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Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian

approach: A case of northwest Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Lan Huong a,b,1, Yao Shun Bo a,⇑, Shah Fahad a,1
College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, PR China
HoaBinh Technical and Economics College, Hoa Binh Province 350000, Viet Nam

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The impact of climate change on agriculture will help to clarify the perception of the problem and quan-
Received 15 December 2017 tify the impact, contributing to the formulation of sustainable livelihoods. This study uses the Ricardian
Revised 22 January 2018 approach to explore the implications of climate change on agriculture in the Northwestern area of
Accepted 11 February 2018
Vietnam by taking farmer adaptations into account. The study uses secondary data of 1055 households
Available online xxxx
which selected from Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys in 2012 dataset and climate. To exam-
ine the effect of an infinitesimal change of temperature and rainfall in Northwest farming, marginal
impact analysis was conducted. The study then predicts the impact of climate scenarios on net revenue
Climate change
Economic impact
for the years 2050 and 2100. The study found that relationship between household revenue and weather
Ricardian approach variables are nonlinear significant and inverted U-shaped relationships between the two seasons. Net
Northwest Vietnam revenue decreased as temperature and rainfall increase in the dry season. Net revenue projected to
decline about 17.7% and 21.28% due to climate change in 2050 and 2100 respectively in without adapta-
tion model. Net revenue would be loss about 0.37% and 0.20% in 2050 and 2100 respectively in with
adaptation model.
Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction considerably dependent on the natural environment (SRD, 2011).

Vietnam is one of the countries that are most affected by the
Climatic change influences all regions of the world, which impacts of climate change (WB, 2010; ISPONRE, 2009) due to its
causes significant perturbations that can be expected to be natural long coastlines, the high concentration of population, the economic
systems that have inevitable impacts on the economic policies of activities heavily relied on agriculture, exploit natural resources
highland areas (Kohler and Maseli, 2012) through both direct and and forestry. In Vietnam, climate change does not only affect the
indirect means (Fahad and Wang, 2017). There has been a focus coast and the delta but also today affects more of the high moun-
on various impacted aspects like water resources, agriculture, fish- tains in the Northwest (UNDP and IMHEN, 2015; Jamieson et al.,
eries, forestry, human health, infrastructures, ecological system 1998). Its climate change is taking place with increasing frequency
and so on, which are considered to be essential to livelihood and tends to increase in hazard. The phenomena such as drought,
(Kohler and Maseli, 2012; Huong et al., 2017). The communities heavy rain cause erosion, and landslides, and extreme weather like
most vulnerable to climate change are the poorest, for they are ice and snow, frost, which makes it too cold in winter and too hot
involved in agricultural production, and their livelihoods are in summer (CARE, 2013; MONRE, 2012; SRD, 2011; UNDP and
IMHEN, 2015). In Vietnam, impact assessment of climate change
and how to improve the ability to cope or to recover were studied
⇑ Corresponding author. in the coastal areas, mangrove areas or delta areas (Dang et al.,
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N.T.L. Huong), [email protected] 2014; Can et al., 2013; Razafindrabe et al., 2012; Vien, 2011;
(Y.S. Bo), [email protected] (S. Fahad).
1 Dung and Phuc, 2012). Though there are some findings on assess-
The authors contributed equally.
ing the impact and adaptation of climate change in Northwest area
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
(Schad et al., 2011; Zohova, 2011; Do et al., 2013; SRD, 2011), they
only considered qualitative parameters. To our knowledge, up to
date, the current findings do not contain any metrics that quantify
Production and hosting by Elsevier the specific impact of climate change on agricultural production in

1658-077X/Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006
2 N.T.L. Huong et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

