Concrete Ground Floors

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CeCa CONCRETE GROUND FLOORS their design, construction and finish R. Colin Deacon BSc(Eng), FICE, FIT. Contents Introduction ... The elements of a floor .. Materials ....... ‘Subgrade fill Sub-base . Slip membrane Cement .... Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Admixtures ...... Fabric reinforcement Concrete quality...... Design........00005 General principles Loading........ Classification of subgrade and thickness of sub-base Slab thickness : Bay layout, joints and reinfor Construction . . Fill and sub-base . Slab construction. Surface finishes . General .. Factors affecting selection of finish ‘Surface tolerances. . Finishing techniques Construction methods Surface treatments ... Chemical hardeners Sealers, paints ... rcement, BBBOUGAGGSSS a avUNnnNnnnsweaeene 48.034 Fst published 1974 When Portland cement is mited with wate, or even “Third eaten 1986 Becomes damp, alas ate released which cs be Repuinted 1967 wih amendments harmfulto the skin, The ee depends on te ngth of SBNO 7210 12279, contact any abrasion, the nda and he part he body imohed. Sutubie protective doting howd Be Pree Group D wor. eyes are afected Wey should be washed oUt ‘Wout delay and medial tention sought Designed and published by the Cement and Concrete Ascocinon Wesham Springs, Sough SL3 6A (© Cement and Concrete Atsocition 1974, 1966 ‘Athough the Cement and Concrete Assocation does its eso ensure that ey cice recommendation ot rfraion amy {ge f accurate, no lably or responsi of any kind Gncuding bbityforneghgenc) I accepted in ths ope! Oy te ‘Associaton is servants or agers Renders shed aso nate that a CECA pubcaes ee subject fos om bre tne and shoul treseore ensure that they ae in poreesson ofthe et version Introduction In the early 1970s a concerted effort was made to rationalize and improve the methods of design and construction of ‘ground flors in this country which culminated in the Publication ofthe fist ediion of this booklet neatly 12 years ‘290. Since then the practice of long tip construction with induced joints, and the techniques of direct rising have become well established throughout the UK, and have been successfully used by contractors and builders large and: Small for jobs ranging In sie from senal etal businesses, ‘offices or Schools, up to multimillion pound industial Contracts covering thousands of square metres. ‘The methods have been developed from those used by ‘modern road engineers after taking account ofthe points of similarity and of difference beSween a road and 2 for sab. Sh there has been much research into road design and valuable data have been amassed on loadings fom ful scale experiments, there is litle comparable information for the floor designer and, regretably, Noors do not appeal to the Imagination of research workers as a subject for investigation, ‘The booket is based upon long-suip principles, and provides 4 simple and concise approach to the design, dealing and construction of ground supported slabs. can be used with Confidence by those who are not necessaniy flooring specialists but who maintain reasonable standards of care and workmanship. Other methods of design and Construction exist which, where proven, ean provide equally valid and satisfactory results and i 's encouraging to see that new plant and new construction techniques are being developed by a small but growing umber of firms. [A section is included on finishes, asthe selection ofthe finish 's an integral part of floor desig, and can affect the construction, performance and economics ofthe for, and Possibly ofthe structure as @ whole [More detailed advice on construction techniques, and the use ‘of compacting and finishing equipment is ghen in publication 48.036 by George Bambrook, Concrete ground Toor consinuction forthe man on the ste ‘The principal changes made inthis eon include: increased subvbase thicknesses; updated references on slab design and clarficaton and extension ofthe recommendations for Feinforcement and joint details, Mertion is ako made of the Specialist wide stip and large bay construction techniques, uihich are increasingly being used, 1B £2031” has recently been published, and replaces CP 203, (CP 204%ie being revised and when the new edtion is _avallable, some small changes may be required to Table. The elements of a floor The elements ofa floor are shown in Figure 1, and consist of the following Subgrade: This isthe naturally occuring ground excavated ‘down to formation level er, on made-up ground, imported il material ‘Sub base: This is selected moterol imported to form a level, smooth working pladorrn on which to constuct the slab. On very good subgrades, suc as frm sandy