Automotive Engineering

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Training and Further Education

in Automotive Engineering
Know-how – Skills – Passion
Training in the Automotive Diagnostics
Workshop Lab

5th Edition
More Than a Laboratory
Complete Solution – Diagnostics Workshop Lab for Automotive Engineering ................................................................................... 6
Teaching Skills and Know-how .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Multimedia Learning Environment
LabSoft as a System-based Training/Administration Software .......................................................................................................... 10
Classroom Manager 4.0 .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Electricity/Electronics ............................................................................................................................................................. 14-23
DC and AC Technology, Electronics and Digital Technology, Pulse-width Modulated Signals, Fundamentals of Electronics,
Plug-in System

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles .................................................................................................................................. 24-37

Battery Diagnostic Training System, Three-phase Alternator/Generator, Three-phase Generator with Hybrid Controller,
Three-phase Generator with Multifunction Controller, Main Lighting, Auxiliary Lighting, Trailer Lighting, Static Cornering Light,
CAN bus Extension, Onboard Power Supply Expansion

Networked Systems ............................................................................................................................................................... 38-49

CAN Bus, CAN Lighting Technology, Programming and Diagnostics, CAN Comfort Technology Programming and Diagnostics,
LIN Bus, Fibre Optic Waveguides, FlexRay, Dashboard Training Model Incorporating CAN and LIN Buses,
Auto Shop Communications with RFID, Comfort Systems and Keyless Entry

Safety and Comfort ............................................................................................................................................................... 50-61

Air Conditioning, Electromechanical Power Steering, Airbag, Belt Tensioner and Crash Response, SRS Airbag and Belt Tensioner,
ABS/ASR/ESP, Brake Power Control with ABS and ASR, Electromechanical Parking Brake, Alarm Systems and Immobilizers

Petrol Engines ........................................................................................................................................................................ 62-73

Sensors in the Motor Vehicle, Sensor Technology in Engine Management, Ignition Systems, Onboard Diagnosis II,
CarTrain Motronic 2.8, CarTrain Direct Fuel Injection, Functional Engine

Diesel Engines ........................................................................................................................................................................ 74-83

Common Rail Diesel Injection System, CarTrain Common Rail, CarTrain Common Rail with Variable Geometry Turbocharger,
Changing Timing Belts, High-speed Glos Heating Systems, Working Engines

Alternative Drives .................................................................................................................................................................. 84-93

DC/AC Conversion, Hybrid Drive in Motor Vehicles, CarTrain Electromobility, Charging Station for Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cells,

Diagnostics and Instrumentation ....................................................................................................................................... 95-103

Student/Teacher Measuring Stations, Snap-on SOLUS PRO, Snap-on MODIS, Multiscan, CAN / LIN Monitor, High-voltage
Instrumentation, Common Rail Diagnostics Set – High Pressure, Common Rail Diagnostics Set – Low Pressure,
Vehicle Diagnostics Case
The mastery of modern methods and techniques, including ful- In addition to our classical experiments and training systems our
filling internationally required standards not to mention quality new generation of PC-based systems provide the answer to in­
requirements, poses a challenge to our current and future crafts- creasing global demand for “blended learning” solutions in the
men, technicians, engineers and scientists in terms of their tech-
area of automotive technology training and instruction.
nological skills and competence.

Lucas-Nülle has devoted itself to taking up this challenge. For To spark interest and enthusiasm, to provide insight into com-
that reason, we develop and manufacture training equipment plex relationships and permit practical applications, these are the
and systems targeting key technologies within the context and training and educational objectives that are paramount for us in
background of traditionally premium German vocational training designing and developing Lucas-Nülle training systems.
and engineering education.
These technical systems are supplement­
A high percentage of hands-on, prac-
ed by high-end literature and experiment
tical training qualifications provide the
guarantee to industry that trainees will
Guarantee for manuals, which ensure not only that the
have the practical skills they need.

These are the prerequisites for ma-

successful training necessary technical know-how is under-
stood but that the experiments are also

stery of sophisticated technologies. carried out safely and successfully.

After all, such technologies require Thanks in part to its technical competence and social commit-
theoretical knowledge and practical abilities. Experimentation
ment, a willingness to cooperate and work on a personal level,
with our educationally optimised systems combines theoretical
information with hands-on know-how, and teases practical ex- success is as good as guaranteed for our company. The company
pertise out of theoretical knowledge thus guaranteeing bona fide fosters a living, breathing team-spirit which is anchored in the
occupational skills. lean organisational structure of the firm.


Production features the highest ­standards

Lucas-Nülle training systems are manufactured in the company’s
own factory at its headquarters in Kerpen, Germany. The com-
plexity and depth of our product range can only be managed
by a highly-motivated team of competent, self-reliant and ex­
perienced professionals and engineers. Siegfried Schulz
Product Manager
Automotive Technolgy
Efficient manufacturing processes
Efficient manufacturing management is controlled using a modern
PPS system. This is how we ensure that the delivery schedule
agreed upon with the client is fulfilled.

Quality guaranteed – setting standards

In LN’s company philosophy, quality has a very special significance
and plays a central role in the company’s strategy. Besides con- Martijn Vincken
tinuously guaranteeing that our agreed quality targets are met Product Manager
in accordance with the requirements set forth by ISO 9001, a Automotive Technolgy
l­arge number of additional certificates gives testimony to our
high quality standards. The work flows, process standards and
tests described therein, and guaranteed to our clients, are proof
that they can rely on the promised quality and reliability of our
products and services.

Comprehensive function tests

Every piece of equipment undergoes operational tests of func­
tionality prior to leaving our premises. During testing we apply the Christian Klingler
highest standards and by far exceed the boundaries of prescribed Product Manager
Automotive Technolgy

“As in the past, automotive engineering

continues to be a driver of innovation.
With our systems, professionals as well as
people involved in actual training can get
help in finding ways to get young people
closer to these complex topics of technology
and engineering.”

Lucid presentations of complex concepts with
modern training and educational media

Complete solutions for modern engine

management, brake, climate control and
airbag systems

Training Panel Systems

Individual experiment set-ups for competent system

Training on real components – interactive course s­ oftware is
used to facilitate overall system comprehension
More than a Laboratory

Student Measurement Stations

Multisignal-capable environment provided for each student
as a guarantee for optimum learning success

Training Vehicle
Diagnostics performed directly on the motor vehicle –
testing and maintaining networked systems

Deepening the student’s understanding using
the hardware and software provided with the
Teaching Skills and Know-how
Using LN Training Systems
To enhance the individual learning curves of every trainee, Lucas-Nülle offers a variety of training systems.
This is how the individual topics of vocational and advanced training in automotive technology can be opti-
mally and efficiently taught. At the focal point of our system is the link between experiment hardware and
training software. This is our way to break down any hurdles which may be perceived to differentiate our
training systems from real motor vehicles.

Three separate system groups can be operated as desired, in conceived in such a way that trainees can work through the
combination or on their own. For the area of automotive tech- material on their own. They learn the theory and what they have
nology the following three system groups are on offer: learned can be monitored by means of test questions.

• UniTrain-I Theory is not all that is covered, though. All the experiments
have instructions which are illustrated by animations. Each of
• CarTrain
the experiments also has a set of questions to help evaluate the
• Training panel system conclusions.
The need for three different systems lies in the complexity of the
subject material to be mastered along with the level of know-
ledge of the trainees.
Teaching skills and expertise
It is no longer possible to use rudimentary materials and me-
The UniTrain-I system is suitable in particular for teaching the
thods to explain and demonstrate the complexity of a modern
basics. Single topics in automotive technology are mapped out
motor vehicle.
and taught using numerous experiments.
Nowadays trainees are confronted with the problem that even
The CarTrain or the training panel systems are designed for the
though it may be possible to identify the source of the customer
study of whole system groups, as can be found in the area of
complaint, there may not be enough know-how available to
engine management, for example. Trainees can investigate the
solve the problem. With the aid of training systems from Lucas-
individual sensors and actuators and focus on fault finding and
Nülle, trainees gain a step-by-step understanding of how a
fault elimination. Afterwards they can try out what they have
motor vehicle works. The UniTrain-I system covers the beginning
learned on a real vehicle.
of the process, where the basics are learned.
It doesn’t even matter what system you choose. Every one is
supplied with an expansive multimedia course. The course is

8 Dimensions of the learning process

Measurements can be carried out on the electrical hardware of All systems are supplied straight from the factory with an
the experiments, parameters can be modified and functions can extensive educative multimedia course, which includes not only
be tested. At any time, teachers can check on students’ progress theory, but also tests of knowledge and instructions for practical
with the help of Classroom Manager (see page 98). Each course experiments.
covers a specific topic and advances trainees to a new level of
The irreplaceable focus is always on real vehicles. The
practical skill. Once the fundamentals are familiar, training can
train­ing systems are used to convey the fascinating tech-
progress to the understanding of systems with the help of Car-
nology used in automotive technology.
Train or the training panel system.

During this phase, trainees work with authentic vehicle compo­

nents, covered in their own topics, such as CarTrain’s direct pet­
rol injection system, which includes a complete engine manage-
ment system.


LabSoft –
The Multimedia Training Platform

Benefits of LabSoft
LabSoft forms the link between the experiment hardware and
an educational multimedia course. Users are guided step by step
through the program and learn the various skills on their own

• Graphics and animation

Every one of the multimedia courses has been developed
with a host of graphics and animations. This means that even
complex and intricate system functionality can be explained in
a simple and easily understood way.

• Navigation
The built-in navigation window on the left provides direct ac-
cess to all LabSoft courses installed on the computer. The open
tree structure allows you to open the course at any location.

• Simulation or real mode

In order to prepare students for practical lessons even better, it
is possible to operate LabSoft in simulation mode without the
hardware connected. This means that the theoretical basics
can be learned earlier, leaving more time for experiments in
the laboratory.

• Freedom of language
LabSoft provides for all the languages implemented in HTML.
You can even switch from one language to another, in order
to learn the basis for foreign terminology, for instance.

Virtual Instruments Saving

The ”Instruments” menu gives you full access to all virtual Measurement results can be saved by dragging and drop-
instruments and power supplies. ping them into the placeholders provided in the courses them-


Network LabSoft
You can install LabSoft locally on your own computer or in a
network. In order to facilitate incorporating courses into modern
learning management systems (LMS), LabSoft courses are de­
veloped in accordance with international standards (SCORM).

Software-based learning platform

Continuous communication between the experiment hardware
and the multimedia course ensures that the learning proceeds in
optimum fashion.

