School Evaluation

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Oaklands Community College.


In the last year, we looked at teaching and learning in our school to find out what we are doing
well. This is what we discovered:
 There is an increased awareness among staff and parents of a ‘whole-school approach to
improved standards across all aspects of school life’.
 A large percentage of Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle students believe that a positive
learning environment exists in our school.
 A large percentage of Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle students have confidence in the
school’s procedures to track their progress and provide them with opportunities to sit
Examinations at levels appropriate to their ability.
 A comprehensive study skills programme is delivered to all Junior Cycle Students.
 Teachers use a variety of AfL strategies to support student learning.
Literacy & Numeracy
 A wide range of test data is readily available on all pupils, providing a good baseline of
attainments and potential needs.
 Good research based programmes and targeted literacy and numeracy interventions
are carried out in the school as part of the JCSP Programme.
 An analysis of trends in literacy and numeracy scores of incoming first year students’
is carried out and is reviewed by Management and SEN Personnel.
 Each Subject Department have incorporated literacy strategies in their Department
Plan and Teaching.
 Good support exists for the promotion of literacy and there are print rich classroom
 Good support exists for the promotion of literacy by SEN & English Departments.
 All staff have identified opportunities for numeracy moments in their subject areas.
 An analysis has been carried out of the Junior and Leaving Cert Results and the uptake
of Subject Levels compared with national averages.

This is what we did to find out what we were doing well, and what we could do better:
 We consulted Subject Inspection Reports and DEIS Inspection Report.
 We reviewed feedback from parental, staff and student questionnaires.

This is what we are now going to work on:

 To develop a systematic approach to coordinating information regarding teaching &
learning initiatives, share this information among all staff and ensure that this informs
DEIS Targets.
 To develop our ‘Study Skills Programme’ and align it with the Junior Cycle key skill
‘Managing Myself’.
 To develop a whole-school approach to the use of key words and oral language
 To use the results of the Maths Competency Test to set targets for whole-school maths
 To embed AfL in to the culture of the school in order to improve further student
engagement and learning.
 To review current assessment procedures in the school in light of new Junior Cycle

This is what you can do to help:

 Ensure that your son / daughter attends school every day.
 Check and sign your son’s / daughter’s journal each week.
 Discuss School Reports with your son / daughter.
 Contact the school to discuss any concerns you may have regarding the study routines
of your son / daughter.
 Encourage your son /daughter to avail of the numeracy supports available to them in
 Adopt a positive attitude towards maths at home, praise and encourage effort and
 Encourage your son / daughter to read for pleasure
 Encourage your son / daughter to read newspapers / books and encourage use of the
local library.
 Share information or articles with your son / daughter that you know are of particular
interest to them.

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