Technology Plan Evaluation Frit 7232 KP

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Technology Plan Evaluation

FRIT 7232

Group Members:

Elizabeth Fliss

Lee Stieve

Kelsey Prentice

Emily Metz

Task 2: Annotated List of Resources

1. “Needs Analysis for Technology Integration Plan: Challenges and Needs of Teachers.”
Vatanartiran, S., & Karadeniz, S. (2015). A Needs Analysis for Technology Integration Plan:
Challenges and Needs of Teachers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(3), 206-220.
Retrieved from
Description: When reading this article, it mentioned that many of the teachers surveyed said the
problems they were faced with came from teachers being ill-trained as well as the students.
When crafting the rubric for task two, it is important to look for teacher and student
preparedness. If the technology plan does not mention how it will train and prepare both
teachers and students, then it should receive low markings in the professional development
category. If teachers do not feel confident in what technologies they are incorporating, it will
lower the competency of their students as well.

2. The Promise of Education Information Systems. Levenson, N., & Boser, U. (2014). The
Promise of Education Information Systems (pp. 1-29, Rep.). Washington D.C.: Center for
American Progress. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service)
Description: This study mentioned that many schools are not properly utilizing their resources
in terms of technology. There are so many programs to make the gathering of data simple, and
yet schools do not invest in them for assessment purposes. Districts with assessment uses
sections in their plans would really be ahead of the curve. Districts do need to have an
assessment section in their plans considering how much of testing is now completed

3. Gwinnett County Schools Three-Year Technology Plan (2012). Retrieved August 31, 2016,
Description: Gwinnett County Schools is the largest school district in the state of Georgia, and
they have an extensive technology plan at 27 pages. They detail their goals for the future as well
as what they are currently implementing. They included screen shots of some of their website
facets, which seem to be extremely helpful. They then move on to explain the local school
technology team, which lists the titles of the team as well as their duties. The organization could
improve a bit, and they could undoubtedly improve with adding a clearer professional
development section. All in all, it seems to be a very detailed plan, and will be an excellent
guideline for the rubric being crafted.

4. Transforming American Education Powered by Technology. National Education Technology

Plan. U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology Learning (pp. 1-124,
Rep.). (2010). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service)
Description: The U.S. Department of Education conducted a report in which they identified five
areas of learning that technology could aid. They are the following: Learning, Assessment,
Teaching, Infrastructure, and Productivity. It is important to make sure that the rubric aligns with
these areas since it was identified by the Department of Education. Infrastructure and
Productivity are two areas that seem a bit more difficult to incorporate, so it will be interesting to
see how school districts are able to do so.

5. Six-Step Process in Creating a Technology Plan. Missouri Department of Education Retrieved

September 1, 2016 from:
Description: This web article from Missouri’s department of education site explains the process
for developing a district technology plan. This article poses certain questions that need to be
answered when creating the plan itself. One integral part of the process according to the article is
the planning committee. Who needs to be on it and why. I thought it was interesting to see
students, parents, and support staff listed with the obvious candidates for the committee. This
plan provides a 6-step approach that provides guiding questions to create the document.

6. Fayette County Schools Three-Year Technology Plan (2012). Retrieved September 1, 2016,
Description: Fayette County has a very detailed technology plan. The plan consist of 3 year
goals and progressions that are supported by an array of current implementations. These are very
detailed situations where different subjects integrate 21st century technology. Bandwidth and
connectivity is a large issue with technology plans. This plan provides detailed descriptions of
issues the county is dealing with and how it can be addressed.

7. Technology planning in schools: An integrated research-based model. Vanderlinde, R. r., &

van Braak, J. (2013). Technology planning in schools: An integrated research-based model.
British Journal Of Educational Technology, 44(1), E14-E17.
Description: Schools are more and more encouraged to write a school-based information and
communication technology (ICT) policy plan. In this study, the content of school-based ICT
policy plans and underlying policy processes are explored. Data was gathered in 31 primary
schools in Flanders, Belgium. Three types of ICT policy plans were identified: (1) an ICT policy
plan as a vision blueprint, (2) a technical inventory and (3) a comprehensive ICT policy plan.
The study found a variety of different approaches in the processes used to create and execute
such plans, such as the support of ICT training activities, data-driven decision-making processes
and monitoring activities.