LabSoft functions
• HTML-based multimedia courses
• All languages supported in HTML
• Animations and graphics
• Theory and laboratory experiments as part of a single
training module
• Documentation of results
• Questions for testing knowledge
• Access to all virtual instruments
• Logging in with user data
• Choice of language
• Selection of courses
• Individual learning progress can be saved

Set-up animations Knowledge Test

Set-up animations explain how experiments are carried out Built-in tests of knowledge keep a constant check on the
step by step. knowledge gained by users. Both users themselves and their
teachers can monitor how much has been learned.


LabSoft Classroom Manager 4.0

Administration, Customisation, Monitoring, Evaluation

Benefits of LabSoft Classroom Managers 4.0

• Optimum use of resources
Use Classroom Manager to get the best out of the educational
concept behind Lucas-Nülle training systems.
• Minimisation of administration work
Save time and paper by electronically administering all LabSoft
courses and all trainees in LabSoft Manager. Organise contents,
users and groups of users.
• Continually maximise successful learning
Use LabSoft Editor to personally customise LabSoft courses to
the individual needs of students. Devise your own questions,
experiments, measuring exercises and even your own courses,
which are then instantly available to trainees themselves.
• Monitoring learning progress at all times
You can use TestCreator to set up your own tests with just a
few clicks of the mouse. Utilise pre-prepared questions and
measuring exercises to test your students’ knowledge and
• Keep everything in view at all times
Access learning progress and test reports with the help of
LabSoft Reporter. Easily understood selection functionality
quickly leads you to the information you want.

LabSoft Editor LabSoft Questioner

LabSoft Editor features several wizards to help you devise In order to create the questions, measuring exercises and
your own new courses and guide trainees step by step through tests, LabSoft Questioner has various types of question avail­
the necessary tests. able. Exercises and questions can then be inserted into courses
and tests.

LabSoft TestCreator
LabSoft TestCreator is used to put together tests, which can be
used to check knowledge and practical skills at the same time.
Filter functions help to select the questions either manually or

LabSoft TestCreator

Use TestCreator to put together tests suitable for your own

purposes in a matter of seconds.

LabSoft Manager LabSoft Reporter

Administer your LabSoft courses, students and student groups Progress and test results can be displayed using LabSoft
with LabSoft Manager. Then you can provide students with Reporter. This provides multiple ways of assessing results of
the right exercises for their needs at all times. courses and tests for individuals or groups allowing you to
­quickly and specifically monitor progress.

18 DC and AC Technology

19 Electronics and Digital Technology

20 Pulse-width Modulated Signals

21 Fundamentals of Electronics

22 Plug-in System
Simply Fascinating – Introduction to the
World of Automotive Technology
Cars are symbolic of innovation and mobility. The three-wheeled vehicle of 1886 with its single-cylinder en-
gine has developed into today’s multi-functional and powerful means of transport. The key characteristics of
developments in the automotive industry have been flexibility and the thirst for progress. They have made it
possible to develop vehicle concepts which can be adapted for practically any application.

This progress has brought with it a marked increase in the • How to carry out all standard measurements using multi­
complexity of motor vehicles, which is specifically reflected by meters or oscilloscopes.
the degree of electrification they now exhibit. Tomorrow’s mech­
• How to read a circuit diagram and explain the meaning of
anics need to be specifically prepared for this. In order to achieve
serial and parallel connection.
this and to communicate the wide range of topics it involves,
the teaching of basic knowledge needs particular attention. In- • Familiarisation with all the key electrical and electronic compo-
deed, only a solid and comprehensive foundation of knowledge nents used in vehicles and how to describe their functionality
can open the way to exciting and successful education. • Basic knowledge of digital technology as used in vehicles.
This objective can only be achieved by the use of high-quality In studying the basics of automotive technology, trainees learn
training systems with an educational concept behind them how to progress through the world of electrical engineering and
which specifically targets the needs of trainees. Part of this electronics, but with vehicles themselves always remaining the
concept is that learning should be fun. Our products engender key focus.
not only the expansion of knowledge but also enthusiasm for
the subject. In the “Electricity/Electronics” course, trainees learn not only
about the key variables but also about various types of circuit
Our training systems for the fundamentals of automotive tech- and how to work with a multimeter.
nology are based on the tried-and-trusted UniTrain-I concept.
This enables students to learn the following skills:

• Comprehending the ideas of voltage, current and resistance

and understanding how they fit together.

• How to differentiate the concepts of alternating and direct

current as well as pulse-width modulation of voltage.

Fundamentals of Automotive Technology Automotive Electronics and Digital Technology

How DC can be converted into AC and back again forms the

basis of the course “DC/AC Conversion”. Trainees learn what
electrical induction involves and become familiar with three-
phase electricity. In order to generate alternating current,
trainees are also introduced to the fundamentals of pulse-width

They can learn more about pulse-width modulation (PWM) in

the “Pulse-Width Modulated Signals” course. This describes the
generation and parameters of PWM in detail and also discusses
how the technique is used in real vehicles.

The digital technology course deals with logic functions and

how flip-flips are used to store information. Trainees learn how
to build upon the various functions of logic gates and also
explore semiconductors in detail. Pulse-width modulated signals



DC and AC Technology in the Motor Vehicle

The growing importance of electrical and electronic compo- learning. They come to grips with such terms as current, voltage
nents in the motor vehicle makes the hands-on training and resistance, train in how to operate measuring instruments
approach to basic electronic circuits an absolute necessity. Our and conduct experiments using Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws. All
UniTrain-I course on DC and AC technology in the vehicle enable of the required measuring instruments are already built into the
students to acquire this know-how through independent self- UniTrain-I’s multimedia training environment.

Conducting Measurements
with the Computer

Training contents
• Basic concepts of current, voltage and resistance
• Handling power sources and measuring instruments
• Usage of circuit diagrams for the analysis of electrical components
• Putting to use accident prevention regulations pertaining to work with electrical current
• Measurements on series and parallel circuits, voltage dividers and mixed circuits
• Evaluation of measurement findings using comparative tables
• Recording characteristics of variable resistors (LDR, NTC, PTC, VDR)
• Troubleshooting

18 UniTrain-I course SO4204-7A


Electronics and Digital Technology in the Motor Vehicle

Knowledge of the characteristics and functionality of electronic topics include diode characteristics, basic transistor circuits,
components forms the basis for understanding and analysing determination of valve- and rectifier-action of a diode and circuit
such components and their circuits in motor vehicles. Course design.

Training contents
• Open- and closed-loop control operations in motor vehicle components
• Component classification according to hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical/electronic systems
• Recording diode characteristics
• Setting the operating point on the basic transistor circuit
• Understanding and using gain, emitter and collector circuits
• Design of basic logic circuitry
• Becoming familiar with Boolean functions and laws
• Experimenting with static and dynamic switching response
• Design of counter circuitry

UniTrain-I course SO4204-7B 19



Pulse-width Modulated Signals (PWM)

Many actuator systems in motor vehicles require variable power training system trainees document their measurement results,
levels for the devices being controlled. Actuators which need to signals and fault protocols and analyse, evaluate and present
assume intermediate values between the ON and OFF limits are their findings. This way they are able to isolate faults and
controlled by means of pulse-width modulated signals. With our propose suitable strategies for fault rectification.

Training contents
• Principle of PWM
• Automotive PWM applications
• Adjusting the power of electrical loads with PWM
• Measuring a PWM signal’s characteristics: frequency, amplitude, mark-to-space ratio
• Pulse width, edges and signal shapes
• Control and operating-current circuits
• Diagnosis of PWM-controlled components

20 UniTrain-I course SO4204-7J


Fundamentals of Automotive Electronics

This training system is your introduction to the fascinating world features an extensive multimedia course. In addition, special
of electronics in vehicles. All the circuits are pre-fabricated and attention has been paid to using and handling measuring
can be put into action simply by plugging in a few jumpers. ­instruments in conjunction with customers’ vehicles.
Apart from the hardware for the experiments, the system also

Training contents
• Introduction to parallel and series circuits
• Using multimeters
• Using oscilloscopes
• How a relay works
• Investigation of transistor circuits
• Experiments on a resistor in series with a ventilation system
• Measuring resistance

UniTrain-I course SO4205-1D 21


Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering / Electronics
in Vehicles Using Plug-in System
The increasing importance of electrical and electronic equipment specially crafted to reflect usage in vehicles make it possible to
in vehicles is making it essential to learn the fundamentals understand this vast topic in a simple way.
of electronics in a practical, hands-on manner. Experiments

Training contents
• Fundamentals of electrical engineering (Ohm’s law, voltage, • Use of diodes for rectification
current, resistance) • Decoupling diodes, freewheeling diodes
• Calculations using fundamental electrical variables • Voltage stabilisation using zener diodes
(series and parallel circuits, Ohm’s law)
• Fundamentals of transistors
• Voltage dividers (with and without load)
• Transistor applications (basic circuits, multivibrators,
• Measurement of voltage, current and resistance ­Darlington circuits, Schmitt triggers)
• How to read circuit diagrams • Transistors used as amplifiers, switches and current sources
• Fundamentals of semiconductor technology • Field effect transistors (design, applications, various types)
(design, intrinsic conductivity, doping)
• Thyristors (design, operating principle, applications)
• Characteristic curves for diodes and zener diodes

22 EloTrain Experimenter SO4203-3B


Benefits to you
• Multimedia course
• Smaller components
• Greater practical focus
• Student exercises especially tailored for automotive
• Circuits assembled on board with regular grid to
­resemble circuit diagrams
• Learning complex relationships and interactions by
­means of experiment
• Usable anywhere
• Rugged components
• Clear and simple
• Gold-plated contacts

UniTrain-I course SO4206-1J

Plug-in System – A Classic Basis for Student Experiments

If you want to enjoy all the benefits of a 2-mm system, but also
take advantage of larger components and extended power
supply functionality, the 4-mm plug-in system is just what you
All the components of this training system (power supply,
plug-in components and vehicle “Experimenter”) are supplied
in a sturdy case. This ensures efficient use of time in setting up
and dismantling the system. Tedious searching for individual
components is completely eliminated. In addition, the training
system is fully self-contained, i.e. it does not require any com-
puter or similar to function.
One particular feature is the multi-functional power supply,
which includes a function generator and a three-phase gener­
ator (alternator). The equipment boasts protective insulation
and supplies safe extra-low voltage. In addition, all outputs
are equipped with self-resetting circuit breakers, which safely
trip out in the event of current overloads without the need for
replacing fuses.
This makes the training system extremely safe, maintenance-
free and superbly well-suited for learning the fundamentals of
automotive technology.

