20 BPI vs. CIR (GR No. 139736, October 17, 2005)

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473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 205

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

G.R. No. 139736. October 17, 2005.



Taxation; Distraint; Levy; The Bureau of Internal Revenue

(BIR) has three years, counted from the date of actual filing of the
return or from the last date prescribed by law for the filing of such
return, whichever comes later, to assess a national internal





Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal


tax or to begin a court proceeding for the collection thereof without

an assessment.—The BIR has three years, counted from the date
of actual filing of the return or from the last date prescribed by
law for the filing of such return, whichever comes later, to assess
a national internal revenue tax or to begin a court proceeding for
the collection thereof without an assessment. In case of a false or
fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or the failure to file
any return at all, the prescriptive period for assessment of the tax
due shall be 10 years from discovery by the BIR of the falsity,
fraud, or omission. When the BIR validly issues an assessment,
within either the three-year or ten-year period, whichever is
appropriate, then the BIR has another three years after the
assessment within which to collect the national internal revenue
tax due thereon by distraint, levy, and/or court proceeding. The
assessment of the tax is deemed made and the three-year period
for collection of the assessed tax begins to run on the date the
assessment notice had been released, mailed or sent by the BIR to
the taxpayer.
Same; Same; Same; Statute of Limitations; Statutes; Under
Section 223(c) of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended, it is not
essential that the Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy be fully
executed so that it can suspend the running of the statute of
limitations on the collection of the tax.—Under Section 223(c) of
the Tax Code of 1977, as amended, it is not essential that the
Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy be fully executed so that it can
suspend the running of the statute of limitations on the collection
of the tax. It is enough that the proceedings have validly began or
commenced and that their execution has not been suspended by
reason of the voluntary desistance of the respondent BIR
Commissioner. Existing jurisprudence establishes that distraint
and levy proceedings are validly begun or commenced by the
issuance of the Warrant and service thereof on the taxpayer. It is
only logical to require that the Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy
be, at the very least, served upon the taxpayer in order to suspend
the running of the prescriptive period for collection of an assessed
tax, because it may only be upon the service of the Warrant that
the taxpayer is informed of the denial by the BIR of any pending
protest of the said taxpayer, and the resolute intention of the BIR
to collect the tax assessed.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Though the statute of limitations
on assessment and collection of national internal revenue taxes
benefits both the Government and the taxpayer, it principally
intends to af-


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Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal


ford protection to the taxpayer against unreasonable investigation.

—Though the statute of limitations on assessment and collection
of national internal revenue taxes benefits both the Government
and the taxpayer, it principally intends to afford protection to the
taxpayer against unreasonable investigation. The indefinite
extension of the period for assessment is unreasonable because it
deprives the said taxpayer of the assurance that he will no longer
be subjected to further investigation for taxes after the expiration
of a reasonable period of time.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Statutes; The Tax Code of 1977, as
amended, identifies specifically in Sections 223 and 224 the
circumstances when the prescriptive periods for assessing and
collecting taxes could be suspended or interrupted.—In order to
provide even better protection to the taxpayer against
unreasonable investigation, the Tax Code of 1977, as amended,
identifies specifically in Sections 223 and 224 thereof the
circumstances when the prescriptive periods for assessing and
collecting taxes could be suspended or interrupted.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Paragraphs (b) and (d) of
Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended, the prescriptive
periods for assessment and collection of national internal revenue
taxes, respectively, could be waived by agreement.—According to
paragraphs (b) and (d) of Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
amended, the prescriptive periods for assessment and collection of
national internal revenue taxes, respectively, could be waived by
agreement, to wit—SEC. 223. Exceptions as to period of limitation
of assessment and collection of taxes.—x x x (b) If before the
expiration of the time prescribed in the preceding section for the
assessment of the tax, both the Commissioner and the taxpayer
have agreed in writing to its assessment after such time the tax
may be assessed within the period agreed upon. The period so
agreed upon may be extended by subsequent written agreement
made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon. .
. . (d) Any internal revenue tax which has been assessed within
the period agreed upon as provided in paragraph (b) hereinabove
may be collected by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court
within the period agreed upon in writing before the expiration of
the three-year period. The period so agreed upon may be extended
by subsequent written agreements made before the expiration of
the period previously agreed upon. The agreements so described
in the afore-quoted provisions are often referred to as waivers of
the statute of limitations. The waiver of the



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal


statute of limitations, whether on assessment or collection, should

not be construed as a waiver of the right to invoke the defense of
prescription but, rather, an agreement between the taxpayer and
the BIR to extend the period to a date certain, within which the
latter could still assess or collect taxes due. The waiver does not
mean that the taxpayer relinquishes the right to invoke
prescription unequivocally.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; RMO No. 20-90 mandates
that the procedure for execution of the waiver shall be strictly
followed, and any revenue official who fails to comply therewith
resulting in the prescription of the right to assess and collect shall
be administratively dealt with.—A valid waiver of the statute of
limitations under paragraphs (b) and (d) of Section 223 of the Tax
Code of 1977, as amended, must be: (1) in writing; (2) agreed to by
both the Commissioner and the taxpayer; (3) before the expiration
of the ordinary prescriptive periods for assessment and collection;
and (4) for a definite period beyond the ordinary prescriptive
periods for assessment and collection. The period agreed upon can
still be extended by subsequent written agreement, provided that
it is executed prior to the expiration of the first period agreed
upon. The BIR had issued Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO)
No. 20-90 on 04 April 1990 to lay down an even more detailed
procedure for the proper execution of such a waiver. RMO No. 20-
90 mandates that the procedure for execution of the waiver shall
be strictly followed, and any revenue official who fails to comply
therewith resulting in the prescription of the right to assess and
collect shall be administratively dealt with.
Same; Same; Same; Same; The Supreme Court had
consistently ruled in a number of cases that a request for
reconsideration or reinvestigation by the taxpayer, without a valid
waiver of the prescriptive periods for the assessment and collection
of tax, as required by the Tax Code and implementing rules, will
not suspend the running thereof.—This Court had consistently
ruled in a number of cases that a request for reconsideration or
reinvestigation by the taxpayer, without a valid waiver of the
prescriptive periods for the assessment and collection of tax, as
required by the Tax Code and implementing rules, will not
suspend the running thereof.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Statutes; The Tax Code of 1977, as
amended, also recognizes instances when the running of the
statute of limitations on the assessment and collection of national


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Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

revenue taxes could be suspended, even in the absence of a waiver.
— The Tax Code of 1977, as amended, also recognizes instances
when the running of the statute of limitations on the assessment
and collection of national internal revenue taxes could be
suspended, even in the absence of a waiver, under Section 224
thereof, which reads—SEC. 224. Suspension of running of statute.
—The running of the statute of limitation provided in Section[s]
203 and 223 on the making of assessment and the beginning of
distraint or levy or a proceeding in court for collection, in respect
of any deficiency, shall be suspended for the period during which
the Commissioner is prohibited from making the assessment or
beginning distraint or levy or a proceeding in court and for sixty
days thereafter; when the taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation
which is granted by the Commissioner; when the taxpayer cannot
be located in the address given by him in the return filed upon
which a tax is being assessed or collected: Provided, That, if the
taxpayer informs the Commissioner of any change in address, the
running of the statute of limitations will not be suspended; when
the warrant of distraint and levy is duly served upon the
taxpayer, his authorized representative, or a member of his
household with sufficient discretion, and no property could be
located; and when the taxpayer is out of the Philippines.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Under Section 224 of the
Tax Code of 1977, as amended, the running of the prescriptive
period for collection of taxes can only be suspended by a request for
reinvestigation, not a request for reconsideration.—With the
issuance of RR No. 12-85 on 27 November 1985 providing the
above-quoted distinctions between a request for reconsideration
and a request for reinvestigation, the two types of protest can no
longer be used interchangeably and their differences so lightly
brushed aside. It bears to emphasize that under Section 224 of the
Tax Code of 1977, as amended, the running of the prescriptive
period for collection of taxes can only be suspended by a request
for reinvestigation, not a request for reconsideration.
Undoubtedly, a reinvestigation, which entails the reception and
evaluation of additional evidence, will take more time than a
reconsideration of a tax assessment, which will be limited to the
evidence already at hand; this justifies why the former can
suspend the running of the statute of limitations on collection of
the assessed tax, while the latter can not.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