gravel the sub-base may be omitted Slip membrane: This is used essentially to reduce ftion under the slab end to prevent loss of cernent fines from the ‘wet Conerete into the subbase material. General, plastics ‘sheeting Is the most convenient material to use, Slab: The main structural concrete element forming the Noor. Iemay be ether reinforced or unveinforced, depending upon, ‘te conditions and design, Wearing surface: This may be the upper surface ofthe slab stulably finished, or an applied topping or other flooring material. Materials ‘Subgrade fill ‘Ary fil needed for the subgrede should be stable material of such grading that can be well compacted. Rubble from building demettions should not be used unless ithas been Passed through a crusher, becouse the random sizes and fen large places of mata couse compaction dfcues, ‘and may give rise later to setlemert problems, and premature fare ofthe slab. ‘Subbase ‘The sub-base should be Inert well graded granular materal of maamumn size not exceeding 75 rm, fully compacted and Dlnded wih sand or erushed fine material to form a smooth level surface wihin a tolerance of +0, -25 mm. ‘Atematvely, lean-ix concrete, compacted to the same surface level tolerance, can be used, Slip membrane For he sp membrane, a minim of 125 pr (500 a) Dosis shecting shoud be used, wth sets npped {50 mm, When dampprouingreguererts have t be met for instance when mosturesenstve foonng isto be added {0 the top ofthe say, ticker shets,or moe elaborate ‘eterprooting measures a recomended in CP 1029, may be need Cement “The cement should comply with the requirements of the following: BS 124 for Portland cement BS 40279 for supheteresstng Portland cement: BBS 146" for Portandtbatfumace cement. Al British manufacturers of Portland cement participate in the Registered Firms Scheme monitored by the Quality ‘Assurance Divison of the British Standards Insttuton. Each ‘works is periodically asessed Independently ond registered only if the requirernents are met ‘An important feature ofthe scheme is that an Independent Reference Test Laboratory is used to ensure that information about cement strength, suppbed to cement purchasers on request, i free from testing bias. ‘Specifications should indicate the relevant BS with which the ‘cement must comply, together witha stfpulation that it must be supplied by a BSI Registered Firm of Assessed Capabily ‘All test certificates for cement should be required to bear the Registered Firm's certificate number Fine aggregate The fine aggregate should be naturally occuring sand ‘complying with BS 852°. Very coarse or very fine gradings, ‘and gapped gradings, may cause fishing difcutes. Sand should be fre from soft materials such as soft sandstone, limestone or coal or igite, and unwashed crushed fines should not be used when the sab Isto fore the wearing surface. Aggregates which produce concrete with @ drying shrinlage exceeding 0.06% should be avoided, wearing race sopping i used aque 1 Elements of floor Coarse aggregate “The coarse aggregate should be from naturally occuring sources with gredings complying with BS 882, but soft Sandstone and soft imestone and agaregates giving @ drying shrinkage of concrete greater than 0.65% should be avoided. ‘The maximum size of coarse aggregate should be 20 mm for slabs up to 150 mn thick, bu @ maximum aggregate size of 40 mm may be more economic for thicker slabs Admixtures ‘The use of a water reducing admisture may be beneficial, but Integral waterproofing admires shouid be avoided if toppings are to be applied subsequently, asthe bond may be iempaired by thei use, Fabric reinforcement Fabric reinforcement should comply with the requirements of BS 4483", Concrete quality Table 1 gives guidance on suitable grades of concrete for verious duties. The stength grades quoted there corespond to those in BS 8110. The concrete should be proportioned to minimize wet segregation and bleeding of free water to the surface ofthe slab, Bath of which can lead to dusting and ‘poor wear resistance. Concrete which has a low cement Content may be dificult to rsh by troweling. Whilst workability wil nocnally be determined by the Contractor to sult his method of working itis desiable that the shimmp should not exceed 50 ram, Design General principles lore dtr the tcl deals of Mor, he designer sho tt corse he eel design dts 3 ing sequence ang om he suaceCoonwars Sach Cradersen na ey sage my oct He 2 Sait iuerce up spetcmen Secon an pn fe chose | — ete tore mporan a ‘Table 1: Minimum specications of concrete for various dies, : Preernary design daa apprais Pocono eas Acton ete Tepes asacn | Sey aprons ane contr gate Speci sh sree fish sutace seats, | Sopcae taped ge teri | fearane spec satace Sutoce | Se