Work, Social Support and Leisure Protect The Elderly From Functional Loss EPIDOSO Study PDF
Work, Social Support and Leisure Protect The Elderly From Functional Loss EPIDOSO Study PDF
Work, Social Support and Leisure Protect The Elderly From Functional Loss EPIDOSO Study PDF
Eleonora d’OrsiI
Work, social support and
André Junqueira XavierII
Curso de Medicina. Universidade do Sul de DESCRIPTORS: Aged. Activities of Daily Living. Leisure Activities.
Santa Catarina. Palhoça, SC, Brasil
Social Support. Personal Autonomy. Socioeconomic Factors. Cohort
Departamento de Medicina Preventiva. Studies.
Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São
Paulo, SP, Brasil
Eleonora d’Orsi INTRODUCTION
Departamento de Saúde Pública
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Functional capacity involves multiple factors such as autonomy, independence,
Campus Universitário Trindade
88037-404 Florianópolis, SC, Brasil cognition, financial and social support. In practice, professionals work with the
E-mail: [email protected] concept of capacity versus incapacity. Functional incapacity can be defined by
the degree of difficulty in performing activities of daily living (ADL).19 In the
Received: 9/11/2010
Approved: 2/6/2011
study called EPIDOSO (Epidemiology of the Elderly) and in others,7,16,17,18,19
functional capacity is measured through ADL scales. The questions approach
Article available from: basic activities for body or personal maintenance (PADL), like bathing, dressing,
2 Work, social support and leisure against functional loss d’Orsi E et al
going to the toilet in time, getting in/out of bed, getting conducted in 1991-1992, the second in 1994-1995, the
up from a chair, feeding oneself, grooming, cutting third in 1998-1999, and the fourth in 2000-2001.
toenails, climbing a flight of stairs and walking on a
level surface; and activities to live independently in The home interviews used the Brazilian
the community or instrumental activities (IADL), like Multidimensional Function Assessment Questionnaire
preparing meals, shopping, taking a bus, walking to a (BOMFAQ), adapted from the questionnaire Older
place near home, taking medications on the right time Americans Resources and Services (OARS), which
and cleaning the house. has been utilized in cross-sectional studies with elderly
people living in São Paulo.17 The instrument collected
Risk factors for mortality in elderly people are well information on socioeconomic and demographic
established in the literature. International and national characteristics, informal support (not provided by the
studies identify functional incapacity as one of the main government or specialized institutions), independence
predictive factors of mortality in the elderly,4,6,12,16 and level in the ADL, chronic diseases, mental health,
its effect is more important than cognitive status.6, 16
cognition, and self-rated health. The BOMFAQ func-
In a study with people aged 85 years or older, func-
tional capacity questionnaire includes eight questions
tional incapacity was a better predictor of mortality
related to the ADL: getting in/out of bed, eating,
in elderly individuals than pathologies.4 There is a
grooming, walking on a level surface, bathing, dressing,
well-established link between functional incapacity
going to the toilet in time, and climbing a flight of stairs;
and mortality. What would be the preceding link, to
prevent incapacity? and seven questions related to IADL: taking medica-
tions on time, walking near home, shopping, preparing
Verbrugge & Jette23 (1994) propose a theoretical model meals, cutting toenails, taking a collective means of
of the process of becoming incapable, considering three transport, and cleaning the house, totaling 15 questions.
aspects: (i) predisposing factors (sociodemographic
characteristics); (ii) intra-individual factors (lifestyle, The participants in the first interview (1991-1992) who
morbidities, self-rated health, behavior changes, were independent or had mild dependence (1 or 2 ADL/
manners of dealing with difficulties, with diseases IADL) were selected. Functional loss was defined as
and with modifications in activities that can affect the dependence in seven or more ADL/IADL. Those who
incapacity process); and (iii) extra-individual factors presented functional loss in the second (1994-1995)
(interventions of the health and rehabilitation services, or third interviews (1998-1999) were identified and
use of medicines, external supports and physical and compared to those who had not presented it up to
social environment). that time.