Same; Same; Same; Same; That the BIR Commissioner must
first grant the request for reinvestigation as a requirement for
suspension of the statute of limitations is even supported by
existing jurisprudence.—That the BIR Commissioner must first
grant the request for reinvestigation as a requirement for
suspension of the statute of limitations is even supported by
existing jurisprudence. In the case of Republic of the Philippines
v. Gancayco, taxpayer Gancayco requested for a thorough
reinvestigation of the assessment against him and placed at the
disposal of the Collector of Internal Revenue all the evidences he
had for such purpose; yet, the Collector ignored the request, and
the records and documents were not at all examined. Considering
the given facts, this Court pronounced that—. . . The act of
requesting a reinvestigation alone does not suspend the
period. The request should first be granted, in order to
effect suspension. (Collector vs. Suyoc Consolidated, supra; also
Republic vs. Ablaza, supra). Moreover, the Collector gave appellee
until April 1, 1949, within which to submit his evidence, which
the latter did one day before. There were no impediments on the
part of the Collector to file the collection case from April 1, 1949. .
Same; Same; Same; Same; The burden of proof that the
taxpayer’s request for reinvestigation had been actually granted
shall be on respondent BIR Commissioner.—The burden of proof
that the taxpayer’s request for reinvestigation had been actually
granted shall be on respondent BIR Commissioner. The grant
may be expressed in communications with the taxpayer or implied
from the actions of the respondent BIR Commissioner or his
authorized BIR representatives in response to the request for
Same; Same; Same; Same; The Supreme Court expressly
conceded that a mere request for reconsideration or reinvestigation
of an assessment may not suspend the running of the statute of
limitations. It affirmed the need for a waiver of the prescriptive
period in order to effect suspension thereof.—As had been
previously discussed herein, the statute of limitations on
assessment and collection of national internal revenue taxes may
be suspended if the taxpayer executes a valid waiver thereof, as
provided in paragraphs (b) and (d) of Section 223 of the Tax Code
of 1977, as amended; and in specific instances enumerated in
Section 224 of the same Code, which include a request for
reinvestigation granted by the BIR Commissioner. Outside of
these statutory provisions, however, this Court also recognized

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one other exception to the statute of limitations on collection of

taxes in the case of Collector of Internal Revenue v. Suyoc
Consolidated Mining Co. x x x In the Suyoc case, this Court
expressly conceded that a mere request for reconsideration or
reinvestigation of an assessment may not suspend the running of
the statute of limitations. It affirmed the need for a waiver of the
prescriptive period in order to effect suspension thereof. However,
even without such waiver, the taxpayer may be estopped from
raising the defense of prescription because by his repeated
requests or positive acts, he had induced Government authorities
to delay collection of the assessed tax.
Same; Same; Same; Same; The repeated requests or positive
acts of the taxpayer prevented or estopped it from setting up the
defense of prescription against the Government when the latter
attempted to collect the assessed tax.—The Wyeth Suaco case
cannot be in conflict with the Suyoc case because there are
substantial differences in the factual backgrounds of the two
cases. The Suyoc case refers to a situation where there were
repeated requests or positive acts performed by the taxpayer that
convinced the BIR to delay collection of the assessed tax. This
Court pronounced therein that the repeated requests or positive
acts of the taxpayer prevented or estopped it from setting up the
defense of prescription against the Government when the latter
attempted to collect the assessed tax. In the Wyeth Suaco case,
taxpayer Wyeth Suaco filed a request for reinvestigation, which
was apparently granted by the BIR and, consequently, the
prescriptive period was indeed suspended as provided under
Section 224 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended.

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the

Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Padilla Law Office for petitioner.
     The Solicitor General for respondent.


This Petition for Review on Certiorari, under Rule 45 of the

1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, assails the Decision of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 51271, dated 11
Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

1999, which reversed and set aside the Decision of2 the
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), dated 02 February 1999, and
which reinstated Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054
requiring petitioner Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) to
pay the amount of P28,020.00 as deficiency documentary
stamp tax (DST) for the taxable year 1985, inclusive of the
compromise penalty.
There is hardly any controversy as to the factual
antecedents of this Petition.
Petitioner BPI is a commercial banking corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines.
On two separate occasions, particularly on 06 June 1985
and 14 June 1985, it sold United States (US) $500,000.00
to the Central Bank of the Philippines (Central Bank), for
the total sales amount of US$1,000,000.00.
On 10 October 1989, the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) issued Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054, finding
petitioner BPI liable for deficiency DST on its afore-
mentioned sales of foreign bills of exchange to the Central
Bank, computed as follows—

1985 Deficiency Documentary Stamp Tax

Foreign Bills of P
Exchange………………………….. 18,480,000.00
Tax Due Thereon:
P18,480,000.00 x P0.30 (Sec. 182 NIRC).
Add: Suggested compromise 300.00


1 Penned by Associate Justice Artemio G. Tuquero with Associate

Justices Eubulo G. Verzola and Elvi John S. Asuncion, concurring; Rollo,
pp. 66-73.
2 Penned by Presiding Judge Ernesto D. Acosta with Associate Judges
Ramon O. De Veyra and Amancio Q. Saga, concurring; Id., pp. 83-93.
3 CTA Rollo, p. 32.

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Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

Petitioner BPI received the Assessment,

together with the
attached Assessment Notice, on 20 October 1989.
Petitioner BPI, through its counsel, protested the
Assessment in a letter dated 16 November 1989, and filed
with the BIR on 17 November 1989. The said protest letter
is reproduced in full below—

November 16, 1989

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Quezon City
Attention of: Mr. Pedro C. Aguillon
     Asst. Commissioner for Collection


On behalf of our client, Bank of the Philippine Islands

(BPI), we have the honor to protest your assessment
against it for deficiency documentary stamp tax for the
year 1985 in the amount of P28,020.00, arising from its
sale to the Central Bank of U.S. $500,000.00 on June
6, 1985 and another U.S. $500,000.00 on June 14,
1. Under established market practice, the
documentary stamp tax on telegraphic transfers or
sales of foreign exchange is paid by the buyer. Thus,
when BPI sells to any party, the cost of documentary
stamp tax is added to the total price or charge to the
buyer and the seller affixes the corresponding
documentary stamp on the document. Similarly, when
the Central Bank sells foreign exchange to BPI, it
charges BPI for the cost of the documentary stamp on
the transaction.
2. In the two transactions subject of your
assessment, no documentary stamps were affixed
because the buyer, Central Bank of the Philippines,
was exempt from such tax. And while it is true that
under P.D. 1994, a proviso was added to sec. 222 (now
sec. 186) of the Tax Code “that whenever one party to a
taxable document enjoys exemption from the tax
herein imposed, the other party thereto who is not
exempt shall be the one directly liable for the tax,” this
proviso (and the other amendments of P.D. 1994) took

4 Id., p. 33.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

only on January 1, 1986, according to sec. 49 of P.D.

1994. Hence, the liability for the documentary stamp
tax could not be shifted to the seller.
In view of the foregoing, we request that the
assessment be revoked and cancelled.
Very truly yours,

Petitioner BPI did not receive any immediate reply to its

protest letter. However, on 15 October
1992, the BIR issued
a Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy against petitioner BPI
for the assessed deficiency DST for taxable year 1985, in
the amount of P27,720.00 (excluding the compromise
penalty of P300.00). It served
the Warrant on petitioner
BPI only on 23 October 1992.
Then again, petitioner BPI did not hear from the BIR
until 11 September 1997, when its counsel received a
letter, dated 13 August 1997, signed by then BIR
Commissioner Liwayway Vinzons-Chato, denying its
“request for reconsideration,” and addressing the points
raised by petitioner BPI in its protest letter, dated 16
November 1989, thus—

“In reply, please be informed that after a thorough and careful

study of the facts of the case as well as the law and jurisprudence
pertinent thereto, this Office finds the above argument to be
legally untenable. It is admitted that while industry practice or
market convention has the force of law between the members of a
particular industry, it is not binding with the BIR since it is not a
party thereto. The same should, therefore, not be allowed to
prejudice the Bureau of its lawful task of collecting revenues
necessary to defray


5 Id., p. 34.
6 BIR Records, p. 28.
7 Id., pp. 28-29.


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Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

the expenses of the government. (Art. 11 in relation to Art. 1306

of the New Civil Code.)
Moreover, let it be stated that even before the amendment of
Sec. 222 (now Sec. 173) of the Tax Code, as amended, the same
was already interpreted to hold that the other party who is not
exempt from the payment of documentary stamp tax liable from
the tax. This interpretation was further strengthened by the
following BIR Rulings which in substance state:

1. BIR Unnumbered Ruling dated May 30, 1977—

“x x x Documentary stamp taxes are payable by either person,

signing, issuing, accepting, or transferring the instrument,
document or paper. It is now settled that where one party to the
instrument is exempt from said taxes, the other party who is not
exempt should be liable.”

