Air Fin Cooler Discharge Temperature Control Options

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Consider Variable Pitch Fans

by R.C. Monroe
Hudson Products Corporation, Houston, Texas

Based on material originally presented at the

19th ASME-AIChe Heat Transfer Conference,

Orlando, Florida
Consider variable pitch fans use in the USA. Its advantage is that critical
components are accessible for easy adjustment or
maintenance from the walkway.
By R. C. Monroe
Fig. 3 shows the electrically operated hub for a 28 ft.
Presented is a detailed analysis of the control and (8.5m) diameter fan that will be used in a large air
energy saving advantages of variable pitch fans. cooled steam condenser. The thrust bearing above
Basic mechanical and operating principles are the gear box is lubricated by the gear box oil pump.
also covered.
Operating and Control Characteristics
R.C. Monroe, Hudson Products Company,
Houston Variable pitch fan operators used in air coolers can
be described in general terms as very similar to
Variable pitch fans provide the precise amount of diaphragm operated, spring return valves. Instead of
airflow to control process temperature and save moving a valve stem up and down the operator
substantial amounts of energy at the same time ... controls fan blade pitch. A force diagram is shown in
automatically. This article discusses their ability to Fig. 4.
control, to conserve energy, and their basic
operating characteristics and mechanical aspects. As the blade moves the air, the aerodynamic
Economic comparisons with other type air flow moment (CW) tries to feather the blade. The hub
control systems for axial fans are made. spring creates an opposing moment (CCW) to make
the blade do work. This is a fail-safe mechanism so
Auto-variable®, controllable pitch, or variable pitch that if the air pressure on the diaphragm fails, the fan
are words usually used to describe axial fans with operates as a fixed pitch fan providing design air
blades that change pitch in operation, so that the flow. Fans can be assembled to move to maximum
precise amount of airflow is furnished to meet the or minimum air flow on loss of air signal. The initial
requirements for a particular heat exchanger or spring preload has to be sufficient to keep the blade
cooling tower. from feathering.

In the years of low cost energy, the impetus to use To reduce the air flow, or even reverse the air flow
variable pitch fans has been for precise temperature direction, air pressure is exerted on the diaphragm to
control, generally to within four percent or less of oppose the hub spring and decrease blade pitch.
the set point. However there is new interest in
variable pitch fans for the energy saving potential as When the blade pitch is about minus 10º, no work is
well. done and essentially "zero" flow is attained.
Minimum air velocity obtainable is approximately
This article will discuss characteristics of variable 50-100 fpm (.25-.50m/s). If the hub has its pitch
pitch fans under 30 feet (9.1 in) in diameter and less stops adjusted for reverse flow, the air is directed
than 150 horsepower (112 Kw). The most typical downward and can be as much as about 60 percent
sizes would be 10 to 14 feet (3.04-4.3m) in diameter of the upward flow at the same horsepower. The
consuming up to 40 horsepower (30 Kw). Shown in decrease in flow capability is because of poor
Fig. 1 through 3 are several different types of efficiency in the reverse pitch mode.
variable pitch fans. Fig. 1 shows the typical type
found in air coolers. Fig. 2 shows an inverted A typical variable pitch hub requires a 3-15 psi
actuator type popular in Europe but not in general (21103 kPa) control signal and operates the blades