this region. This is also the area that annually suffers severe conse- Ricardian model relies on a quadratic formulation of climate. Con-
quences of climate change due to the distinct climate characteris- sequently the net value of the land can be expressed as follows
tics compared to the other areas in the country. Agriculture plays a Mendelsohn and Dinar (2003):
vital role in economic development and food security in the North-
west mountain area (Zohova, 2011; ILRI, 2014). Agricultural pro- V ¼ b0 þ b1 C þ b2 C 2 þ b3 S þ b4 G þ b5 H þ li ð2Þ
duction is the primary source of income for most of the
where V is land value, C is a vector of climate variables, S is set of
households; production depends on exploitation of natural
soil variables, G is set of household’s socioeconomic variables, H is
resources. Also, limited literacy levels, outdated farming tech-
set of water flow, the b coefficient of the variables and m is an error
niques, poor infrastructure development, transportation difficul-
ties all aggravate the vulnerability to the climate here. Therefore,
The net revenue climate response function (Eq. (2)) is expressed
the impact study of climate change on agriculture will help clarify
by quadratic term to reflect the nonlinear shape which indicates
the perception of the problem and quantify the impact, contribut-
how that marginal effect will change as one moves away from the
ing to the formulation of plans to respond timely.
mean (Mendelsohn et al., 1994). When the quadratic term is posi-
This paper used Ricardian approach to analyses the relationship
tive, then the net revenue function is U-shaped, and when the quad-
between farm household’s net revenue and climate variables (rain-
ratic term is contrary, it is hill-shaped. According to previous cross-
fall and temperature); Identify the climate impacts trends and
sectional analyses, farm net value is expected to have a hill-shaped
forecast damage to households’ net revenue under climate change
relationship with temperature. Each crop has an ideal temperature
scenarios in the coming years. It is expected that findings from this
that enables itself to grow best in the seasons. However, the rela-
research will make a contribution to practical adaptation initia-
tionship of seasonal climate variables may include a mixture of pos-
tives in the context of climate change for mountain areas in partic-
itive and negative coefficients and more complicated.
ular and for Vietnam in general.
The Ricardian model was developed to demonstrate the variant
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: The
of land value per hectare of cropland over climate zones (Seo and
methodology used is defined in the following section (Section 2).
Mendelsohn, 2007; Mendelsohn et al., 1994). Accordingly, the
Section 3 presents the survey design and data collection. The
Ricardian approach takes adaptation into account by measuring
results and discussion parts are discussed in Section 4 and 5, while
economic losses such as reduction in net income or the value of
Section 6 concludes the study.
land due to environmental factors. On the other hand, secondary
data can be relatively easy to collect by cross-sectional sites on cli-
2. Methods matic. Therefore, this method reduces the cost of data collection
more than other methods.
The Ricardian method is a model that uses a cross-sectional There are some drawbacks in applying this model. The first, it
approach to studying agricultural production. The model was does not take price effects into account. With assumed the price
developed from the studies land values would reflect its net pro- to be equilibrium, the Ricardian estimate would be either over-
ductivity by David Ricardo (1772–1823). And then in 1994, Men- or underestimating the climate change impacts in case of signifi-
delsohn et al., introduced this method to estimate the impact of cant climate change the crop, price could change for a prolonged
climate change on agriculture. Ricardian models completed in period (Ouedraogo et al., 2006; Mendelsohn and Tiwari, 2000).
many countries and areas over the world, such as in America However, Mendelsohn and Tiwari (2000) argue that keeping prices
(Seo and Mendelsohn, 2007; Mendelsohn et al., 1994; constant is justified because of the difficulty in predicting the glo-
Mendelsohn and Reinsborough, 2007), in Africa (Eid et al., 2007; bal crop model, the range of warming expected for the next cen-
Ouedraogo et al., 2006; Deressa, 2007; Kurukulasuriya and tury and the change of aggregate supply lead to it does not pose
Mendelsohn, 2008), in Asia (Liu et al., 2004; Mishra and Sahu, a severe problem in using the model.
2014; Seo et al., 2005) and Europe (Lippert et al., 2009; Non-climatic factors as socio-economic conditions, market
Chatzopoulos, 2015). All indicate that net agricultural revenue or access and the fertilization effect of carbon dioxide concentrations
land value depends upon climate, soils and economic conditions. are limited or not taken into account in the full model
The method based on land the assumption that land rent would (Mendelsohn et al., 1994). Meanwhile, these factors have an inevi-
reflect the long-term net productivity of farmland. The principle table impact on crop yield or the adaptation of the farmers either
is captured by the following equations (1) (Mendelsohn et al., directly or indirectly. However, in spite of these weaknesses, it
1994; Mendelsohn and Dinar, 2003) can be used to analyze the effects of climate change on agriculture
X X and still widely used in the world recently (Mendelsohn and Dinar,
V¼ Pi Q i ðX; C; S; G; HÞ  Px X ð1Þ
The Ricardo model applied to Vietnam in this study was devel-
where Pi is the market price of crop i, Qi is the output of crop i, X is a
oped from the model (2). In addition to variations in temperature
vector of purchased inputs (other than land), C is a vector of climate
and rainfall (and its non-linear format) analyzed in dry and rainy
variables, S is a vector of soil variables, G is a vector of economic
seasons, this study uses more interaction variables between aver-
variables, H is water flow, and Px is a vector of input prices.
age temperatures and average precipitations of two seasons to
In theoretical profit function, this study assumes that farm
examine their combined impact on net income. This is the differ-
households are always looking to optimize their profits basing on
ence between Ricardo model applies to Vietnam and Ricardo
the terms available of the inputs change, and they will select crops,
model of research in other countries (Dung and Phuc, 2012).
production type or input to maximize net income, which will be a
function of just the exogenous variables. 2 2
V net ¼ b0 þ b1 Td þ b2 Td þ b3 Tr þ b4 Tr 2 þ b5 Rd þ b6 Rd
Input demand function of households is a function that relies on
the market price of the input, while the market price of the output
þ b7 Rr þ b8 Rr2 þ b9 TdRd þ b10 TrRr þ c j Gj þ l ð3Þ
expected under the impact of weather factors, climate, and other j¼1
factors. Output and input market prices in Ricardo model are
expected values in the markets. This is an important hypothesis where Vnet is farmland net revenue, T and Rare respectively the
of this study. If it is rejected, the study will be invalidated because mean temperature and the mean rainfall; while r represents rainy
the estimation of the model is of no significance. The standard season and d dry season, Gj is a set of socio-economic characteris-

Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006
N.T.L. Huong et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

tics of the household, while bi, ai and cj are coefficients of the vari- 3. Study site and data collection
ables, b0 is a constant term, and l is an error term.
The independent variables include the linear and quadratic 3.1. Study site
terms of temperature, rainfall, and characteristics of the household
and socio-economic variables. Because the land characteristics of The site in this study covers six provinces (Son La, Lai Chau,
the study area are similar, the soil factor is removed from the Dien Bien, Hoa Binh, Yen Bai and Lao Cai) located in Northwest
model. Some variables such as latitude, altitude, flood-prone, and region of Vietnam. While selecting the study area, we considered
wetland included in the original model were not taken into following adverse effects on that area. At first, due to the typical
account in the present study because those data were unavailable topography conditions of its high mountains, more and more of
(Kurukulasuriya and Mendelsohn, 2008). Some socioeconomic the evidence for climate change such as flash floods occur more
variables such as household size, education attainment, access to frequently now and with less time to prepare between the rain-
extension services, all of which were not included in the original storm and dangerous water levels; Rainfall levels are changing,
model now are accounted in the present study to capture farmers’ the rainy season is coming later with is more frequent rain
adaptation to climate change. Because the study was conducted in (ISPONRE, 2009; Schad et al., 2011). The dry season is longer than
the same region, no significant differences of climatic conditions before with dry and hot winds coming earlier. Hence, the weather
thus regional variables are not considered. is warmer than before. Besides, winter is shorter and not so cold
Household net revenue is taken as dependent variables. Respec- (with the exception of some extreme cold bouts killing livestock).
tive net revenue variables are total revenue fewer costs (involving Drought happens more often; many water resources are depleted
expenses related to cash outlay). During the study, we found that (MONRE, 2012; UNDP and IMHEN, 2015). Landslides are more sev-
the livelihood majority of households are integrated agricultural ere and more continual now (Smyle, 2014). These phenomena are
production (cultivation, livestock, fishing, forestry) so that it is very the increasingly severe impact on the livelihoods of the people
difficult to calculate total net revenue per hectare. Therefore, we here.
used revenue per household as the dependent variable. Secondly, people’s livelihoods here are vulnerable to the climate
Definitions, units and other characteristics of the variables in change because of socio-economic characteristics of the region.
the model are presented in details in Table 1. That is high ethnic diversity (with about 30 ethnic minority and
From Eq. (3) we can derive the marginal impact of a dry season over 70% areas’ population) (WB, 2009), the primary source of
temperature (Td) on household revenue evaluated at the mean as income is agricultural production, backward farming techniques,
follows: poor infrastructure development. Before 1986, Doimoi ethnic
  minority groups in the Northwest Highlands were mainly engaged
MITd ¼ ¼ ½b1 þ 2b2 Td þ b9 Rd ð4Þ in a flash and burn shifting cultivation practice where a section of
dT d
forest is burned clearly to grow cash crops such as upland rice or
The change in welfare measured impact of climate change, DMI maize in the rich soil, which cause soil degradation in the area
can be expressed as follows: (Castella et al., 2006). Currently, maize and rice are the two main
crops in the Northwest of Vietnam, in terms of production area
DMITd ¼ MITdþ1  MITd ð5Þ
and income contribution, creating revenues up to VND 1.4 million
Combining Eqs. (4) and (5) and assuming other factors are con- and VND 1 million per person a year for rice and maize respectively
stant, DMITd can be measured as follows: (ILRI, 2014). Raising pigs is the most important source of cash
income from livestock. Cattle and buffalo are also raised but only
DMITd ¼ ½b1 þ 2b2 ðTdtbþ1 Þ þ b9 Rd  ½b1 þ 2b2 Tdtb þ b9 Rd ð6Þ
for meat, not a source of draft power as in the past (ILRI, 2014).
If the change increases net income, it will be beneficial, and if it Livelihoods mainly depend on natural conditions, in addition, local
decreases net income, it will be harmful. The marginal impact people in these communities do not have a deep understanding of
value for other climatic factors is calculated similarly as above. the causes or impacts of climate change so that the level of

