Warmhole Attack and Its Prevention

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Warmhole attacks and its prevention in wireless networks

As an increasing number of people are going wireless, reducing the vulnerability of
wireless networks is becoming a top priority. Wireless networks are susceptible to many
attacks, including an attack known as the wormhole attack. The wormhole attack is very
powerful and preventing the attack has proven to be very difficult. A strategic placement
of the wormhole can result in a significant breakdown in communication across a
wireless network.

B. Problem Definition
Ad-hoc or spontaneous wireless networks are threatened by a powerful attack known as
the wormhole attack. A wormhole attack can be set up with relative ease, but preventing
one is difficult. To set up a wormhole attack, an attacker places two or more transceivers
at different locations on a wireless network as shown in Figure 1.6

Figure 1: Set-up of a wormhole. Node A can reach node C within a shorter time with the help
of a wormhole.

This establishes a wormhole or tunnel through which data can transfer faster than it could
on the original network. After setting up a wormhole, an attacker can disrupt routing to
direct packets through the wormhole using a technique known as selective forwarding
depicted in Figure 2. A strategic placement of the wormhole can result in a significant
breakdown in communication across a wireless network as shown in Figure 3 [4: 3].
Figure 2: Selective Forwarding. Lower right portion of network relies on wormhole link to
route information. Disconnecting wormhole link results in breakdown of the network.

The routes to the base station are disrupted the

Figure 3: Strategic Placement of Wormhole.
closer the wormhole endpoints are to the base station [4: 3]. Wireless networking is a
young technology and thus, many wireless network devices have not been designed to
defend against wormhole attacks. For example, a sensor network device called the Mica
mote has the ability to sense information about its surroundings such as temperature,
sound or movement [9: 1]. Supplied with a 4 MHz processor, 512KB flash memory and
two AA batteries, the Mica mote has little room for security measures to protect itself
from a wormhole attack [9: 1]. Current network protocols are also vulnerable to
wormhole attacks. Protocols are a special set of rules that nodes follow on a network.
Nodes or network devices such as laptops, computers or the Mica mote explained above,
currently do not follow rules that help them detect wormhole attacks. Cryptography,
which is used widely to secure transfer of information in protocols, will not prevent
wormhole attacks

Prevention of warmhole attacks

All protocols for the warmhole prevention fall under two broad categories: localization
schemes and packet leashes.
Wireless security protocols based on localization have the potential to detect
wormhole attacks [4: 2]. Localization systems are based on verifying the relative
locations of nodes in a wireless network [4: 2]. Knowing the relative location may help
conclude whether or not packets are sent by either a node or wormhole. Several
localization schemes discussed in this section: Echo Protocol, Area-based Point
Triangulation Test (APIT), Coordinate System, Signal Strength and Infra-Red (IR), and
Directional Antennas.
Echo protocol is an location verification scheme which rather than focusing on
individual nodes of a network emphasizes the regions of verification must prove they are
part of the wirelwss network using radio frequency (RF) and ultrasonic sound capabilities
[16: 3]. A verified node sends a RF signal to an unverified node in the network. To prove
it is part of the network, the unverified node sends an ultrasonic signal back to the
verified node. The verified node determines whether or not the unverified node is in the
region of verification depending on the time it takes to receive an ultrasonic signal [16:
5]. RF signals are used in most wireless network devices today. The strong points of this
1 1protocol are that cryptography and tight time-synchronization are not needed.
However, because each network device needs additional equipment to detect and emit
ultrasonic sound frequencies, this protocol may detract some developers from adopting
this idea to prevent wormhole attacks
He, Huang, Blum, Stankovic and Abdelzaher developed an area-based point in
triangulation test (APIT) which uses triangulation to determine the location of nodes in a
network [2: 1]. Calculations are performed to check whether or not certain nodes are
within triangles formed by anchors, which are nodes with Global Positioning System
(GPS) [2: 3]. These calculations determine the relative locations of all nodes in the
network which may prove helpful to combating wormhole attacks. Compared to the
Echo protocol, APIT does not require additional equipment for ultrasonic sound
frequencies. However, APIT does require some nodes to have GPS in the wireless
network to give some reference of locations in a network so that nodes without GPS have
a relative idea of where they stand [2: 1].
Another localization scheme known as the coordinate system involves the work
done by Nagpal, Shrobe and Bachrach at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
[10: 1]. Similar to the APIT, the protocol uses a subset of GPS nodes to provide nodes
without GPS a sense of relative location [10: 2]. This is achieved using two algorithms:
the gradient which measures a GPS node’s hop count from a point in a network, and
multilateration, which determines the way GPS nodes spread information of its location
to nodes without GPS [10 3-4]. Hop counts tell how far a node is from a particular
source. A flaw in using this scheme is that wormholes can disrupt hop counts within a
1 2 network [5: 2]. Therefore, any system following this scheme is rendered defenseless
under wormhole attacks. Bulusu, Heidemann and Estrin discuss other localization
techniques such as the verification of signal strength and Infra Red (IR) [1: 3]. Weaker
signal strengths may indicate a node is farther away. However, signal strengths are not
reliable outdoors because ambient sound can disrupt signals [1: 3]. IR is very efficient in
pinpointing nodes in open spaces using invisible lasers. On the other hand, IR is very
sensitive to its surroundings rendering it unusable outdoors due to the interference of
sunlight and indoor areas which do not have a line-of-sight to each network device [1: 3].
Hu and Evans developed a protocol using directional antennas to prevent
wormhole attacks [5: 1]. Directional antennas are able to detect the angle of arrival of a
signal [5: 1]. In this protocol, two nodes communicate knowing that one node should be
receiving messages from one angle and the other should be receiving it at the opposite
angle (i.e. one from west and the other at east) [5: 4]. This protocol falls only if the
attacker strategically placed wormholes residing between two directional antennas [5: 7].
This problem has been solved by having a verifier check on the communications between
two nodes [5: 8]. However, some legitimate nodes are invalidated due to this solution.
Drawbacks to this protocol include the flaw of rejecting valid nodes and requiring the use
of directional antennas to prevent wormhole attacks.
Overall, localization schemes are very effective in determining location.
Wormholes, which fake their location to appear to be in two or more places at once, may
trigger protocols to reject them as invalid nodes.

