Sseayp News 2017 Final

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No 39/2017

#43 2 1


Photo taken during SG Activities onboard the ship during the 43rd SSEAYP 2016

T he 43rd SSEAYP was carried out from October 25 until December 15,
2016. The Ship left Tokyo Port, Japan, and visited 4 ports of call along
the way, before finally returning to Japan. Throughout the journey,
the Participating Youths (PYs) engaged in onboard activities, including
Discussion Program, Solidarity Group (SG) Activities, Club Activities, National
Presentation, etc., as well as the various local programs in the respective Tokyo
countries. Through these activities, PYs have not only forged new
friendships, but also deepened their knowledge and understanding of one
another’s culture and beliefs.
Tokyo (Japan) 25 Oct - 4 Nov
Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) 11 Nov - 14 Nov
| Bangkok
Bangkok (Thailand)* 18 Nov - 21 Nov Phnom Penh
Singapore (Singapore) 26 Nov - 29 Nov Ho Chi Minh City
Jakarta (Indonesia) 2 Dec - 5 Dec
| Singapore
Tokyo (Japan) 14 Dec - 15 Dec
* During the Country Program in Thailand, the selected delegates visited Phnom
Penh (Cambodia) on November 19 - 20, 2016.


Before I took the position as the Director of 2. Networking: ex-PYs are an asset to each
International Youth Exchange, I was thinking other. I know a couple of examples where the
like: Ship, now? This is so obsolete. Airplane relationship between PYs (entrepreneurs and
would be more efficient. But then I found non-entrepreneurs) from different countries
ourselves in the ship, and noticed that the have become a big business. I want them to
participants are busy working and studying in build a solid network when they are on the
their own lives. And when they are on the ship because if not now, in the next 10 or 20
ship, they can leave everything behind and years, when their research or business are
just concentrate on their human resources more mature, it will help them.
development. That is a very special point
about having our ship. At first, I was worried about the turnout of
this meeting of different youth leaders as this
These two main objectives have been may cause disparities in thinking. However,
achieved: this convergence resulted to better
1. Mutual Understanding: It is not about cooperation among ASEAN member countries
learning tea ceremony or enjoying traditional and Japan.
“This is a very successful dances. Those are part of it but not I really wish PYs can attract more young
everything. Understanding the standpoint of leaders to make changes and promote
ship program.” PYs from different countries with different friendship among our countries.
perspectives is the start of mutual



This year, most of the Participating Youths
(PYs) are very healthy and active. “I hope everyone will
I used to observe some shy PYs several years keep this friendship
ago. But now it has changed. Everyone is
outgoing. I truly enjoyed the creativity from
which you created
different countries in their National onboard Nippon Maru
I invite all PYs to come back to Nippon Maru
again when you have your alumni activities.
30 Jan 2016: President of BERSATU attended 14 Jun: BERSATU joined with the Ministry of the Tutong Sixth Form Centre. The SSEAYP-
the BPY2015 “Evaluation Meeting and Culture Youth & Sports Delegation, for the concept session was coordinated by
Reports Handing-over Ceremony” to the Quran Recitation at the Nurul Iman Palace in BPY2014 focused on teamwork, leadership
Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports. conjunction with the month of Ramadan. skills, sharing the SSEAYP experience,
24 Jul: BERSATU participated in the “Get- exposing the participants to leadership
18-20 Mar: The Embassy of Japan in Brunei, qualities and skills in line with the National
together with BERSATU Association and Together Ceremony with His Majesty
Sultan” in conjunction with the 70th Birthday Vision 2035. The Camp was attended by 40
Japan-Brunei Friendship associations co- students from the Student Representative
organized the “Japanese Language and Celebration of His Majesty Sultan Haji
Hassanal Bolkiah. and Young Peers Guidance Council.
Culture Week 2016” at Times Square.
Mar - Apr: BERSATU was involved in the 9-11 Sept: BPY2015 successfully conducted
interview and selection camp for the 43rd their PPA named “Nature Alert Camp”, a 3
batch, under the invitation of the Ministry of day camp with the aim to raise awareness
Culture, Youth & Sports. on Disaster Risk Reduction, promote on
environment conservation and develop
29 Apr - 2 May: BERSATU members and host team building among youth.
families attended the 28th SIGA in Siem Reap,
Cambodia. BERSATU had chosen its Deputy 25 Sep: BERSATU sharing session with
President for National Affairs, Mr. Mosli Haji BPY2016 in the Orientation Week and
Abdul Hadis as the recipient of SSEAYP Intensive Leadership Training.
Award for his outstanding contribution in 25 Nov: BERSATU was invited to facilitate a The Nature Alert Camp has been successfully
SSEAYP and great role in promoting session in the Student Leaders Camp (Qa'id conducted by BPY2015
friendship and youth activities. Assyumul Camp), which was organized by


12 - 14 Feb 2016: CPY2015 conducted the event on how to use technology in social 18 Oct: The 3rd SCA of CPY2016 with the
first PPA called “TosDam and TosRean” or media effectively with the ‘’The Role of theme “Dermbey Koma” or ‘’For Children’’
‘’Let’s Plant and Let’s Study’’ in Kratie Media in Promoting Peace.” at center of Phnom Penh Thmey orphanage.
province, Cambodia. 31 Jul: CPY2014 conducted their third PPA 5 Nov: CPY2015 conducted the ‘’TosDam
10 - 17 Apr: SSEAYP International Cambodia project called (1, 2, 3, protect) phase III and TosDom” phase II in Chea Sim Chouk Va
(SIC) members volunteered to organize and under the theme ‘’Education Enhancing, high school, Phnom Penh.
facilitate the New Year event called ‘’Angkor Water Saving, Tree Planting‘’ at Bun Rany
Sankranta’’ in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It was Hun Sen Kbal Domerei Primary school,
the biggest youth organized event Chhuk District, Kampot Province.
conducted by the Union of Youth Federation 29 Aug: CPY2016 conducted the first Social
of Cambodia which hosted over one million Contribution Activities (SCA), Blood donation
people. with the theme ‘’A Pint for Three Lives’’ at
29 Apr - 2 May: The 28th SSEAYP the national Blood Transfusion Center
International General Assembly (SIGA) and Phnom Penh.
Social Contribution Activities (SCA) were 2 - 4 Sep: The 2nd SCA of CPY2016 involves
done in Siem Reap, Cambodia under the mangroves planting and promotion of higher
theme “SSEAYP Cooperation for a Greener education and future career. This was done
World.” at Trapang Songkae community Kampot Closing Ceremony, SIGA Cambodia
17 Jul: SIC and CPY2016 in collaboration Province. There were Team building SIC President selfie with Reception Committee
with the Project Inspire team organized an activities for CPY2016 by SIC at Kep Province.


