Hydrogen Graph
Hydrogen Graph
Hydrogen Graph
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1. Introduction
In today’s modern world, where new technologies are continually being introduced,
transportation energy use is increasing rapidly. Fossil fuel, particularly petroleum fuel, is
the major contributor to energy production[1]. Fossil fuel consumption is steadily rising as a
result of population growth in addition to improvements in the standard of living. It can be
seen from Figure 1 that the world’s population has been increasing steadily over the last 5
decades, and this trend is expected to continue [2]. As a result, total energy consumption has
grown by about 36% over the last 15 years [3]. Energy consumption is expected to increase
further in the future, as the world’s population is expected to grow by 2 billion people in the
next 30 years [2]. These energy trends can be seen in Figure 2. Increased energy demand
requires increased fuel production, thus draining current fossil fuel reserve levels at a faster
rate. In addition, about 60% of the world’s current oil reserves are in regions that are in
frequent political turmoil [3]. This has resulted in fluctuating oil prices and supply
Rapidly depleting reserves of petroleum and decreasing air quality raise questions about the
future. As world awareness about environmental protection increases so too does the search
for alternatives to petroleum fuels [1].
Alternative fuels such as CNG, HCNG, LPG, LNG, bio-diesel, biogas, hydrogen, ethanol,
methanol, di-methyl ether, producer gas, and P-series have been tried worldwide. The use
of hydrogen as a future fuel for internal combustion (IC) engines is also being considered.
However, several obstacles have to be overcome before the commercialization of hydrogen
as an IC engine fuel for the automotive sector. Hydrogen and CNG blends (HCNG) may be
considered as an automotive fuel without requiring any major modification in the existing
CNG engine and infrastructure [4].
© 2012 Çeper, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
176 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
Figure 2. Fossil fuel consumption from 1983 to 2008 with approximate current reserves-to-production
ratios in remaining years [3].
Alternative fuels are derived from resources other than petroleum. The benefit of these fuels
is that they emit less air pollutants compared to gasoline and most of them are more
economically viable compared to oil and they are renewable [5]. Figure 3 shows the
percentages of alternative fuels used according to total automotive fuel consumption in the
world as a futuristic view.
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 177
Figure 3. Percentages of alternative fuels compared to total automotive fuel consumption in the world [6]
2. Hydrogen specifications
Hydrogen is acknowledged to offer great potential as an energy carrier for transport
applications. A number of technologies can use hydrogen as an energy carrier, with the
internal combustion engine being the most mature technology [7]. Currently, 96% of
hydrogen is made from fossil fuels. Based on 2004 data, in the United States 90% is made
from natural gas, with an efficiency of 72%. Only 4% of hydrogen is made from water via
electrolysis. Currently, the vast majority of electricity comes from fossil fuels in plants that
are 30% efficient and from electrolysis which means that electricity is run through water to
separate the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Using renewable energy is much more effective
than using fossil fuel to produce hydrogen. Current wind turbines perform at 30-40%
efficiency, producing hydrogen at an overall efficiency rate of 25%. The best solar cells
available have an efficiency rate of 10%, leading to an overall efficiency rate of 7%. Algae can
be used to produce hydrogen at an efficiency rate of about 0.1% (see Figure 4)[8].
conventional spark-ignition engine at an equivalence ratio below the lean flammability limit
of gasoline/air mixture. The resulting ultra lean combustion produces a low flame
temperature and leads directly to lower heat transfer to the walls, higher engine efficiency
and lower NOx exhaust emissions [11–13].
The burning velocity of hydrogen/air mixture is about six times higher than that of
gasoline/air mixtures. As the burning velocity rises, the actual indicator diagram is nearer to
the ideal diagram and a higher thermodynamic efficiency is achieved [14,15]. Figure 5 plots
the laminar burning velocities against the equivalence ratio for hydrogen–air mixtures at
normal pressure and temperature (NTP)[7]. The solid symbols in Figure 5 denote stretch-
free burning velocities (or rather, burning velocities that were corrected to account for the
effects of the flame stretch rate), as measured by Taylor [16], Vagelopoulos et al. [17], Kwon
and Faeth [18] and Verhelst et al. [19]. The empty symbols denote other measurements that
did not take stretch rate effects into account, as reported by Liu and MacFarlane [20], Milton
and Keck [21], Iijima and Takeno [22] and Koroll et al. [23]. These experiments result in
consistently higher burning velocities, with the difference increasing for leaner mixtures.