B. Packet Leashes
Hu, Perrig and Johnson developed protocols with packet leashes have been
proven to be reliable wormhole attack detectors [6: 4]. Packet leashes place restrictions
on a packet’s maximum allowed transmission distance in a network [6: 4]. Two types of
packet leashes discussed in this article are temporal and geographical leashes. Temporal
leashes require tightly synchronized clocks on all nodes [6: 4]. Protocols based on
temporal leashes ensure that packets transmitted across the network have an upper bound
on its lifetime, which restricts the maximum distance of travel [6: 4]. Packets on a
network remain valid for a certain time interval before they are rejected. However,
setting up wormhole attacks under temporal leashes is difficult because packets must be
sent through the wormhole within the restricted time period.
A geographical leash is the second type of leash discussed. Protocols based on
geographical leashes differ slightly from temporal leashes in that each node must know
its location and have loosely synchronized clocks [6: 4]. Using location and time, nodes
can determine whether the packet is coming from a valid node or a wormhole. This
protocol allows more flexibility in the synchronization time among nodes than temporal
leashes [6: 5]. This type of packet leash also incorporates some of the same ideas used in
localization schemes of using location to prevent wormhole attacks.
A more refined temporal leash protocol known as the TESLA with Instant Key
disclosure (TIK) is discussed by Hu, Perrig and Johnson. TIK uses a hash tree to hold
symmetric keys to authenticate nodes [6: 6-7]. Receiving nodes will be able to determine
a packet’s validity based on the time interval and the corresponding key of the sender
node [6: 9]. TIK packets are structured so that the receiver node verifies the time interval
and message authentication codes (HMAC) before the key arrives. If the time interval is
valid, then the node verifies the key [6: 9]. Completing both tests would verify the sender
was not a wormhole. The TIK temporal leash protocol effectively detects a majority of
wormholes. An attacker must know the right time intervals and keys pairs so that nodes
in the wireless network will accept the wormhole’s packet. A disadvantage of this
protocol is its strict requirements in timing. Each node must be synchronized at exactly
the same time and errors in time difference must not be larger than a few microseconds or
even hundreds of nanoseconds [6: 4].
C. Conclusion
Protocols based on localization schemes and packet leashes can prevent wormhole
attacks. However, each protocol has different costs in achieving this goal. As mentioned
before, temporal leashes require strict time synchronization among all nodes. As a result,
this project focuses more on localization schemes and geographical leashes because it
does not require tight time synchronization. However, the trade-off is that localization
schemes and geographical leashes tend to use additional equipment