repos preps soe Sr a oy dcrmine ned for regan | gondola 8 ‘Surface regulary ‘special construction Toss Setog ope ose #98 of P48, | a equited for teang | acostuntomty | Peetaton itunes | Sine concen tnd gn dae Deane | Yeon? eing capac? | Oxia equ oe rand Covet. | Stet acne Moy eae sear easement | SSRs Sees ‘Although the design recommendations gven in this booklet wil eed to structurally satisfactory performance of a Noor, the increasing demands of cents for higher loadings and very fine surface level tolerances, eg. in high bay warehouses, may ‘ive rise to unacceptably high settlements ofthe slab. In ‘2ddliton, industrial for are more often having to be Constructed on weaker soils and more compressible fils, and there is now a greater need than in the past for ‘comprehensive soils investigations and the expertise to interpret the results, ‘The many uncertainties and variables (eg loads, ground characteristics, ambient effects) associated with ground slabs impose limitaions on the precision of theoretical design = therefore simplifying assumptions have to be made eg in oices, shops Mame | equal ego Day cement | “Sica Tye tho oon S| ime 1 | Bator a wai 25 2» “Thin sheet Fe Nore or apts Genera indus use veces 2 ‘sth preumate es il 325 heres condos ‘Suucurl slab Fished os wecng surface O ‘The minimum cement content is necessary to ensure wen testonce. Also for use wt ‘prince finshes (ene page 19) ‘pct song cheno tack ‘As 2, but hea abrasive contions 3 (eg. veils wih sod wneels) 300 3 ‘Alle toppings, to suit conden Song chemical tack ‘Struc sb iahed as wearing surface, Heavy indus use: moderate ‘Abrasion resistance ncreaes wih stength 4 chhmieal condone C.) a ‘Seren leve according to degre of wear arcane Hay indus se: heavy abrasion 5 (eg by seetshod whee 300 » ‘ope toppings to suit conditions Tr The cement shoud be one of those Ete on page 1 2 The requrerent for minimum cement content should be stsied. However, inthe absence of et resus or other elable evidence thatthe ia cement content fs being met, concite of the Equvalent rade may be assumed to have the tected irr cement Cote 2 ‘Theoretical studies and fullscale road experiments have shown which factors are significant for slab performance, ang in particular the importance of uniformity of suppor from the ground ‘The performance ofa slab under load depends primariy on the tensile strength of concrete in bending and an adequate strength grade of concrete should therefore be specied, 25, recommended in Table 1. The sab is designed as being fectvely untenforced, but more often than not Feinforcement is proved, te purpose being to contol ‘racking, not to prevent &. The provision of reinforcement {also reduces the numberof joints. Unreinforced slabs less than 150 ram thick ate not recommended, ‘The use of vadkiona reinforced concrete theory is not justifed unless the loading and ground characteristics are known accurately, and the consinicton techniques ensure that the reinforcement mainiains the lever arms assumed in the design. Doubly reinforced slabs therefore have limited application. Since slab failure is unkely to be catastrophic ‘Sructuraly, ntmal factors of safety do not app. ‘Molsture and thermal changes induce stresses which may necessitate joints being formed in the floor. The old concept of ‘chequerboard’ construction which placed limitations on the bay areas laid and the construction sequence, to contol ‘contraction stresses is largely irelevant. Bay s2es are now determined in eelaton tothe reinforcement present and to practical construction considerations Loading In general a slab wil be subjected to one or more ofthe folowing types of loading (a) Whee! loads. These ar the loads imposed by fokait trucks, trolleys and other vehicles which taverse the foot. ‘The stale ranges of tuck upto about 2 tonnes rang have a neglaible feet upon the sb, but as axe loads increase therr damaging elects increase rpidy, and thicker sie become necessary (©) Leg loads fram warehouse racking systems. Two ‘common forms of raking ae ilusrated in Figures 2 ond 3. Inthe bocktoback rangement (Figure 3) the loads are relovely closely spaced, nth the Back legs of the two fs of ‘cis about 300 mm apart causing high sreses inthe sab in the mezzanine layout (Fgute 3). the leg Woods ore usualy spaced at least’ m spar, FPigue 2 Backto back racking n apical warehouse (©) Uniformly disvibuted load. This type of load is imposed ‘onthe floor by materials, storage containers and other ems being placed drecty ont the floor slab, as shown in Figure 4. The load is spread over specific areas with ‘unloaded access aisles as required. Design ies should be clear on the actual meaning of ‘urformly dstrbuted loads In practice, such loads are often dstbuted into