2. BIR Ruling No. 144-84 dated September 3, 1984—

“x x x Thus, where one party to the contract is exempt from said

tax, the other party, who is not exempt, shall be liable therefore.
Accordingly, since A.J.L. Construction Corporation, the other
party to the contract and the one assuming the payment of the
expenses incidental to the registration in the vendee’s name of the
property sold, is not exempt from said tax, then it is the one liable
therefore, pursuant to Sec. 245 (now Sec. 196), in relation to Sec.
222 (now Sec. 173), both of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended.”
Premised on all the foregoing considerations,
your request for
reconsideration is hereby DENIED.”

Upon receipt of the above-cited letter from the BIR,

petitioner BPI proceeded to file9 a Petition for Review with
the CTA on 10 October 1997; to which respondent BIR
Commissioner, represented by the Office of the 10
General, filed an Answer on 08 December 1997.
Petitioner BPI raised in its Petition for Review before
the CTA, in addition to the arguments presented in its

8 CTA Rollo, pp. 35-36.
9 Id., pp. 1-4.
10 Id., pp. 21-25.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

letter, dated 16 November 1989, the defense of prescription

of the right of respondent BIR Commissioner to enforce
collection of the assessed amount. It alleged that
respondent BIR Commissioner only had three years to
collect on Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054, but she
waited for seven years and nine months to deny the
protest. In her Answer and subsequent Memorandum,
respondent BIR Commissioner merely reiterated her
position, as stated in her letter to petitioner BPI, dated 13
August 1997, which denied the latter’s protest; and
remained silent as to the expiration of the prescriptive
period for collection of the assessed deficiency DST.
After due trial, the CTA rendered a Decision on 02
February 1999, in which it identified two primary issues in
the controversy between petitioner BPI and respondent
BIR Commissioner: (1) whether or not the right of
respondent BIR Commissioner to collect from petitioner
BPI the alleged deficiency DST for taxable year 1985 had
prescribed; and (2) whether or not the sales of
US$1,000,000.00 on 06 June 1985 and 14 June 1985 by
petitioner BPI to the Central Bank were subject to DST.
The CTA answered the first issue in the negative and
held that the statute of limitations for respondent BIR
Commissioner to collect on the Assessment had not yet
prescribed. In resolving the issue of prescription, the CTA
reasoned that—

In the case of Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Wyeth

Suaco Laboratories, Inc., G.R. No. 76281, September 30,
1991, 202 SCRA 125, the Supreme Court laid to rest the first
issue. It categorically ruled that a “protest” is to be treated as
request for reinvestigation or reconsideration and a mere request
for reexamination or reinvestigation tolls the prescriptive period
of the Commissioner to collect on an assessment. . .
In the case at bar, there being no dispute that petitioner filed
its protest on the subject assessment on November 17, 1989, there
can be no conclusion other than that said protest stopped the
running of the prescriptive period of the Commissioner to collect.


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Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

Section 320 (now 223) of the Tax Code, clearly states that a
request for reinvestigation which is granted by the Commissioner,
shall suspend the prescriptive period to collect. The underscored
portion above does not mean that the Commissioner will cancel
the subject assessment but should be construed as when the same
was entertained by the Commissioner by not issuing any warrant
of distraint or levy on the properties of the taxpayer or any action
prejudicial to the latter unless and until the request for
reinvestigation is finally given due course. Taking into
consideration this provision of law and the aforementioned ruling
of the Supreme Court in Wyeth Suaco which specifically and
categorically states that a protest could be considered as a request
for reinvestigation, We11 rule that prescription has not set in
against the government.

The CTA had likewise resolved the second issue in the

negative. Referring to its own decision in an earlier case,
Consolidated Bank 12
& Trust Co. v. The Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, the CTA reached the conclusion that
the sales of foreign currency by petitioner BPI to the
Central Bank in taxable year 1985 were not subject to DST

From the abovementioned decision of this Court, it can be gleaned

that the Central Bank, during the period June 11, 1984 to March
9, 1987 enjoyed tax exemption privilege, including the payment of
documentary stamp tax (DST) pursuant to Resolution No. 35-85
dated May 3, 1985 of the Fiscal Incentive Review Board. As such,
the Central Bank, as buyer of the foreign currency, is exempt
from paying the documentary stamp tax for the period
abovementioned. This Court further expounded that said tax
exemption of the Central Bank was modified beginning January
1, 1986 when Presidential Decree (P.D.) 1994 took effect. Under
this decree, the liability for DST on sales of foreign currency to
the Central Bank is shifted to the seller.
Applying the above decision to the case at bar, petitioner
cannot be held liable for DST on its 1985 sales of foreign
currencies to the Central Bank, as the latter who is the purchaser
of the subject currencies is the one liable thereof. However, since
the Central Bank


11 Rollo, pp. 88-90.

12 CTA Case No. 4647, 21 November 1994.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

is exempt from all taxes during 1985 by virtue of Resolution No.

35-85 of the Fiscal Incentive Review Board dated March 3, 1985,
neither the petitioner nor the Central Bank is liable for the
payment of the documentary stamp tax for the former’s 1985 sales
of foreign currencies to the latter. This aforecited case of
Consolidated Bank vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue was
affirmed by the Court of Appeals in its decision dated March 31,
1995, CA-GR Sp. No. 35930. Said decision was in turn affirmed by
the Supreme Court in its resolution denying the petition filed by
Consolidated Bank dated November 20, 1995 with the 13
Court under Entry of Judgment dated March 1, 1996.

In sum, the CTA decided that the statute of limitations for

respondent BIR Commissioner to collect on Assessment No.
FAS-5-85-89-002054 had not yet prescribed; nonetheless, it
still ordered the cancellation of the said Assessment
because the sales of foreign currency by petitioner BPI to
the Central Bank in taxable year 1985 were tax-exempt.
Herein respondent BIR Commissioner appealed the
Decision of the CTA to14the Court of Appeals. In its Decision
dated 11 August 1999, the Court of Appeals sustained the
finding of the CTA on the first issue, that the running of
the prescriptive period for collection on Assessment No.
FAS-5-85-89-002054 was suspended when herein petitioner
BPI filed a protest on 17 November 1989 and, therefore,
the prescriptive period for collection on the Assessment had
not yet lapsed. In the same Decision, however, the Court of
Appeals reversed the CTA on the second issue and
basically adopted the position of the respondent BIR
Commissioner that the sales of foreign currency by
petitioner BPI to the Central Bank in taxable year 1985
were subject to DST. The Court of Appeals, thus, ordered
the reinstatement of Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054
which required petitioner BPI to pay the amount of
P28,020.00 as deficiency DST for taxable year 1985,
inclusive of the compromise penalty.


13 Rollo, pp. 91-93.

14 Ibid.


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Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

Comes now petitioner BPI before this Court in this Petition

for Review on Certiorari, seeking resolution of the same
two legal issues raised and discussed in the courts below, to
reiterate: (1) whether or not the right of respondent BIR
Commissioner to collect from petitioner BPI the alleged
deficiency DST for taxable year 1985 had prescribed; and
(2) whether or not the sales of US$1,000,000.00 on 06 June
1985 and 14 June 1985 by petitioner BPI to the Central
Bank were subject to DST.

The efforts of respondent Commissioner to collect on Assessment

No. FAS-5-85-89-002054 were already barred by prescription.

Anent the question of prescription, this Court disagrees in

the Decisions of the CTA and the Court of Appeals, and
herein determines the statute of limitations on collection of
the deficiency DST in Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054
had already prescribed.
The period for the BIR to assess and collect an internal
revenue tax is limited to three15years by Section 203 of the
Tax Code of 1977, as amended, which provides that—

SEC. 203. Period of limitation upon assessment and collection.—

Except as provided in the succeeding section, internal revenue
taxes shall be assessed within three years after the last day
prescribed by law for the filing of the return, and no proceeding in
court without assessment for the collection of such taxes shall be
begun after the expiration of such period: Provided, That in a case
where a return is filed beyond the period prescribed by law, the

15 Batas Pambansa Blg. 700 (approved on 05 April 1984) amended the Tax Code
of 1977 by shortening the period of limitations on assessment and collection of
national internal revenue taxes from the original five years to three years. The
shorter three-year prescriptive period shall apply to assessments made on or after
05 April 1984 covering taxable years beginning 01 January 1984.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

period shall be counted from the day the return was filed. For the
purposes of this section, a return filed before the last day
prescribed by law16 for the filing thereof shall be considered as filed
on such last day.

