Barrier Management (PRS192a)

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Oil and Gas Factsheet

Barrier management

Selecting suitable Safety A set of assurance activities are then specified to verify the
performance standards are being met. A number of controls
Critical Elements (SCE) / are required to ensure that the SCE / barrier is suitable,
sufficient and available to deliver it’s expected risk reduction
barriers to control major function. It’s necessary to use Hazard Identification (HAZID)

accident risks, setting studies to select a suitable range of barriers, as too many
may become unmanageable during the verification stage.
appropriate performance
For an offshore platform there are likely to be 20-30 SCE’s /
standards and designing barriers, for example:

effective verification schemes. −− Pressure vessels

−− Structural integrity
Major accidents in the process industry typically involve −− Process shutdown
failure of several protective layers, so the integrity of each −− Pressure relief
Safety Critical Element (barrier) is vital to ensuring safe −− Ignition control
operations. SCE’s / barriers are physical or non-physical −− Fire protection
elements designed to prevent, control or mitigate of a major −− Emergency communication
accident hazard. Barriers are often displayed in the form of a −− Escape routes
bow tie diagram.
Expertise from a number of engineering disciplines is
Bow Tie Diagram required to set appropriate performance standards and
Each control requires mix of plant, process and people develop schemes of verification to ensure each SCE /
barrier performs the required function throughout the facility
lifecycle. Such standards are essential aspects of the
maintenance, testing and assurance arrangements for the

What we offer
ABB Consulting provides specialists with expertise in
process safety and integrity management covering all
A typical management process for SCE’s is shown below; aspects of SCE / barrier management.
firstly SCE’s need to be identified, a performance standard is
then set for each SCE to ensure it fulfils its purpose. We can offer a wide range of services to support effective
systems for SCE management:
Inputs Outputs
Safety Case / HAZID / Identification of SCE
Hazard Register / Bow Tie Analysis
1. Overall system assessment and improvement plans
Equipment & Systems to
MAH Scenarios
prevent or limit effect of MAH −− Carrying out an overall review of the system to identify
areas for improvement and to make recommendations
Functionality – what it does

Criteria to assess Setting Performance Availability – when required 2. Identifying SCE’s / barriers
suitability of SCE Standards Reliability – SIL / PFD −− Determining requirements using team based HAZID
throughout lifecycle
Survivability – robustness
For SCE to fulfil its purpose
Interactions – other systems
− − Preparing registers based on existing safety cases /
Independent Assurance and Written Scheme of verification − − Presentation using bow tie diagrams
Competent Person / Record of time and findings
Independent Verification Awareness of non-functional SCE’s
Verification Body Maintaining integrity of SCE Addressing deficiencies
3. Setting performance standards for SCE’s / barriers
−− Setting performance standards covering functionality
(what it does), availability (when it is required), reliability
(probability it will function), survivability (during or after an
incident) and interactions (dependency on other systems)
− − Developing effective written schemes of verification to
assure integrity throughout the lifecycle
− − Writing procedures covering recording of verification
activities, tracking non-functioning elements, and
addressing deficiencies

− − Provides assurance that major accident hazard risks are
under control
−− Provides assurance of equipment integrity using a well For further information please contact:
proven risk based methodology
−− Compliance with legal requirements ABB Consulting

©ABB Limited 2015

− − Compliance with global best practice guidance Daresbury Park
− − Provide consistency with existing safety case / report and Daresbury
HAZID studies Warrington
− − Effective communication of hazards and key risk controls Cheshire
to non-specialist staff through bow tie diagrams WA4 4BT
United Kingdom
Why ABB? Phone: +44 (0)1925 741111

Technical engineering
ABB Consulting offers a broad range of services for SCE Fax: +44 (0)1925 741212
/ barrier management using specialists with a pragmatic E-Mail: [email protected]
approach based on extensive experience in the operation of
high hazard facilities.

Our consultants have extensive experience of: ABB Consulting provides technical and engineering services
to improve performance in the areas of compliance,
− − Leading HAZID and HAZOP studies for offshore operations and engineering to customers in the chemical,
installations petrochemical, oil & gas, power, pharmaceuticals, metals
− − Analysis of major accident hazards to identity safety and consumer industries worldwide.
critical elements, using a range of risk assessment
techniques including LOPA and QRA
− − Displaying key risk controls on bow tie diagrams utilising
proprietary software
− − Undertaking integrity assessments in high hazard process
industries both onshore and offshore with fundamental
understanding of ageing issues
− − UKAS accredited risk based inspections, using a well
established methodology which takes into account
operating conditions and deterioration mechanisms

ABB believes that good safety management must embrace

the way in which people, plant and systems inter-relate:

− − Plant and equipment must be of an appropriate design

standard / integrity and be adequately maintained
− − Systems / procedures must be fit for purpose and
−− People must be adequately competent and work within
a positive cultural framework that encourages safe
behaviour and a belief that accidents can be prevented

Our approach to barrier management is designed to comply

with these beliefs and best practices in published guidance
from across the globe.

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