racking systems, and the resulting high leg loads wil require a thicker sb than ifthe loads were truly uriformly dstrbuted by direct, contact wth the slab surfece. Further information on types and magnitudes of loadings in ‘ypical warehouses i included in reference 11 Figure 4 An example of uniormly distmbuted loading: matials being stached directly on 9 foe Classification of subgrade and thickness of subbase Subsrades have been classified in Table 3 into two groups, and recommended minimum thicknesses of sub-base ore shown. tis assumed tht the subbase wil camy construction traf inthe form of smell Gumpers but, heaves vehicles are tobe used and there is a rak of damaging the sub-grade, thicker sub>base should be specified Inthe case of whet and rack loading, the sub-base assists in ‘reducing the vertical sess onthe subgrade. However, wih uniformly dstibuted loading, very litle load spreading is ‘Table 3: Recommendations for icles of subbase com Tease Pan abe te ‘rms See Son rot se (CBR < 10%) ‘Sty clays on Sandy cos “eee ‘sands = coe Sn | Sin gars possible, and consequent, the bearing capacity ofthe sub- {rade may limit the maximum unit leading on the flo Where slabs are to be supported on sub-grades such as. corganic soils, heavy clays and loose sands, or where Substantial thicknesses of fil ave been used, and anticipated longterm setements are high, some geotechrical process such as sol stabiization, drainage or compaction, or the use of piled foundations, may be necessary. The treatment to be Used depends upon the nature ofthe ground, and a carer engnet hang gectcical eaperence sou be Slab thickness “The required thickness ofa flor slab is dependent upon the ‘ype and magnitude of load applied, the grade of concrete ‘employed and the suppor offered by the subbase and/or subgrade. Floors are generally subjected to fluctuating loading. and for lang be ts necessary to limit the maximum tensile stress induced in the slab. For this reason, where ‘many repetitions of loading are expected, for instance from Forkit trucks in aisles, the induced maximum tensle tess. should be Imited to 50% of the ullenate Fexurl suength of the conerete. Unfortunately, precise loading data are often not avaleble and this makes the estimating of sab thickness ‘Where data on the loading and support characteristics ofthe ‘ground are reliably known, an assessment ofthe required Slab thickness can be made by the methods given Ia references 10 to 13, reference 13 being pariculatly ‘appropriate to very heavy loading Such a Occurs Ih port and ‘container terminal areas, Where loading is predominant from forklift wucks, guidance on slab thickness for various. intensities of wafickéng can be obtained from Table 4, which is based on data from Road Note 29! “Table 4: Guide to thickness of slab (men) oF pi! ootings fom fork tks Bay layout, joints and reinforcement Bay layout ‘Aconerete floor has to be subdivided into smal areas fortwo (1)t0 control tensile stresses due primary to moature and thermal contraction of the slab, and thus to Tit random cracking (2) for convenience during construction, to meet the daily apebiy of plant and labour employed Tis subdivision is achieved by means of joints f the types described on pages 6 and 7. Floors are now comventonely constructed by the long strip technique (Figure 3), which hes proved high successh for the pas en yeas or more. The method leads to repid end ‘economical Consiruction with teady access for placing Concrete. Generally, alerte sips are lid continuously for the ful length ofthe bulding, oF up to 2 main movement join, ot an end-of-day constuction joint nil stips are Placed several cays ner, when the adjacent concrete os Fardened sufficienty not to be damaged By the action of the ‘compacting beams, ‘A stip width of about 4.5 m has been found tobe the most Practical, as facttates the placing and accurate fishing of the concrete and the coresponding sie of compacting bear is easly handed by wo men. Ths width also corwenienty ~ jon fit Ses Figure 5: Long stip construction Bh werkng day 2ah woking ey Fork ce ‘ale 4 fo | rating TMovernents par For 2 4 10 2% ta) 10 | 20 | 30 | 10 20] 30| 10 Ure year 20 | 30 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 10 | 20 | 30| 10 | 20 | 30 2000) 3500 5 10 | 15 150 150 15 3750 500 130 4500 0000 150 173 7000 15300 15 200, 175 200 75 200 25 Ee 25 20 [27s ‘Ale ads ave average, maximus fly laden axe loads 12 coor, fading tock, o ot a mah ae. “Table for good subgrades. Add 25 mm for pao! subgrade “The Tobe has been sed on erage ale loads, from hpi twoae fork tks, ‘One ‘movement esaurnes that a rack eet cross 9 point on the loo loaded the returns unloaded over the same pin eg aden to ‘The fe spans have been based on (9) 8 