PHD Lutzu Giovanni

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International Ph.D.

Program in Environmental
Sciences and Engineering

University Universidade University Ecole Nationale de

of Cagliari de Aveiro of Pushchino l’Industrie Minerale

Analysis of the growth of microalgae

in batch and semi-batch photobioreactors

Ph.D candidate: Giovanni Antonio Lutzu

Advisors: Prof. Ing. Giacomo Cao, Ing. Alessandro Concas

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Centro Interdipartimentale di Ingegneria e Scienze Ambientali (C.I.N.S.A.)
via San Giorgio, 12 – 09124 Cagliari

Academic Year 2010 – 2011

Table of contents


Acknowledgments 6

List of tables 7

List of figures 8

List of acronyms 11

Chapter 1. Introduction 13

Chapter 2. Literature review 18

2.1 Microalgae 19

2.2 Photosynthesis 19

2.3 General considerations for culturing microalgae 22

2.4 Nutrients requirements and their effect on the growth 23

2.4.1 Carbon 25
2.4.2 Nitrogen 25
2.4.3 Phosphorus 26
2.4.4 Other elements 27

2.5 Effect of temperature, pH and light on the growth 27

2.5.1 Temperature 27
2.5.2 pH 28
2.5.3 Light 29

2.6 Modality of cultivation 30

2.6.1 Photoautotrophy 30
2.6.2 Heterotrophy 31
2.6.3 Mixotrophy 32

2.7 Production systems 33

2.7.1 Open ponds 33

2.7.2 Photobioreactors 35 tubular/horizontal 38 tubular/helicoidal (BIOCOIL) 39 column/vertical 40 flat plate or flat panel 41

2.7.3 Comments on differents photobioreactor systems 41

2.8 Microalgal productivity 42

2.9 Application of microalgae 44

2.9.1 Biodiesel production 44

2.9.2 CO2 fixation 49
2.9.3 Microalgae CO2 tolerant 50
2.9.4 Wastewater treatment 53
2.9.5 High-value added products 55 Fatty acids 55 Pigments and carotenoids 55
2.9.6 Human nutrition 56
2.9.7 Cosmetic field 56

2.10 Genetic engineering 56

2.11 Chlorophyta 58

2.11.1 Nannochloris eucaryotum 59

2.11.1 Chlorella vulgaris 61

Chapter 3. Effect of medium composition on the growth of Nannochloris

eucaryotum in batch photobioreactors 63

3.1 Introduction 64

3.2 Materials and Methods 66

3.2.1 Microorganism 66
3.2.2 Culture conditions 66

3.2.3 Culture media 66
3.2.4 Biomass concentration and pH measurements 67

3.3 Results and Discussion 69

3.3.1 Effect of Brackish Water Medium constituents 69

3.3.2 Effect of the initial concentrations of potassium nitrate 71
3.3.3 Effect of the initial concentrations of potassium phosphate 73
3.3.4 Effect of pH 74

3.4 Concluding remarks 77

Chapter 4. Nannochloris eucaryotum growth in batch photobioreactors:

kinetic analysis and use of 100% (v/v) CO2 79

4.1 Introduction 80

4.2 Materials and Methods 83

4.2.1 Microorganism 83
4.2.2 Culture conditions 83
4.2.3 Culture media 83
4.2.4 Biomass concentration and pH measurements 84
4.2.5 Fatty acids methyl esters analysis 85

4.3 Model equations and parameters evaluations 86

4.4 Results and Discussion 88

4.5 Concluding remarks 96

Chapter 5. On the growth of high CO2 acclimated Chlorella vulgaris in

acidic media 97

5.1 Introduction 98

5.2 Materials and Methods 101

5.2.1 Microorganism and culture medium 101

5.2.2 Strain acclimation to high CO2 concentrations 101
5.2.3 Culture conditions 101
5.2.4 Culture Medium 102
5.2.5 Biomass and pH measurements 103
5.2.6 Design of the experiments 103

5.3 Results and Discussion 105

5.3.1 Adaptation of C. vulgaris to pure CO2 in the BIOCOIL 105

5.3.2 Effect of nutrient concentrations and pH on the growth
of C. vulgaris 107

5.4 Concluding remarks 115

Chapter 6. Conclusions and suggestions for further research 116

References 120


I would like to thank some of the people who along the way have had faith in
me during these years of my Ph.D. course.
First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my research advisor,
Prof. Giacomo Cao, for his valuable guidance and encouragement without whom
this research work would have not been possible and to have allowed me to be part
of his dawning research group in the field of microalgae investigation.
A special acknowledgment to my tutor, Ing. Alessandro Concas, for his precious
time, encouragement and guidance through this project and assistance in
successfully completing this project.
Many other people have contributed directly and indirectly to this work and I
sincerely appreciate the support they have provided me with in pursuing this
I would especially to thank the generous help that I have received from Prof.
Riccardo Tombolini for his support and guidance in getting started with the
research, particularly to have supported me in the laboratory work during the first
Thanks to all my fellow engineer, biologist and chemist colleagues for providing
valuable assistance and help in the daily laboratory operations and for having stood
the green presence of microalgae inside the laboratory as well as my presence in the
Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to all my family for its moral
support. Two last special thanks are to my best Canadian friend, Andrew Bell, for
his fundamental help during all these years in improving my English (I hope that
your teaching is clear in this work) and to my French friend Laurent and his
wonderful family for their special and valuable friendship (“merçi beaucoup pour
l’amitié que vous m’avez demonstrez pendant tous ces années”).

G.A. Lutzu

List of tables

Table Page

1. Comparison between ponds and photobioreactors. 34

2. Comparison between differents type of photobioreactors. 37

3. Comparison between plants and microalgae biodiesel productivities. 45

4. Comparison of biodiesel quality from microalgal oil and common

diesel fuel. 45

5. Lipid content of microalgae. 47

6. Composition of BWM used for culturing Nannochloris eucaryotum. 67

7. Composition of BWM used for culturing Nannochloris eucaryotum. 85

8. Composition of KTW used for culturing Chlorella vulgaris. 104

List of figures

Figure Page

1. Illustration of the light reactions of photosynthesis. 21

2. Effect of nitrogen depletion on microalgal total lipid content. 24

3. Example of open cultivation systems. 35

4. Example of closed cultivation systems. 36

5. Microalgae strains in biodiesel investigation. 48

6. Growth rate of N. eucaryotum in different culture media: A, seawater;

B, diluted seawater; C, soil extract enriched diluted seawater; D, soil
extract- and vitamin-depleted BWM; E, vitamin-depleted BWM; F,
soil extract-depleted BWM. 70

7. pH time profile measured during N. eucaryotum cultivation (D, soil

extract- and vitamin-depleted BWM; E, vitamin-depleted BWM; F,
soil extract-depleted BWM). 71

8. Biomass concentration (X) versus cultivation time for three cultures

of N. eucaryotum at different initial nitrate concentration (N0
corresponds to the initial concentration of potassium nitrate in medium
E, i.e. 2 10 -1 g L-1). 72

9. pH of the medium versus cultivation time for three cultures of N.

eucaryotum at different initial nitrate concentration (N0 corresponds to
the initial concentration of potassium nitrate in medium E, i.e. 2 10 -1
g L-1). 73

10. Biomass concentration (X) versus cultivation time for three cultures
of N. eucaryotum at different initial phosphate concentration (P0
corresponds to the initial concentration of potassium phosphate in
medium E, i.e. 2 10 -2 g L-1). 74

11. Left-hand side of equation (4), i.e., ln(X/X0), versus cultivation time
at different pH of the medium. 75

12. Schematic representation of the 1 L semi-continuous photobioreactor
used for cultivating N. eucaryotum under high CO2 concentration levels. 84

13. Comparison between model results and experimental data (Lutzu et al.,
2012) in terms of cells mass as a function of time to obtain the N.
eucaryotum maximum growth rate (µ0). 88

14. Comparison between model results and experimental data (Lutzu et al.,
2012) in terms of cells mass as a function of time to obtain the
half-saturation constant (KN) and yield coefficient (YN) for nitrates uptake
by N. eucaryotum. 90

15. Comparison between model results and experimental data (Lutzu et al.,
2012) in terms of cells mass as a function of time to obtain the
half-saturation constant (KP) and yield coefficient (YP) for biphosphates
uptake by N. eucaryotum. 90

16. Comparison between model predictions and experimental data (this

work) in terms of cells mass as a function of time. 91

17. Comparison between model predictions and experimental data (this

work) in terms of cells mass as a function of time. 92

18. Growth of N. eucaryotum in the batch photobioreactor depicted in

Figure 12 in terms of cells mass as a function of time. Culture conditions:

100% (v/v) CO2, aeration rate = 40 ml min-1, agitation speed = 400 rpm
and 25°C. 93

19. pH evolution as a function of time during the growth of N.

eucaryotum in the batch photobioreactor depicted in Figure 12. Culture
conditions: 100% (v/v) CO2, aeration rate = 40 ml min-1, agitation
speed = 400 rpm and 25°C. 94

20. Schematic representation of a 6 L helical tubular photobioreactor

(BIOCOIL) used for cultivating C. vulgaris. 102

21. Biomass concentration (a) and pH (b) evolution during the seven
month cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris in the helical tubular
photobioreactor (BIOCOIL). Culture conditions: 100% (v/v) CO2,
aeration rate = 30 ml min-1, mixing 35 rpm and 25°C. 106

22. Biomass concentration as a function of time when KTM-A is used for

culturing C. vulgaris (initial concentration of sodium bicarbonate,
potassium nitrate and potassium biphosphate are 0.5·10-1, 2, 0.5·10-1
g L-1, respectively). 107

23. pH as a function of time when KTM-A is used for culturing C. vulgaris

(initial concentration of sodium bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and
potassium biphosphate are 0.5·10 -1, 2, 0.5·10 -1 g L-1, respectively). 109

24. Biomass concentration as a function of time when KTM-B is used for

culturing C. vulgaris (initial concentration of sodium bicarbonate,
potassium nitrate and potassium biphosphate are 0.5·10-1, 5, 1 g L-1,
respectively). 110

25. pH as a function of time when KTM-B is used for culturing C.

vulgaris (initial concentration of sodium bicarbonate, potassium
nitrate and potassium biphosphate are 0.5·10-1, 5, 1 g L-1, respectively). 111

26. Biomass concentration as a function of time when KTM-C is used for

culturing C. vulgaris (initial concentration of sodium bicarbonate,
potassium nitrate and potassium biphosphate are 0.25·10 -1, 2.5, 0.5·10 -1
g L-1, respectively). 112

27. pH as a function of time when KTM-B is used for culturing C. vulgaris

(initial concentration of sodium bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and
potassium biphosphate are 0.25·10-1, 2.5, 0.5·10-1 g L-1, respectively). 112

List of acronyms

AA = Arachidonic Acid
ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate
ANACC = Australian National Algae Culture Collection
AP = Areal Productivity
ATCC = American Type Culture Collection
ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate
ACOI = Coimbra Collection of Algae
BWM = Brackish Water Medium
CCAC = Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Cologne
CCALA = Culture Collection of Autotrophic Organisms
CCAP = Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa
CCPC = Canadian Phycological Culture Centre
COM = Commission of the European Communities
Cyt b6f = Cytochrome b6f Complex
DHA = Docosahexaenoic Acid
DO = Dissolved Oxygen
EABA = European Algae Biomass Association
EEA = European Environmental Agency
EPA = Eicosapentaenoic Acid
EU = European Union
Fd = Ferredoxin
FID = flame ionization detector
FNR = Ferredoxin-NADP Reductase
FP = Flate-Plate photobioreactor
GHG = Greenhouse Gases
GLA = γ -Linolenic Acid
GW = Global Warming
IMSL = International Mathematics and Statistics Library
IPCC = Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change
ISP = Illuminated Surface Productivity
KTM = Kolkwitz Triple Modified

LHCI = Light Harvest Complex I
LHCII = Light Harvest Complex II
NADPH = Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
NCBI = National Center of Biotechnology Information
NIES = National Institute for Environmental Studies
OD = optical density
PBRs = Photobioreactors
PC = Plastocyanin
PCC = Pasteur Culture Collection of Axenic Cyanobacterial Strains
PE = Photosynthetic Efficiency
PI = Photosystem I
PII = Photosystem II
PQ = Plastoquinone
PUFA = Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
RFA = Renewable Fuel Agency
RNA = ribonucleic acid
RuBisCo = Ribulose 1-5 Bisphosphate Carboxylase Oxygenase
SAG = Sammlung von Algenkulturen Collection Gottingen
SCCAP = Scandinavian Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa
TAGs = Triacylglycerols
UTEX = Collection at the University of Texas
VP = Volumetric Productivity

Chapter 1.


Global warming (GW) induced by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases
(GHG) in the atmosphere has become today an important environmental concern. The
major anthropogenic sources of GHG are transportations, energy sectors and agriculture
which are responsible in European Union (EU) for more than 20%, 60% and 9% of
emissions, respectively (EEA 2004, 2007).
A worldwide problem has become the depletion of petrochemical fuels and the
continuous rise in oil prize that call us to make a global effort in order to find
alternative energetic sources.
Presently many options are being studied and implemented in practice to meet the
sustainability goals agreed under the Kyoto Protocol (1992) with different degrees of
success. Wind, geothermal, solar (either thermal or photovoltaic), hydroelectric, ocean
wave, carbon sequestration and bio fuels energy are been developed as more
sustainable alternative energy sources compared with the combustion of fossil fuels
(Dewily and Van Langenhove, 2006; Schiermeier et al., 2008). The use of fossil fuels
is now widely accepted as unsustainable, due to depleting resources and the
accumulation of GHG in the environment that have already exceeded dangerously high
thresholds. For this reason, in order to achieve environmental and economics
sustainability fuel production processes are required that are not only renewable but
also capable of sequestrating atmospheric CO2 so the development of CO2-neutral fuels
is one of the most urgent challanges facing our society (Sasi et al., 2011).
One important goal for the gradual replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy
sources, as a measure for transportation emissions reduction, is the use of biofuels
which are seen as real contributors to reach those goals, particularly in the short term.
Today the most common biofuels are biodiesel and bio-ethanol, which can replace
diesel and gasoline, respectively. In EU biodiesel represent 82% of total biofuels
production (Bozbas, 2008) and is still growing in Europe, South America and United
States, based on political and economic objectives.
The first generation of biofuel production systems (starch- and sugar-based ethanol
production crops) demonstrated the feasibility of generating liquid transportation fuels
from renewable sources, but at initially low energy-conversion efficiencies and high
cost. Plants that produce high levels of cellulose and hemicellulose biomass (which can
be converted into sugars using advanced enzyme catalysts) are being developed as
second generation biofuel production systems. These biofuel crops do not compete
directly with food production, require less agronomic inputs and have lower

environmental impacts than first generation biofuels. However since vegetable oil
produced by crops of first generation may also be used for human consumption, this
can lead to an increase in price of food-grade oils, causing the cost of biodiesel to
increase and preventing its usage. Morevor the use of biodiesel from second generation
crops may also be advantageous since the land requirements for biofuels production
may lead to a competition with arable land and biodiversity loss, due to the cutting of
existing forests and the use of potential invasive crops that may disrupt the biological
integrity of local ecosystems and important ecological areas (Scarlat et al., 2008; RFA,
Although biofuels are still more expensive than fossil fuels their production is
increasing in countries around the world also encouraged by policy measures and
biofuels targets for transport (COM, 2006).
A transition to a third generation biofuels, such as microalgae, is than needed since
low-cost and profitable biodiesel should be produced from low-cost feedstocks in order
not to compete with edible vegetable oils and should have lower environmental
impacts. Thus transition can also contribute to a reduction in land requirements due to
their higher energy yields per hectare as well as to their non-requirement of agricultural
Concerning potential feedstock microalage are among the more interesting possibilities
currently being investigated and implemented at pilot scale or even at industrial scale.
Their use as a possible solution to the problem of GW is desirable since this group of
fast-growing unicellular organisms shows several advantages which make them one of
the most promising and attractive renewable sources for a fully sustainable and low-
carbon economy portfolio. Between their advantages: widespread availability, absent
(or very reduced) competition with agricultural land, utilization of cheap and abundant
nutrient sources (sunlight, carbon dioxide, water), high oil and biomass yields, high
quality and versatility of the by-products, generation of biomass for biofuel production
with concomitant CO2 sequestration and suitability for wastewater treatments and other
industrial plants (Vilchez et al., 1997; Olguín, 2003; Mulbry et al., 2008; EABA,
The high potentiality of algae based biofuels is confirmed by the number of recent
papers available in the literature related to the use of microalgae in the energy sector
(Usui and Ikenouchi, 1997; Borowitzka, 1999; Kargi and Ozmihçi, 2004; Chisti, 2007),
by the growing investments of private companies (Solazyme, Ocean Nutrition Canada,

Cellana, AlgaeLink) and governments (US Dep. Energy, 2010) in algae-related
research activity as well as by the increasing number of filed patents (Burton and
Cleeland, 2008; Wu and Xiong, 2009; Cao and Concas, 2010; Parsheh et al., 2010;
Rispoli et al., 2011).
Despite this growing interest, the current microalgae-based technology is still not
widespread since it is affected by technical and economic constraints that hinder its full
scale-up (Chen et al., 2011). Therefore, great R&D efforts are currently undertaken to
produce biodiesel at competitive costs and with the required quality starting from
microalgae feedstock. In particular given the potential benefits of microalgae, their
cultivation should be studied and optimized to make them competitive as fuel
producing systems in the global market (Debska et al., 2010).
The main technical barriers are related to the fact that photosynthetic efficiency, growth
rate and lipid content of microalgae are still low if compared to the rate of fuel demand
of the transportation market. In order to overcome such drawback, scientific community
is moving on three main directions. The first one is the identification of cultivation
conditions and photobioreactors configurations that maximize lipid productivity and
CO2 fixation by means of a reduced number of known microalgae (Yoo et al., 2010;
Yeh et al., 2011). The second main research line is targeted to the identification of new
microalgae strains which are intrinsically characterized by high growth rates and high
lipid content (de la Vega et al., 2011). Finally the most attractive scientific challenge to
face this problem is the genetic manipulation of existing strains in order to increase
their photosynthetic efficiency and/or to regulate their metabolism in order to achieve
an abundant production of lipids coupled with high biomass accumulation (León-
Bañares et al., 2004).
Coherently to the research lines above reported, these topics have been focused in this
work with a double aim.
The first is to investigate for the first time in the literature the potentiality of a relatively
unknown marine strain, Nannochloris eucaryotum, for the viable production of biofuels
and high value-added products at the industrial scale by means of a process which uses
flue gases as CO2. The effect of medium composition and nutrient starvation on the
growth kinetics of this microalga is investigated using batch photobioreactors with the
aim to gain useful information for the process optimization. The determination of
nutrient levels in the medium, or any restriction associated with them, which are
capable to affect the growth rate of cells during cultivation, represents a first step

towards the increase of cultures productivity, and hence the improvement of the
economics of microalgae-derived fuel production.
The second aim is to evaluate the potential use of a fresh-water strain, Chlorella
vulgaris, for mass cultivation in batch and continuous photobioreactors by coupling the
use of pure CO2 and an enriched medium that could improve the algal biomass
productivity. The target of this activity is strictly connected to the possibility of
optimize the CO2 capture and bio-oil production. In fact when trying to transpose this
technology at industrial scale, one of the main concerns is the management of huge
quantities of waste gases. Separating the CO2 from the other gases which constitute the
flue gas can reduce the quantity of gases to be managed up to 90% thus simplifying the
system operability of photobioreactors.

Chapter 2.

Literature review

2.1 Microalgae

Algae are recognised to be as one of the oldest life-forms appared on the Earth
about 3.5 billions of years ago (Falkowski and Raven, 1997). They are considered as
ancestors of primitive plants (thallophytes), i.e. lacking roots, stems and leaves, have
no sterile covering of cells around the reproductive cells and have chlorophyll a as
their primary photosynthetic pigment (Lee, 1980). Algae structures are primarily for
energy conversion without any development beyond cells, and their simple
development allows them to adapt to prevailing environmental conditions and prosper
in the long term (Falkowski and Raven, 1997).
Prokaryotic cells (cyanobacteria) lack membrane-bound organelles (plastids,
mitochondria, nuclei, Golgi bodies and flagella) and are more similar to bacteria
rather than algae. Eukaryotic cells, which comprise of many different types of
common algae, do have these organelles that control the functions of the cell,
allowing it to survive and reproduce. Eukaryotes are categorised into a variety of
classes mainly defined by their pigmentation, life cycle and basic cellular structure
(Khan et al., 2009). The most important classes are: green algae (Chlorophyta), red
algae (Rhodophyta) and diatoms (Bacillariophyta).
As will be explained more in detail in section 2.6, algae can either be autotrophic or
heterotrophic. The former require only inorganic compounds such as CO2, salts and a
light energy source for growth while the latter are non photosynthetic therefore
require an external source of organic compounds as well as nutrients as an energy
source. Some photosynthetic algae are mixotrophic, i.e. they have the ability to both
perform photosynthesis and acquire exogenous organic nutrients. Autotrophic algae
are considered photosynthetic oxygenic autotrophs because they use light energy to
convert CO2 absorbed by chloroplasts into Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the usable
energy currency at cellular level, which is then used in respiration to produce energy
to support growth. Depending on species and type of algae, this energy can be in the
form of lipids as well as carbohydrates. It is the lipid that can be easily converted into
a suitable industrial fuel source.

2.2 Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is a very complex process carried out by green plants and algae.
These organisms are able to harness the energy contained in sunlight, and via a series
of oxidation-reduction reactions, produce O2 (which is release in the environment as
“bi-product”) and carbohydrates, as well as other compounds, which may be utilized
for energy (Kruse et al., 2005) as well as the synthesis of other compounds such as
lipids and proteins (Karube et al. 1992).

CO2 + H2O + light energy → (CH2O)n + O2

This equation is the net result of two different processes: the first, which is often
referred to as the "light reaction", involves the splitting of water in an oxidative
process that requires light and have the function to generate reducing agents, ATP and
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH), to be used in the second
phase (the so called “dark or indipendent-light reaction”) of carbon assimilation by
using atoms of carbon supplied by CO2.
Briefly, there are two functionally separate sites of photon absorption, coupled in
tandem by a chain of redox carrier molecules (photosystem II (PSII), plastoquinone
(PQ), plastocyanin (PC), cytochrome b6f complex (Cyt b6f), photosystem I (PSI),
ferredoxin (Fd), ferredoxin-NADP reductase (FNR) and ATP synthase). The photon
absorption elicits a charge separation of at two reaction sites, PSII and PSI. This is
depicted in Figure 1 as the so-called ‘‘Z-scheme’’ of photosynthesis.
The electron flow away from the chlorophyll molecules draws electrons from water.
This whole complex of photon capturing mechanisms, charge separation, generation
of metabolic energy, and reducing capability, and the water splitting system is
embedded in the lipid membrane of flattened sac-like structures present in the
chloroplast, known as thylakoids.
The electrons pumped by the two reaction centres eventually give rise to the
production of the NADPH used in the process of carbon assimilation. At the same
time protons are pumped across the membrane into the inner cavity of the thylakoid
(the lumen). This sets up a charge gradient. On their return, the protons spin a
molecular rotor, which gives rise to the synthesis of ATP, the biological energy

Figure 1. Illustration of the light reactions of photosynthesis (the so-called Z-scheme). The major
functional units are represented as oval shapes; photosystem II (PSII), plastoquinone (PQ),
plastocyanin (PC), cytochrome b6f complex (Cyt b6f), photosystem I (PSI), ferredoxin (Fd),
ferredoxin- NADP reductase (FNR) (in order of electron transport chain) and ATP synthase. P680 and
P700, refer to the reaction centres of photosystem II (PSII) and I (PSI) respectively, the asterisk (*)
indicates the excited state. The inset shows a schematic close-up of the light harvesting complex
(LHC) (Williams and Laurens, 2010).

Finally, the ‘‘reducing power’’ (NADPH) and energy (ATP) produced by the light
reaction are used in the enzymatic ‘‘light-independent’’ part of photosynthesis to
enable the incorporation of CO2 into organic material and its subsequent reduction.
This process is regulated by a series of enzymes such as ribulose 1-5 bisphosphate
carboxylase oxygenase, commonly known by the shorter name of RuBisCO. The
carboxylation by means of RuBisCO represents the Calvin cycle which leads to the
end to the production of a glucose molecule.
The "light reaction" may be written as:

12 H2O + light → 6O2 + 24 H+ + 24e-

The oxidation of water is accompanied by a reduction reaction resulting in the

formation of NADPH.
This reaction is illustrated below

NADP+ + H2O → NADPH + H+ + O

The NADPH formation reaction is linked or coupled to yet another reaction resulting
in the formation of a highly energetic compound, ATP. As this reaction involves the
addition of a phosphate group to a compound called, Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)
during the light reaction, it is called photophosphorylation. The light energy, which is
captured, is stored in the form of chemical bonds of compounds such as NADPH and
ATP. The energy contained in both NADPH and ATP is then used to reduce CO2 to
glucose, a type of sugar (C6H12O6).

