Owner'S Manual: Volvo C70

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VolVo C70

owner’s manual

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Welcome to the worldwide family of Volvo owners. We hope
that you will enjoy many years of safe driving in your Volvo, an
automobile designed with your safety and comfort in mind. To
help ensure your satisfaction with this vehicle, we encourage
you to familiarize yourself with the equipment descriptions,
operating instructions and maintenance requirements/recom-
mendations in this manual. We also urge you and your pas-
sengers to wear seat belts at all times in this (or any other) au-
tomobile. And, of course, please do not operate a vehicle if
you may be affected by alcohol, medication or any impairment
that could hinder your ability to drive.
Your Volvo is designed to meet all applicable safety and emis-
sion standards, as indicated by the certification labels at-
tached to the driver's door opening, and on the underside of
the hood.
For further information please contact your retailer, or:
In the USA: Volvo Cars of North America, LLC
Customer Care Center
P.O. Box 914 Rockleigh, New Jersey 07647-0914
In Canada: Volvo Cars of Canada Corp.
National Customer Service
175 Gordon Baker Road
North York, Ontario M2H 2N7

2006 © Volvo Car Corporation. All rights reserved.

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00 Introduction 01 Safety 02 Instrument and controls

00 01 02
General information ............................ 6 Occupant safety ............................... 12 Instrument overview .........................44
Volvo and the environment ................ 7 Seat belts ......................................... 14 Instrument panel ...............................47
Important warnings ............................ 9 Supplemental Restraint System ....... 17 Symbols - instrument panel ..............50
Front airbags .................................... 18 Information display ...........................53
Occupant Weight Sensor ................. 21 Lighting panel ...................................55
Side impact protection airbags ........ 24 Left-side steering wheel lever ...........57
Door mounted inflatable curtains ..... 25 Trip computer ....................................58
Whiplash Protection System ............ 26 Right-side steering wheel lever .........60
Roll-over Protection System ............ 28 Cruise control ...................................62
Crash mode ...................................... 29 Right-side steering wheel keypad ....64
Child safety ...................................... 30 Steering wheel adjustment, Hazard
Child restraint systems ..................... 33 warning flashers ................................65
Infant seats ....................................... 35 Parking brake ....................................66
Convertible seats ............................. 37 12-volt sockets .................................67
Booster cushions ............................. 39 Power windows ................................68
ISOFIX lower anchors ...................... 40 Mirrors ...............................................69
Personal settings ..............................72
HomeLink® Universal Transceiver
(option) ..............................................74

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03 Climate 04 Interior 05 Locks and alarm

03 04 05
General information .......................... 80 Front seats ........................................88 Remote control and key blade ....... 108
Air vents ........................................... 81 Power retractable hard top ...............92 Locking and unlocking ................... 114
Electronic Climate Control (ECC) ..... 82 Interior lighting ..................................98 Glove compartment and trunk ....... 115
Air distribution .................................. 85 Storage compartments ...................100 Opening the trunk from the inside .. 116
Alarm .............................................. 117

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06 Starting and driving 07 Wheel and tires 08 Care care

06 07 08
General information ......................... 122 General information ........................ 152 Washing and cleaning the vehicle ..178
Fuel requirements ............................ 125 Tire inflation .................................... 154 Paint touch up ................................182
Ignition switch, Steering wheel lock 128 Tire designations ............................ 158
Starting the vehicle.......................... 129 Glossary of tire terminology ........... 160
Manual transmission ....................... 131 Vehicle loading ............................... 161
Automatic transmission................... 132 Uniform tire quality gradings .......... 163
Shiftlock override............................. 135 Snow chains, snow tires,
Brake system................................... 136 studded tires .................................. 164
Stability system ............................... 138 Wheel nuts ..................................... 165
Front/rear park assist ...................... 140 Tire rotation .................................... 166
Towing ............................................. 142 Temporary spare ............................ 167
Jump starting .................................. 145 Changing a wheel .......................... 168
Towing a trailer ................................ 146 Tire sealing system ........................ 170
Detachable trailer hitch.................... 148
Transporting loads........................... 149

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09 Maintenance and servicing 10 Audio 11 Specifications

09 10 11
Volvo maintenance ......................... 186 Audio functions ...............................218 Label information ............................ 234
Maintaining your vehicle ................. 187 Radio functions ...............................221 Dimensions and weights ................ 236
Hood .............................................. 189 CD player/CD changer (option) .......227 Fluids .............................................. 238
Engine compartment ...................... 190 Audio menu .....................................231 Engine oil ........................................ 239
Engine oil ....................................... 191 Engine specifications ..................... 241
Fluids .............................................. 193 Electrical system ............................ 242
Wiper blades .................................. 195 Volvo programs ............................... 244
Battery ............................................ 196
Bulbs .............................................. 198
Replacing bulbs ............................. 199
Fuses .............................................. 208

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General information

Shiftlock (automatic transmission) this cap is not closed tightly or if the engine is • All information, illustrations and specifica-
When your car is parked, the gear selector is running when the car is refueled, the Mal- tions contained in this manual are based
locked in the Park (P) position. To release the function Indicator Lamp ("Check Engine" on the latest product information available
selector from this position, turn the ignition light) may indicate a fault. at the time of publication. Please note that
key to position II (or start the engine), some vehicles may be equipped differ-
ently, depending on special legal require-
depress the brake pedal, press the button on Points to keep in mind
ments. Optional equipment described in
the front side of the gear selector and move • Before you operate your vehicle for the this manual may not be available in all
the selector from Park (P). first time, please familiarize yourself with markets.
the new-engine oil consumption informa-
tion on page 191. You should also be • Volvo reserves the right to make model
Keylock (automatic transmission) changes at any time, or to change specifi-
When the ignition is switched off, the gear familiar with the information found in the
chapters "Instruments and controls," and cations or design without notice and with-
selector must be in the Park (P) position out incurring obligation.
"Starting and driving."
before the key can be removed from the igni-
tion switch. • Information contained in the balance of
the manual is extremely useful and should WARNING
be read after operating the vehicle for the If your vehicle is involved in an accident,
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) first time. unseen damage may affect its drivability
The ABS system in your car performs a self- and safety.
• The manual is structured so that it can be
diagnostic test when the vehicle first reaches
used for reference. For this reason, it
the speed of approximately 12 mph (20 km/
should be kept in the vehicle for ready WARNING
h). The brake pedal will pulsate several times access.
and a sound may be audible from the ABS CALIFORNIA proposition 65
• Do not export your Volvo to another coun- Engine exhaust, some of its constituents,
control module. This is normal.
try before investigating that country's and certain vehicle components contain or
applicable safety and emission control emit chemicals known to the state of Cali-
Fuel filler door requirements. In some cases it may be fornia to cause cancer, and birth defects or
Press the button on the light switch panel difficult or impossible to comply with other reproductive harm. In addition, certain
when the car is at a standstill to open the fuel these requirements. Modifications to the fluids contained in vehicles and certain
filler door. emission control system(s) may render products of component wear contain or
your Volvo not certifiable for legal opera- emit chemicals known to the State of Cali-
Fuel filler cap tion in the U.S., Canada and other coun- fornia to cause cancer, and birth defects or
tries. other reproductive harm.
After refueling, close the fuel filler cap by
turning it clockwise until it clicks into place. If

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Volvo and the environment

Volvo is committed to the well being of its trols and cleaner fuels are bringing us closer • Drive at a constant speed whenever possi-
customers. As a natural part of this commit- to our goal. After Volvo vehicles and parts ble.
ment, we care about the environment in have fulfilled their use, recycling is the next • See a trained and qualified Volvo service
which we all live. Caring for the environment critical step in completing the life cycle. The technician as soon as possible for inspec-
means an everyday involvement in reducing metal content is about 75% of the total tion if the check engine (malfunction indi-
our environmental impact. Volvo's environ- weight of a vehicle, which makes the vehicle cator) light illuminates, or stays on after
mental activities are based on a holistic view, among the most recycled industrial products. the vehicle has started.
which means we consider the overall envi- In order to have efficient and well controlled • Properly dispose of any vehicle-related
ronmental impact of a product throughout its recycling, all Volvo variants have printed dis- waste such as used motor oil, used batter-
complete life cycle. In this context, design, mantling manuals, indicating the weight and ies, brake pads, etc.
production, product use, and recycling are all material of individual components. For Volvo, • When cleaning your vehicle, please use
important considerations. In production, all homogeneous plastic parts weighing more genuine Volvo car care products. All Volvo
Volvo has partly or completely phased out than 3.4 oz. (100 grams) are marked with car care products are formulated to be
several chemicals including CFCs, lead chro- international symbols that indicate how the environmentally friendly.
mates, asbestos, and cadmium; and reduced component is to be sorted for recycling. In For additional information regarding the envi-
the number of chemicals used in our plants addition to continuous environmental refine- ronmental activities in which Volvo Cars of
50% since 1991. ment of conventional gasoline-powered North America, LLC and Volvo Car Corpora-
internal combustion engines, Volvo is tion are involved, visit our Internet home
Volvo was the first in the world to introduce
actively looking at advanced technology page at: http://www.volvocars.us.
into production a three-way catalytic con-
alternative-fuel vehicles.
verter with a Lambda sond, now called the
heated oxygen sensor, in 1976. The current When you drive a Volvo, you become our WARNING
version of this highly efficient system reduces partner in the work to lessen the car's impact Certain components of this vehicle such as
emissions of harmful substances (CO, HC, on the environment. To reduce your vehicle's air bag modules, seat belt pretensioners,
NOx) from the exhaust pipe by approximately environmental impact, you can: adaptive steering columns, rollover protec-
tion system, and button cell batteries may
95-99% and the search to eliminate the
• Maintain proper air pressure in your tires. contain Perchlorate material. Special han-
remaining emissions continues. Volvo is the Tests have shown decreased fuel econ- dling may apply for service or vehicle end of
only automobile manufacturer to offer CFC- omy with improperly inflated tires. life disposal.
free retrofit kits for the air conditioning sys- See www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/
• Follow the recommended maintenance perchlorate.
tem of all models as far back as the 1975 schedule in your Warranty and Service
model 240. Advanced electronic engine con- Records Information booklet.

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Important warnings

Accessory Installation mation booklet for more warranty informa- • Never use a hand-held cellular telephone
tion. Volvo assumes no responsibility for while driving. Some jurisdictions prohibit
• We strongly recommend that Volvo own- death, injury, or expenses that may result cellular telephone use by a driver while the
ers install only genuine, Volvo-approved from the installation of non-genuine vehicle is moving.
accessories, and that accessory installa- accessories.
tions be performed only by the factory- • If your car is equipped with a navigation
trained technicians at your authorized Driver distraction system, set and make changes to your
Volvo retailer. travel itinerary only with the vehicle
Driver distraction results from driver activities
• Genuine Volvo accessories are tested to that are not directly related to controlling the
ensure compatibility with the perfor- car in the driving environment. Your new • Never program your audio system while
mance, safety, and emission systems in Volvo is, or can be, equipped with many fea- the vehicle is moving. Program radio pre-
your car. Additionally, your authorized sets with the vehicle parked, and use your
ture-rich entertainment and communication
Volvo retailer knows where accessories programmed presets to make radio use
systems. These include hands-free cellular quicker and simpler.
may and may not be safely installed in telephones, navigation systems, and multi-
your Volvo. In all cases, please consult • Never use portable computers or personal
purpose audio systems. You may also own
your authorized Volvo retailer before digital assistants while the vehicle is mov-
other portable electronic devices for your
installing any accessory in or on your car. ing.
own convenience. When used properly and
• Accessories that have not been approved safely, they enrich the driving experience. A driver has a responsibility to do everything
by Volvo may or may not be specifically Improperly used, any of these could cause a possible to ensure his or her own safety and
tested for compatibility with your car. the safety of passengers in the vehicle and
Additionally, an inexperienced installer others sharing the roadway. Avoiding dis-
may not be familiar with some of your For all of these systems, we want to provide tractions is part of that responsibility.
car’s systems. the following warning that reflects the strong
• Any of your car’s performance and safety Volvo concern for your safety:
systems could be adversely affected if you
• Never use these devices or any feature of
install accessories that Volvo has not
your vehicle in a way that distracts you
tested, or if you allow accessories to be
from the task of driving safely. Distraction
installed by someone unfamiliar with your
can lead to a serious accident.In addition
to this general warning, we offer the fol-
• Damage caused by unapproved or lowing guidance regarding specific newer
improperly installed accessories may not features that may be found in your vehicle:
be covered by your new car warranty. See
your Warranty and Service Records Infor-

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Occupant safety ....................................................................................... 12
Seat belts .................................................................................................14
Supplemental Restraint System ...............................................................17
Front airbags ............................................................................................18
Occupant Weight Sensor .........................................................................21
Side impact protection airbags ................................................................24
Door mounted inflatable curtains .............................................................25
Whiplash Protection System ....................................................................26
Roll-over Protection System ....................................................................28
Crash mode ..............................................................................................29
Child safety ..............................................................................................30
Child restraint systems .............................................................................33
Infant seats ...............................................................................................35
Convertible seats .....................................................................................37
Booster cushions .....................................................................................39
ISOFIX lower anchors ..............................................................................40


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01 Safety

01 Occupant safety

Volvo's concern for safety • Never drink and drive. To contact NHTSA, you may either call the
Safety is Volvo's cornerstone. Our concern • If you are taking any medication, consult Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at
dates back to 1927 when the first Volvo your physician about its potential effects 1-888-327-4236
rolled off the production line. Three-point on your driving abilities. (TTY: 1-800-424-9153) or write to: NHTSA,
seat belts (a Volvo invention), safety cages, • Take a driver-retraining course. U.S. Department of Transportation, Wash-
and energy-absorbing impact zones were ington D.C. 20590.
• Have your eyes checked regularly.
designed into Volvo cars long before it was • Keep your windshield and headlights You can also obtain other information about
fashionable or required by government regu- clean. motor vehicle safety from:
• Replace wiper blades when they start to http://www.safecar.gov
We will not compromise our commitment to leave streaks.
Volvo strongly recommends that if your vehi-
safety. We continue to seek out new safety • Take into account the traffic, road, and cle is covered under a service campaign,
features and to refine those already in our weather conditions, particularly with
safety or emission recall or similar action, it
cars. You can help. We would appreciate regard to stopping distance.
should be completed as soon as possible.
hearing your suggestions about improving Reporting safety defects in the U.S. Please check with your local retailer or Volvo
automobile safety. We also want to know if
If you believe that your vehicle has a defect Cars of North America, LLC if your vehicle is
you ever have a safety concern with your car.
which could cause a crash or could cause covered under these conditions.
Call us in the U.S. at: 1-800-458-1552 or in
injury or death, you should immediately
Canada at: 1-800-663-8255. NHTSA can be reached at:
inform the National Highway Traffic Safety
Occupant safety reminders Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notify- Internet:
How safely you drive doesn’t depend on how ing Volvo Cars of North America, LLC. If http://www.nhtsa.gov
old you are but rather on: NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may Telephone:
open an investigation, and if it finds that a 1-888-DASH-2-DOT (1-888-327-4236).
• How well you see. safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it
• Your ability to concentrate. may order a recall and remedy campaign.
• How quickly you make decisions under However, NHTSA cannot become involved in
stress to avoid an accident. individual problems between you, your
The following suggestions are intended to retailer, or Volvo Cars of North America, LLC.
help you cope with the ever changing traffi-


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01 Safety

Occupant safety 01

Reporting safety defects in Canada

If you believe your vehicle has a defect that
could cause a crash or could cause injury or
death, you should immediately inform Trans-
port Canada in addition to notifying Volvo
Cars of Canada Corp.
To contact Transport Canada, call (800) 333-
0510, or (613) 993-9851 if you are calling
from the Ottawa region.


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01 Safety

01 Seat belts

Using seat belts Seat belt tensioners • Make sure that the shoulder belt is rolled
The front and rear outboard seat belts are up into its retractor and that the shoulder
equipped with tensioners that reduce slack in and lap belts are taut.
the belts. These tensioners are triggered in
situations where the airbags deploy. The Unbuckling the seat belt
front seat belts also include a tension reduc- • To remove the seat belt, press the red
ing device which, in the event of a collision, section on the seat belt receptacle. Before
exiting the vehicle, check that the seat belt
limits the peak forces exerted by the seat belt
retracts fully after being unbuckled. If nec-
on the occupant.
essary, guide the belt back into the retrac-
tor slot.
Buckling a seat belt
Pull the belt out far enough to insert the latch WARNING
plate into the receptacle until a distinct click
is heard. The seat belt retractor is normally Never use a seat belt for more than one
occupant. Never wear the shoulder portion
“unlocked” and you can move freely, pro-
of the belt under the arm, behind the back
Adjusting the seat belt vided that the shoulder belt is not pulled out or otherwise out of position. Such use could
too far. cause injury in the event of an accident. As
Volvo, the inventor of the three-point seat
seat belts lose much of their strength when
belt, urges you and all occupants of your The retractor will lock up as follows: exposed to violent stretching, they should
vehicle to wear seat belts and ensure that • if the belt is pulled out rapidly be replaced after any collision, even if they
children are properly restrained, using an appear to be undamaged.
• during braking and acceleration
infant, car, or booster seat determined by
age, weight and height. • if the vehicle is leaning excessively
• when driving in turns.
Volvo also believes no child should sit in the
front seat of a vehicle. When wearing the seat belt remember:
Most states and provinces make it manda- • The belt should not be twisted or turned.
tory for occupants of a vehicle to use seat • The lap section of the belt must be posi-
belts. tioned low on the hips (not pressing
against the abdomen).


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01 Safety

Seat belts 01

Seat belt guides rod to make it easier for passengers to enter Seat belt use during pregnancy
or exit the rear seat.

• Never repair the belt yourself; have this
work done by a trained and qualified Volvo
service technician only.
• Any device used to induce slack into the
shoulder belt portion of the three-point belt
system will have a detrimental effect on the
amount of protection available to you in the
event of a collision.
• The seat back should not be tilted too far
back. The shoulder belt must be taut in
Seat belt guides (on both front seats) order to function properly.
• Do not use child safety seats or child
These guides are designed to help provide booster cushions/backrests in the front The seat belt should always be worn during
easier access to the seat belts. A belt can be passenger’s seat. We also recommend that pregnancy. But it is crucial that it be worn in
taken out of the guide and slid to the rear- children who have outgrown these devices the correct way. The diagonal section should
most part of the lower seat belt anchorage sit in the rear seat with the seat belt properly
fastened. wrap over the shoulder then be routed
between the breasts and to the side of the
belly. The lap section should lay flat over the
thighs and as low as possible under the belly.
It must never be allowed to ride upward.
Remove all slack from the belt and insure
that it fits close to the body without any
As a pregnancy progresses, pregnant drivers
should adjust their seats and steering wheel
such that they can easily maintain control of
the vehicle as they drive (which means they


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01 Safety

01 Seat belts

must be able to easily operate the foot ped- seat passenger if their seat belts are not fas- chiming increases with the speed of the
als and steering wheel). Within this context, tened. car.
they should strive to position the seat with as After 6 minutes, the chime will no longer
large a distance as possible between their NOTE sound and the indicator lights will go out.
belly and the steering wheel.
The function is active for a total of 6 minutes Seat belt maintenance
Child seats from the time the ignition is switched on.
Check periodically that the seat belts are in
Please refer to page 33 for information on good condition. Use water and a mild deter-
securing child seats with the seat belts. During the first minute: gent for cleaning. Check seat belt mecha-
The seat belt reminder function only reacts if nism function as follows: attach the seat belt
Seat belt reminder
the driver has not fastened his/her seat belt. and pull rapidly on the strap.
• The indicator light above the mirror and
the symbol in the instrument panel will
light up and stay lit until the seat belt has
been fastened.
• A chime will sound for 6 seconds. The
frequency of the chiming increases with
the speed of the car.

After one minute has elapsed:

The seat belt reminder reacts if the driver
and/or the front seat passenger have not fas-
tened their seat belts.
• The indicator light above the mirror and
Seat belt reminder light in ceiling console the symbol in the instrument panel will
light up and stay lit until the seat belt(s)
The seat belt reminder consists of an audible have been fastened, or until the remaining
signal, an indicator light above the rearview 5 minutes of the 6-minute cycle have
mirror, and a symbol in the instrument panel elapsed.
(see page 51) that alert the driver and front • The chime will sound for 6 seconds, at 30-
second intervals. The frequency of the


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01 Safety

Supplemental Restraint System 01

Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Where applicable, a text message will also be
displayed when the SRS warning light illumi-
nates. If this warning symbol is not function- If your vehicle has been subjected to flood
ing properly, the general warning symbol conditions (e.g. soaked carpeting/standing
illuminates and either SRS AIRBAG SER- water on the floor of the vehicle) or if your
vehicle has become flood-damaged in any
VICE URGENT or SRS AIRBAG SERVICE way, do not attempt to start the vehicle or
REQUIRED will be displayed. put the key in the ignition before discon-
necting the battery (see below). This may
WARNING cause airbag deployment which could
result in personal injury. Have the vehicle
• If the SRS warning light stays on after the towed to a trained and qualified Volvo ser-
engine has started or if it illuminates while vice technician for repairs.
you are driving, have the vehicle inspected
• Automatic transmission:
by a trained and qualified Volvo service
technician as soon as possible. • Before attempting to tow the vehicle, use
the following procedure to override the
• Never try to repair any component or part
shiftlock system to move the gear selector
of the SRS yourself. Any interference in the
to the neutral position:
system could cause malfunction and seri-
SRS warning light - Switch off the ignition for at least 10 min-
ous injury. All work on these systems
utes and disconnect the battery
As an enhancement to the three-point seat should be performed by a trained and quali-
- Wait at least one minute.
fied Volvo service technician.
belts, your Volvo is equipped with a Supple- - Insert the key in the ignition and turn it to
mental Restraint System (SRS). Volvo's SRS position II.
consists of seat belt tensioners, front air- - Press firmly on the brake pedal.
- Move the gear selector from Park (P) to
bags, side impact airbags, the occupant
the Neutral (N) position. See page 135 for
weight sensor, and inflatable curtains. All of information on manually overriding the shift-
these systems are monitored by the SRS lock system.
control module. An SRS warning light in the
instrument panel (see the illustration above)
illuminates when the ignition key is turned to
position I, II, or III, and will normally go out
after approximately 7 seconds if no faults are
detected in the system.


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01 Safety

01 Front airbags

The front airbag system • The driver’s side front airbag is folded and
located in the steering wheel hub.
• The passenger’s side front airbag is folded
behind a panel located above the glove

• The airbags in the vehicle are designed to
be a SUPPLEMENT to—not a replacement
for—the three-point seat belts. For maxi-
mum protection, wear seat belts at all
times. Be aware that no system can prevent
all possible injuries that may occur in an
• Never drive a vehicle with a steering
wheel-mounted airbag with your hands on
Location of the passenger's side front airbag the steering wheel pad/airbag housing.
The front airbags supplement the three-point As the movement of the seats' occupants • The front airbags are designed to help
seat belts. For these airbags to provide the compresses the airbags, some of the gas is prevent serious injury. Deployment occurs
very quickly and with considerable force.
protection intended, seat belts must be worn expelled at a controlled rate to provide better During normal deployment and depending
at all times. cushioning. Both seat belt tensioners also on variables such as seating position, one
deploy, minimizing seat belt slack. The entire may experience abrasions, bruises, swell-
The front airbag system includes gas genera-
process, including inflation and deflation of ings, or other injuries as a result from de-
tors and the airbags. A deceleration sensor ployment of one or both of the airbags.
the airbags, takes approximately one fifth of
activates the gas generators, causing the air-
a second. • When installing any accessory equip-
bags to be inflated with nitrogen gas. ment, make sure that the front airbag sys-
The location of the front airbags is indicated tem is not damaged. Any interference in the
by “SRS AIRBAG” embossed on the steering system could cause malfunction.
wheel pad and above the glove compart-
ment, and by decals on both sun visors and
on the front and far right side of the dash.


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01 Safety

Front airbags 01

Front airbag deployment

• The front airbags are designed to deploy NOTE P.O. Box 914 Rockleigh, New Jersey 07647-
during certain frontal or front-angular colli- 0914
sions, impacts, or decelerations, depend- • Deployment of front airbags occurs only 1-800-458-1552
one time during an accident. In a collision www.volvocars.us
ing on the crash severity, angle, speed where deployment occurs, the airbags and
and object impacted. The airbags may seat belt tensioners activate. Some noise In Canada
also deploy in certain non-frontal colli- occurs and a small amount of powder is
sions where rapid deceleration occurs. released. The release of the powder may Volvo Cars of Canada Corp.
• The SRS sensors, which trigger the front appear as smoke-like matter. This is a nor- National Customer Service
airbags, are designed to react to both the mal characteristic and does not indicate 175 Gordon Baker Road
impact of the collision and the inertial fire. North York, Ontario M2H 2N7
forces generated by it, and to determine if • Volvo's dual-threshold, dual-stage front 1-800-663-8255
the intensity of the collision is sufficient for airbags use special sensors that are inte- www.volvocanada.com
the seat belt tensioners and/or airbags to grated with the front seat buckles. The point
be deployed. at which the airbag deploys is determined
by whether or not the seat belt is being WARNING
However, not all frontal collisions activate the used, as well as the severity of the collision. • Do not use child safety seats or child
front airbags. • Collisions can occur where only one of booster cushions/backrests in the front
• If the collision involves a nonrigid object the airbags deploys. If the impact is less passenger’s seat. We also recommend that
(e.g., a snow drift or bush), or a rigid, fixed severe, but severe enough to present a occupants under 4 feet 7 inches (140 cm) in
object at a low speed, the front airbags will clear injury risk, the dual-stage airbags are height who have outgrown these devices sit
triggered at 70% of their total capacity. If in the rear seat with the seat belt fastened1.
not necessarily deploy. the impact is more severe, the dual-stage
• Front airbags do not normally deploy in a airbags are triggered at full capacity. • Never drive with the airbags deployed.
side impact collision, in a collision from The fact that they hang out can impair the
steering of your vehicle. Other safety sys-
the rear or in a rollover situation. Should you have questions about any compo- tems can also be damaged.
• The amount of damage to the bodywork nent in the SRS system, please contact a • The smoke and dust formed when the
does not reliably indicate if the airbags trained and qualified Volvo service technician or airbags are deployed can cause skin and
should have deployed or not. Volvo Customer Support: eye irritation in the event of prolonged ex-
In the USA
Volvo Cars of North America, LLC See also the Occupant Weight Sensor informa-
tion on page 21.
Customer Care Center


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01 Safety

01 Front airbags

Airbag decal on the outside of both sun visors Airbag decal on passenger’s side dashboard

Airbag decal in the front passenger’s door open- WARNING WARNING

ing • Children must never be allowed in the • No objects or accessory equipment, e.g.
front passenger’s seat. Volvo recommends dashboard covers, may be placed on,
that ALL occupants (adults and children) attached to, or installed near the air bag
shorter than 4 feet 7 inches (140 cm) be hatch (the area above the glove compart-
seated in the back seat of any vehicle with a ment) or the area affected by airbag deploy-
passenger-side front airbag. See page 32 ment (see the illustration on page 18).
for guidelines. • There should be no loose articles, e.g.
• Occupants in the front passenger's seat coffee cups, on the floor, seat, or dash-
must never sit on the edge of the seat, sit board area.
leaning toward the instrument panel or oth- • Never try to open the airbag cover on the
erwise sit out of position. steering wheel or the passenger’s side
• The occupant's back must be as upright dashboard. This should only be done by a
as comfort allows and be against the seat trained and qualified Volvo service techni-
back with the seat belt properly fastened. cian.
• Feet must be on the floor, e.g., not on the • Failure to follow these instructions can
dash, seat or out of the window. result in injury to the vehicle occupants.


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01 Safety

Occupant Weight Sensor 01

Disabling the passenger's side front (will not inflate) the passenger's side front air- The OWS uses a PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF
airbag bag under certain conditions. indicator lamp which will illuminate and stay
on to remind you that the passenger’s side
The OWS works with sensors that are part of
front airbag is disabled. The PASSENGER
the front passenger's seat and seat belt. The
AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp is located in the
sensors are designed to detect the presence
overhead console, near the base of the rear-
of a properly seated occupant and determine
view mirror.
if the passenger's side front airbag should be
enabled (may inflate) or disabled (will not
The OWS will disable (will not inflate) the pas-
lamp will illuminate for a short period of time
senger's side front airbag when: when the ignition is turned on to confirm it is
• the front passenger’s seat is unoccupied, functional. When the front passenger’s seat
or has small/medium objects in the front is not occupied (empty seat) or in the event
that the passenger’s side front airbag is
enabled (may inflate), the PASSENGER
Occupant Weight Sensor (OWS) indicator light • the system determines that an infant is AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp will be off.
Volvo recommends that ALL occupants present in a rear-facing infant seat that is
installed according to the manufacturer's
(adults and children) shorter than 4 feet 7 However, if a fault is detected in the system:
inches (140 cm) be seated in the rear seat of
• the system determines that a small child is • The OWS indicator light will stay on
any vehicle with a passenger’s side front air-
bag, and be properly restrained. Children present in a forward-facing child restraint • The SRS warning light (see page 17) will
that is installed according to the manufac- come on and stay on
should always be seated in child restraints
turer's instructions,
appropriate for their size and weight. See The message PASS. AIRBAG OFF SERVICE
also the child safety recommendations • the system determines that a small child is URGENT will be displayed in the information
present in a booster seat, display.
beginning on page 30.
• a front passenger takes his/her weight off
The Occupant Weight Sensor (OWS) is of the seat for a period of time,
designed to meet the regulatory require-
• a child or a small person occupies the
ments of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stan- front passenger’s seat.
dard (FMVSS) 208 and is designed to disable


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01 Safety

01 Occupant Weight Sensor

Passenger's OWS indica- Passenger's The OWS is designed to enable (may inflate)
seat occu- tor light sta- side front air- the passenger's side front airbag anytime the
• If a fault in the system is detected and pancy status tus bag status system senses that a person of adult size is
indicated as explained on the preceding Seat unoc- OWS indica- Passenger’s sitting properly in the front passenger’s seat.
page, be aware that the passenger’s side cupied tor light side front air- The PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator
front airbag will not deploy in the event of a bag disabled
collision. In this case, the SRS system and is not lamp will be off and remain off.
Occupant Weight Sensor should be lit If a person of adult size is sitting in the front
inspected by a trained and qualified Volvo Seat occu- OWS indica- Passenger’s passenger's seat, but the PASSENGER AIR-
service technician as soon as possible. pied by low tor light side front air- BAG OFF indicator lamp is on, it is possible
• Never try to open, remove, or repair any weight occu- bag disabled
lights that the person isn't sitting properly in the
components in the OWS system. This could pant/object1 up
result in system malfunction. Maintenance seat. If this happens:
or repairs should only be carried out by an a Seat occu- OWS indica- Passenger’s
• Turn the vehicle off and ask the person to
trained and qualified Volvo service techni- pied by tor light side front air-
heavy occu- bag enabled place the seatback in an upright position.
cian. is not
• The front passenger’s seat should not be pant/object • Have the person sit upright in the seat,
modified in any way. This could reduce centered on the seat cushion, with the
pressure on the seat cushion, which might 1Volvo recommends that children always be person's legs comfortably extended.
interfere with the OWS system’s function. properly restrained in appropriate child • Restart the vehicle and have the person
restraints in the rear seats.
In rare situations when the seat belt is not prop- remain in this position for about two min-
The OWS is designed to disable (will not erly fastened, some child restraints may not be utes. This will allow the system to detect
inflate) the passenger's side front airbag when detected by the OWS because there is very little that person and enable the passenger's
weight on the vehicle seat cushion. In these
a rear facing infant seat, a forward-facing child cases the passenger’s side front airbag may be frontal airbag.
restraint, or a booster seat is detected. The disabled, but the PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF • If the PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator
PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp will indicator lamp will not be lit. Do not assume that
the passenger’s side front airbag is disabled lamp remains on even after this, the per-
illuminate and stay on to remind you that the unless the PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indicator son should be advised to ride in the rear
passenger’s side front airbag is disabled (see lamp is lit. Make sure the child restraint is prop- seat.
erly installed (turn the vehicle off, remove the
the following table). child restraint from the vehicle and reinstall the This condition reflects limitations of the OWS
restraint following the child restraint manufac- classification capability. It does not indicate
turer's instructions) and that the PASSENGER
AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp is on, or move the OWS malfunction.
child restraint to the rear seat.


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01 Safety

Occupant Weight Sensor 01

If you are considering modifying your vehicle
in any way to accommodate a disability, for • No objects that add to the total weight on Keep the following points in mind with
example by altering or adapting the driver's the seat should be placed on the front pas- respect to the OWS system. Failure to fol-
senger’s seat. If a child is seated in the front low these instructions could adversely
or front passenger's seat(s) and/or airbag passenger’s seat with any additional affect the system’s function and result in
systems, please contact Volvo at: weight, this extra weight could cause the serious injury to the occupant of the front
OWS system to enable the airbag, which passenger’s seat:
In the USA might cause it to deploy in the event of a • The full weight of the front seat passen-
Volvo Cars of North America, LLC collision, thereby injuring the child. ger should always be on the seat cushion.
Customer Care Center • The seat belt should never be wrapped The passenger should never lift him/herself
P.O. Box 914 Rockleigh, New Jersey 07647- around an object on the front passenger’s off the seat cushion using the armrest in the
seat. This could interfere with the OWS sys- door or the center console, by pressing the
0914 tem’s function. feet on the floor, by sitting on the edge of
1-800-458-1552 • The front passenger’s seat belt should the seat cushion, or by pressing against the
never be used in a way that exerts more backrest in a way that reduces pressure on
pressure on the passenger than normal. the seat cushion. This could cause OWS to
In Canada disable the passenger’s side front airbag.
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. This could increase the pressure exerted on
the weight sensor by a child, and could re- • Do not place any type of object on the
National Customer Service sult in the airbag being enabled, which front passenger's seat in such a way that
175 Gordon Baker Road North York, Ontario might cause it to deploy in the event of a jamming, pressing, or squeezing occurs be-
M2H 2N7 collision, thereby injuring the child. tween the object and the front seat, other
than as a direct result of the correct use of
1-800-663-8255 the ALR/ELR seat belt (see page 32).
• No objects should be placed under the
front passenger’s seat. This could interfere
with the OWS system’s function.


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01 Safety

01 Side impact protection airbags

Side impact airbags (SIPS) - front Components in the SIPS airbag system
seats only This SIPS airbag system consists of gas gen-
erators and side airbag modules built into the
outboard sides of both front seat backrests.

• The SIPS airbag system is a supplement
to the structural Side Impact Protection
System and the three-point seat belt sys-
tem. It is not designed to deploy during col-
lisions from the front or rear of the car or in
rollover situations.
• The use of seat covers on the front seats
may impede SIPS airbag deployment.
• No objects, accessory equipment or
stickers may be placed on, attached to or
Components in the SIPS airbag system
installed near the SIPS airbag system or in
Location of the side impact (SIPS) airbag the area affected by SIPS airbag deploy-
NOTE ment.
As an enhancement to the structural side
impact protection built into your car, the car SIPS airbag deployment (one airbag) • Never try to open or repair any compo-
occurs only on the side of the vehicle nents of the SIPS airbag system. This
is also equipped with Side Impact Protection
affected by the impact. The airbags are not should be done only by a trained and quali-
System (SIPS) airbags. designed to deploy in all side impact situa- fied Volvo service technician.
The SIPS airbag system is designed to help tions. • In order for the SIPS airbag to provide its
increase occupant protection in the event of best protection, both front seat occupants
certain side impact collisions. The SIPS air- should sit in an upright position with the
seat belt properly fastened.
bags are designed to deploy only during cer-
tain side-impact collisions, depending on the • Failure to follow these instructions can
result in injury to the occupants of the vehi-
crash severity, angle, speed and point of cle in the event of an accident.