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from some maximum pitch down to "zero" air flow.
It typically fails to maximum flow if the control The valve positioner receives the control air signal
signal is interrupted but can be made to fail to and outputs a higher modulated air pressure to the
minimum or negative flow. Most hubs are capable of diaphragm which moves the fan blades to their
45º total pitch travel and perform as shown in Fig. 5. proper position to satisfy the air flow requirements
as called for by the temperature controller. For a 3
Fig. 6 shows the actual results of two full scale tests: to 15 psi (21 - 103 kPa) control signal the output
One of a 7 ft. (2.1 m) diameter fan with 10 pressure of the valve positioner might be 7 to 23 psi
horsepower installed and another of a 24 ft. (7.3 m) (48-159 kPa) to make the fan blades move to their
diameter fan with 125 hp (93 Kw) installed. The required pitch angle.
common shape of the curves can easily be seen.
Note that the equivalent control signal for the The advantage of the valve positioner is precise air
electric operator is 4-20 ma compared to 3-15 psi flow control due to the feedback of blade pitch
(21-103 kPa) for pneumatically controlled fans. position and the ability to output high pressure on
the diaphragm to quickly attain that position.
Typical components. A typical fan hub mechanism
is shown in Fig. 7. The basic components of a hub If air flow control is not critical, an "open loop"
are: system can be used. The simplest would operate the
fan using the 3-15 psi (21-103 kPa) signal alone. It
• Hub spring is an "open loop" system in that an air signal is
• Diaphragm imposed on the diaphragm and the proper pitch
• Piston angle is assumed to be attained. This will be no
• Blade shafts with eccentric actuator problem for coolers or units that are not sensitive to
• Rotary air joint air flow and where 15 psi (103 kPa) diaphragm
• Valve positioner pressure is sufficient to move the blades through
their required pitch travel. Operation with only 3-15
The blade shafts or axles hold the fan blade and have psi is generally limited to small fans.
an eccentric bearing on the inboard end. These
eccentrics engage the groove in the piston. As the An alternate device called a bias relay can operate
piston moves up or down a twisting motion is most fans in lieu of a valve positioner. It is very
imparted to the blades, changing pitch. The rotary simple, less expensive and requires no maintenance.
air joint is the static/dynamic interface between the It is mounted in the "cold" air outside the fan ring.
rotating fan and its control air system.
A bias relay operates by receiving the control signal,
Methods of control. The valve positioner is a adding or subtracting a constant pressure and
"closed loop" feedback device which receives the multiplying the sum by a fixed gain. It outputs a
control signal, (usually 3-15 psi) and supply pressure modulated higher pressure to simulate the output of
up to 100 psi (689 kPa), receives feedback as to the the valve positioner. The bias relay has to be set for
blade position and adjusts the diaphragm pressure to a particular fan application to provide diaphragm
satisfy the control signal. Valve positioners are used pressure proportional to the instrument pressure to
when air flow is critical, as for condensers. make the blades move through their desired pitch
travel (Fig. 8).
Control signals can be "split-ranged" to actuate the
fan control using only 3-9 psi (21-62 kPa), or from Bias relays can provide the proper starting point so
9-15 psi (62-103 kPa) signal pressure. the blades begin decreasing pitch at 3 psi (21

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kPa), but with a fixed multiplier or gain (usually 2 or
3), they usually cannot provide the output pressures Of the methods of control, the oldest is probably the
to assure an exact 12 psi (83 kPa) span. bypass method. This is merely bypassing the
throughput if the air cooler is overcooling.
Hysteresis. Another point of interest is shown in
Fig. 8. Note that there is a difference in the pitch "On-off" fan control is simple and is often used if
angle versus diaphragm pressure for increasing and there are a large number of fans in an identical
decreasing pressure. This is because of hysteresis in service. This non-modulating control method,
the hub operating mechanism caused by friction. however, can cause problems in air cooled
Hysteresis is practically nil when a positioner is used condensers such as water hammer or tube to header
and even if it is present and there is a slight leakage with differential expansion of bundles in
discrepancy in air flow to control the process parallel. Differential tube expansion can cause tube
temperature, the T.I.C. (Temperature Indicating buckling. Power savings are at the mercy of the
Controller) will merely output a signal correction to operator unless the bank is computer controlled.
meet the desired control point. Cooling tower fans are a good example of "on-off"
fan control. Air flow control is in incremental steps.
As an example, consider a fan with 20º blade travel.
This fan may require a diaphragm pressure of 7 to Two-Speed fans are a further refinement giving 0,
23 psi (48-159 kPa) to get 20º movement from the 50 or 100 percent air flows with 1800/900 rpm
hub. A valve positioner can achieve this exactly (T/M) motors or 0, 67 or 100 percent with
through its feedback mechanism. A bias relay with a 1800/1200 rpm (T/M) motors. Naturally, larger
bias of + 0.5 psi (3.5 kPa) and gain of 2 can achieve numbers of motors give smaller incremental steps of
the 7 psi (48 kPa) diaphragm pressure with 3 psi air flow control.
input signal, but at 15 psi signal its output is 31 psi
(214 kPa). The 23 psi (159 kPa) diaphragm pressure Automatic louvers are the first step to modulated air
is attained at a signal pressure of only 11 psi (75 flow. The only problem is that fan horsepower is
kPa) giving a span of 3-11 psi instead of 3-15 psi. wasted as the flow is throttled by the louver. At
Fig. 9 shows this difficulty. The difficulty of complete shut-off the fan is stalled and horsepower
obtaining an exact 12 psi (83 kPa) instrument span is actually increases.
caused by the lack of choices available for the fixed
multiplier (gain). The solution lies in using a variable Variable speed fans for fully modulated air flow are
ratio bias relay which is under development. available in two types: hydraulic and electric drive.
Either type conserves energy and offers good air
Process Control flow control. The hydraulic drive system consists of
a motor/variable volume pump/reservoir unit
There are several methods used to control process connected to a slow speed, high torque motor
temperature in an air cooler: driving a fan shaft directly. These drives have been
used for many years although not widely.
Advantages are variable fan speed and elimination of
• Fluid bypass (manual) a reduction belt or gear drive. The basic
• On-off fan operation (manual) disadvantage is inferior system drive efficiency.
• Two-speed fans (manual or automatic) Optimum efficiencies are in the range of: motor
• Louvers or shutters (automatic) 0.97, pump 0.92 and hydraulic motor 0.92. The
• Variable pitch fans (automatic) optimum drive system efficiency thus would be:
• Variable speed fans (automatic) efficiency = (.97) (.92) (.92) = 0.82, not counting