hur dy. 6 day weck, 50 week year. (b) 24 hour day 7 day wen, 52 weck year ‘accepts standard sies of fabric reinforcement without cutting (Note: Wider sips up to a maximum of 6 m may be ‘constructed, but with more difcuty) An edge stp, 600 mm to 11m wide (Figure 6) should be provided adjacent to walls to allow unhindered use ofthe compacting beam on a ful wih trp, ‘The strips may be divided into bays by means of induced Joins (See page 7) either by sawing shallow grooves in Fagure 6 Edge sip Table 5: Free moverertjnt spacing ond obi enforcement for slabs the surface after the concrete has hardened, of by inserting proprietary crackinducing sips into the concrete while i Stil plastic. As the concrete contracts, the slab cracks atthe ‘weakened section to frm the joint inthe predetermined position (Figure 7). The spacing of induced joints or length of indivdvel bays depends upon whether the slab i reinforced (oF unreinforced. (See pages 7 aod 8.) ‘The long'stip technique allows closer surface tolerances to bbe more reacily achieved, especially when induced joints are formed by sawing, as much ofthe hand work is eliminated. ‘Joints which are formed against stop-ends, side forms or @ hardened bay edge are more dificult to construct soundly and, in general, the fewer ofthese joints the beter. gue 7: Crack at induced jin, engine recon of sb Transverse ection of sab Fac ‘Masia spacing of fee movement ats (n) axiom spacing of fee moverners jis teoforcement (ures 11 and 13) (Figures 96, 11 aed 13) ‘scoring esaaes ‘Sl thickness (oom) ‘Sb cess (om) 1 | 0 | 1 | | | w|i | wm | wo | ow 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nrenforced we |e | oe | ioe) erorae | tafvonse| ett Nae 2B 2 16 «| «| = | a 8 16 4 N93 a we | a | a eles ital 19 8195 “e232 a 7 3 ~ | = | 4 | 2 | a 8 2 5283 3 ele 19 ey a | x 3 22 cams wet | ir | te | i | ie 85 3 ee 19 6 so | |e ces vr | ter | i |v | ie "393 @ = | « |= | = | « | « = "2503 se ietcl 2 2 1% 6 5 | « 03 ve | i | te | ier 636 : a ma | 6 wer [| tr [er * Incce joins (Faure 10) a 6 mn ma EAM fab 175 mm hick 60 mong between fee eolaton joins © Wan these fabrics, bghyeldebars of equsalent cosesecton tothe lbric should be sed in ental aes when mann spacing of maven ants adopted inte ansvere outing the wal is tobe led 2 coetnucs stip wt doced [bots 10 m centres, Fram Table, lng mesh C503 is equred. fa debonded dowelled ‘onrachon jot ruse” at racengih, moverment jan epasng ‘eons to 40m. and te snforcement could be reduced ar resi A252, oF lng rnesh C283. 5 More recently, developments in plant and in specialized construction techniques have enabled floors to be lad in very laige areas in a single operation. For instance, compacting beams are now available that permit sts to be constructed up to about 20 m wide (wide tip’ construction = see Figure 18); an akemative method ules free lowing concrete which may be placed continuously ovet an area of several thousand square metres without using deforms (large bay’ construction - see Figure 17), These techniques, are specialized and should only be used by rms withthe necessary skill and resources, and dealed consideration of therm is outside the scope ofthis publication, Nevertheless, much of the deta included here may be used as approprate for floors constructed by these methods for instance, the recommendations of Table 5 and the induced jot tal of Figure 10 may be used in both ‘longitudinal and ‘vansverse directions ofthe slab when constructed in wide stip or large bay form, Functional requirements of joints Aint s intended to accorsmedate the natural movements ofa slab and hence init the shrinkage which may give rise to random cracking. Drying shrinkage causes déferential and dct contraction of the siab: the surface cies more quickly than the underside, causing the slab to tend to ‘cut! oF warp I does not begin until ater wet curing is complete and ey continue for 12 months or more. This generally gives the greatest movement in a slab, but is not significant during the ‘onstruction of an individual strip and those adjacent. Similar stresses may also be caused by changes in ambient temperature (eg, when a hot surnmer’s day s followed by 2 ool night) within 12 to 48 h of laying a section of oor slab, while the concrete strength fs stil ow: In external paving. these temperature changes may cause cracking if the intermediate induced joins are not formed across along slup within about 24 h of placing the concrete, Floors are ormally designed to be lid under roof cover. when the temperature effects are generally smaller and the tre lint {or inducing the joints may be extended to between 2 and 7 days, depending upon conditions. ‘A Joint rnust also be capable of transfering oad from one bay to another and of