Equipment set ATF 4 23

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

28 Battery Diagnostic Training System

29 Three-phase Alternator/Generator

30 Three-phase Generator with Hybrid Controller

31 Three-phase Generator with Multifunction


32 Main Lighting

33 Auxiliary Lighting

34 Trailer Lighting

35 Static Cornering Light

36 CAN bus Extension

37 Onboard Power Supply Expansion

Basic Vehicle Electronics –
Vehicles in the Hands of Electrons
A modern vehicle is characterised by its high degree of electrification. This means that most open and
closed-loop control processes are carried out using electro-mechanical systems. These systems, as well as all
those designed to enhance driver comfort and drivability, require a stable and fail-safe power supply to en­
sure the finest quality of driving, leading to utmost comfort for drivers.

To achieve this, vehicles have systems for storing and for gener­ • How 6-pulse rectification works
ating electrical energy. In the past, batteries were mainly used
• How hybrid and multi-function controllers work
for starting the vehicle, to provide sufficient power to turn over
the starter motor. • Design of lighting systems

The requirements for car batteries nowadays, however, are far • Practical work with CAN-based and conventional lighting
more complex and demanding than they were in former times. systems
The heavy start-up demand and high closed-circuit currents • How to retrofit lighting for a trailer
required put serious strain on the batteries.
• How to fit and operate an alarm system
Lucas-Nülle training systems for automotive technology offer
trainees the outstanding opportunity to learn about the various • Diagnosing faults in a vehicle‘s electrical system in general
aspects of how on-board vehicle networks are supplied with The “Three-phase Generator with Multifunction Controller” and
electrical power at an authentic practical level. They also get a “Three-phase Generator with Hybrid Controller” training sys-
vivid and detailed look at how the lighting systems work and tems allow trainees to learn on authentic systems how electrical
how they can subsequently be enhanced. energy is generated in the alternator and controlled.
The key focus is on the teaching of practical skills which allow
trainees to work efficiently and without difficulty. The following
list identifies some of the training content:

• Diagnostics for an AGM battery

• How to use a battery diagnostic tester

• How alternators work and how to troubleshoot for them

Battery Simulator Door Mirror Controller

The educational concept also illustrates how the individual sub-

systems work together. There is a symbiotic link between this
training system and the battery training system which highlights
the storage of electrical energy. Trainees learn about all the com-
monly used battery technologies and the specific aspects of how
they need to be treated.

One of the main systems which continually consume power in

a motor vehicle is the lighting system. In the training system
for this topic, trainees have the chance to set up a complete
lighting system and put it into operation. This can be done using
conventional means as a first step and then also in the form of a
CAN-based system.

Three-phase Generator (Alternator)

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Battery Diagnostics Training System

Batteries used in vehicles may be subjected to extreme operating various internal resistances and voltages on an AGM battery and
conditions. Different vehicles use a wide variety of batteries. a conventional lead-acid battery for reliable and reproducible
The battery diagnostics training system allows you to set up diagnostic investigation.

Training contents
• Safe working with car batteries
• Key characteristics of car batteries
• Types of car battery
• Fundamentals of power generation
• Chemical processes in lead-acid batteries
• Vehicle maintenance/battery testing
• Measurements on a battery
• Use of battery testing equipment
• Troubleshooting batteries

28 CO3221-9C equipment set

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Three-phase Alternator/Generator
Virtually all modern motor vehicles are equipped with a three- generator’s basic functions and learn how to control it. They also
phase generator to produce the required electrical energy. plan and carry out diagnostics, maintenance and repair work on
With the UniTrain-I course the trainees gain insight into the the power supply and the starting systems.

Training contents
• Generator principle
• Basics of three-phase current
• Diode and rectifier circuits
• Functionality of an unregulated three-phase alternator/generator
• Discrete and integrated voltage controllers
• Regulated three-phase alternator/generator
• Fault diagnosis
• Compliance with accident prevention regulations

UniTrain-I course SO4204-7D 29

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Three-phase Generator with Hybrid Controller

Our system enables the trainees to become familiar with the as well as how changes are brought about in the magnetic
function of the hybrid controller. Experiments are conducted and field and stator winding induction. The trainees thereby learn
observations made as to how the hybrid controller maintains independently and can monitor their knowledge in exercises and
the generator voltage at a certain level, regardless of speed tests.
and load. The role of the average excitation current is explored

Training contents
• Workshop orders and descriptions of faults form the basis of students’ plans for testing and repairing automotive electrical
and electronic systems
• Principle of three-phase generation and voltage regulation
• Understanding how a three-phase alternating voltage arises
• Properties of a hybrid controller
• Understanding the necessity of exciter diodes
• Investigating the exciter current
• Fault diagnosis in the system

30 ASA 7 equipment set

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Three-phase Generator with Multifunction Controller

This training system is used to examine how energy is generated sive sequence of experiments gradually introduces students to
in modern motor vehicles. Today‘s compact generators make the subject of power generation in automobiles.
use of a monolithic controller. This kind of multifunction control-
ler (MFC) has now largely replaced hybrid controllers. A progres-

Training contents
• Workshop orders and descriptions of faults form the basis of students’ plans for testing and
repairing automotive electrical and electronic systems
• Principle of three-phase generation and voltage regulation
• Understanding how a three-phase alternating voltage arises
• Properties of a multifunction controller
• Understanding rectification and protection using power Z-diodes
• Battery monitoring (sensing)
• Examining pre-excitation (PWM)
• Fault diagnosis in the system

ASA 6 equipment set 31

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Main Lighting
The main lighting system including all supplementary equipment expandable lighting panel wall. Combine other modules together
is comprised of original automotive components. to provide clear and easy understanding of a highly complex
With this system you establish the foundation for an individually lighting system.

Training contents
• Become familiar with local road traffic regulations
• Learn to distinguish between control and load circuit
• Practice protecting circuits with fuses
• Learn to use electronic relays
• Investigate how the manual headlight range adjustment works
• Record measurement values and document faults

32 ALC 1.1 equipment set

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Auxiliary Lighting
This system is used to cover the topics involving auxiliary head- vary depending on the vehicle. For that reason, instructors can
lights and signalling systems – the latter is obligatory in every ve- only profit from a system that allows them to become familiar
hicle and thus enjoys special consideration in training programs. with different versions of these right there in the classroom.
What is of interest here is that control of these components can

Training contents
• Become familiar with local road traffic regulations
• Learn to distinguish between control and load circuit
• Practice protecting circuits with fuses
• Learn to use electronic relays
• Investigate how the manual headlight range adjustment works
• Record measurement values and document faults

ALC 1.2 equipment set (supplementary set for ALC 1.1) 33

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Trailer Lighting
Once upon a time trailer lighting was simple to explain, but 7-pin or 13-pin socket assignment works but also how to
those days are over. Now the demands being made on teachers protect the towing vehicle from overloading and whether or
have grown in step with the complexity of the electrical system not the control functions on the trailer comply with legal
in question. In today’s classroom it is not just how the plug’s stipulations.

Training contents
• Installation and commissioning of auxiliary equipment and systems according to manufacturing specs
• Perform retrofitting of lighting systems on the motor vehicle and become familiar with local road regulations
• Become familiar with local road traffic regulations
• Distinguish between control and load circuits
• Protect circuitry with fuses
• Record measured values and perform troubleshooting
• Trailer socket and plug assignments

34 ALC 1.3 equipment set (supplementary set for ALC 1.1)

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Static Cornering Light

This system helps instructors to impart know-how in all top- that control of these components can differ depending on the
ics involving auxiliary headlights and signalling systems – the vehicle. For that reason instructors can only profit from a system
latter being obligatory in every vehicle and thus enjoying special that allows them to become familiar with various versions of
consideration in training programs. What is of interest here is these right there in the classroom.

Training contents
• Use of circuit diagrams
• How the yaw rate sensor works
• Retrofitting auxiliary systems
• Combination of cornering light and low
beam headlight
• Calibration of motor vehicle components

ALC 1.4 equipment set (supplementary set for ALC 1.1) 35

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

CAN bus Extension

Expand any of the existing automotive lighting displays by a a CAN bus drive you can explore the basics of the different
CAN bus node that is diagnostics capable. This novel concept transmission speeds and the voltage levels associated with them.
permits operation in low-speed mode and, with just the push With the fault simulator you only have to activate a switch to
of a button, in high-speed mode, too. As a result, even without feed various ISO standard fault codes onto the CAN bus.

Training contents
• Design of a steering column control unit
• Data transmission via a CAN bus
• Data protocol for low-speed CAN (class B), data protocol for high-speed CAN (class C)
• Fault patterns on a high-speed CAN bus and on a low-speed CAN bus
• Perform diagnostics on the CAN bus and analyse the Baud rate
• Carry out short-circuit test of the power output stage

36 ALC 1.6 equipment set (supplementary set for ALC 1.1)

General Electrical Systems in Vehicles

Onboard Power Supply Expansion

The motor vehicle’s onboard power supply is very complex. The training system to reflect existing legal requirements. Facilitating
authorities are constantly stipulating new rules and regulations the adaptation of onboard power supply systems to the latest
involving this aspect in motor vehicles. This means that expan- technologies is one of the hallmarks of a training system de-
sions and adaptations of the training material should permit the signed for practical applications.

Training contents
• Design a daytime running light controlled using PWM control
• Use incandescent lamp circuit in practical applications
• Assemble a circuit designed to unload the onboard power supply during start ignition
• Understand the design of relay circuits and be able to use them in practical application
• Comprehend starter connection and how the internal starter circuitry works

ALC 1.7 equipment set (supplementary set for ALC 1.1) 37

Networked Systems

42 CAN bus

43 CAN Lighting Technology,

Programming and Diagnostics

43 CAN Comfort Technology,

Programming and Diagnostics

44 LIN Bus

45 Fibre Optic Waveguides

46 FlexRay

47 Dashboard Training Model Incorporating

CAN and LIN Buses

48 Auto Shop Communications with RFID

49 Comfort Systems and Keyless Entry

Bus Systems –
Communication is Everything
Due to the sharp increase in the number of driver aids and comfort features, the number of control units
required in a vehicle has also multiplied. Since these various controllers all need to share information, the
systems are therefore networked.

