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European Aviation Safety Agency 16 Nov 2012



on Certification Specifications, Acceptable means of Compliance, and Guidance

Material on Airborne Communications Navigation and Surveillance

for Mode A/C, Mode S Elementary, Mode S Enhanced Surveillance, and ADS-B
Out 1090 MHz Extended Squitter
Amending Decision No 2003/12/RM of the Executive Director of the European
Aviation Safety Agency of 5 November 2003 on Acceptable Means of Compliance
for airworthiness of products, parts and appliances

for AMC 20-13 Certification of Mode S Transponder Systems for Enhanced


for AMC 20-24 Certification Considerations for the Enhanced ATS in Non-Radar
Areas using ADS-B Surveillance (ADS-B-NRA) Application via 1090 MHZ
Extended Squitter

TE.RPRO.00034-002© European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved.

Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA Internet/Intranet.
NPA 2012-19 16 Nov 2012


This NPA contains a draft Decision for new Certification Specifications for Airborne
Communication Navigation and Surveillance (CS ACSN) that comprises of information related
to the airworthiness and interoperability standards in support of airspace applications. In
particular, the intent of this NPA is to provide clear standards and Guidance Material to ensure
safe operations and to demonstrate compliance with Commission Regulation (EU) No
1206/2011 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 for the following:
a. Mode A/C surveillance;
b. Mode S Elementary Surveillance;
c. Mode S Enhanced Surveillance;
d. ADS-B Out 1090 MHz Extended Squitter.

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A. Explanatory Note ................................................................................................... 4

I. General ........................................................................................................ 4
II. Consultation .................................................................................................. 4
III. Comment response document ......................................................................... 4
IV. Content of the draft Decision ........................................................................... 5
V. Regulatory Impact Assessment ....................................................................... 8
B. Draft Decision ..................................................................................................... 11
I. Draft Decision on Certification Specification Acceptable Means of Compliance
and Guidance material for Communication Navigation and Surveillance —
CS ACNS Book 1 .......................................................................................... 11
II. Draft Decision amending Decision No 2003/12/RM of the Executive Director
of the European Aviation Safety Agency of 5 November 2003 on acceptable
means of compliance for airworthiness of products, parts and appliances
‘AMC-20’ .................................................................................................... 107
C. Cross reference with interoperability Regulation ..................................................... 108

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A. Explanatory Note

I. General
1. The purpose of this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to propose airworthiness and
interoperability standards for Mode A/C surveillance, Mode S Elementary Surveillance,
Mode S Enhanced Surveillance, and ADS-B Out 1090 MHz Extended Squitter. These
standards would form Subpart D Section 1 to 4 of the Airborne Communication
Navigation and Surveillance Certification Specification (CS ACNS).
2. The European Aviation Safety Agency (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Agency’) is directly
involved in the rule-shaping process. It assists the Commission in its executive tasks by
preparing draft regulations, and amendments thereof, for the implementation of the
Basic Regulation1 which are adopted as ‘Opinions’ (Article 19(1)). It also adopts
Certification Specifications, Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to be
used in the certification process (Article 19(2)).
3. When developing rules, the Agency is bound to follow a structured process as required by
Article 52(1) of the Basic Regulation. Such process has been adopted by the Agency’s
Management Board and is referred to as ‘The Rulemaking Procedure’2.
4. This rulemaking activity is included in the Agency’s Rulemaking Programme for 2012-
2015. It implements part of rulemaking task RMT.0559 (20.016) as further explained in
section IV of this NPA.
5. The text of this NPA has been developed by the Agency. It is submitted for consultation
of all interested parties in accordance with Article 52 of the Basic Regulation and Articles
5(3) and 6 of the Rulemaking Procedure.
6. The proposed rule has taken into account the development of European Union and
International law (ICAO), and the harmonisation with the rules of other authorities of the
European Union main partners as set out in the objectives of Article 2 of the Basic

II. Consultation
7. To achieve optimal consultation, the Agency is publishing the draft Decision of the
Executive Director on its internet site. Comments should be provided within 6 weeks in
accordance with Article 6(4) of the Rulemaking Procedure.
8. Please submit your comments using the automated Comment-Response Tool (CRT)
available at
9. The deadline for the submission of comments is 14 January 2013.

Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 on
common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency, and
repealing Council Directive 91/670/EEC, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 and Directive
2004/36/EC (OJ L 79, 19.03.2008, p. 1). Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC)
No1108/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 (OJ L 309,
24.11.2009, p. 51).
Management Board decision concerning the procedure to be applied by the Agency for the issuing of
opinions, certification specifications and guidance material (Rulemaking Procedure), EASA MB 08-
2007, 13.6.2007.
In case the use of the Comment-Response Tool is prevented by technical problems please report them
to the CRT webmaster ([email protected]).

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III. Comment-Response Document (CRD)

10. All comments received in time will be responded to and incorporated in a Comment-
Response Document (CRD). The CRD will be available on the Agency’s website and in the
Comment-Response Tool (CRT).

IV. Content of the draft Decision

11. The purpose of this NPA is to introduce new Certification Specifications applicable to all
aircraft, which will ultimately contain all communication, navigation and surveillance
airworthiness, and interoperability standards in support of airspace applications.
12. This NPA contains the standards for surveillance within sections of Subpart D of the
Certification Specification (CS ACNS).
13. Subpart D contains four sections covering the airworthiness requirements for Mode A/C
surveillance (CS ACNS.AC), Mode S Elementary Surveillance (CS ACNS.ELS), Mode S
Enhanced Surveillance (CS ACNS.EHS) and ADS-B Out 1090 MHz Extended Squitter
(CS ACNS.ADS). For completeness, the section CS ACNS.AC has been included for
aircraft seeking certification for operations in airspace where surveillance is based only
on Mode A/C. This application will be limited to very few installations in aircraft that are
not operating IFR flights in Europe.
14. The sections CS ACNS.ELS, CS ACNS.EHS and CS ACNS.ADS ensure airborne surveillance
installations are in compliance with the interoperability Commission Regulation (EU) No
1207/20114 for aircraft that are subject to that regulation.
15. Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 mandates:
 Mode S Elementary Surveillance (ELS) capability for all aircraft flying IFR GAT;
 ADS-B Out 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (ADS) capability for all aircraft flying IFR
GAT and having a maximum take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg or having a
maximum cruising true airspeed capability greater than 250 knots; and
 Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) capability for all aeroplanes flying IFR GAT
and having a maximum take-off mass exceeding 5700 kg or having a maximum
cruising true airspeed capability greater than 250 knots.
16. The interoperability regulation was developed in the framework of the Single European
Sky interoperability Commission Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 5 under which the
conformity assessment of EATMN systems and constituents is required. In this context,
manufacturers are required to provide an EC declaration of conformity or suitability for
use for constituents. Air Navigation Service providers will need to submit an EC
declaration of verification of systems to their NSA for the EATMN systems that they put
into service.
17. To avoid any unnecessary burden for aircraft and avionics manufacturers, Article 6(a) of
the interoperability Regulation introduces an alternative verification of compliance on the
basis of certificates issued by EASA providing that they include a demonstration of

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 of 22 November 2011 laying down
requirements for the performance and the interoperability of surveillance for the single European sky
(OJ L 305, 23.11.2011, p. 35).
Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2004 on
the interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management network (the interoperability Regulation)
(OJ L 96, 31.3.2004, p. 26) as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1070/2009 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 (OJ L 300, 14.11.2009, p. 34).

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compliance with the essential requirements of the interoperability Regulation and the
relevant Implementing Rules for interoperability.
18. In order to provide visibility that CS ACNS is in compliance with the interoperability
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011, a cross reference matrix is provided in
chapter C of this NPA
19. Thus, certificates issued in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 on the basis of
this Certification Specification shall be considered as an EC declaration of conformity, and
a declaration of suitability for use or declaration of verification.
Summary of structure
20. The creation of this new Certification Specification applicable to the installation airborne
communications, navigation and surveillance systems consists of two books: Book 1
covers the airworthiness and interoperability standards and Book 2 provides the relevant
GM material.
21. Each book contains:
 Subpart A which captures the general elements and the references to the relevant
CNS related Implementing Rules, as applicable to which the airworthiness and
interoperability standards should comply;
 Subpart B which will cover communication systems. It will be developed at a later
 Subpart C which will cover navigation systems. It will be developed at a later stage;
 Subpart D which covers surveillance systems. Within this subpart, four surveillance
capabilities have been introduced as part of this NPA; and
 Subpart E which will contain other airborne systems such as TAWS. It will be
developed at a later stage.
22. The four sections of Subpart D which are introduced in this NPA are:
 Section 1: Mode A/C only surveillance (CS ACNS.AC);
 Section 2: Mode S Elementary Surveillance (CS ACNS.ELS) ;
 Section 3: Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (CS ACNS.EHS) ; and
 Section 4: ADS-B Out 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (CS ACNS.ADS).

Current regulatory context

23. The current regulatory context for the certification of airborne surveillance equipment
consists of JAA TGL 13, AMC 20-13, and AMC 20-24.
24. Aircraft previously compliant with JAA TGL 13 are not considered compliant with the
requirements as specified in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 for the Mode S
Elementary Surveillance. CS ACNS.ELS provides the new Certification Specifications and
Guidance Material that will ensure compliance of aircraft subject to Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 for the Mode-S Elementary Surveillance capability. It will,
therefore, supersede JAA TGL 13. The differences between CS ACNS.ELS and JAA TGL 13
are listed in Appendix D of Subpart D.
25. Aircraft previously compliant with AMC 20-13 are also not considered compliant with
the requirements as specified in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 for the
Modes S Enhanced Surveillance; for example, AMC 20-13 does not include the
requirement for the Barometric Pressure setting parameter. CS ACNS.EHS provides the
new Certification Specifications and Guidance Material that will ensure compliance of

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aircraft subject to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 for the Mode-S Enhanced
Surveillance capability. It will, therefore, supersede AMC 20-13. The differences between
the more demanding CS ACNS.EHS and AMC 20-13 are listed in Appendix E of Subpart D.
26. The requirements of CS-ACNS.ADS fully cover (and exceed) the standards of AMC 20-24
(Certification Considerations for the Enhanced ATS in Non-Radar Areas using ADS-B
Surveillance (ADS-B-NRA) Application via 1090 MHz Extended Squitter) and are for
operations equivalent to a radar environment. It will, therefore, supersede AMC 20-24.
27. Differences between CS-ACNS.ADS and FAA AC 20-165 are listed in Appendix J of
Subpart D Book 2.
28. In addition to the above regulatory context description, Commission Regulation (EU) No
1206/20116 mandates the use of the aircraft identification information by ATC as the
primary means of flight identification. This identification information is transmitted by
Modes S ELS or ADS-B 1090 MHz Extended Squitter. New standards have been
introduced into this Certification Specification to ensure when necessary, the availability
of flight deck controls to configure valid aircraft identification information for the purpose
of Article 9(3) of the regulation.
29. There is currently no EASA guidance on GNSS installations to be used as GNSS based
position sources of ADS-B installations. Further rulemaking tasks 0519 and 0520 will
ensure that such guidance is developed.
Review of events and lessons learnt from early implementation:
30. The initial implementation of Mode S Elementary Surveillance has shown that Aircraft
Identification is not always entered correctly before aircraft departure (e.g.: in 2012, 2 to
3 % of flights depart with incorrect Aircraft Identification). This has shown a clear and
explicit need to require the capability to change the aircraft identification in-flight when
notified by ATC in order to correct such preflight miss-configurations. This need has been
addressed when developing this new certification standard which is in line with the
provisions of ICAO Annex 10 (see CS ACNS.ELS.2030(a)(3)).
The transmission of incorrect information or invalid data to be processed by ANSP
operational ground surveillance systems can lead to incorrect aircraft identification
resulting in an increased workload for ATC personnel with a potential safety risk to the
aircraft and other nearby aircraft. To mitigate these risks, the transmission of all
parameters should be adequately validated during the certification process. It is possible
for some ELS installations to transmit EHS parameters, therefore, the certification
requirements for ELS installations have been extended to ensure that those EHS
parameters transmitted are also validated. (See CS ACNS.ELS 1000)
31. To avoid the possibility that surveillance systems make use of invalid data, all equipment
supporting the ADS-B Extended Squitter capability are required to transmit valid data. As
it is possible for some ELS installations to transmit parameters over the extended
squitter, the certification requirements for ELS installations have been extended to
ensure that these additional parameters transmitted are also validated. (See CS
ACNS.ELS 2010 (b))

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1206/2011 of 22 November 2011 laying down
requirements on aircraft identification for surveillance for the single European sky (OJ L 305,
23.11.2011, p. 23).

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V. Regulatory Impact Assessment

(a) Process and consultation
In accordance with the Rulemaking Procedure, the Agency needs to conduct a Regulatory
Impact Assessment (RIA) of each proposed rule by analysing some potential and suitable
options for rulemaking, and comparing them in terms of their safety, environment,
economic, social, and regulatory harmonisation impacts.
Therefore, the aim of the RIA is to support the Agency and the decision makers to
identify the best option to achieve the objective of this rulemaking activity as defined by
the Terms of Reference for RMT.0559 (20.016) dated 10 December 2010.
This RIA was developed by the Agency during the preparation of the draft Decision and
the resulting draft Decision takes into account the lessons learned from the current Mode
S ELS, EHS and initial ADS-B deployment programmes.
(b) Issue analysis and risk assessment
(1) What is the issue and the current regulatory framework?
The issue of this RIA is based on the need to establish requirements that permits
the airborne community to comply with airspace operational requirements. In
particular, the issue is to permit simultaneously compliance with the two separate
regulatory processes associated with Commission Regulation (EU) 748/20127 and
Commission Regulation (EC) 552/2004, thus alleviating the requirement for
multiple approvals, certificates, and EC declarations constituents and installations.
The issue is to address the certification of the on-board surveillance installations
and ensures compliance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 for
aircraft that are subject to that regulation.
(2) Who is affected?
Aircraft and avionics manufacturers, Design Organisations and aircraft operators
developing or installing Mode A/C, Mode S ELS, Mode S EHS or ADS-B Out 1090
MHz Extended Squitter secondary surveillance radar systems.
(3) What are the risks (probability and severity)?
If the current situation remains as it is, it will be difficult to apply the provisions of
Article 6a of the interoperability Regulation without a standard that has been
demonstrated to comply with the requirement of interoperability implementing rule.
This has the possibility to delay compliance with Commission Regulation (EU) No
1207/2011 and implementation of Article 9(3) of Commission Regulation (EU) No
1206/2011. Furthermore the non-availability of the Certification Specification that
include all airworthiness and interoperability requirements may result in aircraft not
be fully interoperable with the subsequent safety risks that are attributed to the
incorrect identification of an aircraft and its location and proximity to other aircraft.
This will prevent the delivery of expected benefits from deployments of ELS, EHS
and ADS-B applications.
(c) Objectives
The overall objectives of the Agency are defined in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No
216/2008 (the Basic Regulation): maintain a high and uniform aviation safety level with
cost-efficient rules.

Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 of 3 August 2012 laying down implementing rules for the
airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as
well as for the certification of design and production organisations (OJ L 224, 21.8.2012, p. 1).

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The specific objectives are:

 To establish standards that permit the airborne community to comply with airspace
operational requirements related to the installation of Mode S ELS, Mode S EHS and
ADS-B Out extended squitter installations requirements that can be used to ensure
compliance with the European airspace regulation as specified in (EU) No
1207/2011 Article 2(2).
 To alleviate the requirement for multiple approvals, certificates and EC declarations
for parts and appliances and installation.
(d) Options identified
Option 0: Do nothing.
Option 1: Application of a Special Condition (SC) on aircraft surveillance equipment
installations to be notified to the applicant only on receipt of an approval request.
Option 2: The provision of an appropriate Certification Specification. for Mode A/C, Mode
S ELS, Mode S EHS, and ADS-B Out extended squitter installations requirements that can
be used to ensure compliance with the European airspace regulation as specified in
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 Article 2(2)
(e) Analysis of the impacts
(1) Safety impacts
Option 0, based on existing airworthiness certification material, will not ensure that
the requirements as specified in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 are
met. In particular, no suitable certification material currently exists for ADS-B Out
in support of both European and global applications for the use of ADS-B-Out
surveillance in radar controlled areas.
Option 1 and 2 will improve safety by ensuring that the requirements as specified in
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 and requirements that permit global
operations in radar controlled areas are met. Furthermore Option 3 ensures a
harmonised airworthiness certification process.
(2) Environmental impacts
There is no environmental impact difference between options 0, 1, and 2.
(3) Social impacts
There is no social impact difference between options 0, 1, and 2.
(4) Economic impacts
The economic impact associated with the requirement to install Mode S and ADS-B
Out capability has been quantified and accepted through the publication of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 and is outside the scope of this NPA.
However, with respect to demonstrating compliance,
Option 0: This will require multiple certificates to be issued with the potential to
increase the administrative burden and associated costs;
Option 1: Notification of the certification standard only on receipt of an approval
request has the potential to increase certification cost as a redesign may be
required and will add time to the process of delivering the certificate; and
Option 2: This will provide transparency with respect to the required certification
standard, so the avionics manufacturers and integrators will not lose time during
the certification process, thus reducing the cost with respect to options 0 and 1.

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Proportionality issues
The three options provide the same assurance of equity and fairness among all
concerned sectors.
(5) Impact on regulatory coordination and harmonisation
Option 0 does not allow compliance with Commission Regulation (EU) No
1207/2011 to be demonstrated as a result of a certificate issued by EASA.
Furthermore, it does not ensure a strong regulatory coordination or harmonisation
of surveillance system certification requirements.
Option 1 is considered as an intermediate approach to satisfy both SES and EASA
regulatory frameworks. However, this approach could generate confusion for the
applicants of airworthiness certification as the required certification standard is not
Option 2 provides a simplified and unique approach that satisfies both regulatory
frameworks. Furthermore, it integrates lessons learned from Mode S ELS, Mode S
EHS, and initial ADS-B deployments.
(f) Conclusion and preferred option
(1) Comparison of the positive and negative impacts for each option evaluated.
Option 0 does not allow compliance with Commission Regulation (EU) No
1207/2011 to be demonstrated via the application of a single process.
Option 1 will create a situation where avionics manufacturer and aircraft
manufacturer will depend on intermediate certification processes which is not
justifiable on the basis of the given applicability timeframe of Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011.
Option 2 option ensures a simplified and coherent approach to the aircraft
surveillance equipment required by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 and
globally through the application of a single system.
(2) Final assessment and recommendation of a preferred option:
The Agency concludes that Option 2 is the preferred option.

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B. Draft Decision

The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted text, new text, or new paragraph as
shown below:

1. deleted text is shown with a strike through: deleted

2. new text is highlighted with grey shading: new
3. ‘…’ indicates that remaining text is unchanged in front of or following the reflected

I. Draft Decision on Certification Specifications, Acceptable Means of Compliance,

and Guidance material for Communication Navigation and Surveillance — CS
ACNS Book 1 and Book 2

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Certification Specifications
Acceptable Means of Compliance


Airborne Communications, Navigation and


Initial Issue
Dd Month 2012

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CS ACNS - Airborne Communications, Navigation and Surveillance

Preamble ............................................................................................................ 14
Subpart A – General ........................................................................................... 16
Subpart B – Communications (COM) ...................................................................... 19
Subpart C – Navigation (NAV) ............................................................................... 20
(Reserved) ............................................................................................................ 20
Subpart D – Surveillance (SUR) ............................................................................. 21
Section 1 - Mode A/C only Surveillance ..................................................................... 21
Section 2 - Mode S Elementary Surveillance .............................................................. 23
Section 3 - Mode S Enhanced Surveillance ................................................................ 26
Section 4 - 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B ......................................................... 27
Subpart E – Others .............................................................................................. 31
Subpart A - General ............................................................................................. 34
Subpart B – Communications (COM) ...................................................................... 35
Subpart C – Navigation (NAV) ............................................................................... 36
Subpart D – Surveillance (SUR) ............................................................................. 37
Section 1 - Mode A/C only Surveillance ..................................................................... 37
Section 2 - Mode S Elementary Surveillance .............................................................. 39
Section 3- Mode S Enhanced Surveillance ................................................................ 44
Section 4 - 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Out ................................................... 47
Appendix A - Background information for Mode A/C surveillance system ..................... 56
Appendix B - Background information on Mode S ELS............................................... 58
Appendix C - Background information on Mode S EHS .............................................. 62
Appendix D – Differences between CS ACNS.ELS and JAA TGL 13 Rev1 ...................... 67
Appendix E - Differences between CS-ACNS.EHS and EASA AMC 20-13 ..................... 68
Appendix F - Example of Flight Manuel Supplement for ELS/EHS ............................... 69
Appendix G - Example of Flight Manuel Supplement for ADB-S out ............................ 71
Appendix H – Guidance on 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Out ........................... 73
Appendix I - On-the-ground status Test and Validation Guidance for Fixed Wing
Aeroplanes ................................................................................................. 103
Appendix J - Comparison between EASA CS ACNS.ADS and FAA AC 20-165 Requirements
................................................................................................................ 104
Subpart E – Others ............................................................................................. 106

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CS-ACNS — Initial issue

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Book 1

Certification Specifications

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Subpart A — General

CS ACNS.GEN.1000 Applicability
These Certification Specifications are applicable to all aircraft for the purpose of compliance
with airspace equipage requirements with respect to on-board Communication, Navigation and
Surveillance systems. Furthermore, compliance with the appropriate section of these
Certification Specifications ensures compliance with the following European regulations:
(a) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011, of 22 November 2011 laying down
requirements for the performance and the interoperability for surveillance for the single
European sky; and
(b) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1206/2011, of 22 November 2011 laying down
requirements on aircraft identification for surveillance for the single European sky.

CS ACNS.GEN.1010 Definitions
This section contains the definitions of terms used in these Certification Specifications and not
defined in CS-definitions.
24-bit Aircraft Address means a technical address used by Mode S protocols to identify the
transponder on the 1030/1090 Mhz RF network. Each aircraft uses a unique 24-bit aircraft
address allocated by their state of registry. This address may also be used by other types of
avionics equipment for other purpose.

ADS-B means automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast, a surveillance technique in which

aircraft automatically provide, via a data link, data derived from on-board navigation and
position-fixing systems. It refers to a surveillance technology where ADS-B Out equipped
aircraft broadcast position, altitude, velocity, and other information in support of both air-to-
ground and air-to-air surveillance applications.

ADS-B Device Failure refers to a condition enunciated to the flight crew whereby the ADS-B
transmit unit is unable to transmit ADS-B messages.

ADS-B Function Failure refers to a condition enunciated to the flight crew whereby the
position source(s) or interconnecting avionics fail to provide horizontal position data to the
ADS-B transmit unit.

ADS-B Out system refers to the overall set of avionics that generate, transport, process, and
transmit ADS-B data.

ADS-B Transmit Unit refers to that part of the ADS-B Out system that transmits 1090 MHz
ES ADS-B data, including the data processing within that system;

Aircraft Identification means an alphanumeric chain that contains information allowing

operational identification of individual flights. It contains either the Aircraft Identification as
registered in item 7 of the flight plan or the aircraft registration if no flight plan has been filed.

Airship means a power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.

Barometric Altitude Rate means the rate of climb estimated by using the difference of

Barometric Pressure Setting means the barometric pressure setting used by the pilot when
flying the aircraft using a QNH reference.

Comm-B: A 112-bit Mode S reply containing a 56-bit MB message field containing the
extracted transponder register.

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Data Quality Indicator refers to integrity and/or accuracy quality metrics that are associated
with some of the ADS-B Out surveillance data, in particular with the horizontal position.