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01 Safety

Door mounted inflatable curtains 01

Door Mounted Inflatable Curtain sys-

tem (DMIC)

• DMIC deployment can occur regardless
of whether the power retractable hard top is
up or down.
• If the inflatable curtain deploys, it remains
inflated for approximately 5 seconds.
In order for the DMIC to provide its best
WARNING protection, both front seat occupants
• The DMIC system is a supplement to the should sit in an upright position with the
The DMIC is a supplement to the structural Side Impact Protection System. It is not seat belt properly fastened; adults using the
side impact protection. These inflatable cur- designed to deploy during collisions from seat belt and children using the proper child
tains are concealed in the upper section of the front or rear of the vehicle. It only pro- restraint system. Only adults should sit in
vides protection for the occupants of the the front seats. Children must never be
the driver and passenger doors.
front seats. allowed in the front passenger seat. See
• The Inflatable Curtain (DMIC) and the Side page 32 for guidelines. Failure to follow
• Never install or mount any equipment on these instructions can result in injury to the
Impact Airbag System (SIPS-bag) will both
the insides of the doors, door pillars, or side vehicle occupants in an accident.
deploy in certain side impacts. panels. This could impede the function of
• In certain situations in which there is a roll- the DMIC system.
over risk, only the inflatable curtain (DMIC) • Never try to open or repair any compo-
may deploy. nents of the DMIC system. This should be
done only by a trained and qualified Volvo
service technician.


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01 Safety

01 Whiplash Protection System

Whiplash Protection System (WHIPS) -

front seats only

absorb some of the forces that could result in

The WHIPS system consists of specially Occupants in the front seats must never sit
designed hinges and brackets on the front out of position. The occupant's back must
seat backrests designed to help absorb be as upright as comfort allows and be
some of the energy generated in a collision • The WHIPS system is designed to sup- against the seat back with the seat belt
from the rear (when the vehicle is "rear- plement the other safety systems in your properly fastened.
ended"). car. For this system to function properly, the
three-point seat belt must be worn. Please
In the event of a collision of this type, the be aware that no system can prevent all
hinges and brackets of the front seat back- possible injuries that may occur in an acci-
rests are designed to change position slightly
to allow the backrest/head restraint to help • The WHIPS system is designed to func-
tion in certain collisions from the rear, de-
support the occupant's head before moving
pending on the crash severity, angle and
slightly rearward. This movement helps speed.


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01 Safety

Whiplash Protection System 01

• If your car has been involved in a rear-
end collision, the front seat backrests must
be inspected by a trained and qualified
Volvo service technician, even if the seats
appear to be undamaged. Certain compo-
nents in the WHIPS system may need to be
• Do not attempt to service any component
in the WHIPS system yourself.

• Boxes, suitcases, etc. wedged behind
the front seats could impede the function of
the WHIPS system.
• If the rear seat backrests are folded
down, cargo must be secured to prevent it
from sliding forward against the front seat
backrests in the event of a collision from the
rear. This could interfere with the action of
the WHIPS system.


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01 Safety

01 Roll-over Protection System

Roll-over Protection system (ROPS) order to pierce the rear window if the top is

If ROPS has deployed, the system should
be inspected by a trained and qualified
Volvo service technician.

• The rear seat of the Volvo C70 is intended
for two occupants, and only two rear seat
belts are provided. The center section of the
seat should never be used to seat a passen-
• No objects should be placed over the roll
Deployed ROPS roll bars bars or behind the rear seat head restraints.
The ROPS system consists of two roll bars • All repairs or maintenance to the ROPS
located behind the rear seat head restraints, system should only be performed by a
trained Volvo service technician.
and a sensor that monitors the roll or pitch
angle of the vehicle.
If the vehicle rolls or pitches beyond a preset
angle, or in the event of a rear-end collision
of sufficient force, the roll bars are automati-
cally deployed (raised).
The ROPS system is designed to function
regardless of whether the power retractable
hard top is up or down. By design, the tops
of the roll bars are equipped with a point in


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01 Safety

Crash mode 01

Driving after a collision one of the safety systems, the brake sys- UAL will no longer be displayed), the vehicle
tem, etc. may be moved carefully from its present
position, if for example, it is blocking traffic. It
WARNING should, however, not be moved farther than
is absolutely necessary.
• Never attempt to repair the vehicle your-
self or to reset the electrical system after the
vehicle has displayed CRASH MODE SEE WARNING
MANUAL. This could result in injury or
Even if the vehicle appears to be drivable
improper system function.
after CRASH MODE has been set, it should
• Restoring the vehicle to normal operating not be driven or towed (pulled by another
mode should only be done by a trained and vehicle). There may be concealed damage
qualified Volvo service technician. that could make it difficult or impossible to
• After CRASH MODE SEE MANUAL has control. The vehicle should be transported
been displayed, if you detect the odor of on a flatbed tow truck to a trained and qual-
fuel vapor, or see any signs of fuel leakage, ified Volvo service technician for inspection/
If the vehicle has been involved in a collision, do not attempt to start the vehicle. Leave repairs.
the text CRASH MODE SEE MANUAL may the vehicle immediately.
appear in the information display. This indi-
cates that the vehicle's functionality has Attempting to start the vehicle
been reduced. If damage to the vehicle is minor and there is
This text can only be shown if the display is no fuel leakage, you may attempt to start the
undamaged and the vehicle's electrical sys- vehicle. To do so:
tem is intact. 1. Remove the ignition key.
CRASH MODE is a feature that is triggered 2. Reinsert the key in the ignition switch.
if one or more of the safety systems (for The vehicle will then attempt to reset
example, front or side airbags, an inflatable CRASH MODE to normal mode.
curtain, or one or more of the seat belt ten- 3. Try to start the vehicle.
sioners) has deployed. The collision may
have damaged an important function in the Moving the vehicle
vehicle, such as the fuel lines, sensors for If the electrical system is able to reset system
status to normal (CRASH MODE SEE MAN-


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01 Safety

01 Child safety

Children should be seated safely happen if the infant or child rides unre- result in increased injuries for both the
strained on the seat. Other occupants should infant or child and other occupants in the
Volvo recommends the proper use of
also be properly restrained to help reduce the vehicle.
restraint systems for all occupants including
children. Remember that, regardless of age chance of injuring or increasing the injury of a When a child has outgrown the child safety
and size, a child should always be properly child. seat, you should use the rear seat with the
restrained in a car. All states and provinces have legislation gov- standard seat belt fastened. The best way to
erning how and where children should be help protect the child here is to place the
Your car is also equipped with ISOFIX/ child on a cushion so that the seat belt is
LATCH attachments, which make it more carried in a car. Find out the regulations
existing in your state or province. Recent properly located on the hips (see the illustra-
convenient to install child seats. tion on page 39). Legislation in your state or
accident statistics have shown that children
Some restraint systems for children are are safer in rear seating positions than front province may mandate the use of a child seat
designed to be secured in the vehicle by lap seating positions when properly restrained. A or cushion in combination with the seat belt,
belts or the lap portion of a lap-shoulder belt. child restraint system can help protect a child depending on the child's age and/or size.
Such child restraint systems can help protect in a vehicle. Here's what to look for when Please check local regulations.
children in cars in the event of an accident selecting a child restraint system: A specially designed and tested booster
only if they are used properly. However, chil- cushion (not available in Canada) can be
dren could be endangered in a crash if the • It should have a label certifying that it
meets applicable Federal Motor Vehicle obtained from your Volvo retailer for children
child restraints are not properly secured in weighing 33 - 80 lb. (15 - 36 kg) and 38-54
Safety Standards (FMVSS 213) - or in
the vehicle. Failure to follow the installation inches (97 - 137 cm) in height.
Canada, CMVSS 213.
instructions for your child restraint can result
in your child striking the vehicle's interior in a • Make sure the child restraint system is
approved for the child's height, weight
sudden stop.
and development - the label required by
Holding a child in your arms is NOT a suitable the standard or regulation, or instructions
substitute for a child restraint system. In an for infant restraints, typically provide this
accident, a child held in a person's arms can information.
be crushed between the vehicle's interior • In using any child restraint system, we
and an unrestrained person. The child could urge you to carefully look over the instruc-
also be injured by striking the interior, or by tions that are provided with the restraint.
being ejected from the vehicle during a sud- Be sure you understand them and can use
den maneuver or impact. The same can also the device properly and safely in this vehi-
cle. A misused child restraint system can


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01 Safety

Child safety 01

• Do not use child safety seats or child
booster cushions/backrests in the front
passenger’s seat. We also recommend that
children under 4 feet 7 inches (140 cm) in
height who have outgrown these devices sit
in the rear seat with the seat belt fastened.
• Keep vehicle doors and trunk locked and
keep keys out of a child’s reach. Unsuper-
vised children could lock themselves in an
open trunk and risk injury. Children should
be taught not to play in vehicles.
• On hot days, the temperature in the trunk
or vehicle interior can rise very quickly. Ex-
posure to these high temperatures for even
a short period of time can cause heat-relat-
ed injury or death. Small children are partic-
ularly at risk.


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01 Safety

01 Child safety

Automatic Locking Retractor/Emer- Volvo's recommendations seat of any vehicle with a front passenger
gency Locking Retractor Why does Volvo believe that no child should side airbag.
sit in the front seat of a car? It's quite simple Drive safely!
To make child seat installation easier, each
really. A front airbag is a very powerful device
seat belt (except for the driver's belt) is
designed, by law, to help protect an adult.
equipped with a locking mechanism to help
keep the seat belt taut. Because of the size of the airbag and its
speed of inflation, a child should never be
When attaching the seat belt to a child placed in the front seat, even if he or she is
seat: properly belted or strapped into a child safety
• Attach the seat belt to the child seat seat. Volvo has been an innovator in safety
according to the child seat manufacturer's for over seventy-five years, and we'll con-
instructions. tinue to do our part. But we need your help.
• Pull the seat belt out as far as possible. Please remember to put your children in the
• Insert the seat belt latch plate into the back seat, and buckle them up.
buckle (lock) in the usual way.
Volvo has some very specific recom-
• Release the seat belt and pull it taut
around the child seat. mendations:
• Always wear your seat belt.
A sound from the seat belt retractor will be
audible at this time and is normal. The belt • Airbags are a SUPPLEMENTAL safety
device which, when used with a three-
will now be locked in place. This function is
point seat belt can help reduce serious
automatically disabled when the seat belt is injuries during certain types of accidents.
unlocked and the belt is fully retracted. Volvo recommends that you do not dis-
connect the airbag system in your vehicle.
WARNING • Volvo strongly recommends that everyone
Do not use child safety seats or child in the vehicle be properly restrained.
booster cushions/backrests in the front • Volvo recommends that ALL occupants
passenger’s seat. We also recommend that (adults and children) shorter than 4 feet
children who have outgrown these devices
7 inches (140 cm) be seated in the back
sit in the rear seat with the seat belt properly


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01 Safety

Child restraint systems 01

Child restraints

Infant seat Convertible seat Booster cushion

There are three main types of child restraint

systems: infant seats, convertible seats, and
booster cushions. They are classified A child seat should never be used in the Always refer to the child restraint manufac-
according to the child's age and size. front passenger seat of any vehicle with a turer’s instructions for detailed information
front passenger airbag - not even if the on securing the restraint.
The following section provides general "Passenger airbag off" symbol near the
information on securing a child restraint rear-view mirror is illuminated (on vehicles
using a three-point seat belt. Refer to equipped with Occupant Weight Sensor). If
the severity of an accident were to cause
page 40 for information on securing a child the airbag to inflate, this could lead to seri-
restraint using ISOFIX lower anchors. ous injury or death to a child seated in this


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01 Safety

01 Child restraint systems

• When not in use, keep the child
restraint system secured or remove it
from the passenger compartment to help
prevent it from injuring passengers in the
event of a sudden stop or collision.
• A small child’s head represents a consid-
erable part of its total weight and its neck is
still very weak. Volvo recommends that chil-
dren up to age 4 travel, properly restrained,
facing rearward. In addition, Volvo recom-
mends that children should ride rearward
facing, properly restrained, as long as pos-


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01 Safety

Infant seats 01

Securing an infant seat with a seat


Positioning the seat belt through the infant seat Fasten the seat belt
Do not place the infant seat in the front passen-
ger’s seat 2. Attach the seat belt to the infant seat
according to the manufacturer's
NOTE instructions. A child seat should never be used in the
3. Fasten the seat belt by inserting the front passenger seat of any vehicle with a
Refer to page 40 for information on secur- front passenger airbag - not even if the
latch plate into the buckle (lock) until a
ing a child restraint using ISOFIX lower "Passenger airbag off" symbol near the
distinct click is audible. rear-view mirror is illuminated (on vehicles
equipped with Occupant Weight Sensor). If
the severity of an accident were to cause
1. Place the infant seat in the rear seat of the airbag to inflate, this could lead to seri-
the vehicle. ous injury or death to a child seated in this
• An infant seat must be in the rear-facing
position only.
• The infant seat should not be positioned
behind the driver’s seat unless there is ade-
quate space for safe installation.


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01 Safety

01 Infant seats

Pull out the shoulder section of the seat belt Ensure that the seat is securely in place

4. Pull the shoulder section of the seat 6. Push and pull the infant seat to
belt out as far as possible to activate ensure that it is held securely in place
the belt’s automatic locking function. by the seat belt.
5. Press the infant seat firmly in place, let
the seat belt retract and pull it taut. A WARNING
sound from the seat belt retractor’s It should not be possible to move the child
automatic locking function will be audi- restraint more than 1 in. (2.5 cm) in any
ble at this time and is normal. The seat direction.
belt should now be locked in place.
The infant seat can be removed by unbuck-
NOTE ling the seat belt and letting it retract com-
The locking retractor will automatically pletely.
release when the seat belt is unbuckled and
allowed to retract fully.


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01 Safety

Convertible seats 01

Securing a convertible seat with a WARNING

seat belt
• Convertible child seats should be
installed in the rear seat only.
• A rear-facing convertible seat should not
be positioned behind the driver’s seat un-
less there is adequate space for safe instal-

Route the seat belt through the convertible seat

Do not place the convertible seat in the front
passenger’s seat WARNING
A small child’s head represents a consider-
NOTE able part of its total weight and its neck is
Refer to page 40 for information on secur- still very weak. Volvo recommends that chil-
ing a child restraint using ISOFIX lower dren up to age 4 travel, properly restrained,
anchors. facing rearward. In addition, Volvo recom-
mends that children should ride rearward
facing, properly restrained, as long as pos-
Convertible seats can be used in either a sible.
forward or rearward-facing position,
depending on the age and size of the child. 1. Place the convertible seat in the rear seat
of the vehicle.
WARNING 2. Attach the seat belt to the convertible
Always use a convertible seat that is suit- seat according to the manufacturer's
able for the child’s age and size. See the instructions.
convertible seat manufacturer’s recommen-


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01 Safety

01 Convertible seats

Fasten the seat belt Pull out the shoulder section of the seat belt Ensure that the seat is securely in place

3. Fasten the seat belt by inserting the NOTE WARNING

latch plate into the buckle (lock) until a
distinct click is audible. The locking retractor will automatically A child seat should never be used in the
4. Pull the shoulder section of the seat release when the seat belt is unbuckled and front passenger seat of any vehicle with a
allowed to retract fully. front passenger airbag - not even if the
belt out as far as possible to activate
"Passenger airbag off" symbol near the
the belt’s automatic locking function. rear-view mirror is illuminated (on vehicles
5. Press the convertible seat firmly in WARNING equipped with Occupant Weight Sensor). If
place, let the seat belt retract and pull it the severity of an accident were to cause
It should not be possible to move the child the airbag to inflate, this could lead to seri-
taut. A sound from the seat belt retrac- restraint more than 1 in. (2.5 cm) in any
tor’s automatic locking function will be ous injury or death to a child seated in this
direction. position.
audible at this time and is normal. The
seat belt should now be locked in The convertible seat can be removed by
unbuckling the seat belt and letting it retract
6. Push and pull the convertible seat to completely.
ensure that it is held securely in place by
the seat belt.


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01 Safety

Booster cushions 01

Securing a booster cushion

Position the child correctly on the booster cush- Positioning the seat belt

Booster cushions are recommended for chil- WARNING

dren who have outgrown convertible seats. • The hip section of the three-point seat
belt must fit snugly across the child’s hips,
1. Place the booster cushion in the rear seat not across the stomach.
of the vehicle.
• The shoulder section of the three-point
2. With the child properly seated on the seat belt should be positioned across the
booster cushion, attach the seat belt to or chest and shoulder.
around the cushion according to the • The shoulder belt must never be placed
manufacturer's instructions. behind the child’s back or under the arm.
3. Fasten the seat belt by inserting the latch
plate into the buckle (lock) until a distinct
click is audible.
4. Ensure that the seat belt is pulled taut
and fits snugly around the child.


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01 Safety

01 ISOFIX lower anchors

Using the ISOFIX lower child seat WARNING

• Be sure to fasten the attachment cor-
rectly to the anchor (see the illustration
above). If the attachment is not correctly
fastened, the child restraint may not be
properly secured in the event of a collision.
• The ISOFIX lower child restraint anchors
are only intended for use with child seats
positioned in the left or right seating posi-
• Child seats should never be placed in the
center of the rear seat. This area is not
intended to be seating position and is not
equipped with a seat belt or ISOFIX
ISOFIX lower child restraint anchors anchors.

Lower anchors for ISOFIX-equipped child Fasten the attachment correctly to the ISOFIX
lower anchors
seats are located in the rear, outboard seats,
hidden below the backrest cushions. Sym- 4. Firmly tension the lower child seat
bols on the seat back upholstery mark the straps according to the manufacturer’s
anchor positions (see the illustration above). instructions.

To access the anchors: NOTE

1. Put the child restraint in position. Always follow your child seat manufac-
2. Kneel on the child restraint to press turer's installation instructions, and use
down the seat cushion and locate the both ISOFIX lower anchors and top tethers
anchors by feel. whenever possible.
3. Fasten the attachment on the child
restraint’s lower straps to the ISOFIX
lower anchors.


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01 Safety



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Instrument overview .................................................................................44
Instrument panel ......................................................................................47
Symbols - instrument panel .....................................................................50
Information display ...................................................................................53
Lighting panel ...........................................................................................55
Left-side steering wheel lever ..................................................................57
Trip computer ...........................................................................................58
Right-side steering wheel lever ................................................................60
Cruise control ...........................................................................................62
Right-side steering wheel keypad ............................................................64
Steering wheel adjustment, Hazard warning flashers ..............................65
Parking brake ...........................................................................................66
12-volt sockets .........................................................................................67
Power windows ........................................................................................68
Mirrors ......................................................................................................69
Personal settings ......................................................................................72
HomeLink® Universal Transceiver (option) ..............................................74


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02 Instruments and controls

Instrument overview



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02 Instruments and controls

Instrument overview

1. Steering wheel adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 25. Controls for climate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 82

2. Hood opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 26. Hazard warning flashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 65
3. Controls in driver’s door (see inset illustration on the 27. Door open handle, and locking button . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 114
next page) 28. Glove compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 101
4. Left steering wheel lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 29. Gear selector, manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 131
5. Lighting panel, fuel filler door opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Gear selector, automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 132
6. Door open handle, and locking button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 30. Parking brake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 66
7. Lock indicator light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 31. 12-volt socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 67
8. Climate system air vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 32. Switches for raising/lowering the power retractable
9. Side window air vent hard top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
10. Cruise control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
11. Horn, airbag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
12. Main instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
13. Audio controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
14. Right steering wheel lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
15. Ignition switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
16. Rear-view mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
17. Seat belt reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
18. Driver's side reading light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
19. Movement detector (option), alarm sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
20. Courtesy lighting switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
21. Position for accessory switch
22. Passenger's side reading light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
23. Display for climate control, personal settings, and audio
24. Controls for personal settings and audio system . . . . . .72/218


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02 Instruments and controls

Instrument overview

Control panel in driver’s door


1. All windows up/down . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

2. Power windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3. Door mirror button, driver's side . . . 71
4. Door mirror adjustment control . . . . 71
5. Door mirror button, passenger's side71


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02 Instruments and controls

Instrument panel

Instrument panel

1. Speedometer symbol does not indicate a fault with your area of the dial, which indicates maximum
2. Turn signal, left car. At low speeds, or when the car is not allowable engine rpm range. Instead, shift to
3. Warning symbol moving, the temperature readings may be a higher gear or slow the vehicle down. The
slightly higher than the actual ambient tem- engine management system will automati-
See the following pages for additional infor- perature. cally prevent excessively high engines
mation. speeds. This will be noticeable as a pro-
5. Information symbol
4. Information display nounced unevenness in engine speed.
See the next pages for additional informa-
The display presents information and warn- tion. 8. Indicator and warning symbols
ing messages, the ambient temperature, and 9. Fuel gauge
the clock, etc. When the ambient tempera- 6. Turn signal, right
ture is between 23° and 36°F (–5° and +2°C), The fuel tank holds approximately 16.3 US
7. Tachometer
a snowflake symbol is shown in the display. gallons (62 liters). When a warning light in the
The tachometer shows engine speed in thou- gauge comes on, there are approximately 2.1
This symbol serves as a warning for possible sands of revolutions per minute (rpm). Do not
slippery road surfaces. Please note that this drive continuously with the needle in the red


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02 Instruments and controls

Instrument panel

US gallons (8 liters) of fuel remaining in the Function check Symbols in the center of the instru-
tank. The indicator and warning symbols1 light up ment panel
10. Trip odometer reset button when you turn the ignition key to the driving
The trip odometers are used to measure position (position II) before starting. This
short distances. Press the button briefly to shows that the symbols are functioning.
switch between the odometer for the car's When the engine starts, all
total mileage and the two trip odometers, T1 symbols go out. If the engine
and T2. A long press (more than 2 seconds) is not started within 5 sec-
resets the currently selected trip odometer. onds, all of the symbols
11. Function display except CHECK ENGINE and
will go out. Certain symbols
This window displays information on func-
may not have their functions
tions such as the odometer, trip odometers,
illustrated, depending on the car’s equip-
optional rain sensor, and cruise control.
12. High beam indicator
The PARK BRAKE symbol will not go out
13. Clock setting button until the parking brake has been released.
Turn the button to set the time.
Warning symbol
14. Temperature gauge The red warning symbol lights
The gauge indicates the temperature of the up to indicate a fault that could
engine cooling system. If the temperature is affect the car's drivability. A
abnormally high and the needle enters the text explaining the nature of the
red zone, a message is shown in the display. fault will also be shown in the information
Bear in mind that auxiliary lamps in front of display. The symbol and accompanying text
the air intake reduce the cooling capacity at will remain on until the fault has been cor-
high outside temperatures and high engine rected. This symbol may also light up in com-
loads. bination with other indicator or warning sym-
1 On certain engines, the symbol for low oil bols.
15. Indicator and warning symbols
pressure is not used. Instead, a text warning
is provided in the information display, see also
page 192.


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02 Instruments and controls

Instrument panel

If the red warning symbol lights up:

1. Stop the car as soon as possible in a 02
suitable location.
2. Read the message in the information
3. Follow the instructions provided, or
contact a trained and qualified Volvo
service technician.

Information symbol
The yellow information symbol
lights up to alert the driver to a
message in the information dis-
The message can be erased by pressing the
READ button (see page 53), or will disappear
automatically after two minutes.
This symbol may also light up in combination
with other indicator or warning symbols.

When the message “TIME FOR REGULAR
SERVICE” is displayed, the text can be
erased and the information symbol light can
be turned off by pressing the READ button
(see page 53). The text will disappear and
the symbol light will go out automatically
after two minutes.


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02 Instruments and controls

Symbols - instrument panel

Symbols - left side A CHECK ENGINE light may have many 3. Rear fog light
causes. Sometimes, you may not notice a This symbol indicates that the
02 change in your car's behavior. Even so, an rear fog light (located in the
uncorrected condition could hurt fuel econ- driver’s side taillight cluster) is
omy, emission controls, and drivability. on.
Extended driving without correcting the
cause could even damage other components
in your car. 4. Dynamic Stability and Traction Con-
trol system (DSTC)
NOTE This indicator symbol flashes
Canadian models are equipped with the when the DSTC is actively work-
second symbol. ing to stabilize the car. See
page 138 for more detailed infor-
2. Anti-lock Brake system (ABS)
ABS If the warning light comes on, 5. Not in use
there is a malfunction of the ABS
1. Malfunction indicator light system (the standard braking 6. Fuel level warning light
As you drive, a computer called system will still function).
When this light comes on, there
On-Board Diagnostics II (OBDII)
The vehicle should be driven to a are approximately 2.1 US gallons
monitors your car's engine,
trained and qualified Volvo ser- (8 liters) of fuel remaining in the
transmission, electrical and
vice technician for inspection. See page 136 tank.
emission systems.
for additional information.
The CHECK ENGINE light will
light up if the computer senses a NOTE
condition that potentially may need correct-
Canadian models are equipped with the
ing. When this happens, please have your car second symbol.
checked by a trained and qualified Volvo ser-
vice technician as soon as possible.


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02 Instruments and controls

Symbols - instrument panel

Symbols - right side 2. Parking brake applied engine oil level. If the oil level is normal and
This light is on when the parking the light stays on after restart, have the car
brake (hand brake) is applied. towed to the nearest trained and qualified 02
The parking brake lever is situ- Volvo service technician. After hard driving,
ated between the front seats. the light may come on occasionally when the
Always pull up this lever as far as engine is idling. This is normal, provided it
possible when applying the park- goes off when the engine speed is increased.
ing brake.
5. Seat belt reminder
NOTE See page 16 for detailed infor-
Canadian models are equipped with the
second symbol.

3. SRS warning light 6. Generator warning light

If this light comes on while the If the light comes on while the
car is being driven, or remains on engine is running, have the
1. Turn signal indicator for trailer (cer- for longer than approximately 10 charging system checked by a
seconds after the car has been trained and qualified Volvo ser-
tain models)
started, the SRS system’s diagnostic func- vice technician.
f you are towing a trailer, this
light will flash simultaneously tions have detected a fault in a seat belt lock
or tensioner, a front airbag, side impact air- 7. Brake failure warning light
with the turn signals on the
trailer. If the light does not flash bag, and/or an inflatable curtain. Have the BRAKES If this light comes on while driv-
system(s) inspected by a trained and quali- ing or braking, stop the car as
when signaling, one of the turn signals on the
fied Volvo service technician as soon as pos- quickly as possible in a safe
trailer or on the car are not functioning prop-
sible. place, open the hood, and check

4. Oil pressure warning light1

1 On certain engines, this symbol is not used to
If the light comes on while driv-
indicate low oil pressure. Instead, a text warn-
ing, stop the car, stop the engine ing is provided in the information display, see
immediately, and check the also page 192.


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02 Instruments and controls

Symbols - instrument panel

the brake fluid level in the reservoir. See 1. Stop the car in a suitable place and Door open warning
page 190 for the location of the reservoir. switch off the engine.
The driver will be alerted if either door, the
02 2. Restart the engine. hood, or the trunk lid are open or ajar.
NOTE 3. If both warning lights go off, no further
Canadian models are equipped with the action is required and the car can be At low speeds
second symbol. driven. If the car is moving at a speed of
4. If both lights remain on after the engine less than approximately 4 m.p.h.
has been restarted, switch off the (7 km/h), the Information symbol
WARNING engine again and check the brake fluid in the instrument panel will light
If the fluid level is below the MIN mark in the level. See page 190 for the location of up and a message will be shown
reservoir or if a "Brake failure - Service the reservoir. in the information display indicating which
urgent" message is displayed in the infor-
mation display: DO NOT DRIVE. Have the
door(s), etc is not completely closed.
car towed to a trained and qualified Volvo
service technician and have the brake sys- At higher speeds
tem inspected. f the car is moving at a speed
above approximately 4 m.p.h.
If the fluid level is below the MIN mark in the (7 km/h), the Warning symbol in
reservoir or if a "BRAKE FAILURE - SER- the instrument panel will light up
VICE URGENT" message is displayed in the and a message will be shown in the informa-
information display: DO NOT DRIVE. Have tion display indicating which door(s), etc is
the car towed to a trained and qualified Volvo not completely closed.
service technician and have the brake sys-
tem inspected. Hood and trunk
f the hood and/or trunk lid is not
If the BRAKE and ABS warn- completely closed, the Informa-
ing lights come on at the tion symbol in the instrument
same time, this could indi- panel will light up and a message
cate a fault in the brake sys- will be displayed, regardless of
tem. the vehicle's speed.
In this case:


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02 Instruments and controls

Information display


When an indicator or warning light in the

instrument panel comes on, a message is
also shown in the information display. To
read a message:
1. Press the READ button (1).
2. Pressing READ repeatedly enables you
to scroll to any other messages that
may be stored.

If a message is displayed when e.g. you are
using the trip computer, this message must
be read before you can access the trip


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02 Instruments and controls

Information display

02 Message Meaning
STOP SAFELY Stop the car in a safe place and switch off the engine to help prevent the risk of serious damage.
STOP ENGINE Stop the car in a safe place and switch off the engine to help prevent the risk of serious damage.
SERVICE URGENT Take your car to a trained and qualified Volvo service technician for inspection immediately.
SEE MANUAL Refer to your owner’s manual. For additional information, please contact a trained and qualified Volvo service
SERVICE REQUIRED Take your car to a trained and qualified Volvo service technician for inspection as soon as possible (but pref-
erably before the next scheduled maintenance service).
TIME FOR REGULAR SERVICE This message is affected by the number of miles/km driven, by the number of months, or by the number of
engine hours since the service reminder was reset at the most recent regularly scheduled service.
REMINDER CHECK OIL LEVEL Check the oil level when this message is displayed. See page 191.
DSTC SPIN CONTROL OFF The stability system’s spin control function has been turned off. See page 138 for details.


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02 Instruments and controls

Lighting panel

The license plate lights also illuminate when Rear fog light
the parking lights are switched on. The single rear fog light is located in the
driver's side taillight cluster. 02
1. Turn the ignition key to position II. The rear fog light will only function in combi-
nation with the high/low beam headlights or
2. The low beam headlights (daytime run-
the optional front fog lights.
ning lights) illuminate automatically,
except when the light switch (1) is in 1. Turn the ignition key to position II.
position 2. Press button (5) to turn on the rear fog
An indicator light in the button illuminates
See page 57 for information on switching when the rear fog light is on.
between high and low beams.
Fog lights
The rear fog light is considerably brighter
Pos. Lighting than the normal taillights and should be
Front fog lights (option) used only when conditions such as fog,
Daytime running lights/headlights The front fog lights can be used in combina- rain, snow, smoke or dust reduce visibility
off. High beam flash only. for other vehicles to less than 500 ft. (150
tion with either the headlights or the parking
Parking lights meters).
Daytime running lights. High 1. Turn the ignition to position II.
beams and high beam flash can 2. Press button (3) to turn on the front fog
be used in this position. lights.
Parking lights An indicator light in the button illuminates
when the front fog lights are on.
The front and rear parking lights can be
turned on even when the ignition is switched
On Canadian models, the daytime running
• Turn switch (1) to position . lights will remain on with the light switch in
this position.


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02 Instruments and controls

Lighting panel

Instrument panel lighting Manually unlocking the fuel filler door

The instrument panel lighting illuminates
when the ignition is in position II and the light
switch (1) is in either position or .

To make it easier to read the odometer, trip
odometer, clock, and ambient temperature,
these gauges illuminate when the vehicle is
unlocked and when the key has been
removed from the ignition switch. The light-
ing will go out when the vehicle is locked.

• Move the thumb wheel (2) up to increase

brightness or down to decrease bright-
Unlocking the fuel filler door
With the ignition switched off, press button If it should be necessary to manually unlock
(4) to unlock the fuel filler door. Please note the fuel filler door from the trunk, the power
that the fuel filler door will remain unlocked retractable hard top should be up.
until the car begins to move forward. 1. Remove the panel covering the taillight
An audible click will be heard when the fuel housing on the right side of the trunk.
filler door re-locks. 2. Pull the cord that is attached to a hook
to pop open the fuel filler door.
Please refer to the following information for
When the fuel filler door has opened, return
instructions on manually opening the fuel
the cord to the hook and replace the taillight
filler door.
cover panel.


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02 Instruments and controls

Left-side steering wheel lever

Lever positions or the lever can be returned to its initial posi- High beam flash
tion by hand. 1. Turn the ignition key to position II.
2. Pull the turn signal lever to position 3. The
When changing lanes high beams will remain on until the lever
The driver can automatically flash the turn is released.
signals 3 times by:
Home safe lighting
• Moving the turn signal lever up or down to
position 1 and releasing it. When you leave your car at night, you can
make use of the home safe lighting function
• Moving the lever up or down to position 2
to illuminate the area in front of the car.
and immediately back to its original posi-
tion. 1. Remove the key from the ignition switch.
2. Pull the direction indicator lever as far as
NOTE possible towards the steering wheel (to
• This automatic flashing sequence can be position 4) and release it.
interrupted by immediately moving the lever 3. Exit the car and lock the doors.
1. Turn signals, lane change position in the opposite direction. The headlights and parking lights will illumi-
2. Turn signals, position for normal turns • If the turn signal indicator flashes faster nate and remain on for 301, 60 or 90 sec-
than normal, check for a burned-out turn onds. The time interval can be changed
3. High beam flash signal bulb.
according to your preferences by using the
4. Toggle between high and low beams,
Home Safe lighting Personal Settings function, see page 72 for
High/low beam headlights more information.
Turn signals
Continuous high beams
When turning 1. Turn the ignition key to position II.
• Move the lever as far up or down as 2. With the light switch (1) in position ,
possible (to position 2) to start the turn (see page 55) pull the turn signal lever
signals. toward the steering wheel (position 4) to
The turn signals will be cancelled automati- toggle between high and low beams.
cally by the movement of the steering wheel,
1 Factory setting


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02 Instruments and controls

Trip computer

miles (30 km) of driving and the amount of

fuel remaining in the tank when the reading
02 NOTE was taken. When the driving distance on cur-
rent fuel reserve is less than 12 miles (20 km),
Warning messages from the car's monitor-
ing systems will override the trip computer "----" will be displayed in the information dis-
function. play.

If a warning message is shown in the infor- AVERAGE

mation display while you are using the trip This value indicates fuel consumption since
computer: the last time the trip computer was reset (by
pressing RESET, button C). When the engine
1. You must acknowledge the message by is switched off, information on fuel consump-
pressing the READ button (A). tion is stored and remains in system memory
2. Press button A again to return to the until the RESET (button C) is pressed again.
trip computer function.
The trip computer stores information gath-
The trip computer functions can be accessed This value indicates the current fuel con-
ered from several systems in your car and
by twisting INFO (B) one step at a time in sumption, based on readings taken once per
has four menus (five on Canadian models)
either direction. Twisting a final time returns second. When the car is not moving, "----"
that can be shown in the information display.
you to the original function. will be displayed.
The trip computer can be reset (average fuel AVERAGE SPEED
• AVERAGE (average fuel consumption)
consumption and average speed will be This value indicates average speed since the
• INSTANTANEOUS (current fuel con- erased from system memory) by pressing
sumption) last time the trip computer was reset (by
RESET (C) for at least five seconds. pressing RESET, button C). When the engine
is switched off, information on average
• DSTC (see page 138 for detailed informa- MILES TO EMPTY TANK speed is stored and remains in system mem-
tion. This function shows the approximate dis- ory until the RESET (button C) is pressed
• ACTUAL SPEED (current speed in m.p.h., tance that can be driven on the fuel remain- again.
Canadian models only) ing in the tank. This calculation is based on
average fuel consumption during the last 20


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02 Instruments and controls

Trip computer

ACTUAL SPEED (Canadian models only)

This function provides the driver with an
instantaneous conversion of the car's current 02
speed from km/h to m.p.h.

Trip computer readings may vary slightly
depending on the circumference of the tires
on the car, tire inflation, or driving style.