3 Wormhole Attack Modes

Wormhole attack can be classified on the basis of the techniques used for launching it.
3.1 Wormhole using Encapsulation
Wormhole attacks are particularly severe against many ad-hoc and sensor network routing
protocols, such as the two ad-hoc on-demand routing protocols DSR [10] and AODV [21], and
the sensor TinyOS beaconing routing protocol [12]. First, we demonstrate how a generic
wormhole attack is launched against such routing protocols, using DSR as an example. In DSR, if
a node, say S, needs to discover a route to a destination, say D, S floods the network with a route
request packet. Any node that hears the request packet transmission processes the packet, adds its
identity to the source route, and rebroadcasts it. To limit the amount of flooding through the
network, each node broadcasts only the first route request it receives and drops any further copies
of the same request. For 6 each route request D receives, it generates a route reply and sends it
back to S. The source S then selects the best path from the route replies; the best path could be
either the path with the shortest number of hops or the path associated with the first arrived reply.
However, in a malicious environment, this protocol will fail. When a malicious node at one part
of the network hears the route request packet, it tunnels it to a second colluding party at a distant
location near the destination. The second party then rebroadcasts the route request. The neighbors
of the second colluding party receive the route request and drop any further legitimate requests
that may arrive later on legitimate multihop paths. The result is that the routes between the source
and the destination go through the two colluding nodes that will be said to have formed a
wormhole between them. This prevents nodes from discovering legitimate paths that are more
than two hops away.
One way for two colluding malicious nodes can involve themselves in a route is by
simply giving the false illusion that the route through them is the shortest, even though they may
be many hops away. Consider Figure 1 in which nodes A and B try to discover the shortest path
between them, in the presence of the two malicious nodes X and Y. Node A broadcasts a route
request (REQ), X gets the REQ and encapsulates it in a packet destined to Y through the path that
exists between X and Y (U-V-W-Z). Node Y demarshalls the packet, and rebroadcasts it again,
which reaches B. Note that due to the packet encapsulation, the hop count does not increase
during the traversal through U-V-W-Z. Concurrently, the REQ travels from A to B through C-D-
E. Node B now has two routes, the first is four hops long (A-C-D-E-B), and the second is
apparently three hops long (A-X-Y-B). Node B will choose the second route since it appears to be
the shortest while in reality it is seven hops long. So X and Y succeed in involving themselves in
the route between A and B. Any routing protocol that uses the metric of shortest path to choose
the best route is vulnerable to this mode of wormhole attack.

Figure 1: Wormhole through packet encapsulationFigure 2: Wormhole through out-of-band channel

This mode of the wormhole attack is easy to launch since the two ends of the wormhole do not
need to have any cryptographic information, nor do they need any special capabilities, such as a
high speed wireline link or a high power source. A simple way of countering this mode of attack
is a by-product of the secure routing protocol ARAN [17], which chooses the fastest route reply
rather than the one which claims the shortest number of hops. This was not a stated goal of
ARAN, whose motivation was that a longer, less congested route is better than a shorter and
congested route.

3.2 Wormhole using Out-of-Band Channel

This mode of the wormhole attack is launched by having an out-of-band high-bandwidth channel
between the malicious nodes. This channel can be achieved, for example, by using a long-range
directional wireless link or a direct wired link. This mode of attack is more difficult to launch
than the previous one since it needs specialized hardware capability. Consider the scenario
depicted in Figure 2. Node A is sending a route request to node B, nodes X and Y are malicious
having an out-of-band channel between them. Node X tunnels the route request to Y, which is a
legitimate neighbor of B. Node Y broadcasts the packet to its neighbors, including B. Node B gets
two route requests — A-X-Y-B and A-C-D-E-F-B. The first route is both shorter and faster than
the second, and is thus chosen by B. This results in a wormhole being established between X and
Y on the route between A and B.

3.3 Wormhole using High Power Transmission

In this mode, when a single malicious node gets a route request, it broadcasts the request at a high
power level, a capability which is not available to other nodes in the network. Any node that
hears the high-power broadcast, rebroadcasts it towards the destination. By this method, the
malicious node increases its chance to be in the routes established between the source and the
destination even without the participation of a colluding node. A simple method to mitigate this
attack is possible if each node can accurately measure the received signal strength and has models
for signal propagation with distance. In that case, a node can independently determine if the
transmission it receives is at a higher than allowable power level. However, this technique is
approximate at best and dependent on environmental conditions. The local monitoring approach
used in LITEWORP provides a more feasible defense against this mode. 8

3.4 Wormhole using Packet Relay

In this mode of the wormhole attack, a malicious node relays packets between two distant nodes
to convince them that they are neighbors. It can be launched by even one malicious nodes.
Cooperation by a greater number of malicious nodes serves to expand the neighbor list of a
victim node to several hops. For example, assume that node A and node B are two non-neighbor
nodes with a malicious neighbor node X. Node X can relay packets between nodes A and B to
give them the illusion that they are neighbors.