FMS Selected Altitude: The altitude to which the FMS will level the aircraft.

Ground speed. The speed of an aircraft relative to the surface.

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). A worldwide position and time determination
system that includes one or more satellite constellations, aircraft receivers and system
integrity monitoring, augmented as necessary, to support the required navigation performance
for the intended operation.

Horizontal Velocity refers to the ground speed vector information.

Inertial Vertical Velocity means the rate of climb measure along the axis estimated using
different sources including inertial reference.

Magnetic Heading means the angle between the aircraft centreline and magnetic North
(angle between the direction to which the aircraft nose is pointing and the magnetic North).

MCP/FCU Selected Altitude means the altitude selected by the flight crew on the flight
control panel of the aircraft. This corresponds to the altitude the auto-pilot will not transgress.

Mode S Elementary Surveillance refers to the use of Mode S surveillance data to downlink
aircraft identification from airborne installations.

Mode S Enhanced Surveillance refers to the use of other airborne information in addition to
data used for Elementary Surveillance.

Transponder means a device that transmits airborne surveillance data spontaneously or when
requested. The transmissions are performed on 1090 MHz RF band and the interrogations are
received on 1030 MHz RF band using Mode S protocols. It is also named Secondary
Surveillance Radar transponder.

Roll Angle means the angle of wings compared to horizon representing the angle of rotation
around the roll axis going along the centreline of the aircraft.
Track Angle Rate means the rate of change of the track angle rate.

Transmit refers to the provision of surveillance data by the transponder.

Transponder level means an indication of which Mode S data-link protocols are supported by
a transponder. There are 5 transponder levels defined by ICAO.

Transponder register means a transponder data buffer containing different pieces of

information. It has 56 bits which are split in different fields. The definition of the transponder
registers can be found in ICAO Doc 9871 edition 2 and in transponder MOPS ED-73E with the
ICAO document being the reference document in case of conflict. Transponder registers are
numbered in hexadecimal (00hex to FFhex). The register number is also known as the BDS
code (Comm-B data selector). In this documentation a register is named: register XY 16 or
register addressed by BDS code X,Y. Outside this document, it is also often referenced as just

True Track angle means the angle between the track (course over ground or path) of the
aircraft and true north.

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CS ACNS.GEN.1020 Instructions for continued airworthiness

(See AMC1 ACNS.AC.2000)
Instructions for continued airworthiness for each system, part or appliance as specified in this
CS ACNS and any information related to the interface of those systems, parts or appliances
with the aircraft are to be provided.

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Subpart B — Communications (COM)


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Subpart C — Navigation (NAV)


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Subpart D — Surveillance (SUR)

Section 1 — Mode A/C only surveillance


CS ACNS.AC.1000 Applicability
This section provides standards for Mode A/C only airborne surveillance installations.


CS ACNS.AC.2000 Transponder characteristics

(See AMC1 ACNS.AC.2000)
(a) The transponder is approved and has Mode A and Mode C capability.
(b) The transponder replies with Mode A and Mode C replies to Mode A/C interrogations, to
Mode A/C-only all-call interrogations, and to Mode A/C/S all-call interrogations.
(c) The peak pulse power available at the antenna end of the transmission line of the
transponder is more than 21 dBW and not more than 27 dBW for aircraft that operate at
altitudes exceeding 4 570m (15 000 ft) or with a maximum cruising speed exceeding
324 km/h (175 knots).
(d) The peak pulse power available at the antenna end of the transmission line of the
transponder is more than 18.5 dBW and not more than 27 dBW for aircraft operating at
or below 4 570m (15 000 ft) with a maximum cruising airspeed of 324 km/h (175 knots)
or less.

CS ACNS.AC.2010 Data transmission

The surveillance system provides the following data in the replies:
(a) The Mode A identity code in the range 0000 to 7777 (Octal).
(b) The pressure altitude corresponding to within plus or minus 38.1 m (125 ft), on a 95 %
probability basis, with the pressure-altitude information (referenced to the standard
pressure setting of 1013.25 hectopascals),used on board the aircraft to adhere to the
assigned flight profile. The pressure altitude should range from minus 1 000 ft to the
maximum certificated altitude of aircraft plus 5 000 ft
(c) Special Position Indication (SPI) for 15 to 30 seconds.

CS ACNS.AC.2020 Altitude source

(See AMC1 ACNS.AC.2020)
(a) The reported pressure altitude is obtained from an approved source with appropriate
(b) The altitude resolution and integrity is commensurate with the intended operation.

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CS ACNS.AC.2030 Flight deck interface

(See AMC1 ACNS.AC.2030)
A means is provided to:
(a) select Mode A Code including emergency codes;
(b) initiate the IDENT (SPI) feature;
(c) notify the flight crew when the transmission of pressure altitude information has been
(d) select the transponder to the ‘standby’ or ‘OFF’ condition;
(e) indicate the non-operational status or failure of the transponder system without undue
(f) display the selected Mode A code to the flight crew; and
(g) select the pressure altitude source to be connected to the active transponder.


CS ACNS.AC.3000 Design assurance

The Mode A/C only airborne surveillance system is designed commensurate with a minor
failure condition (see AMC 25.1309 section 7).

CS ACNS.AC.3010 Continuity
The probability of the loss of Mode A/C only airborne surveillance system transponder function
is better than or equal to probable (see AMC 25.1309 section 7).


CS-ACNS.AC.4000 Dual/multiple transponder installation

(See AMC1 ACNS.AC.4000)
If more than one transponder is installed, simultaneous operation of the transponders is

CS-ACNS.AC.4020 Antenna installation

(See AMC1 ACNS.AC.4020)
The installed antenna(s) has (have) a radiation pattern which is vertically polarised,
omnidirectional in the horizontal plane, and has sufficient vertical beam width to ensure proper
system operation during normal aircraft manoeuvres.

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Section 2 — Mode S elementary surveillance


CS-ACNS.ELS.1000 Applicability
(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.1000)
This section provides the standards for Mode S Elementary Surveillance installations.


CS ACNS.ELS.2000 Transponder characteristics

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2000)
(a) The transponder(s) is (are) an approved level 2 or greater Mode S transponder(s) with
Elementary Surveillance and Surveillance Identifier (SI) capability.
(b) The transponder(s) of aircraft that have ACAS II installed is (are) ACAS compatible
(c) The peak pulse power available at the antenna end of the transmission line of the
transponder is more than 21 dBW and not more than 27 dBW for aircraft that operate at
altitudes exceeding 4 570 m (15 000 ft) or with a maximum cruising speed exceeding
324 km/h (175 knots).
(d) The peak pulse power available at the antenna end of the transmission line of the
transponder is more than 18.5 dBW and not more than 27 dBW for aircraft operating at
or below 4 570 m (15 000 ft) with a maximum cruising airspeed of 324 km/h (175 knots)
or less.

CS ACNS.ELS.2010 Data transmission

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2010)
(a) The surveillance system provides the following data in the Mode S replies:
(1) The Mode A Code in the range 0000 to 7777 (Octal);
(2) The pressure altitude corresponding to within plus or minus 38.1 m (125 ft), on a
95 per cent probability basis, with the pressure-altitude information (referenced to
the standard pressure setting of 1013.25 hectopascals), used on board the aircraft
to adhere to the assigned flight profile. The pressure altitude should range from
minus 1 000 ft to the maximum certificated altitude of aircraft plus 5 000 ft;
(3) On-the-ground status information;
(4) The Aircraft Identification as specified in Item 7 of the ICAO flight plan or the
aircraft registration;
(5) Special Position Indication (SPI);
(6) Emergency status (Emergency, Radio communication failure, Unlawful
(7) The data link capability report;
(8) The common usage GICB capability report;
(9) The ICAO 24-bit aircraft address; and

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(10) Aircraft that have ACAS II installed provide the ACAS active resolution advisory
(b) All other data transmitted is verified.
(1) If the system transmits one or more additional downlink airborne parameters in
addition to those listed in paragraph (a), then the relevant sub specifications of CS
ACNS.EHS.2010 are also complied with.
(2) If the system transmits additional parameters on the extended squitter and if their
full compliance with CS ACNS.ADS has not been verified, as a minimum the aircraft
identification, pressure altitude, ICAO 24-bit aircraft address is identical to those
transmitted in the Mode S replies. Additionally the position and velocity quality
indicators reports the lowest quality.

CS ACNS.ELS.2018 On-the-ground status determination

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2018)
(a) The on-the-ground status is not set by a manual action.
(b) If automatically determination of the On-the-ground status is not available, the On-the
ground status is set to airborne.

CS ACNS.ELS.2020 Altitude source

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2020)
(a) The reported pressure altitude is obtained from an approved source with the appropriate
(b) The altitude resolution and integrity is commensurate with the intended operation.

CS ACNS.ELS.2030 Flight deck interface

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2030 )
(a) A means is provided :
(1) to select Mode A Code, including emergency codes;
(2) to initiate the IDENT (SPI) feature;
(3) for a aircraft identification to be inserted or amended by the flight crew if the
aircraft uses variable aircraft identification;.
(4) to notify the flight crew when the transmission of pressure altitude information has
been inhibited;
(5) to select the transponder to the ‘standby’ or ‘OFF’ condition;
(6) to indicate the non-operational status or failure of the transponder system without
undue delay;
(7) to display the selected Mode A code to the flight crew;
(8) to display the aircraft identification to the flight crew; and
(9) to select the pressure altitude source that is connected to the active transponder.
(b) Input which is not intended to be operated in flight, is not readily accessible to the flight

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CS ACNS.ELS.300 Design assurance

The Mode S ELS airborne surveillance system is designed commensurate with a minor failure
condition (see AMC 25.1309 section 7).

CS ACNS.ELS.3010 Continuity
The Mode S ELS airborne surveillance system is designed to an allowable qualitative probability
of 2x10-4 .


CS ACNS.ELS.4000 Dual/multiple transponder installation

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4000)
If more than one transponder is installed, simultaneous operation of transponders is

CS ACNS.ELS.4010 ICAO 24-bit Aircraft address

The ICAO 24-bit aircraft address assigned by the competent authority is correctly implemented
on each transponder.

CS ACNS.ELS.4020 Antenna installation

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4020)
(a) The installed antenna(s) has (have) a resulting radiation pattern which is (are) vertically
polarised, omnidirectional in the horizontal plane, and has (have) sufficient vertical beam
width to ensure proper system operation during normal aircraft manoeuvres.
(b) Antenna(s) is/are located such that the resulting far field radiation is not obscured by the
aircraft structure.

CS ACNS.ELS.4030 Antenna diversity

(See AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4030,)
Aircraft with a maximum certified take-off mass in excess of 5700 kg or a maximum cruising
true airspeed capability, under ISA conditions, in excess of 463 km/h (250 knots) operates
with an antenna diversity installation.

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Section 3 — Mode S Enhanced Surveillance


CS ACNS.EHS.1000 Applicability
(See AMC1 ACNS.EHS.1000)
(a) This section provides standards for airborne Mode S EHS installations which provide on
request (through Mode S replies elicited by Mode S interrogations) airborne parameters
in addition to parameters provided by ELS installations compliant with Section 2.
Note: The criteria that are applicable to airborne installations providing spontaneously
(through ADS-B Extended Squitters) airborne parameters are specified in Section 4.
(b) This certification specification is applied together with Mode S Elementary Surveillance
certification specification defined in Section 2.


CS ACNS.EHS.2000 Transponder characteristics

(See AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2000)
The transponder is an approved Mode S transponder with EHS capability.

CS ACNS.EHS.2010 Data transmission

(See AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010)
The surveillance system provides in the Mode S reply the following downlink aircraft
parameters in addition to those specified in CS ACNS.ELS.2010:
(a) MCP/FCU Selected Altitude;
(b) Roll Angle;
(c) True Track Angle;
(d) Ground Speed;
(e) Magnetic Heading;
(f) Indicated Airspeed or Mach No ;
(g) Vertical rate: Barometric Altitude rate or Inertial vertical Velocity. When barometric
altitude rate field is provided, it is derived solely from barometric measurement;
(h) Barometric Pressure Setting in use minus 800 hectopascal; and
(i) Track Angle Rate or True Airspeed.


CS ACNS.EHS.3000 Design assurance

The Mode S EHS airborne surveillance system is designed commensurate with a minor failure

CS ACNS.EHS.3010 Continuity
The Mode S EHS airborne surveillance system is designed to an allowable qualitative
probability of probable

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Section 4 — 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B


CS ACNS.ADS.1000 Applicability
(See GM1 ACNS.ADS.1000)
This section provides standards for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (ES) ADS-B Out installations.


CS ACNS.ADS.2000 ADS-B Out system approval

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2000 )
The equipment contributing to the ADS-B Out function is approved.


CS ACNS.ADS.2005 ADS-B Out Data Parameters

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2005(a-b) )
(a) The ADS-B Out system provides the following minimum set of data parameters:
(1) Aircraft Identification;
(2) Mode A Code;
(3) ICAO 24-bit aircraft address;
(4a) Airborne Horizontal Position — Latitude and Longitude;
(4b) Airborne Horizontal Position Quality: NIC;
(4c) Horizontal Position Quality: NACp;
(4d) Horizontal Position Quality: SIL;
(4e) Horizontal Position Quality: SDA;
(5) Pressure Altitude (incl. NICbaro);
(6) Special Position Identification (SPI);
(7a) Emergency Status;
(7b) Emergency Indication;
(8) 1090 ES Version Number;
(9a) Airborne velocity over Ground — (East/West and North/South);
(9b) Horizontal Velocity Quality: NACv;
(10) Emitter Category;
(11) Vertical Rate;
(12a) Surface Horizontal Position — Latitude and Longitude;
(12b) Surface Horizontal Position Quality: NIC;
(13) Surface Ground Track;
(14) Movement (surface ground speed);

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(15) Length/width of Aircraft;

(16) GPS Antenna Offset;
(17a) Geometric Altitude; and
(17b) Geometric Altitude Quality: GVA.
(b) Where available in a suitable format, the ADS-B Out system provides the following data
(1) Selected Altitude;
(2) Barometric Pressure Setting;
(3a) ACAS Operational; and
(3b) ACAS Resolution Advisory.

CS ACNS.ADS.2008 Provision of Data

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2008(a)(c))
(a) All data provided by the ADS-B Out system comes from approved sources.
(b) The data transmitted by the ADS-B Out system originates from the same data source as
used in the transponder replies to Mode S interrogations.
(c) When a data quality indication is required, it is provided to the ADS-B transmit unit
together with the associated data parameter and it expresses the actual quality of the
respective data as valid at the time of applicability of the measurement.


CS ACNS.ADS.2010 ADS-B Transmit Unit Approval

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2010 )
The ADS-B transmit unit is approved and it is integrated in the Mode S transponder.

CS ACNS.ADS.2011 ICAO 24-bit Aircraft address

The ICAO 24 bit aircraft address is implemented as specified in CS ACNS.ELS.4010.

CS ACNS.ADS.2012 Antenna diversity

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2012)
The ADS-B transmit unit deploys antenna diversity as specified in CS ACNS.ELS.4030.

CS ACNS.ELS.2013 Antenna installation

The antenna is installed as specified in CS ACNS.ELS.4020.

CS ACNS.ADS.2014 Transmit power

The ADS-B transmit unit has a peak transmit power as specified in CS ACNS.ELS. 2000(c);(d).

CS ACNS.ADS.2016 Simultaneous operation of ADS-B transmit units

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2016)
If more than one ADS-B transmit unit is installed, simultaneous operation of the transmit
systems is prevented.

CS ACNS.ADS.2018 On-the-ground status determination

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(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2018)

(a) The on-the-ground status is determined and validated by the ADS-B Out system.
(b) The on-the-ground status is not set by a manual action.


CS ACNS.ADS.2020 Horizontal Position and Velocity Data Sources

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020)
(a) The horizontal position is derived from GNSS data.
(b) The GNSS receiver based horizontal position and velocity data source is approved and
performs, as a minimum, horizontal position receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
(RAIM) and fault detection and exclusion (FDE).
(c) Horizontal velocity data stems from the same source as horizontal position data.


CS ACNS.ADS.2030 Data Sources as defined by Mode S Elementary and Enhanced

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2030)
The data source requirements as defined for in section 2 and 3 of this subpart, are also

CS ACNS.ADS.2034 Geometric Altitude

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2034)
(a) Geometric Altitude is provided by the horizontal position and velocity source (see CS
(b) Geometric Altitude is transmitted as height above WGS-84 ellipsoid.


CS ACNS.ADS.2040 Flight deck interface

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2040(a) and AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2040(b) )
(a) The control and display of surveillance data items is as per CS ACNS.ELS.2030.
(b) A means is provided to indicate the non-operational status or failure of the ADS-B Out
system without undue delay.


CS ACNS.ADS.3000 Design assurance

(a) The ADS-B Out system is designed commensurate with a major failure condition for the
transmission of the following parameters:
(1) ICAO 24-bit aircraft address;
(2) Airborne Horizontal Position — Latitude and Longitude;
(3) Airborne Horizontal Position Quality: NIC;

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(4) Horizontal Position Quality: NACp;

(5) Horizontal Position Quality: SIL;
(6) Horizontal Position Quality: SDA;
(7) 1090 ES Version Number;
(8) Airborne velocity over Ground — East/West and North/South;
(9) Horizontal Velocity Quality: NACv;
(10) Emitter Category;
(11) Surface Horizontal Position — Latitude and Longitude;
(12) Surface Horizontal Position Quality: NIC;
(13) Surface Ground Track;
(14) Movement (surface ground speed);
(15) Length/width of Aircraft;
(16) GPS Antenna Offset;
(17) Geometric Altitude;
(18) Geometric Altitude Quality: GVA;
(b) The ADS-B Out system is designed commensurate with a minor failure condition for the
transmission of other parameters.

CS ACNS.ADS.3010…Continuity
The ADS-B Out system is designed to an allowable qualitative probability of remote.


CS ACNS.ADS.3020…Horizontal Position and Velocity Data Refresh Rate

A horizontal position and velocity source calculates position and velocity data with a rate of at
least 1 Hertz.

CS ACNS.ADS.3022…Horizontal Position and Velocity Total Latency

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.3022 and 3024)
Measured from the time of applicability within the source, the total latency of the horizontal
position and horizontal velocity data introduced by the ADS-B Out system does not exceed 1.5

CS ACNS.ADS.3024…Horizontal Position Uncompensated Latency

(See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.3022 and 3024)
The uncompensated latency of the horizontal position data introduced by the ADS-B Out
System does not exceed 0.6 second.

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Subpart E – Others


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Book 2

Guidance Material

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Book 2 contains Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).

(1) The Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material are presented in full
(2) A numbering system has been used in which the Acceptable Means of Compliance
and Guidance Material use the same number as the paragraph in Book 1 to which
they are related. The number is introduced by the letters AMC (Acceptable Means of
Compliance) or GM (Guidance Material) to distinguish the material from Book 1.
Reference to the Acceptable Means of Compliance is included in the heading of each
Book 1 paragraph
(3) Explanatory Notes, not forming part of the AMC text, appear in italic typeface.
(4) The units of measurement used in this document are in accordance with the
International System of Units (SI) specified in Annex 5 to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation. Non-SI units are shown in parentheses following the
base units. Where two sets of units are quoted, it should not be assumed that the
pairs of values are equal and interchangeable. It may be inferred, however, that an
equivalent level of safety is achieved when either set of units is used exclusively.

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Subpart A – General

AMC1 ACNS.GEN.102 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

(a) Transponder testing

The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness should include the following measures and
precautions in order to minimise the possibility of causing nuisance warnings to ACAS
equipped aircraft.
(1) When not required, ensure all transponders are selected to ‘OFF‘ or ‘Standby‘.
(2) Before starting any test, contact the local Air Traffic Control Unit and advise them
of your intention to conduct transponder testing. Advise the Air Traffic Unit of your
start time and test duration. Also inform them of the altitude(s) at which you will be
testing, your intended Aircraft Identification (Flight Id) and your intended Mode A
code. See § and d.
Note: Certain altitudes may not be possible due to over flying aircraft.
(3) Set the Mode A code to 7776 (or other Mode A code agreed with Air Traffic Control
Note: The Mode A code 7776 is assigned as a test code by the ORCAM Users Group,
specifically for the testing of transponders.
(4) Set the Aircraft Identification (Flight Id) with the first 8 characters of the company
name. This is the name of the company conducting the tests.
(5) Set the on-the-ground status for all Mode S replies, except when an airborne reply
is required (e.g. for altitude testing).
(6) Where possible, perform the testing inside a hangar to take advantage of any
shielding properties it may provide.
(7) As a precaution, use antenna transmission covers whether or not testing is
performed inside or outside.
(8) When testing the altitude (Mode C or S) parameter, radiate directly into the ramp
test set via the prescribed attenuator.
(9) In between testing, i.e., to transition from one altitude to another, select the
transponder to ‘standby’ mode.
(10) If testing transponder parameters other than ‘altitude‘, set altitude to -1 000 feet
(minus 1 000 feet) or over 60 000 feet. This will minimise the possibility of ACAS
warning to airfield and overflying aircraft.
(11) When testing is complete, select the transponder(s) to ‘OFF‘ or ‘Standby’.

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Subpart B — Communications (COM)


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Subpart C — Navigation (NAV)


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Subpart D — Surveillance (SUR)

Section 1 — Mode A/C only Surveillance

AMC1 ACNS.AC.2000 Transponder characteristics

(a) Transponder capabilities.
(1) The Mode A/C only transponder should hold an EASA equipment authorisation in
accordance with European Technical Standard Order ETSO-C74d, or an equivalent
standard that is consistent with applicable ICAO SARPS, and which is acceptable to
(2) The Mode A/C only transponder should be a class 2 as defined in ETSO-C74d.
Note 1: ETSO-C74d Class 2 equipment meets EUROCAE Document 1/WG9 (1971)
with amendment 1 and 2. Amendment 2 contains the requirements and tests to
show that the transponder correctly replies to Mode A/C-only all call interrogations
and to Mode A/C/S all-call interrogations used by Mode S radars.

Note 2: RTCA DO-144 does not include requirement to reply to Mode A/C/S All-Call
and Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations and is, therefore, not sufficient to prove
the compliance. RTCA DO-144A contains the requirements for the equipment to
reply to Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations.

(b) Minimum reply rate

(1) Mode A/C only transponders should be capable of continuously generating at least
500 replies per second for a 15-pulse coded reply.
(2) Transponder installations used solely below 4 500 m (15 000 ft), or below a lesser
altitude established by the appropriate authority or by regional air navigation
agreement, and in aircraft with a maximum cruising true airspeed not exceeding
175 knots (324 km/h) should be capable of generating at least 1 000 15-pulse
coded replies per second for a duration of 100 milliseconds.
Note: The rate of 1 000 replies per second for a limited duration of 100ms is an
acceptable deviation to ETSO-C74d.

(3) Transponder installations operated above 4 500 m (15 000 ft) or in aircraft with a
maximum cruising true airspeed in excess of 175 knots (324 km/h) should be
capable of generating at least 1 200 15-pulse coded replies per second for a
duration of 100 milliseconds.
Note 1: A 15-pulse reply includes 2 framing pulses, 12 information pulses, and the
SPI pulse.

Note 2: The transponder should be capable of replying to this short-term burst rate,
even though the transponder may not be capable of sustaining this rate.

Note 3: The rate of 1 200 replies per second for a limited duration of 100ms is an
acceptable deviation to ETSO-C74d.