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02 Instruments and controls

Right-side steering wheel lever

Windshield wipers will sweep one stroke at a time for as long as Headlight washers (certain models)
the lever is held up. When the lever has been pulled, high pres-
sure jets mounted in the bumper will spray
Intermittent wiper function the headlights.
With the lever in this position,
you can set the wiper interval by The following applies to conserve washer
moving the thumb wheel (C) fluid (see page 55 for information on the light
upward to increase wiper speed or down- switch positions):
ward to decrease the speed.
Low/high beam headlights on
Continuous wiper function The headlights will be washed
The wipers operate at “normal” the first time the windshield is
speed. washed. Thereafter, the head-
lights will only be washed once
High speed wiper function. for every five times the wind-
shield is washed within a 10-minute period.
A. Windshield/headlight washers
B. Rain sensor (option) - on/off Parking lights on
A –Windshield washers Optional Bi-Xenon headlights will
C. Thumb wheel be washed once for every five
Pull the lever toward the steering wheel and
D. Not in use release it. The wipers will make 2-3 sweeps times the windshield is washed.
across the windshield after the lever has Normal halogen headlights will
Windshield wipers off been released. not be washed.
The windshield wipers are off
when the lever is in position 0. CAUTION
Use ample washer fluid when washing the
windshield. The windshield should be thor-
Manual wiper function oughly wet when the wipers are in opera-
From position 0, move the lever tion.
upward. The windshield wipers


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02 Instruments and controls

Right-side steering wheel lever

B – Rain sensor (option) 2. Put the windshield wiper lever in posi- windshield when the rain sensor is selected.
tion 0. Move the wheel upward or downward to
3. Press button B (see the illustration on increase/decrease wiper speed when the 02
the previous page). The rain sensor intermittent function is selected, or to
symbol will appear in the lower display. increase/decrease the optional rain sensor's
sensitivity when the this function is activated
The rain sensor can be deactivated by:
• Pressing button (B) with the ignition on.
• Moving the windshield wiper lever down. If
the lever is moved up, the rain sensor
function will remain activated

The rain sensor should be deactivated
The rain sensor automatically regulates wind-
when washing the car in an automatic car
shield wiper speed according to the amount wash, etc. If the rain sensor function is left
of water on the windshield. The sensitivity of on, the wipers will start inadvertently in the
the rain sensor is adjusted by moving the car wash and could be damaged.
thumb wheel (C in the illustration on the pre-
vious page) up (the wipers will sweep the The rain sensor is automatically deacti-
windshield more frequently) or down (the vated:
wipers will sweep the windshield less fre- • When the key is removed from the ignition.
• Five minutes after the ignition is switched
On/Off off if the key is left in the ignition.
C – Thumb wheel
To activate the rain sensor: The thumb wheel is used to set the wiper
1. Switch on the ignition. interval when intermittent wiping is selected,
or the sensitivity to the amount of rain on the


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02 Instruments and controls

Cruise control

Engaging the cruise control function Increasing or decreasing speed Momentary acceleration, for less than 1
minute (e.g. when passing another car), does
02 not affect cruise control operation. The car
will automatically return to the previously set
speed when the accelerator pedal is

The cruise control buttons are located on the Use + or – in the following ways to increase
left side of the steering wheel hub. or decrease the vehicle’s speed:
1. Press the CRUISE button. CRUISE will 1. Press and hold down + or – until the
appear in the function display in the cen- vehicle reaches the desired speed. This
ter of the instrument panel. will become the set speed when the
button is released.
NOTE 2. Press + or – for approximately a half
This does not set the vehicle’s speed. second and release the button to
increase or decrease vehicle speed by
approximately 1 mph (1.6 km/h).
2. Press + or – to set the current speed.
CRUISE ON will be displayed. NOTE
Cruise control will not function at speeds
below 20 mph. (30 km/h).


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02 Instruments and controls

Cruise control

Temporarily disengaging the cruise Returning to the set speed

control Press the button to resume the
• Press 0 to temporarily disengage cruise previously set speed.
CRUISE will appear in the function display.
The currently set speed is stored in the sys- Disengaging cruise control
tem’s memory. Cruise control can also be disengaged by:
• Pressing the CRUISE button (CRUISE ON
Cruise control is also automatically dis- will no longer be shown in the function
engaged: display).
• If the speed drops below approximately
• Putting the gear selector in Neutral (N).
20 mph (30 km/h) when driving uphill.
• When the brake or clutch pedal is WARNING
• If the gear selector is moved to position N. Cruise control should not be used in heavy
traffic or when driving on wet or slippery
• During wheel spin or wheel lock-up. roads. Cruise control may not maintain set
• If the vehicle’s speed is increased by using speed on steep downgrades.
the accelerator pedal for more than 1


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02 Instruments and controls

Right-side steering wheel keypad

Steering wheel keypad


The four buttons on the steering wheel key-

pad can be used to control the audio system.
• The steering wheel keypad can be used to
adjust volume, shift between preset sta-
tions and change CD tracks.
• Press one of the two left-hand buttons
briefly to change to the next/previous pre-
set radio station, or to go to the next/
previous track on a CD.
• Press and hold down these buttons to
search within a track on a CD.


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02 Instruments and controls

Steering wheel adjustment, Hazard warning flashers

Steering wheel adjustment WARNING Hazard warning flashers

Never adjust the steering wheel while driv- 02


Both the height and the reach of the steering The four-way flasher should be used to indi-
wheel can be adjusted to a comfortable posi- cate that the vehicle has become a traffic
tion for the driver. hazard. To activate the flashers, press the tri-
angular button in the center dash. Press the
1. Pull down the lever on the steering col- button again to turn off the flashers.
umn to release the steering wheel.
2. Adjust the steering wheel to a suitable NOTE
Regulations regarding the use of the hazard
3. Press the lever back into place to lock warning flasher may vary, depending on
the steering wheel in the new position. where you live.
If necessary, press the steering wheel
slightly while pressing the lever into the
locked position.
Check that the steering wheel is locked in the
new position.


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02 Instruments and controls

Parking brake

Parking brake (hand brake) 4. If the vehicle rolls, the parking brake
lever must be pulled more firmly.
02 5. When parking a vehicle always put the
gear selector in first gear (for manual
transmission) or P (for automatic trans-

Parking on a hill
• If the vehicle is pointing uphill, turn the
front wheels so that they point away from
the curb.
• If the vehicle is pointing downhill, turn the
front wheels so that they point toward the

Releasing the parking brake

The parking brake lever is located between 1. Press firmly on the brake pedal.
the front seats. 2. Pull the lever up slightly, press the
button at the end of the lever and lower
NOTE the lever completely.
The indicator light will light up even if the
parking brake has only been partiallyap- WARNING
plied. Pull up the parking brake lever up firmly to
its full extent.
When applying the parking brake
1. Press firmly on the brake pedal.
2. Pull the parking brake lever up firmly to
its full extent.
3. Release the brake pedal and ensure
that the vehicle is at a standstill.


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02 Instruments and controls

12-volt sockets

12-volt sockets

Front 12-volt socket in center console Rear 12-volt socket

The 12-volt socket can be used to plug in Ashtrays/cigarette lighter

certain accessories such as cellular tele-
The auxiliary socket can also be used for a
phones, etc. The key must be in position I (or cigarette lighter and ashtrays, which are
higher) for the auxiliary socket to function. available as accessories. Please contact your
Volvo retailer1.

• The cover should be kept on when the
auxiliary socket is not in use.
• Maximum current from the sockets is

1 Ashtrays are also available as an accessory.


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02 Instruments and controls

Power windows

Operation Opening/closing the windows from • To stop the window at any time, pull the
inside the car button up.
NOTE Closing a window
• Lightly pull up the front edge of any of the
• The ignition must be ON (ignition in posi- buttons (A or B) to the first detent ("stop")
tion I, II or the engine running) for the power to close a window to the position of your
windows to function.
•The power windows will also function after
the ignition has been switched off as long • Pull up the front part of one or both
neither of the doors has been opened. buttons A as far as possible and release to
automatically close the front window(s)
Opening a window
• Lightly press down the front edge of any of All windows
the buttons (A or B) to the first detent Button C can be used to open or close all of
("stop") to open a window to the position the windows at the same time.
A. Front windows, B. Rear windows, C. All of your choice.
windows • Briefly press the right side of the button to
automatically open all of the windows.
The power windows are opened and closed WARNING
using the buttons in the armrests, or can be • Press and hold down the left side of the
• Always remove the ignition key when the button to close all of the windows.
opened by pressing the unlock button on the vehicle is unattended.
central locking system’s remote control (see • Never leave children unattended in the
page 109). vehicle.
• Make sure that the windows are com-
pletely unobstructed before they are oper-

• Press down the front part of one or both

buttons A as far as possible and release to
automatically open the front window(s)


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02 Instruments and controls


Rearview mirror Rearview mirror with compass Calibrating the compass


The compass may need to be calibrated in

Auto-dim function The upper right-hand corner of the rearview certain cases. If calibration is required, the
An optional integrated sensor reacts to head- mirror has an integrated display that shows character C appears in the mirror's display.
lights from following traffic and automatically the compass direction toward which the car
is pointing. Eight different directions can be The earth is divided into 15 magnetic zones.
reduces glare. The compass is initially set for the zone to
displayed: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW.
The display shows your car’s orientation with which the car was delivered, and should
respect to true north. always be adjusted if the car is driven to a
new magnetic zone. A "C" will be displayed if
calibration becomes necessary.


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02 Instruments and controls


To calibrate the compass: Magnetic zones

1. Stop the car in a large, open area, away
02 from traffic.
2. Using a pen or similar object, hold the
button (1) depressed for at least 6
seconds. "C" will be displayed.
3. Press button (1) for at least 3 seconds
to display the number of the current
magnetic zone.
4. Press button (1) repeatedly until the
number for the required geographical
area (1-15) is displayed. "C" will be
displayed again.
5. Drive slowly in a circle at a maximum
speed of 6 m.p.h. (10 km/h) until a
compass direction is displayed.
Calibration is complete.


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02 Instruments and controls


Power door mirrors Use this control to adjust the passenger's

door mirror.
After you have adjusted the mirror(s), press
the L or R switch again (the LED will go out)
to deactivate the adjustment control.

• The mirrors should always be adjusted
prior to driving.
• Objects seen in the passenger's side
wide-angle door mirror are closer than they
appear to be.

Storing the mirrors’ position

The position of the power door mirrors is
The mirror control switches are located on stored when the car is locked with the
the driver's door armrest. remote control. When the car is unlocked
To adjust the mirrors: with the same remote control, the mirrors will
move to the stored position.

Driver's door mirror:

Press the L button (a light in the switch will
go on) to activate the adjustment control.
Use this control to adjust the driver's door

Passenger's door mirror:

Press the R switch (a light in the switch will
go on) to activate the adjustment control.


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02 Instruments and controls

Personal settings

Control panel Available settings

A. Display
B. Menu button Lock confirmation light
When the car is locked/unlocked with the
C. Exit button remote control, the direction indicators can
D. Enter button be selected to flash to confirm the action.
The alternatives On/Off are available for both
E. Menu navigation controls locking and unlocking.
Personal settings can be made for some of
the car's functions, such as the central lock- Autolock
ing system, climate control, and the audio When the car starts to move, the doors and
system. Please refer to page 219 for more trunk can be locked automatically. The alter-
information on the audio functions that can natives On/Off are available.
be adjusted. The settings are presented in
the display (A). NOTE
Pulling the handle twice on a door unlocks
To access the menu and adjust set- and opens that door.
1. Press MENU (B).
2. Scroll to "Car Settings" using the menu
There are two alternatives for unlocking:
navigation control (E).
3. Press ENTER (D). • Global (All doors)
4. Select an alternative using the menu Unlocks all doors and the trunk with one
navigation control (E). press on the remote control.
5. Confirm your selection by pressing • Two Step (Two-stage unlocking)
. ENTER. This alternative unlocks the driver's door with
one press on the remote control. A second
To exit the menu: press unlocks the passenger’s door and the
• Press EXIT (C). trunk.


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02 Instruments and controls

Personal settings

Approach lighting • Timer for recirculation:

This alternative determines the length of time When the timer is active, the air recirculates
for which the car's lights will remain on when 02
in the car for 3-12 minutes depending on the
the Approach light button on the central lock- ambient temperature. Select On/Off depend-
ing system's remote control is pressed. Inter- ing on whether the recirculation timer is to be
vals of 30/60/90 seconds may be selected. active or not.
See page 109 for more information.
Reset to factory settings
Home safe lighting Use this alternative to return to the default
This alternative determines the length of time climate system settings.
for which the car's lights will remain on when
the high beam lever on the steering column is
pulled toward the wheel with the ignition
switched off. Intervals of 30/60/90 seconds
may be selected. See page 57 for informa-
tion on using this function.

• VIN number:
The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is the
car's unique identity number.
• Number of Keys:
The number of keys registered for the car is
displayed here.

Climate functions
• Blower speed in AUTO mode:
The blower speed can be set to AUTO mode
in models equipped with ECC. Choose
between "Low", "Normal" and "High".


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02 Instruments and controls

HomeLink® Universal Transceiver (option)

Introduction NOTE
Your original hand-held transmitters may, of
course, be used at any time.
02 • For your security, the HomeLink Univer-
sal Transceiver is designed to not function if WARNING
you lock your car from the outside.
• Retain the original transmitter(s) for future • If you use HomeLink to open a garage
programming procedures (for example, if door or gate, be sure no one is near the gate
you purchase a new vehicle). or door while it is in motion.
• For your own security, erase all pro- • Do not use the HomeLink Universal
grammed buttons on the HomeLink Univer- Transceiver with any garage door opener
sal Transceiver when you sell your vehicle. that lacks safety "stop" and "reverse" fea-
tures as required by federal safety stan-
• Metallic sun protection films should not dards. (This includes any garage door
be used on any windows in a vehicle opener model manufactured before April 1,
equipped with HomeLink Universal Trans- 1982). A garage door opener that cannot
ceiver. This could interfere with the trans- "detect" an object, signalling the door to
ceivers function. "stop" and "reverse" does not meet current
federal safety standards. Using a garage
HomeLink1 is a system that can be pro- Operating the HomeLink Universal door opener without these features increas-
grammed to learn the codes of three different es the risk of serious injury or death. For
Transceiver more information on this matter, call toll-
remote controlled-devices (for example, a
Once programmed, the HomeLink Universal free 1-800-355-3515. (Internet:
garage door opener, remote lighting, entry
Transceiver can be used in place of your www.HomeLink.com).
gate). HomeLink's sun visor-mounted trans-
handheld transmitters.
ceiver, powered by your car's electrical sys-
tem, may then be used in place of your hand- Programming the transceiver for the
NOTE first time (U.S. residents)
held remote controls. The HomeLink trans-
ceiver consists of three programmable but- The HomeLink universal transceiver will 1. For first time training, press and hold the
tons and an indicator light. function for 30 minutes after the driver’s two outer HomeLink buttons, releasing
door has been opened without switching on only when the HomeLink indicator light
the vehicle’s ignition. begins to flash after 20 seconds. (Do not
perform this step when training the addi-
1 HomeLink is a registered trademark of tional HomeLink buttons.)
Press the programmed HomeLink button to
Johnson Controls, Intl.
activate the garage door, driveway gate, 2. Position the hand-held transmitter 1-3
© JCI, All rights reserved inches away from the HomeLink surface
security lightning, home security system etc.


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02 Instruments and controls

HomeLink® Universal Transceiver (option)

(located on your sun visor), keeping the ladder or other device. Do not stand on Programming the transceiver for the
HomeLink indicator light in view. your vehicle to perform the next steps. first time (Canadian residents)
3. Using both hands, simultaneously press 5. At the garage door opener receiver 1. For first time training, press and hold the 02
and hold both the desired HomeLink (motorhead unit) in the garage, locate two outer HomeLink buttons releasing
button and hand held transmitter but- the "learn" or "smart" button (usually only when the HomeLink indicator light
ton. DO NOT release until the HomeLink near where the hanging antenna wire is begins to flash after 20 seconds. (Do not
indicator light flashes slowly and then attached to the unit). If there is difficulty perform this step when training the addi-
rapidly. When the indicator light flashes locating the training button, reference tional HomeLink buttons.)
rapidly, both buttons may be released. the garage door opener's manual or 2. Position the hand-held transmitter 1-
(The rapid flashing indicates successful contact us toll-free 1-800-355-3515 3 inches (2.5-7.5 cm) away from the
training.) (Internet: www.HomeLink.com). HomeLink surface (located on your)
6. Press and release the "learn" or "smart" keeping the HomeLink indicator light in
NOTE button (the name and color of the button view.
Some garage door openers may require you may vary by manufacturer). 3. Using both hands, simultaneously press
to replace step 3 with the "cycling" proce- and hold both the desired HomeLink
dure noted in the "Programming the trans- NOTE button and hand held transmitter but-
ceiver for the first time (Canadian ton. During programming, your hand-
residents)" section. Once the button is pressed, there are 30
seconds in which to initiate the next step. held transmitter may automatically stop
transmitting. Continue to press and hold
4. Press and hold the trained HomeLink the desired HomeLink button while you
7. Return to the vehicle and firmly press press and re-press (“cycle”) your hand-
button and observe the indicator light.
and hold the trained HomeLink button held transmitter every two seconds until
• If the indicator light is solid/continuous, for two seconds and release. Repeat the
training is complete and your device the frequency signal has been learned.
"press/hold/release" sequence up to 3 The indicator light will flash slowly and
should activate when the HomeLink but- times to complete the training process.
ton is pressed and released. then rapidly after several seconds upon
To train additional HomeLink buttons, begin successful training. DO NOT release
• If the indicator light blinks rapidly for 2 with step two. until the HomeLink indicator light
seconds and then turns a solid/continuous flashes slowly and then rapidly. When
light, proceed with the following training the indicator light flashes rapidly, both
instructions for a rolling code device. A buttons may be released. (The rapid
second person may make the following flashing indicates successful training.)
steps quicker and easier. Please use a


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02 Instruments and controls

HomeLink® Universal Transceiver (option)

4. Press and hold the trained HomeLink 7. Return to the vehicle and firmly press • Press and hold the trained HomeLink but-
button and observe the indicator light. and hold the trained HomeLink button ton. The garage door opener has the
02 • If the indicator light is solid/continuous, for two seconds and release. Repeat the rolling code feature if the indicator light
training is complete and your device “press/hold/release” sequence up to 3 flashes rapidly and then turns solid after 2
should activate when the HomeLink but- times to complete the training process. seconds.
ton is pressed and released. To train a garage door with the rolling code
• If the indicator light blinks rapidly for 2
NOTE feature, follow these instructions (the aid of a
seconds and then turns a solid/continuous During programming, your hand-held trans- second person may make the training
light, proceed with the following training mitter may automatically stop transmitting. quicker and easier):
instructions for a rolling code device. A Continue to press and hold the desired
HomeLink button while you press and re- 1. Locate the training button on the garage
second person may make the following
press (“cycle”) your hand-held transmitter door opener motor head unit. Exact loca-
steps quicker and easier. Please use a
every two seconds until the frequency sig- tion and color of the button may vary by
ladder or other device. Do not stand on
nal has been learned. The indicator light will garage door opener brand. If there is
your vehicle to perform the next steps.
flash slowly and then rapidly after several difficulty locating the training button, refer-
5. At the garage door opener receiver seconds upon successful training. If neces- ence the garage door opener owner's
(motorhead unit) in the garage, locate sary, follow steps 5-7 to complete the train- manual or please visit our Web site at
the “learn” or “smart” button (usually ing for a rolling code device. www.homelink.com.
near where the hanging antenna wire is
2. Press the training button on the garage
attached to the unit). If there is difficulty To train additional HomeLink buttons, begin door opener motor head unit (which
locating the training button reference with step two. activates the "training light").
the garage door opener’s manual or
contact us.
Rolling Code Programming NOTE
6. Press and release the “learn” or “smart” Rolling code garage door openers that are
button (the name and color of the button Following step 2, there are 30 seconds in
"code-protected" and manufactured after which to initiate step 3.
may vary by manufacturer).
1996 may be determined by the-following:
NOTE • Reference the garage door opener 3. Firmly press and release the pro-
owner's manual for verification. grammed HomeLink® button. Press and
Once the button is pressed, there are 30 release the HomeLink button a second
seconds in which to initiate the next step. • The handheld transmitter appears to pro-
gram the HomeLink Universal Transceiver time to complete the training process.
but does not activate the garage door. (Some garage door openers may require


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02 Instruments and controls

HomeLink® Universal Transceiver (option)

you to do this procedure a third time to 4. When the indicator light begins to flash
complete the training.) rapidly, release both buttons.
The garage door opener should now recog- The previous device has now been erased 02
nize the HomeLink Wireless Control System. and the new device can be activated by
The remaining two buttons may now be pushing the HomeLink button that has just
trained if this has not previously been done. been programmed. This procedure will not
Refer to the Programming portion of this text. affect any other programmed HomeLink.
The HomeLink Wireless Control System
(once programmed) or the original handheld Erasing Channels
transmitter may be used to activate the Individual buttons cannot be erased. How-
garage door. In the event that there are still ever, to erase all three programmed buttons:
difficulties in programming the HomeLink
1. Press and hold the two outside buttons
Wireless Control System, please visit our until the indicator light begins to flash
Web site, www.homelink.com. (after 20 seconds).
2. Release both buttons.
Reprogramming a Single HomeLink
Button The HomeLink® Wireless Control System is
now in the training (learning) mode and can
To program a device to HomeLink using a
be programmed at any time following steps 2
HomeLink button previously trained, follow
through 4 in the Programming section.
these steps:
1. Press and hold the desired HomeLink
button. Do NOT release until step 4 has
been completed.
2. When the indicator light begins to flash
slowly (after 20 seconds), position the
handheld transmitter 1 to 3 inches away
from the HomeLink surface.
3. Press and hold the handheld transmitter
button. The HomeLink indicator light will
flash, first slowly and then rapidly.


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General information .................................................................................. 80
Air vents ................................................................................................... 81
Electronic Climate Control (ECC) .............................................................82
Air distribution .......................................................................................... 85


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03 Climate

General information

Air conditioning - A/C will not deplete the ozone layer. The system • Timer controlled recirculation of the air in
contains 1.2 lbs (530 g) R134a (HFC 134a), the passenger compartment.
Your car is equipped with an Electronic Cli-
and uses PAG oil. For information about how to make these
mate Control (ECC).
Passenger compartment filter settings, see the Personal settings section on
The air conditioning system can be switched page 72.
off, but for optimal air quality in the passen- Replace the cabin air filter with a new one at
03 ger compartment and to prevent the win- the recommended intervals. Please refer to
dows from fogging, the air conditioning your Warranty and Service Records Informa-
should be left on - even in cool weather. tion booklet, or consult your Volvo retailer for
these intervals. The filter should be replaced
NOTE more often when driving under dirty and
dusty conditions. The filter cannot be
In warm weather, a small amount of water cleaned and therefore should always be
may accumulate under the car when it has
been parked. This water is condensation replaced with a new one.
from the A/C system and is normal.
Ice and snow There are different types of cabin air filters.
Ensure that the correct type is installed.
Always keep the air intake grille at the base
of the windshield free of snow.
Climate control maintenance
The display above the climate control panel
Special tools and equipment are required to shows the climate settings that have been
maintain and carry out repairs on the climate made.
system. Work of this type should only be
done by a trained and qualified Volvo service Personal settings
technician. There are two functions in the climate system
Refrigerant that can be set to your preferences:

Volvo cares about the environment. The air • Blower speed to Auto mode (models with
conditioning system in your car contains a ECC only).
CFC-free refrigerant - R134a. This substance


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03 Climate

Air vents

Air vents in the dashboard


A. Open
B. Closed
C. Horizontal air flow
D. Vertical air flow
Direct the outer air vents toward the side win-
dows to defrost.


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03 Climate

Electronic Climate Control (ECC)


1. Auto - On/Off
NOTE ECC functions
2. Blower speed
• The sunlight sensor on the upper side of
3. Recirculation the dashboard and the passenger compart-
1. Auto – On/Off
4. Defroster ment temperature sensor, located behind The AUTO function auto-
the climate system control panel, should matically regulates climate
5. Airflow controls
not be obstructed. control to maintain the
6. A/C - ON/OFF desired temperature. The
• The air conditioning system is temporarily
7. Heated driver’s seat switched off during full throttle acceleration. automatic function con-
8. Heated front passenger’s seat trols heating, air condi-
9. Rear window and door mirror defrost- tioning, blower speed,
ers recirculation, and air distribution.
10. Temperature selector If you select one or more manual functions,
the remaining functions continue to be con-
trolled automatically. All manual settings are


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03 Climate

Electronic Climate Control (ECC)

switched off when AUTO is switched on. If the air in the car recirculates for too long, • The air conditioning is automatically
AUTO CLIMATE is shown in the display. there is a risk of condensation forming on the switched on (can be switched off by
insides of the windows, especially in winter. pressing button 5).
2. Blower speed The air is not recirculated.
The blower speed can be Timer
increased or decreased by The timer function minimizes the risk of fog- 5. Airflow controls
turning the knob. The ging, or stale air when the recirculation func- Press one of the three 03
blower speed is regulated tion is selected. See page 73 for information buttons in the illustration
automatically if AUTO is on setting the recirculation timer. to activate the selected
selected. The previously airflow. A symbol in the
set blower speed is dis- NOTE display above the climate
connected. control panel and a lit LED
Recirculation is always disengaged if the
defroster button is engaged to clear ice or in the selected button indicate that the man-
NOTE condensation from the side windows. ual function has been selected. With manu-
If the knob is turned counterclockwise and ally selected airflow both warm and cool air
the blower indication in the display goes can be selected. See also the table on page
4. Defroster
out, the blower and the air conditioning are 85.
switched off. The display shows the blower Directs airflow to the
symbol and OFF. windshield and side win- 6. Air conditioning On/Off
dows and increases
ON: The air conditioning
blower speed.
3. Recirculation system is engaged when
This function can be used When the defroster is acti- the ON light is lit and is
to shut out exhaust fumes, vated: controlled automatically
smoke, etc from the pas- • Air flows to the windows at high blower by the system to maintain
senger compartment. The speed. the selected temperature.
air in the passenger com- • The LED in the defroster button lights up OFF: The system is disengaged when the
partment is then recircu- when this function is activated. The air OFF lights up
lated, i.e. no air from outside the car is taken conditioning system is controlled to pro-
into the car when this function is activated. When OFF is selected and the OFF LED is lit,
vide maximum air dehumidification.
the air conditioning system is deactivated.


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03 Climate

Electronic Climate Control (ECC)

Other functions are still controlled automati-

This function is automatically switched off Selecting a temperature that is higher or
When Defroster (4) is selected, the air condi- when the power retractable hard top is lower than necessary will not heat or cool
tioning system is activated for maximum down. the passenger compartment faster.
03 10. Temperature selector
7 and 8. Heated front seats (option)
The temperatures on the
Maximum heating: Press
driver's and passenger's
the button once - both
sides can be set sepa-
LEDs light up.
rately using the knob (with
Reduced heating: Press the thermometer in it). The
the button a second time - temperature can be set for
one LED lights up. both sides of the car when
Seat heating off: Press the button a third the ignition is switched on (both LEDs will be
time - no LEDs are lit. on), which means that a temperature setting
will apply to both sides of the car.
9. Rear window and door mirror To set the temperature on one side of the
defrosters car:
Press to defrost the rear • Press the knob once. The LED for one side
window and door mirrors. of the car will light up. Turn the knob to
The rear window and door adjust the temperature.
mirrors are defrosted • Press the knob a second time to set the
simultaneously if the temperature on the opposite side of the
switch is pressed once. car.
The function is active if one LED is lit in the • Press the knob a third time to set the
switch. The door mirrors are deactivated temperature on both sides of the car at the
automatically after approximately 6 minutes. same time.
The rear windscreen is deactivated after
approximately 12 minutes.


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03 Climate

Air distribution

Air distribution Use: Air distribution Use:

Defroster. Defrost/de-fog the wind- Air to the floor and win- For comfortable condi-
Air is not recirculated in shield and front side win- dows. tions and good defrosting
this mode. dows. There is also a certain in cold weather.
Air conditioning is always amount of airflow to the Medium to high blower 03
engaged. dashboard air vents. speed.
There is also a certain
amount of airflow to the
panel air vents.
Air to windshield and Prevents fogging in cold Air to the floor and from For sunny weather with
front side windows. or humid weather (blower the dashboard air vents. cool ambient tempera-
There is also a certain speed should be moder- tures.
amount of airflow to the ate to high).
dashboard air vents.

Air to the windows and For good comfort in Air to the floor. To warm the feet.
from the dashboard air warm, dry weather. There is a certain amount
vents. of airflow to the dash-
board and window air

Airflow directed to the To ensure efficient cool- Airflow to the windows, For cooler air toward the
head and chest from the ing in a warm weather. dashboard air vents, and feet, or for warmer air
dashboard air vents. floor. toward the head and


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Front seats ...............................................................................................88
Power retractable hard top ......................................................................92
Interior lighting .........................................................................................98
Storage compartments .......................................................................... 100


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04 Interior

Front seats

Manual seat adjustment 5. Turn this knob to adjust the backrest

6. Control panel for power seats.

• Do not adjust the seat while driving.
• The seat should be adjusted so that the
brake pedal can be depressed fully.
• Position the seat as far rearward as com-
fort and control allow.

The driver's and passenger's seats can be

adjusted in a number of ways to provide a
comfortable driving and sitting position.
1. Forward-rearward: Pull the lever up and
slide the seat to the position of your
2. Use this control to raise or lower the
front edge of the seat cushion.
3. Use this control to raise or lower the
rear edge of the seat cushion.
4. Turn this knob (option on some passen-
ger’s seats) to adjust the firmness of
the lumbar support1.
1 Also applies to the optional power seat.


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04 Interior

Front seats

Accessing the rear seat-Easy Entry 2. Pull up control 1 and return the back-
rest to the upright position.
After the seat has been returned to its origi-
Power seats nal position, be sure that the backrest is
Easy entry is only intended to be used when securely locked in the upright position.
the front seat in unoccupied.
Moving the seat forward:
1. Pull up control 1 (see the illustration to the
left) to release the backrest.
2. Tilt the backrest forward.
3. Press and hold down button 2 (see the
illustration to the left) to move the seat
Moving the seat rearward:
Easy entry (power seat shown)
1. Press and hold down button 2 until the
Move the seat belt from the guide before seat has returned to its original position.
entering the rear seat. See page 15. 2. Pull up control 1 and return the back-
rest to the upright position.
Manual seat
Moving the seat forward: NOTE
1. Pull up control 1 (see the illustration • The backrest must be folded down in
above) to release the backrest. order to move the seat forward as far as
possible to simplify entry into the rear seat.
2. Tilt the backrest forward and slide the
seat forward. • If the seat is returned to the upright posi-
tion when it is as far forward as possible, it
Moving the seat rearward: will automatically move rearward approxi-
mately 2 in. (6 cm) after several seconds.
1. With the backrest tilted forward, move the
seat rearward to the desired position.


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04 Interior

Front seats

Power seats (option) Adjusting the seat Programming the seat memory, driver's
Seat adjustment controls 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the seat only (option)
side of the seat can be used to move the seat
to the position of your choice.
1. Move this section of the control up or
down to raise/lower the front section of
the seat cushion.
2. Move the control forward/rearward to
move the seat forward or rearward.
3. Move this section of the control up or
04 down to raise/lower the rear section of
the seat cushion.
4. Backrest tilt.

Seat adjustment controls

The power seats have an overload protector Power seat memory buttons
The power driver's seat can be adjusted: that activates if a seat is blocked by any
Three different seating positions (and the
• If the ignition key is in position I or II. object. If this occurs, switch off the ignition
(key in position 0) and wait for approxi- position of the door mirrors) can be stored in
• During a 10 minute period after the doors mately 20 seconds before operating the the seat's memory. The memory buttons are
have been unlocked if the door remains seat again. located on the outboard side of the driver’s
open. seat (see the illustration above).
• If the door is closed and the ignition key is The following example explains how memory
Emergency stop
not yet in the ignition, or if the key is in button 1 can be programmed. Buttons 2 and
position 0, the seat can be adjusted or If the seat inadvertently begins to move,
press any of the buttons to stop the seat. 3 can be programmed in the same way.
during a period of 40 seconds. The power
passenger's seat can only be adjusted if To program (store) a seat position in memory
the ignition key is in position I or II, or if the button 1:
engine is running.
1. Adjust the seat (and door mirrors) to the
desired position (see the instructions in
the center column).


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04 Interior

Front seats

2. Press and hold down the “M” (Memory) most recently locked with the same
button. remote control.
3. With the “M” button depressed, press
memory button 1 to store the seat's NOTE
current position. The memory function in the remote control
To move the seat to the position that it was in operates independently of the memory
when memory button 1 was programmed, function in the seat.
press and hold down button 1 until the seat
stops moving. WARNING
As a safety precaution, the seat will stop • Because the driver's seat can be
automatically if the button is released before 04
adjusted with the ignition off, children
the seat has reached the preset position. should never be left unattended in the car.
• Movement of the seat can be STOPPED
Central locking system remote control at any time by pressing any button on the
and driver's seat memory power seat control panel.
The remote control transmitter can also be • Do not adjust the seat while driving. The
equipped with an optional function that con- seat should be adjusted so that the brake
pedal can be depressed fully. In addition,
trols the electrically operated driver's seat
position the seat as far rearward as comfort
and door mirrors in the following way: and control allow.
1. Adjust the seat and door mirrors to the • The seat rails on the floor must not be ob-
desired position. structed in any way when the seat is in mo-
2. When you leave the car, lock it using
the remote control.
3. The next time the driver's door is
unlocked with the same remote control
and that door is opened within 2 min-
utes, the driver's seat and door mirrors
will automatically move to the position
that they were in when the doors were


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04 Interior

Power retractable hard top

Before raising and lowering the power CAUTION

• If the vehicle is parked outdoors, the
retractable hard top engine should be idling to help avoid
If the power retractable hard top is lowered battery drain.
while it is wet, water may drip into the pas-
senger compartment or trunk
• There should be at least 6.5 feet (2 meters) If the instructions on these pages are not
of free space from the ground (distance A followed, damage to the power retractable
in the illustration). hard top's mechanism may occur.
• There should be at least 8 inches (20 cm)
of free space behind the vehicle (distance WARNING
04 B in the illustration in the center column).
• The power retractable hard top must not
• The ambient temperature should be above be obstructed in any way when it is being
14°F (-10°C). operated. Always have an unobstructed
• The trunk divider (see page 93) must be view of the power retractable hard top when
closed. it is in motion. See also the decal on the
trunk divider.
• The trunk must be closed.
• Anyone near the vehicle should be well
Please observe the following information • The vehicle must be at a standstill and the clear of the power retractable hard top's
brake pedal must be pressed. moving parts before it is operated.
before operating the power retractable hard
top: Volvo also recommends the following: • Children must never be allowed to play
with the power retractable hard top control
• There should be no objects on the power • The vehicle should be parked outdoors, buttons.
retractable hard top's cover. on level ground.
• Do not leave the power retractable hard
• Remove all snow, ice or loose objects • Raising or lowering the power retractable top motionless longer than necessary while
from the power retractable hard top and hard top should preferably be done in one, it is being operated
trunk lid. continuous operation. • Do not leave the key in the ignition if there
• The top should be dry before it is lowered. are children in the vehicle.


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04 Interior

Power retractable hard top

Trunk divider Be sure to close the trunk divider completely Power retractable hard top
so that it locks in place on both the right and cover
left sides.

If the trunk divider is not completely closed,
it will not be possible to operate the power
retractable hard top.