20 Dec 2015: IPY2015 conducted a one-day Jan – Nov: 25 Regional Long Term Projects collected fund was handed to IYEO
campaign on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) of Ayo Piknik! or Think Before Panic! by IPY representative during SIGA 2016 in Siem
as the pilot project for their PPA 2015 were implemented in 25 provinces and Reap, Cambodia (#LoveForKumamoto;
“Indonesian Youths for Environmental reached over 1,570 participants. #SIIforKumamoto).
Issues to the Society” (IYES). 25 Mar: Mini seminar and sharing session of 19 Jun: SII BUBERITY (Break Fasting and
22 Dec: SSEAYP International Indonesia (SII) Ayo Piknik! (National) were conducted in Charity) with Indonesian Youth for Disabled.
Inc. Committee (2015-2017) was collaboration with IPY2015, SII and Omah 8 - 24 Oct: Pre-Departure Training of IPY
inaugurated. Sinau Gesang (local community), in LPKA 2016 by Ministry of Youth & Sports and SII.
27 Dec: SII and Indonesian Foster Family Tangerang.
Association (IOTA) conducted a Long March 8 Apr: SII was involved in the Workshop and
of Indonesian Traditional Fabrics to Seminar related to Indonesian youth
commemorate the National Mother’s Day. participation in the global events.
Jan 2016: SII getting successfully conducted 22 Apr: #ManageYourGarbage by IPY2014
a Fund Raising event more than USD 5,000 and SII to commemorate Earth Day with
for the Haze Problem in Sumatra more than 200 participants from J-ASEAN
#SIIcareforHaze. The President and Director countries and Australia.
of Social Contribution Activities of SII were 23 Apr: SII was part of International Youth
interviewed by National Televisions relating Exchange Exhibition in Jakarta.
on activity. SII in the Long March of Indonesian Traditional
Apr: Fund raising for the post earthquake
Jan - Apr: Social Media Campaign of Fabrics
Kumamoto prefecture, Japan and the
#KnowDisasterNoDisaster by IPY2015.


Report of the IYEO 30th Anniversary and its April 14, a series of earthquakes hit the former participant of the 2nd Japanese Youth
commemorative projects central Kumamoto Prefecture, causing Goodwill Mission Cruise, which is the former
deaths, injuries and widespread damage to program of the Ship for World Youth.
In Fiscal Year 2015, IYEO celebrated its 30th the area’s residences and infrastructure. For
anniversary since its establishment in 1985. those who were affected by the Kumamoto
In commemoration of this event, IYEO Earthquake, IYEO launched donation
organized various projects such as; campaign raising 1,304,338 yen as of Sept.
amending the Charter, creating visual IYEO 30, 2016. IYEO continuously collects
human resource map, selecting IYEO mascot donation.
character “Run-Earth,” publishing IYEO
annual magazine “Humano,” initiation of Donations were used as follows: Relief
Visit Tohoku Tour, and implementation of goods from Kagoshima, fresh apples from
new fund raising activities, etc. Aomori IYEO to the local nursery school, and
JPY 500,000 donation to the education
Kumamoto Earthquake Relief Activities board of Minami-Aso Village. The education
board President Mr. Takayasu Fujioka is a Thank You Letter from local nursery school in
Starting with a magnitude-6.5 quake last Kumamoto Prefecture


2 Apr 2016: Implementation of the Post SSEAYP and to be prepared for group and responsibly contribute to the socio-
Program of the 42nd SSEAYP PYs, named as discussions and adaptation to different economic development, preservation and
“Hand in Hand II” project under the slogan lifestyles and cultures onboard. promotion of the culture heritages.
of “Stop Ignoring Start Educating”, at the
Sangthong District, Vientiane capital. This 20 Aug: LaoSAA and LPY2016 implemented 12 Oct: In order to emphasize the
project provided the local community basic Pre-Program activities for two primary and understanding of Youth’s role and
knowledge and awareness on sex and secondary schools in Vientiane province. PY responsibility in Socio-Economic
HIV/AIDS issues. 2016 have educated students about basic Development, Lao People’s Revolutionary
hygiene standard, English and Youth Union and LPY2016 joined the
29 Apr: A board member and a committee environmental knowledge. In addition, memorable conference called “Prime
member of Lao SSEAYP Alumni Association school equipment’s provided for the Minister Meeting with Youth” marking the
(LaoSAA) attended the 28th SIGA in identified schools. 71st anniversary of Independence Day.
Cambodia to report the implementation of
the social contribution activities and 5 - 6 Sep: A LaoSAA member participated in
Alumni’s Accomplishments in the year the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with the
earlier. Particularly, the post program of representatives of ASEAN Youth during the
LPY2015 on Health Education and Sexual 28th & 29th ASEAN Summits. The Lao Youth
Transmitted Infection (HIV/AIDS) campaign representative, as the ASEAN Chair 2016
to the local youth together with fellow ASEAN Youth have
delivered the message to the ASEAN
12 - 14 Aug: LaoSAA and LPY2015 organized Leaders “Forging together towards ASEAN
a 3 Day Pre-Departure Training Camp in 2025: The Role of ASEAN Youth in
Vientiane Province for the new LPY2016. contributing in accordance with the set
During the camp, former PYs conducted goals.” During the interface the ASEAN Prime Minister Meeting with Youth on the 71st
presentations and games, aiming to help the Leader encouraged the ASEAN youth to Independent Day
new PYs to have a better understanding of continue enhancing efforts to constructively