2.3 General considerations for culturing microalgae

Culturing requirements are species specific, but some media are “broad” with
respect to meeting the nutritional/culturing needs of groups of microalgae. Successful
culturing entails formulating the medium and environmental conditions to meet the
target algae’s requirements for optimal growth. Temperature, light, pH (Goldman, et
al., 1982), salinity (for marine strain) and mixing, as well as nutrient quantity and
quality are the parameters of interest to obtain optimal growth.
Moving from the laboratory to large scale is not just “doubling” the batch. It does not
work for brewing and it does not work for growing algae. One problem is that the
laboratory algae may have been grown under “unbalanced growth” conditions. It is
essential to develop standards or standardized ranges that parallel the conditions that
will exist in the larger scale cultivation unit in the laboratory. Range requirements for
nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon, quality and quantity of light, temperature, salinity,
and mixing or turbulence with respect to a particular species must be carefully
established before moving out of the laboratory.
CO2 bubbling can physically damage cells and, unless filtered with a 0.2 µm filter
unit there is a chance of bacterial or viral contamination. Bubbling does increase the
surface area exposure to CO2 and removes the excess O2 produced. If there is not
sufficient algae biomass to utilize the CO2, the higher concentration of CO2 can lower
the pH.
Beijerinck, Bold Basal, BG11 are some of the most common media recommended for
freshwater algae in Chlorophyceae (CCAP). Optimal growth requires optimal nutrient
availability, temperature and light intensity. Optimal in this case means most
advantageous to the specific algae, since each species has specific growth

In addition to the algae species selection, Mata et al. (2010) summarizes some of the
points made by Maxwell et al. in 1985. The first consideration related to the
importance of water, its chemistry and its availability. The second is the ease of
access/cost to carbon and mineral nutrients (N and P in particular). This makes the
use of sewage effluent (source of N and P) coupled with CO2 (source of C)
sequestration an attractive solution.

2.4 Nutrients requirement and their effect on the growth

Microalgae need some essential macronutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus,
sulphur, calcium, magnesium) for their growth while micronutrients requirement is
limited to small amount of some elements such as iron, boron, manganese, copper,
molybdenum, vanadium, cobalt, nickel, selenium and in same case silicon (Such and
Lee, 2003). Some of these nutrients can be easily found in nature bound in minerals
while others are supplied by bacteria metabolism.
It is important to develop a balanced medium for optimum microalgae cultivation and
CO2 fixation.
Nitrogen and phosphorous are considered elements key to algal metabolism then they
must be found in the media in which algae are grown. The researchers asserted that
balancing the nutrients based on the elemental composition of the biomass should be
the basis for effective medium design (Mandalam and Palsson, 1998). However, some
nutrients need to be present in excess. For example, phosphorus must be supplied in
excess because the phosphates react with metal ions (Chisti, 2007).
Phosphorous is most often limited in nature because it is effectively bound in
sediment. This element, in the form of orthophosphate, is generally considered the
main limiting nutrient in freshwater aquatic ecosystems: that is, if all the phosphorous
are used, autotrophic growth will cease, no matter how much nitrogen is available
(Barsanti and Gualtieri, 2006).
On the other hand, in nature nitrogen is not necessarily limiting because bacteria are
fixing nitrogen and supplying the algae with a constant nitrogen source.
Nutrient deficiencies and excess nutrients, both, can cause physiological and
morphological changes in microalgae since they can inhibit some of the vital
metabolic pathways.

Applying stress in the form of limited nutrients (especially N or P) can increase lipid
percentages within the biomass, as can been see from Figure 2. However, this stress
application also affects the growth rate and thus may lower overall lipid production.

Figure 2. Effect of nitrogen depletion on microalgal total lipid content.

There are three main different situations of nutrient supply: nutrient-sufficient,

nutrient-limited and nutrient-deficient. The first case should be evident, whereas the
difference between the latter two cases may be subtle. Nutrient limitation occurs
when cells are grown in an environment of a constant, but insufficient, supply of a
limiting nutrient, to which the cells generally adapt. Nutrient deficiency is
characterized by the culture’s reliance on endogenous reserves because there are no
nutrients in the environment (Rodolfi et al. 2009, Dragone et al. 2011).
The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on microalgae growth has been
extensively addressed in the literature (Przytocka Jusiak, 1976; Shifrin and Chisholm,
1981; Piorreck, 1984; Jeanfils et al. 1993; Tam and Wong, 1996; Kilham et al., 1997;
Mandalam et al., 1998; Martinez et al. 1999; Illman et al. 2000; Kirpenko, 2001; Xu
et al. 2001; Mohapatra et al. 2002; Leonardos and Geider, 2004; Sassano et al. 2004,
2007; Soletto et al. 2005; Li et al. 2008a; Qu et al. 2008; Bilanovic et al. 2009;
Celekli and Balci, 2009; Converti et al. 2009; Debska et al., 2010; Hu and Zhou,
2010; Li et al. 2010; Bhola et al., 2011; Feng et al. 2011; Lin and Lin, 2011).
In particular, industrial and agricultural wastewater and secondary sewage treated
effluent can be used as medium source of nitrogen and phosphorus (Prathima Devi et
al. 2012). Actually, although nitrogen and phosphorous are elements key to algal
growth, they are also serious pollutants in many waterways. Municipal sewage,
industrial, and agricultural wastewaters contain carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus to
varying degrees. Agricultural wastewater often has higher levels of nitrogen and

phosphorus than municipal sewage, and the composition of industrial wastewaters
depends on the type of industry that creates them and might even include wastewater
loaded with heavy metals that would be of little value in promoting algal growth.
Algae can thrive in nitrogen- and phosphorus-rich conditions common to many
wastewaters, and this feature may be harnessed to not only remove, but also capture
these important nutrients in order to return them to the terrestrial environment as
agricultural fertilizer. This tackles the matter of eutrophication in the aquatic
environment where the wastewater is eventually returned (Pittman et al., 2011).

2.4.1 Carbon
A number of microalgal species have been shown to be able to utilize carbonates
such as Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 for cell growth (Goldman and Graham, 1981; Novak
and Brune, 1985; Chen and Johns, 1991; Ginzburg 1993; Merrett et al., 1996; Huertas
et al., 2000b; Lin et al., 2003; Hongjin and Guangce, 2009; Šoštaric et al., 2009; Hu
and Zhou, 2010, Kim et al., 2010, Romanenko et al., 2010; Yeh et al., 2010). Some
of these species typically have high extracellular carbo-anhydrase activities (Huertas
et al., 2000a), which is responsible for the conversion of carbonate to free CO2 to
facilitate CO2 assimilation. This mechanism is directly related to the pH of the
medium (Azov, 1982). In addition, the direct uptake of bicarbonate by an active
transport system has been found in several species (Colman and Rotatore, 1995;
Merrett et al., 1996). Adoption of carbonate-utilizing strains for CO2 fixation could
be advantageous in two aspects: 1) as only a limited number of microalgal species
thrive in media containing high concentration of carbonate salts, species control (i.e.,
preventing wild-type microalgal species from contaminating the cultivation system) is
relatively simple; 2) most of these species have high pH optimum (in the range of 9 to
11) further simplifying species control (Ginzburg, 1993).

2.4.2 Nitrogen

Ammonia, urea and nitrate are often selected as the nitrogen source for the mass
cultivation of microalgae (Xu et al., 2001; Li et al., 2008a). The choice of the suitable
source of nitrogen depends on strain considered since metabolic pathways related to
nitrogen are species-specific. Although ammonium and urea are often used in mass
cultivation owing to the relatively low-cost, selecting proper nitrogen source for each

algal species is important in improving biomass and oil productivity (Li et al.,
Urea and nitrate were found to be better than ammonia for the growth and lipid
accumulation in Chlorella sp., Chlorella vulgaris, Neochloris oleoabundans and
Scenedesmus rubescens (Tam and Wong, 1996; Liu et al., 2008; Li et al., 2008b;
Hsieh and Wu, 2009; Pruvost et al., 2009; Lin and Lin, 2011). In contrast, for
Ellipsoidion sp. the ammonium has been demonstrated to produce higher biomass and
lipid content than those of urea and nitrate (Xu et al., 2001).
In general, lipid productivity and content are inversely correlated with each other; and
stress conditions, e.g. deprivation or limitation of nitrogen (or of phosphate, to a
lesser extent), limit cell growth while increasing lipid content (Rodolfi et al., 2009;
Khozin-Goldberg and Cohen, 2006). Nitrogen limitation has been observed to result
in lipid content increase in many Chlorella strains such as Chlorella emersonii (63%),
Chlorella minutissima (56%), Chlorella vulgaris (57.9%), Chlorella luteoviridis
(28.8%), Chlorella capsulata (11.4%), and Chlorella pyrenoidosa (29.2%) as well as
others microalgae strains (Shifrin and Chisholm, 1981; Reitan et al., 1994;
Stephenson et al. 2010, Mutlu et al. 2011, Yeh and Cheng, 2011). It has been
reported that, under nitrogen deficient conditions, many other strains show increase in
their lipid content and modification on fatty acids composition (Griffiths et al. 2011).
Neochloris oleoabundans cells accumulate lipids in a range 25–54% with 80%
triglycerides component (Tornabene et al., 1983; Kawata et al., 1998; Pruvost et al.,
2011). It has also been reported that the triglycerides accumulated in Nannochloris sp.
under nitrogen deficient conditions could be 2.2 times of that in nitrogen sufficient
cultures (Yamaberi et al., 1998, Takagi et al., 2000).
The general principle is that when there is insufficient nitrogen for the protein
synthesis required by growth, excess carbon from photosynthesis is channelled into
such storage molecules as triacylglycerols or starch (Scott et al. 2010).

2.4.3. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is an important limiting nutrient in many ecosystems (such as lakes,

rivers, and estuaries), and also one of the most likely to limit the rate of
phytoplankton production. Microalgae use phosphorus for their metabolism in form
of polyphosphate. Recent reviews on polyphosphate metabolism in photosynthetic

organisms have been made by Yang and Finnegan (2010), Seufferheld and Curzi
(2010) and Yao et al. (2011).
Even if with a little extent compared to the larger results on nitrogen, phosphorus
starvation can also enhance microalgal biomass and lipid productivity, as reported for
Monodus subterraneus (Khozin-Goldberg and Cohen, 2006), and produce changes in
fatty acids composition as reported for Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Dunialella
tertiolecta (Siron et al., 1989).

2.4.4 Other elements

Iron, sulphur, magnesium, and other elements are also indispensable for the
growth of microalgae.
Iron is involved in electron flow from H2O to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (ADP in its oxidized form) (Roden and Zachara, 1996). Some
investigations have been addressed to the effect of iron on microalgae growth. High
iron concentrations have been show to enhance cell growth (Sung et al., 1998) and
induce lipid accumulation (Liu et al., 2008) in Chlorella strains; this suggests that
some metabolic pathways may be modified upon exposure to high levels of that
oligoelement in the medium.
Sulphur is an essential component of two amino-acids, cysteine and methionine. In its
absence, protein biosynthesis is impeded and the photosynthetic system PSII repair
cycle is blocked (Zhang et al., 2002).
Magnesium is required as essential element in the core of the tetrapyrrolic ring which
is the base of the chlorophyll molecule.
Some trace metals play key roles in (non-cyclic) photosynthetic electron transport
(Raven et al., 1999). For instance, manganese is essential for O2 evolution, and
calcium has an important role in the thylakoid lumen in facilitating H2O
dehydrogenation and O2 evolution.

2.5 Effect of temperature, pH and light on the growth

2.5.1 Temperature

Temperature is one of the major factors that regulate cellular, morphological and
physiological responses of microalgae (Dauta et al., 1990; Hosono et al., 1994; Mayo
and Noike, 1996; Mayo, 1997; Hirata et al., 1997; Martinez et al., 1999; Carvalho

and Malcata, 2003; de Castro Araujo et al., 2005; Kitaya et al., 2005; Shi et al., 2006;
Cho et al., 2007; Colla et al., 2007; Durmaz et al., 2007; Converti et al., 2009).
Higher temperatures generally accelerate the metabolic rates of microalgae, whereas
low temperatures lead to inhibition of microalgal growth (Muñoz et al., 2006). In
suitable temperature condition, the enzymes in microalgal cells possess the highest
activity. Although algae may be able to grow at a variety of temperatures
(Chinnasamy et al., 2009), different species show different optimal temperatures
which are specific to each strain (Renaud et al., 2002; Cho et al., 2007). For example,
the optimum temperature range for Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis, and Isochrysis
species were found to be 19-21, 19-21 and 24-26°C, respectively (Abu-Rezq et al.,
1999). For many species, optimal growth temperatures of 15–26°C have been
observed with maximum cell densities obtained around 23°C (Ono and Cuello, 2003).
However, optimal temperatures are also influenced by other environmental
parameters, such as light intensity and the distance between cultivation apparatus and
artificial illumination system.
The control of temperature is a key factor for culturing microalgae outdoors (Torzillo
et al., 1991). Actually, temperature can vary depending on the geographic region of
cultivation (Ramos de Ortega and Roux, 1986). Seasonal and even daily fluctuations
in temperature can interfere with algae production. Temperatures can reach as high as
30°C higher than ambient temperature in a closed photobioreactor without
temperature control equipment. For this reason, evaporate cooling or shading
techniques are employed frequently to inhibit temperatures of that magnitude (Suh
and Lee, 2003). On the other hand, some “thermophiles” Chlorella species are
reported to be tolerant to high temperature (Hanagata et al., 1992; Sakai et al., 1995;
Loseva et al., 1998).

2.5.2 pH
The pH is a fundamental parameter which regulates cell metabolism and
biomass formation (Goldman et al., 1982). Each strain of microalgae has a narrow
optimal range of pH (Mayo and Noike, 1994, 1996; Mayo et al., 1997; Alyabyev et
al., 2011) and most microalgal species are favoured by neutral pH. However, there
are some extremophilic species which dwell in environments that are characterized by
very low or high pH-values (acidophiles or alkalophiles). For example, between
microalgae which show growth under alkaline conditions there is Spirulina platensis

with an optimum pH around 9 (Hu et al., 1998; Qiang et al., 1998) while
Chlorococcum littorale thrive well with an acidic pH around 4 (Kodama et al., 1993;
Schnackenberg et al., 1996). Galdieria sulphuraria (Barbier et al., 2005) and
Chlamydomonas acidophila (Cuaresma et al., 2011) have been reported to be also
resistant to pH 0 and 1.5-2.5, respectively.
The pH of the medium is linked to the concentration of CO2 and pH increases steadily
in the medium as CO2 is consumed during flow downstream in a cultivation system
(Suh and Lee, 2003). The pH affects mainly the liquid chemistry of polar compounds
and the availability of nutrients such as iron, organic acids and even CO2 (Coleman
and Colman, 1981; Lee and Pirt, 1984).
There is a complex relationship between CO2 concentration and pH in microalgal
photobioreactor related to the chemical equilibrium among chemical species such as
CO2, H2CO3, HCO3- and CO32- (Livanski and Bartos, 1986). The chemical equilibrium
between these forms is pH dependent with CO2 the predominant form at lower pH below
7 and CO32- predominant above pH 10. Rapid growth of algae can, with the assimilation
of CO2 as the C source, cause the pH to rise.
Increasing CO2 concentrations can lead to higher biomass productivity, but will also
decrease pH, which can have an adverse effect upon microalgal physiology. By
contrast, microalgae have been shown to cause a rise in pH to 10–11 because of CO2
uptake (Oswald et al., 1988). This increase in pH can be beneficial in open ponds for
instance for neutralization of pathogens in microalgal wastewater treatment, but can
also inhibit microalgal growth.

2.5.3 Light
In photosynthetic cultures, the light energy is used by the cells either for
maintenance purposes or formation of new biomass (Pirt, 1986). Consequently, the
biomass productivity and the cell growth rate are directly linked to the light energy
available, which varies from day to night.
The effect of light intensity on growth kinetics and biomass accumulation (Dauata et
al., 1990; Ogbonna et al., 1995; Qiang et al., 1998; Lu et al., 2001; Olguin et al.,
2001, Carvalho and Malcata, 2003; Yun and Park, 2003; Leonardos and Geider,
2004; You and Barnett, 2004; Kitaya et al., 2005; Chen and Chen, 2006; Yeh et al.,
2010; Pedrosa Bezerra et al. 2011; Shu et al., 2011; Amini Khoeyi et al., 2012;
Ruangsomboon, 2012) as well as the effect of illumination cycles (hours of light and

hours of dark) on biochemical composition (Shifrin and Chisholm, 1981; Ogbonna
and Tanaka, 1996; Ma et al., 1997, Janssen et al., 2001; Ratchford and Fallowfield,
2003; Meseck et al., 2005; Umorin and Lind, 2005; Jacob-Lopes et al., 2009; Hodaifa
et al., 2011; Seyfabadi et al., 2011; Sforza et al., 2011) have been characterized on
different microalgae strains such as Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella pyrenoidosa,
Nannochloropsis salina, Dunaliella tertiolecta, Monodus subterraneus, Pavlova
lutheri, Spirulina platensis, Chaetoceros muelleri, Porphyridium cruentum, Euglena
gracilis, Tetraselmis chui, Scenedesmus obliquues and Botryococcus braunii.

2.6 Modality of cultivations

2.6.1. Photoautotrophy

Phototrophic cultivation occurs when the microalgae use light (such as sunlight
or artificial light provided by lamps) as the energy source and inorganic carbon (e.g.,
CO2) as the carbon source to form chemical energy through photosynthesis (Huang et
al., 2010). This is the most commonly used cultivation condition for microalgae
growth (Gouveia et al., 2009; Gouveia and Oliveira, 2009; Illman et al., 2000; Yoo et
al., 2010) and currently is the only method which is technically and economically
feasible for large-scale production of algae biomass for non-energy production
(Borowitzka, 1997). Under phototrophic cultivation there is a large variation in the
lipid content of microalgae depending on the type of microalgae species. Normally a
nitrogen-limiting or nutrient-limiting condition is used to increase the lipid content in
microalgae (Mata et al., 2010). As a result, achieving higher lipid content is usually at
the expense of lower biomass productivity. Thus, lipid content is not the sole factor
determining the oil-producing ability of microalgae. Instead, both lipid content and
biomass production need to be considered simultaneously. Hence, lipid productivity,
representing the combined effects of oil content and biomass production, is a more
suitable performance index to indicate the ability of a microalga with regard to oil
production. The major advantage of using autotrophic cultivation to produce
microalgal oil is the consumption of CO2 as carbon source for the cell growth and oil
production. However, when CO2 is the only carbon source, the microalgae cultivation
site should be close to factories or power plants which can supply a large quantity of
CO2 for microalgal growth.

2.6.2. Heterotrophy

Some microalgae species can not only grow under phototrophic conditions, but
also use organic carbon under dark conditions, just like bacteria. The situation when
microalgae use organic carbon as both the energy and carbon source is called
heterotrophic cultivation (Chojnacka and Marquez-Rocha, 2004).
Although microalgae can utilize light efficiently, photoautotrophic growth is often
slow because of light limitation at high cell densities on a large scale (Wen and Chen,
2003) or “photoinhibition” due to excessive light. In view of these disadvantages
associated with photoautotrophic cultivation, heterotrophic growth of microalgae for
biomass production should be favourably considered (Chen, 1996; Miao and Wu,
2006). Heterotrophic cultivation offers several advantages over photoautotrophic
cultivation including elimination of problems associated with limited light that hinder
high cell density in large scale photobioreactors during phototrophic cultivation
(Huang et al., 2010) allowing much simpler scale-up possibilities since smaller
reactor surface to volume ratio’s may be used (Eriksen, 2008), good control of the
cultivation process, and low-cost for the harvesting of biomass because of higher cell
density obtained (Chen and Johns, 1991).
In heterotrophic culture, both cell growth and biosynthesis of products are
significantly influenced by medium nutrients and environmental factors. Carbon
sources are the most important element for heterotrophic cultivation of microalgae.
Moreover, heterotrophic microalgae might utilize carbon sources as acetate, glucose,
ethanol, glycerol, sucrose, lactose, galactose, mannose and fructose depending on
microalgal species (Yokochi et al., 1998, Liang et al., 2009). Liu et al. (1999)
compared several carbon sources and concluded that glucose was preferred. Than, in
order to lower the production cost of microalgal oil as biodiesel, cheaper carbon
sources should be considered.
In this process microalgae are grown in stirred tank bioreactors or fermenters. These
systems provide a high degree of growth control and also lower harvesting costs due
to the higher cell densities achieved (Wen and Chen, 2003; Chen and Chen, 2006).
The set-up costs are minimal, although the system uses more energy than the
production of photosynthetic microalgae because the process cycle includes the initial
production of organic carbon sources via the photosynthesis process (Chisti, 2007).
Higher biomass production and productivity could be obtained from using
heterotrophic cultivation. The feasibility for large-scale biodiesel production based on
heterotrophic cultivation of Chlorella protothecoides was outlined by Lee et al.
(2007) and Xiong et al. (2008). This microalga shows higher lipid content during
heterotrophic growth and a 55% increase in lipid content was obtained by changing
the cultivation condition from phototrophic to heterotrophic (Miao and Wu, 2006).
The highest lipid productivity (3700 mg L-1 d -1) was reported by Xiong et al. (2008)
using a 5-L fermentor operated with an improved fed-batch culture strategy. Hence,
they concluded that heterotrophic cultivation could result in higher production of
biomass and accumulation of high lipid content in cells.
Other studies also suggest higher technical viability of heterotrophic production
compared to photoautotrophic methods in either open ponds or closed
photobioreactors for the cultivation of Crypthecodinium cohnii (de Swaaf et al.,
2003) and Galdieria sulphuraria (Graveholt et al., 2007). Using heterotrophic growth
gives much higher lipid productivity, as the highest lipid productivity from
heterotrophic cultivation is nearly 20 times higher than that obtained under
phototrophic cultivation. However, the sugar based heterotrophic system frequently
suffers from problems with contamination since it is difficult to prevent bacteria
proliferation. Actually, open ponds and raceway ponds are usually operated under
phototrophic cultivation conditions since, compared to other types of cultivation, the
contamination problem is less severe when using heterotrophic growth (Mata et al.,

2.6.3. Mixotrophy

Mixotrophic cultivation is when microalgae undergo photosynthesis and use

both organic compounds and inorganic carbon (CO2) as a carbon source for growth.
This means that the microalgae are able to live under either phototrophic or
heterotrophic conditions, or both (Zhang et al., 1999). Microalgae assimilate organic
compounds and CO2 as a carbon source, and the CO2 released by microalgae via
respiration will be trapped and reused under phototrophic cultivation (Mata et al.,
2010). The ability of mixotrophs to process organic substrates means that cell growth
is not strictly dependent on photosynthesis, therefore light energy is not an absolutely
limiting factor for growth (Andrade et al., 2007) as either light or organic carbon
substrates can support the growth (Chen et al., 1996). Examples of microalgae that
display mixotrophic metabolism processes for growth are the cyanobacteria Spirulina
platensis and the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chen et al., 1996). The

photosynthetic metabolism utilises light for growth while aerobic respiration uses an
organic carbon source (Zhang et al., 1999). Growth is influenced by the media
supplement with glucose during the light and dark phases; hence, there is less
biomass loss during the dark phase (Andrade et al., 2007). Growth rates of
mixotrophic algae generally compare favourably with cultivation of photoautotrophic
algae in closed photobioreactors but are considerably lower than for heterotrophic
production. Successful production of mixotrophic algae allows the integration of both
photosynthetic and heterotrophic components during the diurnal cycle. This reduces
the impact of biomass loss during dark respiration and decreases the amount of
organic substances utilised during growth. These features infer that that mixotrophic
production can be an important part of the microalgae-to-biofuels process. It should
be pointed out that, compared with phototrophic and heterotrophic cultivation,
mixotrophic cultivation is rarely used in microalgal oil production.

2.7. Production systems.

Microalgae cultivation can be done in open-culture systems and/or in highly
controlled closed-culture systems called photobioreactors (PBRs). Comparitions
between the two type of cultivation system are reported in Table 1.

