50/50 by weight. ................................................................... 39
Figure 4.6: Variation of the porosity of the composite with particle size of sawdust at
10 wt% oil concentration of coupling agent and a plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by
weight. ........................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4.7: Variation in porosity of composite with 10 wt% coconut oil and plastic to
sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight. .............................................................................. 41
Figure 4.8: Variation in density of the composite with coconut oil composition at a
plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight ................................................................ 42
Figure 4.10: Effect of varying plastic loading on density of composite at 10wt %
coconut oil .................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 4.11: Flexural strength variations with varying concentrations of coupling
agent (coconut oil) with 50/50 LDPE plastics to saw dust ratio. ............................... 45
Figure 4.12: Behaviour of flexural strength of composite material with saw dust
particle size with 10 wt% oil and plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight. ......... 46

Figure 4.13: Effect of LDPE plastics loading on flexural strength of the composite at
10 wt. % of coconut oil. ............................................................................................. 47
Figure 4.14: SEM images(×100) of fractured surface of variation of particle size of
saw dust in the composite with 10 wt% oil concentration of coupling agent and a
plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight (a) 63-90 µm (b) 90-355 µm (c) 355-500
µm (d) 500-630 µm (f) >630 µm. .............................................................................. 48
Figure 4. 15: SEM image fractured surface of varying coconut oil concentration on
composite at plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight for(a) 0 % (b) 5 % (c) 10 %
(d) 15 % (e) 20 % oil .................................................................................................. 49
Figure 4.16 Fractured surface of composite with varying plastic loading of (a) 30%
(b) 35 % (c) 40 % (d) 45 % (e) 50 % (f) 55 %. .......................................................... 50


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background

Increasing production and consumption of plastics is currently contributing to

municipal solid wastes worldwide (Hannequart, 2004). In US, waste plastics

accounts for 11.8 % of the 246 million tonnes of municipal solid waste generated

(USEPA, (2005). 8.25 million tonnes (39 %) of plastics were recorded in Western

Europe (plastic 2004). In New Zealand, 35,000 tonnes representing 13.48 % of the

total imported virgin plastics (Plastics, 2005). In UK, approximately 500,000 tonnes

of waste plastics from 2.8 million tonnes of waste plastics are recycled each year

(Optimat Ltd et al, 2003). Similarly, large amounts of wood waste generated at

different stages in the wood processing industries are mainly destined for landfill.

During 2002, approximately 63 million tonnes of wood waste was generated in the

US (Falk, 2004). In the UK, about 0.8 million tonnes of waste wood are Recycled

every year although 5 to 7.5 million tonnes of waste wood are produced (Optimat Ltd

et al, 2003) Researchers across the world have pursued waste plastic reinforced wood

waste in order to reduce the environmental impact and its consumption. Past studies

have demonstrated that the recycled plastics possessed similar mechanical properties

to the virgin plastics. Composite products have cost-competitive advantage in the

markets. It was reported that waste wood in the form of wood flour, are suitable for

reinforcement in composites (Woodhams et al, 1984). Pinus radiata wood fibers were

found to possess physical and mechanical properties suitable for the reinforcement of

plastics (Miller, 1994). Hence, increased usage of the recycled plastics and the waste

wood for composite offers the prospect of lessening waste disposal problems.

Recycled plastics possessed similar mechanical properties but are much cheaper than

their virgin form. WPC products will have cost-competitive advantage in the


Composites are one of the most significant proportions of engineering materials

ranging from sophisticated to everyday products. It is growing into a material of

choice to complement timber products in the building construction industry.

Composites are used for decking, fencing, siding, garden furniture, exterior windows

and doors (Optimat Ltd et al, 2003). Other applications can also be found in marine

structures, railroad crossties, automobile parts and highway structures such as

highway signs, guardrail posts, and fence posts (Youngquist et al, 1994).

It is therefore, expected that developing plastic waste composite with sawdust is one

of the innovative means of addressing the plastic menace in Ghana.

1.2 Statement of problem.

The non-biodegradable nature of the plastic products coupled with indiscriminate

disposal and management practices make the city centres inundated with huge

volumes of plastic waste that has overwhelmed waste management authorities.

The waste plastics constitute about 18 % of 1500 tonnes of solid waste generated in

Accra, Ghana’s capital daily. (Weinaah, 2007). Most of these plastics tend to be low

density polyethylene (LDPE).

The large majority of these wastes are being dumped into open areas and existing

drains. The clogging of drains has further exacerbated sewage and sanitation

problems, leading to subsequent flooding and pollution problems and introducing

public health hazards.

Similarly, large amount of wood waste generated at different wood processing

industries also mainly end up on landfill. Ghana, in the West Africa sub region, is a

major exporter of timber products and at present has a forest cover of 49,400 km2

which is a little over 21.7 % of total the land mass. (World Bank indicators, 2010).

Ghana realized 7,187,938 from the export of 21,020m³ wood product in December

2010 (Ghana Forestry Commission, 2012). Currently, the contribution of the

timber/lumbering industry to Gross Domestic Product accounts for 5 % GDP and 11

% of National export revenue (Ghana Budget, 2013). The continuous rise in demand

both in domestic and international market places has a lot of strain on the nations

forest cover. Also, the activities of most saw mills in Ghana generate an average

annual wood residue of 33.3 %. (Sekyere and Okyere, .2007). The management of

this biomass waste is a source of worry for both industries and local assemblies

The problem is that not much work has been done in the country to develop sawdust

reinforced composite products in the country. To ensure sustainable consumption and

production patterns in the timber industry, processing of downstream waste to

profitable wood products is of essence both economically and environmentally.

1.3 Objective

The objectives of the study were identified as:

1) To develop optimum composition of cellulose-plastic composite material

from plastic waste, sawdust and coconut oil as coupling agent

2) To determine the material strength and physico-chemical parameters of the

composite material produced.

3) To determine the micro structure of the composite through microscopic


1.4 Justification /Significance

This thesis is to help address some of the pertinent issues relating to industrial and

urban waste management in Ghana. The project proposes a key measure to prevent

indiscriminate disposal of these principal wastes, apart from punitive enforcement of

legislature. This is to develop technological solutions by providing alternative use for

these waste materials which will place a value on them. Identifying the potential use

of waste to create job and inadvertently help in shaping public attitude towards its

disposal and create job in the long term.


2.0 Literature Review

This chapter describes varieties of cellulose fibers that can be used to reinforce

thermoplastics. These include wood fibers, coir, pineapple leaf (palf), rice husk, and

sugarcane bagasse. These fibers are abundantly available throughout the world.

2.1 Cellulose fibers for reinforced composites

Cellulose fibers, often refers to as vegetable fibers come from a renewable resource.

The production of these fibers requires little energy with the consumption CO2.

Oxygen is given back the environment. The fibers are light in weight which results in

higher specific strength and stiffness than glass. Production is at low cost, which

makes the material an interesting product for low-wage countries. Its processing is

not harsh on the tooling equipment thus resulting in little wear, no skin irritation and

also that thermal recycling is possible. These fibers are now used to reinforce plastic

waste composites.(Mukherjee et al,1986).

The following are the disadvantages of cellulose fiber as reinforcement in

composites: lower strength properties particularly its impact strength, variable

quality, restricted maximum processing temperature, lower durability and poor fire


2.1.1 Pineapple leaf (Palf)

Pineapple is a tropical plant. Its leaf fiber is rich in cellulose, relatively inexpensive

and abundantly available. Furthermore, it exhibits excellent mechanical properties.