This allows for the implementation of complex systems and and communications procedures of the various systems, as listed
vastly increases the range of available functionality. A simple below. In addition, wireless communications systems relevant to
point-to-point communications structure is no longer suitable automotive technology are also explained.
for the purpose. The alternative is to use a communications
• CAN (low-speed and high-speed)
system based on a bus.
Bosch introduced the CAN bus as early as 1983. Since then it
has become well established in the market and systems oper­ • Optical buses (e.g. MOST bus)
ating at various speeds are now in standard use in various areas • FlexRay
of vehicles.
However, the speed capabilities of a CAN bus were quickly over-
run, meaning that comfort functions in particular, with the large • Keyless Entry
amount of data they need to share, could no longer function In principle, bus systems represent a highly complex and de-
using a conventional system. Therefore other bus systems were manding topic, the main contribution being in the shape of the
developed, often specific to certain applications. Developments actual communications protocols. The theory therefore needs to
like this have led to the fact that modern vehicles commonly concentrate on the essential aspects and convey them in simple
feature a multitude of different bus systems, with gateways to and transparent fashion. The choice of theoretical content for
adapt their various communications protocols so that data can the target group in question represents one of the key deci­
be shared between them, thus allowing communication throug- sions in this respect.
hout the vehicle.

The most important bus systems which have established them-

selves in the market form the focus for Lucas-Nülle’s range of
“networked system“ courses. They provide trainees with a
comprehensive insight into the physical specifications
CAN bus Lighting Technology Keyless Entry

Troubleshooting is a vital but difficult topic in the context of bus

systems. That is why there is a key focus on teaching practical
and efficient diagnostic strategies which make it possible to find
faults quickly.

Lucas-Nülle’s training systems meet all these demands and also

inspire in the students the enthusiasm which will lead them to

Networked Systems

Networked Systems

Modern motor vehicles incorporate numerous electronic control tions. This training system thus conveys important information in
units which communicate with each other continually via digital a very realistic manner. Trainees can use this system to carry out
bus systems. Widely used for this purpose in passenger cars as diagnostics and repair work on networked electronic systems
well as commercial vehicles are CAN buses, especially when it inside the motor vehicle.
comes to comfort, engine management and diagnostic applica-

From the Theory to the Control of

an Original Motor Vehicle

Training contents
• Rationale for using bus systems in motor vehicles • Design of a CAN message’s frame
• Topology and components of a CAN bus system in • Analysing CAN messages with a CAN monitor and
a motor vehicle ­oscilloscope
• Differences between low-speed and high-speed CAN • Editing and sending CAN messages via a PC
• Electrical properties of a CAN bus • Troubleshooting
• Data rate, identifier, addressing and arbitration
(low-speed and high-speed CAN)

42 UniTrain-I course SO4204-7K

Networked Systems

CAN Lighting Technology,

­Programming and Diagnostics

Benefits to you
The ”Lighting technology“ training project supplements
the CAN bus course with an additional control unit. The
”Lighting technology“ interface makes it possible to con-
trol any conventional lighting system. Such systems can be
controlled via the switches and buttons on the UniTrain-I
cards forming part of the ”CAN bus“ course.
• Universally deployable
• Baud rate can be set arbitrarily
• Troubleshooting carried out on real components
• Freely programmable data

CAN Comfort Technology

­Programming and Diagnostics

Benefits to you
The ”Car door“ training project integrates an original car
door into the experimentation system. This allows the
door’s essential functions (e.g. electric window winder
and electrically adjustable external mirror) to be controlled
by means of real CAN messages. The resultant data traffic
on the CAN bus can be analysed using the applications
forming part of the LabSoft course.

CAN bus-controlled motor vehicle lighting and door equipment set 43

Networked Systems

Networked Systems

In addition to the CAN bus, the somewhat simpler LIN bus is dents examine the bus protocol and learn to perform systematic
also used. This bus is employed mainly for comfort systems troubleshooting.
which are not crucial to safety. With this training system stu-

Training contents
• Development of bus systems in motor vehicles • Message frame structure
• Topology and components of a LIN-bus system • Analysis of LIN messages
• Electrical properties of a LIN bus • Editing and sending LIN messages
• Addressing of a LIN bus • Troubleshooting
• Master/slave principle
• Measurement tests of data fields

44 UniTrain-I course SO4204-7E

Networked Systems

Fibre Optic Waveguides

At present, optical bus systems are used mainly to achieve high and will be met with more and more frequently on the job. Our
data transmission rates in luxury automobiles. However, optical training system has been designed so that trainees can distingu-
buses are likely to find broader use in view of the increase in data ish between open and closed loops and classify them in accord­
volumes that generally require processing in automobiles. For ance with their electronic systems.
that reason fibre optics is an important topic for today’s trainees

Training contents
• Data networks in motor vehicles • Optical bus systems in motor vehicles
• Rationale for using optical waveguides in automotive • Fundamentals of ray optics (refraction, reflection)
applications • Attenuation by optical waveguides
• Fundamentals of the MOST bus • Data transmission and optical measurements on optical
• MOST protocol and control units waveguides
• Ring breakage diagnosis
• Design of optical waveguides in motor vehicles

UniTrain-I course SO4204-7H 45

Networked Systems

Networked Systems

In recent years the amount of electronics present in the auto- as well as entertainment and navigation systems. FlexRay is the
mobile has increased at a steady rate. This also involves an ever communication system when it comes to x-by-wire systems. The
more complex network of sensors, actuators or control units system requirements are primarily focused on data.

Training contents
• Becoming familiar with and distinguishing between the • Identification of typical errors and their verification using
various bus systems used in motor vehicles measurement techniques
• How the FlexRay bus system works • Learning about the function and operation of the steer-by-
• Component communication using the FlexRay bus wire technology

• Data exchange in a FlexRay network

• Developing deeper understanding through practical appli-
cations of the FlexRay protocol

46 UniTrain-I course SO4204-6Y

Networked Systems

Dashboard Training Model Incorporating CAN and LIN Buses

This model comprises an original dashboard (VW Golf V) with an model includes a flexible fault simulation circuit. Also present are
instrument panel, driver’s and front passenger’s airbags, as well diagnostic plugs for measurements on control units, e.g. for the
as the entire lighting system, including instrument lighting. The airbag or illumination.

Training contents
• CAN bus for light control/central locking/comfort • Horn operation
window winder • Fan, ventilation, circulating-air mode
• LIN bus for wiper and mirror control • Clear demonstration of instrument lighting
• Circuit comprising headlights and range adjustment
• Headlight settings
• Indicator light settings
• Hazard warning system

SO3240-1D equipment set 47

Networked Systems

Networked Systems

Auto Shop Communications with RFID

Communication with customers and filling out customer job motor vehicle data contained in the motor vehicle’s key and read
orders form the basis for every single activity that follows. it out. This course provides insight into this functionality and its
Information on motor vehicle data is obtained not only in applications in the area of automotive engineering. The system
talks with the customer but also by technical means involving comprising reader and transponder is studied both in terms of
communication between the motor vehicle and the PC. RFID power as well as data transmission.
(radio-fre­quency identification) technology is used to access the

Training contents
• Communication with internal and external customers • RFID applications generally and specifically in the motor
• Planning and preparation of work processes vehicle

• Service job order • Understanding the components required for data exchange

• Complete job order • RFID transponder and antenna ranges

• The driver’s key as a communication tool • Physical context and standards

• Reading data into the motor vehicle key

• Reading data out of the motor vehicle key

48 UniTrain-I course SO4204-7G

Networked Systems

Comfort Systems and Keyless Entry

Comfort systems in the motor vehicle provide an essential, repairing and performing adjustments on comfort systems, safety
overall boost to active safety. Drivers are reluctant to do without systems and door-locking systems all in accordance with
a certain amount of driving comfort. New innovative operating customer requirements and includes documenting the results.
systems quickly penetrate the market and rapidly become the With an excellent grasp of the system, the applications are easier
standard. Training covers all the essentials of testing, diagnosing, to implement in practice.

Training contents
• Comfort settings in the motor vehicle • Capacitive pushbutton
• Active safety • Basics of antenna technology
• Door-locking system • How central locking works with CAN bus and expansion to
• Central locking keyless system

• Remote radio control

• Keyless access to vehicle

UniTrain-I course SO4204-6G 49

Safety and Comfort

54 Air Conditioning

55 Electromechanical Power Steering

56 Airbag, Belt Tensioner and Crash Response

57 SRS Airbag and Belt Tensioner


59 Brake Power Control with ABS and ASR

60 Electromechanical Parking Brake

61 Alarm Systems and Immobilizers

Comfort and Safety Systems –
The Key to a Well-engineered Vehicle
Practically every area in and around a vehicle has undergone a major transformation in the course of pro-
gress. One aspect in particular, though stands out – even though it may not be conspicuous to drivers, the
electronics system is at the heart of the vehicle, and even that which does meet the eye is only the tip of the
iceberg. It is only that tip that the driver actually sees. The massive berg beneath the surface consists of a
multitude of comfort features and driving aids as well as the means by which they communicate. It is these
things which embody the real power of vehicle electronics. It is the active and passive safety and security
systems which deserve most attention.

Take for example the sequence of events which take place • How an airbag system works
when a crash occurs. In each of the various phases, specific
• Building up diagnostic skills
safety systems are activated. To begin with, the crash avoidance
systems or systems to alleviate the consequences cut in. During • Planning and use of typical diagnostic strategies
the actual collision, various supplemental restraint systems (SRS) • How anti-lock braking systems work
are activated in order to prevent life-threatening injuries. Even
after the actual collision, a variety of post-crash functions come • How brake boosters and hydraulic brakes work
into play, to cut-off the fuel feed or break the connection to the • How braking and traction control systems (ESC and TCS) work
battery, for example.
• How electromechanical power steering works
Lucas-Nülle naturally places a lot of importance on this area of
• CAN bus communication
automotive technology, in which many more milestones are
expected to be established in the near future.

The actual range of systems involved runs from the air-condi­

tion­ing system through the various SRS systems down to details
of the steering and braking systems.

Some of the key training contents are listed below:

• Filling and draining air-conditioning systems

• Diagnostics for air conditioning

Electromechanical Parking Brake SRS Airbag and Belt Tensioner

The training systems in the “Comfort and Safety Systems”

range introduce trainees to the more complex topics of auto-
motive technology. By working with the systems, they can learn
practical skills hands-on and can carry out jobs that they will
experience every day when working at a repair garage. Specific
attention is paid to acquiring diagnostic skills, which will allow
the trainees to efficiently pinpoint faults and difficulties in rapid

In addition, they will develop a thorough understanding of how

the individual systems work, thereby increasing their skill at trou-
bleshooting using such systems even more.