2.7.1 Open ponds

Open ponds are the most widely used systems for large-scale outdoor
microalgae cultivation (Borowitzka, 1993) and most commercial microalgal
cultivation is presently carried out, with few exceptions, in open systems (Richmond,
There are many types of open cultivation systems which vary in size, shape, material
used for construction, type of agitation and inclination (Tredici, 2004). Algal cultures
can be defined (one or more selected strains), or are made up of an undefined mixture
of strains. However, to date only a few species of microalgae (e.g Spirulina sp.,
Chlorella sp., Dunaliella salina) have been found to be able to be grown successfully
at a commercial scale in open ponds (Tredici and Materassi, 1992; Borowitzka, 1993;
Parsheh et al., 2010).
Many different designs have been suggested for pond construction but only four
major pond design have been developed and operated at a large-scale: a) unstirred

Table 1. Comparison between open ponds and photobioreactors

Parameter Open systems PBRs

Contamination risk High Low
Sterility None Achievable
Species control Difficult Easy
Area/Volume ratio Low High
Water losses High Low
CO2 losses High Depends on pH, alkalinity
O2 inhibition Low Problematic
Mixing Very poor Uniform
Light utilization efficiency Poor High
Temperature control Difficult Less difficult
Evaporation of growth medium High Low
Hydrodynamic stress on algae Very low Low-High
Process control Complicated Less complicated
Maintenance Easy Difficult
Yield Low High
Population (algal cell) density Low High
Biomass concentration Similar in both 3-5 times in PBRs
Constructions costs Low High
Weather dependance High Low
Overheating problems Low High
Dissolved oxygen concentration Low High
Scale-up Difficult Difficult

ponds (lakes and natural ponds), b) inclined ponds, c) central pivot ponds and d)
raceway ponds (Figure 3). Generally, these cultivation systems are less expensive to
build and operate, more durable than large closed reactors and with a large production
capacity when compared with closed systems. On the other hand, the production
through ponds requires more extensive land areas despite being cheap since it uses
very low amount of CO2 of the air and are more susceptible to contaminations from
other organisms such as mushrooms, bacteria and protozoa and also to weather
conditions, not allowing control of water temperature, evaporation and lighting. They
also show low photosynthetic efficiency (Morita et al., 2001b) due to low CO2 (since
atmosphere only contains 0.03% (v/v) CO2 it is expected that mass transfer limitation
could slow down the cell growth of microalgae) and sunlight available only at the
pond surface. According to Richmond (2004) ponds use more energy to homogenize
nutrients and the water level cannot be kept much lower than 15 cm (or 150 L m-2) for
the microalgae to receive enough solar energy to grow. In these open-culture systems
nutrients can be normally provided through runoff water from nearby land area or by
channelling the water from sewage/water treatment plants. The water is typically kept

a b

Figure 3. Example of open cultivation systems: a) natural unstirred pond (Wikipedia, 2011), b) small pond
for Spirulina culture, Asia (Wikipedia, 2011), c) Open raceway-type culture ponds of Earthrise in
California, US (, d) Paddle wheel of a raceway pond (Department of Chemical
Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran)

in motion by paddle wheels or rotating structures, and some mixing can be

accomplished by appropriately designed guides.
Profitable production of microalgae, at present, is limited to comparatively few
production plants producing high value health foods such as ß-carotene by Dunaliella
salina and proteins and carotenoids by Chlorella sp., Spirulina platensis,
Haematococcus pluvialis (Jimenez et al., 2003; Borowitzka, 2005; Del Campo et al.,
2007). Most of these plants are located in South East Asia, Australia and USA,
mainly Hawaii, California, Texas and Arizona (Borowitzka and Borowitzka, 1990;
Benemann, 1992; Richmond, 1992).

2.7.2 Photobioreactors
To overcome some constraints related to ponds efficiency, closed PBRs have
been proposed, which not only possess higher photosynthetic efficiency, but also
temperature control of the culture medium, since temperature normally increases with

the exposure to the sunlight (Morita et al., 2001c) and allow for the use of external
contamination control. The critical design requirement in the PBR design is the
illumination surface area per unit volume and a high surface area to volume ratio (S/V
ratio) is required to have an efficient PBR (Ogbonna and Tanaka, 1997).
Further, despite several research efforts for the design and operation of many PBRs,
devising and developing suitable apparatus, cultivation procedures and algal strains
susceptible of undergoing substantial increases in efficiency for the use of solar
energy and CO2 are the major challenges for the industrial microalgal culturing.

a b

c d e

Figure 4. Example of closed cultivations systems: a) tubular horizontal photobioreactor (Bioprodukte-, b) column photobioreactor (Bioenergy Noe, 2012), c) inclined column photobioreactor
(, d) flate pannel photobioreactor (Wijffels, 2007), e) BIOCOIL (

Accordingly, there is no ‘best reactor system’ to achieve maximum productivity with

minimum operation costs, irrespective of the available biological and chemical
systems (Carvalho et al., 2006). Selection of the PBR depends on the ability to
maximize the productivity and photosynthetic efficiency.

Design and operation of suitable microalgal biomass production systems have been
discussed and patented extensively in the literature (Molina Grima et al. 2000;
Hirabayashi et al., 2002; Scragg, 2002; Carvalho et al., 2006; Lopez et al., 2006;
Levin, 2007; Lewnard and Wu, 2008; Oyler, 2008; Ugwu et al. 2008; Hsieh et al.
2009b; Kayama and Kadowaki, 2009; Lin, 2009; Slavin, 2009; Briassoulis et al.
2010; Dimanshteyn, 2010; Erb and Peterson, 2010; Haley, 2010; Hu, 2010; McNeff,
2010; Melkonian and Podola, 2010; Seebo 2010; Woerlee and Siewers, 2010; Dhale,
2011; Edelson, 2011; Hulatt et al. 2011; Kassebaum and Kassebaum, 2011; Katoch
and Katoch, 2011; Lin, 2011; Zhang et al., 2011) with recent reviews
comprehensively presenting several types of closed bioreactors for the production of
microalgae based on transport phenomena and process engineering methodological
approaches (Janssen et al., 2003; Choi et al., 2003; Hankamer et al., 2007; Kunjapur
and Eldridge, 2010).
Between the numerous types of enclosed PBRs suitable for large-scale cultivation
that have been designed in an attempt to best control the growth factors of microalgae
there are four main categories which are summarized in the Figure 4: 1)
tubular/horizontal, 2) column/vertical, 3) flat plate or flat panel, 4) helical/tubular
Table 2. Prospects and limitations of different photobioreactors

Culture systems Advantages Disadvantages

Tubular PBRs Large illumination surface area, Gradients of pH, dissolved oxygen
suitable for outdoor cultures, fairly and CO2 along the tubes, fouling,
good biomass productivities, some degree of wall growth, requires
relatively cheap large land space
Vertical-column PBRs High mass transfer, good mixing Small illumination surface area, their
with low shear stress, low energy construction require sophisticated
consumption, high potentials for materials, shear stress to algal
scalability, easy to sterilize, readily cultures, decrease of illumination
tempered, good for immobilization surface area upon scale-up
of algae, reduced photoinhibition
and photo-oxidation
Flat-plate PBRs Large illumination surface area, Scale-up require many compartments
suitable for outdoor cultures, good and support materials, difficulty in
for immobilization of algae, good controlling culture temperature, some
light path, good biomass degree of wall growth, possibility of
productivities, relatively cheap, hydrodynamic stress to some algal
easy to clean up, readily tempered, strains
low oxygen build-up

Each type of PBR has advantages and disadvantages (Table 2) in terms of potential
efficiency of sunlight utilization, effective mass transfer of O2 and CO2, easiness of
cleaning and scalability.

The main parameter used to compare the photosynthetic productivities of different
type of PBRs is the photosynthetic light conversion efficiency (PE) which is defined
as the percentage of light energy recovered as microalgal biomass to the total light
energy received by the cultivation system (Watanabe and Hall, 1996a). PE should be
used in conjunction with volumetric productivity when evaluating systems operated
under similar climactic conditions (Tredici and Zitelli, 1998). Tubular / horizontal PBRs

Tubular configuration is considered as one of the most suitable types for outdoor
mass cultures. Most of these outdoor cultivation systems are usually constructed with
either glass or plastic tube of small diameter, often mounted as parallel loops on a
rigid scaffold.
They can be in form of horizontal / serpentine (Tredici and Materazzi, 1992; Molina
Grima et al., 2001), vertical (Pirt et al., 1983), near horizontal (Henrard et al., 2011),
conical (Norsker, 2002) or inclined PBRs (Vunjak-Novakovic et al., 2005). Re-
circulation, aeration and mixing of the cultures in these PBRs are usually done by air-
pump or preferably by airlift systems.
Tubular PBRs are very suitable for outdoor microalgae mass cultures since they have
large illumination surface area. On the other hand, one of their major limitations is
poor mass transfer. It should be noted that mass transfer (oxygen build-up) becomes a
problem when tubular FBRs are scaled up. For instance, some studies have shown
that very high dissolved oxygen (DO) levels are easily reached in tubular
photobioreactors (Torzillo et al., 1986; Richmond et al., 1993; Molina Grima et al.,
Normally they consist of straight, coiled or looped transparent tubing arranged in
various ways for maximizing sunlight capture. Properly designed completely isolate
the culture from potentially contaminating external environments, hence, allowing
extended duration monoalgal culture.
Also, photoinhibition is very common in outdoor tubular PBRs. When a tubular
reactor is scaled up by increasing the diameter of tubes, the illumination surface to
volume ratio would decrease. On the other hand, the length of the tube can be kept as
short as possible while a tubular PBR is scaled up by increasing the diameter of the
tubes. In this case, the cells at the lower part of the tube will not receive enough light
for cell growth (due to light shading effect) unless there is a good mixing system.
Also, it is difficult to control culture temperatures. Actually, although they can be
equipped with thermostat to maintain the desired culture temperature, this could be
very expensive and difficult to implement. It should also be noted that adherence of
the cells to the walls of the tubes is common. Furthermore, long tubular PBRs are
characterized by gradients of oxygen and CO2 transfer along the tubes. The increase
in pH of the cultures would also lead to frequent re-carbonation of the cultures, which
would consequently increase the cost of algal production.
Consequently, even if this reactor type is quite effective it is too expensive and needs
too much auxiliary energy for pure biofuel production. Tubular / helicoidal (BIOCOIL)

In 1999 Borowitzka described a particular type of tubular reactor, a cylindrically
shaped helical tubular design known as BIOCOIL (Robinson et al., 1988) which was
supposedly the most promising design at that time. Considerations around tubular
PBRs lead to the conclusion that diameter of tubes and position of PBRs to respect to
the light could improve the PE. The solar collector tubes are generally 0.1 m or less in
diameter. Tube diameter is limited because light does not penetrate too deeply in the
dense culture broth that is necessary for ensuring a high biomass productivity of the
PBR (Chisti, 2007). Instead of being laid horizontally on the ground, the tubes may
be made of flexible plastic and coiled around a supporting frame to form a helical coil
tubular PBR (Chisti, 2007). However, there has been a limited discussion of the
BIOCOIL during the last 20 years suggesting that its potential should be longer
addressed (Chrismadha and Borowitzka, 1994; Watanabe et al., 1995, 1998;
Watanabe and Hall, 1995, 1996a, 1996b; Watanabe and Saiki, 1997; Rorrer and
Mullikin, 1999; Borodin et al., 2000, 2002; Morita et al., 2000a, 2000b, 2001a,
2001b, 2002; Lu et al., 2001, 2002, Travieso et al., 2001; Nerantzis et al., 2002;
Scragg et al., 2002; Acién Fernández et al., 2003; Hall et al., 2003a; Watanabe, 2004;
Carlozzi and Pinzani, 2005; Moheimani, 2005; Perner-Nochta et al., 2007; Fan et al.,
2008; Soletto et al., 2008; Concas et al., 2009,2010; Briassoulis et al., 2010; Kong et
al., 2010; Westerhoff et al., 2010; Moheimani et al., 2011). Watanabe and Hall
(1996a) noted that the design has radiation losses in the central area of the reactor.
The authors attempted to improve it by constructing a laboratory-scale cone-shaped
helical tubular reactor. It should be noted that little has been reported on the ability of
the cone-shaped design to be scaled up. This design supposedly increased the

illuminated surface area while covering the same area on the ground as a regular
tubular or FP reactor (Watanabe and Hall, 1996b). The biomass productivity obtained
for Spirulina platensis and Chlorella sp. HA-1 were 15.9 g L-1 d -1 and 21.5 g L-1 d -1
which correspond to a PE of 6.83% and 5.67%, respectively (Watanabe and Hall,
1996a; Watanabe and Saiki, 1997). A maximum photosynthetic productivity of 34.4 g
L-1 d -1 corresponding to a greater PE of 8.67% was obtained for Chlorella sorokiniana
cultivated in a conical COIL feded with 10% CO2 (Morita et al., 2000a). Soletto et al.
(2008) reached a PE of 9.4% during a fed-batch cultivation of S. platenis by changing
the feeding rate of CO2 and light intensity at the values of 0.44 g L-1 d -1 and 125 µmol
m2 s-1, respectively. Column/vertical PBRs

Vertical-column PBRs are compact, low-cost and easy type of reactors to

operate monoseptically and appear to best satisfy the design considerations at least at
laboratory scale. There are two main types of vertical reactors: air-lift reactors and
bubble column reactors. In these types of reactors, mixing energy is provided by the
gas intake, thus combining aeration and dispersion. Generally, the reaction volume is
sparged from the bottom.
They have been reported to be very promising for large-scale
cultivation of microalgae since can attain a final biomass concentration and specific
growth rate that are comparable to values typically reported for narrow tubular PBRs
(Merchuk and Mukmenev, 2000). Vertical air-lift reactors improve gas exchange,
liquid flow and exposure of cells to light (Camacho et al. 1999). Airlift reactors
circulate the culture without moving parts or mechanical pumping, which reduces the
potential for contamination and for cell damage due to shear. The air-lift driven
tubular PBR both circulated the fluid through the loop and stripped oxygen from the
culture (Spolaore et al. 2006).
Some bubble column PBRs are equipped with either draft tubes or constructed as split
cylinders. In the case of draft tube PBRs, intermixing occurs between the riser and the
down comer zones of the PBR through the walls of the draft tube. Their main
advantages include: high mass transfer, good mixing with low shear stress,
low energy consumption, high potentials for scalability, easy to sterilize, readily
tempered, good for immobilization of algae, reduced photoinhibition and photo-
oxidation. Their main limitations include: small illumination surface area required

sophisticated materials for their construction, shear stress to algal cultures, decrease
of illumination surface area upon scale-up. Flat plate PBRs

Another kind of system configuration which allows having a large illumination

surface area is represented by flat-plate (FP) PBRs (Sierra et al., 2008). In 1985
Samson and Leduy developed a flat reactor equipped with fluorescence lamps
following the pioneering work of Milner (1953). A year later, Ramos de Ortega and
Roux (1986) developed an outdoor FP reactor by using thick transparent PVC
materials. As time went on, extensive works on various designs of vertical alveolar
panels and FP reactors were reported (Tredici and Materassi, 1992; Zhang et al.,
2002; Hoekema et al., 2002; Nebdal et al., 2010). Generally, FP PBRs are made of
transparent materials in order to maximize the utilization of solar light energy.
Accumulation of dissolved oxygen concentrations in this type of PBRs is relatively
low compared to horizontal tubular PBRs. It has been reported that with FP PBRs,
high photosynthetic efficiencies can be achieved (Richmond, 2000). Between the
main advantages in utilizing FP PBRs there are: large illumination surface area thus
making them suitable for outdoor cultures, good capacity of algae immobilization,
good light path, good biomass productivities, relatively cheap, easy to clean up,
readily tempered, low oxygen build-up. Main limitations of these PBRs are: the scale-
up require many compartments and support materials, a difficulty in controlling
culture temperature, some degree of wall growth, and possibility of hydrodynamic
stress to some algal strains.

2.7.3 Comments on different photobioreactor systems

Some authors claimed that the PE is significantly higher in tubular PBRs

compared to FP PBRs because their curved surface resulted in the spatial dilution of
light. Although some authors have claimed that FP reactors may have greater PE
(Janssen et al. 2003) the results of Tredici et al. are convincing and it appears that PE
is a drawback for FP reactors. Another drawback for FP reactors is that cell damage
may occur because of the high stress resulting from aeration, a problem that has never
been reported in tubular reactors. However, FP PBRs have advantages over other
closed reactors. In FP PBRs, the oxygen path is much shorter than in tubular reactors

(Sierra et al. 2008). A shorter oxygen path results in FP concentrations than
horizontal PBRs (Ugwu et al. 2008). Power consumption is another important
criterion for comparison among reactor types. FP reactors consume less power than
tubular reactors to achieve similar or greater mass transfer capacity (Sierra et al.
The comparisons between tubular and column reactors, made by Sánchez Mirón et al.
(1999), lead to the significant conclusion that tubular reactors have very limited
possibility for commercial scale applications, whereas column reactors do have
potential. Bubble column reactors performed better than tubular reactors because they
are supposedly more suited for scale-up, require less energy for cooling because of
the low surface to volume ratio, and overall outperform tubular reactors throughout
the year. Under high light intensity, vertical reactors experience less photoinhibition,
and under low light intensity, a vertical orientation captures more reflected light
(Sánchez Mirón et al. 1999). A vertical orientation also requires less land area
(Camacho et al. 1999). Molina Grima et al. (2001) asserted that, for tubular reactors,
a two layered loop with the lower set of tubes displaced horizontally in between the
upper set of tubes maximizes efficiency of land use.

2.8 Microalgal productivity

It should be noted that the objective of the PBR photosynthetic production
process of microalgal biomass is to obtain simultaneously the reduction of input
energy and the achievement of high photosynthetic production. Also, these closed
PBRs may be located indoors or outdoors, although outdoor location is more common
due to the ease of using free sunlight. Comparison of performances achieved by PBRs
and open ponds may not be easy, as the evaluation depends on several factors, among
which the algal species cultivated and the method adopted to compute productivity.
In order to evaluate productivity in algae production units three parameters are
common used (Scragg, 2002; Richmond, 2004):
- Volumetric productivity (VP): productivity per unit reactor volume (expressed as g
L-1 d -1),
- Areal productivity (AP): productivity per unit of ground area occupied by the
reactor (expressed as g m2 d -1),
- Illuminated surface productivity (ISP): productivity per unit of reactor illuminated
surface area (expressed as g m2 d -1).

These productivities vary with type of the system. For example, the productivity (mg
L-1 d -1) values of 370, 400–700 and 900 have been recorded for tubular, shallow and
coiled outdoor tubular ponds, respectively, compared with 510 mg L-1 d-1 obtained for
the indoor reactor (Chisti, 2007; Del Campo et al., 2007). Although microalgae
production efficiency is often mentioned in the literature, no consensus was observed
on how to calculate it.
The cost of biomass production in PBRs may be one order of magnitude higher than
in ponds. While in some cases, for some microalgae species and applications it may
be low enough to be attractive for aquaculture use, in other cases, the higher cell
concentration and the higher productivity achieved in PBRs may not compensate for
its higher capital and operating costs.
Generally, in any PBR design, the system productivity in continuous operating mode
is obtained by multiplying the steady-state biomass concentration by the dilution rate
used. These are related to the average irradiance inside the photobioreactor, which in
turn is a function of the irradiance on the reactor surface, operational variables such
as fluid-dynamics and dilution rate along with the pigment content (Molina Grima et
al. 2000; Fernandez et al. 2003; Hu et al. 2008).
Of several geometries of PBRs mentioned above the most efficient one is reported to
be tubular type, which should maximize the use of solar light, to avoid large areas of
shade and facilitate the diffusion of CO2 along with the control of temperature. In this
kind of configuration microalgae are maintained in circulation with turbulent flow to
avoid the sedimentation and to reduce deposit in the walls of the tubes (Chisti et al.
Further, time-dependent changes in the culture medium temperature in every season
have been predicted (Morita et al. 2001c) using a heat balance model of the conical
helical tubular PBR previously established (Illman et al. 2000). Using these results,
the energy required to maintain the temperature of culture medium within an
appropriate range as well as the maximum and minimum culture medium
temperatures has been predicted for several sites with different climate
characteristics. This helps to examine the possibilities for the combinations of the
microalgae used for practically higher photosynthetic production of microalgal
biomass, with less operating energy consumption throughout the year at various sites.
A large difference in photosynthetic productivity was caused by the difference in
ambient temperature in each site, if temperature control of the culture medium was

not maintained. This helped to get practically higher photosynthetic production with
less operating energy consumption throughout the year, using a combination of
various strains that had different characteristics relative to temperature.
As stated by Richmond (2004) despite closed systems offer no advantage in terms of
areal productivity, they largely surpass ponds in terms of volumetric productivity (8
times higher) and cell concentration (about 16 times higher). On the other hand,
despite their advantages it is not expected that PBR have a significant impact in the
near future on any product or process that can be attained in large outdoor raceway
ponds. PBRs suffer from several drawbacks that need to be considered and solved.
Their main limitations include: overheating, bio-fouling, oxygen accumulation,
difficulty in scaling up, the high cost of building, operating and of algal biomass
cultivation, and cell damage by shear stress and deterioration of material used for the
Accordingly, the choice of the most suitable system is situation-dependent, dictated
by both the available species of algae and the final intended purpose. The need of
accurate control impairs the use of open-system configurations, so focus has shifted
mostly on closed systems.
In conclusion, PBRs and open ponds should not be viewed as competing technologies
because in the opinion of researchers the real competing technology in the future will
be the genetic engineering and to this field is addressed the attention of the scientific
community (Gressel, 2008).

2.9 Application of microalgae

2.9.1 Biodiesel production

As the demand for diesel increases worldwide there is an increasing interest in

sources other than crude oil for producing diesel fuel. Renewable fuel sources
include, but are no limited to, plant oil such as corn, rapeseed, canola, soybean and
algal oils, animal fats such as inedible tallow, fish oils and various waste streams such
as yellow and brown greases and sewage sludges.
In Table 3 biodiesel productivities from common seed plants and microalgae are
It can be seen how microalgae show a clear advantage in terms of land use because of
their higher biomass productivity and oil yield. It should be also noted that although

the oil contents are similar between seed plants and microalgae there are significant
variations in the overall biomass productivity and resulting oil yield and biodiesel
productivity with a clear advantage for microalgae.
The common feature of these sources is that they are composed of glycerides and free
fatty acids. Both of these classes of compounds contain aliphatic carbon chains
having formed about 8 to 24 carbon atoms. The aliphatic chains can be fully saturated
or mono, di or poly-unsaturated.

Table 3. Comparition between plants and microalgae biodiesel productivities*

Plant sources % seed oil Oil yield Land use Biodiesel

content (wt (L oil/ha (m2 year/Kg productivities (Kg
in biomass) year) biodiesel) biodiesel/ha year)
Corn/Maize (Zea mays L.) 44 172 66 152
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) 33 363 31 321
Soybean (Glycine max L.) 18 636 18 562
Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) 28 741 15 656
Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) 42 915 12 809
Canola/Rapeseed (Brassica 41 974 12 862
napus L.)
Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) 40 1070 11 946
Castor (Ricinus communis L.) 48 1307 9 1156
Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) 36 5366 2 4747
Microalgae (low oil content) 30 58700 0.2 51927
Microalgae (medium oil content) 50 97800 0.1 86515
Microalgae (high oil content) 70 136900 0.1 121104
*Mata et al., 2010

Fatty acids are the main components of lipids and represent the chemical skeleton for
biofuel production.
Research regarding biofuel from microalgae is mainly devoted to the production of
biodiesel. Table 4 shows a comparison of biodiesel quality from microalgal oil and
common diesel fuel.