The three-year period of limitations on the assessment and

collection of national internal revenue taxes set by Section
203 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended, can be affected,
adjusted, or suspended, in accordance with the following
provisions of the same Code—

SEC. 223. Exceptions as to period of limitation of assessment and

collection of taxes.—(a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return
with intent to evade tax or of failure to file a return, the tax may
be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such tax
may be begun without assessment, at any time within ten years
after the discovery of the falsity, fraud, or omission: Provided,
That in a fraud assessment which has become final and executory,
the fact of fraud shall be judicially taken cognizance of in the civil
or criminal action for the collection thereof.
(b If before the expiration of the time prescribed in the
preceding section for the assessment of the tax, both the
Commissioner and the taxpayer have agreed in writing to its
assessment after such time the tax may be assessed within the
period agreed upon. The period so agreed upon may be extended
by subsequent written agreement made before the expiration of
the period previously agreed upon.
(c) Any internal revenue tax which has been assessed within
the period of limitation above-prescribed may be collected by
distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court within three years
following the assessment of the tax.
(d) Any internal revenue tax which has been assessed within
the period agreed upon as provided in paragraph (b) hereinabove
may be collected by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court
within the period agreed upon in writing before the expiration of
the three-year period. The period so agreed upon may be extended
by subsequent written agreements made before the expiration of
the period previously agreed upon.


16 Now Section 203 of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended.


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 221

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

(e) Provided, however, That nothing in the immediately preceding

section and paragraph (a) hereof shall be construed to authorize
the examination and investigation or inquiry into any tax returns
filed in17accordance with the provisions of any tax amnesty law or


17 Presently, Section 222 of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended, which


SEC. 222. Exceptions as to period of limitation of assessment and collection of

taxes.—(a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or of
failure to file a return, the tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the
collection of such tax may be filed without assessment, at any time within ten (10)
years after the discovery of the falsity, fraud, or omission: Provided, That in a
fraud assessment which has become final and executory, the fact of fraud shall be
judicially taken cognizance of in the civil or criminal action for the collection

(b) If before the expiration of the time prescribed in Section [203] for
the assessment of the tax, both the Commissioner and the
taxpayer have agreed in writing to its assessment after such time,
the tax may be assessed within the period agreed upon. The period
so agreed upon may be extended by subsequent written agreement
made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon.
(c) Any internal revenue tax which has been assessed within the
period of limitation as prescribed in paragraph (a) hereof may be
collected by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court within five
(5) years following the assessment of the tax.
(d) Any internal revenue tax, which has been assessed within the
period agreed upon as provided in paragraph (b) hereinabove, may
be collected by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court within
the period agreed upon in writing before the expiration of the five
(5)-year period. The period so agreed upon may be extended by
subsequent written agreements made before the expiration of the
period previously agreed upon.
(e) Provided, however, That nothing in the immediately preceding
Section and paragraph (a) hereof shall be con



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

SEC. 224. Suspension of running of statute.—The running of the

statute of limitation provided in Section[s] 203 and 223 on the
making of assessment and the beginning of distraint or levy or a
proceeding in court for collection, in respect of any deficiency,
shall be suspended for the period during which the Commissioner
is prohibited from making the assessment or beginning distraint
or levy or a proceeding in court and for sixty days thereafter;
when the taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation which is granted
by the Commissioner; when the taxpayer cannot be located in the
address given by him in the return filed upon which a tax is being
assessed or collected: Provided, That, if the taxpayer informs the
Commissioner of any change in address, the running of the
statute of limitations will not be suspended; when the warrant of
distraint and levy is duly served upon the taxpayer, his
authorized representative, or a member of his household with
sufficient discretion, and no property18could be located; and when
the taxpayer is out of the Philippines.

As enunciated in these statutory provisions, the BIR has

three years, counted from the date of actual filing of the
return or from the last date prescribed by law for the filing
of such return, whichever comes later, to assess a national
internal revenue tax or to begin a court proceeding for the
collection thereof without an assessment. In case of a false
or fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or the failure
to file any return at all, the prescriptive period for
assessment of the tax due shall be 10 years from discovery
by the BIR of the falsity, fraud, or omission. When the BIR
validly issues an assessment, within either the three-year
or ten-year period, whichever
is appropriate, then the BIR
has another three years after the assessment within
which to collect the national internal revenue tax due
thereon by distraint, levy,

strued to authorize the examination and investigation or inquiry into
any tax return filed in accordance with the provisions of any tax amnesty
law or decree.
18 Reproduced as Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended.
19 Now a five-year period, under Section 222(c) of the Tax Code of 1997,
as amended, supra, note 17.


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 223

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

and/or court proceeding. The assessment of the tax is

deemed made and the three-year period for collection of the
assessed tax begins to run on the date the assessment
notice had20 been released, mailed or sent by the BIR to the
In the present Petition, there is no controversy on the
timeliness of the issuance of the Assessment, only on the
prescription of the period to collect the deficiency DST
following its Assessment. While Assessment No. FAS-5-85-
89-002054 and its corresponding Assessment Notice were
both dated 10 October 1989 and were received by petitioner
BPI on 20 October 1989, there was no showing as to when
the said Assessment and Assessment Notice were released,
mailed or sent by the BIR. Still, it can be granted that the
latest date the BIR could have released, mailed or sent the
Assessment and Assessment Notice to petitioner BPI was
on the same date they were received by the latter, on 20
October 1989. Counting the21
three-year prescriptive period,
for a total of 1,095 days, from 20 October 1989, then the
BIR only had until 19 October 1992 within which to collect
the assessed deficiency DST.
The earliest attempt of the BIR to collect on Assessment
No. FAS-5-85-89-002054 was its issuance and service of a
Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy on petitioner BPI.
Although the Warrant was issued on 15 October 1992,
previous to the expiration of the period for collection on 19
October 1992, the same was served on petitioner BPI only
on 23 October 1992.
Under Section 223(c) of the Tax Code of 1977, as
amended, it is not essential that the Warrant of Distraint
and/or Levy be fully executed so that it can suspend the
running of the statute of limitations on the collection of the
tax. It is enough that the proceedings have validly began or
commenced and

20 Basilan Estates, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 128 Phil.

19; 21 SCRA 17 (1967).
21 According to Article 13 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, when the
law speaks of years, it shall be understood that the years are of 365 days



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

that their execution has not been suspended by reason of

the voluntary desistance of the respondent BIR
Commissioner. Existing jurisprudence establishes that
distraint and levy proceedings are validly begun or
commenced by the issuance 22
of the Warrant and service
thereof on the taxpayer. It is only logical to require that
the Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy be, at the very least,
served upon the taxpayer in order to suspend the running
of the prescriptive period for collection of an assessed tax,
because it may only be upon the service of the Warrant
that the taxpayer is informed of the denial by the BIR of
any pending protest of the said taxpayer, and the resolute
intention of the BIR to collect the tax assessed.
If the service of the Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy on
petitioner BPI on 23 October 1992 was already beyond the
prescriptive period for collection of the deficiency DST,
which had expired on 19 October 1992, then what more the
letter of respondent BIR Commissioner, dated 13 August
1997 and received by the counsel of the petitioner BPI only
on 11 September 1997, denying the protest of petitioner
BPI and requesting payment of the deficiency DST? Even
later and more unequivocally barred by prescription on
collection was the demand made by respondent BIR
Commissioner for payment of the deficiency DST in her
Answer to the Petition for Review of23 petitioner BPI before
the CTA, filed on 08 December 1997.