3.5 Wormhole using Protocol Deviations

Some routing protocols, such as ARAN [17], choose the route with the shortest delay in
preference to the one with the shortest number of hops. During the route request forwarding, the
nodes typically back off for a random amount of time before forwarding. This is motivated by the
fact that the request forwarding is done by broadcasting and hence, reducing MAC layer
collisions is important. A malicious node can create a wormhole by simply not complying with
the protocol and broadcasting without backing off. The purpose is to let the request packet it
forwards arrive first at the destination. This increases the probability that the route between the
source and the destination will include the malicious node. This is a special form of the ruhing
attack described in [16].

Table 1: Summary of wormhole attack modes

Summarizing, the different modes of the wormhole attack along with the associated requirements
are given in Table 1. Many applications in ad-hoc and sensor networks become vulnerable once a
successful wormhole attack has been launched. Routing is an important example. As we
discussed in Section 3, on demand ad-hoc routing protocols like DSR and AODV, and the sensor
TinyOS routing protocol are highly vulnerable to the attack. Other routing protocols like SEAD
[2], Ariadne [3], ARRIVE [11], directed diffusion [5], multipath routing [6], minimum cost
forwarding [7], rumor routing [8], and even secure routing protocols presented in [4] and [13] are
also vulnerable to wormhole attacks. For further details on the vulnerability of routing protocols,
the reader may refer to [14]. Moreover, all the protocols that are used in building neighbor lists
and, by extension, the routing protocols (e.g. DSDV [9], OLSR [22], and TBRPF [23]) that use
these lists, are vulnerable as well. 9

In this section, we describe the method for wormhole detection in LITEWORP followed by the
method for isolation of the malicious nodes. This is described in the context of static networks,
while an extension to mobile wireless networks is briefly described in Section 7.

4.1 System Model and Assumptions

Attack Model: In the attack model that we consider, the wormhole is launched by a malicious
node, which may be either an external node that does not have the cryptographic keys, or an
insider node, that possesses the keys. The insider node may be created, for example, by
compromising a legitimate node. All these malicious nodes can exhibit Byzantine behavior and
can collude amongst themselves. The malicious node can be a powerful entity that can establish
out-of-band fast channels or have high powered transmission capability. System assumption: We
assume that the links are bi-directional, which means that if a node A can hear node B then B can
hear A. We assume that there is a certain amount of time from a node’s deployment, called the
compromise threshold time (TCT) that is minimally required to compromise the node. We have a
protocol presented in Section 4.2.1 for discovery of first and second hop transmission neighbors
of a node. We define the maximum time required for the neighbor discovery protocol to complete
as TND (ND: Neighbor Discovery). Our assumption is that for a given node ni, all its first and
second hop neighbors are deployed within TCT-2TND of the deployment of ni. This assumption
implies that there can be no malicious insider node within two hops of ni within TND time units
from its deployment. Note however, that this assumption allows external malicious nodes to
exist anywhere in the network at any time of deployment. Further, insider malicious nodes, that
are greater than two hops from ni are allowed. We assume that the network has a static topology,
though the functional roles a node plays (e.g., cluster head, data aggregator, etc.) may change.
Finally, LITEWORP requires a pre-distribution pair-wise key management protocol (e.g. [18] for
ad-hoc networks and [19],[20] for sensor networks). The key management does not incur any
overhead during the normal failure-free functioning of the network but only at initialization time
and during isolation of a malicious node. From the point of view of LITEWORP, incremental
deployment of a node in the network is identical to having a mobile node move to its location.
This can be handled by augmenting LITEWORP with a dynamic neighbor discovery protocol as in
[15],[16]. 10