Table 4. Comparison of biodiesel quality from microalgal oil and common diesel fuel$

Properties Biodiesel from microalgal oil Diesel fuel

Density Kg L-1 0.864 0.838
Viscosity Pa·s 5.2 x 10-4 (40°C) 1.9 x 10-4 (40°C)
Flash point °C 65-115* 75
Solidifying point °C -12 -50 -10
Cold filter plugging point °C -11 -3.0 (-6.7 max)
Acid value mg KOH g-1 0.374 0.5 max
Heating value MJ Kg-1 41 40-45
HC ratio 1.18 1.18
Based on data from multiple sources available in literature
Source: Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, Beijing , China (2004)

Biodiesel is produced by a transesterification process in which triglycerides react with
a monoalcohol and a catalyst (Chisti, 2007). Thus biodiesel production is extremely
dependant on intracellular lipids content.
Microalgae can have lipid contents exceeding 80% by weight of dry biomass (Rodolfi
et al., 2009) although this is usually in the range of 15–35% and is dependent upon
algae strains and growth conditions (Chisti, 2007). In Table 5 the common range of
lipid content for some of the most studied microalgae is reported.
Under optimal conditions of growth, algae synthesize fatty acids principally into
glycerol-based membrane lipids, which constitute about 5–20% of their dry content
weight (Hu et al., 2008). Unlike the glycerolipids found in membranes, the
triacylglycerols (TAGs) do not perform a structural role but instead serve primarily as
a storage form of carbon and energy.
Thus, one of the key criteria for selection of microalgae strains for biodiesel feedstock
production is a high intracellular lipid and TAG content. Total lipids are composed of
neutral lipid in the form of energy reserve bodies, as well as glyco-and phospholipids
in the structural membranes. Neutral lipids are typically the major constituents of
algal lipid-oil in aging or stressed cultures, mainly in the form of TAGs (Hu et al.,
2008; Chen et al., 2008).
In this context, not all microalgae are suitable. As a matter of fact, even though some
microalgae (such as Chlorella sp., Botryococcus braunii, Nannochloris sp.,
Nannochloropsis sp., Schizochytrium sp., Nitzchia sp., Parietochloris incisa) have
been claimed to possess up to 30% lipids (Chisti, 2007; Satyanarayana et al., 2011),
the same microalgae species may present much lower percentages, depending on
environmental and operational conditions applied for culturing (González-Fernández
et al. 2010).
Additionally, not all intracellular lipids are suitable for biodiesel production (Chisti,
2007). Therefore, biodiesel production from algae not only lies on the extraction of
lipids but also in the finding of high lipid content algae species (Demirbas and
Demirbas, 2011).
Exploitation of microalgae for not only biodiesel production but also bioenergy
generation (biomethane, biohydrogen), or combined applications for biofuels
production and CO2-mitigation, by which CO2 is captured and sequestered, has been
investigated with a growing interest from the first ‘90s and are still under research

Table 5. Mean lipid content of major investigated microalgae strains

Microalgae species Lipid content (% w/w DW) Reference

Botryococcus braunii 25.0-75.0 Meng et al., 2009
Chaetoceros calcitrans 14.6-16.4 Mata et al., 2010
Chaetoceros meulleri 30.8 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Chlorella emersonii 29.0-63.0 Illman et al., 2000
Chlorella minutissima 31.0-57.0 Illman et al., 2000
Chlorella pyrenoidosa 2.0 Mata et al., 2010
Chlorella prototechoides 50.3-57.8 Xiong et al., 2008
Chlorella sorokiniana 20.0-22.0 Illman et al., 2000
Chlorella vulgaris 28.0-58.0 Scragg et al., 2002
Chlorella sp. 28.0-32.0 Chisti, 2007
Chlorococcum sp. 19.3 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Crypthecodinium cohnii 20 Meng et al. 2009
Cylindrotheca sp. 16.0-37.0 Meng et al. 2009
Dunaliella primolecta 23.0 Chisti, 2007
Dunaliella salina 5.0-25.0 Mata et al., 2010
Dunaliella tertiolecta 60.6-67.8 Takagi et al. 2006
Ellipsoidion sp. 27.4 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Haematococcus pluvialis 25.0 Mata et al., 2010
Isochrysis galbana 7.0-40.0 Mata et al., 2010
Isochrysis sp. 27.4 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Monallanthus salina > 20.0 Chisti, 2007
Monodus subterraneus 39.3 Li et al. 2008a
Nannochloris sp. 29.9-40.3 Takagi et al., 2000
Nannochloropsis oculata 22.7-29.7 Chiu et al., 2009
Nannochloropsis sp. 35.9 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Neochloris oleabundans 15.9-56.0 Gouveia et al., 2009
Nitzschia laevis 69.1 Li et al., 2008a
Nitzschia sp. 45.0-47.0 Chisti, 2007
Ocystis pupilla 10.5 Mata et al., 2010
Parietochloris incisa 62.0 Li et al., 2008a
Pavlova lutheri 35.5 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Pavlova salina 30.9 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Phaeodactylum tricornutum 18.0-57.0 Mata et al., 2010
Porphyrodium cruentum 9.5 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Scenedesmus obliquus 11.0-55.0 Mata et al., 2010
Scenedesmus quadricauda 18.4 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Scenedesmus sp. 21.1 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Schyzochytrium sp. 50.0-77.0 Chisti, 2007
Skeletonema costatum 21.1 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Skeletonema sp. 31.8 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Spirulina maxima 4.1 Gouveia and Oliveira, 2009
Spirulina platensis 4.0-16.6 Mata et al., 2010
Tetraselmis sp. 14.7 Rodolfi et al., 2009
Tetraselmis suecica 15-23 Chisti, 2007
Thalassiosira pseudonana 20.6 Rodolfi et al., 2009

(Scragg et al., 2003; Miao and Wu 2004; Kruse et al., 2005; Tsukahara and
Sawayama 2005; Xu et al., 2006; Chisti 2007; Huntley and Redalje 2007; Li et al.,
2007; Ono and Cuello 2007; Marker et al., 2009, Sayre, 2009; Wu and Xiong, 2009;
Neto, 2010; Pruvost et al., 2011; Satyanarayana et al., 2011). Only a few microalgal
strains are produced commercially (e.g. Spirulina, Chlorella, Dunaliella,
Haematococcus and Nannochloropsis) and some of the dominating microalgae
species in biodiesel investigation field includes Phaeodactylum tricornutum,
Botryococcus braunii, Dunaliella tertiolecta (Lee et al., 2009), Chlorella sp. (Wu et
al., 2009), Scenedesmus sp., Tetraselmis sp. (Lee, 1997), as reported in Figure 5.

a b

c d

e f
f A)
Figure 5. Some of the dominating microalgae species used in biodiesel investigation field.
Chlorella sp., b) Scenedesmus sp., c) Botryococcus braunii, d) Dunaliella sp., e) Tetraselmis sp., f)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum. All the strains here reported are depositated in the Culture Collection of
Algae at the University of Texas, Austin (

These strains are probably not the best strains for the production of biodiesel. For this
reason is essential to continue a screening for new strains or modify the strains such
that optimal production of lipids for biodiesel becomes feasible.
The interest on biodiesel production from microalgae is also attested by some of the
reported top companies in algae fuel industry: Algenol, A2BE Carbon Capture,
Aurora BioFuels, Inc., Aquaflow bionomics corporation, Blue Marble Energy,
Cellana, Community Fuels, GreenShift, International Energy, LiveFuels, OilFox
Argentina, Organic Fuels, OriginOil, PetroSun Biofuls, Petroalgae, Sapphire Energy,
Seambiotic, Solix Biofuels, Solazyme (

2.9.2 CO2 fixation

Generally, phototrophic microalgal growth requires a supply of CO2 as a carbon

source. Usual sources of CO2 for microalgae include: a) atmospheric CO2; b) CO2
from industrial exhaust gases (e.g. flue gas and flaring gas); 3) CO2 chemically fixed
in the form of soluble carbonates (e.g. NaHCO3 and Na2CO3). The tolerance of
various microalgal species to the concentration of CO2 is variable; however, the CO2
concentration in the gaseous phase does not necessarily reflect the CO2 concentration
to which the microalga is exposed during dynamic liquid suspension, which depends
on the pH and the CO2 concentration gradient created by the resistance to mass
One of the most attractive features of microalgal biomass production is the potential
to fix CO2 from the atmosphere or combustion flue gas. Atmospheric CO2 levels
[0.03% (v/v)] are not sufficient to support the high microalgal growth rates and
productivities needed for full-scale biofuel production. Flue gases from power plants,
which are responsible for more than 7% of the total world CO2 emissions from energy
use (Kadam, 1997), contains CO2 at concentrations ranging from 5 to 15% (v/v)
(Maeda et al., 1995) providing a CO2-rich source for large-scale production of
microalgae and a potentially more efficient route for CO2 bio-fixation. Therefore, to
use a flue gas emission from an industrial process unit (e.g. from fuel-fired power
plants) as a source of CO2 for the microalgae growth is envisioned to have a great
potential to diminish CO2 and to provide a very promising alternative to current GHG
emissions mitigation strategies. Owing to the cost of upstream separation of CO2 gas,
direct utilization of power plant flue gas has been considered in microalgal biofuel
production systems (Lackne, 2003).
Chemical analysis has shown that algal biomass consists of 40% to 50% carbon,
which suggests that about 1.5 to 2.0 kg of CO2 is required to produce 1.0 kg of
biomass (Sobczuk et al., 2000). In 1994 the delivered cost of CO2 was $40 to $60 per
day (Becker, 1994), making algae production costly. The current emphasis on
sequestering carbon from available sources such as industrial waste gas is both
economically and politically attractive. According to previous studies, the supply of
carbon to microalgal mass culture systems is one of the principal difficulties and
limitations that must be solved (Benemann, 1987, Oswald, 1988, Tapie and Bernard,
1988). The principal point of all considerations relating to the CO2 budget is that, on
the one hand, CO2 must not reach the upper concentration that produces inhibition
and, on the other hand, must never fall below the minimum concentration that limits
growth (Rados et al., 1975). These maximum (inhibition) and minimum (limitation)
concentrations vary from one species to another and are not yet adequately known,
ranging from 2.3 × 10 −2 M to 2.3 × 10−4 M (Rados et al., 1975, Lee and Hing, 1989).
Fortuitously, the benefits of flue gas injection on microalgal growth were observed to
be greater than the growth impacts solely attributed to inhibition of photorespiration
by high CO2 concentrations, with 30% increase in biomass productivity. This was
attributed to the presence of nutrient (sulphur and nitrate) in the flue gas (Douskova et
al., 2009).

2.9.3 Microalgae CO2 tolerant

A series of experiments have been carried out in the last twenty years in order to
test the possibility of growing microalgae by capturing CO2 emitted by fired power
plants. Although CO2 concentrations vary depending on the flue gas source (Kadam,
2001), 10%-20% (v/v) is typically assumed. For this reason several species have been
tested under CO2 concentrations of over 15% both using simulating and real flue gas
concentrations (Ono and Cuello, 2003).
Simulating flue gas concentrations can be obtained in laboratory experiments by
mixing at different flow rates filtered compressed air and pure CO2 provided by
pumps and cylinders, respectively. Many attempts have been successfully carried out,
depending on strains used and cultivation conditions, with a range of CO2
concentrations between atmospheric air and 15-20% (v/v).
One of the genus most studied, Chlorella sp., was widely cultivated with 15% (v/v)
CO2 concentrations since this value is recognized close to real flue gas emitted by
different kind of power plant installations (Watanabe et al., 1992; Negoro et al.,
1993; Yun et al., 1997; Keffer and Kleinheinz, 2002; Lee et al., 2002; Yue et al.,
2005; Chiu et al., 2008; Chinnasamy et al., 2009; Sasi et al., 2011; Bhola et al.,

The direct use of power plant flue gas has been also considered for CO2 sequestration
systems (Benemann et al., 1987, Aresta et al., 2005). Tetraselmis suecica was
cultivated using actual flue gas from an electric power plant (Laws and Berning,
1991), flue gas produced from a boiler was used to cultivate Tetraselmis sp.,
Phaeodactylum sp. and Nanncohloropsis sp. in Electric Power Company of some
Japanese cities (Negoro et al., 1992,1993; Hamasaki et al., 1994; Kurano et al., 1995;
Maeda et al., 1995; Matsumoto et al., 1995, 1997), two strains of Dunaliella parva
and tertiolecta were tested with flue gas emitted by a combustion turbine generator on
the roof of MIT’s Cogeneration Power Plant at Cambridge-Boston (Vunjak-
Novakovic et al. 2005), Euglena gracilis was tested with flue gas from a power plant
(Chae et al., 2006), a series of experiments were carried out by Aquaculture Inc. in
conjunction with the University of Hawaii to test 20 microalgae strains and 5 kind of
flue gas emitted from a propane-fired boiler system (Nakamura et al. 2008). Korean
researchers evaluated three microalgae, Botryococcus braunii, Chlorella vulgaris and
Scenedesmus sp. for their carbon fixation ability to determine which organism to
select for use with high levels of CO2 for the production of biodiesel (Yoo et al.,
2010). All the strains were submitted to real flue gas emitted by heating generator
burning liquefied petroleum. The study found that the C. vulgaris grew in up to 10%
(v/v) CO2 with no negative effects. However, these researchers concluded that
Scenedesmus sp. was the best of the three with regards to CO2 mitigation due to its
better CO2 fixation ability. Also Chlorella sp. was tested using flue gas in Korean and
Turkish facilities (Lee et al., 2002, Şen et al., 2005) and in Czech Republic municipal
incinerators (Doucha et al., 2007, Douskova et al., 2009, 2010). A complex treatment
of agricultural waste (including anaerobic fermentation of suitable waste,
cogeneration of the obtained biogas and growth of microalgae consuming the CO2
from biogas and flue gas) was verified for Chlorella sp. under field conditions in a
pilot-scale photobioreactor (Kastanek et al., 2010).
The advantage of utilizing flue gas directly is the reduction of the cost of separating
CO2 gas. Since power plant flue gas contains a higher concentration of CO2
(Kikkinides et al. 1993) identifying high CO2 tolerant species is important. One of the
highest CO2 tolerant species is Euglena gracilis. Growth of this species was enhanced
under 5%-45% concentration of CO2 even if the best growth was observed with 5%
(v/v) CO2 concentration. However, the species did not grow under greater than 45%
CO2 (Nakano et al., 1996). Hirata et al. (1996a, b) reported that Chlorella sp. UK001

could grow successfully under 10% (v/v) CO2 conditions. It is also reported that
Chlorella sp. can be grown under 40% (v/v) CO2 conditions (Hanagata et al., 1992).
Furthermore, Maeda et al., (1995) found a strain of Chlorella sp. T-1 which was
tested under a wide range of CO2 concentrations (from 0.03% to 100%). When
precultivated in 50% (v/v) CO2 enriched medium this strain could grow slowly under
100% (v/v) CO2, although the maximum growth rate occurred under a 10%
concentration. Hanagata et al., (1992) have screened five green freshwater microalgae
for tolerance to high CO2 concentrations. Between them, Scenedesmus was found to
be better able to tolerate very high CO2 concentrations than Chlorella. However
Scenedesmus could grow under 80% (v/v) CO2 conditions while was completely
inhibited by 100% (v/v) CO2 and the maximum cell mass was observed in 10-20%
(v/v) CO2 concentrations. Chlorococcum littorale was found to grow with 60% (v/v)
CO2 but no growth was observed between 70-100% (v/v) even when the seed culture
was grown at 60% (v/v) CO2 (Kodama et al., 1993). Some attempts were made to test
the ability of different Chlorella genus to grow in a range of CO2 concentrations 0.03-
70%. Chlorella pyrenoidosa was grown until 50% (v/v) CO2 but showed its better
growth with 15% (v/v) (Tang et al., 2011), Chlorella ZY-1 showed its optimum
between 10-20% (Yue and Chen, 2005) and Chlorella KR-1 have an optimum at 15%
(v/v) (Sung et al., 1999a, b).
In relation to the possibility of growing microalgae under pure CO2 the first strain
discovered to have this ability was the thermoacidophilic Cyanidium caldarium
(Seckback et al., 1971a, b, Woodward et al., 1992), which was able to grow in low
pH environment along with Galdieria partita. Watanabe et al. (1992) tested the
ability of Chlorella sp. HA-1 to grow by using increasing concentrations of CO2.
They show that at the pure CO2 condition HA-1 could not grow even if the strain still
shows a green colour at the end of the experiments. Sergeenko et al. (2000) outlines
for the first time to have successfully cultivated C. vulgaris in batch cultures with
pure CO2. This strain was previously cultivated in a 5% CO2 enriched medium.
Recently Chlorella minutissima was tested in a wide range of CO2 concentrations
(from 0.03% to 100%). It was found that this strain is able to better tolerate
concentration until 40% (v/v) but after 60% (v/v) the growth is strongly reduced
(Papazi et al., 2008). A new unknown isolated strain collected from the Johannesburg
Zoo Lake was tested at 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100% (v/v) CO2 by varying the flow rate at

20, 50 and 100 ml min-1, respectively. The best yield of biomass was obtained with
100% (v/v) CO2 at the flow rate of 50 ml min-1 (Kativu et al., 2010).

2.9.4 Wastewater treatment

Since large scale cultivation of microalgae implies the consumption of huge

amounts of nutrients, the economic feasibility of the process could be seriously
compromised when fresh water is employed and synthetic reagents are used as main
source of macronutrients. A possible solution to this drawback is to harness costless
resources to produce the macronutrients and the water needed to perform large scale
cultivation. In particular seawater can be used instead of fresh water due to its
costless availability in huge amounts. Moreover, wastewater could be used as
inexpensive source of nitrogen and phosphorus while at the same time flue gases
could be exploited to provide the suitable CO2 supply (Craggs et al., 1997; Kim and
Jeune, 2009). Besides allowing the economic viability of the process, the exploitment
of such costless resources could have a positive impact on important environmental
concerns since it contributes to the reduction of water pollution and consumption.
Furthermore the recycling of flue gases, results in lower CO2 emissions thus
contributing to increase the environmental sustainability of industries that use fossil
fuels for power generation (Zeiler et al., 1995). In this scenario, the combination of
the three roles of microalgae – CO2 fixation, wastewater treatment and biofuel
production – has the potential to maximize the impact of microalgal biofuel
production systems.
The involvement of microalgae in aquaculture systems where cells growth is
combined with biological cleaning and wastewater treatment seems to be an
advantageous and promising tool for microalgal biomass production coupled with
greenhouse gas mitigation (CO2 uptake) and biodiesel production (Yun et al., 1997;
Kumar et al., 2010b). In this way domestic wastewater can be seen a residue of
interest for biofuels production from microalgae (Rawat et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2012).
Microalgae ponds can be used in secondary or tertiary treatment. This could allow the
nutrition of cells by using wastewater as sources of organic compounds, mainly
nitrogen and phosphorous (Craggs et al., 1997) which are the first cause of
eutrophication in the aquatic environment representing a serious problem for
receiving water bodies (Mulbry et al., 2008).

Actually, although nitrogen and phosphorous are elements key to algal growth, they
are also serious pollutants in many waterways. Algae can thrive in nitrogen- and
phosphorus-rich conditions common to many wastewaters (Pittman et al., 2011), and
this feature may be harnessed to not only remove, but also capture these important
nutrients in order to return them to the terrestrial environment as agricultural
Use of microalgae for municipal wastewater treatment in ponds is well established
(Woertz et al., 2009), and algae based treatment of dairy and piggery waste also has
been investigated (An et al. 2003; Craggs et al., 2004; Kebede-Westhead et al., 2006;
Travieso et al., 2006; Mulbry et al., 2008).
Additionally, microalgae can been also used for the treatment of industrial wastewater
(Hodaifa et al., 2008; Muñoz et al., 2008), the removal of heavy metal from effluents
and acid mine drainage (Das et al., 2009) and mitigate the effects of sewage effluent
such as those originating from water treatment or fish aquaculture (Muller-Fuega,
Wastewater production by human activity is ubiquitous, and the continuous increase
in world population, particularly in developing countries, makes it an inexhaustible
resource. Because the use of microalgal biomass grown in domestic wastewaters as a
human and animal food supplement faces toxicological problems, intensive research
is being carried out on the promotion of lipid accumulation for further biodiesel
production (Burton and Cleeland, 2008; Theodore and Wardle, 2009).
Generally, the use of wastewater could reduce nutrient addition for nitrogen and
phosphorous by approximately 55% (Yang et al., 2011). Aslan and Kapdan (2006)
used Chlorella vulgaris for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater with
an average removal efficiency of 72% for nitrogen and 28% for phosphorus. Other
widely used microalgae cultures for nutrient removal are Chlorella (Yun et al., 1997;
Lee et al., 2001; de-Bashan et al., 2008), Scenedesmus (Martìnez et al., 2000, Ruiz
Marin et al., 2010), Spirulina (Olguín et al., 2003; Kumar et al., 2010a),
Chlamidomonas (Kong et al., 2010) species. Nutrient removal capacities of
Nannochloris (Jimenez-Perez, 2004), Botryococcus brauinii (An et al., 2003) as well
as the screening of other microalgae with such capabilities (Sydney et al., 2011) have
also been investigated.

2.9.5 High-value added products

High-value added products from microalgae comprise an important market in

which compounds such as β-carotene, astaxanthin (Wang and Chen, 2008),
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and polysaccharides such as ß-glucane dominate
(Reyes Suarez et al. 2008). Some of these fine chemicals play an important role for
human nutrition while others can be also utilise in the pharmaceutical, neutracetical
and cosmetic market (Pulz and Gross 2004; Spolaore et al. 2006, Mata et al., 2010).
Normally the production of these bioactive compounds demands the use of
monocultures in order to better control productivity and production efficiency. For
these reasons cultivation systems such as large-scale PBRs have been preferred to
open ponds. Fatty acids

Microalgae are considered as potential sources of PUFAs of more than 18

carbons (Hirabayashi et al., 2003; Thomas and Kumaravel; 2011) since they are
commonly found in fish originating from microalgae consumed in oceanic
environments (Certik and Shimizu, 1999). Between microalgal PUFAs of particular
interest there are γ -Linolenic acid (GLA) (Sajilata et al., 2008), Arachidonic acid
(AA), EPA and DHA. However, currently, DHA is the only algal PUFA
commercially available (Wu et al., 2010). Indeed, even if the potential industrial
production of EPA has been demonstrated for some species such as Monodus
subterraneus, Nannochloropsis sp., Crypthecodinium cohnii, Porphyridium
purpureum, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Isochrysis galbana, (Qiang et al., 1997;
Chini Zitelli et al., 1999; Jiang et al., 1999; Wen and Chen, 2003) no purified algal
oil is currently economically competitive with other sources (Belarbi et al., 2000). Pigments and carotenoids

Among the hundreds of known carotenoids, only very few are used
commercially: β-carotene (Hosseini Trafeshi and Shariati, 2006), astaxanthin (Chang
et al., 2008; Miao et al., 2008) and, of lesser importance, lutein (Cerón et al., 2008),
xanthophill (Zhang, 2009), zeaxanthin and lycopene (Del Campo et al., 2000). Their
most important uses are as natural food colorants (e.g., orange juice) and as additive
for animal feed (poultry, fish). Carotenoids also have applications in cosmetics. The
nutritional and therapeutic relevance of certain carotenoids is due to their ability to
act as provitamin A, that is, they can be converted into vitamin A (García-González et
al., 2005; Pangestuti and Kim, 2011).

2.9.6 Human nutrition

Microalgae for human nutrition are nowadays incorporated into pastas, snack
foods, candy bars or gums and beverages in different forms such as tablets, capsules
and liquids. Owing to their diverse chemical properties, they can act as a nutritional
supplement or represent a source of natural food colorants (Borowitzka, 1999; Apt
and Behrens, 1999; Rodriguez-Garcia et al., 2008). The commercial applications are
dominated by three main strains: Spirulina, Chlorella and Dunaliella salina. In
particular, Spirulina is used in human nutrition because of its high proteins content
and its excellent nutritive value with health-promoting effects (Desmorieux, et al.,
1999; Rangel-Yagui et al., 2004).

2.9.7 Cosmetic field

Some microalgal species, mainly Spirulina and Chlorella, are established in the
skin care market (Stolz and Obermayer, 2005). Microalgae extracts can be mainly
found in face and skin care products (e.g., anti-aging cream, refreshing or regenerant
care products, emollient and as an anti-irritant in peelers) as well as in sun protection
and hair care products.

