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Fresh air

Total Wall Occup

Sr.No Area Name Length Width Height Per
area ancy

m m m m2 Nos L/s
1 Meeting Room 3.15 4.02 4.25 61 6 10
2 Weight Bridge monitoring room 3.00 4.02 4.25 60 2 10
4 Outside people entering in SIP - - - 3 10
Total Breathing air L/s
Calculating Q for Room wall;
Wall Leakage factor 0.00017
Total Leakage Area (0.00017x 121) 0.0205
Q= 0.839 x 0.021 x (30)1/2
94 l/s
(Based on Table A.4.6.1 Typical Leakage Areas for
Walls and Floors of Commercial Bldgs - NFPA 92A
Standard for Smoke-Control Systems Utilizing Barriers
and Pressure Differences)

Calculating total door leakage area (AT) assuming a crack width around the perimeter of door = 2 mm
Level Door Type Door Door Door qty Door Crack Door
width height (Nos) perimeter width Leakage
(m) (m) (m) (mm) area
Ground Single leaf 1.2 2.1 1 6.6 3 0.020
A2 Total door leakage area 0.020
For Maintaining Room Pressure 30 Pa
Therefore, calculating Q;
Q= 0.839 x 0.020 x (30)1/2
91 L/s

where: Q= Pressurization air flow rate, m3/s

A2 = flow area (total door leakage area), m2
∆P = Pressure difference across flow path, Pa
Grand Total Air leakage = 295 L/s
Air Storage for 2 hours 2125550 litres
Storage under 200 bar byP1V1= P2V2 10628 litres
Total Wall
Sr.No Area Name Length Width Height Area
m m m sq.m m2
3 Air Lock 1.75 1.7 4.25 2.98 29
Therefore, calculating Q for ;
Wall Leakage factor 0.00017
Total Leakage Area 0.0049853
Q= 0.839 x 0.005 x (30)1/2
23 l/s
(Based on Table A.4.6.1 Typical Leakage Areas for
Walls and Floors of Commercial Bldgs - NFPA 92A
Standard for Smoke-Control Systems Utilizing Barriers
and Pressure Differences, refer annex 1)

Calculating total door leakage area (AT) assuming a crack width around the perimeter of door = 2 mm
Level Door Type Door width Door Door qty Door Crack Door
(m) height (Nos) perimeter width Leakage
(m) (m) (mm) area
Ground Single leaf 1.2 2.1 1 6.6 3 0.020
A2 Total door leakage area 0.020
For Maintaining Room Pressure 30 Pa
calculating Q;
Q= 0.839 x 0.020 x (30)1/2
91 L/s

Air Leakage through door opening condition

Q=AxV =2.52 x 2
5.04 m3/s
5040 l/s
Door opening 5 times and each
time 3 second holding, Total Air in
Litres 75600 Lts
Storage under 200 bar byP1V1= P2V2 378 litres
1 Calculation for Breathing Air
1 Total Occupancy in SIP = 30 Persons
Breathing Air per person = 10 l/s
(Ref: ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation & Indoor

Total Air for Breathing in L/s = (30X10) l/s
Calculation of Air for Room Pressurisation
Meeting Room
Existing Supply Air = 90 l/s
Existing Return Air = 70 l/s
Existing Air for maintaining 30 Pa 20
Monitoring Room
Existing Supply Air = 130 l/s
Existing Return Air = 60 l/s
Existing Air for maintaining 30 Pa 70

Total Air for pressurisation for Room 90

Calculation of air by crack length to maintain 30 Pa

Calculating total door leakage area (AT) assuming a crack width around the perimeter of door = 3 mm
Level Door Type Door width Door Door qty Door Crack Door
(m) height (m) (Nos) perimeter width Leakage
(m) (mm) area
Ground Single leaf 1.2 2.1 1 6.6 3 0.020
A2 Total door leakage area 0.020
For Maintaining Room Pressure 30 Pa
Therefore, calculating Q;
Q= 0.839 x 0.020 x (30)1/2
91 L/s

where: Q= Pressurization air flow rate, m3/s

A2 = flow area (total door leakage area), m2
∆P = Pressure difference across flow path, Pa
Therefore, Air for maintaining room Pressure during door closed is 90 l/s confirm.
Q Air loss during door opening = AXV
= 2.52x 1 (Considering 1 m/s as velocity of air)
2.52 m3/s
2520 l/s
Average open time for door open condition is 3 second and it is for 5 times so
37800 Ltrs

For 2 hours
Total Breathing Air =2x60x60 x 300
For maintaining Room Pressure & Door Leakage
=(2X 60 x 60 x90 )+ 37800
Grand Total Air 2845800
S.F.10% 3130380
15651.9 Ltrs of Free air at 200 bar
1 Calculation for Breathing Air
1 Total Occupancy in SIP = 0 Persons
Breathing Air per person = 0 l/s
(Ref: ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation & Indoor

Total Air for Breathing in L/s = (30X10) l/s
Calculation of Air for Room Pressurisation
Air Lock
Existing Supply Air = 86 l/s
Existing Return Air = 0 l/s
Existing Air for maintaining 30 Pa 86