The purpose of the trunk divider is to indicate

the amount of cargo that can be stowed in When lowered, the power retractable hard
the trunk without affecting movement of the top is concealed by a cover, see the illustra-
power retractable hard top. tion above.
To open, grasp the handle and lift.
To close, pull the trunk divider rearward.
Do not sit or place heavy objects on the
Trunk divider decal power retractable hard top cover.


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04 Interior

Power retractable hard top

Raising or lowering the power retract- Release the button when an audible signal
able hard top sounds. The message ROOF OPEN or
ROOF CLOSED will be displayed. • See the section “Before raising or lower-
ing the power retractable hard top” on
page 92 before operating the power retract-
CAUTION able hard top.
• Please heed any messages that may • Never pull the release wire for the power
appear in the information display while the retractable hard top’s hydraulic system that
top is in operation. is located under the rear seat cushion. This
wire is only intended for use by qualified
• Any windows that are closed will be
service personnel. Pulling this wire could
opened approximately 4 inches (10 cm)
lead to:
04 while the power retractable hard top is in
operation. The windows will be automati- • High risk of being injured by the power
cally re-closed when the top is completely retractable hard top mechanism.
raised or lowered. • Unexpected movement of the hard top,
or the hard top or the trunk could inadvert-
ently open.
Power retractable hard top buttons • The retractable hard top can be dam-
1. Turn the ignition key to position II, or start
the engine if the vehicle is parked out- Power retractable hard top-related text
doors. messages
2. Press the brake pedal. • PRESS BRAKE TO OPERATE ROOF
3. Press and hold down the left button (1) Press the brake pedal to operate the
to raise the power retractable hard top retractable hard top.
or the right button (2) to lower it. Hold • CLOSE TRUNK FOR ROOF OPERATION
down the respective button until the The trunk is open and must be closed
top is completely raised or lowered. before operating the power retractable
hard top.
The trunk divider (see page 93 for more


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04 Interior

Power retractable hard top

information) must be closed before oper- • ROOF FAILURE SEE MANUAL 3. Press the button again and hold it
ating the power retractable hard top. The power retractable hard top must be down. After approximately 5 seconds,
• LOW BATTERY FOR ROOF OPERATION operated according to the following the power retractable hard top will
The battery's charge is too low to operate instructions. begin to move. Keep the button
the power retractable hard top. In this depressed until the top is fully raised.
case, the top can only be raised. Start the Emergency operation
engine, or if necessary, have the battery If the message ROOF FAILURE SEE MAN- NOTE
charged before operating the top. UAL is displayed, the power retractable hard Movement of the top may stop briefly. How-
• ROOF NOT LOCKED top cannot be operated in the normal way. ever, the button should be held down
The power retractable hard top is not fully throughout the entire operation.
up or down. Press and hold down the NOTE An audible signal will sound during the
entire operation. 04
respective button again to complete the
If a fault has occurred and the power
operation. retractable hard top has been raised, it can-
• TEMP LIMITS ROOF OPERATION not be lowered again until the fault has been WARNING
The power retractable hard top mecha- corrected.
nism has overheated, or the ambient tem- • Never pull the release wire for the power
perature is below 14° F (-10° C). If the retractable hard top’s hydraulic system that
mechanism has overheated, wait for CAUTION is located under the rear seat cushion. This
wire is only intended for use by qualified
approximately 5 minutes (the message in service personnel. Pulling this wire could
Carefully read the information under
the information display will disappear) and lead to:
"Before raising or lowering the power
try to lower or raise the top again. retractable hard top" on page 92 before • High risk of being injured by the power
If a fault in the power retractable hard top operating the power retractable hard top. retractable hard top’s opening/closing
mechanism occurs, the following messages Damage may be unavoidable if the power mechanism.
will be displayed: retractable hard top must be operated
under such conditions. • Unexpected movement of the hard top/
the hard top or the trunk could inadvertently
The power retractable hard top cannot be
1. Press button 1 or 2 (see the illustration on • The retractable hard top can be dam-
operated. Contact an authorized Volvo
page 94) until ROOF FAILURE SEE MAN- aged.
retailer or service technician. If the top is
UAL is displayed.
down in this situation, a cover for the
vehicle is provided in the trunk. See 2. Release the button.
page 96 for more information.


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04 Interior

Power retractable hard top

Temporary cover


Covering the vehicle Location of the cover

The cover should only be used if the power 3. Slide the openings in the cover (3) over
retractable hard top is down and cannot be the respective door mirrors and attach
raised. It should be placed over the car so the front shock-cord hooks (2) on the
that the shock-cord attaching points are on edges of the front wheel housings.
the underside. 4. Slide the cover under the windshield
wipers so that there is one fold under
To install the cover each wiper blade (1).
1. Raise all windows. 5. Guide the antenna through hole 5.
2. Take out the cover (stowed in the com- 6. Attach the rear side hooks (4) on the
partment in the rear side of the ski edges of the rear wheel housings.
hatch in the center of the rear seat 7. Attach the rear hooks (6) under the rear
backrest), remove it from the bag and bumper.
unfold it.


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04 Interior

Power retractable hard top

Wind blocker 4. Press the side lock tabs into the holes
in the side panels until they click into
5. Raise the wind blocker.
The zipper in the wind blocker can be
opened to place or access objects in the rear

Slide in the supports carefully to avoid dam- 04
aging the upholstery.

Wind blocker (retailer installed accessory) • Make sure the wind blocker is securely
attached. An improperly secured wind
The wind blocker is intended for use while blocker may cause injury to occupants of
driving with the power retractable hard top the vehicle or to other motorists.
down to help reduce swirling breezes in the • No one should be allowed to sit in the
passenger compartment. rear seat when the wind blocker is in place.

Installing the wind blocker When not in use, the wind blocker should be
1. Unfold the wind blocker to its full width. stored in its bag, in the trunk, against the rear
seat backrest.
2. Unfold the supports on both rear sides.
3. Slide the winder blocker’s rear sup-
ports under the rear head restraints so
that they rest on the upper edge of the


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04 Interior

Interior lighting

Interior lighting Rear seat reading lights • one of the doors is opened and left open.
• the courtesy lighting has not been
switched off (the right side of button 2
The automatic lighting goes out when:
• the engine is started
• the car is locked from the outside using
the key or remote control.
If the courtesy lighting is not switched off
04 manually, it will be turned off automatically
5 minutes after the engine has been switched

Front courtesy lights and reading lights

1. Driver’s side reading light The rear reading lights can be switched on or
2. Courtesy lighting off by pressing the respective buttons.
3. Passenger’s side reading light Courtesy lighting - automatic function
The front seat reading lights can be switched The interior lighting has a built-in automatic
on and off by pressing buttons 1 or 3. function that switches on the courtesy light-
• The courtesy lighting (2) can be set to ing for 30 seconds when:
three positions: • the car is unlocked from the outside using
• Off — Press the right side of the button. the key or remote control
• Neutral position — the interior courtesy • the engine is switched off and the ignition
lighting comes on when a door is opened, key is turned to the 0 position.
and is switched off when the door is The courtesy lighting lights up or remains on
closed. for 5 minutes when:
• ON — Press the left side of the button.


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04 Interior

Interior lighting

Vanity mirror


Raise the cover to switch on the light.


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04 Interior

Storage compartments



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04 Interior

Storage compartments

1. Lockable storage compartment in door Glove compartment Compartment in door panel

2. Jacket holder (intended for light garments
3. Storage pocket on front side of front seat
4. Ticket clip
5. Glove compartment
6. Storage compartment behind the center
instrument panel
7. Cup holders 04
8. Storage compartment in center console
(for e.g. CDs)
9. Cup holders
10. Storage compartments in rear side pan-
11. Storage compartment on rear side of The owners manual and maps can be stored Open the compartment by lifting the front
front seat backrests. here. There are also holders for coins, pens lower section of the lid.
and fuel cards. The glove compartment can
Close by pressing the upper edge of the lid.
WARNING only be locked and unlocked using the
• Anchor any heavy objects to prevent detachable key blade from the central lock-
Locking function
them from moving during sudden stops. ing system's remote control. See the chapter
The door panel compartments can be locked
• Packages on the rear parcel shelf can ob- “Locks and alarm” for further information
by pressing the Lock button on the central
scure vision and may become dangerous about the key blade.
locking system’s remote control.
projectiles in the event of a sudden stop or
an accident.


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04 Interior

Storage compartments

Rear seat storage compartment Center console storage compartment


Rear cup holders

To open, press on the top center of the This compartment can be opened by press-
panel. Both the forward and rearward ing the front edge of the button.
catches should release and the panel should
This storage compartment also contains a
spring open. If one side does not open, press
keyhole that is used to manually open the
again directly over that catch.
trunk with the key blade1 (see page 115).

Never pull the panel; the catches may be

Press to close and latch the panel.

On certain models, this keyhole is located
near the floor behind the driver’s seat. See
page 115 for detailed information.


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04 Interior

Storage compartments

Loading the trunk NOTE NOTE

This movement is part of the normal power There may be a delay of several seconds
retractable hard top operation, which before the folded power retractable hard
means that messages pertaining to the top begins to move.
power retractable hard top’s operation (see Movement of the top can be stopped by
page 94) also apply to the this function. pressing the button again.

3. The folded power retractable hard top

WARNING will raise slightly. If an audible signal
Anyone near the vehicle should be well sounds during this operation, check the
clear of the power retractable hard top's information display in the center instru- 04
moving parts before it is operated. ment panel for messages.
4. Lift the trunk divider (see page 93) to
CAUTION provide an opening into the trunk.
5. When the objects to be loaded have
Button for changing level of folded power • Any objects that impede the movement been placed in the trunk, press down
retractable hard top of the power retractable hard top may dam-
the trunk divider.
age the top or its mechanism.
Loading the trunk with the power • When the power retractable hard top has
6. Press the button to move the power
been raised for loading the trunk, or if its retractable hard top downward. Move-
retractable hard top down ment of the top can be stopped by
When the power retractable hard top is movement has been interrupted by press-
ing the button twice, the trunk should not be pressing the button again.
down, it is folded in the trunk. Using the but- closed. Doing so can damage the system or 7. Close the trunk.
ton shown in the illustration above, the folded cause paint damage.
power retractable hard top can be moved up
or down slightly to facilitate loading or To raise the level of the folded power retract-
unloading small objects. able hard top: The trunk cannot be closed while the folded
power retractable hard top is in the upper
1. Open the trunk. position.
2. Press the button on the right side of the
trunk opening.


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04 Interior

Storage compartments

Raising and lowering the folded top in Load anchoring eyelets 12-volt socket (option)
the event of a fault
If the message ROOF FAILURE SEE MAN-
UAL is displayed, the folded power retract-
able hard top can only be lowered in the

Damage may be unavoidable if the power
retractable hard top must be operated
when this message is displayed.

• Press the button again and hold it down.

After approximately 2 seconds, the power
retractable hard top will begin to move.
Keep the button depressed until the
folded top is lowered. The eyelets in the trunk can be used to fasten Fold down the lid to use the socket.
accessory load and lashing straps, load nets,
• Using the 12-volt socket while the engine
NOTE and other load anchors. is not running drains the vehicle's battery.
An audible signal will sound during this • If the ignition is switched off and a device
entire operation. drawing more that 0.1A is connected to a
socket, a battery alert will be shown in the
driver information display.
• The cover should be kept on when the
auxiliary socket is not in use.


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04 Interior

Storage compartments

Carrying long loads (ski hatch) Opening the plastic hatch If the vehicle is equipped with the optional ski
From the trunk, press the catches in the two bag, pass the seat belt through the bag’s
holes in the hatch (A in the illustration) toward handle before fastening the seat belt.
each other to release the hatch, and fold it

If the vehicle is equipped with the optional
ski bag, the bag’s zipper must be opened
from the passenger’s compartment in order
to insert objects through the ski hatch. 04

Replacing the backrest cushion

Begin by guiding the lower section of the
cushion into place. Then press the upper
Ski hatch
section of the cushion into place.
The center section of the rear seat backrest
can be opened to create space for carrying NOTE
long, light objects (max. length 6.5 ft/2 This cushion is locked in place when the
meters, max. weight 55 lbs/25 kg). To do so, vehicle is locked with the remote control.
the center section (cushion) of the rear seat See page 112.
backrest must be removed, the tire repair kit
(if the vehicle is so equipped) must be
Securing long objects
removed and stowed in the trunk, and the
Long objects should be secured with one of
plastic hatch in the trunk must be opened.
the rear seat belts.
Removing the center backrest cushion • Wrap the belt once around the object and
Pull the strap at the upper edge of the cush- lock the belt in the retractor as usual.
ion, pull it forward, and lift it out.


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Remote control and key blade ............................................................... 108
Locking and unlocking ...........................................................................114
Glove compartment and trunk ............................................................... 115
Opening the trunk from the inside ......................................................... 116
Alarm ...................................................................................................... 117


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05 Locks and alarm

Remote control and key blade

Remote controls Each key blade has a unique code, which is

Two remote controls that also function as used if new key blades are required. A maxi-
mum of six remote controls/key blades can Never use force on the narrow section of
ignition keys are provided with your car. The
be programmed and used for one car. the remote control - this is where the tran-
remote controls contain detachable metal sponder is located. The car cannot be
key blades for manually locking or unlocking Immobilizer (start inhibitor) started if the transponder is damaged.
the driver's door and the glove
Each of the keys supplied with your car con-
tains a coded transponder. The code in the
key is transmitted to an antenna in the igni-
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC tion switch where it is compared to the code
rules. Operation is subject to the following stored in the start inhibitor module. The car
conditions: (1) This device may not cause will start only with a properly coded key. If
harmful interference, and (2) this device must you misplace a key, take the other keys to an
accept any interference received, including authorized Volvo retailer for reprogramming
interference that may cause undesired oper-
as an antitheft measure.
05 ation.
Canada - IC: 3659AVO315TX This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
Operation is subject to the following condi- rules. Operation is subject to the following
tions: (1) this device may not cause interfer- condition: (1) This device may not cause
ence, and (2) this device must accept any harmful interference, and (2) this device must
interference, including interference that may accept any interference received, including
cause undesired operation of the device. interference that may cause undesired oper-
Loss of a remote control
If either of the remote controls is lost, the Canada - IC: 3659A-WFS125VO
Operation is subject to the following condi-
other must be taken with the car to a Volvo
tions: (1) this device may not cause interfer-
retailer. As an anti-theft measure, the code of ence, and (2) this device must accept any
the lost remote control must be erased from interference, including interference that may
the system. cause undesired operation of the device.


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05 Locks and alarm

Remote control and key blade

Remote control functions Double locking

If the car is locked with the remote control
while the power retractable hard top is • The turn signals flash to confirm that the
down, the double locking feature activates vehicle has been correctly locked/unlocked
with the remote control. When locking the
after approximately 30 seconds. This means vehicle, the turn signals will flash a confir-
that the doors cannot be unlocked or opened mation only if all the doors are securely
from inside the car. closed and locked. Flashing confirmation
for locking and unlocking may be custom-
NOTE ized in the vehicle's Personal settings
menu. See page 72 for more information.
The double locking function can be tempo- • The two-step unlocking function can be
rarily disabled. See page 118 for instruc- changed so that one press of the Unlock
tions. button unlocks all of the doors and the
trunk. See Personal settings on page 72 for
2. Unlock - Press the Unlock button on more information.
the remote once to unlock the driver's • Automatic relocking: If the doors are 05
door. The turn signals will flash twice to unlocked, the locks will automatically reen-
confirm unlocking. gage (re-lock) and the alarm will rearm after
1. Lock - Press the Lock button on the After a short pause, press the Unlock 2 minutes unless a door or the trunk has
remote once to lock both doors, the button a second time within 10 sec- been opened.
trunk, the cabin storage compartments onds to unlock the other doors and the • Automatic locking: When the car starts
(compartment in the doors, the rear side trunk. to move, the doors and trunk can be locked
panels, and the ski hatch in the center of A long press (at least two seconds) automatically. This feature can be turned on
the rear seat backrest). The turn signals opens all side windows. or off, see Personal settings on page 72 for
will flash twice to confirm locking. more information.
• Airbag deployment will automatically
NOTE attempt to unlock the doors.
The remote control will not lock or unlock
the glove compartment. 3. Approach lighting - As you approach
the car:
Press the yellow button on the remote
control to light the interior lighting,
position/parking lamps, and license


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05 Locks and alarm

Remote control and key blade

plate lighting and the lights in the door

NOTE Weak battery in the remote control
mirrors. These lights will switch off
automatically after 30, 60 or 90 sec- This button will NOT unlock the car.
onds. See the Personal settings on
page 72 for information about adjusting
the time setting.
4. Unlock trunk- Press the button once to
disarm the alarm system and unlock
only the trunk. After closing, the trunk
will not automatically relock. Press
Lock to relock it and rearm the alarm.

This function will unlock, but not pop open,
the trunk.
5. Panic alarm: - This button can be used
to attract attention during emergency When the battery begins to lose its charge,
situations. the Information symbol in the instrument
To activate the panic alarm, press and panel (see page 49) lights up and REMOTE
hold the red button for at least BATTERY LOW VOLTAGE is shown in the
3 seconds or press it twice within information display.
3 seconds. The turn signals and horn
will be activated. Replacing the battery in the remote
The panic alarm will stop automatically control
after 30 seconds. If the range of the transmitter is noticeably
To deactivate, wait approximately reduced, this indicates that the battery (type
5 seconds and press the red button
CR 2032, 3V) is weak and should be
replaced. To replace the battery:
1. Remove the key blade.


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05 Locks and alarm

Remote control and key blade

2. Place the remote control with the key- Key blade Unlocking the doors with the detached
pad downward. Remove the screw (1) key blade
using a small slotted screwdriver. 1. Insert the key blade as far as possible in
3. Remove the cover. the driver’s door lock. Turn the key blade
4. Note how the + and - sides of the clockwise approximately one-quarter turn
battery are positioned on the inside of to unlock the driver's door only.
the cover. The plus side of the new
battery (marked on the battery) must NOTE
face downward. After unlocking the driver’s door with the
key blade, opening the door will trigger the
CAUTION alarm.

When replacing the battery, avoid touching

the electrical circuitry in the other half of the To disable the alarm:
remote control. 1. Press the Unlock button on the remote
control, or insert the key in the ignition 05
Removing the key blade switch.
5. Pry out (2) and replace the battery.
Avoid touching the battery and its con- The key blade can be used to lock or unlock
tact surfaces with your fingers. the vehicle or glove compartment (see page Locking the doors with the detached
6. Press the cover back into place and 115). key blade
tighten the screw. 1. Lock the passenger’s door by pressing
Reinserting the key blade in the remote the lock button on the door.
7. Reinsert the key blade in the remote
control. control 2. Turn the key blade one-quarter turn
1. Hold the remote control with the pointed counter-clockwise to lock the driver’s
The old battery should be disposed of prop-
end down. door.
erly at a recycling center or at your Volvo
retailer. 2. Carefully slide the key blade into its NOTE
3. Gently press the key blade in the This does not arm the alarm or lock the
groove until it clicks into place. trunk.


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05 Locks and alarm

Remote control and key blade

Valet locking

1. Normal locking/unlocking points 2. Locking/unlocking points with valet locking activated

Valet or service locking E. Ski hatch Activating the valet locking function
By utilizing the remote control with the key F. Trunk The first stages of opening the power retract-
blade removed, the valet locking feature able hard top offer temporary access to the
enables you to block access to the trunk and With the valet locking function acti- contents of the trunk. Therefore, before acti-
glove compartment for e.g., valet parking or vated: vating valet locking, the power retractable
when the car is brought to the retailer for ser- • The vehicle's doors can be locked or hard top must be up and the trunk divider
vice. unlocked must be open (up), see page 93. This makes
• The engine can be started it impossible to operate the power retract-
Locking points • Locking points C, D, E, and F cannot be able hard top.
A. Doors unlocked with the remote control. 1. Remove the key blade from the remote
B. Steering wheel lock control.
C. Glove compartment
2. Turn the key blade 180° clockwise in
D. Compartments in door panels
the glove compartment lock to lock


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05 Locks and alarm

Remote control and key blade

points C, D, E, and F and disconnect

these points from the central locking
system (a message appears in the
information display).
3. Give the parking attendant or service
personnel only the remote control (with
the key blade removed).

Deactivating the valet locking function

Turn the key blade 180° counterclockwise in
the glove compartment lock to deactivate
valet locking.
See page 115 for information on locking the
glove compartment normally.


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05 Locks and alarm

Locking and unlocking

Locking/unlocking the car from the NOTE

• The doors cannot be opened by pulling
up the lock button.
• If both doors are closed when a lock but-
ton is pressed, the alarm will not be armed.
• Each door can also be locked manually
using the lock button on that particular
door. This applies only if the car has not
been locked from the outside.
• The doors can also be unlocked (and the
door opened) by pulling the handle in the
door twice.


Lock indicator lights

The switches near the door opening handles An indicator light in each door will illuminate
on the driver's and passenger's doors can be for approximately 5 minutes after the car has
used to lock or unlock both doors and the been locked using the remote control.
trunk, and to set the alarm.
If the car is locked from the inside while the
Unlocking ignition is on, the light will remain on until the
• Press in the upper section in the lock car is unlocked or the ignition is switched
button. A long press (at least two seconds) off.
also opens all the side windows.

• Press in the lower section of the lock


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05 Locks and alarm

Glove compartment and trunk

Locking the glove compartment Mechanically opening the trunk Version 2

Version 1

1. Fold down the driver’s seat backrest to 05

The glove compartment can only be locked
access the keyhole near the floor of the
and unlocked using the detachable key blade rear seat.
on the remote control. See page 111 for If necessary, the trunk can be opened
mechanically using the key blade. Depending 2. Insert the key blade in the keyhole and
information on removing the key blade from
on the model, the keyhole may be found in turn it 110 degrees clockwise.
the remote control.
different places.
1. Unlock the glove compartment by turning CAUTION
the key a quarter of a turn (90°) counter- 1. Open the cover on the center console
clockwise. The key slot is vertical when storage compartment. This function should never be used when
the glove compartment is unlocked. 2. Insert the key blade in the keyhole and the power retractable hard top is in motion.
This could cause damage to the trunk lid/
2. Lock the glove compartment by turning turn it 90 degrees clockwise.
hard top.
the key a quarter of a turn (90°) clock-
wise. The key slot is horizontal when
the glove compartment is locked.


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05 Locks and alarm

Opening the trunk from the inside

Opening the trunk from the inside


U.S. models only

The car is equipped with a florescent handle
on the inside of the trunk lid, which can be
used in an emergency situation to open the
trunk from the inside.
• Pull the handle down to release the trunk
• After use, the handle must be pushed
back into its original position before the
trunk can be closed.


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05 Locks and alarm


The alarm system NOTE The alarm indicator light

The alarm is automatically armed whenever The alarm system functions in the same
the car is locked with the remote control, or if way, regardless of whether the power
a front lock button is depressed. retractable hard top is raised or lowered.
When armed, the alarm continuously moni-
tors a number of points on the car. The fol-
lowing conditions will trigger the alarm:
• The hood is forced open.
• The trunk is forced open.
• A door is forced open.
• The ignition switch is tampered with.
• An attempt is made to start the car with a
non-approved key (a key not coded to the
car's ignition). Alarm indicator light
• If there is movement in the passenger The status of the alarm system is indicated
compartment (if the car is equipped with
by the indicator light on at the top of the
the optional movement sensor).
dashboard (see illustration):
• The car is lifted or towed (if the car is
equipped with the optional inclination sen- • Indicator light off - the alarm is not armed
sor) • The indicator light flashes every two sec-
• The battery is disconnected (while the onds - the alarm is armed
alarm is armed). • The indicator light flashes rapidly before
• The siren is disconnected when the alarm the ignition is switched on - the alarm has
is disarmed. been triggered. The message "ALARM
TRIGGERED, CHECK CAR" will also be


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05 Locks and alarm


Fault in the alarm system Audible/visual alarm signal Temporarily turning off the double
• If a fault has been detected in the alarm An audible alarm signal is given by a battery locking function and alarm sensor(s)
system, a message will be shown in the powered siren. The alarm cycle lasts for 30
information display. Contact your Volvo
retailer to have the alarm system
inspected and repaired if necessary.
Arming the alarm
The visual alarm signal is given by flashing
Press the LOCK button on the remote con- all turn signals and turning on the interior
trol, or press the central lock button on one lighting for approximately 5 minutes.
of the front doors with the door open. One
long flash of the turn signals will confirm that
the alarm is armed.
Disarming the alarm
Press the UNLOCK button on the remote
control or insert the key in the ignition to dis-
arm the alarm. Two short flashes from the 1. Disconnecting the double locking function
car's direction indicators confirm that the and accessory alarm sensors. 2. Not in use.
alarm has been deactivated and that all In certain situations it may be desirable to
doors are unlocked. turn off the accessory inclination and move-
Turning off (stopping) the alarm ment alarm sensors, and/or the double lock-
If the alarm is sounding, it can be stopped by ing function if, for example, you drive your
pressing the UNLOCK button on the remote vehicle onto a ferry where the rocking of the
control or by inserting the key in the ignition boat could trigger the alarm or if a pet is left
switch. The driver’s door must first be in the vehicle with the doors locked.
unlocked with the key blade. 1. From position II or higher, turn the ignition
key to 0 and remove it from the ignition
2. Press the button (1). The LED in the
button will remain on for one minute


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05 Locks and alarm


after the key has been removed from Canada IC: 4405A-DA 5823(3)
the ignition switch or until the car is Movement sensor DA5823 by Dynex Opera-
locked. tion is subject to the following conditions: (1)
this device may not cause interference, and
NOTE (2) this device must accept any interference,
including interference that may cause
This will also disable the double locking undesired operation of the device.
function if the car is locked while the top is
down. Double locking only functions with
the top down.

• The accessory sensors and double lock-
ing function (if the top is down) are automat-
ically reconnected to the alarm system the
next time the vehicle is unlocked and then 05
locked again.
•This function will not disarm the vehicle's
standard alarm.

U.S.A. FCC ID: MAYDA 5823(3)

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
rules. Operation is subject to the following
conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired oper-


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General information.................................................................................122
Fuel requirements ...................................................................................125
Ignition switch, Steering wheel lock........................................................128
Starting the vehicle .................................................................................129
Manual transmission ...............................................................................131
Automatic transmission .......................................................................... 132
Shiftlock override ....................................................................................135
Brake system ..........................................................................................136
Stability system .......................................................................................138
Front/rear park assist ..............................................................................140
Towing .....................................................................................................142
Jump starting ..........................................................................................145
Towing a trailer ........................................................................................146
Detachable trailer hitch ...........................................................................148
Transporting loads ..................................................................................149


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06 Starting and driving

General information

Economical driving conserves natural • At highway driving speeds, fuel consump- Avoid overheating the engine
resources tion will be lower with the air conditioning Do not drive at engine speeds above 4,500
on and the windows closed than with the rpm if you tow a trailer in hilly areas. This
Better driving economy may be obtained by
air conditioning off and the windows open. could cause the engine oil to overheat.
thinking ahead, avoiding rapid starts and
stops and adjusting the speed of your vehicle • Using the onboard trip computer's fuel
consumption modes can help you learn WARNING
to immediate traffic conditions.
how to drive more economically.
Observe the following rules: Driving with the trunk open: Driving with
the trunk open could lead to poisonous
Other factors that decrease gas mile-
• Bring the engine to normal operating tem- exhaust gases entering the passenger com-
perature as soon as possible by driving age are: partment. If the trunk must be kept open for
with a light foot on the accelerator pedal • Dirty air cleaner any reason, proceed as follows:
for the first few minutes of operation. A • Dirty engine oil and clogged oil filter • Close the windows
cold engine uses more fuel and is subject • Dragging brakes • Set the ventilation system control to air
to increased wear. flow to floor, windshield and side windows
• Incorrect front end alignment
• Whenever possible, avoid using the vehi- and the blower control to its highest setting.
cle for driving short distances. This does Some of the above mentioned items and oth-
not allow the engine to reach normal oper- ers are checked at the standard maintenance Weight distribution affects handling
ating temperature. intervals.
At the specified curb weight your vehicle has
• Drive carefully and avoid rapid accelera- a tendency to understeer, which means that
06 tion and hard braking. the steering wheel has to be turned more
• Use the transmission's Drive (D) position than might seem appropriate for the curva-
as often as possible and avoid using kick- ture of a bend. This ensures good stability
down. and reduces the risk of rear wheel skid.
• Do not exceed posted speed limits. Remember that these properties can alter
• Avoid carrying unnecessary items (extra with the vehicle load. The heavier the load in
load) in the vehicle. the cargo area, the less the tendency to
• Maintain correct tire pressure. Check tire understeer.
pressure regularly (when tires are cold). Handling, roadholding
• Remove snow tires when threat of snow or Vehicle load, tire design and inflation pres-
ice has ended.
sure all affect vehicle handling. Therefore,


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06 Starting and driving

General information

check that the tires are inflated to the recom- • Volvo recommends using only genuine
CAUTION Volvo antifreeze in your vehicle's radiator.
mended pressure according to the vehicle
load. See the "Tire pressure" section. Loads • Engine damage will occur if water is Your Volvo retailer stocks plenty of Volvo
should be distributed so that capacity weight drawn into the air cleaner. engine coolant to help protect your vehicle
or maximum permissible axle loads are not • If the vehicle is driven through water during cold weather.
exceeded. deeper than 9 in (25 cm), water may enter • Try to keep the fuel tank well filled - this
the differential and the transmission. This prevents the formation of condensation in
Driving through water reduces the oil's lubricating capacity and the tank. In addition, in extremely cold
may shorten the service life of these com- weather conditions it is worthwhile to add
The vehicle can be driven through water up ponents.
to a depth of approximately 9 in. (25 cm), at a fuel line de-icer before refueling.
• Do not allow the vehicle to stand in water
maximum speed of 6 mph (10 km/h). up to the door sills longer than absolutely • The viscosity of the engine oil is important.
necessary. This could result in electrical Oil with low viscosity (thinner oil) improves
• Take particular care when driving through cold-weather starting as well as decreas-
flowing water. malfunctions.
ing fuel consumption while the engine is
• Clean the electrical connections for trailer • If the engine has been stopped while the
car is in water, do not attempt to restart the warming up. For winter use, 5W-30 oil,
wiring after driving in mud or water
engine. Have the car towed out of the particularly the synthetic type1, is recom-
• When driving through water, maintain low water. mended. Be sure to use good quality oil
speed and do not stop in the water. but do not use cold-weather oil for hard
driving or in warm weather. See page 239
Cold weather precautions for more information.
If you wish to check your vehicle before the • The load placed on the battery is greater
After driving through water, press lightly on approach of cold weather, the following during the winter since the windshield
the brake pedal to ensure that the brakes advice is worth noting:
are functioning normally. Water or mud can
wipers, lighting, etc. are used more often.
make the brake linings slippery, resulting in • Make sure that the engine coolant con- Moreover, the capacity of the battery
delayed braking effect. tains 50 percent antifreeze. Any other mix- decreases as the temperature drops. In
ture will reduce freeze protection. This very cold weather, a poorly charged bat-
gives protection against freezing down to - tery can freeze and be damaged. It is
31°F (-35°C). See section "Coolant". The therefore advisable to check the state of
use of "recycled" antifreeze is not
1 Synthetic
approved by Volvo. Different types of anti- oil is not used when the oil is
freeze must not be mixed. changed at the normal maintenance intervals
except at owner request and at additional
charge. Please consult your Volvo retailer.


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06 Starting and driving

General information

charge more frequently and spray an anti- electrical systems (the audio system, the and wiper blades for your use in the event
rust oil on the battery posts. optional navigation system, power win- that problems occur.
• Volvo recommends the use of snow tires dows, etc) will function with the ignition
key in position I. This position reduces As a minimum, the following items should be
on all four wheels for winter driving - see checked before any long trip:
the chapter "Wheels and tires." drain on the battery.
• To prevent the washer fluid reservoir from • Please keep in mind that using systems, • Check that engine runs smoothly and that
freezing, add washer solvents containing accessories, etc that consume a great fuel consumption is normal.
antifreeze (see page 193 for the location of deal of current when the engine is not • Check for fuel, oil, and fluid leakage
the washer fluid reservoir). This is impor- running could result in the battery being
completely drained. • Have the transmission oil level checked1.
tant since dirt is often splashed on the
windshield during winter driving, requiring • The optional 12 volt socket in the cargo • Check condition of drive belts.
the frequent use of the washers and wip- area provides electrical current even with • Check state of the battery's charge.
ers. Volvo Washer Solvent should be the ignition switched off, which drains the • Examine tires carefully (the spare tire as
diluted as follows: Down to 14° F (-10° C): battery. well), and replace those that are worn.
1 part washer solvent and 4 parts water Check tire pressures.
Down to 5° F (-15° C): 1 part washer NOTE • The brakes, front wheel alignment, and
solvent and 3 parts water Down to 0° F (-
• If the ignition is switched on, a warning steering gear should be checked by your
18° C): 1 part washer solvent and 2 parts
message will be displayed in the text win- Volvo retailer only.
water Down to -18° F (-28° C): 1 part
dow in the instrument panel when the bat- • Check all lights, including high beams.
washer solvent and 1 part water.
06 tery charge is low.
• Use Volvo Teflon Lock Spray in the locks. • Reflective warning triangles are legally
• An energy conserving function designed required in some states/provinces.
into the vehicle’s electrical system will
NOTE switch off certain functions or reduce the • Have a word with your Volvo retailer if you
load on the battery by, e.g., reducing the intend to drive in countries where it may
Avoid using de-icing sprays as they can audio system’s volume. be difficult to obtain the correct fuel.
cause damage to the locks.
• Consider your destination. If you will be
Before a long distance trip driving through an area where snow or ice
Conserving electrical current are likely to occur, consider snow tires.
It is always worthwhile to have your vehicle
Keep the following in mind to help minimize 1 Toprevent injury from contact with hot sur-
checked at a Volvo retailer before driving
battery drain: faces, do not inspect your vehicle’s transmis-
long distances. Your retailer will also be able sion fluid yourself. Have your vehicle’s
• When the engine is not running, avoid to supply you with bulbs, fuses, spark plugs transmission fluid level inspected by a quali-
turning the ignition key to position II. Many fied Volvo service technician.


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06 Starting and driving

Fuel requirements

Octane rating Deposit control gasoline (detergent

MINIMUM OCTANE MINIMUM OCTANE Volvo recommends the use of detergent gas-
oline to control engine deposits. Detergent
RATING RATING gasoline is effective in keeping injectors and
(R + M)/2 METHOD (R + M)/2 METHOD intake valves clean. Consistent use of

91 87
deposit control gasolines will help ensure
good drivability and fuel economy. If you are
not sure whether the gasoline contains
deposit control additives, check with the ser-
vice station operator.