These fibers are extracted from the leaf of the plant, Ananas cosomus belonging to

Bromeliaceae family. Physical properties, mechanical and dielectric properties,

tensile behaviour, surface, and fracture morphology of palf have been reported by

many researchers (Muherjee et al, 1986 and Bhattacharrya et al, 1986). It has the

potential for polymer reinforcement. At present pineapple leaf fibers which are waste

product of pineapple cultivation and therefore relatively inexpensive can be obtained

for industrial purposes.

2.1.2 Rice husk

Rice is one of the large groups of cereal grains that can be used to produce hull

fibers. Currently, wheat, corn, husk, oats and other cereal crops are used to produce

fibers and investigations carried out in the area of reinforced composites. Ismail et al,

(2001) studied the mechanical properties of rice husk filled polymer composites and

their relation to fiber loading, coupling agent, processability, hygrothermal aging,

and hybridization effect. Other studies have focused on: flame retardant properties of

rice husk and polyethylene composites (Zhao et al, 2009 and Kim, et al 2004).

2.1.3 Coconut fiber (Coir)

Coconut fiber is a by-product obtained from the husk of the fruit of the coconut

palm. It is found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut. The

individual fiber cells are narrow and hollow, with thick walls made of cellulose.

They are pale when immature, but later become hardened and yellowed as a layer of

lignin is deposited on their walls. Each cell is about 1 mm long and 10 to 20 µm.

Fibers are typically 10 to 30 cm long (Hindu, 2009). The two varieties of coir are

brown and white. Brown coir harvested from fully ripened coconuts is thick, strong

and has high abrasion resistance. It is typically used in mats, brushes and sacking.

Mature brown coir fiber contain more lignin and less cellulose than fiber such as flax

and cotton. They are also stronger but less flexible. Coir is in abundance and its fiber

used for making a wide variety of products (Satynarayana et al, 1982). Coir has also

been tested as a filler or a reinforcement in different composite materials

(Choudhbury et al, 2007).

2.1.4 Sugar cane fiber (Bagasse)

Bagasse is the fibrous residue which remains after sugarcane stalks are crushed to

extract their juice. It is currently used as a renewable cellulose fiber for the

manufacture of composites materials. Monteiro et al, (1998) studied the possible uses

of bagasse waste as reinforcement in polyester matrix composites. Preliminary

results have attested to this possibility. Composites with homogeneous

microstructures can be fabricated and enhance the levels of their mechanical

properties to enable them have practical applications. Vazquez et al, (1999) reported

processing and properties of bagasse fiber-polypropylene composites. Vegetable

fibers were with the thermoplastic matrix. The fibers were washed with alkaline

solution. The effects of the treatment reactions on the chemical structure of the fibers

were analysed by infrared spectroscopy. Optical photomicrographs indicate that a

highly fibrillated surface is achieved when fibers are mercerized.

2.1.5 Saw dust from ceiba pentandra

Wood fiber is a plant fiber composed of elongated cells oriented in the longitudinal

direction of the stem. The stem consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.

Cellulose comprises of crystalline structure, while hemicelluloses has a semi-

crystalline structure. The lignin is an amorphous polymer. The use of wood-based

material, such as sawdust and wood fibers, as reinforcement for thermoplastics has

gained significant interest. Wood fibers offer a number of advantages over

conventional reinforcing materials in the form of abundancy, renewability, low

specific gravity, high specific strength stiffness, and relatively low cost (Zadorecki,

1989 and Bledzki et al, 1998).

According to Hagan, (1999) the activities of the timber and wood processing

industries generate an estimated 61,000 metric tons of wood waste annually. These

wastes are not normally properly disposed off and therefore end up in landfills. To

help put this byproduct to good use, it is being incorporated into the project as one of

the reinforcements.

Ceiba pentandra is native to the American tropics, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil,

and West Africa. It is however known by these other common names such as

Pochota, Yaxché (Mexico), Bonga, Ceiba de lana (Colombia), Sumaúma (Brazil),

Toborochi (Bolivia) (Martin, 1980), Onyina (Ghana). The wood is soft and very light

varying in colour from white to light brown. The components of wood are cellulose

40-55 %, lignin 15-35 %, and hemicelluloses 20-35 % (Kenneth, 2002).

The hemicelluloses of wood consist of several types of amorphous polymeric

carbohydrates that occur through the woody structure of plants (Word, 1973). The

lignin gives the structural rigidity, stiffening and holding the fibers together.

Currently, the main use of Ceiba pentandra is as a source of timber as well as for

plywood manufacture, packaging composites, and lightweight construction materials.

It is also used locally for carving canoes.

2.2 Plastics

Plastic materials are the most widely used group of synthetic polymers. They include

the following: polyethylene, polypropylene, poly (vinyl chloride), polystyrene,

fluorocarbons, epoxy, phenolics, and polyesters but the most extensively used in

Ghana are polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, nylon, and polyesters. Plastics

are organic polymers of high molecular mass, but contain other substances. They are

usually synthetic and are most commonly derived from petrochemicals. Plastics are

durable and degrade very slowly because they have chemical bonds that make

plastics resistant to the cellulose processes of degradation. Since the 1950s, one

billion tonnes of plastics have been discarded and may persist for hundreds or even

thousands of years (Alan, 2010). Processing of plastic polymers is normally

accomplished by shaping the material in molten form at an elevated temperature,

using at least one of several different moulding techniques, such as compression,

transfer injection, blowing, extrusion and casting. (Callister, 2007).

There are two types of plastics: thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers.

Thermoplastics are the plastics that do not undergo chemical change in their

composition when heated and can be recycled. Examples include polyethylene,

polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

(Alan, 2010). Thermoplastics are made up of many repeating molecular units, known

as repeat units, derived from monomers. Thermoplastic polymers are distinguished

by their ability to be reshaped upon the addition of heat (above the glass transition

temperature of the amorphous phase or the melting temperature of the crystalline

phase). This cycle can be carried out repeatedly. Most linear polymers are


Thermosetting polymers, on the other hand, undergo chemical reactions during

curing which crosslink the polymer molecules. Once crosslinked, thermosets become

permanently hard and simply undergo chemical decomposition under the application

of excessive heat. Thermosetting polymers typically have greater abrasion resistance

and dimensional stability over that of thermoplastic polymers, which typically have

better flexural strength properties. Thermoset polymers are generally harder and

stronger than thermoplastics and have better dimensional stability. Most of the

crosslinked and network polymers, which include vulcanized rubbers, epoxies,

phenolics and polyester resins, are thermosetting in nature (Callister, 2007).

2.2.1 Polyethylene

Polyethylene is a wax-like thermoplastic material which softens at about 80-130oC

with a density less than that of water. It is tough but has moderate tensile strength. It

is an excellent electrical insulator and has very good chemical resistance. It is

translucent or opaque but thin films may be transparent. Polyethylene (PE) or

polythene is the most common plastic in the world. Its primary use is within the

packaging industry (plastic bag, plastic films, containers including bottles, etc.).

Polyethylene is a plastic consisting of long hydrocarbon chains. They are known by

their chemical formula (C2H4)nH2 which is, resistant to heat distortion; excellent

electrical properties and fatigue strength; chemically inert; relatively inexpensive;

and poor resistance to UV light. Different temperatures, pressures and catalysts

during the polymerization reaction can have drastic effects on the branching of PE

molecules. Branching is the formation of side chains off the basic polymer backbone.