Table 1
Descriptive statistics of variables used in regression.

Variables Description Unit Expected sign

NI Crop Net revenues 1.000 VNÐ Dependent Variable
Td Dry season temperature °C (+/)
Td2 Dry season temperature squared (°C)2 (+/)
Tr Rainy season temperature °C (+/)
Tr2 Rainy season temperature squared (°C)2 (+/)
Rd Dry season precipitation mm (+/)
Rd2 Dry season precipitation squared (mm)2 (+/)
Rr Rainy season precipitation mm (+/)
Rr2 Rainy season precipitation squared (mm)2 (+/)
TdRd Interacting between dry seasonal temperature and rainfall Interactive variables (+/)
TwRw Interacting between rainy seasonal temperature and rainfall Interactive variables (+/)
Age Age of household head Year +
Edu Education level of household head (Number of years of formal schooling Year +
attained by the household head)
Sex Sex of household head. Male = 1, Female = 0 Dummy +
Farm area Cropland area. Number of hectares of land cultivated by the farmer ha +
Mcrop Household’s cultivated mode. (1: Polyculture; 0:Monoculture) +
Size Size of the household. People +
Irri Irrigation water use proactively (1: Active irrigation; 0: Passive irrigation) +
Es Access to extension services. (1: The commune has an extension station; 0: +
The commune has no extension station).
Credit Access to credit (1: Debt; 0: No debt). +

Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006
4 N.T.L. Huong et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

vulnerability to the phenomenon of climate change is further Vietnam was used. This scenario was first published by the Min-
increased (Isabel, 2010). istry of Vietnam Natural Resources and Environment in 2009 on
Third, Northwest region of Viet Nam is ranked the poorest area the basis of a combination of national studies (as Meteorological
of the country. Local economic growth has been slow data of hydro-meteorology; Terrain data of the map; Studies by
(Vandemoorteleand Bird, 2011) with a human development index the Institute of Meteorology Hydrology and Climate Change, Advi-
ranges from 0.53 to 0.66 in the provinces (UNDP, 2011), and a lit- sory Council of the National Committee on Climate Change, etc)
eracy rate of people is 80.3% (in 2008) (ILRI, 2014). The poverty rate and sea level and international studies (as The Fifth Assessment
of the highland is the highest in the country stands at around 40 Report (AR5) of the IPCC) (MONRE, 2012). The information in this
percent (GSO, 2016). Therefore, this study is to identify trends of scenario is the basis for ministries, agencies, and localities to assess
their impact and forecast damage to agricultural production in the impact of climate change and develop solutions to respond to
the coming years according to climate change scenarios. It is climate change today.
expected that findings from this research will make a contribution
to practical adaptation initiatives in the context of climate change
for mountain areas in particular and Vietnam in general. 4. Results