Hydrogen is a clean fuel with no carbon emissions; the combustion of hydrogen produces
only water and a reduced amount of nitrogen oxides. Conversely, combustion products
from fossil fuels, such as CO, CO2, nitrogen oxides, or other air pollutants, cause health and
environmental problems. Hydrogen will help reduce CO2 emissions as soon as it can be
produced in a clean way either from fossil fuels, in combination with processes involving
CO2 capture and storage technologies, or from renewable energy. These features make
hydrogen a potentially excellent fuel to meet the ever increasingly stringent environmental
controls regarding exhaust emissions from combustion devices, including the reduction of
green house gas emissions [24–27].
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 179
Figure 5. Laminar burning velocities plotted against air-to-fuel equivalence ratio, for NTP hydrogen–air
flames[7]. The experimentally derived correlations are from Liu and MacFarlane [20], Milton and Keck
[21], Iijima and Takeno [22] and Koroll et al. [23]. Other experimental data are from Taylor [16],
Vagelopoulos et al. [17], Kwon and Faeth [18] and Verhelst et al. [19].
3. Methane specifications
Natural gas (CNG) is considered as an alternative vehicle fuel because of its economical and
environmental advantages [28]. CNG, which is a clean fuel with methane as its major
component, is considered to be one of the most favorable fuels for engines, and the
utilization of CNG has been realized in spark-ignition engines. However, due to the slow
burning velocity of CNG and its poor lean-burn capability, the CNG spark-ignition engine
still has some disadvantages like low thermal efficiency, large cycle-by-cycle variation, and
poor lean-burn capability, and these decrease engine power output and increase fuel
consumption [29]. The advantages of CNG compared to petrol are as follows: unique
combustion and suitable mixture formation; due to the high octane number of CNG, the
engine operates smoothly with high compression ratios without knocking; CNG with lean
burning quality leads to the lowering of exhaust emissions and fuel operating cost; CNG has
a lower flame speed; and engine durability is very high. CNG is produced from gas wells or
related to crude oil production. CNG is made up primarily of methane (CH4) but frequently
contains trace amounts of ethane, propane, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide, and water vapor. Methane is the principal component of natural gas [30].
CNG has many other advantages as well. It has a high octane number of 130, which enables
an engine to operate with little knocking at a high compression ratio. In addition, gasoline
and diesel engines can be easily converted into CNG engines without major structural
changes [31]. Not only does the CNG engine have good thermal efficiency and high power,
180 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
but its combustion range is also broad. This is an advantage when striving for lean
combustion resulting in low fuel consumption and less NOx production [32]. The CNG
engine also yields very low levels of PM emissions when compared with other conventional
engines. These facts are supported by an experimental study performed to explore the
combustion and emission characteristics of both gasoline and CNG fuels using a converted
spark-ignition engine [33]. In light of these advantages, the number of CNG vehicles is
continuously growing, and old vehicles are being converted into CNG vehicles through
engine modifications [34].
Hydrogen also has a very low energy density per unit volume and as a result, the
volumetric heating value of the HCNG mixture decreases (Table 2) as the proportion of
hydrogen is increased in the mixture [38].
