FiberWatch Brochure

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The document discusses FiberWatch and MetroWatch systems which help network operators proactively monitor fiber optic networks to ensure quality of service and network reliability.

FiberWatch allows network operators to proactively manage network quality, identify security breaches, meet service level agreements, and help with problem prevention, detection and reaction.

FiberWatch provides 24/7 network surveillance, automated alarms, fault identification, flexible domain management, automated reporting, remote web access, and monitoring of both dark and active fibers.

FiberWatch ™

Remote Fiber Testing for Full Service, Emerging

and Next Generation Networks

In today’s fast-paced, global economic damaging an organization’s reputation,
environment, the value and security of diminishing customer service expectations
network data along with customer and ultimately reducing an organization’s
Benefits expectations for excellent service have revenue stream in the time needed to
and Applications never been greater. Network operators, make necessary repairs.
service providers and enterprise
organizations must proactively monitor Designed for full service, emerging and
the health of their fiber optic networks in next generation public and private
order to ensure excellent QoS, meet networks, FiberWatch is the only Remote
Service Level Agreement commitments Fiber Testing System that allows the
• Proactively manage and maintain the revenue streams being network operations manager to proactively
network quality and generated by their networks. All of this monitor the fiber optic network through
must occur while working with fewer use of Domains, thus enabling delivery of
• Remote Web assess- financial and human resources. It is the highest level of QoS and ensuring
ment of network quality essential that both public and private network security and reliability to the
• Service Level Agreement networks employ tools that will enable greatest degree.
compliance monitoring them to attract and retain their customers,
• Immediately identify and and maximize the efficiency of their The key benefits to the FiberWatch system
react to network security networks while reducing operational include:
breaches expenses. • Superior customer service management
• Problem prevention, by quickly and easily identifying and
detection and reaction Many network operations managers are isolating network problems.
well acquainted with the network
monitoring tools designed to monitor the • Quick and easy fault identification and
Applications: status of applications on their networks; isolation.
• Customer Service however, few monitor the health of their • Identification of network security
Management optical network, yet this can often be the breaches before they become
• Network Security cause of network performance recognizable.
degradation. Reactive network
• Optical Network • Proactive, non-intrusive network
troubleshooting is not sufficient as this
approach may require too much time to monitoring to ensure network
• Fault Detection and identify and isolate problems; thus reliability.
• Network Status

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Superior Customer Service Management

Quickly and Easily Identify and Isolate both you and your customers. Features
Network Problems You can create domains to view network
In order to be successful in today’s status by geography, maintenance teams,
competitive, economic environment it is services and customers - simultaneously.
absolutely necessary that both public and Domains enable you to clearly and easily
private networks provide their customers see in real-time, those areas of your
with excellent service. Failure to do so can network that are operating smoothly, and • Non-intrusive, 24/7
easily lead to lost revenue arising from those that may be experiencing problems. network surveillance
customer churn and performance In conjunction with FiberWatch’s
penalties. To be competitive, public and • Ability to conduct
automated reporting capabilities, Domains tests such as OTDR
private network operators need to allow you to provide your customers with
guarantee network availability and offer targeted and timely reports concerning • Automated Alarms for
differentiated services all while managing immediate notification
their Quality of Service. Domains also and identification of fault
their networks with limited resources. provide the information needed to locations
Public operators must also deal with differentiate yourself from the competition
customer SLA commitments and • Flexible Domain
by providing timely and accurate management
government regulators overseeing strict information about any SLA commitment
enforcement of service availability. and network performance requirement. • Multiple user easy-to-use
interfaces, including
NOC, Administrator,
FiberWatch enables the delivery of Third, FiberWatch is easy to use, providing Operator and Reporting
excellent QoS in many ways. real-time access to the network at anytime,
• Automated reporting -
from anywhere through the use of a Web Real-Time and Statistical
First, FiberWatch’s ability to immediately interface. For convenience, the Web
send an alarm and isolate the location of a interface allows full system access and • Remote Web access
fiber problem allows you to take corrective control through use of managed user • Dark and Active fiber
action before it becomes mission critical. accounts. monitoring
It proactively monitors your network in a • Designed for GIS and
non-intrusive manner and immediately Fourth, when it comes to deploying new OSS integration
identifies problem situations. This services, up to date information from
significantly reduces Mean Time to Repair, FiberWatch allows rapid turn-up of new
saving time, money and your reputation services as there will be no optical surprises
with your customer. facing the provisioning team arising from
use of outdated optical data. This helps
Second, FiberWatch’s use of Domains ensure that the network will be operating
enables you to ensure that you are meeting at optimal performance, satisfying
your SLA commitments. Domains allow customers as they adopt your new services.
you to partition your network data into
customized views that meet the needs of