4.2 Wormhole Defense using Local Monitoring

4.2.1 Information Structures
Building Neighbor Lists: As soon as a node, say A, is deployed in the field, it does a one-hop
broadcast of a HELLO message. Any node, say B, that hears the message, sends back an
authenticated reply to A, using the shared key. Node A accepts all the replies that arrive within a
timeout. For each reply, A verifies the authenticity of the reply and adds the responder to its
neighbor list RA. Then A does a one-hop broadcast of a message containing the list RA. This
broadcast is authenticated individually by the shared key with each member in RA. When B hears
the broadcast, it verifies the authenticity of RA, and stores RA if correctly verified. Hence, at the
end of this neighbor discovery process, each node has a list of its direct neighbors and the
neighbors of each one of its direct neighbors. Note that this requires a larger memory than simply
keeping a list of first hop and second hop neighbors. This process is performed only once in the
lifetime of a node and is secure because of the system model assumptions. Henceforth, a node
will not accept a packet from a node that is not a neighbor nor forward to a node that is not a
neighbor. Also, second hop neighbor information is used to determine if a packet is legitimate
or not. If a node C receives a packet forwarded by B purporting to come from A in the previous
hop, C discards the packet if A is not a second hop neighbor. After building its first and second
hop neighbor list, node A activates local monitoring.

Local Monitoring: A collaborative detection strategy for wormholes is used, where a node
monitors the traffic going in and out of its neighbors. For a node, say a, to be able to watch a node
say, b, two conditions are required: (i) each packet forwarder must explicitly announce the
immediate source of the packet it is forwarding, i.e., the node from which it receives the packet,
and (ii) a must be a neighbor of both b and the previous hop from b, say d. If the second condition
is satisfied, we call a the guard node for the link from d to b. This implies that α is the guard node
for all its outgoing links. For example, in Figure 3, nodes M, N, and X are the guard nodes of the
link from X to A. Information from each packet sent from X to A is saved in a watch buffer at each
guard. The information includes the packet identification and type, the packet source, the packet
destination, the packet’s immediate sender (X), and the packet’s immediate receiver (A). The
guards expect that A will forward the packet towards the ultimate destination, unless A is itself the
destination. Each entry in the watch buffer is time stamped
11 with a time threshold,t, by which A must forward the packet. Each packet forwarded by A with
X as a previous hop is checked for the corresponding information in the watch buffer.

Figure 3: X, M, and N are guards of the link from X to A

A malicious counter (MalC(i,j)) is maintained at each guard node, i, for a node, j, at the receiving
end of each link that i is monitoring. MalC(i,j) is incremented for any malicious activity of j that is
detected by i. The increment to MalC depends on the nature of the malicious activity detected,
e.g., Vf for fabricating and Vd for dropping a control packet. Now, we present the detection
algorithm individually for each of the first four wormhole attack modes and show how existing
approaches can be used to detect the fifth mode. However, prior to that, we give the isolation and
the response algorithm that applies across all the attack modes

4.2.2 Response and Isolation Algorithm

(i) When MalC(a,A) crosses a threshold, Ct , a revokes A from its neighbor list, and sends to each
neighbor of A, say D, an authenticated alert message indicating A is a suspected malicious node.
This communication is authenticated using the shared key between a and D to prevent false
accusations. Alternately, if the clocks of all the nodes in the network are loosely synchronized, a
can do authenticated local two-hop broadcast as in [29] to inform the neighbors of A.
(ii) When D gets the alert, it verifies the authenticity of the alert message, that a is a guard to A,
and that A is D’s neighbor. It then stores the identity of a in an alert buffer associated with A.
(iii) When D gets enough alert messages, γ, about A, it isolates A by marking A’s status as
revoked in the neighbor list. We call γ the detection confidence index of D.
(iv) After isolation, D does not accept or send any packet to a revoked node. Note that this
isolation is performed locally within the neighbors of the malicious node. This makes the
response process quick and lightweight, and has the desired effect of removing the malicious
nodes from the network.