(c) Minimum output power level

The transponder power output capability should be verified as follows depending on the
aircraft capability:

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(1) For aircraft that operate at altitudes exceeding 4 570 m (15 000 ft) or with
maximum cruising speed exceeding 324 km/h (175 knots), the class of the
transponder declared in the transponder DDP should be Class A.
(2) For aircraft operating at or below 4 570m (15 000 ft) with a maximum cruising
airspeed of 324 km/h (175 knots) or less, the class of the transponder declared in
the transponder DDP should be Class A or Class B.

AMC1 ACNS.AC.2020 Altitude source

(a) Altimeters compliant with JAA TGL No 6 are an acceptable means of compliance for the
altitude source.
(b) Altimeters with a pressure altitude resolution lower than or equal to 25 ft is an
acceptable means of compliance.
Note: Altitude source resolution of 25 ft or better is required for aeroplanes intended to
be used for international air transport as defined in ICAO Annex 6 Part 1 — 6.19.

(c) An altimeter with a pressure altitude resolution lower than or equal to 100 ft and greater
than 25 ft is an acceptable means of compliance for aircraft provided that the flight deck
interface provides a means to inhibit the transmission of pressure altitude information for
aircraft equipped with Gillham encoded altitude
Note: It is not recommended to install altimeters with a Gillham altitude encoder

AMC1 ACNS.AC.2030 Flight deck interface

Where available the pressure altitude source connected to the active transponder should be
the one which is being used to control the aircraft.
Note: Systems not utilising Gillham interfaces may or may not provide a means to inhibit the
transmission of pressure altitude.

AMC1 ACNS.AC.4000 Dual/multiple transponder installation

When dual or multiple transponders are installed on an aircraft, it is highly recommended to
use a common control interface/panel to ensure that only one transponder is active at a given

AMC1 ACNS.AC.4020 Antenna Installation

(a) Antenna locations recommended by the aircraft manufacturer do not need to be
(b) Antenna performance for new locations may be validated in flight, by ground
measurements or simulation modelling.

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Section 2 — Mode S Elementary Surveillance

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.1000 Applicability

For installations previously compliant with JAA TGL 13 Rev 1, further demonstration should be
performed for each of the differences listed in Appendix D in order to demonstrate compliance
of the installation with subsection D Section 2
Note 1: A list of Mode S ELS related documents is provided in Book 2 Subpart D Appendix B
section (b).

Note 2: More information on how the ELS information will be extracted and used by ground
surveillance is available in Book 2 Subpart D Appendix B section (c).

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2000 Transponder characteristics

(a) Transponder capabilities.
(1) The Mode S transponder should hold an EASA equipment authorisation in
accordance with European Technical Standard Order ETSO-C112d, or an equivalent
standard that is consistent with applicable ICAO SARPS and which is acceptable to
the responsible certification authority
Note: ETSO-C112d requires compliance with EUROCAE ED-73E.

(2) The transponder class can be verified by checking that the transponder DDP
declares the transponder level as .‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’.
Note: The definition of a level 2 transponder and associated functions can be found
in EUROCAE ED-73E paragraph, 3.22 and 3.23.

(3) The SI code capability can be verified by checking that the transponder DDP
indicates the letter ‘s’ in the transponder capability declaration.
Note 1: The DDP indicates those requirements of ED-73E (or later version) with
which the transponder is not compliant with.

Note 2: The transponder SI code capability can be found in EUROCAE ED-73E

paragraph SI codes have been allocated to Mode S radars used in
Europe and it is, therefore, an important capability to ensure correct detection of
the aircraft.

(4) The Elementary Surveillance functionality can be verified by checking that the
transponder DDP indicates the letter ‘l’ for ELS or ‘n’ for EHS in the transponder
capability declaration.
Note: Such transponders meet the requirements specified in EUROCAE ED-73E
3.29. According to ED-73E, a transponder with the Enhanced Surveillance capability
has also the Elementary Surveillance capability.

(5) ACAS compatibility can be verified by checking that the transponder DDP indicates
the letter ‘a’ in the transponder capability declaration.
Note: Necessary capabilities to be an ACAS-compatible Mode S transponder are
described in section 3.27 of EUROCAE ED-73E.

(b) Minimum output power level: The transponder power output capability should be verified
as follows, depending on the aircraft capability:

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(1) For aircraft that operate at altitudes exceeding 4 570m (15 000ft) or with maximum
cruising speed exceeding 324 km/h (175 knots), the class of the transponder
declared in the transponder DDP should be Class 1.
(2) For aircraft operating at or below 4570m (15 000ft) with a maximum cruising
airspeed of 324 km/h (175 knots) or less, the class of the transponder declared in
the transponder DDP should be Class 1 or Class 2.
Note: Classes of equipment are defined in EUROCAE ED-73E Power
characteristic is defined in ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2010 Data transmission

Data transmission verifications

(a) Table 1 below provides the parameters that should be verified for Mode S Elementary
Table 1 — List of parameters to be verified on an ELS installation

Item Parameters Message/register Remark

1 Mode A code and DF5 and DF21
Emergency status
2 Pressure altitude DF4 and DF20 See 0
3 On-the-ground status DF4/5/20/21
4 Aircraft Identification Register 2016 See 0
5 SPI DF4/5/20/21 See 0
6 Data-link and CA field in
common usage GICB DF11Register 1016
capability reports Register 1716
7 24 bit aircraft address DF11
8 RA report Register 3016 + Only for ACAS
announcement in installation see
DF4/5/20/21 0

Note 1: Information about how Mode S ELS data are used by Mode S ground system can
be found in Book 2 Appendix B to this CS.
Note 2: Downlink Formats (DF) are defined in ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV and EUROCAE
ED-73E. A summary can also be found in Book 2 Appendix B.
Note 3: It is not recommended to have 2 transponders installed without a common
control panel.
(b) Pressure Altitude
(1) The consistency of the altitude reported in Mode C replies and Mode S replies
should be checked.
Note: An incorrect installation of altimeters using Gillham encoding may result in
altitude transmitted in Mode C replies and no altitude transmitted in Mode S replies.
(2) For aircraft transmitting parameters via the Extended Squitter, for which
compliance with Subpart D section 4 is not required, the pressure altitude data
should be checked in the Extended Squitter register for airborne position (register

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(c) Pressure altitude resolution transmission

(1) The resolution of the transmitted pressure altitude should be 25 ft for aircraft
equipped with a pressure altitude source having a resolution better than 25 ft for all
altitudes except those above 50 187.5 ft.
(2) Aircraft equipped with altimeters that have a resolution greater than 25 ft (e.g.
100 ft) should report their altitude in 100 ft encoding.
(3) Verify that the encoding of the altitude is appropriate to the altimeter resolution as
defined in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
(4) For aircraft transmitting parameters via the Extended Squitter, for which
compliance with Subpart D section 4 is not required, the pressure altitude
resolution data should be checked in the Extended Squitter register for airborne
position (register 0516).
(d) Aircraft Identification
For aircraft transmitting parameters via the Extended Squitter, for which compliance with
Subpart D section 4 is not required, the Aircraft Identification received via the Extended
Squitter should be checked to ensure that it is identical to the information transmitted in
register 0816.
(e) Special Position Indication (SPI)
The FS field should report FS = 4 or 5 for 18 seconds (+/-1 second) when SPI is
manually activated in replies DF4, DF5, DF20 or DF21.
Note: Flight Status values can be found in ICAO Annex 10, Vol IV, paragraph
(f) ACAS active Resolution Advisory report
For aircraft that have ACAS II installed, post a Resolution Advisory report. No undue RA
report should be announced (DR field never set to 2, 3, 6 or 7) within 5 minutes.
(g) Transmission of other parameters
When one or more other airborne data items are transmitted, they should be verified as
proposed in AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010.
Note 1: The minimum data transmission verification of transponder also having ADS-B ES
capabilities has been defined above. Transponders that are transmitting parameters
other than the minimum tested above, are encouraged to demonstrate compliance with
Subpart D section 4.
Note 2: The implementation of registers E316 and E416 is recommended.

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2018 On-the-ground status determination

The automatic determination of the on-the-ground status should be obtained from:
(a) Weight On Wheel (WOW) sensor: When the aircraft is equipped with an automatic sensor
to determine if the aircraft is on the ground (i.e. Weight On Wheel sensor), this sensor
should be used as the on-the-ground status source of the transponder; or
Note: Attention is drawn on the wiring of the WOW to the right pins of the transponder.
(b) automatic algorithm: If ground speed, radio altitude, or airspeed parameters are being
used in the algorithm and the ‘on-the-ground’ condition is being reported or if the on-
the-ground status has been commanded via the TCS subfield, the on-the-ground status
is to be overridden and changed to ‘airborne’ if :
Ground Speed OR Airspeed > X or Radio height > 50 ft.

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Note 1: Care should be taken to ensure that the chosen threshold values of X are such
that the aircraft can never report ‘on ground’ status when in the air, and should be based
on the aircraft nominal performance.
Note 2: Systems that able to support Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B might use
available airborne parameters in their automatic algorithm to determine if they are on
the ground. More information can be found in Subpart D section 4.

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2020 Altitude source

(a) Altimeters compliant with JAA TGL No 6 are an Acceptable Means of Compliance for the
altitude source.
(b) Altimeters with a pressure altitude resolution lower than or equal to 25 ft are an
Acceptable Means of Compliance.
Note: Altitude source resolution of 25 ft or better is required for aeroplanes intended to
be used for international air transport as defined in ICAO Annex 6 Part 1 — 6.19.

(c) An altimeter with a pressure altitude resolution lower than or equal to 100 ft and greater
than 25 ft is an Acceptable Means of Compliance for aircraft provided that the following
provisions are implemented:
(1) There is no conversion of Gillham encoded data to another format before inputting
to the transponder unless failure detection can be provided, and the resolution
(quantisation) is set in the transmitted data to indicate 100 ft;
Note 1: It is not recommended to install altimeters with a Gillham altitude encoder
interface as it supports a resolution of only 100 ft.
Note 2: Losses or errors of pressure altitude have an impact on the provision of
separation by ATC. It is, therefore, important to design the altitude pressure source
to minimise the loss of this data or the provision of erroneous data.
Note 3: Further guidance on altitude measurement and coding systems may be
found in EUROCAE document ED-26.
(2) Altitude source comparison;
(3) For aircraft equipped with ACAS II where the available source of pressure altitude
information is only in Gillham encoded format, detection of an altitude source or
encoder failure can be satisfied by means of dual independent altitude corrected
sensors together with an altitude data comparator (which may be incorporated and
enabled in the transponder). Similar provision is also acceptable for alternative
altitude information sources that do not signal erroneous data.
(4) The flight deck interface should provide a means to inhibit the transmission of
pressure altitude information for aircraft equipped with a Gillham encoded altitude

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2030 Flight deck interface

The pressure altitude source connected to the active transponder should be, by default, the
one which is being used to control the aircraft.

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4000 Dual/multiple transponder installation

When dual or multiple transponders are installed on an aircraft, a common control
interface/panel should be provided to ensure that only one transponder is active at a given
time, and to ensure that the Mode A code and Aircraft Identification changes are applied to the
active transponder.

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AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4020 Antenna Installation

(a) Antenna locations recommended by the aircraft manufacturer do not need to be
(b) Antenna performance for new locations should be validated in flight by ground
measurements or simulation modelling.
(c) The distance between L-band antennas should be at least 40 cm and the distance
between other antennas (e.g. ACAS, DME) should satisfy the appropriate isolation and
longitudinal separation limits.
(d) When the Mode S ELS surveillance installation is using two antennas, the horizontal
distance between the two antennas should be less than 7.6m

AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4030 Antenna Diversity

(a) The aircraft maximum cruising true airspeed may be determined using one of the 3
following options:
(1) Where the Aircraft Flight Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook gives more than one
table of true airspeed values for a range of temperatures, the table which gives the
maximum true airspeed, should be used;
(2) For some aircraft, the maximum cruising true airspeed is not obtained at the
maximum operating altitude. In those cases, the maximum true airspeed has to be
considered and not the true airspeed at maximum operating altitude;
(3) Aircraft which do not state the maximum cruising true airspeed under ISA
conditions in their Aircraft Flight Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook, may use the
following alternative method to calculate maximum cruising true airspeed:
i. Use the maximum operating values of altitude and airspeed (i.e. VNO, or
VMO/MMO as applicable) quoted in the Limitations section of the Aircraft
Flight Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook to calculate the maximum
cruising true airspeed of the aircraft. If the aircraft is unpressurised, an
altitude of 8 000 feet may be used as the maximum ‘normal’ operating
ii. For example, using a maximum ‘normal’ operating altitude of 8 000 feet for
an unpressurised aircraft, and a maximum operating airspeed of 215 knots,
(as stated in the Aircraft Flight Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook, e.g.
VNO = 215 knots) then the aircraft has an equivalent TAS capability of
250 knots in the ICAO Standard atmosphere. The calculation may be made
using a pilot’s TAS computer.
(b) For airships, the applicant should demonstrate the need or otherwise for antenna
diversity. The demonstration should be based on the construction techniques and size of
the airship.
(c) The transponder DDP should indicate the letter ‘d’ in the transponder capability
declaration to indicate antenna diversity capability.

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Section 3 — Mode S Enhanced Surveillance

AMC1 ACNS.EHS.1000 Applicability

Previous compliance declarations with EASA AMC 20-13 (Certification of Mode S Transponder
Systems for Enhanced Surveillance) is another Acceptable Means of Compliance for existing
installations, provided that differences listed in Appendix E have been addressed.
AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2000 Transponder characteristics
(a) The means of compliance defined in AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2000 should be followed, with the
exception that the transponder DDP should indicate a label ‘n’ in the transponder
capability declaration to reflect ELS and EHS capabilities.
Note: Such transponders meet the requirements specified in EUROCAE ED-73E section
3.30 for EHS capabilities. If the transponder is compliant with EUROCAE ED-73E, it
provides register format corresponding to a Mode S subnetwork version 5.
(b) The Mode S subnetwork format should be 3 or above.
Note : The use of the highest Mode S Subnetwork version format is recommended.

AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010 Data transmission

(a) The compliance verification should include a list of transponder registers supported by
the installation, including the parameters that are available in each register. The list
should contain the registers that are indicated as available in the Mode Specific Capability
reports (1816 to 1C16), except the following registers:
(1) registers managed by the transponder to support the Mode S airborne initiated
protocol (0216, 0316, 0416);
(2) registers containing extended squitters information (05 16, 0616, 0716, 0816, 0916,
(3) aircraft capability reporting (1016 to 1F16);
(4) Aircraft Identification (2016);
(5) ACAS RA report (3016); and
(6) transponder dependant information (5F16, E316, E416, E716, EA16).
Note 1: An example of a minimum list of registers to support EHS is provided in Subpart
D Appendix C.
Note 2: An example of other registers and parameters is provided in Subpart D Appendix
(b) Verification of operation
(1) All the transponder registers containing data as defined in (a) should be verified to
ensure correct data is transmitted by the Mode S transponder.
Note: Format and resolution of airborne parameters can be found in ED-73E
Volume 2 or in ICAO Doc 9871 Edition 2.
(2) Where a register is declared available but a parameter within that register is not
available, it is necessary to verify that the status of the parameter is declared
invalid in the corresponding aircraft register.
Note 1:Some parameters are particularly difficult to measure statically. To ensure
that these parameters (e.g. Roll Angle, Track Angle Rate, Inertial Vertical Velocity)
are correctly received from the sensor and transmitted by the transponder, it is
acceptable to test that the correct transponder register is transmitted (by the
transponder), that the value of the parameter status bit is valid (status bit = 1),

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and the value of the parameter field is set to zero when aircraft is not moving on
the ground.
Note 2: Due to the limitations of the static tests, it is recommended to perform a
flight and record the content of the different transponder registers to verify that all
parameters listed in (a) are changing in accordance with pilot input and aircraft
attitude and manoeuvre.
Note 3: To minimise the certification effort for transponder follow-on installations,
the applicant may claim from the responsible authority credit for applicable
certification and flight test data obtained from equivalent aircraft installations. This
is acceptable only if all equipment connected to the transponders are of the same
type and same software revision number.
(c) Aircraft parameters
(1) Selected Altitude
i. MCP/FCU Selected Altitude
The MCP/FCU Selected Altitude provided should correspond to the altitude
selected by the flight crew. Normally this corresponds to the cleared flight
level provided by the controller.
In case there is no MCP/FCU Selected Altitude function, it is accepted to use
the information provided by an altitude alerter.
ii. FMS Selected Altitude
When available, it is recommended that the FMS Selected altitude field is
provided. The FMS selected altitude is the selected altitude used by the FMS
to manage the vertical profile of the aircraft.
Note: This will allow the reporting of the intermediate selected altitudes
during applications (e.g. RNAV1) when aircraft is flown using FMS.
iii. MCP/FCU mode bits
When data is available, it is recommended (optional) to provide information
on autopilot mode which is selected by the flight crew.
Note: It is accepted to set this bit to zero rather than providing wrong
iv. Target Altitude source bits
The target altitude source bits are used to indicate the source (e.g. FCU/MCP,
FMS) which provides the next level at which the aircraft will level off. This is
also referred to as the Target Altitude. However, the necessary data may be
inconsistent or not accessible. In this case, the status of target altitude source
bits should indicate no source information provided (set to zero).
Note: It is also acceptable that status of target altitude source bits is set to
valid and target altitude source is set to 00 to indicate unknown.
(2) Vertical Rate
The Barometric Altitude Rate should contain value solely derived from barometric
When different sources are available, the Inertial Vertical Velocity should contain
data coming from the most accurate and steady source.
Note 1: The vertical rate can be provided in the Barometric Altitude Rate and/or the
Inertial Vertical Velocity fields of register 60 16. Both the Barometric Altitude Rate
and the Inertial Vertical Velocity can be transmitted simultaneously.

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Note 2: The Barometric Altitude Rate is usually very unsteady.

Note 3: The Inertial Vertical Velocity (derived from IRS, AHRS and/or GPS)
information is more filtered and smoothed.
(3) Barometric Pressure Setting
If operating with reference to the standard pressure setting, the Barometric
Pressure Setting field should indicate standard pressure value equivalent to
1 013.25 hPa.
(4) Track Angle Rate or True Airspeed
If Track Angle Rate data cannot be readily provided due to the aircraft
configuration, True Airspeed data should be substituted.
(d) Sensor Selection
Particular attention should be given to the interface between data sources and
transponders when multiple transponders and multiple sensors are employed. In this
context, ‘sensors’ refers to FMS, IRS, AHRS, ADS, GPS, or Data Concentrator (or other)
systems used to provide data to the transponder.
In an installation where sensor selection capability for the active transponder is provided
on the flight deck, the crew should be aware, at all times, which sensors (captain’s or co-
pilot’s side) are providing information to the active transponder. The sensor selected for
the active transponder should be relevant to the aircraft flight profile.
In an installation, where sensor selection for the active transponder is not provided, the
captain’s side transponder should utilise the captain’s side sensors, and the co-pilot’s side
transponder should utilise the co-pilot’s side sensors.
Data parameters from different sensors of the same type should not be mixed.
Note: For example, Mode-C or Mode-S altitude reporting information from ADC source #1
should not be mixed with reporting of TAS, Baro Vertical Rate, Mach from ADC source
#2. In this case, partially blocking of data output from either ADC source #1 or #2 will
cause uncorrelated results. This could result in problems with ATC ground processing of
the data.
Where only single sensors are available (i.e. single FMS), it is permissible to connect the
single sensor to multiple transponders. It should be noted that this may result in reduced
operational availability should the single sensor fail.

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Section 4 — 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Out

GM1 ACNS.ADS.1000 Applicability

With respect to 1 090 MHz ES ADS-B Out installations, the material in this section is to a large
degree in line with the corresponding FAA AC 20-165 material. Differences between the two
documents are listed in Appendix J . This guidance may be of use when showing of compliance
with both documents is required.
The approval of on-board systems receiving and processing ADS-B messages in support of air-
to-air applications is outside the scope of Subpart D section 4.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2000 ADS-B Out system approval

Equipment Qualification
For equipment qualification, refer to AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2010 through to AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2040.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2005(a-b) ADS-B Out data parameters

During ADS-B Out system installation testing, all the parameters that are broadcast should be
demonstrated to be correct for each installed ADS-B transmit unit, i.e. the transmitted data
should be in line with the respective source data.
The Emitter Category, Aircraft Length and Width and GPS Antenna Offset parameters might be
either configured as a fixed value during ADS-B Out system installation, or provided via a
variable data interface. In both cases, during installation, the respective settings should be
verified to be correctly set.
Additional guidance material on the required surveillance data parameters are provided in
Appendix H ,Part 1 and Part 2.
Appendix H Part 6 provides matrices of the so-called BDS register fields as used by the 1090
ES ADS-B transmit unit to broadcast the ADS-B Out parameters. These matrices detail the
ADS-B Out data requirements at data field level for general understanding and in support of
integration testing, as appropriate.
If installations transmit ADS-B Out data that do not meet some requirements of the Subpart D
Section 4, the respective data should only be transmitted with a ‘zero’ quality indication (if a
quality indication is defined in the ADS-B Out transmit system).

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2008(a) Provision of data — Approved sources

(a) See AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020-2040 for details on the approval of the respective data
(b) For transmission of optional data items, the following provisions should be
(1) Airspeed
In case of a loss of GNSS horizontal velocity data, the ADS-B transmit unit normally
switches to broadcast airspeed information (using subtypes 3 and 4 of register
Therefore, if airspeed data is provided to the ADS-B transmit unit, it should be
provided by an approved airspeed source that is providing data intended for use by
the flight crew. An air data computer meeting the minimum performance
requirements of ETSO-C106 (JTSO-C106) is an acceptable source.
(2) Heading

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In case of a loss GNSS ground track and if heading is provided to the ADS-B
transmit unit, the heading source should meet the minimum performance
requirements of ETSO-C5e (JTSO-C5e) or any revision of ETSO-C6d (JTSO-C6d).

(3) Other Data Parameters

The Intent Change Flag should be set as appropriate to indicate the availability of
information in the Mode S registers 4016 to 4216.
If available, Selected Heading information should come from approved data
The 1090 ES IN capability field should be set correctly.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2008(c) Provision of data – Data quality indication and associated


Data quality indications for the horizontal position containment bound (NIC) and horizontal
position accuracy bound (NACp) should be provided to the ADS-B transmit unit together with
the corresponding horizontal position information within the same data set.
Data quality indications for the horizontal position source integrity level (SIL) and system
design assurance level (SDA) may be preset at installation. Systems that utilise multiple
position sources with different design assurance levels, should be capable of adjusting the SDA
and SIL quality indications to match the position source that is employed at the time of
The horizontal velocity accuracy bound (NACv) and vertical geometric altitude accuracy bound
(GVA) should be dynamically provided to the ADS-B transmit unit together with the
corresponding velocity and geometric altitude information within the same data set. However,
NACv and GVA may be also preset at installation.
For further guidance on the ADS-B data quality indicators, refer to AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020(a).

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2010 ADS-B Transmit unit installation

The ADS-B transmit unit should be compliant with ETSO-C166b and ETSO-C112d, including
any additional requirements as required to comply with the provision of the AMC’s to Subpart
D section 4 (e.g. On-the-ground status determination and maximum NIC encoding). Where
such additional requirements apply, it is expected that the ADS-B transmit unit manufacturer
supplies compliance information through a Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP), or an
equivalent document
If using earlier versions of ETSO-C112( ), it should to be demonstrated that all applicable
requirements from EUROCAE ED-102A have been implemented. This can be achieved by a
positive deviation of compliance to previous versions of EUROCAE ED-73 that have been
documented in the Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP).