4.1. Regression models

3.2. Data collection
This study applies two main set of the modified Ricardian
With farming households as research subjects, a total of 1055 model. The first model is defined without adaptation, which relies
farm households from six provinces were randomly selected from only on integrated physical factors as climatic variables. In the sec-
Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys (VHLSS) in 2012 ond model, net revenue is function of two sets of regressors are cli-
dataset (GSO, 2012). From this database were selected: socioeco- mate variables and socio-economic variables such as
nomic characteristics of agricultural households, farm characteris- characteristics of the households (age of household head, educa-
tics, a factor of production and socio-institutional environment of tion level, sex of household head, cropland area, household size),
the farmer. Based on the number of meteorological stations in proactive irrigation water use and access to extension service
the area, topographic features of the area and number of samples, and credit.
we selected sample farm households within a 50 km radius of the These have enabled us to take farmers’ adaptations into consid-
nearest meteorological station. This limits the sample reduction for eration and to assess their effects on the agricultural income. This
the model. second stage will lead us to the model with adaptation options. The
Identification of climate information for the study site was coefficients of Ricardo model in two models that are with and
made by: taking the climatic data of the nearest meteorological without adaptations were respectively estimated. With cross-
station to the study site. If a research site can receive data from sectional data, conventional regression (OLS) may encounter prob-
more than one station, priority is given to data of the meteorolog- lems such as variance, multicollinearity, the effect of extrinsic
ical station located in the same district or province. Climate data value, and autocorrelation, which biases the estimation results. In
were collected by IMHEN from MARD website source (MARD), order to limit the above issues, some previous studies (Mano and
which includes the monthly mean temperature total monthly pre- Nhemachena, 2007; Benhin, 2006) used the quartile regression
cipitation in the 2001–2012 periods of 27 meteorological stations method. A quartile is interpreted as the value in the sample taking
in the region. Average climatic data were calculated according to into account the position in the sample after being sorted; a value
season based on classification: the rainy season from May to Octo- commonly used in the percentile is median. The extraneous value
ber and a dry season from November to April of next year). The key usually changes the sample meanwhile the median may not
summary statistics of all the variables used in the estimation are change in the sample. These authors argue that the purpose of
given in Table 2. quantile regression is to estimate the median value of the depen-
To forecasting damage to households’ net revenue under cli- dent variable instead of estimating the mean of the dependent
mate change, Climate change and sea level rise scenarios B2 for variable in the OLS regression, eliminating the problem of external

Table 2
Summary statistics of variables used in the Ricardian model.

Variable Mean Std. Dev Min Max

Crop Net revenues (1000VND) 16007.09 5416.69 6300 34,000
Dry season temperature (°C) 19.42 1.33 16.72 21.30
Dry season temperature squared ((°C)2) 378.97 50.84 279.56 453.69
Rainy season temperature(°C) 26.23 2.03 22.53 28.88
Rainy season temperature squared ((°C)2) 692.19 105.20 507.60 834.05
Dry season precipitation (mm) 49.12 20.84 24.33 107.68
Dry season precipitation squared ((mm)2) 2846.52 2643.06 591.95 11594.98
Rainy season precipitation (mm) 239.38 65.78 133.52 360.83
Rainy season precipitation squared ((mm)2) 61624.58 32009.18 17827.59 130198.3
Interacting between dry seasonal temperature and rainfall 938.76 354.76 483.44 1860.71
Interacting between rainy seasonal temperature and rainfall 6262.06 1675.44 3335.33 8270.22
Age of household head (Years) 43.05 8.72 25 64
Education level of household head 2.19 0.89 1 5
Sex of household head. Male = 1, Female = 0 0.70 0.45 0 1
Cropland area. Number of hectares of land cultivated by the farmer (ha) 0.757 0.343 0.201 1.588
Household’s cultivated mode. (0/1) 0.41 0.49 0 1
Size of household (Person) 4.93 1.06 2 7
Irrigation water use proactively (0/1) 0.53 0.50 0 1
Access to extension services. (0/1) 0.74 0.44 0 1
Access to credit (0/1)

Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006
N.T.L. Huong et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

Table 3
Regression results.