8. Sun-associates’ Resources for Technology Planning and Visioning

Strategic Technology Planning Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved September 03, 2016, from
Description: This is a webpage that contains an accumulation of resources that support the
development of visions, goals, and specific action plans related towards technology. Throughout
the links and resources there is a DIY Technology Program Evaluation resources with I thought
was very helpful.

9. National School District’s Technology Master Plan: Creating Successful Learners, Now! from
Description: This is a Master Plan for a California school district. It has some good outlined
sections that were approved by their Technology Plan Committee. It is 123 pages long, and the
plan takes place for four years. There are detailed situations where integration of 21st century
technology will be a natural part teacher preparation and training. The contents of their
technology plan are broken into 11 parts, which seem to be clearly outlined via table of contents.
The county has seven goal that are given benchmarks and implantations, as well as a timeline.

10. Norton, S. S. (2013). Technology planning: Designing the direction to get there. Knowledge
Quest, 42(1), 64-69.
Description: In this article, Norton describes each element of an effective technology plan,
including goals and strategies, budget, professional development, and assessment and evaluation.
A technology plan should focus on specific and measure goals and strategies that align with the
school’s mission, as well as local and national standards. Professional development should also
be outlined in the plan to ensure teachers and staff members can utilize current technology, and
the school librarian’s role in the implementation of technology must be addressed. Including the
budget of implementing technology to meet the previously stated goals and professional
development strategies in the technology plan helps to prioritize different levels of
implementation; however, many programs do not require budget to be in the technology plan.
Assessment should be an integral part of the technology plan, with assessment of previous uses
and strategies taking place in the initial stages, and on-going assessment taking place throughout
the length of the plan to ensure goals are being met. Norton also shares the importance of
multiple stakeholders being involved in the development of a technology plan.

Task 2 - Technology Plan Rubric

Rubric Level 3 - exceeds the 2 - meets the standard 1 - does not meet the
standard standard

Goals Expertly outlines the Addresses the vision Does not reference
specific objectives of and mission statement the goals or vision of
the plan accompanied of the current plan. the current plan.
by a timeline. Goals are included,
Explains the vision but not specific
and mission statement and/or measurable.
in language that is
easily understood.
Goals stated are
specific and

Professional Expertly explains the Addresses that there Does not reference
Development goals of professional are professional the professional
development and development development
describes the intended opportunities, but not opportunities through
implementation specific about what the county.
procedures for staff. types and

Telecommunication Expertly details the Addresses that there Does not reference
Services software, services, are the
and hardware utilized telecommunication telecommunication
within the county. services available. services available.

Accessibility of Expertly explains in Addresses that there Does not reference

Resources detail which are resources how the district will
resources are available for students make resources
available for students with disabilities. available for students
with disabilities. with disabilities.
Illustrates how both
students and teachers
can utilize said

Budget Expertly explains Addresses the issue of Does not reference a

who is funding and the budget briefly. technology budget.
auditing the budget as
well as the goals of
the budget.

Assessments Expertly illustrates Addresses how Does not reference

how technology will technology will be how technology will
aid in state and local utilized to aid in the be utilized to aid in
school testing. process of the process of
Examples, pictures, assessment. assessment.
or graphs are included
to aid teacher
Data Collection Expertly illustrates Addresses how and Does not reference
how the school will when the school will how and when
utilize technology to utilize technology to technology will be
implement data collect data in order utilized to collect
collection. Examples, to aid student data.
pictures, or graphs are learning.
included to aid

Ongoing Evaluation Expertly illustrates Addresses the length Does not reference
of Plan the process of and timeline of the how long the current
evaluating and editing current plan. plan will be
the current plan to implemented.
meet stated goals or

Total Points: ____/ 27

22- 27: Exceeds the standard
19-21: Meets the standard
0-18: Does not meet the standard

Task 3 - Completed Technology Plan Rubric

This rubric was used to assess Fulton County School District’s 2012-2015 Technology Plan.

Rubric Level 3 - Exceeds the 2 - Meets the 1 - Does not meet the
standard standard standard

Goals Expertly outlines the Addresses the vision Does not reference
Group Score: 2.7 specific objectives of and mission statement the goals or vision of
While the plan the plan accompanied of the current plan. the current plan.
included a detailed by a timeline. Goals are included,
list of goals and how Explains the vision but not specific
each goal would be and mission statement and/or measurable.
implemented and in language that is
evaluated, more easily understood.
specific dates are Goals stated are
needed on the specific and
timeline. measureable.

