Vegetarian Nutrition Information
Vegetarian Nutrition Information
Vegetarian Nutrition Information
One of the largest obstacles to becoming vegetarian (or vegan) is a fear of getting inadequate amounts of
protein (and to a lesser extent, calcium, iron and B-12). In general, we would do well to have a greater fear
of getting too much of a good thing. With the possible exception of pregnant women and impoverished
individuals, western adults (and some children) tend to suffer from excess nutrition--not malnutrition. For
instance, most everyone in this country consumes too much protein – even vegetarians!
Let’s look at the nutritional fears. The materials below are exerts from ‘Position of The American Dietetic
Association: Vegetarian diets’ published in the Journal of the ADA, Nov. 1993, Vol. 93, Number 11. It
should be noted that the ADA is one of the most conservative and respected dietary organizations in the
world. Medical and dietary policy is greatly influenced by ADA positions (although meat industry money
often has a greater influence). The ADA report is widely considered to be the most authoritative document
on vegetarian nutrition.
Plant sources of protein alone can provide adequate amounts of the essential and nonessential amino acids,
assuming that dietary protein sources from plants are reasonably varied and that caloric intake is sufficient to
meet energy needs. Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, seeds, and nuts all contain essential and nonessential
amino acids. Conscious combining of these foods within a given meal, as the complementary protein dictum
suggests, is unnecessary. Additionally, soy protein has been shown to be nutritionally equivalent in protein
value to proteins of animal origin and, thus, can serve as the sole source of protein intake if desired.
Although most vegetarian diets meet or exceed the Recommended Dietary Allowances for protein, they
often provide less protein than non-vegetarian diets. This lower protein intake may be associated with better
calcium retention in vegetarians and improved kidney function in individuals with prior kidney damage.
Further, lower protein intakes may result in a lower fat intake with its inherent advantages, because foods
high in protein are frequently high in fat also. Reduced consumption of meat and animal protein has also
been associated with decreased colon cancer in some, but not all, studies of omnivores.
Certain plant constituents appear to inhibit the absorption of dietary calcium, but within the context of the
total diet, this effect does not appear to be significant. Calcium from low-oxalate vegetable greens, such as
kale, has been shown to be absorbed as well or better than the calcium from cow’s milk. Calcium deficiency
in vegetarians is rare, and there is little evidence to show that calcium intakes below the Recommended
Dietary Allowance cause major health problems in the vegetarian population. The relatively high US
recommendations for calcium intake, compared with those for populations consuming a more plant based
diet, are designed to compensate for the effect of high intakes of animal protein, which are customary in the
United States. Studies have shown that vegetarians, on the other hand, absorb and retain more calcium from
foods than do non-vegetarians.
Vegetarians are not at greater risk of iron deficiency than non-vegetarians, but Western vegetarians generally
have better iron status than those in developing countries. Western vegetarians generally have an adequate
intake of iron from plant products. They also consume greater amounts of ascorbic acid, an important
enhancer of iron absorption.
A (dietary) pattern that includes animal products such as milk and milk products is unlikely to be deficient in
vitamin B-12. Vegans should include a reliable source (of vitamin B-12) in their diets. (Note: Some would
disagree with the ADA on this, but why take chances?) Cyanocobalamine, the form of vitamin B-12 that is
physiologically active for human beings, is available from vitamin supplements or fortified foods such as
some commercial breakfast cereals, soy beverages, some brands of nutritional yeast, and other products.
In Western countries where sanitary practices are better (than developing countries where people receive B-
12 from microbes and organisms on the surfaces of unwashed fruits or vegetables), the risk of vitamin B-12
deficiency for vegans may be greater. Lack of intrinsic factor in the stomach, rather than diet is the most
common cause of vitamin B-12 deficiency.
A vitamin D supplement may be indicated (for vegans) if exposure to sunlight is limited. Western
vegetarians usually have satisfactory zinc status. Good plant sources include grains, nuts and legumes.
Infants, children, and adolescents who consume well-planned vegetarian diets can generally meet all of their
nutritional requirements for growth. Calcium, iron, and zinc intakes may deserve special attention, although
intakes are usually adequate when reasonable variety and adequate energy are consumed. Well-planned
vegetarian diets can be adequate for pregnant and lactating women. Vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike
are generally advised to take iron and folic acid supplements during pregnancy, although vegetarians
frequently have greater intakes of those nutrients than do non-vegetarians. (For infants, children,
adolescents, pregnant women and lactating women, the ADA paper generally reiterates the previous
information, adds the concern of sufficient caloric intake for vegan infants and weaning children, and
extends sunlight/vitamin D concerns to certain non-vegetarians as well.)