2.10 Genetic engineering

One of the most intriguing tools to improve the photosynthetic efficiency and
biomass productivity of microalgae as well as the economics of biofuel production is
the genetic engineering (Chisti, 2007). This emerging technology could enhance fuel
production in a variety of ways including the increase of cellular lipid content and
improving temperature tolerance of algae to reduce cooling expenses (Chisti, 2008).
In addition, genetic engineering could increase algal cells tolerance to light saturation,
photoinhibition and photooxidation (Chisti, 2007).
Genetic engineering is regarded as an attractive solution that could improve
productivity and economics, but it is affected by some constraints which led scientific
community to be critical regards to its applicability. Actually, it will require long-

term research and funding as well as overcoming regulations against the release of
genetically modified organisms (Rodolfi et al., 2009).
Among the reasons to be wary of genetic engineering could be considered the
following: first, increases in lipid content and other valuable cellular components are
inherently constrained by cellular metabolism; second, genetically modified algae
may have a variety of detrimental effects on the environment; third, genetically
modified algae are not as fit as natural strains and thus unlikely to overcome
competition without the aid of other agents (Pulz and Gross, 2004).
Nevertheless, genetic engineering has tremendous potential and has already achieved
successes in the laboratory (León-Bañares et al., 2004). For example, Mussgnug et al.
(2005, 2007) described experiments that altered the so called “light harvesting
complexes” (LHCs) which have the ability to capture solar energy and control the
flow of the excitation energy to the photosynthetic reaction centres. They also
facilitate the dissipation of light energy as heat or fluorescence when irradiation
exceeds photosynthetic capacity. This second trait is especially undesirable in algal
bioreactors because it reduces efficiency. To resolve this issue, the authors used RNA
technology to create a mutant of C. reinhardtii that significantly down regulated the
amount of LHCI and LHCII complexes. Their experiments, which were successful,
also showed that the reduction was permanent, something that had not previously
been reported in literature. The strain of mutant microalga resulted in a decrease in
dissipation of captured light energy, an increase in photosynthetic quantum yield, and
reduced sensitivity of the system to photoinhibition.
Anastasios Melis, professor of plant and microbial biology at the University of
California-Berkley, and his students are working to genetically modify green algae to
enhance their capacity to generate hydrogen. They are manipulating genes to reduce
the amount of chlorophyll in the chloroplast. The goal is to make individual cells
absorb less sunlight, so that more light can penetrate deeper into the algal culture and
let more cells use the sunlight to make hydrogen.
In particular, Melis and co-workers focused their attention on altering the optical
characteristics of microalgae in order to improve solar-to-biofuels energy conversion
efficiency in mass culture under bright sunlight conditions. This objective was
achieved by genetically truncating the size of the LHC arrays in C. reinhardtii that
serve to absorb sunlight in the photosynthetic apparatus. They found that 132 Chl
molecules (37 for PSII and 95 for PSI) is the smallest Chl antenna size that will

permit assembly of the photosystems in chloroplasts. Such Chl antenna size
configuration of the photosystems would compromise the competitive ability and
survival of the cells in the wild. However, it would enable efficient solar-to-product
conversion by the cells in mass culture, leading to high rates of biomass accumulation
and hydrocarbon production by these microorganisms (Masuda et al., 2003; Polle et
al., 2003; Tetali et al. 2007; Mitra and Melis, 2008; Melis, 2009).
Although the application of genetic engineering to improve biofuel production in
algae is in its infancy, significant advances have been made in the development of
genetic manipulation tools by many private companies such as: Synthetic Genomics
(La Jolla, CA) which is engineering microalgae to continuously excrete oils from the
cells and which will allow the non-invasive extraction of algal oils, Solazyme (South
San Francisco, CA), Sapphire Energy (San Diego, CA), Phycal (Highland Heights,
OH;), Seambiotic (Israel) and TransAlgae (Israel).

2.11 Chlorophyta
The Chlorophyta, one of the 10 recognized Algal Divisions, are commonly
known as the green algae. They have green chloroplasts that are not masked by other
pigments and both chlorophyll a and b are present. In addition they have β- and γ-
carotene and several xanthophylls. These characteristics are very similar to higher
plants and this similarity may be of significance when investigating green algae
nutrient requirements. Starch is the polysaccharide storage product. Green algae as a
group range in body type from non-motile single cells, to flagellates, and to colonial
multicellular complexes.
Plant evolutionists believe that land plants evolved directly from a class of green
algae, the Trentepohliophyceae. In addition to this class, Division Chlorophyta
contains nine other Classes: Prasinophyceae, Ulvophyceae, Cladophorophyceae,
Briopsidophyceae, Zygnematophyceae, Klebsormidiophyceae, Dasycladophyceae,
Charophyceae, and Chlorophyceae. Most of the Order Chlorophyceae within the
Class Chlorophyceae lives in fresh water. There are about 355 genera that include
2650 species in the Order.
During the past decades extensive collections of microalgae have been created by
researchers in different countries. Some examples are: the freshwater microalgae
collection at the University of Coimbra (ACOI) in Portugal considered one of the
world’s largest, having more than 4000 strains and 1000 species, the Sammlung von

Algenkulturen Collection at the University of Gottingen (SAG) and the Culture
Collection of Algae at the University of Cologne (CCAC) in Germany, the Pasteur
Culture Collection of Axenic Cyanobacterial Strains (PCC) and the Caen-
ALGOBANK (AC) in France, the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP)
in Scotland, the Culture Collection of Autotrophic Organisms (CCALA) in Czech
Republic, the Scandinavian Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa at the
University of Copenhagen (SCCAP) in Denmark, the Collection at the University of
Texas (UTEX) and the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) in USA, the
Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (CPCC) in Canada, the National Institute for
Environmental Studies (NIES) in Japan and the Australian National Algae Culture
Collection (ANACC). These collections attest to the large variety of different
microalgae available to be selected for use in a broad diversity of applications, such
as value added products for pharmaceutical purposes, food crops for human
consumption and as energy source.
To the Class of Chlorophyceae belong the two strains objects of this study: Chlorella
vulgaris and Nannochloris eucaryotum.
Both species, which are genetically related, are unicellular nonmotile coccoid (round)
cells, typically 2 to 12 µm. They can live in freshwater, seawater or on soil and are
easy to grow, making them useful in physiological and biochemical laboratory
While Chlorella vulgaris is a well studied and documented specie starting form 50’s
(Tamiya, 1957), Nannochloris eucaryotum is a relatively new isolated strain
(Whilhem and Wild, 1982).

2.11.1 Nannochloris eucaryotum

Nannochloris eucaryotum was identified for the first time in 1982 by Wilhem et
al. and named Nanochlorum eucaryotum. In that year they published two articles in
the journal “Zeitschrift für Naturforschung” showing the characteristics of this new
isolated marine microalgae. They outlined its unusual metabolic and physiological
behaviour despite its particular reduced size and genetic sequence. These findings
were also confirmed two years later by Zahn (1984). In particular Wilhem et al.
focused their attention on its growth in different conditions of salinity. In 1987
Geisert et al. investigated the effect of nutrients content on the profile of its

carotenoids with particular emphasis on the production of sporopollenin (a
heteropolymer made up of fatty acids, phenols and carotenoids).
In 1988 two articles, Oed et al. and Sargent et al. pointed out how the classification of
this microalgae inside the genus Nanochlorum was unclear. Actually this strain
showed a high similarity of its genetic sequences to these of the genus Chlorella and
for this reason for many years it was considered as a substrain of that genus. On the
other hand, it was hard to explain its metabolism since some of the genetic sequences
inside the Chlorella genus were not found inside its genes. These findings lead the
researchers to believe that Nanochlorum was a real new strain probably filogenetic
related in the past to the genus Chlorella. By considering all these informations,
Menzel and Wild in 1989 assessed a comparative investigation of some Nannochloris
species and clearly found out that Nanochlorum eucaryotum belonged to a new
genus. Starting to 1989 the name of this strain has been accepted as Nannochloris
eucaryotum even if little modifications of its name has been used as synonyms such
as Nanochlorum eucayotum (Derenne et al., 1992a, b), Nanochlorum eukaryotum
(Schreiner et al. 1995) and Nannochloris eucaryota (Tschermack-Woess, 1999).
Currently four synonims of this strain (Nannochloris eucaryotum, Nanochlorum
eucayotum, Nannochloris eucaryota, Nannochloris eucaryota) are accepted as
reported in the official taxonomy browser of the National Center of Biotechnology
Information (NCBI). In 2004 Henley et al. carried out a complete phylogenetic
analysis of the 'Nannochloris-like' algae with particular emphasis on the strain
Picochlorum oklahomensis genus and specie. They found out that Nannochloris
eucaryotum showed a high genetic similarity to the genus Picochlorum and for this
reason a new synonym Picohlorum eucaryotum was selected for the strain. According
to the NCBI and to the algaebase, the largest algae database in the world with about
130.000 names of strains, the authority names currently accepted for this strain are
Nannochloris eucaryotum and Picochlorum eucaryotum. This strain is reported to be
characterized by a high adaptability to extreme environmental conditions such as high
salinity, low irradiance, elevated CO2 and decreased O2 levels (Geisert et al., 1987).
Over the last thirty years, from its discovery onwards, only 25 articles have been
published on the specie Nannochloris eucaryotum (including all its variants of name).
Amongst them, 15 are focused on the field of taxonomy, philogenetics and genetics
trying to clarify the exact identity of this microalgae and its position inside the genus.
Few articles have provided some informations about its growth kinetics (Wilhem et

al., 1982a,b; Zahn, 1984; Huesemann et al., 2003), carotenoids content (Geisert et al.,
1987); constituents of its outer wall (Derenne et al., 1992a,b; Krienitz et al., 1999),
life cycle (Tschermack-Woess, 1999; Yamamoto and Nozaki, 2001), effect of a
produced substance on the cell lysis of a red tide organism (Perez, 2001; Perez and
Martin, 2001) and marine ecology (Li et al., 2008).
It should be pointed out that, except the papers of Wilhem et al., 1982, Geisert et al.
1987 and Huesmann et al, 2003, in the literature there are not informations about the
optimization of Nannochloris eucaryotum culture conditions, its nutrients
requirement, lipid content, fatty acid composition and cultivation in batch

2.11.2 Chlorella vulgaris

As cosmopolitan genus, the growth physiology relative to major nutrient
elements N, P, K, Mg, and S of Chlorella species was studied in the late 50’s using a
synchronous culture technique. The life cycle of these microalgae was studied by
Hase et al. (1957) which divided it into seven stages and investigated the role played
by nutrients deficiency on growth retardation and stages division.
C. vulgaris has been extensively studied for various purposes, such as the production
of biomass as a source of valuable chemicals or heath foods, aquaculture feed (Amini
Khoeyi et al., 2011), wastewater treatment (Sydney et al., 2011), CO2 uptake in
photobioreactors (Hulatt et al. 2011). Sasi et al. (2011) have developed a
photobioreactor to optimize the growth rate of C. vulgaris by outlining that light
intensity, CO2 concentration and the application of a dark phase are important growth
limiting factors. This strain seems to be an ideal candidate due to its easy cultivation
in a relatively low-priced media without the necessity of utilizing very specific
compounds (Šoštaric et al., 2009). It is also known as one of the fastest growing
microalgae (Becker, 1994) with an average lipid content of 14–30% by weight of dry
biomass (Illman et al., 2000; Spolaore et al., 2006) and a reasonable amount (14-
22%) of triglycerides (Becker, 1994). Studies looking at algae to be used for animal
feed found those harvested in the late-logarithmic growth phase were 30-40% protein,
10-20% lipids, and 5-15% carbohydrates. At other growth phases, these percentages
can vary considerably.
For all these reasons C. vulgaris is commonly used for large scale algal production
(Hulatt et al., 2011). That Chlorella is a good choice for biodiesel production is also a

conclusion reached by Mata et al. (2010) in their extensive review of microalgae and
biodiesel production. They found lipid content measured as percent dry weight
biomass ranged from 5.0% to 58.0%, lipid productivity as mg L-1 d -1 from 11.2 to
40.0, and biomass productivity as g L-1 d -1 from 0.02 to 0.20 for C. vulgaris. This
strain is also reported to grow in heterotrophic and mixotrophic (combining auto- and
heterotrophic) conditions as well as the typical autotrophic condition.

Chapter 3.

Effect of medium composition

on the growth of Nannochloris eucaryotum

in batch photobioreactors

3.1 Introduction
A supply of secure, equitable, affordable and sustainable energy is vital to future
prosperity (Hall et al., 2001). Approximately 30% of final consumer energy is used for
transport and therefore is mainly derived by fossil fuels. Thus, CO2 emissions
produced to meet this demand account for substantial amounts of total global
emissions (IPCC). For this reason, today there is a rising interest to biofuels as one of
most attractive resource of energy, with particular emphasis on transportation. Their
environmental benefits, i.e., no net increased release of carbon dioxide and very low
sulfur content that could be cut down by 10%, represent the main advantages to be
considered (Cadenas and Cabezndo, 1998; Huang et al., 2010). By taking their
renewable origin into account, biofuels have a significant economical potential as
compared to non-renewable fossil fuels whose market prices will definitely increase in
the future (Huang et al., 2010). However, their high cost and the controversial matter
of land competition for food are the main limitations to widespread their
commercialization. Actually, biofuels may become a viable alternative and survive in
the market, if and only if they could economically compete with standards ones. It is
also well known that the end cost of biofuels mainly depends on the market price of
the feedstock that is responsible of 60-75% of biofuels total cost (Mata et al., 2010).
This percentage depends upon of the cost of the fats and oils used in its production,
which could be minimized by using cheaper oils from non-edible sources (Vasudevan
and Fu, 2010).
Process engineering to produce bio-oils from microalgae is an emergent area for
industrial practice with great promise in order to partially replace petroleum-derived
fuels and biofuels from oil crops (Chisti, 2007). Industrially scaling-up of microalgal
oil production has the potential to reduce the arable land necessary worldwide to
replace the current fuel demand using biofuels (Sheehan et al., 1998). However,
limitations of organism survival, growth and lipid content, carbon dioxide enrichment,
light penetration, seasonability, harvest and biosafety of transgenic microalgae are the
main barriers to the industrial production of microalgae-derived bio-oils (Francisco et
al., 2010). Therefore, great R&D efforts are currently undertaken to produce biodiesel
at competitive costs and with the required quality starting from microalgae feedstock.
In particular, as recently pointed out by Debska et al. (2010), given the potential
benefits of microalgae, their cultivation should be studied and optimized to make them
competitive as fuel producing systems in the global market. Along these lines, a novel

process that makes use of CO2 from industrial plants and microalgae cultivation from
which bio-oil may be extracted has been recently patented (Cao and Concas, 2008,
2010). The process allows also the production of green coal, as well as useful
compounds in the food, biomedical, cosmetic, and bio-technical industry.
Nowadays more than 30.000 different strains of microalgae have been isolated. In
spite of this high number, only few of them are potentially exploitable at the industrial
scale. Among these ones, the small unicellular marine eukaryotic green alga
Nannochloris eucaryotum (Menzel and Wild, 1989) [also known as Nannochlorum
eucaryotum (Wilhelm and Wild, 1982) or Picochlorum eucaryotum (Henley et al.,
2004)] shows a high adaptability to extreme environmental conditions such as high
salinity, low irradiance, elevated CO2 and decreased O2 levels (Geisert et al., 1987). It
has been also found that the lipid content of Nannochloris genus can be increased up
to about 56% (Negoro et al., 1991) Thus, such microalga species represents a suitable
candidate for large-scale biomass production, including its potential exploitation in the
patented process (Cao and Concas, 2008, 2010).
Along these lines, the key factor is represented by the full operability of large
photobioreactors capable of high biomass productivity. In this regard, it is well known
that one of the major factors affecting the growth rate of microalgae is the culture
medium being used. Although exhaustive broad-scale optimization studies are
prohibitively time-consuming and costly, condition-specific medium analysis serves
as a preliminary step to process improvement (Debska et al., 2010). The effect of
medium composition and nutrient starvation on the growth of N. eucaryotum was then
investigated for the first time in this work using batch photobioreactors with the aim to
gain information useful for the process optimization. It should be noted that, to the
best of our knowledge, these aspects have not been addressed in the literature as far as
this microalga strain is concerned. The results here reported may then help the design
and development of N. eucaryotum-based processes. In fact, the determination of
nutrient levels in the medium, or any restriction associated with them, which are
capable to affect the growth rate of cells during cultivation, represents a first step
towards the increase of cultures productivity, and hence the improvement of the
economics of microalgae-derived fuel production (Debska et al., 2010).

3.2 Materials and methods
3.2.1 Microorganism
The marine algal strain Nannochloris eucaryotum (strain N° 55.87) obtained
from the Sammlung von Algenkulturen at the University of Göttingen (SAG),
Germany, was considered in this work. Stock cultures were propagated and maintained
in Erlenmeyer flasks with a Brackish Water Medium (BWM) whose composition is
reported in Table 6. Other culture conditions were temperature of 25°C, a photon flux
density of 98 µmol m-2 s-1 provided by four 15 W white fluorescent tubes, and a
light/dark photoperiod of 12 h. Flasks were continuously shaken at 100 rpm
(Universal Table Shaker 709, ASAL Srl, Cernusco sul Naviglio, (MI), Italy).

3.2.2 Culture conditions

Growth experiments were conducted in 150-ml Erlenmeyer flasks and 250-ml
Pyrex bottles in contact with atmospheric air via open culture conditions and stirring.
Cultures were maintained at room temperature and under a photon flux density of 84
µmol m-2 s-1 provided by three 15 W white fluorescent tubes and a light/dark
photoperiod of 12 h. The culture media volumes were 75 ml and 200 ml for
Erlenmeyer flasks and bottles, respectively. Both flasks and bottles were agitated by a
magnetic stirrer at 500 rpm by means of magnetic PFTE stir bars (6 mm diameter and
30 mm length). Flasks, bottles, and magnetic stir bars, as well as culture media were
sterilized in autoclave at 121°C for 20 min prior to microalgae inoculation. The initial
pH of the culture medium was adjusted to 7.0 by using 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl
aqueous solutions depending on the culture medium. The initial cell concentration in
each experiment was about 0.1 g L-1.

3.2.3 Culture media

The culture media were prepared by considering the following media and
• Natural seawater (Mediterranean sea, lat. 39° 11' N - long. 09° 10' E) centrifuged
at 4000 rpm for 15 min (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Waltham, MA, USA) and
then filtered by means of 0.45 µm filter (Millipore Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA);
• De-ionized water;
• Soil extract;

• Macronutrients aqueous solution (KNO3 10 g L-1; K2HPO4 1 g L-1;
MgSO4•7H2O 1 g L-1);
• Micronutrients aqueous solution (H3BO3, 2.86 g L-1; MnCl2·4H2O, 1.81 g L-1;
ZnSO4·7H2O, 0.222 g L-1; CoCl2·6H2O, 0.035 g L-1; CuSO4·5H2O, 0.08 g L-1;
Na2MoO4·2H2O, 0.230 g L-1; EDTA-Na2, 29.754 g L-1; FeSO4·7H2O, 24.9 g L-1)
• Vitamin B12.
Microalgae growth was investigated in six different culture media, hereafter named A
to F, which represent modifications of BWM. The composition of each culture
medium is reported in Table 6. It should be noted that the amount of inorganic and
organic compounds dissolved in the natural seawater as well as in the soil extract was
not determined.
Table 6: Composition of culture media investigated in this worka
Component units BMW A B C D E F
-1 -1 -1 -1
KNO3 [g L ] 2.0·10 - - - 2.0· 10 2.0·10 2.0·10-1
K2HPO4 [g L-1] 2.0·10-2 - - - 2.0· 10-2 2.0·10-2 2.0·10-2
MgSO 4*7H2O [g L-1] 2.0·10-2 - - - 2.0· 10-2 2.0·10-2 2.0·10-2
H3BO3 [g L-1] 2.86·10-3 - - - 2.86·10-3 2.86·10-3 2.86·10-3
MnCl2*4H2O [g L-1] 1.81·10-3 - - - 1.81·10-3 1.81·10-3 1.81·10-3
ZnSO4*7H2O [g L-1] 2.22·10-4 - - - 2.22·10-4 2.22·10-4 2.22·10-4
CoCl2*6H2O [g L-1] 3.5· 10-5 - - - 3.5·10-5 3.5·10-5 3.5·10-5
CuSO4*5H2O [g L-1] 8.0· 10-5 - - - 8.0·10-5 8.0·10-5 8.0·10-5
Na2MoO4*2H2O [g L-1] 2.3· 10-4 - - - 2.3·10-4 2.3·10-4 2.3·10-4
EDTA-Na2 [g L-1] 2.98·10-2 - - - 2.98·10-2 2.98·10-2 2.98·10-2
FeSO4*7H2O [g L-1] 2.49·10-2 - - - 2.49·10-2 2.49·10-2 2.49·10-2
Vitamin B12 [µg L-1] 5 - - - - - 5
Soil extract [ml L ] 30 - - 32 - 30 -
Seawater [ml L ] 469 1000 503 487 469 455 469
Amounts of inorganic and organic compounds added with soil extract or seawater have not been taken
into account.

3.2.4 Biomass concentration and pH measurements

The growth of microalgae was monitored through daily measurements of the
culture media optical density (OD) (Genesys 20 spectrophotometer, Thermo Fisher
Scientific Inc. Waltham, MA, USA) at 560 nm wavelength (D560) with 1 cm light path.
The biomass concentration (X) was calculated from OD measurements using an X vs.
OD calibration curve. The latter one was obtained by gravimetrically evaluating the
biomass concentration of known culture medium volumes which were previously
centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min and dried at 105°C for 24 h. pH was daily
measured by pHmeter (KNICK 913, Bodanchimica S.r.l., Cagliari, Italy). For the sake
of reproducibility, each experimental condition was investigated at least in triplicate.
The average and standard deviation values of the experimental results were calculated
using OriginPro 6.1 .

3.3 Results and discussion

3.3.1 Effect of Brackish Water Medium constituents.

N. eucaryotum was batch cultured to investigate the effect of the BWM
constituents in 150-ml Erlenmeyer flasks using the six different media described in the
experimental section (Table 6). The comparison among the different culture media
was performed in terms of growth rate of microalgal cells. The latter one was defined
by assuming that the rate of increase of microalgal cell mass is a function of the cell
mass only, according to the well know Malthus' law (Bailey and Ollis, 1986):

= µX (1)

where X represents the cell mass concentration [g L-1], t is the time [h], and µ the
growth rate [h-1 ], which is typically a function of nutrients concentration, pH,
temperature, light, and culture conditions. The average growth rate µ is defined as

τ ∫ µ dt

where τ [h] is the total time of cultivation. By integrating Eq. (1) with the initial
condition X = X0 at t = 0, and using Eq. (2), the following relationship between the
microalga mass concentration and the average growth rate is obtained

1 X 
µ = ln  τ  (3)
τ  X0 

where Xτ is the biomass concentration at t = τ, which was set equal to 360 h in this
work. Results of N. eucaryotum growth in the different culture media investigated are
summarized in Figure 6. It can be observed that this microalga grows very slowly in
the medium A, B, and C, while a significantly averaged higher growth rate is obtained
when medium D, E, and F are used, respectively. The slight lower growth rate
measured for the case of medium B can be related to the reduced concentration of the
nutrients contained in this medium, i.e., inorganic salts dissolved in the seawater, with
respect to medium A. On the other hand, the use of medium C obtained by adding soil
extract to medium A slightly improved the growth rate, which significantly increases
when the inorganic salts solution is added to the culturing broth (medium D). The
comparison between media D, E, and F reveals that the soil extract addition (medium
E) slightly contributes to the increase of the growth rate of N. eucaryotum, while the
effect of vitamin B12 (medium F) is negligible.



µ [h ]





Figure 6. Growth rate of N. eucaryotum in different culture

media: A, seawater; B, diluted seawater; C, soil extract
enriched diluted seawater; D, soil extract- and vitamin-
depleted BWM; E, vitamin-depleted BWM; F, soil extract-
depleted BWM. The average and standard deviation values
of each datum were obtained from three independent

According to the findings presented above, only results obtained using media D, E,
and F will be considered in the sequel. Figure 7 shows the time evolution of pH during
the cultivation of N. eucaryotum in the media D, E, and F, respectively. It can be
clearly seen that the presence of soil extract and vitamin B12 does not significantly
affect the culture pH, which continuously increases during the microalgae growth up
to about 8.6. The analysis of the experimental results reported in Figures 6 and 7
shows that under the adopted experimental conditions the growth rate of N.
eucaryotum is influenced mostly by the inorganic salts concentration while the effect
of the other nutrient sources, such as soil extract or vitamin B12, is small or negligible,









7.4 Medium D
Medium E
7.2 Medium F

0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960

t [h]

Figure 7. pH time profile measured during N. eucaryotum

cultivation (D, soil extract- and vitamin-depleted BWM; E,
vitamin-depleted BWM; F, soil extract-depleted BWM). The
average and standard deviation values of each datum were
obtained from three independent cultures.