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 181
Many researchers have studied the effect of the addition of hydrogen to natural gas on
performances and emissions in the past few years[40-65]. Blarigan and Keller investigated
the port-injection engine fueled with natural gas–hydrogen mixtures [40]. Bauer and Forest
conducted an experimental study on natural gas–hydrogen combustion in a CFR engine
[41]. Wong and Karim analytically examined the effect of hydrogen enrichment and
hydrogen addition on cyclic variations in homogeneously charged compression ignition
engines. The results indicated that the addition of hydrogen can reduce cyclic variations
while extending the operating region of the engine [42]. Karim et al. theoretically studied the
addition of hydrogen on methane combustion characteristics at different spark timings. The
theoretical results showed that the addition of hydrogen to natural gas could decrease the
ignition delay and combustion duration at the same equivalence ratio. It indicated that the
addition of hydrogen could increase the flame propagation speed, thus stabilizing the
combustion process, especially the lean combustion process [43]. Ilbas et al. [44]
experimentally studied the laminar burning velocities of hydrogen–air and hydrogen–
methane–air mixtures. They concluded that increasing the hydrogen percentage in the
hydrogen–methane mixture brought about an increase in the resultant burning velocity and
caused a widening of the flammability limit (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Burning velocities and flame speed for different percentages of hydrogen in methane (φ = 1.0)[44].
182 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
Shudo et al., analyzed the characteristics combustion and emission of a methane direct
injection stratified charge engine premixed with hydrogen lean mixture [45]. Their results
showed that the combustion system achieved higher thermal efficiency due to higher flame
propagation velocity and lower exhaust emissions. An increase in the amount of premixed
hydrogen stabilizes the combustion process to reduce HC and CO exhaust emission, and
increases the degree of constant volume combustion and NOx exhaust emission. The
increase in NOx emission can be maintained at a lower level with retarded ignition timing
without reducing the improved thermal efficiency. Nagalingam et al. [46] investigated
hydrogen enriched CNG (hythane). He noted that the power was reduced due to the lower
volumetric heating value of hydrogen compared with methane. However, since the flame
speed of hydrogen was significantly higher than that of CNG, less spark advance was
required to produce maximum brake torque (MBT). Wallace and Cattelan experimentally
studied natural gas and hydrogen mixtures in a combustion engine. The experiments were
conducted by studying the emissions of an engine fueled with a mixture of natural gas and
approximately 15% hydrogen by volume [47].
Raman et al. [48] carried out an experimental study on SI engines fueled with HCNG blends
from 0% to 30% of H2 in a V8 engine. The authors observed a reduction in NOx emissions
using 15%-20% hydrogen blends with some increase in HC emissions as a result of ultra-
lean combustion. The experiments were performed using a Chevrolet Lumina, which has six
cylinders, four stroke cycles, is water cooled, with a total engine cylinder volume of 3.135 l,
bore of 89 mm, stroke of 84 mm and compression ratio of 8.8:1. In their study, the BSFC of
an 85/15 CNG/H2 mixture was less than that of natural gas. The BSFC values decreased for
both natural gas and the 85/15 CNG/H2 mixture while spark timing (BTDC) values
increased. The BSHC of CNG was higher than that of the fuel mixture. However, the BSNOx
emission values of the 85/15 CNG/H2 mixture were higher than that of CNG. If a catalytic
converter is used, the BSNOx values are decreased drastically. Larsen and Wallace [49]
conducted experimental tests on heavy-duty engines fueled by HCNG blends. The authors
found that HCNG blends improve efficiency and reduce CO, CO2 and HC emissions.
Collier et al. examined the untreated exhaust emissions of a hydrogen-enriched compressed
natural gas (HCNG) production engine [50]. They used variable composition hydrogen/NG
mixtures and drew the following conclusions: the addition of hydrogen increases NOx
emission for a given equivalence ratio while it decreases total HC emissions which is in
good agreement with Akansu’s results [51]. They also found that as the hydrogen
percentage increases, the lean limit of combustion is significantly extended. Hoekstra et al.