22 Republic v. Hizon, G.R. No. 130430, 13 December 1999, 320 SCRA

574; Advertising Associates, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-59758, 26
December 1984, 133 SCRA 765; Palanca, et al. v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, 114 Phil. 203; 4 SCRA 263 (1962).
23 A judicial action for the collection of a tax may be initiated by the
filing of a complaint with the proper regular trial court; or where the
assessment is appealed to the CTA, by filing an answer to the taxpayer’s
petition for review wherein payment of the tax is prayed for. (Philippine
National Oil Company v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 109976, 26 April
2005, 457 SCRA 32; Fernandez Hermanos, Inc. v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, G.R. No. L-21551, 30 September 1969, 29 SCRA 552;
Palanca, et al. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Ibid.)


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 225

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue


There is no valid ground for the suspension of the running of the

prescriptive period for collection of the assessed DST under the
Tax Code of 1977, as amended.

In their Decisions, both the CTA and the Court of Appeals

found that the filing by petitioner BPI of a protest letter
suspended the running of the prescriptive period for
collecting the assessed DST. This Court, however, takes the
opposing view, and, based on the succeeding discussion,
concludes that there is no valid ground for suspending the
running of the prescriptive period for collection of the
deficiency DST assessed against petitioner BPI.

A. The statute of limitations on assessment and collection

of taxes is for the protection of the taxpayer and, thus,
shall be construed liberally in his favor.

Though the statute of limitations on assessment and

collection of national internal revenue taxes benefits both
the Government and the taxpayer, it principally intends to
afford protection to the taxpayer against unreasonable
investigation. The indefinite extension of the period for
assessment is unreasonable because it deprives the said
taxpayer of the assurance that he will no longer be
subjected to further investigation for taxes24 after the
expiration of a reasonable period of time. 25As aptly
explained in Republic of the Philippines v. Ablaza —

The law prescribing a limitation of actions for the collection of the

income tax is beneficial both to the Government and to its
citizens; to the Government because tax officers would be obliged
to act promptly in the making of assessment, and to citizens
because after the lapse of the period of prescription citizens would
have a feeling of


24 Philippine Journalists, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G.R. No.

162852, 16 December 2004, 447 SCRA 214.
25 108 Phil. 1105, 1108 (1960).



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

security against unscrupulous tax agents who will always find an

excuse to inspect the books of taxpayers, not to determine the
latter’s real liability, but to take advantage of every opportunity
to molest peaceful, law-abiding citizens. Without such a legal
defense taxpayers would furthermore be under obligation to
always keep their books and keep them open for inspection
subject to harassment by unscrupulous tax agents. The law on
prescription being a remedial measure should be interpreted in a
way conducive to bringing about the beneficent purpose of
affording protection to the taxpayer within the contemplation of
the Commission which recommend the approval of the law.

In order to provide even better protection to the taxpayer

against unreasonable investigation, the Tax Code of 1977, 26
as amended, identifies specifically in Sections 223 and 224
thereof the circumstances when the prescriptive periods for
assessing and collecting taxes could be suspended or
To give effect to the legislative intent, these provisions
on the statute of limitations on assessment and collection of
taxes shall be construed and applied liberally in favor of
the taxpayer and strictly against the Government.

B. The statute of limitations on assessment and collection

of national internal revenue taxes may be waived, subject
to certain conditions, under paragraphs (b) and (d) of
Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended,
respectively. Petitioner BPI, however, did not execute any
such waiver in the case at bar.

According to paragraphs (b) and (d) of Section 223 of the

Tax Code of 1977, as amended, the prescriptive periods for
assessment and collection of national internal revenue
taxes, respectively, could be waived by agreement, to wit—


26 Currently Sections 222 and 223 of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended.


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 227

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

SEC. 223. Exceptions as to period of limitation of assessment and

collection of taxes.—
(b) If before the expiration of the time prescribed in the
preceding section for the assessment of the tax, both the
Commissioner and the taxpayer have agreed in writing to its
assessment after such time the tax may be assessed within the
period agreed upon. The period so agreed upon may be extended
by subsequent written agreement made before the expiration of
the period previously agreed upon.
(d) Any internal revenue tax which has been assessed within
the period agreed upon as provided in paragraph (b) hereinabove
may be collected by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court
within the period agreed upon in writing before the expiration of
the three-year period. The period so agreed upon may be extended
by subsequent written agreements27 made before the expiration of
the period previously agreed upon.

The agreements so described in the afore-quoted provisions

are often referred to as waivers of the statute of
limitations. The waiver of the statute of limitations,
whether on assessment or collection, should not be
construed as a waiver of the right to invoke the defense of
prescription but, rather, an agreement between the
taxpayer and the BIR to extend the period to a date
certain, within which the latter could still assess or collect
taxes due. The waiver does not mean that the taxpayer
relinquishes 28 the right to invoke prescription
A valid waiver of the statute of limitations under
paragraphs (b) and (d) of Section 223 of the Tax Code of
1977, as amended, must be: (1) in writing; (2) agreed to by
both the Commissioner and the taxpayer; (3) before the
expiration of the ordinary prescriptive periods for
assessment and collec-


27 Supra, note 17.

28 Philippine Journalists, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
supra, note 24.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

tion; and (4) for a definite period beyond the ordinary

prescriptive periods for assessment and collection. The
period agreed upon can still be extended by subsequent
written agreement, provided that it is executed prior to the
expiration of the first period agreed upon. The BIR had
issued Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 20-90 on
04 April 1990 to lay down an even more detailed procedure
for the proper execution of such a waiver. RMO No. 20-90
mandates that the procedure for execution of the waiver
shall be strictly followed, and any revenue official who fails
to comply therewith resulting in the prescription of the
right to assess and collect shall be administratively dealt
This Court had consistently ruled in a number of cases
that a request for reconsideration or reinvestigation by the
taxpayer, without a valid waiver of the prescriptive periods
for the assessment and collection of tax, as required by the
Tax Code and implementing
rules, will not suspend the
running thereof.
In the Petition at bar, petitioner BPI executed no such
waiver of the statute of limitations on the collection of the
deficiency DST per Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054.
In fact, an internal memorandum of the Chief of the
Legislative, Ruling & Research Division of the BIR to her
counterpart in the Collection Enforcement Division, dated
15 October 1992, expressly noted that, “The taxpayer fails
to execute a Waiver of the Statute of Limitations extending
the period of collection of the said tax up to December
1993 pending reconsideration of its protest. . .” Without a
valid waiver, the statute of limitations on collection by the
BIR of the deficiency DST

29 Ibid.; Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

115712, 25 February 1999, 303 SCRA 614; Cordero v. Conda, 124 Phil.
926; 18 SCRA 331 (1966); Collector of Internal Revenue v. Pineda, 112
Phil. 321; 2 SCRA 401 (1961); Collector of Internal Revenue v. Solano, G.R.
No. L-11475, 31 July 1958.
30 BIR Records, p. 27.


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 229

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

could not have been suspended under paragraph (d) of

Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended.

C. The protest filed by petitioner BPI did not constitute a

request for reinvestigation, granted by the respondent BIR
Commissioner, which could have suspended the running
of the statute of limitations on collection of the assessed
deficiency DST under Section 224 of the Tax Code of
1977, as amended.

The Tax Code of 1977, as amended, also recognizes

instances when the running of the statute of limitations on
the assessment and collection of national internal revenue
taxes could be suspended, even in the absence of a waiver,
under Section 224 thereof, which reads—

SEC. 224. Suspension of running of statute.—The running of the

statute of limitation provided in Section[s] 203 and 223 on the
making of assessment and the beginning of distraint or levy or a
proceeding in court for collection, in respect of any deficiency,
shall be suspended for the period during which the Commissioner
is prohibited from making the assessment or beginning distraint
or levy or a proceeding in court and for sixty days thereafter;
when the taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation which is granted
by the Commissioner; when the taxpayer cannot be located in the
address given by him in the return filed upon which a tax is being
assessed or collected: Provided, That, if the taxpayer informs the
Commissioner of any change in address, the running of the
statute of limitations will not be suspended; when the warrant of
distraint and levy is duly served upon the taxpayer, his
authorized representative, or a member of his household with
sufficient discretion, and no property31could be located; and when
the taxpayer is out of the Philippines.
Of particular importance to the present case is one of the
circumstances enumerated in Section 224 of the Tax Code
of 1977, as amended, wherein the running of the statute of
limitations on assessment and collection of taxes is


31 Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended, at present.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

suspended “when the taxpayer requests for a

reinvestigation which is granted by the Commissioner.”
This Court gives credence to the argument of petitioner
BPI that there is a distinction between a request for
reconsideration and a request for reinvestigation. Revenue
Regulations (RR) No. 12-85, issued on 27 November 1985
by the Secretary of Finance, upon the recommendation of
the BIR Commissioner, governs the procedure for
protesting an assessment and distinguishes between the
two types of protest, as follows—