Electromechanical Power Steering

Safety and Comfort

Safety and Comfort

Air Conditioning and Climate Control

This training system permits practical experimentation and our compact system makes for equally realistic training. The fully
demonstration with a “Climatronic” automotive air-conditioning functional system also permits training of evacuation and filling
unit with climate control. The system’s very realistic design in of the air-conditioning system.

Training contents
• Assemble and put into operation an air-conditioning unit • Perform independent troubleshooting, maintenance and
• Consider how air-conditioning systems add to the comfort repairs on the air-conditioning system
and safety features of a motor vehicle • Learn how open- and closed-loop temperature control
• Deepen your understanding of refrigeration technology works in the vehicle’s passenger compartment

• Investigate air-conditioning operation principles

• Elaboration of air-conditioning components promotes inde-
pendent learning
• Learn how to handle refrigerants and to comply with regu-

54 SO3230-4A equipment set

Safety and Comfort

Electromechanical Power Steering

Electromechanical power steering has many advantages over this fully functional cutaway model the trainees quickly learn just
hydraulic steering. It assists the driver not just in purely physical how electromechanical power steering works. They also have
terms, but also intelligently by responding only when the driver the opportunity to conduct CAN measurements directly on the
explicitly requests it. Steering assistance is provided as a function steering mechanism.
of vehicle speed as well as steering moment and angle. With

Training contents
• Design of an electromechanical power steering
• Function of the individual assembly groups
• Steering geometry
• Inverter control
• CAN bus control
• Vehicle speed sensor
• Steering angle sensor
• Steering moment sensor

CO3221-9B equipment set 55

Safety and Comfort

Safety and Comfort

Airbag, Belt Tensioner and Crash Response

Active safety systems like airbags and seat-belt tensioners have part of everyday auto garage work. Trainees learn the necessary
been standard features in all vehicle classes for years. Regular know-how and troubleshooting strategies using this system as
inspections of these features are needed to ensure that they realistically as possible.
operate properly. For that reason this has become a routine

Original Airbag

Optional: SO3219-1P

Training contents
• Active and passive safety in motor vehicles
• Operating principles of airbags and seat-belt tensioners
• Safety switch and ignition cap
• Operating principle of pressure and acceleration sensors
• Measurement of acceleration
• Typical crash situations
• Trigger times and sequences
• Fault management for airbag systems
• Troubleshooting

56 UniTrain-I course SO4204-6Z

Safety and Comfort

SRS Airbag and Belt Tensioner

This training environment from our family of “Compact” systems seat-belt tensioner and includes testing exercises. The system’s
allows the trainee to analyse corresponding systems in practical very realistic design, including the use of manufacturer-specific
experimentation and demonstrations using an SRS airbag and diagnostic concepts, makes for equally realistic training.

Training contents
• Understanding the functionality of an SRS system
• Understanding the operating principles of pyrotechnic actuators (airbag and seat-belt tensioner)
• Identifying the effects of typical faults on SRS systems
• Conducting various electrical measurements
• Interpreting and employing technical documentation
• Building up diagnostic skills
• Planning and implementing typical diagnostic strategies

SO3230-2D equipment set 57

Safety and Comfort

Safety and Comfort

Brake systems of modern motor vehicles are becoming increas- ing the driver. Each individual system is mutually dependent and
ingly complex. Electronic aids such as ABS, ASR and ESP are now in part uses the same sensor signals. With this training system
standard features in such systems. They are designed to keep the the trainee becomes familiar with and understands how the
vehicle stable with physical limits and thus help assist in protect­ various systems function and interact.

Training contents
• Basic physics of driving • ASR function and design
• Understeering - Controlling situations
• Oversteering • ESP function and design
• Function and design of sensors - Operating principle
• ABS function and design
- What is slip?
- ABS control loop

58 UniTrain-I course SO4204-6W

Safety and Comfort

Brake Power Control with ABS and ASR

This training system permits practical experimentation and dem­ the opportunity to practice realistic work and thus eventually
onstrations by means of an electronically controlled ABS / ASR transfer the acquired know-how to the real job. This system also
brake system (Bosch 5.3). All important electrical signals can permits read-outs using OBD diagnostics tools.
be tapped centrally via 4-mm sockets. As such, trainees have

Training contents
• Understanding the functionality of typical ABS and ASR brake systems
• Understanding the functionality of brake boosters and hydraulic brakes
• Identifying the effects of typical malfunctions on ABS and ASR brake systems
• Conducting various electrical measurements
• Interpreting and employing technical documentation
• Building up diagnostic skills
• Planning and implementing typical diagnostic strategies

SO3230-2C equipment set 59

Safety and Comfort

Safety and Comfort

Electromechanical Parking Brake with Auto-hold Function

An electromechanical parking brake replaces the conventional This new auto-hold function is being integrated into more and
handbrake with a simple switch on the dashboard so that there more vehicles and in the future will gain in significance. In our
is no need for a handbrake lever. On uphill starts, sensors system we have depicted the modern electromechanical parking
determine how steep the slope is. If the driver stops the vehicle, brake in such a way that it is easily understood and can be
the brake engages automatically until the car is started again. experimentally tested by trainees and students.

Training contents
• How rear-wheel brake actuators work • Understanding how brake boosters and hydraulic
• Sensors and actuators in an electromechanical brakes work
parking brake • Interpretation and use of technical documentation
• How an electromechanical parking brake works • Experimental investigation of the various functions for
• Parking brake function improved understanding

• Dynamic pull-away assistant • Assembly, configuration and testing of mechanical

• Dynamic emergency brake function
• Design and function of disc brakes
• Auto-hold function
• Gauging of brake discs

60 CO3221-9A equipment set

Safety and Comfort

Alarm Systems and Immobilizers

The alarm system issues optical and acoustic signals in the activate and deactivate the alarm system. The system can easily
event of attempted intrusion. Arranged compactly on a panel and optimally be integrated into the existing lighting systems
for training purposes, this fully functional alarm system permits and it is extremely well suited to accommodate the retrofitting
clear demonstrations of functionality. In this course students can of auxiliary systems for teaching.

CO3216-3C Alarm System and Immobilizer

Training contents
• Design type and operation of an alarm system with i­mmobilizer
• Testing and adjusting alarm system function and immobilizer
• Programme the country-specific modifications of the alarm system and test how the alarm system works
with other motor vehicle components
• Fault simulation

ALC 7 equipment set 61

Petrol Engines

66 Sensors in the Motor Vehicle

67 Sensor Technology in Engine Management

68 Ignition Systems

69 Onboard Diagnosis II

70 CarTrain Motronic 2.8

71 CarTrain Direct Fuel Injection

72 Functional Engine

73 Cut-away Models
The Internal Combustion Engine –
The Spark of an Idea
The success of the internal combustion engine dates from 1876, when Nikolaus August Otto was looking for
a powerful engine which had potential for further development. The engine he devised was to become the
basis for a whole raft of developments continuing until the present day.

Thanks to its tremendous potential, the four-stroke engine • Fundamental knowledge of ignition systems
mobilised industry as a whole, leading to huge amounts of
• Diagnostics using OBD
competition, which the development of the internal combustion
engine continues to drive till this day. The result was the most • Troubleshooting using conventional measuring instruments
powerful types of engine in existence. Much time has been • Optimisation of ignition timing data and other parameters of
inves­ted, particularly with regards to air-fuel mix and ignition. engine management systems
The early mechanical systems developments have now led to the
directly injected high-performance engines of today with their Lucas-Nülle’s range of training system products in the area of
electronic ignition and electronic control of fuel mix. four-stroke internal combustion engines allows students to
follow a learning curve which best suits them. For introduc­
The number of sensors and actuators has also multiplied accord­ tory purposes, the UniTrain-I courses are to be recommended.
ingly. In order to improve the efficiency of engines, multiple They convey the fundamentals to trainees and allow them to
systems have been invented to optimise the fuel feed. Multiple gain their initial practical experience by conducting a variety
valve technology was only the start of this. The potential for the of experiments. Building upon this, the CarTrain courses look
optimisation of internal combustion engines remains unfulfilled at the engine management system as a whole. There are two
even now. separate training systems covering indirectly injected (Motronic
More than 130 years since Nikolaus Otto created his engine, 2.8) and directly injected (MED) engines. Both systems exhibit a
it can be said with certainty that he achieved his aims and his perfect symbiosis between authentic vehicle technology and
invention has indeed lived up to its potential for development. educational content, allowing the knowledge gained to
be applied instantly to real vehicles.
Due to the complexity of this subject Lucas-Nülle offers trainees
a wide range of training systems. Apart from detailed investiga-
tion of complete engine management systems, key sub-systems
and critical functions are also given special attention.

The following are among the training contents

that trainees can master:

• Understanding engine management systems

• Fundamental knowledge of sensor tech­

Ignition Systems CarTrain Engine Management

The final step is to let trainees works on real engines, real ve­hicles.
This is achieved by means of several fully functional engines
and training vehicles, allowing them to troubleshoot for faults
as they would in a real repair garage. A break-out box or fault
activation box also provides a simple way to create authentic
training situations

Lucas-Nülle training systems allow the topic of petrol engines to

be covered in all aspects and create a learning platform which
meets all the demands of the subject. In addition, you have the
chance on specific areas of the topic and to explain them in
quality fashion.

OBD II – On-board Diagnostics

Petrol Engines

Petrol Engines

Sensors in the Motor Vehicle

In modern motor vehicles more and more components are being Trainees should be able to grasp how this process works and the
monitored and controlled electronically. Sensors have several effects different sensor stimuli have on these signals. Our system
jobs to do, including the detecting of physical data and convert­ allows students and trainees to learn and analyse the most
ing this information into electrical signals which can then be essential aspects of this process.
processed by control units.