These side chains are formed when the hydrogen-carbon bond is broken during the

polymerization reaction (Strong et al, 2000). With a significant amount of branching

on a PE molecule, the structure will become more amorphous and have longer,

uniform chains.

Polyethylene is classified into several different categories based mostly on its density

and branching. Examples are High density polyethylene (HDPE), linear low density

polyethylene (LLDPE), medium density polyethylene (MDPE), and low density

polyethylene (LDPE). Depending on the crystallinity and molecular weight, a

melting point and glass transition may be observable in its physical properties. The

temperature at which these occur varies strongly with the type of polyethylene. For

common commercial grades of medium- and high-density polyethylene the melting

point is typically in the range of 120 oC to 130 oC

Most LDPE, MDPE and HDPE grades have excellent chemical resistance, meaning

that it is not attacked by strong acids or strong bases. It is also resistant to gentle

oxidants and reducing agents. Polyethylene burns slowly with a blue flame having a

yellow tip and gives off an odour of paraffin. The material continues burning on

removal of the flame source and produces a drip (Boedeker, 2012). Most of the

plastics used as plastic bottles, grocery bags; wrappers and water sachets are low

density polyethylene (LDPE) from petroleum and are relatively easy to recycle into

new product by re-melting. According to Khattab and El-Zoghby (1998), there is

only a slight change in mechanical properties of recycled polyethylene. High density

polyethylene (HDPE)

Figure 2.1: A schematic representation of a high density polyethylene structure

showing few branching leading to closer packing and denser

Figure 2.1 shows the chemical structure of a high density polyethylene polymer.

HDPE is the most rigid among the four common PE's and has a density ranging from

0.935-0.960 g/cm³. HDPE can be produced with the aid of chromium/silica catalysts,

Ziegler-Natta catalysts or metallocene catalysts (Strong et al, 2000). HDPE is the

product of limited branching that occurs when the polymerization is at low

temperatures and low pressure. The limited branching makes HDPE more crystalline

leading to the increased density. HDPE can be processed in three different ways:

slurry particle reactor, gas phase and metallocene catalyst. It has a very tight cell

structure, making it very difficult for other molecules to pass through its structure on

a microscopic level (Campo et al, 2006). HDPE is the plastic that is used in making

fuel tanks because of its low permeability and superb chemical resistance.

Low density polyethylene (LDPE)

Figure 2.2: A schematic representation of the chemical structure of a low

density polyethylene polymer showing a more extended branching
leading to low density property

Waste LDPE can provide a suitable matrix for making composites with saw dust and

coir fiber. This is one of the most abundant plastics worldwide due to its low cost,

ease at processing and other desirable properties (Gómez et al, 2005). Since it is used

mainly for disposable packaging, it often finds itself in waste streams. This makes it

a good candidate for recycling.

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is a thermoplastic polymer made from the

monomer ethylene. It was the first grade of polyethylene, produced in 1933 by

Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) using a high pressure process through free radical

polymerization (Dennis, 2010) It is defined by a density range of 0.910 -0.940 g/cm3.

It has a high degree of short and long chain branching as shown in Figure 2.2 which

means that the chains do not pack in a crystal-like structure. It has therefore, weaker

intermolecular bonds compared to HDPE and MDPE. Though more new polymers

are competing with it, LDPE continues to be an important plastic grade.

LDPE has more branching of carbon atoms than HDPE, so its intermolecular forces

(instantaneous-dipole induced-dipole attraction) are weaker, its tensile strength is

lower, and its resilience is higher. Also, its density is lower since its molecules are

less tightly packed and less crystalline. LDPE possesses the following characteristics:

very tough, weatherproof, good chemical resistance, low water absorption, semi-rigid

and translucent (Ratzlaff, 2004).

Table 2.1: Properties of LDPE

LDPE Properties Values
Tensile Strength 0.20-0.40 N/mm2
Notched impact strength No break
Thermal coefficient of expansion 100-220
Melting point 110 oC
Glass transition temperature 125 oC
Density 0.910-0.940 g/cm3

Polyethylene is a plastic material of choice for the composites It is one of the urban

wastes which are non degradable. Statistics gathered by Ghana Landfill Guidelines,

(2002) stated that waste plastics constitute about 18 % of the about 1500 tonnes/day

solid waste generated in Accra, Ghana’s capital. Most of these plastics tend to be low

density polyethylene (LDPE) which is used as plastic bottles, grocery bags, wrappers

and water sachets.

Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)

Figure 2.3: A schematic representation of a linear low density polyethylene


LLDPE is a blended form of HDPE and LDPE. It is created by a low pressure

polymerization process much like HDPE, but has more branches much like LDPE.

These branches as shown in Figure 2.3 are long enough to prevent the molecules

from being closely packed together. This results in a linear molecular structure like

HDPE, but also having a low density like LDPE. The density of LLDPE will

typically range from 0 .918-0.940 g/cm³. The LLDPE features can be achieved by

adding a co-monomer during the polymerization process; usually hexene, butene or

octene. The co-monomer increases chain entanglement, which results in improved

physical properties as well as stronger secondary bonding. The downsides to LLDPE

are higher melt processing temperatures, 8 % greater shrinkage, less clarity

(optically) and less flexibility (Strong et al, 2000). It is "softer" and good for an

application like a self-adhesive carpet protection. The molecules all line up and

strongly hold together as the film is stretched to give the structure much more

strength and elongation than LDPE. Flexible plastic sheeting of LLDPE is most

commonly in the thickness range of 0.0125mm to 1mm.

Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE) has branching which is less than that of the

HDPE. It is less notch sensitive than HDPE and has better stress cracking resistance.

It is defined by a density range of 0.926-0.940 g/cm3 and can be produced by

chromium/silica catalysts, Ziegler-Natta catalysts or metallocene catalysts which are

the least commonly used form of catalyst. It is used for flexible plastic sheeting. It is

stronger than LDPE, a little more chemical resistant, and has a tighter cell structure

and tear resistance.

2.2.2 Polystyrene

Polystyrene is a hard, rigid transparent thermoplastic which has a chemical formula

(C8H8). It contains the chemical elements carbon and hydrogen and it is one of the

most widely used plastics. The scale of its production is several billion kilograms per

year (Maul et al, 2007). As a thermoplastic polymer, polystyrene is in a solid glassy

state at room temperature but flows when heated above its glass transition

temperature (about 100oC). It becomes rigid again when cooled. It is free from odour

and taste and burns with a sooty flame. Other valuable qualities are that it is low cost,

has good mouldability, low moisture absorption, good dimensional stability, good

electric insulation properties, colourability and reasonable chemical resistance. It is

widely used as an injection moulding and vacuum forming material (Brydson, 1999).

The principal limitations of the polymer are its brittleness and inability to withstand

the temperature of boiling water. Discarded polystyrene does not biodegrade for

hundreds of years and is resistant to photolysis (Bandyopadhyay et al, 2007). The

mechanical properties of polystyrene depend on the nature of the polymer (e.g. its

molecular weight), on the method of preparation of the sample for testing and on the

method of test, as is the case with all plastic materials.

2.2.3 Polyethylene terephthalate

Polyethylene terephthalate includes naturally occurring chemicals, such as in the

cutin of plant cuticles, as well as synthetics prepared through step-growth

polymerization. Depending on the chemical structure, polyester can be a

thermoplastic or thermoset; however, the most common polyesters are thermoplastics

(Rosato, 2004).