Apr 2016: Kick-start Program - A especially SSEAYP. 2015 together. The event had various
brainstorming session was held among the activities related to the SSEAYP itself such as
members of the new committee SSEAYP Camp Selection International Exchange battle cheers, spontaneous performances
International Malaysia (SIM) 2015-2018 in Programme 2016 – 7 ex-PYs from among and also interaction sessions that promote
order to discuss the direction and goals of SIM members and also from representatives mutual understanding among each other. A
the alumni within the next three years. of Malaysia Youth Council have been invited mini exhibition was also held during the
to be a facilitator and a panel to evaluate event to showcase the collection of pictures
May: Post-Program Activity of MaPY2015 and advise the Ministry of Youth and Sports from the SSEAYP since 1974.
Saving Nemo Malaysia in choosing the participants for the
International Youth Exchange Program 2016. Oct: Pre-Departure Training MaPY2016 –
SSEAYP Facilitator Workshop promoted SIM was tasked by the Ministry of Youth and
courses as well as tips and information to Jul: Ziarah Ramadhan – community event Sports Malaysia to lead the PDT for the
participants who are interested in being the was held in conjunction with holy month MaPY2016.
43rd SSEAYP 2016 facilitator. Two former (Ramadhan). A joint meal conducted
facilitators from Indonesia and Singapore together with the orphans at Rumah
were invited to share the experience and Kebajikan Nur Hikmah. The orphanage is
knowledge to the participants. being managed by an ex-MaPY1997. Funds
were collected among SIM members to be
Jun: Courtesy Visit to Ministry of Youth and given to the orphanage, the event was also
Sports Malaysia – courtesy call from the supported by IYRES with additional activities
latest SIM committee to the Director to entertain the orphans.
General of to Ministry of Youth and Sports
Malaysia to strengthen the relationship Aug: KABESA Hi-Tea Raya – The senior
between the Ministry and SIM in members of SIM organised the "Hi-Tea Eid
collaborating and planning for future Celebration" event. This was a casual event MaPY2015 and previous batches participated in
international youth exchange programs that brought about 60 people from 1974 – the PPA “Saving Nemo”


SSEAYP International Myanmar is a newly collaboration with other alumni associations
formed alumni association which was for the success of the Ship for Southeast
founded in early 2016. Asian and Japanese Youth Program.
SSEAYP International Myanmar has become
an official organisation registered under the
Ministry of Home Affairs and currently
working not only for local operations
associated with the SSEAYP program but
also towards the active participation and
Pre-Departure Training of MyPY2016


The SSEAYP International Philippines (SIP) National Youth Commission and the Regional Panel of Interviewers from
Inc. is continuously expanding its activities Japanese Embassy in the Philippines; January to June 2017.
and network to ensure that the organization 6) Launching of the Project Unity - an Inter-
is more responsive and relevant to the batch post program activity; and,
current times. Just after the elections of the
new board of directors, SIP had conducted a 7) Conduct of the Philippines SSEAYP Alumni
number of activities in 2016 as follows: National Convention.
1) Facilitation of the delegates to the For For 2017 it plans to conduct the following:
Hopeful Children Project in Thailand; 1) SIGA 2017 on April 26-30, 2017 at Iloilo
2) Ocular Inspection of the SIGA 2017 sites; and Boracay;
3) Attendance to the SIGA 2016 in 2) Project Unity Part 2 in October 2017;
Cambodia; 3) Batch Bonding Sessions from January to
4) Selection, Training and Briefing of the November 2017; and, Project Unity - an Inter-batch Post Program
delegates for the 43rd SSEAYP 2016; Activity at West Fairview Elementary School,
4) Information Dissemination and Selection
Quezon City, Philippines – Oct 8, 2016
5) Conduct of courtesy call visits to the of DG Facilitators, National Leader and


SSEAYP International Singapore (SIS) is to advocate the cause of regional integration, Japan awarded the Foreign Minister’s
actively involved (in partnership with the peace, and progress in their own way. It was Commendation to SIS to acknowledge SIS’
National Youth Council) in the recruitment done to showcase how Singapore and Japan contributions to the promotion of friendship
and/or training of Facilitators, National contribute to the friendship and growth of between Japan and other countries and
Leader & Singapore Participating Youths and ASEAN and Japan relation. One of SIS’ main areas. The aim is to promote the
in the organisation and implementation the initiatives is the SIS プレッジ Pureji Pledge understanding and support of the Japanese
local programme. SIS continues to organize Tree of Hope, in which SIS aims to collect public towards the activities of the
several Social Contribution Activities (SCA) pledges from individuals all over ASEAN & recipients.
and activities which allow us to engage our Japan, where each pledge reflects the
members, such as: author’s hopes & aspirations for the ASEAN
23 Jan 2016: SSEAYP Family Day was and Japan community. We will consolidate
organised to give members & their families the pledges and present them to the Japan
an opportunity to meet and catch up with Embassy in Singapore and ASEAN Secretariat
each other. It was held at the Ground Up in 2017.
Initiative. 29 Oct: SIS took part in the SJ50 Matsuri
8 Oct: This year is especially significant as we Parade organised by the Embassy of Japan in
celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Singapore- Singapore to celebrate SJ50. A contingent
Japan Diplomatic Relations, or SJ50. SIS made up of ex-PYs and Host Families were
celebrated SSEAYP Day and it was held in part of the parade performing the Matsuri
conjunction with SJ50. An exhibition of dances. SSEAYP DAY celebration in conjunction with
Singapore former participants who continue 22 Nov: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of SJ50


Mar 2016: "The 26th For Hopeful Children participants. SSEAYP 2016 was conducted at the Port of
Project (FHCP)" was organized by Fund For July: “Hug Me Please, I’m an HIV positive” Bangkok, Thailand. This event was co-
Friends (FFF) and Association of the Ship For released the submitted short films online. conducted by DCY and ASSEAY.
Southeast Asian Youth of Thailand (ASSEAY)
in Royal Thai Navy Base in Sattahip, Aug: Pre-Departure Training (PDT I) was
Chonburi province. Over 800 volunteers conducted for 14 days at Phra Prachabodi
from local and international groups taking Institute by DCY and ASSEAY.
care of underprivileged and disabled 27 Aug: “Hug Me Please, I’m an HIV
children by taking part in this event. positive” conducted the award ceremony.
Apr - Jun: Interview and selection of the Oct: Pre-Departure Training (PDT II) was
TPY2016 were processed by Department of conducted as a final preparation for
Children and Youth (DCY) and ASSEAY. TPY2016 before joining SSEAYP. It was co-
May: “Hug Me Please, I’m an HIV positive” conducted by DCY and ASSEAY.
was announced for recruitment of Awarding Ceremony of “Hug Me Please, I’m an
Nov: Thailand Country Program of the 43rd
HIV positive” by TPY2015