Recording Characteristics
with the PC

Training contents
• Physical principles of sensors: induction, Hall effect, piezo effect
• Understanding the function of sensors involved in engine control
• Comprehending inductive and Hall speed sensors and their function
• Throttle valve position measurement: throttle valve switch and potentiometer
• Air-flow measurement with hot-wire and hot-film sensors
• Pressure measurement in intake manifold
• Detection of shock waves with the knock sensor
• Temperature measurement with NTC and PTC sensors

66 UniTrain-I course SO4204-7F

Petrol Engines

Sensor Technology in Engine Management

This training system from the “Compact” product family permits diagnostics and repair work in the area of engine management –
hands-on experimentation and demonstrations using a variety of just the way it is required on the job.
engine-management and chassis sensors. The system’s practical
design makes for highly realistic training. The students perform

Training contents
• Understand how typical sensors operate
• Conduct typical electrical measurements on various engine management sensors
• Develop skills in interpreting and using circuit diagrams
• Build up diagnostic skills
• Plan and implement typical diagnostic strategies
• Conduct typical electrical measurements on various chassis sensors

SO3230-3A equipment set 67

Petrol Engines

Petrol Engines

Ignition Systems
To ignite the air-fuel mixture, combustion engines have always early on and can use the UniTrain-I system to learn on their own
needed an ignition system. Nowadays such ignition systems have and at their own speed how the ignition system is designed,
become extremely complex and precise in order to comply with what can go wrong and how this can be identified. Trainees also
emission standards while at the same time enabling modern learn to carry out diagnostics and maintenance in the area of
combustion engines to unleash their tremendous power. With engine management.
our training system the trainees come to grips with these topics

Training contents
• Observe how the ignition spark is generated
• Learn about ignition timing (mechanical and map-based)
• Conventional ignition system and dual-spark ignition systems are introduced
• Transistorized ignition systems with Hall and inductive sensors
• Become acquainted with the electronic ignition system
• Learn how to record and evaluate ignition oscillographs
• Find out the basics of static and rotary high-voltage distribution

68 UniTrain-I course SO4204-7C

Petrol Engines

Onboard Diagnosis II
This course demonstrates how to read out emission data parameters on their own to see how these settings affect the
with the help of the onboard diagnosis unit (OBD II or EOBD), tester. They also have the opportunity to tap the CAN transmis-
interpret the data and use the results as a basis for eliminating sion signal to display it on the oscilloscope.
systemic faults. Students have the possibility to adjust various

Training contents
• The system permits the diagnosis of emission-relevant systems
• Systematic development of troubleshooting and diagnostic strategies
• Working with test devices
• Planning fault localization and repair measures
• Evaluating and documenting test results

CO3216-1Z equipment set 69

Petrol Engines

Petrol Engines

CarTrain Motronic 2.8

The motronic system unites in one control unit the engine sensor signals. Different driving conditions can be reproduced
management’s entire electronics (air-fuel mixture and ignition). and analysed. All sensors and actuators of the engine manage-
Motronic 2.8 is a multi-point injection system in which each cy- ment system are original, fully functional components.
linder has its own injection valve. The actuators contained in this
training system are controlled as a function of corresponding

Training contents
• Understand how the engine management system works
• Function and operation of the relevant control loops
• Design and operating principles of the sensors and actuators
• Interpretation and application of circuit diagrams
• Conducting hands-on measurements on engine management components
• Fault memory read-out
• Measuring and testing electrical, electronic, hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic variables
• Engine management system settings
• Expert systems and remote diagnostics

70 CO3221-6F equipment set

Petrol Engines

CarTrain Direct Fuel Injection

The MED direct fuel injection system with turbo charger The training system is designed to perform actuator control as a
combines the entire engine control system (air-fuel mixture and function of corresponding sensor signals. Different driving
ignition) in one single control unit. The MED direct fuel injection conditions can be reproduced and understood. The sensors and
with turbo charger is a multi-point injection system meaning that actuators used in the engine management system are original,
each cylinder is equipped with its own injection valve. fully-operational components.

Training contents
• Understand how the engine management system works
• Grasp how the control loops in the system operate
• Learn about the design and function of sensors and actuators
• Learn how to interpret and use circuit diagrams
• Conduct practical, hands-on measurements on the engine management components
• Read out fault memory
• Measure and test electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic variables
• Adjust engine management system parameters
• Learn to use expert systems and remote diagnostics

CO3221-6G equipment set 71

Petrol Engines

Petrol Engines

Functional Engine
Standard commercial diagnostic testers can be used to read out veloped. Many different instructional situations can be prod­uced
the functional engine’s error memory via the OBD terminal in using this system. Accordingly the trainee can work through a
order to perform typical automotive diagnoses. As in real life, customer order during a project in which the motor vehicle is
all signals can be tapped from the cable harness or the plug prepared for servicing and the prescribed check-up and testing
connectors. A switch can be used to easily simulate typical conditions are set up. You identify the motor vehicle using
electrical faults on the engine. In addition to short set-up times technical information systems and record the manufacturer and
and solid training units the trainee also achieves more than just customer data. Finally the system is checked for errors during
collecting abstract knowledge – real hands-on work skills are de- troubleshooting.

Example of a functional engine. Additional models and information can be obtained from your sales partner!

Benefits to you
• Authentic engine adapted for educational needs
• Fault memory can be read out via OBD interface
• Realistic measurements on cable harness and plugs
• High standard of safety
• Typical electrical faults in engine management system can be activated via switches
• A single system providing a variety of learning scenarios (work for customers, troubleshooting, servicing, etc.)

Petrol Engines

Cut-away Models

In order to organise training as practically as possible the LN to sensor and actuator signals. To simulate typical workshop
cut-away motor vehicle has been specially modified didactically situations, malfunctions can be fed into the system by means of
for training purposes. All important components have been con- a hidden fault switching box.
figured accessibly in order to permit direct measurement access

Example of a cut-away model. Even more models and information available from your sales partner!

Benefits to you
• Practice-oriented training with original vehicles and components
• All components are fully functional
• Interpreting technical documentation
• Simulating malfunctions
• Conducting direct measurements on the motor vehicle/engine without assembly or disassembly
• Conducting measurements on all systems with the engine running
• Examination of electrical and mechanical components

Diesel Engines

78 Common Rail Diesel Injection System

79 CarTrain Common Rail

80 CarTrain Common Rail with Variable Geometry


81 Changing Timing Belts

82 High-speed Glow Heating Systems

83 Working Engines
Diesel Engines – Powerful and Efficient
Other than Otto’s four-stroke engine, the diesel engine, developed by Rudolf Diesel in 1892, is the most im-
portant type of engine used to power all kinds of vehicles nowadays. Thanks to their superior efficiency, high
torque and low revs, diesel engines have long become established for all types of vehicles. Ongoing develop-
ment has also made them both quiet and clean.

Diesel engines are characterised by their direct injection and Lucas-Nülle’s range of training system products in the area
unaided ignition. The power of such engines is not regulated of diesel engines allows students to follow a learning curve
by the volume of air but by the injected fuel. This is sometimes which best suits them. For introductory purposes, the UniTrain-I
called quality management. A diesel motor usually operates with courses are to be recommended. They convey the fundamen-
a lean fuel mixture. Developments over recent years have meant tals to trainees and allow them to gain their initial practical
that normally aspirated diesel engines are largely obsolete. Mod­ experience by conducting the variety of experiments. Building
ern engines are usually supercharged by means of an exhaust upon this, the CarTrain courses explore the common rail engine
gas turbocharger in order to achieve optimum fuel supply. management system as a whole. Both systems exhibit a perfect
symbiosis between authentic vehicle technology and educational
Apart from a detailed look at a complete common rail system,
content, allowing the knowledge gained to be applied instantly
various other important sub-systems or special functions are also
to real vehicles.
paid special attention.
The final step is to let trainees works on real engines, real vehi-
The following are among the training contents that trainees can
cles. This is achieved by means of several fully functional engines
and training vehicles, allowing them to troubleshoot for faults
• Understanding common rail engine management systems as they would in a real repair garage. A break-out box or fault
• Fundamental knowledge of sensor technology activation panel also provides a simple way to create authentic
training situations.
• Fundamental knowledge of fuel-injection systems

• Diagnostics using OBD

• Troubleshooting using conventional measuring instruments

Functional Engine and Cutaway Model Common Rail

Lucas-Nülle training systems allow the topic of diesel engines to

be covered in all aspects and create a learning platform which
meets all the demands of the subject.

Lucas-Nülle training systems map out in optimum fashion the

entire learning starting from the fundamentals and finishing
with genuine vehicles.

Three-phase Generator (Alternator)

Diesel Engines

Diesel Engines

Common Rail Diesel Injection System

What goes into making a diesel engine run “smoothly“? How trainee to learn about injection pressures, processes and air-fuel
can engines be designed to lower exhaust gas emissions? The quantities in a self-controlled learning process. Covering the
fact that everything is just a question of the injection system entire spectrum of systems available on the market the trainees
makes this field all the more exciting. This topic is made easier are able to switch between the various injector types and thus
to comprehend using our training system which empowers the gain an overview of the entire topic.

Piezo technology with up to

seven injection cycles

Training contents
• Requirements to be met by diesel injection systems
• Introduction to various designs
• Design and functionality of a common rail system
• Fault localization on a common rail system
• Injection characteristics of common rail systems and
piezo injectors (with up to seven injection cycles)
• Investigation of the fuel system and differentiation between low- and high-pressure circuits
• Understand the process of electrical tests of injectors
• Examination of a common rail system’s hydraulics

78 UniTrain-I course SO4204-6X

Diesel Engines

CarTrain Common Rail

The common rail engine management system combines the sible to reproduce and understand different driving conditions.
entire engine control electronics into a single control unit. The The sensors and actuators used in the engine management
training system is designed to perform actuator control as a system are genuine, fully-operational components.
function of the corresponding sensor signals. This makes it pos-

Training contents
• Understand how the engine management system works
• Grasp how the control loops in the system operate
• Learn about the design and function of sensors and actuators
• Learn how to interpret and use circuit diagrams
• Conduct practical, hands-on measurements on the engine management components
• Read out fault memory
• Measure and test electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic variables
• Adjust engine management system parameters
• Learn to use expert systems and remote diagnostics

CO3221-6E equipment set 79

Diesel Engines

Diesel Engines

CarTrain Common Rail with Variable Geometry Turbocharger

This combination of a common rail engine management system All the sensors and actuators can be investigated and assessed
with a variable geometry turbocharger illustrates the fascinating by means of a wide range of measurements. The built-in fault
topic of charge optimisation in a modern fuel injection system. ­simulation feature facilitates training focussed on hands-on skills.

Training contents
• How engine management systems work • Measuring and testing electrical, electronic, hydraulic,
• How the control loops making up the system function ­mechanical and pneumatic variables

• Design and operating principles for sensors and actuators • Adjustment of management systems

• Interpretation and use of circuit diagrams • Expert systems and remote diagnostics

• Authentic practical measurements on engine management

• Reading out fault memory

80 CO3221-6J equipment set

Diesel Engines

Changing Timing Belts in Overhead Camshaft Engines

Changing timing belts is one of the key jobs to be carried out sitions of the cams with respect to the crankshaft. This training
when servicing vehicles with overhead camshafts. It is especially system teaches you the best and safest way to change a timing
vital to maintain valve timing accurately and not to alter the po- belt.