3.3.2 Effect of the initial concentration of potassium nitrate

A series of batch experiments in 250-ml bottles was carried out with the medium
E (cf. Table 6) to evaluate the effect of nitrogen starvation on the growth of N.
eucaryotum by varying its initial content in the culture medium. More specifically, the
initial concentration of potassium nitrate in medium E was reduced in three different
experiments from N0 = 2 10 -1 g L-1 to one half and one fourth of N0 while the initial
concentration of the other nutrients were maintained at the values reported in Table 6.
The results of this study are shown in Figure 8, where it can be seen that growth
curves without lag phase were obtained regardless the initial concentration of nitrate.
It can be also observed that for the case N = N0 the selected microalga exponentially
grows up to the end of the cultivation time (t = 840 h). Since microalga growth is
clearly responsible of nitrogen depletion, it can be stated that in this case the growth
rate is not significantly affected by the diminishing nitrate concentration. On the other
hand, a different behavior is shown by N. eucaryotum when N is reduced to 1/2 and
1/4 of N0. Specifically, the growth curve presents an inflection point after about 360 h
of cultivation for both the experiments. In the case of N = 1/2 N0, the growth rate
decreases after 360 h so that the growth curve approaches a stationary phases when t
equals about 720 h.
When the initial concentration of nitrate was reduced to 1/4 of N0, the growth curve
reaches a stationary phases at t equals about 420 h. However, a slight increase in
biomass concentration follows the stationary phase. This finding may be explained by
recalling that microalgae cells can grow using the organic matter produced by the old
died cells as nitrogen source.

1/2 N0
1/4 N0

X [g/l]




0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960

time [h]

Figure 8. Biomass concentration (X) versus cultivation

time for three cultures of N. eucaryotum at different initial
nitrate concentration (N0 corresponds to the initial
concentration of potassium nitrate in medium E, i.e. 2 10-1 g

At the end of the stationary phase living cells might change their metabolism to reduce
the nitrogen requirements, thus making the organic nitrogen sufficient for their
growth. A similar result was obtained by Debska et al. (2010) during cultivation of
Chlorella vulgaris. They concluded that C. vulgaris can utilize internal reserves of
nitrogen, hence maintaining growth after external sources are depleted.
Figure 9 shows the effect of the initial nitrate concentration on medium pH during N.
eucaryotum growth.
No significant difference in the pH time profiles was observed during the exponential
growth (cf. Figure 9) for the different nitrate concentrations.
However, for the cases N = 1/2 N0 and N = 1/4 N0 a decrease of pH can be seen once
the culture reaches the stationary phase. This is probably due to the increase of
dissolved CO2 related to its lower consumption by microalgae during such growth







7.6 1/2 N0
1/4 N0


0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960

time [h]

Figure 9. pH of the medium versus cultivation time for

three cultures of N. eucaryotum at different initial nitrate
concentration (N0 corresponds to the initial concentration of
potassium nitrate in medium E, i.e. 2 10-1 g L-1).

3.3.3 Effect of the initial concentration of potassium phosphate

With the aim to investigate the effect of phosphorus starvation N. eucaryotum
was cultivated in medium E by reducing its initial concentration of phosphate to 1/2
and 1/4 of P0, while the initial concentration of other nutrients remains the same of
those ones reported in Table 1 for each experiment. The results of this investigation in
terms of biomass concentration as a function of time are shown in Figure 10. For all
the initial phosphate concentrations the growth curves do not present lag phase. It can
be also seen that the growth of N. eucaryotum do not significantly change when the
initial concentration of phosphate is reduced to 1/2 of P0. This result reveals that the
selected microalga is less sensitive to phosphorus content than to nitrogen one. Indeed,
microalgal biomass exponentially grows for the entire length of the cultivation. On the
other hand, when the initial P content was further reduced to 1/4 of P0, the cells mass
concentration exponentially increased only during the first 360 h of cultivation. A
stationary phase was then reached, followed by an approximately linear increase of
biomass with time.
The cells growth occurring at the end of the stationary phase can be related to the
ability of microalgae to change their nutrients requirements. In fact, the rate of
phosphorus consumption depends on its concentration in the medium as well as the
corresponding intracellular content (Kaplan et al., 1986). Therefore, the stationary
phase can be regarded as a period during which microalgal cells are getting adapted to
a low phosphorus content environment. It should be also mentioned that the

microalgae can grow at the expense of their internal phosphorus reservoirs (Martinez
et al., 1999).


0.5 P0
1/2 P0
1/4 P0

X [g/l] 0.3



0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960

time [h]

Figure 10. Biomass concentration (X) versus cultivation

time for three cultures of N. eucaryotum at different initial
phosphate concentration (P0 corresponds to the initial
concentration of potassium phosphate in medium E, i.e. 2
10-2 g L-1).

3.3.4 Effect of pH
A series of batch experiments were performed to investigate the effect of pH on
growth of N. eucaryotum. The latter one was cultivated in 200 ml of medium E
contained in Pyrex bottles. pH was measured six times per day and adjusted to the
desired value by means of additions of 0.5 M NaOH and HNO3 aqueous solutions.
These experiments were conducted for 360 h since it was previously shown that
during this time interval the microalgal growth is not significantly affected by
nutrients concentration. The remaining experimental conditions are the same as those
ones reported in the experimental section. In order to make a comparison in terms of
growth rate of microalgal cells the integral method (Fogler, 2004) was adopted.
Specifically, by assuming that µ remains constant during the exponential growth
phase, Eq. (1) can be integrated with the initial condition X = X0 at t = 0 to give the
following relationship between the microalgae mass concentration and time:

 X 
ln   = µ t (4)
 X0 

The temporal profile of biomass concentration can be then linearly fitted through Eq.
(4) to obtain the growth rate µ. The experimental data along with the linear fitting
results for each value of pH investigated are reported in Figure 11. It can be seen that
the growth rate µ increases as the pH of the medium increases. Specifically, the
growth rate was 9.85±0.54•10-4 h-1, 2.03±0.03•10-3 h-1, and 2.86±0.06•10-3 h-1, when
pH was controlled at 6.60±0.67, 8.29±0.34, and 8.47±0.53, respectively. The
regression coefficient was higher than 0.9, thus confirming that during the investigated
time interval the variation of nutrients concentration and of light absorbance taking
place do not affect the growth rate significantly. This finding can be explained by
recalling that the carbon dioxide dissolved in the culture medium is the main nutrient
of microalgae since it is photo-synthetically converted to biomass. Since phase and
chemical equilibria of CO2 with water states that the total concentration of inorganic
carbon dissolved in the culture media increases as pH increases, the results shown in
Figure 11 can be explained by considering the availability of inorganic carbon for the
microalgae growth which increases as pH is augmented.

0.9 pH=8.29±0.34
0.8 Linear Fitting (r=0.995)
Linear Fitting (r=0.990)
0.7 Linear Fitting (r=0.913)








0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360

t [h]

Figure 11. Left-hand side of equation (4), i.e., ln(X/X0),

versus cultivation time at different pH of the medium. The
average and standard deviation values of each datum were
obtained from three independent cultures.

It should be mentioned that the finding described above is substantially different from
the one obtained by Geisert et al. (1987). In fact, these authors found that the optimal
pH for N. eucaryotum growth was in the range between 5 and 7, even though cell
growth was found significantly also at pH equal to 4 and 9, respectively. It is
important to note that pH have a very strong effect on microalgae growth. A possibile
explanation of such experimental result might be due to the fact that alkaline pH might
favour the enzymatic activity of RuBisCO. This enzyme is involved in the first major
step of carbon fixation during the photosynthesis, a process by which atmospheric
CO2 is converted to energy-rich molecules such as glucose. In particular alkaline pH
and Mg2+ are needed to favour the formation of the so-called carbamate (a molecule of
lysine plus a molecule of CO2 which represent the active site of the RuBisCo). As
microalgae grow by photosynthesis there is an increase of the pH in the culture
medium and the more alkaline the pH is the more the activity of RuBisCo is favoured
in order to fix CO2 and produce sugars (Lodish et al., 2000).

3.4 Concluding remarks
In this work, the effect of medium composition and nutrient starvation on the
growth of N. eucaryotum in batch photobioreactors was investigated for the first time.
A modified Brackish Water Medium (BWM) and atmospheric air (0.03% v/v CO2)
were used. Specifically, the algae growth was first analyzed by using a culture
medium where some of the BWM components (inorganic nutrients, soil extract, and
vitamin B12) have been eliminated. Then, the starvation effect in terms of nitrate and
phosphate concentrations was addressed. It was found that when only natural seawater
is used as cultivation medium, the growth was inhibited. On the other hand, the algae
growth did not result significantly affected by neither soil extract removal nor vitamin
B12 addition. To study the effect of starvation in terms of nitrate and phosphate
contents, the latter ones were reduced by two and four times with respect to the BWM
composition, respectively. The obtained results show that the algae growth is affected
by the nitrate concentration reduction. The same results holds true also only when the
phosphate concentration is reduced four times. Finally, the effect of pH medium on
growth rate is investigated.
Although the presented results are based on lab-scale mechanically agitated flasks and
bottles experiments, they may provide useful information of the effects of medium
composition on N. eucaryotum growth in view of its exploitation to large-scale
photobioreactors. In particular, during future stages of process development, economic
and operational studies will have to be performed by taking advantage of the results
obtained in this work.
Indeed, in order to make the microalgal-derived biofuels economical with respect to
conventional ones, the cost of microalgae cultivation should be reduced as much as
possible. Along this line, the most intuitive processing option would be to cultivate
microalgae in natural waters without any nutrients addition. Moreover, marine strains
would be preferred since seawater is cheaper and easier to be obtained with respect to
fresh water. This is particularly true in arid or semi-arid regions, which are the most
suitable areas for microalgae cultivation due to their higher temperature and radiation.
However, the case of N. eucaryotum investigated in this work demonstrates that the
target above is not guaranteed. The choice of marine microalgae may not be sufficient
to prevent the need to enrich the culture medium with inorganic nutrients. On the other
hand, it is demonstrated that some of medium nutrients that are typically prescribed
for laboratory cultivation of microalgae may have a small or negligible effect on algae

growth. This consideration makes the elimination of expensive substances, such as
vitamins, quite reasonable when developing microalgae-based processes at the
industrial scale.
Finally, the high tolerance and growth rate this microalga strain shows at high pH may
favor the combination of CO2 sequestration and biomass production. In fact, it is well
known that CO2 absorption in aqueous solution increases as the pH solution increases.
Therefore, an alkaline aqueous solution can be used in absorption processes to capture
CO2 emitted for instance by power plants. The liquid phase obtained from the CO2
absorption process can be then exploited for the microalgae cultivation. The high pH
and total inorganic carbon concentration of this medium determine high growth rate of
N. eucaryotum, which, in turn, gives rise to a higher production of microalgal biomass
to be fed in the subsequent biofuels production process.

Chapter 4.

Nannochloris eucaryotum growth

in batch photobioreactors:
kinetic analysis and use of 100% (v/v) CO2

4.1 Introduction

The production of biofuels from renewable resources is well known to be highly

critical to guarantee a sustainable economy and face global climate changes (Cheng
and Timilsina, 2011). In recent years, microalgae have been recognized to be a
promising alternative source for biofuel-convertible lipids (Halim et al., 2011). In
fact, when compared to first generation biofuels, microalgae are characterized by
higher growth rates and larger bio-oil productivities. In addition, cultivation of
microalgae does not compromise arable lands (Chisti, 2007) thus avoiding “food for
fuel” concerns. Moreover, biological fixation of CO2 can be carried out much more
effectively by using autotrophic microalgae rather than terrestrial crops (Usui and
Ikenouchi, 1997; Borowitzka, 1999; Chisti, 2007). For these reasons, the potential use
of microalgae as renewable feedstock for the massive production of liquid biofuels is
receiving a rising interest mostly driven by the global concerns related to the
depletion of fossil fuels supplies and the increase of CO2 levels in the atmosphere
(Olguin, 2003; Mulbry et al., 2008). The high potential of algae based biofuels is
confirmed by the number of recent papers available in the literature (Francisco et al.,
2008; Huang et al., 2010; Demirbas, 2011; Gong and Jiang, 2011; Li et al., 2011;
Mallick et al., 2011; Phukan et al., 2011; Sasi et al., 2011; Singh et al., 2011;) on the
subject, the growing investments of private companies (Torrey, 2008) and
governments (Sheehan et al., 1998) as well as the increasing number of filed patents
(Mata et al., 2010). Despite such interest, the current microalgae-based technology is
still not widespread since it is characterized by technical and economic constraints
that might hinder its full scale-up. In particular, the main barriers are related to the
extensive land's areas needs as well as the estimated high costs of the operating
phases of microalgae cultivation, harvesting and lipid extraction (Chen et al., 2011).
Thus, one of the main targets of the scientific community is to identify, and/or create,
new microalgae strains which are intrinsically characterized by high biomass
productivity and lipid content as well as the capability of capturing CO2 from flue
gases (Cao and Concas, 2008, 2010; Mazzuca Sobczuk and Chisti, 2010). In such
contest the most attractive scientific challenge is the genetic manipulation of existing
strains with the aim of increasing their photosynthetic efficiency (Tetali et al., 2007;
Mitra and Melis, 2008; Melis, 2009) and/or regulate their metabolism (Dorval

Courchesne et al., 2009; Radakovits et al., 2010) in order to achieve an abundant
production of lipids coupled with high biomass accumulation. A further goal is to
suitably exploit process engineering techniques to identify the operating conditions of
photobioreactors (i.e. light supply, mass transfer, culture media etc.) that maximize
lipid productivity and CO2 fixation as well as the economic viability of the technique
(Concas et al., 2010). In particular, one of the most impacting cost items is related to
the need of a continuous replenishment of macronutrients (mainly CO2, nitrogen and
phosphorus) during algal cultivation (Jiang et al., 2011). In fact, as rule of thumb,
about 1.8 kg of CO2, 0.33 kg of nitrogen and 0.71 kg of phosphate are consumed to
produce 1 kg of microalgal biomass (Amaro et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2011). Since
large scale cultivation of microalgae implies the consumption of huge amounts of
such macronutrients, the economic feasibility of the entire process could be seriously
affected by the erroneous evaluation of their depletion kinetics. Therefore, in view of
industrial scaling-up, the effect of nutrients concentration in the medium on biomass
composition and productivity should be quantitative evaluated. In addition, changes
in nutrients concentration can result in conflicting effects on the process economics.
For instance, a decrease of nitrogen concentration in the cultivation broth typically
results in higher lipid contents counteracted by lower growth rates. This inverse
relationship between biomass productivity and lipid content makes the process
optimization in terms of lipid productivity not straightforward. Therefore, since
nutrients concentration and supplies are among the most controllable factors in
microalgae cultivation, at least the main macronutrients (i.e. nitrogen and
phosphorus) uptake rates need to be quantitatively evaluated for the microalgae
strains candidate to industrial exploitation. This way, macronutrients concentrations
might be precisely controlled during cultivation. Hence, biomass production can be
optimized with respect to the required process end-products by means of suitable
growth kinetics and broth composition. Moreover, the exploitation of costless
feedstock such as seawater and flue gas as sources of micronutrients and CO2, might
greatly improve the economic feasibility of the microalgae-based technology while
simultaneously producing a positive impact on important environmental concerns
such as water and air pollution. In addition, marine strains capable to survive under
elevated CO2 concentration might represent suitable candidate for the industrial
cultivation of microalgae for biofuels production and CO2 capture. Among such
strains the unicellular marine eukaryotic green alga Nannochloris eucaryotum

(Menzel and Wild, 1989) (also known as Nanochlorum eucaryotum (Wilhelm and
Wild, 1982) or Picochlorum eucaryotum (Henley et al., 2004), shows high
adaptability to extreme environmental conditions such as high salinity, low irradiance
and elevated CO2 levels (Geisert et al., 1987). It has been also found that the lipid
content of strains belonging the same genus (i.e. Nannochloris) can be close to about
50% (Negoro et al., 1991). While these aspects make this microalgae strain a suitable
candidate for large-scale biofuel production and CO2 capture, it is important to note
the lack of information available in the literature about its growth kinetics and lipid
content. Thus, such strain seems to be worthy of further and deeper investigations.
Along the lines of our recent work (Lutzu et al., 2012) on this subject, the growth
kinetics of N. eucaryotum in batch photobioreactors is quantitatively investigated in
this work (Concas et al., 2012) with the aim of determining useful kinetic parameters
which might be used for process engineering and its optimization. In particular, the
Monod’s model for multiple nutrients limitation is adopted to quantitatively describe
the growth of this microalga as a function of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations.
The maximum growth rate, the half saturation constants and yields coefficients for
nitrate and phosphate uptake are also determined by suitably fitting the experimental
data (Lutzu et al., 2012). The reliability of the obtained parameter values is than
tested by suitably predicting new experimental data. Finally, the possibility of using
100% (v/v) CO2 gas as carbon source in a semi-batch photobioreactor is also
investigated in this work with the aim of verifying the capability of N. eucarytoum of
capturing CO2 from sources characterized by high concentration values of this gas.
Lipid content and fatty acid composition is also evaluated in order to assess the
potential exploitability of N. eucaryotum as feedstock for biofuel production. It
should be noted that, to the best of our knowledge, all these aspects have not been
addressed in the literature as far as this microalga strain is concerned.

4.2 Materials and methods
4.2.1 Microorganism
The marine algal strain Nannochloris eucaryotum (strain N° 55.87) obtained
from the Sammlung von Algenkulturen at the University of Göttingen (SAG),
Germany, was investigated in this work. Stock cultures were propagated and
maintained in Erlenmeyer flasks with a Brackish Water Medium (BWM) (SAG,
2009) under incubation conditions of 25°C, a photon flux density of 98 µmol m-2 s-1
provided by four 15 W white fluorescent tubes and a light/dark photoperiod of 12 h
was assured. Flasks were continuously shaken at 100 rpm (Universal Table Shaker

4.2.2 Culture conditions

The experimental data used to fit the kinetic parameters of the Monod’s
equation shown in the next section were obtained in a recent work (Lutzu et al., 2012)
from which the description of the experimental set up and procedure, also used to
obtain novel data in this work, might be seen. In addition, the possibility of exploiting
100% (v/v) CO2 gas as carbon source was evaluated using the photobioreactor whose
schematic representation is reported in Figure 12. It consists of a cylindrical glass
photobioreactor (9.5 cm diameter and 21 cm height) with a volumetric capacity of 1.5
L and operated in semi batch mode (i.e. batch mode for the liquid phase and
continuous mode for the gas one). The reactor was then filled with 1 L of growth
medium and then mechanically stirred at 400 rpm through a rotating blade powered
by an electrical engine (GZ high power overhead stirrer). Cultures were maintained at
25°C by a thermostatic bath (GD120 series) and illuminated by a photon flux density
of 100 µmol m-2 s-1 provided by eight 11 W white fluorescent bulbs with a light/dark
photoperiod of 12 h. A gas constituted by pure CO2 (100% v/v) from a cylinder was
continuously supplied through suitable spargers at a flow rate of 40 ml min-1. The
inlet pressure of CO2 was equal to 1.6 bar.

4.2.3 Culture medium

The culture medium to perform the experiments with pure CO2 was prepared by
considering the following components and proportions:

Figure 12. Schematic representation of the semi-continuous
photobioreactor used for cultivating N. eucaryotum under high CO2
concentration levels.

• natural sea water (Mediterranean sea, lat. 39° 11' N - long. 09° 10' E)
centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Waltham) and then
filtered by means of 0.45 µm filter, 455 ml L-1;
• de-ionized water, 450 ml L-1;
• soil extract (SAG, 2009), 30 ml L-1;
• macronutrients aqueous solution (KNO3 10 g L-1; K2HPO4 1 g L-1;
MgSO4·7H2O 1 g L-1), 20 ml L-1;
• micronutrients aqueous solution (SAG, 2009) 5 ml L-1.
The volumetric and chemical composition of the growth medium is reported in Table
7. Cultivations were then performed with different initial concentrations of nitrates
(N0) and phosphates (P0).

4.2.4 Biomass concentration and pH measurements

The growth of microalgae was monitored through daily measurements of the
culture media optical density (OD) (Genesys 20 spectrophotometer, Thermo Fisher
Scientific Inc. Waltham) at 560 nm wavelenght (D560) with 1 cm light path. The
biomass concentration (X) was calculated from OD measurements using an X vs. OD

calibration curve (Lutzu et al., 2012). The latter was obtained by gravimetrically
evaluating the biomass concentration of known culture medium volumes which were
previously centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min and dried at 105°C for 24 h. pH was
daily measured by pHmeter (KNICK 913). For the sake of reproducibility, each
experimental condition was investigated at least in duplicate.

Table 7. Volumetric and chemical composition of the culture medium used in this work
Component units (N0, P0)
Volumetric composition
De-ionized water ml L-1 450
Seawater ml L 455
Soil extract ml L 30
Macronutrients aqueous solution ml L 20
Micronutrients aqueous solution ml L 5
Resulting chemical composition
KNO3 g L-1 2.0· 10-1
K2HPO4 g L-1 2.0· 10-2
MgSO4· 7H2O g L-1 2.0· 10-2
H3BO3 g L-1 2.86·10-3
MnCl2·4H2O g L-1 1.81·10-3
ZnSO4·7H2O g L-1 2.22·10-4
CoCl2·6H2O g L-1 3.5· 10-5
CuSO4·5H2O g L-1 8.0· 10-5
Na2MoO4·2H2O g L-1 2.3· 10-4
EDTA-Na2 g L-1 2.98·10-2
FeSO4· 7H2O g L-1 2.49·10-2

4.2.5 Fatty acids methyl esters analysis

After lipid extraction the total amount of saponifiable lipids and fatty acid
composition of extracted lipid was determined after transesterification with methanol-
acetyl chloride. Gas chromatographic analysis was carried out according to EEC N°
2568/91 (2011) using a flame ionization detector (FID) (Thermo Trace Ultra, GC-
14B) and a RTX-WAX column T (fused silica, 0.25 mm x 60 m x 0.25 µm)
maintained at 180ºC. Helium was used as carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 ml min-1.

4.3 Model equations and parameters evaluations
The relevant material balance used to quantitatively describe the growth of
microalgal cells in the batch photobioreactor used in this work (Lutzu et al., 2012) to
obtain kinetic parameter is reported as follows:
= µX (1)

where X represents the cell mass [g L-1 ], t is the time [h], and µ the growth rate [h-1],
which is typically a function of nutrients concentration, pH, temperature, light and
other culture conditions. With the aim of evaluating the kinetic parameters of nitrogen
and phosphorus uptake by N. eucaryothum, the Monod’s model for multiple nutrients
limitation was adopted to simultaneously take into account the effect of nitrogen and
phosphorus concentration on N. eucaryotum growth (Bailey and Ollis, 1986):
Ci (2)
µ = µ 0 (CO 2 , T , I , pH ) ∏ i = N, P
i = N , P K i + Ci

where µ0 can be regarded as the maximum growth rate under the temperature level T,
the light intensity I, the CO2 mass transport and the pH conditions of the adopted
experimental set-up while Ki represents the half saturation constant. Mass
concentration Ci (g L-1) of nitrogen and phosphorus in the medium may be related to
the biomass concentration X under batch operation through the following
C i = C 0 , i − Yi ( X − X 0 ) i = N , P (3)

where C0,i is the initial concentration of the limiting nutrients, and Yi the yield
coefficient of nitrogen and phosphorus. On the basis of Eqs. (1), (2), and (3), the
values of five parameters (µ0, KN, KP, YN, YP) are needed to quantitatively interpret
the experimental results. The strategy adopted to fit the above mentioned kinetic
parameters is illustrated in what follows. By assuming µ as a constant during the
phase of exponential growth, Eq. (1) can be integrated with the initial condition X =
X0 at t = 0 to give the following relationship between the microalgae mass
concentration and time:

 X 
ln  = µ t (4)
 X0 

Experimental data obtained in the case where the exponential growth took place
without being affected by nutrient or light limitation phenomena (i.e. µ = µ0), are then

linearly fitted through Eq. (4) in order to obtain the value of µ0. While maintaining
fixed the above reported value of µ0, the kinetic parameter KN and YN were evaluated
by coupling the numerical integration of Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) with a non-linear fitting
of the experimental data related to the case where nitrogen limitation phenomena took
place. Numerical integration was performed using standard IMSL (International
Mathematics and Statistics Library) routines. Finally, by maintaining fixed the fitted
values of µ0, KN and YN, the kinetic parameters KP and YP were obtained by non-
linearly fitting the experimental data obtained in case where phosphorus limitation
phenomena took place. The reliability of the fitted parameters were then evaluated by
successfully predicting novel experimental results obtained in this work when
nitrogen and phosphorus starvation phenomena occurred both simultaneously or
separately, albeit at different concentration levels with respect to the experimental
data used during the fitting procedure.