Volvo does not recommend the use of
RECOMMENDED – Typical pump octane label MINIMUM – Typical pump octane label store-bought fuel injector cleaning addi-
Volvo engines are designed to achieve rated In demanding driving conditions, such as
horsepower, torque, and fuel economy per- operating the vehicle in hot weather, towing a Unleaded fuel
formance using premium 91 octane fuel. trailer, or driving for extended periods at 06
Each Volvo has a three-way catalytic con-
higher altitudes than normal, it may be advis-
Volvo recommends premium for best perfor- verter and must use only unleaded gasoline.
able to switch to higher octane fuel (91 or
mance, but using 87 octane or above will not U.S. and Canadian regulations require that
higher) or to change gasoline brands to fully
affect engine reliability. pumps delivering unleaded gasoline be
utilize your engine's capacity, and for the
labelled "UNLEADED". Only these pumps
smoothest possible operation.
have nozzles which fit your vehicle's filler
inlet. It is unlawful to dispense leaded fuel
into a vehicle labelled "unleaded gasoline
When switching to higher octane fuel or only". Leaded gasoline damages the three-
changing gasoline brands, it may be neces- way catalytic converter and the heated oxy-
sary to fill the tank more than once before a
gen sensor system. Repeated use of leaded
difference in engine operation is noticeable.
gasoline will lessen the effectiveness of the


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06 Starting and driving

Fuel requirements

emission control system and could result in areas require the use of "oxygenated" fuel. • wearing neoprene gloves while handling a
loss of emission warranty coverage. State Volvo allows the use of the following "oxy- fuel filler nozzle.
and local vehicle inspection programs will genated" fuels; however, the octane ratings
make detection of misfueling easier, possibly listed on this page must still be met. Alcohol WARNING
resulting in emission test failure for misfueled - Ethanol: Fuels containing up to 10% etha- Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, colorless,
vehicles. nol by volume may be used. Ethanol may and odorless gas. It is present in all exhaust
also be referred to as Ethyl alcohol, or "Gas- gases. If you ever smell exhaust fumes
NOTE ohol". Ethers - MTBE: Fuels containing up to inside the vehicle, make sure the passenger
15% MTBE may be used. compartment is ventilated, and immediately
Some U.S. and Canadian gasolines contain return the vehicle to your retailer for correc-
an octane enhancing additive called Fuel Formulations tion.
methyl-cyclopentadienyl manganese tricar-
bonyl (MMT). If such fuels are used, your Do not use gasoline that contains lead as a
Emission Control System performance may knock inhibitor, and do not use lead addi- Use of Additives
be affected, and the Check Engine Light tives. Besides damaging the exhaust emis- With the exception of fuel line antifreeze dur-
(malfunction indicator lamp) located on your sion control systems on your vehicle, lead ing winter months, do not add solvents,
instrument panel may light. If this occurs, thickeners, or other store-bought additives to
has been strongly linked to certain forms of
please return your vehicle to an authorized
Volvo retailer for maintenance. cancer. Many fuels contain benzene as a sol- your vehicle's fuel, cooling, or lubricating
vent. Unburned benzene has been strongly systems. Overuse may damage your engine,
linked to certain forms of cancer. If you live in and some of these additives contain organi-
Gasoline containing alcohol and cally volatile chemicals. Do not needlessly
06 an area where you must fill your own gas
ethers expose yourself to these chemicals.
tank, take precautions.
Some fuel suppliers sell gasoline containing
"oxygenates" which are usually alcohols or These may include: Fuel filler door
ethers. In some areas, state or local laws • standing upwind away from the filler noz- Press the button on the light switch panel
require that the service pump be marked zle while refueling (see the illustration on page 55) with the
indicating use of alcohols or ethers. How- • refueling only at gas stations with vapor ignition switched off to unlock the fuel filler
ever, there are areas in which the pumps are recovery systems that fully seal the mouth door. Please note that the fuel filler door will
unmarked. If you are not sure whether there of the filler neck during refueling remain unlocked until the vehicle begins to
is alcohol or ethers in the gasoline you buy, move forward. An audible click will be heard
check with the service station operator. To when the fuel filler door relocks.
meet seasonal air quality standards, some


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06 Starting and driving

Fuel requirements

If you intend to leave your vehicle while it is Therefore, it is advisable to refuel as soon as 1If
being refueled, this feature enables you to possible when the needle nears the red zone, the fuel filler cap is not closed tightly or if the
engine is running when the vehicle is refueled,
lock the doors/trunk while leaving the fuel or when the fuel warning light comes on. the Check Engine Light (malfunction indicator
filler door unlocked. lamp) may indicate a fault. However, your vehi-
cle’s performance will not be affected. Use only
You can also keep the vehicle locked if you CAUTION Volvo original or approved fuel filler caps.
remain inside it during refueling. The central
• Do not refuel with the engine running1.
locking button does not lock the fuel filler Turn the ignition off or to position I. If the
door. ignition is on, an incorrect reading could
Be sure the fuel filler door is not obstructed occur in the fuel gauge
and is completely closed after refueling. • After refueling, close the fuel filler cap by
Open the fuel filler cap slowly during hot turning it clockwise until it clicks into place.
weather. • Avoid overfilling the fuel tank. Do not
press the handle on the filler nozzle more
Refueling than one extra time. Too much fuel in the
tank in hot weather conditions can cause
The fuel tank is designed to hold approxi- the fuel to overflow. Overfilling could also
mately 15.9 US gallons (60 liters)1 with suffi- cause damage to the emission control sys-
cient volume left over to accommodate pos- tems.
sible expansion of the fuel in hot weather. Be • Avoid spilling gasoline during refueling. In
aware that the "usable" tank capacity will be addition to causing damage to the environ- 06
somewhat less than the specified maximum. ment, gasolines containing alcohol can
When the fuel level is low, such factors as cause damage to painted surfaces, which
ambient temperature, the fuel's "Reid vapor may not be covered under the New Vehicle
Limited Warranty.
pressure" characteristics, and terrain can
• Do not use gasolines containing metha-
affect the fuel pump's ability to supply the
nol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). This
engine with an adequate supply of fuel. practice can result in vehicle performance
1 Models with All Wheel Drive have a tank vol- deterioration and can damage critical parts
ume of 15 US gallons (57 liters). in the fuel system. Such damage may not
Models with engine code 39 have a fuel tank be covered under the New Vehicle Limited
capacity of 14 US gallons (53 liters). This code
is the 6th and 7th digits from the left in your Warranty.
vehicle's VIN number. See page 235 for the
location of the VIN plate.


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06 Starting and driving

Ignition switch, Steering wheel lock

Ignition switch and steering wheel II – Drive position At the same time, a message "Steering
lock The key’s position when locked turn wheel" will appear in the informa-
driving. The vehicle's entire tion display.
0 – Locked position electrical system is acti- If this happens:
Remove the key to lock the vated.
1. Remove the key from the ignition.
steering wheel. Never turn
the key to position 0 while 2. Turn the steering wheel slightly and
hold it to release pressure on the lock
driving or when the vehicle III – Start position mechanism.
is being towed. Turn the key to this position
3. Reinsert the key and start the vehicle.
and release it immediately.
The key returns automati- The steering should immediately unlock. If
cally to the Drive position. not, try again.
A ticking sound may be audible if the key is A chime will sound if the key NOTE
turned to a position between 0 and I. To is left in the ignition and the
stop this sound, turn the key to position II driver's door is opened. In order to help reduce vehicle theft, make
and back to position 0. sure the steering wheel lock is engaged
Steering wheel lock before leaving the vehicle.
When the key is removed from the ignition,
06 I – Intermediate position1 the steering wheel locks so that it cannot be WARNING
Certain accessories, radio, turned.
etc. on, daytime running Never switch off the ignition (turn the igni-
lights off. tion key to position 0) or remove the key
Releasing the steering wheel lock from the ignition switch while the vehicle is
If the front wheels are hard up against a curb, in motion. This could cause the steering
the steering wheel lock may be under too wheel to lock, which would make the vehi-
much tension to unlock. cle impossible to steer.

If so, the key will turn in the ignition switch

but the car will not start.

1 Pleasebe aware that leaving the key in this

positions I or II will increase battery drain.


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06 Starting and driving

Starting the vehicle

To start the engine the engine fails to start, repeat this

1. Fasten the seat belt.
• Immobilizer: If two of the keys to your
NOTE vehicle are close together, e.g., on the same
WARNING key ring when you try to start the vehicle,
After a cold start, idle speed may be notice- this could cause interference in the immobi-
Before starting, check that the seat, steer-
ably higher than normal for a short period. lizer system and result in the vehicle not
ing wheel and mirrors are adjusted properly.
This is done to help bring components in starting. If this should occur, remove one of
Make sure the brake pedal can be
the emission control system to their normal the keys from the key ring before trying to
depressed completely. Adjust the seat if
operating temperature as quickly as possi- start the vehicle again.
ble, which enables them to control emis- • Keylock: Models equipped an automatic
sions and help reduce the vehicle’s impact
2. Apply the parking brake if not already transmission have a keylock system. When
on the environment.
set. The gear selector should be locked the engine is switched off, the gear selector
in the Park (P) position (Shiftlock). must be in the Park (P) position before the
4. To release the gear selector from the key can be removed from the ignition
Manual transmission: the clutch must
Park (P) position, the engine must be switch.
be fully depressed.
running (or the ignition key must be in • When starting in cold weather, the trans-
3. The vehicle is equipped with an position II) and the brake pedal must be mission may shift up at slightly higher
autostart feature. Without touching the depressed. engine speeds than normal until the auto-
throttle pedal, turn the key to position matic transmission fluid reaches normal
5. Select the desired gear. On models
III and release it. The starter motor will operating temperature.
with an automatic transmission, the
then operate automatically (for up to • Do not race a cold engine immediately 06
gear engages after a very slight delay
ten seconds) until the engine starts. If after starting. Oil flow may not reach some
which is especially noticeable when
selecting R. lubrication points fast enough to prevent
engine damage.

Volvo’s floor mats are specially manufac-
tured for your car. They must be firmly
secured in the clips on the floor so that they
cannot slide and become trapped under the
pedals on the driver's side.


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06 Starting and driving

Starting the vehicle

Automatic transmission: The engine
should be idling when you move the gear
selector. Never accelerate until after you
feel the transmission engage! Accelerating
immediately after selecting a gear will cause
harsh engagement and premature trans-
mission wear. Selecting P or N when idling
at a standstill for prolonged periods of time
will help prevent overheating of the auto-
matic transmission fluid.

• Always place the gear selector in Park
(manual transmission: first or reverse gear)
and apply the parking brake before leaving
the vehicle.and apply the parking brake
before leaving the vehicle. Never leave the
vehicle unattended with the engine running.
06 • Always open garage doors fully before
starting the engine inside a garage to
ensure adequate ventilation. The exhaust
gases contain carbon monoxide, which is
invisible and odorless but very poisonous.


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06 Starting and driving

Manual transmission

6-speed manual transmission (option Engaging reverse gear, 6-speed WARNING

on certain models) transmission
An extra mat on the driver’s floor can cause
the accelerator, brake, and/or clutch pedal
to catch. Check that the movement of these
pedals is not impeded. Not more than one
protective floor covering may be used at
one time.

Depress the clutch pedal completely when Reverse gear should only be engaged from a
changing gears1. complete stop. 06
Remove your foot from the clutch pedal while
driving. The shift pattern should be followed.
Reverse gear is electronically blocked and
Overdrive (5th and 6th gears) should be used
cannot be selected if the vehicle is moving
as often as possible to help improve fuel at a speed of approximately 13 mph
economy. (20 km/h).

1 Clutchinterlock CAUTION
The clutch must be fully depressed before you
can start your car. If the clutch is not Never shift into reverse while moving for-
depressed, it will not be possible to start the
engine. ward.


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06 Starting and driving

Automatic transmission

Shift gate positions In P, the transmission is mechanically

blocked (Shiftlock). Always apply the parking
brake when parking.

The car must be stationary when selecting
position P.

Depress the button on the front of the gear R – Reverse

selector knob to move the selector between The car must be stationary when shifting to
06 the R, N, D, and P positions. position R.
The gear selector can be moved freely
between the Geartronic (manual shifting) and N – Neutral
Drive (D) positions while driving. N is the neutral position. The engine can be
started, but no gear is selected. Apply the
Gear selector positions
parking brake when the car is stationary with
the gear selector in N.
P – Park
Select the P position when starting or park-


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06 Starting and driving

Automatic transmission

NOTE NOTE W - Winter/Wet driving mode -

enhanced vehicle traction
If the gear selector is in the Neutral position Reverse, Neutral, and Park cannot be
Mode W reduces torque at the wheels, which
and the car has been at a standstill for at selected in Geartronic mode.
least 3 seconds (regardless of whether the helps improve traction when starting off on a
engine is running or not), the gear selector slippery surface.
• To access the Manual (M) shifting position
will be locked in Neutral. from Drive (D), move the gear selector to Press the button near the base of the gear
the right to M. selector to engage/disengage this driving
In order to move the gear selector to another
• To return to the Drive (D) position from M, mode.
move the gear selector to the left.
• A “W” will be displayed in the instrument
1. Turn the ignition key to position II (if the panel when Winter/Wet driving mode is
engine is not already running). While driving engaged.
2. Depress the brake pedal. • If you select the M position while driving,
the gear that was being used in the Drive • Mode W will only function if the gear
3. Move the gear selector to the desired selector is in the Drive (D) position.
position will also initially be selected in the
position. Once underway, turn off mode W to improve
M position.
• Move the gear selector forward (toward vehicle performance and fuel economy.
D – Drive
D is the normal driving position. The Drive "+") to shift to a higher gear or rearward Cold starts (turbo engines)
(toward "-") to shift to a lower gear.
position offers 6 forward gears.The car auto- When driving before the engine has reached
matically shifts between the various forward • If you hold the gear selector toward "-", 06
its normal operating temperature, the trans-
gears, based on the level of acceleration and the transmission will downshift one gear at
a time and will utilize the braking power of mission will shift up at slightly higher engine
speed. The car must be at a standstill when speeds to heat the three-way catalytic con-
the engine. If the current speed is too high
shifting to position D from position R. verter as quickly as possible.
for using a lower gear, the downshift will
Manual shifting - Geartronic not occur until the speed has decreased Kickdown
enough to allow the lower gear to be used.
The manual shifting mode (Geartronic) can Automatic shift to a lower gear (kickdown) is
be selected at any time to manually select • If you slow to a very low speed, the
achieved by depressing the accelerator
forward gears, including while the car is mov- transmission will automatically shift down.
pedal fully and briskly. An upshift will occur
ing. when approaching the top speed for a partic-
ular gear or by releasing the accelerator
pedal slightly. Kickdown can be used for


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06 Starting and driving

Automatic transmission

maximum acceleration or when passing at

highway speeds.

The gear selector must be in the Drive (D)
position for kickdown to function.



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06 Starting and driving

Shiftlock override

Overriding the shiftlock system 3. There is a small cover below P-R-N-D

on the gear selector panel. Open the
rear edge of the panel.
4. Insert the key blade (see page 111) into
the opening and press it down until it
5. With the key blade pressed down,
move the gear selector out of the P

Shiftlock prevents the gear selector from

being moved out of Park unless the ignition
key is in position II and the brake pedal is 06
In certain cases it may be necessary to move
the gear selector from the Park position man-

To manually override the Shiftlock sys-

1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Depress the brake pedal.


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06 Starting and driving

Brake system

Brake circuit malfunction Power brakes function only when the Severe strain on the brake system
engine is running The brakes will be subject to severe strain
The brake system is a hydraulic system con-
sisting of two separate brake circuits. If a The power brakes utilize vacuum pressure when driving in mountains or hilly areas, or
problem should occur in one of these cir- which is only created when the engine is run- when towing a trailer. Vehicle speed is usu-
cuits, it is still possible to stop the vehicle ning. Never let the vehicle roll to a stop with ally slower, which means that the cooling of
with the other brake circuit. the engine switched off. the brakes is less efficient than when driving
on level roads. To reduce the strain on the
If the brake pedal must be depressed farther If the power brakes are not working, the
brakes, shift into a lower gear and let the
than normal and requires greater foot pres- brake pedal must be pressed approximately
engine help with the braking. Do not forget
sure, the stopping distance will be longer. five times harder than usual to make up for
that if you are towing a trailer, the brakes will
the lack of power assistance. This can hap-
A warning light in the instrument panel will be subjected to a greater than normal load.
pen for example when towing your vehicle or
light up to warn the driver that a fault has if the engine is switched off when the vehicle Anti-lock brakes (ABS)
occurred. is rolling. The brake pedal feels harder than The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) helps to
If this light comes on while driving or braking, usual. improve vehicle control (stopping and steer-
stop immediately and check the brake fluid ing) during severe braking conditions by lim-
Water on brake discs and brake pads
level in the reservoir. iting brake lockup. When the system
affects braking
"senses" impending lockup, braking pres-
NOTE Driving in rain and slush or passing through
sure is automatically modulated in order to
06 an automatic car wash can cause water to
Press the brake pedal hard and maintain help prevent lockup that could lead to a skid.
collect on the brake discs and pads. This will
pressure on the pedal - do not pump the
cause a delay in braking effect when the The system performs a self-diagnostic
pedal is depressed. To avoid such a delay test when the engine is started and when
when the brakes are needed, depress the the vehicle first reaches a speed of
WARNING pedal occasionally when driving through rain, approximately 12 m.p.h. (20 km/h).
If the fluid level is below the MIN mark in the slush, etc. This will remove the water from
The brake pedal will pulsate several times
reservoir or if a brake system message is the brakes. Check that brake application
and a sound may be audible from the ABS
shown in the information display: DO NOT feels normal. This should also be done after
control module. This is normal.
DRIVE. Have the vehicle towed to a Volvo washing or starting in very damp or cold
retailer and have the brake system weather.


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06 Starting and driving

Brake system

For optimal ABS braking effect: completely. EBA is automatically deactivated

1. Press down on the brake pedal with full when the brake pedal is released.
force. The pedal will pulsate. If the BRAKE and ABS warning symbols
2. Steer the vehicle in the direction of light at the same time, there may be a prob- NOTE
lem in the brake system. If the brake fluid
travel and keep the brake pedal level is normal in these circumstances, drive • When the EBA system is activated, the
depressed. carefully to the nearest Volvo workshop to brake pedal will go down and pressure in
The switching of the ABS modulator will be have the brake system checked. the brake system immediately increases to
audible and the brake pedal will pulsate dur- the maximum level. You must maintain full
ing braking. Please be aware that ABS does pressure on the brake pedal in order to uti-
Emergency Brake Assistance - EBA lize the system completely. There will be no
not increase the absolute braking potential of EBA is designed to provide full brake effect braking effect if the pedal is released. EBA
the vehicle. While control will be enhanced, immediately in the event of sudden, hard is automatically deactivated when the brake
ABS will not shorten stopping distances on braking. The system is activated by the pedal is released.
slippery surfaces. speed with which the brake pedal is • When the vehicle has been parked for
depressed. some time, the brake pedal may sink more
If the warning lamp lights up there is a mal- than usual when the engine is started. This
function of the ABS system (the standard When the EBA system is activated, the brake is normal and the pedal will return to its
pedal will go down and pressure in the brake usual position when it is released.
braking system will still function) and the
system immediately increases to the maxi-
vehicle should be driven cautiously to a Volvo
mum level. Maintain full pressure on the
retailer for inspection.
brake pedal in order to utilize the system 06
Electronic Brake Force Distribution
EBD is an integrated part of the ABS system.
EBD regulates the hydraulic pressure to the
rear brakes to help provide optimal braking


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06 Starting and driving

Stability system

Dynamic Stability Traction Control 2. Hold down the RESET button (B) to
(DSTC) toggle between DSTC SPIN CONTROL
ON or OFF.
The stability system consists of a number of
functions designed help reduce wheel spin, NOTE
counteract skidding, and to generally help
improve directional stability. • The message DSTC SPIN CONTROL
OFF indicates that the stability system's
A pulsating sound will be audible when the spin control function has temporarily been
system is actively operating and is normal. switched off.
• The stability control indicator light
Traction control - TC will illuminate and remain on until spin con-
This function is designed to help reduce trol has been reactivated.
wheel spin by transferring power from a drive • The spin control function is automatically
wheel that begins to lose traction to the enabled each time the engine is started.
wheel on the opposite side of the vehicle (on • DSTC ON indicates that all system func-
the same axle). Controls on the left-side steering wheel lever tions are active.
TC is most active at low speeds. Spin control - SC
Active yaw control - AYC
This is one of the stability system’s perma- The spin control function is designed to help
This function helps maintain directional sta-
06 nent functions and cannot be switched off. prevent the drive wheels from spinning while
bility, for example when cornering, by brak-
the vehicle is accelerating.
ing one or more of the wheels if the vehicle
Under certain circumstances, such as when shows a tendency to skid or slide laterally.
driving with snow chains, or driving in deep
This is one of the stability system’s perma-
snow or loose sand, it may be advisable to
nent functions and cannot be switched off.
temporarily switch off this function for maxi-
mum tractive force.
Temporarily switching off Spin control The car's handling and stability characteris-
1. Turn the thumbwheel (A) on the left-side tics will be altered if the DSTC system func-
steering wheel lever until the DSTC menu tions have been disabled.
is displayed.


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06 Starting and driving

Stability system

DSTC-related messages in the text The Stability Control indicator light matically switch on again when the brakes
window glows steadily have cooled.
OFF - The system has been temporarily played in the text window at the same time. WARNING
switched off due to high brake tempera-
A fault is indicated in the stability system. The stability system is intended to help
ture and will automatically switch on again improve driving safety. It supplements, but
when the brakes have cooled. 1. Stop the vehicle in a safe place and can never replace, the driver's judgement
• ANTI SKID SERVICE REQUIRED - the switch off the engine. and responsibility when operating the vehi-
system has been automatically disen- 2. Restart the engine. cle. Speed and driving style should always
gaged due to a fault. An authorized Volvo be adapted to traffic and road conditions.
3. If the indicator light goes out, the fault
retailer should check the system.
was temporary and no further action is
Symbols in the instrument panel required.
4. If the indicator light remains on, drive to
The Stability Control indicator light an authorized Volvo workshop as soon
This light indicates different condi- as possible to have the system
tions, depending on how it illumi- checked.
nates. The Stability Control indicator light
glows steadily
The Stability Control indicator light illu-
If DSTC SPIN CONTROL OFF is displayed in
minates for approximately 2 seconds 06
the text window at the same time, this is a
This indicates that the system is performing a
reminder that spin control has been disabled
self-diagnostic test when the ignition is
by the driver.
switched on.
The Stability Control indicator light The warning symbol
flashes The warning symbol glows
This indicates that the stability system is steadily yellow
actively functioning to help counteract wheel
The system has been temporarily
spin and/or a skid.
switched off due to high brake temperature.
OFF will be displayed. The system will auto-


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06 Starting and driving

Front/rear park assist

Front/rear park assist (option/ the vehicle is backing up to help simplify VATE will be shown in the display in the cen-
accessory) parallel parking. ter console.
• Rear: when the engine is running and
reverse gear is selected. Reactivating park assist
Press the Enter button in the center control
NOTE panel to reactivate the system. The text
If the vehicle is equipped with front and rear
park assist, both systems will either be acti- DEACTIVATE will be shown in the display in
vated or deactivated together. They cannot the center console.
be used separately.
When park assist is actively working It may be necessary to deactivate the park
1. The audio system’s volume will be assist system(s) in certain cases.
2. An intermittent signal will be audible • Rear park assist: towing a trailer, carrying
from the speakers to indicate that you bicycles in a rear-mounted carrier, etc,
are approaching a person, object, could trigger the rear park assist system’s
parked vehicle, etc. sensors.
The park assist system(s) are designed to
06 assist you when driving into parking spaces, 3. The signals begin when the distance • Front park assist: it may not be possible
between the bumper and the object is: to combine auxiliary headlights and front
garages, etc. They utilize ultrasound park assist since these lights could trigger
sensors located in the bumpers to measure 4. Rear: approximately 5 feet (1.5 meters)
the system’s sensors.
the distance to a vehicle or other object, or 5. Front: approximately 2.5 ft (0.8 meters)
a person who may be close to the front or 6. At a distance of approximately 1 foot WARNING
rear of the vehicle. (30 cm), the signal will become con-
stant. This system is designed to be a supplemen-
tary aid when parking the vehicle. It is not,
When is park assist active however, intended to replace the driver’s
Deactivating park assist attention and judgement.
• Front: the system is active from the time
Press the Exit button on the center control
the engine is started until the car exceeds
a speed of approximately 10 mph (15 km/ panel (see the illustration on page 72). PARK
h). Front park assist is also active when ASSIST DEACTIVATED, ENTER TO ACTI-


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06 Starting and driving

Front/rear park assist

Cleaning the sensors light up and remain on and PARK ASSIST

SERVICE REQUIRED will be displayed.

In certain circumstances, the park assist
system may give unexpected warning sig-
nals that can be caused by external sound
sources that use the same ultrasound fre-
quencies as the system. This may include
such things as the horns of other vehicles,
wet tires on asphalt, pneumatic brakes,
motorcycle exhaust pipes, etc. This does
not indicate a fault in the system.

Park assist sensors

For the system to function properly, the sen-
sors in the rear bumpers should be kept
clean. They can be cleaned with car washing 06
detergent and a sponge.

Faults in the system

If a fault should occur in the sys-
tem, the Information symbol will


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06 Starting and driving


Emergency towing

The towing eyelet is located under the floor After the vehicle has been towed
of the cargo area with the optional temporary 1. The eyelet should be removed and
06 spare tire or in the bag stowed in the ski returned to the tool bag.
hatch. This eyelet must be screwed into the 2. Press the cover back into position.
positions provided on the right sides of either
the front or rear bumper (see illustrations).

To attach the towing eyelet:

1. Use a coin or screwdriver to pry open the
lower edge of the cover.
2. Screw the towing eyelet in place first by
hand and then using the tire iron until it
is securely in place.


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06 Starting and driving


Towing a vehicle with all four wheels 5. Keep firm pressure on the brake pedal
on the ground while releasing the parking brake.
6. When towing has been completed, • Check with state and local authorities
return the gear selector to Park (auto- before attempting this type of towing, as
WARNING vehicles being towed are subject to regula-
matic) or Reverse (manual) and apply
Volvo does not recommend towing a dis- tions regarding maximum towing speed,
the parking brake.
length and type of towing device, lighting,
abled vehicle behind another vehicle. Sig-
marker flags, etc.
nificant difficulty in steering and braking, The following points should also be
combined with unfavorable weather, traffic, • Never attempt to push- or tow-start a
and road conditions may make it impossible observed: vehicle with a dead battery. This would
to maintain vehicle control. • Never exceed 50 mph (80 km/h). Never inject unburned fuel into the three-way cat-
exceed local towing speed limits and heed alytic converter(s), causing overheating,
1. Apply the parking brake. all local towing restrictions. backfiring, and damage. See page 145 for
instructions on jump starting the vehicle
2. Insert the key into the ignition to unlock • Never tow farther than 50 miles (80 km).
the steering wheel. The steering wheel • Keep the tow rope taut at all times while
must be unlocked. With the engine off the vehicle is in motion.
and the vehicle at a standstill, great The disabled vehicle should be towed in the
effort will be required to turn the steer- forward direction only.
ing wheel.
• Never allow a vehicle to be towed without
Towing a vehicle with a locked steering a driver behind the wheel of the disabled
wheel will make the vehicle impossible to vehicle.
• Never remove the key from the ignition
while the vehicle is moving. The steering
3. Turn the ignition key to position II. wheel could lock, making it impossible to
4. Place the gear selector in neutral. For steer the vehicle.
vehicles with automatic transmissions, • When the engine is not running, steering
follow instruction on page 135, "Shift- resistance and the effort needed to apply
lock override" to allow the gear selector the brakes will be great.
to be moved from the Park position. • Never attempt to tow a vehicle with a
dead battery at night.


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06 Starting and driving


Towing vehicles with front wheel drive WARNING

Volvo recommends the use of flat bed equip-
• Remember that the power brakes and
ment for towing vehicles with front wheel
power steering will not function when
drive. If wheel lift equipment must be used, engine is not running. The braking and
please use extreme caution to help avoid steering systems will function but the brake
damage to the vehicle. pedal pressure required is 3 - 5 times above
normal and greater steering effort must be
In this case, the vehicle should be towed with exerted.
the rear wheels on the ground if at all possi- • The towing eyelets must not be used for
ble. pulling the vehicle out of a ditch or for any
If it is absolutely necessary to tow the vehicle similar purpose involving severe strain.
with the front wheels on the ground, please • Do not use the towing eyelets to pull the
refer to the towing information on the previ- vehicle up onto a flat bed tow truck.
ous page.
• Sling-type equipment applied at the front
will damage radiator and air conditioning
• It is equally important not to use sling-type
06 equipment at the rear or apply lifting
equipment inside the rear wheels; serious
damage to the rear axle may result.
• If the vehicle is being towed on a flat bed
truck, the towing eyelets must not be used
to secure the vehicle on the flat bed.
Consult the tow truck operator.


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06 Starting and driving

Jump starting

terminal in your vehicle's battery (2),

marked with a "+" sign.
3. Connect the auxiliary battery's negative • Do not connect the jumper cable to any
(-) terminal (3) to the ground point in part of the fuel system or to any moving
your vehicle's engine compartment parts. Avoid touching hot manifolds.
near the driver’s side spring strut (4). • Batteries generate hydrogen gas, which
is flammable and explosive.
4. Start the engine in the assisting vehicle,
then start the engine in the vehicle with • Battery fluid contains sulfuric acid. Do
dead battery. not allow battery fluid to contact eyes, skin,
fabrics or painted surfaces. If contact
5. After the engine has started, first occurs, flush the affected area immediately
remove the negative (-) terminal jumper with water. Obtain medical help immedi-
cable. Then remove the positive (+) ately if eyes are affected.
terminal jumper cable. • Never expose the battery to open flame
or electric spark.
WARNING • Do not smoke near the battery.
PROPOSITION 65 WARNING! • Failure to follow the instructions for jump
Battery posts, terminals, and related acces- starting can lead to personal injury.
Follow these instructions to jump start your sories contain lead and lead compounds, • Do not touch the jumper cables during
vehicle's dead battery or to jump start chemicals known to the state of California the attempt to start the vehicle. This could
another vehicle's dead battery using your to cause cancer and reproductive harm. cause sparks. 06
vehicle. If the 12-volt auxiliary battery to be Wash hands after handling.
used is in another vehicle, check that the
vehicles are not touching to prevent prema-
ture completion of a circuit. Be sure to follow
jump starting instructions provided for the
other vehicle.
To jump start your vehicle:
1. Switch off the ignition.
2. First connect the auxiliary battery posi-
tive (+) terminal (1) to the positive (+)


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06 Starting and driving

Towing a trailer

General information • Engine and transmission are subject to • Volvo recommends the use of synthetic
increased loads. Therefore, engine coolant engine oil when towing a trailer over long
Volvo recommends the use of Volvo trailer temperature should be closely watched distances or in mountainous areas.
hitches that are specially designed for the when driving in hot climates or hilly terrain.
vehicle. Use a lower gear and turn off the air WARNING
Maximum trailer weights recommended by conditioner if the temperature gauge nee-
dle enters the red range. • Bumper-attached trailer hitches must not
Volvo are: be used on Volvos, nor should safety chains
• If the automatic transmission begins to be attached to the bumper.
• Trailers without brakes: 1,540 lbs overheat, a message will be displayed in
(700 kg). • Trailer hitches attaching to the vehicle’s
the information display. rear axle must not be used.
• Trailers with brakes: 2,000 lbs (900 kg) • Avoid overload and other abusive opera-
Observe the legal requirements of the • Never connect a trailer's hydraulic brake
tion. system directly to the vehicle brake system,
state/province in which the vehicles are
• Hauling a trailer affects handling, durabil- nor a trailer's lighting system directly to the
registered. vehicle lighting system. Consult your near-
ity, and economy.
• The maximum recommended hitch est authorized Volvo retailer for correct
tongue load is 165 lbs (75 kg). • It is necessary to balance trailer brakes installation.
with the towing vehicle brakes to provide a
• All Volvo models are equipped with safe stop (check and observe state/local • When towing a trailer, the trailer's safety
energy-absorbing shock-mounted wire must be correctly fastened to the hole
regulations). or hook provided in the trailer hitch on the
bumpers. Trailer hitch installation should
not interfere with the proper operation of • Do not connect the trailer's brake system vehicle. The safety wire should never be
06 directly to the vehicle's brake system. fastened to or wound around the drawbar
this bumper system.
• More frequent vehicle maintenance is ball.
Trailer towing does not normally present
any particular problems, but take into
• Remove the ball and drawbar assembly
consideration: when the hitch is not being used.
• Increase tire pressure to recommended
full. See the chapter "Wheels and tires."
• When your vehicle is new, avoid towing
heavy trailers during the first 620 miles
(1,000 km).
• Maximum speed when towing a trailer:
50 m.p.h. (80 km/h).


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06 Starting and driving

Towing a trailer

• When parking the vehicle with a trailer on
a hill, apply the parking brake before putting
the gear selector in Park (P) or in reverse on
models with a manual transmission. Always
follow the trailer manufacturer's recommen-
dations for wheel chocking.
• If you use the manual (Geartronic) shift
positions while towing a trailer, or if the
vehicle is equipped with a manual transmis-
sion, make sure the gear you select does
not put too much strain on the engine (using
too high a gear).
• The drawbar assembly/trailer hitch may
be rated for trailers heavier than the vehicle
is designed to tow. Please adhere to
Volvo's recommended trailer weights.
• Avoid driving with a trailer on inclines
exceeding 15%.


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06 Starting and driving

Detachable trailer hitch

Installing the ball holder Removing the ball holder

1. Remove the cotter pin (C) from the lock-
ing bolt and slide the locking bolt (B) out
of the ball holder (A)/hitch assembly (D).
2. Pull the ball holder (A) out of the hitch
assembly (D).

A cover for the hitch assembly is also
D included in the kit.

A - ball holder (1 7/8” ball), B - locking bolt, C -

cotter pin, D - hitch assembly, E - safety wire

1. If necessary, remove the cotter pin (C)

06 from the locking bolt (B) and slide the
locking bolt out of the hitch assembly (D).
2. Slide the ball holder (A) into the hitch
assembly (D).
3. Align the hole in the ball holder (A) with
the one in the hitch assembly (D).
4. Slide the locking bolt (C) through the
hitch assembly (D)/ball holder (A).
5. Insert the cotter pin (C) in the hole at
the end of the locking bolt (B).


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06 Starting and driving

Transporting loads

Loading the vehicle WARNING

Your vehicle’s load-carrying capacity is • Remember that an object weighing 44 lbs
affected by factors such as: (20 kg) produces a force of 2,200 lbs (1,000
• the number of passengers kg) in a head-on collision at 30 m.p.h. (50
• tire inflation
• When the rear backrest(s) are folded
• the amount of optional or accessory down, the vehicle should not be loaded to a
equipment installed level higher than 2 in. (5 cm) below the
• the amount of cargo upper edge of the rear side windows.
Objects placed higher than this level could
See the chapter “Wheels and tires” for more impede the function of the Volvo Inflatable
detailed information. Curtain.
Before loading the car, turn off the engine,
and apply the parking brake when loading or
unloading long objects. The gear selector
can be inadvertently knocked out of position
by long cargo, causing the car to move.
Keep the following in mind when load-
ing the vehicle: 06
• Load the cargo in the cargo area against
the rear seat backrest.
• Load heavy cargo as low as possible.
• Center wide loads.
• Secure all cargo with restraining straps
anchored to the load securing eyelets.
• Cover sharp edges on the load.


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General information ................................................................................ 152
Tire inflation ............................................................................................154
Tire designations ....................................................................................158
Glossary of tire terminology ...................................................................160
Vehicle loading .......................................................................................161
Uniform tire quality gradings ..................................................................163
Snow chains, snow tires,
studded tires .......................................................................................... 164
Wheel nuts .............................................................................................165
Tire rotation ............................................................................................166
Temporary spare ....................................................................................167
Changing a wheel ..................................................................................168
Tire sealing system ................................................................................ 170


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07 Wheels and tires

General information

Your vehicle is equipped with tires according Tires not mounted on rims should be stored Tread wear indicator
to the vehicle's tire information placard on on their sides or standing upright, but should
the B-pillar (the structural member at the side not be suspended.
of the vehicle, at the rear of the driver’s door
opening), or on the inside of the fuel filler CAUTION
door on Canadian models.
Tires should preferably be stored in a cool,
The tires have good road holding character- dry, dark place, and should never be stored
istics and offer good handling on dry and wet in close proximity to solvents, gasoline, oils,
surfaces. It should be noted however that the etc.
tires have been developed to give these fea-
tures on snow/ice-free surfaces.
Certain models are equipped with “all-sea-
• The wheel and tire sizes for your Volvo
son” tires, which provide a somewhat higher are specified to meet stringent stability and
degree of road holding on slippery surfaces handling requirements. Unapproved wheel/
than tires without the “all-season” rating. tire size combinations can negatively affect
However, for optimum road holding on icy or your vehicle's stability and handling.
snow-covered roads, we recommend suit- Approved tire sizes are shown in the Tire The tires have wear indicator strips running
inflation pressure tables on pages 156 across or parallel to the tread. The letters TWI
able winter tires on all four wheels. and 157. are printed on the side of the tire. When
When replacing tires, be sure that the new • Any damage caused by installation of approximately 1/16" (1.6 mm) is left on the
tires are the same size designation, type unapproved wheel/tire size combinations
tread, these strips become visible and indi-
(radial) and preferably from the same manu- will not be covered by your new vehicle
warranty. Volvo assumes no responsibility cate that the tire should be replaced. Tires
facturer, on all four wheels. Otherwise there with less than 1/16" (1.6 mm) tread offer very
07 for death, injury, or expenses that may
is a risk of altering the car’s roadholding and result from such installations. poor traction.
handling characteristics.
When replacing worn tires, it is recom-
Storing wheels and tires mended that the tire be identical in type
When storing complete wheels (tires (radial) and size as the one being replaced.
mounted on rims), they should be suspended Using a tire of the same make (manufacturer)
off the floor or placed on their sides on the will prevent alteration of the driving charac-
floor. teristics of the vehicle.