[52] observed a reduction in NOx for hydrogen percentages up to 30%, beyond this limit no
improvement was observed. An important point was the higher flame speed and a
consequent reduction of the spark advance angle to obtain the maximum brake torque, as
already indicated by Nagalingam et al. [46]. Wang et al. investigated the combustion
behavior of a direct injection engine operating on various fractions of NG–hydrogen blends
[53]. The results showed that the brake effective thermal efficiency increased with the
increase of hydrogen fraction at low and medium engine loads. The rapid combustion
duration decreased, and the heat release rate and exhaust NOx increased with the increase of
hydrogen fraction in the blends. Their study suggested that the optimum hydrogen
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 183
Ceper [54] studied different CH4/H2 mixtures experimentally and numerically. Her
experimental study was performed with a four-stroke, four-cylinder, water cooled, Ford 1.8-
liter internal combustion engine. CH4/H2 (100/0, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30) gas fuel mixtures of
fuels were tested at different engine speeds and excess air ratios. Kahraman et al. [55]
experimentally researched the performance and exhaust emissions of a spark-ignition
engine fueled with methane-hydrogen mixtures (100% CH4, 10% H2 + 90% CH4, 20% H2 +
80% CH4, and 30% H2 + 70% CH4) at different engine speeds and different excessive air
ratios. The results demonstrated that while the speed and excess air ratio increased, CO
emission values decreased. Furthermore increasing the excess air ratio also decreased the
maximum peak cylinder pressure. Çeper et al. [56] experimentally analyzed the
performance and the pollutant emissions of a four-stroke spark-ignition engine operating on
natural gas-hydrogen blends of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% at full load and 65% load for
different excess air ratios. The results showed that while the excess air ratio increased, CO
and CO2 emission values decreased. In addition, increasing the excess air ratio led to a
decrease in peak pressure values and by increasing the H2 amount, peak pressure values
were close to TDC, and the brake thermal efficiency values increased.
Sierens and Rossel [57] determined that the optimal HCNG composition to obtain low HC
and NOx emissions should be varied with engine load. Huang et al. [58] conducted an
experimental study for a direct-injection spark-ignition engine fueled with HCNG blends
under various ignition timings and lean mixture conditions. The ignition timing is an
important parameter for improving engine performance and combustion. Dimopoulos et al.
[59] optimized a state of the art passenger car natural gas engine for hydrogen–natural gas
mixtures and high exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rates in the major part of the engine map.
Increasing the hydrogen content of the fuel accelerated combustion leading to efficiency
improvements. Well-to-wheel analysis revealed paths for the production of the fuel blends
still having overall energy requirements slightly higher than a diesel benchmark vehicle but
reducing overall green house gas emissions by 7%.
Based on the results of an experimental test campaign carried out in ENEA labs, Ortenzi et
al [60], aimed at identifying the potential of using blends of natural gas and hydrogen
(HCNG) in existing ICE vehicles. The tested vehicle was an IVECO Daily CNG, originally
fueled with natural gas and the tests were made on an ECE15 driving cycle to compare the
emission levels of the original configuration (CNG) with the results obtained with different
blends (percentage of hydrogen in the fuel) and control strategies (stoichiometric or lean
burn). Dulger investigated an 80% CNG and 20% H2 mixture burning SI engine numerically
[61]. Swain et al. [62] and Yusuf [63] investigated the same mixture with a different engine.
Yusuf used a Toyota 2TC type engine with the following specifications: year 1976 1:6 l, 1588
cc, maximum HP 88 and maximum speed of 6000 rpm, bore 85 mm, stroke 70 mm,
compression ratio of 9.0:1 and four cylinder engine. The engine was tested at 1,000 rpm,
184 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
using best efficiency spark advance and light loading conditions. When the methane–
hydrogen mixture was compared to pure methane operation with the same equivalence
ratios, the methane and hydrogen mixture increased BTE and NOx emissions while
decreasing the best efficiency spark advantage, unburned HCs and CO. Moreover, the lean
limit combustion of natural gas was reduced from 0.61 to 0.54. The lean limit of combustion
was defined as an operation with at least 38% of the cycles not completing combustion. By
hydrogen addition, the equivalence ratios could be reduced by about 15% without
increasing combustion duration and ignition delay.