4.4 Results and discussions
A series of batch experiments were carried out recently (Lutzu et al., 2012) to
evaluate the effect of the initial concentration of nitrogen (Ninit) and phosphorus (Pinit)
on the growth of N. eucaryotum by varying the initial content of potassium nitrate and
potassium biphosphate in the culture medium. The initial concentrations of nitrogen
and phosphorus in the “base case” experiment will be hereafter indicated as N0 and
P0, respectively (cf. Table 7). It can be observed from Figure 13 that, for the case
where Ninit = N0 and Pinit = P0, N. eucaryotum grows exponentially with time up to the
end of the cultivation period. Since microalgae growth causes nutrients depletion, it
can be stated that in this case the growth rate does not seem to be significantly
affected by the diminishing nitrates and phosphates concentrations.

2,0 Experimental data (Ninit=N0, Pinit=P0)

1,8 Model fitting


ln (X/X0)





-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time, (h)

Figure 13. Comparison between model results and experimental

data (Lutzu et al., 2012) in terms of cells mass as a function of
time to obtain the N. eucaryotum maximum growth rate (µ0).

Thus, the experimental data obtained for the case Ninit = N0 and Pinit = P0 can be
linearly fitted through Eq. (4) as it may be seen from Figure 13, by means of a
constant growth rate equal to 0.00199 h-1 under the selected experimental conditions.
This finding confirms that in this case the growth rate is not significantly affected by
the diminishing nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations as well as by the decreasing
light intensity inside the medium due to microalgae absorbance. In addition, during

this experiment (Lutzu et al., 2012), the medium pH varied from the initial value of
7.0 to 8.8.
Thus, the growth rate does not appear to depend on pH in the above mentioned range.
The fitted value of µ can be then regarded as the maximum growth rate µ 0 (cf. Eq.
(2)) under the temperature, light intensity, CO2 transfer and pH conditions available
in the case where Ninit = N0 and Pinit = P0.
The effect of initial nitrogen concentration was also investigated (Lutzu et al., 2012)
by reducing it to one half and one fourth of N0, while maintaining constant the initial
phosphate concentration.
From the experimental data reported in Figure 14, it clearly appeared that for Ninit =
1/2 N0 growth curve approached a stationary phase after about 720 h thus indicating
the occurrence of nitrogen starvation phenomena.
Thus by maintaining fixed the above reported value of µ0, the kinetic parameter KN
and YN were evaluated with the proposed model by fitting the experimental data
where it is assumed that CP is much greater than KP, since such phosphorus does not
limit the algae growth under these conditions, as it may be seen from Figure 13.
Model results are compared with experimental data in Figure 14. The best fitting
value for the half saturation constant KN was equal to 5.2 10-4 gN L-1 while the
corresponding value of the nitrogen yield YN was 5.9 10 -2 gN/gbiomass.
As far as the effect of phosphorus depletion on the growth kinetic of N. eucaryotum is
concerned, the experimental data reported in Figure 15 clearly show that when the
initial content of P was reduced to 1/4 P0, the cells mass concentration increased only
during the first 400 h of cultivation. Then a stationary phase was reached up to 700 h
of cultivation.
This fact indicates that for Pinit = 1/4 P0 phosphorus becomes a limiting nutrients after
a specific culture time. Hence, by assuming that CN is much greater than KN under
these experimental conditions and maintaining fixed the values of µ0 already
obtained, the kinetic parameters KP and YP were obtained by non-linearly fitting the
experimental data for the case when Ninit = N0 and Pinit = 1/4 P0 in the time interval 0-
700 h. Model results are compared with experimental data in Figure 15.
In particular, the best fitting value of 2.5 10-5 g L-1 is obtained for the half saturation
constant KP while the corresponding value of 6.0 10-3 gP/gbiomass is obtained for the
phosphorus yield YP. With the aim of testing the predictive capability of the adopted

Experimental data (Ninit=1/2N0, Pinit=P0)
0.5 Model fitting


X, (g L )



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time, (h)

Figure 14. Comparison between model results and experimental

data (Lutzu et al., 2012) in terms of cells mass as a function of time
to obtain the half-saturation constant (KN) and yield coefficient (YN)
for nitrates uptake by N. eucaryotum.

Experimental data (Ninit=N0, Pinit=1/4P0)
Model fitting

X (g L )




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time, (h)

Figure 15. Comparison between model results and experimental

data (Lutzu et al., 2012) in terms of cells mass as a function of time
to obtain the half-saturation constant (KP) and yield coefficient (YP)
for biphosphates uptake by N. eucaryotum.

growth model as well as the reliability of the fitted parameters, numerical simulation
of new experimental runs where only the initial nitrogen was further reduced (i.e Ninit
= 1/4 N0 and Pinit = P0) and only the initial phosphorus concentration was halved (i.e.
Ninit = N0 and Pinit = 1/2 P0) were performed. Figure 16 illustrates the comparison
between experimental data and model results which were obtained by maintaining
fixed the corresponding parameters obtained through the fitting procedure described
above. To further test the predictive capability of the model when both the initial
nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are simultaneously reduced, new
experimental data have been obtained in this work for the case where Ninit = 1/2 N0
and Pinit = 1/2 P0, following the procedure described in the literature (Lutzu et al.,
2012). Experimental results are compared with model predictions in Figure 17, from
which it can be seen that also in this case the model permits to predict the culture

Experimental data (Ninit=1/4N0, Pinit=1/2P0)

Experimental data (Ninit=N0, Pinit=1/2P0)
Model prediction

X, (g L )




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time, (h)

Figure 16. Comparison between model predictions and

experimental data (this work) in terms of cells mass as a function of

behavior at varying initial nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the medium with a
reasonable accuracy. Experimental results are compared with model predictions in
Figure 17, from which it can be seen that also in this case the model permits to
predict the culture behavior at varying initial nitrate and phosphate concentrations in
the medium with a reasonable accuracy. It should be mentioned however, that the so
called phenomenon of “diaouxic growth” that occurred after prolonged culture times

Experimental data (Ninit=1/2N0, Pinit=1/2P0)
Model prediction


X, (g L )



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Time, (h)

Figure 17. Comparison between model predictions and

experimental data (this work) in terms of cells mass as a function of

(Lutzu et al., 2012) was not simulated in this work. Subsequently, the effect of high
CO2 concentration on the growth of N. eucaryotum in batch photobioreactors was also
investigated in this work. Specifically, specific experiments were carried out where
CO2 (100% v/v) was continuously bubbled at a flow rate of 40 ml min-1 into the
growth medium when Ninit = N0 and Pinit = P0. To this aim the semi-batch
photobioreactor shown schematically in Figure 12 was used.
From Figure 18 it can be observed that, under the above mentioned conditions,
microalgae start growing with a modest lag phase, which probably indicates the
intrinsic affinity of N. eucaryotum for high dissolved CO2 concentration in the growth
medium. Moreover, when comparing the experimental results of Figure 15 with the
corresponding ones (i.e. Ninit = N0 and Pinit = P0) obtained in our previous work (Lutzu
et al., 2012) using CO2 available in the atmosphere, a higher initial growth rate can be
observed. Such behavior is due to the higher availability of dissolved CO2 which
results in the increase of the specific growth rate µ 0 (CO2, pH, I), thus suggesting that
its dependence upon dissolved CO2 concentration should be also taken into account
through Monod’s type kinetics. In fact CO2 is the main macronutrient for triggering
photosynthesis in microalgae. On the contrary, a stationary phase is attained after
about 350 h of cultivation when the biomass concentration was about 0.35 g L-1, while
using CO2 from the atmosphere microalgae keep growing almost exponentially up to
840 h of cultivation (Lutzu et al., 2012). Once the steady state was attained, the
possibility to operate the photobioreactor in fed-batch mode was evaluated.

Experimental data Ninit=N0, Pinit=P
100 % v/v CO2 bubbled at 40 mL min

X, (g L )



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Time, (h)

Figure 18. Growth of N. eucaryotum in the batch photobioreactor

depicted in Figure 12 in terms of cells mass as a function of time.
Culture conditions: 100% (v/v) CO2, aeration rate = 40 ml min-1,
agitation speed = 400 rpm and 25°C.

In fact starting from the 16th day of culture, 150 ml of culture were withdrawn every 5
days and then replaced by an equal volume of fresh medium, thus imposing a dilution
rate (D) (Novick and Szilard, 1950; Fogler, 2006) of about 0.0015 h-1. As shown in
Figure 18, after each withdrawal, the biomass concentration decreases and then starts
increasing as a result of nutrient availability and the diminished concentration of toxic
catabolites. In particular, 4 cycles of withdrawal and replacement with fresh medium
were performed and, after 5 days from each withdrawal, the biomass always reached
the concentration corresponding to the steady state. Such behavior demonstrates that
the photobioreactor can be suitably operated in fed-batch mode while assuring the
culture stability with a dilution ratio (D) of 0.0015 h-1. By indicating with Xs the
microalgae concentration at the steady state, i.e. 0.35 g L-1, the potential biomass
productivity (Pb) (Mazzuca Sobczuk and Chisti, 2010) was evaluated, through the
equation Pb = D·Xs, to be about 12.6 mg L-1 d-1. It should be noted that, given the high
growth rate observed during the initial phase, higher dilution rates could be probably
used while guaranteeing reactor stability. This could allow us to obtain higher
biomass productivities. Moreover, it is worth noting that such result is obtained under

extreme operating conditions such as elevated CO2 levels and low pH (cf. Figure 19)
at which very many of the algal strains investigated so far in the literature have been
shown to grow with strongly reduced capability (Papazi et al., 2008) or not to grow at
all (Watanabe et al., 1992). Figure 19 shows the pH evolution during the experiment.
It can be observed that when the culture is started, pH drops to the value of 5.32, as a
result of the CO2 inlet. Although such low value of initial pH, microalgae start
growing exponentially while pH increases as a result of the photosynthetic activity.
According to Geisert et al. (1987) this behavior confirms that N. eucaryotum could
survive under very low pH values. In fact, even though the optimal pH for N.
eucaryotum is in the range between 5 and 7, cell growth can take place at pH equal to
4 and 9, respectively (Geisert et al., 1987).

Experimental data Ninit=N0, Pinit=P0

100 % v/v CO2 bubbled at 40 mL min

pH, (-)



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time, (h)

Figure 19. pH evolution as a function of time during the growth of

N. eucaryotum in the batch photobioreactor depicted in Fig. 1.
Culture conditions: 100% (v/v) CO2, aeration rate = 40 ml min-1,
agitation speed = 400 rpm and 25°C.

Such result is very important in view of the utilization of such strain to capture CO2
from sources where its concentration is quite high. In fact, such microalgae grows not
only at low pH but also at a higher rate during the initial growth phase with respect to
the corresponding one observed when lower CO2 levels are used. It is worth noting in
passing that under the above mentioned experimental conditions the lipid content of
N. eucaryotum is evaluated to be 16.2% wt/wtbiomass. While details of the extraction
procedure will be reported in a subsequent publication (Rossi et al., 2012), it should
be noted that the cumulative amount of fatty acid methyl esters having carbon
numbers from C16 to C18 is about 71.2% wt/wt. Thus it can be stated that, at least
from a qualitative point of view (Damiani et al., 2010), lipids extracted from N.
eucaryotum could be suitably exploited for the production of biodiesel.

4.5 Concluding remarks

In this work the Monod’s growth model for multiple nutrients limitation was
adopted in order to evaluate the kinetic parameters related to the growth of N.
eucaryotum under the experimental conditions of our recent work (Lutzu et al.,
2012). The maximum growth rate was evaluated to be 1.99 10-3 h-1. Half saturation
concentrations for nitrate (KN) and phosphate uptake (KP) were evaluated as 5.4 10 -4
gN L-1 and 2.5 10-5 gP L-1, respectively. Yield factors for nitrogen (YN) and phosphorus
(YP) resulted to be 5.9 10 -2 gN/gbiomass and 6.0 10-3 gP/gbiomass, respectively. Predictive
capability of the adopted growth model along with the fitted kinetic parameters was
also tested with good results. It is worth noting that these results represent a first step
for developing useful mathematical models to simulate and optimize the growth of N.
eucaryotum in large-scale photobioreactors. Subsequently, the possibility to grow N.
eucaryotum in a semi batch photobioreactor fed with a gaseous stream of pure (100%
v/v) CO2 was experimentally demonstrated for the first time in this work. The strain
showed a good adaptability to high concentrations of dissolved CO2 as well as to low
pHs thus being potentially useful for the CO2 capture from flue gases. Finally,
although the potential biomass productivity is not high, the lipid content of N.
eucaryotum, grown under elevated CO2 levels, is relatively good (i.e. 16.16% wt/wt)
and the FAMEs composition of the extracted oil is in compliance with the European
regulation for quality biodiesel. This aspect represents an interesting result since the
oil extracted from the majority of microalgal strains is characterized by FAMEs
composition that is not suitable for the production of biodiesel through simple
transesterification processes. Although further analyses should be performed to
evaluate the potential exploitability of N. eucaryotum as feedstock for biofuels
production, the obtained results allow to state that, at least from a qualitative point of
view, the oil extracted from this strain seems to be suitable for the production of
biodiesel. On the other hand, the low biomass productivity might severely affect its
exploitability at the industrial level. For these reasons the optimization of operating
conditions should be performed by means of suitable mathematical models where the
kinetic parameters obtained in this work are needed in order to achieve this target.

Chapter 5.
On the growth of high CO2 acclimated
Chlorella vulgaris in acidic media

5.1 Introduction

Literature review reported in the Chapter 2 suggests that, in view of the

industrial scaling-up of microalgae cultivation, the current technology today available
should be optimized in terms either of selected algal strains or design/operating
parameters (Sierra et al., 2008). While the creation of new microalgal strains
intrinsically characterized by high lipid productivities is an ambitious goal which can
be achieved through genetic manipulation of existing strains (Dorval Courchesne et
al., 2009; Radakovits et al., 2010), the optimization of design and operating
parameters may be accomplished by exploiting suitable process engineering
techniques. To this aim, suitable mathematical models, that are capable of
quantitatively describing the influence of the crucial operating parameters (i.e.
photobioreactors geometry, heat and mass transfer conditions, growth medium
composition, pH etc.) on microalgae growth and lipid accumulation, should be
developed. Several mathematical models of microalgae growth within
photobioreactors have been proposed in the literature. So far, the basic characteristics
of algal kinetics have been taken into account (Cornet et al., 1995; Acién Fernández et
al., 1997; Zonneveld et al., 1997; Molina Grima et al., 1999; Camacho Rubio et al.,
1999; Wu and Merchuk, 2001; Molina Grima et al., 2001; Li et al., 2003; Berenguel et
al., 2004; Pruvost et al., 2008). In particular, most mathematical models available in
the literature were capable of quantitatively describing the evolution of biomass
concentration as a function of light density distribution within the culture (Cornet et
al., 1995; Acién Fernández et al., 1997). Other modeling efforts have been devoted to
quantitatively describe the production of photosynthetic oxygen and the corresponding
consumption of dissolved carbon dioxide within the culture (Camacho Rubio et al.,
1999), the pH evolution (Berenguel et al., 2004), the mass transfer phenomena
(Molina Grima et al., 1999) and the influence of hydrodynamic regime on light
conversion (Pruvost et al., 2008). Recently, also the effect of cell size distribution on
the nutrient uptake capacity of microalgae has been simulated by means of suitable
population balances (Concas et al., 2010). However, in spite of the large number of
mathematical models appearing in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, no
comprehensive models, which simultaneously account for all the above mentioned
phenomena taking place, have been proposed. In particular very few models were able
to quantitatively describe the evolution of pH during photosynthetic growth of
microalgae (Camacho Rubio et al., 1999). Moreover the few works which have
attempted to model the pH evolution during microalgal growth were steady state
models and were based on the erroneous assumption that only the inorganic carbon
species affect the solution pH (Camacho Rubio et al., 1999) while the effects of other
major ions in solution were neglected. Nevertheless, the quantitative description of pH
evolution during microalgal growth is very important since it can influence
photosynthetic phenomena in a number of ways. In fact pH can affect the distribution
of carbon dioxide species and carbon availability, alter the speciation (and thus the
availability) of macro- and micronutrients, and at extreme levels potentially provoke
direct physiological effects (Chen et al., 1994). Moreover, in microalgal cultures, [H+]
is recognized to be a non-competitive inhibitor near neutral conditions, but at too low
or too high pHs, it can inhibit photosynthetic growth and substrate utilization rates
(Mayo, 1997). Furthermore pH can affect the enzymatic activity of intra- and extra-
cellular carbonic anhydrase thus influencing the carbon capture mechanism of some
microalgal strains (Rigobello-Masini et al., 2003).
Therefore the quantitative description of pH evolution in microalgal cultures is a key
goal in order to properly control and optimize photobioreactors. Indeed pH variations
are not only a fundamental indicator of the evolution of photosynthetic activity but
can, in turn, strongly influence the growth kinetics of microalgae. In particular this is
of crucial importance when high CO2 concentrated gases, such as flue gases, are used
as carbon source. In fact in this case the medium’s pH can reach very low values that
might inhibit microalgae growth. On the other hand, the potential exploitation of
costless feedstock such as flue gases as source of CO2 is one of the main targets of
scientists and technicians operating in this field. In fact the use of flue gases as carbon
source or microalgae might greatly improve the economic feasibility of the
microalgae-based technology while simultaneously producing a positive impact on
significant environmental concerns such as air pollution, climate changes. Thus the
correct evaluation of the effect of pH is critical also for assuring the possibility of
exploiting/capturing CO2 from flue gases through microalgae. For the above
mentioned reasons, microalgae strains capable to survive under elevated CO2
concentration might represent suitable candidate for the industrial cultivation of
microalgae for biofuels production and CO2 capture. Among such strains the
unicellular eukaryotic fresh green alga Chlorella vulgaris is characterized by high
growth rates (Radakovits et al., 2012), coupled with a significant lipid content
(Mallick et al., 2011; Sasi et al., 2011). Moreover C. vulgaris is tolerant to high-

temperatures and toxic compounds such as NOx and SOx (Ho et al., 2011) and is
capable to grow in inexpensive media such as wastewaters (Chinnasamy et al., 2009).
Finally, according to Baba and Shiraiwa (2012) C. vulgaris is one among that strains
which are capable of developing suitable molecular mechanisms that allows its
adaptation to extremely high CO2 concentrations. For all these reasons this microalgae
is potentially one of the more useful strains for biofuels production and CO2 capturing
from flue gases.
In the light of the foregoing the goal of the present chapter is to describe the growth of
C. vulgaris, previously acclimated to high CO2 concentrations, under acidic conditions
in semi batch photobioreactors fed with pure CO2 (100% v/v), to provide experimental
data in order to validate a rigorous and comprehensive mathematical model that have
been developed by our research group (Concas et al. 2012b). Model results and
experimental data in terms of dry biomass concentration and pH were successfully
compared, thus demonstrating the validity of the proposed model as well as its
predictive capability.
Particularly, the focus of this work is to investigate the growth kinetics of C. vulgaris
in enriched media to provide useful experimental data in order to validate the
mathematical model. This will permit to properly simulate cell growth and pH
evolution during microalgae growth within the photobioreactor. However model
results are not shown since the target of the present work is focused only on the
experimental analysis of microalgae behavior under high CO2 concentrations.

5.2 Materials and methods

5.2.1 Microorganism and culture medium

The fresh water algal strain Chlorella vulgaris, provided by Prof. Torzillo of the
Centro per lo Studio dei Microorganismi Autotrofi di Firenze, Italy, was investigated
in this work. Stock cultures were propagated and maintained in Erlenmeyer flasks
with a Kolkwitz Triple Modified medium (KTM-A) under incubation conditions of
25°C, a photon flux density of 98 µmol m-2 s-1 provided by four 15 W white
fluorescent tubes, and a light/dark photoperiod of 12 h. Flasks were continuously
shaken at 100 rpm (Universal Table Shaker 709).

5.2.2 Strain acclimation to high CO2 concentrations

Acclimation of C. vulgaris to high CO2 concentrations was carried out in a 6 L

helical tubular photobioreactor coupled with a degasser system, as shown in Figure
20. The light collector of the photobioreactor consisted of 66 m transparent
polyurethane tubing arranged around a circular metal frame. It was internally
illuminated by tree 60W white fluorescent lamps providing a light intensity of 100
µmol m-2 s-1 for a light-dark photoperiod of 12 h. Liquid circulation in the light
collector was assured by a peristaltic pump. The degasser unit was a 1 L bubble
column which allowed removing photosynthetic oxygen by exposing the broth to
atmosphere. Pure CO2 (100% v/v) was continuously bubbled in the growth medium
by means of a flowmeter (Rotameter FL-3207C, OMEGA Eng. Ltd.) at a flow rate of
30 ml min-1. The growth medium consisted of KTM-A. Once the culture reached the
stationary growth phase the photobioreactor was operated in fed-batch mode by
assuring a suitable dilution rate for about 230 days. Such a long cultivation time was
assured in order to trigger permanent changes in the strain to extremely high CO2
concentrations. The withdrawals made during the operation in fed-batch mode were
used as inoculum for the experiments performed in the semi-batch continuously
stirred photobioreactors described in what follows.

5.2.3 Culture conditions

The possibility of exploiting 100% (v/v) CO2 gas as carbon source for growing
high CO2 acclimated strain of C. vulgaris in a continuously stirred system. A schematic

Figure 20. Schematic representation of a 6 L helical tubular photobioreactor (BIOCOIL). It consists of
a 4.5 L light-receiver photostage coupled with a 1.5 L degasser system. The circulation and
illumination of culture medium are provided by a peristaltic pump and tree 60W white fluorescent
lamps, respectively.

representation of the photobioreactor is shown in Figure 12. It consists of a

cylindrical glass photo-bioreactor (9.5 cm diameter and 21 cm height) with a
volumetric capacity of 1.5 L and operated in semi batch mode (i.e. batch mode for the
liquid phase and continuous mode for the gas one). The reactor was filled with a
volume equal to 1 L of growth medium and then mechanically stirred at 400 rpm
through a rotating blade powered by an electrical engine (GZ high power overhead
stirrer). Cultures were maintained at 25°C by a thermostatic bath (GD120 series) and
illuminated by a photon flux density of 84 µmol m-2 s-1 provided by eight 11 W white
fluorescent bulbes with a light/dark photoperiod of 12 h. A gas constituted by pure
CO2 (100% v/v) from a cylinder was continuously supplied through suitable spargers
at a flow rate of 40 ml min-1. The inlet pressure of CO2 was equal to 1.6 bar.

5.2.4 Culture Medium

C. vulgaris was cultured in 1L of modified Kolkwitz medium (KTM-A)

containing (g L-1): KNO3, 2.5; KH2PO4, 0.5; MgSO4·7H2O, 0.27; CaCl2·2H2O, 0.04;
NaHCO3, 1 and 1 ml of A5 micronutrients solution as well as 1 ml of E.D.T.A.Na2-

Fe solution. The micronutrients solution contained (g L-1): H3BO3, 2.86;
MnCl2·7H2O, 1.81; ZnSO4·7H2O, 0.222; CoCl2·6H2O, 0.035; CuSO4·5H2O, 0.080;
Na2MoO4·2H2O, 0.230. As far as the E.D.T.A.Na2-Fe solution, it contained (g L-1):
29.754 g E.D.T.A.-Na2 and 24.9 g FeSO4·7H2O.

5.2.5 Biomass and pH measurement

The growth of microalgae was monitored through spectrophotometric

measurements of the culture media optical density (OD) (Genesys 20
spectrophotometer, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Waltham) at 560 nm wavelenght
(D560) with 1 cm light path. The biomass concentration X (g L-1) was calculated from
OD measurements using the X vs. OD calibration curve shown in Equation (1). The
latter was obtained by gravimetrically evaluating the biomass concentration of known
culture medium volumes which were previously centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min
and dried at 105°C for 24 h.

X (g L-1) = 0.538 * D560 (1)

pH was daily measured by pHmeter (KNICK 913). For the sake of reproducibility,
each experimental condition was investigated at least in duplicate. The average and
standard errors values of the experimental results were calculated using OriginPro 8.

5.2.6 Design of the experiments

C. vulgaris growth was performed with different initial concentrations of total
dissolved inorganic nitrogen (Ntot,l), phosphorus (Ptot,l) and carbon (Ctot,l) as shown in
the Table 8. In order to evaluate the effect of pure CO2 on the microalgae growth, by
varying the concentrations of the three main macronutrients, three different versions
of KTM were prepared. With regards to the bicarbonate, nitrate and phosphate
content it is that of the best case in KTM-A. Nitrate and phosphate content are
doubled while maintaining constant bicarbonate content in KTM-B to respect KTM-
A and bicarbonate content is halved while nitrate and phosphate content are
maintained constant in KTM-C to respect KTM-A, respectively.