Professional Expertly explains the Addresses that there Does not reference
Development goals of professional are professional the professional
development and development development
Group Score:2.2 describes the intended opportunities, but not opportunities through
Plan references need implementation specific about what the county.
for professional procedures for staff. types and
development and that implementation.
it will be
implemented, but is
not specific about
types of professional
provided or how or
when the district will
provide these

Telecommunication Expertly details the Addresses that there Does not reference
Services software, services, are the
Group Score: 3 and hardware utilized telecommunication telecommunication
A detailed list of within the county. services available. services available.
devices and resources
in the district is
available in
Appendixes A and B.

Accessibility of Expertly explains in Addresses that there Does not reference

Resources detail which are resources how the district will
resources are available for students make resources
Group Score: 1 available for students with disabilities. available for students
Plan simply states it with disabilities. with disabilities.
will ensure students Illustrates how both
with disabilities are students and teachers
provided with can utilize said
resources, without resources.
details about the
types, procedures,
and evaluation

Budget Expertly explains Addresses the issue of Does not reference a

who is funding and the budget briefly. technology budget.
Group Score: 3 auditing the budget as
Plan incorporates well as the goals of
budget information the budget.
timeline. Plan
includes PowerPoint
slides with
information relating
to source of funding
for each goal in
Appendix D.

Assessments Expertly illustrates Addresses how Does not reference

how technology will technology will be how technology will
Group Score: 2.2 aid in state and local utilized to aid in the be utilized to aid in
Plan includes school testing. process of the process of
information about Examples, pictures, assessment. assessment.
some assessment or graphs are included
software and to aid teacher
incorporates access to understanding.
assessment into
objectives, but does
not give details on
how assessment will
be used by teachers
and students and how
it will be evaluated.

Data Collection Expertly illustrates Addresses how and Does not reference
how the school will when the school will how and when
Group Score: 2.7 utilize technology to utilize technology to technology will be
Information about implement data collect data in order utilized to collect
how data will be collection. Examples, to aid student data.
collected with pictures, or graphs are learning.
technology is included to aid
incorporated teacher
throughout understanding.
technology plan.

Ongoing Evaluation Expertly illustrates Addresses the length Does not reference
of Plan the process of and timeline of the how long the current
evaluating and editing current plan. plan will be
Group Score: 2.7 the current plan to implemented.
Plan includes clearly meet stated goals or
defined timeline of objectives.
objectives with
information regarding
how each objective
will be evaluated,
such as benchmarks.
Plan also includes
information on how
to find current
evaluations of plan.

Total Points: 19.5/ 27

22- 27: Exceeds the standard
19-21: Meets the standard
0-18: Does not meet the standard

Task 3 - Recommendations for Plan


It is recommended that the district add specific dates to their implementation timeline

illustrated on pages 59-70. By including specific dates, technology and district leaders will be

able to prioritize objectives accordingly and ensure the plan is implemented in a timely and

organized manner.

Professional Development

Although the plan references a need for professional development to ensure effective

implementation of technology, it is recommended that the district add more information about
specific professional development opportunities that will be provided for the staff, as well as an

implementation timeline and evaluation plan of the professional development. By adding this

information, teachers and other stakeholders will be made aware of how they will be prepared for

technology use in the classroom.

Accessibility of Resources

Since there is little to no information provided about how technology will be made

available for students with disabilities, it is recommended that the district review how technology

has been made available to students with disabilities in the past and include specific goals and

objectives that focus on providing technology resources for those students. An implementation

and evaluation timeline, similar to information found with the other objectives, should also be

included to ensure objectives are being met in a timely manner. Finally, an inventory of

technology available to students with disabilities should also be included to allow stakeholders to

be aware of what is currently available.


Although the plan expertly described how the budget would be funded and used to meet

the technology objectives outlined in the plan, this information is scattered throughout the plan,

making it difficult for a stakeholder to easily locate. It is recommended that the district add a

separate section that contains all budget information so that it can be easily located and

referenced when needed.


Although the plan references that assessment with technology will be used and access to

assessment technology is an objective of the plan, most of the information was generalized to test

performance and not how technology will be incorporated to assist students in test preparation
and in evaluating student performance. It is recommended that the district include more specific

information on types of assessment that will be used and how these assessment tools will be

evaluated for effectiveness in aiding and/or assessing student performance.

Ongoing Plan of Evaluation

It is recommended that the district include a specific link to current evaluations of the

objectives stated in the plan in order to inform stakeholders of the plan’s progress. The link

should also include any revisions made to the plan based on the current evaluations.

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