Variables Model without adaptation Model with adaptation

Dry season temperature 43278.2 (37.51) 35220.29 (11.96)***
Dry season temperature squared 1002.80 (35.61)*** 839.64 (11.69)***
Rainy season temperature 61119.82 (39.87)*** 49141.13 (3909.50)***
Rainy season temperature squared 1124.04 (38.59)*** 910.69 (2.94)***
Dry season precipitation 979.61 (10.55)*** 462.88 (1.96)*
Dry season precipitation squared 6.06 (13.64)*** 2.89 (2.54)**
Rainy season precipitation 556.17 (37.05)*** 435.43 (11.39)***
Rainy season precipitation squared 0.93 (34.25)*** 0.73 (10.48)***
Interaction between temperature and rainfall in dry season 32.08 (8.46)*** 15.73 (1.63)*
Interaction between temperature and rainfall in rainy season 0.19 (6.75)*** 0.16 (2.24)**
Area 0.30 (5.3)***
Age of household head 32.23 (1.43)
Education level of household head 921.71 (4.44)***
Sex of household head 767.88 (1.85)*
Household size 382.70 (2.13)**
Mcrop 950.07 (2.53)**
Irri 947.56 (2.46)**
Access to extension services 1398.69 (3.54)***
Access to credit 1078.71 (2.83)***
Cons 271824.4 (15.94)*** 225816 (5.22)***
N 1055 1055
Pseudo R2 0.1837 0.2146

Values in parenthesis are Robust t-statistic and figures were rounded.

Significant at 10% level.
Significant at 5% level.
Significant at 1% level.

value. Hybridize and limit estimate bias and overcoming the vari- net revenue in both models. Per 1 °C increase in temperature in
ability of the variance in OLS regression. Benhin (2006) mentions dry season would lead to reducing the net revenue by 43278.2
that multicollinearity is due to the presence of too many explana- (1000VND) and 35811.68 (1000VND) in model non-adaptation
tory variables in the model and in general this problem is not and model with adaptation respectively. Increasing temperature
entirely nullified. Table 3 depicts the regression estimates of two marginally during the rainy season increases the households’ net
models. The level of interpretation of the model reflected through revenue by 61119.82 (1000 VND) and 51045.72 (1000VND) in both
Pseudo R2 was 18.37% in the non-adaptation model and 21.46% in models respectively.
adaptation model. This coefficient equivalent that compared to Increasing precipitation levels during the dry and rainy season
studies by Mano and Nhemachena (2007) as 18.71% and Benhin significantly reduce the net revenue of households in both models.
(2006) as 16.99%. Although that a large part of the variation in Marginal increasing precipitation during the dry and rainy season
the agricultural income remains unexplained by the accounted decreases households’ net revenue by 979.61 (1000VND) and
variables, these two models remain satisfactory compared to the 556.17 (1000VND) in the model without adaptation respectively.
results obtained in the framework of similar studies (Ouedraogo It also reduces net revenue in model with adaptation, even though
et al., 2006). the level of reduction is not significant
The regression results indicate that most of the climatic have The impact trends of climate on net revenue are presented in
significant impacts on the households’ net revenue. These results Figs. 1 and 2. The squared terms of temperature variables are oppo-
show that the signs of seasonal climatic variables are same for sea- site from two seasons implying that impact trend of temperature
sonal climatic variables. While the coefficient of dry season tem- change on net revenue between the two seasons is opposed.
perature in two models are both negative, those of rainy season Based on the sign of their coefficients, dry season temperatures
are positive. The coefficients of precipitation in two models are exhibit a U-shaped relationship with net revenue and rainy season
negative in both seasons. temperatures a hill-shaped one. Because the marginal effects of dry
Besides climatic factors, the results from the model also show
characteristics of the households like, education level of household
head, household size, household’s cultivated and irrigation mode,
Table 4
access to extension services and credit are positive and signifi- Marginal impact of climate on households’ net income.
cantly effect households’ revenue as expected a priority.
Model Without Model With
Adaptation Adaptation
4.2. Marginal impacts of climate on agricultural revenue and elasticity Temperature Dry 43278.2 35811.68
(1000VND/household/°C) season (53.95)*** (43.96)***
Rainy 61119.82 51045.72
The marginal impact analysis was undertaken to observe the
season (106.37)*** (87.53)***
effect of an infinitesimal change in temperature and rainfall on
Impact of Rainfall Dry 979.61 356.63
households’ net revenue. These results are presented in Table 4.
(1000VND/household/ season (2.84)*** (1.03)
The marginal impacts of the temperature were calculated based mm) Rainy 556.17 453.55
upon of the average temperatures of the rainy season and the season (10.56)*** (8.43)***
dry season. Similarly the marginal impacts of the rainfall were cal-
Number in bracket represents the elasticity of climate variables.
culated on the average annual rainfall of the sample in the rainy **
Significant at 5% level.
season and in the dry season. The results show that increasing tem- ***
Significant at 1% level.
perature during dry season significantly reduces the households’ Significant at 1% level.

Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006
6 N.T.L. Huong et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Impact trend of temperature to household’s net revenue.