SEC. 6. Protest.—The taxpayer may protest administratively an

assessment by filing a written request for reconsideration or
reinvestigation. . .
For the purpose of the protest herein –

(a) Request for reconsideration.—refers to a plea for a

reevaluation of an assessment on the basis of
existing records without need of additional
evidence. It may involve both a question of fact or of
law or both.
(b) Request for reinvestigation.—refers to a plea for
reevaluation of an assessment on the basis of
newly-discovered or additional evidence that a
taxpayer intends to present in the reinvestigation.
It may also involve a question of fact or law or both.
With the issuance of RR No. 12-85 on 27 November 1985
providing the above-quoted distinctions between a request
for reconsideration and a request for reinvestigation, the
two types of protest can no longer be used interchangeably
and their differences so lightly brushed aside. It bears to
emphasize that under Section 224 of the Tax Code of 1977,
as amended, the running of the prescriptive period for
collection of taxes can only be suspended by a request for
reinvestigation, not a request for reconsideration.
Undoubtedly, a reinvestigation, which entails the reception
and evaluation of additional evidence, will take more time
than a reconsidera-

VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 231

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

tion of a tax assessment, which will be limited to the

evidence already at hand; this justifies why the former can
suspend the running of the statute of limitations on
collection of the assessed tax, while the latter can not.
The protest letter of petitioner BPI, dated 16 November
1989 and filed with the BIR the next day, on 17 November
1989, did not specifically request for either a
reconsideration or reinvestigation. A close review of the
contents thereof would reveal, however, that it protested
Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054 based on a question of
law, in particular, whether or not petitioner BPI was liable
for DST on its sales of foreign currency to the Central Bank
in taxable year 1985. The same protest letter did not raise
any question of fact; neither did it offer to present any new
evidence. In its own letter to petitioner BPI, dated 10
September 1992, the BIR itself referred to the protest32
petitioner BPI as a request for reconsideration. These
considerations would lead this Court to deduce that the
protest letter of petitioner BPI was in the nature of a
request for reconsideration, rather than a request for
reinvestigation and, consequently, Section 224 of the Tax
Code of 1977, as amended, on the suspension of the
running of the statute of limitations should not apply.
Even if, for the sake of argument, this Court glosses over
the distinction between a request for reconsideration and a
request for reinvestigation, and considers the protest of
petitioner BPI as a request for reinvestigation, the filing
thereof could not have suspended at once the running of
the statute of limitations. Article 224 of the Tax Code of
1977, as amended, very plainly requires that the request
for reinvestigation had been granted by the BIR
Commissioner to suspend the running of the prescriptive
periods for assessment and collection.
That the BIR Commissioner must first grant the request
for reinvestigation as a requirement for suspension of the


32 BIR Records, p. 26.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

statute of limitations is even supported by existing

jurisprudence. 33
In the case of Republic of the Philippines v. Gancayco,
taxpayer Gancayco requested for a thorough
reinvestigation of the assessment against him and placed
at the disposal of the Collector of Internal Revenue all the
evidences he had for such purpose; yet, the Collector
ignored the request, and the records and documents were
not at all examined. Considering the given facts, this Court
pronounced that—

. . .The act of requesting a reinvestigation alone does not

suspend the period. The request should first be granted, in
order to effect suspension. (Collector vs. Suyoc Consolidated,
supra; also Republic vs. Ablaza, supra). Moreover, the Collector
gave appellee until April 1, 1949, within which to submit his
evidence, which the latter did one day before. There were no
impediments on the part 34
of the Collector to file the collection case
from April 1, 1949. . . .
In Republic of the Philippines v. Acebedo, this Court
similarly found that—

. . . [T]he defendant, after receiving the assessment notice of

September 24, 1949, asked for a reinvestigation thereof on
October 11, 1949 (Exh. “A”). There is no evidence that this
request was considered or acted upon. In fact, on October 23,
1950 the then Collector of Internal Revenue issued a warrant of
distraint and levy for the full amount of the assessment (Exh.
“D”), but there was no follow-up of this warrant. Consequently,
the request for reinvesti gation did not suspend the running
of the period for filing an action for collection.
The burden of proof that the taxpayer’s request for
reinvestigation had been actually granted shall be on
respondent BIR Commissioner. The grant may be
expressed in communica-


33 120 Phil. 376; 11 SCRA 380 (1964).

34 Id., p. 382.
35 131 Phil. 469, 472; 22 SCRA 1356, 1358 (1968).


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 233

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

tions with the taxpayer or implied from the actions of the

respondent BIR Commissioner or his authorized BIR
representatives in response to the request for
reinvestigation. 36
In Querol v. Collector of Internal Revenue, the BIR,
after receiving the protest letters of taxpayer Querol, sent a
tax examiner to San Fernando, Pampanga, to conduct the
reinvestigation; as a result of which, the original
assessment against taxpayer Querol was revised by
permitting him to deduct reasonable depreciation. In 37
another case, Republic of the Philippines v. Lopez,
taxpayer Lopez filed a total of four petitions for
reconsideration and reinvestigation. The first petition was
denied by the BIR. The second and third petitions were
granted by the BIR and after each reinvestigation, the
assessed amount was reduced. The fourth petition was
again denied and, thereafter, the BIR filed a collection suit
against taxpayer Lopez. When the taxpayers spouses38
in Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Sison, contested
the assessment against them and asked for a
reinvestigation, the BIR ordered the reinvestigation
resulting in the issuance of an amended assessment. 39
Lastly, in Republic of the Philippines v. Aquias, the BIR
granted taxpayer Aquias’s request for reinvestigation and
duly notified him of the date when such reinvestigation
would be held; only, neither taxpayer Aquias nor his
counsel appeared on the given date.
In all these cases, the request for reinvestigation of the
assessment filed by the taxpayer was evidently granted
and actual reinvestigation was conducted by the BIR,
which eventually resulted in the issuance of an amended
assessment. On the basis of these facts, this Court ruled in
the same cases that the period between the request for
reinvestigation and the revised assessment should be
subtracted from the total prescriptive period for the
assessment of the tax; and, once


36 116 Phil. 615; 6 SCRA 304 (1962).

37 117 Phil. 575; 7 SCRA 566 (1963).
38 117 Phil. 892; 7 SCRA 884 (1963).
39 144 Phil. 492; 33 SCRA 607 (1970).



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

the assessment had been reconsidered at the taxpayer’s

instance, the period for collection should begin to run
the date of the reconsidered or modified assessment.
The rulings of the foregoing cases do not apply to the
present Petition because: (1) the protest filed by petitioner
BPI was a request for reconsideration, not a
reinvestigation, of the assessment against it; and (2) even
granting that the protest of petitioner BPI was a request
for reinvestigation, there was no showing that it was
granted by respondent BIR Commissioner and that actual
reinvestigation had been conducted.
Going back to the administrative records of the present
case, it would seem that the BIR, after receiving a copy of
the protest letter of petitioner BPI on 17 November 1989,
did not attempt to communicate at all with the latter until
10 September 1992, less than a month before the
prescriptive period for collection on Assessment No. FAS-5-
85-89-002054 was due to expire. There were internal
communications, mostly indorsements of the docket of the
case from one BIR division to another; but these hardly fall
within the same sort of acts in the previously discussed
cases that satisfactorily demonstrated the grant of the
taxpayer’s request for reinvestigation. Petitioner BPI, in
the meantime, was left in the dark as to the status of its
protest in the absence of any word from the BIR. Besides,
in its letter to petitioner BPI, dated 10 September 1992, the
BIR unwittingly admitted that it had not yet acted on the
protest of the former—
This refers to your protest against and/or request for
reconsideration of the assessment/s of this Office against you
involving the amount of P28,020.00 under FAS-5-85-89-002054
dated October 23, 1989 as deficiency documentary stamp tax
inclusive of compromise penalty for the year 1985.


40 Republic of the Philippines v. Aquias, ibid.; Commissioner of Internal

Revenue v. Sison, supra, note 38; Republic of the Philippines v. Lopez,
supra, note 37; Querol v. Collector of Internal Revenue, supra, note 36.