Training contents
• Changing timing belts
• Information for servicing systems subject to wear and tear
• Engine management
• Purpose of the pulleys
• Setting the correct tension in the belt
• Interaction between crankshaft and the valves
• Correct tightening torque for bolts

CO3221-9D equipment set 81

Diesel Engines

Diesel Engines

High-Speed Glow Heating Systems

A wide variety of glow plugs are used in diesel engines. One modulation, which results in a voltage of close to 12 V during
very important distinguishing feature is the operating voltage of starting but 5 V during normal operation. Glow plugs controlled
the plugs. Glow plug systems are conventionally powered using in this way are known as low-voltage plugs.
12 V. Modern systems, though, are controlled using pulse-width

Training contents
• Necessity for starting aids
• System components in a heater (glow) plug system
• Heater (glow) plugs
• Heater (glow) plug controller
• Pre-heating, pre-start heating, start heating
• Afterheating, intermediate heating
• Measuring voltage with an oscilloscope

82 ATS 1 equipment set

Diesel Engines

Working Engines and Cut-away Models for Diesels

Decide for yourself whether you just need a fully functioning en- fault simulation capabilities and signals can be measured with
gine or even a fully set-up vehicle. All systems are manufactured the help of break-out boxes. Original workshop documentation
to the highest safety standards, in such a way that there is no is supplied with all systems.
immediate access to any rotating parts. Any components which
may get hot are also covered. All systems can be equipped with Contact us for more information.

Example of a fully functional engine. Your dealer can supply you with additional
models or information.

Benefits to you
• Practical training using original vehicles/components
• All components are fully functional
• Self-diagnosis and acquisition of operational data
• Simulation of malfunctions
• Direct measurements on vehicle/engine without the need for disassembly
• Measurements on all systems can be made while the engine is running
• Investigation of electrical and mechanical components

Alternative Drives

88 DC /AC Conversion

89 Hybrid Drive in Motor Vehicles

90 CarTrain Electromobility

91 Charging Station for Electric Vehicles

92 Fuel Cells

93 Photovoltaics
Alternative Drive Systems –
Electrically Charged Mobility
E-mobility constitutes one of the most innovative and trail-blazing sectors of automotive technology.
Aspects such as the exhaustion of fossil fuels and global climate change have brought the topic to the fore-
front of public opinion. Research developments have advanced to the point where the global market break­
through for electrically powered vehicles is inevitable in the very near future.

Current developments are showing that politicians as well as • How to correctly activate a high-voltage vehicle
vehicle manufacturers have seen the signs of the times and
• Troubleshooting high-voltage vehicles
authorisation of electric vehicles is increasing throughout the
globe. • How to specifically handle fuel cells

At the same time, such developments are opening up the need • How to specifically handle solar cells
for mechanics specifically trained in this new and challenging With regard to this topic, too, the UniTrain-I course once again
technology. With electric power, electrical engineering and elec- provides theoretical background and explains in simple and easi-
tronics will finally be the overwhelming aspect in vehicles. ly understood fashion how a three-phase engine works.
In order to ensure that tomorrow’s mechanics are best pre­ By means of a host of experiments, trainees can gain knowledge
pared for this new set of demands, Lucas-Nülle has developed of the individual components (rectifier, inverter, motor) as well
a training system which sets new standards for functionality, as the differences between synchronous and asynchronous
educational suitability and user friendliness. In combination with motors.
our other products in the area of “alternative drives”, it is now
possible to convey a broad spectrum of training content such as The famed training systems from the CarTrain range build upon
that contained in the following list: these fundamentals. Utilising a maximum of interaction and a
brilliantly designed user interface, trainees can learn under au-
• Knowledge of different designs for intrinsically safe high- thentic conditions found in practice about the individual
voltage systems plus how they work types of hybrid engine and their operating modes.
• How to work safely with high-voltage systems plus knowledge
of the potential hazards

• Knowledge of safety concepts integrated into vehicles

• How to charge a vehicle from a charging station

Working with High-voltage Vehicles Fundamentals of AC Power Generation

The prescribed procedure for activating a high-voltage vehicle

is also described along with how troubleshooting is undertaken
in practice. The full content of the training is completed by in-
depth information about the technology and about safety in the

Other UniTrain-I training systems on the subjects of “photovol-

taics” and “solar cells” give an insight into some alternatives
to internal combustion engines in a serial hybrid system. This
means that Lucas-Nülle is making available a complete educa-
tional concept for the teaching of “alternative drives” which
covers the whole arena of e-mobility and leaves nothing else to
be desired.

Solar Cell Technology

Alternative Drives

Alternative Drives

DC/AC Conversion
Electric energy is tapped at the car battery in the form of DC The knowledge acquired in the theoretical section is then verified
voltage and is then applied as a DC current. However, in modern empirically by means of experiment. All of the components need-
electrical drives an AC voltage is needed with an approximate si- ed for the experiment are arranged on a single printed circuit
nusoidal alternating current. In this course the generation of AC board. In knowledge tests the student’s progress is checked and
voltage and currents is described and demonstrated in a simple thus the most important aspects of DC/AC conversion are effect­
and graphic fashion. ively learned in the fastest possible time.

Training contents
• Ohm’s law
• PWM modulation
• Generation of half-wave sinusoidal current
• Generation of a negative voltage
• Alternating voltage and alternating current
• Magnetic fields permeating a coil
• The rotating electrical field

88 UniTrain-I course SO4204-6L

Alternative Drives

Hybrid Drive in Motor Vehicles

Hybrid drives are essentially meant to meet three objectives: save of individual components, carry out testing on systems and do
fuel, reduce emissions, and increase torque/power. Different repair work on original motor vehicle parts. In the course of
hybrid concepts can be employed depending on the required measurements and experiments the students acquire practical
application. With our system trainees can learn on their own the know-how for every day on the job and vocational training.
most important technical fundamentals of hybrid drives. Based
on job orders and fault descriptions students plan diagnostics

Training contents
• Benefits of hybrid systems • Fundamentals of frequency converters
• Serial hybrid system • Three-phase voltage supply
• Parallel hybrid system • Measuring
• Combined hybrids - DC voltage
• Design of electrical machines - AC voltage
- Asynchronous machines - Three-phase AC voltage
- Synchronous machines • Investigation of energy and power flows
• Fundamentals of inverters • Onboard power supply of hybrid vehicles
- Converters

UniTrain-I course SO4204-6V 89

Alternative Drives

Alternative Drives

CarTrain Electromobility
When we think about the future of our planet the development Hybrid motor vehicles and electric cars are not just a future
and production of vehicles equipped with hybrid drives is a consideration, but in fact the auto industry has already made
logical and necessary step. Lower emissions and less fuel them available on the market. The only rational diagnostic
consumption are benchmarks for future generations of modern strategy available for these vehicles presupposes the necessary
automobiles. Such measures ensure that the fundamentals system understanding.
necessary for life are sustained while quality of life improves.

Touchscreen Using Interactive

Operator Guidance

Training contents
• Use of HV systems in motor vehicles • How electrical machines function
• Smart grid - Inverters
• Vehicle to grid - Switching possibilities of three-phase motors
• Drive concepts in HV vehicles • Work safety
• Energy flows in HV systems • Design of electrical machines
• Onboard power supply of HV vehicles • Asynchronous machines
• Practical, hands-on procedures in the repair shop • Synchronous machines
• Electromagnetic compatibility

90 CO3221-6K equipment set

Alternative Drives

Charging Station for Electric Vehicles

An electric vehicle can be connected to a smart grid by means of original components and can be used to charge real vehicles as
an intelligent charging station. A controller detects the vehicle well as CarTrain systems.
and charges it up in optimum fashion. The training system uses

Benefits to you
• Charging high-voltage electric vehicles
• Training system designed for educational purposes
• Can be connected to CarTrain electromobility system
• Remote control via smart grid
• Learn and comprehend the communication between vehicle and charging station
• Function of CP and PP contacts

CO3301-6A equipment set 91

Alternative Drives

Alternative Drives

Fuel Cells
Motorized vehicles (cars, trucks) produce large quantities of CO2. here. In this training system students get to know and under-
Despite considerable advancements, the internal combustion stand this fascinating technology. One interesting drive concept
engine still has very high CO2 emission levels. It is therefore no involves the use of electrical drive motors in conjunction with a
surprise that engineers are seeking alternative drive concepts fuel cell.

Training contents
• Fuel cell application in the motor vehicle • Properties of fuel cells
• Function of a fuel cell • Recording characteristics
• Design of a fuel cell • Efficiency of a fuel cell
• Fundamentals of the chemical process

92 UniTrain-I course SO4204-6M

Alternative Drives

The term photovoltaics means a direct conversion of sunlight interior in extremely bright sunshine. With our UniTrain-I Photo-
into electrical energy by means of solar cells. The energy ob- voltaics System students very quickly grasp the fundamentals of
tained in this manner can be supplied to ancillary consumers this technology.
to enhance driving comfort, e.g. to additionally cool a vehicle’s

With battery

Training contents
• Use of a photovoltaic system on a motor vehicle • Series-connected photovoltaic cells
• Design of a photovoltaic cell • Parallel-connected photovoltaic cells
• Open-circuit voltage • Direct operation
• Short-circuit current • Storage operation
• V-I characteristic
• Power of a photovoltaic cell

UniTrain-I course SO4204-6N 93

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

98 Student/Teacher Measuring Stations

100 Snap-on SOLUS PRO

101 Snap-on MODIS

102 Multiscan

103 CAN/LIN Monitor

104 High-voltage Instrumentation

104 Common Rail Diagnostics Set – High Pressure

105 Common Rail Diagnostics Set – Low Pressure

105 Vehicle Diagnostics Case

Diagnostics and Measuring Techniques –
Indispensable Aids to Troubleshooting
In order to successfully diagnose faults in motor vehicles, which are becoming more and more complex from
year to year, it is not only necessary to have a broad knowledge of automotive technology, you also need the
right set of measuring equipment and diagnostic tools not only to make a diagnosis possible at all, but to
achieve it with an efficient use of time. Even though a vehicle may initially appear to be easy to understand,
a look under bonnet quickly shows its multi-layered complexity.