liming vertical diferent movement 0 that a step does not form in the floor surface. Tis may be {achieved by the interlock of aggregate in the cracked face of ‘20 induced joint, or by means of horizontal fe bars or dowel bors placed centrally in the slab across the join. Alowance is (generally made for the efciency of load tanfer when, Setermining the thickness of 2 sab a pater eee 2 : ae rt i : a 7 ‘contraction 2 ee F Tre —. } ges | | aes cokums Tongitudinal joints Figure 8: Layout of ins “Types of joint Figure 8 shows @ typical joint layout for long tip Construction. The main ypes of ont are as follows. (a) Tied joints Longitucinal joint ‘This isthe main construction joint formed in the longtudinal ection between adjacent stips. Figure 9a shows deta of the norma tied joint whist Figure 9b ilustrates 2 debonded longitudinal joint with 9 sealing groove to accommodate the ‘opening of the joint (usualy about 2 men), ‘The joint relieves warping stresses, but the tiebars (unless debonded) lint direct contraction and provide load transfer. Debonded joins may be provided at about 18 m centres to allow lateral movement ofthe slab. Random joints do sometimes open a small amount especialy f debonded joints are omited, and a sealing groove may be provided at ail longitudinal joints to deal with this eventuality considered necessary. (a) Ted joint 20mm—e ote: Selng groove an (b) pon St A — SS but or (nreted (©) Debonded joint 12mm da midsteel tebers 900 mam tng at 600 mn entre Past Join stp stuck oto hardened edge before Pouring lla form sang grove See oe ra pact TT da. de bors, st pol and deboned ove lethal length Figure 9 Longiuctina jin, 6 50 1 <— 0mm min—md + 50 mm fabric rerforcement 09m long as int of ab nove crack (FB or Cabo w used the lnger omer es rust be parle o those i top of slab) Note: d >0/4 Figue 10 Induced jon. selon groove (wath ost Jet spacing) ee T Z| 6 Tei z dowstbar ses asin abe beow bars debonded ofe at lene ho eng woth length en jai nue) Recommended dovelbat spacing is 300% Y bar ends to be smooth ‘Sun. not copped Figure 11 Contacto oi. \Where longitudinal movement joints are required less frequently than at about 18 rm centes, oF in very heavy Toaded floors, the contraction joint detal of Figure 1 ray be used to ensure load transfer” Induced joint This joint (Figure 10) is use to break along stip into a setes of smaller bays. relieves warping stresses, but fabric feinforcement across the joint mits direct contraction and. hence maintains aggregate Interlock across the induced ‘rack and £0 provides load transfer. Te joint may be used ‘wahout reinforcement in lightly loaded unrenforced slabs ‘when some reduction of load transfer due toa larger crack ‘with can be allowed (the jint then acts as @ convaction joint (6) Movement joints Contraction joint ‘This join (Figure 11) is designed to accommodate the contraction of @ long strip lad In one operation. ofthe lateral Contraction of a numberof stip tied together. will open Sgnificantly during the fist 18 months of use. Dowelbars prow load transfer and should be fited with aplastic sleeve {permit fll siding acton, or coated wh an ecient debonding compound es specified below* Treated bars ‘Should be conereted in within 2 days of coating, NOTE: Do * Thee no canclusve experimental evidence to show that ge Gometerdonelbors oe ese! foe load wane In lena [pits in Does caring hear racking or whee loads. Heh ‘Baded floors wih standard {2mm da barn Bens Appear to function sasfoctoly and ts suggested ht for vey hea leasing condone (say, concerted oads vet 5 tonnes), ‘signers shou conader ft reducing the spacing ot 12m da thre 300 ren cenies bere ness these fb + specication for debonding compound Essentiy the debonding compound should const of 66% of 200 pen Bitumen Blended hot wi 18K ight creosote ll ond, ‘hen cold, bros to te consistence of pat bythe adon of 20% solvent napa, Debondng compounds are now avalabie Commerc i small quarts sutable for factory Nor oe: Contraction ants may be formed by crack induction ting the desis igure 33 Sab dep | Dowel engi] Dowd domater on) ‘om ‘com’ 13-175 300) 2 200-250 400 6 2504 200 2 ‘ot use any black pont that is avaiable, as many bums based paints actualy increase bond. ‘A contraction joints oten used conwenienly as a transverse constuction jint in large floors. t may also be required inal twansverse joints to ensure adequate losd transfer when the floor i to withstand heavy wheel oF racking leg loads, ori the floor has to be constructed in hot weather belore the foot isin place. Note also that. in thicker slabs, bghter weights of reinforcement can be used ifthe contraction joint spacing i redueed (see Table 5) Isolation joint “The purpose ofthis joints to provide freedom of movernent