They are highly crystalline and exhibit high toughness, strength, abrasion resistance,

low friction, chemical resistance and low moisture absorption. PET has been

available for many years but mainly as a fiber (e.g. Terylene). As a moulding

material it was less attractive, due to processing difficulties but these were overcome

with the introduction of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT). PET is now renowned for

its success as a replacement for glass in beverage bottles (Crawdford, 1998). The

polar nature of the ester group leads to the resin having a higher power factor and

dielectric constant than the hydrocarbon polymers and this limits their use as high-

frequency electrical insulators. Many mechanical properties are dependent on the

density of cross-links and on the rigidity of the molecules between cross-links.

2.2.4 Polyamides (Nylon)

Polyamides, or nylon polymer compose of long, multiple-unit molecules in which the

repeating units in the molecular chain are linked together by amide groups. Amide

groups have the general chemical formula CO-NH. There are several different types

of nylon (e.g. nylon 6, nylon 66, and nylon 11) but as a family their characteristics of

strength, stiffness and toughness have earned them a reputation as engineering

plastics (Crawdford, 1998). Typical applications for nylon include small gears,

bearings, bushings, sprockets, housing for power tools, terminal blocks and slide

roller. Another major application of nylon is in fiber which is strong (Crawdford,


An important design consideration is that nylon absorbs moisture which can affect its

properties and dimensional stability. Glass reinforcement reduces this problem and

produces an extremely strong, impact resistant material. Another major application

of nylon is in fibers which are notoriously strong (Callister, 2007).

2.3 Coupling agent

Most polymers, especially thermoplastics, are non-polar and therefore hydrophobic

substances, which are not compatible with polar (hydrophilic) substances such as

wood fibers. This therefore results in poor adhesion between the polymer and wood

fiber in the wood fiber plastic composite (WFPC) (Geottler, 1983, Klason et al,

1984). In order to improve the affinity and adhesion between wood fibers and

thermoplastic matrices, chemical coupling agents have been employed (Chun et al

1984, Woodhams et al, 1984)

According to Dalväg et al, (1985), Schneider et al (1985) coupling agents are

substances that are used in small quantities to treat a surface so that bonding occurs

between it and other surfaces. Coupling agents are classified into organic, inorganic,

and organic-inorganic groups. Organic agents include isocyanates, anhydrides,

amides, imides, acrylates, chlorotriazines, epoxides, and organic acids. Only a few

inorganic coupling agents, such as silicates, are used in WFPC. Organic-inorganic

agents include silanes and titanates. Coupling agents can be directly mixed with

wood fiber and polymer in the melt-blending formation, such as injection moulding,

extrusion, and transfer moulding. They can also be coated or grafted on the surface

of wood fiber and polymer or both. Then the pretreated and untreated wood fiber and

polymer are kneaded. Usually, pretreatment of wood fiber and polymer is by coating

or grafting to enhance the mechanical properties.

Some of the important considerations in choosing coupling treatments are

concentration and chemical structure of coupling agents, choice of wood fiber and

matrix (e.g. shape, size and species), ratio of wood fiber to total matrix weight,

formation methods, and end-user requirements of the finished product.

2.3.1 Coconut oil as coupling agent in composites.

Coconut oil is an oil extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconuts fruit.

Melting Point is at 25ºC. Smoking Point is at 177ºC and it is insoluble in water at

room temperature and has a density of 0 924.27 g/cm.3 Chemical properties of

coconut oil is predominantly composed of saturated fatty acids and a high proportion

of glycerides of lower chain fatty acids. The oil is highly stable towards atmospheric

oxidation. It is characterized by a low iodine value, high saponification value, and

high saturated fatty acids content and is a liquid at room temperatures of 27oC. It has

various applications in food, medicine, and industry.

Figure 2.4: The chemical structure of a typical triglyceride showing the polar and

non polar moiety in the same structure.

Figure 2.5: Schematic representation of the coupling effect of a triglyceride
molecule with cellulose fiber and plastic matrix

Coconut oil contains a high percentage of glycerides which chemical structure

consists of a polar and non polar end as shown in Figure 2.24 just like other coupling

agents. This characteristic makes it possible to blend with the fibers which are polar

and the LDPE plastics which are non polar.

Table 2.2 Chemical Composition of coconut oil

Compound Percentage composition
Lauric acid 45 % - 52 %
Myristic acid 16 % -10 %
Caprilic 5 % -10 %
Capric 4%-8%
Caproic 0.5 % - 1 %
Palmitic 7 % - 10 %
Oleic 5%-8%
Palmitioleic In traces
Linoleic 1%-3%
Linoleric Up to -0.2

Izyan et al, (2008) have worked on the effect of coconut oil as a coupling agent on

the physical properties, swelling behaviour and morphology of silica-filled

polypropylene composites. The incorporation of coconut oil coupling agent (COCA)

in silica-filled polypropylene (PP) composites gave positive effect by improving

tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s modulus but reduced the water

absorption resistance. Micrographs of tensile fracture surfaces of silica filled with PP

exhibit that silica was covered by PP matrix as a result of better adhesion.

2.4 Cellulose fiber-reinforced plastic waste composites.

This section outlines some of the recent reports published in literature on the

mechanical behaviour of some common plastics reinforced with cellulose fibers

(wood dust and coir) to form composites through the action of coupling agents.

Cellulose fiber-reinforced waste plastic composites have been used to develop new

value-added products such as floor carpets, flower vases, waste paper baskets, park

benches, picnic tables and plastic lumber as a way of recycling wastes.

Generally, cellulose fiber-reinforced waste plastic composites are made of a blend of

plastics (high density polyethylene and polypropylene) and wood fiber, coir or other

agricultural wastes as reinforcing filler. Many researchers like Chen et al, (2006),and

Lee et al, (2010), have worked on various wood-plastic ratios which typically range

between 50 to 80 % of sawdust or fiber either as filler or reinforcements (Clemons,

2002). The higher strength and aspect ratio of natural fibers offers good reinforcing

potential in composite matrix compared to the artificial fibers (Abdul et al, 2014 and

Clemons, 2008).

The interface between the non-polar plastics and the polar cellulose fiber waste is

improved to ensure the transfer of stress between the two phases when loaded by a

coupling agent. Typical coupling agents used in the process include anhydrides or

organic acids. Fibrous composite materials typically have two or more distinct

phases, which include high strength/stiffness reinforcing fibers and the encapsulating

matrix material. Fibers can be either discontinuous (chopped) or continuous. Polymer

matrices typically fall into two categories: thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.

2.4.1 Mechanical properties of cellulose fiber-plastic composites

Chtourou et al, (2009) have evaluated the mechanical properties of wood fiber–waste

plastic composites. They have investigated the use of saw dust–waste thermoplastic

composites for guard-rail posts on highways. Miller et al, (1998) have assessed the

tensile strength of wood fiber–waste plastic composites with particular emphasis on

coupling agents. Their results have shown that plastic wastes reinforced with

cellulose fiber and appropriate coupling agents can be used to make composite

materials with good mechanical strength. Lu et al, (2000) recently reviewed work

done by some researchers who examined the mechanical properties of the composites

and the effects of various coupling agents on the interfacial bonding between the

fibers and the polymer; they have stated that the presence of a suitable coupling

agent is crucial for the achievement of significant gains in the mechanical properties

of these composites. Recently, bio-based wood polymer composites (WPC) have

been receiving considerable attention due to their low processing cost, problem-free

biodegradation, and improved physical, mechanical, and biological performance.

Wood is mainly composed of three polymers, namely cellulose, hemicellulose, and

lignin, with a minor proportion of extractives that is subject to biodegradation.