FiberWatch Page 3 of 11
Ensure Network Security

Target Audience Identify Security Breaches Before They However, when this is not possible,
Become Critical immediate detection and reaction must
Public and private networks alike must take place. Through deployment of
deal with a myriad of security issues, FiberWatch, operators create an optical
which can lead to denial of service, signature of the network from which
reduced quality of service or the theft of future intrusion attempts are easily and
critical information. FiberWatch is a precisely detected, allowing for immediate
proactive, non-intrusive monitoring reaction. FiberWatch can be deployed
system that allows network operators to directly onto live fibers carrying secure
implement a Prevention, Detection and information providing an extra level of
Reaction scheme in the event of a fiber comfort for security conscience network
Public Networks network security breach. Network security users.
• Dark Fiber Providers can be comprised in a variety of ways,
some of them optical. In an ideal
• Utilities
situation, network security breaches are
• Metropolitan Area preventable.
Network Providers
• Cable Companies
• Submarine Networks
• Systems Integrators

Private Networks

• Banking and Financial

• Insurance Companies
• Government Agencies
• Airports
• Emergency Services
• Company and University

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Network Maintenance and Reliability

Proactive, Non-Intrusive Network Multiple Test Platforms

Monitoring FiberWatch enables you to conduct a
Maintaining your network and ensuring variety of tests including OTDR which
its reliability is a daunting task, especially enable you to accurately track and
as networks become increasingly more correlate network performance to optical
complex and resources more constrained. characteristics. With OTDR testing, fiber
Reactive troubleshooting tools cost you degradation and fault location are
time, money and customer satisfaction. automatically and immediately identified.
FiberWatch lets you proactively monitor
the health of your network anytime,
anywhere. The system identifies situations
such as fiber degradation before they
become service affecting. In the event of a
network fault, the system provides
immediate notification with all the
information needed to completely isolate
the exact fault location. Thus, it is
possible to reduce the Mean Time To
Repair, saving time and money by being
able to dispatch repair crews to the exact
location of the problem. In this manner it
is possible for the FiberWatch user to meet
SLAs set up with its customers.

FiberWatch Page 5 of 11
Domains Active Fiber Monitoring
Flexible Domain management and The FiberWatch Remote Fiber Test System
automated reporting further aid in the gives you the ability to test both active
rapid identification and isolation of fiber and dark fibers. The ability to test traffic
faults. Domains enable you to organize carrying fibers, allows you to monitor
network information into easy to circuits that carry critical network band-
understand, customizable segments to width. Therefore, the direct impact of
meet the needs of your organization. For fiber degradation on revenue generating
example, a Domain can be defined as a circuits can be measured and tracked over
city, a company, a department, a customer time. Having the ability to test both
or a group of customers. Domains can active and dark fibers also gives you the
include any combination of monitored flexibility to better deal with a variety of
optical elements. Creating a Domain that network circumstances which can impact
contains all optical elements allows for the appropriateness of the type of test
immediate and easy access to the health of conducted. Such circumstances can
the entire organization. Domain include the number of "spare" fibers
management further enables the delivery available, the capacity available on fibers
of excellent Quality of Service by allowing that are presently active, increased capacity
for focused network performance tracking demands of new services, planned
on key segments, regions, rings and upgrades of terminal equipment and the
customers. In this manner, proactive testing philosophy of the operating
maintenance activities can be directed company. Coupled with Domains, active
where most needed, thus avoiding critical fiber monitoring provides a unique
and costly network faults. approach to customer management as key
service level metrics can be tracked over
time and provided to your customers

FiberWatch provides a comprehensive set
of reports that allow precise tracking of
network faults, QoS and optical
performance characteristics. These reports
can provide historical as well as real-time
network assessment. Reports can be
generated for single or multiple Domains,
fibers or events. Report types that can be
generated include:
• Alarm History Reports
• Network Properties Reports
• Quality of Service Reports
• Domain and System Status Reports

Reporting is entirely automated within

FiberWatch. On a scheduled basis, the
system collects the necessary data, analyzes
it, complies the requested report type and
then distributes electronic copies, all
automatically. In this manner, technical
Domain Examples staff do not have to waste time running
reports by hand, but can focus on
analyzing the results.