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2012 Antenna Diversity

The 1090 ES data protocol includes a bit to indicate if antenna diversity has been installed or
not. The corresponding parameter for the Single Antenna bit is contained in register 65 16
(message element bit ‘30’) and should be set to the appropriate value.
Note 1: For detailed guidance on the required antenna diversity as a function of aircraft
maximum cruising true airspeed capability, refer to AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4030.
Note 2: For further guidance on antenna installations, see CS ACNS.ELS.4020, CS
ACNS.ELS.4030, AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4020 and AMC1 ACNS.ELS.4030.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2016 Simultaneous operation of ADS-B transmit units

Manual switching between transmitters is considered acceptable.

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Note: The requirement applies to ADS-B transmit units broadcasting on the same data link. It
does not preclude simultaneous operation of dual link installations.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2018 On-the-ground status Determination

For aircraft with retractable landing gear, the on-the-ground status determination is typically
provided through a landing gear weight-on-wheels switch. For aircraft that have fixed-gear,
the ADS-B Out system should be able to determine the air-ground status of the aircraft using
other means.
Installations that provide a means to automatically determine on-the-ground status based on
input from other aircraft sensors are acceptable if they are demonstrated to accurately detect
the status. Otherwise, ground status validation algorithms should be implemented, using
speed thresholds that match the typical aircraft’s rotation speed as closely as possible.
It is noted that for the validation of a directly determined on-the-ground status that is not
validated outside the ADS-B transmit function, validation against the aircraft’s typical rotation
speed (rather than a fixed value of 100 knots) might not have been tested in accordance with
ETSO-C166b. If that is the case, it is expected that the ADS-B transmit unit manufacturer
supplies compliance information through a Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP), or an
equivalent document.
Detailed guidance material is provided in Appendix I.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020 Horizontal Position and Velocity Data Sources

(a) GNSS Standards
(1) Basic GNSS System Approval
The horizontal position and velocity data source should be approved in accordance
with either ETSO-C129a, or ETSO-C196, or ETSO-C145/ETSO-C146, including the
additional qualification requirements as specified in paragraph (2) below.
(2) Additional GNSS Receiver Qualification Requirements
In order to fully address the standard associated with ADS-B Out, an ETSO
authorisation alone may not be sufficient to ensure ADS-B compatibility. The
position and velocity source should also comply with the following requirements (i)
to (vi).
It is expected that compliance with these requirements is demonstrated by the
equipment manufacturer and documented in the Declaration of Design and
Performance (DDP), or an equivalent document. Detailed guidance material on the
qualification requirements is provided in Appendix H Part 5.
i. The horizontal position integrity containment should have been qualified as
per Appendix H Part 5 paragraph 1;
ii. The maximum time to alert for the indication of a signal-in-space data
integrity failure should be 10 seconds as per Appendix H in Part 5 paragraph
iii. Navigation modes that would force the NIC value temporarily to ‘zero’ whilst
the actual horizontal position integrity containment bound would meet the NIC
requirements in Appendix H Part 3 Table 20, should not be installed.
iv. The horizontal position source accuracy output should have been qualified as
per Appendix H Part 5 paragraph 2;
v. The horizontal position source latency and timing characteristics should have
been documented (see Appendix H Part 5 paragraph 3);
vi. The horizontal velocity accuracy output should have been qualified. If a
dynamic horizontal velocity accuracy output is not provided, the transmitted

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horizontal velocity accuracy should be based on a worst case accuracy. If a

dynamic horizontal velocity accuracy output is provided, the source should
have been qualified for this quality indication accordingly as per Appendix H
Part 5 paragraph 4.
In addition, a means should be provided to establish the condition when the
horizontal velocity track angle accuracy exceeds plus/minus ‘eight’ degrees as
per Appendix H Part 5 paragraph 4.
(3) Interface Interoperability Aspects
It should be verified that the position and velocity information (including their
respective quality indicators) received from the source are correctly interpreted by
the ADS-B equipment.

(i) Horizontal Position Integrity Containment Bound

If the horizontal position sources outputs a horizontal position integrity
containment bounds of less than 75 meters the transmit unit should limit the
NIC value to ’eight’
It is expected that the ADS-B transmit unit manufacturer supplies compliance
information through a Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP), or an
equivalent document.
(ii) Horizontal Velocity Format
The position and velocity source manufacturer should provide information
describing how the horizontal velocity information is output (i.e., in a ground
speed/track angle format versus north/east velocity format) and the protocols
(4) Data Quality Indicator Testing
By design and under nominal GNSS satellite constellation conditions, an ADS-B Out
system that is compliant with CS ACNS.ADS.2020 should meet the required values
of the horizontal position NIC, NACp, SIL and horizontal velocity NACv quality
indicators (refer to Appendix H Part 3 Table 20).

(b) Installation Guidance

The GNSS based position sources should be installed in accordance with FAA AC 20-138B
(or later).
Note: EASA is developing GNSS installation guidance, once published, should be used
instead of the FAA material.
(c) Multiple Position and Velocity Data Sources
(1) Multiple Source Approval
Any position and velocity source that is interfaced to the ADS-B transmit unit,
should meet the requirements of CS ACNS.ADS.2020.
(2) Source Priority
If multiple horizontal position data sources are interfaced with the ADS-B transmit
unit, priority should be given to the source that provides the best ADS-B
performance with respect to the horizontal position integrity containment bound
A change of the selection between sources should only take place when the not
selected source has exceeded the NIC performance of the selected source for
several seconds.

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(d) Interconnecting Avionics

Interconnecting avionics between a horizontal position and velocity data source and the
ADS-B transmit unit are not recommended.
If installed, interconnecting avionics should:
(1) not output horizontal position and velocity data that has been blended with data
from other sources;
(2) use GNSS horizontal velocity data to extrapolate the horizontal position data if
extrapolation is deployed; and
(3) maintain full source resolution of the horizontal position and velocity data.
Interconnecting avionics that do not comply with the above may dilute the horizontal
position accuracy achieved with GNSS-based sources, with detrimental effects on the
usability of the ADS-B Out system.
Note: closely coupled GPS/IRS systems are not considered as interconnecting avionics.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2030 Data Sources as defined by Mode S Elementary and Enhanced

(a) General Requirements
For the requirements and general guidance on the data sources providing the Mode S
Elementary and Enhanced surveillance parameters, the following references to CS
(1) Aircraft Identification: CS ACNS.ELS.2030(a)(9);
(2) Mode A Code: CS ACNS.ELS.2030(a)(1) and (8) ;
(3) SPI: CS ACNS.ELS.2030(a)(2);
(4) Emergency Mode/Status: CS ACNS.ELS.2030(a)(1);
(5) Pressure Altitude: CS ACNS.ELS.2020, CS ACNS.ELS.2030(a)(4) and (10);
(6) Vertical Rate: AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010;
(7) MCP/FCU Selected Altitude: : AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010 (c)(1);
(8) Barometric Pressure Setting:AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010;
(9) ACAS Operational/Resolution Advisory: AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2010; and
(10) ICAO 24 bit Address: CS ACNS.ELS.4000,
(b) Emergency Status
When transmitting the Mode A emergency status codes, the additional specific bits should
be set (see Appendix H , Part 1, Definition 10).
(c) Pressure Altitude — NICbaro
For aircraft with an approved, non-Gillham altitude source, the Barometric Altitude
Integrity Code ‘NICbaro’ should be set to ‘one’.
For aircraft where the pressure altitude that is based on a Gillham coded input that has
not been cross-checked against another source of pressure altitude, the ‘NICbaro’ should
be set to ‘zero’. Otherwise, the ‘NICbaro’ should be set to ‘one’.
For general guidance on the ADS-B ‘NICbaro’ indicator that is associated with Pressure
Altitude information, refer to Appendix H , Part 1, Definition 9.
(d) Vertical Rate
The Vertical Rate information should come from the most accurate and steady source.

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Vertical Rate from an inertial sensor that is not blended with barometric altitude should
not be transmitted. Neither should ADS-B transmit units derive a barometric altitude rate
by sampling barometric altitude measurements.
The source bit for vertical rate (1090 ES register 09 16, message bit ‘36’) should be coded
as barometric when utilising barometric rate from an air data computer, or when using a
blended or hybrid vertical rate. The source bit for vertical rate should only be coded as
geometric when using vertical rate from a GNSS source.
Note: due to differences in the respective transmit formats, the above source
prioritisation differs in some parts with the guidance applicable to Mode S Enhanced
Surveillance as provided in AMC ACNS.EHS.2010.2.5.7.

For general guidance on Vertical Rate data sources, refer to Appendix H , Part 1,
Definition 14.
(e) Selected Altitude (and related Modes)
With respect to the various status and mode fields contained in register 6216 (subtype 1),
the respective provisions of AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010 (c)(1) apply to the Selected Altitude
Type, Status of MCP/FCU Mode Bits, VNAV Mode Engaged, Altitude Hold Mode, and
Approach Mode information.
The population of the additional Autopilot Engaged and LNAV Mode Engaged fields status
bits are optional but should be populated where the data is available.

AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2034 Geometric Altitude

(a) Geometric Altitude data source
The position source should output a vertical position accuracy metric to support the
encoding of the Geometric Altitude GVA quality indicator.
GNSS position sources should provide the geometric altitude accuracy through the
vertical figure of merit (VFOM). If that is the case, the vertical position source accuracy
output by a GNSS receiver should have been qualified as per Appendix H Part 5
paragraph 5.
If the position source does not output a qualified vertical accuracy metric, the GVA
parameter should be set to ‘zero’.
For general guidance on the GVA encoding, refer to Definition 20 in Appendix H of
Subpart D.
(b) Geometric Altitude Reference
A GNSS position source compliant with CS ACNS.ADS.2020 provides Geometric Altitude,
in its native format, as geocentric height above the earth’s ellipsoid shape. Height Above
Ellipsoid (HAE) is described by the WGS-84 format.
Another altitude reference is described by the earth’s geoid, a surface on which the
gravitational potential is constant and which approximates the (local) mean levels of all
the earth's seas. The difference between the mathematically idealised smooth ellipsoid
and irregular geoid surfaces varies between +106m to -85m across the earth. The
related Mean Sea Level (MSL) altitude is then established as the sum of the HAE altitude
and those local differences (using look-up tables). MSL is sometimes also referred to as
Height-Above-Geoid (HAG).
A position source that only provides HAG or MSL altitude (ARINC label 076) but not HAE
(ARINC label 370) should, therefore, not be interfaced to the ADS-B transmit unit unless
the ADS-B transmit unit can properly convert HAG/MSL to HAE, using the same HAG/MSL
model as the position source (typically NATO STANAG Appendix 6). This should be based
on position source installation instructions that specify a deterministic method to perform
conversion to HAE, and be demonstrated during ADS-B transmit unit design approval. It

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is expected that the respective compliance information is supplied by the position and
velocity source, and ADS-B transmit unit manufacturers through a Declaration of Design
and Performance (DDP) or an equivalent document.
Note: Horizontal position sources compliant with Class 3 equipment approved under
ETSO-C145c/C146c are required to output HAE altitude. The requirement has been
implemented from revision C of RTCA/DO-229 onwards.
(c) Geometric Altitude Accuracy Quality Indicator Testing
If a qualified vertical accuracy metric is available, under nominal GNSS satellite
constellation and visibility conditions, the transmitted GVA value should be a minimum of
AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2040(a) Flight Deck Interface
(a) Installations
(1) Data Transmission and Display Consistency
The data transmitted by the active ADS-B transmit unit with the data displayed to
the flight crew should be consistent.
Note: The horizontal position data displayed to the flight crew might be based on
data from more than the position source than that used for ADS-B transmissions.
(2) Single Point of Flight Crew Entry
Installations that do not provide a single point of flight crew entry for the
transponder and the ADS-B transmit unit should be evaluated to ensure that dual
entry of the Mode A code, SPI, and emergency status does not lead to the
transmission by the active ADS-B transmit unit of inconsistent data, particularly
when communicating an aircraft emergency.
(b) ADS-B Off Switch
If control is provided to enable or disable the ADS-B transmit unit, then the status of the
active ADS-B transmit unit should clearly be indicated to the flight crew from their
normal seated position.
The respective controls should be located such that inadvertent disabling is prevented.
AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2040(b) Flight Deck Interface
ADS-B Out system failures should be indicated in amber without undue delay, i.e. a response
time within the order of one second.
ADS-B Out system failures may be indicated independently of each other; however, detailed
operating instructions should be developed to describe the means to interpret indications.
The ADS-B Out system failure indication should not be confused with an ACAS or Mode S
system failure annunciations.
In case the ADS-B Out system function failure is linked to the unavailability of horizontal
position information, it is expected that the transponder should continue to support the ACAS
and Mode S functions.
The proper indications of the ADS-B Out system failures should be tested.
AMC1 ACNS.ADS.3022 and 3024 Horizontal Position and Velocity Total and
Uncompensated Latency
(a) Time of Applicability
With respect to the latency requirements in CS ACNS.ADS.3022 and CS ACNS.ADS.3024,
the initial time of applicability (ITOA) is the time of validity of the position or velocity
solution. Hence, the latency between the time of signal in space measurement (TOM) and
this time of validity is excluded from the total latency budget.

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The transmit time of applicability (TTOA) equals the initial time of applicability plus the
amount of compensated latency (CL), as valid at the time at which the ADS-B transmit
unit broadcasts the position (or velocity) information (TOT).

(b) Compliance Demonstration

Total latency (TL) is the difference between time of transmission (TOT) and initial time of
applicability (ITOA). The analysis of total latency includes the maximum asynchronous
delay caused by the time difference of position (or velocity) updates arriving at the ADS-
B transmit unit and of transmitting the information. It is noted that for ADS-B transmit
units compliant with AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2010, this asynchronous delay can be up to 1.1
Uncompensated latency (UL, or more generically a latency compensation error) is the
difference between total latency (TL) and amount of compensated latency (CL) thereof.
Therefore, uncompensated latency determines the transmit time of applicability (TTOA).
The GNSS time mark if provided to the transmit system, can be used by the ADS-B
transmit unit to reduce uncompensated latency. It is possible for compensation
algorithms to overcompensate for the effects of latency, also as a result of the desired
attempt to account for latency external to the ADS-B transmit unit. This might lead to
transmitting a position that is out in front of the actual aircraft position rather than
behind the actual aircraft position. This is acceptable as long as the transmitted position
is not further ahead than 200 ms.
The various latency related parameters are summarised in Figure 1.

TL = 1.5s
UL = 0.6s



Figure 1: Latency Parameters

Latency should be addressed through analysis rather than testing. Total and
uncompensated latency information should be generated by the respective
manufacturers of the position source, ADS-B transmit unit and any interconnecting
avionics and should be included as part of the latency analysis.

The latency analysis should determine the latency applicable to each component of the
ADS-B Out system. The total of all of the individual component latencies should be
established as the sum of their maximum latencies.

ADS-B Out systems whereby the transmit equipment compliant with AMC1
ACNS.ADS.2010 is directly connected to a position source compliant with AMC1
ACNS.ADS.2020, should meet the total latency and uncompensated latency requirements
without further analysis.

For other ADS-B Out systems, the applicant should perform a detailed position and
velocity latency analysis. This includes systems where ADS-B Out system components
are interfaced through a highly integrated architecture.

For detailed guidance on horizontal position and velocity source latency qualification,
refer to Appendix H Part 5.

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It is expected that this compliance information is supplied by the position and velocity
source manufacturer through a Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP) or an
equivalent document.
(c) ADS-B Quality Indicator Change Latency
The ADS-B Quality Indicator change latency requirements are driven by the maximum
time to alert for the indication of a data integrity failure with respect to exceeding
integrity containment bound (CS ACNS.ADS.2020 and related AMC guidance).
For detailed guidance on time to alert qualification, refer to Appendix H Part 5.
(d) Horizontal Position Latency Compensation
The ADS-B transmit unit may compensate for horizontal position latency incurred outside
the ADS-B transmit unit (see sub-paragraph 2 above). If such is implemented, a
verifiable estimation of the delay between the time of applicability of the position
measurement, and the provision of that measurement to the ADS-B transmit unit data
interface should be performed

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Appendix A — Background information for Mode A/C surveillance system

(a) General
This appendix provides additional references, background information, and guidance for
maintenance testing, as appropriate to Mode A/C surveillance installations.
(b) Related References
(1) EASA
ETSO-C74d, Minimum Performance Standards for Airborne ATC Transponder
(2) ICAO
i. ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, Aeronautical Communications (Surveillance Radar
and Collision Avoidance Systems) — Amd. 85;
ii. ICAO Document 8168-OPS/611 Volume I, Procedures for Air Navigation
Services, Aircraft Operations;
iii. ICAO Document 4444-ATM/501, Procedures for Air Navigation Service, Air
Traffic Management; and
iv. ICAO EUR Regional Air Navigation Plan, Part IV CNS Supplement SSR Code
Allocation List for the EUR region, current edition.
i. ED-43, Minimum Operational Performance Requirements for SSR Transponder
and Alticoder; and
ii. ED-26, Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne Altitude Measurement
and Coding Systems.
(4) RTCA
i. DO-144A Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Air traffic
Control Radar Beacon Systems (ATCRBS) Airborne Equipment
(c) Background Information
Airborne surveillance system
The following diagram presents the Mode A and C transponder and its main functional

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Mode A code
Top antenna

Mode A and C

Bottom antenna


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Appendix B — Background information on Mode S ELS

(a) General
This appendix provides background information on Elementary Surveillance (ELS) useful
to understand ELS airborne surveillance system defined in the CS-ACNS.ELS and its
associated AMCs.
(b) Related Material
(1) EASA
ETSO-C112d, Minimum Operational Performance Specification for SSR Mode S
Transponders. (Based on EUROCAE ED-73E).
(2) ICAO
i. ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, Amd. 85, Aeronautical Communications
(Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems);
ii. ICAO Document 9871 Edition 2 (transponder register formats);
iii. ICAO Document 8168-OPS/611 Volume I (Procedures for Air Navigation
Services); and
iv. ICAO Document Doc 4444-RAC/501 Procedures for Air Navigation Service, Air
Traffic Management.
i. ED-73E Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Secondary
Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders; and
ii. ED-26 Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne Altitude Measurement
and Coding Systems.
(4) RTCA
RTCA DO-181E.Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Air Traffic
Control Radar Beacon System/Mode Select (ATCRBS/Mode S) Airborne Equipment
(c) Background Information
Airborne surveillance system description
This section describes the ELS system including transponder, interfaces, and antenna.
The following diagram represents the Mode S Transponder and its main functional

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24 bit aircraft
Mode A code
Top antenna


Mode S Transponder

Aircraft Bottom antenna


Altitude On-the – ACAS

source ground

(1) Acquisition of aircraft position by Mode S ELS radar

Aircraft entering the coverage of a Mode S radar is first acquired by All Call
interrogations to which the transponder will reply if it is not on the ground.
Therefore, it is important to test that the airborne surveillance system correctly
takes into account the on-the-ground information. The on-the-ground status is also
used by the ACAS systems to select aircraft which will be tracked.
During this acquisition phase the radar will acquire the Horizontal position and the
24-bit aircraft address corresponding to the aircraft technical address on the RF
The position and the aircraft address will be subsequently used to selectively
interrogate the aircraft during the rest of its trajectory through the radar coverage.
Selective interrogations will be used:
i. to update the horizontal position of the aircraft;
ii. to request the aircraft to not reply to the All Call interrogations specifically
transmitted by the radar. This is known as lockout command;
iii. to request additional information such as Mode A code and altitude;and
iv. to request further information to be downlinked from specific aircraft
transponder registers such as the Aircraft Identification.
(2) Determination of the aircraft surveillance system capability
Ground surveillance system will need to establish the capabilities of the aircraft
surveillance system to extract information only if it is available in the aircraft
surveillance system. If this is not done, it could result in a situation where the
aircraft would no longer reply to the interrogations used by the radar, and,
therefore, the position of the aircraft could be lost. Hence, there is a need to have
correct reporting of the aircraft surveillance system capability.

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This process starts by determining whether the transponder is level 2 or above by

checking the CA field of the Mode S All Call replies. The CA field is encoded with
either 4,5,6,7 to indicate that the transponder is a level 2.
If the transponder is a level 2 or above transponder, the second step of the process
is the verification of the data-link capability provided in register 1016, the ‘Data link
capability report’. It contains different information about the data link capability of
the airborne surveillance system
Elementary Surveillance System will use important information from this register,
(i) Aircraft Identification capability (bit 33 of register 1016) to determine the
availability of the register containing the Aircraft Identification;
(ii) Surveillance Identifier code (bit 35 of register 10 16) which indicates if SI
protocol can be used to lockout the transponder; and
(iii) the Mode S Specific Services capability (bit 25 of register 10 16) which
indicates that Mode S specific services; including additional registers used for
enhanced surveillance; are supported; and that the particular capability
reports should be checked.
If the ‘Mode S Specific Services’ bit is set in register 10 16, the availability of
other registers will be checked by extracting register 1716.
(3) Extraction of Aircraft Identification using Mode S protocol
Aircraft equipped with Mode S having an aircraft identification feature transmits its
Aircraft Identification as specified in Item 7 of the ICAO flight plan, or when no
flight plan has been filed, the aircraft registration.
Aircraft Identification information will be obtained by Mode S radar by extracting
the transponder register 2016 at the track initialisation.
The Aircraft Identification is variable when it changes from one flight to another
flight. It is, therefore, possible that input errors may occur. Whenever it is observed
on the ground situation display that the Aircraft Identification transmitted by a
Mode S-equipped aircraft is different from that expected from the aircraft, the flight
crew will be requested to confirm and, if necessary, re-enter the correct Aircraft
When Aircraft Identification is modified, the transponder will indicate this change
for 18s in its selective replies. This is done using the Mode S Comm-B Broadcast
protocol (ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV The Mode S ground station will
extract the Comm–B Broadcast message to obtain the new value of the Aircraft
(4) Extraction of Mode A code using Mode S protocol
Ground Mode S surveillance system will extract Mode A code at track initialisation.
If the Mode A code is modified, the transponder will indicate this change for 18s in
its selective replies. This is done by raising an alert bit which is set for 18s after the
change. Once this alert is detected, the Mode S ground stations will extract the new
Mode A code.
It is, therefore important, that the change of the Mode A code happens on the
active transponder which is announcing the change for 18s.
Note: ED-73E contains additional requirement requiring the announcement of a
Mode A code change when a transponder becomes active. This is not necessarily
available on older Mode S transponders in which it may be necessary to follow a
specified procedure on installations with no common control interface. In some

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instances, a ground system workaround, consisting of periodically extracting the

Mode A code, has also been implemented.

(5) ACAS Resolution Advisory (RA) report extraction

When a resolution advisory has been produced, the transponder announces the
presence of a ‘RA report’ for the time that the RA is active until 18s after it has
ceased. The Mode S ground stations will extract the register 30 16 to obtain the
(6) Summary of registers used for ELS
Register 1016 to obtain information on data link capability of the airborne
surveillance system.
Register 1716 to obtain information on additional services available. For ELS, it is
possible that register 1716 is empty (=0).
Register 2016 to obtain the Aircraft Identification.
Register 3016 to obtain the RA Report
(7) Information on Mode S replies used to support ELS
The following Mode S reply types are used to track the aircraft and obtain additional
DF11: Mode S All Call replies containing the 24-bit Aircraft Address and the CA field
indicating whether the transponder is level 2 or greater and whether the aircraft is
on the ground or airborne. DF11 can also be spontaneously transmitted as
acquisition squitters. These replies are used for aircraft acquisition.
DF4: Short Mode S reply containing Altitude information.
DF5: Short Mode S reply containing the selected Mode A code.
DF20: Long Mode S reply containing the Altitude information and the content of the
transponder register requested.
DF21: Long Mode S reply containing the Mode A code and the content of the
transponder register requested.
(d) Existing Installed Transponders
A number of service bulletins have been issued to rectify some observed deficiencies and
have already been addressed by the equipment manufacturers. Therefore, the installed
transponders should have all published corrective transponder equipment service
bulletins (SB) relating to the correct operation of the Elementary functionality embodied.