Monteiro et al, (2008) worked on reinforced coir fiber with polyester to form a

composite and determined the structural characteristics and mechanical properties of

the coir fiber/polyester composites. Individually loose coir fibers were used in two

distinct forms: tangled or pressed in mats with a thickness of 1.0 cm. The fibers were

used untreated, except that they were dried at 50oC for 24 h. Two kinds of coir fibers,

tangled mass and pressed mats were used in this work. A commercially available

unsaturated orthoftalic polyester resin with 1 wt % of methyl-ethyl-ketone as catalyst

was used as matrix for the composites. After being thoroughly mixed, the resin was

poured into the cavity of a steel mould, which was previously filled with a suitable

amount of coir fiber. Composites with amounts of coir fibers ranging from 10 to 80

wt% were manufactured at two pressure levels, namely: 2.6 and 5.2 MPa. The cure

was done under pressure at room temperature. As the fibers in any of the two

configurations (tangled or mat) did not have a preferred orientation, the composites

fabricated in the present work are considered as randomly oriented. Rectangular

specimens 122 mm long, 25 mm wide and 10 mm thick were bend tested using the

three-point bending procedure. The span-to-depth ratio was maintained constant at 9,

and the minimum number of specimens used for each of the test conditions and coir

fiber arrangements was 6. Before their incorporation in the composites, the coir

fibers were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis was

performed on gold-sputtered samples in a microscope, coupled with EDS, operating

at a beam voltage of 15 kV.

Their results show that random oriented coir fiber–polyester composites have

flexural strengths that enable their use as nonstructural building elements. The low

modulus of elasticity is attributed to their lack of an efficient reinforcement by the

coir fibers, in comparison with that of the bare polyester resin.

2.4.2 Sawdust-polyethylene composite

Jae-Pil et al, (2012) experimented on sawdust–reinforced polyethylene (PE) (1:1)

composites with ethylene–vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVAL) as adhesion promoter to

improve mechanical strength. Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE, Tm 122oC;

melt index 5 g/10 min; density 0.9 g/cm3) was used as matrix material. The saw dust

used as wood filler was of the following particle size range and weight: 20–30 mesh

10 wt %, 30–60 mesh 80 wt % and 60–100 mesh 10 wt %. This wood was dried at

1050C for 12 hr. Ethylene–vinyl alcohol (EVAL) and vinyl-acetate (VA) was of the

following content: 2, 8, 15 and 30 mol % were prepared from hydrolysis of ethylene-

vinyl acetate (EVAcs). Saw dust (50 wt % of composite with the exception of

EVAL) was placed in a blender. EVAL (1–10 wt % of wood) was added and mixed

at 60 rpm for 5 min at 160oC. LLDPE was charged into the blender and mixed

continuously for 10 min at the same temperature. The kneaded samples were

moulded into films by hot-pressing with Carver Hot-Press. The samples were placed

between a pair of Teflon films with a thin spacer. The temperature of the hot press

was set at 160oC. After heating for 5 min, the samples were sustained to 3.5 MPa

pressing and allowed to stand at this pressure for 5 min. The samples were cooled to

room temperature after subsequent cold pressing at the same pressure for 1 min.

The tensile properties of the composites were measured according to ASTM S 638

using an Instron tensile testing machine, model 4201 at room temperature and 50%

relative humidity. The standard General Tensile Test Program method was used to

evaluate the mechanical properties. The cross head speed was 10 mm/min and the

reported properties were measured at yield point. The results were obtained from

average of ten repeated measurements.

The EVAL copolymers containing various VA were found to be adhesion promoters

for wood plastic composite. The EVAL coated saw dust–LLDPE composites had the

improved mechanical strength as compared to the composites of uncoated saw dust.

The results indicated that EVAL played an important role in improving the

mechanical properties of LLDPE composites containing saw dust. The WPC

prepared from EVAL coated saw dust and LLDPE had a good mechanical strength

improved by hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups of saw dust and hydroxyl

groups of EVAL. The fracture surface of EVAL-coated saw dust–LLDPE

composites showed good adhesion.

2.4.3 Coir reinforced polyethylene composite

Arrakhiz et al, (2012) worked on HDPE with coir fibers of 20 cm length as

reinforcement. Before use, the fibers were ground into small 2–3 mm length pieces,

treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), acetic acid (CH3COOH), dodecane bromide,

and 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propylamine (C9H23NO3Si). The crushed coir fibers were

first washed with water and then kept for 48 h in a 1.6 mol/L sodium hydroxide

aqueous solution. After removal of the fibers from the NaOH solution, they were

treated with acetic acid (100 mL) to neutralize the remaining hydroxide after which

they were air-dried for 24 h. 3 ml dodecane bromide was added to 5g of coir fibers

and 20 ml of NaOH in isopropanol. The solution was vigorously stirred at room

temperature for 12 h. The coir fibers were recovered by filtration, washed thoroughly

with isopropanol and ethyl ether and then dried for 12 h at 50 oC.

A solution of 0.5 wt. % silane coupling agent 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propylamine was

prepared in acetone. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 3.5 with acetic acid, after

which the solution was stirred continuously for an additional 5 min. Fibers were

immersed in the resulting solution for 45 min, after which they were dried at 65oC

for 12 h to initiate the chemical reaction between the fibers and silane coupling

agent. The fibers were then thoroughly washed with water to remove chemical

residues until a pH value of 7 was measured. The last step involved drying the fibers

at 80 oC for 48 h.

Composites of high density polyethylene (HDPE) with 20 wt % of chemically treated

coir fibers were blended using a heated rolls mill. Compounding of each 30 g

composite batch was performed at 200oC with the roll mill operating at 60 RPM for 3

min. Under these conditions, a homogeneous dispersion and distribution of the fibers

was achieved in the HDPE matrix. The neat HDPE matrix was first filled in the

heated mixing cavity while the mills were under constant rotational speed. After 30 s,

the fibers were carefully added onto the melted HDPE and mixed for 3 min. At that

point, the measured torque was found to be constant. The rolls were then stopped and

the composite removed from the heated rolls before being cut into small pieces for

hot press moulding. Hot press moulding was performed using a semi-automatic press

with both platens heated to 190oC. The sample being moulded was held for 30 s at

that temperature under compression before being cooled to room temperature. The

mould used was shaped according to (ISO 527-1 1993) for mechanical testing.

Results have shown that composites obtained with treated fibers possess better

mechanical properties than those of composites made with untreated fibers. The

calculated Young’s modulus in the composites was higher for the alkaline treated

fibers than the raw fibers. Moreover, torsional test shows that the NaOH treatment

gives more flexibility to the fibers with the silane treatment making the fibers more

rigid. A study of the plastic energy absorbed by all the composites has shown a clear

limitation of the added fibers. But the use of coupling agents such as silane increased

noticeably the stored energy when compared to composites made from raw coir or

alkali-treated fibers.


3.0 Experiments

3.1 Materials

Samples of empty water sachet plastics made from low density polyethylene (LDPE)

that litter the streets of Accra since Accra was the site of execution of the project

were sampled. Saw dust from Ceiba pentandra (soft wood) whose common name is

ceiba, was obtained from Muus sawmill at Taifa in the Greater Accra region.

Unrefined coconut oil which acts as coupling agent was purchased from Madina

market in Accra.

3.1.1 Determination of plastic and oil melting temperatures

10 g of plastic was added to varied proportion of coconut oil 0, 10, 20, 40, 50 g

stirred till it melted. The temperature was then recorded at each plastic and oil

content melted.