National cross-sectional studies have examined the The dependent variable was functional loss in the
possible factors associated with functional inca- second or third interviews. The independent variables
pacity.1,3,5,7,11,14,19,20 The identification of these factors tested were: sociodemographic (sex, age group, marital
can subsidize health interventions to increase the status, race/color, level of schooling, paid work), life
survival time free of disabilities. This paper aimed habits (physical and sexual activity), probable cogni-
to identify risk factors for functional capacity loss in tive deficit (score in the mini-mental state examination
elderly people. <24), self-reported morbidity (hypertension, asthma,
diabetes, cerebrovascular accident, urinary incon-
METHODS tinence, insomnia, cataract), falls, hospitalization,
tooth loss, self-rated health, social support (monthly
The research used data from a population-based cohort relationship with friends, neighbors, relatives, having a
study called EPIDOSO, carried out with elderly indi- confidant friend), leisure activities (trips, handcrafting,
viduals living in the community, in a residential area games, reading).
of the municipality of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil),
promoted by the Centro de Estudos de Envelhecimento Crude and adjusted relative risks were calculated with
(Center for Aging Studies) of Escola Paulista de respective 95% confidence intervals, by bivariate and
Medicina of Universidade Federal de São Paulo. multiple analyses with Poisson regression (robust
The participants were followed up during ten years, variance). The criterion for inclusion of the variables
in four waves of home inquiries. Of the 55 districts of in the model was p < 0.20 and for exclusion, p > 0.10.
the municipality of São Paulo, the Saúde district was The analysis was performed in the Program STATA
selected. The participants were selected by means of version 10.0.
a census that was performed in the 52 census tracts
of Saúde, which identified the inhabitants who were The study was approved by the Ethics Research
older than 65 years as eligible for the study,17 totaling Committee of Universidade Federal de São Paulo
1,667 interviewed elderly people. The first inquiry was (Process no. 0593.03) on 5/30/2003.
Rev Saúde Pública 2011;45(4) 3
Table 1. Sociodemographic factors associated with functional loss in elderly individuals. São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil,
Variable n % Crude RR 95%CI p*
Female 202 17.8 1
Male 124 17.2 0.99 0.61;1.61 0.985
Age group (years)
65 to 69 136 8.8 1
70 to 74 84 14.3 1.61 0.76;3.44 0.210
75 to 79 72 19.5 2.20 1.07;4.51 0.031
80 and older 34 58.8 6.67 3.62;12.26 < 0.001
Level of schooling
High School/Higher Education 104 17.3 1
Junior High School 57 17.5 1.01 0.50;2.04 0.970
Elementary School 106 16.0 0.92 0.50;1.69 0.805
Illiterate/reads/writes 59 22.0 1.27 0.67;2.41 0.459
Marital status
Single 30 6.7 1
Married 195 16.9 2.53 0.64;10.05 0.185
Widow/widower 86 24.4 3.66 0.91;14.73 0.068
Divorced 15 13.3 1.99 0.31;12.87 0.466
White 294 18.4 1
Mixed/Black 15 6.7 0.36 0.05;2.45 0.299
Yellow 14 14.3 0.77 0.21;2.87 0.706
* Poisson Regression
4 Work, social support and leisure against functional loss d’Orsi E et al
Table 2. Intra-individual factors (health, morbidities, cognition) Table 3. Intra-individual factors (lifestyle) associated with
associated with functional loss in elderly individuals. São functional loss in elderly individuals. São Paulo, Southeastern
Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, 1991-1999. Brazil, 1991-1999.
Crude Crude
Variable n % 95%CI p* Variable n % 95%CI p*
Self-rated health Physical activity
Very good 77 9.1 1 No 226 19.5 1
Good 201 17.4 1.91 0.88;4.13 0.098 Yes 100 14.0 0.72 0.41;1.25 0.244
Poor/very Sexual activity
48 33.3 3.66 1.62;8.26 0.002
No 200 22.5 1
Yes 115 10.4 0.46 0.25;0.84 0.011
No 299 16.4 1
Paid work
Yes 27 33.3 2.03 1.12;3.67 0.019
Hypertension No 274 20.1 1
Table 4. Extra-individual factors (social support) associated Table 5. Factors associated with functional loss in elderly
with functional loss in elderly individuals. São Paulo, individuals. São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, 1991-1999.