It is clear in this respect that a motor vehicle represents the caution with this, since not all faults are necessarily registered
symbiosis of multiple areas of study. This is where information in the memory. Apart from faults in the exhaust system, which
technology meets engine mechanics. There are any number of are defined and legally required to be detected, every manufac-
liquids and oils derived from the area of chemistry which act as turer specifies what particular set of faults are detected by their
the life-blood of the vehicle. The design of the chassis is key to system.
its driving characteristics. Complex open and closed-loop control
This is why Lucas-Nülle offers its customers a range of high-
systems in the engine management make sure that the vehicle
qual­ity and user-friendly workshop equipment, which has
moves efficiently and the multitude of electrical aids and com-
already been proven in day-to-day practice at service garages.
fort systems make sure it does so safely and enjoyably.
Whether you are looking for an easy-to-use digital oscilloscope
Faults and malfunctions can occur in any of these systems, or a practical test lamp, you can get it from us. We also provide
meaning that a servicing garage must offer a wide range of a selection of diagnostic testers with of variety of functionality
diagnostic skills. Due to the degree of electrification in modern for on-board diagnosis. We would be happy to advise you indivi-
vehicles, this is no longer possible without suitable equipment dually which piece of equipment is best for your needs.
being available at the workshop.

A key role is played by the vehicle’s own diagnostic systems,

which monitors a host of vehicle sub-systems. Communicating
with this by means of a diagnostic tester with an appropriate
interface allows for up-to-date monitoring of parameters and
reading out the fault memory. In many cases, this can make
troubleshooting vastly easier. However, it is worth advising
Diagnosing Engine Management Systems Reading Fault Memory

Measurements to check Absence of Voltage

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Student / Teacher Measuring Stations

Many a teacher would wish for highly flexible, safe student/ The new Lucas-Nülle student/teacher measuring stations allow
teacher measuring stations which can be networked together. teachers to transmit high-voltage signals from their own stations
Lucas-Nülle have therefore developed a system which allows at any time. Signals are automatically converted for each student
for students to receive identical signals to those being read by and output at lower voltage to the students’ measuring stations.
their teacher. The signals can be transmitted from a system such Curves of the signals, however, are displayed exactly as if there
as CarTrain or from an actual vehicle. This is because the new were indeed a high voltage present. This allows students to
system can be connected to any electronic system, including understand the typical features of high-voltage signals without
other Lucas-Nülle training systems from topic areas other than being subjected to any safety hazards.
automotive technology.


1. Training system with signal generation 2. Teacher station interface 3. Student stations

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Student / Teacher Measuring Stations

The teacher measuring station includes a gateway which allows other, quite essential benefit for teachers is that faults or breaks
a variety of CAN bus signals to be fed in. This topic, which is at individual student stations are displayed along with the
crucial to diagnostics and testing, can therefore be taught highly number of the station in question. This allows teachers or
efficiently with the help of the student/teacher measuring training personnel to immediately identify the break and
stations. The last interface in a system has a terminating resistor respond to it. This cuts down on lost lesson time and also
switched in so that automatic bus determination is possible. One encourages successful learning.

Benefits to you
• For universal use in all training classes
• Transmission of both analog and digital signals
• Signal inputs up to +/-500 V / signal outputs up to +/-15 V
• Accurate transmission of signals
• Ease of assembly and disassembly
• Digital display for diagnosing circuit breaks
• Faults do not affect the rest of the system
• Ease of networking in the lab by means of Ethernet cables

CO3221-7A and CO3221-7B equipment set 99

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Diagnostics and Instrumentation


Using the Solus Pro you can read out all of the vehicle data of comparisons between different parameters.
every single manufacturer. The graphic display simplifies making

Benefits to you
• Large 6.2“ display • Adapter cable for
• Rapid communication setup - 11 OBD-I plugs
- OBD-II adapter
• Windows CE operating system
• Error code display in plain language
• Freeze frame function for rapid and easy diagnosis
• Graphic display of all data
• USB connection to PC
• CAN bus support

100 LM8261 equipment set

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Snap-on MODIS
This is the latest generation of diagnostics systems with multiple tions and provides a wide range of testing possibilities. In
applications. It is based on a modular diagnostic concept and addition to a four-channel oscilloscope the Modis offers an
includes very high manufacturer coverage and enormous testing additional VGA output. Consequently this diagnostics unit can
depth. Before you have to replace the control unit this device is be connected directly to a projector making it an unbeatable
capable of localizing sporadically occurring faults and malfunc- highlight for any type of instruction.

Benefits to you
• Lightweight device, easy to handle on the job, simple to operate
• No subscription obligation, no disabling of device after 2 years
• Fully functional, high-performance diagnostics tool: fast lab and ignition scope, error code scanner, troubleshooting module
and multimeter all in one device
• All cable sets are included in the scope of delivery
• Rapid diagnosis: quick vehicle selection, short communication set-up with control unit
• Very high manufacturer coverage and data depth of individual vehicle makes
• Stores measurement value sequences/data film; simplifies discovery and analysis of sporadic faults

LM8255 equipment set 101

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

VAG-COM is a Windows-based program for complete profes- click of a mouse. The controllers can also be selected by directly
sional diagnostics on all vehicles made by the VAG Group (VW, entering their addresses. The addresses used are identical to
Audi, SEAT and Skoda). It provides almost all the functionality those utilised by VAG’s own diagnostic testers. The system
supported by VAG’s own proprietary diagnostic testers VAS comprises an AI Multiscan USB diagnostics adapter with CAN
5051 and VAS 5052. A graphic user interface provides access to functionality and the diagnostics program VCDS/VAG-COM in
all controllers (16-bit addresses) included in VAG vehicles at the both German and English.

Benefits to you
• Full support for complete VAG diagnostic functionality via VAG-COM
• Access to all diagnostic interfaces and protocols for VAG proprietary and OBD2 diagnostics
(ISO9141, VPW, PWM, KWP1281, KWP2000, CAN)
• With USB port and support for CAN
• Built-in dongle function for VAG-COM
• Built-in self-activation function
• Automatic baud rate detection

102 LM8250 equipment set

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

CAN / LIN Monitor
The CAN/LIN monitor allows bus protocols on a CAN bus, LIN bus or any serial bus to be recorded and investigated.

Benefits to you
• Visual display of bus protocol structure • Displays
• Option for displaying in binary or hexadecimal code format - identifier
• Recording of bus packets - data length
- period
• Transmission of bus packets
• User-configurable graphic interface
• Suitable for student experiments and demonstrations
• Simple to put into operation

SO2000-2A equipment set 103

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

High-voltage Instrumentation
This flexible measurement system permits rapid, safe and simple
diagnosis of high-voltage motor vehicles. Here emphasis is on
maximum protection for personal safety and the motor vehicle.
Benefits to you
• Flexible system for simple integration into the testing and
diagnostics platform
• Adaptable interface to log test procedure and record
• Multimeter up to 1000 V
• HV insulation resistance measurement
- Test voltage up to 1000 V
- Voltage according to SAE J1766
• Simple operation
- Even includes HV protective clothing
• Calibration certificate in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9002
• Self-testing
• Test current max. 1 mA
• Automatic disabling of test voltage in the event of a fault
or physical contact

Common Rail Diagnostics Set – LM8251 equipment set

High-pressure Injector Testing Using Circulation Method
The portable diagnostics set allows common rail high-pressure
injectors to be tested while the engine is running.
All common rail systems in widespread use can be connected to
Training contents
the diagnostics set by means of original connectors. Fuel return • Understanding how common rail technology works
(leakage), fuel pressure and temperature of the fuel return can • Testing high-pressure injectors using feed and return
all be constantly measured during the diagnostic testing. (leakage testing) methods
• Diagnosis and maintenance of engine management
• Enhancement of diagnostic skills
• Measurements on common rail systems
• How rail pressure control works

104 LM8232 equipment set

Diagnostics and Instrumentation

Common Rail Diagnostics Set –

Testing of Low-pressure Circuits
Pressure readings in the feed and return lines of various systems
need to match the manufacturers’ specifications. In order to iden-
tify problems and maintain fault-free operation, it is necessary to Training contents
test the low-pressure circuit. This can identify air bubbles and dirt • Introduction to common rail low-pressure systems
in the fuel system. • Understanding how common rail technology works
• Diagnosis and maintenance of engine management
• Enhancement of diagnostic skills
• How automatic rail pressure control works
• Measurements on common rail systems

LM8233 equipment set

Vehicle Diagnostics Case

The diagnostics case is a development which meets the needs of
vehicle manufacturers, garages, servicing and training centres.
It provides contact capabilities to match all the plug connec-
Benefits to you
tors being used in the automotive industry. Reliable contacts • High-quality, comprehensive service case for diagnostics
for diagnostics and troubleshooting in vehicles allow optimum and troubleshooting in vehicles
measurement and test results to be achieved quickly and easily. • Built-in universal lab multimeter
• Reliable connectors for the most common plug
­connectors used in vehicles
• Flexible, heat-resistant adapter leads
• Steel needle-form miniature spring test probes, especially
suitable for enclosed plugs

LM8243 equipment set 105

Training Workshop

A good education needs the best theoretical lab as well as

a modern training workshop. To meet your own individual
needs, we work together with well respected partners.
Simply contact us if you require a custom estimate for the
equipping of your workshop.
Essential Product Benefits

… Ensure Long-term Customer Satisfaction

Bernd Klein, instructor at the Nikolaus-August-Otto vocational school, regularly uses Lucas-Nülle’s automotive training

systems in his lessons.

Having worked with Lucas-Nülle for many years now, we are satisfied with their self-learning concepts. Our trainees are especially keen
to use software-based training systems.

Also very popular with instructors here are the robust lighting and signalling units.

In general, Lucas-Nülle’s training systems make instruction at vocational schools much more practical.


The Whole is Greater

than the Sum of its Parts

Individual Consultation with Lucas-Nülle

Do you require comprehensive advice or a firm offer?

Then you can contact us using any of the following means:

Tel.: +49 2273 567-0
Fax: +49 2273 567-39
E-Mail: [email protected]

Lucas-Nülle is a byword for custom occupational training courses in all of the following areas:

Electrical Wiring Electropneumatics and Hydraulics

Measurement and Instrumentation

Electrical Power Supply Technology

Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

Renewable Energies

Power Electronics, Electrical Machines,

Drive Technology

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Automation

and Electronics

Communications Technology Automotive Technology

Control Technology Laboratory Systems

Ask us for detailed information using any of the given methods of contact.

Our employees will be happy to advise you.

Further information on our products can be found at the following web address:

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Subject to technical alterations.
Ref. No.: K-A0-1115-GB
Automotive Engineering
Lucas-Nülle GmbH
Siemensstraße 2 · D-50170 Kerpen-Sindorf
Telephone: +49 2273 567-0 · Fax: +49 2273 567-69 · [email protected]
Automotive Technology

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