forthe slab at all faed features within the slab, Figure 12 shows the deta at an intemal stanchion or column, and Figure 13 s suitable around the perimeter of the slab against sold walls, o round plant bases. The jint reeves warping and contraction movements, but provides no load transfer. NOTE: When a slab is anchored into ground beams, iis restrained against contraction, The recommendations for joint Spacing and reinforcement which follow do net apply Expansion jint ‘An expansion joint (Figure 14) rarely needed in a floor slab, The overall dying shrinkage contraction is normally ‘mote than sufficient to offet any temperature expansion, Lnless there are exceptional operating conditions. The joint ‘may be used for articulation purposes on poor ground if Uneven settlement is expected (provided the operating conditions wil allow) Spacing of joints (a) Unreinforced slabs: To minimize the sk of uncontioled ‘racking. joint spacing should not exceed 6 min ether ection. ff movement at the Joints is restrained by tk-bars oF (2) Ata concrete column snforced ‘concrete cota eansverse joie | (ere provi — (0) Ata seo! sanchion ‘compressible filer board orm wide jt salad ‘eth propery selon compressible filer board stanchion baseplote 20 rm wept sealed ‘eth rept selon IROTERNATIVE LAYOUT of surround and sation jin tose! sanchvene Jong! ont = = 7) catine of column |. ese below ab ‘olen joint round hum 5 section A telon) Jongtainal oiee = 7 ont of ase | baw seb nA [Renee at (where proses) “ceerete around = = conanuctad to {ed Noo eel for lve Nibbase mater Eemnpoced over Sancho bas to Underage of slab SECTION AA Figure 12: selaton jin Pique 13: Wal isolation jin, fabric reinforcement, itis recommended that @ debonded or 2 ful conection joint be prouded at internals of about 18 rm. (©) Reinforced slabs: The introduction of fabric Temnforcemert into the slab as set out in Table 5 wi allow greater distances between contraction joints as shown in the ‘Table, and wil limit any random cracking that may occur to &| series of fine hair cracks, Such cracks may not adversely affect the operating requirements of many floors. However. ‘experience shows tha, if addtional induced joints are formed Ina slob strip, these wil further reduce the rsk of random ‘racking. For maximum effect, these joints shouldbe located at column bases, which can act as crack inducers, and generally at spacings not greater than 10 m. Reinforcement ‘Table 5 gives recommendations forthe selection of standard fabric reinforcement. The ste! is assumed to cary the tensile force developed inthe concrete ase result of the contraction (ofthe slab Being restrined by friction on the sub-base. The frictional resuain will depend upon the smoothness of the subbase and a plasic sipmembrane is normally used between slab and subbase to minimize te restraint. A Conservative value f 15 for the coefficient of ction is generally adopted. The bass ofthe calculation i shown in Figure 15 and it should be noted thatthe aee of wires required longiucinaly or tansversely depends upon the spacing of free movement oins in each direction. and not ‘upon the distance between adjacent tld jints which are restrained by tebers or fabric reinforcement. Fabric Teinforcement which is sutable for aor siabs fs evalable in three ypes in accordance with BS 4483, as folows, (a) Square mesh, prefic ® ‘Wie sizes and spacing are the same in both directions [Maximum free movernentjoirtspocings from Table 5 are therefore applicable in both longitudinal and transverse rections ofthe slab, making this mesh also suitable for lidestip or large-ay construction, proprietary sealant 20 mm wide owt cap, end filed wth compressible motel — I = “> A beet b-20 0m compressible fier boned 20 hick dowetbars 20 mem dla. X 960 mm fog 13.300 mm centres (hl ofeach batt be debondes) Fque 14: Expansion join, 8 je Maenumtensonin sb dv toresrined convacton, T where 9 unit weight of db p= average coeficent of fiction ‘Not: Vues assumed in Table 5: ond ky Figwe 15: Calculation of enforcement (6) Structural mesh, prefix ‘Main wires are longitudinal, But cross wires are more widely spaced although providing a substantial area of steel, This mesh is suitable for wide-stip or ligebay construction. (6) Long mesh, prefix 'C ‘This is the most commonyy used mesh for tradiional long strip construction, and Is the mast economical ona weight. basis. The main wires should be placed inthe dection of the lab stip. The cross wires ate of only nominal area and the Sab is considered to be efectvely unreinforced laterally ‘Therefore, as recommended. for unrenforced slabs, longitudinal joints may be debonded to form a contraction joint at about 18 m intervals Examples of some altematve arangerents of meshes and joints