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Example of Time Saved Using FiberWatch
in the Location and Repair of a Fiber Fault
The Catastrophic Event 12:30 AM
12:00 AM The technicians have been in constant
Service failure is a network operator's contact with supervisors and maintenance
worst nightmare; and scariest of all is that technicians since the start of this scenario,
it is completely unpredictable. A typical and now that the troubleshooting has
nightmare scenario begins at the Network identified this link, the local maintenance
Operations Center where scrambling crew is dispatched. The maintenance crew
technicians rush to a computer terminal, has to gather their test equipment and
only to discover a catastrophic network travel to the nearest possible point of
failure. The millisecond response time of presence with visibility of the affected
the transmission system prevents link. Waiting for a crew to arrive on-site
thousands of calls from being can feel like a lifetime.
interrupted but now the vulnerable
re-route path is the only physical link 1:15 AM
from point A to point B. A second failure After arriving, the maintenance crew
on this link could lead to complete loss of verifies the working condition of the
service for a whole section of the network. transmission equipment to rule out any
possible transmission faults. Discovering
12:05 AM that the transmission gear is functioning
The network technicians begin to properly they can turn their attention to
troubleshoot the fault by sifting through the optical connections between
the logged alarm data. After a careful transmission gear and the optical cables
search a transmission alarm logged for a that transport the signals. Checking each
link in the network is identified as a sign and every optical jumper takes time, but
of the failure. Now the technicians have guarantees that every connection is
this link as a target for the restoration properly made. Now the maintenance
process. From the NOC they attempt to crew knows that the fault lies in the
re-establish communications only to outside plant, and a cable break is the
realize that the fault is physical in nature, most likely cause.
this means a person has to inspect the site
to determine the cause of failure.

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2:00 AM The bad news is that they have to
The maintenance crew has brought their correlate that optical distance to an actual
OTDR, with which they can very physical location. The extensive records
accurately find the distance to the fault on that the network operator created during
the cable. First they must find the proper the outside plant installation phase of the
port, disconnect the transmission jumper network build-out will help pinpoint the
and connect the test unit. Disconnecting fault. The technicians quickly review the
the wrong jumper would instigate a whole build maps and trace the optical distance
new barrage of transmission alarms and to the fault, now the exact location of the
could take down an entire section of the break is discovered.
network. The instrument is quickly
configured, powered up and patched into 2:45 AM
the network; the test should only take a Again the technicians dispatch the
few minutes to be completed. Hopefully maintenance crew to the fault location,
no problems occur at this point; meaning the build maps have illustrated the exact
the unit has power or the battery is fully location of the fault including landmarks
charged, the crew brought the right patch for finding the fault between telephone
cord, the test unit has enough dynamic poles. The outside plant crew is speeding
range to seek out the fiber fault, etc. to the fault.
Assuming all is well with the test unit, an
OTDR trace signature is available within 3:45 AM
three minutes. The maintenance crew can The restoration crew is on-site and the
now evaluate this trace and relay the downed pole is evidently the cause of the
optical distance to the network fault. Slack must be released from a near-
technicians at the NOC. by slack loop and the two cable ends
mated together. Another maintenance
2:10 AM crew is enroute to this site, bringing the
At the NOC, the technicians there have splicing trailer. The cables must be
just heard the worst news possible; the prepared and each fiber fused in order to
fiber is cut. The good news is that they restore service.
have an extremely accurate distance to
that fault from the maintenance crew.

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4:15 AM 5:30 AM
The splicing crew has arrived with the The OTDR has verified the quality of the
splicing trailer. The cable is cut back to splices joining the two halves of cable
undamaged fiber and the laborious task of together; another crew has the
fusion splicing each fiber has begun. The responsibility of returning the repaired
first maintenance crew has left for the cable to its location on the new pole. As
nearest CO (Central Office), they will soon as the test data is checked into the
have to test the cable after splicing to reference file by a supervisor, traffic can be
verify the quality of the splice. rerouted back along the repaired fiber
optic link.
4:45 AM
The splice crew has just finished fusing 6:30 AM
the cable together and the crew at the CO The link is fully repaired and traffic has
is testing each of the 24 fibers. Barring been rerouted to the default
any unforeseen problems the cable should arrangement.
be repaired soon.


Fiber Break Fiber Break


Receive Fault Location Isolate Cause of Alarm -

at Noc Fiber or Electronic

Proceed to Fault Location Dispatch Crew to CO



Repair Fiber Test Fiber with OTDR

Verify Fiber Repair Physically Locate Fault

Turn Up Transmitter Proceed to Fault Location

Repair Fiber

Verify Fiber Repair

Turn Up Transmitter

Page 10 of 11 FiberWatch
Network Monitoring for Small
Optical Networks

Managers of smaller, metropolitan area

networks can now obtain FiberWatch’s
excellent feature functionality in
MetroWatch, a system specifically
designed to meet their needs.
MetroWatch is the industry’s first
standalone, automated fiber monitoring
system that automatically sends an alert to
the network manager and fiber
maintenance contractor when there is a
problem in the network. Thus reducing
the mean time to repair. Remote Web
access capability allows the network
operator to access MetroWatch data at any
time from anywhere. To further promote
ease of use, MetroWatch software can also
be loaded onto a Personal Digital Assistant
(PDA), providing the ability to request
and query optical maps, conduct fiber
status tests, remotely assess the network
and automatically receive alarms.

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©2007 NTest, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice.

NTest, Inc is a leading worldwide provider of testing, monitoring and

ISO 9000 certified. XXX-XXXXX-XXXX

management systems across all layers of communications networks.

NTest provides network operators, network equipment manufacturers,
component manufacturers and enterprise service providers with the
network testing solutions they need.

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