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Appendix C — Background information on Mode S EHS

(a) Introduction
This appendix provides background information on Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) useful to
understand EHS airborne surveillance system defined in the CS-ACNS.EHS and its
associated AMCs.
(b) Related Material
(1) EASA
ETSO-C112d, Minimum Operational Performance Specification for SSR Mode S
Transponders. (Based on EUROCAE ED-73E).
i. The Concept of Operations - Mode S in Europe, document
SUR.ET2.ST02.1000-CNP-01-00, Edition 2, Nov 1996:
ii. Operational Hazard Assessment of Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance,
Edition 1.1, EATMP Infocentre Reference: 04/04/07-01, 07.04.2004; and
iii. Preliminary System Safety Analysis for the Controller Access Parameter
service delivered by Mode S Enhanced Surveillance, Edition 1.1, EATMP
Infocentre Reference: 04/04/07-02, 07.04.2004
(3) ICAO
i. ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, Amd. 85, Aeronautical Communications
(Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems);
ii. ICAO Document 9871 Edition 2;
iii. ICAO Document 8168-OPS/611 Volume I (Procedures for Air Navigation
Services); and
iv. ICAO Document Doc 4444-RAC/501 Procedures for Air Navigation Service, Air
Traffic Management.
i. ED-73E Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Secondary
Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders;
ii. ED-26 Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne Altitude Measurement
and Coding Systems; and
iii. ED-12C Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
(5) RTCA
DO-181E Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Air Traffic Control
Radar Beacon System/ Mode Select (ATCRBS/Mode S) Airborne Equipment.
(c) Background Information
(1) Airborne surveillance system description
This section describes the EHS system including transponder, interfaces, and
The following diagram represents the Mode S Transponder, and its main functional
interfaces. It is to be noted that different interfaces coming from different parts of
the avionics may need to be connected to the transponder to support EHS.

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24 bit aircraft
Mode A code
Top antenna


Mode S Transponder

Bottom antenna

Altitude On-the – ACAS Avionics
source ground sources

(2) Registers used to support EHS capability

i. Capability
In addition to the registers already used for ELS capability establishment, the
EHS capability of the aircraft will be established using register 17 16 and 1D16.
Register 1716 will indicate which other registers (e.g. 4016,5016,6016) are
currently supported by the airborne surveillance system.
Ground systems could also use register 18 16 to 1C16 to determine which
registers are installed if those register are not included in register 17 16.
Register 1D16 is used to determine if Dataflash specific MSP is installed.
Dataflash is an application allowing the transmission of registers to the ground
only when they have changed, and, therefore, removing the need for periodic
extraction of registers. Dataflash is not expected to be installed, however,
some Mode S ground stations have been developed to take benefit of the
dataflash application when available on aircraft.
Mode S ground stations can also use Mode S sub network version to filter old
systems not correctly supporting EHS.
ii. Basic Data
Example of a basic list of registers and parameters to use to support the
declaration of registers and parameters supported by an EHS installation is
provided in Table 2 below.

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Table 2 - Example of basic list of EHS registers and parameters

Register reporting in
Assignment parameters EHS req
number register
1816 to 1C16
MCP/FCU Selected Yes
FMS Selected Altitude No
Selected vertical Reg. 1916
4016 Barometric Pressure Yes
intention Bit 49
MCP/FCU Mode bits No
Target altitude source bits No
Roll Angle Yes
True Track angle Yes
Reg. 1916
5016 Track and turn report Ground speed Yes
Bit 33
Track Angle Rate Yes
True Airspeed Yes
Magnetic Heading Yes
Indicated Airspeed Yes
Heading and speed Reg. 1916
6016 Mach Yes
report Bit 17
Barometric Altitude Rate Yes
Inertial Vertical Velocity Yes
(3) Other data
Mode S ground stations can extract other data when available. It is, therefore,
important that all data provided are verified.
The Table 3 provides more data to facilitate the declaration of other registers
and parameters which may be supported and which may need to be added to
the basic list provided above.
Table 3 - Example of extended list of Transponder registers and supported

Register reporting in
Assignment parameters EHS req
number register
1816 to 1C16
True Air Speed No

Air/air information 1 Reg. 1816 heading No

(aircraft state) Bit 46 True track angle No
Ground speed No

Air/air information 2 Reg. 1816 Level Off Altitude No

(aircraft intent) Bit 45 Next Course No

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Register reporting in
Assignment parameters EHS req
number register
1816 to 1C16
Time to Next Waypoint No
Vertical Velocity No
Roll Angle No
Aircraft registration No
Aircraft and airline Reg. 1816 number
registration markings Bit 24 ICAO airline registration No
Reg. 1816 No
2216 Antenna positions
Bit 23
Reg. 1816 No
26 Aircraft type
Bit 20
Next waypoint Reg. 1916 - No
identifier Bit 48
Reg. 1916 Waypoint latitude No
Bit 47
4216 Next waypoint position Waypoint Longitude No
Waypoint Crossing Altitude No
Reg. 1916 Bearing to waypoint No
Next waypoint Bit 46
4316 Time To Go No
Distance To Go No
Reg. 1916 Wind Speed and Direction No
Bit 45
Meteorological routine Average Static Pressure No
air report Turbulence No
Humidity No
Reg. 1916 Turbulence No
Bit 44
Wind Shear No
Microburst No

Meteorological hazard Icing No

report Wake vortex No
Static Air temperature No
Average Static Pressure No
Radio Height No
Reg. 1916 VHF1 No
Bit 41
4816 VHF channel report VHF2 No

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Register reporting in
Assignment parameters EHS req
number register
1816 to 1C16
Reg. 1916 Latitude and Longitude No
5116 Position report coarse
Bit 32 and Pressure altitude
Reg. 1916 Latitude fine and No
Bit 31 Longitude Fine and
5216 Position report fine
Pressure altitude or GNSS
Reg. 1916 Magnetic Heading No
Bit 30
Indicated Airspeed No
Air-referenced state
5316 Mach Number No
True Airspeed No
Altitude Rate No
Reg. 1916 - No
5416 Waypoint 1
Bit 29
Reg. 1916 - No
5516 Waypoint 2
Bit 28
Reg. 1916 - No
5616 Waypoint 3
Bit 17
ACAS unit part Reg. 1C16 - No
number Bit 52
ACAS unit software Reg. 1C16 - No
revision number Bit 51
Reg. 1C16 - No
F116 Military applications
Bit 40
Reg. 1C16 - No
F216 Military applications
Bit 39
Note 1: When different fields are defined with their own status, each field will be listed in
the table. In this case, it is possible to indicate the provision of the associated parameter
by checking the value of the associated status bit.
Note 2: For more information about the content of the registers see Doc 9871 Edition 2
or above.
(d) Existing Installed Transponders
A number of service bulletins have been issued to rectify some observed deficiencies and
have already been addressed by the equipment manufacturers Therefore, the installed
transponders should have all published corrective transponder equipment service
bulletins (SB) relating to the correct operation of the elementary functionality embodied .

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Appendix D — Differences between CS ACNS.ELS and JAA TGL 13 Rev1

To demonstrate compliance with CS-ACNS Elementary Surveillance requirements, the following

additional points need to be addressed for aircraft previously compliant with JAA TGL 13 Rev1:

(a) Verification of consistency between the Aircraft identification and that sent in Extended
Squitter messages and in the Mode S replies, (See CS ACNS.ELS.2010);
(b) Verification of consistency between the pressure altitude provided in Extended Squitter
messages and in Mode S replies if the installation sends Extended Squitter but it is not
compliant with Subpart D section 4 (See CS ACNS.ELS.2010 (b) );
(c) The ability to change the Aircraft Identification in flight if the aircraft uses variable
aircraft identification (See CS ACNS.ELS.2030 (a)); and
(d) Other parameters provided by the airborne surveillance system are verified. (See CS
ACNS.ELS.2010 (b)).
Note. The tests of the other parameters transmitted by the system allow certification of
aircraft not subject to full EHS mandate but capable of transmitting some of the
parameters which can be used by the operational systems.

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Appendix E — Differences between CS-ACNS.EHS and EASA AMC 20-13

To demonstrate compliance with CS-ACNS Enhanced Surveillance requirements, the following

additional points need to be addressed for aircraft previously compliant with EASA AMC 20-13:
(a) A list of all registers and parameters transmitted by the system is provided (See AMC1
ACNS.EHS.2010 (a)) with a confirmation of good operation;
(b) All parameters/registers are tested to ensure correct data is transmitted by the Mode S
transponder (See CS ACNS.ELS.2010 (b) (3)); and
(c) Barometric pressure setting is provided and corresponds to 1013.25 when standard
pressure is used to fly the aircraft (See CS ACNS.ELS.2010 (c) (3) )

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Appendix F — Example of Flight Manual Supplement for ELS/EHS

This Flight Manual is EASA approved under Approval Number P-EASA.xxxxx

Flight Manual [or POH as appropriate] Reference _______

(Company Name)


Aircraft Model: ______

Serial Number: ___

SSR MODE S Elementary/Enhanced Surveillance

Modification Number __________

The limitations and information contained herein either supplement or, in the case
of conflict, override those in the flight manual.

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The installed transponder system is able to respond to interrogations in Modes A, C
and S and is fully compliant with the requirements of CS ACNS.ELS/EHS (Mode S
Elementary/Enhanced Surveillance). A detailed description of the transponder
operation can be found in the ___________________, P/N _________________,
Rev. ____ or subsequent revisions.
No change to Approved Aircraft Flight Manual


Normal/Abnormal transponder operating procedures are described in the
_______________, P/N ___________________, Rev. _____ or subsequent
The procedure to change Aircraft Identification in flight is described in
No change to Approved Aircraft Flight Manual.

To be inserted in the flight manual and record sheet amended


Page (__) of (__) Authority/DOA


Issue:_______ Signature:___________________________________

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Appendix G - Example of Flight Manual Supplement for ADB-S out

(Aircraft Type) Flight Manual [or POH as appropriate] Reference (XXXX)

(Company Name)


Aircraft Model: ______

Serial Number: ___


Modification Number _____


The limitations and information contained herein either supplement or, in

the case of conflict, override those in the flight manual.

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The installed ADS-B system is fully compliant with the requirements of CS
ACNS.ADS (1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Out). A detailed description of the
system operation can be found in the ___________________, P/N
_________________, Rev. ____ or subsequent revisions.
No change to Approved Aircraft Flight Manual


Normal/Abnormal operating procedures are described in the _______________, P/N
___________________, Rev. _____ or subsequent revisions.
The procedure to change Aircraft Identification in flight is described in
No change to Approved Aircraft Flight Manual

To be inserted in the flight manual and record sheet amended


Page (__) of (__) Authority/DOA


Issue:_______ Signature:___________________________________

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Appendix H – Guidance on 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Out

Part 1 – ADS-B Out Data Parameters (AMC ACNS.ADS.2005(a))

Part 1 of this Appendix provides guidance to the aircraft integrator on the minimum ADS-B Out
surveillance data requirements (Table 5 and associated Definitions).

In addition, guidance is given for the overall understanding of the ADS-B Out system, in
support of equipment configuration and ADS-B Out data parameter testing, as appropriate.
This includes the presentation of data encodings related to the so-called BDS registers (Table
4), as extracted from ED-102A. The content of the various BDS registers are loaded into the
56-bit ADS-B message (ME) field of the Mode S Downlink Format 17 (DF17, bits 33-88), in line
with their respective transmission rates.

Table 5 below makes reference to the BDS registers that contain the various ADS-B Out data
parameters. When Table 5 states Same source as for Mode S replies, reference is made to the
requirement that the content of ADS-B broadcasts and Mode S replies that carry the same
information need to come from the same source (CS ACNS.ADS.2008(b)).

The reference to the BDS registers is provided in order to facilitate a detailed understanding
and traceability of ADS-B Out requirements at ADS-B transmit unit level, also in support of
integration testing, as appropriate.

The relationship between the BDS registers and the ADS-B message Type Codes (first 5 bits in
the 56-bit ADS-B message field) is thereby as shown in Table 4. The Type Code is used to
differentiate between ADS-B message types (i.e. BDS registers). In addition, for Airborne and
Surface Position Messages, the Type Code is used to encode the horizontal position integrity
containment bounds (NIC). The Subtype Code is used to further differentiate between ADS-B
messages of a certain type (e.g. Operational Status Message).

A number of service bulletins have been issued to rectify some observed deficiencies and have
already been addressed by the equipment manufacturers Therefore, the installed transponders
should have all published corrective transponder equipment service bulletins (SB) relating to
the correct operation of the ADS-B functionality embodied.

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Table 4: BDS Register Overview

BDS Register Subtype Code
0516 – Airborne Position Message 0, 9-18, 20-22 n/a
0616 – Surface Position Message 0, 5-8 n/a
0816 - Aircraft Identification and Category Message 1 n/a
0916 - Airborne Velocity Message
19 1+2
Velocity over Ground (Normal/Supersonic)
6116 - Aircraft Status Message
28 1
Emergency Status and Mode A Code
6116 - Aircraft Status Message
28 2
ACAS RA Broadcast
6216 - Target State and Status Message 29 1
6516 – Aircraft Operational Status Message
31 0
While Airborne
6516 – Aircraft Operational Status Message
31 1
On the Surface

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Table 5: Minimum ADS-B Out Surveillance Data Transmission Requirements

Item Parameter Requirements BDS Remarks

1 Aircraft See Definition 1 0816 Same source as for
Identification Mode S replies

2 Mode A Code See Definition 2 6116 Same source as for

Mode S replies
suppressed for
conspicuity code
3 ICAO 24-bit aircraft Transmit ICAO 24- All BDS Unique 24 bit
address bit aircraft address (AA field of aircraft address
DF17, bits 9- needs to be
32) assigned by the
4a Airborne Horizontal See Definition 3 0516
Position – Latitude
and Longitude
4b Airborne Horizontal See Definition 4 and 0516 Type Incl. NIC
Position Quality: 5 Codes Supplements A
NIC (6516) and B (0516)
4c Horizontal Position See Definition 4 and 6216 and 6516
Quality: NACp 6
4d Horizontal Position See Definition 4 and 6216 and 6516 Incl. SIL
Quality: SIL 7 Supplement.
4e Horizontal Position See Definition 4 and 6516
Quality: SDA 8
5 Pressure Altitude See Definition 9 0516 Same source as for
Mode S replies
Data associated
with ‘NICbaro’
integrity indicator
6 Special Position Setting as per ED- 0516 Same source as for
Identification (SPI) 73E §2.5 Mode S replies
7a Emergency Status See Definition 10 6116 (subtype Same source as for
1) Mode S replies
(where defined for
7b Emergency Setting as per ED- 0516 Same source as for
Indication 73E §2.5 Mode S replies
8 1090 ES Version To be set to 2 for 6516 Value is fixed at
Number ED-102A/DO-260B the time the ADS-B
systems. transmit unit is

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Item Parameter Requirements BDS Remarks

9a Airborne See Definition 0916 Same source as
Horizontal 11 (subtypes for SSR EHS
Velocity (Ground 1and2) replies
Speed) -
east/west and
9b Horizontal See Definition 0916
Velocity Quality: 12 (airborne)
NACv and 6516
(subtype 1,
10 Emitter Category See Definition 0816
11 Vertical Rate See Definition 0916 Selected source is
14 (subtypes indicated in 0916
1and2) source indication

12a Surface Horizontal Source see AMC 0616 Quality indicators

Position – ACNS.ADS.2020 NACp, SIL, SDA:
Latitude and See Definition 3 same encodings
Longitude as for airborne
12b Surface Horizontal See Definition 0616 Type Incl. NIC
Position Quality: 15 Codes Supplements A
NIC and C (both 6516)
13 Heading/Ground See Definition 0616 Heading preferred
Track 16 source
14 Movement See Definitions 0616 NACv: same as
(surface ground 11 and 12 for airborne
speed) ground velocity
(see 9b)
15 Length/width of See Definition 6516
Aircraft 17 (subtype 1)
16 GPS Antenna See Definition 6516 Lateral and
Offset 18 (subtype 1) longitudinal

17a Geometric See Definition 0916 In 0916 reported

Altitude 19 (0516) as difference from
Pressure Altitude
17b Geometric See Definition 6516
Altitude Quality: 20 (subtype 0)

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Definition 1: Aircraft Identification Data Sources

Aircraft Identification is provided to the ADS-B transmit unit so that the information is identical
to the filed ICAO flight plan. This information may be provided from:
A flight management system; or
A pilot control panel; or
For aircraft, which always operate with the same aircraft identification (e.g. using registration
as the aircraft identification), it may be programmed into equipment at installation.
In case no ICAO flight plan is filed, the Aircraft Registration is provided to the ADS-B transmit

Definition 2: Mode A Code

Refer to AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2010.2.3 for general guidance.
When the ADS-B transmit unit receives a Mode A Code containing the Mode S conspicuity code
(1000), the broadcast of Mode A code information, other than for emergency codes, is
Note: The broadcast of the Mode A Code is provided as a transitional feature, e.g. to aid
operation of legacy ATC automation systems that use Mode A Code for Flight Plan correlation.
Entry of the Mode A Code of 1000 will disable the transmission of the Mode A Code, and,
hence, reduce the overall 1090 ES transmission rate.

Definition 3: Horizontal Position Information

The Mode S Extended Squitter position format uses the Compact Position Reporting (CPR)
algorithm to encode latitude and longitude efficiently into messages. The resulting messages
are compact in the sense that several higher order bits which are normally constant for long
periods of time, are not transmitted in every message.
The CPR technique enables a receiving system to unambiguously determine the location of the
aircraft, and, hence ,reconstruct the original information provided by the source. If required for
integration testing purposes, detailed guidance on the CPR algorithm is provided in ED-
A horizontal position data source provides position information for both the airborne and
surface horizontal position data formats (i.e. registers 05 16 or 0616, respectively), accordingly
encoded by the ADS-B transmit unit depending on the aircraft airborne/surface state.

Definition 4: Horizontal Position Quality – NIC and NACp

The encoding of the NIC and NACp horizontal position quality indicators should be directly
derived from the corresponding integrity and accuracy information as being reported by the
selected horizontal position source (refer also to CS-ACNS.ADS.2008(c)).
In case a measurement integrity failure has been indicated by the selected horizontal position
source (e.g. bit 11 of ARINC label 130 for ARINC 743A compliant sources), both the NIC and
NACp quality indicators will be set to invalid (zero), regardless of the indicated integrity
containment bound (e.g. HPL).

Definition 5: NIC
NIC is reported so that surveillance applications, such as by ATC or other aircraft, may
determine whether the reported horizontal position has an acceptable level of measurement
integrity for the intended use. (Note that the NIC parameter is closely associated with the SIL
quality metric.)
The NIC (and SIL) values are associated with a possible failure condition of the position
measurement function and the detection thereof. For most ADS-B applications, the NIC (and

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SIL) values are the key horizontal position quality metrics on which the horizontal position data
is determined to be of sufficient quality for its intended use. The NIC value is encoded on the
respective horizontal position integrity containment radius as provided by the source.
The NIC values, including the NIC Supplements values, are encoded for airborne position
messages as follows (Rc is the horizontal position integrity containment bound, typically
HPL/HIL for GNSS systems):
Table 6: Airborne NIC Encoding


NIC Airborne NIC Supplement

Radius of Containment (RC) Position Codes
Code A B

RC unknown or 0, 18 or
0 0 0
RC ≥ 20 NM 22

1 RC < 20 NM (37.04 km) 17 0 0

2 RC < 8 NM (14.816 km) 16 0 0
3 RC < 4 NM (7.408 km) 16 1 1
4 RC < 2 NM (3.704 km) 15 0 0
5 RC < 1 NM (1852 m) 14 0 0
RC < 0.6 NM (1111.2 m) 13 1 1
6 RC < 0.5 NM (926 m) 13 0 0
RC < 0.3 NM (555.6 m) 13 0 1
7 RC < 0.2 NM (370.4 m) 12 0 0
8 RC < 0.1 NM (185.2 m) 11 0 0
9 RC < 75 m 11 1 1
10 RC < 25 m 10 or 21 0 0
11 RC < 7.5 m 9 or 20 0 0

Note: The minimum NIC values required for the ADS-B-RAD application can be found in Table
20, in Part 3 of AMC ACNS.ADS Appendix A. They are met through the horizontal position
source requirements defined in CS-ACNS.ADS.2020.

Definition 6: NACp
NACp specifies the 95% radial accuracy of the aircraft’s horizontal position information
(latitude and longitude) derived from the position source’s accuracy output, typically the HFOM
metric from GNSS based sources.

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Whereas the NIC value is associated with a possible failure condition of the position
measurement function, the NACp value describes the nominal performance of the
measurement function in terms of horizontal position accuracy as provided by the source.
The NACp value is encoded as follows:
Table 7: NACp Encoding

Coding 95% Horizontal Accuracy Bound

0 EPU ≥ 18.52 km (≥10 NM)

1 EPU < 18.52 km (10 NM)
2 EPU < 7.408 km (4 NM)
3 EPU < 3.704 km (2 NM)
4 EPU < 1852 m (1 NM)
5 EPU < 926 m (0.5 NM)
6 EPU < 555.6 m (0.3 NM)
7 EPU < 185.2 m (0.1 NM)
8 EPU < 92.6 m (0.05 NM)
9 EPU < 30 m
10 EPU < 10 m
11 EPU < 3 m

Note: The minimum NACp values required for the ADS-B-RAD application can be found in
Table 20, in Part 3 of AMC ACNS.ADS Appendix A. This value is met through the horizontal
position source requirements defined in CS-ACNS.ADS.2020.
The NACp encoding is the same for airborne position messages and surface position messages.

Definition 7: SIL
The encoding of the horizontal position source integrity level (SIL) is based on the probability
of the reported horizontal position exceeding the radius of containment defined by the NIC,
without alerting, assuming no avionics faults. The SIL value is set as follows:
Table 8: SIL Encoding

SIL value Probability of Exceeding the NIC

Containment Radius
0 Unknown or > 1  10-3
per flight hour or per sample
1 ≤ 1  10-3
per flight hour or per sample
2 ≤ 1  10-5
per flight hour or per sample
3 ≤ 1  10-7
per flight hour or per sample

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Note: The minimum SIL value required for the ADS-B-RAD application can be found in Table
20, in Part 3 of AMC ACNS.ADS Appendix A. This value is met through the horizontal position
source requirements defined in CS-ACNS.ADS.2020 (see also related AMC guidance).
Whereas SIL assumes that there are no system integrity failures, the SIL should consider the
effects of a faulted signal-in-space.
For horizontal position sources compliant with CS-ACNS.ADS.2020, the probability of
exceeding a NIC radius of containment without alerting is based on a per hour rate. Hence, the
SIL Supplement should be set to ‘zero’. If based on per sample, the SIL Supplement would be
set to ‘one’.
The SIL encoding is the same for airborne position messages and surface position messages.