Total Air for pressurisation for Room 86

Calculation of air by crack length to maintain 50 Pa

Calculating total door leakage area (AT) assuming a crack width around the perimeter of door = 3 mm
Level Door Type Door width Door Door qty Door Crack Door
(m) height (m) (Nos) perimeter width Leakage
(m) (mm) area
Ground Single leaf 1.2 2.1 1 6.6 3 0.020
A2 Total door leakage area 0.020
For Maintaining Room Pressure 50 Pa
Therefore, calculating Q;
Q= 0.839 x 0.020 x (50)1/2
117 L/s

where: Q= Pressurization air flow rate, m3/s

A2 = flow area (total door leakage area), m2
∆P = Pressure difference across flow path, Pa
Therefore, Selected Air for maintaining room Pressure during door closed is 117 l/s confirm.
Q Air loss during door opening = AXV
= 2.52x 1 (Considering 1 m/s as velocity of air)
2.52 m3/s
2520 l/s
Average open time for door open condition is 3 second and it is for 3 times so
22680 Ltrs

For 2 hours
For maintaining Room Pressure & Door Leakage
=(2X 60 x 60 x117 )+ 22680

Grand Total Air 865080

S.F.10% 951588
4757.94 Ltrs of Free air at 200 bar
One single cylinder of 50 ltrs @ 200 bar hold air 10 m3 or 10000ltrs so the no of cylinders will be 5 for this areas.

ll be 5 for this areas.

For Shelter Area

1 Calculation for Breathing Air

a Total Occupancy in SIP = 30

Breathing Air per person =
(Ref: ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation & Indoor Quality) 2.7

Total Air for Breathing in L/s = (30X2.7) 81

b Calculation of Air for Room Pressurisation

Meeting Room

Existing Supply Air = 90

Existing Return Air = 70

Existing Air for maintaining 30 Pa 20

Monitoring Room

Existing Supply Air = 130

Existing Return Air = 60

Existing Air for maintaining 30 Pa 70

Total Air for pressurisation for Room 90

c Calculation of air by crack length to maintain 30 Pa

Calculating total door leakage area (AT) assuming a crack width around the perimeter of door = 2.7 mm
Level Door

Ground leaf
A2 Total door leakage area

For Maintaining Room Pressure

Therefore, calculating Q;


where: Q=
A2 =

∆P =
Therefore, Selected Air for maintaining room Pressure during door closed is 90 l/s

Q Air loss during door opening =


Average open time for door open condition is 10 second and it is for 5 times so

For 2 hours

Total Breathing Air =

A =

For maintaining Room Pressure & Door Leakage =

Grand Total Air (A+B) =


For Air Lock Area

1 Calculation for Breathing Air

a Total Occupancy in SIP = 0

Breathing Air per person =
(Ref: ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation & Indoor Quality) 0

Total Air for Breathing in L/s = (30X10) 0

b Calculation of Air for Room Pressurisation

Meeting Room

Existing Supply Air = 86

Existing Return Air = 0

Existing Air for maintaining 50 Pa 86

Total Air for pressurisation for Room 86

c Calculation of air by crack length to maintain 50 Pa

Calculating total door leakage area (AT) assuming a crack width around the perimeter of door = 3 mm
Level Door

Ground leaf

A2 Total door leakage area

For Maintaining Room Pressure

Therefore, calculating Q;


where: Q=
A2 =

∆P =
Therefore, Selected Air for maintaining room Pressure during door closed is 117
l/s confirm.

Q Air loss during door opening =

Average open time for door open condition is 3 second and it is for 3 times so =

B =

For 2 hours

For maintaining Room Pressure & Door Leakage ( A+B) =

Grand Total Air (A+B) =

S.F.10% =

Grand Total Fresh air SIP + Air Lock =

One Cylinder of 50 ltrs contains 10 m3 of air or 10000 trs of air so no of cyliner
required =









r of door = 2.7 mm
Door Door Door qty Door Crack Door
width height (Nos) perimeter width Leakage
(m) (m) (m) (mm) area

1 2.15 1 6.3 2 0.013

Total door leakage area 0.013

50 Pa

0.839 x 0.013 x (50)1/2

75 L/s

Pressurization air flow rate, m3/s

flow area (total door leakage area), m2

Pressure difference across flow path, Pa

2.52x 1 (Considering 1 m/s as velocity of air)

2.52 m3/s

2520 l/s


126000 Ltrs

2x60x60 x 300


(2X 60 x 60 x90 )+ 37800




15651.9 Ltrs of Free air at 200 bar







r of door = 3 mm
Door Door Door qty Door Crack Door
width height (Nos) perimeter width Leakage
(m) (m) (m) (mm) area

1.2 2.1 1 6.6 3 0.020

Total door leakage area 0.020

50 Pa

0.839 x 0.020 x (50)1/2

117 L/s

Pressurization air flow rate, m3/s

flow area (total door leakage area), m2

Pressure difference across flow path, Pa


2.52x 1 (Considering 1 m/s as velocity of air)

2.52 m3/s

2520 l/s


22680 Ltrs

(2X 60 x 60 x117 )+ 22680



4757.94 Ltrs of Free air at 200 bar



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