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 235

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

In this connection, it is requested that the enclosed waiver of the

statute of limitations extending the period of collection of the said
tax/es to December 31, 1993 be executed by you as 41a condition
precedent of our giving due course to your protest…

When the BIR stated in its letter, dated 10 September

1992, that the waiver of the statute of limitations on
collection was a condition precedent to its giving due course
to the request for reconsideration of petitioner BPI, then it
was understood that the grant of such request for
reconsideration was being held off until compliance with
the given condition. When petitioner BPI failed to comply
with the condition precedent, which was the execution of
the waiver, the logical inference would be that the request
was not granted and was not given due course at all.


The suspension of the statute of limitations on collection of the

assessed deficiency DST from petitioner BPI does not find support
in jurisprudence.

It is the position of respondent BIR Commissioner,

affirmed by the CTA and the Court of Appeals, that the
three-year prescriptive period for collecting on Assessment
No. FAS-5-85-89-002054 had not yet prescribed, because
the said prescriptive period was suspended, invoking the
case of Commissioner
of Internal Revenue v. Wyeth Suaco
Laboratories, Inc. It was in this case in which this Court
ruled that the prescriptive period provided by law to make
a collection is interrupted once a taxpayer requests for
reinvestigation or reconsideration of the assessment.
Petitioner BPI, on the other hand, is requesting this
Court to revisit the Wyeth Suaco case contending that it
had unjus-


41 BIR Records, p. 26.

42 G.R. No. 76281, 30 September 1991, 202 SCRA 125.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

tifiably expanded the grounds for suspending the

prescriptive period for collection of national internal
revenue taxes.
This Court finds that although there is no compelling
reason to abandon its decision in the Wyeth Suaco case, the
said case cannot be applied to the particular facts of the
Petition at bar.

A. The only exception to the statute of limitations on

collection of taxes, other than those already provided
in the Tax Code, was recognized in the Suyoc case.

As had been previously discussed herein, the statute of

limitations on assessment and collection of national
internal revenue taxes may be suspended if the taxpayer
executes a valid waiver thereof, as provided in paragraphs
(b) and (d) of Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
amended; and in specific instances enumerated in Section
224 of the same Code, which include a request for
reinvestigation granted by the BIR Commissioner. Outside
of these statutory provisions, however, this Court also
recognized one other exception to the statute of limitations
on collection of taxes in the case of Collector
of Internal
Revenue v. Suyoc Consolidated Mining Co.
In the said case, the Collector of Internal Revenue
issued an assessment against taxpayer Suyoc Consolidated
Mining Co. on 11 February 1947 for deficiency income tax
for the taxable year 1941. Taxpayer Suyoc requested for at
least a year within which to pay the amount assessed, but
at the same time, reserving its right to question the
correctness of the assessment before actual payment. The
Collector granted taxpayer Suyoc an extension of only three
months to pay the assessed tax. When taxpayer Suyoc
failed to pay the assessed tax within the extended period,
the Collector sent it a demand letter, dated 28 November
1950. Upon receipt of the demand letter, taxpayer Suyoc
asked for a reinvestigation and reconsideration of the
assessment, but the Collector denied the


43 104 Phil. 819 (1958).


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 237

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

request. Taxpayer Suyoc reiterated its request for

reconsideration on 25 April 1952, which was denied again
by the Collector on 06 May 1953. Taxpayer Suyoc then
appealed the denial to the Conference Staff. The
Conference Staff heard the appeal from 02 September 1952
to 16 July 1955, and the negotiations resulted in the
reduction of the assessment on 26 July 1955. It was the
collection of the reduced assessment that was questioned
before this
Court for being enforced beyond the prescriptive
In resolving the issue on prescription, this Court
ratiocinated thus—

It is obvious from the foregoing that petitioner refrained from

collecting the tax by distraint or levy or by proceeding in court
within the 5-year period from the filing of the second amended
final return due to the several requests of respondent for
extension to which petitioner yielded to give it every opportunity
to prove its claim regarding the correctness of the assessment.
Because of such requests, several reinvestigations were made and
a hearing was even held by the Conference Staff organized in the
collection office to consider claims of such nature which, as the
record shows, lasted for several months. After inducing petitioner
to delay collection as he in fact did, it is most unfair for
respondent to now take advantage of such desistance to elude his
deficiency income tax liability to the prejudice of the Government
invoking the technical ground of prescription.
While we may agree with the Court of Tax Appeals that a mere
request for reexamination or reinvestigation may not have the
effect of suspending the running of the period of limitation for in
such case there is need of a written agreement to extend the
period between the Collector and the taxpayer, there are cases
however where a taxpayer may be prevented from setting up the
defense of prescription even if he has not previously waived it in
writing as when by his repeated requests or positive acts the
Government has been, for good reasons, persuaded to
postpone collection to make him feel that the demand was
not unreasonable or that


44 Collector of Internal Revenue v. Suyoc Consolidated Mining Co., Ibid.



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

no harassment or injustice is meant by the Government. And

when such situation comes to pass there are authorities that hold,
based on weighty reasons, that such an attitude or behavior
should not be45 countenanced if only to protect the interest of the

By the principle of estoppel, taxpayer Suyoc was not

allowed to raise the defense of prescription against the
efforts of the Government to collect the tax assessed
against it. This Court adopted the following principle from
American jurisprudence: “He who prevents a thing from
being done may not avail himself of the nonperformance
which he has himself occasioned, for the law says to him in
effect ‘this is
your own act, and therefore you are not
damnified.’ ”
In the Suyoc case, this Court expressly conceded that a
mere request for reconsideration or reinvestigation of an
assessment may not suspend the running of the statute of
limitations. It affirmed the need for a waiver of the
prescriptive period in order to effect suspension thereof.
However, even without such waiver, the taxpayer may be
estopped from raising the defense of prescription because
by his repeated requests or positive acts, he had induced
Government authorities to delay collection of the assessed
Based on the foregoing, petitioner BPI contends that the
declaration made in the later case of Wyeth Suaco, that the
statute of limitations on collection is suspended once the
taxpayer files a request for reconsideration or
reinvestigation, runs counter to the ruling made by this
Court in the Suyoc case.

B. Although this Court is not compelled to abandon its

decision in the Wyeth Suaco case, it finds that Wyeth
Suaco is


45 Id., pp. 822-823.

46 Id., p. 823, quoting from R.H. Stearns Co. v. U.S., 78 L. ed., 647.


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 239

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

not applicable to the Petition at bar because of the distinct

facts involved herein.
In the case of Wyeth Suaco, taxpayer Wyeth Suaco was
assessed for failing to remit withholding taxes on royalties
and dividend declarations, as well as, for deficiency sales
tax. The BIR issued two assessments, dated 16 December
1974 and 17 December 1974, both received by taxpayer
Wyeth Suaco on 19 December 1974. Taxpayer Wyeth
Suaco, through its tax consultant, SGV & Co., sent to the
BIR two letters, dated 17 January 1975 and 08 February
1975, protesting the assessments and requesting their
cancellation or withdrawal on the ground that said
assessments lacked factual or legal basis. On 12 September
1975, the BIR Commissioner advised taxpayer Wyeth
Suaco to avail itself of the compromise settlement being
offered under Letter of Instruction No. 308. Taxpayer
Wyeth Suaco manifested its conformity to paying a
compromise amount, but subject to certain conditions;
though, apparently, the said compromise amount was
never paid. On 10 December 1979, the BIR Commissioner
rendered a decision reducing the assessment for deficiency
withholding tax against taxpayer Wyeth Suaco, but
maintaining the assessment for deficiency sales tax. It was
at this point when taxpayer Wyeth Suaco brought its case
before the CTA to enjoin the BIR from enforcing the
assessments by reason of prescription. Although the CTA
decided in favor of taxpayer Wyeth Suaco, it was reversed
by this Court when the case was brought before it on
appeal. According to the decision of this Court—
“Settled is the rule that the prescriptive period provided by law to
make a collection by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court
is interrupted once a taxpayer requests for reinvestigation or
reconsideration of the assessment. . .
Although the protest letters prepared by SGV & Co. in behalf
of private respondent did not categorically state or use the words



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of Internal

“reinvestigation” and “reconsideration,” the same are to be treated

as letters of reinvestigation and reconsideration…
These letters of Wyeth Suaco interrupted the running of the
five-year prescriptive period to collect the deficiency taxes. The
Bureau of Internal Revenue, after having reviewed the re
cords of Wyeth Suaco, in accordance with its request for
rein vestigation, rendered a final assessment… It was only
upon receipt by Wyeth Suaco of this final assessment47
that the
five-year prescriptive period started to run again.”