Definition 8: SDA
The encoding of the system design assurance level (SDA) is based on the failure condition that
the entire ADS-B Out system, with respect to the horizontal position data and associated
quality indicators, is designed to support.
The SDA value is encoded as follows:
Table 9: SDA Encoding

SIL Probability of Exceeding the NIC

value Containment Radius
0 Unknown or > 1  10-3
per flight hour or per sample
1 ≤ 1  10-3
per flight hour or per sample
2 ≤ 1  10-5
per flight hour or per sample
3 ≤ 1  10-7
per flight hour or per sample

Note 1: Software Design Assurance per EUROCAE ED-12B (RTCA DO-178B). Airborne
Electronic Hardware Design Assurance per EUROCAE ED-80 (RTCA DO-254).
Note 2 In line with the ADS-B-RAD requirements, the minimum value required for the
horizontal position source is SDA=2 (refer to AMC ACNS.ADS.3000).

The SDA encoding is the same for airborne position messages and surface position messages.

Definition 9: Pressure Altitude Data Sources

Refer to AMC1 ACNS.ELS.2010.2.4 for guidance.
The ADS-B NICbaro quality indicator is encoded as follows:
Table 10: NICbaro Encoding
Coding Meaning
The barometric altitude is based on a Gillham coded input
0 that has not been cross-checked against another source
of pressure altitude.
The barometric altitude is either based on a Gillham code
input that has been cross-checked against another source
of pressure altitude and verified as being consistent, or is
based on a non-Gillham coded source.

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Definition 10: Emergency Status

The provision of the Emergency Status values that do not have a corresponding Mode A Code
value (see CS ACNS.ELS.2010) denoting the other emergency conditions defined in 61 16, is
optional. This applies to the decimal values 2, 3, 6 and 7 in Table 11.
Table 11: Emergency Status Encoding

(Binary) (Decimal)

000 0 No Emergency

001 1 General Emergency

010 2 Lifeguard/medical Emergency

011 3 Minimum Fuel

100 4 No Communications

101 5 Unlawful Interference

110 6 Downed Aircraft

111 7 Reserved

Definition 11: Horizontal Velocity (Ground Velocity)

The horizontal velocity provides the rate at which an aircraft changes its horizontal position
with a clearly stated direction.
Velocity data sources provide ground velocity vector information for both the airborne and
surface velocity data transmit formats, allowing for the transmission of east/west and
north/south velocity information (0916), or velocity scalar (0616, movement) and possibly
ground track information8 (0616), respectively.
In case of a failure of the provision of ground velocity data, the ADS-B transmit unit will
attempt to broadcast airspeed (and heading) information instead (using subtypes 3 or 4 of
register 0916.

8. Refer to Definition 16.

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Definition 12: Horizontal Velocity Quality Indicator NACv

The NACv is an estimate of the accuracy of the horizontal geometric velocity data.
The NACv value is encoded as follows:
Table 12: NACv Encoding

Navigation Accuracy Category for Velocity


Coding Horizontal Velocity

Error (95%)
(Binary) (Decimal)

000 0 Unknown or > 10 m/s

001 1 < 10 m/s

010 2 < 3 m/s

011 3 < 1 m/s

100 4 < 0.3 m/s

The NACv encoding is the same for airborne position messages and surface position messages.

Definition 13: Emitter Category

Emitter Category settings describe the size and performance of an aircraft, primarily expressed
with respect to its maximum take-off weight.
The Emitter Category value is encoded as follows:

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Table 13: Emitter Category Encoding

ADS-B Emitter Category Set “A” ADS-B Emitter Category Set “B”
Coding Meaning Codin Meaning
0 No ADS-B Emitter Category 0 No ADS-B Emitter Category
Information Information
1 Light (<15 500 lbs) 1 Glider / Sailplane
Small (15 500 to 75 000 lbs)
2 2 Lighter-than-Air
3 Large (75 000 to 300 000 lbs) 3 Parachutist / Skydiver
4 High-Vortex Large (aircraft such as 4 Ultralight / hang-glider /
B-757) paraglider
5 Heavy (> 300 000 lbs) 5 Reserved
6 High Performance (>5g acceleration 6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
and > 400 knots)
7 Rotorcraft 7 Space / Trans-atmospheric

ADS-B Emitter Category Set “C” ADS-B Emitter Category Set “D”
Coding Meaning Codin Meaning
0 No ADS-B Emitter Category 0 No ADS-B Emitter Category
Information Information
1 Surface Vehicle - Emergency 1-7 Reserved
2 Surface Vehicle - Service Vehicle
3 Point Obstacle (includes tethered
4 Cluster Obstacle
5 Line Obstacle
6-7 Reserved

The ADS-B Emitter Category Sets A, B, C or D are identified by the Message Format TYPE
Codes 4, 3, 2, and 1 respectively.

Note 1: A coding of ‘0’ within an Emitter Category Set is not allowed.

Note 2: The Emitter Category codes 1 to 5 in category set A are intended to advise other
aircraft of the transmitting aircraft’s wake vortex characteristics, and not necessarily the
transmitting aircraft’s actual maximum take-off weight. In case of doubt, the next higher
aircraft category code should be used

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Definition 14: Vertical Rate

Vertical Rate is either the barometric or geometric rate at which the aircraft is climbing or
descending, measured in feet per minute. The vertical rate is typically generated by an air data
computer or GNSS position source, or equipment which blends barometric vertical rate with
inertial vertical rate and/or GNSS vertical rate.
As the geometric vertical rate can be readily derived from the ADS-B Out position source, it is
classified as a minimum requirement rather than an (effectively Mode S Enhanced
Surveillance) conditional requirement.

Definition 15: Surface NIC Value

The Surface NIC value, including the NIC Supplement A and C values, is encoded as follows:
Table 14: Surface NIC Encoding

Radius of
NIC Surface NIC Supplement
Value Position Codes
0 RC unknown 0, 8 0 0
RC < 0.6 NM (1111.2
8 0 1
RC < 0.3 NM (555.6
8 1 0
RC < 0.2 NM (370.4
7 8 1 1
RC < 0.1 NM (185.2
8 7 0 0
9 RC < 75m 7 1 0
10 RC < 25m 6 0 0
11 RC < 7.5m 5 0 0

Definition 16: Surface Heading/Ground Track

Aircraft Heading indicates the direction in which the nose of the aircraft is pointing. It should
be used as the primary source and be expressed (in ME bit 54 in 65 16) as either true north (‘0’,
preferred) or magnetic north (‘1’).
If an approved heading source is not available (or failed during operation), the Ground Track
angle information from the selected ground velocity data source will be used instead by the
ADS-B transmit unit for the determination of the direction of the horizontal velocity vector.
If the position source ground track is used and inaccurate below a certain ground speed, and
the position source does not inhibit output of the ground track at these slower speeds, the
installer should ensure that the ADS-B transmit unit has the capability to invalidate the ground
track when the GNSS ground speed falls below a threshold specified by the position source
manufacturer (e.g. 7 knots).

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Definition 17: Aircraft Length and Width

Aircraft Length and Width settings describe the aircraft dimensions by the width and length of
a rectangle that is aligned parallel to the aircraft’s heading. The aircraft’s length is to be
measured along its axis of symmetry (i.e. from nose to tail). The aircraft’s width is to be
measured from wing-tip to wing-tip.
The Aircraft Length and Width values are encoded as shown in Table 15 to be less than or
equal to a respective upper bound length and width as expressed in the two right-side
columns. The Length and Width Codes are based on a combined encoding of the actual length
and width whereby the largest respective upper bound prevails. If the Aircraft or Vehicle is
longer than 85 meters, or wider than 90 meters, then decimal Aircraft/Vehicle Length/Width
Code 15 is used.
Table 15: Aircraft Length/Width Encoding

Width Upper-Bound Length and

A/V - L/W Length Code Code Width
Code for Each Length/Width Code
‘ME’ ‘ME’ ‘ME’ ‘ME’
(Decimal) Length Width
Bit Bit Bit Bit
(meters) (meters)
21 22 23 24
0 0 0 0 0 No Data or Unknown
1 0 0 0 1 15 23
2 0 28.5
0 0 1 25
3 1 34
4 0 33
0 1 0 35
5 1 38
6 0 39.5
0 1 1 45
7 1 45
8 0 45
1 0 0 55
9 1 52
10 0 59.5
1 0 1 65
11 1 67
12 0 72.5
1 1 0 75
13 1 80
14 0 80
1 1 1 85
15 1 90

Example: a powered glider with an overall length of 24 meters and wingspan of 50 meters
would, normally, have a length code of ‘001’. However, since the wingspan exceeds 34 meters,
it does not qualify for either Width subcategory of length category ‘001’. In line with its actual
width, such an aircraft would be assigned a length code of ‘100’ and width code of ‘1’, meaning
length less than 55 meters and width less than 52 meters.

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Definition 18: GPS Antenna Offset (lateral and longitudinal)

GPS Antenna Offset information provides the position offset of the GNSS antenna used for the
provision of horizontal position information.
Both a lateral distance of the GPS Antenna (from the longitudinal axis of the aircraft) and a
longitudinal distance of the GPS Antenna (from the nose of the aircraft) are provided.
The accuracy of the information should be better than 2 meters, consistent with the data
The lateral and longitudinal GPS Antenna Offset values are encoded as follows:
Table 16: Lateral Axis GPS Antenna Offset Encoding

‘ME’ Bit
Upper Bound of the
(Message Bit)
GPS Antenna Offset
33 34 35 Along Lateral (Pitch) Axis
(65) (66) (67) Left or Right of Longitudinal (Roll)
0 = left
1 = right Bit Bit
Direction (meters)
1 0
0 1 2
1 0 4
1 1 6
0 0 0
0 1 2
1 0 4
1 1 6

Supplementary Notes
Maximum distance left or right of aircraft longitudinal (roll) axis is 6 meters or 19.685 feet. If
the distance is greater than 6 meters, then the encoding should be set to 6 meters.
The No Data case is indicated by encoding of 000 as above, while the ZERO offset case is
represented by encoding of 100 as above.

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Table 17: Longitudinal Axis GPS Antenna Offset Encoding

‘ME’ Bit
Upper Bound of the
(Message Bit)
GPS Antenna Offset
36 37 38 39 40 Along Longitudinal (Roll)
(68) (69) (70) (71) (72) Axis
Aft From Aircraft Nose
Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 0 (meters)
4 3 2 1
10 0 0 0 0 NO DATA
0 0 0 0 1 Position Offset Applied by
Sensor (see also Notes)
0 0 0 1 0 2
0 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 1 0 0 6
* * * * * ***
1 1 1 1 1 60

Supplementary Notes:
If the distance is greater than 60 meters, the encoding should be set to 60 meters.
Position Offset Applied by the Sensor applies to future cases where the antenna offset is
compensated by the horizontal position source to the centre of the rectangle describing the
aircraft’s length and width (refer to Definition 17).
The encoding of the values from decimal ‘2’ (only bit 1 one set to ‘1’) to ‘31’ (all five bits set to
‘1’) is as follows: encoded binary value = offset [m]) / 2 + 1 (e.g. an offset of 4 meters leads
to a binary value of (4/2 + 1 = 3), i.e. Bits 0-1 equal ‘1’ and Bits 2-4 equal ‘0’).

Definition 19: Geometric Altitude

The geometric altitude is a measure of the aircraft’s height above a geometric reference and is
provided by a GNSS-based position source.
Both within 0516 and 0916, Geometric Altitude is provided as height above ellipsoid (HAE) in
accordance with the WGS 84 coordinate system (AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2034(b)).

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Definition 20: Geometric altitude quality indicator information (GVA)

The GVA parameter expresses the actual performance of the geometric altitude data source as
valid at the time of applicability of the measurement.
The GVA value is encoded as follows:
Table 18: GVA Encoding

GVA Encoding 95% Accuracy

(decimal) (meters)
0 Unknown or > 150 meters
1 ≤ 150 meters
2 < 45 meters
3 Reserved

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Appendix H

Part 2 – ADS-B Out Surveillance Data Parameters (AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2005(b))

Table 19 below makes reference to the BDS register(s) that contain the various ADS-B Out
surveillance data parameters. When Table 19 states Same source as for Mode S replies,
reference is made to the requirement that the content of ADS-B broadcasts and Mode S replies
that carry the same information and need to come from the same source (CS-
Guidance on the content of the various BDS registers and their relationship with the ADS-B
message Type Codes is provided in Table 4 in part 1 of AMC1 ACNS.ADS Appendix A.
Table 19: ADS-B-ADD Surveillance Data Transmission Requirements

Item Parameter Requirements BDS Register Remarks

1 Selected Altitude 6216
2 Barometric Pressure See Definition 21. 6216
Setting Same source as
for Mode S
3a ACAS Operational 6216 and 6516
3b Resolution Advisory (RA) See Definition 22. 6116
(subtype 2)

Definition 21: Selected Altitude/Barometric Pressure Setting

Refer to AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010.2.5.1 for detailed guidance.

Definition 22: ACAS Operational /Resolution Advisory (RA)

Refer to AMC1 ACNS.EHS.2010.2.5.8 for detailed guidance.
The data is populated from ACAS II systems if installed on the aircraft. Both parameters should
be preset to ‘zero’ if an ACAS II system is not installed (refer to ADS-B transmit unit
manufacturer instructions).

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Appendix H

Part 3 – ADS-B Out Minimum Horizontal Position and Velocity Data Requirements

Table 20 provides a summary of the minimum horizontal position data requirements as

specified in the defining ADS-B-RAD Safety and Performance Requirements/Interoperability
document (ED-161).

Table 20: Minimum Horizontal Position and Velocity Data Quality Requirements

Quality Parameter Requirement

Position Accuracy (NACp) NACp<=0.1NM (i.e. NACp>=7) for both 3 NM
and 5 NM separation
Position Integrity Containment 3 NM Sep: NIC<=0.6 NM (i.e. NIC>=6)
Radius (NIC) 5 NM Sep: NIC<=1 NM (i.e. NIC>=5)
Source Integrity Level (SIL) SIL=3: 10-7/flight-hour
System Design Assurance (SDA) SDA=2: 10-5/flight-hour - allowable probability
level REMOTE
(MAJOR failure condition, LEVEL C software and
design assurance level)
Velocity Accuracy (NACp) NACv<=10 m/s (i.e. NACv>=1)

Note 1: The requirement of NACp<=0.1NM in support of 3NM separation is based on the

arguments produced in Annex B to ED-161 (ADS-B-RAD Safety and Performance
Requirements/Interoperability Requirements Document).

Note 2: The SDA encoding of ‘2’ (10-5/fight-hour) applies to individual components of the
ADS-B Out system, i.e. 10-5/fight-hour for the ADS-B transmit unit and 10-5/flight-hour for
the horizontal position and velocity source.

Note 3: ADS-B transmit units interfaced with a GNSS position source that is compliant with CS
ACNS.ADS.2020 (and the related AMC guidance) should preset the SIL Supplement to ‘zero’.

Note 4: If set as fixed value, NACv should be always ‘one’. For quality indications that are
dynamically provided by the velocity source, NACv should be ‘one’ or ‘two’. There is currently
no established guidance on establishing a NACv performance of ‘three’ or better.

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Appendix H.

Part 4 – ADS-B Out Integrity and Continuity Requirements

The tables in AMC1 ACNS.ADS.3000 and AMC1 ACNS.ADS.3010 summarise, per mandatory
data parameter, the integrity and continuity probability levels applicable to the ADS-B Out
In the first place, the ADS-B Out System installed in the aircraft needs to deliver data that
satisfy the ADS-B-RAD airborne domain system safety and performance requirements in line
with Section 3.4 of the ADS-B-RAD Safety and Performance Requirements/Interoperability
standard ED-161.
As, for the purpose of framing the ADS-B-RAD operational safety assessment, the ADS-B-RAD
airborne domain only comprises the horizontal position data source and the ADS-B transmit
unit, including the interconnecting avionics, the data sources providing surveillance information
other than horizontal position and velocity are assumed to operate as within today’s SSR
environment. Hence, in line with CS-ACNS.ADS.2030, the related Mode S Elementary and
Enhanced Surveillance requirements apply.
It is noted that the respective Mode S Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance requirements
have to be understood within their given context, in particular taking into account applicable
procedural mitigation means (e.g. as currently performed by means of the ICAO required
controller-pilot verification procedure for pressure altitude reporting).
The ADS-B Out data parameters other than the ones addressed in the preceding paragraphs,
need to satisfy comparable ADS-B-RAD requirements.
The specified integrity levels are required to adequately protect against the corruption of ADS-
B Out surveillance data causing false or misleading information to be transmitted.
Although the direct effects to an aircraft of an ADS-B Out failure may be minor, the ADS-B Out
information will be used by ATC and other ADS-B equipped aircraft, thus provisions that would
allow for a reduction in failure probabilities and design assurance level, do not apply to the
ADS-B Out system.

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Appendix H

Part 5 – GNSS Position and Velocity Source Qualification

This part 5 of AMC ACNS.ADS Appendix H provides guidance to GNSS equipment

manufacturers on how to establish a qualification for these ADS-B specific requirements, i.e.
beyond the demonstration of compliance to ETSO requirements. In the following, as
appropriate, reference is made to the respective:
 ETSO material: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a), ETSO-C196a, ETSO-C145()/146()
 EUROCAE/RTCA MOPS material: ED-72A, DO-208, DO-229D, DO-316 as well as DO-
235B; and
 FAA AC material (AC 20-138B).
Note: ETSO-C145 refers to RTCA DO-229A, ETSO-C146 refers to RTCA DO-229B, ETSO-
C145c/146c refers to RTCA DO-229D, and ETSO-C145()/146() refers to any of those revisions.
In addition to the ETSO minimum requirements, the requirements of this part need to be
demonstrated unless this has been demonstrated as a declared non-ETSO function. It is
expected that the required compliance demonstration is supplied by the position and velocity
source manufacturer through a Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP), or an equivalent

(a) Horizontal Position Integrity (HPL)

Horizontal Position Integrity — AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.2(a)

Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a)

GNSS equipment manufacturers should provide substantiation data showing that the
equipment outputs a 10-7/hr Horizontal Protection Limit (HPL, or equivalent) based on the
RAIM algorithm meeting the ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a) Class A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2
RAIM requirements.

Integrity Fault – Time to Alert — AMC ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.2(b)

Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a)

For the horizontal position sources compliant with AMC ACNS.ADS.2020, it should to be
demonstrated, that a non-isolated GNSS satellite fault detected by the position source is
properly passed to the ADS-B transmit unit within the allowable time to alert of 10
seconds, at any time.
With reference to the mode dependent time to alert in Table 3-5 of EUROCAE ED-72A
section 3.2.1 (Table 2-1 of RTCA DO-208 Section, GNSS equipment
manufacturers should provide information describing the equipment integrity fault output
latency, along with interface instructions and/or any limitations for meeting the 10-
second latency requirement of AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.2(b).
Note 1: The latency of reporting nominal ADS-B Quality Indicator changes, such as in
response to changing GNSS satellite constellations or due to switching between position
sources, is bounded by CS ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.2(c) as well.
Note 2: ED-72A allows a provision to extend the Time to Alarm up to 30 seconds during
en route phases of flight while for terminal and Non-Precision Approach the 10-second
limit is applicable. For ADS-B Out, a time to alert of 10 seconds applies to any phases of

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Mode Output — AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.3

Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a), ETSO-C196a, ETSO-C145()/146()

GNSS equipment manufacturers should provide instructions describing any equipment

modes affecting the interpretation of horizontal position integrity output and how the
position source outputs the mode indication.
As the minimum horizontal position integrity containment bound provided by non-
augmented, as well as some specific augmented GNSS source, equipment is limited to
0.1 NM by design, the GNSS equipment manufacturer should present substantiation data
whether the HPL output is limited or not, and provide proper instructions for the ADS-B
Out system integration. If the GNSS source equipment does not limit the HPL, the ADS-B
transmit unit limits the encoded NIC value to be equal to or less than ‘eight’.

(b) Horizontal Position Accuracy (HFOM) — AMC ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.2(d)

Applicability: ETSO-C129a, ETSO-C145, and ETSO-C146

Note: Compliance with RTCA/DO-229D is required by ETSO-C145c-C146c. ETSO-C145/-

C146 may be acceptable by applications of a positive deviation.
GNSS equipment manufacturers should provide substantiation data showing the
equipment computes and outputs HFOM. The following criteria for an acceptable
horizontal position output and its associated HFOM accuracy metric are recommended to
be applied:
(1) The horizontal position output should be calculated using the general least squares
position solution of DO-229D Appendix J.1 (or any mathematically equivalent linear
combination of range measurements). There is no restriction on the choice of the
weight matrix W including non-weighted solutions; the use of the LNAV/VNAV, LP,
LPV approach weight (wi = 1/σi2) is optional.
(2) The horizontal position accuracy should be tested using the procedure of DO-229D
Section The σi2 used to compute the variance d2major should be greater or
equal to the ones listed in DO-229D Appendix J when the equipment uses SBAS-
provided integrity and greater or equal to the ones listed as an acceptable means
for FDE-provided integrity in section DO-229D when the equipment
does not use SBAS-provided integrity. A fixed sigma of 33.3 m is considered a
sufficient over-bound when using FDE-provided integrity. For equipment that uses
SBAS-provided integrity, testing only in the highest mode attainable for its declared
Operational Class as specified in the test itself is acceptable.
(3) The accuracy metric should be greater or equal to 1.96 sqrt(d2east + d2north) or 2.45
dmajor where dmajor, deast, and dnorth are computed using the same σi employed during
the horizontal accuracy test procedure. General certification substantiation data
that the equipment meets this requirement is sufficient; no specific test is required.
Note 1: The scaling factors for the horizontal position accuracy metrics were
rounded to 2 decimal places; there is no intention to prohibit the use of a more
accurate number.
Note 2: The horizontal position accuracy metrics listed above are the standard
metrics used to provide a minimum of 95% containment (varying from 95% to
approximately 98.5% for the horizontal metrics) under the assumption that a
Gaussian distribution with a sigma of σi over- bounds the error of the range
measurements. The use of a general least squares position solution (or
mathematically equivalent) results in a joint Gaussian distribution for the
components (North, East, Up) of the position error. Any accuracy metric that can be
mathematically demonstrated to provide a minimum 95% containment in the
position domain under the Gaussian assumption is also acceptable.

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(c) Horizontal Position Latency — AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.2(e)

Time of Measurement to Time of Applicability

Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a)
The intent of this qualification is to ensure that position and related quality indicator
information are related to the same time of applicability in a consistent manner.
Based on the particular receiver design, GNSS equipment manufacturers should use a
manufacturer-defined test, and/or analysis to determine the latency between the time
satellite measurements are collated for processing and the time the equipment calculates
a filtered (impulse response) position solution. The equipment should meet a 500-
millisecond time of measurement to time of applicability requirement and account for the
impulse response of the position solution.
Note: Whilst CS ACNS.ADS does not establish requirements on the time of measurement,
the above qualification has been incorporated to ensure consistency with FAA AC 20-165.
Time of Applicability to Time of Output
Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a)
The GNSS equipment manufacturer should document the position source latency from
time of applicability to time of position output. If this latency exceeds 0.4 seconds, it may
not support the 1.5-second total ADS-B transmission latency at the aircraft level (refer
also to AMC1 ACNS.ADS.3022.2).
Time Mark
Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a), ETSO-C196a, ETSO-C145()/C146()
If the use of the time mark to reduce latency is implemented in the ADS-B Out system,
GNSS equipment manufacturers must provide installation instructions describing how the
time mark relates to the time of applicability of the position, velocity, and related quality
indicator information.