Fig. 2. Impact trend of precipitation to household’s net revenue.

Table 5
Impacts from climate scenarios on net revenue.

Period Temperature (°C/month) Rainfall (mm/month) Change in net revenue (1000.VND/household)

Dry season Rainy season Dry season Rainy season Model Without Adaptation Model With Adaptation
2050 +1.5 5887.02 (0.464) 4132.48 (0.341)
+1.1 +3201.17 (+0.253) +2179.77 (+0.180)
+0.7 +57.53 (+0.005) +31.08 (+0.003)
+3.0 195.86 (0.015) 404.11 (0.033)
Scenarios B2 in 2050 for Northwest Vietnam 2824.18 (17.70) 2325.74 (0.192)
2100 +3.0 7262.52 (45.499) 4487.57 (0.370)
+2.2 +3682.08 (+23.071) +2156.67 (+0.1778)
+5.0 +438.44 (2.747) +235.22 (+0.019)
+7.6 255.50 (1.601) 433.71 (0.036)
Scenarios B2 in 2100 for Northwest Vietnam 3396.50 (21.282) 2529.38 (0.209)

Number in bracket represents the percentage changes.

season temperature are greater than rainy season temperature, 4.3. Forecasts of climate impacts on agriculture in Northwest Vietnam
thus marginal effects over the years will have a similar trend of
the dry season. Some simulations based on scenarios specific to Vietnam were
The effect trends of rainfall on net revenue are not different for made to estimate the impact of climate change on the agricultural
two seasons and for both models. income. We then examined the consequences of these climate

Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006
N.T.L. Huong et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7