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07 Wheels and tires

General information

New Tires Improving tire economy

Remember that tires are • Maintain correct tire pressure. See the tire
perishable goods. As of pressure tables on pages 156 and 157.
2000, the manufacturing • Drive smoothly: avoid fast starts, hard
week and year (Depart- braking and tire screeching.
ment of Transportation • Tire wear increases with speed.
(DOT) stamp) will be indi-
• Correct front wheel alignment is very
cated with 4 digits (e.g. 1502 means that the important.
tire illustrated was manufactured during
• Unbalanced wheels impair tire economy
week 15 of 2002).
and driving comfort.
Tire age • Tires must maintain the same direction of
rotation throughout their lifetime.
Tires degrade over time, even when they are
not being used. It is recommended that tires • When replacing tires, the tires with the
generally be replaced after 6 years of normal most tread should be mounted on the rear
service. Heat caused by hot climates, fre- wheels to reduce the chance of oversteer
during hard braking.
quent high loading conditions or Ultra Violet
(U.V) exposure can accelerate the aging pro- • Hitting curbs or potholes can damage the
cess. tires and/or wheels permanently.

You should replace the spare tire when you

replace the other road tires due to the aging
of the spare.
A tire's age can be determined by the DOT 07
stamp on the sidewall (see the illustration
A tire with e.g., visible cracks or discoloration
should be replaced immediately.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire inflation

Tire inflation • Under-inflation or over-inflation may

cause uneven treadwear patterns.

• Under-inflation is the most common
cause of tire failure and may result in severe
tire cracking, tread separation, or "blow-
out," with unexpected loss of vehicle con-
trol and increased risk of injury.
• Under-inflated tires reduce the load car-
rying capacity of your vehicle.

When weather temperature changes occur,

tire inflation pressures also change. A 10-
degree temperature drop causes a corre-
sponding drop of 1 psi (7 kPa) in inflation
Tire inflation placard on U.S. models Tire inflation placard on Canadian models
pressure. Check your tire pressures fre-
Check tire inflation pressure regularly. quently and adjust them to the proper pres-
sure, which can be found on the vehicle's tire
Tables listing the recommended inflation
The placards shown indicate inflation pres- information placard or certification label.
pressure for your vehicle can be found on sure for the tires installed on the car at the
pages 156 and 157. A tire inflation pressure factory only. Checking tire pressure
placard is also located on the driver’s side B-
pillar (the structural member at the side of the • Use a tire gauge to check the tire inflation Cold tires
07 vehicle, at the rear of the driver’s door open- pressure, including the spare, at least Inflation pressure should be checked when
ing). This placard indicates the designation of once a month and before long trips. You the tires are cold.
the factory-mounted tires on your vehicle, as are strongly urged to buy a reliable tire
well as load limits and inflation pressure. pressure gauge, as automatic service sta- The tires are considered to be cold when
tion gauges may be inaccurate. they have the same temperature as the
• Use the recommended cold inflation pres- surrounding (ambient) air.
sure for optimum tire performance and This temperature is normally reached after
wear. the car has been parked for at least 3 hours.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire inflation

After driving a distance of approximately 1 To check inflation pressure

mile (1.6 km), the tires are considered to be 1. Remove the cap from the valve on one
hot. If you have to drive farther than this dis- tire, then firmly press the tire gauge onto
tance to pump your tire(s), check and record the valve.
the tire pressure first and add the appropriate 2. Add air to reach the recommended air
air pressure when you get to the pump. pressure
If checking tire pressure when the tire is hot, 3. Replace the valve cap.
never "bleed" or reduce air pressure. The 4. Repeat this procedure for each tire,
tires are hot from driving and it is normal for including the spare.
pressures to increase above recommended 5. Visually inspect the tires to make sure
cold pressures. A hot tire at or below recom- there are no nails or other objects
mended cold inflation pressure could be sig- embedded that could puncture the tire
nificantly under-inflated. and cause an air leak.
6. Check the sidewalls to make sure there
are no gouges, cuts, bulges or other

• If you overfill the tire, release air by push-
ing on the metal stem in the center of the
valve. Then recheck the pressure with your
tire gauge.
• Some spare tires require higher inflation
pressure than the other tires. Consult the 07
tire inflation tables on pages 156 and 157 or
see the inflation pressure placard.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire inflation

Tire inflation pressure tables - U.S. Speed ratings

models The speed ratings in the tables translate as
The following tire pressures are recom-
mended by Volvo for your vehicle. Refer to M = 81 mph (130 km/h),
the tire inflation placard for information spe- V= 149 mph (240 km/h),
cific to the tires installed on your vehicle at W= 168 mph (270 km/h)
the factory. See also page 158 for an explanation of the
designations on the sidewall of the tire.
Cold tire pres-
Tire size sures up to four The following tire pressures are recom-
mended by Volvo for your vehicle. Refer to
the tire inflation placard for information spe-
cific to the tires installed on your vehicle at
Front Rear the factory.

235/45R17 94V M+S 36 (250) 36 (250)

Temporary spare tire 61 (420) 61 (420)

T125/85R16 99M

Load ratings
The load ratings in the tables above translate
07 as follows:
91 = 1365 lbs (615 kg),
93 = 1433 lbs (650 kg),
99 = 1709 lbs (755 kg)


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire inflation

Tire inflation pressure table – Cana- the tire inflation placard for information spe-
dian models cific to the tires installed on your vehicle at
the factory
The following tire pressures are recom-
mended by Volvo for your vehicle. Refer to

Cold tire pressures Optional pressure

Tire size Up to four persons Up to three persons
psi (kPa) psi (kPa)

Front Rear Front Rear

235/45 R17 94V M+S 36 (250) 36 (250) 32 (220) 32 (220)

235/40 R18 91Y 36 (250) 36 (250) 32 (220) 32 (220)

Temporary spare tire 61 (420) 61 (420) 61 (420) 61 (420)

T125/85 R16 99M



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07 Wheels and tires

Tire designations

4. 15: The diameter of the wheel rim (in the 25th week of 2001. The numbers in
inches). between are marketing codes used at
5. 95: The tire’s load index. In this exam- the manufacturer's discretion. This
ple, a load index of 95 equals a maxi- information helps a tire manufacturer
mum load of 1521 lbs (690 kg). identify a tire for safety recall purposes.
6. H: The tire's speed rating, or the maxi- 9. Tire Ply Composition and Material
mum speed at which the tire is Used: Indicates the number of plies
designed to be driven for extended indicates or the number of layers of
periods of time, carrying a permissible rubber-coated fabric in the tire tread
load for the vehicle, and with correct and sidewall. Tire manufacturers also
inflation pressure. For example, H indi- must indicate the ply materials in the
cates a speed rating of 130 mph (210 tire and the sidewall, which include
km/h). steel, nylon, polyester, and others.
10. Maximum Load: Indicates the maxi-
NOTE mum load in pounds and kilograms that
can be carried by the tire. Refer to the
Federal law mandates that tire manufacturers This information may not appear on the tire vehicle's tire information placard or the
because it is not required by law. safety certification label, located on the
place standardized information on the side-
wall of all tires (see the illustration). B-Pillar or the driver's door or on the
7. M+S or M/S = Mud and Snow, AT = inside of the fuel filler door on Canadian
The following information is listed on the tire All Terrain, AS = All Season models, for the correct tire pressure for
sidewall: 8. U.S. DOT Tire Identification Number your vehicle.
The tire designation (the following figures are (TIN): This begins with the letters 11. Treadwear, Traction, and Temperature
examples of a tire designation): "DOT" and indicates that the tire meets grades: See page 163 for more infor-
07 all federal standards. The next two mation.
1. 215: the width of the tire (in millimeters) numbers or letters are the plant code
from sidewall edge to sidewall edge. The 12. Maximum permissible inflation pres-
where it was manufactured, the next sure: the greatest amount of air pres-
larger the number, the wider the tire. two are the tire size code and the last sure that should ever be put in the tire.
2. 65: The ratio of the tire's height to its four numbers represent the week and This limit is set by the tire manufac-
width. year the tire was built. For example, the turer.
3. R: Radial tire. numbers 317 mean the 31st week of
1997. After 2000 the numbers go to
four digits. For example, 2501 means


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire designations

The tire suppliers may have additional mark-

ings, notes or warnings such as standard
load, radial tubeless, etc.



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07 Wheels and tires

Glossary of tire terminology

Tire terminology • Bead area of the tire: Area of the tire next filler door on Canadian models, and in the
to the rim. tire inflation table in this chapter.
• Tire information placard: A placard
showing the OE (Original Equipment) tire • Sidewall of the tire: Area between the • Cold tires: The tires are considered to be
sizes, recommended inflation pressure, bead area and the tread. cold when they have the same tempera-
and the maximum weight the vehicle can • Tread area of the tire: Area of the perim- ture as the surrounding (ambient) air. This
carry. eter of the tire that contacts the road when temperature is normally reached after the
mounted on the vehicle. car has been parked for at least 3 hours.
• Tire Identification Number (TIN): A num-
ber on the sidewall of each tire providing • Rim: The metal support (wheel) for a tire or
information about the tire brand and man- a tire and tube assembly upon which the
ufacturing plant, tire size and date of man- tire beads are seated.
ufacturer. • Maximum load rating: a figure indicating
• Inflation pressure: A measure of the the maximum load in pounds and kilo-
amount of air in a tire. grams that can be carried by the tire. This
• Standard load: A class of P-metric or rating is established by the tire manufac-
Metric tires designed to carry a maximum turer.
load at 35 psi [37 psi (2.5 bar) for Metric • Maximum permissible
tires]. Increasing the inflation pressure inflation pressure: the greatest amount of
beyond this pressure will not increase the air pressure that should ever be put in the
tires load carrying capability. tire. This limit is set by the tire manufac-
• Extra load: A class of P-metric or Metric turer.
tires designed to carry a heavier maximum • Recommended tire inflation pressure:
load at 41 psi [43 psi (2.9 bar) for Metric inflation pressure, established by Volvo,
tires]. Increasing the inflation pressure which is based on the type of tires that are
07 beyond this pressure will not increase the mounted on a vehicle at the factory.
tires load carrying capability. This inflation pressure is affected by the
• kPa: Kilopascal, a metric unit of air pres- number of occupants in the car, the
sure. amount of cargo, and the speed at which
the vehicle will be driven for a prolonged
• PSI: Pounds per square inch, a standard period.
unit of air pressure. This information can be found on the tire
• B-pillar: The structural member at the side inflation placard(s) located on the driver’s
of the vehicle behind the front door. side B-pillar or on the inside of the fuel


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07 Wheels and tires

Vehicle loading

Vehicle loading Permissible axle weight 3. Subtract the combined weight of the
The maximum allowable weight that can be driver and passengers from XXX kilo-
Properly loading your vehicle will provide grams or XXX pounds.
carried by a single axle (front or rear). These
maximum return of vehicle design perfor-
numbers are shown on the Federal/Canadian 4. The resulting figure equals the available
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS/ amount of cargo and luggage load
Before loading your vehicle, familiarize your- CMVSS) label. The total load on each axle capacity. For example, if the ''XXX''
self with the following terms for determining must never exceed its maximum permissible amount equals 1400 lbs. and there will
your vehicle's weight ratings, with or without weight. be five 150 lb. passengers in your
a trailer, from the vehicle's Federal/Canadian vehicle, the amount of available cargo
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS/ and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs.
Gross vehicle weight (GVW) (1400-750 (5 x 150) = 650 lbs.)
CMVSS) label, and the vehicle's tire informa- The vehicle's curb weight + cargo + passen-
tion placard: gers. 5. Determine the combined weight of lug-
gage and cargo being loaded on the
vehicle. That weight may not safely
Curb weight NOTE exceed the available cargo and luggage
The weight of the vehicle including a full tank load capacity calculated in Step 4.
• The location of the various labels in your
of fuel and all standard equipment. It does vehicle can be found on page 235. 6. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer,
not include passengers, cargo, or optional
• A table listing important weight limits for load from your trailer will be transferred
equipment. your vehicle can be found on page 237. to your vehicle. Consult this manual1 to
determine how this reduces the avail-
Capacity weight
Steps for Determining Correct Load
All weight added to the curb weight, includ-
ing cargo and optional equipment. When
towing, trailer hitch tongue load is also part 1. Locate the statement ''the combined
of cargo weight. weight of occupants and cargo should 07
never exceed XXX pounds'' on your vehi-
NOTE cle's placard.
2. Determine the combined weight of the
For trailer towing information, please refer driver and passengers that will be
to the section "Towing a trailer" on riding in your vehicle.
page 146.
1 See "Towing a trailer" on page 146.


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07 Wheels and tires

Vehicle loading

able cargo and luggage load capacity

of your vehicle.

• Exceeding the permissible axle weight,
gross vehicle weight, or any other weight
rating limits can cause tire overheating
resulting in permanent deformation or cata-
strophic failure.
• Do not use replacement tires with lower
load carrying capacities than the tires that
were original equipment on the vehicle
because this will lower the vehicle’s GVW
rating. Replacement tires with a higher limit
than the originals do not increase the vehi-
cle’s GVW rating limitations.



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07 Wheels and tires

Uniform tire quality gradings

Uniform tire quality gradings TRACTION The grade C corresponds to a minimum level
The traction grades, from highest to lowest, of performance that all passenger vehicle
are AA, A, B, and C, as measured under con- tires must meet under the Federal Motor
trolled conditions on specified government Safety Standard No. 109. Grades B and A
test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire represent higher levels of performance on the
marked C may have poor traction perfor- laboratory test wheel than the minimum
Quality grades can be found, where appli- mance. required by law.
cable, on the tire sidewall between the
The traction grade assigned to this tire is
tread shoulder and maximum section WARNING
based on braking (straight-ahead) traction
width. For example:
tests and is not a measure of cornering (turn- The temperature grade for this tire is estab-
Treadwear 200 Traction AA ing) traction. lished for a tire that is properly inflated and
Temperature A not overloaded. Excessive speed, under-
inflation, or excessive loading, either sepa-
WARNING rately or in combination, can cause heat
TREADWEAR buildup and tire failure.
The traction grade assigned to this tire is
The treadwear grade is a comparative rating based on braking (straight-ahead) traction
based on the wear rate of the tire when tests and is not a measure of cornering
tested under controlled conditions on a (turning) traction.
specified government test course.
For example, a tire graded 150 would wear TEMPERATURE
one and one half (1 1/2) times as well on the The temperature grades are AA (the highest),
government course as a tire graded 100. A, B, and C, representing the tire's resistance
to the generation of heat and its ability to dis-
The relative performance of tires depends
sipate heat when tested under controlled 07
upon the actual conditions of their use, how-
conditions on a specified indoor laboratory
ever, and many depart significantly from the
test wheel.
norm due to variation in driving habits, main-
tenance practices and differences in road Sustained high temperature can cause the
characteristics and climate. material of the tire to degenerate and reduce
tire life, and excessive temperature can lead
to sudden tire failure.


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07 Wheels and tires

Snow chains, snow tires, studded tires

Snow chains CAUTION

• Do not mix tires of different design as this
could also negatively affect overall tire
Snow chains can be used on your Volvo with • Check local regulations regarding the use road grip.
the following restrictions: of snow chains before installing. • Winter tires wear more quickly on dry
• Snow chains should be installed on front • Always follow the chain manufacturer’s roads in warm weather. They should be
wheels only. Use only Volvo approved installation instructions carefully. Install removed when the winter driving season
snow chains. chains as tightly as possible and retighten has ended.
• If accessory, aftermarket or “custom” tires • Studded tires should be run-in 300-600
and wheels are installed and are of a size • Never exceed the chain manufacturer’s miles (500-1000 km) during which the car
specified maximum speed limit. (Under no
different than the original tires and wheels, should be driven as smoothly as possible
circumstances should you exceed 31 mph
chains in some cases CANNOT be used. (50 km/h). to give the studs the opportunity to seat
Sufficient clearances between chains and properly in the tires. The tires should have
brakes, suspension and body compo- • Avoid bumps, holes or sharp turns when the same rotational direction throughout
driving with snow chains.
nents must be maintained. their entire lifetime.
• The handling of the vehicle can be
• Some strap-on type chains will interfere adversely affected when driving with
with brake components and therefore chains. Avoid fast or sharp turns as well as
CANNOT be used. locked wheel braking. Please consult state or provincial regula-
Consult your Volvo retailer for additional tions restricting the use of studded winter
snow chain information. Snow tires, studded tires tires before installing such tires.

Tires for winter use:

• Owners who live in or regularly commute
through areas with sustained periods of
07 snow or icy driving conditions are strongly
advised to fit suitable winter tires to help
retain the highest degree of traction.
• It is important to install winter tires on all
four wheels to help retain traction during
cornering, braking, and accelerating. Fail-
ure to do so could reduce traction to an
unsafe level or adversely affect handling.


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07 Wheels and tires

Wheel nuts

Wheel nuts Aluminum wheels – high nut

Only the high type of nut can be used for alu-
minum wheels. This is considerably different
from other types of nut because it has a
rotating conical thrust washer.

This nut can also be used on steel wheels.

Lockable wheel nut

If steel wheels with lockable wheel nuts are
used in combination with wheel covers, the
lockable wheel nut must be fitted to the stud
nearest the air valve. The wheel cover cannot
Low and high wheel nuts otherwise be installed on the wheel.
There are two different types of wheel nut,
depending on whether the wheels are steel
or aluminum.

Steel rims – low nut

Steel rims are normally secured using the low
type of nut, although steel rims may also use 07
the high type.

Never use the short type of nut for alumin-
ium wheels. This could cause the wheel to
come loose.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire rotation

• The tires with the most tread should a vehicle wants to keep turning because of
always be at the rear (to reduce the risk of momentum and dynamic forces on its sus-
skidding). pension.
Contact a Volvo workshop if you are unsure Suspension wear diagnostics
about the tread depth.
Every suspension needs periodic inspection
and maintenance. A tire's wear pattern can
Tire rotation
be an aid in detecting a suspension problem.
Your vehicle has no recommended tire rota- Each tire, if left in place, tells a story about
tion. The following information is intended to the suspension. Tire rotation, on the other
help you understand why. hand, could make suspension wear harder to
Tread set detect. Early detection is very important,
As a tire ages and the rubber cures, front and because suspension problems can make tire
rear tires set at different angles. Therefore, if wear worse.
tires are rotated, the tread will eventually set If you do rotate your tires…
at an angle that is a compromise. Even if ride, Please follow the tire manufacturer's recom-
The arrows shows the direction of rotation of the
tire handling, and road noise may still seem mendations, as outlined in the tire manufac-
acceptable, they may not be optimal. Fur- turers tire warranty pamphlet.
Summer and winter tires ther, tires that are rotated, but not on a regu-
• When switching between summer and lar basis, may actually cause more tire noise,
winter tires, mark the tires to indicate faster tire wear, and unpleasant changes in
where they were mounted on the car, e.g. steering feel and vehicle handling.
LF = left front, RR = right rear
A tire that can fully adapt to its position will
07 • Tires with tread designed to roll in only provide better steering feel, lower tire noise,
one direction are marked with an arrow on and better fuel economy.
the sidewall.
• Incorrectly mounted tires impair the car’s Braking stability performance
braking properties and ability to force Your vehicle is driven mainly by the front
aside rain, snow and slush. tires, which will wear faster. This can be ben-
eficial. Having more tread on the rear tires
will help reduce oversteer. Oversteer is when


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07 Wheels and tires

Temporary spare

Temporary spare (option)

The spare tire in your car is called a "Tempo- On cars with a spare wheel, the jack and lug The retaining straps securing the spare wheel
rary Spare". wrench are secured in a foam plastic block is attached to two eyelets in the floor of the
placed in the center of the wheel. spare wheel’s storage compartment.
Recommended tire pressure (see the placard
on the B-pillar) should be maintained irre-
spective of which position on the car the CAUTION WARNING
temporary spare tire is used on. The car must not be driven with wheels of Current legislation prohibits the use of the
different dimensions or with a spare tire oth- "Temporary Spare" tire other than as a tem-
In the event of damage to this tire, a new one porary replacement for a punctured tire. It
er than the one that came with the car. The 07
can be purchased from your Volvo retailer. must be replaced as soon as possible by a
use of different size wheels can seriously
damage your car's transmission. standard tire. Road holding and handling
Location of the optional spare wheel may be affected with the "Temporary
and tools Spare" in use. Do not exceed 50 mph (80
km/h). Do not drive farther than 50 miles (80
The spare wheel is packed in a storage bag km) on a temporary spare tire.
and is located under the panel in the floor of
the trunk.


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07 Wheels and tires

Changing a wheel

Changing a wheel

Accessing the spare wheel

1. Open the hatch in the floor of the trunk.
2. Release the retaining straps and lift out
the spare wheel in its storage bag.
3. Open the zipper on the storage bag and
lift out the spare wheel.
The wheel that was replaced by the tempo-
rary spare tire can then be placed in the stor-
age bag.

Removing the wheel cover Loosening the wheel nuts

Before raising the car 5. With the car still on the ground, use the
1. Engage the parking brake. lug wrench to loosen the wheel nuts 1/2
- 1 turn by exerting downward pres-
2. Put the gear selector in Park (P).
sure. Turn the nuts counterclockwise to
3. Block the wheels that are on the loosen.
ground with wooden blocks or large
4. Remove the wheel cap (where applica-
ble) using the lug wrench in the tool


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07 Wheels and tires

Changing a wheel

7. Before raising the car, check that the Installing a wheel

jack is still correctly positioned in the 1. Clean the contact surfaces on the wheel
attachment. and hub.
2. Lift the wheel and place it on the hub.
3. Install the wheel nuts and tighten hand-
• The jack must correctly engage the jack tight. Using the lug wrench, tighten
attachment. crosswise until all nuts are snug.
• Be sure the jack is on a firm, level, non- 4. Lower the vehicle to the ground and
slippery surface. alternately tighten the bolts crosswise
• Never allow any part of your body to be to 62 ft. lbs. (85 Nm).
extended under a car supported by a jack. 5. Install the wheel cap (where applica-
• Use the jack intended for the car when ble).
changing a tire. For any other job, use
stands to support the car.
• Apply the parking brake and put the gear
selector in the Park (P) position.
• Block the wheels standing on the ground,
use rigid wooden blocks or large stones.
Positioning the jack1
• The jack should be kept well-greased.
There are two jack attachment points on
each side of the car.
Removing the wheel
6. Position the jack correctly in the 8. Raise the vehicle until the wheel to be
attachment (see illustration above) and changed is lifted off the ground.
crank while simultaneously guiding the 07
base of the jack to the ground. The 9. Unscrew the wheel bolts completely
base of the jack must be flat on a level, and carefully remove the wheel so as
firm, non-slippery surface. not to damage the threads on the

1 Notincluded on models equipped with the tire

sealing system.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire sealing system

Tire sealing system WARNING

• After using the tire sealing system, the
vehicle should not be driven farther than
approximately 120 miles (200 km). Have the
tire replaced as soon as possible.
• The vehicle should not be driven faster
than 50 mph (80 km/h) while using a tire that
has been temporarily repaired with the tire
sealing system.
• After using the tire sealing system, drive
carefully and avoid abrupt steering maneu-
vers and sudden stops.
• A tire that has been temporarily inflated
with the tire sealing kit cannot be repaired
and re-used. It must be replaced.
Location of the tools
Location of the tire sealing kit
The system consists of an air compressor, an
Your vehicle is equipped with a tire sealing integrated container for the sealing com-
system that enables you to temporarily seal a pound, wiring to connect the system to the
hole in the tread surface and reinflate a flat vehicle’s electrical system via one of the 12-
tire, or to adjust a tire’s inflation pressure. volt sockets, and a hose used to connect the
• The tire sealing kit is stowed behind the system to the tire’s inflation valve.
ski hatch in the center of the rear seat
07 backrest. NOTE
The tire sealing system is only intended to
seal holes on the tire’s tread area, not the
• Tires with large holes or tears cannot be
repaired with the tire sealing system.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire sealing system

Temporarily repairing a flat tire

Before using the tire sealing system, observe • Be sure the vehicle is parked safely off the
the following: road and away from moving traffic.
• Apply the parking brake.
WARNING • Do not remove any foreign objects (nails,
• Never leave the tire sealing system unat- etc.) from the tire.
tended when it is operating.
• Keep the tire sealing system kit away 07
from children.
• The vehicle’s engine should be running
when the tire sealing system is used to
avoid battery drain. Therefore, be sure the
vehicle is parked in a well ventilated place
before using the system.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire sealing system

Temporarily repairing a flat tire is done compound container, 90 degrees until Switch off the compressor briefly to get
in two stages it clicks into the vertical position. a clear reading from the pressure
6. Start the vehicle’s engine. gauge (9).
• In the first stage, the hole is sealed by
7. Start the tire sealing system’s com- 9. Disconnect the electrical wire from the
pumping sealing compound into the tire.
pressor by pressing the switch (2) to 12-volt socket.
The car is then driven a short distance to
distribute the sealing compound in the position I.
tire. NOTE
• In the second stage, the tire’s inflation NOTE If the pressure remains below 22 psi (1.8
pressure is checked and adjusted if nec- The air pressure gauge (9) will temporarily bar) after approximately seven minutes, turn
essary. show an increase in pressure to approxi- off the compressor. In this case, the hole is
mately 88 psi (6 bar) while the sealing com- too large to be sealed and the vehicle
pound is being pumped into the tire. The should not be driven.
Stage 1 – Sealing the hole
Peel off the speed limit sticker (1) and affix it pressure should return to a normal level
to the steering wheel hub where it will be after approximately one minute. 10. Unscrew the hose from the tire’s infla-
tion valve and reinstall the valve cap.
clearly visible to the driver.
WARNING 11. Fold down the orange section of the
1. Ensure that the orange switch (2) is in tire sealing system to its original (hori-
position 0 (the 0 side of the switch should • Contact with the sealing compound may zontal) position and press the safety
be pressed down). cause skin irritation. If contact occurs, wash catch into place.
2. Pull out the electrical wire (5) and hose the affected area immediately.
12. Safely stow the tire sealing system kit
(4) from the side compartment (3). • Never stand next to the tire being inflated in a convenient place as it will soon be
3. Remove the valve cap from the tire’s when the compressor is in operation. used again to check the tire’s inflation
inflation valve and screw the hose con- • If cracks, bubbles, etc. form on the tire, pressure.
nector onto the valve as tightly as switch off the compressor immediately.
07 13. Immediately drive the vehicle for
possible by hand. • If there is visible damage to the sidewall approximately 2 miles (3 km) to distrib-
4. Connect the electrical wire to the near- or the rim, the tire cannot be repaired. The ute the sealing compound in the tire.
vehicle should not be driven if this occurs.
est 12-volt socket in the vehicle. Contact a towing service or Volvo On Call
5. Release the safety catch (6) and turn Roadside Assistance if applicable.
the orange colored section of the seal-
ing kit (7), which holds the sealing 8. Within seven minutes, inflate the tire to
between 22 - 50 psi (1.8 - 3.5 bar).


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire sealing system

Stage 2 – Checking inflation pressure 7. Inflate the tire to the correct pressure 11. Return the hose and electrical wire to
1. Park the car in a safe place. as indicated in the tire inflation tables the compartment on the side of the
on pages 156 and 157. If the tire needs unit.
2. Ensure that the orange switch (2) is in
position 0 (the 0 side of the switch to be inflated, start the tire sealing
should be pressed down). system’s compressor. If necessary, NOTE
release air from the tire by pressing the
3. Remove the valve cap from the tire’s vent button (8). When the tire sealing system has been used
inflation valve and screw the hose con- to seal a flat tire, the tank containing the
8. Turn off the compressor (press switch 2 sealing compound, and the hose must be
nector onto the valve as tightly as
possible by hand. to the 0 position) when the correct replaced. See the instructions on the follow-
inflation pressure has been reached. ing page. Contact a Volvo retailer for
replacement parts.
If heavy vibrations, unsteady steering
behavior, or noises should occur while driv- The compressor should not be used for
ing, reduce speed and park the car in a safe more than ten minutes at a time to avoid
place. Recheck the tire for bumps, cracks, overheating.
or other visible damage, and recheck its
inflation pressure. If the pressure is below
16 psi (1.3 bar), do not continue driving. 9. Unscrew the hose from the tire’s infla-
Have the vehicle towed to a workshop or tion valve and reinstall the valve cap.
Volvo retailer. 10. Disconnect the electrical wire from the
12-volt socket.
4. Connect the electrical wire to the near-
est 12-volt socket in the vehicle.
5. Start the vehicle’s engine.
6. Check the tire’s inflation pressure on
the gauge (9).

In dark conditions, switching on the tire
sealing system’s compressor will illuminate
the pressure gauge.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire sealing system

Replacing the sealing compound


After use, return the tire sealing system to its Replacing the sealing compound con- See also the safety regulations on the bottom
storage compartment behind the ski hatch in tainer of the container.
the center of the rear seat backrest. The sealing compound container must be
replaced if: WARNING
WARNING Be sure that the compressor is not con-
• the tire sealing system has been used to
07 If you interrupt your trip for more than one nected to a 12-volt socket while replacing
repair a tire
hour, check the inflation pressure in the the container.
damaged tire again before continuing. See • the container’s expiration date has passed
the section “Stage 2: Checking inflation (see the date on decal 1).
pressure” on page 154. After use, the container (6), its retaining
bracket (9), and the hose (10) must be
replaced. Please consult your Volvo retailer
for replacement parts.


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07 Wheels and tires

Tire sealing system

Replacing the container and hose 11. Reinsert the casing (3). Check that it is Replacing the container after its expi-
after use correctly in place and tighten the ration date has passed
screws (2), and press the safety catch
1. Unscrew the two screws (2) on the 1. Unscrew the two screws (2) on the
(5) into position.
orange casing. orange casing.
12. Affix the speed limit decal (4) and a new
2. Remove the speed limit sticker (4) and 2. Remove the speed limit sticker (4) and
expiration date decal (1).
the expiration date decal (1). the expiration date decal (1).
The empty container and used hose can be
3. Release the safety catch (5) and 3. Release the safety catch (5) and
discarded as normal refuse, or recycled.
remove the casing (3) from the sealing remove the casing (3) from the sealing
system unit. Consult local regulations. system unit.
4. Press down the button (8) while twist- 4. Unscrew and remove the container.
ing the container (6) and retaining 5. Unscrew the cap from the new sealing
bracket (9) clockwise approximately 2/ compound container and check that
3 of a turn and remove them. the seal (7) is intact and undamaged.
5. To remove the hose (10), first press it 6. Screw the container (6) firmly into the
into housing and then pull it out from bracket (9).
the opposite side.
7. Reinsert the casing (3). Check that it is
6. Wipe away any remaining sealing com- correctly in place and tighten the
pound, or scrape it off if it has already screws (2), and press the safety catch
hardened. (5) into position.
7. Insert a new air hose and check that it 8. Affix the speed limit decal (4) and a new
is properly seated. expiration date decal (1).
8. Unscrew the cap from the new sealing The empty container can be discarded as
compound container and check that normal refuse, or recycled. Consult local reg- 07
the seal (7) is intact and undamaged.
9. Screw the container (6) firmly into the
bracket (9).
10. Mount the bracket on the housing and
twist it counterclockwise until it clicks
into place.


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Washing and cleaning the vehicle ..........................................................178
Paint touch up ........................................................................................182


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08 Car care

Washing and cleaning the vehicle

Washing • Tar spots can be removed with kerosene

or tar remover after the car has been
The following points should be kept in mind washed. • During high pressure washing, the spray
when washing and cleaning the car: mouthpiece must never be closer to the
• A stiff-bristle brush and lukewarm soapy
• The car should be washed at regular inter- water can be used to clean the wiper vehicle than 13" (30 cm). Do not spray into
the locks.
vals since dirt, dust, insects and tar spots blades. Frequent cleaning improves visi-
adhere to the paint and may cause dam- bility considerably. •When washing or steam cleaning the
age. To help prevent corrosion, it is partic- engine, avoid spraying water or steam
• Wash off the dirt from the underside directly on the electrical components or
ularly important to wash the car frequently (wheel housings, fenders, etc). toward the rear side of the engine.
in the wintertime when salt has been used
on the roads. • In areas of high industrial fallout, more •Chromed wheels: Clean chrome-plated
frequent washing is recommended. wheels using the same detergents used for
• Avoid washing your car in direct sunlight. the body of the vehicle. Aggressive wheel-
Doing so may cause detergents and wax • After cleaning the engine, the spark plug
wells should be inspected for water and cleaning agents can permanently stain
to dry out and become abrasive. To avoid chrome-plated wheels.
scratching, use lukewarm water to soften blown dry if necessary.
the dirt before you wash with a soft
Exterior plastic components Automatic washing - simple and quick
sponge, and plenty of sudsy water.
Cleaning exterior plastic components should We do NOT recommend washing your car in
• Bird droppings: Remove from paintwork an automatic wash during the first six months
as soon as possible. Otherwise the finish be done with a cleaning agent specially
designed for this purpose. Solvents or stain (because the paint will not have hardened
may be permanently damaged.
removers should not be used. Consult your sufficiently).
• A detergent can be used to facilitate the
softening of dirt and oil. Volvo retailer. An automatic wash is a simple and quick way
• A water-soluble grease solvent may be to clean your car, but it is worth remembering
NOTE that it may not be as thorough as when you
used in cases of sticky dirt. However, use
a wash place equipped with a drainage When washing the car, remember to yourself go over the car with sponge and
separator. remove dirt from the drain holes in the water.
doors and sills.
• Dry the car with a clean chamois and Keeping the underbody clean is most impor-
remember to clean the drain holes in the tant, especially in the winter. Some auto-
08 doors and rocker panels.


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08 Car care

Washing and cleaning the vehicle

matic washers do not have facilities for Polishing and Waxing • Do not polish or wax your vehicle in direct
washing the underbody. • Normally, polishing is not required during sunlight (the surface of the vehicle should
the first year after delivery, however, wax- not be warmer than 113° F (45° C).
ing may be beneficial.
• Before applying polish or wax the vehicle CAUTION
• Before driving into an automatic car must be washed and dried. Tar spots can
wash, turn off the optional rain sensor to be removed with kerosene or tar remover. Volvo does not recommend the use of long-
avoid damaging the windshield wipers. life or durable paint protection coatings,
Difficult spots may require a fine rubbing
•Make sure that side view mirrors, auxiliary some of which may claim to prevent pitting,
compound. fading, oxidation, etc. These coatings have
lamps, etc, are secure, and that any
antenna(s) are retracted or removed. • After polishing use liquid or paste wax. not been tested by Volvo for compatibility
Otherwise there is risk of the machine dis- • Several commercially available products with your vehicle's clear coat. Some of
lodging them. them may cause the clear coat to soften,
contain both polish and wax.
crack, or cloud. Damage caused by appli-
• Waxing alone does not substitute for pol- cation of paint protection coatings may not
WARNING ishing a dull surface. be covered under your vehicle's paint war-
• A wide range of polymer-based waxes can ranty.
• When the car is driven immediately after be purchased today. These waxes are
being washed, apply the brakes several
times in order to remove any moisture from
easy to use and produce a long-lasting,
the brake linings. high-gloss finish that protects the body-
work against oxidation, road dirt and fad-
• Engine cleaning agents should not be ing.
used when the engine is warm. This consti-
tutes a fire risk.

