Marine Genomics: K. Michalek, A. Ventura, T. Sanders

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Marine Genomics 27 (2016) 3–7

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Marine Genomics

Cells to Shells: The genomics of mollusc exoskeletons

Mytilus hybridisation and impact on aquaculture: A minireview

K. Michalek a,⁎, A. Ventura b, T. Sanders c
Scottish Association for Marine Science, PA37 1QA Oban, UK
University of Gothenburg, 45178 Fiskebäckskil, Sweden
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, 24148 Kiel, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The three species in the blue mussel complex (Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilus trossulus) show
Received 30 November 2015 varying levels of hybridisation wherever they occur sympatrically. The spatial variation in hybridisation patterns
Received in revised form 18 April 2016 is potentially governed by environmental conditions, larval dispersal and aquaculture practices. Commercial
Accepted 19 April 2016
mussel cultivation has been shown to increase hybridisation through introduction of non-native species or
Available online 2 May 2016
spat transfer. There is evidence that mussel cultivation may promote commercially less desirable phenotypes
(e.g. fragile shells), however, to what extent hybridisation impacts aquaculture is currently not clear. The aim
Blue mussel of this review is to summarize the available information on Mytilus hybridisation patterns in Europe and their
Mussel culture promotion through aquaculture practices in order to shed light on the overall implications for the aquaculture
Introgression industry.
Local adaptation © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Genetic selection

1. Introduction related suggesting a common ancestor from the Pacific before the two
populations split (Väinölä & Strelkov, 2011). Overall, mussels within
In the Northern Hemisphere, the blue mussel species-complex is the Mytilus edulis species-complex possess a high degree of phenotypic
composed of three closely related species: Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus, plasticity, preventing their unequivocal taxonomic discrimination using
1758), Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) and Mytilus trossulus morphological characteristics; an issue being further complicated by
(Gould, 1850), which readily hybridise wherever their geographical dis- hybridisation in areas of overlapping occurrence (Seed, 1992). Howev-
tributions overlap (Gosling, 1992) (Fig. 1). The three sister species form er, they show differences in physiological responses to environmental
a biogeographic replacement series with respect to temperature (Fly & conditions: e.g. effects of temperature and salinity on heart rate
Hilbish, 2013) and their distribution patterns and hybridisation have (Braby & Somero, 2006) and heat tolerance (Tomanek & Zuzow, 2010).
been intensively investigated (e.g. Coghlan & Gosling, 2007; Väinölä & In addition to the ecological importance of mussels in intertidal and
Strelkov, 2011). M. edulis is a cold-temperate species widely distributed subtidal communities, M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis are commercial-
in European waters, from the Atlantic coast of Southern France to the ly cultivated along most European coasts using both tidal (on-bottom
White Sea, with its southern range often overlapping the range of and bouchot type) and subtidal (on-bottom, raft and longline) tech-
M. galloprovincialis (Seed & Suchanek, 1992). M. galloprovincialis is a niques (Smaal, 2002). They represent the only two cultivated mussel
warm-temperate species found along the coasts of the Black Sea, the species in Europe with 282 k tonnes produced in 2013 worth
Mediterranean Sea as well as parts of the northwest Atlantic coast. one billion USD (FAO, 2015). The present review summarizes the cur-
This species has evolved from a Mediterranean population of M. edulis rent knowledge about Mytilus spp. hybridisation in Europe, drivers of
(Vermeij, 1991) with a genetic “split” into an Atlantic and Mediterra- hybridisation by shellfish aquaculture and addresses potential implica-
nean subgroup at the Almeira-Oran oceanographic front (Quesada tions of hybridisation for the mussel cultivation industry.
et al., 1995). M. trossulus is widespread along North European coasts
(Väinölä & Strelkov, 2011) as well as the Baltic Sea (Väinölä & 2. Hybridisation patterns and larval dispersal
Hvilsom, 1991). Originally native to the northeast Pacific coast (Seed,
1992), M. trossulus spread to the northwest Atlantic shortly after the Hybridisation between species of the blue mussel complex occurs
last glacial maximum (18,000–21,000 ybp) (Rawson & Harper, 2009). readily in locations where their distributions overlap (Gosling, 1992)
Northwest and northeast Atlantic M. trossulus populations are closely and where non-native species have been introduced through shipping
or aquaculture activities, e.g. spat transfer in France (Bierne et al.,
⁎ Corresponding author.
2003). The extent of hybridisation varies depending on factors such as
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K. Michalek), spawning synchrony (Toro et al., 2002), environmental conditions and
[email protected] (A. Ventura), [email protected] (T. Sanders). local adaptation (Riginos & Cunningham, 2005) and human activities
1874-7787/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
4 K. Michalek et al. / Marine Genomics 27 (2016) 3–7