Ma and Wang [64], experimentally investigated the extension of the lean operation limit
through hydrogen addition in an SI engine which was conducted on a six-cylinder throttle
body injection natural gas engine. Four levels of hydrogen enhancement were used for
comparison purposes: 0%, 10%, 30% and 50% by volume. Their results showed that the
engine’s lean operation limit could be extended through adding hydrogen and increasing
load level (intake manifold pressure). The effect of engine speed on lean operation limit is
smaller. At a low load level an increase in engine speed is beneficial in extending the lean
operation limit but this is not true at high load level. The effects of engine speed are even
weaker when the engine is switched to hydrogen enriched fuel. Spark timing also influences
the lean operation limit and both over-retarded and over-advanced spark timing are not
advisable. Road tests on urban transport buses were performed by Genovese et al. [65],
comparing energy consumption and exhaust emissions for NG and HCNG blends with
hydrogen content between 5% and 25% in volume. The authors found that average engine
efficiency over the driving cycle increases with hydrogen content and NOx emissions were
higher for blends with 20% and 25% of hydrogen, despite the lean relative air fuel ratios and
delayed ignition timings adopted. Having reviewed the main experimental papers
published in the past, we conclude that numerical analysis also plays a fundamental role in
research activities, allowing a better design of the experimental tests in terms of cost savings
and time reduction[66-70].
4.1. Emissions
Air pollution is fast becoming a serious global problem arising from an increasing
population and its subsequent demands. This has resulted in increased usage of hydrogen
as fuel for internal combustion engines. Hydrogen resources are vast and it is considered as
one of the most promising fuels for the automotive sector. As the required hydrogen
infrastructure and refueling stations do not currently meet demand, the widespread
introduction of hydrogen vehicles is not feasible in the near future. One of the solutions for
this hurdle is to blend hydrogen with methane. Such types of blends take benefit of the
unique combustion properties of hydrogen and at the same time reduce the demand for
pure hydrogen. Enriching natural gas with hydrogen could be a potential alternative to
common hydrocarbon fuels for internal combustion engine applications [71].
When experimental or simulation studies on reciprocating engines are carried out, much
attention is paid to pollutant CO, HC and NOx emissions. Nevertheless, although CO2 is one
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 185
of the most important greenhouse gases, these emissions are not usually taken into account,
and measurements and calculations of CO2 emissions are omitted from many studies [72].
Fuel costs and their relationship to equivalent CO2 emissions are represented in Figure 7 for
several types of fuel ([73] and data from the authors). As observed, the global CO2 emissions
associated with CNG and their costs are lower than those produced by gasoline or diesel.
Hydrogen produces lower CO2 emissions than CNG, gasoline or diesel, but hydrogen
always originates from renewable sources. Due to the high price of crude oil, in some cases
the cost of H2 is lower than that of gasoline or diesel. In any case, these data have been
prepared without taking into account the possible effects of an increase in demand or mass
production [72].
All these performance parameters have a direct relationship with the exhaust emissions
produced, often with contradictory effects. For instance, while higher compression ratios are
favored in order to increase thermal efficiency, they also result in higher NOx emissions
because of the resultant higher combustion chamber temperatures. This is also the case
when running stoichiometric fuel-air mixtures, as seen in Figure 8 (which is applicable to
gasoline engines, but the general trends are similar for natural gas engines as well). In
addition, while the combustion of lean fuel-air mixtures (φ< 1) results in low NOx emissions
(as seen from Fig. 7) this can also result in lower power output. However, running an engine
on fuel-rich mixtures (φ> 1) is also undesirable and this results in high unburnt HC and CO
emissions. Knock limits are also a factor when deciding ideal operating parameters. For
instance if an engine is running too high a compression ratio, resistance to knock is lowered.
This would require the need for spark retardation with respect to combustion TDC (which
can affect thermal efficiency and therefore power output as well as exhaust emissions)[74].