Mar - Apr 2016: SSEAYP Tour was conducted Aug: Vietnam Alumni in Hanoi and Ho Chi including the management of volunteer
by the VPY2015 and Vietnam Alumni in 14 Minh City started the Orientation and Pre- team and related activities of the Reception
venues around Vietnam. In Ho Chi Minh City departure training sessions which lasted for Committee, especially the Reunion Onboard.
and Hanoi, VPYs held information sessions 3 weeks for the 29 official VPYs.
about SSEAYP in 9 universities, 5 youth Throughout 2016, other batches (such as
centers in Southern and Central Vietnam. 10 - 24 Oct: the contingent gathered in the 39th, 40th and 42nd) also executed their
Hanoi and finalised all the preparation for long term PPA in rural areas around Vietnam
Jun: The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth the journey under the supervision and to contribute to the society and strengthen
Union in collaboration with Vietnam Alumni consultation of ex-PYs. the SSEAYP spirit.
hosted the PY selection for the 43rd SSEAYP
2016. After the first round of application, 24 Oct: The Communist Youth Union of
more than 100 candidates were chosen to Vietnam in association with Alumni and the
compete in the interview with their VPY contingent hosted the press conference
presentation about their knowledge of the in Hanoi to celebrate the 20th anniversary of
ASEAN, eight Discussion Group (DG) topics, Vietnam’s participation in SSEAYP and to
as well as their talent show. In the final introduce the activities of Vietnamese
round, 40 candidates were selected and representatives in 43rd SSEAYP 2016.
attended the 4 day camp where the Vietnam Oct - Nov: Vietnam Alumni supported the
Alumni gave them an overview information National Youth Commission to host the
of the SSEAYP activities framework. country program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Selection Camp

The 52 days of 43rd SSEAYP 2016 journey and the daily life on Nippon Maru have brought a new perspective of youth life to the
318 PYs. The experiences gained by exchanging ideas and cultures have broadened their minds and created networks among
the PYs. Even though the program has successfully ended last December 15, 2016, all PYs from the 11 countries will be bringing
along with them priceless memories and strengthened friendship.


SGs strengthened our friendship and made us more united. It is my great opportunity to be the GL in SG-J. The first thing that
Although we come from different cultural backgrounds, we find inspired me is the passion from the PYs in my SG. They all are
ways to communicate and understand each other. I feel blessed talented and fantastic! I got positive energy from them every day
and grateful for every moment that we shared together and I am which made my SG more fun. Everyone showed their spirit to
sure every PY feels the same. contribute to the team with their best. Different points of view
Myat Min Soe (Tu Tu), MyPY from different people broadened my personal horizons. Then,
our friendship was developed through the similarity and diversity.
FLAG HOISTING CEREMONY Most of all, I am so happy to have learnt new things from them.
Panomkorn Jirasatienpong (Champ), TYL
As a quote would state it, “There is no one who is more patriotic
than an ambassador, when she/he is abroad.” Flag Hoisting NATIONAL PRESENTATION (NP)
Ceremony gives a feeling of pride that we have a chance to show
patriotism to our country especially when we sing our national All the NPs brilliantly showcased the colourful culture of each
anthem. Being a representative of the nation is a great honor not country. I realized that some PYs even had hidden talents! On top
only for ourselves but also for our family, we are proud to be of that, I love the opportunity to dress up in the various national
ambassadors of goodwill in SSEAYP. costumes from the different countries during the NPs!
Alounna Khamhoung (Tom), LPY Chong Jing Ru (JR), SPY

Left to Right: Emi, Tu Tu, Dee, JR, Nisa, Trang, Champ, Nick, Yuka, Edz, Fortch, Kal and Tom Photo taken by: Zain (MaPY2016)


Capturing the moments of PYs life onboard is one of the best It is very meaningful for me to “live together” with the people
thing for me to be part of as press PYs. I enjoyed capturing the from diverse backgrounds. The environment onboard gave me
SSEAYP moments whether it is official or unofficial. Our happiness many opportunities to deepen mutual understanding, as well as
and sadness are the cherish memories for us to look back. to reflect on myself. Now I hope to contribute to the society by
Norkhairunnisa bte Hj Metussin (Nisa), BPY utilizing this experience of SSEAYP in the future.
Yuka Ozaki (Yuka), JPY
Discussion sessions provided a lot of beneficial inputs. Each PYs
shared their experiences based on the topic assigned and these In our Discussion Group (DG), we learned the concept of
opened their minds to new cultures. The activities cultivated “Transformative Collaboration.” During the Country Program in
teamwork, as it pushed the PYs. These sessions were significant Indonesia, I witnessed it being actually demonstrated when we
in structuring effective and sustainable Post-Program Activities. played the Angklung together. Each PY held a distinctly-toned
Muhamad Khalid bin Mohd Ali (Kal), MaPY Angklung and had a specific role to play. When played
individually, the Angklung was simply a bamboo musical
INSTITUTIONAL VISIT instrument being shaken to make a sound; yet when played
together in a series of notes, it creates harmony. Like the
During the country programs, I visited Paxi House Tokyo in Japan Angklung, PYs come from different cultural backgrounds. We are
and Ton Duc Thang University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. My like the different musical notes. When we decide to come
best take away from these institutional visits are about the together and create a composition, we create music.
passion from the speakers to the students. They dare to follow Fortune Mae C. Cordova (Fortch), PPY
their dream without hesitation. This is what inspires me the most.
Nguyen Thanh Trang (Trang), VPY
SSEAYP unleashed potentials and extracted emotions within me
that I never imagined I had. From the first “kampai” during the
Opening Ceremony in Tokyo, to the last ticker tape thrown off
Club Activity (CA) is one of most interesting and fun events to board during our last Port-Of-Call (POC) in Indonesia, every
have onboard. It allows everyone to learn, enjoy and appreciate moment became not only a learning experience but a memory
the various cultures and practices of each contingent. I joined that will withstand the borders surrounding our respective
LPY’s CA and had an enjoyable time making my own Champa countries. That despite our distance, we will forever remain as
flower. It is something I will cherish forever. the crazy people they call “PYs”.
Diana Ang Pei Cheng (Dee), BPY Edracel C. Del Rosario (Edz), PPY


Voluntary Activity (VA) can further strengthen our bonds The country program allowed me to experience a new culture in
together on this ship while enjoying doing the things we like. It real life. The lesson I got from the five Country Programs can be
further highlights the similarities that we share despite our summed up as mutual understanding. The culture exchange
diverse backgrounds and cultures. The experiences add colour to activity during the homestay helped me a lot to bond with the
our already vibrant SSEAYP journey. “new family.”
Ly Kimjuhong (Nick), CPY Emi Fitri Audina (Emi), IPY