Fig. 1. Map of Europe showing the natural distribution of genotypes within the blue mussel species complex: Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilus trossulus, and reported
occurrences of their hybrids (see figure legend). Data is based on four nuclear markers (Bierne et al., 2003; Daguin et al., 2001; Kijewski et al., 2009, 2011; Śmietanka et al., 2004; Stuckas
et al., 2009). Coastal areas with high mussel aquaculture activity are highlighted (FAO, 2015).

(Väinölä & Strelkov, 2011), ranging from low to very high frequencies of act as barriers to larval dispersal and settlement (Dobretsov & Miron,
hybrid offspring (e.g. Dias et al., 2009). 2001) as can food availability. In addition, post-settlement selection
A pronounced hybrid zone of M. edulis × M. trossulus can be found in for specific genotypes can occur as a result of competition or predation
the Baltic Sea (Fig. 1). Here, extensive introgressions of M. edulis alleles (Gardner & Skibinski, 1991). Commercial rope culturing means that
from the saline North Sea into M. trossulus populations adapted to the benthic predation is largely excluded and surface area for settlement
low saline Baltic Sea have been documented for multiple nuclear is high allowing altered competitive interactions between individuals
markers (Me 15/16, EFbis, M7 lysin and ITS) (Kijewski et al., 2006, relative to seabed populations. Given enough temporal and spatial sym-
Stuckas et al., 2009). The same pattern has been observed for M. edulis patry between Mytilus spp., gene introgression may inevitably occur as a
F (female) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) resulting in the complete ab- result of high levels of gamete mixing.
sence of M. trossulus F mtDNA in the eastern Baltic. Both the mtDNA in-
trogressions as well as the pronounced salinity gradient from the North
Sea to the Baltic are likely to drive this hybridisation pattern (Riginos & 3. Aquaculture driven hybridisation
Cunningham, 2005).
M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis hybridise in the wild along the At- The aquaculture industry has often been responsible for, but also
lantic coast of Europe producing patches of both pure and hybrid popu- benefited from, alien species introductions, both intentionally and unin-
lations (Beaumont et al., 2004). Instead of a single genetic gradient from tentionally, affecting the gene pool of native species (Cox, 2004). An em-
M. galloprovincialis in the South to M. edulis in the North, a mosaic pat- blematic example is the introduction of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea
tern of successive transitions with differing frequencies in allele intro- gigas) in Europe in the 1960s for culturing purposes (Shatkin, 1997)
gressions can be found along the Westcoast of France (Bierne et al., leading to C. gigas becoming the dominant oyster species in several
2003) and Cornwall (Gilg & Hilbish, 2003), which may be driven by lar- European coastal areas (Troost, 2010). For the production of blue mus-
val dispersal patterns. Co-occurrences of all three Mytilus taxa have sels, seed supply either relies on natural settlement of spat or their
been recorded in Scotland, although hybridisation with M. trossulus is translocation from other shellfish farms (Śmietanka et al., 2004),
geographically restricted (see Section 4 for details) and occurs in higher which can lead to gene flow between cultivated and wild populations
frequencies at mussel farms indicating that rope culturing increases further promoting hybridisation (Goulletquer & Le Moine, 2002).
hybridisation (Beaumont et al., 2008). Shellfish aquaculture can therefore alter the genetic structure in
Indeed, rope culturing may enhance gamete mixing and increase mussels interspecifically due to the introgressions and fixation of cer-
gene flow between sympatric species, as mussels possess a pelagic lar- tain alleles (Daguin et al., 2001) as well as intraspecifically (Bierne
val stage offering the potential for large-scale geographic dispersal et al., 2003). Bierne et al. (2003) analysed the genetic structure of the
over distances of ≥30 km (Gilg & Hilbish, 2003). However, environmen- mosaic hybrid zone between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis along
tal conditions including current patterns, temperature and salinity can the European Atlantic coast and proposed spat transfer from cultivated
K. Michalek et al. / Marine Genomics 27 (2016) 3–7 5