186 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
Figure 9 illustrates the BSNOx (g/kWh) values versus equivalence ratios from different
studies [75]. As seen in this figure, according to studies, with increasing H2 percentage,
BSNOx values increase or decrease. According to refs [62,49,57] and Bauer and Forest [41]
(there is no data value in graphics), with increasing H2 percentage, the BSNOx values
increase. However, in the experiments performed by Raman et al. [48], with increasing H2
percentage, the BSNOx values decrease. Moreover, if the equivalence ratios decrease, the
BSNOx values reach a low value. It is interesting to note that Hoekstra et al. [52], as well as
Larsen and Wallace [49], obtained extremely low NOx emission.
Figure 8. Typical NO, HC and CO trends with equivalence ratio in an SI engine, adapted from [74].
Figure 10 shows the BSHC (g/kW h) values in different studies [75]. As seen in this figure,
with increasing H2 percentage and equivalence ratio, the BSHC values decrease. If fuel is
to be 100% H2 fuel, the BSHC value will be zero. We can say that BSHC values decrease as
the amount of H2 increases. By increasing the equivalence ratios Swain et al.[62] obtained
the highest BSHC values in these studies. The maximum value is about 64 g/kW h, for a
20% H2 and 80% CH4 mixture with φ = 0.60. However, hydrocarbon emissions of 20% H2
and 80% CH4 mixture are less than those of pure methane [62]. In this figure, the BSHC
values of Ref. [49] are at their highest value. BSHC values increase with increasing engine
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 187
Figure 10. Brake specific hydrocarbons (BSHC g/kw h) values in different studies[75].
188 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
Larsen and Wallace obtained 1.65 and 2:41 g/kW h CO values at 1500 rpm, and φ = 0.65
equivalence ratio, using an 85/15 CNG/H2 and 100% CNG, respectively [49]. Yusuf
measured all engine/fuel configurations performed similarly over normal operating ranges.
An important variation occured with rich mixtures. In addition, the 80/20 CH4/H2 mixture
showed a small but significant reduction in BSCO output [62,63]. Bauer and Forest’s
experiments demonstrated that production of CO was highly dependent on combustion
stoichiometry and less so on the engine. They obtained a general reduction in BSCO with
the addition of hydrogen because of the reduction of carbon in the fuel. They added up to
60% hydrogen by volume and found that BSCO decreased up to 20 g/kW h (60/40 CH4/H2)
at φ=1.0. In the ultra lean region (φ<0.4), an increase in BSCO was noted, due to incomplete
combustion combined with sharply dropping power [41]. Figure 11 shows the BSCO
emission values of some studies[75]. As seen in this figure, a φ value between 0.65 and 0.8
placed BSCO values at a dramatically low level.
Figure 11. BSCO (g/kw h) values versus equivalence ratio in different studies[75].
Figure 12 gives the brake NOx, HC, CO and CO2 emission versus hydrogen fraction at
various injection timings[76]. Brake NOx emission increases with increasing hydrogen
fraction when the hydrogen fraction is less than 10%, and it decreases with the increase of
hydrogen fraction when the hydrogen fraction is larger than 10% at various injection
timings. The comprehensive effects of in-cylinder temperature, excess air ratio and
combustion duration contribute to this. As excess air ratio in this experiment is larger than
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 189
1.0 and combustion duration is slightly decreased with increasing hydrogen fraction, the
effect of cylinder gas temperature plays an important part, thus the trend of brake NOx
emission is consistent with that of the maximum mean gas temperature. Brake HC emission
decreases with the increase of hydrogen fraction. This is because the quench distance of the
fuel blends is decreased and the lean flammability limit of the natural gas-hydrogen fuel
blends is extended with hydrogen addition. Meanwhile, combustion is improved with the
increase of hydrogen fraction, and this enhances the post-flame oxidation of the already
formed HC. Furthermore, the C/H ratio decreases with increasing hydrogen fraction and this
also contributes to the decrease of brake HC emission with the increase of hydrogen fraction.