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hydraulic line losses. This must be compared to a A change in the inlet air temperature was sent to a
typical motor/v-belt drive efficiency of 0.95 or 0.97 pneumatic computing relay. The condensate
with gear or timing belt drive. As with all systems temperature was sensed by the temperature
efficiency will vary from operating to operating controller which outputs the control signal for the
point, generally decreasing. fan pitch. In this case the control signal changes
required by the change in inlet air temperature and
The latest developments in electrical variable speed condensate temperature were averaged to
controls for fans are a.c. adjustable frequency drives "anticipate" the proper signal to control the variable
(AFD). There are three basic types: VVI (Variable pitch fans.
Voltage Inverter), PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
and CS (Current Source). These drives utilize a In these strip charts, the heavy line represents
standard induction motor and require no starting condensate level and the light line represents
gear. Automatic control is obtained by a process condensate temperature. The notable points from
control device to interface the 4-20 m.a. output of these charts are (a) good control during various air
the temperature controller with the AFD. temperatures from 40ºF (4ºC) to 70ºF (2 1ºC) (b)
the upset and recovery of control in condensate
Provision must be made to operate the fan in the temperature due to windy, gusty rain shower and (c)
reverse direction to counter the natural draft effect overall temperature control was within plus or minus
in an air cooler and attain essentially zero flow. VF of a 175ºF (79ºC) set point.
Advantages of AFD's are reduced noise and
vibration during slow speed operation. Although the control system was more elaborate
Disadvantages are high cost per horsepower for the than usual, the ability of the variable pitch fan to
control of a small number of fans in the same service accurately control a process or condensate
and total loss of service if multiple fans are temperature has been proven many times over.
controlled by one AFD which fails.
Power Consumption and Cost Comparison
The variable pitch fan can provide from 0 to 100
percent upward or about 0-60 percent negative flow When considering power consumed by any axial fan
at the same horsepower. Another way to put it operating at fixed pitch, we must consider not only
would be: “From plus 100 percent to minus 60 the fan performance curve but the system resistance
percent modulation.” Negative air flow is useful in characteristics as well.
winterized type air coolers that seal off freezing
outside air and recirculate warm air inside the Fan performance curves are obtained in a wind
plenum. The variable pitch fan goes into reverse, tunnel with a means of varying the resistance or
pumping air downward and an adjacent fixed pitch static pressure head against which the fan must
fan circulates it upward. work, and measuring the resulting airflow and
An actual example of the ability of the variable pitch
fan to control is shown in Figs. 10 and 11. These are System losses are more difficult to determine, and
photographs of actual strip charts from a southwest judgement is necessary in many cases to evaluate the
chemical plant for two days of operation. The unit losses due to poor inlet conditions, excessive tip
was a liquid condenser with two variable pitch fans clearance, unusual structural conditions, etc. If a
using an "anticipatory" or "feed-forward" type cooling service is very critical, it may be wise to
control system. model the unit and establish the system losses in a
wind tunnel. What you must determine is the sum of

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the static pressure resistances versus air flow of the temperature for the particular item of interest. Plot
system. Since the air delivery characteristics of the flow versus temperature.
fan have been accurately established (or should have
been) the operating point for any air flow Step 2. Obtain climatological data for the area
requirement can be established. This point is where where the air cooler will be located and derive a
the output of the fan in terms of pressure and flow table of "degree-hours" for incremental temperature
exactly meets the requirements of the system. It is ranges. This tabulates the number of hours per year
the equilibrium point of operation. that each temperature range occurs.

