History of The Car

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A Brief History of the Car

By Khai Dutton

June - July 2006

Who invented the automobile? Did I hear you say Henry Ford? He did invent
something critical, taking car manufacture to new heights. However, when his genius
kicked into action, the first motorised vehicle had already been around for nearly 100

As with many inventions, there is no defining point the laborious task. A rather inelegant affair, but a
in history that states, “Today the car was invented.” breakthrough nonetheless.
Rather, it is an evolution of ideas and actions,
beginning rather uneventfully with Leonardo da Vinci Barely a year later, Cugnot took his invention a step
and Isaac Newton’s theoretical plans for a motor further and built a steam-powered tricycle that could
vehicle that ultimately led to the invention of the first carry four passengers. But, he crashed the vehicle into
self-propelled vehicle. But neither of these brilliant a stone wall, forever etching his name in the history
inventors put his plan into action. The ultimate honour books as the first person to be involved in a motor
of the first motorized vehicle is attributed by most vehicle accident. His bad luck continued when one of
historians to Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, an engineer and his patrons died and the other was exiled. Funds for
mechanic in the French Military. Cugnot’s road vehicle experiments quickly dried up
and his only reward for his innovative work was an
Nicolas Cugnot had begun experimenting with working annual pension of 600 francs, granted by King Louis
models of steam-powered vehicles in 1765 and four XV. That too was withdrawn with the start of the
years later was ready to construct his first working French Revolution and Cugnot died in Paris, almost
example. At the Paris Arsenal, Cugnot instructed his poverty stricken.
assistant mechanic, a man named Brezin, to construct
a three-wheeled military tractor using a steam engine, Other inventors around the world were quick to see
which was to be used by the French army to haul heavy the significance of Cugnot’s inventions and picked
canons. Cugnot appears to have resolved the issue of up the baton in the race to build the car. Frenchman,
converting the back-and-forth motion of a steam piston Onesiphore Pecqueur, improved on Cugnot’s early
into a rotary motion. His Fardier à vapeur (steam attempts and also invented the first differential gear.
wagon) was the first attempt, and the following year he In 1789, American inventor Oliver Evans was granted
made improvements to his great spluttering and hissing the first US patent for a steam-powered land vehicle.
steam monster. The new vehicle had two rear wheels Steam-powered vehicles were gradually improved by a
and one front wheel, which supported the steam boiler. number of other innovative characters around the world,
It was steered by a tiller and reputed to have been but the vehicles remained rather cumbersome. Drawings
capable of pulling four tonnes of artillery. of early vehicles depict large, ship-like structures on
wheels with ungainly operating mechanisms. It’s almost
With a top speed of 4 km/h, and no horse power to inconceivable to imagine these vehicles manoeuvring
speak of, the vehicle had to stop every ten to fifteen around the streets of 17th Century Europe without
minutes to build up sufficient steam power to complete causing damage and injury.

A small breakthrough came in 1807 when Francois By then, electrically powered vehicles had found better
Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented an internal success in tramways and streetcars where a constant
combustion engine that used a mixture of hydrogen and supply of electricity made them more practical. Private
oxygen for fuel. Rivaz designed a car for his engine owners of steam and electric vehicles seemed to prefer
- the first internal combustion powered automobile, but gas-powered vehicles and began converting. The man
his design attempts failed dismally. Undeterred, English responsible for the next big breakthrough was Niklaus
engineer Samuel Brown was next, adapting an old August Otto. He not only improved on Lenoir’s
Newcomen steam engine in 1824 to burn gas. But he and de Rocha’s design by inventing a more efficient
only managed a brief trip up Shooter’s Hill in London. gas engine, he also invented - and later patented - a
successful four-stroke engine known as the Otto Cycle.
The invention of the first electric carriage somewhere The race to invent the first modern automobiles was
between 1832 and 1839 (the exact date is not known) truly underway and the pace picked up considerably.
by Scotsman Robert Anderson did not improve
the situation much. Although electric cars utilized In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler (who worked as technical
rechargeable batteries that powered a small electric director of Deutz Gasmotorenfabrik, which Nikolaus
motor, vehicles remained heavy, slow, expensive, and Otto co-owned) together with his design partner
frequently needed to stop to recharge the battery. Then Wilhelm Maybach, took Otto’s internal combustion
in 1858, Belgian-born engineer, Jean Joseph Étienne engine a step further and patented what is generally
Lenoir invented and patented (1860) a double-acting, recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine.
electric spark-ignition internal combustion engine The Daimler-Maybach engine was small, lightweight,
fuelled by coal gas. Five years after inventing his fast, used a gasoline-injected carburettor, and had a
first combustion engine, Lenoir attached an improved vertical cylinder. The size, speed, and efficiency of
engine (using petroleum and a primitive carburettor) the engine allowed for a revolution in car design and
to a three-wheeled wagon that managed to complete a Daimler is considered the first inventor of a practical
historic fifty-mile road trip. internal combustion engine.

Finally the successes began to outweigh the failures. In the same year, German mechanical engineer Karl
In the next ten years a number of inventors improved Benz integrated an internal combustion engine with a
on existing engines but still no single person stood out chassis - designing both together – and became the first
as being the one to take the new technology to the next inventor to design and build the world’s first practical
level, until 1876, that is. automobile to be powered by an internal combustion

June - July 2006

It didn’t take long for Ford to become the world’s biggest car manufacturer. By 1927, 15 million Model T’s
had been manufactured. The car had become cheaper to produce and Ford’s dream had been realised – he
had brought the automobile to the masses.

engine. On 29 January 1886, Benz received the first

patent (DRP No. 37435) for a gas-fuelled car – a three-
wheeled affair.