Figure 12. Brake NOx, HC, CO and CO2 emission versus hydrogen fractions. (a) Brake NOx emission
versus hydrogen fractions. (b) Brake HC emission versus hydrogen fractions. (c) Brake CO emission
versus hydrogen fractions. (d) Brake CO2 emission versus hydrogen fractions[76]
Brake CO emission decreases with increasing hydrogen fraction. As overall excess air ratio
in the cylinder increases with hydrogen addition, and CO is strongly related to the air-fuel
ratio, the sufficiency of oxygen in the cylinder makes the CO emission low. Also,
combustion is improved with the increase of hydrogen fraction, and this enhances the post-
flame oxidation of the already formed CO. Furthermore, the C/H ratio decreases with
190 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
increasing hydrogen fraction in the fuel blends and this also contributes to the decrease of
brake CO emission with the increase of hydrogen fraction. Brake CO emission achieves its
minimum value at a fuel-injection timing of 270 oCA BTDC. Brake CO2 emission decreases
with the increase of hydrogen fraction. The decrease in the C/H ratio of the mixtures with
the increase of hydrogen fraction is responsible for this. A low carbon fraction produces low
CO2 concentration [76].
5 H2 H2
0% 0%
Cylinder Pressure / MPa
Cylinder Pressure / MPa
3% 3%
4 5% 4 5%
8% 8%
0% 0%
10 % 10 %
3 3
20 % 20 %
30 % 30 %
2 2
1 1
0 0
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Crank Angle CA Crank Angle CA
Figure 13. Cylinder pressure values versus the crank angle for different engine speeds and different H2
fractions (solid ref [77] and dashed ref [54])
Figure 14 shows the in-cylinder pressure curve under various λ for different fuels: pure
CNG, 30% HCNG, 55% HCNG[78]. From Figure 14(a), as the mixture is leaner, the
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 191
maximum in-cylinder pressure is smaller. Figure 14(b,c,d) shows further that the position of
the maximum in-cylinder pressure is later before λ=1.5. On the other hand, when λ > 1.5, the
maximum in-cylinder pressure is nearer the TDC.
Figure 14. (a) Max cylinder pressure versus excess air ratio. (b) In-cylinder pressure for CNG. (c) In-
cylinder pressure for 30% hydrogen volumetric ratio. (d) In-cylinder pressure for 55% hydrogen
volumetric ratio[78].
(a) (b)
Figure 15. Cylinder pressure versus crank angle for 2000 and 3000 rpm in different fuels[79].
192 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
Figure 15 shows cylinder pressure versus crank angle for 2000(a) and 3000(b) rpm
respectively [79]. As shown in these figures, the timing of the maximum cylinder pressure
fueled with natural gas is postponed compared with that fueled with gasoline, and it
advances as hydrogen is added.
20% H2 + 80% CNG
30 G
CN 100 % CNG
+ 90%
28 10%
Brake Thermal Efficiency [%]
100 % CH4
26 20% H2 + 80% CH4
40% H2 + 60% CH4
60% H2 + 40% CH4
[41] 30% H2 + 70% CH4
20 [55]
[62] 20% H2 + 80% CH4
10% H2 +90% CH4
20% H2 + 80% CH4
14 100% CH4
100% CH4
0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05
Equivalence Ratio
Figure 16. Brake thermal efficiency versus equivalence ratio
• The ultimate goal of hydrogen economy is to displace fossil fuels with clean burning
hydrogen and CNG is the best route to ensure the early introduction of hydrogen fuel
into the energy sector.
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 193
• The lean-burn capability and flame burning velocity of the natural gas engine was
improved by blending it with fast burning velocity fuel such as hydrogen.
• HCNG engines are superior to CNG engines from a fuel economy, power, and torque
point of view due to better combustion.
• The addition of hydrogen to natural gas increases BMEP compared with that of natural
gas combustion. This is due to the increased burning velocity of the mixture by
hydrogen addition which shortens combustion duration and increases the cylinder gas
• The HCNG engine improves power by 3 - 4 % and torque by about 2 - 3 % compared to
the CNG engine. The HCNG engine operates on the leaner side than the CNG engine
which reduces fuel consumption by about 4% compared to CNG engine.
• The HCNG fuel reduces CO emissions and NOx emissions more than the neat CNG
operation. Thus the blended HCNG fuel is more environmentally friendly.
