Sales Forecasting Techniques or Sales Forecasting Tools
Sales Forecasting Techniques or Sales Forecasting Tools
Sales Forecasting Techniques or Sales Forecasting Tools
method of getting an alternative estimate for use as a check on a
Several years ago researchers at the he Rand Corporation sales forecast obtained through some other approach.
developed a technique for predicting the future that is called the
Delphi technique. This is a version of the jury of executive
What more sensible way to forecast than to ask customers
opinion method in which those giving opinions are selected for
about their future buying plans? Industrial marketers use this
their “expertise”. The panel of experts responds to a sequence
approach more than consumer-goods marketers, because it is
of questionnaires in which the responses to one questionnaire
easiest to use where the potential market consists of small
are used to produce the next questionnaire. Thus, information
numbers of customers and prospects, substantial sales are
available to some and not to other experts is disseminated to
made to individual accounts, the manufacturer sells direct to
all, enabling all to base their final forecasts on “all available”
users, and customers are concentrated in a few geographical areas
information. Some contend that “this technique eliminates the
(all more typical of industrial than consumer marketing). In
bandwagon effect of majority opinion.”
such instances, it is relatively inexpensive to survey a sample of
customers and prospects to obtain their estimated requirements
In the poll of sales force opinion method, often tagged “the for the product, and to project the results to obtain a sales
grass-roots approach,” individual sales personnel forecast sales forecast. Survey results, however, need tempering by manage-
for their territories; then individual forecasts are combined and ment’ specialized knowledge and by contemplated changes in
modified, as management thinks necessary, to form the marketing programs. Few companies base forecasts exclusively
company sales forecast. on a survey of customers’ buying plans. The main reason lies in
This approach appeals to practical sales managers because : the inherent assumptions that customers know what they are
going to do and that buyers’ plans, once made, will not change.
• forecasting responsibility is assigned to those who produce
the results. Even though the survey of customers’ buying plans is generally
an unsophisticated forecasting method, it can be rather sophisti-
• Furthermore, there is merit in utilizing the specialized
cated – that is, if it is a true survey (in the marketing research
knowledge of those in closet touch with market
sense) and if the selection of respondents is by probability
conditions. Because the salespeople help to develop the
sampling. However, since it gathers opinions rather than
forecast, they should have greater confidence in quotas
measures actions, substantial nonsampling error is present.
based upon it.
Respondents do not always have well-formulated buying plans,
• Another attractive feature is that forecasts developed by this and, even if they do, they are not always willing to relate them.
method are easy to break down according to products, In practice, most companies using this approach appear to pay
territories, customers, middlemen, and sales force. little attention to the composition of the sample and devote
But the poll of sales force opinion approach has weaknesses. minimum effort to measuring sampling and nonsampling
• Not generally trained to do forecasting, and influenced by errors.
current business conditions in their territories, salespersons
tend to be overly optimistic or overly pessimistic about In this lesson we studied the about the personal selling
sales prospects. objectives which can be qualitative and quantitative. Then we
• They are too near the trees to see the forest — they often discussed about market potential which is sales opportunities
are unaware of broad changes taking place in the economy present for all sellers of a good or service. Sales potential which
and of trends in business conditions outside their own is the maximum sales opportunity for a company selling a good
territories. or service. We have also discussed the qualitative forecasting
• Furthermore, if the “forecasts” of the sales staff are used methods.
in setting quotas, some sales personnel deliberately
underestimate so that quotas are reached more easily.
• To some extent, the weakness of this method can be
overcome through training the sales force in forecasting
techniques, by orienting them to factors influencing
company sales, and by adjusting for consistent biases in
individual salespersons’ forecasts.
For most companies, however, implementing corrective actions
is an endless task, because sales personnel turnover is constantly
going on, and new staff members (whose biases are unknown
at the start) submit their forecasts along with those of veteran
sales personnel with known biases. In short, this method is
based to such a large extent on judgment that it is not appropri-
ate for most companies to use it as the only forecasting
method. The poll of sales force opinion serves best as a
came to 320 units of product, the sales forecast for this year was product and its own sales, but the correlation coefficient was
350 units, and the smoothing constant was 0.3, the forecast for too low to use in forecasting company sales. The same was true
next year’s sales is of personal disposable income and retail sales; their correlation
(0.30)(320) + (0.7)(350) = 341 units of products coefficients with company sales were too low to use in forecast-
ing company sales.
Determining the value of a is the main problem. If the series
of sales data changes slowly, a should be small to retain the
effect of earlier observations. If the series changes rapidly, a
should be large so that the forecasts respond to these changes.