change scenarios in 2050 and 2100 which using the estimated UNDP and IMHEN, 2015), damage to field crops and infrastructure.
model in Table 5. This is because the prediction relates mainly to When floods occurred, the rice yields were reduced by 5% for the
climate variables but not to other variables in the model as they same crops during the spring season (Schad et al., 2011). Not only
stand for the interest ones. Based on the results of the models that, it affects to the fishery industry due to the loss of fish, damage
run for the specific scenarios B2 of Northwest Vietnam, we consid- to irrigation canals and infrastructures (Schad et al., 2011). The
ered an increased temperatures of 1.1 °C and 1.5 °C in 2050, 2.2 °C reduction in net revenue with increasing precipitation during the
and 3.0 °C in 2100; a fall in rainfall of 0.7% and 3.0% in 2050, of 5.0% autumn is due to this is the harvesting season. More precipitation
and 7.6% in 2100 (MONRE, 2012). The results of this analysis are damages crops and may reinitiate growth during this season. All of
shown in Table 5. In the mid of the century, an increase in temper- these impacts affect directly or indirectly to the household’s net
ature of 1.5 °C in dry season will decrease net agricultural revenue income. That means, whether there is an adaptation or not to the
by 5887.02 (1000VND) for the non-adaptation model and 4132.48 rainy season, precipitation has an important role in the impact to
(1000VND) for the model with adaptation, respectively. Similarly, a net revenue of households.
decrease of 195.86 (1000VND) and 404.11 (1000VND) in net rev- For other areas of the country, marginal effect trends in the rainy
enue respectively in the non-adaptation model and model with season temperature are greater than the dry season temperature. So
adaptation will be expected with a 3.0% increase in precipitation. the marginal effects of whole year will be the same pace with mar-
As a whole, households’ net revenue would be losing of 2824.18 ginal effects in the rainy season (Dung and Phuc, 2012). This means
(1000VND) and 2325.74 (1000 VND) for both models in 2050 increasingly asserted that the temperature change is the main fac-
due to changes in climate. tor that explains the spatial variation of revenue in Northwest Viet-
nam. This can be explained by climatic features of the region; there
is a large difference in temperature and rainfall between two sea-
5. Discussion sons (Do et al., 2013). Dry season-low temperature, accompanied
by declining rainfall (IMHEN, 2010). Excessive low rainfall in the
The effect of the climate variables on net revenue is also non- dry season leads to a shortage of water for life and production. Land
linear. The negative quadratic coefficient implies that there is an with no access to irrigation (usually further from a water source)
optimal level of a climatic variable from which the value function can only produce one crop a year and production is therefore highly
decreases in both directions (Seo and Mendelsohn, 2007). The dependent on the timing of the rains (CARE, 2013; Clement et al.,
squared terms are positive specifying that there is a minimum pro- 2006). Although adaptation has been partially limiting the negative
ductive level of a climatic variable and that the change of temper- impact of the rainy season precipitation on net revenue, it has not
ature or rainy will increase net revenue (Mendelsohn et al., 1994; solved the problem of drought in the dry season. Droughts with
Seo and Mendelsohn, 2007). This means that temperature or pre- increasing seriousness levels make the poor growth of crops then
cipitation affects the net revenue positively up to a certain level, leading to low crop yields or crop failure (SRD, 2010a; WB, 2010).
above which it causes damage to the crops. Some crops type can So that transformation of the crop structure and agricultural diver-
grow faster in warmer climates leading to higher yields and sification are considered an appropriate suggestion to adapt to
incomes. But temperature is too high or too low and prolonged, changing rainfall in the dry season to secure crop income as well
would be harmful to crop productivity (Mendelsohn et al., 1994). as food security this season (Minot et al., 2006). Controlling the
The regressions show that low dry season temperatures are detri- number of rice crops, limiting the second crop but replacing hedge-
mental to crop production while low rainy season temperatures rows to improve soil quality and support flood control measures
are beneficial to it. This is because, in the dry season, temperatures (Fischer and Hager (2005)). Marginal impact in a model with adap-
in the high mountain areas go down to extremely low, even minus tation is greater than in model non-adaptation. This means that the
temperatures appeared, the lowest of which recorded was minus farmers taking adaptation measures are less vulnerable to the
3.7 °C (UNDP and IMHEN, 2015; ISPONRE, 2009). Ice and snow effects of climatic changes because they integrate the climatic risks
have even occurred in some areas affecting both production and better and take enough precautions.
living standards of farmers (SRD, 2010b; Vien, 2011; Yu et al., The education level of the household head has positive signifi-
2010). So, dry season low temperatures would slow down or even cant with net revenue (Agossou, 2014; Mishra and Sahu, 2014). If
destroy crop growth that will decrease crop production households head has higher education level, they have easier
(Mendelsohn, 2014; Mahendra, 2011). It also harms animals adopted adaptive measures that require knowledge and skill of
(Ngondjeb, 2013; Lam and Vien, 2010) as well as affects the growth new science or technologies, thus opportunity to increase revenue
of aquatic species (Mishra and Sahu, 2014; Hanh, 2011). more. Access to services and credit have also positive and signifi-
The trend of change in temperature and rainfall was found in cant indicating that strengthening the presence of commune
this study are also similar trend which found in other areas over extension stations to provide information on new varieties, farm-
the world by research as Seo et al. (2005), Ouedraogo et al. ing techniques, pest control monitoring, market information, and
(2006), Deressa (2007), Kurukulasuriya and Mendelsohn (2008), weather information is an important measure to mitigate the neg-
and Dung and Phuc (2012). The impact trend of the average annual ative impact of climate change on household incomes. In addition
temperature to the net income is depended on seasons; the mar- to extending access to incentives credit for households, controlling
ginal could be either negative (if cool) or positive (if hot) (Chen the purpose and effectiveness of loan is also a necessity problem.
et al., 2016). The interpretations of the signs and magnitudes of Some studies show that the loan does not bring benefits to increase
impacts are further explained under the marginal analysis. During income for farmers (Dung and Phuc, 2012). Household’s cultivation
spring, a slightly higher temperature with the available level of mode and of irrigation water are both positively and significantly
precipitation enhances germination, as this is the planting season. correlated with net revenues. Mixed cropping farming practice
Winter is a dry season, so increasing temperature and precipitation not only reduces risks due to fluctuations in weather, but it also
slightly with the already dry season may encourage diseases and makes effective use of the land than the monoculture farming
insect pests (Deressa, 2007; Mendelsohn et al., 1994). The reduc- practice. These households with proactive irrigation water use will
tion in net revenue per household during the summer is due to reduce the negative impacts of the drought in the dry season, thus
the already high level of rainfall during this season, an increasing increasing productivity and incomes. This result is similar to Seo
precipitation any further results in extreme weather phenomena and Mathieu findings (2007) findings and confirmed by Agossou
such as heavy rainfall, floods and landslides (Ho et al., 2011; (2014). At present, the agriculture extension sector in Vietnam is

Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006
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Please cite this article in press as: Huong, N.T.L., et al. Economic impact of climate change on agriculture using Ricardian approach: A case of northwest
Vietnam. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2018.02.006

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