The foremost criticism of petitioner BPI of the Wyeth Suaco

decision is directed at the statement made therein that,
“settled is the rule that the prescriptive period provided by
law to make a collection by distraint or levy or by a
proceeding in court is interrupted once a taxpayer requests 48
for reinvestigation or reconsideration of the assessment.”
It would seem that both petitioner BPI and respondent BIR
Commissioner, as well as, the CTA and Court of Appeals,
take the statement to mean that the filing alone of the
request for reconsideration or reinvestigation can already
interrupt or suspend the running of the prescriptive period
on collection. This Court therefore takes this opportunity to
clarify and qualify this statement made in the Wyeth Suaco
case. While it is true that, by itself, such statement would
appear to be a generalization of the exceptions to the
statute of limitations on collection, it is best interpreted in
consideration of the particular facts of the Wyeth Suaco
case and previous jurisprudence.
The Wyeth Suaco case cannot be in conflict with the
Suyoc case because there are substantial differences in the
factual backgrounds of the two cases. The Suyoc case refers
to a situation where there were repeated requests or
positive acts performed by the taxpayer that convinced the
BIR to delay collection of the assessed tax. This Court
pronounced therein that the repeated requests or positive
acts of the taxpayer


47 Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Wyeth Suaco Laboratories, Inc.,

supra, note 42, pp. 131, 133-134.
48 Ibid.


VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 241

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

prevented or estopped it from setting up the defense of

prescription against the Government when the latter
attempted to collect the assessed tax. In the Wyeth Suaco
case, taxpayer Wyeth Suaco filed a request for
reinvestigation, which was apparently granted by the BIR
and, consequently, the prescriptive period was indeed
suspended as provided 49
under Section 224 of the Tax Code
of 1977, as amended.
To reiterate, Section 224 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
amended, identifies specific circumstances when the
statute of limitations on assessment and collection may be
interrupted or suspended, among which is a request for
reinvestigation that is granted by the BIR Commissioner.
The act of filing a request for reinvestigation alone does50
suspend the period; such request must be granted. The
grant need not be express, but may be implied from the
acts of the BIR Commissioner or authorized 51
BIR officials in
response to the request for reinvestigation.
This Court found in the Wyeth Suaco case that the BIR
actually conducted a reinvestigation, in accordance with
the request of the taxpayer Wyeth Suaco, which resulted in
the reduction of the assessment originally issued against it.
Taxpayer Wyeth Suaco was also aware that its request for
reinvestigation was granted, as written by its Finance
Manager in a letter dated 01 July 1975, addressed to the
Chief of the Tax Accounts Division, wherein he admitted
that, “[a]s we understand, the matter is now undergoing
review and consideration


49 See the discussions in Part II-C of the present Decision on Section

224 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended, and related jurisprudence.
50 Republic v. Gancayco, supra, note 33; Republic v. Acebedo, supra,
note 35.
51 Also see the list of jurisprudence discussed in Part II-C of the present
Decision, namely, Querol v. Collector of Internal Revenue, supra, note 36;
Republic of the Philippines v. Lopez, supra, note 37; Commissioner of
Internal Revenue v. Sison, supra, note 38; Republic v. Aquias, supra, note



Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

by your Manufacturing Audit Division…” The statute of

limitations on collection, then, started to run only upon the
issuance and release of the reduced assessment.
The Wyeth Suaco case, therefore, is correct in declaring
that the prescriptive period for collection is interrupted or
suspended when the taxpayer files a request for
reinvestiga-tion, provided that, as clarified and qualified
herein, such request is granted by the BIR Commissioner.
Thus, this Court finds no compelling reason to abandon
its decision in the Wyeth Suaco case. It also now rules that
the said case is not applicable to the Petition at bar because
of the distinct facts involved herein. As already heretofore
determined by this Court, the protest filed by petitioner
BPI was a request for reconsideration, which merely
required a review of existing evidence and the legal basis
for the assessment. Respondent BIR Commissioner did not
require, neither did petitioner BPI offer, additional
evidence on the matter. After petitioner BPI filed its
request for reconsideration, there was no other
communication between it and respondent BIR
Commissioner or any of the authorized representatives of
the latter. There was no showing that petitioner BPI was
informed or aware that its request for reconsideration was
granted or acted upon by the BIR.



To summarize all the foregoing discussion, this Court lays

down the following rules on the exceptions to the statute of
limitations on collection.
The statute of limitations on collection may only be
interrupted or suspended by a valid waiver executed in
accordance with paragraph (d) of Section 223 of the Tax
Code of 1977, as amended, and the existence of the
circumstances enumerated in Section 224 of the same
Code, which include a request for reinvestigation granted
by the BIR Commissioner.

VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 243

Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

Even when the request for reconsideration or

reinvestigation is not accompanied by a valid waiver or
there is no request for reinvestigation that had been
granted by the BIR Commissioner, the taxpayer may still
be held in estoppel and be prevented from setting up the
defense of prescription of the statute of limitations on
collection when, by his own repeated requests or positive
acts, the Government had been, for good reasons,
persuaded to postpone collection to make the taxpayer feel
that the demand is not unreasonable or that no
harassment or injustice is meant by the Government, as
laid down by this Court in the Suyoc case.
Applying the given rules to the present Petition, this
Court finds that—

(a) The statute of limitations for collection of the

deficiency DST in Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-
002054, issued against petitioner BPI, had already
expired; and
(b) None of the conditions and requirements for
exception from the statute of limitations on
collection exists herein: Petitioner BPI did not
execute any waiver of the prescriptive period on
collection as mandated by paragraph (d) of Section
223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended; the
protest filed by petitioner BPI was a request for
reconsideration, not a request for reinvestigation
that was granted by respondent BIR Commissioner
which could have suspended the prescriptive period
for collection under Section 224 of the Tax Code of
1977, as amended; and, petitioner BPI, other than
filing a request for reconsideration of Assessment
No. FAS-5-85-89-002054, did not make repeated
requests or performed positive acts that could have
persuaded the respondent BIR Commissioner to
delay collection, and that would have prevented or
estopped petitioner BPI from setting up the defense
of prescription against collection of the tax
assessed, as required in the Suyoc case.

This is a simple case wherein respondent BIR

Commissioner and other BIR officials failed to act promptly
in resolving and denying the request for reconsideration
filed by peti-


Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue

tioner BPI and in enforcing collection on the assessment.

They presented no reason or explanation as to why it took
them almost eight years to address the protest of petitioner
BPI. The statute on limitations imposed by the Tax Code
precisely intends to protect the taxpayer from such
prolonged and unreasonable assessment and investigation
by the BIR.
Considering that the right of the respondent BIR
Commissioner to collect from petitioner BPI the deficiency
DST in Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054 had already
prescribed, then, there is no more need for this Court to
make a determination on the validity and correctness of the
said Assessment for the latter would only be unenforceable.
WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, the instant
Petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 51271, dated 11 August 1999,
which reinstated Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054
requiring petitioner BPI to pay the amount of P28,020.00
as deficiency documentary stamp tax for the taxable year
1985, inclusive of the compromise penalty, is REVERSED
and SET ASIDE. Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-002054 is
hereby ordered CANCELED.

          Puno (Chairman), Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr.

and Tinga, JJ., concur.

Petition granted, judgment reversed and set aside.

Notes.—Whether the government’s right to collect and

assess the tax has prescribed involves facts which were
ruled upon by the lower courts, and in the absence of a
clear showing of palpable error or grave abuse of discretion,
the Supreme Court must not overturn such factual findings
of the Court of Appeals and the Court of Tax Appeals.
(Afisco Insurance Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 302
SCRA 1 [1999])
The timely service of a warrant of distraint or levy
suspends the running of the period to collect the tax
deficiency. (Republic vs. Hizon, 320 SCRA 574 [1999])

VOL. 473, OCTOBER 17, 2005 245

MIAA-NAIA Association of Service Operators vs.

The act of a taxpayer in filing a petition before the Court of

Tax Appeals to prevent the collection of the assessed
deficiency tax and in elevating the case to the Supreme
Court for review after the Court of Tax Appeals dismissed
the petition suspended the running of the statute of
limitations. (Protector’s Services, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals,
330 SCRA 404 [2000])


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