Southeastern Brazil, 1991-1999. Adjusted
Variable 95% CI p*
Variable n % Crude RR 95%CI p* RR
Monthly relationship with relatives Age group (years)
No 28 21.4 1 65 to 69 1
Yes 298 17.5 0.81 0.38;1.72 0.592 70 to 74 1.94 0.96;3.91 0.066
Monthly relationship with neighbors 75 to 79 2.78 1.39;5.53 0.004
No 33 24.2 1 80 and older 5.39 3.02;9.60 <0.001
Yes 293 17.1 0.70 0.36;1.35 0.293 Cognitive status
Monthly relationship with friends Minimental ≥ 24 1
No 43 30.2 1 Minimental < 24 1.77 1.08;2.89 0.024
Yes 283 15.9 0.52 0.31;0.89 0.017 Hypertension
Confidant friend No 1
diabetic elderly people indicates the need to focus the present study, it is possible to state that the social
more intensely on public health measures that reduce support deriving from the monthly relationship with
the burden of this disease. friends protects against functional loss, showing the
importance of social and affective relations, especially
Arif et al2 (2005) mention that asthma is common
friendship, for active aging.
among the elderly and that female sex, low socioeco-
nomic level, obesity, poor air quality and smoking are Leisure activities, like watching TV, that denote
associated with its gravity. People who suffer from interest in day-by-day life, and handcrafting, that
asthma rate their health status as medium or poor and demands ability and planning, may have a protective
state that their quality of life is compromised. effect through mechanisms that are similar to the labor
Studies show a protective effect of paid work or a risk activity, except that they do not necessarily involve
effect for functional incapacity in the retired elderly contact with other people. Possibly, these and other
when compared to those who continued working.19,20 activities, such as those involving learning, have a
The maintenance of paid work may have a protec- protective effect by mechanisms that involve cognitive
tive effect through social support mechanisms that stimulation and compensatory mechanisms of the social
are similar to those that explain the protective effect support network, which occurs in most leisure activities.
of the monthly relationship with friends. Interacting Again, social relations are identified as essential for the
with other people provides fundamental cooperation maintenance of functional capacity
relationships. The labor activity can also involve Among the limitations of this study, we can mention
competition mechanisms that are, to a certain extent, errors in the classification of the outcome due to self-
beneficial, as they imply daily challenges that keep the reported measure of functional capacity and losses
worker active and help in the maintenance of functional in the cohort follow-up. The absence of significant
capacity. Paid work is a hard executive function as it is differences between the interviewees and the follow-up
supervised and there is a level of competence involved. losses according to sex, level of schooling, presence of
A multicentric study in Finland, Holland and Spain paid work, self-rated health, or cognitive impairment
compared the prevalence, incidence and recovery of suggests that they were random losses that did not affect
incapacity among community elderly individuals and the validity of the results.
showed that social bonds (familial and non-familial)
To conclude, the prevention of functional loss should
protect against incapacity in aging.25 In Belo Horizonte,
include the adequate control of chronic diseases, like
Southeastern Brazil, monthly relationship with friends
hypertension, asthma and diabetes, and stimulus to
was found to have a protective association,7 like in
cognitive activity. Social interaction protects the elderly
São Paulo.19
from functional loss. Labor and leisure activities should
The majority of the cross-sectional studies that found an be valued throughout life, especially in more advanced
association between family and/or friendship relation- ages, as well as relationship with friends, with special
ship and functional capacity have questioned whether attention to the social, cultural, biological and medica-
such relationships would be the causes or consequences mental factors that hinder or impair the maintenance of
of functional capacity. Given the longitudinal design of these activities by the elderly.
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Research financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Process no.: 90/3935-7).
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.