NLs from 11 countries during the Welcome Reception in Japan:
Ms. Naoko Hamada – Japan
Mr. Trinh Le Anh – Vietnam
Ms. Wimolrat Ratchukool – Thailand
Mr. Seang Soleak – Cambodia
Ms. Lee Chew Yee Jenny – Singapore
Mr. Yodi Dermawan Dasuki – Indonesia
Mr. Pg Kamal Ariffin Bin Pg Haji Md Yassin – Brunei Darussalam
Mr. Phouvong Manivong - Lao P.D.R.
Ms. Siti Mariam Binti Ahmad Tobias – Malaysia
Ms. Khin Sandar Thein - Myanmar
Mr. Kahlil Leva Lamigo – Philippines
Mr. Vong who serves as the NL of Lao P.D.R., has never been a PY before. His impression for the 43rd SSEAYP 2016: Most of the PYs have
many responsibilities, duties and regulations. PYs help each other a lot, such as carrying luggage into Nippon Maru. They share ideas on
culture, mutual understanding and have a high respect for the Administrative Staff, NLs, Facilitators and themselves. PYs have a high
competition for NP, CA, VA but they do not have any conflict. Meanwhile, they have taken the opportunity to make friends and
understand each other. SSEAYP is a unique program that will change one’s life.
The BPY2015 successfully conducted their PPA (a 3 day camp) “I am Able,” #ICanSign, #SignToShine, is initiated by IPY2016.
named “Nature Alert Camp”. On September 9 – 11, 2016 at the One of the objective is to raise the awareness of the use of sign
Katimahar Agri Park. It aimed to improve environmental language in communicating with differently abled communities.
awareness literacy of the youth. The camp also provided The project will be divided into 2 terms: (1) Short Term Project:
professional talks by related governmental agencies associated Sign language campaign held in Jakarta on December 18, 2016; (2)
with environment in Brunei Darussalam such as from the National Long Term Project: To build a website as the media for sign
Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Department of Parks and language socialization, and the ‘One Day With’ program conducted
Recreation (JASTRE) and also Fire & Rescue Department. The in 30 cities across Indonesia (Jan - Nov 2017).
Nature Alert Camp targeted to raise awareness about Disaster Risk
Reduction, promote environmental conservation and strengthen
the use of 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle). It also included different JAPAN
aspects such as social, physical as well as spiritual activities
prepared by the organizing committees. A total of 41 participants UPCOMING PPA
(aged from 18 to 30 years old with diverse occupational JPYs2015 are planning a “Cross Cultural Walking Rally in Japan,”
backgrounds) ranging from students, school leaders, teachers, scheduled in February 2017 to give elementary school pupils an
singers, and so on attended the activity. opportunity to appreciate different cultures from people living in
JPYs2016 are planning “SHARE-UP,” which aims to give high school
A comprehensible focus on instilling awareness on healthy diet and
students the opportunity to broaden their perspectives by sharing
lifestyle as well as widening the scope of pre-existing HIV
JPYs’ experiences from SSEAYP. They will approach the students
awareness programs in Brunei Darussalam motivated the BPY2016
interactively to enlighten, empower and encourage our future
to initiate a project entitled "4 Me, You and Our Future." A number
generations. This will be carried out from April 2017 throughout
of informative activities and social contributions will be carried out
the year in each JPY’s graduated school.
with the support of relevant expert bodies.


On February 12 - 14, 2016, CPY2015 conducted their first PPA LPY2015 implemented Hand in Hand II at Pak Tone High School,
called TosDam and TosRean or Let’s plant and Let’s study in Kratie Sangthong District, Vientiane Capital in April 2016. The project was
province around 348 km from Phnom Penh. The purposes were to designed to provide knowledge on Health Education and Sexual
inspire and raise awareness of reforestation and encourage young Transmitted Infection (HIV/AIDS) to local youth under a slogan
children in remote-area to continue their study. “Stop Ignoring, Start Educating.” The project encouraged youth to
TosDam and TosRean phase II was held on November 5, 2016 in be more open in sharing about sex and HIV/AIDS issues with their
Chea Sim Chouk Va high school Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The families as well as to eliminate discrimination towards infected
purposes were to connect young Cambodian people to nature and people. Gradually, most of local youth had tendency in answering
let them understand the benefits of trees and motivate them to correctly after listening. Moreover, the majority of local youth
plant more trees. TosDam and TosRean phase I & II resulted to tended to pay attention at the lecture and understand about
700 trees planted and hundreds of students motivated. health education and Sexual Transmitted Infection.


The project “Youth Green Camp,” initiated by the CPY2016, aims LPY2016 realized the importance of education after joining the
to promote reforestation and green live-style, while encouraging Discussion Program. They came up with idea of inspirational video
youth participation and awareness raising on green living and flood. in 10 minutes. The story will demonstrate title as “I Do Regret” to
With its encouraging youth participation and awareness raising on raise awareness that what children will be if they don’t focus on
green living and flood. With its duration of 4 days, the project will their study and also change the perspectives of parents to
take place in the second quarter of 2017. encourage their kids to school. The video will be released in March

IYES (Indonesian Youths for Environmental Issues to the Society)
MaPY2015 took the initiative in creating the awareness to save
was initiated by IPY2015 that focuses in raising awareness by
and preserve the marine ecosystem as it is the fundamental effort
disseminating information about disaster risk reduction (DRR). The
for the long term period. Hence, Saving Nemo was conducted on
Project is divided into 3 phases, namely (1) Pilot Project (Short
May 20 - 22, 2016 in Redang Island, Terengganu. The conducted
Term Project) which is a one-day campaign on December 20, 2016.
activities involved Marine Park Department about marine life,
IPY2015 also launched the social media campaign of
beach cleaning, turtle and baby turtle hatching observations at
#KnowDisasterNoDisaster that reached over 600 people and
night and community services. It also included English Program
“Eleven One” JASEAN Tumbler as the fund raising product in order
with Redang Island Primary School students and interaction with
to make IYES sustainable; (2) Long Term Program which was called
the villagers together with some donation to the needy ones.
Ayo Piknik! or Think Before Panic! Ayo Piknik! conducted mini-
Together supporting this program were Ministry of Youth & Sports
seminar and sharing session with the experts. Ayo Piknik!
Malaysia, SSEAYP International Malaysia (SIM), Marine Park
(National) was held on March 25, 2016 with over 45 participants in
Department Malaysia, Malaysia Youth Council, Kampung Baru
LPKA Tangerang; (3) IYES implemented the regional long term
Redang Island Association, Redang Island Primary School and ex-
program in 25 provinces all over Indonesia during Jan – Nov 2016.
MaPY representatives from 11 batches of SSEAYP.