Exterior lighting
Condensation may form temporarily on the
inside of the lenses of exterior lights such as
headlights, fog lights, or taillights. This is nor-
mal and the lights are designed to withstand
moisture. Normally, condensation will dissi-
pate after the lights have been on for a short


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08 Car care

Washing and cleaning the vehicle

Upholstery care Leather care

Volvo's leather upholstery is manufactured
with a protectant to repel soiling. Over time, • Under no circumstances should gasoline,
Fabric naphtha or similar cleaning agents be used
Clean with soapy water or a detergent. For sunlight, grease and dirt can break down the
on the plastic or the leather since these can
more difficult spots caused by oil, ice cream, protection. Staining, cracking, scuffing, and cause damage.
shoe polish, grease, etc., use a clothing/fab- fading can result.
•Take extra care when removing stains
ric stain remover. Consult your Volvo retailer. Volvo offers an easy-to-use, non-greasy such as ink or lipstick since the coloring can
leather care kit formulated to clean and spread.
Interior plastic components beautify your vehicle's leather, and to renew • Use solvents sparingly. Too much solvent
Cleaning interior plastic components should the protective qualities of its finish. The can damage the seat padding.
be done with a cleaning agent specially cleaner removes dirt and oil buildup. The •Start from the outside of the stain and
designed for this purpose. Consult your light cream protectant restores a barrier work toward the center.
Volvo retailer. against soil and sunlight. •Sharp objects (e.g. pencils or pens in a
pocket) or Velcro fasteners on clothing may
Volvo also offers a special leather softener damage the textile upholstery.
Alcantera™ suede-like material
that should be applied after the cleaner and •Clothing that is not colorfast, such as new
Suede-like upholstery can be cleaned with a
protectant. It leaves leather soft and smooth, jeans or suede garments, may stain the
soft cloth and mild soap solution.
and reduces friction between leather and upholstery.
other finishes in the vehicle.
Volvo recommends cleaning, protecting and
conditioning your vehicle's leather two to
four times a year. Ask your Volvo retailer
about Leather Care Kit 951 0251 and Leather
Softener 943 7429.



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08 Car care

Washing and cleaning the vehicle

Cleaning the seat belts

Clean only with lukewarm water and a mild
soap solution.
Cleaning floor mats
The floor mats should be vacuumed or
brushed clean regularly, especially during
winter when they should be taken out for dry-
ing. Spots on textile mats can be removed
with a mild detergent. For best protection in
winter, Volvo recommends the use of Volvo
rubber floor mats. Consult your Volvo retailer.



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08 Car care

Paint touch up

Touching up minor paint damage Color code NOTE

Paint damage requires immediate attention When touching up the vehicle, it should be
to avoid rusting. Make it a habit to check the clean and dry. The surface temperature
finish regularly - when washing the vehicle for should be above 60° F (15° C).
instance. Touch-up if necessary. • If the stone chip has not penetrated down
Paint repairs require special equipment and to the metal and an undamaged layer of
paint remains, the touch-up paint can be
skill. Contact your Volvo retailer for any applied as soon as the spot has been
extensive damage. Minor scratches can be cleaned.
repaired by using Volvo touch-up paint.

Model plate with paint color code.

The model plate is located on the passenger's
side center door pillar.

When ordering touch-up paint from your

Volvo retailer, make sure you have the right
color. Use the paint code indicated on the
model plate (1 in the illustration above).
Minor stone chips and scratches
• Primer - can
• Paint - touch-up pen
• Brush
• Masking tape


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08 Car care

Paint touch up

Deep scratches

1. Place a strip of masking tape over the

damaged surface. Pull the tape off so that
any loose flakes of paint adhere to it.
2. Thoroughly mix the primer and apply it
with a small brush. When the primer
surface is dry, the paint can be applied
using a brush. Mix the paint thoroughly;
apply several thin paint coats and let
dry after each application.
3. If there is a longer scratch, you may
want to protect surrounding paint by
masking it off. 08


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Volvo maintenance .................................................................................186
Maintaining your vehicle ........................................................................187
Hood ...................................................................................................... 189
Engine compartment ..............................................................................190
Engine oil ...............................................................................................191
Fluids ...................................................................................................... 193
Wiper blades ..........................................................................................195
Battery ....................................................................................................196
Bulbs ...................................................................................................... 198
Replacing bulbs ..................................................................................... 199
Fuses ...................................................................................................... 208


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Volvo maintenance

General many of which will positively affect your vehi- Periodic maintenance helps minimize
Volvo advises you to follow the maintenance cle's emissions, should be performed as indi- emissions
program outlined in the Warranty and Service cated. It is recommended that receipts for Periodic maintenance will help keep your
Records Information booklet. This mainte- vehicle emission maintenance be retained in vehicle running well. Your Warranty and Ser-
nance program contains inspections and ser- case questions arise concerning mainte- vice Records Information booklet provides a
vices necessary for the proper function of nance. Inspection and maintenance should comprehensive periodic maintenance sched-
your vehicle. The maintenance services con- also be performed anytime a malfunction is ule up to 150,000 miles (240,000 km) of vehi-
tain several checks that require special tools observed or suspected. cle maintenance. The schedule includes
and training, and therefore must be per- Applicable warranties - U.S/Canada components that affect vehicle emissions.
formed by a qualified technician. To keep This page describes some of the emission-
In accordance with applicable U.S. and
your Volvo in top condition, specify time- related components.
Canadian regulations, the following list of
tested and proven Genuine Volvo Parts and
warranties is provided. Vehicle Event Data (Black Box)
• New Vehicle Limited Warranty Your vehicle's driving and safety systems
The Federal Clean Air Act - U.S employ computers that monitor, and share
• Parts and Accessories Limited Warranty
The Federal Clean Air Act requires vehicle with each other, information about your vehi-
• Corrosion Protection Limited Warranty
manufacturers to furnish written instructions cle's operation. One or more of these com-
to the ultimate purchaser to assure the • Seat Belt and Supplemental Restraint puters may store what they monitor, either
proper servicing and function of the compo- Systems Limited Warranty during normal vehicle operation or in a crash
nents that control emissions. These services, • Emission Design and Defect Warranty or near-crash event. Stored information may
which are listed in the "Warranty and Service • Emission Performance Warranty be read and used by:
Records Information” booklet, are not cov- These are the federal warranties; other war- • Volvo Car Corporation
ered by the warranty. You will be required to ranties are provided as required by state/pro-
pay for labor and material used. • service and repair facilities
vincial law. Refer to your separate Warranty
and Service Records Information booklet for • law enforcement or government agencies
detailed information concerning each of the • others who may assert a legal right to
Your Volvo passed several major inspec- know, or who obtain your consent to know
tions before it was delivered to you, in accor- such information.
dance with Volvo specifications. The mainte-
nance procedures outlined in the Warranty
and Service Records Information booklet,


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Maintaining your vehicle 09

Owner maintenance As needed:

• Wash the car, including the undercarriage,
Periodic maintenance requirements and
to reduce wear that can be caused by a
intervals are described in your vehicle’s War- buildup of dirt, and corrosion that can be
ranty and Service Records Information book- caused by salt residues.
• Clean leaves and twigs from air intake
The following points can be carried out vents at the base of the windshield, and
between the normally scheduled mainte- from other places where they may collect.
nance services.
Each time the car is refueled: Complete service information for qualified
• Check the engine oil level technicians is available online for purchase
• Clean the windshield, windshield wipers, or subscription at www.volvotechinfo.com.
headlights, and taillights

• Check cold tire pressure in all tires.
Inspect the tires for wear.
• Check that engine coolant and other fluid
levels are between the indicated “min”
and “max” markings.
• Clean interior glass surfaces with a glass
cleaner and soft paper towels.
• Wipe driver information displays with a
soft cloth.
• Visually inspect battery terminals for cor-
rosion. Corrosion may indicate a loose
terminal connector, or a battery near the
end of its useful service life. Consult your
Volvo retailer for additional information.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Maintaining your vehicle

Emission inspection readiness • If your vehicle's Check Engine light was lit,
but went out without any action on your
part, OBD II will still have a recorded fault.
What is an Onboard Diagnostic System Your vehicle may pass or fail, depending
(OBD II)? on the inspection practices in your area.
OBD II is part of your vehicle's computerized
• If you had recent service that required
engine management system. It stores diag- disconnecting the battery, OBD II diag-
nostic information about your vehicle's emis- nostic information may be incomplete and
sion controls. It can light the Check Engine "not ready" for inspection. A vehicle that is
light (MIL) if it detects an emission control not ready may fail inspection.
"fault." A "fault" is a component or system
that is not performing within an expected How Can I Prepare for My Next OBD II
range. A fault may be permanent or tempo- Emission Inspection?
rary. OBD II will store a message about any • If your Check Engine (MIL) light is lit - or
fault. was lit but went out without service, have
your vehicle diagnosed and, if necessary,
How Do States Use OBD II for Emission serviced by a qualified Volvo technician.
Inspections? • If you recently had service for a lit Check
Many states connect a computer directly to a Engine light, or if you had service that
vehicle's OBD II system. The inspector can required disconnecting the battery, a
then read "faults." In some states, this type period of driving is necessary to bring the
of inspection has replaced the tailpipe emis- OBD II system to "ready" for inspection. A
sion test. half-hour trip of mixed stop-and-go/high-
way driving is typically needed to allow
OBD II to reach readiness. Your Volvo
How Can My Vehicle Fail OBD II Emis- retailer can provide you with more infor-
sion Inspection? mation on planning a trip.
Your vehicle can fail OBD II emission inspec- • Maintain your vehicle in accordance with
tion for any of the following reasons. your vehicle's maintenance schedule.
• If your Check Engine (MIL) light is lit, your
vehicle may fail inspection.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Hood 09

Opening the hood

To open the hood:

1. Pull the lever located under the left side of
the dash to release the hood lock.
2. Lift the hood slightly.
3. Press up the release control located
under the front edge of the hood (at the
center) up to the right, and lift the

Check that the hood locks engage properly
when closed.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Engine compartment

1. Cooling system expansion tank

2. Power steering fluid reservoir (con-
cealed behind the headlight) The cooling fan may start or continue to
operate (for up to 6 minutes) after the
3. Dipstick - engine oil engine has been switched off.
4. Radiator
5. Cooling fan
6. Washer fluid reservoir
7. Engine oil filler cap
8. Brake/clutch fluid reservoir
9. Battery
10. Relay/fuse box
11. Air cleaner


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Engine oil 09

Changing engine oil and oil filter

See page 239 for oil specifications. Refer to
the Warranty and Service Records Informa-
tion booklet for information on the oil change
Volvo recommends .

Volvo does not recommend the use of oil
• Synthetic oil is not used when the oil is
changed at the normal maintenance inter-
vals except at owner request and at addi-
tional charge. Please consult your Volvo
retailer. Location of dipstick and oil filler cap

Checking and adding oil Checking the oil

The oil level should be checked every time 1. Pull out the dipstick and wipe it with a
lint-free rag. • Not checking the oil level regularly can
the vehicle is refueled. This is especially result in serious engine damage if the oil
important during the period up to the first 2. Reinsert the dipstick, pull it out, and level becomes too low.
scheduled maintenance service check the oil level.
• Oil that is lower than the specified quality
3. Add oil if necessary. If the level is close can damage the engine.
• The car should be parked on a level
to the MIN mark, add approximately 1
surface when the oil is checked. • Always add oil of the same type and vis-
US quart (1 liter) of oil. cosity as already used.
• If the engine is warm, wait for at least 10-
4. Run the engine until it reaches normal • Never fill oil above the MAX mark. This
15 minutes after the engine has been
operating temperature. could cause an increase in oil consumption.
switched off before checking the oil.
5. Switch off the engine and wait for at
least 10-15 minutes and recheck the oil
level. If necessary, add oil until the level
is near the MAX mark.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Engine oil

Do not allow oil to spill onto or come into
contact with hot exhaust pipe surfaces

Volvo uses different systems to indicate a
low oil level or pressure. Some models have
an oil pressure sensor, in which case a
warning symbol (see page 48) is used to
indicate low oil pressure. Other models
have an oil level sensor, in which case the
driver is alerted by the warning symbol in
the center of the instrument panel and a text
in the information display. Some models
use both systems. Contact an authorized
Volvo retailer for more information.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Fluids 09

Washer fluid Coolant CAUTION

The cooling system must always be kept
filled to the correct level, and the level must
be between the MIN and MAX marks. If it is
not kept filled, there can be high local tem-
peratures in the engine which could result in
damage. Different types of antifreeze/cool-
ant may not be mixed. Check coolant regu-

Never remove the radiator cap while the
engine is warm. Wait until the vehicle cools.
If it is necessary to top off the coolant when
the engine is warm, unscrew the expansion
Washer fluid reservoir Coolant reservoir tank cap slowly so that the overpressure
The washer fluid reservoir is located in the Normally, the coolant does not need to be
engine compartment and holds approxi- changed. If the system must be drained, con-
mately 6.8 US qts (6.5 liters). During cold sult your Volvo retailer.
weather, the reservoir should be filled with
windshield washer solvent containing anti- NOTE
Do not top off with water only. This reduces
the rust-protective and antifreeze qualities
of the coolant and has a lower boiling point.
It can also cause damage to the cooling
system if it should freeze. Top off with Volvo
Genuine Coolant/Antifreeze only (a 50/50
mix of water and antifreeze).


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Fluids

Brake fluid brake fluid changing to an authorized Volvo

Power steering fluid
The fluid level is checked at each service
Fluid type: Volvo power steering fluid or
Replace: No fluid change required.

If a problem should occur in the power
steering system or if the vehicle has no
electrical current and must be towed, it is
still possible to steer the vehicle. However,
Brake fluid reservoir keep in mind that greater effort will be
The brake fluid should always be between required to turn the steering wheel.
the MIN and MAX marks on the side of the
reservoir. Check, without removing the cap,
that there is sufficient fluid in the reservoir.
Fluid type: DOT 4+ boiling point >
536°F (280°C), P/N 9437433
Replace: The fluid should be replaced
according to the intervals specified in the
Warranty and Service Records Information
booklet. When driving under extremely hard
conditions (mountain driving, etc), it may be
necessary to replace the fluid more often.
Consult your Volvo retailer. Always entrust


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Wiper blades 09

Replacing windshield wiper blades NOTE

The wiper blades are different lengths. The
blade on the driver's side is longer than the
one on the passenger's side.

1. Fold out the wiper arm.

2. Press the button on the wiper blade
attachment and pull straight out (1),
parallel with the wiper arm.
3. Press a new wiper blade (2) until it
clicks into place.
4. Ensure the blade is securely attached
5. Fold in the wiper arm.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Battery

Battery maintenance ignition. This could damage the vehicle’s

electrical system.
• The battery should be disconnected from
the vehicle when a battery charger is used
directly on the battery.

Battery posts, terminals, and related acces-
sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the state of California
to cause cancer and reproductive harm.
Wash hands after handling.

Two types of battery may be used and are fully

• Use a screw driver to open the caps or
Driving habits and conditions, climate, the cover and a flashlight to inspect the level.
number of starts, etc., all affect the service • If necessary, add distilled water. The level
life and function of the battery. In order for should never be above the indicator (A).
your battery to perform satisfactorily, keep
• The fluid level should be checked if the
the following in mind: battery has been recharged.
• Check the fluid level in each cell in the • After inspection, be sure the cap over
battery every 24 months or every 15,0001 each battery cell or the cover is securely in
miles (24,000 km), whichever is sooner. place.
The fluid should be at the level shown in
• Check that the battery cables are correctly
the illustrations above (A). Do not overfill.
connected and properly tightened.
• Never disconnect the battery when the
engine is running, or when the key is in the
1 More frequently in warm climates.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Battery 09

Battery symbols Battery replacement NOTE

Wear protection goggles
Removing the battery Used batteries should be properly dis-
posed of at a recycling station or similar
1. Switch off the ignition and remove the facility, or taken to your Volvo retailer.
See the owner’s manual for 2. Wait at least 5 minutes after switching
off the ignition before disconnecting WARNING
additional information
the battery so that all information in the • Never expose the battery to open flame
vehicle's electrical system can be or electric spark.
stored in the control modules.
• Do not smoke near the battery.
Keep away from children 3. Remove the cover over the battery.
• Battery fluid contains sulfuric acid. Do
4. Disconnect the battery negative not allow battery fluid to contact eyes, skin,
(ground) cable. fabrics or painted surfaces. If contact
5. Disconnect the positive cable. occurs, flush the affected area immediately
with water. Obtain medical help immedi-
Corrosive 6. Remove the front side of the battery ately if eyes are affected.
box with a screwdriver.
7. Release the clamp holding the battery.
8. Lift out the battery.
No smoking, no open flames, no
sparks Installing a new battery
1. Put the battery in place in the engine
2. Install the battery's retaining clamp.
Risk of explosion
3. Reinstall the front side of the battery
4. Connect the positive cable.
5. Connect the ground cable.
6. Reinstall the cover over the battery.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Bulbs

Bulbs used in the car

1 Low beam headlight 55W H11 NOTE

• Never touch the glass of bulbs with your
2 Bi-Xenon headlight 35W D2S fingers. Grease and oils from your fingers
(option) vaporize in the heat and will leave a deposit
on the reflector, which will damage it.
3 High beam headlight 55W HB3
• The optional Bi-Xenon headlight bulbs
contain trace amounts of mercury. These
4 Brake light, P21/W5 bulbs should always be disposed of by an
Rear fog light authorized Volvo retailer.
• Certain bulbs not listed here should only
5 Turn signal, front/ PY21W be replaced by an authorized Volvo service
rear (amber bulb) technician.
• Certain bulbs should only be replaced by
6 Taillights, P21/W5 a trained and qualified Volvo service techni-
Parking light, cian:
Side marker light - Courtesy (dome) lighting
- Reading lights
7 Footwell lighting, W5W - Glove compartment lights
cargo compartment - Turn signals and courtesy lights in the side
light door mirrors
- High-mounted brake lights
8 Vanity mirror 1,2W - Bi-Xenon headlights

9 License plate light- W5W

ing, Parking light in
headlight housing
Side turn signal
(amber bulb)

10 Front fog light 55W H11



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09 Maintenance and servicing

Replacing bulbs 09

Removing the headlight housing 6. Lift out the headlight housing and place Low beam bulb
it on a soft surface to avoid scratching
the lens.
After the defective bulb has been replaced,
reinsert the housing in the reverse order.
Check that the retaining pin is correctly

Bi-Xenon headlights (option) - due to the
high voltage used by these headlights,
these bulbs should only be replaced by an
authorized Volvo service technician.

Cover with retaining clamps

The entire headlight housing must be lifted 1. Open the hood.

out when replacing the high/low beam, park- 2. Remove the headlight housing.
ing light, turn signal, and side marker bulbs. 3. Press the retaining clamps to the sides.
To lift out the housing:
4. Release the bulb's retaining spring by
1. Remove the key from the ignition and turn pressing it to the right, and then mov-
the headlight switch to position 0. ing it outward and downward.
2. Open the hood. 5. Pull out the bulb.
3. Pull up the headlight housing’s retain- 6. Disconnect the wiring connector from
ing pin (1) the bulb.
4. Pull the headlight housing to one side
and then forward (2). Installing a new bulb
5. Disconnect the wiring connector. 1. Insert the new bulb. It can only be
installed in one position.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Replacing bulbs

High beam bulb Parking light bulb

Low beam bulb

2. Press the retaining spring upward and 1. Open the hood. 1. Pull out the bulb holder with a pair of
slightly to the left until it snaps into 2. Remove the headlight housing. pliers. The bulb holder should not be
place. pulled out by the wire.
3. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise
3. Press the wiring connector onto the and pull it out. Replace the bulb. Note 2. Replace the bulb.
bulb. how the bulb holder is positioned. 3. Press the bulb holder back into place. It
4. Put the plastic cover in place. 4. Reinstall the bulb holder. It can only be can only be installed in one position.
5. Press the retaining clamps back into installed in one position.
place. 5. Reinstall the headlight housing.
6. Reinstall the headlight housing.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Replacing bulbs 09

Turn signal Side marker light Front fog light (option)

1. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise 1. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise, 1. Switch off all lights and turn the key to
and remove it. pull it out, and replace the bulb. position 0.
2. Remove the bulb from the holder by 2. Reinstall the bulb holder. It can only be 2. Remove the panel around the fog light
pressing it in and twisting it counter- installed in one position. housing.
clockwise. 3. Unscrew both torx screws in the fog
3. Insert a new bulb and reinstall the bulb light housing and remove it.
holder in the headlight housing. 4. Disconnect the connector from the
5. Turn the bulb counterclockwise and
pull it out.
6. Install the new bulb in its seat and turn
it clockwise.
7. Reconnect the connector to the bulb.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Replacing bulbs

8. Secure the fog light housing with the Removing the taillight bulb holder 6. Press the wiring connector back into
screws and press the panel back into position.
place. 7. Press the bulb holder into place and
reinstall the cover.

All bulbs in the taillight cluster can be

replaced from the cargo area. To access the
bulb holders:
1. Switch off all lights and turn the key to
position 0.
2. Remove the covers in the left/right pan-
els to access the bulb holders.
3. Disconnect the wiring connector from
the affected bulb holder.
4. Press the catches together and pull out
the bulb holder.
5. Replace the defective bulb.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Replacing bulbs 09

Location of taillight bulbs NOTE

If the message indicating a burned out bulb
remains in the information display after the
bulb has been replaced, consult an autho-
rized Volvo retailer or workshop.

High-level brake light

These bulbs should only be replaced by an
authorized Volvo service technician.

1 Brake light

2 Taillight/parking light

3 Fog light (driver's side only)

4 Turn signal

5 Back-up light


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Replacing bulbs

Replacing rear reading light bulbs Replacing bulbs in the trunk

Rear reading lights Trunk lights

1. Insert a screwdriver and turn it gently to 1. Insert a screwdriver and turn it gently to
detach the bulb housing. detach the bulb housing.
2. Remove the defective bulb. 2. Remove the defective bulb.
3. Install a new bulb. 3. Install a new bulb.
4. Press the bulb housing back into place 4. Press the bulb housing back into place.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Replacing bulbs 09

License plate lighting

Replacing the bulb

1. Switch off all lights and turn the key to
position 0.
2. Remove the screws with a screw driver.
3. Detach the entire bulb housing and
carefully pull it out. Turn the connector
counterclockwise and pull out the bulb.
4. Replace the bulb.
5. Reinstall the connector and turn it
6. Reinstall the entire bulb housing and
screw it into place.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Replacing bulbs

Footwell lighting

The footwell lighting is located under the

dashboard on the driver’s and passenger’s
sides. To replace a bulb:
1. Insert a screwdriver under the edge of the
lens. Turn the screwdriver gently to
detach the lens.
2. Remove the defective bulb.
3. Install a new bulb.
4. Press the lens back into place.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Replacing bulbs 09

Vanity mirror lighting 6. Press the three lower lugs back into

1. Insert a screwdriver under the center of

the lower edge of the mirror, turn it, and
carefully pry up the lugs at the edge.
2. Move the screwdriver under the edge
on the left and right-hand sides (near
the black rubber sections) and pry
carefully to release the lower edge of
the mirror.
3. Pry carefully and lift out the entire
mirror and the cover.
4. Remove the defective bulb and replace
it with a new one.
5. To reinstall the mirror, begin by press-
ing the three lugs at the upper edge of
the mirror back into place.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Fuses

Replacing fuses
There are relay/fuse boxes located in the
engine compartment and the passenger
If an electrical component fails to function,
this may be due to a blown fuse. The easiest
way to see if a fuse is blown is to remove it.
To do so:
1. Pull the fuse straight out. If a fuse is
difficult to remove, special fuse removal
tools are located on the inside of the fuse
box covers.
2. From the side, examine the curved
metal wire in the fuse to see if it is
3. If the wire is broken, insert a new fuse
of the same color and amperage (writ-
ten on the fuse).
If fuses burn out repeatedly, have the electri-
cal system inspected by an authorized Volvo

Never use fuses with higher amperage than
those stated in the following tables. Doing
so could overload the vehicle's electrical


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Fuses 09

Fuse box in the engine compartment

The fuse box in the engine compartment has

positions for 36 fuses.
• Fuses 1-18 are relays/circuit breakers and
should only be removed or replaced by an
authorized Volvo service technician.
• Fuses 19-36 may be changed at any time
when necessary.
Several extra fuses and a fuse removal tool
to assist in removing/replacing fuses can be
found on the underside of the fuse box cover
in the engine compartment.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Fuses

Fuse box in the passenger


The fuse box in the passenger compartment Fold it down completely. The fuse box
is located under the glove compartment. can be unhooked completely.
To access the fuses: 4. Replace the blown fuse.
5. Close the fuse box in reverse order.
1. Remove the upholstery covering the fuse
box by first pressing in the center pins in 6. Pull the center pins fully out of the
the mounting clips approximately 0.5 in mounting clips, secure the upholstery
(1 cm) with a small screwdriver and then with the mounting clips and press the
pulling the pins out. pins into the mounting clips again. The
mounting clips then expand, holding
2. Turn both retaining screws (2) counter- the upholstery in position.
clockwise until they release.
3. Fold down the fuse box (3) half way.
Pull it toward the seat until it stops.


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Fuses 09

Fuses in the engine compartment

1. Coolant fan (radiator) ................................................................. 50A 12. Feed to heated rear window ............................................... 30A
2. Power steering .................................................................. 80A 13. Starter motor relay ............................................................. 30A
3. Feed to passenger compartment fuse box .......................... 60A 14. Trailer connector ................................................................ 40A
4. Feed to passenger compartment fuse box .......................... 60A 15. Power retractable hard top................................................. 30A
5. Not in use 16. Feed to audio system ......................................................... 40A
6. Not in use 17. Windshield wipers .............................................................. 30A
7. ABS pump .......................................................................... 30A 18. Feed to passenger compartment fuse box ......................... 40A
8. ABS ................................................................................... 30A 19. Not in use
9. Engine functions ................................................................. 30A 20. Horn .................................................................................. 15A
10. Climate system blower ....................................................... 40A 21. Not in use
11. Headlight washers, power retractable hard top, locking 22. Subwoofer ......................................................................... 24A
storage compartments ....................................................... 20A


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Fuses

23. Engine control module (ECM)/

transmission control module (TCM) .................................... 10A
24. Not in use
25. Not in use
26. Ignition switch .................................................................... 15A
27. A/C compressor ................................................................. 10A
28. Not in use
29. Front fog lights (option)....................................................... 15A
30. Not in use
31. Not in use
32. Fuel injectors ...................................................................... 10A
33. Heated oxygen sensor, vacuum
pump .................................................................................. 20A
34. Ignition coils, climate unit pressure sensor.......................... 10A
35. Engine sensor valves, A/C relay, PTC element oil trap,
charcoal filter, air mass sensor ........................................... 15A
36. Engine control module (ECM), throttle sensor ..................... 10A


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09 Maintenance and servicing

Fuses 09

Fuses in the passenger compartment

37. Not in use 48. Windshield washers ........................................................... 15A

38. Not in use 49. Supplemental Restrain System (SRS), Occupant Weight
39. Not in use Sensor (OWS) .................................................................... 10A
40. Not in use 50. Not in use
41. Not in use 51. Park assist (option), Bi-Xenon headlights (option)............... 10A
42. Not in use 52. Transmission control module (TCM), ABS ............................ 5A
43. Audio system, Volvo Navigation system (option) ................. 15A 53. Power steering ................................................................... 10A
44. Supplemental Restrain System (SRS) ................................. 10A 54. Engine control module (ECM) ............................................. 10A
45. 12-volt socket in passenger compartment ......................... 15A 55. Not in use
46. Lighting - glove compartment, instrument panel and 56. Alarm siren control module ................................................ 10A
footwells ............................................................................... 5A 57. On-board diagnostic socket, brake light switch .................. 15A
47. Interior lighting ..................................................................... 5A 58. Right high beam, auxiliary lights relay ............................... 7.5A


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09 Maintenance and servicing

09 Fuses

59. Left high beam................................................................... 7.5A 82. Power window and door lock -
60. Heated driver's seat (option) ............................................... 15A front passenger's side door ............................................... 25A
61. Heated passenger's seat (option)........................................ 15A 83. Power window and door lock -
front driver's side door ....................................................... 25A
62. Not in use
84. Power passenger's seat (option) ........................................ 25A
63. Power window rear passenger's side .................................. 20A
85. Power driver's seat (option)................................................ 25A
64. Lock indicator lights i door panels, Volvo Navigation system
(option) ................................................................................. 5A 86. Interior lighting relay, trunk light,
power seats ......................................................................... 5A
65. Audio system ........................................................................ 5A
66. Audio system control module (ICM), climate system ........... 10A
67. Not in use
68. Cruise control ....................................................................... 5A
69. Climate system, rain sensor (option) ..................................... 5A
70. Not in use
71. Not in use
72. Not in use
73. Front ceiling lighting ............................................................ 5A
74. Fuel pump relay .................................................................. 15A
75. Not in use
76. Not in use
77. 12-volt socket in trunk, auxiliary equipment control
module (AEM) ..................................................................... 15A
78. Not in use
79. Back-up lights ...................................................................... 5A
80. Not in use
81. Power window - rear driver's side ...................................... 20A


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09 Maintenance and servicing



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Audio functions ......................................................................................218
Radio functions ......................................................................................221
CD player/CD changer (option) ..............................................................227
Audio menu ............................................................................................231


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10 Audio

Audio functions

Audio system controls If the player is being charged through a 12-

volt socket while it is connect to the AUX
10 port, sound quality may be impaired.
The volume of the external sound source
AUX may be different from the volume of the
internal sound sources such as the CD player
or the radio. If the external sound source's
volume is too high, the quality of the sound
may be impaired.
This can be prevented by adjusting the exter-
nal sound source's input volume.
1. Select AUX by pressing MODE.
2. Press MENU followed by ENTER.
Auxiliary connector port
3. Select AUX INPUT VOLUME in the
menu and press ENTER.
1. VOLUME dial Selecting a sound source 4. Turn the TUNING dial or press the left
2. AM/FM - select a radio band • Press AM/FM (2) repeatedly to toggle or right arrows keys to adjust the vol-
between FM1, FM2, and AM. ume.
3. MODE - select a sound source
4. TUNING dial • Press MODE (3) repeatedly to toggle
between the CD player and the optional
5. SOUND button external sound source AUX or the optional Use the volume dial (1) or the buttons in the
Sirius satellite radio. optional steering wheel keypad to adjust the
On/off volume level. The volume level is also
The currently selected sound source will be
• Press POWER (1) to switch the audio adjusted automatically according to the vehi-
shown in the display.
system off or on. cle’s speed, see page 220 for more informa-
If the system is on when the ignition is turned tion on this function.
AUX (option)
to position 0 it will remain on until the key has The AUX (auxiliary) port can be used to con-
been removed from the ignition switch. nect for example, an mp3 player.


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10 Audio

Audio functions

Steering wheel keypad (option) Daytime/twilight display 2. Select AUDIO SETTINGS and press
In daylight the information is displayed ENTER.
against a light background. In darkness it is 3. Select SUBWOOFER and press 10
displayed against a dark background. ENTER.
Sound settings
Surround sound
1. Press SOUND (5). Press this button Surround sound settings are used
repeatedly until you come to the setting to balance sound levels throughout
that you wish to change. the vehicle. Surround settings for
2. Turn the TUNING dial (4) to make the the various sound sources are
desired setting. made separately.
The following settings can be made:
BASS – set the bass level
• Dolby Surround Pro Logic II is only avail-
TREBLE – set the treble level
able on the Premium Sound system.
Optional steering wheel keypad
BALANCE – set the left/right sound balance • When listening to FM radio stations,
The four buttons on the steering wheel key- Dolby Surround Pro Logic II functions best
FADER – set the front/rear sound balance
pad can be used to control the audio system. in areas with strong reception. If reception
SUBWOOFER (accessory) – set the level for is weak, selecting 2 or 3-channel stereo
The steering wheel keypad can be used to may provide better sound quality.
adjust volume, shift between preset stations the subwoofer (bass speaker)
and change CD tracks. Press one of the two CENTER – make settings for the center
The Dolby symbol will be appear in the dis-
left-hand buttons briefly to change to the speaker
play when Dolby Pro Logic II is activated.
next/previous preset radio station, or to go to
SURROUND1 – make settings for surround
the next/previous track on a CD. Press and There are three alternative settings:
hold down these buttons to search within a
• Pro Logic II
track on a CD.
Subwoofer (accessory) • 3-channel
To switch the subwoofer on or off: • Off (normal 2-channel stereo)
1. Press MENU followed by ENTER.


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10 Audio

Audio functions

Activating/deactivating Surround sound 2. Save the settings by pressing ENTER

1. Press MENU followed by ENTER. or exit without saving by pressing EXIT.
2. Select AUDIO SETTINGS in the menu
and press ENTER. Automatic sound control
The audio system's volume is adjusted auto-
3. Select Surround FM/AM/CD/AUX and
matically according to the speed of the vehi-
press ENTER.
cle. There are three settings available, which
4. Select PRO LOGIC II, 3-channel stereo determine the level of volume compensation:
or OFF and press ENTER.
Equalizer Front/Rear • MEDIUM1
This function is used to fine-tune the sound • HIGH
level for different frequencies separately.
To set the automatic sound level:
NOTE 1. Press MENU followed by ENTER.
This function is only available on certain 2. Select AUDIO SETTINGS in the menu
sound systems. and press ENTER.
To adjust the equalizer settings: the menu and press ENTER.
4. Select LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH and
1. Press MENU followed by ENTER.
press ENTER.
2. Select AUDIO SETTINGS in the menu
and press ENTER.
press ENTER.
The column in the display indicates the
sound level for the current frequency.
1. Adjust the level with the TUNING dial (4),
or use the Up/Down arrows. Additional
frequencies can be selected with the
Right/Left arrows. 1 Default setting


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10 Audio

Radio functions

Radio function controls Searching for stations Automatically storing a station

There are two ways to manually tune a radio Pressing AUTO (7) automatically searches
for and stores up to ten strong AM or FM sta- 10
tions in a separate memory. If more than ten
1. Turn the TUNING dial (3) to the desired stations are found, the ten strongest ones are
frequency. stored. This function is especially useful in
2. Press the left or right arrow key on the areas in which you are not familiar with radio
MENU NAVIGATION CONTROL and stations or their frequencies.
hold it down. The radio scans slowly in
the selected direction and will increase To use the AUTO function:
the scanning speed after a few sec- 1. Select a waveband using the AM/FM
onds. Release the button when the button (1).
desired frequency appears in the dis-
play. 2. Start the search by pressing AUTO until
AUTO STORING appears in the display.
The frequency can be fine-tuned by short
presses on the left/right arrow keys. When the search is completed,
AUTO STORING will no longer be displayed.
Storing preset stations If there are no stations with sufficient signal
1. AM/FM1/FM2 selection
strength, NO AST FOUND is displayed.
2. Station preset buttons
Manually storing a station The auto-stored stations can be selected
3. TUNING dial for selecting radio stations 1. Tune to the desired station. using the preset buttons (2).
4. SCAN 2. Press and hold the preset button under
• Press EXIT (6) to terminate the automatic
5. MENU NAVIGATION CONTROL—press which the station is to be stored. The
storing function.
the up or down arrow keys to scroll in a audio system sound will be interrupted
menu, or the keys on the left/right sides for a few seconds and When the radio is in auto-store mode, AUTO
of the control to search for or change STATION STORED will appear in the is shown in the display. AUTO disappears
radio stations/CD tracks display. when you return to normal radio mode, which
6. EXIT—press to cancel a menu selec- can be done by briefly pressing AM/FM (1),
tion or a selected function NOTE EXIT (6), or AUTO (7).
7. AUTO—search for and store the stron- A total of 30 stations can be stored; 10 sta-
gest radio stations in the area in which tions each in AM, FM1 and FM2.
you are driving


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10 Audio

Radio functions

To return to the Auto-store mode, press the 3. Press the SCAN or EXIT button to
AUTO button briefly and select a stored sta- deactivate the scan function and listen
10 tion by pressing one of the preset buttons (2). to the selected station.