3.1.2 Sieve analysis of saw dust

The procedure used was taken from ASTM C 136. The sawdust was dried at 105°C

for 12 h in a convection oven (Gallenkamp Plus Oven). The dried saw dust was

sieved using Fragtech Standard Sieves of apertures 63 µm, 90 µm, 355 µm, 500 µm

and 630 µm. At the base was a receiver. 50 g of sawdust was placed on the top sieve

and shaken continuously for 10 minutes using an autoshaker (Wagtech International

Ltd model). The material on each sieve was weighed and then divided by the total

weight to give a percentage retained on each sieve. The following equation was used,

Where WSieve is the weight of sawdust on the sieve and WTotal is the total weight of

the sawdust.

The total percentage of aggregate that was retained on each sieve was added to the

amount in the previous sieves cumulatively.

The values were then plotted on a graph with cumulative percent passing on the Y

axis and logarithmic sieve size on the x axis.

3.1.3 Preparation of plastics.

The sampled LDPE plastics were washed thoroughly with water and dried at 60ºC

for 12 h in a convection oven before shredding.

3.1.4 Preparation of the composite material

The coupling agent (coconut oil) was added at varied proportion of 0,5,10,15,20 wt

% on shredded PE plastic at the proportion of 30 to 55 wt % mixed and heated in a

beaker till melted to the molten state at 120oC. The required quantity of saw dust was

added to the melted plastic and stirred continuously until uniformly mixed at 140oC

for 10 min. The total weight of each sample was 30 g. Temperature was measured

using K-type thermocouples.

The molten mixture was poured into a rectangular metal mould of dimension 132

mm x 37 mm x 7 mm and pressed to a maximum pressure of 10 MPa whilst still hot

using a 10 tonnes laboratory press (Apex Construction Ltd, London and Dartford).

3.1.5 Determination of sawdust particle density

Particle density of saw dust sample was determined by the methods employed by

(Araki et al, 2004). An empty 10 ml density flask was initially weighed and

subsequently filled to the 10 ml volume mark with sawdust. Its combined weight was

then recorded. The weight of the empty density flask was subtracted from the

combined weight. The density was then calculated using the formula:


Wb = Weight of sawdust and flask (g).

Wa =Weight of empty flask (g).

Vo = Volume of the flask (cm3).

3.1.6 Determination of moisture content

The crucible was first pre-ignited by heating it to 650oC for 1h and then placing it in

a desiccator to cool to room temperature of 25oC. It was then weighed to the nearest

0.1 g. 1.0 g (W) of sawdust was accurately weighed unto a tarred ignited crucible and

placed in an electric oven (Gallenkamp Plus Oven) at 105oC till constant weight (D)

was achieved. The moisture content was then calculated using the following


W = initial sample weight

D = dry sample weight

3.1.7 Determination of volatile matter

The volatile matter was determined by ASTM procedure D2867. A pre-ignited

crucible was weighed (A) and then covered with a lid and reweighed (B) to the

nearest 0.1 g. 1g of sawdust was then placed in a pre-ignited covered crucible and

weighed (C). The covered crucible was then placed in a furnace and heated to 950oC

for 7 minutes. The crucible was then removed and placed in a desiccator to cool to

room temperature (25oC). The crucible with the cover was weighed to the nearest 0.1

g. The volatile matter was determined by the equation below.


B = mass of the crucible and cover (g).

C = mass of crucible, cover, and sample (g)

D = mass of crucible, cover, and devolatized sample (g)

3.1.8 Determination of ash content.

The ash content was also determined using ASTM method D2866 (1999) by first

igniting the crucible at 650oC for 1h. The crucible was then placed in a desiccator to

cool to room temperature (25oC).1 g of sawdust was weighed and placed into an

ignited crucible and placed in the furnace at 650oC for 3h till constant weight was

achieved. The crucible was removed and placed in the desiccator and allowed to cool

to room temperature (25oC).

The ash content was calculated by using the following formula.


B = weight of crucible (g)

C = Weight of crucible and original sample (g)

D = Weight of crucible and ashed sample (g)

3.1.9 Selection of oil quantity

A typical formulation of a sample weighed 30 g. The oil content was varied as

follows: 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt % using 63 µm-90 µm particle size as recommended

in literature by Sark et al, (1997). The remainder of the proportion was equally split

between sawdust to plastic ratio. The material preparation is referred according to the

process detailed in section 3.1. The density, porosity and flexural strength were

determined to ascertain the optimum oil ratio.

Table 3.1 Sample formulations for varying coconut oil content.

% Oil 0 5 10 15 20
Oil wt(g) 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
Plastic wt (g) 15 14.25 13.5 12.75 12.0
Sawdust wt (g) 15 14.25 13.5 12.759 12.0

3.1.10 Selection of sieve size

An oil content of 10 wt % was maintained, and particle size varied according to sieve

size 63 µm, 90 µm, 355 µm, 500 µm and 630 µm. The sawdust to plastic ratio was

maintained at a 50:50 ratio for the various particle sizes. The total weight of this

formulation was 30 g. The samples prepared were tested for flexural strength,

porosity and density. Table 3.2 shows the composition for the particle size selection.

Table 3.2 Sample formulation for sieve size selection

Sieve size (µm) 63 90 355 500 630

Plastic wt(g) 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5

Sawdust wt(g) 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5

3.2 Selection of Plastic loading to sawdust ratio

Upon determining the optimum oil ratio, 10 % oil composition was used. Plastic

loading was varied at 30,35, 40, 45, 50, and 55 wt %.The particle size of the sawdust

used was 90-355 µm. Table 3.3 shows the composition used for these experiments.

Table 3. 3 Sample formulations for variable plastic loading.

Plastic Loading (g) 30 35 40 45 50 55
Plastic wt (g) 9 10.5 12 13.5 15 16.5
Sawdust wt (g) 18 16.5 15 13.5 12 10.5

3.2.1 Flexural strength determination

(ASTM) D790-03 Procedure A, three bend point set up was used to determine the

flexural strength analysis. An average of five repeats reported in ASTM methods.

The dimensions of each test specimen were kept at approximately 127 × 127 × 5

mm. The length of support span was 80 mm, and the loading nose had a radius of

6.75 mm. The Flexural yield was estimated by the following equation.

Where, σ is the flexural yield, P is load at the fracture point, L is the length of the

support span, b is the sample width and d is the sample thickness.

Figure 3.1: Representation of three-point bend test from (ASTM) D 79-03

3.2.2 Density

The density of the composite material at 25oC was also determined by the

displacement method, ASTM D792-00 test method A, by weighing the sample in air

and attaching a sinker to it and weighing it again in deionized water. The density of

the material was then calculated from the equation.

Where a, is the apparent mass of material, without wire or sinker, in air, b, is

apparent mass of material and sinker completely immersed and of the wire partially

immersed in liquid, and w, is apparent mass of totally immersed sinker and of

partially immersed wire.

3.2.3 Porosity

The water absorption of the fractured samples from flexural strength testing was

determined according to the ASTM D570-98. The sample was sawn to smoothen the

fractured surface of the specimen. It was then conditioned by drying in an oven for

24 h at 50 oC before cooling in a desiccator with silica as desiccant. The sample was

immediately weighed upon removal from the desiccator. The conditioned specimen

was completely immersed in a container of deionised water maintained at laboratory

temperature of 25oC for 24 h. After the 24 h immersion period the sample was

removed from the water and all surface water wiped off with a dry cloth and

immediately weighed on balance scale. The porosity was determined using equations

7, and 8.