Base Secondary School attended sharing sessions. Topics covered
MaPY2016 will implement their PPA titled “Walk for A Brighter include volunteerism, brainstorming for volunteering options, and
Future.” This PPA aims to raise the awareness among the public to introduction to Singapore Association of Visually Handicapped
care for the visually impaired as well as raise fund to improve the (SAVH). SAVH staff and beneficiary conducted a short sharing
facilities in Malaysia Blind Centre. During the PPA, they will also session to help the students learn more about the blind
organize exhibition booth to educate public about importance of community in Singapore. SPY2015 then did a debriefing with the
vision health. students to facilitate reflection on the experience. SPY2015 and
the students helped out at the SAVH Flag Day to raise funds for
SAVH on June 11, 2016. Students attached to blind beneficiaries
to assist and accompany them throughout the day. Students got to
MYANMAR interact with the beneficiaries and learn more about their lives,
On 29 January 2016, the project “I-was-A-Child” was implemented challenges, and achievements. Some students even prepared
by MyPYs in Bago. The aim of the project is to educate children on meaningful gifts for their beneficiaries. After the Flag Day, students
health and environmental health for a better life in the remote were debriefed on their learning over the three day event and
area and MyPY2015 reached out to a school in Oktwin Township encouraged to seek other volunteering opportunities and pass on
in bago. Although it was one day PPA, it took PYs about three the spirit of volunteerism to their peers.
weeks to do the preparation such as doing research, fundraising
and gathering required materials for the successful
implementation of the project. Firstly, the PYs demonstrated the The SPY2016 are organising “The Amazing JASEAN Race” which
proper way to wash the hands. Secondly, the children were will be held in February 2017 for children under foster care. The
explained how to stay hygienic and healthy and how to prevent aim is to share the diverse cultures of Japan & ASEAN countries
food-born diseases and mosquito-born diseases. Lastly, there was through languages, traditional food, handicrafts and other
a donation comprising of stationery, uniforms and books. activities with the participants. This event will inspire young
Singaporeans to be more inquisitive and interested in foreign
UPCOMING PPA cultures.
The PPA of MyPY2016 is #CultureFever. The objectives of the
program are to promote the culture awareness, to encourage THAILAND
YOUTH to use more local product and to take advantage of “Hug Me Please, I’m an HIV positive” was initiated by TPY2015.
GLOBALIZATION. This is a one day culture fair with 70% of the This PPA was conducted from January to August 2016. They
proceedings donated to psychiatric hospital, Ywar Thar Gyi, wanted to encourage people to have more positive attitude
Yangon and 30% will be reserved as a capital for the continuation towards HIV/AIDS patients. They thought that they could reach
of future social activities: Animal Shelter Project (Every Life people’s attention in HIV/AIDS patients through short films. It
Counts), School Education Project (Shooting Souls) and Health means that this project was about short film competition. The
Education Project (Project Safe House). films were collected from 40 teams (87 people) and they gained
approximately 20,000 views in the Facebook fan page “Hug Me
Please Project”. Moreover, TPY2015 also did an award ceremony
PHILIPPINES to announce the winning team which was judged by honourable
The PROJECT SHINE of PPY2015 was successfully held last April 8- judges.
10, 2016 in Malitam, Tres, Batangas. More than 980 Badjaos UPCOMING PPA
Indigenous People (Peoples of the Sea) have got the benefit of this
project. Under the assistance of 22 PPYs, and 1 international PY TPY2016 will conduct “Sai-Waa-Si-Bor-Tim-Gunn (When you
(from Singapore), 300 families, including 800 children/youth have throw nothing at all) Project.” It aims to raise awareness in
received Php300,000 worth donations of food, medicines and garbage throwing in children. There will be a camping activity in
school supplies. The Project Shine II will be held in Blaan, March and one-day event in May 2017. It is inspired by seeing the
Sarangani Province on October 2017. garbage in the sea during the SSEAYP.
Project A.C.C.E.S.S. II of PPY2014 which focused on Aiding Cultural
Communities and Enabling Sustainable Societies have been VIETNAM
successfully conducted last December 10, 2016 in Lake Sebu, On December 19, 2015, VPY2015 conducted the first PPA in Sapa
South Cotabato – Mindanao, Philippines. This project is centered village, Lao Cai province in the north of Vietnam where local
on Empowering communities through book donations and school residents are ethnic minorities living in less privileged conditions in
supplies. The beneficiaries are from the T’Boli Community. mountainous area. In the project called “Warm Blankets,”
UPCOMING PPA VPY2015 provided 100 gift sets including blankets, stationery and
winter clothes for primary pupils and interacted with local people
PPY2016 will be undertaking the “tHink posItiVe! Embrace and by music performances and games in the cultural exchange night,
Erase” project. This would involve capacity building, social with the objectives to improve the public healthcare for the local
marketing and lobbying for policy on the HIV/AIDS issue to the children in winter, as well as the commitment of SSEAYP
National Youth Commission’s Accredited Youth Organizations, participating youths in the social contribution.
pool of facilitators and local government units. Phase one
implementation will start on January to December 2017 in the UPCOMING PPA
Davao Region, the Philippines. VPY2016 will conduct the “Dream High” campaign with four
activities of different topics. The first project “Pay It Forward,”
inspired by DG themes: health education and cross-cultural
SINGAPORE understanding promotion, is planned in December, 2016 in
association with Vietnam National Assembly and many youth
The Ripple Movement aims to pass on the spirit of volunteering organizations. The contingent has raised a fund of more than
and encourage youths to explore the many options and avenues USD2,000 for veterans and ethnic minority people and they will
for volunteering in Singapore. Thirty three students from Naval host a cultural performance with local youth in Hoa Binh province.