stocks in the Bay of Biscay to the Mont Saint-Michel bay area has result- The cultivation of M. trossulus compared to sibling species is less
ed in extensive gene mixing between sites. valuable from an economical perspective since they possess thinner
Similarly in the Northeast Pacific, shellfish aquaculture has been sug- and weaker shells, lower meat yields and grey coloured meat (Penney
gested as one of the main introduction pathways of the non-native et al., 2007, 2008). In Scotland, the native species M. edulis interbreeds
M. galloprovincialis, contributing to their hybridisation with native with the non-native M. galloprovincialis (see Section 1) being cultivated
M. trossulus (Wonham, 2004). However, similar increases in together successfully along the Scottish coast (Fig. 2). However in 2004,
hybridisation can also be found in Europe. An example is represented pure species and hybrids of all three genotypes within the blue mussel
by the observed presence of M. galloprovincialis and M. trossulus alleles complex were detected in Loch Etive, representing the first recorded oc-
in Dutch waters (Śmietanka et al., 2004) being introduced with mussels currence of M. trossulus in UK waters (Beaumont et al., 2008). Produc-
from the British Isles (Kijewski et al., 2009). tion in Loch Etive, the former mainstay of the Scottish mussel industry
(Scott et al., 2010), collapsed by over 50% due to the presence of fragile
4. Impacts of hybridisation on the mussel aquaculture sector shelled M. trossulus being easily damaged during harvest and grading
processes (Beaumont et al., 2008). As a result, M. trossulus is now listed
Even though the ecological implications of co-occurring species are as commercially damaging species in Scotland (Scottish Government,
well understood, less attention has been given to sympatric Mytilus 2014). Interestingly, their geographical distributions are restricted to
spp. and how their hybridisation impacts mussel aquaculture. only few locations on the Scottish west coast and further occur in higher

Fig. 2. Map of Scotland illustrating i) the natural distribution of the native species Mytilus edulis, ii) the introduction of the non-native M. galloprovincialis from a Mediterranean subgroup
(Quesada et al., 1995), iii) active mussel aquaculture sites (Aquaculture Scotland, Oct. 2015) and detections of species-specific alleles at the Me15/16 locus at selected farm sites (Dias et al.,
2009). Loch Etive is the only reported cultivation site with pure species of M. trossulus. Potential spreads of M. trossulus alleles under climate change predictions and enhanced aquaculture
practises are indicated. See figure legend for symbols.
6 K. Michalek et al. / Marine Genomics 27 (2016) 3–7

frequencies at farm sites compared to natural intertidal habitats (Dias utilizing next generation sequencing technology, identifying pathways
et al., 2009; see Fig. 2). Considering that M. trossulus is mostly found of gene flow of non-desirable genotypes into the gene pool of farmed
close to the water surface associated with lower salinities (Beaumont stocks.
et al., 2008), they may occupy a different environmental niche com-
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