Let's examine a typical case of an air cooler with a Step 3. For a fixed pitch fan, flow is a direct
fixed pitch fan and a means of throttling air flow, function of speed. Make a plot of fan output versus
such as a shutter, at its design point and several ambient temperature for each scheme to be studied.
other operating points of' reduced air flow. This yields hp-hours per temperature range.

For example, consider a 14 ft. diameter fan Once the cfm is defined for each range, the fan
operating at 14º pitch at its design point 1 (Fig. 12). horsepower for any point (i) can be approximated by
The system resistance line, shown as a dashed line, is the following relation:
the locus of points obtained by a summation of the
static and velocity pressure losses vs. flow through Hpi = ( cfmi )2.8 ( pi ) hpdes
the bundle. The pitch angle line for 14º represents cfm des pdes
the delivery characteristics to the fan. Assume
density remains constant and the decreased air flow Where hpi = Horsepower at cfmi
is a result of decreased duty. pi = Density at point i lb/ft3
cfmi = ft3/min flow at point i
The louver throttles air flow to control the outlet hpdes = Design horsepower
temperature. From Fig. 12 the points shown as 1, 2', pdes = Design density
3' and 4' are the total pressure output and
horsepower consumed by the fixed pitch fan. If we or: kWei = ( m3/si )2.8 ( kg/m3i) kWdes
were controlling the airflow with a variable pitch fan m3/sdes kg/m3des
instead of a throttling device, the total pressure
output would exactly match the system requirements Step 4. Using hp-hours for each temperature range,
as shown in points 2, 3 and 4 and the horsepower tabulate the total for the year. The power required
requirements would be significantly reduced. The would be kWe = hp (.746). Arrive at an energy cost
savings in horsepower can easily be seen. In this per year for each scheme.
case the variable pitch fan saved 26, 51 and 73
percent of the horsepower required by the fixed This is a very simple approach but a useful tool.
pitch fan at points, 2', 3' and 4'.
As an example consider the following: a 20 by 36 ft.
Energy comparison. A typical case study to (6 by 11 m), 4 row, forced draft air cooled heat
evaluate cost differentials between fixed pitch (single exchanger, with 2-14 ft. (4.3 m) fans each having
or dual speed) or variable pitch fans would be 40hp (30kW) motors. The unit is a propane
prepared as follows: condenser, item 126C to be located in West
Virginia, close to Charleston. Power cost is
Step 1. Thermal studies would be made to determine $0.035/kW-hr.
the total airflow required as a function of ambient

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Study the direct costs of power and initial 30 .265 3.95 13.2
investment for a one-year period for three schemes: 40 .330 4.24 10.6
125 .350 14.2 11.4
1. Two fixed pitch fans. Overall average no-load power was 12.9% of rated horsepower
Average no-load power factor was 0.300
2. Same, but with one 1800/900 rpm motor. All values obtained by operating fans at zero-flow condition of
(-) 10 pitch
3. One fixed, one variable pitch fan (single speed). All motors, 440v, “mac”

Design Conditions (per fan): In an additional case consider a variable frequency

Flow ................................. 224,613 acfm (106 m/s) inverter drive: Typical cost for a 40 hp (30 kW)
Power ....................................... 29.0 hp (21.6 kW) inverter would be about $10,000 per fan. Two 40 hp
Temperature ......................................... 45ºF (7ºC) fans could be saved by using an 80 hp inverter at
Elevation ........................................350 Ft. (107m) slightly less cost per horsepower. The power savings
should not be significantly lower than the
See Fig. 13 for a plot of Air Delivery vs. Ambient fixed/variable pitch combination. Considering two
Temperature. inverters at $20,000, plus $1,000 for temperature
controls and $1,800 installation, the first cost would
Table 1 gives the power study results. The results be about $22,800. This must be compared to $3,715
show that the variable pitch fan would pay for itself additional first costs for the variable pitch fan.
within two years. In this particular application the
two-speed motor in case 2 made only a small Minimum power consumption. One of the most
difference in energy cost. misunderstood but important characteristics of the
variable pitch fan is the ability to "unload" or feather
Table 1 – Power Study Results for minimum power consumption automatically
when the ambient temperature decreases.
Est. total Energy cost/yr
kw-hr/yr $.035/kw-hr First costs The measurement of this no-load power condition
Case 1 162,670 $5,693 Base
cannot be accurately determined by the ratio method
2 fixed pitch using voltage and amperage. Using this method
would lead one to believe the minimum power
Case 2 142,080 $4,973 +$1,000
2 fixed pitch 1 ½
consumption of a variable pitch fan in its feathered
sp manual) position would still be 30 to 50 percent of full load.
This is not true because three-phase power
Case 3 70,887 $2,481 +$3,715(a)
1 fixed pitch consumed by the motor is calculated by the relation:
1 variable pitch
(a) includes temp. controller, variable pitch cost adder plus est. $1,500 Hpin, = (I) (E) (1.732) (PF)/746
installation. Where I is amperage, E is voltage, PF is power
Table 2 – No Load Power Consumption factor. Without measuring power factor, accurate
measurements cannot be made. Note, this would be
Measured Average
Rated no-load no-load Per cent rated total power consumed at "no load" fan operation. If
horsepower power factor horsepower horsepower we knew motor efficiency at no load we could
10 .305 1.55 15.5 calculate "hpout,". Since motor manufacture's data
15 .285 2.22 14.8 for loads less than half are not published, we chose
20 .355 2.30 11.5 to consider "total power in" for a series of tests
25 .210 3.41 13.6 shown below. The "no-load" power occurs at the