How does the common concern about malnutrition compare to the risk or over-nutrition? Let’s use some
common sense by asking: How many people do we know who have died from or suffered from any type of
malnutrition? How many friends, loved ones and acquaintances have we lost from heart disease, stroke,
cancer and diabetes? It’s no contest. Again, quoting the ADA:
A considerable body of scientific data suggests positive relationships between vegetarian diets and risk
reduction for several chronic degenerative diseases and conditions, including obesity, coronary artery
disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and some types of cancer.
Vegetarians’ high intake of complex carbohydrates, which are often relatively high in fiber content,
improves carbohydrate metabolism and may lower basal blood glucose levels.
Animal products are devoid of fiber. Fiber has been shown to be important in the prevention and
treatment of certain conditions and diseases.
Vegetarians have lower rates of hypertension and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus than do non-
Vegetarians may be at lower risk for non-insulin-dependent diabetes because they are leaner than non-
Vegetarians, especially vegans, often have weights that are closer to desirable weights than do non-
Vegetarian diets that are low in animal products are typically lower than non-vegetarian diets in total fat,
saturated fat, and cholesterol, factors associated with reduced risk of coronary artery disease and some
forms of cancer.
Dietary differences, especially in vegans, may produce physiologic changes that may inhibit the causal
chain for colon cancer.
Lung cancer rates are lower in vegetarians, chiefly because they usually do not smoke, but possibly also
because of diet. Research suggests that vegetarians are also at decreased risk for breast cancer.
Mortality from coronary artery disease is lower in vegetarians than in non-vegetarians.
Studies of vegetarians indicate that they often have lower mortality rates from several chronic
degenerative diseases than do non-vegetarians.
Vegetarian diets are safe, have real benefits and generally require little planning for maximum health.
In contrast, diets that include meat must include careful, extremely complex planning to reduce the risks
of the most prevalent diseases.
Fortified products, yeast extract, peanuts, wholemeal bread and pasta and
brown rice. Essential for energy production, healthy skin and the nervous
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Breakfast cereals, potatoes, nuts, pulses, avocados and pears. Helps convert
Vitamin B6 protein into energy.
Fortified soya milk, fortified nutritional yeast and some breakfast cereals.
Essential for red blood cell formation, growth and a healthy nervous
Vitamin B12
Calcium-fortified soya and rice milks, orange juice, tofu, dark green leafy
vegetables, dried figs, chickpeas. Contributes to strong bones and teeth.
Important for blood clotting and muscle contraction.
Avocados, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and soya products can provide
concentrated levels of calories. Saturated fats nearly always come from
Calories and fat animal products. Polyunsaturated fats usually come from plant sources.
Cholesterol is not present in plant foods.
Wholegrain cereals, wholemeal bread and pasta, dried fruit, pulses, nuts and
Copper seeds. Essential for the functioning of enzymes and nerves.
Popcorn, fresh fruit, raw vegetables, nuts, whole grain breads and cereal,
Fibre fruits and vegetables with edible skins.
Potatoes and most vegetables and fruits. Folic acid exists naturally in foods
and body tissues in the form of folates. Folates are members of the B
Folic Acid
vitamin group.
Nuts, seeds, pulses, cheese, yoghurt, wholemeal bread and pasta. Essential
for functioning of muscle, nervous system and enzymes. Helps control
calcium balance.
Wholegrain cereal including wholemeal bread and pasta, brown rice, seeds,
nuts and pulses. Essential for strengthening bones, important for
maintaining body’s chemical balance.
Protein needs can be met by eating a variety of plant foods and having an
adequate intake of calories. Foods high in protein include vegetables,
Protein grains, soya products, nuts, and dairy products. Grains such as rice, pasta,
breads and cereals provide the same protein.
Fruit and fruit juice, potatoes and vegetables. Essential for maintaining
Potassium sodium balance, functioning of muscles and nerves.
Selenium Green and brown lentils, bread, brazil and cashew nuts. Essential for
functioning of red blood cells.
Salt, yeast extract, cereal products, milk and milk products, salty foods.
Essential for maintaining water balance and the functioning of muscles and
NOTE: Since dairy products are an excellent source of calcium and protein, it is a good idea to include skim
and fat-free dairy products in your diet. Remember to choose a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, wholegrain
products, nuts, seeds, low-fat and fat-free dairy or fortified soya products to help you achieve the right
balance of vitamins and minerals.