Ws Wd
Pore Vol . (V p )  --------- (7)
 f

Where Ws is the sample core weight, Wd is the dry core weight and ρf is the density

of the saturated sample.

Vp 
porosity (%)     100      ( 8 )
V 
 b 

Where Vb is obtained by measuring the dimension of the sample using a Hilka digital

calliper and multiplying the answers.

3.2.4 Microscopic studies

The morphology of the surface that explains the activity of the plastic melt before the

addition of coconut oil and sawdust from Ceiba Pentandra particles sizes were

studied using a Bresser LCD Micro digital electronic microscope. A thin film of

LDPE sample was placed on the microscopic slides and examined at 40X

magnification. The micrograph was then compared with a thin film of melted plastics

at 110oC. With a surface active ingredient (coconut oil) at different percentages (0,

10, 20, 30, 40, 50 %) serving as a coupling agent, was examined under the same

magnification. Changes to the surface morphology were noted.

3.2.5 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

The fractured surfaces of the flexural test specimens were characterized using

Electron Microscopy (EOL JSM-6390LV) at magnifications of 100X. SEM images

were taken and analysed.


4.1 Plastic and coconut oil (coupling agent) interaction

The result as shown on Figure 4.1 indicates that melting temperature of LDPE

decreased from 110oC to 85oC as the percentage of coconut oil in the matrix

increased from 0 % to 50 %. The coconut oil also prevented lump forming when the

plastics were heated to 110oC by isolating smaller polyethylene particles through the

formation of a sol-gel emulsion. The heating process breaks the intermolecular bond

of the LDPE film and small individual polyethylene fragments as shown in Figure


Figure 4.1: Melting temperature changes of plastic with varying coconut oil

The contrasting white and dark patches as shown in Figure 4.2, reveals the surface

topography of the coupling agent and plastic interaction. The darker areas of the

image represent those areas of the sample that coconut oil breaks the intermolecular

bond of the LDPE film. The focal light therefore passes through the sample without

reflection on the objective lens to produce the white patches. From Figure 4.2, dark

areas increased as oil content increased from 0 % to 50 %. This indicates that small

fragments are prevented from migrating to nearby particles to form a sintered lump.

Figure4.2: Micrograph of melted plastic with and without coconut oil at 40x
magnification for (a)0 (b)10% oil (c) 20%oil (d) 30% oil € 40% oil (f)

4.2 Sieve analysis of sawdust

The size of the fiber in wood plastic composites has been demonstrated in literature

to affect the physical water absorption and mechanical properties of composite

materials (Bouafif et al, 2009). The sieve analysis in Figure 4.3 showed that 60 % of

the particles are retained by the mesh of size 630 microns which implies the particles

had a diameter greater than 630 microns. 39.5 % of the wood-dust particles fell

within the size range of between 63 µm and 630 µm and still a fewer particles (0.5

%) are within the size domain of a powdered form (< 63 µm).

Figure 4.3: Size distribution of wood dust from a typical sawmill

A microscopic study of the particle morphology of the different particles of the

sawdust shown Figure 2.3 suggested a fibrous morphology rather than rounded

particles for all the different sizes. On the average a relatively high length to diameter

ratio which has positive implications on the mechanical property of composite

material fell within the domain of the wood dust 90-355 µm size which has the

tendency to enhance surface activity and blends with the plastic-coupling agent gel


Figure 4.4: Micrograph of the saw dust particles at 40x magnification for (a) <
63µm (b) 63µm-90 (c) 90µm-355 (d) 355µm-500 (e) 500µm-630 (f)

4.3 Physical properties of the composites: porosity and density

4.3.1 The effect of coconut oil concentration on porosity of composite samples

The porosity of the composite decreased through a minimum value of 18.5 % at 10

wt % coconut oil and then increased to a maximum of 24.4 % at 20 wt % coconut oil

as shown in Figure 4.5. This observation is attributed to the fact that a compact or

dense composite body is formed at 0 wt % to 10 wt %. Coconut oil. The relatively

high adhesion comes to a head when the amount of coupling agent, coconut oil is 10

%. However, as the percentage of coconut oil increased beyond 10 wt %, the plastics

are loosely held to the particles as well as to itself resulting in the creation of further

and larger pores.

Figure 4.5: Effect of varying coconut oil concentration on porosity of composite
at plastic to wood ratio of 50/50 by weight.

4.3.2 Porosity of composite prepared with wood dust of different particle sizes

The porosity of the composite was found to be dependent on the fiber particle size as

shown in Figure 4.6. The larger the particle size, the higher the porosity which was in

good agreement with previous report (Steckel et al, 2007). Larger particles led to

greater hydrophilic-exposed surfaces; and poor adhesion between wood particles and

the polymer matrix generating voids around the wood particles.

Figure 4.6: Variation of the porosity of the composite with particle size of
sawdust at 10 wt% oil concentration of coupling agent and a plastic
to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight.

4.3.3 Effect of plastic loading on porosity.

The porosity of the composite increased from 12.6 % to 35.5 % as the plastic loading

decreased from 55 wt % to 30 wt % after a 24 h immersion period as shown in

Figure 4.7. Higher water resistance of composites with the increasing plastic content

can be attributed to the hydrophobic character of plastics. The wood used is a soft

wood. Soft wood has lower density by virtue of the greater amount of pores in the

wood due to this reason porosity increased as sawdust content increases. Similar

result for this increasing pattern were also reported by (Chen et al, 2006) for the

composites made from HDPE and recycled wood particles.

Figure 4.7: Variation in porosity of composite with 10 wt% coconut oil and
plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight.

4.3.4 Density of composites at different coconut oil composition

Lightweight materials with very strong mechanical properties are most desirable in

the design of new materials for architectural purposes (Sales et al, 2010 and Wu et al,

2007). Density of a material is therefore useful in calculating strength -to-weight and

weight-to-cost ratios (ASTM 792-00). Increasing the percentage of coconut oil in the

composite, the density rose through a maximum at 10 wt % coconut oil before

decreasing. This trend is in agreement with the decline in porosity with the minimum

porosity occurring at the 10 wt % content of oil. This shows that, properties in the oil

becomes compatible with the plastic and sawdust at 10 wt % oil.

Figure 4.8: Variation in density of the composite with coconut oil composition at
a plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight

4.3.5 Density of composite prepared with wood dust of different particle sizes

Figure 4.9 shows a decrease in density from 0.97 to 0.75 as sawdust particle size

increased. It is well documented in literature that raw material particle size influences

the density of composites. Small particles give a higher density (Travnicek, 2011).

Also, bigger particles can create bigger pores in the composites leading to reduced

density contrary to smaller which ensure effective packing, thus increasing

composite density.

Figure 4.9: Variation of density of the WPC with particle size of wood dust in
the composite at 10 wt% oil concentration of coupling agent and a
plastic to wood ratio of 50/50 by weight.

4.3.6 Effect of plastic loading on density of composite

Increasing the plastic loading in the composite increased the density as shown in

Figure 4.10. Density of LPDE is 0.910-0.940 g/cm³ which is much higher than Ceiba

sawdust density of 0.409 g/cm³ and hence increasing the ratio of plastic in the

composite had a cumulative effect on the density of the composite.