Table 8. Composition of KTM investigated in this work

Component units KTM-A KTM-B KTM-C

KNO3 [g L-1] 2.5 5 2.5

KH2PO4 [g L-1] 0.5·10-1 1 0.5·10-1

NaHCO3 [g L-1] 0.5·10-1 0.5·10-1 0.25·10-1

MgSO4*7H2O [g L-1] 2.7·10-1 2.7·10-1 2.7·10-1

CaCl2*2H2O [g L-1] 4.0·10-2 4.0·10-2 4.0·10-2

EDTA-Na2-Fe [ml L-1] 1 1 1

A5 [ml L-1] 1 1 1

5.3 Results and discussions.

5.3.1 Adaptation of C. vulgaris to pure CO2 in the BIOCOIL

In order to adapt C. vulgaris to grow with pure CO2, 600 ml of C. vulgaris,

cultivated in KTM-A under atmospheric air, were used as inoculum to start the
growth in the BIOCOIL using the base case medium. The inoculum concentration,
which represents 1/10 of the total volume (6 L), was equal to 0.1 g L-1.
Figure 21a shows the biomass concentration of C. vulgaris in the BIOCOIL
photobioreactor. It can be seen that microalgae start growing with a much reduced
lag phase, which probably indicates the intrinsic affinity of C. vulgaris for high
dissolved CO2 concentration in the growth medium. Subsequently, after two weeks
the culture reaches the stationary phase when the biomass concentration is about to 2
g L-1. Starting from then the microalgae still continue to grow maintaining a biomass
concentration around that value with small fluctuations which are due to the
operation of the photobioreactor in fed-batch mode. Actually, once the steady state
was attained, the possibility to operate the BIOCOIL in fed-batch mode was
evaluated. In fact starting from around the 40th day of culture, an aliquot of culture
(about 150-200 ml) was withdrawn and then replaced by an equal volume of fresh
medium. It should be pointed out that the withdrawal of a known amount of culture
medium and its replacement not occurred at the same interval time. Since
withdrawals were not executed at a specific interval time, it was not possible to
impose a specific dilution rate. Anyway, as shown in Figure 21a, after a series of
withdrawals, the biomass concentration decreased and then started increasing as a
result of nutrient availability and the diminished concentration of toxic catabolites. In
particular, after about 5-7 days from each withdrawal, the biomass always reached
the concentration corresponding to the steady state. Such behavior demonstrates that
the BIOCOIL can be suitably operated in fed-batch mode while assuring the culture
stability for a long period of time. This represents a very interesting result if we
consider that in the literature there are not examples of photobioreactors operated
consecutively in fed-batch mode for 7 months. Actually, only Borowitzka (1999)
outlines to have successfully grown a wide range of marine microalgae (including
Tetraselmis sp., Isochrysis galbana, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Chaetoceros
sp.) as well as Spirulina sp. at high productivities in pilot scale BIOCOILs of up to
700 L for periods greater than 4 months in semi-continuous culture.


biomass concentration, (gdw L )







pH, (/)



0 50 100 150 200 250
Time, (days)

Figure 21. Biomass concentration (a) and pH (b) evolution

during the seven month cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris in
the helical tubular photobioreactor (BIOCOIL). Culture
conditions: 100% (v/v) CO2, aeration rate = 30 ml min-1,
mixing 35 rpm and 25°C.

The pH evolution during the cultivation of C. vulgaris in the BIOCOIL is reported in

the Figure 21b. It can be seen that at the beginning the pH drops as a consequence of
CO2 inlet which force the cells to live in an environment where the pH becomes more
acidic. Microalgae cells need some time (the extent depends on the strain considered)
to adapt their metabolic apparatus to the “stressful” situation represented by the
acidification of the culture medium due to the feeding with pure CO2 (Collins and
Bell, 2006; Collins et al., 2006). Once the enzymatic apparatus has been modulated to
face the acidic environment, microalgae start to grow and the pH slowly starts to
increase following the photosynthetic activity of the cells. This experimental result
confirms that high CO2 acclimated C. vulgaris may represent a suitable candidate for
biofuels production through exploitation of flue gases as carbon source.

5.3.2 Effects of nutrient concentrations and pH on the growth of C. vulgaris

The effects of nutrient concentrations and acidic pH on the growth kinetics of

C. vulgaris were quantitatively evaluated in this work by cultivating this strain,
previously acclimated to high CO2 concentrations, in a semi-batch stirred tank
photobioreactor (cfr. Figure 12). In the base case experiment the operating conditions
shown in the Materials and Methods section were adopted. Further experiments were
then carried out to evaluate the effect of the initial concentration of dissolved
inorganic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus on the growth of C. vulgaris by varying
the initial content of sodium bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and potassium
biphosphate in the culture medium. During each experiment, pure CO2 (100% v/v)
was continuously bubbled at a flow rate of 40 mL min-1 into the growth medium.

Time, (days)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Microalgae concentration, (g L )





0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336 384 432 480
Time, (h)

Figure 22. Biomass concentration as a function of time when

KTM-A is used for culturing C. vulgaris (initial
concentration of sodium bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and
potassium biphosphate are 0.5· 10-1, 2, 0.5·10-1 g L-1,

From Figures 22 and 23 it can be observed that, under the base case conditions
(KTM-A), the culture starts growing without showing a significant lag phase
despite the high CO2 concentrations and the low pH reached by the medium when
gas bubbling started. This is probably due to the fact that C. vulgaris was
previously adapted to grow under high dissolved CO2 concentrations. This behavior
is consistent with the assumption made by some authors on the fact that a prolonged
exposition to high CO2 concentrations may probably trigger changes of the
metabolism and the cellular structure of microalgae (Giordano et al., 2005). In fact
Baba and Shiraiwa (2012) recently recognized that high CO2 concentrations may
trigger the expression of specific genes that may underlie changes in the carbon
capture mechanism (CCM) of several strains of microalgae as well as changes of
their structural anatomy and in the redistribution of certain cellular organelles
(Bozzo et al., 2000). A comparison of the functional states in CO2-susceptible and
CO2-tolerant species was carried out in several works (Pesheva et al., 1994; Iwasaki
et al., 1996). An increase in the PSI activity was found in CO2-tolerant
Chlorococcum littorale during its adaptation to high CO2 concentration. In this
case, the transition state of the PS was observed during the first day following CO2
increase from 0.03 to 40%. A similar increase in CO2 concentrations did not induce
the state transition and completely blocked the growth of CO2-susceptible specie
Stichococcus bacillaris. These results seems to demonstrate that the tolerance to
high CO2 levels could be correlated with a reduced PSI activity and cell inability to
maintain the energetic of photosystems and also that the susceptibility to CO2 stress
depends on different microalgae strains considered. Although high CO2 inducible
mechanisms in microalgae at the molecular level are still not well understood, the
capability of C. vulgaris to adapt to high levels of CO2 is well confirmed also by
the present results. In fact, from Figure 22 it can be shown that culture starts to
grow almost exponentially until about 150 h when the decelerating growth took
place. After 300 h of cultivation the culture reaches a kind of “plateau” when the
biomass concentration was about 0.400 g L-1. The stationary phase is probably
reached due to the synergic effects of catabolic products accumulation and
insufficient penetration of light rather than for the exhaustion of nutrients. In fact
initial concentrations of macro and micronutrients were high enough to sustain the
exponential growth of C. vulgaris for a period of time longer than the one observed
in the experiment.

Time, (days)
0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21




pH, (-)




0 56 111 167 222 278 333 389 444 500
Time, (h)

Figure 23. pH as a function of time when KTM-A is used

for culturing C. vulgaris (initial concentration of sodium
bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and potassium biphosphate
are 0.5· 10-1, 2, 0.5·10-1 g L-1, respectively).

Figure 23 shows the pH evolution during the experiment. It can be observed that when
the culture is started, pH drops to the value of about 5.6, as a result of the CO2 inlet.
Although such low value of pH, the culture starts growing and subsequently pH
increases slightly as a result of the photosynthetic activity which determines the
consumption of CO2 and the use of [H+] as substrate by microalgae. According to
Goldman and Graham (1981) and Mayo (1994) such behavior confirms that C.
vulgaris could survive under very low pH values and high CO2 concentrations. In fact,
even though the optimal pH for C. vulgaris is in the range between 6 and 8, cell
growth can take place at pH equal to 4 and 10, respectively (Mayo, 1994).

Figures 24 and 25 show the biomass concentration and pH of C. vulgaris when the
concentration of nitrate and phosphate are doubled in the medium while maintaining
constant all the other macronutrients (KTM-B). It can be seen that, under these
experimental conditions, microalgae growth seems to have the same metabolic
behavior for the first part of the growth curve since it shows a kind of plateau after
about 250 h, which is similar to that obtained with KTM-A. What is evident is that
doubling the concentrations of nitrate and phosphate permit to obtain a final biomass

Time, (days)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Microalgae concentration, (g L )





0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336 384 432 480
Time, (h)

Figure 24. Biomass concentration as a function of time

when KTM-B is used for culturing C. vulgaris (initial
concentration of sodium bicarbonate, potassium nitrate
and potassium biphosphate are 0.5·10-1, 5, 1 g L-1,

concentration of 0.470 g L-1 which is higher compared to that one obtained whit the
concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in the base case (0.400 g L-1). It can be also
seen that, while the biomass concentration with KTM-B seems potentially continue to
increase after 500 h of cultivation (cfr. Figure 25), the growth with KTM-A appears to
have reached a stable concentration of 0.400 g L-1. This difference is probably due to
the fact that the larger availability of nitrate and phosphate in KTM-B allow the cells
to sustain photosynthetic activity with higher rates to respect the cells in KTM-A. It
should be also noted how the use of pure CO2 with KTM-B seems no to have
particular effect on microalgae growth. Actually, as shown in Figure 24, the culture
starts growing without showing a significant lag phase despite the use of pure CO2.
Figure 25 shows the low pH reached by the medium when 100% (v/v) CO2 is bubbled.
It can be seen how the evolution of pH is similar to that one shown in Figure 23
obtained for KTM-A, thus confirming the possibility for C. vulgaris to survive under
very low pH.

Time, (days)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20




pH, (-)




0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336 384 432 480
Time, (h)

Figure 25. pH as a function of time when KTM-B is used

for culturing C. vulgaris (initial concentration of sodium
bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and potassium biphosphate
are 0.5·10-1, 5, 1 g L-1, respectively).

In Figure 26 the biomass concentration when C. vulgaris is cultured with KTM-C is

reported. It can be observed how the reduction of carbon content in the medium leads
to a reduction of microalgae biomass concentration. Actually it can be noted that
culture starts to grow almost exponentially until about 100 h when the decelerating
growth took place. After 220 h of cultivation the culture reaches a plateau when the
biomass concentration was about 0.3 g L-1. This value is clearly lower if compared to
biomass concentration reached when carbon content is doubled in the culture medium
0.4 g L-1. As above mentioned, the acclimation of microalgae to high CO2
concentrations may provoke significant changes in the carbon uptake mechanisms of
microalgae. In particular it is reasonable to assume that strains acclimated to high CO2
conditions are more sensitive to the reduction of initial carbon concentration. Thus, for
high CO2 acclimated cells, the halving of the initial carbon concentration may have
determined the starting of a carbon starvation phenomena leading to a strong
inhibitory effect on the mechanisms used to uptake and concentrate carbon inside the
Also in this case, the inlet of pure CO2 to the medium where the carbon content has
been halved seems no to have negative effect on the growth since microalgae shows a
much reduced lag phase.

Time, (days)
0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21


Microalgae concentration, (g L )





0 56 111 167 222 278 333 389 444 500
Time, (h)

Figure 26. Biomass concentration as a function of time when

KTM-C is used for culturing C. vulgaris (initial concentration
of sodium bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and potassium
biphosphate are 0.25· 10-1, 2.5, 0.5·10-1 g L-1, respectively).

Time, (days)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20



pH, (-)





0 48 96 144 192 240 288 336 384 432 480
Time, (h)
Figure 27. pH as a function of time when KTM-C is used for
culturing C. vulgaris (initial concentration of sodium
bicarbonate, potassium nitrate and potassium biphosphate are
0.25·10-1, 2.5, 0.5·10-1 g L-1, respectively).

Finally in the Figure 27 the pH evolution during the experiment with KTM-C is
reported. It can be observed that the culture shows the same behavior seen for KTM-A
and –B. Actually, pH drops at the beginning to the value of about 5.5, as a
consequence of the culture medium acidification, due to the inlet of the CO2.
Than the culture starts growing producing the subsequent increase of pH as a result of
the photosynthetic activity which, in turn, determines the consumption of CO2 and the
use of [H+] as substrate by microalgae, leading to the basification of the medium.
From Figures 23, 25 and 27 it can be seen how the pH of the medium changes during
the culture time, with a common initial phase characterized by the reduction of pH as a
consequence of the pure CO2 inlet. The addition of CO2-enriched gas induces new
equilibrium states between gaseous CO2 and dissolved forms of inorganic carbons
(dissolved CO2, H2CO3, HCO3- and CO22-) which results in a pH decrease in the
medium. However, as shown for the three media used, the decrease of the pH at the
early culture time seems not to affect the algal growth because pH is resumed to the
physiological range for the growth of C. vulgaris during the long linear growth period.
The dependence of microalgal growth and productivity on the CO2 concentration has
been rather well investigated, especially in the range of low (atmospheric) and slightly
elevated (2-15%) CO2 concentrations (Yun et al., 1996; Yue et al., 2005; Chiu et al.,
2008). The effect of extremely high CO2 concentrations on photosynthesis, growth and
cell metabolism has been less studied (Watanabe et al., 1992; Maeda et al., 1995;
Papazi et al., 2008; Kong et al., 2010). In the literature examples are found where C.
vulgaris was able to grow in the presence of high CO2 concentrations after being
gradually adapted to grow in a medium with increasing concentration of CO2 (Yun et
al., 1996). On the other hand, Hanagata et al. (1992) showed that Scenedesmus sp. was
able to grow when the level of CO2 in the gas was increased up to 80%. This strain
was totally inhibited when the concentration was increased up to 100% (v/v), even if
the growth was resumed when the concentration was returned to 20%. These results
demonstrate that the mechanism of inhibition due to the growth in the presence of high
concentration of CO2 is reversible. They also confirm that this mechanism is not the
same for all the microalgae strains and that further research should be addressed to
clear this point. Actually, the mechanism of inhibition of algal growth by high
concentration of CO2 has been extensively investigated in cyanobacteria while little is
known about the principle of inhibition in eukaryotic microalgae as well as the
metabolic nature of the adaptation.
In this work C. vulgaris was able to grow in the presence of pure CO2 without being
progressively adapted to grow in a medium with gradually increased concentration of

CO2. Another example of Chlorella strain which was able to grow with pure CO2,
without have to be precultivated with 100% (v/v) CO2, is given by Murakami et al.
(1998). They characterized the growth of a new isolated strain, Chlorella sp. UK001,
and reported that it was able to grow with almost constant high growth rate under CO2
concentrations ranging from the atmospheric level to 40% (v/v) in air without to
gradually acclimation.
In our experiment, air-adapted cells of C. vulgaris were directly inoculated in the
helical tubular photobioreactor where 100% (v/v) CO2 was supplied. This strain was
able to grow both in the BIOCOIL (cfr. Figure 20) and in the batch photobioreactor
(cfr. Figure 12) without showing inhibition phenomena. The growth in the BIOCOIL
was characterized by a little lag phase (due to the acclimation of the metabolic
apparatus to high CO2) while the growth in the batch photobioreactor not showed lag
phase at all.
When cultivated under 100% (v/v) CO2 in the BIOCOIL photobioreactor the lipid
content of C. vulgaris was evaluated to be 17.50% wt/wtbiomass. This result can not be
compared with lipid contents of other microalgae strains cultivated under pure CO2
since there are not examples of lipid content obtained under these experimental
conditions. On the other hand, the obtained results are consistent with the typical ones
reported in the literature for C. vulgaris cultivated with normal medium without
nitrogen starvation (Murakami et al., 1998; Illman et al., 2000).
Finally it should be also pointed out that, in order to be exploited as a fuel, the
microalgae should be characterized by a high calorific value. Microalgae grown under
normal conditions showed high relatively calorific values between 18 and 21 KJ g−1
(Changdong and Azevedo, 2005). Several studies report that the calorific value of C.
vulgaris biomass can be increased by growing them under low nitrogen conditions
(Illman et al., 2000; Scragg et al., 2002). In our case the calorific value of C. vulgaris
biomass was found to be 18.64 KJ g−1 and this value is consistent with the results
obtained by Bhola et al. (2011) and Illman et al. (2000), which reported calorific
values equal to 17.44 KJ g−1 and 18 KJ g−1, respectively.
Thus it can be stated that, at least from a qualitative point of view, by taking into
consideration its lipid content and calorific value C. vulgaris could be suitably
exploited for the production of biodiesel.

5.4 Concluding remarks

In this work the growth kinetics in semi batch photobioreactors fed with 100%
(v/v) CO2 of a fresh water strain, C. vulgaris, was investigated in order to provide
experimental data to validate model results of a rigorous and comprehensive
developed mathematical model (not shown).
This strain showed a good adaptability to high concentrations of dissolved CO2 as
well as to low pHs thus being potentially useful for the CO2 capture from flue gases.
Actually, C. vulgaris was successfully adapted to grow with pure CO2 by cultivating
it in a 6 L helical tubular photobioreactor (BIOCOIL). With the experimental
conditions adopted, the BIOCOIL was operated consecutively for seven months
maintaining an almost constant biomass concentration of about 2 g L-1 and the pH in
a range between 6 and 7.
Microalgae adapted in the BIOCOIL to pure CO2 were used to investigate the growth
kinetics of C. vulgaris in acidic culture media fed with pure CO2. The experimental
results showed that C. vulgaris was able to grow under 100% (v/v) CO2 without
revealing inhibition phenomena as confirmed by the almost total absence of lag phase
during the early phases of cultivation. The biomass concentrations reached at the end
of cultivation time, about 20 days (480 h), were 0.400 g L-1, 0.470 g L-1 and 0.340 g
L-1 when three different culture media KTM-A, KTM-A and KTM-A were used,
respectively. The best result was obtained when the content of nitrate and phosphate
were doubled (KTM-B) while the lowest biomass concentration was reached when
the carbonate content was halved (KTM-C) with respect to the base case (KTM-A),
respectively. In all the media C. vulgaris starts to grow without showing lag phases
thus confirming its ability to survive in the presence of elevated CO2 concentrations.
While these experiments in batch photobioreactors were carried out by using C.
vulgaris adapted to 100% (v/v) CO2, this strain was also able to grow in the
BIOCOIL photobioreactor without pre-adaptation to pure CO2 thus demonstrating
that C. vulgaris has the intrinsic capability to modulate its metabolic and genetic
apparatus to face the high level of CO2 as well as the low pHs due to the inlet of pure
CO2 in the culture media.
By taking into considerations the ability of C. vulgaris to grow under pure 100% (v/v)
and with acidic pHs, this CO2-tolerant microalgae could represent an ideal candidate
in view of the utilization of industrial emissions containing CO2 to culture microalgae.

Chapter 6.

Conclusions and suggestions

for further research

The growth kinetics of two microalgae strains, Nannochloris eucarytoum and
Chlorella vulgaris, was investigated under 100% (v/v) CO2 in order to verify the
possibility to use flue gases emitted by industrial power plants as carbon sources for
performing microalgal mass cultivation and to gain information useful for the
biodiesel process optimization.
The first one, the marine strain N. eucaryotum, was characterized for the first time in
the literature with regards to its response to the use of pure CO2 as well as to the effect
of medium composition and nutrient starvation on its growth kinetics.
As far as the fresh water strain C. vulgaris, it was demonstrated its potential
exploitability for the management of huge amounts of waste gases since it was
successfully cultivated in batch and fed-batch photobioreactors under pure CO2 and
acidic media.
It was found that both N. eucaryotum and C. vulgaris are able to tolerate extreme
elevated CO2 concentrations thus making them two real candidates for the mass
cultivation when flue gases from industrial installations are used.
Major conclusions of this work include the followings:
1. The growth of N. eucaryotum does not result significantly affected by neither
removal nor addition of some of the nutrients that are typically prescribed for
laboratory cultivation. This consideration makes the elimination of expensive
compounds, such as vitamins, quite reasonable when developing microalgae-based
processes at the industrial scale.
2. The growth of N. eucaryotum is affected by the reduction of nitrate
concentration as well as by the decrease of phosphate concentration even if with a
little extent. The results about the effect of the medium composition on the growth,
even if obtained through lab-scale experiments, represent useful information in view
of N. eucaryotum exploitation in large-scale photobioreactors.
3. When atmospheric CO2 was supplied, the pH first slightly decreased and
subsequently increased as a result of microalgae growth thus making alkaline the
aqueous culture medium. This strain showed also a good tolerance to high pHs thus
confirming that it could be potentially useful for the CO2 capture from flue gases since
alkaline aqueous solution can be used in absorption processes to capture CO2 emitted
for instance by power plants.

4. N. eucaryotum was experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, to growth in
a semi batch photobioreactor fed with a gaseous stream of pure (100% v/v) CO2. The
strain showed a good adaptability to high concentrations of dissolved CO2 as well as to
low pHs.
5. The choice of a marine strain, such as N. eucaryotum, allows the use of natural
seawater for producing the growth medium. This aspect has positive impact on the
technology viability since seawater it is cheaper and easier to be obtained with respect
to fresh water. On the other hand, experimental results demonstrate that the use of only
natural seawater may not be sufficient to prevent the need to enrich it with inorganic
6. When grown under high CO2 levels N. eucaryotum shows a relatively good
average lipid content (i.e. 16.16% wt/wt) as well as a FAMEs composition of the
extracted oil which is in compliance with the European regulation for quality
biodiesel. These obtained results (although further analyses should be performed to
enhance lipid productivity) allow to state that, at least from a qualitative point of view,
the oil extracted from this strain seems to be suitable for the production of biodiesel.
7. Chlorella vulgaris showed a good tolerance to high concentrations of dissolved
CO2 as well as to acidic pHs thus being potentially useful for the CO2 capture from
flue gases. Actually, this strain was demonstrated, for the first time in the literature, to
be able to continuously grow for seven months in BIOCOIL photobioreactor using
100% (v/v) CO2.

Suggestions for further research which arise from this work include the followings:
8. When compared to other microalgae strains, N. eucarytoum is characterized by a
relatively low biomass productivity which might affect its exploitability at the
industrial scale. For these reasons the optimization of operating conditions should be
performed by means of suitable mathematical models by taking into consideration the
kinetic parameters obtained in this work.
9. Since large scale cultivation of microalgae implies the consumption of huge
amounts of macronutrients, the economic feasibility of the process could be seriously
compromised when fresh water is employed and synthetic reagents are used as source
of macronutrients. A possible solution to this drawback is to harness costless resources
to produce the macronutrients and the water needed to perform large scale cultivation.
In particular seawater can be used instead of fresh water due to its costless availability

in huge amounts. Moreover, wastewater could be used as inexpensive source of
nitrates and phosphates while flue gases could be exploited to provide the suitable CO2
supply. Besides allowing the economic viability of the process, the exploitment of
such costless resources could have a positive impact on important environmental
concerns since it contributes to the reduction of water pollution and consumption.
Furthermore the recycling of flue gases, results in lower CO2 emissions thus
contributing to increase the environmental sustainability of industries that use fossil
fuels for power generation.
10. Since it was demonstrated that Chlorella vulgaris was able to continuously grow
in BIOCOIL photobioreactor using 100% (v/v) CO2 at laboratory scale, a possible
development of this line could be the setup of a BIOCOIL outside in order to verify
the photosynthetic efficiency of this strain by the direct use of solar radiation coupled
with the use of carbon dioxide emitted by a combustion engine (i.a. current generator).
11. The possibility to genetically modify the genes involved in the photosynthetic
and metabolic apparatus of these microalgae (C. vulgaris and N. eucaryotum) should
be investigated to the aim of enhancing their photosynthetic efficiency and biomass
12. The scientific community is currently focused on the exploitability at industrial
level of a few number of well known microalgae strains, that represent only the 5% of
the thousands strains reported in the main algae databases. This means that the
researchers have the possibility to address their attention on hundreds of unstudied
strains in order to verify their photosynthetic efficiency, biomass productivity, CO2
tolerance and lipid content. A possible winning choice could be to focus this activity
on those strains which are genetically related at least at genus level. This should
permit to study new microalgae which have in common with the known strains crucial
genes and enzyme involved in the main metabolic pathways responsible for biodiesel


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