In practice, a is estimated by trying several values and making
retrospective tests of the associated forecast error is then chosen
for future smoothing.
Evaluation of past sales projection methods. The key limitation
of all past sales projection methods lies in the assumption that
past sales history is the sole factor influencing future sales. No
allowance is made for significant changes made by the company
in its marketing program or by its competitors in theirs. Nor is
allowance made for sharp and rapid upswings or downturns in
business activity, nor is it usual to correct for poor sales
performance extending over previous periods.
The accuracy of the forecast arrived at through projecting past
sales depends largely upon how close the company is to the
market saturation point. If the market is nearly 100 percent
saturated, some argue that it is defensible to predict sales by
applying certain percentage figure to “cumulative past sales of
the product still in the hands of users” to determine annual Automobile sales (millions of units)
replacement demand. However, most often the company whose The tyre manufacturer measured the relationship between its
product has achieved nearly 100 percent market saturation finds, own dollar sales and unit sales of automobiles and found a
since most companies of this sort market durables or semi much higher degree of correlation . The dots on this scatter
durables, that its prospective customers can postpone or diagram cluster closely around the straight line that is the result
accelerate their purchases to a considerable degree. of the mathematical computation between the two series of
Past sales projection methods are most appropriately used for data. If the correlation had been perfect, all the dots would have
obtaining “check” forecasts against which forecasts secured fallen on the line.
through other means are compared. Most companies make Where sales are influenced by two or more independent
some use of past sales projections in their sales forecasting variables acting together multiple regression techniques are used.
procedures. The availability of numerous computer programs Evaluation of regression analysis for sales forecasting.
for time-series analysis and exponential smoothing has If high coefficients of correlation exist between company sales
accelerated this practice. and independent variables, the forecasting problem is simpli-
fied, especially if the variables “lead” company sales. The
Regression analysis is a statistical process and, as used in sales probable course of sales may then be charted, and the forecaster
forecasting, determines and measures the association between can concentrate on factors that might cause deviations. But it is
company sales and other variables. It involves fitting an necessary to examine other circumstances that might upset past
equation to explain sales fluctuations in terms of related and relationships. A forecast made through regression analysis
presumably causal variables, substituting for these variables assumes that past relations will continue. A “lead-lag” associa-
values considered likely during the period to be forecasted, and tion in which deviations regularly occur in related independent
solving for sales. In other words, there are three major steps in variable(s) prior to a change in company sales is a near-ideal
forecasting sales through regression analysis: situation, but it rarely holds except over short periods. Lead-lag
1. Identify variables causally related to company sales. relationships are common, but associations between the lead
variables and sales in which the intervening time intervals
2. Determine or estimate the values of these variables related
remain stable are uncommon. Periods not only contract or
to sales.
expand erratically; they vary greatly during different phases of
3. Derive the sales forecast from these estimates. the business cycle.
Computers make it easy to use regression analysis for sales If close associations exist between company sales and a reliable
forecasting. One tyre manufacturer, for instance, used simple barometer, estimates are improved by experts’ predictions of
regression analysis to determine the association between probable changes in the barometer. However, one danger in
economic variables and its own sales. This company discovered using regression analysis is that forecasters may put too much
that a positive correlation existed between gross national faith in the statistical output. They may abandon independent
appraisals of future events because of a statistically developed in service, and ten years later, 54. For this batch of 10,000
forecast. It is wrong to place blind faith in any forecasting products units, scrappage is 1,035 in the fifth year (that is, 1,379-
method. It is wise to check results with those of other forecasts. 344, the difference between the accumulated total scrappage at
the close of the fifth and fourth years, respectively). In the fifth
year, then, 1,035 replacement sales trace back to the batch of
10,000 product units that entered service five years before.
Econometric model building and simulation is attractive as a
sales forecasting method for companies marketing durable New-owner demand is the net addition to users’ stocks of the
goods. This approach uses an equation or system of equations product that occurs during a given period. For instance, if
to represent a set of relationships among sales and different 2,000,000 units of some appliance were in service at the start of
demand-determining independent variables. Then, by “plug- a period and 2,500,000 at the end, new-owner demand was
ging in” values (or estimates) for each independent variable 500,000 during the period. Forecasting the number of sales to
(that is, by “simulating” the total situation), sales are forecast. new owners involves treating the stock of the product in the
An econometric model (unlike a regression model) is based hands of users as a “population” exhibiting “birth” and
upon an underlying theory about relationships among a set of “death” characteristics, that is, thinking of it as being analogous
variables, and parameters are estimated by statistical analysis of to a human population.