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"zero-flow" position of the fan pitch, usually at generally been much more prone to failure than the
about minus ten degrees. This feathered mode single passage types.
occurs quite frequently during daytime-nightime and
summer-winter ambient temperature fluctuations and Actuator bearings are typically round cam followers
has importance in any power evaluation. acting on hardened washers. This is fine for about a
year until the line contact of the circle with the
For these tests a power analyzer was used. The washer turns into a groove at the most used pitch
minimum power was obtained by two methods and position. A small change of signal would not change
averaged: pitch. Some of today's fans are square, hardened
blocks which offer much lower contact stress since
Method (a) Read directly in kilowats, hp = they utilize area contact rather than line contact.
kW/0.746 This former problem has disappeared, especially
Method (b) Calculated using volts, amps and power using oil as a lubricant.
The point is that the environment in which the AV
The results are shown in Table 2. The motors in fan operates is very hostile. It must have premium
each case were "MAC" (Mill and Chemical) type, component materials to be maintenance free.
NEMA B, 440 volt of varying horsepower typically
used in air cooled heat exchangers. For most tests a Acknowledgment
14 ft. (4.3M) diameter fan was used. Note that the
average no load power was only 12.9 percent of Based on material originally presented at the 19th
rated horsepower. ASME-AIChE Heat Transfer Conference, Orlando,
Maintenance experience. The most frequently
heard complaints about variable pitch fans concern
reliability. In the past some of these complaints were
valid, but with improved components, reliability is
no longer the "weak link."

The basic enemy of the variable pitch hub is heat--

whether in induced or forced draft fans. In the past
typical lubricants were hydrocarbon and the
elastomers were bunan or neoprene. These are not
good enough for exposure to the continuous dry air
in an air cooler. Synthetic lubricants and silicone
elastomers are necessary for the high temperatures
of Saudia Arabia or the low temperatures of the
North Slope.

The rotary joint's weakness is water inclusion which

causes bearing failure. After two year's testing of a
new type rotary joint with three separate ways to
exclude water; synthetic grease, synthetic seals, and
carbon/ceramic air seal, field results have been
excellent. Designs utilizing dual air passages have

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About the Author

Mr. R.C. "Bob" Monroe had over

30 years of experience in Fan
Engineering and was the Manager
of Research and Development for
two years with Hudson Products
Corporation, before his retirement
on August 1, 1997. Prior to joining Hudson, Mr.
Monroe was engaged in oilfield tool design for 17
years. He earned a B.S.M.E. degree from the
University of Houston, and was a past President of
the Cooling Tower Institute, and also served many
years on their Board of Directors. Additionally, he
was a member of ASME, and the Texas Society of
Professional Engineers.

Figure 3 Electrically Operated Variable

Pitch Fan

Figure 1 Typical Variable Pitch Fan

Figure 4 Force Diagram

Figure 2 Inverted Actuator Variable Pitch Fan

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Figure 6 Horsepower Vs. Pitch Angle

Figure 5 Air Flow and Horsepower Vs. Signal

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Figure 7 Variable Pitch Hub Components

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Figure 8 Operating Pressure Test Figure 9 Bias Relay Output

Figure 10 Process Control Example Figure 11 Process Control Example

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Figure 12 Throttle flow through fan Figure 13 Air Delivery Vs. Temperature

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