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Volume-I : Section-VI

Sample Forms and Procedures


Bank Guarantee No. …………………… Date...................

Contract No ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .

…………..[Name of Contract]…………………….
To: Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution
Corporation Limited
Prakashgad, Plot No: G-9,
Station Road, Bandra East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051

Dear Ladies and/or Gentlemen,

We refer to the Contract ("the Contract") signed on..............(insert date of the Contract)….....between
you and M/s ................. (Name of Contractor) .................., having its Principal place of business at
………....(Address of Contractor) ...............................and Registered Office at ………....(Registered
address of Contractor)........................................................................................ ("the Contractor")
concerning…….................…..(Indicate brief...............................scope of work) for the complete
execution of the …… (insert name of Package along with name of the Project)……

Whereas, in accordance with the terms of the said Contract, the Employer has agreed to pay or cause to
be paid to the Contractor an Advance Payment in the amount of ………….(Amount in figures and

By this letter we, the undersigned, ………(insert name & address of the issuing bank) ………, a Bank
(which expression shall include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) organized under
the laws of.................................... and having its Registered/Head Office at …..…….(insert address of
registered office ofthe bank)……..... do hereby irrevocably guarantee repayment of the said amounts
upon the first demand of theEmployer without cavil or argument in the event that the Contractor fails to
commence or fulfill its obligations under the terms of the said Contract, and in the event of such failure,
refuses to repay all or part (as the case may be) of the said advance payment to the Employer.

Provided always that the Bank's obligation shall be limited to an amount equal to the outstanding balance of
the advance payment, taking into account such amounts, which have been repaid by the Contractor from time
to time in accordance with the terms of payment of the said Contract as evidenced by appropriate payment

This Guarantee shall remain in full force from the date upon which the said advance payment is received
by the Contractor upto ninety (90) days beyond the date on which the entire advance so advanced
alongwith the interest if any due thereon has been fully adjusted in terms of the Contract i.e., upto of
ninety (90) days beyond the date of Completion of the Facilities under the Contract. This Guarantee may
be extended from time to time, as may be desired by M/s. ……………………….. on whose behalf this
Guarantee has been issued.

Any claims to be made under this Guarantee must be received by the Bank during its period of validity, i.e. upto
ninety (90) days beyond the date of Completion of the Facilities by the Employer i.e. upto and inclusive of

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Volume-I : Section-VI
Sample Forms and Procedures

For and on behalf of the Bank

[Signature of the authorised signatory(ies)]




POA Number_______________________

Contact Number(s): Tel.______________Mobile______________

Fax Number_______________________

Email ____________________________

Common Seal of the Bank______________________





Contact Number(s): Tel.______________Mobile______________

Email ____________________________


1. For the purpose of executing the Bank Guarantee, the non-judicial stamp papers of appropriate
value shall be purchased in the name of Bank who issues the ‘Bank Guarantee’.

2. The Bank Guarantee shall be signed on all the pages by the Bank Authorities indicating their
POA nos. and should invariably be witnessed.

3. The Bank Guarantee should be in accordance with the proforma as provided. However, in case
the issuing bank insists for additional paragraph for limitation of liability, the following may be

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Volume-I : Section-VI
Sample Forms and Procedures

added at the end of the proforma of the Bank Guarantee [i.e., end paragraph of the Bank
Guarantee preceding thesignature(s) of the issuing authority(ies) of the Bank Guarantee]:


“Notwithstanding anything contained herein:

1. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed _________
(valueinfigures)____________ [_____________________ (value in

2. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto ________(validity date)__________.

3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only & only if we receive a written claim or demand on or before ________
(validity date) __________.”


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