Figure 4.10: Effect of varying plastic loading on density of composite at 10wt %
coconut oil

4.4 Mechanical property of the composites

4.4.1 Flexural strength

According to Klyosov, (2007) the International Code Council (ICC) can pass a

material for construction if it has a flexural strength of 0.012 MPa. The flexural

strength of the composite with 50/50 plastic to wood ratio using different ratios of

coconut oil as coupling agent is presented in Figure 4.11. The results showed an

increase in the flexural strength from 3.3 MPa to 6.1 MPa as coconut oil ratio

increased from 0 to10wt %. It then decreased from 6.1 MPa to 2.2 MPa as coconut

increased to 20 wt %. This could be attributed to polar and non-polar functional

groups in the molecular structure of coconut oil which act as the coupling agent. This

enhanced interaction with both the hydrophobic plastic and the hydrophilic wood

from 0-10 wt % allowing for the distribution of stress on both the plastic and the

wood particles in the composite. Beyond 10 wt % of coconut oil the flexural strength

drops as a result of the increased porosity of the material from the dilute dispersion

of the plastic entity in the composite.

Figure 4.11: Flexural strength variations with varying concentrations of
coupling agent (coconut oil) with 50/50 LDPE plastics to saw dust

The flexural strength of the composite prepared from 50:50wt % plastic: saw dust

ratio with 10 wt % coconut oil and also using varying wood particle sizes (63,

90,355,500 and 630 µm) is shown in Figure 4.12. The maximum flexural strength

(6.1 MPa) was obtained by composite material formulated with wood particles

retained on 90 micron sieve.

This was because particles retained in the 90-355 microns had particle length to

diameter ratio (see Figure 4.4b). The small particle diameter offers more surface area

of contact with the plastic-coupling agent matrix than bigger ones. Also, bigger

particles can create bigger flaws in the composites contrary to smaller flaws created

by smaller particles, thus reducing composite strength ( Leidner et al, 1974). Fracture

surface area increases with increasing particle size. As a result, less energy is

required to break a specimen containing larger particles (Stark et al, 1997). The

deviation of 63µm is related to the fact that powdery morphology of the particles

(Figure 4.4a) gave it a low particle length to diameter ratio.

Figure 4.12: Behaviour of flexural strength of composite material with saw dust
particle size with 10 wt% oil and plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by

Results as depicted in Figure 4.13 indicated that an increase in plastic loading of the

composite material resulted in an increase in the flexural strength of the material.

Plastic loading increased with decreased sawdust content. It appeared that the

binding capacity of the plastic gradually decreased with increasing sawdust content.

The mechanical behaviour of WPCs was influenced by the uniformity of

lignocellulosic materials dispersed in the polymeric matrix (Chen et al, 2006, Raj et

al, 1989).

Figure 4.13: Effect of LDPE plastics loading on flexural strength of the
composite at 10 wt. % of coconut oil.

4.5 Microstructures characterization

4.5.1 SEM of composite fractured surface

A number of composite flexural fractured surfaces were examined. The interfacial

bonding between the matrix and fiber are shown in Figure 4.14 to 4.16. The

microstructure of the samples in Figure 4 14 show the SEM images of fracture

surfaces by variation of particle size of saw dust in the composite with 10 wt % oil as

coupling agent and a plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight 63-90, 90-355, 355-

500, 500-630 and <630 at 100× magnification.

Figure 4.14 (a) (c) (d) and (e) exhibited a considerable amount of fiber pullout and

voids as particle size of sawdust increases indicating that interfacial bonding was

lowered. The fracture surface of the composite with higher saw dust content appears

to be dominated by voids.

The sample containing 90-355µm particle size in Fig.4.14 (b) fractured was without

signs of fibers being pulled out, indicating good interface bond meaning that the

interfacial bonding between the filler and the matrix polymer was strong.

Figure 4.14: SEM images(×100) of fractured surface of variation of particle size

of saw dust in the composite with 10 wt% oil concentration of
coupling agent and a plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight (a)
63-90 µm (b) 90-355 µm (c) 355-500 µm (d) 500-630 µm (f) >630 µm.

Figure 4 15(a) to 4 15(e) shows the SEM images of fractured surfaces of the

composites made of varying coconut oil concentration on composite at plastic to

sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight for (a) 0 % (b) 5 % (c) 10 % (d) 15 % (e) 20 % oil.

The images revealed relatively no fiber pullout and less voids at oil content of 10 %

at Figure 4.15 (c). This confirms the result in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4. 15: SEM image fractured surface of varying coconut oil concentration
on composite at plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by weight for(a) 0 %
(b) 5 % (c) 10 % (d) 15 % (e) 20 % oil

SEM image from Figure 4.16(a) to 4.16(f) were made of varying plastic and saw dust

in the composite at 10 wt % oil. Plastic loading was varied at 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and

55. Fractured samples shows systematic close matrix-fiber surface without any sign

of pullout from Figure 4.16 (a) to (f) and more compact surface at Figure 4.16(d) to

(f),This is because composite filled with more plastic have less void

Figure 4.16 Fractured surface of composite with varying plastic loading of (a)
30% (b) 35 % (c) 40 % (d) 45 % (e) 50 % (f) 55 %.


5.0 Conclusions

The composite panels for partitioning room samples were formulated from sawdust,

low density polyethylene (LDPE) and coconut oil as coupling agent using the Melt

and Stir method. Composites were prepared with different plastic sawdust ratios,

varying coconut oil content and particle sizes. Each composite sample was then

tested for porosity, density and flexural strength. Microstructure of the fractured

samples was examined using scanning electron microscope. Melted plastic with

coconut oil surfaces were also looked at with optical microscope.

Composites made with 10 wt % coconut oil, plastic to sawdust ratio of 50/50 by

weight and 90-355 µm exhibited lower water absorption at value 17.82 %. Porosity

increased from 14.8 to 26.9 % with increasing sawdust particle size of 63, 90, 355,

500, 630µm.

Increasing the percentage of coconut oil from 0 to 20 wt % in the composite, the

density rose through a maximum at 10 wt % coconut oil. Density of particle size

composite showed a decrease in density from 0.75 to 0.97 g/cm³ as sawdust particle

size increased. Increasing the plastic loading in the composite increased the density.

Flexural strength evaluation suggested that increasing plastic loading improves the

strength of composites. Increasing sawdust size from 63 to 355 µm decreases flexural

strength from 6.2 to 5.1 Mpa. Increasing sawdust particles content improves stiffness

of composites, but decreases flexural strength.

The flexural strength showed that 90-355 micron sieve size with the polymer 13.5 wt

% and sawdust 13.5wt % was the best in terms of flexural strength. All the composite

samples exceed the minimum ICC standard of 0.012 MPa (250 Ib/sq ft) for flexural


SEM images of fractured surfaces of the composites made of varying coconut oil

concentration revealed relatively no fiber pullout and less voids at composite with 10

wt % oil. Fractured surfaces of varying particle size of saw dust in the composite

with 10 wt % oil concentration exhibited a considerable amount of fiber pullout and

voids as particle size of sawdust increases indicating that interfacial bonding was

lowered. There are small discontinuities and a reasonably uniform distribution of saw

dust particles in the LDPE matrix with samples containing 90-355 µm particles

indicating good interfacial bonding between the filler and the matrix polymer. The

composite with 10 wt % oil concentrations and varying ratios of plastic loading

showed increase in compatibility and lesser voids as percentage of plastic loading


5.1 Recommendation for future work

The experimental results provided in this study will help the development of a

composite material from plastic waste, sawdust and coconut oil, but there is still

more work needed to quantify the product.

Determination of the physicochemical parameters and the macro structure of

composite material alone is not enough to promote its use. However, other oils like

palm oil, palm kernel oil, and almond oil as coupling agents should be further

investigated to improve the composite.


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