The 28th SIGA – Siem Reap, Cambodia
From April 29 to May 2, 2016, the 28th SSEAYP International visit in Angkor Wat Complex, the heart of Cambodian people and
General Assembly (SIGA) was held in Siem Reap, Kingdom of the symbol of our nation. In the evening, closing ceremony and
Cambodia under the theme ‘’SSEAYP Cooperation for Greener farewell dinner was held with the guest of honor, His Excellency
World.’’ It was the second time that SSEAYP International Sok Sokan, the Cambodia National parliament member. With the
Cambodia had the privilege to organize this impressive event, cooperation and full support from The Royal Government of
while the first hosting was in 2007 (The 19th SIGA, Siem Reap Cambodia and Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia, 28th SIGA
province). was successfully completed.
On April 29, 2016, Council of President Meeting took place with
the honourable participation of representative from each country
alumni association. The fruitful meeting resulted in setting new
hosts for SSEAYP International General Assembly for the next
three year.
The opening ceremony of the 28th SIGA on April 30 morning was
opened by the representative of Minister of Education, Youths
and Sports. In addition, SSEAYP International Awards were given
to eight active members of the international association by His
Excellency Sean Borath and His Excellency, Mr. Kazuhiko Ishihara,
Vice Minister of Policy Coordination, Cabinet Office, Government
of Japan; followed by SSEAYP International and alumni
association reports from the respective countries. In the
afternoon, representative from Ministry of Environment provided
a keynote speech and discussion session into three groups
regarding “Environmental Protection, Biodiversity Conservation
and Sustainability,” which were facilitated by government official
from related fields.
On Sunday, May 1, 2016, the 28th SIGA social contribution
activities organized by SSEAYP International Cambodia started by
9.5km cycling from Angkor Thom to Siem Reap Stream to grow
250 trees. The purposes of this SCA were promoting green
tourism in the world heritage complex and to take part in
greenhouse gases reduction as well as promote green city in Siem
Reap. After the SCA, all participants of the 28th SIGA had a site

The 29th SIGA in 2017

– Iloilo and Boracay, Philippines
The 29th SSEAYP International General Assembly (SIGA) will be
hosted by the Philippines on April 26-30, 2017 in two locations
namely Iloilo City and Boracay island.
The five-day event will cover the Council of President meeting,
SSEAYP International General Assembly, opening ceremonies,
closing ceremonies, social contribution activity, trade fair, city and
island tours, cultural presentations, beach activities and an optional
golf tournament.
All ex-PYs, host families and their families and friends are invited to
join this momentous event. Registration for the SIGA 2017 shall be
H.E. Heng Soknang, President of SI Cambodia handing the SI Flag to
coursed through the respective SSEAYP Alumni Associations.
SI Philippines President, Ms. Yvette Ledesma and
SI Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Bong Manlulu


Persatuan BERSATU (SI Brunei Darussalam) Mr. Haji Jailani Bin Haji Ibrahim (1985 PY, 1995 NL), President
P.O. BOX 349, MPC, BB3577 Berakas, Email: [email protected], Phone (Home): +673-2331529, Phone (Mobile): +673-8776823
Brunei Darussalam Mr. Mosli Bin Haji Abd Hadis (1987 PY, 2012 NL), Vice President Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +673-8767-200 Mr. Zulkifle Haji Asmad (1996 PY, 2003 OBSC), Deputy Secretary General 1 (International Affairs)
Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +673-864-8055
SI Cambodia Mr. Heng Soknang (2001 PY, 2003 PY), President
c/o Youth Department, Ministry of Education, Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +855-78 887777
Youth and Sport Mr. Sreang Kimlee (2004 PY, 2012 NL), 1st Vice President
Bldg. 152, Norodom Blvd, P.O. Box 2441, Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +855-12 888 377
Khan Chamkarmon, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Ms. Hav Monirath (2005 PY, 2013 NL), Secretary General
Phnom Penh, Cambodia Ms. Ly Sereyrath (2012 PY), Deputy Secretary General, Email: [email protected] Ms. Min Ing (2012 PY, 2013 OBSC), Deputy Secretary General, Email: [email protected]
SSEAYP International Indonesia Inc. Mr. Oddy Medrian (1999 PY, 2005 OBSC), President
(SI Indonesia) Email:[email protected], Phone (Mobile): +62-878-862-595 15 / +62-812-1051-502
Jl. Gedung Hijau I, No. 5B, Mr. Arief Rizky Bakhtiar (2010 PY), Secretary General
Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310 Indonesia Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +62-85647161717
Phone: +62-21-7513228 Mr. Wira Respati (2001 PY, 2008 OBSC), Director of Communication
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +62 812 8020 7777 Ms. Pia Adiprima (1997 PY, 2004 OBSC), Director of SSEAYP Project Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +62 811 802 085
International Youth Exchange Organization of Mr. Keiichi Sato, President
Japan (IYEO) Mr. Masanobu Shiratori (1993 PY, 2003 NL), Vice President
Tokyo Nori Bldg. 6F, 2-35-14 Nihombashi Ms. Atsuko Honda (2005 Facilitator), Vice President
Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0013 Japan Mr. Atsushi Tokuno, Secretary General
Phone: +81-3-3249-0767, Fax: +81-3-3639-2436 Mr. Seigo Tabata (2004 PY), Deputy Secretary General
Email: [email protected]
KABESA (SI Malaysia) Mr. Abdul Muthalif bin Said Mohamad (1996 PY, 2002 OBSC), President
c/o International Youth Centre, Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +60 12 624 4948
Jalan Yaacob Latif (Jalan Tenteram), Ms. Dyana Abas (2002 PY, 2014 OBSC), Deputy President
Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 56000 Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +60-16-267-5820
Malaysia Ms. Ainah binti Yahya (1999 PY), Secretary General
Phone: +60-19-602-7118 (hunting line) Email: [email protected], Phone(Mobile): +60-17-619 4860
Email: [email protected]
SSEAYP International Philippines, Inc. (SI Ms. Yvette Ledesma (1974 PY, 1992 OBSC), President and Chairperson of the Board
Philippines) Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +63-917-3012965
1505 Carissa Street, Dasmarinas Village, Mr. Adolf P. Aguilar (1999 PY, 2011 NL), Vice-President for National
Makati City, Metro-Manila, Philippines Email: [email protected]
Ms. Anna Liza M. Garrido (1997 PY), Vice-President for International
Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +63-917-539-2507, +63-947-737-2737
Ms. Renee Lynn M. Cabañero (2010 PY, 2016 OBSC), Secretary
Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +63-917-938-5974
SSEAYP International Singapore (SIS) Mr. Tang Kwok Hoong Gerald, PBM (2007 PY, 2016 OBSC), President
c/o 30, Jalan Gumilang, Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +65-9769-5561
Singapore 668869 Mr. Yacob bin Hussain (1992 PY, 2003 NL), 1st Deputy President
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +65-9815-6249 Mr. Kelvin Lai Kok Heong, PBM (1996 PY, 2008 OBSC), 2nd Deputy President
Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +65-9841-2821
Ms. Noormah Binte Azizi (2014 PY), Secretary General
Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +65-9048-0405
Association of the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Assist. Prof. Dr. Siripong Preutthipan (1991 PY, 2007 OBSC, 2011 NL), President
of Thailand (SI Thailand) Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 24, Srinakhirinwirot Post Office, Mr. Jakraphun Thanateeranon (2004 PY, 2009 OBSC, 2014 NL), Vice President
Bangkok 10117 Thailand Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Dr. Gumpanat Boriboon (1997 PY), Secretary General Email: [email protected]
Lao SSEAYP Alumni Association (LSAA) Ms. Keooudone Sengmanivong (2000 YL, 2001 NL), Acting President
c/o Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union Email: [email protected]
Phonthan Road, Saysettha District, Mr. Yangpao Payerver (2004 NL), Vice President
Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R. Email: [email protected]
Phone/Fax: +856-21-416-727
SSEAYP International, Association for Youth Mr. Khin Maung Yee (2000 NL), President
Development (MYANMAR) (SI Myanmar) Phone (Mobile): +95-9250222033
Room No.(605), Dabinshwehti Housing Estate, Ms. Su Su Hlaing (1998 PY), Vice President
Hlaing tharyar Township, Northern District, Phone (Mobile): +95-95051070
Yangon Region, Myanmar Mr. Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo (2003 PY), Vice President
Phone: +95-1-642227 Email: [email protected], +95-9422192111
Email: [email protected] Ms. Aye Aye Thant (2012 NL, 2014 NL), Vice President Email: [email protected], Phone (Mobile): +95-95184994
Vietnam Alumni Club of Youth Friendship Ms. Bui Diem Huong (2003 PY), President
Exchange Programs (VACYF) Email: [email protected]
c/o Youth International Cooperation Development Mr. Nguyen Hai Minh (2008 PY, 2012 NL), Vice President
Center (CYDECO) Email: [email protected]
62 Ba Trieu, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam Ms. Tran Hoai Minh (2011 PY), Secretary
Phone: +84-4-62631935/62631942/62631938 Email: [email protected]
Fax: +84-4-62631934
SSEAYP International Mr. Masanobu Shiratori (1993 PY, 2003 NL), Secretary General
c/o International Youth Exchange Organization of Ms. Kumi Miyahara (2001 PY, 2002 PY, 2011 NL), Deputy Secretary General
Japan (IYEO) Mr. Bong Manlulu II (1991 PY), Deputy Secretary General
Email: [email protected]