are shown in Figure 16, Where necessary, fabric mats should be lapped at ends and edges by about 450 mm, but in the case of C meshes, edge lapping is ot required Ie may aso be necessary to increase the aea of tebars to ‘match that ofthe A’ and 'B' meshes when lateral movement jeints are widely spaced in widestip or large-bay onstruction Wien the slab i used as the tension te between the legs of 2 poral famed structure, the einforcement and joints must, be capable of resisting the tension from the frame. Independent ties placed under the slab and separated from it tate, however, to be prefered. Seaing of joints ‘The opening of joints in @ Noor is generaly very small except ona STP WOE STP TARCEBAY UNRENFORCED ——= joints without fabric 6x6mbon 6x 6meen age ee aad tod. bop ia ppt tt ee dot ae fated ded ttt tt Crpprry ts ane . sae RERFORCED 13x tomtom rte] 10% 10m a 385 fabric 63 fare 238 fare debondedlongudial (Figure 9) —— — — longi (Figure 90) induced (Fgure 10, nahou Tabac in unetorced slabs) contaction (Figue 11) Figure 16: Typical joint awrangerens fora 175mm thick la at free movernent joints, and the usual rules forthe dimensions of sealing grooves can be relaxed. Tis enables very thin Joints to be formed by sawing, and these fine joints ‘are more durable under the passage of wheel loads. For many industial purposes, where conditions are dry, joints ‘may be let unfiled, btn wet conditions, ond where there are hygienic or dustcontol requiement, sealing wil be necessary, Where deep crackinducing grooves have been formed, the lower part of the groove may be filed wth preformed foamed plastics sbip to reduce sealing costs Depending upon the duty fr which the oor is required, the choice of sealing material ranges fom the cheaper flexble rmastics and rubber bturnens to the more expensive, rable {and sifer polsulphide and epoideesin based sealants, and preformed neoprene sips. The Use of ‘gun grade’ or pre formed material will be found more convenient with the narrow grooves, as hot poured sealants tend to overland spread across the adjacent floor surface. The manufacturer's recommendations onthe selection ofthe sealant, ts dimensions and appicaton should be stity abserved. In (general, the harder the sealant, the better protection wil be ‘ive tothe joint edge against wear, but such a sealant wll ‘only be able to adjust to 9 small amount of movement. Sealing should therefore be delayed as long as possible to allow the maximum drying contiaction to take place. Construction Fill and sub-base The pafomance of Roe sob depends vey much yon the unlry &fsappon fom be ening renee A top sl shouldbe sped ar tv esc oes tie suhrace should Be exceed rd bac hed eh ne faded ond Mand ecu compe sho be gure 17: Large bay construction using highworkailty self ‘compacting concrete (a) Checking tne ews in conjunction with (oy lasertevel transmit. placed in 150 rm layers. and compaction is achieved most ‘conveniently with a pedestianoperated vibrating roller, or 3 ‘small tandem roller, each layer being give 6 to 8 passes ‘The sub-base should be compacted similarly and finally biinded with fine material to produce a smooth level surface, sing laser leveling equipment (as shown in Figure 17) or 2 Simple scratch template to obtain the required tolerance Slab construction ‘The following details are generally used forthe most commen form of long stip construction wih strip widths of about 45 m. They may also be used with other more Specialized methods such as 'widesttp’ construction, where the stips are constructed in @ single pass using long span ‘compacting beams (Figure 18), Pure 18: Widebay consinaction using fog span compacting bear 10 Pront ‘The following tems of plant are suitable for Noor construction, (@) A notched single or double beam screeder/compactor (Figure 19), preferably ited wit vibrator uit to compact the lower layer of concrete to reinforcement level before the reinforcing fabric is placed (Figure 20), (©) Standard interal ‘poker’ vibrators to compact edges and Joints (Figure 21). (€) A doublebeam screeder/compactor fied with vibrator ‘nt to compact the upper lyer of te slab (Figure 22). (@)A.'skipfoat’ This is ight metal oat with slightly rounded edges, approximately 1 m X 225 mm wide, on 2 Tong adjustable handle. When drawn slowly transversely {across the surface ofthe compacted slab, i effectively closes ‘any small open areas ofthe surface and corrects any small Imegulartes le by the compacting bear. t should be used soon after compaction when some ofthe sufece moisture has evaporated and the concrete has started to stiffen. Each pass should overlap the previous one by about 50mm. (Figure 23) Figue 20% Placing weinfrcemnnt

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