Hot on his wheels, on 8 March 1886, Daimler designed

the world’s first four-wheeled automobile by adapting
a stagecoach to hold his new engine. Three years
later, he invented a V-slanted two-cylinder, four-
stroke engine with mushroom shaped valves. This
revolutionary design set the standard going forward for
all car engines. At the same time Daimler and Maybach
moved away from adapting other vehicles and
purpose-built an automobile from the ground up. This
new Daimler vehicle had a four-speed transmission
and obtained speeds of 10 mph. Daimler founded the
Daimler Motoren-Gesellschaft company in 1890 and
began manufacturing his designs. A year later, Benz
produced his first four-wheeled car and his company,
Benz & Cie, began to grow.
But neither Daimler Motoren-Gesellschaft nor Benz
& Cie were the first car manufacturers (i.e. builders
of entire motor vehicles for sale, not just engine
inventors who experimented with car design to test
their engines). That honour went to French companies
Panhard & Levassor (1889) and Peugeot (1891).
Panhard & Levassor were commissioned by Edouard
Sarazin, who held the license rights to the Daimler
patent for France, to build their first car in 1890.

They not only produced the car but made improve-ments

to the automotive body design. Their vehicles were The inventors: Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz
manufactured with a pedal-operated clutch, a chain trans-

Since its rather modest beginnings, the automotive industry has grown to become the main industrial
employer worldwide. More than 10 million people produce a staggering 60 million vehicles each year. That
equates to two vehicles every second!

The first mission leading to a change-speed gearbox, and a front the world were protected by patents. George Selden, a
radiator. In fact, Levassor was the first designer to move patent attorney from Rochester, New York saw a gap
automobile to be
the engine to the front of the car and use a rear-wheel and unscrupulously filed a patent for what he called a
mass-produced in drive layout to provide better balance and improved “road engine” in 1879. Due to the patent laws at that
steering. The Systeme Panhard design quickly became time, he was able to pre-date his patent by two years.
the United States
the standard for all cars. Panhard & Levassor are also Over the years, Selden expanded the claims of his
was the 1901 credited with the invention of the modern transmission patent and when it was finally granted in 1895, Selden
Curved Dash - installed in their 1895 Panhard. held a patent for a three cylinder motor vehicle that
over the next few years allowed him to collect royalties
“Levassor was the first designer to move the engine to from all American car manufacturers – he had never
built a car in his life!
the front of the car”
On the other side of the ocean, the Americans still
Early French manufacturers did not produce favoured electric vehicles around 1900. But sales
standardised car models - each car was different from quickly fell as new vehicles driven by the internal
the next. The first standardized car was the 1894 Benz combustion engine gained popularity. America’s first
Velo. One hundred and thirty four identical Velo’s were gasoline-powered commercial car manufacturers were
manufactured in the following year. Despite the fact that brothers Charles and Frank Duryea. Originally bicycle
Benz & Cie had entered the manufacturing arena later makers, they became interested in gasoline engines
than Panhard and Levassor, Benz’s company rapidly and automobiles and built their first motor vehicle,
became the world’s largest manufacturer of automobiles the Duryea, in 1893, in Springfield, Massachusetts.
by 1900. Three year on, they had only sold thirteen models of
the expensive limousine, which remained in production
The licensing rights to Daimler motors were shared by
into the 1920’s, but which was never really mass-
Panhard & Levassor and Armand Peugot, but Peugot produced. The first automobile to be mass-produced
produced a car that went on to win the first real car in the United States was the 1901 Curved Dash
race, the “Paris to Marseille” race of 1897. The historic Oldsmobile, built by the American car manufacturer
win gained Peugot enormous publicity and boosted car Ransome Eli Olds.
sales but sadly resulted in a fatal auto accident, killing
Emile Levassor. Olds first began making steam and gasoline engines
with his father, Pliny Fisk Olds, in Lansing, Michigan
Already, many of the vehicles being produced around in 1885. He designed his first steam-powered car

June - July 2006

The car is still one of man’s greatest inventions

within two years and, in 1899, with a growing reduced production costs by reducing assembly time.
experience of gasoline engines, Olds moved to Detroit His famous Model T was assembled in a mere ninety-
to start the Olds Motor Works, invented the basic three minutes! And you could choose it in any colour
concept of the assembly line and began producing as long as it was black.
low-priced cars. He produced 425 Curved Dash Olds
in 1901, and was America’s leading auto manufacturer The history of the car didn’t stop with Ford. Car
from 1901 to 1904. manufacturers today continue to innovate at a rapid
rate. Each new innovation is protected by patent in a
Henry Ford, also an American car manufacturer at the fiercely competitive industry. This, no doubt, improves
time, designed his first car, called the Quadricycle, in the car for our benefit.
June 1896. However, he only achieved real success
after forming the Ford Motor Company in 1903. This
was the third car manufacturing company formed to
produce the cars he designed. He had a vision to make
automobiles affordable to the general population.
Ford vehemently opposed paying any licensing fees
to George Selden, believing his patent rights to be
questionable. Selden was furious and took Ford to
court. A bitter and lengthy battle ensued. In 1904 the
judge ordered that an automobile be built according to
the George Selden Patent. The car failed dismally.

Then Ford introduced the famous Model T in 1908,

which was an instant success. In 1911 the Selden
patent was overturned and George Selden was
unable to collect further royalties. The American car
manufacturers were now free to produce cars at a
lower cost. Henry Ford wasted no time and went on to
improve the assembly line process to reduce the costs
of car manufacture. Around 1913, he installed the first
conveyor belt based assembly line in his Highland
Park, Michigan plant. The assembly line drastically

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