Leave. Live. Love. These are
DG on International Relations three words that best sum up my
(ASEAN –Japan Relations) was a impression of the discussion
fruitful exchange of ideas among program. PYs come in this
ASEAN and Japan Youth. PYs program leaving their personal
actively contributed to the prejudices and comfort zone.
discussion and learnt the foreign They then learn to live their
policy of all 11 countries as well collective dreams and later
as the people to people level and become inspired to love their
how it impacts Youth greatest mission-that is to help
Development. create better communities.
- Grace, DG6 - - Randy, DG7 -

I’m very impressed with DG 8 DG is an intellectual part of

PYs, when they were able to Jaya Pradeep Krishnan (Malaysia) – Food and Nutrition Education/DG4
SSEAYP activities & I’m really
Eugene C. Sosing (Philippines) – Cross-cultural Understanding Promotion/DG2
make a 15 minutes News Takaki Minamoto (Japan) – Youth Entrepreneurship/DG1 happy to be part of the youth
Segment that featured four Randy Santos Magdaluyo (Philippines) – School Education/DG7 entrepreneur DG.
mocks Live reports for their Devianti Febriani Faridz (Indonesia) – Information and Media/DG8
- Taka, DG1 -
Grace Hutasoit (Indonesia) – International Relations (ASEAN-Japan Cooperation)/DG6
discussion result presentations. Nguon Pheakkdey (Cambodia) – Environment (Natural Disaster Reduction)/DG3
It really looked like a live Berzenn Urbi (Philippines) – Health Education (Measures against HIV/AIDS)/DG5 Participating Youths are the best
broadcast, even though it was part. They are very respectful,
actually a pre-taped recording. considerate, willing to
- Devi, DG8 - “DG is the core of SSEAYP. DG should be fun, not collaborate and cooperate with
boring. DG is where I changed my perspectives one another. They take turn
The PYs are the future leaders of on cultural/religious and personal beliefs. DG is doing energizers. I am surprised
the world. The unity and strong the reason why I am here.” - Zenn, DG5 - that all would want to volunteer.
bonding relationship among They are very proactive. It is
each other, makes them a better Heeyah DG-2 PYs! Your active participation contributed to interesting that despite the age
person toward achieving the the success of the Discussion Program especially DG2. Big or experience gap, they are
goal of the changing the next thanks from the bottom of my heart. This is not good bye, willing to listen to other people. I
generation into a better future. but see you later alligator. See you soon in the near future had a very good experience and I
#LoveFood,AvoidWaste. wherever in the world. would want to come back.
- Jay, DG4 - - Eugene, DG2 - - KD, DG3 -

The 10 representatives to the Onboard Ship Renee Lynn Melad Cabaňero (PPY2010)
Conference (OBSC) were excited to be back to Nippon Nurul Raine @ Aryn binti Haji Bunal (BPY2011)
Eka Esti Susanti (IPY2006)
Maru with the feeling like “home sweet home.” Yoko Inuo (JPY2006)
When getting onboard in Jakarta on December 3, Senkitchanuluck Lattanaxai (LPY2008)
2016, OBSC representatives had some meetings with Mohd Firdaus bin Ghazali (MaPY2006)
the 8 Facilitators for the turnover discussion, then Le The Hien (VPY2010)
Tang Kwok Hoong Gerald, PBM (SPY2007)
with their respective National Leaders, Administrator Duong Khemara (CPY2012)
and all the Administrative staff. They also welcomed Kritsada Punyapratheep (TPY2008)
Myanmar Alumni Association which formed in 2016
as represented by NL of Myanmar.
In the Plenary session, OBSC representatives
presented the introduction about the respective
Alumni Associations and PPA conducted by previous
batches. In remaining sessions, OBSC representatives
engaged with their contingents to give advices and
consultation to Participating Youths to brainstorm the
proposal and prepare for their Action Plans which
they will implement as their upcoming PPA when they
return back to their respective country. OBSC also
presented to the Cabinet Office of Japan about their
Alumni’s country report as well as PPA report of the
42nd batch and upcoming PPA of the 43rd batch.

Published by The Cabinet Office, Government of Japan | 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8914 Japan
SSEAYP Edited by SSEAYP International (SI) | OBSC 2016 c/o International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan
Copyright ©2017 Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Any use of contents of this publication without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited
NEWS Cover Photo Taken by Duong Khemara (Cambodia OBSC 2016)

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