• Engine operating parameters have to be carefully chosen by the designer, taking into
account their effect on engine performance and emission.
• Any attempt to control emissions by operating the engine with leaner mixtures has to
take into account the effect on other variables like power.
• Compression ratio and equivalence ratio have a significant effect on both the
performance and emission characteristics of the engine and have to be carefully
designed to achieve the best engine performance characteristics.
• Higher engine rotational speeds can be used in lean mixtures to increase the power
output of an engine operating on hydrogen while maintaining high efficiency and pre-
ignition free operation.
• The variation in spark timing with hydrogen is very effective in controlling the
combustion process.
• Higher compression ratios can be applied satisfactorily to increase power output and
efficiency, mainly because of the relatively fast burning characteristics of hydrogen–air
• The addition of hydrogen to methane gives a good alternative fuel to hydrocarbon fuels
as it gives good flame stability, wide flammable regions and relatively higher burning
• NOx emission values generally increase with increasing hydrogen content. However, if
a catalytic converter, an EGR system or lean-burn technique are used, NOx emission
values can be reduced to extremely low levels.
• HC, CO2 and CO emission values decrease with increasing hydrogen percentage.
• The addition of H2 (up to 20-30% vol.) to NG may constitute an effective short-term
solution for the green-house gases problem and at the same time to introduce H2 into
the fuel market without requiring changes in current engine technology.
• In conjunction with new and advanced technologies, hydrogen-methane mixture gases
can provide a large part of the rapidly growing need for clean and affordable energy
services in the world.
Future research of the hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas fuel include continuous
improvement on performance and emissions, especially to reduce the hydrocarbon
194 Hydrogen Energy – Challenges and Perspectives
emissions (including methane if necessary) which are currently not heavily regulated but
will probably be more closely regulated in the future. Although the exhaust emissions from
hydrogen-enriched natural gas are already very low, further refinement must be done in
order to further reduce emissions and to achieve Enhanced Environmentally Friendly
Vehicle (EEV) standards. Therefore finding the optimal combination of hydrogen fraction,
ignition timing and excess air ratio along with other parameters that can be optimized is
certainly a large hurdle. It is not only a challenge to locate the ideal combination of
hydrogen fraction, ignition timing, and excess air ratio, but it can also be a large challenge to
control these parameters. This requires sufficient control system to be developed for the
HCNG engine to maximize the performance simultaneously minimizing the exhaust
emissions. Other potential improvements include the reduction of emissions which can be
transpire with the addition of a catalytic converter or by implementing an exhaust gas
recycle system, lastly there is potential for performance improvements with an increase in
the compression ratio[80].
As a result, today are faced with environmental problems, tomorrow hydrogen will solve all
environmental problems due to road transports: Natural gas-hydrogen blends may be a
potential bridge from today to tomorrow.
AFR Air-fuel ratio
ATDC After top dead center
BSCO Brake specific carbon monoxide
BSFC Brake specific fuel consumption
BSHC Brake specific hydrocarbon
BSNOx Brake specific nitrogen oxide
BTDC Before top dead center
BTE Brake thermal efficiency
CA Crank angle (◦)
CFR Co-operative fuel research
CI Compression ignition engine
CNG Natural gas
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
ECE15 European driving cycle
EGR Exhaust gas recirculation
ENEA Italian national agency for new technologies
HC Hydrocarbon
HCNG Hydrogen-natural gas blend
H2 Hydrogen
IC Internal combustion engines
LNG Liquid natural gas
LPG Liquid petroleum gas
Use of Hydrogen-Methane Blends in Internal Combustion Engines 195
Greek symbols
φ Equivalence ratio
λ Excess air ratio
Author details
Bilge Albayrak Çeper
Erciyes University Faculty of Eng., Dept. of Mech Eng., Kayseri, Turkey
Bilge Albayrak Ceper would like to thank Professor Nafiz Kahraman and Assoc. Prof.
Selahaddin Orhan Akansu at Erciyes University for their encouragement on this study.
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