past data. An econometric sales forecasting model is an Constructing this sort of econometric model requires going
abstraction of a real-world situation, expressed in equation through three steps. First, study independent variables affecting
form and used to predict sales. For example, the sales equation Figure 7.2 Durable-Goods Survival Coefficients (Maxi-
for a durable good can be written. mum Service
S = R + N Year Survival/Coefficient
Where 1. 0000
S = total sales 0. 9995
R = replacement demand (purchases made to replace product 0. 9946
units going out of use, as measured by the scrappage of
old units) 0. 9656
(as of January 1) if no washing machines were sold and weaknesses (as well as marketing programs) against those of
scrappage rates competitors. The result is an estimate of expected market share
yt = level of consumers’ stock that would occur in the that (when applied to the industry sales forecast) results in a
following forecast of company sales. The poll of sales forece opinion
method leaves this appraisal up to the sales personnel – they
period (as of January 1) if no washing machines were sold
focus on estimating how much the company can sell, not on
and scrappage rates remained the same
how much the industry can sell. Unsophisticated forms of the
Ht = number of wired (i.e., electrified) dwelling units, in past sales projection method implicitly assume that no changes
millions will occur in the company’s strengths and weaknesses not in its
It = disposable personal income marketing programs vis-a-vis those of its competitors. In the
Ct = net credit extended (excluding credit extended for other four forecasting methods considered in this chapter,
automobiles) management makes this appraisal when it determines the
company’s probable market share percentage. Moreover,
Pt = price index for house furnishings
although some companies check such appraisals with sales
100.01818t – 33.1143 = trend of real purchasing power over time personnel, in most the main appraisal of competitive position
It + 3Ct/Pt = real purchasing power is made by executives better informed on the overall sales
Thus, new owner demand in this model is represented by Yt - outlook than any sales-person can be.
yt, determined by applying appropriated survival coefficients to Forecasting a company’s market share varies in complexity from
previous years’ sales of washing machine and estimating one industry to another. In the steel industry, the number of
consumers’ total stocks of washing machines in each year. competitors is small and market share is stable, so determining
Replacement demand is represented by the other symbols in the a given company’s market share is a simple task – a matter of
equation and takes into account the number of wired dwelling projection past trends and adjusting for anticipated changes in
units (washing machines are not sold to people who live in the company’s relative strengths and weaknesses. But in the
homes with no electricity) real purchasing power (disposable women’s clothing industry, the number of competitors is large
personal income plus credit availability divided by a price index), and market shares fluctuate widely, so determination of market
and real purchasing power adjusted for the historical trend. share is difficult. The ability to evaluate a clothing style’s
Regression analysis was used to derive the numerical values in salability is a key element in forecasting, and this requires both
this model. thorough knowledge of market trends and keen judgment.
Econometric model building seems a nearly ideal way to Most companies operate in industries that lie somewhere
forecast sales. Not only does it consider the interaction of between these two extremes, with market shares neither as
independent variables that bear logical and measurable relation- stable as in steel nor as volatile as in women’s apparel. Forecast-
ships to sales, it uses regression analysis techniques to quantify ers in most companies need information on competitors’ plans
these relationships. Econometric models, however, are best to launch new and improved products, advertising and selling
used to forecast industry sales not the sales of individual plans, pricing strategies, and so on. When forecasters evaluate
companies. This is because the independent variables affecting this information in relation to their own company’s proposed
an individual company’s sales are more numerous and more marketing and selling plans, they are in a position to exercise
difficult to measure than are those determining the sales of an informed judgment in predicting the company’s probable
entire industry. Many companies use an econometric model to market share. If, for example, a forecaster knows that a major
forecast industry sales, and then apply an estimate of the competitor plans a substantial price cut on a product that many
company’s share-of the-market percentage to the industry buyers buy mainly on the basis of price, it will be necessary to
forecast to arrive at a first approximation for the company’s lower the estimate of the company’s market share unless
forecasted sales. management is willing to match the price cut. Forecasting a
company’s market share is a matter both of examining past
trends and of appraising impending changes in competitive
Many companies forecast both their own sales and sales of the
industry. Of those using multimethod forecasting procedures,
nearly all – at one or more stages – provide for the making of
an industry sales forecast. In fact, of the six sales forecasting
methods discussed in this chapter, only in two – the poll of
sales force opinion and unsophisticated forms of projecting
past sales – is to normal to skip the industry sales forecast and
forecast company sales directly. The general practice is to forecast
industry sales early in the procedure and from it derive a
company sales forecast for use as a check against forecasts arrived
at through other methods.
Deriving a company sales forecast from an industry sales
forecast requires an appraisal of company strengths and