(d) Horizontal Velocity Accuracy — AMC1 ACNS.ADS.2020(a).1.2(f)

Environmental Noise Test Conditions:

Applicability: ETSO-C129a, ETSO-C145( )/C146( ) (JTSO-C145/C146)

For equipment that was not required to meet the environmental noise standard
prescribed by DO-235B, the velocity tests in AC 20-138B, Appendix 4 use environmental
noise test conditions that may cause the equipment to stop functioning, i.e. to lose
satellite acquisition and tracking capability that causes the equipment to stop outputting
velocity. Whilst this contributes to an ADS-B availability issue for operators, this loss of
function will not prevent the equipment from being used as an ADS-B velocity input,
(1) the equipment does not output misleading velocity information at or after the onset
of the triggering interference levels; and
Note: A method to accomplish this is first running the test at the higher noise level
to ensure there is no misleading velocity information at loss of function before
running the complete test at the lower noise level.
(2) the equipment manufacturer documents the interference levels that cause the
equipment to lose function.
If the above conditions are met, the velocity tests in Appendix 4 of AC 20-138B (see
below for NACv=1 and NACv=2 cases) can be run using an interference level that does
not cause the equipment to lose acquisition and tracking.

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ADS-B Out system installations intending to support NACv = 1:

Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a), ETSO-C196a, ETSO-C145()/146()

The GNSS equipment manufacturer should perform the velocity tests in Appendix 4 of AC
20-138B associated with NACv = 1 to substantiate the equipment’s velocity output.
The GNSS equipment manufacturer should indicate that the equipment satisfies the
requirements for NACv =1 in the instructions for the ADS-B integration.
ADS-B Out system installations intending to support NACv = 2:
Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a), ETSO-C196a, ETSO-C145()/146()
The GNSS equipment manufacturer should perform the velocity tests in Appendix 4 of AC
20-138B associated with NACv = 1 and NACv = 2 to substantiate the equipment’s
velocity output.
The GNSS equipment manufacturer should indicate that the equipment satisfies the
requirements for NACv = 2 in the instructions for ADS-B Out system integration.
Track Angle Validity:
Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a), ETSO-C196a, ETSO-C145()/146()
Using test and/or analysis for substantiation data, GNSS manufacturers should provide
instructions for the ADS-B Out system integrator indicating when the track angle 95 %
accuracy, when derived from north/east velocity, exceeds plus/minus ‘eight’ degrees. It
is acceptable for the instructions to state that the track angle does not meet the required
accuracy below a specified speed.
Note 1: Track Angle Validity is only an issue at taxiing speeds. Thereby, only along-track
acceleration (0.58g) and jerk (0.25g/sec) are assumed to apply.
Note 2: Use should be made of the test environment specified in Appendix 4 of AC 20-
138B. The interference levels used to demonstrate velocity accuracy compliance can be
used for true track angle validity testing as well.

(e) Geometric Altitude Accuracy (VFOM) — AMC ACNS.ADS.2034

Applicability: ETSO-C129a (JTSO-C129a), ETSO-C196a, ETSO-C145()/146()

GNSS equipment manufacturers should provide substantiation data showing if and how
the equipment computes and outputs VFOM. If VFOM is output, the following criteria for
an acceptable HAE-referenced geometric altitude output and its associated VFOM
accuracy metric are recommended to be applied:
(1) The HAE output should be calculated using the general least squares position
solution of DO-229D Appendix J.1 (or any mathematically equivalent linear
combination of range measurements). There is no restriction on the choice of the
weight matrix W including non-weighted solutions; the use of the LNAV/VNAV, LP,
LPV approach weight (wi = 1/σi2) is optional.
(2) The HAE accuracy should be tested using the procedure of DO-229D Section The σi2 used to compute the variance dU2 should be greater or equal to the
ones listed in DO-229D Appendix J when the equipment uses SBAS-provided
integrity and greater or equal to the ones listed as an acceptable means for FDE-
provided integrity in section when the equipment does not use SBAS-
provided integrity. A fixed sigma of 33.3 m is considered a sufficient over-bound
when using FDE-provided integrity. For equipment that uses SBAS-provided
integrity, testing only in the highest mode attainable for its declared Operational
Class as specified in the test itself is acceptable.

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(3) The accuracy metric should be greater or equal to 1.96 dU where dU is computed
using the same σi employed during the HAE accuracy test procedure. General
certification substantiation data that the equipment meets this requirement is
sufficient; no specific test is required.
Note: The Notes 1 and 2 in Section 3 above apply to the guidance in this section as well
(by replacing horizontal with vertical).

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Appendix H

Part 6 – Compliance Matrix BDS Register Fields

This part of Appendix H lists compliance matrices of the BDS register fields transmitted by the
1090 ES ADS-B transmit unit, with respect to the population of the 1090 ES data fields with
data from approved sources (CS ACNS.ADS.2008(a) applies).
Omitted in the tables are fields containing the subtype codes (for these, refer to Part 1 of this
Appendix) and reserved fields.
Reference to ADS-B Out item numbers is made in line with Part 1 of this Appendix
respectively. Reference to Definitions is made in line with Part 1 of this Appendix.
Within the requirements (Req’t) column, ‘M’ expresses a mandatory requirement, i.e. the
respective fields are populated with data from approved sources. ‘O’ expresses an optional
requirement, ‘NA’ expresses non-applicability.
Register 0516 – Airborne Position Message

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

= ‘0’, no condition information
= ‘1’, Item 7a, Definition 10
6-7 Surveillance Status M
= ‘2’, Mode A code change
= ‘3’, Item 6
8 NIC Supplement-B M Item 4b, Definition 4 and 5
9-20 Altitude M Item 5, Definition 9
“GNSS time mark coupled” (‘0’ no,
21 Time (T) M
‘1’ yes), Item 4a, Definition 3
Compact Position Reporting (CPR)
22 CPR Format (F) M format type (‘0’ even, ‘1’ odd) , Item
4a, Definition 3
23-39 CPR Encoded Latitude M
Item 4a, Definition 3
40-56 CPR Encoded Longitude M

Register 0616 – Surface Position Message

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-12 Movement M Item 14, Definitions 11 and 12
Heading/Ground Track
13 M
Status Item 13, Definition 15
14-20 Heading/Ground Track M
‘GNSS time mark coupled’ (‘0’ no, ‘1’
21 Time (T) M
yes), Item 4a, Definition 3
Compact Position Reporting (CPR)
22 CPR Format (F) M format type (‘0’ even, ‘1’ odd) , Item
4a, Definition 3
23-39 CPR Encoded Latitude M Item 4a, Definition 3

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Register 0816 - Aircraft Identification and Category Message

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-8 ADS-B Emitter Category M Item 10, Definition 13
Identification Characters 6 bits per character, Item 1,
9-56 M
#1-#8 Definition 1

Register 0916 - Airborne Velocity Message - Velocity over Ground (Subtypes 1and2,

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-8 Subtype M ‘0’ normal, ‘1’ supersonic
Mode S protocol support, indication
9 Intent Change Flag O of new information in GICB
registers 4016 to 4216
11-13 NACV M Item 9b, Definition 12
14 E/W Direction Bit M
15-24 E/W Velocity M
Item 9a, Definition 11
25 N/S Direction Bit M
26-35 N/S Velocity M
36 Vertical Rate Source M
37 Vertical Rate Sign M Item 11, Definition 14
38-46 Vertical Rate M
Difference from
49 M Item 17a, Definition 19
Barometric Altitude Sign

Register 0916 - Airborne Velocity Message - Airspeed (Subtypes 3 and 4,


ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-8 Subtype M ‘0’ normal, ‘1’ supersonic
Mode S protocol support, indication
9 Intent Change Flag O of new information in GICB
registers 4016 to 4216
11-13 NACV O Item 9b, Definition 12
14 Heading Status Bit O
15-24 Heading O
Item 9a, Definition 11
25 Airspeed Type O
26-35 Airspeed O
36 Vertical Rate Source M
37 Vertical Rate Sign M Item 11, Definition 14
38-46 Vertical Rate M
49 Difference from M Item 17a, Definition 19

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ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

Barometric Altitude Sign
Difference from
50-56 M
Barometric Altitude

Register 6116 - Aircraft Status Message - Emergency Status and Mode A Code

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-8 Subtype M =‘1’
Emergency/Priority Mandatory codes: ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘4’ and ‘5’,
9-11 M
Status Item 7a, Definition 10
12-24 Mode A Code M Item 2, Definition 2

Register 6116 - Aircraft Status Message - ACAS RA Broadcast

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

5-8 Subtype M =‘2’
Active Resolution
9-22 M
23-26 RACs Record M
27 RA Terminated M Item 20b, Definition 22
28 Multiple Threat Encounter M
29-30 Threat Type Indicator M
31-56 Threat Identity Data M

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Register 6216 - Target State and Status Message

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-7 Subtype M = ‘1’
8 SIL Supplement M Item 4d, Definition 4 and 7
9 Selected Altitude Type M
MCP/FCU Selected Where available in a suitable format
10-20 Altitude or M Item 18, Definition 21
FMS Selected Altitude
Barometric Pressure Where available in a suitable format
21-29 M
Setting Minus 800 millibars.
30 Selected Heading Status O
not required by Commission
31 Selected Heading Sign O
Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011
32-39 Selected Heading O
Navigation Accuracy
40-43 M Item 4c, Definition 4 and 6
Category Position (NACP)
Navigation Integrity
44 M Item 5, Definition 9
Category Baro
45-46 Source Integrity Level M Item 4d, Definition 4 and 7
Status of MCP/FCU Mode
47 M
48 Autopilot Engaged O
Item 18, Definition 21
49 VNAV Mode Engaged O
50 Altitude Hold Mode O
52 Approach Mode O
53 TCAS Operational M Item 20a, Definition 22
54 LNAV Mode Engaged O Item 18, Definition 21

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Register 6516 – Aircraft Operational Status Message - While Airborne

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-7 Subtype M = ‘1’
8 SIL Supplement M Item 4d, Definition 4 and 7
9 Selected Altitude Type M
MCP/FCU Selected Where available in a suitable format
10-20 Altitude or M Item 18, Definition 21
FMS Selected Altitude
Barometric Pressure Where available in a suitable format
21-29 M
Setting Minus 800 millibars.
30 Selected Heading Status O
not required by Commission
31 Selected Heading Sign O
Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011
32-39 Selected Heading O
Navigation Accuracy
40-43 M Item 4c, Definition 4 and 6
Category Position (NACP)
Navigation Integrity
44 M Item 5, Definition 9
Category Baro
45-46 Source Integrity Level M Item 4d, Definition 4 and 7
Status of MCP/FCU Mode
47 M
48 Autopilot Engaged O
Item 18, Definition 21
49 VNAV Mode Engaged O
50 Altitude Hold Mode O
52 Approach Mode O
53 TCAS Operational M Item 20a, Definition 22
54 LNAV Mode Engaged O Item 18, Definition 21

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Register 6516 – Aircraft Operational Status Message - On the Surface

ME Bits Field Req’t Remark

6-8 Subtype M = ‘1’ (Surface)
Surface Capability Class
9-10 M = ‘0,0’
not required by Commission
12 1090 ES IN O
Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011
not applicable (targeting at class B2
15 B2 Low NA
equipment, e.g. ground vehicles)
not required by Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011
17-19 NACv M Item 9b, Definition 12
20 NIC Supplement C M Item 12b, Definition 15
21-24 Length/Width Codes M Item 15, Definition 17
Surface Operational Mode
25-26 M = ‘0,0’
27 TCAS RA Active M Item 20b, Definition 22
28 IDENT Switch Active M Item 6
30 Single Antenna Flag M = ‘0’, see CS-ACNS.ADS.2012
31-32 System Design Assurance M Item 4e, Definition 4 and 8
33-40 GPS Antenna Offset M Item 16, Definition 18
41-43 MOPS Version Number M = ‘2’
44 NIC Supplement-A M Item 12b, Definition 15
45-48 NACP M Item 4c, Definition 4 and 6
51-52 Source Integrity Level M Item 4d, Definition 4 and 7
53 Track Angle/Heading M Item 9a, Definition 11
Horizontal Reference ‘0’ true north, ‘1’ magnetic north
54 M
Direction (HRD) Item 13, Definition 15
55 SIL Supplement M Item 4d, Definition 4 and 7

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Appendix I — On-the-ground status Test and Validation Guidance for Aeroplanes

The following tests provide guidance to the aircraft integrator for the verification of the ADS-B
Out system installation, as appropriate. Separate cases are presented depending on the need
to validate the status within the ADS-B transmit unit.
(a) Directly determined On-the-ground status being validated outside the ADS-B transmit
Modern aircraft with integrated avionics suites commonly contain sophisticated
algorithms for determining the On-the-ground status based on multiple aircraft sensors.
These algorithms are customised to the airframe and designed to overcome individual
sensor failures. These algorithms are an acceptable means to determine the On-the-
ground status and do not require additional validation.
(b) Validation of directly determined On-the-ground status not being validated outside the
ADS-B transmit function:
If ground speed or airspeed is larger than the aeroplane’s typical rotation speed, then
the On-the-ground status is (changed to) airborne and the airborne position message is
broadcast irrespective of the directly determined On-the-ground status (i.e. as indicated
to the ADS-B transmit function).
(c) Indirectly determined On-the-ground status validation within the ADS-B transmit unit:
If an aircraft is not equipped with a means, such as a weight-on-wheels switch, to
determine whether it is airborne or on the ground, then the following tests should be
performed to determine whether to broadcast the Airborne or Surface Position Messages.
(1) If the aircraft’s radio height (RH) parameter is available, and RH is less than 50
feet, and at least ground speed (GS) or airspeed (AS) is available, and the GS or
the AS are less than 100 knots, then that aircraft broadcasts the surface position
If all three parameters are available, the decision to broadcast the Airborne or
Surface Position Messages is determined by the logical AND of all three parameters.
(2) If radio height (RH) is not available, and if the aircraft’s ground speed (GS) and
airspeed (AS) are available, and GS<50 knots and AS<50 knots, then that aircraft
broadcasts the surface position message.
Otherwise, the aircraft broadcasts the Airborne Position Message.

On-the-ground status Test and Validation Guidance for Helicopters, Lighter-than-Air

Vehicles and Fixed-under-Carriage Aeroplanes
For helicopters, lighter-than-air vehicles, and fixed-under-carriage aeroplanes, the On-the-
ground status should be airborne unless an automatic means of determining On-the-ground
status is available.

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Appendix J — Comparison between EASA CS ACNS.ADS and FAA AC 20-

165 Requirements

CS ACNS.ADS Reference Comparison

CS ACNS.ADS.1000 CS refers to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011, AC to FAA

Applicability 14 CFR § 91.227.

CS ACNS.ADS.2000 CS addresses 1090 ES as the only ADS-B Out data link, AC UAT as
ADS-B Out System well.

Parameters required by CS, optional for AC: Vertical Rate, GPS

Antenna Offset and Selected Altitude.
Parameters required by CS, not addressed by AC: Barometric
CS ACNS.ADS.2005 Pressure Setting.
ADS-B Out Data Parameters not required by CS, required by AC: ADS-B In
Parameters Capability.
Parameters not addressed by CS, optional for AC: Selected Heading.
All other parameters are required by both the CS and AC.

CS ACNS.ADS.2008 No difference.
Provision of Data

CS ACNS.ADS.2010 No difference.
ADS-B Transmit Unit

CS requires antenna diversity (as applicable to Commission

CS ACNS.ADS.2012 Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 aircraft).
Antenna Diversity Within AC, single bottom-mounted antenna installations are allowed
for ETSO-C166b classes A1S and B1S.

CS ACNS.ADS.2014 No difference.
Transmit Power

CS ACNS.ADS.2016 No difference.
Simultaneous Operation of
ADS-B Transmit Units

CS ACNS.ADS.2018 No difference.
On-the-ground Status

CS ACNS.ADS.2020 No difference overall. However, CS specifies ETSO-C129a as a

Horizontal Position and minimum requirement (in line with Commission Regulation (EU) No
Velocity Data Sources 1207/2011).

CS ACNS.ADS.2030 No difference, as applicable to the common data parameters (see

Other Data Sources also ‘CS ACNS.ADS.2005’).

CS ACNS.ADS.2032 No difference.

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CS ACNS.ADS Reference Comparison


CS ACNS.ADS.2034 No difference.
Geometric Altitude

CS ACNS.ADS.2040 No difference.
Flight Deck Interface

CS ACNS.ADS.3000 No difference, however, CS details requirements per data

Integrity parameter.

CS ACNS.ADS.3010 No requirement expressed in AC.


CS ACNS.ADS.3020 No difference.
Horizontal Position and
Velocity Data Refresh Rate

CS uses time of applicability as a reference, AC time of

CS ACNS.ADS.3022 measurement. In line with the AC recommendation that the
Horizontal Position and difference between the two references should be less than or equal
Velocity Total Latency to 500ms, the total latency requirements are effectively the same
(CS: 1.5s, AC 2.0s).

CS ACNS.ADS.3024 No difference.
Horizontal Position
Uncompensated Latency

AMC ACNS.ADS.2000.4.2 AC requires a flight test, for any set of component part numbers of
Flight Test the ADS-B Out system on a given aircraft type.

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Subpart E – Others


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II Draft Decision amending Decision No 2003/12/RM of the Executive Director of

the European Aviation Safety Agency of 5 November 2003 on Acceptable Means
of Compliance for airworthiness of products, parts and appliances (‘AMC-20’)

The following AMC 20 standards are deleted from the table of contents.





AMC 20-13 Certification of Mode S Transponder Systems for Enhanced Surveillance.


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C. Cross reference with interoperability Regulation

As implementing rules for interoperability refine the essential requirements of the
interoperability Regulation, the below material traces Articles and Annexes of Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 to the Subpart D Sections 2-4 Book 1 of CS-ACNS
Each numbered article of the regulation is reproduced in the first column of the table below,
followed by a second column cross-referencing to the corresponding Subpart D Sections 2-4
Book 1 requirement(s). A third column provides explanatory notes.

Text of 1207/2011 Applicability and CS- Notes


Article 1 Subject matter

This Regulation lays down requirements CS-ACNS.GEN.1000 The CS-ACNS ELS, EHS
on the systems contributing to the and ADS Book 1
provision of surveillance data, their requirements will ensure
constituents and associated procedures in interoperability of the
order to ensure the harmonisation of aircraft constituents
performance, the interoperability and the with the other
efficiency of these systems within the constituents of the
European air traffic management network surveillance chain.
(EATMN) and for the purpose of civil-
military coordination.

Article 2 Scope

1. This Regulation shall apply to the

surveillance chain constituted of:

(a) airborne surveillance systems, their CS-ACNS.GEN.1000 The CS-ACNS ELS, EHS
constituents and associated procedures; and ADS Book 1
requirements will ensure
interoperability of the
aircraft constituents
with the other
constituents of the
surveillance chain.

(b) ground-based surveillance systems, Not relevant (applicable

their constituents and associated to ground constituents)

(c) surveillance data processing systems, Not relevant (applicable

their constituents and associated to ground constituents)

(d) ground-to-ground communications Not relevant (applicable

systems used for distribution of to ground constituents)
surveillance data, their constituents and
associated procedures.

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2. This Regulation shall apply to all flights Airspace and flight

operating as general air traffic in operation are outside
accordance with instrument flight rules the scope of the CS-
within the airspace provided for in Article ACNS (ELS, EHS, ADS).
1(3) of Regulation (EC) No 551/2004 of
the European Parliament and of the
Council [3] with the exception of Articles
7(3) and 7(4) which shall apply to all
flights operating as general air traffic.

3. This Regulation shall apply to air traffic Not relevant (applicable

service providers which provide air traffic to air traffic service
control services based on surveillance provider)
data, and to communication, navigation or
surveillance service providers which
operate systems laid down in paragraph 1.

Article 3 Definitions Definitions have been


Article 4 Performance requirements

1. Air navigation service providers shall Not relevant (applicable

ensure seamless operations within the to air navigation service
airspace under their responsibility and at providers)
the boundary with adjacent airspaces by
applying appropriate minimum
requirements for the separation of aircraft.

2. Air navigation service providers shall Not relevant (applicable

ensure that systems referred to in points to air navigation service
(b), (c) and (d) of Article 2(1) are providers)
deployed as necessary to support the
minimum requirements for the separation
of aircraft applied in accordance with
paragraph 1.

3. Air navigation service providers shall Not relevant (whole

ensure that the output of the surveillance surveillance chain
chain referred to in Article 2(1) complies provided that airborne
with the performance requirements set out constituents are
in Annex I provided that the airborne compliant with
constituent functions used are compliant requirements addressed
with the requirements set out in Annex II. in this CS)

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4. If an air navigation service provider Not relevant (applicable

identifies an aircraft whose avionics exhibit to air navigation service
a functional anomaly, he shall inform the providers and aircraft
operator of the flight of the deviation from operators)
the performance requirements. The
operator shall investigate the matter
before the next flight is initiated and any
rectification necessary shall be introduced
in line with normal maintenance and
corrective procedures for the aircraft and
its avionics.

Article 5 Interoperability requirements

1. Air navigation service providers shall Not relevant (applicable

ensure that all surveillance data to air navigation service
transferred from their systems identified in providers)
points (b) and (c) of Article 2(1) to other
navigation service providers complies with
the requirements set out in Annex III.

2. Air navigation service providers when Not relevant (applicable

transferring surveillance data from their to air navigation service
systems identified in points (b) and (c) of providers)
Article 2(1) to other air navigation service
providers, shall establish formal
arrangements with them for the exchange
of the data in accordance with the
requirements set out in Annex IV.

3. Air navigation service providers shall Not relevant (applicable

ensure that, by 2 January 2020 at the to air navigation service
latest, the cooperative surveillance chain providers)
has the necessary capability to allow them
to establish individual aircraft identification
using downlinked aircraft identification
made available by aircraft equipped in
accordance with Annex II.

4. Operators shall ensure that:

(a) aircraft operating flights referred to in See traceability of

Article 2(2) with an individual certificate of Annex II Part A
airworthiness first issued on or after 8
January 2015 are equipped with secondary
surveillance radar transponders having the
capabilities set out in Part A of Annex II;

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(b) aircraft with a maximum certified take- See traceability of

off mass exceeding 5700 kg or having a Annex II Part B
maximum cruising true airspeed capability
greater than 250 knots, operating flights
referred to in Article 2(2), with an
individual certificate of airworthiness first
issued on or after 8 January 2015 are
equipped with secondary surveillance
radar transponders having, in addition to
the capabilities set out in Part A of Annex
II, the capabilities set out in Part B of that

(c) fixed wing aircraft with a maximum See traceability of

certified take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg Annex II Part C
or having a maximum cruising true
airspeed capability greater than 250
knots, operating flights referred to in
Article 2(2), with an individual certificate
of airworthiness first issued on or after 8
January 2015 are equipped with secondary
surveillance radar transponders having, in
addition to the capabilities set out in Part
A of Annex II, the capabilities set out in
Part C of that Annex.

5. Operators shall ensure that by 7

December 2017 at the latest:

(a) aircraft operating flights referred to in See traceability of

Article 2(2), with an individual certificate Annex II Part A
of airworthiness first issued before 8
January 2015, are equipped with
secondary surveillance radar transponders
having the capabilities set out in Part A of
Annex II;

(b) aircraft with a maximum certified take- See traceability of

off mass exceeding 5700 kg or having a Annex II Part B
maximum cruising true airspeed capability
greater than 250 knots, operating flights
referred to in Article 2(2), with an
individual certificate of airworthiness first
issued before 8 January 2015 are
equipped with secondary surveillance
radar transponders having, in addition to
the capabilities set out in Part A of Annex
II, the capabilities set out in Part B of that

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(c) fixed wing aircraft with a maximum See traceability of

certified take-off mass exceeding 5700 kg Annex II Part C
or having a maximum cruising true
airspeed capability greater than 250
knots, operating flights referred to in
Article 2(2), with an individual certificate
of airworthiness first issued before 8
January 2015 are equipped with secondary
surveillance radar transponders having, in
addition to the capabilities set out in Part
A of Annex II, the capabilities set out in
Part C of that Annex.