Saving auto-stored stations in the pre- Storing a station found with SCAN
set memory A station can be stored as a preset while the
An auto-stored station can be saved in the SCAN function is activated.
memory for manually preset stations. • Press one of the preset buttons (2) under
1. Press AUTO (7) briefly. which the station is to be stored. Hold
down the button until STATION STORED
2. Auto is displayed. is displayed.
3. Press one of the preset buttons (2) The SCAN function will be deactivated and
under which the station is to be stored. the station can be selected by pressing the
Hold down the button until
preset button.
STATION STORED is displayed.
The radio will then exit auto-store mode and Radio text
the stored station can be selected by press- Certain stations broadcast program informa-
ing the preset button. tion, which can be shown in the display.
Scanning To start this function:
SCAN (4) automatically searches through the 1. Select FM1 or FM2 and press the MENU
selected waveband for strong AM or FM sta- button.
tions. When the radio finds a station, that sta- 2. Press ENTER.
tion will be played for approximately 8 sec-
3. Select RADIOTEXT in the menu and
onds, after which scanning resumes. press ENTER.
Activating/deactivating SCAN To deactivate this function,
select RADIOTEXT again and press ENTER.
1. Select radio mode using the AM/FM but-
ton (2).
2. Press SCAN to activate the function.
SCAN is shown in the display.


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10 Audio

Radio functions

Listening to satellite radio also possible to retrieve the Sirius ID 6. Press ENTER to listen to a channel.
from the MENU.
The Sirius satellite system consists of a num- 10
ber of high elevation satellites in geosynchro-
displayed while the subscription is • The category “All” is default, which
nous orbit.
being updated, after which the display enables you to scroll through the entire list
will return to the normal view. of available satellite channels.
SIRUS ID • The channel categories are automatically
The digital signals from the Sirius satellites updated several times a year. This takes
are line-of-sight, which means that physical The SIRIUS ID is required when contacting
approximately two minutes and will inter-
obstructions such as bridges, tunnels, etc, the Sirius Call Center. It is used to activate rupt normal broadcasting. A message will
may temporarily interfere with signal recep- your account and when making any account be displayed while updating is in progress.
tion. transactions. The SIRIUS ID is sometimes Information on channel or feature updates
referred to as the Electronic Serial Number is available at www.sirius.com.
Selecting Sirius radio mode (ESN).
1. Press Power to switch on the audio sys- Selecting a channel
tem (see page 221 for information on the Selecting a channel category There are three ways of tuning in a channel:
standard radio functions). 1. Select Sirius radio mode as described
above. • Using the left and right arrow keys
2. Press the MODE button repeatedly until
2. Press ENTER. • By turning the tuning control
Sirius 1 or 2 is displayed.
3. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll • Through direct channel entry
Activating Sirius radio through the list of categories.
1. Tune to a satellite channel that has no Direct channel entry
4. Press ENTER or the right arrow key to
audio, which means that the channel is select a category. The Sirius satellite channels are numbered
unsubscribed and the text "CALL 888- consecutively throughout all of the catego-
5. Use the left or right arrow keys to select
539-SIRIUS TO SUBSCRIBE" is dis- ries. To access a channel directly:
a channel in the currently chosen cate-
played (see also "Selecting a channel" in
gory. 1. Press MENU and scroll to “Direct chan-
the right column).
nel entry.”
2. Call Sirius at 1-888-539-SIRIUS (7474).
2. Use the numerical keypad to enter the
3. When asked for the Sirius ID number channel’s number.
press AUTO to display this number. It is


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10 Audio

Radio functions

3. Press ENTER. The radio will tune to this Song Seek and Song Memory Song seek
channel, even if it belongs to a category When a satellite radio channel plays one of
The Song Seek and Song Memory functions
10 other than the currently selected one. the songs stored in the song memory, the lis-
provide both audio and visual notification
when Sirius is broadcasting your favorite tener will be alerted by a text message and
NOTE an audible signal.
songs. Song Seek enables you to store the
• The numbers of skipped or locked chan- name of the song for future advance notifica- • Press ENTER to listen to the song or EXIT
nels will not be displayed. tion when that song is being played. The to cancel.
• If a channel is locked, the access code Song Memory feature makes it possible to To activate/deactivate the song seek func-
must be entered before the channel can be view all of the current songs that are stored in
selected. See “Unlocking a channel” on tion:
page 225. 1. Press MENU
Song memory 2. Scroll to “Song seek”
Scanning Up to ten songs can be saved in the system’s 3. Press ENTER to activate or deactivate
SCAN automatically searches through the list memory. the function.
of satellite channels. See page 222 for more
1. Press MENU.
detailed information. NOTE
2. Scroll to “Add song to song mem.” and
follow the instructions shown in the When the song has ended, the radio will
Storing a channel remain tuned to the channel on which the
A total of 20 satellite channels can be stored; song was played.
10 stations each for Sirius 1 and Sirius 2. See If a new song is selected when the memory is
page 221 for detailed information on storing full, you will be prompted to press ENTER to
stations. delete the last song on the list. Radio text
The text that is displayed about the song that
• A long press on one of the number keys NOTE is currently playing can be changed. Use the
stores the currently tuned channel on that AUTO button or the menu to display the Art-
key. The remaining songs in the list will move
down one position, and the newly added ist, Title, Composer, or switch radio text off.
• A short press on a number key while the song will be placed at the top of the list.
radio is in Sirius 1or 2 mode will tune to
the preset satellite channel stored on that
button, regardless of the currently
selected channel category.


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10 Audio

Radio functions

Advanced settings 2. Select a category in the list and press 3. Enter the channel access code and
This menu function enables you to make set-
3. Skip channels in the list presented by 4. Select a category in the list and press 10
tings on certain Sirius satellite radio func-
tions. To access this menu: pressing ENTER or right arrow key. ENTER.
5. Lock channels in the list presented by
1. Press MENU. Unskip all channels pressing ENTER or right arrow.
2. Scroll to Sirius menu. This permanently removes all channels from The channel is now locked and a checked
3. Select Advanced Sirius settings. the skip list and makes them available for box will be displayed to indicate this. It will
selection. be necessary to enter the channel access
WARNING code1 in order to listen to a locked channel.
Temp. unskip all ch.
Settings should be made when the vehicle
is at a standstill. This function will temporarily unskip all chan- Unlocking a channel
nels and make them available for selection. A channel’s access code1 is required to
The following settings can be made in the The channels remain on the skip list and will unlock a channel.
Sirius menu. again be skipped the next time the ignition is
switched on. Unlock all channels
• Songs can be added to the song list
This permanently removes all channels from
• Channel skip settings can be made Channel lock the locked list and makes them available for
• Channel lock settings can be made Access to specific channels can be restricted selection.
• The channel access code can be dis- (locked). A locked channel will not provide
played or changed audio, song titles, or artist information. Temp. unlock all ch.
• Your Sirius ID can be displayed This function will temporarily unlock all chan-
NOTE nels and make them available for selection.
Skip options All channels are initially unlocked. The channels remain on the locked list and
This function is used to remove a channel will again be locked the next time the ignition
from the list of available channels. is switched on.
Locking a channel:
1. Select "Sirius ID" in the menu and select
Skip current
1. Select CHANNEL SKIP LIST and press
ENTER. 2. Select CHANNEL LOCK LIST and press


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10 Audio

Radio functions

This function makes it possible to change the
channel access code. The default code is
To change the code:
1. Select CHANGE CODE and press
2. Enter the current code and
press ENTER.
3. Enter the code and press ENTER.
4. Confirm the new code and
press ENTER.
If an incorrect code is entered, the text
WRONG CODE! is displayed.

If you have forgotten the access code:

1. Select "SIRIUS ID" in the Sirius settings
menu and press ENTER.
2. Press and hold the ENTER button for
2 seconds.
3. The current code will be displayed.
Your Volvo retailer can also provide you with

This function displays the 12-digit Sirius acti-
vation ID.


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10 Audio

CD player/CD changer (option)

CD function controls Playing a CD NOTE

Ensure that INSERT DISC is displayed 10
Single CD player before inserting a disc.
Start the CD player by pressing the MODE
• If a CD position in the changer containing
button (5) and inserting a disc in the slot (4). If a disc is selected, and the audio system is
there is already a disc inserted, it will begin to in CD mode when it is switched on, the CD
play. will play automatically.

NOTE CD eject
If a CD is in the slot when the audio system
is in CD mode, the CD will be played auto- Single CD player
matically. Press the eject button (3) to eject the disc.

CD changer CD changer
The CD changer can hold up to six discs. This function makes it possible to eject a sin-
gle disc, or to eject all of the discs in the
1. MENU NAVIGATION CONTROL—press 1. Start the CD changer by pressing the
the up or down arrow keys to scroll in a MODE button (5).
menu, or the keys on the left/right sides of 2. Select an empty position using the 1-6 • Press the eject button (3) briefly to eject
the control to change CD tracks/fast for- buttons or the up/down keys on the the disc that is currently playing.
ward/back MENU NAVIGATION control. The dis-
2. Buttons for selecting a disc in the play shows which positions are empty.
optional CD changer 3. Insert a disc into the slot (4).
3. CD eject button
4. CD slot
5. MODE button
6. TUNING dial for selecting tracks


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10 Audio

CD player/CD changer (option)

• A longer press (more than two seconds) When a disc with audio files is inserted in the Changing tracks
starts the process of ejecting all of the player, the player scans the disc's folders Briefly press the left or right arrow keys on
10 discs in the changer. before it begins playing the files. The length the MENU NAVIGATION control to skip to
of time that this takes depends on the quality the previous or next track/file.
NOTE of the disc.
The EJECT ALL function can only be used NOTE
while the vehicle is at a standstill and will be Navigating the disc and playing tracks
The TUNING dial (6) (turn clockwise to go
cancelled if the vehicle begins to move. If a disc with audio files is in the CD player, to the next track/file, or counterclockwise to
• For reasons of traffic safety, the ejected press ENTER to display a list of folders on go to the previous track/file) or the optional
CD must be removed within 12 seconds or the disc. steering wheel keypad can also be used for
it will be automatically drawn back into the this purpose.
slot and the CD player will enter pause Use the up and down arrows in the naviga-
mode. Press the CD button to restart the tion control (see the illustration on page 218)
disc. to move among the folders on the disc. Audio Fast forward/back
files have the symbol and folders contain- Press and hold down the left or right arrows
CD Pause ing these files have the symbol. Press keys in the MENU NAVIGATION control (or
ENTER to play a selected folder or a file. the corresponding keys on the optional
When the audio system volume is turned off
steering wheel keypad) to search within a
completely, the CD player will pause and will When the music file has been played, the
track/file or the whole disc. The search con-
resume playing when the volume is turned up player will continue to play the rest of the files
tinues for as long as the buttons are held
again. in the current folder. When all of the files in
the folder have been played, the player will
Audio files automatically go to the next folder and play
Random play
In addition to playing normal music CDs, the the files in it.
This function plays the tracks/files on a CD
CD player/changer can also play discs con-
Press the left or right arrow key on the navi- (or on all of the CDs if the vehicle is equipped
taining files in mp3 or wma format.
gation control if the entire name of the cur- with the optional CD changer) in random
rent track does not fit in the display. order (shuffle).
Certain discs that are copy protected can-
not be read by the player.


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10 Audio

CD player/CD changer (option)

Activating/deactivating the random • Press the EXIT button to stop random CD eject
function-CD player play.
Single CD player
The random function is automatically deacti- 10
If a normal CD is being played: • Press the eject button (3) to eject the disc.
1. Press MENU followed by ENTER. vated when another disc is selected.
CD changer
2. Select Random and press ENTER. This function makes it possible to eject a sin-
Disc text (CD changer only)
If a CD with audio files is being played: gle disc, or to eject all of the discs in the
Certain CDs contain information about the
1. Press MENU followed by ENTER. changer.
disc, such as the titles of the tracks, etc. This
2. Select Random and press ENTER. information can be shown in the display by • Press the eject button (3) briefly to eject
3. Select Disc or Folder and activating the DISC TEXT function. the disc that is currently playing.
press ENTER. • A longer press (more than two seconds)
1. Press MENU. Select the menu for rele-
vant sound source and press ENTER. starts the process of ejecting all of the
Activating/deactivating the random discs in the changer.
2. Select Disc text in the menu and press
function-CD changer ENTER. NOTE
If a normal CD is being played: 3. If information is stored on the disc, it
1. Press MENU followed by ENTER. will now appear in the display. • The Eject all function can only be used
while the vehicle is at a standstill and will be
2. Select Random and press ENTER. To deactivate this function, select DISC TEXT cancelled if the vehicle begins to move.
3. Select Single disc or All discs and in the menu and press ENTER. • For reasons of traffic safety, the ejected
press ENTER. CD must be removed within 12 seconds or
If a CD with audio files is being played: Scan it will be automatically drawn back into the
1. Press MENU followed by ENTER. This function plays the first 10 seconds of slot and the CD player will enter pause
each track/file on the CD. mode. Press the CD button to restart the
2. Select Random and press ENTER. disc.
3. Select Single disc or Folder and press 1. Press SCAN.
ENTER. 2. Press EXIT or SCAN to stop the scan
function and listen to an entire track/
NOTE file.
CD changer only: you can only select the
next random track/file on the current disc.


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10 Audio

CD player/CD changer (option)

Compact disc care • Never attempt to play a damaged CD.

Keep the following in mind when playing/ • When not in use, the discs should be
10 stored in their covers. Avoid storing discs
handling compact discs
in excessive heat, direct sunlight or in
• Do not put tape or labels on the disc itself. dusty locations.
They could become stuck in the player.
• CDR discs can cause listening problems
due to the quality of the disc or recording
equipment used.
• DualDisc: The audio side of a DualDisc
(combined CD/DVD) does not meet CD
specifications and may not play in your
audio system.
• Keep the discs clean. Wipe them with a
soft, clean, lint-free cloth, working from
the center outward. If necessary, dampen
the cloth with a neutral soap solution. Dry
thoroughly before using.
• Never use cleaning spray or antistatic
liquid. Use only cleaners specifically made
for CDs.
• Use discs of the correct size only (3.5"
discs should never be used).
• Volvo does not recommend the use of
plastic outer rings on the disc.
• Condensation may occur on discs/optical
components of the changer in cold winter
weather. The disc can be dried with a
clean, lint-free cloth. Optical components
in the CD changer may, however, take up
to one hour to dry off.


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10 Audio

Audio menu

FM1/FM2 menu
AM menu
CD menu
CD changer menu
AUX menu


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Label information ...................................................................................234
Dimensions and weights ........................................................................236
Fluids ...................................................................................................... 238
Engine oil ................................................................................................239
Engine specifications ............................................................................241
Electrical system ....................................................................................242
Volvo programs ......................................................................................244


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11 Specifications

Label information



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11 Specifications

Label information

Labels Your Volvo is designed to meet all

applicable emission standards, as evi-
1. Model plate
denced by the certification label on the
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
underside of the hood. For further infor-
Codes for color and upholstery, etc.
mation regarding these regulations,
2. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stan- please consult your Volvo retailer.
dards (FMVSS) specifications (USA)
and Ministry of Transport (CMVSS) 11
standards (Canada)
Your Volvo is designed to meet all
applicable safety standards, as evi-
denced by the certification label on the
facing side of the driver’s door. For
further information regarding these reg-
ulations, please consult your Volvo
3. Loads and Tire Pressures
The appearance of the decal will vary,
depending on the market for which the
vehicle is intended.
- Canadian models: upper decal
- U.S. models: lower decal
4. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)1
The VIN plate is located on the top left
surface of the dashboard. The VIN is
also stamped on the right hand door
5. Vehicle Emission Control Information/
Vacuum hose routing
1 TheVehicle Identification Number (VIN) should
always be quoted in correspondence con-
cerning your vehicle with the retailer and when
ordering parts.


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11 Specifications

Dimensions and weights

Dimensions WARNING
Length 175.9 in. (447 cm) When adding accessories, equipment, lug-
gage and other cargo to your vehicle, the
Width 72.3 in. (184 cm) total capacity weight must not be

11 Height 57.2 in. (145 cm)

Wheelbase 103.9 in. (264 cm)

Front track 60.1 in. (155 cm)

Rear track 61.4 in. (156 cm)

Turning circle 34.9 ft. (10.6 m)

Cargo capacity 31.2 cu. ft.

(883 liters)

The maximum permissible axle loads and/
or the gross vehicle weight must not be


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11 Specifications

Dimensions and weights


Category USA Canada

Gross vehicle weight Manual: 4540 lbs 2060 kg
Automatic: 4560 lbs 2070 kg
Capacity weight All models: 640 lbs 290 kg
Permissible axle weight, front All models: 2440 lbs 1110 kg
Permissible axle weight, rear All models: 2370 lbs 1075 kg
Curb weight All models: 3805 - 3840 lbs 1725 - 1745 kg
Max. trailer weight (w/o brakes) All models: 1540 lbs All models: 700 kg
Max. trailer weight (with brakes) All models: 2000 lbs All models: 900 kg
Max. tongue weight All models: 165 lbs All models: 75 kg


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11 Specifications


Specifications and capacities

Category Specification Capacity

Fuel tank Octane rating: Unleaded premium gasoline 16.3 US gallons (62 liters).
with an octane rating AKI of 91, or above.
The minimum octane requirement is AKI 87
11 (RON 91).
Engine oil (with filter See page 239 for information on engine oil 6.1 US quarts (5.8 liters)
replacement) specifications.
Automatic transmission JWS 8.19 US quarts (7.75 liters)
Manual transmission oil MTF 97309-10 2.2 US quarts (2.1 liters) - non-turbo models
2.1 US quarts (2.0 liters) - turbo models
Coolant Volvo original coolant/antifreeze (50/50 mix- 9 US quarts (8.5 liters) - models with automatic transmission
ture of water and anti-freeze) 8.5 US quarts (8.0 liters) - models with manual transmission
Brake fluid DOT 4+ boiling point >536°F (280°C), P/N 0.63 US quarts (0.6 liters)
Power steering fluid WSS M2C204-A or equivalent 1.3 US quarts (1.2 liters) - system and reservoir combined
Washer fluid reservoir Use washer fluid solvent in cold weather 6.8 US quarts (6.5 liters)
Air conditioning system Refrigerant - R134a 1.2 lbs. (530 grams)

The transmission oil does not normally need to be changed during the service
life of the vehicle. However, it may be necessary to replace the oil if the vehicle is
often driven in areas of sustained temperature extremes (hot or cold), when tow-
ing a trailer over long distances, for prolonged driving in mountainous areas, or if
the vehicle is often driven short distances in temperatures under 40°F (5°C).


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11 Specifications

Engine oil

Oil specifications Oil viscosity (stable ambient Extreme engine operation

temperatures) Synthetic oils meeting SAE 0W-30 or 0W-40
Engine oil must meet the minimum ILSAC
and complying with oil quality requirements
specification GF-3, API SL, and ACEA A1/B1.
are recommended for driving in areas of sus-
Lower quality oils may not offer the same fuel
tained temperature extremes (hot or cold),
economy, engine performance, or engine
when towing a trailer over long distances,
and for prolonged driving in mountainous 11
Volume: 6.1 US qts (5.8 liters). areas.
Volume between the MIN and Max marks on
the dipstick: approximately 1.4 US qts
(1.3 liters).
Volvo recommends .
Depending on your driving habits, premium
or synthetic oils may provide superior fuel
economy and engine protection. Consult
your Volvo retailer for recommendations on
premium or synthetic oils.
Operation in hot climates
Oil additives must not be used. When temperatures exceed 86° F (30° C) in
your area, Volvo recommends, for the pro-
NOTE tection of your engine, that you use a heavier
Synthetic oil is not used when the oil is weight oil, such as such as SAE 5W-40 or
changed at the normal service intervals. 0W-40. See the viscosity chart.
This oil is only used at customer request, at
additional charge. Please consult your Operation in temperate climates
Volvo retailer.
Incorrect viscosity oil can shorten engine life.
Under normal use when temperatures do not
exceed 86° F (30° C), SAE 5W-30 will provide
good fuel economy and engine protection.
See the viscosity chart.


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11 Specifications

Engine oil

American Petroleum Institute (API)



American Petroleum Institute (API) symbol

The API Service Symbol “donut” is divided

into three parts:
• The upper section describes the oil’s per-
formance level.
• The center identifies the oil’s viscosity.
• The lower section indicates whether the oil
has demonstrated energy-conserving
properties in a standard test in compari-
son to a reference oil.


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11 Specifications

Engine specifications

Engine designation B5254T3

kW/rps 162/83
hp/rpm 218/5000 11
Nm/rps 320/25-80
ft. lbs./rpm 236/1500-4800
No. of cylinders 5
Displacement (liters/cubic inches) 2.52/153.8
Bore (mm/in.) 83/3.27
Stroke (mm/in.) 93.2/3.67
Compression ratio 9.0:1
Spark plugs
type Volvo kit no. 30650379
gap inches/mm 0.027in./0.7mm
tightening torque ft. lbs./Nm 22.5 ft. lbs./30 Nm
1 Theengine specifications for horsepower and torque listed in this table
are based on the use of premium fuel.

Charge air cooler (Intercooler) and increases engine power over that devel- Fuel system
Turbocharged engines employ a turbo-com- oped by the normally-aspirated engine. The The engine is equipped with a multiport fuel
pressor to force air into the engine inlet mani- charge air cooler (which resembles a radia- injection system.
fold and a charge air cooler to cool the com- tor) is located between the turbo-compressor
pressed inlet air. The resulting increase in air and inlet manifold.
flow raises pressure in the intake manifold


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11 Specifications

Electrical system

General information and reserve capacity as the original (see the

decal on the battery).
12-volt system with voltage controlled gener-
ator. Single wire system in which the chassis
and engine block are used as conductors,
grounded on the chassis. PROPOSITION 65 WARNING!
Battery posts, terminals, and related acces-
11 sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the state of California
Please refer to page 198 for a list of the bulbs to cause cancer and reproductive harm.
used in your car. Wash hands after handling.
Voltage 12 V 12 V 12 V
Cold 590 A 600 A1 700 A2
ity (CCA)
Reserve 100 min 120 min 135 min
ity (RC)
Capac- 60 70 80
ity (Ah)
Models equipped with the High Performance
audio system
Models equipped with the Premium Sound
audio system and/or the Volvo Navigation

If the battery must be replaced, replace it

with one with the same cold start capacity


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11 Specifications

Electrical system

Three-way catalytic converter - gen- This includes:

eral information - Altering fuel injection settings or compo-
• Keep your engine properly tuned. Certain - Altering emission system components or
engine malfunctions, particularly involving location or removing components.
the electrical, fuel or distributor ignition - Repeated use of leaded fuel.
systems, may cause unusually high three-
way catalytic converter temperatures. Do 11
not continue to operate your vehicle if you
detect engine misfire, noticeable loss of Unleaded fuel is required for vehicles with
power or other unusual operating condi- three-way catalytic converters.
tions, such as engine overheating or back-
firing. A properly tuned engine will help
avoid malfunctions that could damage the
three-way catalytic converter.
• Do not park your vehicle over combustible
materials, such as grass or leaves, which
can come into contact with the hot
exhaust system and cause such materials
to ignite under certain wind and weather
• Excessive starter cranking (in excess of
one minute), or an intermittently firing or
flooded engine can cause three-way cata-
lytic converter or exhaust system over-
• Remember that tampering or unauthorized
modifications to the engine, the Electronic
Control Module, or the vehicle may be
illegal and can cause three-way catalytic
converter or exhaust system overheating.


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11 Specifications

Volvo programs

Volvo On Call Roadside Assistance Technician certification

Your new Volvo comes with a four year ON In addition to Volvo factory training, Volvo
CALL roadside assistance. Additional infor- supports certification by the National Insti-
mation, features, and benefits are described tute for Automotive Service Excellence
in a separate information package in your (A.S.E.). Certified technicians have demon-
glove compartment. If you have misplaced strated a high degree of competence in spe-
11 cific areas. Besides passing exams, each
your package, dial:
In the U.S.A. 1-800-638-6586 (1-800-63- technician must also have worked in the field
VOLVO) for two or more years before a certificate is
In Canada: 1-800-263-0475 issued. These professional technicians are
best able to analyze vehicle problems and
perform the necessary maintenance proce-
dures to keep your Volvo at peak operating


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11 Specifications



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12-volt socket .................................... 67, 104 radio functions .................................... 221 CD care .................................................... 230
Sirius satellite radio ......................223-225
A sound settings .................................... 219
CD changer/player ........................... 227-229
Central locking system ............................. 108
Accessory installation ...................................8 steering wheel keypad ........................ 219
surround sound ................................... 219 Chains ...................................................... 164
Air conditioning .................................... 80, 83
Automatic Locking Retractor ..................... 32 Changing tires .................................. 168-169
Air distribution .............................................85
Automatic sound control .......................... 220 Child restraints ..................................... 33-34
Air vents ......................................................81
Automatic transmission ....................132-133 booster cushions ................................... 39
convertible seats ............................. 37-38
disabling the front passenger’s B infant seats ............................................ 35
airbag ............................................... 21-23 Battery ISOFIX lower anchors ............................ 40
door mounted inflatable curtain ............25
maintenance ....................................... 196 Child safety ........................................... 30-32
front ................................................. 18-20
replacing ............................................. 197 Climate system
side impact ............................................24
specifications ...................................... 242 air distribution ........................................ 85
Alarm system .................................... 117-118
warning symbols ................................. 197 air vents ................................................. 81
turning off alarm sensors .....................118 Black box (vehicle event data) ................. 186 defroster ................................................ 83
Anti-lock brakes ............................................6
Booster cushions ....................................... 39 Electronic Climate Control .............. 82-84
general information ...................... 136-137 general information ................................ 80
Brake fluid ................................................ 194
warning light ..........................................50 recirculation ........................................... 83
Approach lighting .............................. 73, 109 Brake system
Clock, resetting .......................................... 48
Audio system general information ......................136-137
Cold weather driving ................................ 123
warning light .......................................... 51
automatic sound control ......................220 Collision mode (crash mode) ...................... 29
auxiliary connector ..............................218
list of ................................................... 198 Color code, paint ...................................... 182
CD care ................................................230
CD changer/player ....................... 227-229 replacing ......................................199-207 Compass .............................................. 69-70
controls ................................................218 C Convertible seats .................................. 37-38
equalizer ..............................................220 Convertible top ..................................... 92-97
Capacity weight ...............................161, 237
menu ....................................................231
Catalytic converter ................................... 243 Coolant ..................................................... 193
MP3 and WMA files .............................228


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Courtesy lighting .........................................98 Emergency Locking Retractor ................... 32 Fuel filler door ................................6, 56, 126
Crash mode ................................................29 Emergency towing ............................142-144 unlocking manually ................................ 56
Cruise control ...................................... 62, 63 Emission inspection readiness ................. 188 Fuel gauge .................................................. 47
Curb weight ..................................... 161, 237 Engine fuel level warning light ........................... 50
Fuel requirements ............................ 125, 126
D specifications ...................................... 241
starting ................................................ 129 Fuses ................................................ 208-214
Defroster .....................................................83 Engine compartment, overview ............... 190
Dimensions ...............................................236 Engine oil
Gasoline requirements ..................... 125-126
Disabling the front passenger’s airbag . 21-23 changing ............................................. 191
Generator warning light .............................. 51
Door mounted inflatable curtain .................25 specifications ...............................239-240
warning light .......................................... 51 Glove compartment .................................. 101
Door open warning .....................................52
Environment ................................................. 7 locking ................................................. 115
Driver distraction ..........................................8
Gross vehicle weight ....................... 161, 237
Driving economically .................................122 F
Driving in cold weather .............................123 Federal Clean Air Act ............................... 186 H
Driving through water ...............................123 Fluid specifications .................................. 238 Hand brake (parking brake) ........................ 66
Dynamic Stability and Traction Fog lights Hard top ............................................... 92-97
Control .............................................. 138-139 front/rear ............................................... 55 Hazard warning flashers ............................. 65
indicator light .........................................50 Front airbag system ..............................18-20 Headlights .................................................. 55
E Front passenger’s airbag, disabling ......21-23 high beam flash ..................................... 57
Front seats switching between high/low beams ...... 57
Easy entry front seat function .....................89
washers ................................................. 60
easy entry function ................................ 89
Economical driving ...................................122 Heated front seats ...................................... 84
electrically operated .........................90-91
Electrical current, conserving ...................124 heated ................................................... 84 Home safe lighting ............................... 57, 73
Electrically operated windows ....................68 manual adjustment ............................... 88 HomeLink Universal Transceiver .......... 74-77
Electronic Climate Control .................... 82-84 whiplash protection system .............26-27
Hood, opening .......................................... 189
Fuel filler cap ................................................ 6
Emergency flashers ....................................65


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I location of ........................................... 167

positioning .......................................... 169
defroster ................................................ 84
Ignition switch ...........................................128 Jump starting ........................................... 145 power .................................................... 71
Immobilizer ...................................... 108, 129
K rearview ........................................... 69-70
MP3 files, playing ..................................... 228
Infant seats .................................................35
Key blade ................................................. 111
Inflatable curtain .........................................25
Keylock ................................................6, 129
Inflation pressure
Occupant safety ......................................... 12
checking ...................................... 154-155 L Occupant weight sensor ...................... 21-23
Inflation pressure table Label information ..............................234-235
Octane requirements ........................ 125-126
Canadian models .................................157 Leather care ............................................. 180
US models ...........................................156 Oil
Lighting panel ............................................. 55
Information symbol .....................................49 changing .............................................. 191
Inspection readiness .................................188
Loading the vehicle .................................. 149 specifications .............................. 239-240
Locking functions ..................................... 109 Oil pressure warning light ........................... 51
Instrument overview ............................. 44-46
locking the vehicle from the inside ..... 114 On call roadside assistance ..................... 244
Instrument panel .........................................47
valet locking ........................................ 112 Opening the trunk from the inside ............ 116
indicator and warning lights ............ 50-51 Long distance trips .................................. 124
information symbol ................................49
Long loads ............................................... 105
lighting ...................................................56
Paint touch up .......................................... 182
messages ........................................ 53-54 Lug nuts ................................................... 165
Park assist ........................................ 140-141
warning symbol .....................................48
Interior lighting ............................................98
M Parking brake ............................................. 66
reading lights .........................................98 Maintenance ............................................. 186
indicator light ......................................... 51
Introduction ..................................................1 performed by the owner ..................... 187 Permissible axle weight ................... 161, 237
ISOFIX lower anchors .................................40 Malfunction indicator light .......................... 50
Personal settings
Manual transmission ................................ 131
J Memory function (power seats) .............90-91
approach lighting ................................... 73
autolock ................................................. 72
Jack control panel .......................................... 72


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home safe lighting .................................73 replacing the battery ........................... 109 Sound settings ......................................... 219
information .............................................73 Reporting safety defects Spare tire .................................................. 167
lock confirmation light ...........................72 Canada .................................................. 13 Stability system ................................ 138-139
unlock ....................................................72 USA ....................................................... 12
Polishing ...................................................179 Start inhibitor ................................... 108, 129
Retractable hard top .............................92-97
Power door mirrors .....................................71 Starting the engine ................................... 129
Roadside assistance ................................ 244
Power retractable hard top ................... 92-97 Roll-over protection system ....................... 28
Steering wheel
Power seats .......................................... 90-91 adjustment ............................................. 65
Power windows ..........................................68
S keypad .......................................... 64, 219
Safety defects, reporting lock ...................................................... 128
Proposition 65 warning .......6, 145, 196, 242 Storage compartments ..................... 100-102
Canada .................................................. 13
R USA ....................................................... 12 Studded tires ............................................ 164
Radio functions .........................................221 Seat belts ................................................... 14 Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) ....... 17
Rain sensor .................................................61 Automatic Locking Retractor/ Surround sound ........................................ 219
Emergency Locking Retractor .............. 32
Read button ................................................53
reminder ................................................ 16 T
Reading lights .............................................98 reminder light ........................................ 51 Three-way catalytic converter .................. 243
Rear fog light using during pregnancy ........................ 15
Tire inflation pressure
Seats .....................................................88-91
indicator light .........................................50 Canadian models ................................ 157
Rear window defroster ...............................84 Service locking ......................................... 112
US models ........................................... 156
Rearview mirror ..................................... 69-70 Shiftlock ...............................................6, 129 Tire sealing system ........................... 170-175
Recirculation (climate system) ....................83 override ............................................... 135 Tires
Side impact protection airbags .................. 24
Refueling ........................................... 125-127 age ....................................................... 153
Sirius satellite radio ...........................223-225 chains .................................................. 164
Remote control .........................................108
Ski hatch .................................................. 105 changing ...................................... 168-169
approach lighting .................................109
designations ........................................ 158
functions ..............................................109 Snow chains ............................................. 164
improving economy ............................. 153
key blade .............................................111 Snow tires ................................................ 164 inflation ........................................ 154-155


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rotation ................................................166 Turn signals ................................................ 57 driving through .................................... 123

snow tires ............................................164 indicator lights ....................................... 51 Waxing ...................................................... 179
spare tire ..............................................167
storing ..................................................152 U Weight distribution ................................... 122
Weights ..................................................... 237
studded tires ........................................164 Uniform tire quality gradings .................... 163
terminology ..........................................160 Wheel nuts ................................................ 165
Upholstery care ........................................ 180
tread wear indicator .............................152 Wheels
uniform tire quality gradings ................163 V storing ................................................. 152
Towing a trailer ................................. 146-147
Valet locking ............................................. 112 Whiplash protection system ................. 26-27
trailer hitch ...........................................148
Vanity mirror Wind blocker .............................................. 97
Towing the vehicle ............................ 142-144
lighting .................................................. 98 Windows, power ......................................... 68
Trailer hitch ...............................................148
replacing bulbs ................................... 207 Windshield
Trailer towing .................................... 146-147 Vehicle dimensions .................................. 236
changing wiper blades ........................ 195
trailer hitch ...........................................148 Vehicle Event Data (black box) ................ 186 rain sensor ............................................. 61
Trailer weights ..........................................237
Vehicle loading .................................149, 161 washer fluid ......................................... 193
Transmission washers ................................................. 60
Vehicle weights ........................................ 237
automatic ..................................... 132-133 wipers .................................................... 60
VIN number ........................................73, 235 Wiper blades, changing ............................ 195
manual .................................................131
Transporting loads ....................................149 Volvo and the environment .......................... 7 WMA files, playing .................................... 228
Tread wear indicator .................................152 Volvo On Call Roadside Assistance ......... 244
Trip computer ....................................... 58-59 W
Warning flashers ........................................ 65
12-volt socket ......................................104
Warning symbol ......................................... 48
divider ....................................................93
driving with it open ..............................122 Warranties ................................................ 186
loading ......................................... 103-104 Washing the vehicle ..........................178-179
opening from the inside .......................116 Water
opening manually ................................115


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Volvo Car Corporation TP 9005 (usa & Canada), aT 0648, Printed in sweden, Göteborg 2006, Copyright © 2000-2006 Volvo Car Corporation

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