4.2.3 Detecting Different Modes of Wormhole Attacks

Detecting out-of-band and packet encapsulation wormholes
(i) A guard node a for a link, say from X to A, saves information from the packet header of each
control packet going over the link and time stamps it with the deadline t.
(ii) a overhears every packet going out of the receiver end of the link, A. For all the packets that A
claims has come from X, α looks up the corresponding entry in its watch buffer.
(iii) If an entry is found, a drops that entry since the corresponding packet has been correctly
(iv) If an entry is not found, then A must have fabricated the packet. a increments MalC (a,A) by
(v) If an entry for a packet sent from X to A stays in the watch buffer beyond t, then A is accused
of dropping the corresponding packet. a increments MalC(a,A) by Vd. Consider the scenario in
Figure 4. M1 and M2 are two malicious nodes wishing to establish a wormhole between the two
nodes S and D. When M1 hears the REQ packet from S, it directs the packet to M2. Node M2
rebroadcasts the REQ packet after appending the identity of the previous hop from which it got
the REQ. Node M2 has two choices for the previous hop — either to append the identity of M1, or
append the identity of one of M2’s neighbors, say X. In the first choice all the neighbors of M2 will
reject the REQ because they all know, from the stored data structure of the two-hop neighbors,
that M1 is not a neighbor to M2. In the second case, all the guards of the link from X to M2 (X, m,
and l) will detect M2 as fabricating the route request since they do not have the information for the
corresponding packet from X in their watch buffer.

Figure 4: Wormhole detection for out-of-band and packet encapsulation modes

In both cases M2 is detected, and the guards increment the MalC of M2. In addition, the REP
packet may also be used for detection of M1 and M2. When D gets the REQ, it generates a route
reply packet, REP, and sends it back to M2. The guards of the link from D to M2 (D, m, and y)
overhear the REP and save an entry in their watch buffers. 13
Node M2 sends the route reply back to M1 using the out-of-band channel or packet encapsulation.
After t timeunits, the timers in the watch buffers of the guards D, m, and y run out, and thus the
guards detect M2 as dropping the REP packet and increment the MalC of M2. However if M2 is
smarter, it can forward another copy of the REP through the regular slower route. In this case,
MalC of M2 is not incremented. When M1 gets the REP from M2, M1 forwards it back to S after
appending the identity of the previous hop. As before, M1 has two choices — either to append the
identity of M2, or append the identity of one of M1’s neighbors, say Z. In the first choice, node S
rejects the REP because it knows that M2 is not a neighbor to M1. Also, all the neighbors of M1
know that M2 is not a neighbor to M1. In the second case, all the guards of the link from Z to M1
detect M1 as forging the REP since they don’t have the corresponding entry from Z in their watch

Detecting high power transmission wormhole

This mode is detected using the assumption of symmetric bi-directional channels. Suppose a
malicious node, say X, tries to use high power transmission to forward a packet P1 to it is final
destination, or to cross multiple hops to introduce itself in the shortest path. Then all the nodes for
which X is not in their neighbor lists detect the malicious behavior of X and reject P1.

Detecting packet relay wormhole

This mode is detected using the stored neighbor lists at each node. Suppose a malicious node X is
a neighbor to two non-neighbor nodes A and B and tries to deceive them by relaying packets
between them. Both A and B detect the malicious behavior of X since they know that they are not
neighbors and reject the relayed packet.

Detecting protocol deviation wormhole

This mode can’t be detected using LITEWORP. Researchers have proposed techniques for
countering selfish behavior in specific protocols. Selfishness refers to the property that nodes may
tend to deny providing cooperating services to other nodes in order to save their own resources,
e.g., battery power. Kyasanur et al. have addressed the problem of greediness at the MAC layer
[30], while Buttyán have addressed selfishness in packet forwarding [28]. Hu et al. have proposed
a solution to an attack, called the rushing attack, in which nodes greedily forward the route
request passing through them without back off [16].

7 Conclusion and Future Work

We propose to investigate the extension of LITEWORP to mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks.
The fundamental requirement is the ability of a node to securely determine its first hop and
second hop neighbors in the face of mobility. We can augment LITEWORP with existing work on
dynamic secure neighborhood determination protocols, e.g., [15],[16] to achieve the goal as in
static networks. However, we are also investigating an alternate design of LITEWORP that is
customized to mobile networks. In this paper, we have presented a taxonomy for attack modes
used to launch the wormhole attack in multihop wireless networks. We have presented a protocol
called LITEWORP that incorporates a detection protocol and an isolation protocol. The detection
protocol can be applied for detecting each mode of the wormhole attack except the protocol
deviation. The fundamental mechanism used is local monitoring whereby a node monitors traffic
in and out of its neighboring nodes and uses a data structure of first and second hop neighbors.
LITEWORP isolates the malicious node and removes its ability to cause future damage. The
coverage analysis of LITEWORP brings out the variation of probability of missed detection and
false detection with increasing network density. The cost analysis shows that LITEWORP has low
storage, processing, and bandwidth requirements. These, together with the fact that no specialized
hardware is required, make the protocol ideally suited to resource-constrained wireless networks,
such as sensor networks.

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