Packet Tracer - Configure End Devices

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Packet Tracer – Configure End Devices

Configure various end devices in Packet tracer.

Background / Scenario
In this activity you will construct a simple Packet Tracer network and complete basic configuration of end

Step 1: Launch Packet Tracer.

a. Launch Packet Tracer on your PC or laptop computer
Double click on the Packet Tracer icon on your desktop or navigate to the directory that contains the
Packet Tracer executable file and launch Packet Tracer. Packet Tracer should open with a blank default
Logical topology workspace as shown in the figure.

Step 2: Build the topology

1. Create the network shown below (if help is required please refer to previous activities).
a. Use port FastEthernet0/1 on the switch for PC0
b. Use port FastEthernet0/2 on the switch for PC1

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Packet Tracer – Configure End Devices

c. Use port FastEthernet0/3 on the switch for Server0

2. Once the link lights all turn green, click on Server0. Then configure it as follows:
a. Click on the Desktop tab.
b. Click on the IP Configuration Icon.
c. Click on the IP Address dialog box.
d. Type in as the address and press enter.
e. A default value of should appear in the Subnet Mask.
f. Nothing else in this dialog box needs to be configured, so click the “X” in the upper right corner to
close the IP Configuration window.
g. Click the red “X” in the upper right corner to close the Server0 window.
3. Click on PC0. Then configure it as follows:
a. Click on the Desktop tab.
b. Click on the IP Configuration Icon.
c. Click on the IP Address dialog box.
d. Type in as the address and press enter.
e. A default value of should appear in the Subnet Mask field.
f. Nothing else in this dialog box needs to be configured, so click the “X” in the upper right corner to
close the IP Configuration window
g. Click on the icon labeled Command Prompt and the following prompt should appear

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Packet Tracer – Configure End Devices

h. Type the following command in the prompt: ping and press enter.
i. If you have done everything correctly, you should see the following output. Your output could vary
a little but the reply statements should be there. If the replies are not there, try redoing the device
configuration to this point.

j. Click the “X” next to the Command Prompt title bar.

k. Click the red “X” in the upper right corner to close the PC0 window.

4. Repeat the same configuration and ping steps from #3 PC1, except use as the IP address.
The results should be the same.

5. Finally, click on PC0 again.

a. Click on the Desktop tab, if it isn’t already open.
b. Click on the Web Browser icon.
c. Type in the URL box and click the [GO] button.
d. You should observe the following. If you do not, repeat the earlier steps to confirm the
configuration. This happens because the web server feature is on by default in the server and PC0
just connected to the default page

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e. Click on a link and then use the front and back arrows to the left of the URL box to move forward
and backward through the pages.
f. When done click the “X” next to the Web Browser title bar.
g. Click the red “X” in the upper right corner to close the PC0 window.

The next section involves some basic configuration of network devices, in this case a switch. Routers have the
same tabs as switches so their interface works the same way.

6. Click on Switch0, then click on the Config tab.

Note: Previously, a warning about not using the Config tab was given since it isn’t available on real
networking equipment, but we are explaining this tab for two reasons.
i. Some simple devices only have config tabs.
ii. The config tab can be useful for basic learning of commands, especially for beginners.

a. Clicking on the Config tab shows a list of components that can be configured on this device. We
are not going to cover what these components are, as that is learned in a networking course, but
we will show how to navigate and use the interface.

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b. The Global Settings tab allows a user to change the name of a device that displays in the
workspace. It also allows for changing the internal name shown at the command line prompt as
well as buttons for saving, loading, exporting, and erasing configuration files.
c. Double click in the Hostname dialog box highlighting the word Switch, type Central and press
enter. Packet Tracer will display the IOS commands necessary to accomplish the name change in
the Equivalent IOS Commands box. The commands displayed should be:
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#hostname Central

These would be the commands that would be entered to do the same thing from the
command line interface or CLI. If you didn’t know how to do this from the CLI, the
config tab would show the commands to illustrate how it should be done.

d. Clicking on the FastEthernet0/1 label will bring up an Ethernet interface to be configured.

e. Notice the Equivalent IOS Commands box below, it shows a command of “interface
FastEthernet0/1” which would have been the command used to select the interface from the CLI.

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f. Select the CLI tab to switch to the CLI interface. Notice that the same commands that were in the
Equivalent IOS Commands box are listed in the CLI window.
g. Click right beside the command prompt at the bottom of the list that looks like this:
h. Then type shutdown , and press enter twice
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to
administratively down
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1,
changed state to down

This command just shut the interface down from the command line.
i. Click the red “X” in the upper right corner to close the Server CLI window. Notice how the link lights
for the connection between PC0 and Switch0 are red. Since the interface on the switch was shut
down the connection is no longer active and shows red.

This covers some basic configuration and operation of end devices in Packet T racer. Please save and
close the activity, then exit Packet Tracer.

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