6. Operators shall ensure that aircraft CS-ACNS.ELS.4030 (b)

equipped in accordance with paragraphs 4 CS-ACNS.ADS.2012
and 5 and having a maximum certified
take-off mass exceeding 5700 kg or
having a maximum cruising true airspeed
capability greater than 250 knots operate
with antenna diversity as prescribed in
paragraph of Annex 10 to the
Chicago Convention, Volume IV, Fourth
Edition including all amendments up to No

7. Member States may impose carriage Not relevant (applicable

requirements in accordance with point (b) to Member States)
of paragraph 4 and point (b) of paragraph
5 to all aircraft operating flights referred
to in Article 2(2) in areas where
surveillance services using the surveillance
data identified in Part B of Annex II are
provided by air navigation service

8. Air navigation service providers shall Not relevant (applicable

ensure that, before putting into service to air navigation service
the systems referred to in points (b), (c) providers)
and (d) of Article 2(1), they are
implementing the most efficient
deployment solutions taking into account
the local operating environments,
constraints and needs as well as airspace
users capabilities.

Article 6 Spectrum protection Not relevant (applicable

to Member States)

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1. By 5 February 2015 at the latest

Member States shall ensure that a
secondary surveillance radar transponder
on board any aircraft flying over a Member
State is not subject to excessive
interrogations that are transmitted by
ground-based surveillance interrogators
and which either elicit replies or whilst not
eliciting a reply are of sufficient power to
exceed the minimum threshold level of the
receiver of the secondary surveillance
radar transponder.

2. For the purpose of paragraph 1, the

sum of such interrogations shall not cause
the secondary surveillance radar
transponder to exceed the rates of reply
per second, excluding any squitter
transmissions, specified in paragraph for Mode A/C replies and in
paragraph for Mode S
replies of Annex 10 to the Chicago
Convention, Volume IV, Fourth Edition.

3. By 5 February 2015 at the latest

Member States shall ensure that the use
of a ground based transmitter operated in
a Member State does not produce harmful
interference on other surveillance

4. In the event of disagreement between

Member States regarding the measures
detailed in paragraphs 1 and 3 the
Member States concerned shall bring the
matter to the Commission for action.

Article 7 Associated procedures

1. Air navigation service providers shall Not relevant (applicable

assess the level of performance of ground to air navigation service
based surveillance chain before putting providers)
them into service as well as regularly
during the service, in accordance with the
requirements set out in Annex V.

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2. Operators shall ensure that a check is Not relevant (applicable

performed at least every two years, and, to periodic checks whilst
whenever an anomaly is detected on a aircraft is operated)
specific aircraft, so that the data items set
out in point 3 of Part A of Annex II, in
point 3 of Part B of Annex II and in point 2
of Part C of Annex II, if applicable, are
correctly provided at the output of
secondary surveillance radar transponders
installed on board their aircraft. If any of
the data items are not correctly provided
then the operator shall investigate the
matter before the next flight is initiated
and any rectification necessary shall be
introduced in line with normal
maintenance and corrective procedures for
the aircraft and its avionics.

3. Member States shall ensure that the Not relevant (applicable

assignment of 24-bit ICAO aircraft to Member States)
addresses to aircraft equipped with a
Mode S transponder complies with Chapter
9 and its appendix of Annex 10 to the
Chicago Convention, Volume III, Second
Edition including all amendments up to No

4. Operators shall ensure that on board CS-ACNS.ELS.4010

the aircraft they are operating, any Mode CS-ACNS.ADS.2011
S transponder operates with a 24-bit ICAO
aircraft address that corresponds to the
registration that has been assigned by the
State in which the aircraft is registered.

Article 8 State aircraft State aircraft may be

certified against this CS

1. Member States shall ensure that, by 7 See traceability of

December 2017 at the latest, State Annex II Part A
aircraft operating in accordance with
Article 2(2) are equipped with secondary
surveillance radar transponders having the
capability set out in Part A of Annex II.

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2. Member States shall ensure that, by 1 See traceability of

January 2019 at the latest, transport-type Annex II Part B
State aircraft with a maximum certified
take-off mass exceeding 5700 kg or
having a maximum cruising true airspeed
capability greater than 250 knots,
operating in accordance with Article 2(2)
are equipped with secondary surveillance
radar transponders having in addition to
the capability set out in Part A of Annex II,
the capability set out in Part B and Part C
of that Annex.

3. Member States shall communicate to See traceability of

the Commission by 1 July 2016 at the Annex II Part C
latest the list of State aircraft that cannot
be equipped with secondary surveillance
radar transponders that comply with the
requirements set out in Part A of Annex II,
together with the justification for non-

Member States shall communicate to the Not relevant (applicable

Commission by 1 July 2018 at the latest to Member States)
the list of transport-type State aircraft
with a maximum certified take-off mass
exceeding 5700 kg or having a maximum
cruising true airspeed capability greater
than 250 knots, that cannot be equipped
with secondary surveillance radar
transponders that comply with the
requirements set out in Part B and Part C
of Annex II, together with the justification
for non-equipage.

The justification for non-equipage shall be

one of the following:

(a) compelling technical reasons;

(b) State aircraft operating in accordance

with Article 2(2) that will be out of
operational service by 1 January 2020 at
the latest;

(c) procurement constraints.

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4. Where State aircraft cannot be Not relevant (applicable

equipped with secondary surveillance to Member States)
radar transponders as specified by
paragraphs 1 or 2 for the reason set out in
point (c) of paragraph 3 Member States
shall include in the justification their
procurement plans regarding these

5. Air traffic service providers shall ensure Not relevant (applicable

that the State aircraft identified in to ANSP)
paragraph 3 can be accommodated,
provided that they can be safely handled
within the capacity of the air traffic
management system.

6. Member States shall publish the Not relevant (applicable

procedures for the handling of State to Member States)
aircraft which are not equipped in
accordance with paragraphs 1 or 2 in
national aeronautical information

7. Air traffic service providers shall Not relevant (applicable

communicate on an annual basis to the to ANSP)
Member State that has designated them
their plans for the handling of State
aircraft which are not equipped according
with paragraphs 1 or 2. Those plans shall
be defined by taking into account the
capacity limits associated with the
procedures referred to in paragraph 6.

Article 9 Safety requirements Not relevant (ground

systems only)

1. Member States shall ensure that, by 5

February 2015 at the latest, a safety
assessment is conducted by the parties
concerned for all existing systems referred
to in points (b), (c) and (d) of Article 2(1).

2. Member States shall ensure that any

changes to the existing systems referred
to in points (b), (c) and (d) of Article 2(1)
or the introduction of new systems are
preceded by a safety assessment,
including hazard identification, risk
assessment and mitigation, conducted by
the parties concerned.

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3. During the assessments identified in

paragraphs 1 and 2, the requirements set
out in Annex VI shall be taken into
consideration as a minimum.

Article 10 Conformity or suitability for use

of constituents

Before issuing an EC declaration of Not relevant

conformity or suitability for use provided
in Article 5 of Commission Regulation (EC)
No 552/2004, manufacturers of
constituents of the systems referred to in
Article 2(1) of this Regulation or their
authorised representatives established in
the Union, shall assess the conformity or
suitability for use of those constituents in
compliance with the requirements set out
in Annex VII.

However, certification processes This traceability material

complying with Regulation (EC) No demonstrates the
216/2008 of the European Parliament and compliance of the CS-
of the Council [4], shall be considered as ACNS Subpart D
acceptable procedures for the conformity Sections 2-4 to the
assessment of constituents if they include Commission Regulation
the demonstration of compliance with the (EU) No 1207/2011.
applicable interoperability, performance
and safety requirements of this

Article 11 Verification of systems

1. Air navigation service providers which Not relevant (applicable

can demonstrate or have demonstrated to ANSP)
that they fulfil the conditions set out in
Annex VIII shall conduct a verification of
the systems referred to in points (b), (c)
and (d) of Article 2(1) in compliance with
the requirements set out in Part A of
Annex IX.

2. Air navigation service providers which Not relevant (applicable

cannot demonstrate that they fulfil the to ANSP)
conditions set out in Annex VIII shall
subcontract to a notified body a
verification of the systems referred to in
points (b), (c) and (d) of Article 2(1). This
verification shall be conducted in
compliance with the requirements set out
in Part B of Annex IX.

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3. Certification processes complying with This traceability material

Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 shall be demonstrates the
considered as acceptable procedures for compliance of the CS-
the verification of systems if they include ACNS Subpart D
the demonstration of compliance with the Sections 2-4 to the
applicable interoperability, performance Commission Regulation
and safety requirements of this (EU) No 1207/2011.

Article 12 Additional requirements Not relevant (not

applicable to aircraft

1. Air navigation service providers shall

ensure that all personnel concerned are
made duly aware of the requirements laid
down in this Regulation and that they are
adequately trained for their job functions.

2. Air navigation service providers shall:

(a) develop and maintain operations

manuals containing the necessary
instructions and information to enable all
personnel concerned to apply this

(b) ensure that the manuals referred to in

point (a) are accessible and kept up to
date and that their update and distribution
are subject to appropriate quality and
documentation configuration

(c) ensure that the working methods and

operating procedures comply with this

3. Operators shall take the necessary

measures to ensure that the personnel
operating and maintaining surveillance
equipment are made duly aware of the
relevant provisions of this Regulation, that
they are adequately trained for their job
functions, and that instructions about how
to use this equipment are available in the
cockpit where feasible.

4. Member States shall ensure compliance

with this Regulation including the
publication of the relevant information on
surveillance equipment in the national
aeronautical information publications.

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Article 13 Exemptions on the cooperative

surveillance chain

1. For the specific case of approach areas Not relevant (applicable

where air traffic services are provided by to Member State)
military units or under military supervision
and when procurement constraints
prevent compliance with Article 5(3),
Member States shall communicate to the
Commission by 31 December 2017 at the
latest, the date of compliance of the
cooperative surveillance chain that shall
not be later than 2 January 2025.

2. Following consultation with the Network Not relevant (applicable

Manager and not later than 31 December to European
2018, the Commission may review the Commission)
exemptions communicated under
paragraph 1 that could have a significant
impact on the EATMN.

Article 14 Exemptions on aircraft Not relevant (exemption

conditions against

1. Aircraft of specific types with a first

certificate of airworthiness issued before 8
January 2015 that have a maximum take
off mass exceeding 5700 kg or a
maximum cruising true airspeed greater
than 250 knots that do not have the
complete set of parameters detailed in
Part C of Annex II available on a digital
bus on-board the aircraft may be
exempted from complying with the
requirements of point (c) of Article 5(5).

2. Aircraft of specific types with a first

certificate of airworthiness issued before 1
January 1990 that have a maximum take
off mass exceeding 5700 kg or a
maximum cruising true airspeed greater
than 250 knots may be exempted from
complying with the requirements of Article

3. The Member States concerned shall

communicate to the Commission by 1 July
2017 at the latest, detailed information
justifying the need for granting
exemptions to these specific aircraft types
based on the criteria of paragraph 5.

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4. The Commission shall examine the

requests for exemption referred to in
paragraph 3, and, following consultation
with the parties concerned, shall adopt a

5. The criteria referred to in paragraph 3

shall include the following:

(a) specific aircraft types reaching the end

of their production life;

(b) specific aircraft types being produced

in limited numbers;

(c) disproportionate re-engineering costs.

Article 15 Entry into force and application Not relevant

This Regulation shall enter into force on

the 20th day following its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union.

Article 4, Article 5(1) and (2) and Article

7(1) shall apply from 13 December 2013.

This Regulation shall be binding in its

entirety and directly applicable in all
Member States.

ANNEX I Performance requirements Not relevant (whole

referred to in Article 4(3) surveillance chain
provided that airborne
constituents are
compliant with
requirements addressed
in this CS)

ANNEX II Part A: Secondary surveillance

radar transponder capabilities referred to
in Article 4(3), Article 5(4)(a) and (5)(a),
Article 7(2), Article 8(1) and (2)

1. The minimum capability for the CS-ACNS.ELS.2000 (a)

secondary surveillance transponder shall
be Mode S Level 2 certified in accordance
with paragraphs, and of Annex 10 to the Chicago
Convention, Volume IV, Fourth Edition
including all amendments up to No 85.

2. Each implemented transponder register CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (b)

shall be compliant with the corresponding
section of ICAO document 9871 (2nd

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3. The following data items shall be made

available to the transponder and be
transmitted by the transponder via the
Mode S protocol and in accordance with
the formats specified in ICAO document
9871 (2nd edition):

(a) 24-bit ICAO aircraft address; CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)


(b) Mode A code; CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)


(c) pressure altitude; CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)


(d) flight status (on the ground or CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)

airborne); (3)

(e) data link capability report; CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)


- airborne collision avoidance system

(ACAS) capability,

- Mode S specific services capability,

- aircraft identification capability,

- squitter capability,

- surveillance identifier capability,

- common usage Ground Initiated

Comms.-B (GICB) capability report
(indication of change),

- Mode S subnetwork version number;

(f) common usage GICB capability report; CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)


(g) aircraft identification; CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)


(h) special position indication (SPI); CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)


(i) emergency status (general emergency, CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)

no communications, unlawful interference) (6)
including the use of specific Mode A codes
to indicate different emergency states;

(j) ACAS active resolution advisories when CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (a)

the aircraft is equipped with Traffic alert (10)
and collision avoidance system II (TCAS

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4. Other data items may be made Option

available to the transponder.

5. The data items referred to in point 4 CS-ACNS.ELS.2010 (b) For optional data items
shall only be transmitted by the
transponder via the Mode S protocol if the
aircraft and equipment certification
process covers the transmission of these
data items via the Mode S protocol.

6. The continuity of transponder

functionality supporting the Mode S
protocol shall be equal to or less than 2.
10-4 per flight hour (i.e. mean time
between failure equal to or greater than
5000 flight hours).

Part B: Secondary surveillance radar

transponder capabilities referred to in
Article 4(3), Article 5(4)(b), (5)(b) and
(7), Article 7(2) and Article 8(3)

1. The minimum capability for the CS-ACNS.ADS.2010

secondary surveillance transponder shall
be Mode S Level 2 certified in accordance
with paragraphs,, and of Annex 10 to the
Chicago Convention, Volume IV, Fourth
Edition including all amendments up to No

2. Each implemented transponder register CS-ACNS.ADS.2010

shall be compliant with the corresponding
section of ICAO document 9871 (2nd

3. The following data items shall be made CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

available to the transponder and be
transmitted by the transponder via
Version 2 of the extended squitter (ES)
ADS-B protocol in accordance with the
formats specified in ICAO document 9871
(2nd edition):

(a) 24-bit ICAO aircraft address; CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

Item 3

(b) aircraft identification; CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

Item 1

(c) Mode A code; CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

Item 2

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(d) special position indication (SPI) using CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

the same source as for the same Item 6
parameter specified in Part A; CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (b)

(e) emergency status (general emergency, CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

no communications, unlawful interference) Item 7a and 7b
using the same source as for the same CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (b)
parameter specified in Part A; CS-ACNS.ADS.2030

(f) ADS-B version number (equal to 2); CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

Item 8

(g) ADS-B emitter category; CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

Item 10

(h) geodetic horizontal position in CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

accordance with the world geodetic Items 4a and 12a
system revision 1984 (WGS84) latitude
and longitude, both while airborne or on
the ground;

(i) geodetic horizontal position quality CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

indicators (corresponding to the integrity Items 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e and
containment bound (NIC), 95 % 12b
navigation accuracy category for position
(NACp), source integrity level (SIL) and
system design assurance level (SDA));

(j) pressure altitude using the same CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

source as for the same parameter Item 5
specified in Part A; CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (b)

(k) geometric altitude in accordance with CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

the world geodetic system revision 1984 Item 17a
(WGS84), provided in addition and
encoded as a difference to pressure

(l) geometric vertical accuracy (GVA); CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

Item 17b

(m) velocity over ground, both while CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

airborne (east/west and north/south Items 9a, 13 and 14
airborne velocity over ground) or on the
ground (surface heading/ground track and

(n) velocity quality indicator corresponding CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

to navigation accuracy category for Item 9b
velocity (NACv);

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(o) coded aircraft length and width; CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

Item 15

(p) global navigation satellite system CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

(GNSS) antenna offset; Item 16

(q) vertical rate: barometric vertical rate CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (a)

using the same source as for the same Item 11
parameter specified in the data item in CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (b)
point 2 (g) of Part C when the aircraft is CS-ACNS.ADS.2030
required and capable to transmit this data
item via the Mode S protocol, or Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
vertical rate;

(r) mode control panel/flight control unit CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (b)

(MCP/FCU) selected altitude using the Item 1
same source as for the same parameter CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (b)
specified in Part C when the aircraft is CS-ACNS.ADS.2030
required and capable to transmit this data
item via the Mode S protocol;

(s) barometric pressure setting (minus CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (b)

800 hectoPascals) using the same source Item 2
as for the same parameter specified in CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (b)
Part C when the aircraft is required and CS-ACNS.ADS.2030
capable to transmit this data item via the
Mode S protocol;

(t) ACAS active resolution advisories when CS-ACNS.ADS.2005 (b)

the aircraft is equipped with TCAS II using Item 3a and 3b
the same source as for the same CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (b)
parameter specified in Part A. CS-ACNS.ADS.2030

4. Surveillance data items (the data items CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (c)

in point 3(h), (k) and (m)) and their CS-ACNS.ADS.2020 (b)
quality indicator data items (the data
items in point 3(i), (l) and (n)) shall be
provided to the transponders on the same
physical interface.

5. The data source connected to the

transponder and providing the data items
in point 3(h) and (i) shall meet the
following data integrity requirements:

(a) horizontal position (data item in point CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (a) Refer to AMC
3(h)) source integrity level (SIL, CS-ACNS.ADS.2020 (a) ACNS.ADS.2020 for
expressed with respect to NIC) shall be compliance with data
equal to or less than 10-7 per flight-hour; integrity requirement
specified in the Rule.

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(b) horizontal position (data item in point CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (a) Refer to AMC
3(h)) integrity time to alert (leading to a CS-ACNS.ADS.2020 (a) ACNS.ADS.2020 for
change of the NIC quality indicator), if on- compliance with data
board monitoring is required to meet the integrity time to alert
horizontal position source integrity level, requirement specified in
shall be equal to or less than 10 seconds. the Rule.

6. The primary data source providing the CS-ACNS.ADS.2020 (a) Refer to AMC
data items in point 3(h) and (i) shall be at ACNS.ADS.2020 for
least compatible with GNSS receivers that compliance with data
perform receiver autonomous integrity integrity requirement
monitoring (RAIM) and fault detection and specified in the Rule.
exclusion (FDE), along with the output of
corresponding measurement status
information, as well as integrity
containment bound and 95 % accuracy
bound indications.

7. The system integrity level of the data CS-ACNS.ADS.3000 Refer to AMC

sources providing the data items in point ACNS.ADS.3000 for
3(f), (g), (k) to (p) shall be equal to or detailed compliance with
less than 10-5 per flight-hour. the system integrity
requirement specified in
the Rule.

8. The quality indicator information (NIC, CS-ACNS.ADS.2008(c)

NACp, SIL, SDA, NACv and GVA) (the data
items in point 3(i), (l) and (n)) shall
express the actual performance of the
selected data source as valid at the time
of applicability of the measurement of the
data items in point 3(h), (k) and (m)).

9. With respect to the processing of the CS-ACNS.ADS.3000 (a)

data items in point 3(a) to (t), the
transponder system integrity level for the
extended squitter ADS-B protocol,
including any interconnecting avionics to
the transponder, shall be equal to or less
than 10-5 per flight-hour.

10. The total latency of the horizontal CS-ACNS.ADS.3022

position data (the data items in point 3(h)
and (i)) shall be equal to or less than 1,5
second in 95 % of all transmissions.

11. The uncompensated latency of the CS-ACNS.ADS.3024

horizontal position data (data item in point
3(h)) shall be equal to or less than 0,6
second in 95 % of the cases and shall be
equal to or less than 1,0 second in 99,9 %
of all transmissions.

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12. The total latency of the ground speed CS-ACNS.ADS.3022

data items (the data items in point 3(m)
and (n)) shall be equal to or less than 1,5
second in 95 % of all transmissions.

13. If the transponder is set to use a Mode CS-ACNS.ADS.2010 Refer to AMC

A conspicuity code of 1000 then the ACNS.ADS.2010 for
broadcast of Mode A code information via related ETSO
the extended squitter ADS-B protocol shall compliance with the
be inhibited. requirement specified in
the Rule.

14. Other data items may be made n/a See Item 15, Annex II,
available to the transponder. Part B (and below).

15. Except for military reserved formats, CS-ACNS.ADS.2008 (a) This also covers optional
the data items referred to in point 14 shall data items.
only be transmitted by the transponder via
the extended squitter ADS-B protocol if
the aircraft and equipment certification
process covers the transmission of these
data items via the extended squitter ADS-
B protocol.

16. The continuity of transponder CS-ACNS.ADS.3010 Refer to AMC

functionality supporting the ADS-B ACNS.ADS.3010 for
protocol shall be equal to or less than 2. compliance with system
10-4 per flight hour (i.e. mean time continuity requirement
between failure equal to or greater than specified in the Rule.
5000 flight hours).

Part C: Secondary surveillance radar

transponder additional surveillance data
capability referred to in Article 4(3),
Article 5(4)(c) and (5)(c), Article 7(2),
Article 8(3) and Article 14(1)

1. Each transponder register that is CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 Through reference to

implemented shall be compliant with the CS-ACNS.ELS.2010
corresponding section of ICAO document
9871 (2nd edition).

2. The following data items shall be made

available to the transponder and be
transmitted by the transponder as
requested by the ground-based
surveillance chain, via the Mode S protocol
and in accordance with the formats
specified in ICAO document 9871 (2nd

(a) MCP/FCU selected altitude; CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (a)

(b) roll angle; CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (b)

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(c) true track angle; CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (c)

(d) ground speed; CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (d)

(e) magnetic heading; CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (e)

(f) indicated airspeed (IAS) or mach CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (f)


(g) vertical rate (barometric or baro- CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (g)


(h) barometric pressure setting (minus CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (h)

800 hectoPascals);

(i) track angle rate or true airspeed if CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 (i)

track angle rate is not available.

3. Other data items may be made Option

available to the transponder.

4. The data items referred to in point 3 CS-ACNS.EHS.2010 Through reference to

shall only be transmitted by the CS-ACNS.ELS.2010
transponder via the Mode S protocol if the
aircraft and equipment certification
process covers the transmission of these
data items via the Mode S protocol.

ANNEX III Surveillance data exchange Not relevant (ground

requirements referred to in Article 5(1) systems only)

ANNEX IV Requirements for the Not relevant (ground

establishment of formal arrangements systems only)
referred to in Article 5(2)

ANNEX V Requirements for the Not relevant (ground

assessment of the level of performance of systems only)
surveillance chains referred to in Article

ANNEX VI Requirements referred to in Not relevant (ground

Article 9 systems only)

ANNEX VII Requirements for the Not relevant (Article 10

assessment of the conformity or suitability Not relevant))
for use of constituents referred to in
Article 10

ANNEX VIII Conditions referred to in Not relevant (ground

Article 11(1) and (2) systems only)

ANNEX IX Part A: Requirements for the Not relevant (ground

verification of systems referred to in systems only)
Article 11(1)

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Part B: Requirements for the verification Not relevant (ground

of systems referred to in Article 11(2) systems only)

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